#i just realized i did 11
qiinamii · 1 year
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races and naps
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fatedroses · 2 months
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And some days, I just wish you wouldn't look at me at all.
#ffxiv#sketch#wol#meteor survivor#zenos yae galvus#adventurer zenos#oh no#its the consequences of his actions#everything is fine until the only man on the star you care about looks at you with the same contempt your father did#(Meteor's not doing it intentionally- its a reflex after he comes back for quite a bit)#and zenos is getting bodied because its been a while since... you know... him being able to really feel anything at all#and no- its not him regretting anything that had to do with varis- just him regretting the thought meteor could look at him like that#little does Meteor know he's emotionally bodying the man he's trying to be cordial with#its a little okay because in how I write adventurer zenos this serves as one of his main wake-up calls to make some changes#and realizing both the mistakes he's made with meteor and that meteor hating him in any way is actually -not at all- what he wants#but not okay on the end that every time meteor does this he has to watch zenos actively dissociate right in front of him#until zenos just kinda autopilots and walks away#the second time (or perhaps third) in the last 11 years that zenos has felt regret to any major capacity-#on meteor's end I just enjoy seeing the progression of the WoL through subtext#and why meteor is willing to even entertain the idea despite how much he hates zenos- his decisions and the path he's walked#is the realization that there is high chance that he could actually be a direct catalyst for zenos' growth#and the realization the wol has that they were the only one zenos has ever genuinely reached out to#besides- i just like the idea of having your equal other half fighting back to back with you- or being able to handle threats you cant#and i find their dynamic neat- of meteor not forgiving zenos but giving him his last chance- and growing to enjoy being around him#and zenos being able to work on moving past being the weapon or the monster- finding the connections he's longed for#and giving himself purpose to finally truly just live- for him to learn to experience and have the freedom to find what he enjoys#(and curiously him having estinien's brand of accidently helping people even in StB gives me ideas...)#but enough tag ranting- ill get to zenos' actual adventuring in another post lol
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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(It's ok Yurgir will respawn in Avernus)
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
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heartorbit · 11 months
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a mob of emus for an artstyle game on twt! ^_^
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powersocial · 3 months
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𝕀𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 '𝔸𝕕𝕠𝕡𝕥 𝕒 𝕊𝕚𝕞' 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕡 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 "𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘".···•✦
❁ You cannot alter ethnicity, but you can make adjustments to them through realistic methods like weight changes and muscle development.
❁ Feel free to use the prompts provided below they are completely optional, or introduce this little baby to your sim family and see how your parenting helps little Summer develop in game! (o゚v゚)ノ (the first prompt isn't really important for Cas but it can give you an idea on the baby's life & personality)
❁ This is my first ever challenge so I'm sorry if their are any inconsistency's! (pls be kind) Don't forget to tag me @powersocial so I can see and share your sims! If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them.
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download:🍼𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝔸𝕕𝕠𝕡𝕥!🍼(also available on the gallery, ID @seyvia)
✦•·················• 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬! •·················•✦
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You could also put the list of prompts on a 'picker wheel' if you'd like! Have fun! ♪(^∇^*)
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bonetrousledbones · 1 month
who else is feeling really normal about undertale turning nine years old in ten days
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brasiliangp · 6 months
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every-grelle-sutcliff · 2 months
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narwhalandchill · 9 months
oh my fucking god i feel. SO stupid rn at How i didnt make the (super sane very normal just absolutely. Yes. Surely) connection earlier but uhh
so anyway im now like 89% certain that whatever the "traces" of the narwhal that remain on ajax and facilitate their (ever-growing) innate connection are like. an actually fundamental aspect of it (them?) more or less.
why? because if you consider its pov just for a moment. the narwhal was literally about to depart teyvat for good. it had nearly finished consuming the primordial sea and preparing to breach surface to finish the job by eating the french for the leftovers their human bodies were made from. its an interstellar voyager it does not linger on planets it devours. it goes glug glug and it leaves.
and like if it wasnt for traveler intervening its confirmed through narzissenkreuz and renes world formula that teyvat wouldve just been destroyed. no one could have stopped the narwhal not neuvillette not focalors not anyone.
so what was the one other thing it did right before going for that french brunch? calling for ajax. getting them reunited in the primordial sea. like all the possible implications aside bc theres many different ways to speculate on the exact reasons why and the nature of that link. the point remains.
it wasnt leaving teyvat without finding him.
like the narwhal is about to fucking Dip from this cringe planet and whatever part of it that ajax carries within himself his narwhal Absolutely wanted to be reunited with. what the fuck am i supposed to read from that. hoyo???????!??! answers?!?!?!
and its not only the calling from the narwhal side itself either bc this is ALL coinciding with the growth of a 'restless power' within ajax and his vision malfunctioning (the things celestia is literally confirmed to harvest energy thru to repair its damaged authority) and his connection with the narwhal reaching an actual conscious level (arguably subconscious n emotional too bc i find it Curious his mood is poor right as the narwhal is repeatedly described as positively malding to the point its boss fight mechanic is literally a rage meter). ajax' power is growing. his destiny is starting to shift and something is drawing him to fontaine... right as the narwhal is getting close to finished with the primordial sea. funny how it overlaps eh. how it aligns 🤨🤨 why are they orbiting each other like this (they should kiss)
(& not to even Mention how ajax just Happened to get that absolutely exponential and borderline unbelievable feat of power spike in extending his foul legacy endurance as massively as he did. while. within the primordial sea. with his narwhal. who had at that point all but incorporated the power of that sea into itself. i s2g if childe was getting passive home turf co-op bonus exp with a 4x multiplier automatically the whole 40+ days 💀💀)
#man the way its lovely reunion but tjen ajax fucking ATTACKS IT ON SIGHT you couldve gotten married!!!!11!1 fucking unbearable i am in agony#anyway contrary to popular belief we still have no fucking clue whether ajax' link to the narwhal was innate#skirk saying the traces remain on him after meeting it isnt saying tht much. the parts he shares w it couldve well been innate but dormant#instead. also just the fact that he woke it up already shady#then like. monoceros caeli being his from the beginning is completely plausible despite ppl acting like its been confirmed his const change#and like them being halves of the same entity on some lvl would make the narwhal being so weak without him n until ajax found it again#make very much. sense. anyway ajax toxicity jokes aside if the narwhal was just trying to eat him point blank without even a hello#i do get why hed react aggressively. but also bros been telling everyone n their mom hes fighting his narwhal the seconf he finds it again😔#so i feel somewhat confident in assuming he started that 40+ days brawl#anyway if ajax Isnt the celestial narwhal on some level or possibly becoming it as their link grows.#riddle me this atheists. why is his 3rd phase boss theme. the song about His individual murderous rage at us#bc he thought he was outplayed by us. His personal wrath#whys the song for that called the wrath of the celestial narwhal. of the star swallowing whale. Hmmmge. his individual rage.#why does tusk of monoceros caeli speak of him embracing the narwhals innate qualities as embracing mere parts of Himself#funny how tjat goes!! (the OST n boss drop is not 100% serious theory but it does drive me insane. bc why would they phrase it like that)#anyway either theyre 2 halves same original entity or theyre soulmates idgaf . they should fold teyvat in half and eat it for brunch#aaand im going to be consumed by this realization for the next month wish me luck#WHY DID IT NEED HIM THERE SO BADLY???? HUH??????#i mean relatable dont we all. but its sooooooooo inch resting. Curious indeed#rambles#genshin#childe#childeposting#narwhalposting
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seaweedstarshine · 11 months
I love Amy's Choice and I love The Day of the Doctor Novelization, but something that only clicked for me recently — is that the reason the Eleventh Doctor is able to instantly recognize and brush past the Dream Lord when he appears — is because for as long as he's had this body, he's been hallucinating the War Doctor’s voice taunting him in a very similar way (minus all the jokes).
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Of course at the end of Amy's Choice, the Doctor sees the Dream Lord reflected in the console, looks distressed, and says nothing, and I just. I love how Moffat used that novelization to flesh out so many different elements he included in his run.
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visionaryparacosmos · 11 months
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this man's ass has been downgraded, sadly, from existing to flat as a board.
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symbiotic-slime · 6 months
biting things is so good why aren’t there more things to bite
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nicollekidman · 9 months
a video of ayo singing with my friend paola back at nyu keeps going viral and i’m like. paola!!!!!!!!!! every single time….. hope that has gotten her at least a couple new streams on spotify 😭😭
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rottenlittlefink · 2 months
Ok so I’ve combed through the CIA documents like twice already and like… Guys, the gateway tapes *can* help u shift BUT they don’t *shift* you *for you*. This is why they’re called gateways - the focus levels are states you can enter and then shift from via your own efforts
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butchfalin · 1 year
i have an idea for a mini comic based on three whole sentences from a fic that ive read 10000 times. we'll see if i actually do it but it is rent free
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agentplutonium · 1 year
Pluto appears to give y’all another small scene that they imagined while they wait for their fucking food to get here for the love of god i’m so hungry-:
(cutting it here so it’s not a very long post on your dash, continued below <3 <3)
Sweetheart was never one to accept gifts, usually. Not really. They would only be okay with it if it was for an occasion of some sort, but gifts out of the blue freaked them out. Made them feel like they now owed something to the gifter and they don’t like owing people things.
Milo, on the other hand, loved giving and receiving gifts. In his head, it was like saying “I’m thinking of you” which he found really sweet. He would see something that would make him think of someone, and the next thing he knew he was getting it. He loved putting a smile on people’s faces like that.
As you can imagine this posed a few hiccups in his and Sweetheart’s relationship. There was never any serious fights over it, but there were times where Milo had to persuade his mate to accept something he got them without thinking. It was something that they continued to work on together. Milo learned to cut back on the habit of getting his mate gifts randomly, and Sweetheart was learning that they don’t owe him anything, no matter what situation they were in. They got along like that, working with each other, learning from each other.
However, every once in a while, Milo does get a spontaneous gift for Sweetheart. This was one of those times.
He had come across this brooch while on break during a gig one day. It had caught his eye more than he would imagine, and, for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking of it on Sweetheart. Sure it wasn't anything like an extravagant outfit, but he'd still be overjoyed to see them wear it.
So, without much of a second thought, he went back for it not long after.
He wanted to give it to them right away, but the opportunity didn't present itself until the next morning. Sweetheart was moving around the room, like they normally do while they get ready for work, and they were half-heartedly complaining about the meetings that they had that day. Milo had picked up the box that the brooch resided in and walked over to them slowly. They caught his eye in the reflection of the mirror, and immediately was onto him.
"What are you doing," they said, eyes narrowing ever so slightly
"What, I can't be close to my mate?" Milo questioned, feigning innocence.
"You can, but I know that look, Greer," Sweetheart said. "You're up to something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Milo said, finally close enough to reach out and gently tug Sweetheart toward him. He rested his chin on their shoulder, giving them a curious look in the mirror.
“Spill,” Sweetheart said in that mock stern voice of theirs. Milo grinned at them.
“I may have gotten you something.”
“Gotten me something?” Sweetheart repeated. They checked their watch after a moment, eyebrows pulling together, “I didn’t miss an anniversary of ours or something, did I?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Milo assured. “I don’t think you ever could miss something like that, anyway.”
“Mm. You’re probably right,” Sweetheart sighed, “but if it’s not our anniversary or any kind of holiday, why did you get me something?”
Milo shrugged. “Wanted to.”
Sweetheart didn’t seem impressed. “‘Wanted to’, huh?”
"C'mon, you know me," Milo said, grin stretching wider. "Plus, this wasn't an impulsive buy like usual." He paused for a moment, thinking that last statement over. "Technically. Either way, I thought it would look good on you." Before Sweetheart could make any assumptions about what that meant, Milo pulled out the velvety box and held it out in front of them. Sweetheart gave him another confused look in the mirror before they took it in their hand. Milo watched as they turned it around in their hand for a moment before opening the box.
They went completely still in his arms as they took in the piece of jewelry. Their eyes had blown wide, and there was the smallest of smiles on their face.
“How much did this cost you?” They asked after a moment, fingers delicately tracing over the metal and jewels.
“Not enough if it earns me that cute look you got,” Milo said, grinning. He never told them the price outright. Nothing was too much when it came to them.
Sweetheart rolled their eyes, but they still didn’t look up. Milo was thrilled at this reaction. He could tell they really did appreciate it.
“Do you like it?” Milo whispered. He knew the answer, but there was something about hearing them say it that he loved.
“Very much so, yes,” Sweetheart said, smile growing wider. They grabbed for his hand again, placing the box in his palm. “Put it on for me?”
Milo couldn’t say no to them even if he wanted to. And he definitely didn’t want to.
Milo moved in front of them as he gently took the pin out of its box and then placed said box into his pocket. Sweetheart gazed at him lovingly while he chose a spot to put the brooch, and it almost made him nervous having their attention on him like that.
“What are you looking at,” he teased as he finally started clipping the brooch onto their jacket.
“You,” Sweetheart replied smartly, but their tone made his heart flutter. It was so soft, and he could almost hear the adoration dripping off of their tongue.
Fuck, were they ever going to be the death of him.
Milo finished with the pin, thumb smoothing over it once. It wasn’t a large piece of jewelry, but he felt that it suited his mate. Something that was visible and beautiful, but you had to pay attention to see it. He looked at them finally, smiling tugging at his lips. “Why don’t you look at this pin instead and tell me if the placement is good instead?”
“Only if I have to,” Sweetheart joked, leaning up quickly to kiss him.
Milo moved back to his original spot, once again watching as Sweetheart admired the gift. He ran soothing hands along their arms while he waited for a response.
“You know I don’t like getting gifts,” Sweetheart said, and Milo opened his mouth to protest before they continued, “but, this was really sweet of you, Mi. And I really do like it a lot.”
Once again his heart gave a flutter at the words. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Sweetheart confirmed, giggling. “It’s really nice.”
“Beautiful, like you, even,” Milo agreed.
That earned him a small groan. “You got away with that shit the first time, but now you’re really pushing your luck,” they threatened playfully.
“You like it,” Milo said, pressing a kiss to their cheek.
Sweetheart didn’t say anything, just turned around in his arms to give him a proper kiss. Milo grinned, knowing full well this was them admitting to it, but he didn’t bring it up. All he did was pull them closer.
“I have to go to work,” Sweetheart said in a sigh, pulling away. “I promise to give you proper thanks when i get home, though.”
Milo raised an eyebrow. “What does ‘proper thanks’ mean, exactly?”
“You’ll see,” Sweetheart grinned, before giving him one last kiss and slipping out of his hold. “You should probably get going soon, too, you know David is going to give you an earful if you’re late again,” they called from the hallway.
Milo grinned, shaking his head.
Sweetheart would continue to wear that brooch. Every day that they left the house without fail, they would put it on. The fact made Milo feel some sense of pride that he was able to choose something that they liked so much. He loved seeing them wear it while out with them, or coming home from work. He loved that if people asked about it, they would be able to tell them it was from him. From their mate.
He loved that they loved it so much, at the end of the day. After all, that was the whole point.
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