#i just love these two dorks very very much and they take up a lot of my brain space and i like talking about them
ahappydnp · 2 years
hi, sweet anon here! :) let´s seeee.... do you have some fun facts and photos from around tatinof? and the radio show as well! (honestly, so jealous, i would love to have my own radio show) (rewatched phil´s draw my life 2 and the bit about his panic managing all the buttons in the studio cracked me up :´)
i hope you have a nice day!
ooo fun stuff for tatinof era! i still love this video of a fan who ran into kath and nigel the day after a show covered in merch bc that's so embarrassingly funny. also i am legally required to mention this moment from the tatinof doc (X) also little fun fact: after they announced the book in march and then went to japan in april, they both went to IOM in june 2015 and it was the first time dan had gone to IOM (that we know of) they documented a lot from the trip as well!
also fav radio clip moments
dan getting covered in custard
blind man's bluff
ball lightning story
human show jumping
~random selection of photos~
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froggibus · 3 months
Camping Headcanons - Batboys + Wally West
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Includes: Dick Grayson x gn! reader, Jason Todd x gn! reader, Tim Drake x gn! reader, Wally West x gn! reader
Genre: fluff, mild crack
Summary: spend a weekend away from the city camping with your boyfriend
CW: batboys have peak survival skills, Wally is very Wally, lots of classic camping fun
this is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Dick Grayson:
prefers to camp somewhere off the grid
loves traditional camping and is not at all opposed to just…sleeping on the floor of a tent
can almost definitely set up a tent in two seconds flat—even the jumbo ones that are supposed to take two people to set up
definitely helps that he’s flexible 
if there was a medal for best at camping, he’d probably win it
it's almost annoying how on point his survival instincts are
he can spearfish and does it just to show off
can cook pretty much anything over a fire but if it were up to him he’d just eat soup, burgers & hotdogs the whole weekend
packs 12 pairs of underwear for a weekend of camping
also has insane packing skills, like he could pack 2 weeks worth of supplies in one backpack
even if its not sunny, he WILL somehow tan just from being outside
Jason Todd:
also likes camping off the grid
unlike Dick, he probably prefers sleeping in a trailer or a cabin if he can help it
It’s not that he’s against sleeping in a tent or anything 
but he’s spent so much time sleeping on the hard ground/freezing his ass off that if he can afford the extra comfort, he’ll spring for it
so much more relaxed when you’re camping—it’s almost like he’s a different person
brings about a dozen books to read for like, three days of camping
if you weren’t with him he’d probably read them all too
even if you’re staying in a place with a stove, he INSISTS on cooking stuff over the campfire
a really good campfire cook too—he’ll make you some insane salmon & the most golden toasty s'mores for dessert
dork ass loves telling you scary ghost stories with a flashlight under his chin and everything
all so that you’ll cuddle closer to him that night
lets you wear his comfy clothes and his jacket if it’s cold outside and claims he ‘doesn’t get cold’
Tim Drake:
hard to convince him to leave Gotham for the weekend (mr weight-of-the-world-on-his-shoulders)
threaten to go camping by yourself and suddenly he’ll never leave your side
only camped at fancy resorts/nice cabins before Bruce
really enjoys being off the grid and being self sustaining though
loves those “cooking in nature” tiktoks and probably wants to try them for himself
doesn’t care where he sleeps as long as it has walls—but for you, he’ll get the warmest, comfiest tent or cabin possible
is weirdly prepared for almost any situation AND knows all of your cravings before you even have them
“I really wish we had strawberry marshmallows to make smores with”
“check my green backpack”
brings lots of different card games and WILL beat you at all of them before the trip is over
bring your own secret deck of Uno and watch him have a meltdown wondering how you could possibly have so many +4s
somehow knows exactly what went down with everyone while you were away
Wally West:
he’s like a kid again (as if he ever grew up let’s be fr) 
already has muscle pains from running around so much so at the very least he’s getting the comfiest air mattress ever
but most likely he’ll want to stay in a cozy cabin way off the grid 
with him, no campsite is too far or too remote
cannot cook for shit but will grill you the best burgers and hot dogs ever 
cannot roast s’mores for shit either 
they WILL catch fire and be completely crispy 
offer him one of yours PLEASE
“nah babe, I just really like them like this” 
loves loves LOVES campfire cuddles and uses every reason under the sun to cozy up with you
tries to tell scary stories (that he stole from Dick who stole them from Bruce) but ends up freaking both of you out
has to do at least one (1) vigorous activity every day or he’ll be bouncing off the walls all night
has a secret never ending stash of candy on him & shares them with you
packs exactly two pairs of underwear for the entire weekend & is completely unprepared 
however if you forget or need anything else it is a CRIME and he will go get it for you 
manages to stretch a three day camping trip into a week
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | DC Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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cvnt4him · 2 months
Hello!!! I really love your writing style and I want to try out requesting<3 How about IT girl reader in a serious relationship with Izuku in middle school? I don't know if this disobeys your rules, if it does, I'm sorry 😭
Tysm nonnie/nonette!!! I am so glad you actually took the time out of your day to read my rules!! They are a bit outdated to the way that I am/write now but I will do this It just won't be smut I hope that's alright ty for the req and i hope you enjoy<33
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Wherever you walked you left a message. Whatever room you entered, all eyes were on you. You just had an effect on people that made their jaws drop. Izukus however was always dropped the lowest. He was a complete dork. A nerdy adorable dork.
You watched everything very closely. You were an observant person and every time you seen izuku get mistreated it angered you deeply. Your first time seeing izuku get bullied you assumed it truly was a one time thing, but we all know it wasn't.
You watched from behind a door, katsuki and his goons laughing down at izuku ridiculing and insulting him. Izuku tried hard not to cry, tears brimming in his eyes every ounce of strength in his body trying to not let these boys see him cry.
It broke your heart. What else were you to do besides treat them the way they treated him. You called out to them making the goons run away, katsuki rolled his eyes and stood his ground. He was an egotistical, conceited, rich boy who felt nobody could tell him what to do.
"the fucks wrong with you? Why are you treating him like this, dickhead."
You called out to him, the blond scoffed looking you up and down taking you in. The way stood the way you spoke and they you looked, it even flustered him. You walked with your head held high, always and people acknowledged that, he wouldn't admit it but it was respectable.
"just a little joke between friends s'all. What's it t'ya?"
He spoke to you, loud and brass he didn't care who heard him and wasn't afraid to speak. You roll your eyes at the statement, it's clearly obvious they weren't friends with izuku.
"you're not his friend. If you were you wouldn't be treating him like shit, or a two dollar hooker your rich daddy bought for you."
Izuku didn't dare to look up at you or him, he tried hard to keep his head down until the two of you were finished, maybe katsuki would let him go by then.
Katsuki sucked his teeth and looked you up and down once more, your words were off and insulting. He fucking hated it.
"the fuck did y— "
"back the hell off, katsuki."
You cut him off putting your hand in the air ushering him to shut up, he infact did which is what took both you and izuku off guard, himself too. He doesn't listen to anyone yet your intimidating mannerisms were getting to him.
He grumbled and growled at you trying to find words to say, his hands beating and palms trickling with light, you simply brushed him aside and walked over to izuku who looked up at you with wide eyes.
"need a hand?"
You chuckle, with a polite smile and pretty eyes staring down at the freckled boy.
"m- me?!"
You nod eagerly, he was just about to take it before everything went up in explosions. Anger yells being heard from the same blond who you dismissed earlier.
You vowed to stay close to izuku, try your hardest to keep him out of harms way. You wanted him to make it to highschool no matter where that was.
"..oh and midoriya, you wanted to go to UA high as well right?"
The teacher asks unimpressed and surprised, izuku scrunched in his seat trying not to be seen as much as his classmates laughed and ridiculed him. Saying this like he'd never be more than a lowly sidekicks servant and how he could get in the support courses. So many things you didn't agree with.
Yet you also wondered how far he'd get without a quirk.. it's not like you wanted to make him feel bad but you wanted to make sure he was in reality. A lot of people dream big and never reach their desired destination at the end of the road, you don't want that bright light in him to burn out.
"Shut up, all of you! He can do whatever he wants!"
You tried to yell at the laughing students, some of them ceased their noises while others, like katsuki, continued to laugh loudly.
"oh please! Why do you waste your time with him anyways. He's a quirkless nobody, hell, he'd have better luck getting a quirk if he took a swan dive off of the building!"
Laughs erupted from his classmates as he groaned heavily, katsukis volcanic ruby red eyes shot over to the green haired boy with a shit eating smirk on his face. You hated how evil katsuki was, he was shitty and cruel and vile.
By then there was only a month or two left of class before you would all graduate and head on to high school. You were ready you vouldnt wait to get away from katsuki and his evil antics, but you wkrried abiut izuku. He wasn't exactly a social butterfly or anything he was always exiled off into his own little circle writing in his little notebook.
When the two of you would sit together or you would attempt to start a conversation with him he'd just look at you with wide eyes and a red face. So red you could hardly see his freckles. You understand at times you can be a bit intimidating or loud, but you wanted his last months to be memorable. He didn't deserve the hatred and bullying he got.
You ended up giving him your number for whoever he wanted to talk or just rent about something. He took it in silence, flustered face being flushed red as he literally got a nose bleed. It was funny and kind of adorable, you never understood how someone so cute could be treated so shitty.
One Sunday night he texted you for the first time. Your phone vibrated as you picked it up to see a text from an unknown number, you pretty much assumed it was izuku just because he was the only person you'd given your number to first hand.
'hope to see you at school tomorrow. Goodnight. :)"
You hummed at the cute little smiley face at the end of the sentence, it made you feel kind of flustered in a way. Not flustered necessarily just kind of.. excited? You had butterflies swarming in your tummy as you held your phone to your mouth trying to figure out the feeling you felt.
You read the message one more time, butterflies swarming your tummy once again, you giggled to yourself and rolled around in your bed before the message dawned on you in a different way. What did he mean 'hope to see you tomorrow'? Is something wrong? Was he going to...
So many different things ran through your head, you'd always seen those lame little tiktok videos where someone talked about a message their friend randomly send at 3am saying goodbye n shit. You never took them seriously, you just thought they were kind of cringe. It never crossed your mind that you might have that kind of friend.
Maybe izuku was a ticking time bomb. Maybe he'd just finally had enough, so many things raked your mind as your fingers acted on their own. You had called him for fucks sake. It rang and rang and rang, you were terrified. You couldn't believe you had called him and if you hung up now he might think something bad of you, and if he declined the call or didn't answer you would feel so embarrassed.
To your surprise.. he did.
"h- hel- hello..."
His voice was small and kind of cracky, like pitchy. He cleared his throat silently on the other side as you couldn't help but giggle. He heard your sweet voice and basically melted, you laugh triggered his and he silently chuckled underneath his breath. He was the cutest thing ever.
Once he got quite used to you, he got rather chatty. His voice was hushed which you expected, it was night and you were sure his family was sleeping. The more comfortable he got the louder he got, you'd never really heard his voice since every time he spoke in class he seemed to have a lace of fear or regret in his voice. It was always shaky and unconfident.
Hearing him now it was hard to believe that was the same little guy who slouches in his seat to avoid being seen by his classmates in fear he might get bullied.
You guys talked for hours, you explained to him how you thought he would do something stupid that he felt right in the moment. He literally screeched when he heard your assumption.
"you really thought I'd do something like that?! Come on!! Have a little more faith in me.."
"hehe, I'm sorry 'zuku, you're right I shouldn't have assumed like that."
You heard him squeak on the other line, he got kind of silent before stuttering a reply. You hummed at this, taking in every little detail you could of your first call. You had realized you'd called him 'zuku instead of izuku. That clearly was the cause of his sudden change in tone and the little stutters.
Hed never gotten a nickname before or even had much of a friend before. His whole childhood was hanging out with katsuki and just following him around like a lost puppy and sticking to his side like a barnacle on a boat.
You two ended up chatting all night, the both of you were tired out of your minds, lazily talking to one another, little deep breaths coming from his end. He had gotten quite silent besides the little breaths he took. You listened closely to the little hums that escaped him. It sent a vibrating feeling deep inside of you, you but your lip and buried your face in your pillow just listening closely to him before he spoke in a tired and raspy voice.
He whispered through the phone. You were instantly snapped out of whatever little haze he put you in what his breaths. You hummed and he let out a breathy chuckle apologizing if he woke or startled you.
Once you got to school you seen Izuku alone, at his locker, per use. You walked up to him with a wave, once he acknowledged you he was so terribly red, he could hardly even face you he was trying hard not to look at you as he just fiddled with his bag until you made your way over to him.
He was a lot more confident over the phone than he was now, he was trying his hardest to hide his face with his arms as you spoke to him, greeting him and laughing at how tired he looked.
You had a little time before your class actually started so you wanted to get as much time with him as possible before his usual buzz kills arrived.
You two sat on a bench and talked, he showed you little drawings that he was embarrassed of but never really got to show anyone. His artstyle wasn't.. the best, but he had potential plus you'd never intentionally put him down no matter what so you hyped him up and wrapped your arm around him with a smile.
He was extremely red and had a wobbly smile on his freckled face. He felt so comfortable around you, so normal. You didn't see him as a waste of space or a useless nobody. You seen him as a human and that was the greatest thing he could ever ask for. Of course something deep inside of him always tried to put him down, making him think things like 'you must pity him to be friends with him'..
Katsuki and the others might've been his bullies but no one made him feel worse than himself. Sure katsuki knew little things about him and always used that to his advantage but he always knew how to make himself want to actually do something drastic.
Izuku was stuck in his mind so visibly to the point you had to snap him out of it. You gently caressed his cheek and held his face in one of your hands, he jolted back to reality blinking a couple of times before he looked at you, you had gotten quite close and personal.
You had a little grin on your face as you looked into his big wide emerald eyes. They were so bright and hopeful, you could see your entire future in them. So big and radiant, this precious boy with kaleidoscope eyes. They were all you could look at.
Izuku gulped and shook beneath your touch, you were so close and it seemed like you were getting closer. He didn't know what to do or how to react but he wanted to be ready. Izuku had looked up how to kiss long ago. He'd also watched other things.. but that's a story for another time.
Within an instant he closed his eyes pursed his lips and began slowly getting closer to you. A small giggle left your lips before you grabbed both sides of his face, you warm palms making his eyes shoot open, a flush of red painting his freckled cheeks. His mouth went into a wobbly frown, he was so embarrassed he assumed you were stopping him because you didn't want to kiss him..
He was slightly disappointed, slightly was quite an understatement. He was very disappointed, he wanted you to kiss him, he wanted you to have his first kiss. He thought you wanted him like he wanted you..
You sigh with a wide smile on your face and pull him into a soft kiss, his eyes blew wide and his whole body shook underneath you, he couldn't believe.. he was having his first ever kiss. Izukus eyes fluttered shut as he let out a whimpery moan, the pitchy sound made you giggle before breaking the kiss.
He tried so hard to hide his face from you but you couldn't help to grab him and hold him close, his face came right up against your chest and he was even more embarrassed, but he was glad he had a place to hide and bury his face facd into.
"can I uh- uhm... be your.. your boyfriend.."
"yes you can, zuzu."
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AN: this took a while to finish gang
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psychedelic-ink · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤ✦ 𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄
ㅤㅤdieter bravo x f!reader
genre: smut, pwp, minors dni, friends to lovers? kinda
word count: 1.4k
summary: you and dieter get high on gummies.
warnings: edibles (gummies), heavy petting, high talk, for the sake of this fic the gummy shows affect very quickly, oral (fem receiving), nipple play, dirty talk, dieter is a menace, lots of grinding, also when i say pwp I REALLY mean no plot, just friends making out essentially, everything is %100 consensual
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Your eyes widen gradually as you witness Dieter lean closer, his smile boyish as he holds a red gummy between his teeth. 
"Come on," he says, brows curling upwards. "You take half, I take half." 
Your eyes move between the gummy and the gorgeous brown of his eyes. It hadn't been long since you and Dieter started hanging out, not a lot had been shared between you two, other than your love of movies and, surprisingly, tabletop games. 
Staring at his expectant gaze, you burst into a giggle when he wiggles his brows. Finally, with an exasperated exhale, you shake your head and lean closer. 
"Fine, you dork. I don't have work tomorrow anyway." 
"Perfect," he grazes the sugary surface of the gummy against your bottom lip. "Bon Appetit."
You feel the softness of his lips as you bite down into the flesh of the sugary delight. You expect him to move back, for him to immediately chew and swallow, but instead, he lingers, keeping his lips flush against yours as you take half the gummy into your mouth. The sugars dissolve, leaving a bare and imperfect surface. It tastes a bit like strawberry, but it is overwhelmed by the taste of cannabis. 
Wrinkling your nose, you pull away, he laughs. “You’re so dramatic.” 
“Says the Queen of Drama,” you snap back, sticking your tongue. “Also you can’t convince me that this tastes good.” 
“Hey I never said it tasted good, I said it’ll get us high as fuck.” 
“Those were your exact words,” you mutter, leaning back. “So what now? We just wait for the hit?” 
“Pretty much.” Your eyes follow him as he nestles closer, the warmth of his body seeping into your own. A shudder runs up your spine, an involuntary sound escapes your throat. He’s a charmer, that’s for sure. Easy on the eyes. 
He lays a palm over your tight, spreads his fingers. Another shudder. “You like it when I touch you?” 
It’s phrased as a question but, for some reason, you don’t feel like he needs an answer. His thumb begins to draw shallow lines, up and down, over and over. Slick gathers between your legs and without a second thought, you instinctively rub them together. You start to feel it then, the delightful buzz from mother nature. A giggle rises from your throat. 
“This feels really good,” you say, he gently presses his nails down, liquid heat drips from your spine. 
“Which one?” 
You think you don’t understand what he means, but you do. “Both. Both feel good.” 
“Good,” he mutters, his voice dropping. “Come’ere. Let me make you feel even better.” 
He tugs you along until you’re firmly seated on his lap, without a second thought you roll down your hips, feeling the hard line of his cock. Your breath hitches, a tiny moan escaping. Dieter grins as his hands dances along your arms, only stopping to pull you down against his clothed cock. You gasp, a buzzing sensation shooting up your spine. You feel his soft lips on your chin, he nips the skin softly before traveling further down to take a hearty bite from your neck. 
Your hips twitch, your eyes rolling back, “F–Fuck, Dieter—” 
“Feels really good huh?” he licks the salt of your skin, more slick gathers between your legs, your cunt pulsing with need and want. “You’re so sweet—tell me how good I’m making you feel.” 
The words are caught in your throat, your body a live wire as it becomes nothing but melted metal underneath Dieter’s touch, only for him to mold. 
His hands sneak underneath your shirt and with one swift motion, he pulls it off, leaving you in nothing but your bra. You expect him to rip the lace off with the same hunger but instead, he holds the cups and tugs them down, exposing your breasts. He dips down mouth open wide, he sucks a hard nipple into his mouth and moans, his hips sharply thrust up. 
Your eyes flutter closed, he feels too good, every patch of skin tingling. He sucks hard as he rolls his hips over and over, making you feel every inch that you don’t have inside of you. Some part of your heart feels rage for that. You want him. Every inch of him. His fingers begin to play with the other nipple. 
“Tell me what I want to hear baby, or else I’m stopping.” 
“You’re amazing,” you gasp. “I can’t get enough of this…this feeling. Fuck, Dieter—I—I need—” 
His mouth is flush against your ear, you shudder, “I can feel how soaked you are through your sweats, sweetheart. I know exactly what you need.” Momentarily you let out a breath of relief, he would give you what you want, what you need— “Too bad you’re not getting it until I make you come like this first.” 
It’s almost as if someone dropped an icy bucket of water over your head. It clashes with the agonizing warmth he’s making you feel, a cry ripping from your throat, he smiles. 
“W-What? What?” 
“I know this feeling, have experienced it myself,” Dieter grins. “Sit still and enjoy the ride, sweetheart.” 
You choke on a whimper, buckling down against him. Dieter continues his torturous movements, his lips now biting and nipping at your neck while his hands wander down to your soaked sweats. He pulls them down, exposing your throbbing clit to the cool air. Without hesitation, he tightens his fingers around it, his movements hard and fast. 
You can't contain the moans and gasps that escape your lips, your body trembling with pleasure. Dieter's lips move to yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his fingers work you into a frenzy. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the pleasure building up within you. 
Suddenly, he stops, leaving you panting and desperate for release. 
“Please what?” 
“Let me come, please. Please Dieter.” 
Your begging is getting closer and closer to sounding like dying whispers, tiny dots are starting to appear. You’re on the verge of passing out, in ways you’ve never thought someone could pleasure you. Hypnotized by his eyes and his hand movements as he plugs away yet you can’t help but think about how you’re stuck on pause, yet he looks like he could keep on going. 
"Is that all it takes to get you going?" Dieter's voice is low, his lips red and plump from kissing every patch of skin. He looks at you with a sense of satisfaction, like he's accomplished something great. "I can make you come just from touching you like this."
You moan in frustration, unable to form words as you try to push your hips forward, seeking any sort of relief. Dieter laughs, a dark and hungry sound that reverberates through your body. "I told you, baby, you're not getting to the fun part until you come like this first."
"Dieter, please," you whimper, your voice laced with need. 
He simply grins and stands up, taking you with him. He leads you to the bedroom, pushing you down on the bed before crawling over you, his eyes dark with desire.
"I want to taste you," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. 
He lowers himself between your legs, his tongue flicking over your clit and causing you to writhe beneath him. His tongue moves expertly, teasing and flicking until you can't take it anymore. With a loud cry, you come undone, your body shaking with the intensity of your release. 
Dieter keeps lapping up your wetness, making sure to draw out every last drop of pleasure from you. When he finally pulls away, you're left breathless and sated.
As you lay there, panting and trying to catch your breath, Dieter cuddles up next to you, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin. 
"Wow," you say finally, still trying to recover from the intense pleasure he just gave you. "That was...amazing."
"Remind me to get high with you more often," you laugh, finally able to form coherent words.
"Oh, I will definitely be reminding you," Dieter grins, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your back. "But for now, let's just enjoy this high and each other's company."
With a sly smile, you roll on top of him, ready for round two. Dieter's playful smirk mirrors your own as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for another kiss.
You can't help but think that this was just the beginning of a wild, passionate, and exciting journey with Dieter by your side. And you couldn't wait to see where it would take you next.
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chrrychills · 3 months
i loved you like the sun .
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aiden clark « relationship hcs!
•he's so considerate. even if he doesn't show it, he's always checking up on you silently. if there's something wrong, he knows and he makes it his personal mission to make you smile, laugh, or just take your mind off of the situation
•dates are all over the place. most of the time, aiden likes to plan activities. skating, rock climbing, messing around at ungodly hours of the night are all very common dates. other times, though, he's down to stay in.
•lives for sleepovers/movie nights. he loves cuddling up on the couch with some move (it's either garfield or one of the spiderman movies) playing in the background. he has an awful habit of talking during movies, but you can never stay mad at him for long.
•let's you do his makeup/hair. he just likes having you close while you two giggle like schoolgirls at the makeup on his face or the pigtails in his hair. he will leave it on for an embarrassing amount of time, probably until you take it off of him.
•baking dates, but aiden can't bake to save his life. he usually lets you do all the actual baking while he hangs off of you like a koala or tinkers with something on the other side of the kitchen while talking animatedly about some random topic.
•he doesn't admit it, but you stress him out. especially in the phantom realm. if you're as reckless as he is, he's constantly watching over you so you didn't get hurt. if you did? he's losing his mind. internally, of course, but still losing his mind nonetheless. after the ceiling incident, he stays much closer to you.
•your biggest hype man. constantly showering you in compliments, even if you look like you had just dragged yourself through a mile of mud. you'll catch him (shamelessly) staring a lot, too. he just likes to take in your features, memorize the small details that no one notices at first glance.
•likes it when you help him bleach his hair. one, because he doesn't want to do it himself, and two, he gets to spend time with you. if you like to dye your hair, he'd definitely help you, too!
•doesn't like spooning. would rather have you facing him– he likes looking at you. he also moves around a lot in his sleep, so you'll most likely wake up either kicked off the bed or limbs tangled with his.
•drools. it's insane how much of a messy sleeper he is. if he's asleep and you're cuddling, there's a 75% chance he'll drool on you. also a blanket hog. overall– not fun to share a bed with.
•"accidentally" leaving clothes at your house for you to wear. you passingly mention how soft his hoodie is? he's left it on your bed. his reasoning is that he can always buy more; why not let you keep it?
•loves to spoil you. not in the usual way, though. he'll spend his money on trinkets like matching keychains or a stuffed animal that reminded him of you. likes buying you jewelry, too. he thinks it looks pretty.
•is actually so corny. it's embarrassing. will absolutely call you corny nicknames in public just to embarrass you. he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.
•overall a dork who just loves you a lot. 9/10, he gets a point docked for being a gross sleeper.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
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Mostly SFW, but a few lil spicy ones throughout (below the line).
Chews on pens/pencils when she's anxious or deep in thought and it's inexplicably hot.
Has a glass of very nice, very expensive red wine every night.
Fluent in Arabic, French, Spanish, and Italian. Passable in Russian.
Seems quiet and mysterious at first but is actually just a huge dork.
Breaks down crying every time before starting her period and will say, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so emotional today," and you're like... "Babe, don't you start tomorrow?"
Usually a no-strings-attached-sex kind of person, mostly because relationships are hard with her job. You're the exception.
Will fold like a wet napkin for nice chocolate.
Notorious for ghosting lol. Sometimes even used a fake name. A bad habit from her undercover days.
Not subtle at all when coming on to you. Pretty much asked you for a date out of the blue.
Loves that you can talk about the deep, dark stuff, but can also make her laugh like no one else.
If for any reason you wake up in the night–stomachache, nightmare, scary storm–she is up with you. She'll claim she can't sleep either, but really she just wants to hold you and make sure you get back to sleep okay.
Watches you breathe at night. She finds it deeply comforting.
Takes you once a year to her grandfather’s cottage in the French Alps, where she spent a lot of time growing up.
Grew up Catholic. She’s not religious anymore, but sometimes she still likes to listen to old hymns and chants, like they had at the mass she and her mom attended in Italy.
Opens every door for you always. In fact, she’ll be hurt if you don’t let her open the door.
An incredibly good listener. She loves hearing about your day, no matter how mundane it was, because her days are usually filled with the darkest, most horrific things.
Has two tattoos. (1) On her ankle. A word from the Qur’an (لِّتَسۡكُنُوۡۤ) that roughly translates to “that you may find tranquility.” She got it in Italy when she started to realize she liked girls, because girls were the only people in whom she ever found tranquility. (2) On her hip. A small asterisk a la Kurt Vonnegut.
Insanely protective. She will not let anyone touch you, say anything to you, even look at you with nefarious intentions.
Has a little note on her phone where she writes down your favorite things–takeout, flowers, ice cream flavors, the brand of tampons you use–so she'll always remember.
“Call me when you get there.” Has to know where you are at all times. You gave up arguing and just constantly have your phone location shared with her. It’d be suffocating except that, given her job, it makes sense.
Loves that you are so independent. She’s watched too many BAU relationships fall apart because their partner was frustrated with the demanding BAU work schedule. You don’t really mind. Of course, you miss her, but you also really like your alone time, so things balance out nicely.
Puzzle fiend. There’s almost always a puzzle going on the coffee table.
Queen of leaving people on read. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that texts usually fall by the wayside when she’s in the field.
Secretly loves it so much when you brag about her. She’ll act all embarrassed about it, but it means a lot that you’re proud of her.
A hipster in the sense that if something is popular, she automatically decides she doesn’t like it. You make fun of her a lot for this.
Falls in love with you every time she notices one of your little gestures–having a second go-bag packed and ready at all times, doing the laundry, packing little granola bars in her purse because you know she forgets to stop for lunch, returning books to the library for her, etc.
Incredibly stubborn. Thankfully, you are, too, so you’re well-matched. On the downside, sometimes it takes forever to make a decision because neither of you are willing to back down.
Swears like a sailor when she’s not at work.
Kind of quiet with other people, but will talk with you late into the night, until you fall asleep. You love that you get to fall asleep to her voice.
Touches you like you’re made of gold, like you were made to be cherished and held on to.
Cheek/nose/forehead kisses. all. the. time.
Kisses you good morning and good night, every time, no matter when she gets home or when she leaves.
You would never guess it, but she lives for gossip. She doesn’t want to be part of the drama, but she sure as hell wants to know about it.
Drives her wild (in bed and out) that you are 100% hers. It is not in your nature to cheat, you are wholly devoted to your person, and she is over the moon that she’s that person.
Acts like a top, is a top.
Can drink coffee at midnight and be conked out twenty minutes later.
After a particularly hard case, she’ll come home and want to just hold you really tight against her chest, sometimes for an hour or more. You always let her.
Big spoon, always. She likes to feel like she’s keeping you safe.
Favorite food is the sweet potato burrito from Muchas Gracias, but they only have them at lunch and she is never in DC at lunchtime, so sometimes you go buy her one and pack it for her for lunch the next day. It makes her day every time.
Honestly it’s a struggle when you have to get up before her because she has you in a ninja death grip that is almost impossible to get out of.
Her feet are always cold, so she has a huge collection of fuzzy socks.
Movie buff. Has a giant checklist of all the Oscar noms during awards season, and you watch one almost every night she’s home.
Loves to shower with you. You will get clean, but you’ll get fucked first.
A wizard with a wand (iykwim).
She still gets butterflies when you hold hands.
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mysterystarz · 6 months
just keep falling for
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x g!n reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, boatload of an oblivious but perceptive reader, kuroo really doesn’t know how to get the obvious out and reader cannot really tell him they know what he means
notes: rewatching hq and i literally fell in love w everyone again — dedicated to all kuroo fans, not proofread at all
also i haven’t written in so long so my style is all over the place so pls critique me and also my hand slipped
reblogs and opinions are appreciated &lt;3
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kuroo was taking an awfully long time in the locker room.
standing in the gym, you watched as the first years helped with deconstructing the volleyball nets for the day. while you offered your help, they politely declined, suggesting you wait to accompany their captain out to advertise their great work.
normally, kuroo was quick. any jokes that happened inside the locker room were quick to reach your ears, and you knew how much he tried to include you in everything.
you leaned against the wall, watching the clock tick for a whole minute before opting to pace around the gym.
little did you know, kuroo was having a meltdown inside the locker room.
“kuroo!” yaku yelled, brandishing his towel. “you need to get a grip. stop freaking out. you’re supposed to be the composed one!”
“seriously kuroo,” kenma agreed, “why are you acting so surprised. it’s not like this is new news.”
“guys,” kuroo began, raking a finger through his hair, “this messes up everything.”
“is this about y/n?” lev asked, finally entering the locker room. “did kuroo finally do something about that crush?”
“enough!” kuroo sighed, sitting down at one of the benches. in the span of the last ten minutes, kuroo had one of the most dramatic realizations of his life.
he liked you.
you, his best friend and his other half. you, who cheered for him at every game and even lended him cool analogies to use in captains speeches. you, who stole his jacket and ran away from him, leaving him to chase you as far as the two of you could run.
he wasn’t sure what had changed. somehow, you’d entered his head, and with every pump of his heart, you sunk deeper and deeper into his bloodstream.
“did you seriously not know?” yaku asked gently, “because if you ask us, it was obvious from the very start. you hold them in such high regard.”
“i didn’t,” he admitted, turning to meet yaku’s eyes. “i didn’t know and now, i don’t know what to do. we’ve been friends for ages….i don’t even think they see me that way.”
“just tell them kuroo,” kenma said, not looking up from his console. “they like you a lot, they’re not going to say no.”
the team voiced their agreement, and began to file out of the locker room at last.
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“sorry to keep you waiting,” he smiled, meeting your gaze as he walked out of the locker room.
“no problem,” you said, returning a grin of your own. “was there something going on in there?”
“nahhhhh,” he laughed, “someone was just having a meltdown about how to do a proper confession.”
“confession?” you rose a brow, and kuroo silently cursed himself for letting such a specific detail slip.
for a moment, you were stunned. as you walked, you considered all the possibilities.
you knew lev had been racking up quite the fanbase through his games, and you also knew how yaku was starting to branch out a bit more. if kenma had a prospective partner, you would’ve already heard of it by now.
unless…unless it was kuroo having the meltdown.
you pondered this detail as you walked out of the school doors, holding them open for your lanky best friend.
“hey dork,” you began, “who are you planning on confessing to? it was your meltdown, right?”
kuroo felt his heart drop in his chest. curse you and your quick connections.
“what makes you think the meltdown was mine?”
“because i would’ve known about everyone else,” you smiled confidently. “you would’ve told me.”
kuroo simply looked at you, distracted by your smile and the way it lit up your eyes. if only he could put it into words.
you had a way of making him nervous.
“i’d tell you details if you stopped smiling at me like that. too bright — it’s hurting my eyes.” he teased.
what he didn’t expect was for you to laugh and immediately drop your smile, transitioning to a serious face.
“tell me now,” you huffed, “i deserve to know who’s on your mind these days.”
he sighed.
if there was one thing worse than your uncanny ability to read his mind, it was the lack of that ability to tell that you were the only person he ever thought about.
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kuroo got home, resting his bag on the floor of his room and immediately dialing kenma. he picked up in an instant, and kuroo couldn’t help but be thankful for his setter.
“kenma,” he sighed, “this is like one of your games. impossible.”
“let me guess. y/n didn’t catch a hint?”
“they know it’s me” he groaned, “they know i had the meltdown. they know there’s someone in my head. they keep trying to ask me who it is, but i can’t just say ‘it’s you’ can i?”
“being direct is actually a good idea.” kenma suggested, “go retry that level kuroo. maybe you’ll have some luck this time.”
with that, kenma hung up, leaving kuroo frenzied with an emotion that felt a lot like hope.
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sitting and staring out the window, you wondered if now was a good time to acknowledge your growing crush on nekoma’s middle blocker.
he was everything you could ever ask for. thoughtful, sweet, laughably charming, and with a nerdy twist that made him a dork and undeniably your other half.
it didn’t help how handsome he’d become over the years either. he’d gotten taller and taller, his eyes golden and his hair endearingly messy. he was solid from all the days spent practicing, and after every embrace, you were left craving more.
as much as you didn’t want to admit your discomfort, the sensation hovered over you like a fog.
the idea of kuroo having feelings for someone else was bittersweet. you adored him — you really did, and his happiness was yours.
but….you couldn’t help but wish that you could both be happy. that he’d see you the way you’d always seen him.
someone to just keep falling for.
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the next morning, kuroo came to grab you from your house for the daily walk to school. he’d made an effort to make sure his tie was on incorrectly in the hopes that you’d fix it for him.
you greeted him at the door, breaking into a grin upon seeing his disheveled state.
“come inside,” you sighed, dragging him by the hand into the foyer. he stood patiently as you reached for his tie, straightening out the edges and meticulously smoothing out the wrinkles of his shirt.
“it’s almost like we’re married.” he teased, happy at the flustered expression that shot onto your features. “what? cat got your tongue?”
“shut up tetsu.”
“i don’t want to.” he said, looking into your eyes. he hoped that there was something conveyed in the silent space between you. the tenseness was all but palpable.
“oh.” you whispered, cupping his cheek. “so this is your confession? a messy tie and a lot of cheek.”
“of course,” he smirked, “you’re the only person i’d do that for.”
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved, please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics in any way even if credited
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months
Base Yandere Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons: He Will Move Heaven and Hell
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter! This one, the base headcanons, and traits of Yandere Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel! So wish me luck, anyway I hope you enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Lucifer Morningstar From Hazbin Hotel is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and NOT to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it (You know who you are). Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Lucifer Morningstar From Hazbin Hotel- 
.Lucifer has focused it looks like his last seven-ish years on not being a very active king of hell. 
.Focusing on building his ducks and burying his depression. 
.He does not have a LOT of people he sees on a day-to-day basis. 
.Except for you, the person who is on his staff. It is your job to make sure that the king is taken care of. 
.So you were more or less a babysitter and assistant to the king of hell. 
.He was fond of you, okay that was a lie, he is right down smitten and obsessed with you. 
.You are his ray of sunshine in the darkness of hell and he adores you. 
.You have been with him for the last several years since his wife had gone missing. 
.He had a strained relationship with his daughter and often talks to you about her. 
.Telling you all the times he had with her. He just wants you to be part of his and his daughter's life. 
.He of course still loves Lilith, but he has a love for you, where he NEEDS You. 
.He often makes you ducks, he has given you so many duck-related things as gifts. 
.He loves to spoil you, and a lot of time, it is something that is shaped like a duck or is duck themed, or is covered in ducks. 
.He also loves to make your caramel apples as a treat. 
.He will give you the best, because what is better than pure angelic power, especially from the man who so happens to love you the MOST? 
.He does not want to share you and gets extremely guarded and protective of you when he deems a rival is around to threaten his claim to you. 
.He is a lovable dork, and with his yandere side, this makes him also a TOTAL Puppy dog yandere. 
.The slightest biggest love and affection and or attention that you show him he just gobbles up. He is very much "MY DARLING WANTS TO BE WITH ME!!!!! TAKE THAT DEPRESSION" 
.He is also very much a physical touch kind fo romance, as Viv has confirmed. 
.He loves to show his affection to you, with physical touch. 
.Kissing up your arm, holding you in his arms, anything and everything. Even as things as simple as a graze of the hand. 
.He loves to sing for you, writing romantic songs. 
.But man oh man, can he be petty when it comes to rivals. 
.Such as if Alastor were to say you and him were close. 
.Who the fuck did that sinner think he was! 
.He will have a constant dislike for anyone who tries to say they are something with you. 
.He deals with rivals in two main ways. The first way, Being super fucking petty fr fr. 
.Or by legit summoning hellfire which can burn them away and actually kill them.
.He does not play around when he gets to the point. 
And if the person does hurt you, he will use the hell fire on that soul to kill them. 
.He will show no mercy. 
.You are the apple of his eye, his sweet love, a reason for him to stay in hell even if he was allowed back to heaven he would never go back because he adores you. 
.He was once a dreamer, but he had lost those dreams until he found you, you gave him hope and the ability to dream again. 
.To strive to be a better father, a better husband, and a better king. 
.He would share you with Lilith 1000 percent. BUT ONLY LILITH 
.He also will try and introduce you to Charlie as you will one day be her future step-parent. 
.He is very nervous about this that is for sure. 
.When he does confess to you he is beyond nervous and awkward. 
.Because he is worried if it will go right or not. 
.If you accept his feelings he takes you in his arms and flies into the air spinning around and kissing you. 
.If you turn him down he feels his heart shatter, but he will ask if you are two are still good, but he is not giving up. 
.He will try his best to "Mend" things and then slowly court you, so the next time he confesses to you, you say yes. 
.He does this until he gets a yes. 
.He is determined, and also a very protective yandere as well. 
.He will face heaven to keep you by his side, so if somehow you got redeemed he would storm heaven and bring you back. 
.He is not losing you, you belong to him and will be his future spouse, future co-parent, and future co-ruler. 
.He will move heaven and hell for you, that is a fact! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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astralflower-writes · 2 months
you've got mail!!
☾ miya atsumu x female! reader
☾ genre: fluff
☾ warnings: none
☾ check out the haikyuu masterlist here
it's already 2am, and atsumu being him, he’s just lounging by the living room when he heard a ping from his phone.
it’s an e-mail from you.
my dearest volleyball champ,
today marks our 10th year together!! who would have thought that we'll be together this long huh?
i'm kidding!!
hey, do you remember the time when you used to purposely hit the volleyball to me during gym class? and how my best friend would scream at you?
and remember the time when we went on a school trip and we had to row the makeshift boat? yeah, you made us jump into the water because you said we should became one with the boat.
we've made a lot of memories together. i hope you still want to make more with me.
i also hope by this time we've already built our own home and talking about our future together.
i love you, tsumu. i really do. words aren't enough to tell you how much i love you.
now, watch the video attached just because you love me that much. ;)
he clicked on the video. your face was shown on the screen.
it was taken few years ago, both of you just graduated from high school.
you were self-recording. the graduation ceremony just ended.
you were running. running towards him. then in a second atsumu came into the frame, looking at you with the warmest smile spread across his face.
he then greeted you with a kiss on your forehead.
“congratulations to us, baby.” he said as he held you closer. “tsumu wait!” then you let out a giggle. you held out the camera so the both of you were seen better.
“before you say anything, this is for future projects.” you said as you faced the camera again. astumu just laughed at your antics.
“first of all, congratulations! we survived high school!” you said cheering and atsumu joining you. 
“okay, okay” you said leading him near the bleachers by the field. setting the camera down making it look like you two were being interviewed. holding out your to his face making it your ‘microphone’.
“now, mister miya atsumu. what are you’re plans after high school?” you said. him acting like he was deeply thinking. “you look like a dork, tsumu.”
“your handsome dork.” he replied. “to answer your question, i plan to pursue volleyball.”
“oh that’s nice, ba- WHAT!? YOU GOT ACCEPTED!?!!” he then went to give you the warmest hug and swung you around the field. the camera forgotten.
“and i’ll be your number one fan.” you said brightly. 
“what about you?” he said as he pulled you closer, both of you forgetting about the recording camera. “i actually got accepted to med school.” you said casually.
“hurry!! let’s open the door!” you said excitedly behind the camera. “you’re excited huh.” atsumu said with a smirk plastered on his face. the both of you were walking now on your shared apartment.
“it’s practically empty now, but we'll fill up this home in no time. right, baby?” atsumu looked at you after circling in the very spacious living room. “it’s perfect, love. we’re going to build this home together.” he then walked towards you taking the camera away from you and setting it by the box beside the both of you. he enveloped you in a warm hug. the camera forgotten again.
it was the day of your first day as a resident at the local hospital.
atsumu took you out since he said you've taken a hug step towards your dream. the video showed both of you eating and strolling the streets. you had perfectly captured atsumu walking infront of you looking for his brother's restaurant.
"god. i really love you tsumu."
now it looks like it's the last clip.
your face was shown in the frame. you were sitting on your shared bed back home. you were looking at something with a big smile on your face.
"hey remember the time you said we'd have a whole team of babies?" you asked while chuckling.
"well, it's going to happen soon." after you said, you showed your ultrasound.
"i get to see this little one today!" you said tears forming in your eyes. you then showed a video you filmed of the heart beart.
atsumu cannot describe his feeling of joy and contentment. he hurriedly made his way from the living room to the bedroom.
he made himself comfortable and hugged your belly.
“hey there” you said still half asleep.
burying his face on your shoulders “can i see our baby, y/n?”
turning to face him, you reached for the drawer of the bedside table and handed him a copy of the sonogram.
“i’m going to be a dad”
“I’M GOING TO BE DAD!” he happily shouted then proceeded to pamper you with kisses.
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meanbossart · 10 months
do you have any thoughts on cazador as a character? personally i really loved the parallels between him and astarion & the way that the master/spawn relationship is used as an allegory for cyclical abuse. the scene with cazador’s master’s skull where you find out that he was once victimized in the exact same way that he later victimized astarion was really a lightbulb moment for me re: what vampirism represents in this game.
BOY DO I, i don't think much of it hasn't already been said, though. He's a tragic character in his own right of course, not that that takes away from the awful man he is.
Me and my boyfriend make fun of him a lot, we call him "the best BG3 character" as a little inside joke between us and come up with ridiculous scenarios of things that might have occurred throughout those 200 miserable years the spawn had under his command lol. Maybe he had a month where he was really specific about the shoes everyone wore, maybe once every other decade he had a weird week where he tried to be "nice" only to become frustrated when his efforts weren't immediately met in kind by the rightfully-terrified spawn, maybe between all the torture and horrific-ness he just did some plain weird shit like making someone crouch by in his fainting couch and wait by open-handed for grapes that he dramatically chewed on and then spat right out since he can't actually eat them lmao
And that's hysterical but I think we also started doing that because when you meet Cazador, when you first hear his voice and see his demeanor in person your immediate reaction is probably somewhere along the lines of "THIS is the clown you were so scared of, Astarion?"
And the answer is, of course, yes. This embarrassing little man stuck in a cage of his making instills fear beyond comprehension in Astarion and all his siblings. This man who undoubtedly showed all these spawn, inadvertently, the strangest, most arguably "human" aspects of himself at some point or another during these two centuries they had together is also an absolute monster. And i really like that! I think its far more effective and fitting for his story than if he was, lets say, a Ketheric type.
(this got very long so, more under the cut)
Look at Ascended Astarion in the epilogue now, for example. Everyone agrees that he's an absolute fucking dork - and I think we all also agree that he will go on to destroy the lives of many people beyond repair, especially his own, until the day he is killed.
In the topic of vampirism as an allegory for abuse, I both agree and also don't, at least not exactly - i just think it's deeper than that. I've spoken about this in another post but i find it incredibly refreshing how, to me, it seems like Baldur's Gate 3 has no interest in painting vampirism as sexy or fun past a surface level. It's a curse that nobody asks for unless put in a situation where they feel as if they have no other way out, and it shapes and haunts you for the rest of your undead existence.
Even if you enjoy its benefits at first, that has a time limit. You will see your family and loved ones die, you will see culture evolve while you stay perpetually the same. You will experience so much hurt and pain because the only thing that makes life truly sweet is knowing that it is finite, and eventually it will wear down all of your humanity. And since you can't die unless you are scorched by the sun, staked, or dismembered, you must live with the knowledge that you will never have a peaceful death - and since you won't have a peaceful death, you better not die - and if you don't want to die, you better not be weak - and if you don't want to be weak, you must seek out power at all cost and slash things like love and friendship out of your life.
And what is funny, is that in his attempt to be more like a mortal - to eat, drink, walk the sun, such incredibly simple desires - Cazador (and Astarion, if he ascends) is accidentally only drawing further away from the person he supposedly once was, because that fear of weakness has already utterly corrupted his soul.
That's quite a grim way to look at it, of course. But I genuinely think that it is the natural conclusion of something like immortality.
That's why I quite like that, even after Astarion has found happiness, even after he finds his peace, he still doesn't exactly embrace being a vampire - because It's not something he should be expected to embrace. I think it's a very unique take on the trope.
I also want to leave here this message written by his character writer, which really got me thinking about him on a deeper level since i saw it months ago. It is specifically about the sexual aspect, but I think it branches beyond it too, when you think about it.
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alexiabae · 1 year
SAME; leah williamson x fem!reader
Summary: in which y/n wants to hide her relationship so as not to put much pressure on leah.
Warnings: fluff, confusion, reader is twin sister of florence pugh.
Note: English is not my first language.
N/A: Hello! I know that I don't talk so much here, but I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read what I write. It's been a while since I updated something, but I don't have time. So, I will update when I can. I'll let you all with this one shot, I'm not satisfied with it, but something is something, I guess. Enjoy the WWC.😊
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not my gif.
"Then, I'll see you tonight?" Asked her sister from the other line. A hopeful tone accompanied her question.
Y/N gulp, feeling already bad. She can't. She promised someone else that this time she can go to this event.
"I can't... I'm so sorry, Flo. I know I haven't seen you for two months but, I promise someone that I will go to this thing. I'm always postponing it and tonight I have the free night. I'm really sorry." Y/N said fast and sad. She really misses her twin sister.
A silence was the answer for Y/N, or that it was she thought.
"I understand, silly. Of course I want to see you, but I'm here for two weeks, sooooo... I hope that we can see each other." Flo said. Her tone of voice sounds reassuring, but she knows her sister and knows that she is sad, maybe disappointed.
"Of course, Flossie! I missed you. See you very soon." Y/N promised, already planning in her mind that this time, she will be the one to surprise.
"Alright then! Have fun tonight and be careful. Love you a lot." Flo wished.
Y/N let out an involuntary smile; "Thanks, bug. If you go home, give our parents a lot of love. Love more, chef." She heard how her sister chuckled for the nickname that Y/N put her.
Then, they said a few more words and hung up.
Y/N sighed and walked towards her wardrobe, choosing something comfortable and informal for that night.
While she tried to distract herself until that night, someone had another plan.
My gunner♥️
Hi baby! I'm just talking to you now to confirm that you will come tonight.
If you can't, it's alright. I understand.
I miss you🥲
She chuckled to herself for Leah's antics. And soon come to her mind how assertive this text is right now. It's like if her girlfriend is intuitive that something could change the plan.
My distraction🤍
Hello beautiful captain.
Stop worrying, okay?
I can go and apart I promise you that I will come to this game and plus if it special for you because it's a final.
I miss you too, dramatic😘
My gunner♥️
I can't avoid it💁🏼‍♀️
I just wanted to know, that's all. I can't wait to see you, even if I saw you last week, it's too long for me🥹
Talk with my mother or brother when you're there, they have the reservation for you.
Love you, baby girl.
(also, I love when you call me captain, pls never stop)
Y/N loves Leah's personality. From the first moment that the blonde approached her in a club two years ago, Leah can be a dork during the major part, but she can be serious if the situation requires.
She typed reassuring words and promised that she will be there and supporting her whatever the results would be.
The Oxford girl gets out of her car, feeling nervous. She supposed that it's a normal thing at this point, but no. Maybe there are a few reasons behind her nervousness, and she needs to put it aside and enjoy this night for her, because it's been a long time since Y/N has free time, and for Leah.
When she unblocked her phone, she saw Leah's mother, Amanda, text her. The woman told her that they are already there and she will wait for her. Y/N typed that she is there now and accelerates her steps towards the starting full crow.
She tried to pass unnoticed, so her clothes weren't too flashy. She didn't put on the new England shirt that Leah gave her, it hurts, but they both agree from the start that they will try to maintain their relationship in secret, only the near people would know it. Or almost.
"Hey, sweetie! Over here." Amanda's voice interrupted her train of thought. The woman, who has an arm raised to call her attention, wave her hand in the process too. "Nice to see you again, darling. It's been a long time since the last time we saw you. How are you?" Amanda asked her once she approached her and immediately engulfed her in a bug hug.
"Hello, Amanda. Nice to see you too! I'm good, what about you? I can't wait to have another family party like the other time." Y/N answered, receiving the hug with open arms, not knowing how much she needed that.
Amanda chuckled, separating a little from her, putting both hands on her shoulders.
"I'm fine too. Excited to see what happens tonight. About the family party we will have one soon, if you want to come you know that you will be welcome." Y/N smiled gratefully and soon Amanda led the way towards the VIP area, where most of the player's family is sitting there.
"Ohhh, my favourite sister is here!" Jacob's words made Y/N laugh, accepting the hug that the tall man wanted to give her.
"I still don't know what that means. But I like it." Y/N said honestly, giving Leah's dad another hug.
"Some day I will explain it to you, young lady." Jacob said in a wise tone.
"I'm two years older than you, Jake." Y/N pointed out laughing at his antics.
The Williamson boy shrugged and gave her an innocent smile. "They warmed up a few minutes ago." He informed her, looking briefly at the pitch. "She can't stop looking over here. It was a little annoying, actually. Or desperate, depending on how you look at it." He looked at her again and moved his eyebrows.
"Shut up, Jacob. Let your sisters alone." Amanda intervened, giving her son a warning look.
Y/N blushed a little for Amanda's reference towards her. It warmed her inside knowing that they truly cared about her.
Jacob and Y/N started to talk about trivial things in the meantime. Soon, the public started to clap, earning their attention. Both national teams started to approach in the pitch, England Vs. Brazil.
Y/N painted immediately a big smile when she saw Leah lead the way for her teammates. She saw Leah's concentrated face, showing her jaw clenched, something that Y/N secretively liked.
Once both teams put themselves in horizontal, the blonde eyes focus on the public, searching between the people until she finds her person. Leah bites a smile, preventing it from biting her lower lip.
"She saw you..." Jacob sang by her side, making Y/N roll her eyes with a smile.
"Jacob." Another warning from Amanda made the boy look away, sighing.
Y/N imitates Leah's action, biting her lower lip too.
She wanted to throw a kiss, but she stayed immobile on her spot and sang the anthem when it sounded.
It's 30 minutes from the start and Y/N couldn't be more nervous. She and Jacob commented on the plays and mistakes from both teams, even if Y/N doesn't know too much about the sport.
She saw how Leah was giving everything from the start, showing to the world that she is in the same form as last summer and that a bad day could have everybody. Y/N loves how Leah shut up mouths in the pitch, how her answer is more powerful that some bitten words.
During the half time, Amanda offered to go grab some snacks for them, dragging with her Jacob even when Y/N offered herself help her, Y/N chose to grab her phone and see some messages. To her surprise, her brother texted her a few times.
It's my little sister enjoying football when she spends her whole life hating it?
Don't worry, you secret it safe with me ;)
Buuuuut... Meet me after it finishes okay?
Y/N blinked a few times, pressing the photo that her brother sent her.
It was him smiling like an idiot and behind him was the players, clearly he took the photo in the first half. But there was another photo, it was her looking distracted the match, with a lot of zoom.
The Oxford girl blushed for the second time that night. She looked immediately to where her brother was supposed to be, but she saw a lot of people blocking where he is.
"We're here! Take your coke and popcorn." Jacob offered her.
"Thanks." Y/N thanked him and came back to look where she was looking. When she didn't find him, decided to type him to let know that will wait him.
The rest of them match, Y/N get more relaxed but still was alert. And it didn't help that it went to the penalties, for her luck England won the first Finalissima. She saw proudly how Leah raised the trophy in the air, earning the ovation from the public. Her family was over the moon, Amanda even got emotional.
Leah after celebrating with her teammates a little, before the big party, she, like others, went to the family section. Her eyes inevitably are focusing on Y/N, where she was sitting next to her brother, chatting animatedly.
"Sweetie, I think Leah wants to see you." Amanda put her hand in Y/N knee to call her attention.
Y/N looks to where Leah is standing, in effect she is waiting for her or them to approach her.
She raised from her seat and frowned when notice that the other three stayed behind.
"Don't come with me?" She asked confused.
"We will give some alone time." Jacob explained, wriggling his eyebrows.
"Thank you, young gentleman." Y/N teased him a little, walking to where Leah is waiting with other players.
"Hey you." Leah said greet her in a deep and raspy voice. Her hands in the barrier, balancing herself softly.
"Hi captain." Y/N whispered once she was in front of her. She saw how Leah's eyes darkened and her jaw clenched, her cheeks colouring red. She chuckled lowly.
They maintain the distance, knowing very well where they are. For Leah it's hard not to jump the barrier and hug while kissing her.
"Hello, Y/N. Nice to see you." Keira interrupted the battle's eyes that Leah and her were maintaining.
"Hi, Keira. Nice to see you too. And congratulations by the way." Both leaned into each other to hug.
"I can't believe you hugged her first." Leah said with her eyes into them both.
Keira and Y/N snorted, knowing very well her behaviour.
"It's not my fault that I'm better than you." Keira teased her friend and ran away before Leah chased her, knowing too that if her girlfriend is involved, she can go easily.
Leah watched how her friend ran giggling like a child where Georgia is standing.
"Do you want a hug?" Y/N called her attention. Leah turned to look at her and nodded smiling shyly, making her girlfriend laugh. "You are a baby sometimes."
Leah grunted on her neck, passing her arms around Y/N's waist and relaxed when the other involved her arms around her neck.
"Congrats my love. You played amazingly." Y/N whispered on her hair, knowing that the blonde listened to her.
The gunner blushed, for her luck, her face was hiding on her neck and no one could see it.
"Thank you, baby." Leah gives her a sutil kiss on her neck and separates from her, leaving her arms on the barrier but looking at her with appreciation.
"Okay. I'll let you talk with your family. I'm going to see someone that I know is here." Y/N explained, Leah gives her a questioning look. "Later I will explain to you." She clarified.
Leah nods slowly and watches how step up towards she was before.
"Where are you?" Y/N called his brother when she walked where he was supposed to be and didn't find him.
"Wait over there. I'm not too far away." Toby said, hanging up.
Y/N sighed while watching her phone seriously. It does not pass too much time when she feels someone lift her up.
"How is my little sister?" Toby's voice relaxed her.
"Put me down, you idiot." Y/N command.
His brother does what she told him and once she is on the floor, she turns to look at him, seeing a silly smirk painted on her lips.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asks curious, hugging him by his shoulders.
"I can ask the same. But answering yours... I'm here with a friend, Dave. What about you." He hugged her too, separating later to look at her.
Y/N bites her lower lip. "I'm here because... A friend invited me." Y/N said, not lying after all.
Toby raised an eyebrow.
"And for casualty your friend it's not a player?" He inquired.
"Maybe..." Y/N said, trailing off.
"Okay." He simply says, smiling and hugging her sister.
Y/N knew him and right now felt very grateful for having an understanding brother, so she hugged him back.
"I thought you were with Flo." Y/N states.
"Yeah... But I have plans too. I feel bad, just like you. But I promise her that I will see her tomorrow. We will go to Oxford. Are you coming with us?" Toby explained, separating once again from the hug.
"Yeah. But I want to give her a surprise, so I will go on my own." She explained what she wanted to do.
Toby smiled. "Alright. I'll keep your secret." Tobey kisses her cheek a few times and promises him that she will be okay, they part ways, Y/N coming back where she was.
"You look serious... Are you okay?" Leah whispered on Y/N's lips, hugging her by her waist.
Y/N nods, intertwined her hands on Leah's neck.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm fine." She kissed her lips repeatedly, enjoying how Leah left a whimper when she stopped.
They both are outside of the changing room, hiding in a secluded area. Y/N was learning her back on the wall while Leah was in front of her. The party inside of the changing room can be heard while the girls are chatting, screaming or chanting.
The blonde, who is a little taller than her girlfriend, directed her lips to her forehead and remained there for a few long seconds. She knew that Y/N was lying but stayed quiet, not wanting to press.
"Okay, something happened." Y/N said lowly. She hugged her more, hiding her head between her chest and neck, quitting off her arms around her neck to replace them on her waist.
Leah hummed, indicating she is paying attention.
"The person that I saw before was Toby." She started. Leah knew who Toby was, never met him but knew who he was. "He was here with a friend. But it's for another reason that I feel bad..."
"What is it?" Leah asks kindly, passing her right hand on Y/N's back, up and down while she occasionally lets a kiss on her head.
"It's my sister. She is in town, she called before. I told her that I can't meet her tonight and neither Toby, I hope she is with some friends right now..." Y/N explained still in the same tone of voice.
Leah smiles sadly. "I told you before that it was okay if you can't come tonight." She said, imitating her tone.
"I know. And just for that I didn't tell you. It's been a long time since you've been begging me to come to a game and when I can come, my sister that I barely see calls to meet me..." Y/N trailed off, letting out a big sigh. She started how her eyes were watering, the stress showing up.
"Shhh... I could understand the reason, baby. And I'm sure your sister isn't mad at you. She understands too that you have a life apart from her." Leah tried her best to cheer her up, feeling a little bad herself that the two couldn't meet but she covered it quickly, not wanting that Y/N notice it and felt worse.
The first tears started to fall, and quickly Y/N brought her hand to wipe it fast, feeling a fool. Leah noticed it and separating a little, she brought both hands in Y/N face and wiped her tears with her thumbs.
"You still can see her. How many is she staying this time?" The defender asks, trying to find a solution.
Y/N thought for a moment, focusing her eyes on Leah's. "She told me that she will be staying for two weeks."
"See. You can call her and tell her that you will meet her tomorrow." Leah proposed, leaning her head aside.
"I thought that I could surprise her by going to Oxford. It's been a while since I've seen my parents, Bella and Raffie too, and she travels over there tomorrow with my brother." Y/N looks closely at Leah's reaction at her idea.
For her relief, the blonde let out a toothy smile; "I think it is a fantastic idea." She reassured her to add quickly. "Wait, I love the idea of you spending time with your family... But I'm going to miss you a lot, what am I supposed to do?" Soon her toothy smile was replaced by a pout.
Y/N bites her lower lip, not hiding the smile creeping on her lips. "You can meet Alex, your family, your Arsenal teammates..." She countered, raising her hand up and showing a new finger every time she said a name.
Leah rolled her eyes, bringing down her hand and intertwining it with hers.
"I'll give you two days." Leah shut Y/N's protest with a kiss.
"Do you have everything?" The blonde asked in the entry of Y/N's room, leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossing about her chest, looking carefully at how the other girl put on her shoes.
Y/N raised her head to look at her and smiling she nodded, standing up once she put on her shoes and going to where Leah is. She wrapped her arms in Leah's midsection and gave her an eskimo kiss making the other chuckle but still in the same position.
"Finally I put out that long face." Y/N teased.
The defender rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She muttered, now hugging her by her waist, locking her hands there.
Leah stayed that night after celebrating with her teammates, opting to go a little before and pass time with her girlfriend before she goes to Oxford.
"Are you staying in your apartment or with your mum?" Y/N asked, raising her right hand to Leah's neck and playing with her baby hairs.
Leah's muscles relaxed immediately. "With my mum. Maybe tonight I will pass the night with Alex. I'll let you know." She answered groggily, her voice raspy and a little broken from the previous night.
Y/N knew that Leah doesn't like to be alone if she feels sad, so hearing that she will be accompanied these days, made her happy.
Looking at the clock briefly, she said; "I need to go..." Y/N whispered, biting her lip.
The blonde let her head on her left shoulder, letting out a defeated sigh. "A little more, please." She said, closing her eyes.
"I hate to say it but if I stay, I will lose the train." Y/N said, sighing softly.
Leah grunted.
"Alright, you're free to go." Leah huffed, coming back to the last position, looking at her.
Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Baby... Don't be mad please." She begged, kissing Leah's cheek repeatedly.
"Sorry..." The blonde muttered, feeling bad already.
"I'll let you know when I arrive at the station and Oxford." Y/N downplayed it and let her know, going to grab her suitcase.
"Okay. Be careful and enjoy your time with them. Anything you need, call me. No matter the time. I love you." Leah said honestly, grabbing her face and giving her a long kiss.
"Same here. Love you too." Y/N reciprocated the kiss and with another trail of kisses, she left her apartment.
The way to Oxford consisted of talking with her father to go for her and saying that he can't say anything to anyone, less to Flo.
Send text messages to her boss to thank them for giving her some free days.
And promising Leah that when she comes back, she would do anything that the blonde wants to do.
For her luck, the trip wasn't too long and soon was there, receiving a call from her father telling her that he was already there, waiting for her.
"There you are!" Y/N's father greeted her when he saw his daughter, smiling from ear to ear when saw her.
"Hey, dad! I missed you." The girl said, letting her father engulf her in a big hug.
"Me too. It's not the same now the house without you all." He said, separating from the hug, grabbing her suitcase and passing an arm around her shoulder, side hugging her while they started to walk towards his car.
"Well, Raffie still lives with you two." Y/N point out.
"Yeah, yeah. But still, the scream for little things is something that we miss. Never thought I said that." He admitted, laughing briefly.
Y/N smiled nostalgic.
"I guess you have some days with that thing. Enjoy it." Y/N said, chuckling when her father made a grimace.
Once they were in the car, Y/N sent a text at Leah, letting her know that she is in Oxford and with her dad.
"How's the bar going?" Y/N asked him, putting down her phone.
"The same. I'm doing some research to find new waiters or waitresses. Are you interested?" He asked hopefully.
Y/N laugh. "Nice try, dad. But I'm good in London."
They chatted a little more and soon they arrived. He parked the car in front of the garage, the snowy pavement gave her a welcome. She missed her days here, the snowy days where she and her siblings would be outside all day until some of parents called them to get inside.
She noticed the ambiance from outside. Like the old days, the house looked the same as the familiar presence.
"Let's go, kiddo. It's freezing outside." Her father urged her.
"I guess the old habits never change." Y/N teased her father, who never liked the cold.
Before her father opened the door, he stopped and turned to look at her.
"Do you want to enter first?" He questioned, his hand on the knob.
"I prefer to go behind you. Give them the full surprise." She informed, hugging herself from the cold.
"Alright." He said and by opening the front door, he walked inside. When she entered inside was met by loud chatting and laughing. It warmed Y/N's heart to hear them this happy.
"I'm here!" Her father said loudly, letting them know. He quit his jacket and put it on the coat stand.
"Finally! Where are you?" Her mother said from the dining room, where probably all of them was there.
"Doing some errands." He informed quickly, walking once that Y/N quit off her jacket.
"What errands?" She asked again.
They approached the dining room and Y/N put herself on her father's back, trying no one to see her.
"Something that you will like." He said confidently.
Her mother snorted.
"What is it dad?" Raffie asked curious, sitting on the floor.
"I think I know what it is." Toby sang, smirking triumphant. All of them look at him, curious and confused. His father wink at him.
"Of course. Little Toby knows what it is." Florence teases him.
Y/N put herself nervous when she heard her twin sister's voice. It's been a long time since she didn't see her.
And then, she decided it was time for her.
"It can't be a reunion familiar if there was missing one person." Y/N said coming out from her spot. She saw how all of them let out exclamative expressions.
The first person to go towards her was Flo, who ran and threw herself in Y/N's arms, squealing. Raffie threw herself towards them too, hugging both of them.
"Oh my god! Are you kidding me?" Flo separates from her a moment to look at her face and once again hug her sister.
"I can't breathe." Y/N said in a muffled voice. She was soon released from Flo's grip, Raffie remaining an arm around her sister.
Y/N felt relieved when the air hit her lungs again. She saw how Bella and her mom walked towards her with big smiles.
"My baby." Her mom said affectionately, bringing her face between her hands and kissing her cheek repeatedly.
"Hey! What about us?" Raffie said indignant, quitting off her arm while crossing her arms.
"Yeah, mum. I'm your baby too!" Florence whined, throwing herself between the hugs.
"Where is my niece?" Y/N asked Arabella, wanting to change the subject quickly because she knew what would happen.
Bella pointed with a finger at a spot where a buggy is. She walked slowly there and saw a little form sleeping peacefully. In the midway over there, she embraced her older sister.
"She would meet the whole family this time." Bella whispered while looking at her baby.
Someone hugged Y/N from behind and lifted her up.
"I swear to god if you don't stop doing that, I will kick your ass." Y/N threatens her brother, knowing that Toby is doing that.
Toby chuckled like a child but put her down.
"I can't resist it. You're easy to piss." He said, copying Raffie's gesture and leaving his arm around her shoulders.
The rest of the day was passing while they were all caught about their lives. At some point, Y/N was feeling sad. They all seemed to be happy while sharing their happy memories and Y/N has happy memories that not involved her girlfriend, but less because she is in the major part of it.
So, she excused herself and went to the kitchen, sitting in the chair that accompanied the small table there. She puts her elbows on the table, playing with the long sleeves fluffy beige jersey that she is wearing and lets her rest her head, closing her eyes.
"Your siblings are going to go outside, they asked me to tell you. They're waiting for you." Her mother interrupted in the kitchen. Her voice was kind, maybe she noticed that Y/N wasn't feeling good. "You're here for about ten minutes, honey. Everything okay?" She approached her slowly, taking the seat next to her.
"No." Y/N was tired of lying about how she emotionally is feeling. Her voice sounded weak, almost indicating that soon she would cry.
"What happened?" Her mother asked, concerned. She brought a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
"I'm tired, mum." Y/N said, bringing her red eyes to look at her mother, biting her lower lip with force to prevent the first sobs.
"About what?" She asked a little scared, after all, is not always when you saw one of your children in this state.
"About everything." Y/N started, letting the first tears come out, this time she doesn't wipe them. Then, she threw herself between her mother's arms, who caught her and hugged her protectively, caressing with a hand her head, brushing with her fingers Y/N's hair. "I want to be normal. I don't want the attention. I want to h-hold my girlfriend's hand without s-someone pointing at it. That you all s-spend time with her." She ranted, letting out how she is feeling, without realising that she admitted being with someone.
"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know that you were feeling pressured." She said, feeling sad about finding it while her daughter can't hold it anymore. She also wanted to ask about this girl, feeling that it is a delicate subject right now. "Since when are you feeling this way?"
"Since Flo started to get more attention. It's not always, but there are days where I can't with it and I hate being her sister. I guess I'm lucky that I don't look a lot physically like her, so it would be worse." Y/N let her angrier thoughts out, blaming her sister for something that she can't control, even if Y/N knew that.
Her mother let sink it, processing what she said and searching for the right words. "You should talk about this with us sooner, sweetie. We can't help if you don't say anything. And just to clarify and I know you knew it but I need to tell it. Your sister doesn't have the same fault that people wanted to know all about her in every moment. This is the consequence for doing what she most loves. So, please, go to therapy, talk with us, more importantly, talk with your sister... Talk with someone, you don't need to carry it on while you feel and shut up about it." Her mother tried to say it with the most caring and love she felt for her daughter, holding her own tears.
"Y/N, let's go! We want to go to gr-... What happens?" Raffie's cheerful voice comes to a change when saw the situation. She freezes on the entry, looking static how her sister tries to hide her sobs, failing.
"It's nothing, Raffie. Go with your siblings, your sister will accompany you all later." Their mother said firm, not letting her ask more questions.
"But mom..." Raffie started to say but shut up when saw her teary but firm eyes from her mother. She walked towards them and kissed Y/N's head, just like she did on a few occasions in the past with her, she walked outside again.
To Raffie's gesture, Y/N gets more emotional.
They are like that for a good amount of time, until Y/N stops crying and gets more relaxed. Her mother decided to make hot chocolate, knowing that it could bring some happiness into Y/N's body, since it is her favourite.
"Can I ask you something?" Her mother said, searching for the milk.
Y/N bites her lower lip, sensing what it is.
"Yes, of course." She said in a raspy voice, clearing her throat later.
"How many are you with this girlfriend?" She asked in a protective tone, earning a snort from Y/N.
"Mum, please. I'm 27 years old." She said, smirking when her mother gave her an offended look.
"I don't care. You are my baby. Wait until your father finds out." Her mother said, turning on to prepare the hot chocolate.
Y/N chuckles. She can feel her eyes heavy, but right now she doesn't care.
"About seven months." She admitted, counting it on her head while looking at the ceiling, confirming it nodding with her head to herself
"Excuse me?!" Her mother turned on to look at her scandalised. Y/N blushed. "That's a lot."
"I know... Sorry." She apologized.
"I want to know everything about this girl." Her mother said while putting the hot cup with chocolate in front of her, taking the same seat next to her.
"Where are you all?" Y/N asked Raffie once she answered her call.
"We are in Nana house. Later we will go to the supermarket. Are you coming?" Raffie informed, changing her tone when she asked, choosing for one of worry and hope.
"I'm on my way. Dad gave me his car keys, so in about ten minutes I'm over there." Y/N explained, getting in the car.
"Okay. Nana said be careful and can't wait to see you." Y/N at this, hearing how their nana was speaking from behind.
They hung up and Y/N started the car, putting direction towards Nana's house. The sun was hiding fastly while she drove, making the snow place more cold without it.
After spending an hour in her Nana's house, where she can't stop smiling about her grandmother's behaviour, they all decided to go to the supermarket before it closed.
"Mum, we are here!" Toby shouted out, earning a bad look from their older sister, who stayed there to take care of her newborn. "Sorry, I forget." He gave her an apologetic smile while walking fast to the kitchen to let her bags there.
"Hey, Flo. Do you want to cook with me?" Y/N asked her sister, who walked behind her. She looked at her and saw how Flo's smile was on display.
"Of course. We need to feed these children." She said excitedly, running to prepare the things.
Y/N chuckled to her antics.
"I'm not a child." Raffie complained, entering the kitchen. Florence and Y/N look at each other, smiling knowingly.
"It would only say someone who is a child." Toby said, running outside when Raffie tried to chase him, the mentioned running behind.
"These two..." Flo giggled.
They decided to make a light and not complicated dinner. They put on some low music and cooked to the tune, the silence between them making Y/N think about her problems. Choosing to share it with her, she cleared her throat.
"Flo?" She called her. Her sister hummed, letting her know that she is listening.
"I need to tell you something." Y/N said nervously, mixing the right ingredients together, removing it with a spoon.
"I'm listening." She said kindly. Y/N can feel her eyes on her back, but she decided to stay in that position, knowing if she turned, she could say anything.
"Yesterday, when you called, I told you that I had plans. Well, it's true. But this plan wasn't any plans. I can't meet you because I told my girlfriend that I would go to her game. You know? I didn't tell you before because I didn't want anyone to find out. Even my family. I wanted to be selfish and keep it to myself. I hated you because for your fault, or that was a thought, I needed to blame someone and it was you, because I'm Florence Pugh's sister. And then, I fell in love with a professional footballer that day by day, she is earning more attention. I know it's not your fault, or Leah's. But I guess for me, you were the villain and not the noisy people who wanted to know everything about the famous person's relatives." Y/N finished said. To her surprise, the nervousness got away during her explanation.
She felt how Flo wrapped her arms around her waist from behind. "Now I have a reason for why you can't do anything with me in the past. When I called you and you told me that you can't, that you have a lot of work to do. Or when we meet but you hold yourself. I know in some part of me, that I made something to you, something bad. I'm thankful that you share it with me now." Florence said, her voice full of emotion. This time Y/N turned on her arms and hugged her.
"I'm sorry, Flossie. You don't do anything bad. It's me. You know I'm special in the emotional department." The last comment made her sister laugh.
"Talk to me about Leah." Florence said kindly, seeing Y/N's face illuminated at the mention of Leah.
"Well. I met Leah about a year ago. We got together to the end from last summer. She approached me in a club, at first I didn't pay her much attention, thinking maybe recognized me and wanted to meet you instead. But she is stubborn, you know? About the third month of knowing each other, I told her who you are. And to my surprise she told who she is. I didn't know who she actually was. From the start of our relationship we agreed to keep it private, not passing much time together on full streets or if I'm going to a match not hugging her too much time... To the point where I don't let her meet you all." Y/N said, looking with a dreamy look on her eyes the almost ready dinner. Florence finished her part and was standing beside her, looking at her closely. "I met her family. And I'll go to some of their barbecues or parties. At some point I zoned out and I imagine how it could be with Leah with you all..." Y/N trailed off, grabbing the plates.
"Is the dinner ready?" Toby entered the kitchen touching his tummy. "I'm hungry."
Flo stayed silent looking at her sister, processing everything she told her. Toby noticed it and looked at them confused.
"Take the cutlery, teletubbie." Y/N said calmly, turning around to see him. She saw how he rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.
Before he exits from the kitchen, turns around again and looks at Y/N; "Your phone didn't stop to sound." Then, he got out.
Y/N frowns, walking behind him taking other things that they will need for dinner. She took off the charger and unblocked it, finding a lot of messages from Leah.
The blonde sent her a photo of her and Alex, making Y/N smiled like a fool reading the texts Leah sent her.
Florence came out from the kitchen to the dining room and noticed how the smile was bigger each second. She took a note mentally to do a thing and hoped that her sister doesn't get mad at her.
Leah turned on her bed once again, letting out a tired sigh. She hates that she is tired but can't sleep.
And it didn't help that incoming notification sound at this time. Leah turned in the darkness and looked for her phone. It's weird. She saw it was from an unknown number.
It was 02:07 a.m. making it more weird. Who was texting her at this hour?
She unblocked her phone and pressed on the chat, starting to read the long text.
Hello! I'm Florence, Y/N's twin sister. Sorry for the hour but I was thinking about it since I spoke with my sister. She told me about you and I can't wait to meet you. I know you are a professional footballer and I understand if you can't come anytime soon, but if you can come to Oxford tomorrow and give Y/N a surprise, I will always be grateful to you. Let me know if you can come :)
Goodnight xx.
Leah can't avoid smiling at this. She re-read it, and typing something quickly, she let herself sleep immediately.
When Y/N woke up the next day, she was surprised to not find her sister sleeping there. Usually when Flo has free time for herself, she oversleeps, but this time, she was up.
She gets ready quickly and after going to the bathroom, -she hears quiet voices directed from the kitchen, but she doesn't pay much attention- Y/N walked slowly towards there while reading some texts from some friends and Leah.
"Good morning." Y/N greeted without looking up, going to the fridge still with her phone in her hand.
The silence after Y/N enter was epic. Flo bites her lower lip to hold a laugh while her parents, who were sitting with their coffee cups, look at each other.
"Good morning." Said her sister, looking at the guest person, who was looking at Y/N funnily.
"Good morning, honey." Their parents said at the unison. Y/N still doesn't look up. She was in her little world preparing her breakfast.
"Don't worry about making your coffee, I brought your favourite." At the new voice Y/N freezes on the spot, not believing.
Y/N turned on the spot slowly, meeting the blue eyes that she loves.
"What are you doing here?" She said really surprised, seeing how Leah was waving at her with a latte cup, a shy smile playing on her lips.
Leah shrugged. "I came to meet your family. I heard that your mom wanted to know me."
Y/N looked at her mom; "Don't look at me! I didn't contact her. But yeah, I want to meet the person who makes you happy." Her mother said sincerely, looking with enthusiasm at Leah.
"It was me." Florence said, covering her face with a hand, like a child.
"How?" Y/N asked, going to where Leah is and giving her a kiss on her cheek. She wanted to give her a proper kiss, but she was in front of her parents.
"Your phone." Florence simply said, shrugging smiling while she saw the little gesture.
"Okay..." Y/N frowns, confused. "But how is she coming so fast?" She asked rhetorically.
"Well... I can't sleep. So I decided to drive towards here." Leah explained.
"Why so enthusiastic this morning?" Raffie came inside, looking at everyone there until her eyes fell in Leah. Her reaction was funny, she first frowned until her eyes started to open so much. "YOU'RE LEAH WILLIAMSON! WHY ARE YOU ON MY HOUSE?" She yells, pointing with her index finger at Leah.
"Shh. Raffie be more careful. Your niece and siblings are still sleeping." Her mother scolds her daughter with a funny look.
"Do you know Leah?" Florence and Y/N asked at the same time, making the twins smile at each other.
"Yeah! She is a fashion icon. Well, I know you're a professional footballer, but I follow you because I really love your style." Raffie explained, sitting in front of Leah and Y/N.
Leah smiles embarrassed, her cheeks turning red. "Thank you." She said lowly.
"You're welcome." Raffie said smirking. "But why are you here?"
The blonde looked at Y/N. "Well... I'm Y/N's girlfriend." She said timidly, seeing how the mention looks briefly down biting a smile.
"No way! Leah Williamson is my sister-in-law? Awesome." Raffie immediately approves of their relationship.
For Y/N it means a lot.
She is grateful that Florence paid attention when she told her about her scenario dream. Y/N and Flo shared a look, and they communicated with a simple look. Florence just nodded lightly, knowing what her sister was saying with that look.
"I hope it is okay that I came." Leah whispered in a moment where everyone there was distracted.
Y/N look at her with a love sick smile. "You don't know how it makes me happy that you're here."
Leah copied her smile and leaned to kiss her cheek.
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
HI same anon from last night I’ve been going absolutely bonkers over you rambling about Bee since you posted it. I love that guy… 😭. If you want more specific (and this is only if you wanna!) do you wanna expand on maybe g1, animated or earthspark? how they’d be in a relationship, maybe? it’s totally up to you. i’m just excited to be fed good content about my favorite guy 🙏
Yes yes yes of course! I covered what Earthspark Bee would be like if he had a crush in the last ask, so I'll gladly go over what these Bees would be like in a relationship!
G1 Bumblebee
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Of these three, I think G1 Bee is the shyest, even when the two of you are already in a relationship. The puppy love doesn't wear off when you start dating with him. If he had it his way he'd trail behind you wherever you went, dopey and lovesick and unbelievably fond.
He's incredibly gentle with you, never picking you up without asking first, always checking in on you to make sure you're comfortable when he takes you for a drive. He's also a much more careful driver than the other two versions of Bee when you're riding with him. As much as he loves to feel the wind between his plates and tear up the road, he's a lot more hesitant to do so when you're his ride-along.
He loves the human cliche of getting your partner flowers, and he especially loves the way your whole face lights up when he presents them to you, even if he just spent an hour delicately picking them out of the nearby woods. He'd be a complete, flustered mess if you ever returned the favor or, better yet, went out of your way to court him in a way more familiar to Cybertronians. Bring him a cool rock or pretty gemstone you found at a hobby shop and he'll fall to pieces right there in front of you.
Whether you're a alone or in public, he absolutely melts under any affection from you. Even a kiss on the cheek can turn his processor to a staticky mess. He's so whipped for you and he absolutely loves it.
Animated Bumblebee
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Even in a relationship, he still loves to tease and play with you. Teasing is your shared love language, he shows his affection best when you're calling him a giant dork and he's responding 'Yeah, but you love this giant dork!' The only times he gets really soft and embarrassed are when you genuinely compliment him or tell him how much you love him without some silly goof to cushion the blow. You can practically see his whole faceplate glowing with the force of his blush.
Anything fun is doubly fun when he's doing it with you. Listening to music, ripping around downtown Detroit, or even just vegging out on the couch playing video games. Having you there makes everything ten times better. Even things that you enjoy that he isn't as fond of are better with you. He'll gladly watch a documentary or go stargazing if it makes you happy. Besides, you can still bounce jokes off of each other, so he'll enjoy it no matter what.
He's such a showoff about you it's adorable. He brags about you whenever the chance comes up, and NOBODY gets away with talking smack about you if he's around. Especially other bots that don't like organics, that's when he gets to his most protective.
He's not always the best at reading the room, so you need to be pretty up front with him if he ever says or does anything that genuinely upsets you. After all, teasing isn't very fun if it's something that you're genuinely self-conscious about. And he knows you'd never tease him for stuff like his height, so all you have to do is point out the lines that you don't want crossed, and he'll never let himself or anyone else cross them.
Earthspark Bumblebee
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Like Animated Bee, Earthspark be loves loves loves to go racing with you. But he's also painfully aware of how much more fragile humans are than Cybertronians, so he saves it for routes he knows like the back of his hand, or racetracks where there's absolutely no chance of you getting hurt. It makes his spark sing whenever you cheer around a tight turn, warm hands gripping his steering wheel like you never want to let go.
He's not a bragger by any definition of the word, but the people around him that know him well can tell just how proud he is of you. He gets this incredibly fond, dreamy look on his face whenever he sees you teaching the Terrans something new, like it's taking everything in him not to scoop you up and smooch you right then and there.
He's okay with casual displays of affection, hugs and chaste kisses and carrying you around in his arms or on his shoulder. But he does get pretty embarrassed if he ever gets caught in a more affectionate position with you. He can handle the teasing from the Maltobots just fine, but Primus forbid Optimus or Megatron start ribbing him for how cuddly he likes to be with you when no one else is around.
Speaking of cuddly, I think ES Bee is the MOST touchstarved out of these three. He's incredibly tactile and if he could he'd literally always be touching you, but he's been on his own for so long that he doesn't really know how to voice when he needs that kind of casual physical affection. He loves to cuddle but almost never brings it up. After all, a soft, gentle human like yourself can't possibly get as much out of cuddling a angular slab of metal as he gets out of cuddling you. Please cuddle the man, he needs it so bad.
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happypotato48 · 4 months
Wandee Goodday EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Another week, another naughty fun time with our beautiful doctor x boxer BL. accompanying my unhinged thoughts this week is this random musical number that popped up in my head while i was watching this ep.
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I would burn down the world for you Yak!
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Renaissance painting ass shit right here. also we know they're gay for each other can we tone down the purple now.
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One Eyebrows a day keeps the heteros aways.
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I love this unconventional family so much your honor. anyways, Buddy!
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Yes! calls out those bitches whoes watched too much romantic movies/shows. it's me i'm bitches 😔
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She seems nice.... Ugh i can't even hate her god damn it show! anyways hope this show would not put her through too much shits with paring her with Ai Phi Ter and all.
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That's how you do seduction Dee take some god dang notes!
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That eyes. these brothers and their forking beautiful soulful eyes. these ones feels like a gentle breeze in mid summer day before the rain fall. god damn these men making me be poetic and junk, ahhh. also here Yei tease Cher by calling him ซ้อ "Zor" which mean sister in law in teochew. it's commonly use now a days as a way to refer to a wife of a establishment owner.
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Finally he dressed like what he is on inside.
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Did i just turn on grey's anatomy by mistake?? joke aside i liked that they flesh out more of Dee motivations for the scholarship so it not just him being a petty bitch.
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Look at you two, being supportive fuck buddies and whatnot. aah a good and supportive dick. BL is indeed a fantasy.
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Is nobody in this dang hospital have works to do lol.
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Yeah i understand Yak here completely. cause like Boxing and Football are like two of the most sacred places for them straight men in thailand. it probably scarier to be out in these fields than a lot of other careers.
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อีดีนี่ จะตอแหลก็หัดให้เนียนหน่อย.
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Side boobs! ok slut, i know what's you're up to.
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Yak you know making that face is not going to stop Dee.
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I stan this unashamed whorish behavior.
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Oh, Dee is indeed come from school of grey's anatomy tragic doctor backstory.
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He got me. all of its.
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You dorks i love you two so much.
Holy shit this ep was great. i know that Dee gone a bit too far in this ep, but i can't be mad at him cause he said it himself early in the ep that he doesn't like to lose and he admited that its not a part of him that he think highly of. and after so many loses relentlessly pursuing Yak was probably the only thing he felt he in control with. and at the end he stopped and realized that its his own problems and it's not fair to drag Yak into it. what he did was not good but it's very human and it make me like him more as a character, flaws and all.
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squoxle · 2 months
⋆˚✿˖° This Means I Love You ~ YunKi
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𐙚𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: bf!jake x bsf!riki x fm!reader | 𐙚𝓌𝒸: 3.6k | 𐙚𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓉: with your birthday coming up, your best friend, Riki, took this as a chance to get closer to you. | 𐙚𝒸𝓌: fluff, drama, and a bit of crack <3 (use of nicknames) oh, and some kissing, i forgot to mention that
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ᯓ★ "Still playing Jeopardy with your teacher?" you laughed as you read Riki's text. "If you're referring to my history project, then yes," you responded.
ᯓ★ "Yikes, what a dork. I guess it's better you than me," he replied, attaching a shrugging emoji to the end of the message. "Wow, thanks. That makes me feel a lot better," you joked. "You're welcome," he said sarcastically. "Let me know if you need any more cheering up, m'kay."
ᯓ★ Introducing your best friend, Riki Nishimura: tall, dark-haired, witty, and just about as sweet as a sour patch kid. You first bonded on your shared homeschool experiences and have been friends ever since.
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There was a time when you started to like him, but you quickly moved on as it was obvious that he was not interested in a relationship with you. You were more like a sister to him, though the amount of times he called you "bro" or "dude" made you sound more like a brother.
A part of you sometimes felt those old feelings resurfacing, but you just blamed them on the history the two of you had. Especially once you started a real relationship with your current boyfriend, Jake.
With your birthday coming up in five days, you were hustling to get your last assignments done before the weekend. You wanted to enjoy this day without the stress of your instructors. Cramming like this wouldn't be easy, but you knew it would benefit you in the long-run.
"Hey, babe," your boyfriend, Jake sang as you answered his call. you were in the middle of completing a history project that wasn't due until Sunday. "How's my birthday girl doing?"
"It's not my birthday yet," you smiled, closing out your tabs. "I still have to wait a few more days."
"I know, but I wanted to make sure I was the first one to say it," he mumbled, you could tell he was pouting by the tone of his voice. You always loved that cute puppy expression he had. "What are you doing anyway?"
"I was just working on something for my history class," you replied, closing your laptop.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were busy," he apologized.
"It's okay, I was getting ready to take a break anyway," you shrugged. "So, what are you doing today?"
"Well, I was actually just about to head out."
"Oh, really? Where?"
"Ah, I was just gonna go pick up my beautiful girlfriend we can go early birthday shopping."
"Yeah," he chuckled. "Unless she'd rather keep tickling her keyboard."
You laughed before responding. "Just let me throw something on real quick, okay," you climbed out of your seat, stretching your back as you stood up. "And you don't have to go overboard. It's just my birthday."
"That's a very important day, baby. And we don't have to do too much, but I wanna make you feel special."
"You already do enough for me, Jake."
"Alright, well I'm on my way over there and you better be ready, or else I'm gonna pick your clothes out for you," you giggled, thinking about the last time he put an outfit together for you. It wasn't the worst, but it definitely wasn't the best.
"Fine, fine. I'm going," you smiled. "Byeee~"
"Bye," he chuckled before you cut the call.
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You were excited to spend some time with your boyfriend, especially at the mall. You quickly pulled on some sweats and a comfy top before slipping into some sneakers. Luckily you never really took too long to get dressed so you were ready about ten minutes before your boyfriend pulled up.
"That's what you're gonna wear?" he asked as you climbed into the passenger seat.
"Uhhh, yeah. Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?"
"No, I just thought you were gonna dress up y'know? Like wear something nice..."
"Oh," you awkwardly replied as he pulled out of your driveway.
"So, do you know what you wanna get for your birthday?" Jake asked trying to change the conversation.
"Umm, not really. I just wanna enjoy some free time with my friends."
"And your boyfriend," he added in a singsongy tone.
"Of course," you smiled. "How could I forget about you?"
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You and Jake spent about two hours at the mall, shopping and eating, before he pointed to a Photo Booth. "D'you wanna take some pictures over there?" he asked as your eyes darted in the direction of the colorful booth.
"Do I have a choice?" you asked.
"Nope," he chuckled, dragging you behind the curtain.
You sat next to your boyfriend as he pushed the quarters into the machine. The booth was illuminated with a bright white light and the control panel was an array of cute colorful buttons that Jake pressed eagerly.
"Smile, babe," he pulled you close to him as you both took turns posing. "You can put these on your mirror," he smiled as he reached to grab the photo reel before handing it to you.
"This would look super cute," you smiled, looking over the multiple headshots.
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"I'm gonna print out a copy for myself," he giggled, leaning forward to pay for a copy. "Damn," he swore.
"I ran out of time," he sighed. "Oh well, we can just take a few more. I'll keep that set," he said as he paid for another round.
You prepared yourself for another round as he placed a hand on your thigh. "____,"
"Yeah?" you turned to face your boyfriend.
"I wanna give you an early birthday gift," he smiled picking up your hand.
"You don't have to do that," you titled your head to the side. "I just have to wait five more days. It's probably even less now."
"But I really want you to have this now," he smiled, reaching into his back pocket. "I've had it for a while now," he said as he opened the box, revealing a gold chain with your birthstone on it.
"Jake," you hummed, admiring the necklace. "It's beautiful."
"Wait, you haven't even seen the best part yet," he smiled excitedly before breaking the clasp with a click. A picture of you and him on one side of the gold frame. On the other side the words "I love you" were engraved with the day you first started dating sitting beneath it.
"This is so sweet. Thanks, Jake. I love it," you smiled as he reached to secure the necklace around you.
"I love you, ____," he smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“Hey, look. The pictures came out,” you pointed as the sheets fell into the tray.
Not to make a big deal out of something so small, but saying "I love you" always felt really awkward. So you never said it. Not one time over the past three months you'd been together.
Luckily, Jake didn’t make a big deal out of it either.
“Wow,” he exclaimed. “These are perfect!” You looked at the sheet to see that it had captured shots of your reactions. Jake was right…the really were perfect.
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You wished you could just be a better girlfriend for him. You thought back to the first time he said it. You felt like time had stopped completely as you stood there dazed.
From the moment you started dating you had this feeling. Like something was preventing you from loving him. Yes, you liked Jake. But did you love him?
You, Jake, and Riki were all friends at one point. Jake, being the oldest of the group, wasn’t around as much. But that didn’t stop him from falling for you.
By the time Jake dropped you off at home, the last thing you wanted to do was play “catch up” with your history teacher. So you went to bed. But one question sat in your mind.
Why should you be with someone that you can’t love. We were great as friends, but everything is different now.
To this day, you could only ever say that you truly loved one person…
The next few days practically flashed before your eyes as you submitted your last assignment.
"Finally," you sighed as the words "successfully uploaded" popped up on your submission. You leaned back in your chair, taking in the last few moments before your birthday.
You watched as your digital alarm clock blinked at 12:00. It was the next day. Your birthday. You felt your phone buzz and turned it over to see a long text from your parents and your boyfriend.
You slowly glazed your eyes across the screen as you rested your head on your pillow. Not having much energy left in you, you simply reacted to the messages with a heart and thanked them for their wishes.
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The sun warmed your back as rays peeked in through your blinds. The sound of footsteps followed by some inaudible murmurings came from behind your bedroom door. You already knew it was gonna be your parents so you pretended to be asleep and hid under the covers just as they walked in.
"Happy Birthday,____," they hollered in unison. Your dad was holding his phone up to record the whole thing as your mom held a plate of pancakes topped with whipped cream, berries, chocolate chips, and sprinkles.
She slowly approached your bed, careful not to blow out the candle on top as she sang the birthday song. Your dad, of course, was off-key as usual which always made you smile. Sometimes you thought he did it on purpose.
"Thanks, Mom and Dad," you smiled as your dad hollered, "Make a wish!"
"I was going to," you giggled as you closed your eyes to blow out the candle. To be honest, there was only one thing on your mind right now and you hated the fact that it wasn't your boyfriend. Instead it was...
"Riki!" your eyes widened in shock as he grinned from ear to ear. You wondered why he didn't send you a text, but you just assumed he had gone to sleep already. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see your mom," he joked as your dad sneered at him. "It was a joke," he chuckled. "I'm joking one hundred percent."
"Uh huh, you better be," you dad raised an eyebrow.
"Well," your mom smiled awkwardly as she grabbed your dad's hand. "Let's leave them alone, Hun," she suggested.
"I got my eyes on you, buddy," your dad pointed at Riki as your mother led him out of the room. Riki smiled as he raised his hand to his forehead, saluting your dad.
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"Okay, so what are you really doing over here?" You asked.
"I wanted to hang out with you for a bit before 'you-know-who' shows up," he rolled his eyes before swiping whipped cream on his finger.
"Hey!" you gasped, pulling the plate closer to you.
"What? It's not like you were eating them anyway," he shrugged, picking up a pancake slice before dipping it in the pool of syrup.
"Well if your gonna mooch off me you should at least ask first," you hummed, poking a fork through on of the fluffy stacked slices.
"Fine. Then can I have some of your pancakes," he smiled sarcastically.
"Sure," you nodded as you held the fork to your mouth. "Hey!" you exclaimed as he grabbed your hand, pinching the pancake off of your fork before plopping it in his mouth.
"You said I could have some," he said with a mouth full of pancakes.
"Ugh," you sighed before dividing the stacks in two. "There now you have your side and I have mine."
"Why do you have more than me?"
"What? No, I don't it's the same on both sides," you said turning the plate left and right.
"Look, I get it's your birthday and all, but I'm obviously bigger than you. So I need more calories for my body size," he smiled, tipping the plate downward.
"Yeah, right," you scoffed. "You either eat for your side or leave my pancakes alone."
"Jeez," he sighed. "I liked the person you were yesterday."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Now that you're a year older, you're a cranky old bit-" you pulled the plate out of his reach. "I'm kidding," he laughed.
"Nah, you better go find something else to eat, you moocher."
"Look, I'm sorry," he tilted his head to the side. "See I apologized. And I don't do that often."
"Hmm, that's true."
"So I think I deserve a reward."
"A reward? For what?"
"For showing you a little kindness," you rolled your eyes as he flashed the cheesiest smile he could muster.
"The only reward you deserve is me not shoving my foot up your ass," you mumbled, stuffing a pancake in your mouth as you place the plate between the two of you.
"Thanks, birthday girl," he smiled, nodding his head slightly before picking up a pancake and a strawberry. "When we finish we should probably go help your mom set everything up huh?"
"Yeah," you hummed. "I missed hanging out with you."
"I missed it too. It's just been different since y'know..."
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The two of you finished eating, you went to the kitchen to help decorate for your party. Your dad was busy outside grilling and your mom was pulling out supplies. You didn't mind helping your parents set up your party. A lot of times you actually enjoyed it.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out for a bit," Riki waved as he walked over to the door.
"Okay, well since you're gonna be out already, can you pick up the cake too," your mom asked, looking over her shoulder. "They're already paid for."
"Sure," he nodded, twirling his keys around his finger. "Did you need anything else?"
"No, that's the only thing we had to pick up."
"M'kay. I'll let you know when I'm on my way back," he twisted the doorknob.
"Okay, well don't be too long. The party starts at 2."
"I'll be back before then," he said, pulling out his phone to check the time before leaving.
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After what felt like thirty minutes you heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it," you hollered, assuming it was Riki.
"Hey, birthday girl," Jake smiled, holding his arms behind his back.
"Jake? The party doesn't start until 2," you raised your eyebrow as he wrapped his arm around you.
"I know, but I wanted to bring you this," he pulled a medium-sized bag from behind his back.
"What is it?"
"A dress for you to wear tonight."
You pulled it out of the bag to see a baby blue dress. "Thanks, Jake. It's really pretty. And it's my favorite color," you smiled.
"I knew you'd like it."
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Your dad walked in wiping his hands with a towel that he swung over his shoulder as he extended his hand to your boyfriend. "Hey, Jake. You're kinda early for the party. It won't start for another hour."
Jake shook his hand, "I know, but I want to bring her something to wear tonight."
"See this is why I like you better than that Riki kid," your dad rolled his eyes, looking over to you.
They liked to joke about how much they disliked each other, but you'd lost count of the times you caught them up late hanging out together. Honestly, Riki was right. Even a couple months before you started dating Jake a lot of things had already started to change. Today was the first time in a while you hung out like this.
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"Riki? I didn't know he was here," Jake tilted his head to the side.
"Oh, he's not right now. He went about 30 minutes ago to pick up the c-" Your dad was cut off by a knock at the door. Your mom walked over to open it, letting Riki in.
"Got the cake and some throw-away stuff. I didn't know if you had some already," he said as your mom took the cake box out of his hands, two bags dangling from his arms.
"Hey," Riki nodded in Jake's direction.
"Hey," Jake said in a concerned tone.
"I'm almost finished grilling if you want to help me out here," your dad smiled, placing a hand on Jake's shoulder, guiding him through the back door.
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The party finally started a little bit around 2:15. Friends, family, and neighbors brought gifts for you. You wondered if they still would've brought gifts if your parents did make it a requirement.
The dress Jake bought for you earned you a lot of compliments, but you were starting to feel a bit overwhelmed so you walked off to your room.
"Riki?" you paused at the door, noticing that he was sitting on your bed. "What are you doing in here?"
"Getting away from the noise."
"You couldn't do that anywhere else?"
"I'm not really in the mood to marinate in your bathroom."
"Fine, well if you're gonna be in here don't talk to me."
"I didn't plan on it."
"Good. Because I came in here for some peace and quiet," you hummed, plopping down on the bed beside him. You felt his eyes on you as you lay there struggling to go into your headspace. "What?"
"Nothing," he shook his head turning away.
"Just tell me," you sighed sitting up. "I can tell that you wanted to say something."
"I thought you didn't want to talk."
"I don't, but I don't like you looking at me all weird either."
"Sometimes I wonder how things would've gone for us if I asked you out before Jake," he mumbled.
"Wait, what?"
"Nothing, just forget I said anything," he exhaled as he stood to his feet.
"Riki," you called his name as he approached the bedroom door.
You walked up to him, placing your hands on his shoulders as he stood in front of you. You stood there for a moment before he held your chin in his hands, kissing you on the lips. "What are you doing?!" you spat, swatting his hand away.
"I can tell you don't like Jake as much as want people to think."
He wasn't entirely wrong about that. It wasn't that you didn't love Jake, because you did...or at least you wanted to. As much as you hated the truth, you used Jake to help u get over your feelings for Riki.
"Just think about it, okay," he tilted his head to the side.
"I'm already with Jake."
"He's just your boyfriend, not your husband."
"Rik-" you were cut off by your mom coming into your room.
"Hey, we're about to do cake and presents," she smiled. "Come on,” she huffed, pushing past Riki and grabbing your arm. “Everyone is waiting for you.”
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As you walked down the hallway into the kitchen you heard all of the guests singing happy birthday as Jake held the cake.
Riki stood in the hallway, staying out of the way of the many cameras circling around you all desperately trying to catch the perfect moment.
You smiled as everyone took pictures of you.
“Okay, you can blow out your candles now,” he smiled as they finished singing.
You closed your eyes again. Darkness surrounded you as you thought back to your wish from earlier.
You saw yourself with Riki, holding his hand as the two of you sat on the wooden fence that enclosed the nearby lake. The sun was setting as he looked over to you, resting on his shoulder.
He leaned over to kiss you on the forehead. “Why’d you do that?” You asked.
“Because you looked stupid.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That means, I love you,” he smiled, pulling you in for a side hug.
“I love you too.”
Your eyes shot open as the sounds of everyone clapped filled your ears.
“What’d you wish for?” Jake asked.
“If I tell you it won’t come true,” you smiled.
“Hmph. Fair enough,” he smiled before turning back around. “Who’s ready for some cake!” He exclaimed.
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After the party was finally over, your mom came into your room. “Hey, I forgot to tell you that Riki left something for you in the fridge when he came over this morning. He told me he didn’t want you to open it until the party was over. And since it’s still your birthday I figured you better hurry,” she smiled before walking off.
“Wait, mom! Aren’t you gonna tell me what it is?!”
You waited in silence as you heard your mom's footsteps trail down the hall before closing her bedroom door.
"Ugh!" you sighed before hopping out of your bed and checking the fridge. At first, you didn't see anything that wasn't there earlier. You bent down a bit to look through the glass shelves before setting your eyes on a brown cardboard box.
You reached to the back of the highest shelf and pulled the small box out. Inside was a red velvet cupcake with a charm bracelet around the bottom and a small handwritten note.
Riki's handwriting was probably the worst you'd ever seen for someone his age, you thought to yourself as you casually opened the note and rolled your eyes, the cool air from the fridge still kissed the back of your legs as the door shut slowly.
You were expecting to see some stupid comment inside the card, but instead, there were two theme park tickets and a little message that read, "These are for you and a special someone." Though you initially assumed he was referring to Jake, your conversation from earlier made you think otherwise.
You bit into the moist cupcake as you thought about who you should take on this little date.
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𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎!!! @leejenosworld I made this story just for you lol :) I hope you liked it. <3
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buckera · 3 months
so we know buck likes to do flowers/hot air balloon/etc...
but curious what tommy's love language/how he'll be romantic is. Like, he def likes the flirty teasing to show affection, but do you think he likes giving gifts or cooking dinners... idk, Buck is more the romantic speech giver, tommy prob prefers action.
idk, just wanna know how tommy romances bc so far he's wooed buck by being a) muscly b)Cool and c) a dork
mm actually... i think Buck is into the actions and big gestures, though he is getting better at talking about his feelings, not just letting them take the reigns and see where he ends up with them lmao
on the other hand, Tommy is very measured. he doesn't seem to say anything without intention, even his silly little quips and dark jokes are all there as a stress response — plus he listened to Buck ramble on and on, before realising he had a shot and shutting him up with a kiss lmao
based on what Lou told us about what he imagines Tommy's background to be like and what we saw in canon in season 2 and season 7... Tommy's childhood traumas seem to be pretty similar at the core as Buck's; abandonment issues, feeling alone and lonely, looking for love and family, people to belong to and a place to call home — the difference is that Buck had Maddie (on and off, but mostly on) and then the 118 and Bobby, while Tommy had no one.
for most of his adult life, Buck has been surrounded by people who he could come out to without an overwhelming fear that he'd lose the relationships, so much so that he went for it after having one kiss and a botched date with a guy.
Tommy had a homophobic boss/father figure of sorts, and a bunch of guys who followed Gerrard's lead; even if he had a months- or even years long relationship with a man, I don't think he would've ever risked coming out at all.
Tommy learned what his needs and wants are, and how to recognise his feelings, what's the appropriate way to express them and how to be true to himself, probably through a lot of self-reflection and therapy. (and now he clearly has a lot of friends and is easy to make friends with — however deep those relationships run, we'll just have to see if they'll show us more of that in s8)
all this to say; Tommy recognises Buck's needs and wants because he has been there and is probably still there.
so the way i see it; Tommy would already know how he feels, but would wait for Buck to say 'I love you' first, allowing him to set the pace and show his comfort levels in the the relationship.
but after that? he would say it to Buck every day, he'd tell him how important he is to Tommy, he would make time for just the two of them, but would also include Buck in group activities with his friends, he would never stop checking in on him, even when he's kinda sure that Buck really is just tired and he would know when something is important to Buck even when he waves it off as 'nevermind' and if they ever had a fight, he'd let Buck walk it off, cool down and when he was back, they would sit down and talk and they wouldn't get up until they talked everything through and reached a peaceful middle ground
and when Buck would show up with the bouquets and the fancy tickets to monster truck derbys and packed lunch for their couple's hikes, Tommy would tell him in every which way possible with his words and his touch just how much he truly appreciates Buck's presence in his life.
TLDR: Tommy's love language is communication and reassurance.
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viquipo · 3 months
No bc I'm so mad rn I usually post my rants on ig stories but I need the tumblrites to tell me if I'm crazy or what. Jwcc/ct spoilers WHATEVER
First of all I want to preface this by saying that this is just my opinion on the matter, I'm not saying your headcanons are "wrong" or whatever tf, it's a kids cartoon where they unironically use terms like "fam". You can play with the characters however you'd like.
That being said, this is why TO ME it does not makes sense for Ben to be anything other than gay. Again, if you think he's bi or straight or anything else that's cool. I'm also leaning towards the opinion that he does actually have a girlfriend. I don't think the shows gonna pull a 180 on it because, realistically, 2 queer characters is already a lot for a DreamWorks kids show. As much as I'd like it not to be.
But, since the beginning, Ben has been very clearly coded as exclusively into men to me. Before finally going into it, I remind everyone on here that I'm a lesbian. I have felt an affinity with his character specifically for the experience of only liking the same gender. I might be totally projecting.
Ok, so.
1. The arc Ben goes through during the show is yes, one of self discovery, but also one of self acceptance. He changes a lot from the start of s1, but he also comes to terms with stuff himself or other people didn't like about him. He doesn't throw the dork pouch away or tells Kenji to keep it, the first thing he does when he takes it back from Kenji is put on hand sanitizer. He is covered in dirt, he's not afraid of filth anymore, but he still does that action because it's part of who he is as a person. He also becomes very unashamed at the things he does. He went from being embarrassed of his carob bars to eating grubs in front of people who he knows think it's gross. He knows himself as he is and he accepts it. To me (and to lots of other people) this works very well as a gay metaphor, and pairs up pretty nicely with the whole "jungle boy? Jungle MAN" arc being a trans metaphor. But how does this make Ben uniquely into men?
Well, it doesn't. But I think this next one does.
2. Enter Yasmina. She's pretty, she's smart, athletic, funny, all that good stuff. I'm not saying that means every wlm character should automatically be into her, but it certainly helps. Now forgive me if I don't remember specific episodes/seasons, but we all remember that episode where Ben convinces himself that Yaz is in love with him for some reason. When he "rejects" her, he says : "I'm just now starting to find myself". That's cool, cause I'm pretty sure Ben's " finding himself " personality wise was over and done a couple of seasons ago. To me, that is a really good hint at him dealing with his gayness.
3. He's also the first person Yasmina talks to about her feelings for Sammy. Now, in this particular context, the options for Yaz to talk to were Darius, Brooklynn, or Ben. It would initially seem to make more sense for her to confide in Brooklynn, since the two of them are far closer than her and Ben, and it also wouldn't be the first time she brings up Sammy as a romantic interest for Yaz (see: everyone tweaking abt that one line back in like s2). So why does Yasmina, a very private and reserved person, choose Ben to talk to about her same sex crush? She has probably gathered from the previous conversation that Ben relates to her struggle in a unique way in which Brooklynn just can't. Ben seems very receptive of what Yaz is saying ("feelings, am I right?") and it seems like he REALLY gets where she's coming from.
4. This is one I don't see talked about a lot, and maybe it's just cause I'm too out of the loop with the fandom, but I want to examine it as well. It's when Ben decides to not actually stay on the island. Everyone (except Sammy) already knew he wasn't going to stay in the end, but still didn't force him out. I think this is especially clear in a line Darius says when they reunite on the boat that goes something like "you needed to figure it out on your own" *smile hand on shoulder combo*. No explanation needed I think
I am diagnosed with autism did you guys know what
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