#i hope my advice make sense to you lmao
expiredsoda · 7 months
Hi I'm like, actively trying to draw good (I'm trying my bestT^T), do you have any advice or tips on getting better? Or how you learned to do so? If you're ok with telling ofc
I think what helps me a lot is to just keep drawing honestly, like I have my fair share of hyperfixation back in the days, I've been in su, tlok, aot even and now I have rl. I was so in love with these shows I just can't help but draw a bunch of my favs and I guess repeating drawing people would tend to make my skill at that area much better lol.
Oh welp another actual tip I can think of is just be more observant...? Like focus on how clothing would fall on peoples body, watch how people would hold a cup, see how the lights would hit on their skin. If you drawing with a reference don't just blindly follow the shapes, break down how the hand were piece together etc.
I also just scroll through a lot of other artists artwork, like everyone draw stuff differently, some focus more on the colors, some are more expressive with their line work. Study the lil things in their works that made you obsessed over with and applied them into your own work, that's a good way to make your art meet up to your standards of beauty and more eye catching to others.
Speaking of eye catching if you think your art looks boring you could try out dynamic poses too. Even if the character is just standing you can still tell their personalities from that one singular pose alone. Unfortunately I don't color often but trying out different color palette also made me have a better understanding on tones and values. Basically just get out of your comfort zone and draw more then just 3/4 front face view.
Those are just some of the things I think off my head now that made my art the way they are today. And believe this anon, you ARE doing amazing, keep going on this journey and you'll reach the destination you long for. I trust you anon you can do it >:3c
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samsspambox · 2 years
Hi Sam!
Do you mind sharing how you write your fics? Do you have a process? A starting point?
Also, I know a lot of ppl talk "show not tell" in writing, but how do you know if you're telling instead of showing (& vice versa)? That's the part of writing I struggle with most, cause I never know if I'm showing or telling.
heyo roshie! i've answered a similar ask before but i don't mind sharing how i write/my process! in all honesty it isn't much of a process but more of a 'what concept can i daydream about while doing stuff that'll evolve into a solid idea' type of thing lolol.
i guess my first step is getting inspired? this can look like many different things, but to me it looks like talking to friends, consuming media outside of the fandom you're writing for, deriving from your own experiences, stuff like that. a really good example of this is the ficlet i have on here, time, which is based off of personal feelings but twisted enough so it fits the von hagen dynamic.
if i like the concept enough, i'll start developing it in my head or ping pong it with friends to build it. i guess this is my 'outlining' stage even though i don't actually get down and write an outline myself. you know how every story has a beginning, middle, and end? well, if i can get 2/3, i'll start writing. like for the current fic im writing! i have the beginning and middle, but i haven't planned for the end yet. (i have an extremely vague idea where i wanna go with it tho, so i'll count it as a win) ((actually, most of the times i rarely have fic endings planned and if i can be my own worst critic, you can clearly tell. my openings are usually pretty good but some of my endings, to me, fall flat)
from there? i just write. i do a lot of editing while i write and the one thing i swear by is using a tts (text to speech) reader parse though my fic and read it for me. (i need to go back and edit the first chapter of return to sender bc i posted it without bc i was anxious but also wanted to go to bed lol). it's why my writing has a lot of commas. i like the pauses in tts lolol. after that i just chuck it onto gramarlly and post when i feel like i'll start to nitpick at myself. it's a habit i have with a lot of my academic papers but this reminds me that what i write doesn't have to be perfect. my target audience is me (and my friends), this type of writing should be met with liberty and warmth. i don't have to follow a rubric or a guide. it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be.
as for your second question, i can tell you what i think seeing and telling is based off of what ive picked up reading other peoples stuff. i think 'showing' has a lot more metaphors, actions, and implications/inferences. let's say you wanted to convey that it was cold. you might not put that it was cold, but you could put that a character shivered and burrowed into their blanket. you're implying that it's cold with an action. showing, to me, looks more like cause and effect and blunt statements. here you state that it's cold, causing your character to shiver. or it's so cold that your character's breath is showing.
im in a weird third camp that is 'talking'. a lot of my fics are dialogue heavy but they do get a lot of points across, so there's that option LOLOL
but yeah! i hope this answers your questions! thanks for dropping by!!
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just-a-ghost00 · 12 days
General channeled messages
To pick your group, take some time to ground your energy and when you feel ready choose the number or the image that you feel drawn to. Of course, you can select several groups if you feel called to.
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Group 1 - Can you feel my heart?
Someone has been trying to reach out to you for days but they are so scared of your reaction that they find it hard to do. They are stuck in their head about you and they struggle to find the right words to express how much you mean to them. A part of them hopes that you can feel their inner turmoil and give them a nudge because they feel like they'll never find the courage to spill the tea. I'm getting the feeling of two introverts waiting for each other to make the first move because they both fear rejection. And if neither of them makes a move, this could last for a long while and this connection might never take flight. They wish that they could telepathically convey to you their feelings and telepathically pick up on whether those feelings are receiprocated. Truth is they probably can but they are so caught up in their fear of not being understood and possibly losing you that they do not notice. I'm told that this person has been given many signs by the universe but they failed to see them or did not want to see them. You were probably given the same signs and picked up on them. But you, on the other hand, purposefully ignored them. The reason for that is because you are tired of always being the one to make the first move. It's like both of you dance around one another without ever coming close, trying to express through your steps and glances words you dare not utter. And they know it would be so much better to get closer and properly embrace you. However, closing the gap feels like a herculean task to them. To you, it feels like a scene you've seen so many times before. And each time, it didn't end that well. So you feel wary about moving to that beat again. Who is going to give in first? Only time can tell. On that note, I felt like pulling a few cards to get advice from your guides. You got the page of cups, 9 of swords and 2 of pentacles. Your guides are encouraging you to consider this connection in a very chill way. Don't overthink it and just enjoy the experience. If you feel like interacting with them, go for it. If you feel like telling them about your feelings, go for it. If you wish to keep your distances, that is fine as well. Just go with the flow. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that. There's nothing that could go wrong. What do you have to lose? You are already whole. Whether this person reciprocates the feelings or not doesn't change anything to who you are. So be straightforward and keep your expectations leveled. Keep your exchanges simple and balanced. Give when they give, retreat when they do. This is a dance after all. Just feel the rythm and groove to it.
Group 2 - I don't care! I love it!
A man has been eyeing you for days. He fell in love with your unique sense of humour and unconventional personality and has been wondering what you were up to ever since. You don't get to be in contact with that person very often. Every time you do, there are other people involved which limits your interactions. This person is a bit shy around you and doesn't know how to approach you. They wish they could know more about you and tell you more about themselves but they're afraid of how people are going to react if they approach you so they keep their distances. They try to find excuses to talk to you or get closer to you. So, let's say you have a common group of friends and all of them are talking, they would try to get you to participate to the conversation by bringing up certain topics. Since they don't know you that much, the topics they bring up can be really random lmao It's like one minute you and your friends are talking about the latest news and this person suddenly mentions UFOs and how they believe aliens are real. And somehow the trick seems to work because their dorkiness has caught your eye, I feel. Please if that resonates with you, tell me in the comments! lmao That man didn't realize they had a crush on you until one day they noticed that they kept thinking of you every time a subject was brought up by their peers or every time they were doing something random. Like going to the groceries, they would see a perfume or a body lotion and would think "I bet group 2 would love that". If they go to the barber, they would pick a cut that they think would be to your liking. If they know you like something in particular, they would start doing the same. Like buying your favorite coffee brand or learning about things that you like so that next time they see you they can talk about it a bit more. This person really wants to make an impression on you and they now understand that you hold a very special place in their heart. They are currently tip toeing around you, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.
Group 3 - Never know how much I love you...
I feel like all messages today revolved around romantic interests. I guess Fall season seems to be a good time of the year to fall in love ;) We have here yet another secret admirer who is not so secret because I feel like you know them very personally and you probably have a crush on them too. You steal glances at each other, give subbtle hints and send inuendos every chance you get. Yet, none of you has made a clear move. You're waltzing around each other, gauging each other, trying to see who will give in first. Both of you are hardcore introverts and honestly this could last for months, if not decades at this point. You met this person randomly and very quickly became friends. You might have confided in this person very early on, shared with them intimate stories about your past. The chemistry is undeniable. But somehow both of you are scared to death. I guess this echoes with your past romantic experience. You call each other friends but both of you know very well deep down that this is so much more. They wince every time they hear that word in your mouth because they want to be every thing but that. The single thought of you being with someone else makes their skin crawl. They are praying all gods and entities that they can think of to keep creeps away from you. They are wishing for you to be single and only interested in them because they can't stand the thought of losing you to someone else. Especially if that someone else is an ex lover that they know of. This person is ready to love everything about you, even the little details, the little quirks. They want to embrace every part of you, no matter what you think of them. They wish that you could see yourself in their eyes because you mean the world to them and they think you are gorgeous. I'm picking up on people feeling insecure about their body, especially considering that they find their crush way more attractive. This person is saying "don't assume what I like or don't like" that is up to me to figure out. "If you don't show me all of you, how could I know if I love you? Let me decide for myself instead of hiding away." I'm really getting a very sweet energy from them. Puppy love kind of vibe. They really want to pamper you.
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
Could you make headcanons abt a confident!chubby!poc!reader. Like when i search up haikyui x chubby reader all i get are hurt comfort stories about being insecure, and like everyone gets insecure but it gets to the point where people think everyone who isnt built like a coke bottle hates themselves 🙄. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE ONES MADE FOR POC!!! Cause why are they all so stereotypical?! Like just because im black doesn’t mean im sexy redds clone😭🙏🏽.
Anyways back to the main plot🤭. I was thinking like reader with a style that has y2k/mcbling aspects (lowrise jeans, crop tops, chunky jewlery, etc) and is super bubbly. And back to he chubby thing, like ok. When i read x chubby readers, its always like fat ass and a lil bit of tummy, which is fine cause some people are built like that but not a lot🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️. Like i have thighs, big boobs(pray for my spine🫡🙏🏽😭) and tummy, but I also have hipdips that dig into my butt bro. So like yea🧍🏽‍♀️. Haikyuu headcanons (you can pick the characters you think will fit🫶🏽) x confident!chubby!poc! reader
(i apologize for the yap session i have lots of opinions on this topic)
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Chubby!POC!Reader x Haikyuu Headcanons
ft: literally like half the team members of all the main teams
warnings: cussing
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oh pal dw about it lmfao i get what u mean!! i hope these hcs satiate ur cravings 👍
since u didn't ask for any specific characters i just came up with a few hcs that i think could apply to multiple characters lol
credits: divider .
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He lowkey likes it when people look at his partner and assume he can't carry them, but then he just goes "oh yeah? lemme just-" *picks u up and puts u on his shoulder without a single hint of struggling* 👍
Ushijima, Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu, Sakusa, Iwaizumi (but he wouldn't say it outloud lmao).
Can't pick you up? No problem, they wanna be the ones getting picked up anyways.
Yachi, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Tendou (u cant convince me he doesnt like getting picked up)
Can't pick you up? unacceptable. They're begging your forgiveness and spending hours at the gym until they can do it. Just give them a few months.
Nishinoya, Hinata, Hoshiumi, Kageyama, Terushima, Levi.
Became an absolute pro at finding your exact foundation shade. Like, has your exact match pinned down. Could just look at a foundation color and go "yeah that's their shade". Some may think it's a bit weird, but honestly it's so helpful sometimes.
Ushijima's autistic ass, Tsukishima, Sugawara, Asahi, Yachi, Sakusa and Osamu maybe?
Gets so excited over fashion, makeup, jewelry and all that stuff. Goes shopping/thrifting with you, pays for your nails and is very enthusiastic whenever you ask for their opinion on your outfits. Also lets you give them makeovers sometimes. They will absolutely serve cunt if you ask them to.
Hinata, Nishinoya, Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Tendou, Kuroo, Bokuto, Oikawa, Yachi, maybe Levi lmao. Hot take but Ushijima would absolutely do it too.
Does encourage your passions and interest and stuff but their sense of fashion is that of a rock. If rocks wore crocs with socks. Still go shopping with u tho and they make up for their lack of advice by paying for all ur stuff. They spoil u so fricking much.
Tsukishima, Kageyama, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Suna, Daichi, Sakusa, Ennoshita, Kenma.
Paints/writes/does photography and will make the most beautiful jaw dropping mouth watering gorgeous absolutely stunning works of art portraying you in such a beautifully realistic way. They get your colors and shapes and curves so perfectly well, it's incredible– it shows just how much attention they pay to every little detail about you, and how much they love all of it.
Daichi, Asahi, Ushijima, Osamu, Ennoshita, Sakusa, Yamaguchi, Yachi, maybe Kageyama.
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lilacstro · 2 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ this time I want you..˚ʚ♡ɞ˚.... pac: where is this crush heading ♡
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lol not me posting pacs on the songs that play on my spotify on shuffle. Nvm. Let's go>>>
We will be doing an energy check to confirm this is your pile :)
decks used: spirit speak, vessel oracle// cupid says and poesis oracle for energy check
paid readings are open xoxo, leave suggestions or feedback :)
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
support me on ko-fi :)
Pile 1
Energy check
I feel you guys are actually confused, maybe asking someone else (like friends or family about advice probably), it is even possible that you guys might be thinking some worst case scnearios. Some of you might be feeling impulsive to just confess your feelings. It feels you are excessively overthinking and are unable to make any decision. There is confusion and restlessness . If this sounds like you currently, then congrats, this is your group.
where is this crush heading?
Interesting. The information here matches the energy check. You are definitely anxious, be it because of what the future might be or maybe because of a past event. First of all pile 1, relax. What is yours aint going nowhere. There is desire to rush and take things fast, but leave fast, you are not even starting anywhere lmao. I feel you are holding all these feelings tightly inside of yourself I do not know why. There is indeed a offer for love you want to make, of course there is a page of cups here. The next crescent moon might be important.
I also feel either of you are looking them up on social media or paying a lot of attention to the other.
Now, if you guys trust in yourselves, the situation and confess your feelings, something might happen here, the chances seem good. Why you may ask? The Knight of cups, is over the Lovers on the back of the deck. What else of a confirmation do we need that you SHOULD confess your feelings. I cannot tell if your feelings would be reciprocated back immediately or at all since this a general reading, but despite of anyone choosing you or not, at least you will choose yourself and become one with yourself, and make some peace with the fact that the piece you gave away, has now returned to you, I hope I am making sense :)
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Pile 2
Energy check
Hmmm the situation here is very specific, it feels either you have confessed to the person and they did not reciprocate. There is a chance you either have already either felt some kind of rejection to this person or have rejected yourself before even starting. There is some hurt and wounds, and it is possible it may be because people told you something? someone said something? This situation actually is under your control regardless. If someone has made you feel some way, pull your feelings back and see your worth and move away. If someone said something, be brave and confront the person and whoever that concerns. You can change this situation regardless. And, the outcome of this situation would be something totally unexpected, magical, in a good way :)
If this sounds like you currently, then congrats, this is your group.
Where is this crush heading?
This again matches what I have written before. You are trying to hold your love offer and feelings back, but there is a difference in this and Pile 1. Pile 1 held back out of fears around themselves, you are holding back because of others. You might feel you are in somebody's competition. The song gold rush by Taylor Swift can be significant to your situation. "everybody wants you, but I don't want a gold rush"
You are so hopeful that your love be reciprocated is one thing I feel. But your mind is telling yourself to hold back, and maybe even your intuition, which I instead feel is anxiety. I wanted to see what would be the outcome for your situation so I pulled a few extra cards, and I see blurting all your emotions out. I know y'all be like WTF ARE YOU SAYING EVERYWHERE LILAC. DID WE NOT KNOW SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS THIS HUH? well, maybe you did not? i mean, I will just say whatever I see and feel even if it is same all throughout lol. Speak your emotions and I feel there is a chance you would feel very bad and anxious at once but it would eventually get better. and if you cannot do that, i would say maybe walk away and love someone who probably does not make you so anxious and miserable maybe? Because the out come to either of these things you do, would lead to some love offer coming in for you, a happy ending either from this person or someone else, but you would be their dream come true. If you speak your emotions and even are turned down, atleast you released negativity and can move on freely now and let someone new come in :). Regardless, I STRONGLY see romance and abundance coming in for you, but after some kind of communication. This is even further double clarified by oracle cards
I wish you so much love and light <33
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Pile 3
Energy check
this feels like a peaceful energy tbh. there are not too many firecrackers at the moment, maybe you are just feeling the beauty of the feelings and just choosing to keep them inside purposefully? it feels like either you are mature or this is a new a crush. You are choosing the easier way out for now, which probably is just enjoying harboring these feelings in silence. But I would say, if you feel you have grown out of this little home and phase, do not suffocate yourself and grow out of it, and take the next step, whatever that feels to you. Do not force yourself to reject the intensity of your feelings to play it cool. If you do not wanna reveal your feelings, it is fine. But, if not being honest with the other person, be honest with yourself. Feel those feelings inside you and accept these feelings inside yourself, this will help in the real grounding of your emotions. Do not feel alone inside by suppressing things too much :)
If this sounds like you currently, then congrats, this is your group.
Where is this crush heading?
Well, I do not think there would be any much progress or change to this situation yet, primarily because you do not want to do anything much about it just yet ig. I do not know, but I have a feeling some of you guys are probably depressed, maybe something else happened, so basically there is this feeling of "who cares life is already taking a troll on me, yeah I like this person and whatever but I don't have the time and resources to entertain this just yet" The feelings here just feel at the start, there is a lot of development to go through with your relationship to this person and your feelings towards them, this is not at a ripe stage just yet. I would suggest showing some compassion to yourself. You have multiple choices, multiple things to do I feel, and amidst this, I hope you drink enough water and take a good rest and take care of yourself. Spend time with people who you love, celebrate little things, irdk why am i getting numb feelings inside this pile.
lyrics from emi beehold's song numb little bug came up: "sometimes do you get little bit tired of life, like you not really happy but you don't wanna die, you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive, you gotta survive :/"
sending you love and hugs :)
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desswright29 · 7 months
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Contains: Petty Argument, Overreacting reader, Overprotective Shuri, Bratty reader, Angry Shuri/reader, Reader testing the fuck out of Shuri’s patience, apologetic reader. Smut (18+), Sub Shuri 🫦, (I was inspired lol) Reader has PTSD from her past abusive relationship. A/N: This is in the “Shame” universe. I just felt like writting. So this is a side quest as I write PTV. I hope y’all enjoy! Also this shit is not edited. Read at your own risk lmao.
“Mholo ngalentsasa, umfazi wam.” Your wife’s voice was soft, slightly raspy with sleep this morning. You sensed an aggitated apprehensiveness in her tone, even in your groggy state. Her back was to you as she sat in the lounge area of the bedroom, eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch while watching the news. Your vision was still blurry, eyes sensitive to the amount of sun shining into the room, as you stare at the back Shuri’s head from the bed.
“Good Morning baby, are you eating cereal? I was going to cook breakfast for us.” You stretch, becoming more aware of your surroundings, and most importantly of your body, you recognize the pounding headache at your temples and the aching in your bones.
“It is just after noon, 12:02 to be exact, and you sweet girl, are sick.” Your eyes bulge at her revelation of the time.
“Afternoon!” You shot up fast, and was  immediately hit with an overwhelming dizzyness that forced you to lay back against the headboard. You were in denial about the final part of her statement, even though your body ached from head to toe, you had the sweats, and your head was pounding. But, you were on tour and had no intention of canceling tonight’s show.
She glanced at you over her shoulder. “Take it slow, my love. You tossed and turned all night, running a fever. I had Griot check your vitals and your fever got dangerously high. I was up all night making sure you were alright. You’ve been sweating a lot so you need to hydrate.” Hesitance laced her tone as she stared ahead at the television. Your face was plastered all over the news. Fans already lined up outside of the arena waiting to see you perform. “I think that it would be best if you cancelled tonight’s show, no?” Shuri knew that her advice would not be well received, and braced herself.
“Uh no! Shuri you should’ve woke me up. I’m not canceling my show! Now I’m gonna be rushing.” You try standing only for your body to reject it. Landing right back onto the bed. Shuri’s chin dropped to her chest, pinching her nose trying not to allow her frustration to over power her rationale.
“Sthandwa, it’s been weeks. You’re over due a break. I told you this was going to happen and that you need to slow down.” Shuri spoke with her usual calm demeanor. Trying to keep you from going into a panic.
“I have!” Your voice went up an octave as you lied to no one except for yourself. Shuri threw her arm over the back of the couch, finally turning to look at you fully “No. You have not.” She rebutted. You roll your eyes sitting on the side of the bed. You notice the lounge wear you wore to bed had been changed. You were sure that was courtesy of your thoughtful wife.
“Uuuuugghhh Shuri. Please. I don’t have the energy for this.”
“Right. That is exactly my point. How do you plan to do a show in your condition ubusi?” Shuri cocked her head to the side as she waited for an answer that would make sense.
“I’ll take something for the pain and fever, go back to sleep for a couple of hours, and I’ll be ok when I wake up.” Shuri placed her half eaten bowl onto the table, getting up to walk over to the bed. She got on one knee in front of you. Grabbing one of your hands and lifting your chin with her other.
“No you won’t. Baby, your body is exhausted, it can only take so much more.  I’ve been medicating you all night. It keeps coming back. You need rest. You have to know when to take a break, or this lifestyle is going to break you.” You groan in defiance.
“I understand you mean well Shuri but I have an obligation to my fans. If I cancel tonight it’s going to complicate everything. We’ll have to refund everyone. Pay a fine to the venue…and damnit I just want to perform! It’s Madison Square Garden for Bast sake!” You whined. You leaned forward catching your head in your hands in frustration. Shuri rubbed your arm comfortingly. 
“Don’t stress yourself. I understand. I know you love what you do. You put a lot of hard work into it, and I admire that. But, Thando you’re taking your body through a lot of physical strain. Training with the Dora, learning your duties as consort, and actively on tour. It’s physically impossible for any human.” 
“You have more on your plate than I do. And you’re doing just fine!” Shuri, being true to the patient woman that you married, continued being calm during your temper tantrum.
“Bambo’lawami, while I am human, I have a bit of an advantage here. I should hardly be the determining factor for your work ethic. You need to let something go.” If Shuri only knew where her statement would take this, she would immediately swallow those words. Your head jerks back as you look down at Shuri, chuckling though very unamused.
“OOOOh, ok… I’m getting it now. Is the career I built getting in the way of my duties for Wakanda?” You raised a brow as Shuri mimicked your prior movement, her head jerking back in confusion.
“What? That has nothing to do with what I said.” 
“No. But, it has everything to do with what you implied.” You say, your words laced with spite. 
The creases in her forhead increased with each word that came from your mouth.
“Don’t fucking SthANdwa me. I already know what you’re gonna say. ‘You are being unreasonable Entle, I only want what’s best for you.’ When we both know that this your way of introducing the idea of me giving up my career, so that I can play the submissive Queens consort? Walk to the right and two steps behind you!?” Shuri sat back on her haunches, completely taken aback. She snickered.
“Are you for real? I-“ Your hand comes up, placing it directly into your wife’s face. She bit into the corner of her bottom lip. A sneer appearing on her upper, as her nostrils flared.
“I don’t want to hear shit you have to say. I’m doing this and every other show I have scheduled for MY tour. I’m not giving up who I am and what I’VE built to play small and be your little wife.” You go to mush Shuri’s face but her hand quickly grasped your wrist placing your hand gently back onto the bed. 
“Whoa. You’re loosing it Nkosazana. Dont put your hand in my face. Don’t ever disrespect me like that.” Her pointer finger came up, centered between your eyes. 
“And what are you gonna do?” You say swatting her hand away. She removed her hand before you could make contact. You place your hand back into her face and she swats it. The two of you go through this back in forth for a moment until frustration takes over and you catch Shuri off guard pushing her away from you making her land on her butt. 
“Y/n what the fuck are you doing!?” Shuri’s voice became high pitched as confusion took over her. She remained seated on the floor.
“My intent is not to start an arguement with you. You’re stressed and not feeling well. Apparently, you have some other unrelated issue with me, that we should discuss at a better time. Because, no way you’re taking my concern for your health as some sort of power play.” The statement came out as a question.
“Yup.” You say crossing your arms and rolling your neck. 
“Yuuup.” You say more aggressive. Shuri squinted her eyes a smirk turning up one of her cheeks.
“Yup” You repeat.
“Childish.” You shrug staring at her waiting impatiently for whatever it was she had to say. Quietly, her eyes scan over your body. Had it been any other time, or had you felt better the look on her face would’ve folded you like origami. However, now you had an unwarranted point to prove. Just because Shuri was a sexy, domineering goddess didn’t mean you were going to drop everything for her. You built your image without her and planned to maintain it. You were a Queen in your own right before marrying Shuri, this was your shit!
“It seems as though we’re past not arguing.” You cock your head to the side with all the attitude you can muster, as Shuri stands to her feet, clenching her jaw. 
 “Llisten, Your health at the moment is what matters to me. That is all this is about.”
“Puh’ lease, you been on this shit. Does my success make you insecure Shuri?” You continued pushing your invalid point. Shuri closed her eyes.
“Bast, I’m trying to keep my composure.”
“And if you loose it?” You raise a brow continuing to challenge Shuri. She stepped forward Jaw clenched. 
“You want to act like a child, y/n? Fine, I’ll treat you like one. If you so much as think about going to that show tonight, I’m going to hunt you down and drag your little ass back into this house and chain you to the bed. Do you understand me?”
Your mouth dropped, a sudden burst of energy hit you as you lept to your feet standing on the bed in an attempt to over power Shuri. 
“Who the fuck you think you talking to?!!” Shuri snorted turning to walk away. 
“The only person confused in here is you. I guess the 103 degree fever you were running was boiling your brain cells. I’ll be happy to remind you who YOU are speaking with. We maybe consorts but I rule over you. Calm yourself.” She punctuated her sentence jabbing her finger in your direction. “You’ve gotten beside yourself. I’ll shut the fucking city down before I let you leave this house thinking it’s ok to distrespect me the way you are. The only point I’m making is that you’re running that beautiful body of yours into the ground. And it’s going to give way mama.” At this point you were relentless. 
“Ha! Oh that’s cute kitten.” Shuri shook her head chewing on the insides of her cheeks. Confused at how you even got to this point. She’d made her way back to the sitting area plopping down onto the couch. You followed. “Be serious, your intimidated because I’m not one of these thirsty bitches that need you. I’m good on my own and I could have just as much without you and your trying to ta-“ Shuri shot back to her feet. Making her way to you in a few long strides.
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR LITT-.” Shuri tried stopping herself before playing into this foolish argument, but it was too late. You had shook her calm front, and cut her off.
“There it is!! There the fuck it is! Show yourself!” 
“EVERYDAY! Y/n EVERY FUCKING DAY I go out of my way making sure you’re happy and ok. And you think I would wait until you were ill to push some dumb ass agenda I’ve been hiding onto you.” You stare at her unyielding in your point. Shuri stepped back chuckling, She threw her hands up in surrender.
“You know what. Fuck it. Do as you please! Fuck me for giving a shit about my wife. Go risk your LIFE to dress in a strip of fabric and clap your ass in front of an a arena full of strangers. I’m done!” You smirk.
“Proved my point.” 
“Discussion over.”
“I bet it is.”
“OVER!” Your eyes connected with Shuri’s. Though you may not have been very connected with your own limits. You knew Shuri’s. So you chose to heed her warning. You stomped around the room collecting your things while Shuri sat slumped on the couch attending to business on her Kimoyo beads. 
“I’m going to wait for the car at Bruno’s and I’ll stay with my sister after my show.”
“Do what you gotta do.” Her voice had gone down an octave, raspy and tired. Your aching body wanted so bad to go over, fall into her lap, and let her nurse you back to health. But, the stubbornness in you, the part that was afraid to rely fully on Shuri or anyone because of your checkered past relationships, pressed on. 
“Eat a dick.” You say calmly before snatching open the door, and slamming it as hard as you could behind you. 
“Tuh.” And a snicker was Shuri’s only reaction. Her nonchalance only a weak bandage for the wound you’d just caused her.
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Shuri was in a bad mood. It was apparent in her stifling demeanor as she swaggered backstage. Her lack of sleep, the heated argument between the two of you, and pure worry for her wife drove her to an astute level of unapproachable. Her shades hid her frustrated eyes, but her demeanor was not to be misunderstood.
She’d tried getting some rest, tried staying away and letting you do your thing. But, even when she was pissed at you her love and protective instincts for you would always over power any anger. So, after stubbornly tossing and turning on the couch, and stomping through the house mumbling angrily to herself, after her failed attempt at sleeping. She decided to take a shower, and then she found herself getting dressed, grabbing keys, and heading in the direction of Madison Square Garden in the Royal Talon. 
You were halfway through your set, as she walked over to the wings. Your tour Manager Wayne stood watching intently, until he felt the presence of the Queen approaching. Shuri saw his shoulders visibly tense as she walked up beside him.
“Why do you look nervous Wayne? Is there a reason you would need to be cautious around me?” She never made eye contact. Just leaned  her shoulder onto a pillar, crossing her legs at the ankle, staring out onto the stage.
“N-no I-“ She cut him off, not having the patience to beat around the bush.
“Tell me, have you seen my wife today?”
“Uh, Well yes.” Shuri’s jaw tensed as she nodded, somehow the shades covering her eyes made this moment even more frightening for the man. The lights from the stage casting a red glow over her. 
“Really? Because if you had. You would know that she is in no condition to be on that stage tonight.” Her head turned slightly to the right of her where Wayne stood shifting on his feet.
“She said she’d be good by show time. E-everyone was already here I-I couldn’t cancel. I was just doing as she sa-“ 
“Isn’t apart of your job to make sure that my wife is in good health. Does it not matter if the artist is well? Or are you just worried about your check? Because, I can get you your check, and  it’ll be the last. Was this one show worth your job Wayne?” Shuri raised a brow, and a sarcastic smile spread across Shuri’s face. 
“I’m so-“ The shivering teary eyed man began. 
“Shuri!” Dani marched up standing in between the two of them. Interrupting the tense moment.
“Wayne, go gather yourself. I hear the Queen is on a little power trip because she can’t control my sister. She’ll get over it.” Shuri scoffed as Wayne rushed off. 
“I heard you were here terrorizing the staff because y/n went through with her show. Lay off it Shuri! This is a sold out show at Madison Square Garden! You’re not about to mess this night up for her.”
“Me! Mess it up! Dani have you even seen your sister up close for the past couple of weeks!? She’s fucking exhausted. She’s pushing herself entirely too hard.”
“So, she has to give up her career?!”
“WHO THE FUCK IS SAYING THAT! Demethi! You two are definietly related. She JUST NEEDS A BREEAAAAAK! From EVERYTHING! GAHDAMN!” 
“I think she knows her limitations. She’s putting on a flawless show. You can’t control-“
“I don’t -…. You know what Dani, It’s best if  nobody says shit to me tonight. I’m here to ensure my wife’s safety. Keep the rest.” Dani rolled her eyes.
“Whatever.” She said as her and Shuri stood silently watching the show. 
She watched your body move, as you sang effortlessly. The truth was, Shuri loved watching you in your element. The joy in your face, the sound of your voice. How you lost yourself becoming an entirely different being on stage. She loved even more the private shows she got after a show was over, the both of you all riled up. You, from trying to turn your wife on while onstage. Her, from you succeeding. Yea. After show sex was Shuris favorite. A smirk found it’s way to Shuri’s lips as she thought about your escapades. She didn’t want to argue. She just wanted you to be ok, and she couldn’t rest until she felt that you were. Taking something that you loved and excelled at would have never crossed Shuri’s mind, and it hurt her that you believed it would.
The show was coming to an end, and per usual it had been effortless. You did your final song. thanking your fans as the band continued to play you off stage. Shuri felt silly. Maybe she had overreacted. But, was she wrong? All she’d wanted was for you to be safe and healthy. You couldn’t be too mad at her for that. Could you?
The crowd roared as you did your signature strut off of the stage. The walk Shuri loved so much. Her eyes trailed over your body, starting at your feet, up to those thick thighs, your non existent waist, your beautiful bouncing breast, and then that gorge-. That’s when Shuri saw it,  your face was pale, washed out. There was fear in your eyes as you approached the wings as fast possible. Shuri’s face dropped as you got out of view of the crowd. She stepped forward.
“Y/n, babe.” Your eyes met her shaded ones, and you made it to your wife just in time to wrap your arms around her neck and faint. 
“Sis! Y/n!” Dani yelled, running to Shuri’s side. Jumping into action Shuri swooped the rest of your limp body up into her arms. 
“Move!” She yelled as she made her way through the crowded back stage. Chaos, ensued as everyone realized what was happening. Shuri tried making it to the Talon fighter, everything she needed to nurse you conscious was there, but suddenly she felt you stiffening in her arms. She stopped in her tracks looking down at you.
“EVERYBODY GIVE HER SOME SPACE SHES SEIZING! Someone get me something to cushion her head!” She barked orders as people ran around trying to find ways to help, or just stood staring. She gently placed you on your side as your sister took off her jacket placing it under your head, as your body began jerking. 
“It’s ok baby I’m here. I’m going to make sure you’re ok.” Medics rushed in with a gurney, directing everyone not to hover. Shuri lie on the floor above your head. Whispering words of encouragement. 
“I got you baby. Hang in there. It’ll be over soon.” Once you stopped seizing, They moved into action. Hurrying to get you onto the gurney before you went into another seizure. 
“Take her to the roof. I’m taking her home. We have whatever medical assistance she needs.” Shuri ordered as her and your sister ran beside the gurney. The Dora and your team followed close behind. 
Once safely on the aircraft Shuri had you placed you in a bed. Her first goal to hydrate you. She’d noticed weeks ago that in your attempt to juggle everything you weren’t eating enough, or staying hydrated. Your body had been running on fumes. Not getting nearly enough of anything it needed. Food, water, or sleep. Not to mention all of the sweating you did in your sleep last night. She’d spoken on it several times, and she continuously went ignored. Now your body had finally caved. She worked on you silently. Cutting off the restricting clothes. Giving you fluids through an IV and placing a cooling pad over your body. A tear fell from her eye and she quickly wiped it away. She’d never forgive herself for not being more insistent on you canceling if something happened to you. 
“Griot. Does she show any signs of injury?”
“Assessing damage Panther.” She waited patiently as Griot scanned your body. “Ikumkani wam shows no signs of injury.”
“Thank Bast.” Shuri breathed a sigh of relief. 
You began to stir and Shuri stood to her feet walking over to your side. She held your hand as you opened your eyes. 
“Hey there, pretty girl.” She says leaning in, gently caressing the side of your face. 
“W-what happened?”
“You fainted, and had a seizure.” Your eyes widened before you averted your eyes. 
“I’m not here for I told you so baby. I’m just happy you’re ok.”
A soft knock at the door interrupted the moment. 
“Did I hear her talking?” Your sister walked in with Wayne trailing behind. “Girl thank God you’re up. You scared the shit out of me!” Your sister came over kissing your forehead.
“Yes we’re all happy to see you up. You gave us all quite a scare.” Wayne said. Your team stood outside of the door not wanting to overwhelm you. Shuri spoke up. 
“I’m glad you all are here. I think this is a perfect time for me to voice how I don’t appreciate the complete disregard for my wife’s health. If it was my say all of you would be fired.”
“Shuri.” You say about to chastise her when she threw a look over her shoulder that let you know now was not the time.
“I’m being as nice as I have the patience to be right now….It’s been a long day. You all will postpone the tour for two weeks.” You gasp.
“Shuri that’s excessive! I alrea-” Shuri turned all the way around looking down at you from her seated position. 
“I’m sorry sthandwa..Did that sound like a request? I should’ve went with my first mind and shut it down last night. However, this is your thing. So I deemed it necessary to run it by you first. But, since you don’t seem to know your limits I’ll be taking things into my own hands until you prove to me you can. And it’s not up for discussion.” She spoke firm staring directly into your eyes, and there was no room for argument. She directed her attention back to your team. 
“Call the venues, get a price point on the fines and the date changes. Let me know. I’ll take care of it. Staff will also be compensated. Just get it done. All business is to go through me and me only for the next two weeks. Got it.” Everyone acknowledged her with a firm yes and she dismissed everyone to allow you to rest. With the exception of Dani, who decided to stay with the two of you to help out.
Shuri pulled up a document on her Kimoyo beads and began typing.
“What are you doing?” You ask
“Requesting that M’Baku take my place for the next two weeks. So I don’t overwhelm myself.”
She side eyed you and you looked away. She turned around to you grabbing your chin, turning your head back toward her. 
“Ubusi, when I met you…It’s like….like I grew another limb. You became apart of me. Apart of my body, and If you’re not ok neither am I. I need you to take care of my body baby. There is no strength without rest.” You bite into your lip. Your wife always had a beautiful way with words. 
“I understand. I’m sorry about earlier I-“
“Let’s not talk about that now. You need to get some rest. I’m not dismissing it. Just saving it for another time. Ok?” You nod and she softly kissed your lips.
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For the next week you watched your wife take care of your business. You noticed how much attention to detail she had to have been paying to the way you ran things, before you got sick. She didn’t miss a beat. She made sure you ate, hydrated, and rested. Took meetings with venues and made sure your staff was paid, suggesting that they rest as well. You also noticed, that with all the care and love she was giving you, she was still a bit stand off-ish. 
“Baby what’s wrong?” You’d find yourself asking constantly. She’d always rebut with, “Nothing my love, just a lot on my plate.” However, you knew better.
Her kisses were light and didn’t linger, she’d bring your meals, but, wouldn’t snuggle up, and eat them with you. And when you two went to bed she’d kiss your forehead and turn over away from you. You hated it! 
The two of you still hadn’t talked about the argument. The more you thought about it, the more guilty you felt for overreacting. You’d gone entirely too far. You knew that you had really hurt her with some of your harsh opinions about how she felt about you and your career. Regret was as simple as you could put it, as you watched her handle the the career you built with all the love, just as you would. You had been wrong, and hurtful. And It was your turn to apologize.
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Shuri pulled into the driveway. Taking a deep breath as she turned off the car. To be honest, home had been hard for her lately. She struggled with when to bring up the fact that you had hurt her. How did this part of your relationship go? Was she even allowed to be hurt? The two of you had never made it to this point. Shuri had always been the one ruining everything, and apologizing profusely. But, she’d fixed it. She was putting her best foot forward in this marriage. Being the best wife she knew how to be. She thought you’d known that. What was she doing wrong where you didn’t see?
She had been sitting in the car for 15 minutes. Meetings with your team, updates with the council, and checking in on her lab filled her day and she was ready to get some rest. Finally she decided to get out. Her energy was heavy as she walked to the front door placing her key in the lock. Stepping inside of her home she was immediately met with red and gold rose petals. Large glass vases filled with long stem roses, and candles led a path to a table beautifully set for two. You sat on the table, legs crossed in your sheer black floor length dress, breast on display with an edible arrangement settled on your lap, with the words sorry carved out in pineapple. A huge teddy bear that read “I love you” sat in the corner and balloons with apologies written all over them,  littered every corner of the room. But over top of your head were huge balloons that individually spelled. IM SORRY. In case she wasn’t getting the message.
Shuri was stuck, speechless at the door. The last time you’d done something this beautiful for her was when you proposed. The thought brought tears to her eyes, as she took it all in.
“I know grand gestures and elaborate apologies are usually your thing. But, I thought I’d take a jab at it this time.” Shuri chuckled as a tear fell down her cheek. You looked at your beautiful wife. Today she was apparently feeling her femininity. A jean dress that hugged her silhouette so perfectly graced her beautiful body. Her braids were adorned with golden string, and her makeup was perfection. You couldn’t help but think that you were a lucky women. 
“You look beautiful, Sweet Lady.” She look down slightly and you could tell she was trying to hide her blush. It brought a smile to your face.
“I promise I didn’t over exert myself. Dani helped with dinner, and I had a few other hands with helping me get all of this set up, before I kicked everyone out.” You stood from the table placing the edible arrangement onto it. You reach out your hand to her. “Come here.” Shuri made her way to you, heels clicking against the marble floors. When she was close enough you grabbed her hands.
“Baby I’m sorry. For a lot of things. But, first of all for putting my hands on you. I was delirious. I am fully aware we don’t operate that way. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you, and that I made things more difficult than they had to be. And most importantly, I’m sorry for the things I said. I know I have a habit of putting my guard back up in certain areas of my life out of protection for myself. I recognize I don’t have to do that with you. I recognize how ungrateful and entitle I’ve been. Overlooking your effort. I do see you. And I’m very appreciative of the work you put in for us.” Shuri sniffles looking down at her feet. You lift her chin slightly so that her eyes can meet your own again. She bit into her lip, her low eyes connecting with yours. 
“I can see that I hurt you, and I hate it. I wish I could take everything I said back because I didn’t mean it in the slightest. Those weren’t words meant for you, and who you’ve shown yourself to be to me. I let the past infiltrate what we have now, and for that I truly apologize Shuri. So, if you give me the chance, I can be better at showing you how much I appreciate you. I know you know I love you. I’ll forever be in love with you. I don’t want to mess us up either. Your love is wonderful, and I don’t want to loose you.”
Shuri had tears streaming down both of her cheeks now. You use the pad of your thumb to wipe away the tears. Finally, the two of you step into eachothers arms. “I love you sthandwa, I’m giving this all I got.” She finally says. The softness in her tone almost broke you.
“I know baby. And you’re perfect.” you say wrapping your arms around her neck as she buries her face into yours. She picks her head up, placing her forhead to yours staring into your eyes.
“I miss you.” She says. You nod. Knowing exactly what she means. 
“I miss you too. Can I kiss you?” You ask. She nods.
You close the distance and give your wife a long lingering kiss for the first time in days. Your lips slide against eachothers longingly. Passionately. This woman would forever be your heart. Your everything.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper against her lips.
“I forgive you, baby.” She responds.
“I need to touch you Shuri. Can I touch you please mama?” Another request came from you against her lips. She moaned her reply into your mouth. One of your arms slipped from around her neck. Gliding down her clothed chest to her abs, to the hem of her form fitting dress. You hike up her dress, your fingers brushing against her silk lined clit, her body shivered against your touch as she stepped further into you. Her mouth gapped open at the sensation, as you rubbed up and down against her. 
“It feels like you need me to touch you. But, you won’t tell me what you need beautiful.” Shuri’s knees buckled a bit as she backed you against the table. 
“Uh uh, calm down panther. I want to take care of you. Tell me you need me.”  She panted against your mouth as you stroke her bud. “Uhn. I-I need y-you please baby.” You smirk against her lips. “Good girl.” 
Shuri moaned, as the two of you switch positions Shuri now pressed into the table.
Your kissing became more intense. Pressing her up against the table, she lifts your dress as you firmly plant your thigh between her muscular legs. Shuri whimpers quietly, grabbing the back of your head and kissing you voraciously. Your bodies heave together, squirming, and writhing. Your thighs intertwined as you hungrily rub her vulva over her panties.
 She pulls you as close to her as possible, her nails unconsciously digging into your back. You pull away from her mouth, and begin kissing her neck. Sighing as she tugs on your hair. 
“I need you Shuri.” You say as you find the zipper at the back of her dress. Slowly unzipping her dress, pulling it down her shoulders. “I need you in my life. To be loved by you. To touch you. To taste you. I love you so much.”
Your hand finds her breast under a sheer, silky bra. You feel her nipple poking through the soft fabric, and take it between your two fingers, massaging it slowly.
“Fuck y/n.” She whispers, her hips continued to rotate on your thigh, her head thrown back eyes closed in concentration.
Wanting to feel her skin, you unhook her bra and let it fall off of her shoulders. Taking her small perky breast in your hand, you caress it softly, tracing circles around her nipple. Giving each one equal attention. 
“You’re so perfect. Beautiful and perfect. All of you.”
You take a nipple into your mouth and suck lightly, encircling, and kissing each one. Shuri begans frantically moaning  trying to rub her self against you harder. You lightly run your fingers up and down her bare back. 
“Tell me what you need pretty girl.” You whisper in her ear. “Tell me what I gotta do?” Shuri whimpers.
“Bast, I love it when you talk to me like that.”
“Mmm Daddy Panther wants to be my pretty girl tonight?” Shuri grabs the front of your dress. As her hips continue to grind against you. 
“Ewe! Let me be your good girl.” Your core throbs at the pretty sound of her voice. 
She sits eye level with you. You stare intently into her eyes taking her lower lip into your mouth, sucking as your hands slide gently down her sides, onto her thighs, and inside her panties. 
She lets out sweet a little moan and buries her head in your neck. She breathes heavily on your skin as you gently rub her mound, pressing hard against her clit. Your finger slides between her lips to find her slick and wet, her clit rock-hard. 
“Ndive kamnandi (make me feel good)” Her body shivered against yours. 
“Whatever you want baby girl. Whatever you want.”
You continue, rubbing on her clit, with calculated strokes soft, slow, up, down. 
“Please baby I need more. Uhn I want to cum for you sthandwa.”
She grips the back of your neck tighter as she lets out a breathy shudder. You move your  fingers in and out of her pussy. You felt her ridges squeezing against your fingers as her hips meet your thrust. Your thumb rubbed delicate circles on her clit as tears began to run down her cheeks.
"Yes baby right there!” She says. You start pressing hard against the upper wall of her pussy. She nearly collapses from this intense sensation. Her thighs shaking beneath you. 
“Ooohh fuck me y/n. You make me feel so fucking sexy.” Your mouth was agape as you watched Shuri bounce against your fingers. She looked more erotic than you’d ever seen her before dress bunched at her waist. Sweat begining to glisten over her beautiful breast, and one of her toned legs thrown over your shoulder, her pretty feet still adorned in her heels. 
“I could cum just looking at you right now Shuri. I can’t believe you’re mine. Fuuuck.”
Your arm supported her back so she wouldn’t  fall as you brought her closer to the edge of the table.  She tenses up against you now, squeezing you with both arms. A steady stream of the most beautiful sounds to ever exit Shuri’s mouth flowing into your ears.
“You’re close baby I can feel you. Give it all to me.”
The web of your hand pressed hard against her clit as your fingers pump in and out of her. You grab her clit between your middle and index fingers, pulling the foreskin up and down. A gasp escapes her mouth. 
“Ahhhh fuckgiveitgiveittomegiveittome!”
Her words ran together as you continued to work her pussy. Teasing bringing her to the edge and slowing down because you didn’t want this to end. You loved seeing your powerful wife like this. Putty at the tips of your fingers.
By now your fingers are drenched and pruning. Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, as she fell back against the table gripping the cloth. She's whispering under her breath for you to fuck her, growing more and more insistent. You were mesmerized. She began to stifle screams and you reach forward pulling a pineapple from the stick. Placing the S in sorry into your wife’s mouth. 
“Here baby. That should keep that pretty mouth quiet.”
She bites into the fruit hard. It’s juices running down the sides of her face. “Uuuuuuhhhnnn.” She lets out a long moan muffled by the the fruit. You fuck her harder, as she drools, her back begining to arch off of the table. "I'm gonna come," she says breathlessly, her mouth still full. Her body begans twitching and convulsing uncontrollably.
"It's okay, l've got you baby. Give me that shit." You lean over whispering in her ear and kissing it lightly. A few more strokes to her G-Spot, your thumb circling her clit, and you finally let her release. She lets out a long, tremulous sigh, her eyes rolling back into her head before her whole body goes limp in your arms. She comes hard, her pussy clamping down on your fingers. Her warm cream coating your hand as  you take out your dripping wet fingers. You suck her juices from your fingers and lean over her grabbing the bottom of the s of her pineapple with your teeth. Tearing it from her mouth and pecking her lips as she lay catching her breath.
You squat in front of her. Coming face to face with your work. Her panties soaking wet and rolled to the side of her fat pussy her clit jutting out between the lips. Quivering. Calling out to you. You place her heeled foot onto your shoulder and answered the call. Cleaning her up, sucking all the cum from her lower lips. And spitting it back into her clit before taking it into your mouth. Her hips buck upwards as she reached down holding your head in place. 
“Too sensitive.” She says. You reach up moving her hand from your head holding it in your hand. “You can do it.” You kiss the tip of her clit and once again engulf it. 
“Uuughhh!!” She lets out, as you suck up and down on her engorged clit. “Baby it’s too much.”
“She’s calling me Shuri.” 
“Umphhh Fuuuck!” She says as you continue sucking her. You rub your face in it. Getting your face full of her juices. You felt Shuri tensing underneath you. Holding her breath. 
“Breathe, baby. Deep breaths.” She tried following your instructions, and you felt the exact moment the pleasure took over body.
Her heels painfully dug into your shoulders, egging you on. 
“Damnit! Y/n!” She yelled, as she let out huffs of breath. Breathing through the intense pleasure. 
“Tell me you like it baby.” Your fingers reentered her sweet pussy as you ate her like your final meal.
“FUUUUUCCCCK! I love it. You drive t-this pussy crazy! Uuhhhnnn Bast! Get up! I gotta pee! I-I’m gonna e-explode!” You dive in fucking her harder sucking her faster. “Y/n, MOOVVVEE!” Her body writhed violently on top of the table anything that had been on top of it now long gone. 
“EH!” A high pitched scream left her mouth as her body almost levitated into a seated position. Her eyes and mouth wide. She grabbed the back of your neck pressing you up into her pussy, as her hips began to thrust hard against your face. You felt a gush of liquid hit the back of your throat. Unattatching yourself from her you began to cough, only to go back in and suck some more of her. Letting Shuri cover your face in her essence. She slid from the table. Both of you falling to the floor. She landed on all fours. Pussy still hovering over top of your face. You lift up kissing it. 
“Stop! Stop, stop.” She said shivering. She lowered her body between your legs laying on top of your chest, and you let out a hiss. She looked up seeing small holes left by her heels on your shoulders. 
“Did I do that!? I’m so sorry babe.” You laugh. 
“Trust me baby, I enjoyed it.” She leaned forward kissing, licking and sucking your sex injuries as you carressed the small of her back moaning from the feel of her mouth on you. 
A wrapped gift caught the corner of your eye amidst all of the broken dishes and fruit on the floor. “Oh. I almost forgot!” Shuri hummed as she continued to tend to your wounds. You reach over grabbing the box. Tapping her back, signaling her to get up. She looks down at the box as she sits all the way up straddling your waist.
“What’s this?”
“Open it. You’ll see.” You giggle as she rolls her eyes. She removes the ribbon and wrapping paper. Opening the box to two diamond Catier bracelets. 
“Apology diamonds” you say. “ They’re engraved.”She picked them up looking inside. 
One read ‘For better’ the other read ‘For worse’. 
Shuri looked looked into your eyes tears brimming. You smile.
“Forever baby.”
171 notes · View notes
lightlycareless · 6 months
I keep thinking of naoya making a fool of himself around y/n and y/n just being confused (idk) like he tries to get her to like him but it doesn’t turn out well😭 , idk if that made sense sorry!!😔
Awww this was really sweet to think about, however I got confused in the end and made it somewhat of a happy ending lmao.
Well, I still hope you like it!! (If anyone wants angst tho, I do recommend reading my valentine's day special. But I too been wanting to write something heart clenching for a while, might get onto it....)
warnings: highschool au. naoya likes you but he doesn't know how to approach you. he is ridiculous.
Happy reading!!
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A silly Naoya is more like an overconfident Naoya, the type of guy that will never stop bragging about ANYTHING just to make you look his way.
It's certainly worse when he's barely starting to acknowledge his feelings, getting to that point where he finally says "I think I like her."
To stand out and get your attention is something Naoya never thought he'd need to do, simply believing that his title as heir of the Zen'in and his outstanding achievements as sorcerer would've done the trick—but they didn't, and now, he had to put in the work.
Thus, the borderline ridiculous demonstrations of his persona, courtesy of Ranta's advice; though if it’s worth anything, this is not what he envisioned.
"Can you believe he didn't want to accept my assignment only because I didn't hand it over in a folder? That's so stupid, can't wait to get him fired as soon as I—"
"Wait, Naoya, Y/N's coming!"
Ranta sighs.
"Ughghhhhhhh what do I need to do to make her see me?!"
Though frustrated, he does not give up.
"—yeah, I think we're going to this super expensive resort for the weekend. I personally preferred to travel out of the country, but you know how my father is, lazy as always. If it were up to that old man we’d never leave the—and now??? Did that work?? Is she looking??"
But the results are the same.
Naoya would keep on trying, loudly proclaiming things that in his mind would eventually earn him your interest, or at least a simple glance….
Until he, eventually of course, tires himself out. Sorrowfully finding that his endeavors had been nothing but fruitless as you continue living your own life, without Naoya in your consideration.
You’re slowly becoming someone unreachable to his grasp, and while he doesn’t plan on giving up just yet, he does intend to take a break, maybe reconsider his possibilities… before coming to a conclusion where you might not be involved anymore.
And what better way to clear his mind than indulging in one of his favorite activities—secluding himself at the rooftop of the school building to read the newest release of his favorite manga.
Unaware that someone else might be there, coincidentally… the person he wished nothing more than to be with.
"What are you reading?" You'd ask upon noticing the intense stare of the young, somewhat handsome man, he’s giving his magazine.
"Do you mind? I'm bus—o-oh!" He freezes upon realizing it was the girl of his dreams talking to him, cheeks burning red as he closes the manga and looks away. “Don’t—Don't you know it's rude to sneak up on someone like that?!"
"Ah, sorry!" You chuckle, slightly embarrassed. "I didn't mean to startle you, it's just that you looked so concentrated, I couldn’t help but to be intrigued! Is your story really interesting?"
"...it is" Naoya murmurs, gaze returning to you—he almost glances away yet again at your closeness, but your beauty makes it almost impossible to do so. "It's the latest chapter, I waited a whole month to read it."
“A whole month…?” you repeat. “Wow.”
“Yeah, it was a long time—"
“Hmmm, not quite.” You teased. “I’ve waited years just to see the continuation of my favorite series! Talk about dedication.”
“Huh, well, I don’t think it’s the same—this felt worse because of how good it is.”
“Really? I don’t know, I can’t believe you—I have to see what you’re reading for that. You grin, he smirks.
“Is that so? Then don’t let me stop you from finding the truth.”
And Naoya happily obliges, both excited to share one of the things he enjoys the most with the person he adores most, as well as the fact that you’re finally setting your eyes on him! After all this time!
He considered it to be incredibly unexpected, and perhaps a bit silly how it came to be, unable to believe that it took so little to impress you.
But as soppy as it sounds, there is truth in admitting that there is no better way to get someone to like you, than by being yourself.
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omg that was so fluffy agkjasjghasjkghjsa cheesy too ahahahahah damn I surprised myself for sure!!
Rest assured, you heard Naoya do all of those things and consistently thought "Is he ok? Why is he yelling?"
After the two begin to date you'll tell him how weird it was of him to do all that hahahah though... "You didn't have to do that, I already liked you." Naoya feels even sillier :^)
Anyways, I hope you liked it!! I'm sorry this didn't end up in a sad note, I read the request very quickly and ended up understanding you only wanted an interpretation of Naoya being silly—though I do want to write something sad between the two, him messing up and all that. Luckily, I have the perfect excuse for that through other asks hehehehehe
Thank you so much for sending in this ask and for your patience!! Take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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duckasaurus2006 · 2 months
A Hermes Design I did for Fun!
Uh- where to begin, um, all this started because of Epic the Mus- lmao
But seriously, uh yeah, lmao, I got motivated to do some designs of the Greek Gods because of Epic, but also thought it would've been good time to practice Character design, and a fun way to do it.
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This is also actually a Redesign of my Previous design for Hermes, but it didn't feel like it had much design influence by his sacred animals, so I wanted to change that. I went with the Rooster and slightly Tortoise, even though he has plenty of other ones, being a Ram, Hare, and Hawk. But I thought they would be pretty fun to do regardless of those.
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Though to think of it, the Hawk and Hare would make most sense for his character, cause of his speed, eh maybe I'll do another redesign.
Also! I did take some inspiration from some of the designs in Fan animatics, cause I thought they were cool or interesting. I mainly give credit to Ximena's design for the shaded eyes and tooth gap, and WolfytheWitch for the Rooster influence. Just super lovely designs.
Anywho, that is all, I might share more of my other designs for the characters in the future, such as Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, and Hera, but also other W.i.p, like Zeus, Ares, Artemis, and Scylla.
But anywho, hope you enjoy the art and lemme know if you have anything to say, whether it's advice, something you enjoy, or criticism! Anything is welcome!
Take care!
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warmsol · 2 months
any advice or things you wish you'd knew sooner for a beginner storyteller?🥹
oooh man, hm let me think..
don’t compare yourself to others, it really does steal any sense of joy (and that’s why we’re here, to have fun) allow yourself time to grow, you’re not going to learn everything all at once. it can be overwhelming to think “i need to learn photoshop, i need to learn to make poses, cc” or whatever else you need, but it’s okay! you’ll get there, in time! it took me five years to get to where i am now. write what you’d want to read. you don’t need to cater to anyone. when i first started my story i got hate because i didn’t have perfect characters who made the right choices. i like to think simblr has grown up a bit since then, but if you find yourself caught up in other people’s opinions it’ll really take away from the story you want to tell, so don’t let it. also, if you find your motivation wavering, don’t be scared to take a break. taking breathers is important, especially in storytelling which requires a lot of work. you don’t need to be chained to posting just your story! and sometimes breaks bring out the best ideas, and that can spark your motivation right back up again. remember change and growth is inevitable once you’re doing something long enough. if you feel like you’re not “good enough” now, there will be a point you look back and think “woah, i have learned a lot! and i’m still learning! look at how much has changed!” and it’s a nice feeling to know your effort pays off. lastly, please just have fun. don’t take this too seriously, at the end of the day we’re all here to share our pixels and fawn over everyone else’s. making sure you find joy in what you post is so so important above all else.
i could go on and on but i’ll stop here as i have my therapy appointment soon lmao. but i hope this helps <3
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
Hey! I hope its alright im asking anonymous, you're kinda my idol so im a little shy sorry :,)
Anyways my question would be a kinda commonly asked one but i would like to hear your advice on "How to find your artstyle?" Your artsyle is truly AMAZING and unique to me and inspired me a lot so i thought i would ask you this. I'll stop writting now cause its getting long 😅
(One last thing: You're the best and keep doing the amazing work you do cause im obsessed with it and its truly amazing and have a pawsome day/night!!)
It's absolutely ok!! That's why I have anon on after all ;v; (and thank you omg that's flattering 🥹💖)
Okok so here's the things with artstyles; it's literally just doing what ya want!! You don't need to have a specific one!!
So for mines, it's literally just been me picking things up over the years. I got my start through drawing my little pony, and that still shows through how I draw eyes tbh ;^^ and as you can imagine, over the past few years the hellaverse has had a massive impact on how I draw!!
If you like how an artist does something?? Try and analyse how/why they do that; I grew up watching speedpaints on youtube and taking into account just how people did things, for example if they colour picked for their rendering or if they used layer settings etc!!
Having one artstyle can honestly be really restrictive though, which is why I honestly don't believe you should focus on having one specific style if that makes sense??
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These pieces are all by me, but all have different rendering styles!! The first one is significantly more recognisable imo as my style since cell shading is generally what I do, however when I'm feeling particularly art blocked I'll sometimes go for a more paint-like style ✨
A really close friend of mine (who gets referred to as my husband lol) can do so many different styles, yet his art is extremely recognisable on sight to me every time somehow and I'm forever in awe lmao 😭 his art account is @/draconicdeityarts if you want to check out his stuff, cool af
Genuinely my greatest piece of advice? Just have fun and don't be afraid to try new things ;v; trying to put yourself in a box of "it needs to be in this style" will stunt your growth in my experience!! And over time you'll find the things that make your style yours because, generally, they're the part you enjoy doing the most, which can only be found out by experimenting!! My favourite part is rendering and I feel that shows, but the reason I love it so much is because I'm regularly experimenting still with how I do it rather than sticking to one way!!
I hope this helped at all, just remember that art is for fun, and trust me when I say that your art will always have its ways of being recognisable as yours regardless of if you have one style or 20 different ones 💖
For fun, have some of my older art to see The Development lmao; I believe the years in order here would roughly be 2014, 2016 & 2015 (forgive the quality the photo won't properly load), 2019, 2020, 2022, and finally 2023 ✨
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devotion-disorder · 6 months
Hi!! I don't know if anyone has asked this before, but-- How did you go about posting your yan OCs for the first time? I absolutely LOVE yours and would love to share mine like how you post about yours, but It's soooo nerve wracking to start it... Lol, sorry if this is weird! ^^;;;;; Do you have any advice or anything?
Hihi!!!! I understand it is kind of nervewracking like oohhhh these are my silly Original Blorbos if any of you guys care. but the world could always use more yanderes!!!!!! so we do in fact care !!!!!!!!!!1
I will say that a while ago my blog was mainly DoL-centric with the exception of the occasional yan post reblog- but i honestly wish I branched out into that more early on, for some reason i was really fixated on keeping my blog centered around one thing only. At some point I just realised that. it's my blog. i should just do whatever I want lmao. and I think that's a good mindset to have tbh - its your house your rules babey
I don't know if there's anything in particular with how I did it that's remarkable in any sense, but I suppose I just tried to make sure i was presenting my oc's in a way that leaves a strong impression and is easy to digest: so a list of facts about them, some are just basic info, some are lore-motivated and some are just things i think would be funny LOL. and yanderes at their best are when they are being their most creepy irredeemable selves so I drew something extra for that too (in fact it was kind of a last-minute addition lol). but anywho i was just hoping to establish a strong impression of their characters ig.
but yes! the only real advice I stand behind is to do whatever you wanna do and have fun with it. that is easier said than done, but I think that my enjoyment of drawing and posting has really took off ever since i just stopped caring what others might think. Good luck to you and your oc's, im sure many people will be very excited about more yanderes in this world!!!!!!!!!
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elulsdr · 1 year
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hey guys, it's my first pac ever so i would love to have your feedback. this pac also has random messages too rather than what do people think about you.
it's mainly about the messages i got. i hope it resonates⭐️ (i swear i'm better at personal readings LMAO)
people think you're very self oriented and love to have the power over them. maybe you have leader qualities and they can see that. i'd say they think you're more likely to choose logic over emotions. they think you're def the overthinker one. they know you know you're worth and know when and what to say something. they can feel that you like to be seen as cold hearted and powerful. in your head being numb equals having power. people think you're very materalistic as in, whatever you wear you make it seem expensive. people think you're very soft inside but don't let a lot people in. sometimes they can sense that deep down you're really insecure and they can see the other side of you. where you're not sure of anything you do, you don't trust yourself enough. sometimes you come off as really complex and a lot. you seem to be stuck on something. you want to let it go but can't really do it cause you get used to it. so that's why people can sense your imbalance energy. you could be indecisive or air headed these days. still, people know you have the strength to get over it. you could intimidate people at first but when they see the real you -which you dont show it to many they love it. maybe you got hurt on the past, that's why you put a mask like that. you could be very obsessive, and passionate about the things you love. you come off as competitive too.
oooh my broken heart pile.. if you recently gone through a breakup, doesnt matter if it's romantic or friends. people see youve been thru ALOT. you show it to everyone whether youre aware of it or not. people can sense the broken energy. you keep trying to explain your feelings? or what happened between you and the other person and they're like, can she move on already?? but it's cruel to think like that. cause i feel like this relationship somehow connected to your inner child. maybe the relationship helped you with healing your inner child that's why you felt those emotions that hard. people think you're sensitive and a romantic. everything i said was in the past, your energy now seems very refreshing and stepping ahead. also i have a really bad headache rn, are u ok? take care of your health and make sure you sleep enough. you have many sleepless nights. anyways, people see your steps to a better life. although you might got addicted to the new me concept and ignore everyone who tries to help you or tries to talk to you. you're like, i don't want your help i've been by myself all this long i can take care of myself from now on. they are a bit annoyed by this. they think you're a bit stubborn. DEF a hopeless romantic. don't try to burden everything and try to move on with your life asap. take your time to heal. and take people's help -only the ones who really care tho. aww i just got the 3 of swords. pls keep your precious heart safe bby. your love is enough and you will find someone that loves you as much as you love them. (wow pile 2's photo says the exact same thing, i didnt mean to do that lol)
hey pile 3, why do you feel so alone even if you're out with your friends? you like to ask people for advice but somehow you don't trust them as much as you trust yourself. i mean good for you but people -maybe your friends can tell that you're faking your feelings sometimes? maybe you feel the need to be happy around everyone even if you feel like shit. they can tell that. there's this person you are stuck on. it seems like you arent able to let them go. people really wonder about you guys. you could be a heartbreaker too. you and your friends are sarcastic people. people could get annoyed by the fact that you guys have fun lol. people think you have it all and you will have it all. they dont like the fact that they cant get a piece of you, your space, your time. it's like, there are people who want you but you got someone else on your mind who you seem to cant have. you like to learn more and more. you're very smart and people like that. but there's just this unknown people love about you. you have the friends, you have the grades, you have the face but what is it that makes you sad(?) and broken? people wonder the shit out of this lmao and you don't give them a chance to understand it. you tend to zone out a lot during the day and your thoughts makes you go nuts. people just seem to curious about you. they don't know enough. the more you don't give them the chance the more they wonder. people feel that you have tons of other shit to do than answer their questions. they know they don't deserve to steal your time like that.
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ceilidho · 7 months
do you have any tips for amateur writers who are just stepping onto the scene? like for example i struggle with how to make sentences flow right, etc. i have so many ideas but i struggle to put them down. any advice? 💖
all jokes aside, i think there's no "right way" to get into writing. for me, i started when i was in grade 5 and i wrote the most batshit, unhinged, god awful stories in my notebooks that i would inflict like a punishment on my 5th grade teacher so she could correct it and give me feedback.
i think some new writers would do very well with taking a more step-by-step approach to writing, and start with rigid outlines and not putting too much unnecessary detail or poetic elements into their fics (like just get the skeleton of the story down on paper and slowly add more and more to zhuzh it up).
while other new writers might do better with a more chaotic approach - like write the exact scene in your head and stick to prompts/short drabbles before you slowly begin to try your hand at longer fics. it totally depends on the person, but i think you owe it to yourself to try both and see what works best for you.
(got a bit long, so added more below)
i, for instance, am in the latter camp (chaotically just writing short scenes and slowly adding more) because i used to try outlining long stories and then i'd wind up completely abandoning them because the amount of work i could see ahead of me would freak me out. i think writing short prompts actually helped my writing flourish the most!! (prompt accounts on twitter are the BEST for this imo).
flow is a tough quality to give tips on because it's an intuitive thing but it's also based on your style. one big tip i can give, and i don't know if this will be of help to you but it was a huge realization for me, is that most people tend to miss how big of an impact format can have.
what i mean by that is, if you're writing a road trip or a long winding journey, you can evoke that feeling by having your sentences be long and serpentine, like you're mirroring the characters on the trip. versus, in a tense scene (idk, maybe the character is defusing a bomb or doing something that requires precision and concentration), short, clipped sentence might elicit that feeling better. it's not just what you're writing but how you write, if that makes sense.
but when you're just starting, the top things to focus on are:
what are the characters physically doing
what are they thinking (if you want to write a more internal perspective; you can also stick to third-person objective narration, aka no internal dialogue)
expressions on their faces
what's in the room/space around them (useful for descriptions, setting the scene, and also doing a little "chekhov's gun" if you want - showing something that might become more important later)
i hope this helps!!! that "idk how to get this out and put it on paper" feeling never really goes away lmao if im being honest, but that's part of it. you're constantly learning and improving!!
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nqueso-emergency · 12 days
''Eddie leans on Buck because he's not going to give it to him blunt like the others need to.''
This!! I could never fully place my finger on how or why I felt like eddie like needed (thats not the right word but its the only one that comes to mind) buck but buck never seemed to need him back in the same capacity if that makes sense?
I'm a relatively new viewer! like bucktommy new lol I hope you dont hate that 🙏 but watching all the seasons SOOO CLOSE together rrly allowed me to ig see how their relationship progressed in a really clear light and consistently throughout the seasons buck goes to other ppl confides in other ppl seeks comfort and advice from other ppl he has sooooo many different interactions his cup is full yk? well rounded eg his main advice person? bobby! his comfort person (most of the time) maddie! u get me but for eddie its always been buck? for everything advice comfort etc its never sat right with me bc
I rmbr being young and like 15-16 maybe? and legit relaying on one friend for everything but like this is gonna make me sound like a bitch bc ofc everyone has a best friend! and is different etc but i realised I could not go to her for everything like she was shit at comforting she did not do a good job but shes the absolute best advice giver ik - and anyway I got so off track here what I'm trying to say is that eddie needs to expand his circle and i really really hope w/ buck spending more time with tommy he does! I did initially start watching the show for them but i srsly fell in love w all the characters and i rrly want eddie to hv an arc abt making some friends! and anyway im so off topic the thing I wanted to say is you hit the nail on the head of how I felt abt their friendship- buck is too kind and soft (idk the right words those dont fit) but hes too loving? to tell eddie how it is blunt as fuck as he should bc i swear to u sometimes while watching I just wish someone would hit eddie with like ALL OF IT!!! the man needs to hear it sometimes 😭
i start yelling at the tv 'wheres frank! someone get frank!' tbh frank needs to be like on speed dial anyway! i got so off course ty for listening to my rant u dont hv to respond i went WAYYYY off course 😭 sending u lots of love and less anon hate in ur box always darling 🫶
Is this Lou?? Lmao!! You're good, anon!!!
But yes. Buck sugarcoats shit for Eddie. Eddie doesn't need that right now.
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hello :) I saw you were doing Hazbin Hotel matchups and honestly I would be very excited to see who you would assign to me (no pressure ofc!!!) so I hope this request is finding you at a good time ^^
ABOUT ME: Feel free to just call me Zo! I’m AFAB and I use she/her as my pronouns. While not officially diagnosed due to growing up in a household who treated it as taboo something that I couldn’t “catch” I definitely fall under the umbrella of neurodivergence. From past research I’ve found ADHD symptoms relate to most of my experiences.
SEXUALITY/ROMANTIC TYPE: To be frank, I’ve always internally struggled when it came to my sexual and romantic identity. Found myself craving some sort of connection that traversed the likes of just platonic bonds but the couple times when someone showed interest in me I’d clam up and push them away. The couple crushes I did have always happened to develop after I had built rapport with them, after we had grew close. So for the sake of labels and for this matchup I’d definitely like to say I’m demiromantic? In terms of sexuality all I got for you is that I’m not repulsed by it??? All I know for sure is if I like them, we’d have to have been friends or at least know each other. (In terms of gender I’m fine with either or! I’m just curious to see who fits the box el oh el ^^)
PERSONALITY: Oh boy. Ok so to start off with I’m an INTP 5w4😼…. My hog warts house is Slytherin. My temperament is Melancholic (my sub temperament is tied up between Melancholic sanguine and melancholic phlegmatic). I definitely fall under the umbrella of shyness, however I’ve also noticed that depending on my company I tend to emulate the majority of the vibe. A half hearted defense mechanism in order to fit in is what I assume it be. I’m told I’m a very emotionally intelligent person, and my friends prefer to talk to me about issues and problems due to the fact that while I can comfort I can also hold them accountable and give them solid advice. They also make jokes on how I should’ve been a psychologist if I wasn’t actively getting a degree in early education. I’m terrible when it comes to changing topics which just makes it me all the more unintentionally hilarious. I’m always more funny when I’m not actively trying to be, I just have this unknown charisma that activates when i don’t try hard being funny </3. I struggle when it comes to maintaining my relationships and also most of my responsibilities, maybe it’s a numbness for my own priorities but it’s so easy to help other people in their own slumps, that when I’m forced to face my own issues and problems I can’t help but make myself numb to it and push it on the back burner. Not for lack of care, but more of seemingly frozen in place, it’s all so terrifyingly overwhelming that I just don’t even acknowledge it. Scarily good at doing that while also avoiding spieling my own feelings on personal matters that my friends always believe I have my all together. So ironically enough while I’m good at helping my friends communicate I’m terrible when it comes to communicating about myself (yippee⁉️ #imworkingonitiswear ) more or less I’m laid back, However I did used to be more of a doormat, luckily I don’t bend backwards for every little thing that breathes now LMAO. I do have a bit of a competitive streak when it comes to games (cough uno cough) and I definitely have a penchant of using my mind and other mediums as a form of escapism. Which can be ok, but sometimes I overdo it.
LOOKS: Medium length dark brown hair, round hazel eyes. I have a round face, and here in the future I want to get wispy bangs to compliment my face shape :D. Pale but not too pale skin, I have the pear shape body type, in the sense that my hips are wide, and I have somewhat big thighs but other wise I’m relatively flat. I do have a bit of chub when it comes to my midsection. Oh! I’m like 5’5 (maybe a little taller????)
LIKES: My cats Basil and Mugwort (literally my sons). I prefer more morose weather like rain. I quite like fall compared to the other seasons. I used to draw a lot but now I don’t as much, still a joyful hobby nonetheless. Recently bought a couple new books and am getting back into the grove of loving reading once more. I will absolutely demolish croutons of any kind. Currently really into mlp, it’s those TikTok infection slideshows I swear (I redownloaded the game….) I like to ramble about my interests like animation and its evolution, cats (the breeds, the care, the everything), and much much more.
DISLIKES: I hate beans. The taste. The texture. If I see beans in food it’s an immediate ick. I will gag. Overstimulating events, like I can bear with it and grow accustomed to it, but that’s doesn’t mean I’ll like it every single time. I hate being/feeling like a burden. Oh and not really a dislike and more of an annoyance(?) the fact that ritz cheese and cracker packs don’t come with the little red plastic spatula to spread your cheese anymore. I assume because it could prove to be a choking hazard, but still I’m just like 😞
LOVE LANGUAGES: Had to really scroll through my gallery because I did take an online test before!! Physical Touch was my highest (ie im extremely touch starved but am too awkward to initiate </3) Something in me just yearns for some kind of comforting touch, but I always tend to swallow it back and push it away for fear of rejection. After that focus, intellect, acts, and words of affirmation were literally all tied not even 5% behind phys touch. I’m just a kind of mentally paralyzed overthinking insecure(ish) gal, my bad bro 😎 But on a real note the confirmation that I’m being seen and heard will make me melt.
Alright!!! Hopefully my yapping was coherent and not a chore to read through!! I think it’s really cool you’re doing this and I’m mainly curious to see who it is you’d pair with me! Because I have a favorite character in mind who’d jump with joy to see, but that’s just because of bias 😭😭
And if it’s not too much of a bother is it alright to ask not to pair me with angel dust? It’s mainly personal preference so hopefully it’s not too much of a bother :))🫶🫶🫶
hey zo! this was quite the adventure to read through haha, after some deciding, I decided to go with…
Alastor !!
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I can see you and Alastor meshing well together due to your craving of a platonic bond (you both may or not have a QPR? idk)
Alastor takes deep appreciation for not only your charisma and wit, but also your ability to read the room and match everyone’s energy, it’s helpful in certain situations with him
He isn’t the most touchy feely person you’ll meet in Hell, but he does make an effort, you’ll both usually have your arms loops while holding hands, or he’ll let you lay your head in his lap while he reads and he’ll rub your scalp
But Alastor isn’t afraid to tell you how it is, he makes sure you know your worth, and that he sees you all too clearly
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not an ask but i rlly wanted to say that Wart's design is absolutely an AMAZING take on Sir Arthur's design and Lady Celestine's outfit is equally as good. Like DAMN, I freakin love how you always pick the most perfect color palletes!
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Wow really that means a lot, I always try to put a lot of thought into that character design. Thank you so much I thought I went overboard on the dragon reference I'm so glad you liked (Arthur's design.)
I never got a compliment with the color palette that's so sweet! I just wanted to give you a little something extra. (Plus you called Arthur "Wart,": you get a special bonus for that LMAO)! :3
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There's a bit of a thematic element to the colors when I plan out my character's color palettes. (I hope I explained it right, it really has long time since I did color theory~)
While Arthur & Celestine have a different way of approaching things they will always find common ground& share the same goals. (represented by the orange and the gold.)
Arthur has a little hint of purple in his eye but overall he has Celestine's blue in them. The orange that Celestine has on her crystal is the orange of Arthur's cheeks. (In a sense they always have a bit of each other~)
I did these when planning Dame Morgan's color palette. She was always going to be red & violet (to be complementary to Arthur's golds & greens). Never seeing eye & always antagonist to them.
And lowkey if anyone wants advice or wants to know my thought process in making an OC (or how I made Celestine) please feel free to shoot me an ask. All are welcome ~
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