#i just love ranting sm
Lucy Gray Baird - an innocent victim or a manipulator?
What's your first impression of Lucy Gray?
Do you think she loved Coriolanus in tbosas?
What do you think might have happened to Lucy Gray in the end?
What's your opinion about theories :
1. Greasy Sae as Lucy Gray.
2. Coin as a daughter or relative of Lucy Gray.
Thank you :)
Ooooh these are good.
First off, I don't think Lucy Gray thought of herself as an innocent person, she had to kill to survive but she still killed, there's blood on her hands and I don't think she could have ever forgotten that. She's quite innocent and believing of Coriolanus in the books, so I definitely like the movie version of her better. She's not innocent but she is ultimately a good and righteous person, it's in her nature. (I have so many thoughts about nature vs nurture in TBOSAS)
She absolutely loved Coriolanus, thought he he was pure fallen snow among the dirt of the capitol. The thing about snow is that it's pretty at first, but without the perfect environment it turns into dirty sludge. Lucy Gray slowly realised it.
I hope she got away, she dodged the bullets, hid under a bush or something, and then just ran and ran and ran, far from the capitol, from district 12 and 13, from panem. She lived with the trees, sang with the mocking birds and died peacefully.
Which leads to my opinions on the other theories, that I simply don't really believe them. I don't consider them a satisfying ending for Lucy Gray in any way. She would not have become president Coin, she wouldn't have done those things.
And i think the books are better if she isn't, because it really shows that even when you crush everything into ashes, even if the hope of change, of rebellion, of Lucy Gray is gone, people will still rise from the ashes and fight back, its never gone forever.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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youre-dreaming-302 · 7 months
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You’re Dreaming 302 (ps2) - 2003
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rufflywings · 4 months
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Bro is literally me while listening to music
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jade-len · 8 months
i adore how mxtx sorta flipped the idea on the whole top/bottom thing with svsss, and just BL relationships in general.
making bingqiu very open to switching, not making the "bottom" super feminine and actually leaning more to the handsome side compared to the "top", how luo binghe is manipulative sensitive and cries easily, etc. one of the main themes in svsss is literally about sexuality (and possibly even about gender roles).
as a queer asian man myself, i absolutely despise the "yaoi archetype" and it was one of the reasons why i avoided consuming BL media. hell, years ago when i first saw heavens official blessing, i mentally groaned and went, "ugh, let me guess, the bottom is super feminine and innocent, while the top is masculine and experienced." of course, that's not the case now, but it's disappointing how that thought was there purely because of the god awful way fetish-y media portrays homosexual people and couples. because, believe it or not, we are not assigned male/female typical gender roles just because one likes to top/bottom (and even then, it's not even like that! some people have preferences, sure, but it's not so strictly "i'm top/bottom")
so, while i absolutely LOVE the english novel designs (especially luo binghe's cute curly hair, gongyi xiao, etc, and personally believe a lot of the takes from the western artist on the designs are an improvement), i am greatly saddened by people subconsciously assigning shen qingqiu as someone more delicate and feminine and luo binghe as someone super masculine and muscly. like, if you're going to have luo binghe depicted as the western design (i believe this stems from binghe being applied to more western ideals for men, and, admittedly, i actually really love his design), at least don't make shen qingqiu feminine and delicate? don't have his appearance play into the stupid yaoi thing?
i get that people have different takes on svsss, especially how the western version depicts it. but, people just... seem to very over exaggerate the top/bottom roles when it comes to bingqiu (again, these two are, canonically, VERY open to switching).
it's weird, it's uncomfortable, and it comes across as, "so, who wears the pants in the relationship?"
so, can we please have more canonically handsome shen qingqiu? canonically beautiful and pretty boy luo binghe (they literallly state that binghe looks EXACTLY like his mom, su xiyan! while a more handsome woman, is still very beautiful!! plus it is stated several times that binghe is slim, and that shang qinghua made him that way!) or at the very least, a BL couple who actually look like normal people (ok thats a little hard considering binghe is literally supposed to be perfect) and not just a stupid fetishized version of themselves.
and no, i'm not saying that queer men shouldn't be feminine or men who are feminine shouldn't be in a relationship with guys who are masculine, etc.
TLDR: please stop twinkifying shen qingqiu and going against what mxtx defied for us queer men (the stupid yaoi roles). and for the love of whoever you believe in, do NOT think that i hate the english design or people's personal interpretation of characters, i just hate the subconscious assigning of gender roles to bingqiu and how media portrays and fetishizes LGBTQ+ relationships in general.
edit: also i love teardrew's (check them out on twitter!) interpretation of shang qinghua. while i do really like the the eng novel design's tiny scared hamster vibes, teardrew's version just radiates "up to no good, paranoid but suspicious looking bitch" rat man and i love it so so so much. i'm not gonna repost their art bc i don't know how they feel about that but perhaps you can search up "svsss designs" on here, you'll see it pop up eventually lol.
edit 2 (1/16): i just saw someone reblog a post (that im pretty sure was referring to this one because, well, if you saw it i think it'd be a little clear kahxj) that was about how bingqiu switching and completely eschewing traditional top/bottom dynamics was a fandom idea or smth? so now i'm wondering, since i swear i remember that they were open to switching, but it's just that sqq preferred to bottom and/or was just a little too lazy to top. plus, sqq is a pretty unreliable narrator who says he doesn't want something one moment and then he does. how could he say no to bingbing? esp if he seems to wanna try bottoming too. perhaps i'm mixing things up though, idk? so if anyone can find that passage that says he only and strictly wants to bottom or whatever please show me! but i think the point of this post still stands haha (i wanted to ask about it, actually, but when i clicked on the og post's user it turned out that they blocked me ? so that was a little surprising oops. hey if ur somehow reading this, im... sorry for making you want to block me bc of this post? akdhxjj)
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vibeechecker · 26 days
Me watching mha/bnha like “ew whos this old man on my screen, someone make him shut up and go back to tomura.” I’m so tired of this old wrinkly ass man and his “im so smart” bland villain ass. The story concept of tomura being taken over by AFO is so annoying to me, give me back my fav and stfu you egg head. It’s like william afton and vanny from fnaf all over again. You got your course. Now go. “I always come back.” No. Mf. Fucking stay dead already. You and AFO. LITERALLY NO ONE ASKED. EVERYONES TIRED OF UR BS AND “I WAS ACTUALLY THE VILLAIN ALL ALONG.” LEAVE.
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I didn’t mean to draw sm 💀
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clara-licht · 11 months
I spent the last few nights reading multiple bakudeku fics and this page just
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it made me wailed as I clutched my phone to my chest
seriously. I actually did that.
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imnotcommitedtothis · 10 days
stupid pointless reddit rant
but basically there was this one post about which td character is the most "spoiled" and Heather was there (which she's literally NOT, bratty? entitled? yes sure, but not spoiled)
and someone said something along the lines of "Heather now has Al to keep her in check"
first of all, that's an icky and borderline misogynistic thing to say about a female character? that she needs a man to "keep her in check"..? like I can't even explain how much that wording personally icks me....? but I hope you guys understand my point
besides. of all the characters you pick. YOU PICK ALEJANDRO??? that's her number #1 defender,supporter and enabler!
like you think he would try and keep her contained? change her? hell no,she could yell at someone over some stupid stuff and he'd be like with heart eyes thinking about how he's gonna marry her
I get it, all stars sucks and we don't want to watch but he's literally freaked out but she tries to act nice and unlike herself, he would let her rule the world if he could?? he'd be the one spoiling her pls be serious??
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munsons-mutiny · 6 months
Let’s talk about the Watch What Happens (reprise) and why Only Davey could’ve sang it.
Like at this point they’re pushing the Katherine and Jack agenda, why shouldn’t she be his inspiration to keep going in this moment???
And the answer is cause she can’t grasp the situation fully!!!
Let me make it very clear that this is Not Katherine slander. I love her. I think this scene highlights the differences in their struggles and upbringing in a really brilliant way.
When she sees Jack wants to quit in this scene she’s so harsh with him. Doesn’t try to empathize with his situation at all, wants him to just buck up and keep going! Because for her, in her situation, with her upbringing, that’s the only way to get anywhere! She wants to be a reporter? Well she can’t listen when she’s told no. She has to push ahead no matter what. She can’t show fear and she can’t show weakness cause she’ll be called a girl like it’s a bad thing and have it used against her. But she doesn’t see her privilege in this! That in coming from a rich powerful family her physical safety can not be put in jeopardy! Her worst case scenario is moving back home and having to deal with her family’s idea of what it means to be a women in this time period. And don’t get me wrong that’s horrible, it would be a terrible and unfair outcome.
But it doesn’t threaten her physical safety!! (Not to say this is true for all women in her position but the show paints a picture that her dad does genuinely love her in his extremely misguided way and we never see him threaten her physical well being or even to stop bank rolling her). She can’t understand that sometimes you need to let a fight pass you by to survive. She doesn’t understand what it really means for Crutchie to be in the Refuge until later. So she pushes hard and it would’ve just ended in a fight where her and Jack miss each other’s points entirely.
But Davey gets it. Maybe not to the extent Jack does, but Jack said it himself Davey’s dads physical safety being jeopardized at work has threatened his whole family’s housing and food security. Something that could’ve been prevented with a union. He knows that this isn’t safe, he fully grasps the danger they’re in, to an extent that Katherine can’t because she’s never threatened by it. Not really. For her and her rich friends she involves this could just be a pet project (she would never view it that way of course) but if this all goes pear shaped all she has to live with is the guilt not the consequences. Her life continues with maybe some delays depending how long her blacklisting lasts.
But for Davey this could be the choice that means they can’t afford food or can’t pay rent. This could be the choice that means Les can’t go to school and his dad doesn’t have a safe place to recover. He gets it, he matches Jack’s fear, but he can’t backdown when they’re making real changes that Jack is having a hard time seeing in the wake of losing Crutchie to an institution that is a large source of his trauma. He needed empathy and hope not an ass kicking and Davey delivered.
Without him that scene would’ve ended with Jack running away a lot sooner and a lot more permanently. Rant over. Hopefully this is semi-well articulated it’s late and I couldn’t sleep til I got this out.
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artheresy · 8 months
I can’t stay quiet about this, I need to scream it to SOMEBODY ANYBODYYY
Dan Heng and Blade were Dan Feng and Yingxing. “Dh and Bld are Df and Yx!” Nope, their current selves aren’t them, that lacks nuance. “Dh and Bld aren’t Df and Yx!” THAT ALSO LACKS NUANCEE they are still connected and fundamentally shaped by their past identities, they aren’t entirely separate from them while also still being separate in a way. The best way I can describe it is like a venn diagram, there is overlap, but there also are still areas where they don’t.
To expand more, I wanna talk about the way they foil each other a bit in this sense. For Dan Heng, even if he is a botched rebirth, simply a “de-aged Dan Feng” not fully reborn, he is still not Dan Feng. While Dan Feng has made up the basis of his personality and he accepts him as his past, I think we forget that Dan Heng had his own entire childhood after the molting rebirth was completed. One he spent imprisoned by the Ten Lords Commission, and then he was exiled when he was old enough leading to his whole journey until he became apart of the Astral Express crew etc etc. Dan Heng is made up of a basis of Dan Feng + All of his own memories and experiences. While he shares traits with Dan Feng such as personality aspects like his stubbornness, his technique with a spear, and being able to connect with his old items, he also is very much himself with his own outlook and traits shaped by what he’s learned rather than what he has been born with. To treat him as if he is Dan Feng exactly is a disservice to both of their characters and the greater narrative that they apart of. He may still carry the burdens and karma of Dan Feng, but Dan Heng is still making his own future.
Now, Blade. Blade similarly is not Yingxing, not completely. Though he accepts Yingxing’s sin as his own and is intent of repaying the sin of Dan Feng and Yingxing (and getting Dan Heng to repay it too), there still are distinctions between him and Yingxing. In fact, I’d argue there are more things separating them. I could talk for so long again about the layered use of craftsmanship to connect, or rather disconnect, the two identities of Blade and Yingxing, but there’s more than that. “Now, ██ had died. His first — and only — death.” “From this moment on, that body will be the one and only "Blade."” Although Blade was Yingxing, a disconnect exists between them through the death of Yingxing. He awoke with no memories of his past, no even his name, until Jingliu came along, instilled in him her ideologies, made him remember, not only his past sins but the feeling of death so that he might inflict it onto others. As she said, he was reborn and had even given himself a name…
I want to add that the specific ways in which their current identities exist in proximity to their past ones foil each other. As I said, Dan Heng, in part as his sabotaged rebirth, is built upon the foundation of Dan Feng and all of his own experiences and memories. He has the capacity to gain back more memories of Dan Feng as his DH IL character stories outline, and though he is still himself and still moves forward, we see him accept his relation to Dan Feng eventually. Though that past life of his is clouded by fog and mist, he may eventually be able to push away the clouds that block him and understand more, about Dan Feng and in turn about himself. With Blade, it is so heavily emphasized in game from his relic lore to the very sword he uses that his mind is essentially broken, due both in part to the trauma of Jingliu’s “teachings” and the mara that was brought on by those lessons. He can’t fully remember everything about Yingxing, in fact actively remembering such or seeing familiar things is harmful to him. Like his shard sword, he is made of broken pieces, put together in a way that can never erase the cracks, and continuously shattering before being glued together again. His life is shaped by Yingxing’s past, the trauma he has endured is directly caused by his past actions. Unlike Dan Heng, he hasn’t had this whole life to build up and live. Though he’s experienced new things, they don’t shape him and change him in the way that Dan Heng’s built his identity up.
Where Dan Heng basically has supplements to Dan Feng’s identity that make him who he is, Blade is the broken shards and pieces of Yingxing that weren’t lost to the waves, making him who he is. Dan Heng is a next chance, finally free from the Preceptors’ control and of the role that stripped his past selves of their individuality, meanwhile Blade is the husk left behind of Yingxing’s regrets, broken by trauma caused due to Yingxing’s past actions, forever tormented by his past until he inevitably is able to die. If Dan Heng is more than just Dan Feng which is why he is separate but intertwined with him, than Blade is less than Yingxing, in a way that has caused such a severe disconnect that has caused Blade to have his own identity still shaped. And looking at this, not to again bring up my craftsmanship post about Blade, Dan Heng can connect to Dan Feng. He can clear the fog, remembering his memories through dreams even if he can’t fully connect emotionally to him, and he finds sentiment in many of items that once were his, smth not many Vidyadhara actually are capable of doing. To contrast, Blade is forever separated from connecting completely to Yingxing’s identity. His memories will always be fragmented, his own path entirely changed. He can’t connect to Yingxing’s past goals and passions, seen through the distinct decision made in his character stories to talk about how he can no longer use his hands to forge weapons (something that completely defined Yingxing’s life and legacy, tied to his childhood trauma and hatred of the Abundance, something that became his genuine passion), and how none of that mattered to Blade.
All of this, the ways they foil each other and the separation between their past selves and current, just makes me love their dynamic and their lore a lot. Makes me want to cry most days of my life if I’m honest. And it’s part of why I do take issue with the way nuance has completely left this argument, only having two extremes of “Dan Heng is Dan Feng!” Or “Dan Heng isn’t Dan Heng!” Again… Dan Heng WAS Dan Feng, he wouldn’t be Dan Heng without Dan Feng, but he is still himself. That’s part of the tragedy between them. They are still fundamentally defined and shaped by their past selves, similarities able to be spotted if they can be remembered, but they’ve also experienced so much that has changed them, and they can never truly go back to being Dan Feng and Yingxing. It would never be fully the same again.
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reapkusho · 2 months
A lot of people say kainess is incredibly one-sided (on ness' part) but I think Kaiser did want to keep him for a while because that was the only thing he wanted — for "something that lasts" and to "love and be loved". The only thing that'd really last is for someone that truly loves you that would keep coming back even if you push them away and/or abuse their affection.
It was because Ness kept coming back and the fact that he went through the same thing as him — not getting any love and affection as a child (guess he related to him?) — that kaiser decided to keep him. but after he realized that restricting himself and being uncomfortable was the key to being the best then he went and let him go — which means Kaiser can't really "love" because that'd mean being comfortable with something > then he goes searching for something to keep and love again which means he's at peak desperate condition > when he finds it he has to let it go because he'd be comfortable > cycle repeats.
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minh-i · 2 months
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To Rin, Sae might be the older brother that he looked up to who abandoned him after he came back from Spain. And to some others, Sae might be the guy who came back, abandoned Rin and their dream because he felt that Rin was too 'below' him. But I feel like that might not be the case at all.
Hear me out, Sae came back from Spain looking tired, drained, because he went and 'explored' the real world, he knows that he wasn't as good compared to the real pros.
This kind of tells us why Sae hates the Japanese football team so much. Take Kira for example, like Sae, he was glorified, admired upon as the future of the Japanese football team. But then he, and Sae, both met people with bigger egos, skills and unlike Sae who had the chance to 'improve' in Spain (I'll just say it like that for now cuz there's no Sae backstory yet), Kira got coldly eliminated and was never seen again.
Sae knows that the JFU doesn't really care about football and just wants to make a quick buck, thats why he hates them so much.
Next thing, the relationship of Sae and Rin. We know that they got along really well as kids and suddenly, Sae came back, changed his dream, and abandoned his brother. That's how it is right? But I feel like there's more to it than just that.
Sae's original dream was to become a striker, but when he went to play for Real Madrid that dream was probably crushed as he realized that he is, in fact, not as good as he thought he was. So, instead of being the world's best striker, as someone who's faced reality, he's aiming to be the best middle fielder instead. So he can support his lil bro, side by side with him.
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In this panel here, Rin said that Sae said that they'd fight together. And Sae, instead of fulfilling that promise as a striker he's trying to tell Rin that he can be the best striker instead, and that his big bro the 'world's best middle fielder' will be right by his side to give him the support he needs.
But as Rin spoke Sae probably realized how heavily dependent his brother was to him. Rin wasn't playing football for the sake of football or his own passion, Rin was playing football for the sake of being the second best after Sae, playing football because of Sae. I think that's what set Sae off.
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If you really look at Sae's eyes here I think you can kinda see that Sae was hurt by the words that Rin said (at least that's what I see -the widened eyes mixed with the heavy eye bags makes it look like Sae is gonna tear up-)
But by now, Sae has realized how dependent his brother's goal was on him and Sae knows that with a half assed goal like that, Rin won't be able to get nowhere in the 'real world'. Like Sae said, and I quote "The soccer field is a battlefield" which means that there is no room to be 2nd best. You either give it your all or give it nothing.
Sae wants Rin to have a goal of his own, if the only reason Rin is playing football is because of him, then Rin won't be able to make it.
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In conclusion, as kids, Sae and Rin shared a dream, to be the best and 2nd best striker. But Sae, who has faced the real world and realized how Rin never wanted to be the best and only to be '2nd best after Sae' felt that Rin's resolve is weak and feeble decides to end 'their dream' right then and there.
And for Rin, if he were to keep playing even after Sae shattered their dream, to have his own goal to keep going forward to. Instead of always aiming for 2nd best.
Sae knows that he's just that good now since he's been able to play with world pros and have improved massively. So if Rin were able to beat him in a one on one, it'd mean that Rin would have enough potential to make it even if he'd be aiming for 2nd best, It'd mean that Rin would have enough talent and skill to continue 'dreaming'. But if Rin loses, their shared dream would be over and it'd be time for Rin to figure out his own dream and goal in life. To aim for the top, and to aim to be better than everyone else, which ultimately means for Rin to be able to overcome himself and aim to be better than he already is. Rin aiming for 2nd will not give him the same result because he's aiming to be good but you'd never overcome his mental barrier of 'not aiming to be the best' and it'd stop him from being able to evolve further (if you know what I mean?)
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In this panel, you can see Rin calling Sae 'big brother' even though previously, Rin wanted no mention of Sae being related to him. Which shows that Rin is still attached to Sae and that Rin's only goal really, even though he said was to overcome his brother, was probably to be able to get his brother's approval rather than to actually become better than him.
I swear, if Sae had admitted to him being proud of Rin (which I wished happened) Rin might've lost his goal, which is to overcome and beat Sae, and gone back to his 'lukewarm self'. But because Sae chose to compliment Rin's rival/Isagi instead of him it made Rin's hatred for Sae and Isagi grow even more. In the end, as shown in chap 269 and in the U20 game, if Rin remembers the 'unpleasant memories' of him and Sae (+ the restriction Isagi brings) it manages to bring out his ego and further evolve him.
So I guess in the end, even though I'd very much love for them to reconcile, this is probably the better decision for Rin's football career (I still rlly want them to make up with each other, the sibling angst is getting to me).
I was rereading blue lock and this is just my own interpretation of these scenes. I don't know how accurate this is but this is how I see it. Also, I didn't proof read, this is just a rant because Itoshi brothers lore is sad. I probably repeated a lot of words so apologies for that.
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csoisoi · 1 year
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ifrit's tail makes delicious food
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Appreciation post for the characters who are doomed from the beginning and whatever they do their tragedy cannot be overturned
For Example Regulus Black and Matthais Helvar, ik it seems like a stretch but hear me out for a second plz
Both characters grew up in a toxic environment and were essentially brainwashed (Regulus with the Black Family and Matthais with the Druskelle)
They both lost people dear to them at a very young age (Matthais his whole family in a fire caused by Grisha and Regulus his brother Sirius)
They both fell in love with the "enemy" (Matthais fell in love with Nina who is a Grisha while he is a Grishahunter and Regulus fell in love with James who is a Gryffindor, and essentially stole his brother and is everything the Black family is against)
The person they fell in love with made them realise their own prejudiced views and their wrongdoings encouraging them to change
Doing everything possible to change while fighting their own personal demons (The Druskelle and the Black family weren't good but at the end of the day they were the only family they had ever known)
Dying while trying to fight for the right side and redeeimg themselves bcoz at last they see that they have a chance at a better life (Matthais died while trying to save Grisha and Regulus died while betraying Voldemort)
Bcoz in the end it didn't matter that they tried everything in their power to change, they were destined to die and the most tragic part is that their deaths have no meaning!! Them dying doesn't change the story. They were as helpless on the day they died as they have been their whole life when they were not given any choice.
The one time they try to do something for their own self, fall in love and see this sliver of light, of the life they could have, they meet their tragic demise.
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the-pest1lence · 3 months
Okay okay okay just got to Kayne, Arthur and John’s first meeting and the entire time I’m just like
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I love Kayne so much like idk what it is about him but he’s just a skrunkly little guy
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moobell55 · 2 years
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Thinking about how throughout OUABH and TBONA Jacks is the only person who truly acts in Evangeline’s best interest.
Like Marisol, she doesn’t give a damn about Eva.
Chaos doesn’t want anything to happen to her because he needs her but also let’s them be hunted by vampire in OUABH, not to mention kills her eventually in TBONA.
Even Lala, who Evangeline considers a friend, curses her with the intent to cause harm to her. Like the Mirror Curse, Lala knew Apollo was dangerous after the Archers curse was placed on him. This also insured that Jacks couldn’t harm Apollo to protect Eva because he’d also be hurting Eva. She also gaslights Eva, telling her she’s only doing what she’s doing to reclaim her lost love from the Valory Arch. I understand that’s she’s a Fate who feels limited emotions, but her choosing to punish Eva for refusing to open the arch was extremely cruel.
Apollo her own husband, doesn’t care what happens to her. He’s aware of the Archers and Mirror Curse being placed upon him. He knows that every time he’s by Eva, that no matter how hard he tries fighting it he will still try to kill her. In TBONA, he sneaks into her bedroom at Chaos castle to try and sleep with her, claiming “he’s been waiting for so long” and kisses her and starts taking her clothes off. But guess what, the Archers curse kicks in and he’s now strangling his wife. He would’ve killed her if it wasn’t for Jacks intervention, but even when Jacks try’s taking her away, Apollo begins screaming from the cage “To get his hands off his wife, and not to touch her.” Instead of begin horrified of almost killing his wife he’s more jealous of Jacks saving her from being killed.
And sure Jacks has his own motives that he doesn’t tell her about. But at every given instance he’s protected her, he risked Turing into a vampire to keep her safe. He jumped off a cliff with her in his arms, (As a swimmer and a lifeguard this is extremely dangerous, especially oceans with carry strong riptides and currents, also please never cliff dive if you aren’t aware of what lord beneath) knowing that her not being able to swim could possibly kill him. He jumps anyways and swims back to shore with her in his arms. Not only that but he carry’s her back to the castle so she doesn’t cut her shoeless feet on the rocks. He constantly protects her, telling her he’d kill any one who dared hurt her. In the end he choose Eva’s safety over his feelings for her. He knew if he stayed with her he would’ve kissed her, believing it would’ve killed her. He’d rather be unhappy for the rest of his life without her than risk her safety.
In conclusion Jacks is the only character who truly cares about Eva and choose to protect her every single time.
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