#i just finished my first full rewatch since i was a kid
arthurcantsleep · 1 month
A Collection of unsent letters
Dear Stanley,
I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry. I got a science grant and I really wanted to call you, but I realized I didn't have a number for you. Did you hear about Dad? I'm sorry.
Miss you,
Dear Stanley,
I've made a big breakthrough! I met someone that can really help me. It's dangerous, but I've got help. When I'm done you could visit, maybe? I hope wherever you are, you are okay.
Dear Stan,
I'm close. So so close to a breakthrough! Fiddleford has left, but my work is still on track. Soon, I will find you and with the money I'll have made, we can travel. I'll buy a nice boat and we can go wherever you want. I really miss my brother. I really miss you.
Dear Fiddleford,
You need to come back. I'm sorry for what I said, and I'm sorry I let go. I'm sure Emma-May and Tate miss you, but I can't do this without you. When it gets really quiet here, all I here is his voice and I'm sure what's real or not. I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean what I did. I lov I hope you can forgive me. Because I can't.
It's been twenty years in here. This dream dimension is scary and dangerous. I had to remember all those boxing lessons you gave me. I'm trying to be strong like you. I'm sorry for everything. I'm getting old. I wish I could see you and Shermie again. For your sake, I hope I never do. I will die here. I hope that you are okay. I hope you can forgive me. For everything. I wish we went on that damn boat. I hope you are happy, wherever you ended up, with a big family that loves you. I should have been a better brother and a better friend. Stay out of trouble for me please
I had a strange dream. I hope you are safe. I think he's back. I hope you did burn that stupid book. I know now that you were right. I was selfish to continue building and I was selfish to bring you to Gravity Falls. I was selfish when I turned you away all those years ago. Knowing you, you probably took a steel bat to that stupid machine right after I left. In a lot of ways you were always smarter than me. I think I probably would have ended up here a lot sooner, had I gone to my dream school. Alone and scared. You probably hate me now. I hate me now. I've pushed away everyone who loved me, everyone who supported me.
I hope that Fiddleford was able to get better. If I ever see him again in the great whatever-happens-next I hope I can apologize properly. I'm starting to lose my fight. I stopped counting the years after I turned seventy.
I think somewhere out there is a universe where I invite you to my house sooner. I hug you and say I'm sorry. You apologize too and we are brothers again. You and Shermie visit. I'm best man at your wedding. I find myself wanting to ask you for help more and more often. I want my big brother to save me.
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skoulsons · 2 years
Talking about the sniper section bc it’s. My heart feels like that house.
First, BEAUTIFULLY DONE. absolutely perfect, every part of it. But rewatching, Joel never stops watching Ellie. Not for a second. He’s watching where she’s going and he’s watching behind her for infected. When she’s knocked to the ground after Joel shoots the one clicker, she spots an open window in a van. Joel is watching her and sees where she’s looking and knows exactly where she’s trying to go. You see his eyes move to the left to see the van. And she knows he’ll kill all of the infected in her way. Because she trusts him. And because he won’t let her die.
And once Ellie’s in the van, Joel’s fire ceases except for killing the ones behind it. He is only looking out for her. Anything gets close to that van, he’s there immediately. There’s a shot of him after the bloater surfaces of him just watching. Not firing, just observing the van. Watching for infected. Keeping her safe.
And then one comes up, a young girl in a BLUES CLUES SHIRT, and you see the panic immediately on his face. He goes from completely still to shaking. He fires and he misses. His reload even feels rushed. His breath is shaky, hitching even. His entire face is trembling. And then the clicker is in the car and he can’t see it anymore. He can’t protect her anymore. And it cuts again to him taking two quick, rushed, and paralyzing breaths. He adjusts his grip on the gun because his hands are sweating. And now he, much like she had to minutes prior, has to trust that she can and will get out of this, as much as he wants to be the one to save her from it
Then it cuts to Joel again when she’s outside the van.
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This is panic. Fear. This is not knowing what’s coming out of that van. If that clicker ate a hole in her neck and it’s the one escaping. The fear of not knowing her fate and if he just lost her again. Of not being able to protect her because he can’t see her through the windows of the van. The fear of so many uncertainties.
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And this is relief. His shoulders have even fallen back slightly, relaxing. When he sees she’s out and closed the door on the clicker. That she’s, in a weird, twisted way, safe again. Because he can protect her again. Because he can, and will, kill every infected in her path.
And then she’s on the ground and they can see each other again. Ellie looks over to Henry and Sam and sees them struggling under the car. She can’t leave them. She reaches for her shiv and she looks to Joel in the house.
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She’s determined. And he knows it. He can’t see them under the car, but he can guess what she’s saying. What she wants to do. What she’s asking him to do. To continue to protect her (like he’d ever stop), as dangerous and heart attack inducing as it will be for him to see her do this. And he makes a face that Pedro seems to make in every role he plays.
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This face. This face, to me, means a plethora of different things depending on his role. But in this context, it’s more of a ‘fine, I’ll do it. I’ve got you’ one. He even nods slightly. Really slightly. Deep down, he wants them safe, too. It’s dangerous down there. It’s full of infected. And he’d like nothing more than to get out of there with her in one piece. But Ellie has a big heart. She cares about Henry and Sam. And Joel knows that. He’s seen how she’s been with Sam. Laughing with him, reading with him, signing with him, playing soccer with him. How long has it been since she’s been able to do this with another kid? But Ellie’s asks him just a little more. I need to get to them. Protect me.
And he does, of course he does. He kills five(?) clickers that touch her or get in her path. And he’s no longer shaking. He’s as stable as ever in firing. He nails every single shot, killing every clicker in her way. Ellie gets to Henry and Sam, killing the clicker on Henry and stabbing the one on Sam while Joel finishes it off. And he watches for any more that come their way. And once he sees they’re in the clear, he leaves and meets up with them immediately
Main point being - protective dad Joel <3
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I really want to see your post about how Katara is forcefully matured by the fandom, please!
Ok, while I wasn't ready to make that post in earnest, and frankly never might be, here's some of my cursory thoughts on the topic. I'd gladly talk about it in detail more but also ✨️fear✨️
So, let's get the obvious out of the way. Katara is a 14 year old. A child, barely a teen. In fact, the entirety of the gaang is made up of children.
Now, I haven't been fully active in the atla fandom in quite some time, mostly lurking on the peripheries, because the fandom is a shitshow. One of the reasons being the fact that most fans cannot, for the life of them handle the Gaang's inherent childishness.
This isn't just a Katara problem. Other than her, Aang suffers the most for the egregious crime of being a 12 year old survivor of a genocide. Suki is, of course, mainly ignored. The interpretations of Toph can vary wildly, from her being horrifically matured to being dissmissed as a chaotic, rude child. Zuko and Sokka's immature moments are looked at more permissively, being an angsty boi™️ and a goofy goober respectively.
I do find it odd that Aang doesn't get the "boys will be boys" pass, but ok, we'll blame it on him being... bald? a nice boy? not concerned with his own masculinity?
As for Katara, her maturity is treated like... a given. She's the mom of the group, the proverbial love interest, the feminist icon, the badass fighter, the trailblazer filled with feminine rage. The trophy wife to Aang, the (Lore Olympus style) Persephone to Zuko's Hades.
And true, she is, or at least can be, a lot of these things.
However she is, first and foremost, a child. This fact is presented to us on a silver platter in the first episode, when her and Aang are penguin sledding.
Katara : I haven't done this since I was a kid!
Aang: You still are a kid!
Katara is a child forced to mature. Her circumstances forced her to try to fill her mother's place and to fight for those who couldn't do so themselves. The fandom brands her as a mom friend. Sees her purely as an icon of empowerment. Or worse, degrades her character to being a love interest.
(im talking about both sides of the kataang/zutara debate. I have my biases, but I'm sure there are kataangers who treat her like this as well. I simply have encountered very few of them.)
Her story, while yes, has many themes of female empowerment is in huge part, a tragedy. The tragedy of a young girl forced to grow up much too soon.
Sadly, this is rarely spoken about. It's not spoken about directly and therefore a lot of the fandom doesn't see this. (Or simply doesn't want to see it)
This is not to say that Katara's more mature aspects should be dismissed or buried. She displays a lot of maturity for her age, to the point of being able to go toe to toe both intellectually and physically with the (admittedly usually incompetent) adults of the show. Additionally, she evolves as a character through the durtation of the show.
But a huge chunk of her maturity being forced and therefore unhealthy is a key aspect of her character.
I think what upsets me the most is that while the critiquing the idea of Katara being treated as the mom of the group in fanon is becoming more and more common, the treatment of her as something akin to a YA protagonist is on the rise.
Both these interpretations are so insulting to the character of Katara, what is wrong with you people?
I'm currently rewatching atla with a focus on Katara as a character (while also trying to give zutara a chance I am doing my best guys) and her childishness is an integral part of her. It's sad to see her treated as an adult by the fandom. And honestly unsettling, especially with how much of like a child she acts.
I wanna finish my rewatch before I give my full ramble on the topic. I also wanna look more into the many different opinions people in the atla fandom have on Katara's treatment by the show. Though even trying to skim the surfce was like injecting lemon juice directly into my tear ducts. Also I really, really don't wanna get sent death threats again.
I want to give the topic of Katara my full attention. However I don't think I'll ever make this post, actually. The atla fandom is a rabid horrid pack of creatures and I'm not sure if I wanna engage with all that.The post would probably bash a lot of things considered key arguments for Zutara, since, looking at Zutara through a child's doesn't exactly scream 'romance' and do I really want that on my blog?
Katara's role as a child isn't valued as much as her role as a woman and I just don't want to deal with people calling me mean names for talking about a little girl being traumatised.
I'd be glad to have a discussion but I made this blog mainly to have fun and enjoy a piece of media I like. I met some truly amazing people whom I can have really great discussions with, even if we don't agree. I don't want to jeopardise that by being a pretentious dick on a soapbox.
Call this and the last few posts I made on Katara me testing the waters.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hi! i've been rewatching a few tdliosk eps every once in a while and i kinda missed kusuo 😩 and since it's christmas season i was wondering if u could write a saiki x fem reader one-shot in reference to season 1 ep 16 where saiki dresses up as santa and distributes presents to the kids in their neighborhood? so uhm when he was about to go home, he sees reader walking in the street (she lives nearby) also dressed up as santa for some reason lol. saiki and her are friends to say the least but there's an unspoken mutual pining stuff going on between them. saiki walks her home then she suddenly sees a mistletoe on one of the houses... reader froze and blushes hard and saiki got confused so he read her mind and he was like oh... he's hesitating on whether he'll kiss her or not but much to his surprise reader makes the first move 😆 tysm and pls take ur time! ❤
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hi there! Thank you so much for your request! I couldn’t resist writing one of my more recent requests especially with the holiday theme…i hope you enjoy!
ps., dialogue in italics are kusuos inner thoughts/talking via telepathy!
warnings: angst? maybe? if you squint?
wc: 1.4k
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The last person Saiki wanted to see today was you. 
It was already a pain going door to door dealing with all the brats in his neighborhood, but suddenly it was a hundred times more embarrassing when you were nervously eyeing his Santa get-up in confusion. 
But something that sort of lessened his dread upon running into you was that you too were also wearing a costume like his.
Saiki had spent his entire evening playing this Santa delivering presents to the children in his neighborhood, courtesy of his parents. He flew around the sky with a sack full of presents, just like the real deal. He’s dealt with all sorts of headaches tonight- a scared child, a non-believer, and a family conflict, to name a few. By the time his sack was empty, Kusuo was exhausted and ready to head home, opting to simply walk with his empty bag instead of teleporting as he didn’t live far. He regrets this decision immediately, however, when he runs into you. Which leads him to the dilemma he’s put himself in right now. 
“Oh no…of course I'd run into Y/N at this very moment. Why didn’t I just teleport home as soon as I finished?”
Just like with the rest of his friends, Saiki found you a nuisance, someone who interfered with his ability to lead a “normal” and peaceful life, but for a different reason than the rest of his peers. The two of you had been friends for a long time, longer than any of his current ones, but your relationship has felt different recently, and it’s been stressing Saiki out. 
As of late, Saiki has taken notice of some new uncomfortable feelings that only arise around you. Tightness in his chest, a weird sensation in his stomach. He doesn’t get sick, so obviously these symptoms alarm Kusuo. What was even more alarming was the fact that they were recurring, and most alarming of all, they were only recurrent around you. 
He’d been trying to avoid the most dreadful conclusion for these feelings ever since he noted that they only arose around you. He’s heard the signs a million times thanks to his love-crazed classmates. Clammy hands, he’s got it. A burning feeling in his chest? A blazing feeling, even. It brought him a sense of horror unlike any other, but after being unable to rid himself of his troublesome feelings, he’d come to the conclusion that yes, he, of all people, has a crush. Even worse, it was a crush on one of the only tolerable people in his life.
Maybe this conclusion wasn’t all that shocking, but it certainly didn’t make Kusuo feel any good. He’d been friends with you for years, spending all that time getting to know you and growing comfortable with you, and now suddenly he feels something more than friendship? Him of all people, the psychic who thought that it was his very nature not to be romantically involved with anyone? It turned his view of himself upside down. 
Saiki reached this conclusion not too long ago, and he’s still trying to figure out what to do with it. What was even worse about the ordeal was that your thoughts, as of late, have also been worrisome, seemingly more eager than usual to be around Saiki and questioning yourself whenever you caught yourself thinking of him in a not-so-just-friends kind of way. He's been trying his best to avoid you until he can figure out how to dispose of these feelings without them growing and without you catching on, as it seemed that they only intensified each time he saw you, and that wasn’t something he wanted.
Yet here you were, and for some reason, you were also in a Santa getup like Kusuo.
And after recovering from your initial moment of shock, you spoke out into the quiet, frigid atomosphere.  “Kusuo? Is that you?”
As you lived near Kusuo, the two of you accompanied each other on your walks home. You both removed your beards and hats to see and talk to each other properly, and you anxiously explained to Saiki the reasoning behind your getup after he explained his own, flustered that he caught you at such an embarrassing time. 
“Well, my work required me to wear something festive, and I got stuck with Santa out of all our costumes. I would have preferred an elf or even a snowman over Santa. I’ve been sweating all day.” You laughed nervously as you held your gaze to the ground and your beard up in defeat. But then you let your arm drop to its side and you turned toward him with a small smile. 
“I think it’s nice what you did, even if your parents coaxed you into it. Not many people would step up like you did tonight.”
Saiki stared at you exasperatedly. Usually Saiki doesn’t care for any sort of praise he receives, and he really (and I mean truly), doesn’t mean to brag, but he usually receives a lot. He doesn’t think much of it, but something about it coming from you makes him reflect, which pained him. He hates the effect you have on him, which is why he’s been trying to stay away. But somehow, he always keeps finding his way back to you, and you to him. He has to deal with a lot of irritating people on a daily basis, but you were his ultimate headache. Just how was he about to go about this new development in your relationship? It made him uneasy to think that things would have to change between you two, that things were already changing. Was it because he let you so close to him that he developed these feelings for you? That he’s gotten so vulnerable, so much more anxious and scared? Was he right about relationships in general being nothing but an inconvenience? 
Your house came before his, and out of respect, Kusuo walked you to your doorstep, deep in almost dark thought about his feelings. You didn’t mind Kusuo being quiet, and for the most part, your dynamic has usually consisted of you being the more talkative one. Besides, you were both exhausted from your eventful evenings. What you didn’t expect was for Saiki to follow behind you as you climbed up the steps to your porch. When you turned around behind you, your eyes widened in alarm.
“Oh no, Saiki, it’s okay, you don’t need to-!”
By the time he stopped in his tracks, your warning was futile. Saiki stared in confusion over your panicked face, your eyes carrying a sort of frenzied look in them. “What? What’s with the sudden dismissal? I only-”
And suddenly his own eyes widened in panic as he realized his error, his miscalculation. He’s beating himself up for not being more cautious, especially during this time of year. How could he be so careless?
Kusuo slowly turned his head up, almost in fear, to get a better view of the mistletoe that hung above the two of you. 
“My family thought…it would be sweet…”
Saiki stared in horror with his mouth open at the plant before quickly turning his attention back to you. What was he supposed to do? He wasn’t entitled to kissing you, he could obviously refuse. But his stomach churned. Did he really want to be turned down? The thought, even if it cropped up for a second, made him want to slap himself and hurl. 
The two of you stared at each other nervously in silence for a couple of moments before you suddenly took a deep breath. Saiki’s eyes widened even further. “Are they seriously going to kiss me? I didn’t think they’d have the courage to make a move like that. Their thoughts never indicated-”
Warm lips met his cheek for the swiftest moment before only a tingling sensation lingered. It had happened so quick it left him feeling dazed from being pulled out so suddenly from his thoughts. His surprised gaze still firmly held your nervous one, and silence fell between the two of you for a brief moment. 
“Thank you for walking me home. Merry Christmas, Saiki.” You quickly sputtered out these final words before turning on your heel and quickly heading inside, thankful that the door was left unlocked by one of your family members like you had asked earlier that evening. 
Saiki couldn’t help but linger at the porch for a few seconds, staring at the closed door before slowly turning around and continuing the path toward his house.
There was good reason for him to want to avoid you, especially tonight. When he got home and headed into the kitchen to greet his mother, she commented absentmindedly on the deep rose that settled into his face from the cold, and talked to no one in particular about how wonderful and joyous the Christmas season was.
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wishing you all a happy and healthy 2023!! thank you for all the support i’ve received this past year <3
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rahuratna · 2 months
Hi! I have a one am musing 🥹
I was rewatching jjk season one (I still haven’t finished season two but I need to cope LOL) and now I’m able to pick up all the little details we talked about before. *heart melts*
It’s so crazy to me how in the very beginning Nanami didn’t acknowledge Yuji as a sorcerer, and by the end, he told Yuji to be the one to take over from here. It’s so bittersweet…
Tbh, the very first time I watched that episode, I was super shocked and thought Nanami was patronizing Yuji. And then I learned that wasn’t the case. He was being very matter-of-fact about it and knows Yuji has a lot of room to grow 🥹💕💕
Yuji was super eager to prove himself to Nanami, and then Nanami was like “frankly I don’t give a shit.” But in reality, he really does as he gets to learn more about Yuji, and so while I was terribly upset with s2 ep 18, his last words were the perfect conclusion.
(This is just a side note but I like it more when writers show off Nanami’s practical-minded nature more. How it may seem cold and standoffish at first but it wasn’t intended that way. I wish I got to see more of Nanami being blunt with criticism since different people could react differently to it and it’s who he is!)
I also realized that Gojo got new glasses LMAO. Didn’t see it before, but his high school ones were circular and his newer ones are more oval. I kinda glossed over it when he shops for new glasses in the “Lost in Paradise” ending. I personally like his high school sunglasses better. What about you?
Hi! And thanks for these lovely 1 am musings. It always makes my day to see one waiting for me 🤭 I also needed to take a moment to cope before moving on with season 2 (didn't help much, but necessary).
Nanami initially struck me as very contradictory, because there he was, taking a jab at the system (in his capacity as both a salaryman and as a sorcerer), saying that "work is shit", but also bowing formally to a teenager when he introduced himself and wearing a full business suit to kill curses!
I saw his lack of acknowledgement of Yuuji as another "fuck you" to the system. Here was Yuuji, a vessel to one of the most powerful curse users to ever exist, and he was essentially treating him as just another kid. I didn't necessarily see it in a good or bad light, it just struck me as a very deliberate choice on Nanami's part.
Of course, his later actions and his background showcased these things in a completely new way. Like you said, he cares a great deal for Yuuji and the younger generation of sorcerers. The fact that his last words to Yuuji were "you take it from here" is such a fitting culmination to his character arc.
He saw his duty as a guardian and protector of the young and the weak finally coming to an end, because they were now able to protect themselves better than he could. He saw Yuuji as completely fitting of carrying his legacy forward, and so let him know that he could now pass in peace.
I, also, wish we could have seen more of Nanami's interactions with others. The way Ijichi is actually more terrified of Nanami scolding him than anything else, describing him as the 'ultimate adult' or something along those lines, will never not be funny to me. Especially since Nanami is the type of man to never raise his voice in a professional setting. His pragmatic nature would probably have given us many more moments of misunderstandings, sweetness and humour, should it have been explored in greater detail.
As to Gojo's sunglasses, I do like the older style better! They reflected a lot of his irreverent, cheeky and offbeat personality. I suppose the oval shape is a style choice that changed as he grew older and matured, but yeah, I definitely preferred round lenses better!
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spookberry · 3 months
An infodump is being requested and hoped for, what random topic have you been rotating in your mind lately*?
*can be from seconds/minutes/hours/days ago
Okay well im gonna rant about high school musical some more then, specifically Sharpay
One thing of note about Sharpay Evans that I have in the past seen people get wrong, whether cuz of the setup we're used to with high-fem mean girl antagonists, or just faulty memory equating the 2nd movie's structure to the other two as well- is that Sharpay "runs the school" in some way.
Sharpay Evans has an intense personality and is insanely rich. So people know her. But shes not even really in charge of the drama department(darbus doesnt actually play favorites within the club itself, she just likes the drama kids more than the non-drama kids) Sharpay's the queen of people assuming you know what you're talking about just because you're confident when you say it.
At school shes not really friends with anyone, outside of her brother. Like she sits with other drama kids at lunch but she doesnt talk to them lol. Sharpay is considered a laughing stock by most her peers and THATS the reason she doesnt want Troy/Gabriella involved in the musical. She assumed the "meatheads" as she calls them were going to make a joke out of something she cares a lot about.(thats not to day she isnt the bad guy of the film or something, she definitely is. Just that she isnt in a place of real power over anyone) After callbacks it becomes clear Troy and Gabriella are serious and their peers arent just making fun of the drama club so shes quick to offer support and congratulate Gabriella. Like Sharpays just dramatic and likes to be the star of attention, you cant fault her for that.
Like, shes queen bee of the drama department and a schemer to boot, but when shes at East High she doesnt really have any power the way she does at Lava Springs.
Also side note can you IMAGINE how fucking awkward thatd actually be to have like half your class working at a resort your family owns. Luckily Sharpay has no shame and would boss them around even outside of this scenerio but I briefly put myself in her shoes and I felt like shriveling up and dying. Like her mother makes this comment "these are your school chums not the fuddy duddy lava springs staff" and im like "this makes everything a million times worse, ma'am your daughter already has a bad reputation amongst her classmates and now youre allowing this??" The wildcats even mention feeling weird about having to wait on sharpay to which their boss assures them they wont have to(which is a lie!!)
Fun fact tho, me and my sisters used to rewatch the first and second high school musical films so fucking much that one time we were bored and started just like, quoting the 2nd movie from start to end word for word, songs included. And then afterwards we were like that was weird... do we know the first one too? we did.
The plotline in hsm3 with rocketman and the british girl was so lame tho tbh. Sharpay would never breakdown during a performance like that. Did you see her in 2 with Troy as her partner? It was like performing with a cardboard cut out and she still nailed it.
Side tracking again to actually talk about Gabriella this time. But the way the third movie treats her makes me so annoyed. Like the whole world is against her! Her Main Thing since Day One of this franchise has been that she wants a break from being "the smart girl" and just finally embrace her chance at a normal school life. She's never lived anywhere long enough to finish out a full school year, let alone have friends, and she finally gets that at East High and what does the universe do?? Make her feel bad and like shes throwing away her future for wanting to go to prom, perform in her last musical, and graduate high school with her friends. Which is like conpletely normal and reasonable to want?? I dont blame her for not wanting to go back to East High after all of her friends basically pushed her out and lectured her for wanting to enjoy her time there. Its not like stanford was going anywhere. She still couldve left for college in the fall like all her friends were going to.
I like to imagine Gabriella turns out to be someone who wants a very stable life for her kids. She settles down and makes sure they experience all the small joys of growing up that she just never really had.
Sharpay's ending was kinda sad too tbh. Even if she didn't have any plans for higher education at the end it feels off. (Why was she and Ryan even worried about the Julliard scholarship anyways? Theyre insanely rich)
Also dont even get me started on Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. Theres some parts to it that i think are absurdly stupid in like the way a movie about sharpay trying to get famous should be absurdly stupid. And then there are other parts that are like :/ who even is this.
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 months
9 people you want to know better tag game
Thank you @bagheerita for the tag! ❤️️ Template is at the bottom below the cut.
Three ships: Young/Telford/Rush from SGU. I won't, but I could include other combinations of them and totally cheat this question - these three are the characters that just click with you, that will stick with you for your entire life.
John/Scorpius from Farscape. Me as a wide-eyed 7 year old watching a torturer clad in a leather suit come on screen: 😮😮😮
Sheppard/Todd from SGA. It's not always monsterfucking with them, but when it is... Oh boy! 👀
First ship: Third Doctor/Delgado Master from classic Doctor Who. My mum was involved in the convention scene back then so I grew up surrounded by it and we had a massive wall of every story that had been released on DVD. I hope they all made the move with us. I remember being a young kid and her bringing down a boxset with the faces of the first 7 Doctors; I'd point to one of them and she'd pick us an episode of theirs for us to watch. (Simpler times but not really)
Last song: Currently listening to Hell As Well by We Three, a band I found through @frostysfrenzy. My best songs playlist has 140 songs if you want to know my music taste without being overwhelmed.
Last movie: The Road. I saw a meme that had been made for it on here and remembered it being an excellent book, so gave it a shot. It was better in book form unfortunately. I remember it was the first time I'd seen the sentence structure of 'this happened and this happened and this happened' outside of "bad" or "childish" writing. How it was used to successfully show someone's declining mental and physical state has stuck with me.
Currently watching: Rewatching Being Human (US version) and Firefly. Trying not to let unpleasant people being involved (Mark Pellegrino and Joss Whedon respectively) ruin things I've long-term loved. So I'll engage as long as I'm not providing them financial/social/political influence to harm others. Yes, I am looking at people who still pay for Harry Potter merch.
Currently reading: Here, have a google drive full of SG1 and SGA books. I can't remember which blog linked it originally, but I'm on book 6 of the SGA Legacy series, which is basically the plot of season 6 if they'd been renewed. (Though I do side-eye some things in there, like Sheppard instantly getting together with Teyla and there being a hint to Keller being abusive in her relationship with Rodney. I don't think they would have done the former on TV as even though Teyla isn't military she's still under Sheppard's command so it would reflect poorly on the real life US military - which is the only reason O'Neill and Carter didn't get together properly, if I'm remembering right? The latter... I've seen too much of Keller bashing in fandom. I don't need it in my "official" content too.)
Currently eating: I just finished some garlic and chilly chicken drumsticks and rice. I've been eating good since my boyfriend got into cooking. 😁
Currently craving: Hmm... I think I'm good. Full of food and an extra of my ADHD meds because I'm running on night-mode currently, meaning I'd be going to bed around 6-7am except I need a doctor's appointment so I'm gonna have to stay up and tough it out. Took it at 11pm so should have worn off enough for me to sleep after my appointment. (While the able-to-focus effect only last 8 hours, the you-will-stay-awake part persists for 12. 🙄)
Tagging: @frostysfrenzy @autism-purgatory @froggy-pposto @paeliae-occasionally @the-golden-comet
@dream-i-die @gioiaalbanoart @wyked-ao3 @worlds-tallest-fairy @chaniis-atlantis
Three ships: 
First ship:
Last song: 
Last movie: 
Currently watching: 
Currently reading: 
Currently eating: 
Currently craving:
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on-a-sunbeam · 6 months
Revenge and Dollhouse for the ask game?
YES HI!!! Uhm I’ll do Dollhouse first!
My rating (1-10): I’d give it a 6, maybe. Which is to say that I enjoyed it A LOT but also I have just like. A Few Critiques. Just one or two.
My favourite character: ADELLE!! There is no contest here at all I loveee her
My least favourite character: Okay, this used to be super easy because I really hated Topher at first, but I have grown to tolerate him so. I mean I hate like almost all the clients and also Sierra’s handler, but you’re supposed to hate them so it’s not really specific to me, I guess. I’ll say Nolan though, for obvious reasons.
The character I think I'd be friends with: I think Ivy because I have friends that Ivy reminds me of heh
The character I think I won't hit off with: Maybe Ballard? He seems very serious I don’t know
My favourite episode/scene: EVERY SCENE WITH ADELLE. I’m kidding but only slightly. Uhh I really liked A Spy in the House of Love, though, and I think Echoes is pretty funny. Belonging has um. A LOT going on in it, but I will say I really liked Adelle in that one, too.
Whose clothing style I like best: Unfortunately, I’m legally obligated to say Topher because I dress exactly like him. It was slightly detrimental to my whole initial hating-him campaign that every time I saw him I went ‘ah I would wear that’
Times I watched it (and if I would again): Once! And I definitely would again; despite its flaws I do really like it and it’s not super long either. Plus Adelle.
Aaand Revenge!!
My rating (1-10): 8.5! I love it a lot
My favourite character: UHHH HARD tie between Emily and Victoria. I do also really like Amanda so I don’t know.
My least favourite character: It’s been a hot second since I’ve watched this, so no one’s really jumping out to me. I will say though that I somehow forget that Jack exists half the time. I really don’t know how I manage that when he’s kind of a Main Guy, but it’s still a little surprise every time he shows up. This doesn’t even happen to Declan, just to him.
The character I think I'd be friends with: I’m not saying Ashley is normal, per se, but I am saying she’s MOSTLY normal. I feel like we could hang out and chat while I was blissfully unaware of any scheming.
The character I think I won't hit off with: I have a weird soft spot in my heart for Tyler but we most certainly would not be friends
My favourite episode/scene: SHOOT. Okay, I liked the party where it all came full circle to the beginning, and I feel like there were some really good twists, but I really like the scene where Amanda dies (which is stupid because I love Amanda but). Also I know this is SUCH a small thing, but for some reason that group shot of the Grayson’s after Victoria kills Helen means everything to me. It’s so silly, but I love it so much.
Whose clothing style I like best: Nolan, maybe? I don’t know, I feel like he had some iconic looks.
Times I watched it (and if I would again): I have a confession to make guys, I actually have not finished it yet 😔. I’m actually still in the middle of season 3 because I’m slow at watching things sometimes. But I have really liked it so far, so odds are pretty good it would be something that I will rewatch!!
Sorry, I just thought of an answer to the least favourite character thing. I HATE AIDEN. I HAVE NO RHYME OR REASON I JUST DISLIKE HIM.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the ask though!!!
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mybrainsrottingwithmcd · 10 months
hi!! so i’m. really really new to the aphmau fandom, aka i was super into it when i was like 8 and now my autistic ass got back into and actually joined in fandom stuff
i don’t. entirely understand how to guide through the aphmau fandom on tumblr. and i have a few questions- if you wouldn’t find can you answer them for me since you seem to be super into this!
what is an MCD rewrite and where do i find them- i assumed it’s people rewriting minecraft diaries but what sparked this and why?
what’s with the hate for aaron and aarmau- i don’t. fully understand it
how did garroth/lawrence happen (i love the idea)
is there like. a masterlist of aphmau lore somewhere so i can make sure i didn’t miss anything in my rewatch (i definitely missed stuff in my rewatch)
Hello hello!! Welcome to the fandom (we’re so sorry ur here its a mess)
I’d be happy to answer ur questions :D
“what is an MCD rewrite and where do i find them- i assumed it's people rewriting minecraft diaries but what sparked this and why?”
Yeah you’re right a MCD rewrite is people rewriting MCD and adding their own ships or improvements or different plot points. It started because the original MCD is kinda written poorly. Some plot points go nowhere, some parts are problematic, some parts drag on, characters appear and disappear, characters stopped developing and most importantly MCD has no ending and was abruptly discontinued by Jess so she could focus on Mystreet and other projects. People just wanna improve and finish the thing that means so mich to them basically. You can find them on AO3 and a few on Wattpad (I recommend AO3 tho its easier to find rewrites ur interested in cuz the tag system)
“what's with the hate for aaron and aarmau- i don't. fully understand it”
(There arent enough words in this world to explain my hatred for aarmau and aaron BUT)
Many reasons heres the main few: when Aaron was introduced he was supposed to be a side character but then he became a love interest kinda outta nowhere (my theory as to why is because Jess’s husband Jason voices him) and when he did become a love interest other characters like Laurence and Garroth kinda stopped developing and became worse to justify why Aaron was a good choice for Aphmau. For me they never had any chemistry in MCD, when its revealed Aphmau is pregnant with Aaron’s kid my brain logged out because wtffff how did they find the time and also why Aaron ://. He wasn’t kinda boring, his angsty past could’ve been used more but wasn’t he was just a brooding masked figure who followed Aphmau around. Then Pheonix Drop High happened and made things really weird. So when Aaron was 18 going on 19 he started dating Aphmau who was 14. Very creepy much yuck, they didn’t communicate well and then his whole character became that he’s in love with Aphmau but “he’s just not good enough for her :((“ and “i shouldn’t be with her shes perfect” and personally i find romance dramas infuriating, especially that kind of drama. AND YES AS A 18YR OLD U SHOULDNT BE DATING A 14YR OLD WELL DONE AARON. Mystreet they were the annoying lovey dovey couple with relationship drama they just rubbed me the wrong way in that series, I stopped watching after Emerald Secret and only recently forced myself to finish Mystreet and yeah no idc about them or their relationship. In MCD season 3 when Shad was introduced as a full character his whole thing is he’s Aaron again but evil and Aphmau’s sad about it and uuuuugg i dont caaareee. And I personally thought Aphmau wasn’t gunna end with anyone in MCD because she went on multiple rants about how that isn’t what she’s looking for and she has to think about her people first and she prefers her own company and then BOOM gets pregnant of masky mcsad face. Ugh. Basically Aaron ruined everything.
(Aroacemau truther 4 life aarmau hater 4 life)
“how did garroth/lawrence happen (i love the idea)”
Garrence has been a ship since the characters were introduced and quite simply its because they have more chemistry together than with Aphmau. I’ve always been a lil uncomfortable with how Jess wrote Laurence and Aphmau’s interactions and Garroth and Aphmau’s interactions but Garroth and Laurence interactions were just more natural they had more banter they were sweet together. Then Jess did a bunch of queerbaiting with it and the ship got bigger, so many fanarts so many fanfics. Then it just never happened because Jess is a coward. Like it would’ve been so nice to see the hints and chemistry go somewhere but it didn’t. Everyone still holds hope tho. With rewrites Garrence is Canon :))
“is there like. a masterlist of aphmau lore somewhere so i can make sure i didn't miss anything in my rewatch (i definitely missed stuff in my rewatch)”
i have no idea on that one, i’ve rewatched MCD every other week for the past 8 years (autism go brrrrr) i’ve never had to look for a masterlist of lore BUT I’m sure someone has to have compiled one somewhere either on the fandom wiki or on Tumblr somewhere. :))
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obsessedftshit · 6 months
Young Justice Ep 1 - 6 Review
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I started watching Young Justice for the first time. Like I always heard about the show but I never actually watched it other than a few clips. I watched Justice League when I was little but I don't remember it that well and I'm getting a little tempted to watch it but first I'm gonna finish Young Justice. Tbh, I only actually started watching it cause of all the thirsty edits of Nightwing on TikTok. The animators knew what they were doing with him but he hasn't showed up yet so I'll be waiting patiently for him.
Episodes Review
So far the episodes are perfect as usual to any normal cartoon show. Nah but I actually miss the old cartoons like Ultimate Spiderman or the Avengers Assemble cartoons. I've always been obsessed with that style of animation. It's not too anime looking but also not too realistic. Just perfect. The plot and story line is also really good. I kinda regret not watching this as a child but then again, I always did rewatch the old cartoons I grew up watching.
Character Reviews:
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I love his character. I've always loved him in the old Batman series (I gotta rewatch that too). Nah but I forgot he was so young. I thought he'd be 15 but he's 13 and Kid Flash is 15. Nah but he's so smart for a 13 year old. He knows how to hack shit and is literally a mini version of Batman. One thing I don't like is how he keeps wearing shades when he's not in his costume and there's nothing wrong with that but I wanna see his eyes. Like I know what he looks like but I still wanna see his eyes.
Kid Flash
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I screamed when I saw him and Flash in the first episode. I literally love the CW Flash series so seeing them show up made me so happy. And I love how Wally is literally like a 15 year old. Sassy and playful. When I first saw him without the costume and mask, I freaked out cause he had freckles! He looks so adorable with freckles. I also love how he flirts with Megan. It's so cute and funny.
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Ok when I first saw him I gasped. Like have u all seen this fine ass man. And the way he talks 😩. It's so soothing and calming. I also knew he would be the leader cause leadership radiated off of him. I'm glad they ended up making him the leader officially but damn, he's fine as fuck.
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When I first saw him in the tube thingy I was in shock. He's so handsome compared to Superman like damn. But one thing I don't like about him is how he's full of rage. He's technically the Hulk but DC version. There's nothing wrong with his rage but he just seems to not think and let his emotions control him. I also didn't like how mad he got at Megan when she read his mind by accident to comfort him that they'll find a human name for him. Like boy chill. She's being nice and you're acting like a little bitch. I also feel bad for him cause so far Superman has been avoiding him and leaving him alone. He's not acknowledging Superboy making him feel as though he's not worthy. But I also understand why Superman is doing that since this is technically his son but he obviously doesn't want to think that. I hope Superman helps him out though.
Miss Martian
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I like her especially how she's the first female member in the Young Justice. But what I don't like about her is how she likes Superboy. Idk but I don't see any chemistry between them. Like I get she has a crush on him and it should stay like that in my opinion. I don't want them 2 to end up together cause I really don't see it. Also, I didn't like how in one of the episodes the members were treating her as if she's not ready. Superboy was especially being extra rude to her, that's why I don't want those 2 to get together.
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Ever since I saw her in the intro, I've been in love with her cause I knew she'd be related to Arrow somehow and I love Arrow, especially the Arrow CW show. Idk y but I thought she'd be serious like Arrow but I realized in the cartoon Arrow isn't that serious but also a little playful where she is similar in that way. I also love how she and Kid Flash argue like little teenagers. Tbh, I ship those 2. I actually hope they end up together.
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I had no idea he was Roy but his personality is exactly the same as it was in the Arrow CW series. I want more of him. I love how he stands up to the adults and started being a solo hero. I need more of him.
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I know he's not in Young Justice but I love him so much. Like I love whenever he and Batman show up in the episodes like ahhh.
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Omg I forgot how cool Batman looked when he had his whole cloak down on him. Idk y but I was always obsessed with Batman instead of Superman. I liked Superman but I loved Batman more. I love his personality and monotonous tone. So good.
Well that's all I have to rant about Young Justice for now. So stay tuned for more updates about Young Justice.
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talktomeinclexa · 6 months
Hey there! Hope you're doing well and full of inspiration for your writing! For the ask game:
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction
Hey, there! I'm good, thanks. Resting a little after ClexaWeek before I get back into my almost-finished WIPs. How about you? :)
All right, let's see.
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
I never do reader inserts so, OC by default. I've created very few of those so far, though. The main one I can think of was Sloan in Ad Astra, and some people in Polis in On the Ground, especially the Nightbloods. I'm enjoying it and looking forward to developing them in the next part!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Though one. Our fandom is blessed with so many excellent writers, it's impossible to choose!
Today I'm in the mood for some banter and fun, so I would recommend Spelling It Out by Brilliant5134 (who I only just realized changed their name). It's a Harry Potter AU, but with Clarke and Lexa as wand makers' apprentices. It's hilarious, original, and super well written. The first few chapters make me laugh aloud every time I read it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction
Blame the pandemic... xD
I can't remember how but I stumbled onto some Clexa fics by accident back in 2019, and it made me want to rewatch the show. From there, I found Ao3 and read maaaany fics, especially when the lockdown started where I was. And since I found myself with too much free time on my hands, I started writing too.
I used to tell a lot of stories when I was a kid, but as I grew older and no one encouraged me (my family is more into science and "practical" studies than arts), I forgot that part of myself. I still loved to read and spent hours imagining epic tales while I should have been sleeping, but I kept them to myself. It's only when I discovered fanfiction, and especially Clexa, that I finally dared to let some of them out :)
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eleanorose123 · 1 year
brother and i finished rewatching zexal- time for the second half thoughts lol
there is a LOT more this time around, so it's under a readmore
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right off the bat, Zexal II gives off major sailor moon energy in terms of "haha you FOOLS! the power you used to defeat last season's antag is USELESS now!"
ah yes.......gilag's design.............
brother and i have a long running joke that the barian emperors as a whole are just doing a group project and constantly struggling with the basic shit that people face when DOING group projects (infighting in particular)
also fun fact, my brother DESPISES the sound effect they use for the barian door opening during the chaos xyz summons
i want to say that 85% of shingetsu's shenanigans were planned. he wanted to put yuma through so much hell
furry coach duelist, never forget
ah rio "i will not be used as a shield to my brother" kamishiro.....we were so hopeful back then
alit remains to be a raging bisexual, we love that for him
though it does raise the question- since gilag couldn't recognize alit initially due to them not seeing human forms until then, could vector tell who they were or did he just hear their names be mentioned and go "wait wtf"
the friendship tournament ep remains to be one of the best one off eps of season 4 i swear to god
remember when the barians were supposed to come and collect haruto? yeah me neither
mizael is peak theater kid. i love that he and kaito fight on equal grounds and then by the end of the series you're hit with "btw mizael is like 15 and kaito's still 18"
rio may have unexplained (at the time) prophecy powers, but shark's got "i can tell yuma is in danger" senses
god i know that like- yuma's already gone through 3 seasons of shark-related emotions, but i wouldn't be surprised at all if it was alit who made yuma first go "wait, do i like guys?"
shingetsu also did a number on yuma with the same emotions, but for much different reasons
"im here to help astral" "yay!" "but don't tell him about me" "ok!" yuma we gotta teach you what a red flag is. though you are 13 and have already gone through a lot of red flags (ex. giving haruto to a stranger)
you think vector had like, a bazillion questions for yuma after seeing no96 for the first time, or did he zip his lip
we establish that kaito has global surveillance and satellites that can just- fire lasers anywhere. tenjos man
takashi and tokunosuke are canonly some of the biggest shippers in the series which is peak hilarity to me, i love that for them
im surprised anna even bothered with the uniform considering she just barged into the tournament regardless. then again, zexal rly loves putting characters in these middle school uniforms
also season 4 is filled way too much with underaged fanservice ugh
mizael refusing to use the lighthouse card cause it was cowardly is hilarious cause durbe is just right there like "hey"
yuma and his very bad no good day
my brother was analyzing every second of each ruin tbh
he has.............a lot of thoughts on alit's backstory in particular
why is durbe's ruin in columbia of all places tho
yuma and co skipped so many days of school, you think the rest of the numbers club were just there like "where'd they GO"
we love kazuma desecrating ruins by adding markers and leaving behind coins that future teams will assume to be part of the ruin's treasures (like it did for gilag's)
also they really REALLY never fucking explain WHY kazuma knows all this shit fjdkhdfjkhfd
vector cannot sit still at all
they rly did no96 so dirty in the series. i love that he's a character fandom decided to flesh out beyond what canon gave us, he deserved that much
i rly thought there was more mutinyship moments than there really were jfdkhfdhjdfkhk ah well. they're full of potential
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE YUMA DEPRESSION ARC i know that sounds fucked up to get excited over, but it's also FEARSOME FOUR TIME
ill never understand why they bothered to go be like "heartland took a picture with esper robin" unless they just didnt want us to forget that's a character
"how'd you get your barian crests back?" "with the power of science!" is still SO funny
numbers club trying to be helpful only to get punished is foreshadowing for their fates the rest of the show
you know, you'd think kurage would've realized ryoga was one of the people he killed considering like- he knew his and rio's names. and their faces. but ah well
tokunosuke building a grave for astral is not talked about enough imo, that's like, one of the strongest scenes of the numbers club characters
kaninja you continue to bring me pain, you wouldve won your duel if you didnt say you poisoned kaito
ngl chris, you abusing kaito for a week straight for the sake of "training" was pretty fucked up
i hate the eliphas duel, i hate the eliphas duel, i hate-
"time to be with your REAL allies" durbe plz stfu
they never really do explain how nasch died. we just assumed he did himself in after seeing vector go down which is uh. hm
ahhh toku......the first casualty of the war.........
i wouldve liked more heartland backstory but THATS JUST ME-
jkfkfdhjdkf i love that it rly was just kaninja who was the reason kaito was becoming blind. messed him up even in the afterlife
astral/yuma remains to be so tender
i feel like if you ever want to make vector peak uncomfortable, just stare at him in silence until he breaks
i know that's the point, but once ryoga unlocks "nasch", his drama levels go through the fucking roof
also fun fact, between eps 122 to 143, something like 23 prominent characters die (tokunosuke, heartland, tetsuo, anna, fuuya, droite, gauche, roku, yamikawa, iv, iii, v, alit, gilag, durbe, rio, orbital 7, kaito, vector, mizael, eliphas, don thousand, shark)
"ryoga, my best friend" iv, i rly feel like that's a onesided sort of situation
alit/gilag deserves more attention ffs
i remember being numb by the point of durbe/merag's deaths. that hasnt changed
KAITO'S death tho, that still hits. mainly cause of the music
i love that obomi's affection for orbital only kicked in cause akari....kicked her
akari who was still trying to be in the plot, bless her for trying
haruto is going to need so much therapy tbh
numeron dragon's story is still so sad, love that dragon
it took mizael like 5 eps to get to the moon and another 3 eps to get off it
shark watching vector's performance and just going "........." the whole time is still hilarious. you know that'll always just be their dynamic even post canon
don thousand...........your design is so good but you are still so lackluster......
nasch vs yuma tho- THAT'S a real satisfying boss battle djfkhdfkj love that finale to pieces
aaaaaand now it's just pain and smiles all the way until the end :'3
the growing up storyline of zexal just really, really hits you by those last episodes ugh
there's so much to work with with the finale, and i love it to this day
still the best ygo series, i will not take notes on that fact
if you read all this, thank you
kattobingu <3
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Hey There, Flyboy - Poe Dameron x F!Reader
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Warnings: spoilers for rise of skywalker, slight angst, childhood friends to lovers, death but no main characters, fluff
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You have just arrived at exegol, you watch as x wings are shot from the sky and Poe’s voice is heard through your comms.
“I’m sorry,” his voice cracking breaks your heart, “I thought we had a shot, but there is just too many of them.”
“But there are more of us, Poe. There are more of us” Lando’s voice brings you peace. When the call came across that they needed fighters you were the first to jump into your mothers old X wing and join to fight for peace and freedom.
The battle has begun, you fly out blasting down TIE fighters as you help keep them off everyone.
You see Poe getting tailed by two and you get your ass in gear and blast them both out of the sky.
“Hey there fly boy, looked like you could use some help over there” you say flying next to him.
“Y/n? Y/N! Oh my maker is it great to see you. But wait, your father never wanted you to leave the farm. As much as I love you being here, it's too dangerous, you need to get out of here.” He says.
“I’ll explain everything later! But right now we need to win this war general” you divert your x wing to destroy more TIE fighters and help them take out the command ship. Poe is in awe of your skills as a pilot, ever since you were children on Yavin 4 and you both dreamed of following in both your mothers foot footsteps in fighting for the resistance. However when Poe ran away to be a spice runner, your father got sick and you needed to watch over the farm.
Ever since you were kids Poe has loved you, even when he left those feelings never left, same can be said for you. So now that you are here, fighting in your mothers X wing, those same feelings from when you were younger have come back in full force. He thanks the maker that you’ve come back into his life because he won’t waste this second chance.
When you all arrive back on Ajan Kloss, you run to find Poe. His arm is in a sling but when he sees you he runs towards you at breakneck speed. You wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close, but not too tight as to hurt his already injured arm.
“Stardust,” he whispers into your neck, his hot breath causing a blush to rise to your cheeks, “I can’t believe we won and with your help. How’d you get your old man to let you leave the farm?”
“He knew he couldn’t keep me there forever and when the call came over the comms he knew that I was needed here, just like my mom.” You say smiling while pulling away, “you look good fly boy, the scruff suits you.”
He looks at you with stars in his eyes, you notice his eyes move down towards your lips for a microsecond. You get the gist of what he wants so you slip one hand up the back of his neck and pull him in for a very overdue kiss. It’s slow and sweet, his one good arm goes to your waist as you continue. All the feelings you both had as teens raised back to the surface as your lips mold together. You hear a cough behind you and pull away, lips kissed swollen and faces red.
You turn to see 2 people who smile at Poe, “Fin, Rey! This is Y/n, she was a childhood friend of mine on Yavin 4, well I don’t think I can call you a friend anymore.” He smiles at you. You place your hand in his and smile at his friends.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you greet.
“Come on stardust, there’s a lot to show you,” Poe says as you all begin to walk towards camp, followed by a cute orange and white droid named BB-8.
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A/n: eeeeeee i finally finished rise of skywalker and dudes I shed so many tears 😭 I’m rewatching the entire saga including shows this time. I’m so excited to write for Poe he is my fave along with Obi Wan and Leia! The scene at exegol was insane I got chills especially when Lando said “there are more of us” chills
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sealbirdy · 2 months
A long Gravity Falls feelings rant because I am full of emotions rn.
This rant is mostly about my experience with the show and what it meant/means to me as someone who's watched it since pretty much the beginning, not really the show itself. I Also won't go into any plot details of the show or the book.
I just finished reading book of bill, and also with everything happening tonight I'm just so full of emotions, I just need to get it out somewhere.
First of all, the moment I found out about the whole website thing that's happening, I was already super hyped. I felt like I was back in my teenage years eagerly waiting what's happening next and theorizing with other people about what's goin on. Even my boyfriend commented that it was nice to see me so excited about something (I've been having kinda a hard time lately so this was a nice surprise for tonight). Then someone gave me a link to a pdf file that had the whole book of bill and my night just got better. I do want to get the actual book at some point too, but I don't really have the money rn.
At first I was just kinda reading the book quietly to myself, but then there was something that made me laugh so much I wanstd to readi it for my boyfriend too, and ended up reading almost the whole book to him out loud. I skipped a few parts (my eyes couldn't focus and some of the pages in the pdf file were kinda blurry) But I'm going to read the whole thing once I get my hands on the actual book). My boyfriend was aware of gravity falls existence before and had seen a few episodes, but wasn't really in the fandom like I was growing up. (I made him watch it with me after we started dating though and he liked it).
I had so much fun and got really into character while reading out loud. I even noticed a couple things that seemed like they could be references to some things that happened in the fandom back in the day, and had to stop reading just to explain them to him lol (I'm so happy to have found someone who would just sit there while I read almost the whole book to him lol and actually seems interested when I explain stuff to him). It was the most fun I'd had in a long time. And then a bit after I had finished the book, I got super emotional over it (I'll explain why at the end of the rant)
I've watched gravity falls since pretty much the beginning. My mother got us disney channel in 2012 and I still remember seeing the first trailers for gravity falls and being intrigued by it immediately. I also remember being super annoyed by episode two because sometimes if felt like it was the only episode they aired lol. Even now when rewatching the series, I still skip it because I got so bord of it as a kid lol. My boyfriend and I share this sentiment and also skipped the episode when we watched gravity falls together. He didn't really watch the show as much in the long run, but even he remembers that episode being shown over an over again and it getting really boring lol.
At one point I started watching the series from online, because it felt like the fastest way to see new episodes (every time I watched disney channel it always seemed to be the same episodes over an over again). I mostly watched them from youtube with bad quality, but I wasn't really aware of other sites to watch it from. I still remember the moment I saw dreamscapers for the first time, because I almost screamed when bill was finally revealed, after wondering about the zodiac wheel image for too long. the quality was horrible, because I was watching it in the middle of the night from my tiny phonescreen, but that moment has stayed in my memory clearly through all these years. Eventually my mom got rid of disney channel (sometime after season 1 ended), which meant I had no choise but to pirate it. It's actually a huge reason why I finally learned english, since obviously the pirate sites and youtube uploads obviously didn't have subtitles in my language. I stayed up so many nights just watching the episodes and at one point always had Sock Opera playing in the background when i finally went to sleep. some of my favorite Christmas presents to this day were a gravity falls necklace and a pillowcase (both had the bill cipher zodiac wheel image on them). I wore that necklace every day and even when i slept for so long, until it broke. the pendant itself fell somewhere and I never found it again. I still have the pillowcase though, and I actually have it on my pillow rn lol. I even felted a bill cipher out of wool at some point (pretty sure I still have that somewhere too).
At that point some of my classmates had started bullying me for liking the show. Well looking back on it I'm pretty sure they had tried bullying me before too, but I never really realized it so it didn't affect me. But since gravity falls was suddenly really important to me, now they could use it against me. It was mostly just them insulting the show and characters in different ways to my face, which as an adult doesn't sound as bad, but to me the show meant everything and they were clearly saying those things to me, because they knew it affected me. But if there's something I'm proud of my younger self for, it's that I never let it affect my love for the show itself, and I never started hiding how much the show meant to me.
I ordered myself journal 3 after I had already moved out. I hadn't really engaged with the series or the fandom in a long time, but the moment I finally held that book in my hands, I felt so much joy. I wanted that book so bad when it first came out, and that moment made my inner child cry of happiness.
And that's kind of what I felt after I finished reading the book of bill today. I really feel like it healed some part of my inner child/teenager. Especially when my boyfriend let me read it to him out loud and I could just get into character while reading. Even though I to get bullied a lot for something that meant the world to me, I can now still enjoy that thing, and even share it with someone who will just sit and listen for like two hours while I read the book to him, and also listen to my side tangents if I something reminds me of some random thing that happened in the fandom (that he wasn't even a part of) back in the day.
There's been multiple shows and franchises I've been obsessed with during my life, but only two have stuck with me in this way through the years. One being Gravity Falls (and the other one fruits basket).
I just feel so grateful rn. Grateful for Alex Hirsch for creating the show in the first place. Grateful for my younger self for continuing to the series even if I got bullied for it. Grateful for my boyfriend for being such an amazing partner. If you read this far, thank you for reading my sleep deprived ramblings lol (it's like 5am so sorry if I repeat some stuff multiple times).
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zyrafowe-sny · 8 months
writing ask game: 16 and 19!
from this ask game
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Umm... It has been A While since I've regularly read physical books (mostly read on Libby/other phone apps these days), but I've done the usual random scraps of paper in the past.
When I was a kid obsessed with Narnia in elementary school, I made special friendship bracelet bookmarks for my set that matched the colors of the covers. Some might still exist at my mom's.
I also remember buying bookmarks that looked like castle tapestries.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
When I was a kid, I loved stories and reading and daydreaming and playing pretend (mostly on my own, as others aged out of it). I enjoyed my elementary school creative writing assignments, and started writing poems and stories in my free time too. That continued through high school, and around high school I also got into fanfic (mostly as a reader, but I wrote fan poems, short snippets, and a ficlet/one shot or two that I never shared with anyone else).
In early college, I finally posted a tiny bit of fanfic (on website that thankfully no longer exists), but I had an unfinished WIP that hung over my head for years and years. (It wasn't even that long a story! It just became an impossible task.)
And then there was over a decade of basically nothing. I wrote for college/grad school and for work, but papers, memos, PowerPoints, emails, etc. are not exactly creative writing.
The Owl House rewired my brain, as they say. It started out as a show I started watching mid 2022 while folding laundry, but in October 2022 I started bingeing in earnest. I was still finishing Season 2B when Thanks to Them dropped, but once I caught up... oooph. Immediate rewatch. I read some fanfic, but for the first time in over a decade, I was itching to write. I started with one drabble — 100 words seemed like a realistic goal — which turned into a drabble sequence. Then I posted a one shot a few days later, then another one shot, and... After having an AO3 account with zero posted words of my own from August 2013 to mid October 2022, I now have over 50k up and more in drafts.
These days, I consider myself a fanfic writer in it for the long haul. I know that life responsibilities/health/etc may interfere with writing from time to time, but I've found my way back before and I am confident that I can do it again. I am a little anxious about having multiple multi-chapter WIPs up on AO3 — there was a reason I initially intended to stick to one shots/one shots in series — but fanfic writeblr helps immensely. When in doubt, I write drabbles.
I am in zero rush to focus on writing original fiction, but I have decades of life yet. Who knows — maybe I'll write a short story collection or a novel someday for fun, but I'm not nearly as passionate or dedicated (or talented!) as my friends/acquaintances who are writing/making art professionally. That's where I am with music too — I love being part of a community choir and I hope music will always be a part of my life, but it's a hobby. And as much as I desperately wish we supported full-time artists better, I also wish more people could just "dabble" in creative/artistic endeavors (time and money being big gatekeepers for hobbies too).
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jamisafan · 1 year
I like to write something up when I finish rewatching a season of Ninjago.
And I liked quite a bit of what Crystalized offered.
This is gonna be a long one.
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There were many funny bits (and I'll say that Christofern was fantastic and I just really liked Garmadon overall).
And Lloyd was just..... okay I'll just say it. He needs a break. Man's was getting triggered the whole season from his shitty ex girlfriend to his neglectful father. Though I feel that at the end Lloyd and Garmadon did reach a sort of understanding. Or, at least Lloyd is understanding his father a bit more.
I actually kinda like Harumi. She was sassy and I like that. But her little fight with Lloyd in the woods just felt so.... weird. It was almost uncomfortable and the more they talked a fought the less progress they made. Harumi only really changed when she found someone else to blame aka the overlord.
And Lloyd's whole arch was kinda just him being afraid of becoming his father and never useing his oni form. If he learned to actually embrace it then it could have been good. He let his fear get in the way of the mission at hand, and even when the end of the world was going to happen any second he still let his fear control him. (Also, the fear of him becoming his father was foreshadowed and said in the fire chapter, same with Nya being "normal". Just thought that's kinda fun.)
I really liked the idea of bringing past villains back to really bring it full circle, that was super interesting. And I love Phythor and all but did he really fit in the council? I don't know. I wish him and Lloyd got some more screentime since this basically all started with them and serpentine tombs.
Also the fact that the solution to dragon form is just the theme song. Duuuuuude. That's freaking hilarious!
Kai asking out Sklor hurt me in more ways then one. I was so uncomfortable.
Pixel and Zane had me absolutely cheering and freaking out though. I think I tend to not think about how they are probably my favorite Canon ship. They are just so compatible, ya know?
Nya becoming Samurai X again for a short while was pretty cool.
Jay also being the train kid is fantastic.
I didn't really like the end of Crystalized when I first watched it, but I liked it better the second time around.
Though I tend to just like every season no matter the flaws.
ALSO Adrew Francis did pretty good as Cole. I'll always miss Kirbys but Adrew has done good.
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