#i hope he doesnt have one single human friend
sorllyne · 5 months
saw a post by @/cariocake saying smth along the lines of "i hope Bucky's adventuring party is patient with him"
and like!! fuckin please,,,
i hope Bucky's party sees him for the kid he really is
devout (ish?) follower of Helio, yes. crossing a line with the whole "conversion" talk, definitely.
but up to his neck in a religion cult that prioritizes lofty ideals over the individual, religious trauma he's yet to unpack, and experiencing a community completely different from the one he grew up with for the very first time (and supposedly "straying" according to one buddy dawn)
I hope they can see Bucky as the Bad Kids saw Kristen in freshman year. Fucked up, annoying, but with a good heart. And I hope that his party members help him overcome the parts of his childhood that he may discover he doesn't like. You can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends.
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onskepa · 4 months
Hi, could I get a fic where the Sully kids + Spider learn through Norm what a wedding is so they organize one for Jake and Neytiri? Thanks in advance.
Ask and you shall recieve! This is such a cuuuuuuuuuuute idea~!! Hope you and everyone likes it! Enjoy~!!
P.S: Cover was done by none other than @jakexneytiri check her page out! Thank you darling for giving me permission to use your art!
A wedding? A wedding!!!
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Tuk sighs dreamily as she twirls and admires a flower kiri picked for her. Admiring the pretty color as how the sunlight reflects it. It somehow reminds her of her parents' love story, how they met and how they mated. In na’vi standards, it was not ideal but to tuk, it was perfect. Forbidden love? How tragic and romantic! 
Of course she has seen a few small handful of na’vi courting, and heard stories of her friends' parents' romantic paths. Yet she cannot help but wonder, do humans court the way na’vi do? Or is it different? Only one way to find out!
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“Tuk, for the last time, I may be human, but that doesnt mean I know every human custom” spider patiently explains to a happy little tuk. Her tail sways in hopes she can  gather as much information as possible. Even with spider’s lack of knowledge, she doesn't give up! 
“What about uncle norm? He is from Earth, maybe he knows” tuk suggests. 
Spider nods in wonder, slightly agreeing. But then he turns back to her, “why are you interested in human customs all of a sudden?” he asks. Tuk isn't one to search for anything human related, she is fine with what little she is exposed to.  
With a happy smile, all too pleased to be asked that question. 
“I know all about na’vi courting, but I wanna know about human courting! Mom and dad didn't do either, so I wanna know!” 
Shrugging, spider seems to see her point of view. 
“Alright, lets go ask uncle norm” 
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“I'm busy” Norman says without looking at the kids. They give him an unimpressed look. 
“Reading star wars comics for the millionth time doesnt count uncle norm” lo’ak says deadpanned. Norman stayed silent for a few seconds before putting his comic away. 
“What did spider or tuk eat this time?” he asks with a tired sigh. Both spider and tuk gave him a rather offended/surprised expression. 
“WOW, you really take us for a couple of skxawngs?” spider asks, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Sharing jake’s single braincell, yes” 
“Whatever, we didn't eat anything mysterious, yet, but, tuk wanted to ask you something and now we all wanna know” spider defends while slightly pushing tuk forward. 
Having norm’s full attention, tuk finally asks “How do humans court each other?” 
norm ‘s shoulders deflated a bit, “of all people to ask, you had to choose the most single, and lonely human” 
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“Wedding? And the females wear white while the males wear black?” tuk asks as she sees some wedding photos lended by scientists who were married. Norm nods, “thats right. Of course not all weddings are like that, it is traditional but many choose other colors for their weddings” he adds. 
Tuk looks at the various photos of brides, many in odd looking clothing. But all were so beautiful. Different long dresses, each unique to their own. Various flowers tuk has never seen before, and the grooms were also handsome. Wearing similar outfits but also in different styles. The more tuk learned about the concept of weddings, the more she began to form an idea. 
“So, man and woman plan a wedding, woman finds a pretty dress to wear, walks down the tiny path to meet her mate, they kiss and marry right?” she reviews, norm nods again. Sensing something is up. 
“What are you thinking about tuktuk?” Kiri asks. 
A mischievous little grin forms on tuk’s face. Her eyes sparkling with a devious glow. The expression reminds norm of the Grinch when he has a grand scheme.
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Taking the day easy, jake and neytiri hold hands happily as they make their way to the village. They had a rare free day to themselves. No duties to attend to, no training, no meetings, no chasing their kids from death related troubles. None. They were free to do as they like. 
And what they wanted to do for now was stroll in the village, perhaps collect a bit of fruit. Maybe later hunt for a delicious dinner neytiri has in mind. So many possibilities. 
“Woa, is it just me or are the people acting strange?” Jake asks, He and neytiri notice the odd behavior of the people. Many give them happy smiles, way too excited greetings, some even offer special gifts! 
“Is there something we missed?” Jake wonders. Neytiri tries to remember but nothing seems to remind her. 
As they walk further, there was a huddle of na’vi, all their eyes and ears facing the same direction. Jake and neytiri make their way through, and see someone giving them instructions….
“And look for white flowers! Anything will do, oh and those beads will do so nicely! Yes yes, and take the woven clothes over there! That path must be super pretty!” 
It was tuk. 
And she was giving directions to everyone like a tiny, cute boss. 
“Tuk?” Neytiri calls out in confusion. 
Her little one heard her, smiling, tuk makes her way to her parents with a happy squeal.
“Hey babygirl, what's going on?” Jake asks as he picks her up in his arms. Tuk just giggles and snuggles up to him. 
“Planning your wedding! Duh!” she responds as if that was the most obvious thing. 
“Wedding? What?” There were a lot of things going through his mind. 
Neytiri was just as confused. 
“What is a wedding?” she asks. But before tuk can happily answer, the rest of their children returns. With arms full of things. 
“Ok tuk, took us forever but we got what you needed” lo’ak said with a tired sigh. He, neteyam, kiri and spider were holding flowers, beads, baskets full of white colored cloths, and black paint. 
“Kids, what is going on?” Jake asks, more eager to know the answer. Because nothing is making any sense to him. 
“Tuk wants to make a special wedding for you guys” kiri replies as she shows tuk her findings, who nods in approval. 
“What is a wedding??” Neytiri asks a bit loudly. 
Tuk clears her voice, “a wedding is a special mating ceremony for humans. They decorate everything so pretty in white! The female wears a special gown called a wedding dress, and she walks down a flower covered path to meet her mate at the end. Where someone who holds spiritual power blesses them, the mates speak their vows and promises and kiss! Uncle norm showed me!” 
The little smiled so proudly of this knowledge being shared. 
Jake inwardly groans. Damn norm. 
“Tuk, sweetie, is that why are you doing this?” he asks another question. Tuk just rapidly nods. 
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“A wedding….” Neytiri repeats, still trying to wrap her head around the idea. 
The sully family returned to their home in need of a family meeting. 
“Why…?” she asks. 
Tuk plays with her fingers, feeling more nervous by the second. 
“Well…..you and daddy tell your love story all the time. How you guys met and stuff. But you never really did any courting like everyone else. Grandma says that courting is very important, to see if the relationship is possible. I thought a wedding would be nice for you two….cause you never courted…” she explained her reason. 
Neteyam was sitting behind her, rubbing her back to sooth her. 
There were many things to go over of what she said. Jake brings tuk over to his lap, releasing a deep sigh. 
“Am I in trouble” Tuk asks worriedly. Both of her parents shake their heads. 
“No baby girl, but you can't do things like this without telling us. Or even asking, how are you sure we wanted this?” Jake pointed out as gently as he could. 
Neytiri turns her head towards her oldest four, “and all of you for not stopping her”. 
“We also thought it was a good idea…” neteyam answers while scratching the back of his head. 
“When uncle norm taught us how humans courted, tuk wasn't the only one to like the idea. And it is true what she says mom. You two never really had the chance to do it right. Why not now?” Kiri tries with calmness in her voice. Knowing her mother is very short tempered when it comes to anything human related. 
Neytiri and jake look at each other, a special communication between them. 
“You did take me straight to the tree after my trials were finished….” jake reasoned. Neytiri rolls her eyes but fondly remembers that night. Yes, she did, she was not going to let him slip away now could she? 
And there really was no room for courting since the war started literally the next day.
Going over her options, Neytiri turns to tuk and jake. 
“How does human courting work…?” 
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Whatever pace the people were working at, doubled. By either prayers, or some miracle of Eywa, neytiri accepted to wed in the human custom. Tuk wasted no time and needed back up from the help of uncle norm. Who became her second in command in all of the organization. 
Her siblings become her little servants, repeating her orders to the people. 
And someone had a big role to play. 
“Come ma’ite, we must get you fitted” mo’at say with a bright smile on her face. Gently she tugs neytiri to her hut, kiri and other fellow na’vi woman takes her away. 
“Fitted for what?” neytiri asks, feeling a bit excited for whatever is to come. 
“For your wedding dress mom” kiri replies. Closing the flaps of the hut, the ladies began to work their magic. 
While on the other side, jake was being taken to a different hut, being led by his three sons. 
“Seriously?” jake says while raising an eyebrow. 
“Tuk’s orders” lo’ak grins a bit smugly. 
A few handful of Jake's friends entered the hut with him, with preparations of getting him ready. 
“Oh, and dont forget to write your vows!” spider reminds as he snaps fingers in remembering what tuk told him. 
“My vows?” 
“This is going to take awhile” 
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“Oh yeah, its all coming together” tuk says, pride grows in her little heart as the wedding decorations and the set up is nearly completed. 
Norm was beside her, whistling impressed. “Gotta hand it to you tuk, you do know how to design” he compliments. This makes little tuk humph with glee. 
They were at the spirit tree, white veils, flowers, the Atokrinia’s floating around elegantly. Her image displayed ever so perfectly. 
“Ok, it's all set tuk!” lo’ak says as he with kiri, spider and neteyam arrive. 
“Good! So we are good to go!” 
“Almost” kiri teases. 
“We just need one more thing” neteyam smiles, but tuk was panicking a little. 
“Did we forget something? It's the bells, isn't it? Dang it I should have-” she was interrupted mid sentence when she felt something land on her head. 
Looking at what it was, it was a flower crown. 
“A wedding isn't complete without a flower girl” spider says. Gasping in happiness and surprised, tuk shouts in great joy. 
“Come on, we still got time!” the three siblings drag tuk away to have her be the prettiest flower girl pandora has ever seen!
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The flutes began to play, releasing harmonic sounds as the notes echoed to the people’s ears. Ninat taking the lead of the melodious choir, her voice and the others balance with the instruments. In tune to perfection. 
The Atokirina floating all around, giving the path a heavenly glow. 
The people sat anxiously, all in rows as they respectfully cleared one long path. 
A path the tuk carefully walks through as she delicately lays flower petals. A flower crown on her head, wearing the cutest light pink loin cloth and pearl like bead top. Tuk truly looked like a flower girl. Behind her was the bride. Her beautiful mother, The one where all eyes go to see. 
Neytiri walks gracefully on the path her daughter leads. Wearing an all white outfit, her loincloth, her top, her head piece, and the veil she wears. All white. Her hair braided loosely behind, flowers decorated on her hair as well. Neytiri never felt more beautiful than she did at this moment. With a bouquet of flowers she holds tightly, her eyes search for her mate. The love of her life, Jake. 
At the alter, at the root base of the spirit tree was Jake. In all of his might glower, wearing a black loin cloth as his warrior armor at the waist, his hair braided in the similar fashion he wore during the war. Feather and bead amended to the braids, and small black paint to enhance his handsomeness. Jake looked so good it made neytiri want to run towards his arms. 
As they reached the altar, tuk took her place beside kiri who was wearing a style similar to tuk. Neteyam, spider and lo’ak beside their father as they admire their mother. 
Jake offers his hand to which neytiri happily accepts. Removing the veil to reveal her beautiful face, jake could help but mutter “beautiful” in awe. Together they both turn to face mo’at who smiles with heavenly joy. 
“Welcome everyone. Today, we gather in great celebration to bring these two wonderful people into union. Through trials and tribulations, these two souls have been challenged time and time again. But their love has pulled them through. Proving to us all that love truly conquers all. That being with your true one, anything can be accomplished” 
mo’at gestures to Neytiri and Jake that it was time to say their vows. 
But as they speak, tuk listened as best as she could. Hearing her parents story over and over never waivered with time. If anything it only sounded better each time. And hearing their vows right before her big eyes, it was adding a whole new perspective. 
Yes, tuk is a sucker for romantic things. Even if her siblings tease her, tuk won't stop. And seeing this made her love romance even more. 
“And by the great blessing of our great mother Eywa, I can now happily announce, Jake and neytiri as husband and wife! You may now-” 
Neytiri didnt let her mother finish as she dragged Jake down to kiss him like her life depended on it. Jake happily reciprocates. 
The na’vi cheered in celebration. Applause, screeches, everything was heard. 
Tuk sighs dreamily as she sees her parents kiss. 
“I can't wait to get married” 
Kiri: “never” 
Spider: "nope"
Lo’ak: “not gonna happen” 
Neteyam: “over my dead body”
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Okie so this kinda became a tuk main story but I like it how it turned out. What do you guys think? Until next time! See ya!
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bull-shit-suji · 6 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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thenixkat · 2 months
love how much DC consistently just hates the idea of prison reform, prisoner's rights, and treating prisoners like people…
folks in the Batfam debating about murdering the Joker.
again these are the kinds of things I think about from Barb's end on the whole pressuring Ted back into his costume. She doesn't want to be tech support she wants to be on the field with like half the writers for her Oracle run. And sure some of them are just kinda ableist.
also Barb took one break date and the Joker starts a prison riot
also all of these villains just… following the Joker's lead even tho they should know it wont go well if they do and it doesnt b/c he jokerizes them all (which makes them more dangerous b/c the Jokers just the biggest bad ass ever right after Batman) of course the metagene inhibitor gas mixed with the compound that made the villains throw up turns into Joker venom for reasons
totally the prison using those to control the dangerous super prisoners wouldnt have tested shit out b4 hand
and joker venom makes everyone joker b/c reasons even the folks that are not human or have radically different anatomy and physiology due to their meta powers
RIP to Ted, man is not allowed to be in good comics regardless of whether or not real snakes have ears, Copperhead should still be fucked up by the sonic vibrations shaking the shit out of his organs
b/c that's the correct lesson. Never take a single day off of superheroing and vigilance. Sure you will burn out but if you dont stay vigilant then bad shit will happen to yer friends and family
heheheh good for Orca I hopes she gets to eat as many prison guards as she pleases
why do the Joker's plans involve creating a gravity well?
also i guess we had to Jokerize everyone otherwise the villains might not want to listen to the Joker after getting their power dampening collars off king shark is here too
huh Nightwing keeps getting sexually assaulted and that's likely part of why people call him a slut/slutshame him
like I know he got raped by Harley Quinn in one animated thing and folks thought it was funny and also slut shamed him for getting raped so how much of his comic reputation as a slut is just people slutshaming him for getting sexually assaulted by ladies?
of course Batman and Nightwing can outrun a gravity well forming
everyone knows collapsing gravity is slower than a man carrying another human being can run
of course Ted wouldn't know anything that's happening. It's not like the Bug is a state-of-the-art listening device that would have picked up on all of the nearby radio signals like folks communicating. And its not like the Bug doesnt have dozens of Snoopies, mini Bugs for spying on shit that could have been deployed
"The Bug isn't built for speed and power" bullshit. The Bug is built for power as much as stealth and can top out at 600 mph. Also I like how Batman and Nightwing have no issue outrunning a gravity well but the Bug, a vehicle that is built with an antigrav device that is literally how she flies has an issue escaping from a gravity well
just the fact that no one is allowed to upstage Batman, the Batman understudy, or the Joker and how obviously other heroes have to get nerfed to make this happen or how other villains have to get turned into Joker to make shit happen is just so… blatant
see the problem that i dont believe that the Joker has the influence or ability to coordinate shit on this level.
The USA needs to pay reparations to the people of Rapa Nui for the shit the Joker and the jokerized villains did
They can explain the jokerization shit in-universe all they want, they wont convince me that this wasnt an ass pull
Like why the fuck would being jokerized make all of these villains subserviant to the Joker and all work together instead of clashing and not wanting to be ordered around by this one Joker if they;'re all Joker man Harley Quinn looks so much better in an actual clown suit
also the Joker wants an heir so plans to fuck Harley, her consent is not an issue for him. I'd care more if she werent also a rapist
right.. Lex Luthor is president i think Oracle you use a wheelchair why is yer floorspace this cluttered?
Oracle you can't hit your boyfriend just b/c yer upset. That's called abuse
also folks still debating about killing the Joker, who's currently dying of a tumor, when like between yall superhero and the USA penal system the Joker should have been sentenced to death ages ago. He's literally not insane, that insanity defense shit should not have worked for him the first time he got caught again after breaking out of Arkham
Nightwing, the Joker is literally a special case. With the sheer amount of his body count and the fact that the justice system has continuously failed with dealing with this asshole. If you dont want to kill him, that cool, just stay out of the way while other people kill him
The fucking slippery slope argument for not killing a dude who's got thousands of murders under his belt. Like… idk this is not the moral quandary that Nightwing is trying to make it out to be.
half way through Joker: Last Laugh like imagine if Nightwing tried that same argument to a crowd of people who've been victimized by the Joker or had a relative killed by him? He'd get mauled half to death like Jason did in Legends
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invertedfate · 1 year
Hey different anon here, i always thought floweys actions in the canon was supposed to be a kind of dark reflection of the players own actions, and a parallel with how WE treat video games. I never really thought it had anything to do with trauma, cause like think about it, how many players abuse save states in video games to get away with evil shit? Most of them i would wager, and if you had the power to save, load, and reset, maybe you WOULD start to treat even your own reality like a video game.
Like, is it wrong when flowey does these things when we do the same? Because to him its real but to us its just a game or is it ok for him to do so because it really IS a game.
And flowey DID say he also spared everyone, in the same sentence he said he killed everyone, implying both are things he doesnt really place value in doing, he didnt do it for fun, he did it because he got bored, and we do the exact same things in video games when we play one a bunch, we start to experiment, we start seeing how different "npcs" react to different situations, we start making challenges for ourselves, we start analyzing characters and putting way more thought into their actions then the person who wrote them probably did.
When flowey has that power taken away from him, only then does he start to change from this desensitizing and feel intense emotion like rage when you don't do what he wants, or fear when you're about to kill him, both are caused by him not being used to not being in control, he spent so long being the one who gets to "play" the world that he can't accept a world he's not the "player" in.
Another factor might be that not having a soul inhibits his ability to feel empathy, but thats just headcanon, sorry for this long tangent, i just really like flowey, favorite character in undertale, just wanted to express my thoughts since everyones talking about him.
I think from a metatextual level, Flowey 100% is meant to be a dark mirror of the player, which is likely why his full backstory is only given in geno, since at that point you're treading a similar path as him if you go all the way on that route. That being said, I don't think there's a lack of trauma. At the end of the day, the buttercup plan involved watching his best friend/sibling die, said sibling sharing control of his transformed body (which is implied to be VERY unsettling in appearance), his refusal to take a single SOUL, which led to his death, and then awakening in a new form, unable to connect to others the way he used to and assuming he was broken as a result of it. He did try to take his own life, after all, and only came back from it because he got scared and his determination brought him back. His power allowed him to avoid consequences and grow detached, of course, but there is absolutely room to read trauma as a PART of how he got to be this way. Not the sole factor, but a pretty significant one, especially if you interpret his loss of compassion as an undiagnosed PTSD symptom misunderstood due to toxic positivity culture among monsters. e.g. this idea that their souls are made of love, hope, and compassion and that makes them different/better than humans. Considering how many monsters force smiles to deal with their pain, I legit this mindset is super harmful to all monsters and they might not even realize it. Flowey is a great and complex character, and losing his abilities definitely also impacted his actions, for sure. I definitely am not a fan of the immense woobification of Asriel in the fandom, like, at all, and it's part of why this arc in IF is taking its time to do more character exploration and stuff since in UT, a lot of his depth is locked behind a route the game actively doesn't want you playing.
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ladyryukyo · 6 months
Kyoya headcannons perhaps? Any random headcannons you think that suit him
anon tbh im actually so bad at headcanons lmao i really tried but i think i just ended up rambling about kyoya 💔
one thing i love about kyoya is how hes such a serious and stubborn character who is just so fun to uhm dumb down? what i mean by that is that when i think of kyoya, i think of him in battle, i think of his pride, of his unshakeable will, of his ambition and determination to succeed no matter what. its hard to imagine him in mundane situations, somewhere with no battles to be won, no hardships to overcome.
kyoya doing the laundry, going grocery shopping, watching tv, eating sweets. kyoya out with his friends, talking about the weather or traffic or clothes or whatever else. situations where he cant or would be unreasonable to react with anger and shouts and/or a tornado lol.
im pretty sure i touched on this a little in the kyoya/demure fic where demure is basically me every time he marvels at mundane, normal, ordinary human boy kyoya. theres something so charming about characters that seem larger than life being brought back down to earth, others realizing that these characters are not so different from themselves, learning to be unimpressed by their completely unremarkable behavior.
i need this realization to happen to every single love interest kyoya ever has in my fics. i have such a (metaphorical) boner for romantic partners seeing each other as equals in everything they are to each other. that includes kyoya - who has the worst case of main character syndrome ever - lifting his romantic partners up on that podium next to himself (or, for angst purposes, even higher). the mutual respect is just such good food.
as much as i love a good action scene, i love putting kyoya in the most mundane situations. lately, everything ive been able to write has been soft kyoya struggling to accept (maybe even embrace) his softness and learning to be soft with someone else. im hoping ill get a tsukyo fic out of it lol. also hoping kyoya doesnt turn tail when he inevitably scares himself with his capacity for softness.
i dont really know where else im going with this. kind of went on a tangent about kyoya being normal and his partners going feral over it (and then kyoyas partners being badass and kyoya going feral over it). thank you anyway for listening
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hurtmionedanger · 10 months
Hey bestie don't be shy
top 5 favorite podcast characters and why
I am going to try to diversify beyond the magnus archives, mostly because dbd has had me in a death choke recently
With that being said, in no particular order
1. The Obituary writer from Death by Dying
Hes such an icon, normal guy and yet so so so very weird, his best friend is the angel of death, his other best friend is in his freezer and her still beating heart is on his desk, everyone thinks he’s going to kill someone one of these days based on looks alone, he has a questionable taste in fashion, hes bisexual, he has three man eating cats, he solves murders just like as a hobby, he is the most sopping wet pathetic wet cat of a man you could ever hope to meet, he is silly, what more could you possibly want from a man?
2. Jonathan Jarchivist, see prior post about this man he is so ridiculous, mf ACCIDENTALLY STARTED THE APOCALYPSE, He has been kidnapped more then princess peach, he is the eyes special little boy, hes ASEXUAL LIKE ME FRFR, he has a boyfriend who loves him very much, he likes good cows, hot singles in his area want to hunt him for sport, hes the saddest little meow meow there could possibly be.
4. Not technically a Guy persay, but the beloved michael distortion for having a sick ass voice and an even sicker statement, shows up and just stabs the archivist just because he can, he is literally the embodiment of gaslighting gatekeeping and girlbossing and his design is very cool really regardless of how people draw him but ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY DRAW HIM WITH LIKE SUPER DISTORTED JOINTS AND MULTIPLE FACES AND SHIT LIKE MMMMMMMMM, he gets bonus points for having excellent hair and not being a who but a what
Number five hhhh how do i pick between all of my beloved podcast guys, leaving out martin because i already screamed about Why i love Martin Knife Blackwood Already
5. Georgie Barker I think has to go here, maybe alongside helen and Melanie, i love them all for very different reasons but they are just such girlbosses, georgie just doesn’t feel fear, had an existential crisis so hard her brain stopped processing it, she is the girl ever, also shes jons ex, automatically getting her more points, she had a skin clown break into her apartment and fuck with her lights and the only reason she was upset was because it meant she had to replace all her lightbulbs, Also georgie has a podcast where she talks about ghosts, which is really funny to me, and i would absolutely listen to her podcast
Honorable mentions:
Helen for season 5 shenanigans of showing up whenever JMart were fighting because she wanted the Tea
Gerry Keay for his defining trait mentioned by every single statement giver who saw him being “Really shittily dyed hair” like imagine that being your legacy
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meat-pvppet · 4 months
Hiii hey helloooo really happy i found you! Im in love with your art, its so good! I wanted to learn about your ocs through that one post. Would love to get an answer for every single one, but to spare your time and fingers: alone, desire, future
I love Chasm and Tara so much you have no idea
ok for this ill do both chasm and tara cuz theyre my little gabagoos and yes yes yes
ask game
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Chasms alone most of the time so he's gotten kinda used to it, but he still has bouts of time where it gets to him, yknow?
Of course, hes never been truly truly alone cuz of Bridge, but generally speaking he gets really introspective about himself and how he interacts with others
how he wishes he could be more outgoing and expressive
hes tried that before though and its simply too draining to him
and it doesnt feel real cuz hes just acting and he knows it
so what would be the point?
he tries to distract himself as much as he can when he starts spiraling like this by doing maintenance on his guns, ship, sparrow, himself
read a little
do some organizing
anything to get him out of his own head
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
whether that be peace in his own mind or across sol
he just wants all the fighting to stop
for the conflict to end
hes not even sure if he'll make it out of the next world-ending scenario that hes gonna get thrust into
or if his daughter will survive
he doesnt really talk about how he yearns for a day where a threat isnt looming over his shoulder every second of his existence
a day where he can freely relax with his daughter without wondering whether or not he'll get to see her again
or who will take care of her when hes gone
is that cuz he wants to keep up appearances? no
its cuz he knows everyone probably wants that too
no need to state the obvious
to fulfill it, to him, theres not much he can do than continue on as he is
continue on as a war machine
fight for his and all of humanity's peace
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
i think itd be either he dies, leaving tara alone to fend for herself
or she dies
one he can try to avoid but he can never guarantee
the other is unfortunately inevitable
teehee mortal daughter immortal father moment
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
tara isnt usually alone since she'll be online talking with friends or (on the rare occasion) out n about with them or playing gigs
when she is alone she ends up alot like chasm a little
quiet and stone faced
she gets pretty lonely whenever shes not around other people, but sometimes she just doesnt wanna be around other people at the same time
so she'll rot in bed for a while
or play guitar
or do whatever to entertain herself
she kinda suffers from chronic loneliness much like her dad so yeag
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
same with chasm id think
she could wish and pray and hope for this but theres not much she can do about it
other than spread peace and love through her music of course but she wishes she could be more proactive about it
like her dad
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
probably also losing chasm tbh
she already had the wake up call that chasm isnt actually immortal fully from the red war and him losing his light
so she knows he can die
and by the nature of being a guardian, he could die
and it would be a very violent death
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
gorbo thoughts (the real)
if you saw the other ones no you didnt. its just i realized i forgot some Important things so my brain readjusted. i hope no one really saw the other ones or. if you did Erase them from your memory pretty please?
like. ok im certain he Does know from the start ( i. think?) that protag is joker, since he had already heard mona in the metaverse by then. i wasnt certain if you had to actually hear him or if just entering the metaverse was enough, but yeah you have to hear him; sae , despite having entered the metaverse, still cant understand mona since she never actually got to hear him there. anyways
but like. ok its so. funny and also Bad for me. can you imagine. hey going with the plan of. haha im gonna get this guy sooo bad. heheheh im gonnnnna. get him!!! and then like. ah shit im actually having fun but im gonna have to kill this guy a few months later. well.
like. "hehhe yeah im gonna get this guys trust by hanging out with him a bit and pretending to be a nice friend : ) its ok im super good at this i wont even get attached i completely control every single neuron in my brain NOPE i wont enjoy this because im always self aware. all the time forever" <---- the clueless
god with goro being the type of person to crave attention and . you know that he wants to feel needed or wanted around. hmm. i too would start to have a normal amount of fun later like. eheh. this guy likes hearing me blabber about stuff : ) ahah this is kinda cool i can just say whatever i want lol.. WAIT FUCK!!. like. ofc hes aware hes the Enemy but that doesnt stop you from having fun in the moment and then being like. SHIT !! like. you cant fucking control liking someones company like that lol. do you guys get what im saying. shaking you. mfw i need to be evil and shit but FUCK im still just human and have human emotions and shit
also. its. really funny to me. the. fucking traumadumping like. did he. was he trying to like. appear even more genuine to fool joker even more. but failed in the process and just. actaully Talked about Real Things instead. BECAUSE guys when i was playing. i sincerely thought "hey i wonder if any of these things hes saying about his past are even real lol.." LIKE I THOUGHT he would like. yknow make something up? but. nope. he just. he just used his Real Lore. hello goro?
but like
tbh understandable. i cant imagine he had many people he could share stuff about his life with; hell , not even shido, since he couldnt know about goro's mother and what not. and other people, way too risky. they could make rumors about the detective prince
guy was just waiting for an opportunity to drop that on someone BHSGHSGHKF
quoting my beautiful friend sage: like his brain probably abandoned the plan as soon as he started talking bc he didn't realise how much he needed to get it off his chest. and then he like "fuck he knows too much about me now. he needs to die".
boyloser. mfw i try to gaslight my silly rival into trusting me by acting genuine but at some point i start being Too Real
^^ this is it . like. yeah ok goro you can pretend to be cold and cool but. idk man this shit would eat anyone away. i would Want to tell it to at least Someone at some point you know.
honestly this is on shido for trying to use a traumatized 18 year old as a spy hitman. an 18 year old who wants to be needed by anyone even. like cmon. honestly skill issue. like cmon man
anyways. im. normal about it. ahah can you imagine that your only slightly real friend is the guy you have to kill a bit later. like. the only time you can be somewhat genuine is with your fucking archnemesis rival . man. and even then its like. im a guy hiding under 37 layers of irony but hey this other guy (also hiding under 37 layers of irony) is kinda cool fr.. . ggggggggggg
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divinemanicstate · 2 years
hold on a minute, if tom is still alive and existin, how did jake get in? in canon, he was to replace tom's position, but here that's not the case? was he convinced to join or did miles demanded for him to be brought?
so we're mostly stickin with the first movie in this au, got it, and the twins' confrontation oooo 👀 man they would be very conflicted bc theyre brothers n they stick together (using "sullys stick together" cause aint no way jake didnt said this with tom in canon) no matter what – that is the problem with their whole predicament <:[
i wholeheartedly agree with neytiri/tom not being a thing, i felt they are more like close friends than lovers unlike jake/neytiri, so it made total sense imo (me thinks neytiri and tsu'tey are still never mated in this au???)
your au had piqued me, so i hope you dont mind with me asking every now and then cause it sounds interesting 👀
no problem! im glad that people care about my silly little au thheheheh
the rda are fully aware of jakes existence so they make him a part of project phoenix (hes the only recruit that has an avatar) but not because the recoms need extra muscle, just bcs jake knows tom better than anyone (miles isnt interested in meeting tom bcs we all know he doesnt like "limp dick science majors")
miles IS a bit susp of him when they first meet because of the whole tom fiasco but jake grows on him almost instantly
so basically like i mentioned in the tags, jake and tom dont exactly see eye to eye because they were never close in canon, so i assume jake wouldnt exactly be that upset over finding out that his brother betrayed humanity
tom would be the one whod be a bit more upset when he realizes that he might have to fight his own twin
neytiri is single and independent in this au, she dont need no man
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obb-z-scene · 1 year
RIProducer's "Pyrite Girl" reminds me of Rick!!
TW mental health and suicide discussion
Analysis below. I'm working from the end to the beginning because I said so.
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This is the end..chorus? Christ I'm in choir I should know this. Anyways, something about this just screams his mental state. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It showcases how he's both a huge ass egoist and extremely self loathing. Him just knowing he's destroying himself and that he's going bonkers, but also fully deluding himself into thinking that he IS God and is untouchable when in reality he will break any moment now. It also ties into the irony of the title Pyrite girl, which is also known as "fools gold" due to being mistaken as gold for its colour. His "shield of gold" is really a fake protector.
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Him putting up protective emotional walls so he does not get attatched again. Probably after Diane's death, and possibly also from being betrayed by Prime in their partnership/relationship? I'm unsure where their relation to eachother will actually lead canonically but I've read some interesting theory posts and it's got me convinced a lil bit so I'm adding this.
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He oh so badly wants to be understood and comforted but he doesn't have anyone anymore because they all either left or betrayed him. (Let's push Squanchy and BP aside for the sake of convenience I'm tired) and this will soon turn into a need to hide the vulnerable parts of himself away.
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Ricks response to Prime's betrayl, "you left me covered in gold" implying that Rick is the reason he is the way he is today. His anger is new but so is his grief, and it hits so very hard. ("don't you try me! Don't take it lightly!" And "I'm broken, yet somehow, still alive.")
"I've been pulverized for the past five thousand five hundred days." References his endless hunt for Prime. It's exhausting and killing him so badly, example "you shattered my mind one thousand times.", but he's counting every single day to torture himself because he can't keep failing his family. This can also be backed by how the AI in his old house taunts him so horribly, and he even fucked with the time in that dimension just so he could suffer and continue to look with a constant agonizing reminder.
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This mainly just reminds me of all the enemies and allies he's made but there's also an actual point here. The people in his life that love him want to try and fix him in their own way. People like Birdperson and Morty. Probably even short term partners, not-seen-in-canon-friends, and probably Unity too when it broke things off. It realized it could not fix someone that wants to stay broken. And Rick does need support, he needs his big support system because he's been so lonely for so long. But without him putting the work in himself, not much can be done. I actually read a fanfiction where Unity had used some sort of mind control to make Rick pass out before he killed himself, and I think that was really smart but also sad. It knows it can't jeopardize it's own health to be around him, he is toxic and infectious like the plague. He seeps into every person around him to survive, but it sees the humanity in him.
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In conclusion, the song can be seen as Ricks fall into...himself. or a fake self, someone he shouldn't have been. You can also just think all of this is bullshit and that's okay too. This song is really good and it's story is both a thinker and easy to place at the same time! I hope I made sense and that my tired almost-4-AM brain didn't make you want to retake kindergarten. Feel free to pm me or comment whether you just wanna tell me how your day was or you want to discuss this more. :)
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rontra · 1 year
your art is making me go absolutely feral about wondermagic. I never looked at Zatanna comics before (or much comics in general), do you have any recommendations on where to start? I need more of this funky gay stage magician and her huge dork girlfriend in my life.
oh god. I MEAN first of all YES!!!!! WONDERMAGIC W!!!!!!! im so happy to hear it. they make me actually crazy im glad youre enjoying The Art
however SECOND OF ALL i must confess (as i have confessed before!) that i am a fake ass comic book fan. i've barely read Anything for Any character (LOL) i am not at ALL versed in her various appearances/history. so tbh i hope my more knowledgeable followers can drop recs for both me and you if there's anything particularly noteworthy
but i can talk about what i HAVE read bc my journey with her has been very . memorable to me. THIS IS NOT A HELPFUL POST this is just me infodumping--AT LENGTH--about my and zatanna's relationship. but i do talk a little about what ive read. like casual rontra followers can stop reading here its just rambling
anyway my first exposure to ms zatanna was in the first proper dc comic i ever read. which doesnt count because its extremely not about her (this is a tangent) but its notable for making me out loud go "who is this MAGICIAN" which prompted my partner to immediately reply "you mean zatanna zatara". oh you know her. you know the magician. bitch who the hell is--
you gotta appreciate the experience here. its babys first ever comic. i know superman i know batman ive seen them around (from being alive as a human). i have never in my life heard of the stage magician who hangs out with them (in full costume??) and is their friend(?????)
anyway that's all a tangent. flash forwards to last month. i was already working on CTDE from the kara^2 angle (bc i majored in n52 power girl w a minor degree in supergirl: woman of tomorrow, of course) but i was like "i should expand this roster". my friends suggest their blorbos ofc and i have a fun time reading wiki pages from multiple storylines/continuities just getting a wide array of impressions from different places. just snooping around the Vibes. and im like. man i should look at that Magician. read some of HER pages
you gotta appreciate knowing nothing at like 3am, to figuring out ctde zatanna's palette at 5:43 am
i can't resist her.
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anyway i already knew here that i was going to do something weird with her in the CTDE that wasn't necessarily connected to any of her published material. i was cooking independently. the stove was on before i had ingredients on hand bc i had the IDEA first. but i was like "i should look at some of her stuff first-hand and try and refine the Vibes" yknow. like theres limits to how much of a fake zatanna fan i can be
so we put out a call in the Mutuals Network and someone was like "you Could watch the justice league dark movie from 2017 she's in that". i was like ok 1hr15 animated movie i can handle that EASY
i didn't love the movie. so i'm not going to say anything else about it. however something VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE:
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thats right. wondermagic took hold before i read a single zatanna comic. just as it has for you anon.... we're not so different you and i...
couple days pass. im just relaxing. hanging out. looking at random tumblr blogs that post comic stuff bc im curious. so i stumble on this one post and it has a clean edit of This Fateful Image 👇
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this. GODDAMN image
i was like Wonder Woman is HOW TALL? excuse ME? (>he has also never engaged with a single piece of wonder woman content)
SHES SO TALL........??? and Next To Zatanna? (diesel voice) back in my day we called this spitting distance. and we would post it on /u/
im like okay what comic is this from im going there and im going NOW. to view her. like it's that easy folks. just show me wonder woman, Tall, next to another woman. and i'll go read it
nyway this is Justice League Dark from 2018-2020 it's like 30 issues or so and theres a stretch of chapters where diana is a real hunk its unbelievable. then the art changes but it was amazing while it lasted
(and then i immediately stumbled and wondermagic ctde real)
i really enjoyed this comic actually. i have NO idea how its generally regarded by zatanna nation, but i had a fun enough time. absorbed a lot of DC Comics Magic Lore for my AU which is important
at some point it starts doing Weirdly Umineko Coded dialogue totally unprompted so if you've read that it might tickle your funnybone to see comic book characters asking each other "was this a trick or was it magic 😏". made me feel right at home
my main complaint is that SHE'S NOT DRESSED LIKE A FUCKING MAGICIAN IN IT!!!! COME ON!!!!! they chickened out on the full magician garb in this whole era. which is just so sad. the fishnet fingerless gloves are funny though i might steal that. but i think she is so funny when she's wearing the full magician costume. like call me shallow but her commitment to the bit is so important to me
on the upside she interacts with wonder woman A Lot. the rest of the team is fun too. the justice league dark team is just wonder woman severely failing to put together a squad with any star power at all and i think that's adorable. her failgirl era. now she's out here with her also-rans. i like them all im fond of them
diana scruffs zee like a cat??? she's just hanging there like she's ok with it LOL
it technically jumps off of another comic but tbh if you're willing to hit the ground running and just Accept some stuff in medias res and go with it it's pretty easy to pick up if you wanted
("Just Going With It" is a vital survival skill for getting into comics in general because even if a comic isn't part of a longer continuity its always like "omg glup shitto is here!!! for the fans!!!" and you just have to be like Okay someone else will know who that is. ill just go w it. yknow 😭)
anyway i got a lot of DC Magic Lore (Strangely Familiar Edition) and Zee Content AND!!! Wondermagic Content. in this one. so even if i had an inkling about them before, this comic is really what detonated the charge so to speak. they interact so much
and the dynamic created w their relationship to magic and stuff is really interesting. brainwormy for sure. it took me from "who the hell is this magician" to "DO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT WONDERMAGIC????? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELLO???" in one comic. i have a LOT of thoughts about them like genuinely i think there's meat on the bone conceptually for wondermagic
but i think pretty much any time they appear together in general they're just Like That. whenever theyre both in a comic they have to be gay about it (what the fuck did she mean by this). i was losing my mind when i was catching up on DC/RWBY (ABHORRED. avoid if possible) and zatanna is immediately on her bullshit again. IS THAT HOW YOU GREET HER
anyway to sum up my rambling here's a peek into my league of comic geeks library of Shit Ive Read Since Then (that had zee in it). basically i have no further wisdom for you but for the knowers this is where i'm at (click to enlarge)
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it's a totally random selection LOL my strategy is that i look at comics that list her as a cast member and spin an actual roulette wheel in my brain to decide whether i should read it or not. there's very little else going on here. just monkey sees funny magician -> neuron activates
that pretty much catches us up on my zatanna journey. youll notice if you paid attention to the date/time stamps that it took a mere matter of Days to go from "yeah i can watch a movie" to "i think about her kissing women every night before i sleep". it is DIRE in here. im not sure ive ever had such a Severe escalation of worms
i love her. she's my funny girl. anyway. zatanna nation. if you're still reading this. if you're still with me. what is your wisdom. what should me and anon read. please.
this is a matter of international consequences.
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marunalu · 2 years
Isn't it beautiful how is Izuku the one who always serves as an inspiration to the people around him? beyond the characters of Kirishima, Kaminari and being generous to one of those children in the exams to get his hero license. Bakugou was never able to inspire anyone, but Izuku continues to inspire his friends, classmates, heroes, and even those who classify themselves as villains like Gentle and Nagant.
Thats why izuku is the truest hero. Not only is he ready to safe and protect villains and gives them a second chance, he also inspires other heroes to do their very best and become true heroes too. He shows so much sympathy to children with a shitty childhood like eri and kota, stands up for people who are mistreated by their society like he was, but never askes or wishes for his own justice (thats actually not really a good thing, because izuku needs to learn that he has the right for asking for his own justice), and that shows how truly selfless he is!
Look at bakugou in comparison. He would never safe or protect a villain, because they arent even humans in his eyes. Would never give them a second chance or listen to them (aoyama is different, because he is a classmate and not REALLY a villain, even bakugou can difference between when someone made a choice willingly and when they were forced), children dont go to him because he makes them feel safe, he has whole phases of selfpity and likes to make his problems EVERYONES problems, he doesnt inspire his "friends" they only admire him simply for his quirk and because he is a "winner" and thats actually quite ironic, if you realize what a big ass damsel in distress bakugou actually is, never won a single fight outside of ua and needs his ass to be saved EVERY SINGLE TIME! Bakugou is only good in school related stuff, outside in the "real world" he is a big damn loser! Meanwhile izuku safed more people, won against more villains and inspired more to become better people, then bakugou was busy with screaming, having hissing temper tantrums and insulting others. He is simply not fit to be a hero. Did he change for the better? Yes! Did he change so much you can say he is a different and better person now? No! Bakugous core character and with it all the problems about him are still the same! After 370 chapters or so bakugous character has changed only enough for hori to write a chapter titel thats says: "the guy who (only) changed a little".
Its really beyond me how anyone can look at bakugou and think that this guy is fit to become the nr. 1 hero. Its beyond me how his classmates inclusive izuku can look at bakugou and think he is a great guy, admire him for his strengh and see him as a winner type. And I really hope the day may come that espicially izuku realizes that there is nothing about bakugou to admire him for. And as a dfo fan, I hope this realization comes with bakugou saying something about killing afo (after the reveal) and izuku finally loses it. Not because afo isnt a asshole and doesnt deserve to die a horrible death, but because for izuku its still his dad and heroes arent supposed to kill! I want a fight between izuku and bakugou with izuku finally letting all out what bakugou did to him for 12 years! And I want the rest of class a listen in horror and their rosa bubble bakugou floats in their minds to finally burst! I want iida, ochako, todoroki, kirishima etc. To tell bakugou to stay away from izuku if he really is sorry for his actions so izuku can finally heal. He deserves that!
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fishshapedbun · 2 years
about Romantic Killer (BIG SPOILERS)
ok i just finished watching Romantic Killer and it's so good wtf????????? the plot developed so much better than i was expecting at first?????? Anzu is such a good character and such a good friend????? so i need to ramble about it bare with me for a moment
the show is hilarious and i love how exaggerated the funny expressions are, but it also has some rly serious part damn im legit impressed (Anzu and Kazuki's first hug kinda got me tearing up ngl)
each of the characters is slowly developed so well. like damn. Kazuki's story is specially detailed and it caught me by surprise when they showed the flashbacks of the first episodes after we found out why he became so distant and conscious of people and everything made so much sense. and he felt so realistic in the way he reacted, his struggle to open up and every single time he started feeling anxious and panicking in public was so well done (and i wanted to take him away from the crowd and pat his head every time ugh T_T). i was just slightly dissapointed that right on the last episode he admited that he started crushing on Anzu bc after the entire season of them just being an amazing duo of friends i was so hopeful we would finally get a 'love interest' turned only best friend (bc lets admit its not like she doesnt already have enough ppl interested in her without Kazuki being one of them too). bc i was enjoying headcanoning him as aroace as i was watching :') oh well. maybe if it ends up not having a s2 i can pretend he realized he wasnt in love and he just loves her platonically a lot! if they dont give me the aroace boy i will rip it from their cold dead hands! :D
and i loved the plot twist on how Junta was actually her true childhood friend all along and she took so long to realize... his feelings were totally real awwwww and he is really a sweetheart, i like the childhood friend trope! buuuut i gotta admit im just living for the huge crush Makoto clearly has on Junta. boyo isn't hiding it very well. that scene when Makoto holds Saki's hand and takes her away from the triggering situation? that was gay x lesbian solidarity right there !
and Saki OH MY GOD SAKI. the episode focused on showing how the two of them became friends and how important Anzu is to her and the way she has always defended her and what Saki went through oh god... her story was so realistic and seeing her reaction seeing that stupid ass ex was such a realistic depiction of a kind of trauma like that. she's such a good character im so happy they developed her so well and didnt make her just an irrelevant school friend character!!! (also she's a lesbian i am not taking criticism- /hj)
i need to mention how Anzu is absolutely bisexual btw. her reaction to meeting Kazuki's sister? she literally straight up said "i'll fall for her" c'mon
and Riri!!! omg!!!! little genderfluid chaos gremlin!!!!!!!! i was so so happy that not only Anzu girbossed her way to getting them out of their punishment but she got them to permanently live on the human world AND officially made them one of the love interests??? ULTIMATE GIRLBOSS MOVE Anzu i love you so much dear. so ngl i lowkey would like seeing Anzu end up with Riri/Rio the most ksjefhskdjf badass girl x genderfluid gremlin??? so much potential cmon they literally were punished for breaking magic rules bc they care too much about Anzu that's so fucking cute skjfhsdf
and Hijiri!!!!! from a little annoying rich bastard to a little just slightly annoying tsundere rich baby!!! i really like that he's interested in her and all but ultimately he's just there working and helping her out a lot like he becomes genuinely a great friend??
so yeah. as one can tell from the immense number of written words here i have liked this anime quite a lot. binged it in a day, all at once, no regrets. i'll be happy if there's a 2nd season if it is as good as this 1st one, bc this was amazing! so glad i decided to give it a chance <3 there's even more things i could talk about here but i dont wanna write a novel chapter of a post so i'll stop here LMAO
but really, if you're into comedy, romance and some nice character development, you won't regret giving Romantic Killer a chance :)
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dannystheone · 1 year
I hope ya dont mind if i gave you some headcanons for the main four!
Starting with Kyle!:
-The most ticklish human being on this planet.
-He has to keep it secret from most of his friends bit ESPECIALLY cartman
-Stan found out Kyle was ticklish when they were little but he didnt think he would still be THIS sensitive (life is full of suprises huh LOL)
-Whenever anyone mentions tickling around him, his face goes bright red
-Sometimes his own HAIR can tickle his ears
-Since its canon that Stans good at tickling i feel like they would get into tickle fights alot….But its most likely just Kyle getting free tickles LMAO
- When you tickle him for too long his laughter is like wheezy with a few snorts
-When Stan gave Kyle nibbles once he thought he hurt his best friend because he screamed so loudly
-He cannot handle air tickles or anticipation. He will start laughing before anyone touched him (to the point where he hiccups)
-He isnt ticklish. Thats a stupid question…At least thats what he tells everyone. In reality Stan is just as ticklish as anyone
-He would always tickle his friends but he cannot. CANNOT take what he dishes out. Especially when there are a few people tickling him then he is GONE
-When Wendy found out Stans ticklish she always poked his sides just to hear him squeak
- HAS A STUPIDLY TICKLISH NECK. And Kyle always gives him those dumb tickly kisses (he loves them AHEM)
-Whenever he gets drunk he always melts into a giggly puddle and hes 10x times more ticklish. I dont make the rules
-Whenever theyre playing superheros and someone tries to tickle him he will SCREAM for his life because he thinks its not fair
-Oh and also baby talk? Yea he hates it…becauseitworkstoowellonhim
-God hes also SO ticklish…A little less than Kyle BUT STILL
-Karen always tickles Kenny to cheer him up (it works every single time)
- His laughter through his hoodie isnt loud but when he isnt wearing it?..God preapare yourself.
-He has this like high pitched laugh ITS ADORABLE BUT SO LOUD
-Whenever the guys are playing the superheros and theres a tickle fight going on Mysterion will NOT look at it..He doesnt want to get a lee mood
-But yet the guys always tickle him because they want to hear his genuine laughter and not his raspy voice
- Even tho he doesnt MIND being tickled he always likes to be the ler!
- He always KNOWS what teases work best on people…He CAN be mean and he WILL be.
-Some people think that he isnt ticklish. Because theyre too scared to find out
-In reality he has a few spots that are either SUPER TICKLISH or just make him melt and giggle
-His laughter is really loud with snorts and squeals If you want to hear that go for his belly
- But if you want to hear his giggles go for his back or neck both work!
- NOW I KNOW IM TALKING ABOUT THE SUPERHEROS A LITTLE TOO MUCH BUT IDC. When theres a fight going on and Tweek tries to zap Cartman for being a dick he just goes: „NO! NO THATS NOT KEWL!- ILL TELL MY MOM ON YOHOHUHU!”
- Hes the most sadistic ler known to man.
- If anyone doesnt give him whatever he wants he will tickle them until they cry
I have uh
nothing to add
gonna think about these for a few hours and let my brain puddle into my shoes thanks
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cometchasinglove · 1 year
I hope you're happy with the pain and suffering you have caused. I have known Freckly for YEARS, I've gotten to spend a week with her in person and share space and time together, and she has always been kind and honest and sweet. I've seen her go through 2 relationships that ended badly, and you still left her the worst, and yet still you are letting people attack her character. All you had to do was block her, tell your friends to block her, and respect her wish to keep your comissions private. Thats it. All her vent posts are tagged. She is allowed to be angry. There is a difference between feeling rage and making a threat. People are allowed to have extreme emotions. You should know, you blamed every single awful thing you said and did on being Bipolar. Other people have reached out to her telling Freckly you've done the same thing to them.
Also, Freckly isn't trying to lay claim to Starscream, but she feels she's lost him, that he was taken from HER. And you told her you SAID you didn't have feelings for starscream but you were lying. She said she was happy to share but for some reason you still just lied to her. She's also told me about the art you got. The things you've said. Just leave her alone and tell your friends to do the same. And maybe try and keep your promise about keeping your comissions private, just let artists send them to you, like you *promised*.
Just because you're nice to some people doesn't mean you werent awful to others. Thats actually a common abuser tactic so-
Just leave her alone and let her move on. If she could catch a break from you and the people talking to her about you, she'd be able to move on and stop talking about it. She left a website she adored and had friends on for 8 months because of you. Give her peace. I'm only saying something now because your partner is slandering her. Tell them being kind to one person doesnt mean you arent capable of hurting others. Where's the proof Keri did anything to you?
You probably didnt even read all this, and theres an even smaller chance you answer. If you did, I hope you grow and better yourself. I hope you get it together. And just leave her alone so she can get past this.
Hello, anon. No, I am not happy with the pain and suffering which I caused. However, I am not responsible for her feelings.
I am aware that I did wrong things. I apologized for them, never did them again, and I intend to move on from this horrific fallout.
Attack her character? Anon, she is the one who decided to publicly demonize me in front of her thousands of followers.
She is not venting. She is absolutely making threats against me. I can understand feeling rage, but death threats are never acceptable.
Anon, it’s bpd. Not bipolar. I didn’t use it as an excuse and I even mentioned that to her. It is an explanation and I realized my mistakes and I am constantly trying to better myself. I apologized and I want to move on.
Anon, you cannot rip a fictional character away from someone when they were never ours to begin with. I apologize for lying to her, but I did want to preserve her feelings because I know how attached she is to this character.
Anon, I don’t owe her anything. I tag my commissions properly and I even ask artists to do the same, but I owe her nothing. Likewise, she doesn’t owe me anything, either.
Where’s the proof that I intentionally abused her? Where’s me convincing her that Starscream wouldn’t love her?
If she really wanted to move on, she wouldn’t make death threats directed towards me.
As for my partner, she is responding to her claims, especially when she called for my death.
Anon, did you ever stop to think that I am suffering as well? I cannot eat. I cannot physically eat as much as I am suppose to because ever since she made her “vent” post, I have been unable to eat like a normal, functioning human being. That is not her fault. But I cannot help that I react this way. It is something that I must heal from on my own, much like herself.
I agree. I want to move on, but she has to be willing to as well. I hope that she seeks help and feels better.
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