#i just think dream would be very sensory aware
eneablack · 4 months
Hi. Can you tell us more or anything about lord leviathan? I started praying to him, i couldn't find a prayer anywhere but i did on tumblr and i do try to pray to him everyday but sometimes i forgot and sometimes i get lazy. I've always wanted to worship him ( and many other gods ) but idk I'm just a lazy person.
My practice with him started not very long ago, I’m still very new in learning about him. I connected with him when I went on a vacation at the sea during summer, it lasted like a week or two. I always hated everything about the beach/sea because of my sensory issues and personal issues like body dysphoria. But that time, when I knew about him, I forgot about it all (or at least tried to) and I embraced his energy while swimming in the sea, and I actually appreciated it. It felt calm, tranquil, and peaceful. I felt watched over.
He’s very serious as I noticed, and very caring like a parent, somewhat strict but in a positive way. He’s very intimidating and his energy feels enormous and superior, but remember to not actually feel inferior to him. Of course, absolute respect is mandatory, but don’t do it out of fear, demons want us to think high about ourselves just as much as we think high of them.
He likes seashells a lot, especially the ones that you personally pick up and that made you think of him. You can chant his enn (“jeden tasa hoet naca Leviathan”) and hold his sigil while meditating. Cleaning the beach is a good offering too. If you don’t live by the beach, like me, you can stay hydrated both for yourself and him, you could also take baths for him lol, if I had one I would use a blue colouring for the water and put salt in it to make it seem like the ocean. You can draw him, sing for him, chat with him. He teaches a lot in shadow work, insisting much on even darker aspect of yourself that you really try to avoid, so pay attention to your dreams as well, he may give you messages there. You can practice lucid dreaming and taking track of your dreams, and contact him there when you become aware.
He would prefer that you learn about him yourself, without so many sources of other people, and I’m still learning on that too.
He’s a great mentor, good luck <3
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Warprize Hob, but he’s someone else’s warprize pet when he and Dream meet.
King Dream is visiting another kingdom and is shown the ruler’s newest acquisition, Hob, and apart from being immediately enthralled he can tell that Hob’s situation is…not great.
He’s not being tortured or traumatized, but it’s clear that his pleasure or care is very secondary to his owner’s, and he doesn’t really receive focused attention or aftercare or even rewards for good behavior. Dream’s not even sure Hob received any training in learning to enjoy his position, that any pleasure he gets from pain or humiliation is entirely coincidence and incidental. Even if he wasn’t interested in Hob specifically, Dream would disapprove on principle. He’s now determined to take Hob for himself and give him all the attention he deserves.
Now either this kingdom is small or insignificant enough that Dream feels comfortable just menacing its ruler into handing Hob over, or it’s large or important enough that Dream must negotiate or challenge for Hob and win (if the latter the ruler is probably Lucifer and the challenge is something similar to canon). Either way though, I think beforehand Dream is given an opportunity to win Hob’s personal regard that he takes full advantage of; it’s the practice of this court to essentially loan out their warprizes to particularly important foreign dignitaries for the duration of their stay, and either by lucky chance or manipulation Dream is given Hob.
Dream wastes no time dedicating every spare moment he has on Hob, on treating him right, and showering him with every bit of pleasure and care he could ever want. By the time Dream turns his attention to claiming Hob from his soon-to-be-previous owner, Hob is at least halfway in love and dearly hoping for Dream’s success.
Dream starts heading home with Hob tucked into his side, and he’s already sent word ahead to prepare clothing and accessories and sex toys for his new prize.
I ABSOLUTELY love this. Yes Dream, steal that traumatised hottie and take him home!!!
Kinda love the idea that Lucifer has been keeping Hob up to now and showing him off as a prize from the latest land they conquered. Hob was just a random soldier who happened to survive but Lucifer likes telling people that he was a prince. They dress Hob in chains and rags and generally humiliate him, which Hob isn’t super into to be honest, not when he hasn't had a decent meal in 3 months.
Dream gets the dubious honour of having Hob all to himself for the duration of the visit. Lucifer gives him permission to do anything short of killing Hob, but Dream is generally horrified by the whole situation. He gives Hob a bath, dresses him properly and feeds him!!! Which pretty much endears him to Hob for life. Dream is genuinely captivated by the lovely doe eyed warprize and is determined to have him - but he knows that Lucifer won't give in without a fight.
For the entirety of Dream’s visit they spend time together, and Dream bestows as much pleasure on Hob as possible. He sucks his little cock, fucks him, even lets Hob switch and fuck him. He learns about Hob secret little kinks and makes him cum at least four times every day. Hob is suddenly in sensory heaven, and he begs Dream not to leave him.
And of course Dream doesn't. He challenges Lucifer for the ownship of their prize, and he WINS - in front of the entire assembled court. And he makes a quick exit with Hob in tow. He's aware that Lucifer is now seriously pissed off.
Oh, but it's worth it. Hob is a treasure. Endlessly loyal and eager to please, he would do absolutely anything to make Dream happy. He curls up at the foot of Dream’s bed each night and Dream can hear him thanking the gods for his rescuer. Such a sweet little thing. And he's quite the slut too, when he's treated right.
He loves to be allowed to cum multiple times over the day, but really his favourite thing is to have Dream’s cum on his skin. Whether Dream gives him a facial, or paints the lovely swell of his arse with release, Hob is bound to moan ecstatically. It reminds him that he belongs to Dream, now. He methodically rubs Dream’s cum into his flesh until the entire palace knows that he's been fucked.
And Dream loves him more with every passing day.
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thesillyguyy · 5 months
Please explain therians
So the definition of a therian is someone who spiritually identifies as an animal, but STILL PHYSICALLY IDENTIFIES AS A HUMAN!!!
This is not by choice. People who are therians feel connected to the animal in some way, whether that's because they had dreams or shifts of a past life, or they can can connect their behavior to an animal
Shifts are basically little episodes where they feel like and/or act like the animal in which their theriotype is.
There are two kinds of main shifts:
Voluntary Shift
A shift that occurs due to being consciously induced.
Involuntary Shift
A shift that occurs without will or conscious control.
Then, these are split into multiple other kinds of shifts, like the following
Mental Shift (MS or m-shift)
A change in mindset, thinking more like the theriotype.
Phantom Shift (Ph-shift)
Feeling supernumerary phantom limbs or a full phantom body of the theriotype.
Sensory Shift (SE or Se-Shift)
One's senses temporarily become more like that of the theriotype.
Perception Shift (PE-shift)
Perceiving things in a way which is more associated with the theriotype.
Auditory Shift
Experiencing a shift by sounds they notice around them. This can be linked to a sensory shift if oneself's theriotype has a strong hearing ability.
Emotional Shift
Shifting occurs during a certain emotional state, e.g. stress or anger; usually with another type of shift.
Dream Shift (DS or d-shift)
Becoming an animal within a dream, either partially or entirely.
Cameo Shift (C)
Feeling like an animal that is not a known theriotype.
These next ones are more rare ones? I'll be 100% honest. A few of these are new to me.
Aura Shift (A)
The shape or form of an auric field or life energy field changes to that of the theriotype.
Astral Shift (As)
The astral body separates from the physical body, travels to the astral plane, and shifts to the form of a nonhuman animal.
Berserker Shift
Strong emotions push away the human side, including empathy and logical decision-making; can be voluntary and involuntary
Bilocation Shift (Bi)
Therian appears in two locations simultaneously, with the double appearing in the form of the theriotype in the physical plane.
Shadow Shift (SW) / Ghost Shift
Therian sees the animal form around themself as a transparent apparition, or when the appearance seems to change.
Spiritual Shift (S or S-shift)
The spirit takes on the form or shape of the theriotype, while the physical body remains unchanged/
Physical Shift
Human body transforms into the physical shape of another creature; agreed to be impossible.
Envisage / Self-image Shift
Therian's mental image/awareness of themselves changes to closer reflect that of their kintype; similar to a phantom shift, but lacks actual phantom sensation.
Koita Shift
Therian experiences a cameo shift when they look at an animal. An example of this goes as followed: A therian would look at a deer(or other animal) and experiences a phantom shift, mental shift, etc shift, of that deer(or other animal) meaning they feel the appendages of that deer(or animal) like antlers, ears, tail, hooves, etc. This is similar to Cameo shifting.
I know this is a lot(?) Lol
Some therians experience little to no shifts, while some have some every day. Nobody can choose to be a therian, and nobody can choose what animal their theriotype is.
Some therians experience species dysphoria, where they hate what they are and they just want to be their theriotype. But it's different for everyone!
It's very important to research therians and what they are if you're curious, but please, PLEASE stay away from any "am I a therian" quizzes, they are always inaccurate. Everyone experiences being a therian differently, and it sometimes it takes longer for someone to find out if they are one(I've heard of a person that took 2 years to find their theriotype). A quiz will never help you, I learned that the hard way.
Some therians do something called quadrobics or quads for short. It's an actual sport, and here's a video as an example
It's good to keep in mind that a large majority of the people in this community are minors who discovered the term and really connected to it!
And, fun fact, the term "therianthropy" has been used since 1901! The term is first used in the book "The Religious Systems of China" by J.J.M De Groot.
The term has been really popular recently, especially in 2020! There are tons of therians over tiktok, youtube, and probably hundreds of other social media platforms.
I recommend the YouTube channel "Therian Territory" which is ran by an amazing person who goes by Thorn which basically explains what therianthropy is and other stuff!! They really helped me figure out what my theriotype was :).
Hope this helped! Make sure to do lots of research if you can, because I may have gotten some facts wrong. :3
Stay safe and drink water!
All information in bold and italics are copy and pasted from this page.
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Hey mystery I have a question. While trapped in the tube frozen, do you think that Shadow could dream or anything? Do you think that he had a level of awareness of what was going on? Asking for research for a fanfic I’m writing. Also, you’re the smartest person I know so I wanted to ask.
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Hello, my dear!❤️✨
This is a very interesting question. To be honest, I feel that it really depends on Shadow’s situation. I’m not entirely sure as to what direction you’re writing Shadow’s experience in for your project. (When you’ve finished, please send it to me. I wanna read it). It kinda factors into what answer I give you in the long run. For this ask, I feel that it would be safer to supply more than one potential scenario so that you have that information in hand.
Let’s make a little disclaimer first: most of what I’m sharing with you are hypothetical scenarios. As much as I would love to delve deep into this topic, I find that my answers might be… hmm… taken with a grain of salt. I express this because this is a developing field. There either isn’t much research to it, or existing case studies haven’t been updated since the early-to-mid 2000’s. Research of the topic barely have much to contribute to it for multiple reasons (I.E., finding volunteers, researchers, funding. You know, fun stuff). While these ideas and concepts are fantastic, the best I can offer are educated guessed with some research that brings some support to a claim.
It’s also important to keep in mind that this is a fictional character. Not everything needs a scientific explanation. Sometimes it’s just fun to bend the rules a little bit and let your imagination run wild! You can take all of my ideas to heart and use them, or you can throw them away in the trash. It’s not gonna hurt my feelings, Let Shadow be whatever you want him to be in your project, okay?
Alright, now for the fun stuff. Here we go!
What is REM Sleep?
To put simply, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is the state of consciousness in which an individual experiences low function of the body to gain full rest. This is the state of sleep in which people experience dreams from as well. With this rapid eye movement, we can infer that a person is engaging with either a memory or a dream! It’s a form of memory that allows an individual to remember muscle spasms, movements, sights, smells, sounds, etc., and process nearly everything that was absorbed through an engaging environment (NSF, 2020). REM sleep play a crucial part in development of the mind. Having that down time to experience dreams and memories allows for a sense of mental and emotional maturity of past/current situations.
Infant-Like Slumber:
If the question in mind is geared towards him being created, then possibly? More than likely not. We run into a couple of problems when exploring this topic:
A). We don’t have enough information on fetal and infant development to make a logical conclusion.
B). We don’t have enough technological advances and volunteers to make this happen.
The best that I could describe is this: he would have lots of muscle spasms, but he’s dream with select sound and no pictures. His form of “dreaming” would be sensory-based and how he engaged with his environment. “Environment” being him in his stasis pod. This is the same way that newborn infants engage with their REM sleep (American Institute of Physics, 2009).
Let’s create a hypothetical scenario for you here: If Shadow’s stasis pod was built to be interactive, then I think that he would be able to hear and sense touch pretty well! His little pod could allow him to hear Maria, Gerald, and all of the other scientists in the lab while he’s still “cooking.” If touch was implied as well, then he could reflect on that physical contact. It could help create an emotional connection and recognition of safety establish with everyone even before opening his eyes (Harmon, 2010). Anthropologist like myself make it a point to share that physical touch is important through cultural and social teachings. When I mean “physical touch,” I mean along the lines of hand holding, high five, hugging, kissing, anything! Not only does it help create of safety and familiarity, it helps individuals recognize and distinguish people to form inner circles. Individuals need physical touch for emotional development and a boost in physiological development (Cekaite et Al., 2011).
Again, this is hypothetical scenario. I did not find any indication through Gerald’s journals (SA2, Sonic Battles), Rouge’s field report, and trivia from his creators on Twitter that he was able to hear things around him while he was in his stasis pod.
Cryogenic Hypothesis:
Cryogenically freezing—otherwise known as Cryopreservation—is another iffy scenario to explore as well. Traditionally, cryogenically suspended individuals are deceased… and have bee deceased for mere minutes. Cryopreservation is not flash freezing an individual like a popsicle, these are individuals that are kept in a temperature controlled environment for extended periods of time in a liquid nitrogen temperature (Paulo, 2012).
This is a topic in the scientific community that is considered a bit controversial. Some believe that it can be real and life saving, others believe that it’s completely a pseudoscience. And then there’s a small cluster of scientists who don’t really have an opinion on it because there isn’t a lot of information on it. If there was more funding and willingness to explore this topic, then sure! I’m positive that there will be more researchers out there that would like to explore cryopreservation on human and their mental state more.
What I can tell you is that there can’t be any form of dreaming in cryopreservation. There would be cellular damage. There isn’t a trace of brainwave activity that could display REM from cryopreservation individuals. This would not be plausible for Shadow if you’d like for him to dream in your fanfic.
Comatose Hypothesis:
My final thought would be to portray him as if he were in a coma-like state for there to be a form of dreaming.
Medical research has strongly indicated that a patient’s brain does not show signs of normal sleep and wakefulness cycles, meaning that they more than likely cannot dream in a coma (Blackburn, 2023). However, it depends on the state in which the coma is caused (I.E., if the visual context of the brain is damaged or medically induced to help patients heal). Some patients that have awaken from their comas shared that they’ve felt as if they were in a dream-like state/nightmare loop. J. Schradar, a psychologist reporter for Psychology Today, shared that when she was in a coma it felt as if she viewed “memories upon memories and violently ripped away from them (Schradar, 2021).
It’s like being trapped in a maze with fuzzy feelings. You’re aware that you lived a life, but you can’t make out what you did and what happened. There would be speech and compression problems with retaining new memory. We do know that coma patients can respond to select sound as well (Blackburn, 2023). As stated in a previous section, sound plays a vital role in creating a memory. With sound—as well as following under the idea that Shadow’s in the process of being sealed away by GUN after the raid on the ARK—Shadow can build upon that and form dreams. He can form memories and emotional responses to them.
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We know that Shadow was created with the intentions of being a cure for illness, as well as a cure for immortality (Sonic Heroes game manual). However, there are some limitations. We don’t know the true extent of his immortality. He could easily die depending on the extremity of the situation. All that we know about our ageless hedgehog-alien hybrid is that he’s got kickass air shoes and a sense of immortality.
I am much more inclined to believe that Shadow was put into an induced coma before being sealed away. Dreams and memories that Shadow had experienced in the past are behind metaphorical doors and locked away. His subconscious walks around through an endless maze of distorted images of what he engaged with in the past. He—supposedly—can hear sounds, but we’re not entirely certain of his surroundings and mental state of mind. He could absolutely have an idea of him being trapped in the fog of his mind. The only thing that he could do is relive memories of the past and be haunted by nightmares. I’m also willing to believe that he had a state of conscious (to a certain degree) while being created aboard the ARK. We’ve seen through the games that each time Shadow awakens from stasis, he already has a knowing. He displays the ability to react quickly and speak by the time his eyes open. He already has a stream of consciousness.
I feel that either of these would be an interesting approach to your personal project to explore. I’d like to share one more with you for your story. One that is a bit more of a stretch, but would be interesting to explore.
As soon as Shadow awakens by Dr. Robotnik in SA2, Shadow says the line “my name is Shadow. Since you’ve been so kind as to release me, my master, I will grant you ONE wish.” I feel that this line has a lot more meaning to it than what fans give it credit for. I don’t believe that this line was put in the game for the sake of the scene being cool and relatively cheesy. Of all the things that Shadow could have said when he was awaken, why that line? I feel that this particular line strengthens the idea that Shadow had dreams as if he were in a coma-like state. This one line could indicate that he just awoke from a revisited memory of him and Maria having philosophical talks about fulfilling their wish to go to Earth. This one line foreshadows that both Shadow and Maria had wishes. And maybe, just maybe, that would be his “dream.”
Anyways. I hope that this helps with your research for your fanfic. These are my thoughts on the subject. I’ve made sure to put sources to my thoughts for you to read further if you’re interested. Again, you don’t have to use these ideas if you don’t want to, or you can 100% use them to your full advantage. I don’t necessarily believe that we’re supposed to be thinking that hard when it comes to Shadow being awaken from his 50+ year sleep, but I can completely understand the need to question. If you have any further questions or thoughts, please feel free to ask! I’m more than happy to help! Best wishes❤️✨
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cyncerity · 2 years
ok I was gonna post this tomorrow but i’m impatient and i think y’all will like this hskssjsh
anyway, bit of a character study cause i heard this sound on tik tok and it just fit them too well
also as a bonus, take me rambling about what this video implies/is about under the cut (beware for talk of v*re):
Ok so George and Dream have a…complicated relationship. I’ve mentioned before that George has a lot of sensory and processing issues, so he enjoys being in Dream’s stomach, and Dream just likes eating borrowers, but now has to do so very discreetly so Schlatt and Sapnap and the fiancés don’t get mad at him. Also, in case you forgot, Dream kidnapped Tommy a few weeks before he and George met and kept him trapped in his stomach for like a week before he eventually learned that he had a nephew who was a borrower, and Sapnap was actually so angry that Dream was afraid he’d lose his best friend, so he let Tommy go.
George is aware of this. He borrowed around the apartments enough to know that gist of it. And though Dream hasn’t trapped him, and knows that if he did George would never come back, he can’t just forget the incident. After all, he saw the little mind games he played with Tommy. He saw him treat the younger borrower like a pet. He saw him completely neglect Tommy’s needs and fear for nothing but his own gain. And he thinks that the only reason Dream hasn’t been treating him the same is because Dream needs him. George is the only borrower that wont tell other what Dream does. He keeps it from all of the borrowers in his colony and doesn’t try to tell Dreams family and friends. They’re all oblivious to his existence, because Dream wants them to think he has completely stopped swallowing borrowers. But Dream obviously doesn’t see him as a person. He’s an asset, a tool to help him trick his family while getting what he wants, but he isn’t a friend, and George has to constantly kick himself for thinking that. But, he remains neutral to Dream, since he’s equally reliant. Dream is the only way George can sleep peacefully, can feel peace at all. So, he participated in whatever mind game Dream is playing and converses with him, pretending that he could actually maybe be his friend someday.
It’s not that Dream doesn’t understand that borrowers are people; he just didn’t care for a long while. He got a kick out of trapping them and making them fear him, it gave him a sense of power. He could never get that with humans, he’d always been pushed around back when he was in the foster system, everyone had looked down on him, he’d always been scared. Until Puffy became his guardian and his big sister. Yet he still felt the need to chase that power that he lacked for so long. And borrowers gave him that. Tommy did. George…didn’t. George made it clear from the very beginning that he didn’t give two shits about Dreams tough guy act. He was never scared, never flinched, never cried. Dream just swallowed him and he almost immediately fell asleep. Any attempt to goad movement out of him while in his belly would result in a massive stomach ache for the rest of the day, and any sort of mouthplay would result in his lip piercing almost being ripped out. So initially, George wasn’t exactly what Dream had wanted, but what other choice did he have? Who else wouldn’t snitch? No one. So he’d just put up with George.
Until after a while, he found he didn’t mind that George wasn’t terrified of him. He actually…liked when it was maybe a bit easier to get him down, when he didn’t struggle out of survival instinct. Liked the conversations they had, the jokes they made, George’s deadpan humor. The highlight of his day was when they’d talk. George became less of a crutch for his borrower addiction or whatever you’d call it and more his friend. The urge to swallow him to feel power morphed into something he felt a surge of protection while doing. George made him realize how wrong he was to treat so many borrowers so poorly. Made him realize how much of an asshole he’d been. Soon after this, he started to realize he felt a bit more connected to George than he thought. Any time Dream would swallow him and feel and hear him purr, his face would heat up, George would fall asleep within him and he’d be so taken aback by his trust and he’s end up just staring off into space with his hands over his stomach. He couldn’t imagine losing him. He wanted George to be happy and protected and he wanted him to be his and not in the way most people think borrowers should be owned. He didn’t know how, didn’t even know it was possible, but he’d fallen in love with George.
Dream thinks they are close friends, and George can’t really sort out his feelings towards Dream. He doesn’t trust that the way he acts is anything more than a persona and, as much as he begrudgingly loves to talk to Dream and be with him, he thinks that if he ever gets to invested and actually shows that he does care about Dream, the human will drop the act and he’ll be heart broken. Dream is unaware of all of this, because he doesn’t know that George knows what he’s done, or his history of dehumanizing borrowers. And like hell is he gonna tell him.
So this video is kind of a culmination of that: Dream genuinely likes George, but has no idea how to go about that because George is giving him so signals and George just snaps. He can’t keep doing this. He can’t keep letting Dream pretend he cares, can’t bring himself to accept that it isn’t an act at all. It’s genuine affection. Dream had no idea that George couldn’t tell, and is confused as to why all of a sudden, when he thought things were going so well, George doesn’t believe that they’re friends. Dream is upset because he wants George to know that he sees him as a person, a friend, that he loves him, but how can George see that? After all Dream has done, does he deserve for George to see him as a friend?
George is upset that he had to say any of that at all. That Dream couldn’t drop the act. That he’s been fake with him for so, so long. He’d been holding onto the hole that the longer he waits, the more the act will drop and he’ll act more like the human that kidnapped Tommy. But he’s only gotten worse with his teasing remarks and attempts at flirting. He doesn’t know if when Dream calls him “cute,” it’s meant to be in a dehumanizing way or a genuine way. He’s mad because he thinks Dream couldn’t want anything more than their arrangement: getting to eat George. He’s upset because he so desperately wants to believe that Dream enjoys him for more than being just a weight in his stomach, but he can’t.
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nanidoesthings · 5 months
Kim Possible Villains and their Kids Headcanons
Aka Anna wants to talk about her KP OCs
A lot of the kiddos essentially grow up together. Showing up at villainy events all the time.
I’ve talked a little about my Drakgo baby, Laserbeam, but she also has a brother named Dynamite and a sister named Gunpowder. (Gunpowder is not mine though, they belong to a friend of mine).
Junior and Bonnie? Not endgame. That is a gay man. But he does task her with being the surrogate for Junior and his boyfriend’s daughter Señorita.
Despite Monkey Fist hating children with every bone in his body, he ends up adopting a child named Xiaojian. She is raised as his apprentice.
How is Monkey Fist no longer statue? Personally I go with another timeline messing with Time Monkey.
Xiaojian was born from the monkey Chippy, turned semi human by DNAmy.
On a Henchco outing when they were kids, Dynamite convinced Xiaojian to sneak into a monkey enclosure then proceeded to leave her there.
Xiaojian and Laserbeam dated for a short while. They are now bitter exes.
Because of how bad the breakup was, Señorita adopted a "no dating anyone with Jack Hench in their contacts" policy.
Somehow all the kids end up with Duff as the "favorite not uncle" (for Xiaojian "Nae yer daddy")
When Dynamite was starting their gender journey, they often could be found at Duff's hitting shots.
Xiaojian learnt Scottish Gaelic and she and Duff tease Monkey Fist often.
She really thinks Monty and Duff need to just get together already.
Señorita wanting to prove some other rich people she was better than them had Duff teach her to golf.
Señorita follows her Papi’s dream of being a big pop star.
In a world where multiple Disney medias exist in the same universe, Señorita grew up watching Ernesto De La Cruz movies with her Abuelo.
Along the same lines, Dynamite once broke up with someone because they said 4*Town was better than Oh Boyz.
Dynamite loves webcomics. Would 100% be that Homestuck fan.
Sharpies are on high watch in the household. If not to turn grey a la Homestuck, Dynamite would recreate Sharpie Bath to turn Blue.
Dynamite was born in Colorado. Laserbeam in California.
Dr Drakken got a vasectomy after Dynamite was born.
Estelle Lipsky? The kiddos call her different things. Laserbeam calls her GamGam, Dynamite calls her GramGram, Gunpowder calls her Bob.
Somehow, the Drakkens end up always celebrating big holidays with the Possible-Stoppables. It is never planned but space is usually made for the other party.
I see Dr D having Jewish heritage but being non-religious. The kids however had Christmas and Hannukah growing up.
Shego watched Dr Drakken insist on designing and making an Offbrand Barbie Dreamhouse (Baddie’s Dream Lair maybe?)
Laserbeam swears she is not superstitious. She comes from a family of brainiacs so there’s reasoning for that which might be dubbed peculiar. And she knows Aliens and Ghosts and weird shit exists. Doesn’t consider that superstition.
However, she isn’t aware of habits which make her seem she is. Like putting on a specific hoodie whenever an assignment is just not seeming right.
Laserbeam often keeps a slurry of meds and sensory things in her purse because you can’t do evil in bad health.
Laserbeam once performed a VERY heated rendition of Holding Out For A Hero that ended up with her grounded (so worth it though).
While I stand by the idea that Laserbeam and Dynamite are not in frequent contact with their maternal uncles, I like to imagine Mego pops in from time to time.
Laserbeam, Dynamite, and Gunpowder were homeschooled.
The Drakgo babies were named after the song Killer Queen.
Dynamite and Drakken can often be found in the lab late at night. They’ll get inspiration for a project randomly and then suddenly the entire lair is being woken up to dad rock™️.
Laserbeam’s full name is Laserbeam Olivia Drakken. When she has to go undercover she will use Olivia Lipsky.
Dynamite’s full name is Dynamite Andrew Drakken.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Can I please request a type one (romantic) TWST matchup! I am veryyy outgoing. I make friends really easy and overall I’m a people pleaser. I do get very anxious and overwhelmed easily, which can cause panic attacks. I dont like sports, but I do like studying and my grades are something I take pride in. I overwork myself a lot and I make myself crumble. I thrive in environments where I get to help people. I tend to fall for possessive people because it makes me feel like someone actually likes me, even though they’re toxic. I get a long with people pretty easily though a lot of people have taken advantage of me because I’m naive and overly kind and I do anything in my power to make sure that people like me. I crave validation so I love being praised and takes care of, it makes me feel like I’ve done something right. I really enjoy video games and puzzles cause they challenge my brain. Its very easy to get me to do anything- just tell me “if you do _____ then I’ll be so proud of you.” And I’ll do it-. I am a little chubby with stretch marks and surgical scars. I’m very insecure in my body and I would like someone who would hold me close and let the world fall away. I love the idea of someone rough and tough getting soft and snuggling with me. I have some sensory issues that can cause panic attacks, like loud places/crowds. I prefer someone quiet where I can cuddle with someone or just be in my SO’s presence. I crochet and I recently finished making a blanket! I aspire to be a botanist or a horticulturist because I love plants and gardening! Thank you!!!
(I hope you enjoy this! I feel like yours was one that I figured out relatively quickly)
I match you with Rook Hunt.
First off, I wanted someone assertive for you, who wouldn't take advantage of you, and would make sure you loved yourself. And Rook fits the bill perfectly.
He's very aware of his surroundings and the people around him, so if you start to get overwhelmed he makes sure to get you out of there. If you start putting too much of yourself out so that you can keep other people happy, he'll gently take your hand, and whisper into your ear about how lovely you are, before slowly persuading you to take a break or a step back.
You want validation? Sweetheart, that's all Rook knows! He's constantly complimenting and praising you. Every little thing is his favorite thing about you. And if his words aren't enough, then the scrapbook he's been working on full of photos he took of you will help you see it. Every photo is from his perspective and shows you exactly how he sees you.
He's possessive, but not in a toxic way. Honestly, he's mostly possessive so that you get your fix. (Cause he's also a people pleaser) It's more like, he'll put an arm around your shoulder when you're talking to someone else, and he wants a kiss or to cuddle. (I've said it once, I'll say it again, Rook frequently gets written up for PDA) He usually only does it when he can tell you're feeling a little self doubt, but every once in a while, like if you talk to Vil or Neige and ignore him, he'll genuinely feel a little pouty. In his eyes those are the only two that he thinks are more worthy of you than he is, because they are "perfect".
If you make him a blanket, you'll get him monologuing. He'll go on for hours and hours about the color scheme, about how holding it is like holding you,about how he's going to display it on his wall, about how-you're going to have to stop him if you want to do something else today.
He's going to learn everything about flowers so that he can help you in your dream to become a botanist/horticulturist. His dream is to be your photographer and errand runner when you reach your goal. Oh, petit lapin, he's so very excited for your shared future!
You're playing video games, and Rook is laying on his stomach next to you. You had, obviously, assumed that he was watching the game. Until you defeated a boss, and turned to ask him what he wanted for dinner. That's when you noticed he was just staring at you with a pleasant smile.
"How long have you been," he raised an eyebrow at your question. "Nevermind."
Asking him would just set him off on a rant of how radiant you were. And you were pretty flustered already. No matter how long you were together, his lovesick, all seeing eyes, would never fail to set your heart a flutter. 
He laughed and shifted his way into your lap, nuzzling into you.
"Ma petite fleur, comme votre expression me contrarie," he sighed.
"Nevermind," he said with a teasing grin. What did you want to ask me, Mon fleur?"
"What do you want for dinner?" You squeaked out as his scent fully washed over you.
He leaned back a little and booped your nose.
You squirmed a little, and pouted.
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"Do I? How can you be so sure?" 
That damned smile on his face. He was going to be the death of you. Might as well accept it though. Be flustered by the world's greatest hunter is not a bad way to go.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Do you have any examples of different ways Ne manifests? Because I feel like especially with me being a 6w7, my Ne manifests differently.
Ne can be... big picture thinking, seeing how this is going to affect that, reading between the lines ("knowing" what is happening behind the scenes, forming assumptions about people/situations and operating off of them as if they were factual/real), moving between different concepts easily (easily changing conversational topics), saying one thing one day and thinking the opposite 8 hours later, etc. There's lots of examples in the enfp x esfp tags here on funky mbti.
For me, being high Ne and 6w7... I doubt myself the most when it comes to sensory situations -- learning to adapt quickly, being super anxious about going new places and not knowing where anything is, I even procrastinated about learning to drive until I was 19 because I was fearful about my spacial awareness (how close IS that pole!?). I will often reach accurate assumptions about people, but then second-guess them or keep generating alternatives -- and it will turn out that I should have trusted my intuition / insight, and all of that over-thinking was unnecessary. :P
Like I don’t really relate to all Ne doms; I Can be shy and socially awkward, but also extroverted (didn’t even know I was an extrovert til high school). Sometimes I’ve wondered of being Se (and question it a lot because sometimes being intuitive doesn’t feel like a possibility).
I just spent the afternoon with my ESFP sister and... we're nothing alike. She's very hands-on, confident in the sensory realm, and eager to "do" -- I am more interested in talking about MBTI / Enneagram, psychology, my writing, etc. She goes rock climbing in her spare time or jumps out of airplanes, I write books and answer asks online ;) She does things, I communicate with words instead. She has a specific thing she wants to accomplish within her business (low Ni) and I have no clue about what my future holds or what it might look like, but I come up with different possibilities on a regular basis (high Ne).
I do question cuz I feel like Ne is characterized as being philosophical and always asking about deep topics and I don’t feel like I do that. Like I still talk about shallow topics like love and school but I can also do deep topics too, maybe not often. Idk if you feel like that but I do.
I love depth, but it's not a requirement for being an ENFP. Plenty of ENFPs are just people who have a good time and who pick up stuff and abandon it quickly. I would say the one thing all ENFPs have in common is dreaming about how this thing is gonna be life-changing for them and being super motivated to do it, and talking about it, and then a week later they're not doing it anymore.
Please read my ESP and ENP sections on funkymbti.com. :)
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soleilocverse · 2 months
Chapter 21 Commentary
Wrote this ch over. Many a moon. But while finishing it up had a strep throat scare While 3 days away from a big test that I can only take once a year and i was. Very Stressed.
"Can you bring me,” he names the first thing he can think of just to get Ray to move, “a bottle of water, please. And then can you please just come get Ness?” 
(I keep accidentally deleting these draft notes aaa) but I think it's cool to see Soleil being Actively manipulative? He did it too when he asked Ray for stuff but he's v aware of how to change his demeanor to get what he wants/appease people. Like, it's always been along the lines of being submissive in some way but there are different ways of playing that (in this case, by submitting to ray's desire to bring something to him, even if he doesn't think he needs anything, he can move things along.) and he is aware that the others want him to be able to ask for things Plus they defer to him when it's Ness in mind
so while he tends not to ask for things partially bc he genuinely doesn't want to be a burden/ask for too much/owe them for it/etc, there's also the constantly analyzing part of him that knows if he doesn't ask for much, when he Really wants to ask for something, even if it's something he thinks the others might be hesitant about (but not Too hesitant. he wants to play Into their feelings, not try and oppose them) then he's much more likely to get it. like. having ray take ness and leave soleil in the suite while barely giving him time to think about it
"Hi, baby" croon
Was re-reading and got walloped noticing that I'd written Soleil going "hi, baby" over the phone in the same kind of croon that he has when he goes "hi, baby" when Ness wakes up for him in the basement and i,,,, it wasn't intentional, it's just a thing he Does and i think it's going to keep popping up. Just that, swell of relief and a teeny bit of desperation coming out in that croon.
i keep wanting to write ness in a high chair and then i have to go No booster seat, u know why, bc i think it'd be insanely cute for him to play w/ things on a tray table or to see him kick his little feet but he's not quite That tiny
Cyrill's texting
I had to go back and edit over Cyrill's texting so much bc i was like. babes. this is just You (specifically, i wrote "totes" in my author notes and then went back and saw him type totes twice and was like.......hm don't like that HKDSJHSK), so, i've decided cyrill uses a lot more shortened words like tgt/ofc. he doesn't tend to type out the "you" "are" etc and uses a lot of emojis. i think actually, he would be an Atrocious texter when it comes to katie bc he thinks it's funny when he shortens words so much it's just consonants or just straight up only uses emojis and makes her figure out what he's trying to say (which she tends to do!!)
Soft versions because my brain is too fried to get into that headspace rn: "🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒😩😩🤧😫😫 let me out" when he gets sick or "💗🐶😷🤒😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, he’s so upset about it too 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔" when soleil gets sick (i think this will also mutate into soleil just Being the pink heart eventually but for clarity's sake it's pink haired dog 😭)
He only manages a couple and spends the rest of the time running his finger pad up and down the sleeve, feeling the little bumps of the crackers and not really hearing the crackling of the plastic.
idk the sensory of mindlessly running his finger up and down the bumps got me here and then i had to parallel it w/ ness's spine
He has the oddly calm thought that “this is it.” If Ness dies, this is it for him, forever. There won't be anything left.
HI, i want you to know that this entire scene came to me into a dream and these lines absolutely blasted the fuck out of me.
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strapskinkstories · 6 months
Mar 29 2024 - Where’s the content? WHERES THE FUNDING! WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF FUNDING!
theres been no new content because there’s a funding crisis. Provisional talks are in progress with an angel funder who might save strappyskinks from going belly up due to lack of funding.
That all said. One angel investor can’t float me forever.
See this? You can actually donate towards my clothing food electric internet phone and other things eligible to be paid from my disability trust account.
Before you ask: can gear come from the trust account?
Answer:YES! - Gear is classified either as clothing not otherwise specified or sensory therapy equipment not otherwise specified.
Ultimate dream is for this trust account to explode one day. How is it findoms can get a damn Lamborghini and have people constantly fill its tank and get them sushi and Starbucks when I can’t even complete one of my basic life goals Pay off the house so me and my caregiver can live in peace without worrying about busting ourselves or ending up out of runway to run the business. StrappysKinks is very much technically a business. Even though the product is free. I create content, written video and photographic as well as AI generated entertainment art.
All that content has *intrinsic value* that intrinsic value so you are all aware. Per video. The intrinsic value of an approximately 50 minute bondage video of Amateur/ProAm (I consider myself ProAm at the actual gear stuff. Still kinda amateur on the camera work cut me some slack, I’m working on zero funding right now! Read: out of pocket funding from my already paltry social security) costs pay per view $20.99 YOU PEOPLE HAVE OVER 50 OF SUCH VIDEOS FREE! That’s over $2,500 OF VIDEO CONTENT PER PERSON THAT IS FREE! 100 views would usually = $2,099 if I were running hard core PAY PER VIEW.
I don’t. Because I think paysites suck. And I also think JFF onlyfans all that sucks.
But let me continue. Then there’s my thousands of stories and now my anesthesia stories. Per document a story typically is about $1-$5 let’s just assume I’ve written 5000 stories and documents to keep shit simple. That is again $5000 of content PER PERSON THAT IS FREELY AVAILABLE. AS FREE AS GATDAMN LINUX! Now let’s talk about my image library. It’s on Flickr and spans 14,000 images. Typically a photo set in a paysite is like $10.99 so a little division aaaand the math comes out to… 466 image sets or a value of $4,660 PER PERSON FREELY ACCESSIBLE. It’s late. I can’t math right now. I’m too upset but when I just smash those numbers together and total them up you get. As a single viewer. If you access all of my social medias and my Flickr and use my XHamster. $15,000 of content FOR FREE!!!
I cannot continue as the American economy shoots disabled people in the foot and also screws over low income LGBTQ folks to produce content for free. Something has to change.
Either I have to shut down production. Whoa. Holy fuck.
I didn’t expect the outcry to be so intense. It wasn’t even outcry on Twitter.
The telegram group members went into total open outcry status.
Ok. So. Shutting down production is not an option.
Sustaining production at current funding levels is impossible. Especially considering I just lost $120 per month of government funds thanks to reckless cuts on food stamps and the affordable connectivity program being recklessly ended by a Congress that I can only politely describe as a pile of diarrhea dung from a deathly ill cow with mad cow disease.
So. This is not a tribute me. This isn’t a fucking pay up call.
This is a do me a favor.
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Think about how many times you’ve probably jacked off looking at my videos or photos. Then think about how much time money and gear it takes to make that entertainment material go from here to your screen. I want my 3000 something followers (as I am carbon copying this onto Twitter Etc as well) Do the following
1. Self reflect on your consumption of my media. You owe it to chip a dollar or two in if you’ve done so much as listened to a minute or two of my video. An average street musician gets a hundred dollars a day if they are in a good area. If you’ve watched my videos and you’ve done nothing not even liked them retweeted them or thought about donating them. Are you really being a sustainable consumer? Sustainable consumers support the creators who provide them content. If they can’t give financial support at the least hit the goddamned retweet button. It is not hard! One tap or click ffs!
2. ITS TAX DEDUCTIBLE! (Not sure if you can deduct for 2023 still. But you can deduct it on your 2024 taxes.) So instead of sending money to the fat cats at some national charity where the executives take multimillion dollar paychecks IM LOOKING AT YOU YA MOTHERFUCKERS AUTISM SPEAKS. WE DONT WANT A CURE RESEARCHED AND WE DONT NEED YOUR DAMN BIG HONKY TONK GALAS ON TV EITHER.
3. Realize that if funding doesn’t change in the next 20 days. Immediate cutbacks will begin and by 2026 StrapsKinks will entirely stop filming, photographing, producing AI art, and writing stories as all funding will be exhausted and instead of engaging in kink I’ll have to start selling off gear and computer equipment as we do last ditch efforts to make ends meet before ending up in a shitty apartment rental again or worse homeless. So yeah. Thanks everyone. Thanks for almost a decade of consume consume consume. All without giving back a damn dime. Hopefully this makes things start changing and before the first April 21 cutoff. If funding doesn’t increase by April 21 Twitter stories will permanently cease and the StrappysKinks website will be slated for destruction. If funding doesn’t increase by June gear purchases from Bronco and other planned vendors will be postponed and or canceled If by December funding does not increase there will likely be no further new gear acquisitions and if equipment breaks it won’t be replaced. If by January 2025 nothing changes. All Twitter accounts and the Tumblr will be deleted. The Flickr account will be deleted. The website will be erased in preparation for the October 2025 termination of the StrappysKinks services. At that time anyone who has my contact details will know me and those left in the community simply won’t. At that point I’ll just disappear off of social media and take all my stuff down.
Because guess what.
I’m not leaving $15,000 of content available for free if I go bankrupt. So sit down. Think about what you people are doing to small creators especially those with disabilities and think. Do you want to see StrapsKinks go bankrupt.
The fate rests in your hands folks. This is a publicly funded venture technically. Public funding from the federal and private……. Yeah that’s the problem. Nobody done fuckin stepped up to actually do the funding. Let’s hope this funder that is on the lines actually comes through because if he does his single round could set us back onto at least able to sustain current production even if it does mean slowing down gear purchases. That said. If new funding lines are not received by January 2025 *STRAPPYSKINKS WILL GO BANKRUPT*
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Can't Drink Wine, But Can Whine
Summer is extremely uncomfortable for me. For some reason I can't handle the heat at all this year, not like last year. This might be because of the mysterious health problem I've developed over the past 6 or so months.
I'm lucky enough to have an air con in my room, but good god do I need one for the office. My bedroom is way too cramped to fit a desk in there, and my air con is too big to drag out anywhere else. Yes, first world problems. But still, it's hot as all hell, even with a fan pointed at me.
Also I hate not having an ergonomic chair. My back constantly hurts and it just adds to the discomfort.
Currently saving up for an air conditioner for the office and an ergonomic chair, but it's very slow because I'm a broke uni student and have to pay for expensive health insurance that I absolutely need for personal reasons I don't want to share. That, rent, food, and wifi suck up pretty much all of my money. Hence why I'm trying to start up an Etsy/Gumroad business and do content creation on the side. I'm starting off with clip compilations, but I might branch off into tutorials and gaming content with voice over. I'm very insecure about my tics, though. But for some reason I'm not afraid of creating things on YouTube anymore, so long as I don't show my face. It's not like people can hate me when I have 0 views. I've got nothing to lose, so long as people don't know who I am.
Anyhow, I can't live anywhere cheaper because of the rental crisis (there's literally nowhere available). I'm honestly lucky I'm not living under a bridge.
Overall, I'm extremely uncomfortable, and my sensory issues just make it a hell of a lot worse. Plus my disability makes things a lot worse, too. It could be worse, it could always be worse, but sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in my own personal hell. The only things that make me feel better is friends, the few family members I get along with, good food, animals, and the topics I'm endlessly passionate about that I keep switching between. These are the things that are literally keeping me alive. They make my life worth living.
I generally believe life is 50% hell 50% heaven. I feel that I've been through most of the hell, so surely things will start to get better soon. Life doesn't feel like it's in motion yet, but I'm sure it will when uni holidays are over. I just feel frozen in time, yet I'm also aware of every passing second getting closer to death.
I'm unfulfilled, incomplete, a work in progress. I feel like an unfinished painting, but I am the painter. I can't let myself slip away like I sometimes want to, not now, not ever, not until I've done what I've set out to do.
I'm a very motivated person, but my consistency is spread out. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it means I can develop a few skills to a high level, just not one skill at a time. One skill at a time would be more efficient, but I don't operate that way. My neurodivergent brain won't allow it. I'm extremely creative because of it, though. Honestly if I could choose to be different, I don't think I would.
My memory issues are terrible, though. I don't remember most people from a year ago or longer, unless they traumatised me in some way, and even then, I only sometimes remember. I just remember how they made me feel. I remember to stay away from them. That's for the best, I'd say.
Honestly, I don't remember what happened almost at all if it's longer than a month ago, unless I'm in a certain frame of mind that remembers it. It's complicated. Really, I struggle to remember yesterday. I mostly live in today, with a little bit of yesterday, and flickers of the recent past. I know facts about myself, I even know things happened sometimes, but I lack the memories of them. They're just blank, empty. I don't think I'm supposed to know. If I remembered how much I suffer on a daily basis I think I'd have a breakdown and give up on life. In a way, I'm very lucky that I don't.
My dream messenger is a gigantic crow with shiny black feathers, and he's told me that sometimes losing things is for the best. I'm inclined to believe him.
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dharshareddy189 · 9 months
AR and VR Redefining the Gaming Landscape
Just picture yourself fully immersed in a fantastical setting as you play a game that transports you to that realm. Just think of how much fun it would be to play these games and discover fascinating new worlds! Modern technology has made augmented and virtual reality a reality, rather than a pipe dream.
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What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation that allows users to explore and interact with an interactive 3D environment. VR allows humans to be fully immersed in a digital environment, which can either be completely fictional or a simulation of the actual world. The main objective of virtual reality is to generate a compelling and immersive sensory encounter for the user.
What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality (AR) is a cutting-edge technology that superimposes digital information, such as photographs, text, or 3D models, onto the physical environment in real-time. Virtual reality fully immerses users in a simulated environment, whereas augmented reality enhances the user's experience of the actual world by incorporating digital aspects into it. Augmented reality (AR) is specifically engineered to seamlessly integrate the actual and digital realms, providing users with an engaging and enhanced encounter.
Leveling Up Engagement:
Immersive Worlds: Imagine stepping into your favorite fantasy RPG, feeling the wind against your skin as you explore vibrant landscapes and battling mythical creatures. VR's ability to transport players into fully realized virtual worlds offers unparalleled levels of immersion, as evidenced by titles like "Half-Life: Alyx" and "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR."
Physical Interactions, Virtual Consequences: AR overlays physical environments with interactive elements, blurring the boundaries between the real and digital. Games like "Pokemon GO" and "Harry Potter: Wizards Unite" encourage players to explore their surroundings, transforming daily walks into fantastical adventures.
Redefining Genres: Genres traditionally confined to flat screens are finding new life through VR and AR. Puzzlers like "Moss" and "I Expect You to Die" utilize VR's unique perspective to create mind-bending challenges, while AR titles like "Minecraft Earth" and "ARKit" games transform familiar locales into canvases for creative expression.
Beyond the Screen, Building Connections:
Social Play in Virtual Spaces: VR doesn't have to be a solitary experience. Titles like "VRChat" and "Rec Room" offer virtual spaces for users to socialize, play games, and even attend concerts together, fostering connections that transcend physical limitations.
Multiplayer Mayhem with Spatial Awareness: VR's positional tracking allows for unprecedented teamwork and tactical gameplay. Games like "Pavlov VR" and "Onward" immerse players in realistic military simulations, requiring coordinated maneuvers and spatial awareness for success.
Rethinking Competitive Gaming: eSports is embracing VR with titles like "Blaston" and "Echo VR," offering competitive experiences that require physical skill and strategic thinking alongside traditional game-play mechanics.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations:
Accessibility and Affordability: VR and AR headsets remain expensive, potentially creating a digital divide and limiting access to these immersive experiences.
Health and Safety Concerns: VR can induce motion sickness and discomfort, particularly for new users. Additionally, ethical considerations like data privacy and potential addiction to virtual worlds require careful attention.
Real World, Pixelated Consequences: Blurring the lines between reality and gaming can have unintended consequences. AR games have raised concerns about distracted walking and safety, while VR's immersive nature necessitates responsible design and user guidelines.
CONCLUSION- AR and VR could be very useful in the world of games. As the web moves to the decentralized Web 3.0 platform, both of these technologies will make games even better by combining new ideas with perfect execution.
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https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-ar-vr-impacting-gaming-industry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via ( Accessed on 5th December 2023)
https://screenrant.com/immersive-vr-games-experiences/( Accessed on 5th December 2023)
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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💡you . . . . .see me? The fragile soul that's also fierce & strong. Just... when it comes to you . . . . .I'm in the unknown of the vastness of love & I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Rather than protecting them from getting pecked. 💡you . . . . .each piece.....keep poking.. pecking.. pushing.. because... ... ... I've gotta learn... what? What lesson? You . . . . .do realize that you . . . . .brought about this hurdle..right? Your . . . . .actions are why I have such a problem. Why I'm curled up against Tijgeress & she's incensed by this! She's roaring & moaning how dare... deep breath. Sensory reminder. So then I guess the question should be... why you.....wanted to create strife in this manner. Here.. exposed... 💡to watch how I handle this? Without pertinent information how did you..... think I would? Hm? Like a 300# weight dragging me to the bottom of the ocean with no way of breaking free & drowning. Not in love. But in discord, rejection, feeling unwanted, lost, abandoned, alone. This isn't a santa surprise. This is a nightmare of gremlins for me. And I keep getting poked. Even in my dreams. How am I to be your.....safe harbor when you..... are making think that you . . . . .don't want me to be? Each piece of you . . . . . It's like testing me like a ... choicest piece to ... sobbing. Why!?!?!?!?!? Why do you . . . . . keep testing me????? I've given you.....everything. You . . . . . have more of me than anyone else on this planet. Know more about me than anyone else does either. So. Again. Why!?!?!?!?!? Is it the adversary tricks of revenge & vindictiveness? Is it to make me prove myself... my love, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion? I have very few friends, & the ones I do have are supportive of me & want to see me grow, thrive & escape my current situation. The friends that I have want me to find love. They want me to stop being hurt. As I am happy for them when they are.
See, I gave my heart, my soul's keys to you . . . . . a long time ago. I don't want those keys back. I cannot take them back.
You . . . . .own my keys.
No matter what.
No changes. No take backs. No alterations.
So you . . . . .want me to prove myself?
I do so. Every day. I keep getting up & trying. With you . . . . .& with life.
I haven't given up. Nor will I.
So. How are you . . . . . proving those things to me.....
I am not testing you. . . . . Have not. Will not. I have not abandoned you..... I have not totally disappeared.
Yes, I took a hiatus. Ahem. Think about why... I hadn't an inkling where you . . . . . where..... certainly wasn't yet awake to the pieces I am now. And I know I still have much more to learn first! No... I think you . . . . .have been aware... of my movements.. all along. My senses .. my soul.. my gut instincts. Even when the adversary is playing tricks in my mind & making me think I'm a loon. I am not. I just listen. To God. And I know He is allowing me to hear your souls voices.....
I am not crazy. But I am complex.
I know that I am yours . . . . .
But it's up to you . . . . .
Do you . . . . . want to & do.. love... me.
Chewing my lips bowed.
Remember..... I. Am. Here. For. You . . . . .
Only reason I came back.
You . . . . .
I want to love you . . . . . Openly.
I long to give you . . . . .alllll of me.
Is it too much to ask?
Bowing head & praying.
God... please?
I give it to You. You know my soul as You Created me the way I am.
Please? Be with my soul's mates.....to know me too? & want me... too.
Protect my loves.....Dear Lord.
In Your Name Jesus. Amen.
Humbly bowed.
Your humble bowed confused hurting scared listening daughter.
Your complex quirky warrior queen daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.
M.1.16.2023 11.07am.est.
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wisterian-dark · 2 years
Hob loves to ramble about history and Dream loves to listen, as he always did at each and every one of their meetings, but as Hob starts going into another tangent about the mid 1800s - because the textbooks got it all wrong, as they often do - he stops mid-sentence at the feeling of Dream's head resting on his shoulder. Dream doesn't need sleep, not really, but Hob is one of the very few people who make him feel safe enough to let his guard down and just rest.
If he feels Hob's hand gently combing through his hair, well, he can't say he minds that much, not that he'd admit it to anyone. He just shifts a bit closer into Hob's side and lets himself be taken care of, feeling the tension in his shoulders slowly disappear as he breathes into Hob's scent and relaxes under his touch.
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
✨ seventeen's reaction to : you watching baby sensory dancing fruit videos to sleep✨
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requested? Y/N - 'hello !! i just recently found out about your blog and it's really so cute ^^. i'm not sure if your requests are open but if it is, what about svt's reaction to you watching baby sensory videos when you're stressed or can't fall asleep? yk those little dancing fruits/vegetables on yt that's a bit popular these days lol. if your requests are closed then pls delete this ask ahaha' - anonymous
a/n: sorry it took me so long to get to this request, i hope you like it regardless! 💞 it was so cute to write - i really like these videos too so :) as always feedback is super appreciated! 💕
content warnings: like one swear
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takes it as an excuse to baby you, finding it incredibly cute and taking every opportunity to coo over you to make sure you were aware. cuddles you close every night while you watch, peppering kisses all over your face with a huge smile because he CANNOT get over how endearing you are.
also finds you adorable and gushes over how cute you are, but ends up totally enthralled and humming the songs throughout his day without even realising. gets teased about it by hansol without the younger realising he's outing himself agsjdgd
first thought is to be concerned - are you anxious? overly stressed? are you feeling okay in general? once you reassure him you're fine and it's just how you relax, he'd cuddle up to you and watch them with you, nodding his head along and smiling fondly when you snuggle into his chest.
already watches them, but they somehow make him excited instead of relaxed. puts one on and pulls you up to dance along with him, speculating over which fruit or vegetable the two of you would be. also gets the songs stuck in his head but is far from complaining
doesn't really get it but loves the art style lol :') sees how relaxed it makes you and spoons you while you watch, wanting to add to the effect if possible. ends up needing them to fall asleep himself, but it's brought you closer together so he doesn't mind 🥺
absolutely enthralled. just wide eyed, slightly slack jawed, completely mesmerised. snuggles up to your side to watch them with you and finds himself falling asleep faster than ever. becomes his preferred before bed entertainment.
teases the shit out of you initially, cooing over how you're his baby, but immediately understands why you like them so much as he feels his many stresses start to melt away as he watches the colourful lil blueberries dancing. has no idea how it works but gets upset now if you watch them without waiting for him >:(
also dances along with you, getting very giddy over how cute he finds it all. like, he actually thinks he might explode. just finds himself bubbling over with love for you. whenever he notices you're stressing or anxious he starts dancing for you all "but imagine i'm a pineapple or something".
wonders how he'd never seen them before as he finds himself having the time of his life. starts watching them when he's stressed over work because something about the happy little dancing food makes him feel like everything will be okay :)
also teases you, and doesn't really understand it, but likes to see you happy so will put one on the tv before you get home and pull you into his lap to press kisses into your hair while you watch them. finds your face when you're fixated very cute but wouldn't admit it.
critiques their dancing and technique as a joke. "i can do better than that, that strawberry totally messed up that step imo," and it does make you laugh because it's so absurd. lies on your chest to watch them with you to fall asleep but complains in the morning because his dreams are now all about dancing fruits.
was already a big fan of them, lowkey screamed when he found out you are too. the two of you debate over which of the lil fruits and vegetables are the cutest, literally always ending with him telling you that you are the cutest of all with the cheesiest grin. likes to sit/lie behind you and nuzzle his head into your shoulder while you watch them - his two fave comforts in one.
happy to tease someone else about being baby for once. moonwalks to the songs to make you laugh and asks if he should make them his newest danceology. considers it very strongly for a while. finds them comforting but won't admit it to you, insisting he's only watching them with you because you enjoy them (but he sleeps so much faster now??)
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Yuu-nique Magic
Eyy remember when I mentioned Unique Magic/Signature Spell ideas for the prefect/Yuu?
Yeah that's this! The Unique Magics I came up with fit into a couple categories, and i mostly thought of them in a "This is the only magic Yuu can do" type of deal.
(Also have fun guessing where i got the names from cause they're all references)
Blot Manipulation
So there's a couple distinct ideas I had for a blot manipulation UMSS, since its just like a neat idea, and lets Yuu be very unique and capable even with just this ability.
(Also the thematic significance of having control of/giving into a narrative metaphor for trauma/general damage is just really cool)
[Embrace the Dark]
The most basic blot based UMSS, it's... just being able to move blot around. Do things like turn blot into bullets, or swords or tendrils or what have you. Of course, without any normal magic, Yuu can't make their own blot so they need to get blot either from other people casting magic around them, or from blot in the environment, mainly during an overblot (or chapter 6).
[Ars Goetia]
This one is a bit more complicated, because rather than 'control over blot' its 'control over a blot phantom'. With this one, Yuu gets their own quirky fun companion who's a giant antlered demon in a big cloak, how fun! The phantom (who I'll just call Solomon for now to make the reference super obvious) is capable of casting magic just like other phantoms but isn't, y'know, murderous and uncontrollable... usually anyways, if there's TOO much blot in Yuu's body all bets are off. Also, they can talk, and are particularly protective of Yuu and in their corner at all times.
[Feed the Demon]
Another one with a demon theme, except THIS one Yuu is the demon! Or they can sort of become one, while the last one was Yuu having power over the phantom half of the overblot, this one grants the ability to turn into... well the person half of the overblot, with the hot outfit and glowing eyes and everything. The name here also isn't a reference to something, but how the magic works. It's fueled by blot of course, but it's generated by feeding off of negative emotions directly rather than as a byproduct of magic. In other words, in order to maintain their super powered magic form, Yuu needs to feed their inner demons.
I did have other categories but then i realized they weren't actually that cool soooo straight to the other category. They are all more or less expansions of things Yuu is sort of related too in Canon though. But that's kind of wordy.
[Moon in the Water]
Did someone say illusions? No? Too bad! I thought it was neat how they said in Fairy Gala IF that illusionists aren't really a thing in Twisted Wonderland (and while I think they're trying to make that Ortho's thing) so what if someone who wasn't from Twisted Wonderland was the resident illusionist? Other than just making illusions Yuu could do other fun things such as: horrific hallucinations, sensory overloads, popping people's eardrums by making fake explosions right by their ears, and even more! Another addendum to this would be the idea that Yuu's illusions surpass logic, even if you are aware it's an illusion, you won't be able to act in a way that wouldn't make sense if it was real. No walking through the illusory wall unless you're the type to throw yourself into a wall normally! (oh hi Floyd!)
[Nightmare in Dreamland]
Yuu already has weird things going on with a shared dreamscape with Mickey, so why not give them more power over that? Yuu gets to actually control the dream room, inviting (read: kidnapping) people from their dreams into Yuu's. Either for an impromptu therapy session, or a sleepy time beatdown (hey total control over the dream room means TOTAL control).
[Happily Ever After]
Yuu's dream escapades also have the side effect of letting them see the past of the great seven, but what if they could ALSO see the future? A little bit anyways. This UMSS has two parts, passively it grants... well minor clairvoyance. Specifically it shows Yuu the path towards the 'best possible outcome' from their perspective. But crucially it leaves out their own actions, it only shows what other people have to do. Actively however, by saying the incantation, l Yuu gets to say fuck this and instantly bridge the gap between the current situation and the ideal one, it's essentially something that makes impossible successes happen instantaneously. Of course the bigger the difference between the start and the result the more blot is produced and the more mana it costs, so it isn't all powerful.
[All in One, and One for All]
I was originally going to be lazy and call this F-Yuu-sion This is just fusion dancing from DragonBall or Steven Universe. Because it's COOL DAMNIT (and also very fun to work with). Essentially it really is just 'dance to combine Yuu and someone else' but it is a bit different from those other examples. For one rather than being a pure personality combo, Yuu is in focus more, and since Yuu has no power to combine with their target, it basically just supercharges the abilities of whoever Yuu combines with, sometimes adding extra qualities along the way. (For instance, Yuu+Leona would lead to both an increase in King's Roars ability to turn things to sand, as well as the ability to control the sand).
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