#i just love all the cute ships and art with all of them
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the-fab-fox · 3 days ago
Okay so. I think I'm probably anyone all the fanartist and fanfic writers with all of this.
I'm sorry.
I just have no artistic talent and its different writing self insert romance than reading it. IDK how to explain. Mostly cause you don't know that to expect which is kinda how it should be. When you write it you already know.
And believe me if I had countless amounts of money I'd just commission everyone for them. But I don't because I'm dealing with a lot of health and stress things right now. Needing to move from a very shitty dangerous situation. I literally got the flu because of the stress two of my roommates who are transphobic caused. And now I'm dealing with more and it's embarrassing and I just I missed work again today because of last night and I just. Anyway basically I have no money.
Anyway. I just thought. I see so many artists and writers drawing and writing for others OCS and things and so I thought well the fandom seems pretty welcoming to other OCS and so maybe some wouldn't mind writing or drawing mine with Trein.
He's been a huge comfort to me recently. Not sure why. But yeah. So i guess that's why I've been so... Eager and expressive over my desire for this.
Ultimately. While I would have liked stuff of my baby fox beastman therapist and him, I just. There's just not enough of him in general so I thought I'd I show them him loving and talk about them maybe that might spur inspo.
I don't know though. I think I must have upset y'all or annoyed you or made you think I'm just looking for free art. Which is I guess in a way is true but it was more in a sense y'all do art of other OCS all the time when you love them.
For some reason, both versions of my baby don't seem to be getting that much love. I know I don't yet have a bio but even if I did I'm not an artist so I can't create the cool ones y'all draw (artists) and I can't afford one commission wise.
And in the au with Mello's Yuu, it seems like any time he's in an update where he is looking at Trey or with Trey, he's completely ignored but everyone is gushing on how hot Trey is and what not.
That's not the experience I've seen with any other canon x OC or Yuu ship ever. Most people praise how cute they are and things. Like literally almost every comment on those is love of the couple.
The one that is closest to them both showing interest is them looking lovey at each other while talking with Yuu being like are they dating already.
Literally not many comments at all if I remember which is not normal for Mellos comics. And most were about the interaction with Mello and Riddle and didn't even mention Trey and Finn.
So I'm thoroughly confused what's going on. And he's rarely talked about at all in any scene he's featured all I really... IDK it kinda hurts.
I don't think my character is a bad character. I thought he was really cute and sweet and precious.
But anyway it doesn't really matter. I just thought maybe if I requested it could happen but maybe he's just not an acceptable OC to y'all.. Not sure why but that's fine. I'll just do what I do with him. I won't bother y'all anymore. I'm very sorry to have annoyed or bothered y'all. This will be the last post/reblog.
I just wanna read fanfic or see fanart of my adult twist finn so I'm love with Trein but I can't draw and I don't wanna have to write it. I wanna read it from someone else's prose like I can with ships.
Why can't I be multiple beings across the world?
Or something. IDK. XD
It just feels so... IDK. I don't want to be seen as lame or cringe if I write it myself and I also don't always like my own writing. I often think it's basic af. My readers will vehemently disagree, to which I thank them but ye.
Look at them.
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Just look at them! (Note: art by @mellosdrawings. Twst Finn in this au [2nd OC Au with Mello] is NRC's resident therapist. He is in a relationship with Trein, Crewel, Crowley, and Mello's oc NRC Librarian, Yuan. [Poly ftw!]
But yes. Just look at how somft they areeeee....
And I just want content and I don't have time or energy to do it myself with all I have to do. 😭😭😭😭😭
Sorry y'all. Just had to get this off my chest. Lol.
Anyway Twst fandom. How are y'all? And my other peeps?
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cartoonqtpie · 5 months ago
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I'm having a lot of fun drawing Scraps
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gingerpines · 3 months ago
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teen caitvi au where they met at jayce’s workshop as kids bc ekko was making deliveries for benzo and they became friends and would meet up outside caitlyn’s house at the gate every night like romeo and juliet and vi would always listen to caitlyn yap about jayce’s newest invention and one day cait convinced her mom to take vi at one of the shooting tournaments for a weekend and they realized how much of a crush they have on each other
more about this au here!
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month ago
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Under the sun
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nemnums · 1 year ago
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they should’ve been canon
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littlelightfish · 7 months ago
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Ah... yes... new obsession <3
Close ups under the cut :]
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I love them so much I cannot- I cant-
I'm new to the Fandom but I needed to get this guy's out of my head a bit.
I love them. I even forgot they were supposed to be part of an horror game until they make me remember. But they so cute.
Hating the image limit on mobile >:(
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When people ask "What do you do for fun?" why isn't "Looking at art of my friends oc ship and giggling and kicking my feet <3" an appropriate answer?
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maxmagic · 9 months ago
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So I was going to do one image for the ask, but me being me went a bit far and beyond
Ft. Sam cuz she's my baby
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KSKSJDF Theyre such losers/pos!!!
Nah they know nothing about looking good (poor Sam has her job cut out) More sillies below
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Dont they look cute ~~?
No tell Sam, but Hank thinks her make up skills are good hihihi
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l0ganberry · 10 months ago
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pink-octodoodles64 · 4 days ago
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sequel to that one ratty x mole drawing i did but ratty is getting back at him
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deus-ex-mona · 3 months ago
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since the new year is just a week away (what even.), remember that time kyhn was almost a thing in honeypre?
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we all know hina’s years-long unrequited love for yukki, but in this event~~~~~~ he found her cute!!! and he said “the boy who’ll become setoguchi’s lover will definitely be happy”!!!!
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a n d he briefly pictured what it’d be like to date hina!!!!!!!! and the wish he made at the shrine was for hina’s happiness (for the rest of her time in high school)…
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also!!!! they pretended to be lovers during this little new year’s date~~~~ they’re so precious~~~~
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anyways!!! happy kyhn new year!!!!
#so like. i think it’s fine to love and support a ship (even if it doesn’t become canon) as long as you mind your manners#like. dont go harassing the creators and/or people who dont support your noncanon ship m y g o sh. i thought that was common sense#i think kyhn shippers these days are pretty respectful for the most part. they make cute art and vibe in peace pretty wholesomely#though it’s not like kyhn was *that* popular back in the day too… most people seemed to be rooting for kotachan#even from the time of the hina movie’s initial release#i get the sense that we all just cried together at the foregone conclusion of kyhn and smiled at the cute moments while we could…#th o u g h not gonna lie i only started supporting kthn after reading the daikirai novel bc he was so hilariously salty in it#and that was. like. in late 2020… so more than 3 years after the hina movie… (<-creature who could *not* let go of kyhn)#so. like. i think given some time the initial flames of angry shipper rage should peter out… perhaps.#so my point is… even though times are hard and copium supplies are low… do not compare kyhn to lhy/yhy they are *not* the same#kyhn had cute bits and hints and stuff like this~~~~ but yhy has never been a thing from the start.#and. like. it was really obvious from the start that kyhn would not become canon… as sad as that truth was at the time#hw loves to release paired songs of couples (the another story and such) and kotachan got the another/triangle story of imasuki#while yukki had nothing after rival sengen for years#(kore seishun doesnt count bc it was a chicosana song for years before the 4th charasong album)#but aaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~ i still really really really like the gardening club together as an ot3… ktkyhn…#i still think kthn and kyry should merge into a little love quartet and open a flower shop together#let them all garden together~~~~~ live laugh love kthnkyry…???? there has gotta be a better acronym for that…#just honeypre things
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rad1opulsars · 5 months ago
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Chiptober day 14 - Favorite ship
Just gonna post these as I finish them while trying to catch up u_u
I'm not immune to old men yaoi. sigh.
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Sannyo's Flowers
You occasionally see art of Sannyo with flowers:
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The reason for this is not only that Sannyo Komakusa is named after the Komakusa flower, but also that she named and themed her Spellcards after Japanese mountain flowers.
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Mountain Sign "Heaven-Shaking Kumomagusa" / Mountain Apparition "Astonishing Kumomagusa" (depending on difficulty)
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Mountain Sign "Usuyukisou Shining with Bewitching Light" / Mountain Apparition "Usuyukisou of Thronging Crowds of Youma" (depending on difficulty)
And of course, her namesake
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Mountain Flower "Komakusa of Massacre" / Mountain Flower "Mountain Queen of Massacre" ( depending on difficulty)
Even her nonSpells resemble flowers.
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Its extremely cute that instead of modeling them after smoke, or gambling, she chose some of her favorite mountain flowers. She has very unique tastes, especially the Usuyukisou which aren't quite conventionally beautiful but they definitely look like lasers with sunlight shining off of them. Though they certainly have their charm shining in the sunlight.
She actually has a few flowers in her den in Lotus Eaters as well.
After Mizutaki released the script for a bunch of Lotus Eaters. Including LE29 and 30, it was revealed that both her dragon divider and flowers were part of ZUN'S script, making Sannyo's flowers primary canon!
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We aren't likely to be seeing them in Lotus Eaters again since Sannyo can only keep them on the mountain, but it's really great we got to see them when we did. It's nice knowing she canonicaly takes care of some in addition to modeling her Spellcards after them.
Also last but not least, the Title Lotus Eaters gave her was.
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a very appropriate, and poetic title for her; and it explains why she loves tough mountain flowers so much. she's a bit of a mountain flower herself after all.
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lieutenantselnia · 1 year ago
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Finally finished my anniversary piece, even if it's a couple days late :')
The 14th of January was mine and Heinz' third anniversary! He's been with me since 2021 and seriously, he's made my life so much better. Things haven't always been easy, but imagining that he's by my side helps me so much whenever I'm feeling down or stressed. Falling for him took me completely by surprise, and I never expected my love for him to grow so strong, but here we are. I love all my f/os, but he still earns a special place among them. He's my everything and my heart belongs to him❤️
I hope I can draw more of him and me/Selina in the coming year, since I actually have so many ideas! I want to show more of their story, I want to draw funny and cute moments between them, I want them to be happy and completely and utterly infatuated with each other. Here's hoping for many more good memories together <3
Also an alternate version under the cut because I couldn't decide whether I wanted an actual background or not (but decided in the end that the characters should be more in the focus)
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gemharvest · 8 months ago
Need to get on top of whatever dumb fucking inferiority complex I got going on I'm tired of looking at everything about myself and going "Wow I am really sub-par." I know it's 2am but this isn't the midnight thoughts talking this is a fucking persistent curse throughout my day.
#ventings#drew up a really cute sketch and I will be honest I wanna share it at this stage sooo bad but my brain keeps telling me#that my dialogue writing is atrocious. so i guess im keeping this to myself until its lined lol#its going to take so much for me to share it and not go `sorry if this is ass haha..` BECAUSE I DONT WANNA SOUND LIKE IM FISHING#FOR COMPLEMENTS. IM NOT. I JUST GENUINELY DON'T THINK A LOT OF WHAT I COME UP WITH IS GOOD#LOL. LMAO EVEN idk im not even sad about this its kinda just pissing me off. can i not be confident in my works at least once#i think this is why i dont write a lot either. cuz id love to do it more i just constantly think what i put down is complete ass and it#demotivates me. positive comments are nice and i appreciate them sm but then my brain goes back on its bullshit#going to throw up and cry so many talented people surround me and i genuinely do not get what anyone sees in me LOL#like you can follow people who emulate the fnf style better. you can follow people who make better ship art or fics#you can follow people who are funnier. the worst is feeling like everyone around you is a moment away from realizing youre#actually worth nothing and dropping you for someone better at articulating things or who are funnier or are less annoying or#okay i just looked into the invisible camera and gave a toothy smile and a thumbs up to stop myself from crying i think#ive gone far enough into this. im going to bed#sorry everyone who sees this i promise im not normally this much of a sad bitch!#my inhibitions are just lowered cuz im tired and also all of my friends should be asleep rn so im not gonna accidentally#make people feel bad for me cuz of this. gluh. ive got shitpost doodles in the works ill be back to being goofy shortly
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viatrix-glow · 1 year ago
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a producer who loves her knights
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