#i hit some dude in the butt with my purse and he gave me a dirty look it was awks af after
taechaos · 3 years
Silent Treatment
from Textbook Love drabble series
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you.
warnings: slight angst, drugs, arguing, dubcon, cunnilingus, mild degredation
word count: 4.2k
tags: @mwitsmejk @1-in-abillion @kooookie
a/n: the request (contains some spoilers). i'm gonna take a very short break from this couple to write other requests!! hope u enjoy 💗
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The shift in the Spring weather is unpredictable. One moment it’s chilly, and the other sunny. Humans can only adapt so much, and it causes an outbreak of common colds. Most people recover easily, handy medicine soothing their sore throats, syrups suppressing coughs, and nose sprays ridding the blockage. You, on the other hand, are not that lucky. With a weak immune system, you’re very careful to not get sick, but there must have been a slip-up because you’ve somehow lost your voice after catching a cold.
You sniffle and cough, but you can’t speak. It’s advised to not exert your vocal cords in cases like these, and that is just so unfortunate for you. The last thing you’d ever want to do is spread your sickness to Jungkook, and that meant not getting too close to him; it meant no kissing. 
A very large white placard is spread out in front of you on the wooden table, and you’re plastering printed images of a specific global issue on it. You’re sitting on a bench with two of your friends as they chatter mindlessly while you work. Jungkook has a project about climate change due in a few days, and it’s supposed to be very important for his final grade. You’ve already written him a script for his presentation along with a stick prop to point at specific pictures. It’s fun, glittery and he’s going to love it. 
“Hey,” Minnie, your friend, calls for you, “we’re going to get some coffee from Starbucks. Want us to get you green tea?”
Soyeon laughs when your eyes light up; it’s your favorite beverage, and it’s supposed to help with your sore throat. They leave with a smile after you give them a hyper nod and you’re alone as you adjust your woolen scarf around your neck. You need to heal as fast as you can so you’re no longer missing your beloved’s affection.
Jungkook has been feeling more inclined to approach you without reason lately, but that doesn’t mean it’s a common occurrence. Getting teased by his friend, specifically Taehyung, about having a sissy crush on a girl like yourself angered him to no end. A hit always got him to shut up, but not for long. He’s walking your way today because there’s no one around to judge him for talking to you. 
You’re tearing a double-sided tape when he sits on your table, carefully avoiding your materials. Your breath hitches as his eyes gloss over your work in progress. “Working hard, I see,” he comments with disinterest. He doesn’t say anything about your efforts, but he’s impressed. The corner of his lip tugs upwards before he leans in for a kiss. You have enough self-control and concern for his well-being over your desires to lean back before your lips make contact. His face is close to yours as he pauses and slightly frowns before trying again. He receives the same results and finally pulls back. 
“You did well,” he frowns at you and speaks as if you’re a child, “I’m praising you.” Your eyes are darting back and forth awkwardly and you don’t know what to do other than sit in silence. You put your hands on his knees as a resort and his frown deepens as he watches you. “I can take a hint, you know. You don’t have to fucking ignore me.” He roughly shoves your hands and stands up before storming off with a scoff. You’re torn between following him and being responsible over your belongings. You can’t let his grades go to waste because of a small misunderstanding, so you decide to text him instead. There’s always a possibility someone might steal his project. Or maybe after he’s cooled off? You delay the message, but somewhere in your heart, you’re satisfied by his reaction because it’s clear that he wanted to kiss you.
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Heavy footsteps clomp against the sidewalk before Jungkook slumps on the seat next to Taehyung. It’s an isolated area for smoking students at the back of the campus, and his friend group is no exception to this role. They’re taking drags of cigarettes individually as Jungkook glares at his boots. They’re chunky and a bold black, and his dark outfit paints him as the big bad wolf. It fits, because he’s ready to attack when he’s filled with so much resentment. Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you. It doesn’t make sense, but you also grimaced at him, but then why were you doing his homework? He’s feeling frustrated, and upset all the same.
“Someone’s troubled,” Seokjin points out with a mouthful of smoke. “Kookie?”
Said boy only grunts in response.
“Did the lousy girl finally see you for who you really are and leave you?” Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to mock him with a pout. “Tragic.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tae,” Jungkook spits and sends him a death glare, fire flaming in his fierce eyes. “Go actually talk to a girl or something, and leave me alone. I can’t take your shit right now.”
The low blow doesn’t affect Taehyung in the slightest as he holds up his hands in defence with comically wide eyes. “Relax, tiger.”
“Moving on from Tae’s inability to talk to girls in broad daylight, what’s up with you Kook?” Namjoon butts in, earning a fake cough from the receiving end of the insult.
He pauses for a moment before babbling, “I hate those bitches. My mother for one, couldn’t stand wearing clothes whenever she saw a dude. Moving on from guy to guy, unless they’re a fucking asshole. What do they want? Why are they never fucking satisfied?!”
A moment of silence passes among the huddled friends before Yoongi breaks it with a joke, “Who’s the lucky girl?” It doesn’t land as Jungkook deeply sighs in response. “Did she cheat on you?” he tries again.
“No,” he murmurs.
“She… I don’t fucking know, she gave me the silent treatment. She leaned away from me too,” he shakes his head with a quiet groan, “it just doesn’t add up. I got mad and left.”
“No way that could’ve ended up badly,” Taehyung chuckles but purses his lips when he’s sent another dirty look.  “How long was the interaction anyway?” 
“Like 30 seconds.”
“Are you coming out tonight?” Yoongi asks and puts out the burning tip of his stick. “Could help you feel better.”
“And we’ve got molly,” Namjoon adds.
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
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Alcohol’s effect on a person differs in moods, and Jungkook is usually a horny drunk. Being a sad drunk is a first for him tonight, but he’s just so confused. It made his heart drop when you outwardly refused his advances and anxiety blossomed in his chest, which he has no idea how to deal with. It kicked in fight or flight instincts, and he just… hated the idea of you not loving him, even if it’s momentary. He can’t bear staying in a situation that makes him feel so insecure, and that feeling is supposed to be left in his childhood. You just about brought out the worst in him without doing anything. 
You didn’t do anything.
It’s 10PM and he’s waiting on your usual good night text that he never responds to. It’s so pathetic, and he hates himself for being so used to your affection that it worries him when he’s deprived of it. He’s never doubted your love for him, but his insecurities are churning his gut. It’s an overflow of all of his pent-up emotions, and he can’t handle it.
“Here,” Taehyung pops in out of nowhere, clutching a pill in his hand. There’s a bottle of water in the other as he holds them out for Jungkook to take. “Stop moping and get laid.”
“I’d say the same to you, but you’d probably start crying during sex,” he mumbles and uncaps the bottle before throwing in the pill and washing it down with the water. “Thanks.”
“See that girl over there?” he ignores him and steps behind his miserable friend to point at the owner of the sultry gaze directed at Jungkook from the bar. “She wants to fuck you. Or maybe me, but I’m passing her onto you.”
“How kind of you,” he sarcastically replies.
“Uh-uh, so you’re gonna be in ecstasy in about 10 minutes. Don’t fuck this up.” He slaps his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. It’s a lonesome party because not a lot of people are allowed in when drugs are involved. Causing a ruckus, receiving a noise complaint and then getting arrested is out of the question. 
He isn’t interested in sex with a stranger - not today at least -, but he hopes for it to change as he waits to approach her. Maybe drugs will rile him up enough to have fun with someone else and rid his mind of you. It’s an annoying itch on his brain, so he rests his head against the couch to comfort himself with the soft fabric. He’s sleepy from the beer he drank earlier, and he doesn’t know how time goes by so fast when he closes his eyes.
A few minutes must have passed, because he’s starting to feel dizzy in his seat. A smile carves on his face as his mind grows slightly fogged, and he opens his eyes to find the girl quietly chatting with a friend. When she glances at him, he beckons her to come over. She mouths a “be right back” to her friend before strutting in his direction.
“Hey,” she smiles down at him before sitting on the couch. She’s aristocratic, chic and pretty. “Sorry if I weirded you out earlier.” Her voice is sweet like honey, and her words flow out of her tongue so naturally. A dream girl, really, and Jungkook is starting to get horny.
“I don’t mind,” he reassures with a subtle seductive tone, “what’s a girl like you doing with this crowd? You look too innocent.” He wraps a finger around a strand of her hair and twirls it. It feels strange.
“My friend sent me here, told me to watch over someone,” she lowly speaks. “I’m Soyeon.”
“Nice to meet you, Soyeon,” he breathes before crashing her lips with his. His hand reaches down to grip her thigh, tongue poking out to swipe the sticky gloss. It’s flavored, and it tastes of strawberry. When she kisses him back so slowly, innocently, it turns him on so much. His pants feel tight around his crotch as he runs another hand through her soft hair. Compared to him, she’s passionate whereas he’s sloppy. He’s starting to get dizzier, and it feels so fucking good, but he hates it.
There is not a single reason for him to not enjoy this, not when his mood is lifting so high. The hand on her thigh lands on her cleavage instead and she’s so submissive and shy, but something’s off. He groans into her mouth before biting her lip, ripping a whine out of her. Why does she sound so sexy and annoying?  
He pulls away from her before sighing in irritation. “Fuck, I can’t do this.” 
“Did I do something wrong?” she asks worriedly.
“No, just, fuck.” He starts laughing before rubbing his palms on his eyes, “I really want to fuck, but I just can’t.”
“We can just chat,” she softly suggests. “What’s your name?”
He removes his hands from his face when she goes silent. Her eyes are wide and she’s gaping at him… guiltily? “Crap,” she hisses quietly, “I was supposed to make sure you were okay. My roommate is like, super in love with you and asked me to come here.”
He says your name in a question, wondering if it’s you. When she nods, he asks for your dorm instantly.
“She’s in room 124… Why?”
When he stands up, there’s a sway in his posture but he recovers quickly. There’s an involuntary grin on his face as he thanks her ignorantly. He’s out of the villa in a rush, and he has the overwhelming urge to just run. The campus is a bit far away from the house, but he doesn’t care as his footfalls echo in the dark streets. He has so much energy to waste, and with his current stamina, he’s confident he’ll find you before dawn. It’s stupid but it’s fun, and he doesn’t care for catching his breath as the corner stores pass by him in a blur. 
Throughout the two hours of his reckless jog, where he mixed up directions multiple times, his mind is starting to clear up little by little. He’s happy because of what Soyeon told him, and he feels relieved upon seeing the familiar college building. He’s not allowed in dorms at this time, but he’s done this too many times to get caught. Except he was drunk in those instances, and being on MDMA was different. Sneaking past security was tough because he couldn’t bring himself to tiptoe without making so much noise. When they glanced at him, he thought it to be the only choice to just run past them. He’s in the elevator by the time they catch on, and the numbers look wonky in his eyes but he presses the button for the right floor. 
He’s shifting his weight repeatedly in an attempt to contain his excitement; he wants to see you so bad. The moment he hears the ding of the elevator, he’s running past the halls and stops upon seeing 124. He has to squint, but he knows this is your dorm. 
You wake up with a silent gasp when there’s a pound on the door. You clutch your sheets in fear until someone starts to sing your name. “Jungkook?” you mouth to yourself. You stand up and look through the peephole and there’s a man on the other side who’s bouncing on his feet impatiently.
“Open up,” he sings loudly. You’re worried when you swing the door open and yank him inside so he doesn’t wake up any other students. You try to talk but only a wheeze comes out, so you switch on the light to see him instead. The brightness hurts your eyes as you close them for a few seconds. “Well, well, well, look who we have here…”
He starts to circle around you slowly and stumbles behind you. “Sending people to spy on me after rejecting me like that.” His words are slightly slurred and you turn around to face him with a pout. You point at your throat to give him a hint, but his eyes don’t waver from your pleading ones. “What are your intentions, huh?” he weakly pushes you, “Sending me mixed signals. Who- who do you think you are?”
You hold his hands and place them on your neck, trying to communicate with him by mouthing, “I’m sick,” but he only chuckles. He seems sickeningly joyous, but he’s not over his anger. “Still not going to talk to me? What did I even do?”
You deeply inhale from your nose because he’s not paying attention to you. You’re frustrated with yourself until he yells, “WHY WON’T YOU TALK TO ME?” The surge of serotonin, his state of euphoria is crashing down on him the more you ignore him. He had believed the drug would only make him happy, but it intensified his sadness and anxiety just as much when he saw you. It helped him forget you in a social circle, but you confused him so much after he was reassured for so long - coupled with your silence, he’s raging.
“Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do that was so bad that you can’t bear talking to me anymore? You told me you loved me, please,” he chokes and tries to swallow the lump in his throat. “I-I’ll make it up to you, I’m so sad right now. Just say something…”
You’re watching him in shock and a hint of fear from his fluctuating mood. You want to cry at how pitiful he looks, but instead you aim to grab a piece of paper from your bedside table. He misreads your actions and pushes you against the wall. “Stop this. Stop!” He has your arms pinned and he’s trying so hard to intimidate you so you give in. A dry sob leaves you because he's going mad, but then he has a sudden epiphany. “Maybe you’ll love me again if I fuck you hard enough and engrave it in your brain that you’re mine. Yes, yes!”
He starts unbuckling his belt and you immediately try to stop him; he’ll get sick! He shoves you again and pulls down his jeans before mashing his mouth against yours. All of your efforts have gone to waste when his tongue forces its way down your throat. There’s no point to denying him now, so you hesitantly kiss him back. You’re so guilty, and he’s so careless as he roughly pushes his hand down your white cotton shorts. You’re wearing a navy blue sweater to match so you don’t get cold in the night, but the shorts are meant to prevent a fever. What’s the point now, then? He hasn’t even read your texts that you only remembered to send before sleeping. He missed a whole paragraph of your explanation and confronted you so angrily.
“I’m going to fuck you all night,” he growls against your lips, “then you’ll remember how much you love me.” Your moans are quiet and hitched as he presses down on your clit through your panties. His other hand is on his cock as he strokes it eagerly, ready to get inside you. “I missed you so fucking much in one day,” he whispers in a croak. Hearing it makes you feel even warmer inside as you nudge his hand to urge him to enter you. “You missed me too, huh?” he takes notice of your neediness. “Shouldn’t have fucking brought it upon yourself then.”
He removes his hand from your shorts and taps your thighs before demanding, “Jump.” You bite your lip in consideration until he taps them harder and you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. Your shorts are relatively short, resembling loose boxers, so when your back is pressed against the wall he only pushes them and your underwear to the side before thrusting into you. A scream gets caught in your throat, and you forget all about your aches as he roughly fucks into you without caring for protection or lube. It stings only slightly, but the pleasure in feeling so full of him outweighs the pain.
Jungkook is moaning and groaning as he bruises your thighs in his hold. Your panting is all he can catch, and though the feeling of you is an amplified sensation because of the drug coursing in his system, he wants to hear you chant his name as well. “Still quiet?” he tuts and carries you to your narrow bed and you cling onto his shoulder while trying to catch your breath after the sudden attack. “Your cunt is throbbing though,” he says as he pulls out of you and drops you on the bed. He manhandles you by flipping you on your stomach and holds up your ass. He finally takes off your bottom clothing, but he’s slightly dizzy as he yanks them off your ankles. He spreads your thighs apart and you’re on your knees with your head against the mattress. “I wonder why that is,” he says before slapping your pussy, making you whimper quietly. “So wet, yet you don’t even make a sound. Some whore you are.” You purse your lips and muster a whine, but it’s interrupted when he pistons his cock inside you without warning. Your sounds are hoarse as he pounds into you from the back, hands kneading your ass to the shape of his hands. He gives it a spank as he moans loudly; the new position makes it feel so much more intense, and Jungkook loves it. His ears finally get to hear your pathetic mewls as he thrusts so deeply inside you that your vision blurs with tears and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You feel like a doll that can’t speak or move, and he’s evidently enjoying it going by his rushed pace. You’re challenging him with your silence, and he loves proving himself.
All of a sudden however, he stops moving. You look behind you with a pout and he quirks a brow at you. You grit your teeth because you know he's waiting for you to tell him to continue, or rather daring you to do something. A sudden surge of confidence overcomes you and you gently slam your hips against his, fucking yourself on his cock with your eyes screwed shut.
“Yes, baby,” he strains, “show me that you're still my good girl.” At his encouragement, you meet his thrusts faster and you're seeing stars at how amazing it feels. You want to be his good girl so bad, and you arch your back to savour the pleasure. “Your pussy is mine, all mine,” he affirms to himself and stills your hips to turn you around without removing his length. His fingers are digging into your flesh and your tits bounce under the fabric as he rams into you restlessly. Your mouth is open in a silent scream and he can barely make out your pupils, the whites of your eyes stirring his climax at how attractive you look under the poor lighting. “I love you so fucking much,” he cries, “say it back, baby.”
You try to, but you can only dryly cough. “You fucking bitch,” he hisses at your defiance and pulls out of you to pump his length. He’s close to his release, and he pushes up your sweater to see your hard nipples that make him salivate. He crawls to slide his cock between the valley of your breasts and it hurts when he harshly pushes them together. “Stick out your tongue,” he commands in a whisper, and you do so while panting like a dog. Every time he thrusts upwards, the tip of his head grazes your tongue and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. He’s massaging your tits as he stutters between whines, and eventually his load spurts out to land on your chest and cheek with a particularly loud groan. His cum surges down his shaft as he rides out his high with the last slow thrusts. 
“Oh fuck,” he sighs airily and collapses next to you in the tiny space available. You clumsily turn on your side to give him more room and he pecks your swollen lips. He zips his pants back up and you’re still naked from the waist down. You’re staring at each other adoringly in the romantic, fragile atmosphere; another first.
“I love you,” you croak finally. It’s quieter than a whisper, and it makes you cringe at how hideous you sound; it’s painful as well.
His face lights up once he registers your words before noticing the tone. “What happened to your voice?”
“Sick.” You can’t bring yourself to say anything more as you snuggle into his side and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Shit,” he murmurs, “why didn’t you tell me that sooner, idiot?”
You slap a hand on his front pocket where his phone is, and he hastily takes it out to see a bunch of notifications from you. “You sent it at night, you’re still the idiot.” You giggle and roll your eyes. “A promise is a promise, though,” he purrs before cupping your bare heat. “I did say I would fuck you all night.” You widen your eyes when his head lowers down to face your sopping wet cunt, and he slowly licks up a stripe over your soaked folds, making you shudder and grip his hair. He’s leaving kitty licks all over your sensitivity, the tip of his tongue lightly brushing against your clit every now and then. Your hips lift involuntarily, and he finally takes your clit in his mouth and sucks on it loudly. He slurps your arousal before spitting it back on your hood, and you can only squeak in response. Your hazed mind only tells you that you want more, and he doesn’t fail to provide.
Two fingers enter your clenching hole, and he’s scissoring your walls as he messily eats you out. The pleasure from earlier returns all too soon and you know you won’t be able to last long. His lids are hooded when you glance down at him and the way he’s looking at you makes it even harder to resist your orgasm. The knot in your stomach picks back up right before unraveling and your moan is raspy as you start twitching under his relentless mouth. He grows gentle and leaves kisses all over your vulva until your body falls limp on the sheets.
After another round of penetrative sex, the two of you fall asleep from exhaustion in your bed. It’s a first for the both of you, and Jungkook decides in his drunken mind that tonight won’t be the last. It feels so intimate when he cuddles you, and you won’t ever forget his love confession.
The next morning is not so pleasant however, as Jungkook wakes up with a loud sneeze and in his now nasal voice says, “God fucking damn it.”
751 notes · View notes
lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Poff Poff
(Platonic C!Schlatt x Niece Reader)
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Request 7: Can I request an Uncle Jschlatt and Niece reader? (Platonic ye) maybe Jschlatt could be out taking his niece to a late-night convenience store so they could late-night snack because both he and his niece had a bad day?
Requested by: Anonymous
AU where Puffy is Schlatt’s sister :)
Schlatt had, had a rough day, to say the least. He once again almost got banned for another scheme gone wrong. His election plans were set in motion but due to the statistics, it looked like he was losing and he was pissed off beyond belief. He had no plans for the rest of the day, all he wanted to do was relax with a drink and a cigarette, maybe watch a movie, just something to help him through the rest of this shitty ass day.
So, When Puffy had shown up on his doorstep and dropped you off to watch you while she went out his immediate response was no. He already smells like cigarette smoke and whiskey he shouldn’t be anywhere near a child. But one harsh glare from his sister made him shut his trap, he looked down at you and you looked just as unhappy to be there.
“Mom do I have to stay here, I’m old enough to stay on my own. Or even with Dream?” The angsty teen groaned tilting her head to the side, her little horns hitting her on the shoulder. Puffy let out a pinched huff pressing her fingers to her nose,
“You know Dreams out with George and Sapnap, plus you’re still too young to be left alone. So you’re staying with Uncle Schlatt until I get back from my date with Niki.”
“Hush no butts. Now you.” She pointed a finger at Schlatt, “no smoking or drinking in front of my little Poff got it?” Schlatt rolled his eyes snarling over at his sister,
“Have a little faith in me, sis.” She shot him a look, and he wilted a little bit,
“Be good.”
“I will.” You groaned,
“Not talking to you.”
“I will.” The goat-man grumbled under his breath, finally seeming satisfied his sister departed leaving her equally hotheaded daughter by his side. “So...you smoke?”
“No Uncle Schlatt I don’t smoke,” You sighed a frown on your face usually that comment got a least a snort.
Oh no, not teenage angst.
You walked past him into his humble abode and plopped down on his couch, it also smelled like smoke, “How’s Quackity?”
“You mean Flatty Patty?” He smirked plopping down beside you scratching at his ear absentmindedly. You snickered, there it was,
“No I don’t, you know he hates when you call him that.” You nudged him gently, Schlatt ruffled your hair minding your horns. You huffed at him moving to fix your tousled hair,
“Alright, kid you got me. Now, what’s up with you?”
“Nothings wrong.” You muttered crossing your arms over your chest defensively, he shrugged his shoulders not bothering to push you. “Okay fine!” You blurted throwing your hands in the air, the man raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t say anything-”
“It’s just Dream’s not been home lately and Mom’s not taking it well. Instead of trying to watch out for him n’ shit, she’s going on dates with Niki.” You groaned falling back against the couch, “When he does come home it’s just for food and to pet, his cat then leave. He barely even says hi to us anymore...we used to be so close. Now he just doesn’t care.” Your face fell and he frowned, Schlatt winced a little he was never known to be very good with comforting people let alone comforting women. He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed,
“He’ll come around kid, family’s, family you know?” He watched you shrug sadly and he rubbed his chin with his other hand.
He needed another cigarette right now.
You looked up at him and saw him tense, “You can smoke I don’t care.” You gave a little shrug, “either way I’m leaving here smelling like smoke Mom won’t be able to tell the difference.”
“Heh.” He chuckled roughly rubbing the back of his neck, “thank’s kid, I owe you one.” You nodded and watched as Schlatt pulled out his package of cigarettes and frowned seeing it was empty, “Ah fuck me.”
“You out?”
“Yeah. Would you be opposed to a quick drugstore run?” You shrugged your shoulders, indifferent.
“Sure could be fun. Could I get a snack?”
“You could get whatever you want, not payin’ for it.” You snorted loudly covering your mouth to hide your snort. “What? If you can steal it you can get whatever you want.”
“I’m not stealing anything Uncle Schlatt, that’s wrong.”
“Ugh. What’s my goody-two-shoes sister been teaching you?” His nose scrunched up in displeasure. “As long as you don’t get caught anything is legal kid. Stick with me and you’ll learn way more tips than that. I'm a professional.”
“Right cause doing that hasn’t gotten banned before.” You smirked and he glared at you pulling on your horn. The movement caused you to yelp in pain. “Joke! I was joking! Ow!” He muttered a ‘you better be’ before standing up from his couch. You followed him from the couch as he made his way to the door, he held it open for you and you snickered “What a gentlemen.”
“Don’t slander my name like that again.” He scoffed, “Follow me, don’t wander off.” Schlatt commanded as you followed him down to the nearest convenience store, “Go get something you like.” He shooed you off and requested the pack of cigarettes he needed making small talk with the store clerk while you wandered around. “Hurry up kid or you get nothing!”
“I’m coming!” You yelled back in your arms was a pack of sour patch watermelons, a chocolate bar, and some chips, “I got you chips.” Schlatt tried to bite back a smile but it came through anyway and it only made you smile in tandem. He paid for your goodies and you both headed out to go sit outside on a nearby bench. As you sat down you turned to stare at him dead in the eyes, he felt a little unsettled and watched as you slowly pulled out a little bag of popcorn. “I stole it.”
“Holy fuck kid you did it!” He burst into laughter ruffling your hair once again, “I’m proud of you.” You beamed brightly sitting up straighter on the bench, you opened the bag and popped a piece into your mouth. Schlatt reached forward and stole a handful from you, you ripped the bag away defensively and he snickered.
“Soo…” You trailed off softly and he raised an eyebrow at you, “You seemed to have a bad day too. You wanna talk about it?” His eyes widened in surprise, he didn’t take you to be so observant, then again you were Puffy’s child.
“Alright Poff,” he clicked his tongue distastefully and began to recount his woes to his child niece. Halfway through he pulled out a freshly bought cigarette and stuck it between his teeth. He pulled out a lighter flicking it a few times before lighting the cancer stick in his mouth and taking a long drag. You nodded your head in response and seemed to be listening intently to him, as he talked he felt his facade crumbling. The goat man slumped across the bench and was openly ranting to you at this point. “So yeah, that’s how my days going. Guess we both are doing pretty shitily huh?” You pursed your lips,
“Why don’t you ask Quackity to combine both of your votes the day of the election?” He looked at you with a raised eyebrow, you flushed nervously under his stern gaze. “Then you can be the President and he can be your Vice President or something...that way you both win in a way, ya know?”
“Kid…” Schlatt murmured thoughtfully rubbing his chin, “you’re a genius!” He wrapped you up in a hug, “this kid! I love ya! You’re too smart for your good!” You beamed letting out a happy laugh in response, “I’m contacting him immediately. Wilbur and Tommy don’t stand a fucking chance against me now.”
“I’m glad I can make you happy.” You snuggled into his arms but recoiled a little bit at the overwhelming scent of fresh smoke on his clothes, “you deserve it.” Schlatt felt his heart shutter a little at the inclination that he deserves to be happy, he was about to respond with a joke but you started talking again. “You’re a good guy Uncle. You don’t let people see it often but you’re an okay dude,” he watched you fiddle with your fingers as his eyebrows furrowed. He chuckled a little,
“Most people would disagree with you kid.”
“Well most people don’t know like mom and I do,” You pointed out, “Plus if you weren’t a nice guy you wouldn’t have tried to cheer me up.”
“I needed smokes.” He pointed out motioning to the stick in his mouth and you frowned a little.
Good, things were getting too mushy for his liking.
He was about to smirk in triumph but you turned towards him a determined look on your face. “My point still stands, for example, if you weren’t that great of a guy you wouldn’t have watched me today. You would’ve shut the door in Puffy’s face or you wouldn’t have listened and tried to comfort me. Therefore, my point still stands,” You shoved your finger in his face and he grumbled in displeasure. You smirked instead of him, getting the signature family smirk on your face it only made him frown deeper.
“Alright fine, but you tell anyone I’m slightly nice you’re cut off.”
“Cut off from what? You’re inheritance? You’re broke as shit.”
“You’re way too much like your mother.”
“Aw, you think so?” You flushed fondly, “Thanks!” You chirped proudly, puffing out your chest a little bit. He scoffed tugging on your horns once more and smirked as you yelped, “Would you stop doing that!”
“Nah I don’t think I will. Especially because I know it’s bothering you.”
“That’s more like it.”
You leaned back against the back of the bench with a loud groan throwing some popcorn at him. He snickered loudly, watching you closely all in all Schlatt did enjoy today. He kissed his teeth a little, you were way smarter than everyone seemingly gave you credit for, especially Dream. When Schlatt wins this election maybe he’d give you a position in his cabinet. He thinks you would like that, finally being able to show people who’s boss and what you’re capable of, yeah that’s what he’ll do. Reluctantly Schlatt pulled you close so your head rested against his shoulder, you smiled up at him softly, all in all, it was a good end to his day.
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 5)
Chapter Summary: Movie nights are the best.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.8k
Warnings:+18 only, smut,  boytoy!Bucky, fingering in a room with other people in it, blow job, oral (female receiving) casual sex, opened relationship, 
A/N: I’m sorry it took me so long for this one. I can’t promise it won’t happen the same with next chapter, but I sure hope not. I previously said the next chapters would be less smut, but with these two you never know… Thank you to my sweet Les for having my back. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
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Your breathing is heavy.  
The silky slide of his tongue makes you moan, deep, and you dig your nails on his scalp, pulling his hair even harder. He groans and the vibrations hit your core. He was right the other day, you love grabbing his hair, especially when you’re on his bed and his head is between your legs first thing in the morning.
No, you haven’t slept there that night. It would be your first day in your new job position and you thought it would be best to have a good and uneventful night of sleep, free of any action that could keep you up. But the thing with good nights of sleep is they’re actually not as relaxing as Bucky Barnes’s sweet tongue and you decided you needed it before you started the day.
Good thing he lives where you work and he didn’t turn you down when you called him at that ungodly hour.  That’s how you end up there, at the verge of a morning orgasm, your skirt and underwear tossed somewhere in his bedroom and you only wearing your heels and your white blouse while he’s eating you out on his bed, butt-naked, because that’s just how he sleeps every night. 
“Oh, fucking shitballs,” you curse when he closes his lips around your clit. The throbbing little nub is swollen and aching for a release.  
He chuckles against your sensitive and wet pussy, pulling you harder against his face, deepening his fingers on your thighs. Deeply focused on his task, he flattens his tongue and laps at you.
The change of movements doesn’t go unnoticed by you, who cries out at the waves of pleasure rushing up your body. A few more talented strokes of his tongue and you lose it. You moan a loud chant of courses and your back arches as your shivering legs shut around his head and your heels cross over his back.
That’s when a huge bang breaks into your dreamy state and makes you shout and jump on the bed, your face snapping towards the loud sound.
“I fucking knew it.”
Natasha’s voice isn’t one you were expecting to hear at that moment, and it takes you a moment to understand what is happening. There is your friend, in full tactical gear, arms smugly crossed in front of her body while she stands by the door she has just kicked opened. It takes you an even longer moment to remember the position you’re in. You look down to see Bucky, smirking, peeking at her from between your thighs, his face glistening with your juices all around it.
“What the hell?” You shout, finally releasing him from the clasp of your legs and pulling the first piece of fabric you find on his bed over your exposed lower half as you swiftly drag yourself away from him.
“Does Fury need me again?” Bucky asks, completely unbothered by Nat’s presence or his nakedness… or his extremely evident hard on, you notice, when he stands up from the spot he was bent down, before jumping to lay down beside you.
Something tells you this isn’t a one-time occurrence, but it doesn’t change the fact that is happening to you and how hot your cheeks are from sheer embarrassment in getting caught in such a situation.
“Nice hair, stud,” she comments, gaining a smug expression in response, before continuing, “He needs her, actually. Congratulations on your promotion, by the way,” Natasha smirks, pointing at you and your heart rushes up to beat against your throat at the mention of Fury’s name.
“What? Holy fuck,” you curse, wrapping the sheet around you before flying out of the bed and moving to pick up your pieces of clothes tossed by the floor.
“Told you she would be here, Steve,” Natasha tilts her head to behind her shoulder.  
A low, strangled grunt comes from the living room.
That makes you halt at once as you bend down to pick your underwear. Incredibly widened eyes snap at Natasha. As your cheeks burn hotter than ever, she covers her mouth with the back of her hand, obviously holding back a mischievous laugh.
“Hey, Punk,” Bucky shouts from the bed.
“You should’ve seen his face at fucking, shitballs.” Nat bursts out in uncontained laughs, followed shortly by Bucky. 
You can’t believe it. Captain Fucking America is waiting on the next room as you pick up your clothes after he heard the mind-blowing orgasm given by his friend to you on your first day on your new job - one that will require that you’d meet with the Avenger often - and you’re as mortified as you’d ever be. You know Nat enough to know she doesn’t mean any harm by it all, and you’ll know that eventually you will laugh with her about that moment, but eventually it’s definitely not now and she’s obviously having too much fun with your misery, so a little wish for vengeance burns up inside you.
“She told me you gave her the best orgasm of her life,” you blurt out, looking at Bucky, but the underwear in your hands at her. You bolt to the bathroom right after, locking the door behind you, but not before glimpsing the outraged expression on her face.
“You damn traitor,” Natasha yells, as you rush to put yourself together inside the bathroom.
“Well, looks like we’re a good pair,” you yell back.
“Calm down, ladies…” Bucky says and you can hear the amusement in his voice, as you work to freshen up, “Don’t worry, Steve would die before acknowledge this ever happened,” he raises his voice for you to hear, as an evident attempt to soothe you, but you can’t say it’s as effective as he would expect. “And you,” you guess he’s speaking to Natasha, “like I didn’t know that already. You were very vocal at the time and seemed like you’d forgotten I understand Russian perfectly.”
As put together as you can be in that situation, dying to bolt away and having Fury waiting for your ass, you open the bathroom’s door soon enough to see Nat flipping Bucky off as he cheekily winks at her.
“Ok.” You tap your hands down your skirt to straighten the little wrinkles on the fabric, “How do I look?” you ask Natasha. The formal outfit is way different from your usual jeans and sneakers, but it’s your first day in a very important position. Dress to impress felt like the right choice.  
“Stunning.” The answer comes from both Nat and Bucky and you can only let yourself soften as they smile at each other, a clear sign of peace.
“Alright,” you nod, walking to grab your purse on the armchair next to his bed, “Ahm… thank you, Bucky,” you seriously don’t know what else you can say to him at that moment.
“Anytime, sweetheart, you know that,” he makes a reverence, before linking his hands behind his head with a very pleased tug on the corner of his lips.
You clear your throat, trying to not indulge him in a less than perfect circumstances, before turning to a too amused Natasha. 
“See you tonight?” she asks, tilting her head.
“Yeah, of course,” you sigh, all the annoyance completely gone, “Welcome back, talk to you later.” You say goodbye by placing a kiss on her cheeks.
As you rush across the living room and towards the way out, Captain Fucking America looks absolutely guilty and red as the stripes on his uniform, “I told her not to, but-“
“I know,” you sure do know how determined Natasha Romanoff can be, “Can we please never talk about it again?”
“Gladly,” he quickly answers, looking as relieved as you before you bolt out of Bucky’s apartment.
His cell phone buzzes in his pocket and he picks it up as the elevator runs up to the common floor. He’s dying for one of Wanda’s cookies, which she usually bakes at this hour for everyone. Unlocking the screen he sees the text. It’s from Olivia, asking if he has plans for that night, with a winkie emoji at the end. Emojis… he loves them, one of the best things from the future.
He's about to type the answer when the elevator doors open and he hears the sound of a movie playing loudly in the TV room. Oh, so there’s one of those movie night things going… the cookies will definitely be there.
He quickly steps towards the sound and opens the door to the dark room, meeting a few squinting expressions at the light that shines from behind him. As soon as he finds one particular scrunched face among the other ones his lips curl in a smirk and, before putting his phone back in his pocket, he types a quick reply saying he’s already got plans, the same answer he’s given to every other message he’s received those last few weeks that wasn’t from the woman greeting him with a small and discreet smile right now.
“So soon at home?” Natasha asks, munching a mouthful of popcorn. Along with her in the room are Sam, seating next to her on one of the sofas, Steve and Sharon sharing an armchair and a bowl of popcorn, Wanda  laying on some big cushions on the floor, eating one of her cookies while she, the face that got his attention and instant interest, is comfortably seating all by herself on a big and inviting sofa, cozily tucked under a blanket.
“Didn’t even go out,” Bucky shrugs, “Movie night, huh?” He peeks in, averting his gaze from her to the big screen, “And one of my favorite movies I see..” he says, having absolutely no idea which movie that is and why there’s a creepy guy talking to a ball in the middle of an island.   
“In or out, dude,” Sam throws some popcorn on him, “Shut the damn door.”
“Alright, alright,” Bucky does as he says, not even engaging with Sam’s teasing. He has other things occupying his mind.
And said “other things” eyes him suspiciously as he walks towards the sofa she’s been occupying alone. He doesn’t say anything before throwing himself on the cushions, right next to her, despite all the space left. He can feel everyone’s eyes, maybe except Sam’s, lingering on him for a little too long, but it doesn’t bother him at all as he makes himself comfortable, reaching over to grab a cookie from the plate on the small table in front of him.
“Hi,” he whispers, turning to face her.   
“Hi,” she answers back with a small smile, before focusing on the movie again.  
“You don’t mind do you?” Bucky once again whispers, pulling the end of her blanket while he munches the cookie.
She eyes him for a moment and he has to hold back a laugh. She has to know where he’s going with this and if that time they’ve spent together because of their deal made him get to know her at least a bit, he bets she’ll play along with him.   
“No?” her answer comes out on a wary whisper and he doesn’t waste a second before sinking beneath her blanket, dragging himself a bit closer to her.
When he’s cozy enough, he turns to the movie again, pretending to be paying attention to the screen while she does the same. He knows it’s all a façade and she’s waiting to find out what he’s up to. He loves it. It’s only after several minutes – teasing her is always good fun – that his hand under the blanket casually navigates through the cushions and rests on her thigh.
As soon as his hand touches her skin, he senses the flinch of her body. While he shoves the last piece of cookie in his mouth, with the corner of his eyes, he catches when she glances not at him, but at the rest of the group in the room.  The fact she doesn’t bat his hand right away, encourages him to give her thigh a pointed squeeze and that’s when she shoots him a warning glare. Which he ignores, of course, in favor of letting his hand snake up her smooth skin. The small hitch of her breath doesn’t go unnoticed by him.  
He smiles to find out she’s wearing a skirt.
When his hand moves down to the soft inner part of her thigh, she shuts her legs, trapping it in place. He doesn’t look at her while he just waits… all he has to do is to wait. He can tell she’s a bit nervous as he feels her eyes on him before they turn to the others, but a light and sweet scent, which is now very familiar, teases his nostrils, ever so lightly, and he knows she’s more than up to that little game. He hopes for the other super soldier in the room to be focused enough on his girl next to him so he doesn’t catch the faint scent in the air.
He waits.
The confirmation of her true disposition comes when she slowly opens her legs and shifts on the sofa, lifting one knee up so the blanket makes a tent, making it hard for anyone to spot where his hand really lays beneath the blanket.
Bucky is then more than happy to resume his ascend until he cups her mound through the cotton of her underwear. He keeps his touch light, barely brushing her mound, noticing a little wetness pulling at the fabric and smirking. But what makes him almost lose his shit is to find out how impatiently up to his game she actually is, when she dips her hand under the blanket and guides his hand  beneath the cotton, letting his fingers rest on her clit before she removes her hand.
Goddamit, he has to hold back to not let a loud moan both at her initiative and the warm and smooth feeling on his fingers. He can’t believe how lucky he is to be spending this time and sharing moments like this with her. He has to admit that this deal he has set with her is the best thing that has happened to him in a while. Yes, he has a great deal of women he can call his friends and has been spending time with. But with her…
Bucky’s sure he has found his partner in crime.
He’s aware of the long time she’s been in a relationship and he knows the ending wasn’t that great. But in spite of that, she trusts him completely to make her feel good and not hurt her in any way, and he loves that he can do that… Make her feel good.
He starts caressing her clit, noticing how her body responds, a tiny hitch on her breathing, her lower lip between her teeth… He doesn’t want to make her wait much longer, seeing how eager she definitely is. Another thing he adores about her… she’s always up to go a bit further with him, to break some limits. He would never do anything she’s not comfortable with, but it’s addicting her willingness for more, to go beyond herself to reach the goal or finding pleasure and a good time.
Truly a partner in crime.
Her gaze remains on the screen while he fingers her under the blanket, but he can hear a particularly louder sigh as her head falls back on the sofa.
Bucky looks around but no one seems to have noticed anything, paying attention to  whatever is happening in the movie. Discreetly, he grabs a small pillow from the sofa and places it over his lap to hide how much the mission to drive her to the edge  and the wetness gathering around his fingers under the blanket are affecting him.
He has learned the way her body works enough to know she’s almost there. Also, he knows she has a thing for exposed and dangerous situations like that, the thrilling possibility of getting caught, the filthy actions in an otherwise innocent situation… Fuck if his cock isn’t aching for some attention, too…If had his way he would bent her over that couch and take her right then and there, to hell with everyone else.
Glancing at her, he spots the clenched jaw and fluttering eyelids. She comes all over his fingers without making a single noise and, damn, she turns him on so much.   
After a few more strokes to ease her down, he pulls his fingers away and, as she watches him from the corner of her eyes, he brings them to his lips, licking them deliciously as he stares at the movie. Her sweet taste makes him painfully hard beneath his jeans and that’s when she surprises him by throwing the blanket to the side and swiftly getting up.
“Are you ok?” Nat asks as all the faces snap to the woman standing up.
“Yeah, sure. Just need to go to the bathroom. No need to pause the movie, I’ll be quick,” she answers, but she doesn’t leave the room without glancing at Bucky with a small tug on the corner of her lips.
His cock twitches at it… That’s his cue, right? It has to be, or else he’ll explode right then and there. He waits a few minutes for good measure before pulling his phone from the pocket. He pretends to be reading something on the screen before clicking his tongue, “Got to go. That was fun, though, let’s do it again sometime.”
Bucky’s damn sure Natasha not for a second buys the excuse as she shoots him a knowing smirk, but the others seem to at least don’t care about him leaving - suspiciously right after her- only mumbling their goodbyes as their attention remains in the movie.
When he opens the door to the bathroom, which is only a few feet away from the tv room, he’s greeted with a pair of lips crashing against his. Responding right away to the kiss, he kicks the door shut behind him and wraps his arms around her as he relishes  the feel of her hands exploring his whole body, grabbing his muscles and flesh. Good, she’s as excited as him.
“That was fucking hot,” she says through the kiss, pulling a handful of his hair.
“Agreed,” he pants, not parting his lips from hers, “Check out how happy I was to find you here,” he grabs her hand and places it over his throbbing hard on.
She chuckles as he walks her backwards to the counter, “I’m glad I accepted Nat’s invitation to see a movie with her after dinner, then,” she pulls away just enough to say that before launching back on him, making him moan as she palms him through his jeans. “We need to do something about it, now,” she teases, parting her lips from his to drag them down his neck, adding a bit more of pressure on his cock.
“Damn straight,” he manages to say, as her mouth and her hands on him make him light in the head. Desperate to feel her, he grabs her by the waist and places her on the countertop and positions himself between her legs, reaching down to unbutton his jeans, “How was your first day as the boss?” Just the thought is enough to make his cock twitch inside the annoying confines of his pants.
“Fucking fantastic,” she answers putting a stopping hand on his chest and grabbing the one on his jeans by the pulse.
“Hey,” an embarrassing whine slips out of his lips.
“Nah-ah,” she smirks in such a mischievous way that the sight alone could result in him making a mess of his pants if he didn’t focus, “I’ve got my own tricks, too, you know?” she coos, pushing him a bit backwards before sliding down from the counter and sinking to her knees right in front of him.
Since she just ended the possibility of any coherent thought to be formed on his mind, all there’s left for him is to let his arms fall limp on each side of his body and watch her, dumbfounded and horny as ever, as she nuzzless his dick through the jeans and swiftly work on his buttons and zipper.
His cock bobs in front of her as she pulls down his pants and underwear just enough to expose it to her. Bucky is entranced by the sight of her licking her lips before leaning over and slowly sliding her flattened tongue over the length of the prominent vein on the underside of his cock. Then his tip is engulfed by the wet and soft heat of her mouth and a strangled yet loud noise slips out of his lungs as his eyelids flutter.
“Be quiet, sweetheart,” she pulls back, making him already miss her lips around his dick. He looks down at her and she shoots a cheeky wink at him, wrapping her hand around the base and peppering sweet, torturous kisses over his length and head, smearing the leaking precum over her lips before wrapping them around him again.
Bucky is in a  complete daze as she works her lips and tongue beautifully on him, producing sloppy and enticing sounds. Surprisingly enough, after trying a lot of stuff together, that particular act hadn’t happened yet and goddammit why the hell had he waited for so long? Maybe because he’s been focusing completely on her pleasure, which can’t be considered an unselfish act at all, since giving her pleasure is insanely hot, making him get off on that easily. But, man… that woman knows what she’s doing and it’s driving him completely nuts right now.
Especially as she keeps jerking him with her hand while her lips adventures down his sack. All he sees is the top of her head moving as she is shamelessly licking and sucking his balls, the slurping sounds of her mouth on him makes his cock jerk in her hand. Bucky can’t hold back the moans and his hands grip tightly the counter before him, the blood rushing away from his fingers with the force he uses.
Her lips come back to suck on his dick, hollowing her cheeks as her other hand grabs a handful of his butt. She squeezes the flesh harshly and grunts around his dick.
“Fuck,” Bucky lets out in a breathless whisper, barely holding together as the vibrations reverberates through his pulsing cock, wrapped in her heat. He’s not gonna last long, he knows that.
With a pop, she releases his cock from her mouth, but keeps her hand wrapped and moving up and down his length. Bucky would’ve protested if he could form one coherent word, “Bucky,” she purrs, brushing her cheek on his cock, as if she’s worshiping it. He feels himself tighter and tighter, rushing to the edge, and that sight is no help for him trying to hold back and prolong the little heaven he’s in, “I want you to fuck my mouth, Bucky.”  
That’s it. He always knew that after more than one hundred years he would die in a situation like that, “What?” he breathes out and it sounds like a groan as he clenches his teeth.
“I want you to fuck my face and I want to taste you, all of you, understand?” Her words sound more like a command as she looks up at him and lazily fists his cock, coated in her saliva.
“Copy that, ma’am,” he quickly obeys, capturing his lower lip in a tight bite, “But if it’s too much you have to let me know, ok? Stop me, punch me in the stomach, if you have to.” As desperate as he is to do as she wants and fuck that pretty little face of hers, the last thing he wants is to hurt her in any way. But they’ve been pretty comfortable with each other to let the other know exactly what they want to do or not, so he doesn’t have to worry much about it.
She smirks and nods before brushing the tip of her tongue over the tip of his cock.
Fuck… she’s perfect.
More than happy to comply with her command, Bucky grips the hair on the back of her head as she invitingly opens her mouth to welcome him, letting her hands rest on her thighs.
He pushes back inside her. He goes slow at first, but goes deep, testing her limits. His breath hitches as he watches his cock disappearing inside her mouth, and oh, man… his head reaches her throat and he hears a strangled moan out of her as she chokes lightly on it…
He fucking loses it.
Bucky does exactly what she asked for and fucks her mouth, holding her face steady with one hand on her hair as with the other he grips the counter as he thrusts inside her, moving her head as he pleases, guiding himself by the muffled but sweet sounds she makes along with him. He goes deep, fast…
He locks eyes with her and sees the sheer lust on them as her swollen lips take his cock, saliva sliding down her chin, “Take that cock, sweetheart. You look fucking beautiful taking it like that.”
The fluttering of her eyes at his words is what takes him on the edge of his climax, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warns, his voice a strange rasped sound in his ears, “You want that, don’t you? You want my fucking cum deep down your throat, right, beautiful?”
Her answer is to bring both hands to grip harshly his butt and pull him even deeper into her. The tightness coiling inside him is too much before he reaches the best damn orgasm of his life.
A dangerously loud grunt of him resounds around the small bathroom as he spills his climax deep down her mouth and throat, just like he’s promised. The world around him dissolves into the image of her swallowing around him, taking all of him. He’s body falls a bit forward and he has to tighten the hold on the counter as fingers tangle around her locks.
He remains under the effect of the powerful and insanely pleasurable sensation, the aftershocks jerking his body and turning his mind into a total blankness as she slowly and gently sucks and licks him clean, making little humming sounds that only add to his utter state of bliss.
When he feels his strength rushing back to his limbs again, he moves his hand from her hair and helps her up by the arm and without thinking twice slams his lips to hers. 
Her inherent sweetness immediately mixes with his own taste, invading his senses and damn if he doesn’t wanna feel that again and again and again… He swirls his tongue around hers, loving how her arms curl around his neck, like they usually do when he kisses her.
Bucky doesn’t notice he’s been prolonging the kiss for maybe a little too long and maybe a little too intensely until she lets out a muffled giggle through his lips and taps lightly on his shoulder.
He parts away immediately, but doesn’t completely let her go, keeping her close by the waist, only then realizing how breathless he is. Both of them, actually as he notices how deep and fast the up and down of her chest is. But she’s smiling… and that alone makes Bucky smile, too.
She looks thoroughly fucked. Her hair is a complete mess, eyes a bit reddened and teary while her lips are swollen tinted in a darker shade and from taking his cock that hard. He simply can’t move his gaze away while she holds the smile, looking… content…happy…
Right there, just like that, completely undone and disheveled, she’s the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
He’s not even thinking straight yet when he reaches over and cups her cheek. Spotting a drop of his own pleasure that slipped from the corner of her mouth, he swipes it with his thumb and brings it to her lips, entranced by the way she welcomes it right away, swirling her tongue around his finger before sucking it inside her mouth while her eyes are stuck on his.
His heart skips a beat at the sight. There’s an urge rising in him. A whole new kind of urge he hasn’t ever felt before and he can’t pinpoint exactly what that desperate need is for while she lets go of his thumb before placing a kiss on it and moves her back to him, to face the mirror and put herself together, depriving his arms from her warmth.
He just can’t take his eyes off of her and all he wants is to grab her back and hold her close to him, to feel her skin, smell the sweet scent of her shampoo, listen to her sweet voice in his ears telling him all about her day while she softly runs her fingers through his hair…
Wait… he forces himself to interrupt his own weird line of thoughts.
What the hell is happening?
 Chapter 6 coming soon.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
v e l o c i t y - chapter ix
The one where John’s your true mate, but he doesn’t want you to be his.
In a universe where fate grants you a new mate whenever you lose yours, John has lived quite comfortably for many years with the knowledge that he was alone after Mary. That all comes crumbling down the second that he meets you. How could the universe choose someone so young to be his omega?
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
A/N: Okay so, my bad. One more chapter after this one!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
I had a hard time sleeping since that night in the laundry room. Well, it was hard to go to bed alone, knowing only one wall separated me from John, knowing the only thing missing for him to claim me was time. He needed time to get over the image of me as a child, accept that I was another person, a woman now - and his mate. And I needed to find some sort of patience to hold onto while he got there.
That didn’t mean I was a saint, though. My desire was still there, even stronger, I dared to say. Now that he had recognized that he truly wanted me, it felt too easy, it felt simple and I just wanted to reach out and have him touch me - really, anywhere.
But I wanted to give him the space he needed to come to terms with this. So I resorted to long nights of touching myself to the thought of him, wondering what he was doing on his bed, if he thought of me when the bunker’s silence grew almost deadly and the sky became darker than a demon’s eye.
And then one night, I heard it.
It was a woman’s moan, coming from the room next door, and instinctively every nerve in my omega body stood in attention, ready to pounce. Who the fuck was with John? Why would he do this? But then his groan reached my ear, sounding much closer, much clearer, and by the time I heard another male’s voice panting, I knew what was happening.
John was watching porn.
The thought thrilled me to no end, even though I couldn’t really explain just why. Maybe it was the fact that he was doing something that intimate, right next to me, not knowing I could hear…
Or maybe he did, and that’s exactly why he was doing it. That had me drenching my panties, quickly getting rid of my clothes before laying back on the bed, a hand between my legs as I tried to listen to his every sound.
Only a few grunts and pants seemed to come from him, the rest mainly from the movie he was watching, but I could distinctly identify the wet, rhythmic slap of his hand meeting his navel along the sounds of the television, and that was the tempo I followed as I started to touch myself.
I got lost in the memories of when it was his fingers inside of me, his scent drowning mine, yet my attention never wavered from the room next door, trying to memorize every little thing about his search for pleasure while I did the same. I just knew it wouldn’t be enough to get me off until his pace quickened, a growl escaping the depths of his chest as he reached his release, and the thought of his cum covering his naked body had me mewling as my cunt clenched around my own digits.
Suddenly, it was all too quiet. All too very quiet. 
“Are you touching yourself, little one?” His voice came closer than I expected it to - not that I expected it at all - and it had me gasping in surprise, imagining him on the other side of the wall against which my bed rested, trying to hear me do the exact same thing he’d been doing seconds before. “Are you touching yourself to the sounds of me getting myself off?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. How the fuck was I supposed to resist him?
“Are you soaking wet?” The questions just kept coming, prompting my movements to grow quicker, more desperate at the clear desire dripping in his tone. “Because of me?” A simple chuckle shouldn’t sound this hot. “No James here to prepare you this time, huh?”
And that was all it took for me to reach my high, cumming around my fingers with a strangled moan as John’s low laugh resonated from my left. “Atta girl. Bet you’ll sleep real good tonight.” And just when I thought he was done and I could finally breathe again, “I know I will.”
Oh, shit. I was trying to be patient and give him his time, but if he thought I’d let this sort of teasing just go by, he was in for a treat. Better get ready for war, Winchester.
John’s P.O.V.
I knew I was playing with fire, but no one could have prepared me for the special type of hell I was forced to live in during the next few weeks.
It was like she was doing anything she could to make my resolve break. She wanted me to lose control, take her again just like I did that time when I thought another Alpha would try to lay claim on her.
And I had to give it to her - the memories of when she was young were nothing but distant flashbacks I could only remember if I tried to think back on why I was trying to resist her.
Even then, it was like that little girl was someone else entirely, someone I didn’t know anymore - certainly not the young woman who was currently caressing the inside of my thighs and slowly getting closer and closer to my crotch in the middle of this fucking diner.
I took advantage of the fact that Dean had left the table to hit on one of the waitresses and Sam had left to ring someone to finally hold her wrists, stop her quest for control over my dick and my nerves.
“You keep trying to test my patience, you little brat. You wouldn’t like what I’d do if I actually lost it, right here, right now.” Her sharp inhale was music to my ears, a smirk taking over my face as I looked down on her by my side.
But of course, she couldn’t just let it go.
“What would you do, old man?” My chest inflated as I took in her defiance, glancing at the door and Dean to make sure no one would come back soon before turning my body fully towards her, caging her against the wall in the booth.
“I’d put you over my knee, rip those pretty jeans and spank the shit out of you, omega. I’d let everyone watch me bruise your skin, I don’t even care that all these alphas are staring at you. I’d let them see, so maybe they’d know they ain’t got no chance with you.” The sweet smell of her arousal was easy to catch, so I knew she was soaked by now - and my smirk warned her of just how much I was aware of my effect on her body.
A few seconds of silence followed my words, both of us breathing heavily as we stared at each other, trying to hold back. Until she broke the spell, simply by being her.
“God, can you get any kinkier?” I wanted to be mad, I really did, but it was just impossible. My whole body shook under the power of my laughter, and I knew Dean was looking back at us now, just like some of the other patrons.
“Try me,” I provoked, raising my eyebrows at her as I reached for my mug of coffee again. She just kept staring at me, lips pursed in a pout, arms crossed in front of her body, the perfect picture of annoyance.
“You’re hot, but you’re very mean. Did you know that?” I choked on the hot liquid, almost spilling it all over myself, not having expected to be so casually called hot by someone as attractive as her in a million years.
“But you know what?” She pressed on, not giving me any time to recover. “I can be meaner.” That sentence, whispered in my ear as she pressed her body against mine, sent shivers down my spine. “Game’s on, Winchester.”
… What had I gotten myself into?
Y/N’s P.O.V.
The fact that we had managed to get John Winchester to go to a club was mind-blowing and hilarious to me. He looked so out of place - much older than most around, and underdressed in comparison to the guys his age, who were all displaying the same type of clothes as the fuck boys who were so desperately trying to get with anything that moved.
“You have something in your hair,” I commented, using this as an excuse to press my body tightly against his when I reached out to fix his locks, and even though he was quick to push me away, keeping me at a distance, there was a smile on his face.
“You need to stop doing that.” I bit my lip as I looked up at him with the most innocent expression I could muster. It was honestly hard not to laugh.
“Doing what?” John scoffed, letting me go to turn back to his whiskey, but once the liquid was in his lips again, his eyes traveled up and down my body, almost undressing me.
“You like my dress?” I asked, twirling so he could get the full view, even though I already knew how he felt about it. There was an entire discussion about the piece of clothing before we managed to leave the bunker, and I still believed it was the entire reason why he decided to tag along to my night out with the boys.
“I think we’ve established this is barely even a dress, little girl.” Giggling, I stepped closer to him again, using the excuse some drunk dude gave me when he lost his balance and wobbled in my direction, my hand falling precisely over John’s crotch as I pressed our bodies together once more.
“You know there’s other people around us, right?” He whispered right by my ear, raising goosebumps all over my skin when the hand that wasn’t holding his drink settled over my ass. “This little skirt of yours is giving me all types of thoughts…”
I was just about to ask him to elaborate on that when his head suddenly snapped up, meeting my eyes instead of looking at my breasts. “Why on Earth aren’t you wearing any underwear?”
I giggled when I understood that he could feel the absence of other fabrics underneath the thin material of my dress since he was now rubbing and squeezing my butt. I was suddenly shy, more because I didn’t expect him to call me out on it than anything else, so I buried my face in his chest as he kept teasing me, “Do you have something against it? Is that it? Are you allergic to panties?”
He swayed us somewhat to the beat of the song that had taken everyone to the dance floor, and I just relished in his embrace before finally coming up with something to say. “You liked it so much the last time…” I reminded him, not expecting what he’d counter.
“Last time was a mistake.” Immediately, I pushed away from him, meeting his eyes in shock and hurt as his words pained me in a way I never expected him to do - not again. His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared back at me, obviously confused by my sudden reaction until he understood what he had said.
“No, no,” he called out, easily pulling me close again despite me trying to escape. I hated that I cherished that night so badly, desired him so ardently ever since, just for him to go ahead and write it off as a mistake.
“That’s not what I meant, ‘mega,” he tried to calm me down, nose rubbing over my scent gland in an effort to lower my heartbeat and suppress my anger. It worked perfectly, as much as I didn’t want it to.
“I just mean, I didn’t want the first time I touch you to be because of anger and jealousy.” His explanation drained all irritation from my body, leaving me slumping against his hard chest.
“I didn’t want it to happen like that,” he continued. “You deserved more than that.” My heartbeat was pounding to the rhythm of the music, not quite believing this turn of events.
“I mean… I didn’t even kiss you, for fuck’s sake.” The sound of his despair against his own actions had me mewling against him, absentmindedly rutting my ass against his crotch, not even realizing I was doing it until his fingers pressed tightly on my hips - not stopping me, just… holding me there.
“I want- I want our first time to be meaningful.” And that, right then, stole my breath away. Because I understood the implicit message. I understood that this was him, saying he was ready. “Hopefully, in a bed,” he continued, and I smiled to myself at his sweet plans for us.
“But if you keep teasing me so much, I’ll bury my fingers inside of you right here, I swear.” This last part was uttered against the shell of my ear, making me go perfectly still, at last stopping my movements against the bulge that had become more than evident in his old jeans.
“And Lord knows where that would take us,” he commented, hands holding me just under the curve of my breasts, making me shiver as he nuzzled against my neck from behind. “By now, you know how easily I can get carried away.”
And I did. Just the memory of it made me shiver, but maybe it was the man behind me, whose hands were now openly exploring my body as if we weren’t surrounded by people in a smelly club.
“Yeah, I know…” I panted, body sensuously moving against his without even intending to, just needing to feel the weight of his hands all over me, forever. “You’ve done it before.”
And that was the last thing I spoke for the next few hours because right then John turned me in his arms and took my lips on his, devouring me in the dark corner of the dance floor, while the rest of the club danced without a care in the world, not taking notice on two mates finally giving in to one another.
The only thing that mattered right then was him and I.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 4 years
Hi, i dont know if asks are open and tis may be the wrong way to deal with this but... well my mom called me a homophobic slur: the f word today and i was wondering if i could just get some raphael sweet baby comfort. It's alright if you cant tho, no force
I Care
Characters: Rise! Raph x Gender-neutral! Reader
Content + Warnings: Platonic or Romantic, Hurt/Comfort, Cursing, The F slur (reclaimed), 1074 words.
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"Woah, woah. Steady yourself there, small fry."
Raph had been jumped by your sudden arrival. A distressed one at that. His eyes lingered on your pacing, hyperventilating form before cautiously reaching a large hand out to stabilize you. The pull on your shoulder was what finally brought your gaze to meet his.
The skin around your eyes was red and puffy, apparent that tears had already been shed. You roughly rubbed at your nose with the back of your wrist, as well as the soaked lashes you were peering through.
The sight wasn't pretty, but it was clear to Raph that there were more important issues to worry about than appearance.
The snapping turtle pursed his lips as his masked brows knitted together. "What's got you so worked up, huh?"
He almost received an answer but a throaty sob interrupted your speech. Thus you gave up and turned to rub at your face once more, smearing the tears that collected in your palm across your cheek.
Despite the lack of speech, that's all he needed to hear to know that asking questions wasn't going to solve any problems. Sighing out an 'alright', Raph effortlessly scooped you up with the one arm and into his lap, leaning back into the spot where he already resided.
Your back sunk into the curve of his arm, with your head resting on his provided bicep and your cheek pressed lightly to the surface of his plastron. He was careful not to shift you too much, trying to avoid you catching on any of his protruding appendages.
The guy had never seen you look so...frail. Cradling you in his arms, he couldn't help but see a resemblance of a helpless baby. As harsh as that sounds, but the same thought would come to anybody who happened to stumble across the scene.
Lowering his head, he stopped to keep his mouth and ears at your level, so any words spoken could easily be kept between the two of you alone. He rocked you carefully. Not too hard, yet enough to catch your attention.
"You gon' tell Raph what's going on?"
You dragged your eyes up to meet his, already surveying you from where he engulfed you. Testing the waters, you took a cold and rattily inhale, before deflating with a slow exhale. It took a couple more of those before you replied.
"It was uh...my mom. She had, um-" You struggled to focus on the wording as well as the soothing strokes your friend circled on your kneecap but you carried on. "She was getting all rowdy, basically. Something about her having a rough day or she was just in one of those moods, I don't know."
You sniffed, though frowning just as you felt a hunk of phlegm gather at the back of your throat. Gross.
"So, like, I ended up getting the butt-end of it. Taking all her anger out on me as if I had a friggin' target on my head. Just cutting deep for no reason, bringing up stuff that had no right to be talked about then and there what so ever. So, you know, I threw shit back because, what, I wasn't just gonna stand there. But then-"
"Hey, hey, take a breath," Raph called out as he noticed how your pace quickened. And so you did, you took a breath.
"Then... Then she outright just called me a fag. Looking me dead in the eye as she said it."
"Oh, man..." You kept your eyelids shit as you listened to his drawn-out response.
"I-I know it's just a word and all, and hearing it from someone like a stranger can be all like 'oh dude, you suck', 'cause then you can move on like it didn't mean shit! But having her say it right in front of me, was just so surreal. Hearing it from someone who's supposed to care and support you makes it hit so much harder than expected."
Your eyes were still held closed at this point, feeling that familiar prick in your sinuses where your eyes began to sour in their sockets and your nose threatened to run.
"Well, that is expected." You stiffened, though you continued to listen while Raph's gaze wandered to his cemented floor. "The one's who love you tend to have the most dirt on you, so they know what to say to hit you where it hurts. Not that it's okay, but it's what people do when they're upset in any way.
Feelings come out. Maybe it is something that shouldn't have been said, and in this case, definitely not. But it doesn't mean they care any less. Empathy gets thrown out the window when people are angry, yeah, but their love for you doesn't."
You fastened your arms around your waist while glaring down at your thighs. "You don't know what my mom's like..."
A small hitch of breath was heard from his end, careful of his next choice of words.
"Yeah, a-and our situations are different, I get that. But what I do know is if there was even the slightest chance that she didn't care, you have others who do. Hey, look at me."
There you felt a cold finger find it's way beneath your chin, ever so carefully tilting you up to meet his stare. You sensed the second wave of tears coming along as his features remained almost soft to the touch. His eyes holding such a warmth that you could melt under just from the sight.
"My brothers love you to pieces, you know that? So does April, so does Sensei, and so do plenty of others that I can't really name on the spot." You snorted at that, bringing out a small smile of his own in then process.
"I do, too. I care about you. So much, Y/N. Your mom sucks for what she did, but I wouldn't dream of ever hurting you like that."
Your lips wobbled, even though they held a hearty smile, as another small sob managed to escape you. Lifting up a closed fist, you landed a half-assed punch to the turtle's chest. "Why're you so nice, man. You got me crying again."
"Do you want me to stop?" Raph blurted out with a confused shake of his head.
"Never." Grinning, you huddled closer to his side, taking a liking to the whole being held thing. "Thanks, Red."
"Any time."
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maximumjinx · 5 years
Ladybug’s Finale Chapter 4
1, 2 3
“What are you doing for lunch?”
Marinette only stared at her blonde desk mate. She must have heard him wrong.
“Eating?” Was the only response she could think of. Fantastic.
Adrien giggled, which was off-putting since Marinette was pretty sure she’s never seen either Adrien or Chat giggle. Adrien usually politely smiles. Chat chuckles. This was new.
“I meant-” He smiled so easily, “can we eat together?”
Marinette wanted to say yes, but she had already promised Fu she would go in for another training session.
However, she was pretty far ahead if her suit and weapons had anything to say about it.
“If you’re free, don’t you want to eat with Nino?”
“Oh, I’m absolutely not free.” Adrien grinned even wider. Marinette was afraid Fu may have broke him. “And he’s not my biggest fan right now.”
“Wait-” she raised an eyebrow, “you’re not free?”
“I have a piano lesson. But I’m tired and feel like breaking my diet with sugar.”
Marinette stifled a laugh.
“Sure, I can help with that.”
When lunch rolled around, Marinette was sure they weren’t going to slip past the rest of the class unnoticed.
“Sunshine, I love you boy but you definitely owe me an apology.” Alya stood tall with Lila and Nino behind her, blocking the door. Adrien only groaned. Marinette stood on edge.
“Alya I will, but not until my friend gets an apology first.” Adrien narrowed his eyes and slung an arm around Marinette’s shoulders. She was stiff as a board.
Nino only looked confused, “Are we not all friends?”
Adrien gave him a sad smile and turned to Marinette. Oh, she was supposed to answer this one.
“We are,” she said gently, “but if I’m honest you guys haven’t been very good ones lately.”
Marinette could feel venomous words begins to pile in her mouth. Everything she wanted to say and scream to her classmates and Alya. She clenched her fist and felt her chest grow cold.
“What are you talking about?” Alya defended. “You’re my b-best friend.” She said ‘best’ weakly, glancing at Lila who remained silent. Marinette knew she wasn’t Alya’s best friend, they haven’t been that for a while.
“Marinette, why are trying to tell Adrien that we’re bad friends?” Lila’s lower lip trembled, a perfected move that sent the class into a jumble of overlapping whispers.
“Dude, you turned my bro against me?” Nino looked like he was a puppy that had just been kicked.
“That’s not cool!”
“Aren’t you always preaching unity?”
“Marinette, you’re supposed to accept everyone!”
Marinette barked out a sharp laugh. The class fell into silence. She glanced around the room at people she hadn’t spoken to in months. Turned against an everyday Ladybug in moments with just one line from Rossi.
“I do accept everyone. Except those that have hurt me and my friends.” She looked directly at Lila, who still wore glistening tears. “And right now the only person to have stood up for me, defended me, hell- even spoken to me- is Adrien.”
Alya looked like she wanted to refute that, but months of radio silence between the two girls reminded her that Marinette had a point.
Adrien took his arm off Marinette’s shoulder and instead offered her his elbow.
“Not to end this incredibly uncomfortable conversation short,” he glanced at the class, “but I’m starving.”
She tentatively put her arm around his and the two walked out. Alya moved aside, lips tightly pressed together. Lila sent Marinette a seething glare.
Marinette however, felt a bit better. She felt a small amount of weight relieved from the pit of her stomach. She still has more to say, but Marinette was beginning to feel less numb.
It was still a lot. It felt as if her heart were buzzing awake with pins and needles, after keeping her emotions in check all this time. She glanced at Adrien as they walked to her house.
She wasn’t beginning to get feelings again, right?
No, Marinette decided she was not.
Well, at least a little less after watching the boy hungarily and messily scarf down 12 (yes, 12) filled croissants.
“You’re gonna regret that later.”
Adrien only shrugged.
“I’ll die with dignity.” He said, chocolate and jam covering half his face.
Marinette passed him a few napkins, chuckling as he flushed pink and quickly scrubbed his face.
“In my defense, salad isn’t quite as messy.”
“What about dressing?”
Adrien sat straight, placing his ring and middle finger on the bridge of his nose. Marinette could almost see the outline of glasses.
“Too much sugar and oil,” he spoke in a perfect impression of Nathalie, “you’re father expects clear skin for shoots.”
Marinette snorted, “So you had rabbit food? That explains a lot.”
“Like what?”
“Like why you looked miserable 99% of the time.”
The two sat in her living room, not quite going into her bedroom not for fear of finding embarrassing, but it would be hard to explain why she had a detailed chart of akumas and Gabriel Agreste in her room.
“So-“ she knew why, but she wanted to ask, “Why grow a spine today?”
“Ouch,” Adrien smirked, “that was harsh.”
“Yeah, well.”
Adrien nodded. It was fair. Why today? After his talk with Ladybug, giving up Plagg, and training with Master Fu he decided why stop there. If he was going to change into someone worthy of a miraculous he had to start with the person that got Fu’s attention.
He could hardly tell Marinette though.
“I can’t think of an answer that would satisfy you.” He warned.
“Then how about the truth?” She turned her body on the couch and waited.
Adrien sighed, leaning back to let the food inside him settle. He turned his head to face her, his hair beginning to curl around his cheeks and a top his head.
Marinette blinked. He looked exactly like Chat like this.
“Guilt, for being a bad friend when I knew what Lila was doing bothered you.” He dropped his eyes from Marinette’s gaze. “Not bothering- it hurt you. I’m also trying to change myself. I learned something recently that really put my world on its head. It changed my perspective on who I was and who I want to be. I want to be better than ‘Adrien Agreste’.”
“But that’s you, that’s who you are.”
He shook his head.
“I dislike half the things I do. I don’t eat, don’t dress comfortably or how I like, and I don’t speak out. I didn’t against my father and I guess against what was happening to you. I can never say sorry enough.”
“Well, I didn’t reach out either.” Marinette gave a weak laugh. Adrien watched Marinette fiddle with her food, and sat up.
“You can talk to me. Tell me about these last few months. If you want to, that is.”
Marinette shrugged.
“I got a lot done, like how I used to before Alya and you came to our school.”
“I already knew you can be productive.” He nudged her gently.
“I guess it was a little lonely.” She didn’t want pity. So she didn’t look at him. “I missed class events. They didn’t invite me because my invite got lost or was sent to the wrong number. Then they didn’t invite me because they forgot. Then, they just...didn’t.”
She steeled herself, and kept going.
“They didn’t talk to me. They didn’t come to things they promised beforehand, or help me on projects, or include me in anything! Every single thing I’ve done for them, because I wanted to, because they were my friends it all disappeared like none of it mattered.” She had to calm down. She felt her body begin to warm up, and dissolve the numb she had put around herself. “I...didn’t matter.”
She didn’t know if Adrien responded, she was too focused on stopping the negative thoughts. She had to be numb, Hawkmoth can’t akumatize numb.
Adrien opened his mouth, but before anything came out the two heard a large crash followed by screams on the street.
They whipped around to face one another, eyes wide.
“Akuma.” They both breathed out.
“I have to go!” Adrien jumped up, immediately wincing. He was beginning to regret his sugar spree.
He felt a lacking on his finger. He had to get to Fu as soon as possible.
“Yup, go ahead, be safe!” Marinette rushed, all while almost pushing him out the door. Once the lock clicked she let out a breath and a small smile. “See you soon Kitty.”
“I know I totally made this decision, but I’m so damn tired and running without a suit on through impending doom after busting my ass this morning is a terrible consequence.” Adrien wheezed, finally arriving at Master Fu. Plagg phased through the door with the ring immediately, before Adrien could raise an arm to knock. 
“Took you long enough kid.” 
Adrien couldn’t take a breath to glare at his kwami, only muttered a Claws Out. 
Chat Noir raced to where the screams sounded the loudest, spotting his partner’s dark red hood in the midst of the chaos. 
“You look winded.” She smirked when he landed.
“No way,” he gasped, “I just like taking deep breaths of air. All at once.”
She snorted, then pointed to where a dark purple figure was in the center. The Akuma was levitating in the air, black streaks coming from their eyes and down their face and neck. The Akuma’s power wasn’t completely known yet, it seemed to be hitting people with a beam, but there was no physical reaction from the victims. 
“You think it’s Rossi again?” Chat asked, unable to make out who the Akuma was, however it did look like it had a feminine shape.
“Then the city would be on fire.” Ladybug looked at those running away. It seemed that everyone hit was collapsing, some hunched over and others openly sobbing. “What is she doing to them?”
“Let’s dodge her beams and kick her butt?” 
“Sounds like any other fight.” Ladybug pursed her lips. This akuma didn’t feel right. 
“Ladybug and Chat Noir!” The akuma screamed, desperately into the air. “To make this pain stop, I need your miraculous!” 
Chat wanted to run in, claws blazing, but Ladybug looked hesitant. She wrapped her arm around his waist and swung them to a rooftop on the side, out of reach but within ear shot. 
“What are you doing to these people?” Ladybug shouted, the victims beginning to wail.
The akuma only cried, without the petty malice of other Akumas. “They’re experiencing their worst guilt ten times over. All their regrets, their mistakes are flooding them once again.” 
Chat’s eyes widened. “Oh geez.” 
“Okay we really have to avoid that.” Ladybug muttered. She lunged, searching for something to break. The Akumas form was skintight. She scoffed, Hawkmoth needed to upgrade his designs. 
“Oh god, he’s a freaking designer. What the hell, Agreste.”
“Meowch Bug, what did I do?” Chat called, whipping his baton towards the akuma. Fu taught him earlier, the cat miraculous is supposed to handle the brunt of the work. Distractions were fine, but his job was to hold them down. The baton hit the akuma in the gut, wrenching her out of the sky and slamming her into the pavement. 
Ladybug could now see her closely. Her suit looked like melted plastic, blues and purples bleeding into one another and held together with what looked like black string tied around her waist over and over. 
“Where’s the akuma?”Chat placed a glove on the string, and suddenly screamed in agony. 
“Chat?” Ladybug suddenly panicked, seeing her partner put a bloody hand away. The material of the Akuma’s suit immediately spiked into sharp, glass-like shards upon contact. It has been the first thing to have pierced through the magic fabric of their suits.
“What the fuck?” Chat immediately jumped back, the akuma breaking out into a broken laugh. 
“You can’t stop me. I’m Remorse incarnate.” She hiccuped, flying into the air once again. “My emotions are my weapon. My guilt is your downfall.”
Ladybug pulled Chat out, ducking behind a building as he tended to his hand. 
“How’s your hand?” She could see it begin to heal, the leather of his suit building over the torn skin. 
“It’s fine, I’m worried about Plagg though.” He furrowed his brows.
“What is it?”
“I got a good look at her.” He turned to Ladybug, clearly upset. “It’s Alya Cesaire.” 
@shannaro-sakura @uninspired-writer @magic-miraculous @mividaexo @juhavs @salsyy301 @liamnl @reblog-trasher@autumnhunter1 @grimmhallow31 @f0xylegs @amelyhot @marichat00@peachedpocky @sturchling @elmokingkong @corabeth11 @akana-sama@ephemeral-firefly @dani-ari @whatsupwithjinx @bobothyross @introverted-book-enthusiast @saltystickofbutter @kristycocopop @s-tabcra-b @yes-friends-it-is-i @razzledazzle247 @rosesareskyblue @themamaravenclaw @sili-a @mysweetchaton @silvergold-swirl @internet-or-sleep @zoeytheweeb @friedchickening @crayon-lord-kyksei @subtlyundead @gwennex
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johobi · 5 years
When You Least Expect It | 12
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung
Word count: 8.2k
Warnings: angst, angsty-angst, dramaTIC ANGST, anxiety, depression, fear of going mad. i swear it’s not all that bad though!!!!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732419/navigate
A/N: thanks, as ever, for all your encouragement, love and patience. i truly treasure you.
Next: 13 ASAP! || WYLEI Masterlist
You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last-ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation. 
"Need to get my⁠—mmm⁠—keys."
Taehyung's argument was solid, but your lip-lock took precedence. "Nuh-uh," you murmured to his saliva-slick lips, eager to taste from them again. "Do it blind."
Your lover fished futilely for his keys, eyes closed for kissing. His body angled away when you only wanted it flush. Selfishly you clung to him, arms fast around his neck, compelling him closer. Oh, but you needed more. Needed his touch. It was painfully absent. Taehyung’s long-fingered hands trawled the depths of his pockets when they should have been defiling you. 
He snorted through the meagre space between your faces. "I can't find⁠—mmgh⁠—find them."
"Here," you offered in devilish whisper, plunging a hand into the pocket of his jeans. Shamelessly grasping a little too close to his left-leaning dick.
Your fingertips grazed metal. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"It will be." 
It was your turn to scoff. Right into his hot, nasty mouth.
Despite Taehyung's ineptitude at locating his own keys, it was spellcraft how easily he unlocked the door, with his back to it and his tongue thrust far past your lips. As the lock gave way, you threw yourself into his freshly-freed arms, urging he embrace your touch-starved body. But Taehyung was already around you, on you, fondling the breadth of your thinly-clothed ass. He broke away to whine:  “God, you drive me crazy.”
“You love it.”
“Fuck yeah, I do.”
You stumbled into his apartment as a mass of roving hands. "You’re gonna get it again, noona," Taehyung hummed around your earlobe. Tugged it between his teeth. Whispered obscenities while his hard cock pressed close. “You feel that, babe? You want it?”
Breath tumbled out. “Y-Ye⁠s—”
"It certainly sounds like she does," a wicked voice sang. It was high-pitched and heavy on the dialect and its source unmistakeable. You wished you were mistaken. "Whatever it is. I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's⁠—"
The two of you repelled like magnets. 
"Oh, fuck. Jimin, why are you still here?" Taehyung made no attempt to smother his exasperation. His erection, on the other hand, he smothered actively, obscuring it with the hem of his shirt..
"Good night without me?" the redhead side-stepped. Consistent with his character, the conversation became depraved, and all about him. You found yourself on the receiving end of an unwelcome eyebrow waggle. "I was only one phone call away."
Taehyung's hand flew to his face. Dragged down his features. "I told you I didn't know when I'd be back. If at all. Couldn't you have gone home, dude? What did you even do all night?"
As Jimin dithered and whined, you surveyed the damage the bachelor had inflicted upon Taehyung's usually immaculate apartment. Takeout trays, beer bottles and indiscernible spills surrounded the little imp. Insult to injury was his occupation of your beloved red slanket. It coupled his hair so garishly he resembled something of an angry pimple. You glared at Jimin from behind his 5'11" handler.
"I thought you were coming back!" Jimin finally exasperated. His wrists emerged from the slanket-holes when he gestured to his nest of trash. "I had to eat twice the amount of food. And I got drunk alone. You know how sad that is?"
"Got a glimpse of your future, did you, Jimin?" The snicker that shot from you almost took the contents of your nostrils with it. To say you were a little sniffly this morning was to minimise it. It took all your nasal strength to prevent a flood. Probably all that rain yesterday. 
No, don't think about yesterday.
Luckily, your dignity remained intact for discard another day. Jimin's however, had long been abandoned. Tact, too. "So—" He watched, beady-eyed, as you busied yourself in the undoing of his mess. When you reached for a pizza box: "You guys having an affair? Or is this some kinda friends-with-benefits deal?" The slanket rode up his offensively nude thighs as he leaned toward your stooping form. "Any chance of making this a three-person thing? Or four, if that Jungkook guy is still in the picture."
  It was like an icicle through your poor, hollowed heart. You froze, bent at the hinges, pizza grease becoming palm sweat. "W-What?"
  “Actually, was he even real? I never saw him.”
  Was he even real?
  Taehyung was quick. Was there in a second, striding to your side, affixing a hand to your lower back. His fingertips, too, were quick. Quick to find that sliver of exposed skin where your jeans and shirt met. To give you the warmth of reassurance that came only with his touch. "Jesus, Jimin. I know this is your shtick, but no-one's in the mood for your bullshit today. Just go home dude, I'll text you later."
  An expression you'd never encountered warped Jimin's delicate features. Hurt. "What the fuck?" he grumbled, complying despite his injured feelings. Coming to a stand, he stuffed himself into his night-before skinny jeans, plump lips pursed. "What got into you? She peg you or something?" Jimin’s hmphs continued, punctuating his impromptu Get Ready With Me throughout. Without the care it warranted, he slung off the slanket and began turning out the couch.
  “Very funny. What are you looking for? I’ll help.” Taehyung offered, placidity masking his vexation incredibly well. Antagonising Jimin would only prolong his being there, after all, and the scenario was already unbearably awkward. Especially now, when he was flaunting a good inch of his ass-crack in the hunt for some misplaced possession. 
  "My wallet. Y’know, the pot leaf one. Where did I put the damn thing?"
  In that gaping crevice, maybe? It wasn’t aloud. 
  "Okay, look⁠—" Taehyung, too, looked to have had his fill of his friend's butt-cleft. "I'll bring your wallet 'round your place later. You got your phone and keys, yeah?" The outline in the redhead's jeans confirmed it. "Go home, sleep off the rest of the booze, we'll talk this evening."
  Despite his grievances, Jimin suddenly brightened. He never was one to hold a grudge. He was a Pisces, after all. "You're gonna come over? Cool! I'll get more beer in." The fact he'd consumed a dozen only two hours prior didn’t appear to deter him. "You coming, ____? We gonna have another game of Never Have I Ever?"
  The sincere sparkle of his eyes threw you a little. "Uh, I don't think so. Not today. Sorry, Jimin. Next time, okay? I've got some things to sort out later. Plus, I think I’m getting sick." A sniffle for illustration.
  "That's cool." He hummed, shrugged on his signature varsity jacket. The world would burn before he conceded college was over. "See you later, Tae. Happy smashing," was his parting comment as he sashayed out the door, mildly uncoordinated. Taehyung was charitable enough to relieve his friend of the quandry of closing it.
  And when it was closed, your lover turned back. Had a pensive purse to his lips. "Uh, sorry about that. You okay?"
  "Don’t apologise, I’m the one that disrupted your plans in the first place, Tae. But yeah, I’m good." 
  Taehyung couldn’t see the extent of that untruth. Not when you averted your eyes so swiftly. Pinned them to your busy hands as you continued to collect up Jimin's litter. Why had it been so easy for him to speak his name? Like it was nothing but breath? Just two syllables, plucked from an alphabet of indifference?
  When it was sand and salt on open sores?
  When it was woe so heavy it rasped the soul?
  "Alright." It wasn't, but what mattered was that Taehyung knew it. Knew it, and didn't pursue it. Instead, he fluffed a trashbag for you in which to deposit your greasy collection. "He's always like this. A mangy raccoon."  The comparison hit humorously enough to curtail your anguish. Momentarily, at least. A genuine laugh came from you. At that, Taehyung looked up. Caught your smile. "He's always like this. Always leaves me to clean up. His metaphorical and literal messes."
  Trash collected, you straightened. Inelegantly, and with a groan. You'd have to scrape together the pennies for some sweet chiropractic adjustment. "Yeah? That doesn't surprise me," you smirk, prodding at the knots in the small of your back. "All I know is he's a gross, unashamed pervert that could be a good guy if he grew up a little. You haven't really told me too much about him. I guess you'll—" the reality of your and Taehyung's changed relationship hit you, then. It had transfigured into something far more intense. Far more beautiful. Potentially volatile.  "—you'll have to tell me more. About him. Your other friends I don't see much. And about you, stuff I didn't get to know until we—well. You know."
  Taehyung's head came to a tilt. His downy locks strayed into his eyes, softening them into a squint. "It's weird, isn't it? Being like this. Good weird—" he added with haste. Had he been suddenly struck by the revelation, too? Your two combined brain cells continued to surf one wavelength. It was uncanny. "You're standing there, I'm standing here. We look the same. But it's all different. I look at you different." A contemplative pause. The trash-bag knocked noisily at his knees as he rocked. "And all I know is I want to learn about you. Again. Inside and out."
  "Yeah. I'd like that very much. I'm hardly a treasure trove of alluring secrets, but I'm sure I have a wild story or two from my college years. Ugh—" The ache that'd been no more than a dull tapping at your skull suddenly came to the fore. Your head throbbed like a blunt force concussion.
  "You okay?" The trashbag left Taehyung's hands and crumpled to the floor. You felt them on you shortly after, palpating your oddly sensitive forearms. "What's up?"
  "Headache. Think I was bent over for too long, or something." But then came a torrent of sneezing. And it was also then that Taehyung's proximity was suddenly, intolerably stifling. "Ugh. Maybe not. I’m definitely getting sick. Sick-sick."
  A satiny palm left your shoulder and found your forehead. Your vantage saw only Taehyung's mouth. It opened into an O. "Oh, shit. Yeah, you're burning up, noona. We should get you into bed."
  "No, no. That won't be necessary." You waved away his clammied hand and instead peeled off your - his - jacket. The last thing you wanted, on a day as emotionally strenuous as this one, was to find yourself physically compromised, too. "I'll be okay. I just need to cool down a bit. It's probably just a cold, and I can soldier through those. Uh—I'm a little hungry, though?"
  "Aha! Want some French toast or something?" Taehyung leapt at the opportunity to tend to you. Like Yoongi, you shied away from showing weakness and instead showed a reluctance to lean on others. It must’ve been frustrating for Taehyung, an unashamed empath who wanted nothing more than to accompany and comfort you during your times of adversity. But he understood that it could not be the case with you. That less was more. That the key to helping you was when you asked for it. Yes, even when it was something so small as the common cold.
  And when it wasn’t just the sniffles, but world-ending woe, Taehyung embraced your diversions from the difficult topics. Didn’t push it. Best friends never pushed. Yes, he was still your best friend. Something more, now, too, but forever your gentlest, most attuned of friends. "Don’t you like French toast? I could make something else?" He prompted, peering into your faraway face with those precious eyes of his.
  "You can make French toast?"
  "Of course I can. I can make you anything, within reason. I've been practicing. Takeout's giving me a belly." In illustration, Taehyung molded his hands to his mildly rounded flesh. Strained it out further, like an expecting mother.
  "I like your little belly." Your hands fell to his, pressing his stomach back to flat.
  "Yeah?" An errant quirk of his eyebrow. "It likes you, too."
  You smiled so, so wide. And then you became certain:
  Last night had been the right decision. One made in a swell of volatile emotion, yes. But this day - this moment - in which it was still possible to smile, proved that. Taehyung conjured it to your face with so little effort. It took so little effort to be with him. To just be. 
  And that was indeed a feat. 
  Because inside your mind, there was no reprieve. Barbed words and self-abuse clattered about your brain, painting you unworthy of Jungkook. Worse yet; deserving of his treatment. 
Every second since your waking hour you’d been assailed by volleys of it. But your self-loathing didn’t end its assault there. In your darkest seconds, it even dared to suggest that you proclaimed your love for Taehyung too hastily. 
  That you instead yearned for that other man.
  By some mercy, you were already adept in handling intrusive thoughts. Because that was all they were: Intrusive. Unwelcome and unwanted. There could be no truth to the doubt or longing. 
Not when your new horizon stood before you, a sunshine smile dawning across his cheeks. Taehyung. The once boy, now man, you'd forever coveted.
  He was yours. Your desperate words a night ago sealed it.
  Puzzlement mingled adorably with Taehyung's bright features. "Babe?"
  Yeah. It was the right choice.
  "Sorry, Tae." In spite of your climbing fever, you intertwined your idling fingers. Looked down at the union with a contented smile. "Thanks for letting me stay here for a bit. I didn't want to go back to my apartment yet." The reason why remained unspoken. "I know I can't avoid it forever, but for a little while at least, I just wanna not think."
  Soft, familiar lips were on your forehead. Spoke against the skin. "You stay here as long as you need. My apartment and I are at your disposal." It was Taehyung's turn to loose himself from your febrile embrace. Your perspiration lacquered his fingers. "We're getting you some painkillers for that fever, at the very least. You don't have to stay in bed, but I want you on the sofa so I can keep an eye on you while I do some marking."
  "Okay, dad."
  Taehyung’s tongue danced over the tips of his teeth. "That's daddy to you, noona. Get those damp clothes off and get some of my pyjamas on, there's a set on the bed."
  Your sentencing to the sofa had initially been met with resistance. Especially when Taehyung hovered, ever-watching, an eye on his papers and the other on your recalcitrant form. Your every attempt at productivity - even a surreptitious attempt to fold his laundry - had been met with soft but stern eyes and an escort back to your cologne-saturated prison. Jimin's stank had ingratiated itself with the fibres of Taehyung's cushions. No amount of deodorizer could reduce its cling. It did nothing but intensify the thudding behind your eyes.
  And at first, you attributed your worsening nausea to that silly little redhead. But the lightheadedness followed swiftly after, and then the chills, and then that horrid, off feeling encroached, like your soul lagged behind every of your body's movements.
  In the end, you begged for the bed. Taehyung's memory foam mattress and sweet-smelling pillows. Only, the sweet made you sick, and the memory foam only exacerbated all your indistinct aches. By early afternoon, despite his dutiful nursing of you, you tapped out of your brave-facing. Practically begged him to return you to your apartment, where all your remedies resided. 
  If there was something that united the men of your world, it was their haphazard approach to health crises. Taehyung possessed a pitiful two (2) painkillers. The nasty, round, chalky type that got you gagging. Expiry date: Last year. No hot water bottle, no frozen goods to improvise a cold compress. When questioned about his unreadiness in the face of illness, his reasoning was ridiculous. Sound, but ridiculous. 'I never get sick, so I don't need it.’ The painkillers were Jimin’s.
  Hoseok and Yoongi were much the same. The former would simply turn up on your doorstep and check-in to your veritable inpatient clinic and expect private-tier care. For the latter, you'd have to make a house visit, because he never got sick, and he didn't need you fussing over him so. And yet he was the one that fell ill the most. The one that needed the most tender of care.
  Today, you required it. And that was how you now found yourself back home, a day earlier than you would have preferred. You tottered out of Taehyung's car in your royal red slanket, pyjama pants dragging on wet asphalt. It took what waning stamina you possessed to gaze upward at the same balconies Jungkook strode yesterday. It was like looking on an untouched crime scene; as gloomily lit and ominous as it had been then.
  Taehyung came to your side, and then a little in front, surveying that same sight. "Looks like he's gone, noona."
  The relief that surged was medicine in itself. "Thank God. Let's go in, quickly." Your teeth chattered animatedly during the climb, even though you burned like the sun incarnate. Taehyung's arm was fast about your waist, steadying you on each of your Everestian steps. Collapse felt close at times, but when your vision began to fail it was the image of Jungkook's guilt-ridden face that rallied you onward. To fall, here, was to expose yourself to the risk of seeing it again.
  And that could not happen.
  "Do you have the keys—"
  "Got 'em." Taehyung was ahead of you in every sense. With the dexterity he was inhibited from displaying earlier, he had your door open before you could reach him. "In you go, babe."
  "Thanks." You loped past, unsteady. Unready to climb the flight of stairs immediately within. "Why do I have a maisonette?" The question was to no-one, or God. 
  Taehyung answered anyway. “Because you’re a woman of discerning taste.” Large hands found your blanketed backside, lending you their support. “Plus, when the bedroom’s upstairs, the neighbours can’t hear.” 
  “A valid point,” you ceded, beginning your ascent. Even with Taehyung - quite literally - bringing up the rear, your legs felt like those of an unpractised infant. It was astonishing just how quickly the virus had incapacitated you.
  Still. The higher you climbed, the handsier Taehyung became. He stole squeezes of your rump with every step. Said it was incentive to keep going.
  Well, he wasn’t wrong. 
  After much of his unscrupulous groping, the laughter finally broke free. "Oh my God, you're being so shameless right now." Another shaky step. "I wish I had a stairmaster."
  He wasn't done being outrageous. "Sit back and I'll stairmaster you all the way up, babe."
  The giggling became painful. Welcome, but painful. "Stop."
  At the top of the staircase, you stopped to compose your failing limbs. It was alarming just how vital you'd been this morning. This afternoon, you felt one laboured breath from death. "One sec."
  "I knew this was a bad idea. You shouldn't be going anywhere in your condition." His two, warm hands stabilised you from the back, preventing an inevitable tumble. "I coulda just bought more painkillers and whatever else you needed."
  "It's alright, Tae. I had to come back at some point soon, anyway. My keys for the cafe are here and I'm opening tomorrow." Blotting the sweat from your brow, you advanced on unstable legs to the sofa and immediately crumpled onto its familiar comfort. "Plus, when I'm sick, I like to be sick at home."
  "I don't think you'll be going into work tomorrow." By the time it took you to maneuver yourself onto your stomach, Taehyung was stood over you, hands emphatically on hips. "Look at you. Can't even get comfortable without exhausting yourself."
  "I don't wanna let Hoseok down." Nor did you want to enlighten him to your current romantic quandry, though. Ugh. "But I do feel terrible. If I’m no better later, I might text him."
  "Wow, I thought for sure it would take far more convincing than that," Taehyung snickered, eyes round with mock shock. He'd accumulated a number of dirty dishes from your coffee table in his hands. "Glad you're prepared to rest. Stay there and let me get whatever it is you need. I'll clean your place up a little as well, so don't stress about it."
  "Hush. Get the pyjama bottoms off, too, they're wet on the bottom."
  You'd been shouldering so much discomfort that your freezing wet ankles had eluded you. A glance down. "Oh. Yeah. I don't know if I can, though." You flopped your feeble arms. "Too far to reach." Plus, Taehyung could undress you now. To disrobe in any other way was to squander the opportunity.
  His mouth curved villainously. "Okay." Clap. "Let's see if I can do this in one swift move. Like a magician pulling a table cloth."
  Before his proposition had entirely processed, he pinched the hems of your sodden pyjama bottoms and snatched them from your legs. "Wh—"
  "Open sesame!"
  Wheezy giggling filled the air. "Oh, it hurts to laugh. Fuck." Being semi-naked and comically incapacitated only heightened the hilarity. Taehyung straddled your legs, twirling the wet pants in triumph— "Oww. Oh my God, stop, I can’t—” More rasping laughter. “What even goes on in your head? Also, magicians don't shout open sesame when they do that shit."
  "I do. That's why other magicians suck. They say the wrong words." He spoke it like he believed it, and for a moment he was again the boy from childhood, proclaiming the weirdest - but sincerest - of things. And now he was your loveable oddball. "Daddy's gonna get you some dry ones."
  And there was the gross-ass man he'd grown into.
  "Okay, you're taking that in a direction I don't want to go in, Tae," you protested, flimsily, through persistent laughs. With a half-hearted kick, you nudged him toward your bedroom. "Hurry up, my ass is getting cold."
  “A cold ass will do you good,” was his nonsensical retort. He wriggled out of his own, damp jeans as he went, gifting you the sight of his luscious ass in curve-hugging cotton. 
  You were appallingly close to catcalling take the boxers off too!, but in your current state you could barely lift a pinky, let alone give him the vigorous fucking he deserved.
  A little channel-hopping later, Taehyung returned. Armed, coincidentally, with your favourite flannel bottoms. Yes, it was likely just coincidence, but the romantic in you posited destiny. "Legs up," he commanded. You did try, but the attempt was laughable. Taehyung's sigh hit the back of your thighs. "Listen here, lazy," he crooned, turning your body with the care one would an undercooked omelette. Pyjama pants in hand, he glowered down at your defiant face, brandishing them like a threat. "You gonna co-operate?"
  "Nope." You turned your attention to the TV to stifle further laughter. Why you were hindering his attempts to help with your misbehaviour was anyone's guess. There was something irresistible about making trouble for him, though. Probably because Taehyung, too, was an unrepenting rascal.
  "Okay then," was his equivocal response. You scrutinised him through narrowed eyes, waiting on his next, underhanded move.
  Which was to tickle your feet. Underhanded indeed.
  "Oh, God, no!" you yelped, cried, rasped for breath. Flailed your legs like a fawn on skates.
  "Thought you couldn't move, huh? Huh?" Taehyung caught your ankles amidst their thrashing and pulled them through freshly-laundered flannel.
  Once the pyjamas reached your knees, you relented in your nonsense and shot him a buoyant smile. "Thanks."
  "Hips up."
  This time, you were obedient.
  And Taehyung was thankful. A fine smile shone back at you as he settled the waistband around your hips. Your smile, however, drifted. Awe replaced it as you stole glances at his beautifully-hewn features. He truly was sublime. The bridge of his nose was high and strong, its tip hosting the most precious of moles. Beneath his bottom lip there was another. These little details, of course, hadn’t escaped you before, but it was something to see them so close now. With time, you would kiss each and every of his chaotically placed moles. 
  When you recalled your gaze upward, Taehyung was watching you. The chocolate of his eyes was molten with feeling. Love and warmth irradiated him. "Can't believe you're mine now."
  It was crucial that you kiss him.
  You moved to do so. His lips were only a breath away. But then—
  Three, distinct knocks.
  You traded looks. Yours, petrified. His, outraged.
  But Taehyung's weight had already left you. An intimidating energy lingered in his wake as he strode toward the staircase, fists clenched. "I'll get that."
  "Tae, no—"
  The difficulty with which it took you to extricate yourself from your slanket was all the more frustrating for the urgency of the situation. You staggered, almost toppled, to catch him, but he'd already descended the steps by the time you reached the top. Damn those lovely, long legs of his. All you could do now was brace yourself on either bannister to prevent a gruesome fall. Because no amount of honeyed pleading was going to stop him. You peered, lightly nauseous, down the expanse of stair as Taehyung slung open the door.
  It came as no surprise that it was Jungkook stood there, his doe-eyes wide.
  It eviscerated your guts, nonetheless, to see him.
  At first, he lit up in elation. Perhaps he thought the door-answerer to be you. When Taehyung’s identity became clear, however, that elation morphed. First, to shock. Your long-legged lover wasn’t wearing pants, after all. But when Jungkook spied you at the back all shy, sadness again descended upon him. It was a sadistic hope that your sickly appearance intensified that upset. That it fueled his guilt for having decimated you. With every, shredded fibre of your being, you wished Jungkook hurt.
  “Thank you for answering the door,” he began with an earnest bow, as though he didn’t know just how much you abhorred him. “H—”
  "I answered the door. What do you want?" Taehyung straddled the doorframe, asserting his dominance over the territory. Jungkook's every attempt to look past him was foiled. The lissom man angled himself obstructively, and yet you sought Jungkook's face, too. Wanted to glimpse the heartbreaker for yourself, like he was some loathsome thing of legend. Like it was hard to believe you'd looked into that face just yesterday and seen the world. "Don't you ever give up?" he added, his patience sounding pencil-thin.
  After several, weighty seconds of silence, Jungkook eventually acknowledged Taehyung's existence. Addressed him earnestly. "I know I'm not welcome here. I just want a couple of minutes with ____ to explain what she saw—" A derisive snort threatened to cut him off, so he continued hastily, and louder— "—Not for my benefit. For hers. I don't want her to—to—" Choked with frustration, Jungkook thrust himself into your sightline. Implored you with large, gleaming eyes. "I don't want you to blame yourself in any way."
  You despised how pregnable you were under his gaze. Like imminent, avoidable death, it became impossible to look away. The void called. There, in his desolate eyes. He wanted you to join him. 
  No, Jungkook didn’t need you anymore. What he wanted was absolution. At great personal cost to you. But whatever he wished, no matter how detrimental, you would likely grant. 
  Because as much as you hated him, you loved him.
  But you loved Taehyung, too.
  “____?” And he was there, soft voice enticing you back toward the light. Back toward his pretty face and tender-hearted intentions. There was no hurt to be had with Taehyung.
  "I don't,” you spat, clear-minded once more. “I don’t blame myself, Jungkook. Only you.” 
  But you did blame yourself. Every second since, in fact. 
  Too fat, too boring, too ugly, too old, too much baggage—
  It mustn't have been too convincing an outburst. Jungkook's mouth remained a thin, grim line. And those fucking eyes of his were so fucking ridiculously big and sad and—fuck!
  It was all too much.
  Mercifully, Taehyung was composed enough to mediate. You, however, were on the brink of emotional - and physical - collapse. "You heard her." Again, he filled out the doorframe. Stood provocatively close to the man in front. "You fucked up majorly. Actually—" Taehyung leaned in. His baritone dived lower. "You're lucky we're not alone right now."
  Jungkook did not recoil an inch. Neither did he square up, though. He just stood, toe-to-toe with Taehyung, receiving the vitriol.
  "You've imparted your message. You’re too late. You shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Are you finally going to go?"
  At that, something bubbled within Jungkook. It shook his frame, balled his fists. Blinking came more rapidly. And then— "I know all that, dude. Look, I’m not here to fight with you. I appreciate what you’re doing, and that you’re protecting her, but I just—I need to talk to noona—to ___ a little longer. Privately. I just need a little more time. Please. Let me get the words out."
  Taehyung bore impossibly close. "You don't need more time."
  Jungkook’s mouth opened, combatively downturned. But whatever he meant to launch next was stymied when you took one, noodly step down the stairs. Taehyung turned toward the movement, and Jungkook peered past. It was then that he clocked just how arduous it was for you to move. “Noona? Are you okay?”
  Dizzyness crowded your peripheral vision. But Jungkook was front and centre, and so painfully clear, that the influenza quietened. "I don't want to see you, Jungkook. I’m pretty sure I got that across yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone? What if I don’t even want to hear your damn sob story?"
  He fell mute when your words reached him. Like he could scarcely believe you'd deigned him worthy of directly addressing. Palms pressed together and with his mouth agape, he looked the picture of a supplicant.
  But he was unworthy.
  No, I am.
  You hung your head again. It was strenuous on your neck; weighing like a cannonball. "I don't want to stand here all day, Jungkook. Fucking say something. Why did you come here if—"
  "Because I love you!” he gasped. “I love you, and—"
  "Bullshit you do!"
  It came from Taehyung, not you. He'd turned back, teeth bared, no longer saying but growling. There he was. Your guard dog. The leash was straining. "You don't love someone and hide a fucking fiancee, you piece of shit." Jungkook flinched at Taehyung's ferocity, but remained stalwart on his spot. Curled his lip instead. "You blew it. Now go."
  Jungkook shook his head suddenly, violently. Flung rain from his hair and onto the walls. "This has nothing to do with you!" The bridge of his nose scrunched tight and bared not bunny teeth, but fangs.
  Taehyung swatted away the finger poised aggressively at his chest. Stepped closer, but didn't stop. No, he bumped him back toward the threshold with his chest. "It does now. Read between the lines, dumbass."
  Jungkook was ineffably innocent. “What do you mean?” He stared into Taehyung’s narrowed eyes to glean more meaning. 
  And then he gulped.
  Jungkook’s gaze flickered to Taehyung’s immodestly nude legs, and clarity began to dawn. It astounded you how little reaction Taehyung’s state of undress had initially garnered from Jungkook. But now he was giving the situation its due attention.
  A few, unmoving moments later, he gulped again. Harder this time, like something tangibly obstructed his speech. “N-Noona?” It was a mere rasp.
  When Jungkook looked back, eyes glossy with devastation, your heart tore again. Right along its freshly-stitched seams. You tried desperately to avert your gaze, but the void shimmering back at you was dense. His voice reached for you again. "____?" 
  Your name, alien in tone, was what finally closed your eyes. Fresh tears ran down established tracks. You turned away, grip on the bannisters dubious.
  "You and—him?" Jungkook gasped, so quietly, so pained, it was like agonal breath.
  You crumpled as if stomped on. Your chest was ablaze, and you wanted so desperately to clutch at it. To smother it. To cradle your torso as it caved once more. But you were too impaired to move. Instead, you stood there, frozen and hunched, crying uglier than you could remember ever letting anyone see. Staring at your toes as the carpet caught your tears. 
  But why? You should be overjoyed to shatter him as he had you.
  "Get it? Now go." Taehyung sighed, all the fight siphoning from him. He backed up from Jungkook and went monotone. "You've upset ___. Again. This is your last warning. Get going."
  Predictably, Jungkook didn't budge. In the ensuing silence, however, he didn't plead his case as he once would have done. No, something about him was changed. An aggrieved aura hugged him, expanded, until— "Last warning? Fuck you, Kim Taehyung." His eyes, once brimming with tears, now seared with a fury. Even Taehyung looked taken aback. The outburst came sharp despite its gentle source. Again, Jungkook thrust forward an accusing finger. "Don't pretend you're better than me. You're selfish. I knew you couldn't wait to get your dick in her. I knew it ever since we saw you at the movies and you looked so fucking jealous—"
  The gasp that exited you was so heavy with outrage it almost took you with it. You gripped the bannisters tighter, wobbled down two further steps. You had to de-escalate this. Somehow. "Jungkook!"
  He granted you a brief, guilt-ridden side-glance before once again affixing his target with a glare. "You were just waiting for your moment, weren't you? Didn't want her 'til I had her. Couldn't bear the thought of your closest friend not being one of your conquests."
  “Shut the fuck up!”
  You didn't make it in time. Not before Taehyung wound back his elbow and snapped it forward, a hard, coiled fist on its end. It landed, brutal and blunt, on Jungkook's jaw. A dull, fleshy thud resounded, but to you it was like a gunshot. And so was the way his head and body whipped away, spiralling until his knees buffered his fall.
  "Oh my G—Jungkook!"
  The younger man, crouched away as he was, breathed deep, coppery air. Smeared his mouth along his sleeve, leaving red where it touched. And then, standing, he glared hatred at Taehyung. His shoulders shuddered with untethered anger. "You—"
  "It's more than that for me. I can't say the same for you," Taehyung cut in, surveying his reddened knuckles. He flexed his fingers for feeling. "Fucking cheater."
  Distracted, Taehyung was unprepared for the solid hunk of human that caught him around his midsection. Jungkook tackled him without caution, throwing his entire, intimidating mass into Taehyung's lankier frame. The two surged into the ground, clawing and grappling at the other's limbs, eyes wild, lips stretched back from teeth.
  "Oh my God, stop it!"
  Neither listened. They were feral. Both heard only the rush of blood.
  Knowing you must intervene, you manipulated your ragdollish limbs into descending the last half dozen steps. It was then, after an elongated struggle, Jungkook clambered atop Taehyung and fisted the collar of his shirt, glaring daggers enough to maim him.
  “You’re so fucking smug—”
  “Why shouldn’t I be? I’m not the one who fucked up!” Taehyung crowed from beneath, maniacal. He taunted Jungkook with an angular grin, like he wasn’t the one at disadvantage. 
  “Shut up!”
  Once your feet met ground, you crumbled to your knees, Taehyung's head of hair between them. The sneer he brandished fell when he caught sight of your sweat-soaked face. Pitifully you pressed against Jungkook's shoulders, dissuading him from further violence. You felt like a toreador pushing on 1800lbs of charging bull. Jungkook didn't even so much as register your attempts until you wheezed out, "P-Please stop."
  He did. He went rigid, in fact. Trembled, when he became aware of your touch. His rage evaporated and the boy that sat there was no longer a bull but a meek little kit. Trepidation rolled from Jungkook in waves, and he would not meet your eyes.  
  Was he now repulsed by you? 
  How could he judge you for your indiscretion when he—he—! 
  No. It wasn't an indiscretion. What you did with Taehyung held no moral ambiguity. 
  It occurred to you, then, that the pair of you hadn't been so close since the last time you were intimate. And happy. Though damp, Jungkook's familiar, and once comforting scent, brushed your nostrils. Perhaps your proximity was what flustered him.
  When he finally met your gaze, you knew it to be true. He didn't look upon you with the anger nor revulsion you expected. Not anything obvious, anyway. Instead it was the wide-eyed wonder from your first date. The shyness. For just a moment, you allowed yourself to revisit it. 
But then his brows drooped low in remorse. "Noona," he called to you like you were far away. Pined for you. Taehyung's shirt fell from his clutches, and you found his hands on your elbows instead, propping up your drooping form.
  Feverish before, you were positively boiling now. To have his gentle palms on you again, no matter the circumstance, was a threat to your hastily-cobbled retreat. His fingertips told you, as they caressed your inner elbow, that any other man's hands would never do. And yet - you squirmed feebly, recalling it - those hands had been on, been in some other woman's body. And that would never do. "Don't touch me, J-Jungkook. Not with those hands."
  But it was his hands that stirred your heart into uproar. 
  No. It was simply the flu. Nothing more. It influenced your body in the oddest ways. 
  And there was someone that had pumped your blood for far longer.
  You cast your eyes to where Taehyung lay, honey hair a halo about his head and eyes only for you. Love bloomed fiercely in the bowels of your heart. “You really don’t look very good.” He made to push Jungkook off, but the younger man was already up on his knees, scanning your wan complexion. 
  "Are you burning up?" Jungkook murmured, his lips a line of concern. "You feel hot." Again he clasped your elbows, testing along their length for temperature. When he reached your upper arms, he was bold enough to advance on your neck, thumbs either side the line of your jaw. To your great shame, though you attributed it in most part to the fever, you enjoyed Jungkook's handling. "Your glands are out. And—" he pressed a cool, clammy palm to your clammier forehead. Spellbound, your eyes closed. "Yeah, you're even hotter up here, noona."
  "No shit, dumbass," Taehyung growled from above. When you opened your eyes, he was no longer supine but towering over the two of you, fingers twitching by his sides. You foresaw Jungkook's imminent scalping if you weren't quick to intervene. "You chased her into torrential rain. She's sick, asshole, and it's your fault."
  But there was no need to intervene. Jungkook didn't anger again. Nor did he stare down the man spitting insults. His focus remained fixed on you. On the damage he'd done. The deadened, bloodshot eyes, the pallid skin, the absence of joy. Of understanding. "I-I'm sorry," was all he could think to say? Again?
  Desperate, you implored him for more with forlorn eyes. Begged him for sense. Practically mouthed the word please. It would be nothing you wanted to hear, but perhaps hearing it could bring closure. Some semblance of peace, eventually, in some far-off year. 
  Jungkook stared back, ruminating, and you knew there was no sense to be found. None that you wanted, anyway. Jungkook was a liar, an adulterer, a manipulator—
  "Alright, you said sorry again. Time to go." Taehyung hauled him up by his underarms and, hopefully, away from you forever. It was a credit to him for tolerating Jungkook’s presence for so long. Especially when all he did was regurgitate the same, tired shit. "Don't come here again, or I'll call the cops," he snarled to Jungkook's ear, spittle flying. With a grip on the scruff of Jungkook's jacket, he whirled him toward the door.
  "She's not my fiancee!"
  Taehyung paused. As did you, in your agonised ascent into standing.
  "She's not my fiancee," Jungkook repeated over his shoulder, looking for you over his gathering jacket. "I wanted to talk to you about it calmly, and in private. It's not simple, and it’s hard to believe."
  "Don't lie to me n-now, Jungkook." The finger with which you jabbed at him, trembled. "I asked you that. You said she was."
  Taehyung's expression darkened by the second. It would devolve into another brawl at this rate, and you didn't want that. Not because you didn't want to see Jungkook get served, but because you didn't want him in your presence another gut-wrenching moment.
  Brazenly, Jungkook yanked himself from Taehyung's grip and turned, palms up and pacifying. He inched back toward the door; a gesture of his intent to finally leave. "Look. It's because technically she is, but it's not real—I'm going, asshole!—" Jungkook waved his arms demonstratively at the nearing door. Having appeased Taehyung, he pinned you again with fervent eyes. "What you saw wasn't the truth. If you won't hear me out entirely, at least hear that.”
  “No-one believes you. Everything you say is a fucking contradiction.” Taehyung was red and riled again. 
  Jungkook ignored him, his time short. “I won't text you anymore, I won't come here anymore. What I’ve done to you is unforgivable. I know that. I should never have lied. But—" The lamp outside illuminated his bedraggled hair. The tip of his nose when he turned. "You know my number if you do want to hear me out. I'll be around for a bit longer.”
  A bit longer?
  You granted him the minutest of nods.
  It was enough. Nodding back, Jungkook turned on his heel and flew around the corner. And though he was gone, his silhouette stayed seared into your retinas, haunting your every blink. It was only when Taehyung replaced him in the doorway that Jungkook faded. “Come on, babe. Let’s get you back on the sofa.” 
  Wow, he was tall.
  Somehow, you were on the floor again. You squinted up at him with sore, watering eyes, overwhelmed by it all. You reached for him like an infant would its parent, too vulnerable to move, and too stupid to know better. “Okay.”
  "It’s been a shitty day, but I’m gonna try and make it better. Why don’t we have a Netflix nostalgiafest?" Taehyung cooed into your sodden hair, no minding the sweat. He wound your arms around his neck, legs about his waist and chauffered you up the stairs, grunting by the step. Exaggerating the effort by comedic amounts in order to provoke you.
  But you were far, far away. Hidden behind your glazed eyes, the encounter replayed on loop. Lingered on Jungkook's Disney eyes and big buck teeth. The ones you loved back when he deserved to be loved. The nonsense he spouted toward the end was of particular interest in your mental re-runs, even though it should have immediately been dismissed.
  'What you saw wasn't the truth.'
  But neither was his relationship with you. Not when he kept such weighty secrets as sport.
  'I'll be around for a bit longer.'
  And that? Another of his manipulative tactics? Was he really leaving, or merely dangling the threat of it?
  But why would it be a threat? You wanted nothing more than him to be gone.
  Oh, it was all so bad. Everything was bad. Everything was too much, and, oh, even being in your body was too much, let alone your mind. You were drowning in affliction. Assailed from all sides with nothing for defense.
  All went black, and then you opened your eyes. Taehyung stood over you, mouth downturned. Cotton caressed your naked skin, and you knew these were your sheets. This was your bed. Your lover had stripped you of your oppressive pyjamas. You stared at the mole on his nose, the one under his bottom lip. One, two. You could count to two.
  "Are you doing okay? Your fever really spiked there. Should I call a doctor?"
  “No, no.”
  Perhaps you'd simply hallucinated the entire encounter. Perhaps it was your mind's exercise in catharsis. Or perhaps Jungkook had never existed to begin with, and his betrayal was the product of a detailed fever dream. Taehyung was real, though, and here he was still. Your forever best friend. Your secret love. You had not yet confessed your love to this real Taehyung. But now you were awake, you would seize the chance. Because if there was one thing your prolonged nightmare had taught you, it was that you should have just done it to begin with. On the porch those years ago, when the stars weighed heavy over his head and dared you to kiss him.
  "I love you," you rasped, sounding like Death's next call.
  And just like it should have happened then, Taehyung lowered his face to yours. "I love you too, noona," he murmured through a joyous smile, brushing together your noses first, lips second. "But it's time for your next dose of painkillers. We gotta get this in you ‘cause your fever’s really mounting. Pretty sure you’ve been hallucinating. It’s worrying me. I’m this close—” he pinched together his fingers— “to calling a doctor. I don't think that asshole turning up did you much good."
  Brainless, you repeated. "No doctor. Asshole?"
  "Yeah, Jungkook." A tray of painkillers dangled from the corner of Taehyung’s mouth while he poured water. "Lying douchebag. Who, by the way, will not be working at the school anymore. Not if I have something to say about it."
  The words went in, but floated right back out. The ceiling swirled.
  "Oh." He was real. 
  Of course, you knew that. Even in the murk of fever it was apparent. Still, it’d been nice to pretend for a while.
  The sound of preparation ceased and the mattress dipped. Taehyung extended your next dose and a glass of water to you. His expression was no longer so sunny, but clouded with disquiet. "Talk to me, ____. I know you're sick, but that's not all that's going on in that muddled head of yours. It might help to talk. I know you don’t like it, but you don’t have to be afraid. Just try it."
  It was a credit to your weakened state that you were so loose-lipped. You downed the pills and curled around Taehyung's seated position, molding to his lap. "I'm just—I don't know." Your cheek was hot against his thigh. His Calvin Klein waistband stared back at you. "I don't want to be sad anymore. I'm so, so sad. It's unbearable. I can't handle much as it is. It doesn't take a lot to drag me down, but this, this—" Tears welled. Taehyung's slender fingers were there to catch them. "This feels almost too much. Even with you here. It's like I'm locked in a mental prison."
  "I know, babe," he whispered, stroking your face free of limpid hair. "It's gonna take a while to feel better, like it does with any big change. What he did to you was villain material. Of course you're going to be devastated." For once, you listened. "You don't owe him forgiveness, though he tried his damned best to get it. For his own selfish satisfaction, I'm sure. And you don't owe him anything else, either, not even the thoughts in your brain. Though I know that's gonna take a while, too. I'm sure it's all you can think about." You nodded, snuffled into your blanket until it was wet. A sob felt ripe for eruption. "The flu won't make things easier, either. You're not losing your mind. You just need rest. And when you're not resting, distraction. I'm on hand for the latter." All that he said was all that you craved to hear. A tremulous smile - of relief, of gratitude - wobbled into place. Taehyung must have seen. "That's it, babe. It won't always be this bad, okay?"
  You nodded, marring his exemplary thighs with a variety of unpleasant excretions. "Ugh. Sorry." You’d been intimate just one day with Taehyung and you were already establishing yourself as a repellent bog monster. Usually that happens at least 3 years in.
  Taehyung merely chuckled. Kept the tissue box out of reach when you moved for it, thinking himself funny. It was only upon your panicked pleas of oh my god, snot’s gonna go in my mouth, that he finally indulged you. By wiping your nose for you, cooing all the while. "That better, little baby?"
  Your face spelt vexation. But inwardly, yes, yes, it was better.
  Taehyung made you so.
Next: 13 ASAP! || WYLEI Masterlist
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
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Genre: None
Characters: Christian Yu x Original Character [Naomi]
Christian entered Naomi’s apartment as he wiped his brow. He glanced up from the doorway to see Naomi on her tiptoes as she tried to reach the box on the shelf. He couldn’t help a smile grace his lip, “Babe” Naomi jolted at his sudden voice drawing a laugh from him. Christian walked over as he reached over his 5 foot 2 inches fiancée, “I’ll get this, you can grab that little box” He nudged his head towards the side.
Naomi rolled her eyes with pursed lips. “I would have gotten it, ya know. I’m the one who put it up there, I could get it down.” 
Christian looked her over as he placed the bottom of the box on his shoulder. His free hand reached out to her cheek, “I don’t want you getting hurt when I’m right here.” 
“Yea, relax Nay-Nay, let him be the strong supportive boyfriend that he is” Dabin teased as he entered the living room. His hand wrapped his arm over her shoulder earning an irritated sigh.
Naomi swatted both of them from her, “He’s my fiancé, Dabin--And shouldn’t you be helping too.” She used little force as she pushed his back towards the hallway, “Go--Go be useful and get some boxes.”
Dabin let out a laugh and it echoed in the bare apartment, “Dude, your fiancée is being mean again!” 
Naomi clicked her teeth as Dabin entered a back room. Christian chuckled under his breath as she threw herself on the floor, “You both give me a headache.” She whined. 
“It’s okay, we love you” Christian teased as he walked out the apartment with the box. “PIZZA’S HERE!” He hollered from outside.
Two hours later, Naomi found herself in the middle of her now empty apartment. Her first ever apartment when she moved to Korea to help out DPR. Her arms crossed at her abdomen. This was where she celebrated DPR’s singles, where they wrote lyrics or composed songs, and where she let her creativity flow with her photography. Her head fell to the side as her eyes wandered around the room.
Arms wrapped over hers, bringing her from her thoughts. “You sad about leaving?” Christian’s head rested on her shoulder. He buried his face in her hair that fell over her neck, “Having second thoughts?”
“No, never” she shook her head. Naomi wiggled herself around in his arms to turn. He moved to straighten up. His hands now rested on her lower back. Naomi looked at him lovingly as she reached up to his face. Her fingers brushed over his jaw as her engagement ring glistened under the living room lights. “Of course I’m sad about leaving. This is my first apartment since coming here” her eyes watered, “The memories I have with everyone started from me coming here.” 
Christian went to speak, but she held up her finger to his lips.
“But, now I get to start my life with you in our new place. Of course, with Lori too. We’ll make new memories in our new home.” She flashed him a smile as she slipped her finger from his lips.
Christian leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Her hand rested on his cheek as he pulled her closer to his body to deepen the kiss. 
A whistle sounded behind them breaking their kiss, “You about to get it on one last time while you got the chance?” Dabin wiggled his eyebrows.
Christian scoffed, “Shut up, man. Get a girlfriend already and hop off.” 
Dabin approached the two and threw his arms over the couple, “I mean, I would, but you two had me here actin like some kind of pack mule.”
“Acting?” Naomi placed her manicure nail to the corner of her lips in thought, “I thought you were a pack mule.” She hummed, “Well that explains a lot.” 
Dabin tsked as he lodged his arm around her neck and drew his other arm from Christian. He rubbed his fist into her the top of her head and she let out a surprised yelp. “What was that, brat? I don’t think I heard you very well.” He let out a gut laugh as he released her. 
Naomi’s face reddened as she brushed down her hair. Murderous intent in her eyes as she watched Dabin.
“Aye, D-- you better run.”
Dabin waved Christian off as he looked back at Naomi. His grin fell when he saw how angry she was. “Fuck!” He rushed out the apartment just as she lunged to strike. 
“Get back here you, pack mule. I’m going to shove my foot in your ass!” 
Christian shook his head at the two and trudged along slowly. At the entrance, he looked back at the apartment. With a smile, he hit the switch off and let the door shut behind him.
That evening, after unpacking a few boxes, Naomi returned to the new apartment after shopping for dinner ingredients. She hummed happily as she chopped the celery. Naomi wanted to make this night special. It was their first night living together. Naomi had plans to make a large meal and even ventured out to buy some fancy wine. Lori whined beside her as Naomi pulled out the carrots. “Fine…” she cooed, “Only one, but don’t tell, daddy, okay?” She tossed a carrot up and Lori caught it in her mouth. “Good girl!” She smiled widely as she pulled out a handful of carrots and put them under the cold sink water. 
Christian entered the kitchen with a worried expression. He approached Naomi as he tried to piece together what he is about to say, “Baby--Love of my life…”
Naomi placed the carrots on the cutting boards and shut off the water as she took in a breath. “You’re about to tell me bad news, aren’t you?” She asked not looking up at him.
Christian sucked in air between his teeth, “I’m really sorry. Junhong just called in a panic. He accidentally deleted his new tracks from his laptop and I have the copies, but they aren’t completed…”
“And-- can’t that be done tomorrow?” Naomi didn’t mean to whine, but it was their first night together. Her hand raked through her hair as she turned to Christian who looked like a dog with his tail between his legs. “You have tomorrow or the next day--”
“The album has to be done in two days” he touched her cheek. “I’ll be home by 11 tonight. I swear. Then we can just spend the rest of the night together watching one of your weird dramas.” 
Naomi’s tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth, “You’re about to ditch out and you have the audacity to insult my dramas? You’re really pushing it Yu.” Christian gave her his best puppy dog eye expression with the infamous pout that made her cave every time. She pursed her lips as she placed her hand on her hip, “Fine… fine, but tell Junhong, he’s on my shit list as are you.”
Christian grinned widely as he pecked her cheek, “I’ll make it up to you, baby.” He gave her a quick peck on her lips, “I’ll really make it up to you.” Christian pressed a final kiss on her forehead, “I’ll be back by 11. I love you, bye!” He flew out of the apartment fearing she would change her mind.
“11 O’CLOCK OR LORI IS TAKING YOUR SIDE OF THE BED!” She shouted moments before the door shut. Naomi groaned as she leaned over the counter. She peeked off at Lori who sat beside her on the ground, “Your dad sucks…” She pushed a carrot off the cutting board beside her and watched Lori devour it in an instant. Pushing off the counter, Naomi stretched, “Wanna bet he’ll get so wrapped up in helping Junhong and he’ll be late.” Lori whined in response and Naomi tilted her head, “Give him the benefit of the doubt?” She spoke to herself. “Yea, maybe. He could surprise me, but I know him all too well.” She washed her hands before she set back to the dinner. Now with less enthusiasm as before.
Naomi sobbed into the tissues stuffed in her hand with Lori pressing her face into Naomi’s in an attempt to cheer her up. Sadness overwhelmed her as the tears fell harder. Her free hand rubbed on Lori’s side. She blew hard into the tissues before discarding them in the trash bin beside her. “I can’t believe it…” She whimpered as she grabbed more tissue. Her popcorn on the table went stale as it sat there uneaten, “How can he do that?” Her eyes glued to the tv as the credits rolled, “He totally forgot her and--he asked if he knew who she was” her tears fell harder. “What a shitty ending. Did you see how sad she was, Lori? I feel you, girl. I’m on your side.” 
Naomi wiped her tear-stained face with the soft tissue as she glanced at the digital clock on the corner of the screen. “And it’s midnight” she sniffled as she stopped the recorded drama “told you he wouldn’t make it.” She glanced over at Lori who had all but thrown herself over Naomi’s legs. It wasn’t that Naomi didn’t support Christian’s love of music, hell she loved music just as much, but she was looking forward to their first night together. Naomi sought for her wine glass beside her on the end table before she downed the remainder of the red liquid. “Come on, Lori” Lori shot up at the sound of her name. 
She jumped off the couch with her butt shaking side to side ready for the next words from Naomi. 
Naomi smiled as she leaned down to pet Lori, “Let’s go to bed. You get to sleep on daddy’s side!” She cooed. Flipping the tv off, Naomi stood, tossed out the remaining popcorn and cleaned her bowl and wine glass in the sink before discarding them on the dish holder to dry. Naomi maneuvered passed the stacks of boxes before she flipped off the lights with Lori beside her side as they headed to the bedroom. She threw herself on the bed with a thud, “Up, girl!” Lori leaped on the bed as Naomi petted Christian’s side of the bed. She got under the covers and turned off the lights. The silence was overwhelming, so she grabbed her Alexa, “Alexa…” Her words echoed in the room, “Play ocean white noises.” Alexa gave a response before the sound of waves crashing on land filled the room. Naomi reached out to touch Lori before her eyes closed and she fell into a deep slumber.
Christian dreaded the ride home. He had set an alarm and everything and he was still so late. He gulped as he pulled his car into a parking space. He stared at their apartment, the lights weren’t reflective through the window. “She’s either sleeping or she’s waiting to pull a Mrs. Incredible on me when I enter…” Knowing Naomi, he worried it was the latter. The amount of groveling he had to prepare for-- he gulped. “Just have to get it over with” he resigned to the punishment he had yet been dealt. Christian headed up to the apartment and pressed in their code before unlocking the deadbolt with his key. He spared a moment to check the time once more and grimaced at the 2: 37 am that mocked him. Christian swung open the door that gave a chime. 
Lori’s head sprang up at the door sounding. However, Naomi turned the opposite way, her face partially lit by the full moon’s light, but she remained asleep. Lori’s head fell back on the bed as the white noise eased her back to sleep.
Christian tiptoed into the living room only to run into a stack of boxes. He bit his lip to silence any complaints. He rubbed his shin as he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight. Instead of his fiancée, the room of boxes greeted Christian. He hated to admit it, but he was a little disappointed. He would have rather seen an angry Naomi than not… Christian made his way to their bedroom and heard the white noise Naomi often had on when she was asleep. He opened the door silently and approached the bed to see Lori sprawled out on his side of the bed.”She wasn’t kidding…” He let out a breath. Naomi’s back was to him as she faced the window. Christian made his way over to her to check on her. He noticed her sleeping expression, but what really caught his eye was the visible tear stain on her cheek. Guilt flooded him. Not only had he missed spending the night for the first time in their apartment together, but he managed to make her cry. Great going, jackass he congratulated himself silently. Going back to his side, he moved Lori from his spot and went to change before he slid under the covers. As he fell asleep, he made a mental plan on how he would make it up to Naomi.
The next morning, Naomi woke to a heaviness over her hip. She groaned as she wiped her eyes. The yawn that left her lips alerted Lori who was at the end of the bed. Lori stood and after a huge stretch, she made her way over in front of Naomi. “Mornin’ Lor” she mumbled still half asleep and rubbed Lori’s face. Naomi turned on her back to see the object on her hip was Christian’s arm. She scoffed, “Oh, now you’re home…” She pushed off the blankets before she wiggled out from under Christian’s arm. Naomi headed to the bathroom where she cringed at her tear-stained face, “Oh god.” She grabbed her face cleaner and got ready for the day. 
After changing into a pair of Christian’s sweatpants and one of her tees, she twisted her hair up into a messy bun before she got Lori’s leash and headed out with a hyperactive Lori prepared to take off out the door. Naomi shut the apartment door as quietly as possible before descending the stairs with Lori. 
While on their hour long walk, Naomi’s mind cleared. Though she was sad that they didn’t celebrate their first night together, it didn’t mean any of the days following wouldn’t be cause for celebration. She crouched down and Lori ran into her arms. “You think I should make us some breakfast? Maybe pancakes or something, yea?” Lori licked Naomi’s face causing her to let out a laugh, “Ew, no! You lick your butt!” She rubbed Lori’s face with both her hands, “Come on! Let’s go home!” Naomi couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on her lips when she said that. Home. The place Christian was waiting for them. It made her feel like butterflies erupted in her stomach.
Back home, Naomi punched in their code and pushed open the door. Lori’s paws hit the wood floors first before Naomi entered. Naomi pulled off Lori’s leash and she took off into the house. She placed the leash inside the entrance cabinet and tugged off her shoes with her toes. Naomi headed into the living room where she could hear the faint sound of music playing. Following the sound, Naomi headed towards the study where they had set up all of Christian’s equipment the day before. The door stood ajar, possibly by Lori, so Naomi pushed it open more with the tips of her fingers. 
Christian looked up from his computer with a sleepy smile on his face. He pushed his chair away from his desk as he held out a hand for Naomi. She let out a breath through her nose as a small smile graced her lips. She walked over to Christian and when she took his hand, he pulled her on his lap. Her back pressed against him as he wrapped his arms around her, “I love you. You know that, right?” He whispered before he placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. 
“I know that” her eyes strayed to the engagement ring on her finger. She rubbed his arm before giving it a loving squeeze.
His hand found hers and pulled her hand with the engagement ring up to his lips. He gave the ring a kiss, “I’m sorry I was so late… I really did want to spend our first night together--even if that meant I had to suffer through your dramas.”
“Well, I’ll have you know, I watched it without you and that ending made me cry. You missed it. It was so heartbreaking.”
Christian paused for a moment, “So… the drama made you cry, not me?”
Naomi twisted on his lap as she gave him a confused look, “Yea?” She thought about her appearance this morning and her mouth opened, “Ohhhhh. I know what you’re talking about now--psh” she got off him and stretched. “Sure I was sad you weren’t here, but it wasn’t serious enough to cry over. You’re not that important, but my dramas--ughhh.” 
Christian’s lips twitched as he looked over her. His hand went to the mouse and saved his work, his eyes trained on her. “Yea? I’ll get you for that.” 
Her eyes widened, “Oh crap!” She raced out of the study as the sound of Christian’s chair clanking around echoed in the apartment. However, speed had never been on her side and in moments, Christian’s arms wrapped around her. She let out a squeal as he lifted her off the ground. 
Christian let out a loud laugh as he claimed his victory. He walked back towards the bedroom with Naomi struggling in his arms. “I’m going to drop you if you don’t stop” he teased her by pretending to lose his grip. Once he reached the bed, he tossed Naomi on it. He crawled on top of her as he claimed her lips with his. 
Her hand touched his bare chest in a feeble attempt to push him back which he reluctantly did. “I gotta feed Lori first” she tried to make her way off the bed. 
Christian was faster. He pressed her back on the bed as he pressed a feverish kiss on her lips. “Lori will be fine” his voice dropped an octave. His eyes met hers, his desire showed clear as day. “I want to make up for our missed night together” he leaned down to press his lips to her neck as one hand made its way under her shirt. 
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ceealaina · 4 years
Title: Gonna Pick You Up When You Fall Collaborator Name: ceealaina Link: AO3 Ship: IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff and Angst, MIT Era, Meet-Ugly Summary: Jim Rhodes isn’t sure how he feels about having the Stark heir for his roommate, right up until he meets Tony and finds he’s the very last thing he expected. Word Count: 3643
Written for the prompts Engineer, Yearning, and ‘Stop that’ for @rhodeyappreciationweek​
When Jim had gotten the letter informing him that he’d been assigned as a roommate to Anthony Fucking Stark, he had almost called up the residence office and informed them that it wasn’t going to happen, and he wanted to be reassigned to literally anybody else. He’d worked his ass off to get into MIT and the last thing he wanted was to be saddled with some rich, white child -- he was only fifteen, for fuck’s sake -- who had been pretty much guaranteed a spot anywhere from birth, just because of who his father was. 
He had actually been on hold with Mia in the Reassignment department when his mother had walked into the room, glanced at the phone he was holding in one hand and the letter he had in the other, and had hummed in that way she had. 
“What?” Jim asked, eyes narrowing suspiciously. 
“Nothing,” she assured him, with a pointed look at the paper in his hands. “I just feel bad for that boy, is all.” 
“Bad?” Jim repeated incredulously. “Momma, he’s one of the richest kids in America. He’s had everything he’s ever wanted.” 
“Still. Can’t be easy to grow up with that kind of pressure, all those expectations.” She had leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you, Jimmy, but you know I’d be proud of you no matter what you did, right?” 
Jim had hung up the phone. 
There was no sign of Stark or his family or even any hired help the entire time that Jim and his family were moving his stuff into the dorm. He’d half expected Anthony to already be there, some sort of Early Move-In Day just for rich people. But since he wasn’t there, Jim refused to feel guilty for taking the good bed beside the bigger window. Maybe Anthony had changed his mind and decided to go to CalTech instead, and Jim could have the whole room to himself. 
After getting all his stuff moved in, he had to see his family off. Then there was ‘mandatory’ Frosh Teambuilding, which consisted of a bunch of juvenile trust activities that felt more like the kind of stuff white people did at summer camp on TV. And then there was dinner, and then a ‘mandatory’ floor meeting going over all the rules of living on campus, after which he’d wandered over to the student union building and almost immediately gotten pulled into a truly painful conversation with one of the guys from his assigned frosh group. 
By the time he was making his way back to the dorm, he was exhausted and had all but forgotten about his MIA roommate. Distracted with thinking about his bed, and the things he had to get done before classes started, it took him a minute to process what he was seeing when he stepped into his room and found the previously unoccupied side of the room fully decorated, complete with a large television and an NES. He blinked a minute, and then spotted Anthony Stark himself, sitting on the window sill over Jim’s bed, thank you very much, leaning out the window to smoke a cigarette. He was wearing tight jeans and a polo shirt, the collar popped, with a pair of expensive sunglasses dangling from the neck, and Jim shook his head. 
“Oh no,” he declared. 
He hadn’t actually meant to say that outloud, but Anthony didn’t seem offended. He looked lazily over at Jim, lips curling into a smirk around his cigarette as he gave Jim a slow look up and down. 
“Hey there, handsome.”
“Oh, hell no,” Jim reiterated. “I’m gonna tell you right now. This? Isn’t how things are gonna go with us.” 
Anthony blinked at him, looking mildly taken aback. “I’m sorry?” 
“This.” Jim gestured wildly at him. “This whole… Too cool for school bullshit persona thing you’ve got going on? I’m not doing it.”
“Excuse me?” Anthony looked faintly amused which, Jim realized belatedly, was probably good since he likely had enough clout to get Jim kicked out of MIT entirely. “It’s not bullshit,” he added, with a dramatic pout around his cigarette that was entirely too sexy to be on a fifteen-year-old’s lips. 
Jim rolled his eyes. “Right, so you’re just actually that fucking cool, huh?” he asked, voice dry. “Whatever you say man.” 
Anthony tilted his head a little, eyes narrowing as he looked more closely at Jim. Jim had the uncanny feeling that Anthony was looking right into him, but he just set his hands on his lips, staring impassively back at him. 
“Do you know who I am?” he asked finally. 
It wasn’t said with an attitude; Anthony sounded genuinely curious, like he thought Jim might have somehow missed that fact somewhere along the way. Jim rolled his eyes anyway. 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re Anthony Stark, boy genius, richest kid in America or whatever. I don’t really give a shit, man. I’m just here to get my engineering degree, and move on. I already did this bullshit in high school. I don’t need to go through it again.” 
“Huh.” Tony took another slow drag of his cigarette, pursing his lips and dragging it out. It would have been embarrassing, how hard he was trying to look sexy, except he didn’t have that awkward edge most kids his age did. It seemed almost natural, giving him the uncanny appearance of being older than fifteen, even if his features said otherwise, and Jim shifted a little uncomfortably. “It’s Tony, actually,” he said finally, tilting his head back to blow smoke out the window. “And you’re James Rhodes?” 
“Jim,” he corrected, grudgingly. Tony nodded, giving him a smoldering look and flicking his tongue over his lips, and Jim glared. “Stop that!” he squawked. “You’re fifteen, it’s fucking creepy. And put that out, while you’re at it. Smoking’ll kill you, and I don’t want your nasty ass smoke on my sheets.” 
Tony stared at him and then shrugged, pressing the cigarette against the sill and then flicking the butt out the window. He didn’t bother to shut it before he hopped down off the ledge. “Well, Rhodey,” he drawled the nickname, smirking at Jim with smokey eyes. “Gotta say, I didn’t expect you to be so lame.”  
Jim didn’t rise to the bait. “I’m not lame,” he told him, grabbing his toiletries kit to get ready for bed. “Told you, man. I’m just not here for the bullshit.” 
When he came back from the bathroom, Tony had stripped down to his boxers, was spread across his bed like some kind of Playgirl model. Jim ignored him, flipping out the light and crawling into his own bed with a contented sigh. He was already starting to drift when Tony spoke into the dark space. 
“I’m taking engineering too.” 
“Yeah? We’re at MIT, dude. You, me, and half the campus.” 
Tony huffed out a sigh. “Electrical engineering, since you asked.”
Jim hummed a vague acknowledgement and hesitated a moment. “Aviation,” he relented through a yawn. “Gonna be a pilot.” 
If Tony answered, Jim was asleep before he heard it. 
Tony, it seemed, didn’t know what to do with Jim. He didn’t let up on flirting, constantly trying to be sexy, but it quickly seemed to be less with intent and more just to irritate Jim. After the first day of classes, while Jim was getting a start on the five billion readings he had to do, Tony had wandered in from his own classes and immediately started taking apart his NES -- it seemed this was a common thread with Tony. He’d already taken apart and put back together his television and his VCR. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except that he couldn’t seem to stop rambling while he did it, name dropping about fifty famous people he knew, ranging from politicians to celebrities. Jim had just grunted occasionally, doing his best to tune him out, until he yelped when a pencil hit the back of his head. He turned to see Tony smiling beguilingly. 
“Hey, did you hear me? That’s Sean Connery. You know, James Bond?” he asked, like Jim lived under a rock or something. 
“I heard,” Jim said and then, because the pencil had hurt and he was feeling a little mean. “Doesn’t he advocate for hitting women?” 
Tony just looked confused, like he couldn’t understand Jim’s lack of reaction, and he sighed. 
“Look man, that’s cool and all, and I love James Bond as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day they’re just people. Unless you’re planning to set me up with Phoebe Cates, my homework is a bigger priority right now.”
So Tony had started leaving expensive things around the dorm room. There were more sunglasses, and platinum cufflinks, and bottles of high quality liquor that Jim had immediately made him shove under the bed because they were both technically underage now. Tony had just looked more and more confused the less interested Jim seemed, and then had come home the next day with an Atari 7800, which wasn’t even supposed to be released until the next year. 
That, Jim had to admit, was pretty cool, especially since Tony immediately offered him a controller. And that was what he couldn’t figure out about Tony Stark. He didn’t hesitate to share everything he had. He’d offered up his tv and gaming systems almost right away, was constantly bringing home snacks and junk food and giving half of them to Jim, and when Jim had been running late one day and couldn’t find his own, he hasn’t hesitated to offer up a pair of his ultra expensive Ray Bans, telling Jim not to worry about returning them. He was a twerp, but he was also unfailingly generous, and Jim wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that. 
So when he came home to find Tony reading some scifi novel at his desk just a little too casually, and a Rolex watch ‘accidentally’ sitting in the middle of Jim’s bed, he just sighed and dropped it on Tony’s book.
“Oh thanks!” Tony said brightly. “I was looking for that.” 
Jim refrained from pointing out that it was the first thing he saw when he walked into the room.
“Hey!” Tony added when he started to turn back to the work waiting for him. “Did I tell you about my Ferrari 288 GTO?”
Jim hesitated long enough to arch an eyebrow at him. “Are you even old enough to drive?” he asked, heading over to his desk. 
For a moment it was quiet, and then: “Okay, I give up,” Tony burst out, causing Jim to turn back around to face him with a startled look. “I can’t figure you out. Is it me specifically, or are you just allergic to fun? Seriously dude, does nothing impress you?” 
Jim gave him a look. “Have you been trying to impress me?” 
“Not like that.” Tony rolled his eyes, ignoring the fact that he’d spent the better part of their interactions flirting outrageously. “Just, you know… That’s how you connect with people, right? Show off your shit and compare notes, and decide what’s better…” He trailed off at the look on Jim’s face. “What?” 
“Rich people are fucking weird, man.” 
Tony frowned at him. “What does that mean?” 
“Just… Sounds exhausting, constantly trying to outdo each other.” 
Tony was still frowning, and Jim felt a little bit bad.
“Hey, you know what I’d actually find impressive? Seeing if you’re actually here for any reason besides your name. We’re a week into school and I haven’t seen you do one bit of work.” 
Tony’s jaw dropped. “Because I’m a genius!” he protested, and he didn’t sound like he was bragging, just stating a simple fact. “I built a circuit board when I was three!” he added, but there was a sparkle in his eyes now. 
“I don’t know…” Jim smirked at him. “That was like twelve years ago, man. What have you done since?” 
Tony narrowed his eyes briefly and then he was skittering over to his desk. “I’ll show you I deserve to be here,” he grumbled, pulling the bottom drawer out entirely, and apparently he wasn’t as entirely obsessed with looking cool as Jim had first thought, because the entire drawer was filled to the brim with Lego bricks. “Okay,” he said, grinning up at Jim. It was a good look on him. “We’ve got fifteen minutes to build a Lego machine. Best design wins.” 
Jim wandered through the party, wincing against the glare of the strobe light. Despite what Tony seemed to think, he wasn’t actually that lame, and he did enjoy a good party. This, however, wasn’t really his scene. The house was packed dangerously full, men and women alike mostly naked -- he’d touched more random body parts than he ever had before in his life -- and in general everything just had that edge of too wild that usually meant the police were five minutes out. He’d been supposed to meet up with a guy from one of his classes, but he hadn’t seen any sign of him and he was done with looking. 
Jim started to make his way for the front door, and then stopped as he spotted a tuft of curly brown hair that was already becoming familiar. “Oh no,” he muttered, letting his eyes fall shut for just a moment.
He thought about leaving Tony there, he really did. He was his roommate, not his responsibility. But then a voice that sounded suspiciously like his mother reminded him that Tony was only fifteen, still a kid. And then he thought about how desperately Tony had been trying to win him over all week with stuff and money, because that was apparently how he thought things were done, and how easy it would be for someone to take advantage of that. When he found himself picturing the pleased smile Tony’d had when he finished his rubber band Lego car, almost startlingly innocent compared to the way he’d been acting, Jim knew he was stuck.
Grumbling under his breath, he started shoveling his way through the crowd to where he’d last seen his wayward roommate. Of course by then he’d wandered off again, and it was a good ten minutes before Jim managed to track him down to some little room that he’d missed at first. 
Tony was sprawled out on a couch, his dress shirt fully unbuttoned, and he was giggling as two girls in bikinis kissed their way over his neck. His movements were lazy and his eyes unfocused in a way that suggested that he’d had more than just booze, but his face lit up when he spotted Jim. “Hey!” he slurred. “‘S my Rhodeybear.” 
Jim blinked once at the nickname. “Right.” The two girls looked as out of it as Tony was, but there was a guy watching the whole scene with sharp, sober eyes that Jim didn’t like at all. Mustering up every bit of his ROTC confidence, he strode over to the couch and bodily pulled Tony to his feet. “Come on, Tones. Time to go home.” 
“Awww,” Tony whined, but he didn’t actually make any attempt to resist. “Five more minutes?” 
“Nope,” Jim declared, just as one of the girls reached up and caught Tony’s hand, giving him a half-hearted tug back toward the couch. 
“Yeah, jus’ five more minutes? We’re jus’ gettin’ started.” 
“And he’s fifteen, so that’s illegal.” 
“Rhodeyyyy,” Tony whined, finishing his name with a giggle. “Why you gotta give away all my secrets? C’mon le’s stay. They’re my friends. Didn’t even hafta do anything to impress ‘em, like you said.”
“Yeah.” Jim glanced back over to the corner, where the guy’s smirk had turned to glare. Jim was pretty sure that there was a video camera on the floor beside his feet. “They’re not your friends, Tony.” Heart starting to pound, he slung an arm around Tony’s waist and hustled him out the door before anyone could make a real attempt at stopping them. 
Outside, Tony was in even worse condition than Jim had realized. He didn’t think he was in any danger healthwise, except maybe from puking, but he could barely stand on his own, needed Jim’s constant support to walk, and he was frighteningly pliable, happily going along with whatever Jim said. Jim had expected to be annoyed with Tony, at having to babysit him. Fifteen or not, surely he knew better? But mostly he was just pissed at the asshole who had tried to take advantage of him like this. He was just a kid, and clearly oblivious, and using his inability to understand how normal, non-rich humans interacted to try and hurt him had Jim seething. The more he thought about it the angrier he got, and if he hadn’t been busy with having to half-drag Tony back to their dorm, he might have gone back just to punch the guy in the face. 
He managed to get them into their room without getting caught by anyone, at which point he’d helped Tony strip down to his boxers -- less awkward than he’d expected -- and slide into the bed. Tony had moaned blearily, rubbing his face against the cool sheets like he was feverish, so after dragging his garbage can close in case he did puke, Jim grabbed a washcloth and darted into the bathroom to rinse it with cold water. 
When he got back, Tony was lying on his back and staring at the ceiling, lolling his head back and forth over the pillow in a way that Jim had vague memories of his baby sister doing as a toddler. He passed over the washcloth and Tony closed one eye and then the other, trying to focus on it. 
“Wassat for?” 
“It’s a cool compress. For your head?” 
Tony was staring at him blankly, so Jim folded up the cloth and draped it over Tony’s forehead. “Jesus, Tones. Hasn’t anybody ever taken care of you before?”
Tony shrugged, sighing at the cool touch against his sweaty skin. “Only when they want something from me,” he mumbled, out of it enough that there was no joking, no exaggeration in his voice, just plain, simple honesty. “Oh hey!” His eyes snapped open, just as unfocused as before. “Did I tell you my thesis project yet? Gonna build a robot, one with a fully-functioning, self-learning AI.” He waved his hand in the air. “Thas not the point though. Gonna build myself a friend, Rhodey, like you said. One that doesn’t want anything from me, or expect me to buy them things… Just wansta hang out with me…” His eyes slipped shut again, voice trailing off, but Jim just stared at him with a sick feeling furling through his stomach. 
“Shit, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” he said. “Seriously, are those the only kinds of interactions you’ve had with people? You need real friends, Tony.” 
“I have real friends,” Tony protested. “Had lots of friends in school.”
“Uh-huh.” He knew there was no point in arguing, but the sound of his voice seemed to be calming Tony a little, stilling his movements. “So which one of those real friends do you call when you’re in a jam? Who do you know that’s got your back no matter what?” 
Tony was quiet for long enough that Jim thought he’d finally fallen asleep. He adjusted the cloth to be a little more comfortable on his forehead and was moving over to his own bed when Tony finally spoke. 
“I called you.” 
Jim glanced back over at him. Tony’s eyes were closed, but there was a little smile around his lips, like he’d come to some scientific conclusion and was really pleased with the results. Jim sighed. 
“Yeah, Tones, you did,” he agreed with his own smile. “Get some sleep, okay? I’ll be right here if you need anything.” 
When Jim woke the next morning, Tony was sprawled out on his bed, sheets kicked onto the floor and an arm flung across his eyes. He looked absolutely miserable, but he was breathing at least, so Jim left him to sleep it off, being as quiet as possible when he slipped out to the door so he wouldn’t disturb him. 
When he made it back a couple hours later, Tony was awake, though he didn’t look much better. He’d hauled on sweatpants and a t-shirt but obviously hadn’t showered, and he was sitting up on his bed, blinking blearily at the TV as he watched what looked like Indiana Jones on VHS. Hiding a smile at the sight of him, Jim made his way into the room, dropping a wrapped breakfast sandwich on Tony’s lap on his way by. 
Tony blinked at it for a too-long moment, looking completely confused. “What’s this?” he asked finally. 
Resisting the urge to tease him about his supposed genius, Jim just arched an eyebrow. “It’s a breakfast sandwich. Thought you could use something to eat.” 
“You…” Tony’s breath seemed to catch. “You bought me breakfast?” 
Jim just shrugged, even though he knew it was a bigger deal than just breakfast.
“Nobody’s ever…” Tony stopped, cutting the thought off, and then smiled at Jim. “Thanks,” he told him, unwrapping it and taking a huge bite with a smile around his lips.
They settled into an easy quiet for a few minutes, and then Tony cleared his throat. 
“Hey,” he said, and when Jim looked up, the smile that was around his face was softer and more shy, that overconfident attitude that he used like an armor chipping away. “I know you’ve got reading to do, but… You wanna watch Star Wars with me?”  
Jim grinned at him. “Fuck yeah,” he declared, abandoning his books to climb up on the bed beside Tony. “Budge up, man.”
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Chapter 30
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Title: Falling for the Holidays Ch. 30
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 2188
Series Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: All the FLUFF!!
A/N: The end is here! This is the last chapter and I want to thank you guys for reading, being patient with my procrastinating ass, and most importantly for being so supportive! You guys have been amazing! Truly amazing and I am so grateful! I’m ending this with a lot of tooth-rotting fluff, so don’t say I didn’t warn ya! haha. Thanks again everyone! I love you guys!! xx
New Years Eve!
You have never experienced New Years Eve quite like this. Your childhood hadn’t been the best, while in Dallas, you just spent it at the bar with any of your friends and classmates that weren’t going home, so having a family barbecue was definitely foreign. Many new faces showed up, and many that you’ve met. Jody was there, Bobby and his wife, and even Jo and Benny showed up, much to yours and Dean’s surprise. They claimed that the decision was last minute and that they wanted it to be a surprise.
The atmosphere was light. The company was great and the food was so good that you were sure it would be haunting you until the next backyard barbecue at the Winchester house. Your favorite was John’s secret burger recipe. And he grilled it to perfection! A second favorite was Mary’s pumpkin pie! Sure, it was just a regular pumpkin pie with no secret ingredient, but it was somehow better than anything you’ve ever tasted. Mary gave credit to love. Which didn’t seem like an unlikely ingredient.
The day swindled down quick. Funny how time flies when you’re having fun. Words truer than ever. The sun had set hours ago, the string lights around the yard sparkling beautifully but not taking away from the actual stars in the wide open sky, and everything just seemed perfect.
“Alright everybody!” You heard Sam shout from the elevated porch, Jess hanging off his arm. “New Years is in two minutes! I would like to call up my mom and dad, and my brother and his girlfriend, Y/N, to stand up here with us and help with the countdown!”
John and Mary beat you and Dean to the “stage”, their own bright grins reflecting the lights strung around the yard. You smiled up at Dean, pressing a chaste kiss under his jaw before looking out to the crowd. You had missed it, but everyone else could see the sparkle in Dean’s eyes as he looked down at you. He was in love. There was no doubt about that.
He’d known you for years, but has only been your boyfriend for much less. It will almost be two months and Dean couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. You were his best friend, and during that time, the two of you had had your ups and downs, and has managed to go to bed at the end of the night without being mad at each other. Then there was the whole thing with Lisa and Ketch. Even then, you had both over come it, tossing both evil humans behind bars where they belonged. The relationship only strengthened and flourished, and you the trust you had in each other was unbreakable.
“Alright! Let the countdown begin!” John shouted jovially.
The countdown began and Dean flashed a glance over at Sam, who was smiling ear to ear, sending his big brother an encouraging nod.
Dean was beginning to feel nervous, his palms starting to sweat. He let go of your hand, wiping it on his pants as you gave him a concerned glance. He offered you a smile of reassurance, but before he could say anything, Sam pulled you into a hug.
“This is gonna be your last hug from me this year!” He whispered into your ear, making you giggle.
You jumped in excitement, turning to your wonderful boyfriend to give and take your first official kiss of the new year. When you turned, you didn’t except to be greeted with Dean down on one knee. Still in a flutter of confusion, it took you second to take in what was actually happening.
Gasping loudly, hands covering your lips, the cheering erupting behind you fell on deaf ears and all you could hear was the pounding of your heart, and the only thing that held your attention was Dean.
Forgetting where you were and what was happening around you, everyone paused in their celebration awaiting Dean’s question and your response.
“Y/N, I know we’ve been together… not even two months, but we’ve been best friends for years. And I know I might be moving a little too fast, but It’s always been you, and it will always be you. I don’t think I can wait any longer. We can wait to get married, but just know that you are my best friend and had been the love of my life all before I even realized it. So… will you make me the luckiest son of a bitch and marry me?” He finally asked, opening the box to reveal a diamond ring.
“YES!” A chorus of shrills blasted through your eardrums. You jumped, momentarily distracted from the proposal to see Mary and Jess jumping up and down.
“Okay, you two. Why don’t you let Y/N answer?” John chimed in, chuckling, eyes adoringly on you. Giving a slight nod, you returned your attention back to Dean, the hopeful look in his eyes only getting brighter. He already knew your answer, but he just wanted to hear you say it.
“Well, Y/N?” Dean’s smile widening.
“Yes!” You shouted, jumping into Dean’s arms and tackling him to the ground, your lips pressing against his. He groaned in discomfort from his stomach, but the feeling quickly dissipated when the taste of your mouth filled his every being.
Sam sprung into action, picking up the ring from the ground before grumbling about how irresponsible you and his brother were. “Put the ring on, you idiots!” He tried to sound annoyed, but failed as laughter shot through him.
“Oh, right!” Dean sniggered.
With him still laying on the ground and you on top of him, he slipped the ring around your slim finger, staring up at you. “I love you,” you blurted.
“And I love you,” he reciprocated.
“Happy New Years Everybody!” Mary screamed with excitement, overjoyed that Dean had proposed.  
Once you and Dean were back on your feet, everyone came up to congratulate you and Dean’s engagement. Mary was going off about ideas for the wedding, and Jess stood by your side, helping you through all the attention, as did Sam with Dean.
The next day, you and Dean woke up side by side. As your eyes peeled open, you were met with Dean staring down at you. “Morning,” he grinned.
“Morning…” you yawned unattractively, and Dean chuckled.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“Even with messy hair and morning breath?” You croaked.
“Especially with messy hair and morning breath,” he assured.
“You’re disgusting,” you joked, pushing him away.
“Nice try. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“You’re a cripple. I can run away from you without any problems,” you teased.
“Not with that rock and chain around your finger you can’t,” his hand lanced with yours, revealing the glittering stone.
You couldn’t help but smile, pursing your lips for a kiss that Dean gladly gave. Swinging your legs over his hips you smirked down at him. “You want to partake in some strenuous activities?” you wiggled your brows.
“Sorry, but my doctor said that I can’t do anything too strenuous,” Dean grinned, his hands stroking your bare thighs, hands partially disappearing beneath his shirt that you were wearing.
“Don’t worry, I found a loophole. I’ll do most of the work.”
“Then by all means, let’s get physical,” he wiggled his brows, making you laugh.
Just as you leaned in to kiss the breath out of your fiancé, a knock rapped from the door. As you pulled away, Dean groaned.
“You two awake?” Mary’s voice asked through the door.
“No,” Dean responded and you giggled, hitting his chest playfully.
“We’ll be right out,” you called back.
“Great! Breakfast in on the table and me and John has some announcements. We’ll see you downstairs.”
“Thank you!” You reply. “C’mon big guy, let’s get ready for the day.”
Dean moaned. “But we were about to go against my doctor’s orders,” he pouted.
“And there will be lots of time to do that. Now get up you, weirdo.”
Descending the stairs, you sigh in bliss from he scents of waffles filling your senses. You heard a similar sigh come from behind you, Dean also reveling in the sweet smell. As you reached the bottom of the steps and turned into the kitchen, everyone was there passing around the waffles with Sam was already eating.
“Good morning,” you greet.
“Good Morning,” came a chorus.
“Sleep well?” Sam smirked knowingly with a mouth full of carbs.
“Dude!” Dean protested.
“Yeah, dude!” You mocked. “Chew with your mouth closed. Who are you, Dean?”
“Very funny,” Dean scolded, “but you and I both know that’s not what he’s talking about,” he whispers, pinching your butt and making you yelp. You whipped around and playfully punched his chest.
“Alright you love birds. Take a seat,” John instructed, chuckling. “We’ve got some announcements to make.”
Following his orders, you and Dean took a seat side by side, Mary passing you the waffles before you passed them to Dean. Once your plate, as well as Dean’s, was filled, John continued the little family meeting.
“As you know, time goes on and the body get’s older,” John started. “Mary and I have been talking about this for a long time, and we’re almost at that age where we can retire.” Glances were shared amongst the Winchester boys, while you and Jess gave each other wary glances, not sure where this was going and how it would affect your boyfriends.
“Okay…” Dean drawled with uncertainty.
“Well…” this time Mary took over. “We will be retiring soon, and this house is just too big for us. We don’t need two extra rooms—”
“Yeah, but where will we stay when all of us come over?” Dean inquired.
“Son, let your mother finish,” John shook his head, but you swore there was a hint of a smile on his face. You noticed Sam sporting a similar grin as well.
“Something fishy is going on here,” you muttered, all eyes falling onto you.
“What are you talking about?” Sam questioned. “There is nothing fishy going on. I can assure you that.”
“Yeah, nothing fishy at all,” Jess smiled, placing her hand over yours.
“Then what is it?” Dean cut in.
John took the lead again. “We’ve bought a new house.” Just as Dean opened his mouth to object, John shut him up again. “It’s not far from here. It’s a couple blocks away, easy enough for kids to ride their bikes back and forth. It’s a one-bedroom house, but I’ve already got this really good pullout couch in mind, so sleepovers would be easy.”
“Okay, okay,” Dean finally interjected. “So the two of you are moving out, great, but what about the house? Are you selling it?”
“No, we’re not selling it. We’re giving it away,” Mary announced.
“What do you mean, ‘giving it away?’ You can’t do that… can they?” Dean directing the question to Sam.
“Dean, can you – for once – just shut up and listen? Listen first, questions later.” Dean glared at Sam’s response.
“Think of this as an engagement gift,” Mary beamed, eyes practically sparkling at you and Dean. “We’re passing on the house to you,” her eyes fixed on her eldest son, before glancing to you, “both of you.”
“Wait, what?” You and Dean asked simultaneously.
“We want you and Y/N to have the house so that you can start your own little family.”
“M-mom… what about Sam and Jess?”
“Well, Sam and Jess aren’t planning on moving to Kansas,” Mary explained. “They’re settling down in California.
Sam and Jess were smiling wide, chuckling at yours and Dean’s dumbfounded expressions. John and Mary also had similar expressions.
“Wait, let me get this straight…” Dean started, shaking his head as if it would help relieve his confusion. “You’re not selling the house. You’re giving it to me and Y/N?”
“Basically,” John shrugged.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re giving the house – just giving it – to me and Y/N?
“Yes,” Mary nodded.
“Giving it. Just giving it. No payment needed. Just handing it right over to me and Y/N?” Dean reiterated.
“Boy, don’t make me change my mind!” John snapped.
“This is… this is great!” Dean yelped, his entire face smiling, from this lips, eyes, to the lines of his face. Dean was flattered, overjoyed, and there was a flickering heat in the pit of his stomach. A feeling that only added to his validation of spending forever with you.
“Baby, looks like I finally got you that house,” Dean grinned, sending you a wink, making you laugh.
It was funny how some things worked out. The home you grew up in lacked the warmth of love, and when you left for college, you literally had nothing and no one, but then you made friends… you met Dean, fell in love with him, and eventually got the guy, and the house he’d promised that first time he asked you to be his fake girlfriend.
“I love you so much,” you blurted with a love-struck grin.
“Not as much as I love you.”
Like it? Please reblog and share with your friends. Also, feedback is greatly appreciated! xx
Say Something Nice Here!
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
Walking Right into Your Heart
Here’s your request @ruensroad for JinYi au where Jin Ling is CEO and Jingyi is a dog walker. In this AU. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng aren’t brother’s but friends from college. Oh and Jingyi is still cousins with Lan Wangji but they aren’t close at the start. Shizui is a Wei here with Wen Qing being his surrogate mother. Here’s the start of their love! It got away from me and thank you for being patient! 
Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! 
Jingyi groaned sleepily waking up to the sound of rapid fire text message notifications on his phone. His sleep crusted eyes opening to see that the alarm clock read that it was barely after five in the morning. He grabbed the pillow placing it over his head in hopes of blocking out the sound. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. Just by the time of day was telling enough. Sizhui may be a man of few words like his father Lan Wangji but when it came to texting it was like he was truly his other father, Wei Wuxian’s, son. Now don’t get him wrong. He does love his best friend but he hadn’t gotten back home to his apartment till after two in the morning. 
The lack of bloomp sounds stirred him from his thoughts. He was just about to go back to sleep when his phone started ringing. Jingyi huffed in frustration before reaching out to palm the nightstand until he found his phone. He answered without checking the ID. 
“This better be good you, Wei demon. ” he croaked. 
“Jingyi?” A-Qing’s soft voice came through the phone instead of Sizhui’s, “Is this Jingyi?”
Jingyi quickly sat up letting the pillow roll off him. A-Qing is Sizhui’s girlfriend and it was rare for her to call him. He moved the phone away clearing his throat before trying again to speak, “Yes, it’s me.” 
“Hey, I’m calling you because we are currently at the hospital. Sizhui was in an accident.” She explained. 
“Which hospital is he at? What happened?” He asked tossing the blankets back getting out of bed. He grabbed his towel heading to the bathroom. He’d take a quick shower to wake up some more before heading to the hospital. 
“He’s at Gusu General and you don’t have to come. He just fell and broke his leg after dropping off one of his clients. That’s all. He should be home either today or tomorrow.” 
“I’m on my way.” He said hanging up. He liked A-Qing but he had a feeling in his gut that she was leaving something out. It hadn’t been the first time he’d caught her in a lie when it came to Sizhui. If it was just a broken leg they’d have set it and sent him home. He’d find out soon enough though he thought as he started stripping to get into the shower. 
Ten minutes later, Jingyi was fresh from his shower with a hoodie over his t-shirt and jeans with his converses. He put on his sunglasses as he stepped out of the elevator of his apartment building to the front entrance. He might be sipping a Monster Mean Bean but that didn’t mean he needed to be driving with barely two and a half hours of sleep in him. Thankfully his uber was waiting for him. 
“Gusu General please.” He said getting inside. An acknowledging nod had the car pulling out of the parking lot to his best friend. 
Jin Ling sighed loudly as he tossed the pen on his desk.  He leaned back in his chair resting his head against the top of the chair as he rubbed his face. That was the last of his paperwork declining the merger with Chang Industries. A deal that his grandfather had orchestrated in his schemes to get the company back from him after his parents had died. Thankfully, he’d been able to stop it. It’d taken him nearly a year to keep the Chang’s from taking his father’s business. The one that Jin Zixuan had built from the ground up without the help of Jin Guangshan. Jin Ling wouldn’t let it be taken from him. 
“Boss?” Rayne, his personal assistant called for him as she stepped into his office. A  look of annoyance on her face as she took in his appearance. He was still in yesterday’s outfit and there was day old take out boxes from last night’s dinner on the corner of his desk .  “I thought you said you were going home?”
“I did.” He replied sheepishly glancing at the open door to the small living quarters to her left. 
Her lips pursed approaching his desk reluctantly using her stiletto covered foot to push the trash can closer to the edge of the desk.“That’s not home, sir.” She stated as she took one of the unused napkins to push the take out boxes into the trash can. 
“I’ve been informed by Director Luo to send you send you home.” 
“But the Tang meeting.” 
“Has been moved Director Luo’s schedule. So has the Fang meeting and Wen meetings. In doing that allows for you to have the rest of the month off. So that you will be well rested for the Zhan meeting.” She replied going over to the coat rack plucking his coat off it. 
“Song is already downstairs isn’t he?” Jin Ling asked despite already knowing that his former personal assistant turned director because the woman was smart as hell and was a force to be reckoned with, Luo Qingyang, had everything in place for him. Realistically he knew nothing bad would happen but the anxiety was there. He sighed in resignation before standing up. 
“Yes, sir.” She nodded as he rounded the desk to allow her to help him into his jacket. 
“See you when I get back, Rayne.”
“You too, boss.” Rayne replied waving goodbye to him. 
So….I distinctly remember her saying it was - quote...nothing serious. Jingyi thought biting his the inside of his cheek to keep from scolding the woman. Said would woman was lazily lounging in the armchair munching on a bag of hot cheetos while Sizhui was on the phone with his father’s. 
His golden eyes taking in the sight of his best friend - who’s now in a room,with his leg in a cast with a bandage on his forehead and his arm wrapped up. Oh his phone? Yeah, that’d been smashed. So he was talking to his parents on the hospital phone. The woman claiming she couldn't bear to leave him. He sent a glare towards the to the woman as the responses to his father and the injuries told him that he’d been hit by a driver reaching down to grab their phone out of the floorboards. He’d been flung in the air and gravity aided in the sudden stop. 
Suddenly, she got a call before his temper got the best of him. “Oh, gege!” she practically screamed happily making Jingyi clinch his jaw. He wished she would just leave. 
Gege? he thought, Her parents made one before her? He mentally shivered at the thought as she wiped her cheetos dust stained hand on her jeans before getting up. 
“Bunny, I have to take this and if you want I can go get you a phone while I’m out.” she said with a forced sweet tone that sounded grating to Jingyi’s ears. Sizhui gave her a warm smile and nodded as she practically bounced out of the chair grabbing Sizhui’s wallet. Then fluttered out of the room.
“Oh thank god.” he thought he said in his mind but the sound of Sizhui smacking the bed made him realize he said it out loud. He quickly turned his head to look at Sizhui who gave him a knowing look. 
“I will dad. Yes, I’m going a new pho….I have A-Yi and A-Qing here with me. There is no need to fly...Okay...I love you.”
“Your mother coming?” He asked with a sigh. 
“No, but my dad’s are.” Sizhui replied. 
“That’s going to be interesting.” 
“Don’t be like that.” Sizhui scolded lightly.
“Sorry.” He apologized. 
“It’s okay.” Sizhui sighed. 
“What are you going to do about your clients?” Jingyi asked.
“I only have Fairy this week.” Sizhui replied from memory as he leaned his head back. His snapped opened as he leaned forward repeating, “I have fairy this week.”
“ My beloved sugar plum of a husky puppy?”
“She isn’t yours and hardly a puppy.”
“Cuteness trumps reality.” Jingyi replied tilting his nose up in the air. 
“What am I going to do?” Sizhui replied. “I don’t have his owner’s secretary’s number. The whole phone was crushed!” 
“I mean I could take care of her for you.” 
“No, I couldn’t…”
“Dude, you’re not asking and it’s just walking her on her normal route right? I’ve done that a million times with you two. Besides she knows me and you said you’ve never met her owner. Only spoke over the phone with his assistant. ” 
“Yes, but-”
“What about your clients?” 
“Her routine is early in the morning. So that fits perfectly with my other clients.” 
“Are you sure?” Sizhui asked again. 
“Yes, and don’t even think about sending me the money. You know I don’t need it.”  Jingyi chided as he handed his phone to Sizhui to add Fairy’s information into his phone. 
Fuck. Jin Ling thought as he woke up to the sound of Fairy barking rather loudly. She sounded happy so it wasn’t an intruder.  It hadn’t been her barking that bothered him rather than the sharp pain to his head when he’d trying to sit up to go check on her. His body gifting him with a skull cracking headache after finally getting more than two or three hours of rest. He reached into the nightstand grabbing for the bottle of aspirin he keeps there. Popping two of them in his mouth then washing it down with tepid water from the glass that he left there last night. 
He tossed the bottle on the back in the drawer before getting up. Jin Ling gently rubbed his temples with both hands as he stepped out of his room walking towards the living room. He guessed that he’d probably left the blinds opening and Fairy had spotted a bird on the balcony of their penthouse. Though the idea faded as he stepped into the living room seeing a man crouched down scratching behind both of Fairy’s ears.
“How’s my favorite sugar plum?” The man childishly said to his dog earning a happy bark. 
“Apparently happy and her name is Fairy.” Jin Ling stated with a scratchy grumbling tone dripping with sarcasm making the other man jump and topple back onto his butt. The way his beloved husky was acting plus the clock on the wall told him that this was his dog walker. 
Jin Ling’s dark eyes taking in the sight of him. The man had dark brown hair cut short with a long bangs but not too long that it covered his beautiful whiskey colored eyes. He wore a jean jacket with an over sized grey sweater and a pair of jeans with black converses. 
“Uh, I think so too.” the man chuckled with a blush creeping up his neck from the sweater’s collar, “Stop sugar plum.” he said to Fairy ignoring him while gently pushing her off him to stand up, “You must be her owner. Since you’re home. I’ll just go.” He gestured towards the door. 
Jin Ling was about to agree but then he got another sharp pain. “Wait, If you don’t mind can you walk her today?” 
“Sure, thing. Let’s go sugar plum.” The man nodded heading out the door with Fairy and her leash before he could ask about why he was even here. Jin Ling huffed turning around. He’d worry about the cute dog wal...wait no…annoying dog walker later. He shook his head making it hurt even more. His head was busting and all he wanted to do was crawl back into bed. 
“Dude.” Jingyi said practically yelled into his phone the moment that Sizhui answered the phone. “Sugar Plum’s dad is hot.”
“How do you know that?” Sizhui asked with a worried tone.
“I went to go pick her up and he appeared in the living room. Lord, Sizhui. He’s hotter than the sun.” He happily answered.
“You should have seen him. That messy bed hair, the muscles, and the -”
“Don’t say another word and don’t you dare sleep with my client.” Sizhui replied with a warning tone. 
“Who said anything about sleeping?”
“Okay, Okay, I won’t.” Jingyi chuckled “But I can ogle right? Because he has a tattoo on his left pec is…”
“I’m out.” Sizhui replied hanging up. Jingyi couldn’t help but laugh sticking his phone in his pocket as he refocused on the walk. If he ran a bit with Fairy to try get the memory of her shirtless owner out of his head before going back no one else would know. 
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rebellioussinner09 · 4 years
4 Times the LOV got Tala’s back and one time they got hers.
“Do you know how the dangerous it is for you to go back there Mirei” Dabi’s raspy voice booms over the thin walls of the current LOV hide out “The heroes took you once and they’ll be sure to take you again.”
Tala turns her head upwards to see her best friend rolling her eyes at the older man.
Mirei catches her eye as she mouths “Help me”
Tala shakes her head an shot her a look “Listen to him” she whisper yells as Dabi continues to yell his head off.
But Mirei wasn’t taking that for an answer, instead she places both her hands inside her pocket to withdraw out the lighter that Hibiki gave her.
“Are you even listening to me?” Dabi growls as he turns to slap the lighter away “You better be listening cause we fuckin don’t know what to do if that eraser head freak gets you again.”
As soon as Dabi snatches the lighter out of her hands, Mirei pouts
“This is torture. I’m serious Help Me”
Tala giggles at her friend’s frustration
“Ok I got you” she whispers
“Oh leave her alone Dabi” Tala says standing up from the couch up to face the black haired man. “I was with her the whole time”
Dabi shakes his head in annoyance “Don’t try to butt in here Tala. You both caused enough damage at it is”
Tala barks out a laugh “she’s here safe and sound isn’t she? Stop worrying over us we got it all under control”
And with that Tala grabs her purse from the coffee table and walks away from Dabi.
With a quick turn, she raises her arm to beckon Mirei to follow her.
Mirei then snatches the lighter out of Dabi’s hands and followed Tala out of the Hideout’s common room.
“I owe you one” Mirei mumbles under her breath as she bumps her shoulder into Tala’s.
Tala gives a soft smile in response “You’re a stubborn one aren’t ya?”
Mirei huffs a breath “You’re one too. And I know for a fact you’re going to invite me to sneak into UA to see the boys today aren’t you?”
Tala laughs as she wraps an around her friend’s shoulders “You know me so well”
Tala loves Hibiki with all her heart. Really she does
and although he can be so annoying from time to time Tala knows deep down she truly cares for him.
She’s like the brother she never had. Always protecting her, Always on the look out for her and always picking up fights with her (and one random fight got to the point where even Tatsu/Dabi had to break the two apart cause their heads are sure to explode if they have to listen to another word of their petty little arguments)
But right now he’s on a different level of annoying
“Please Tala” Hibiki pleads as he runs after her unto the narrow alleyway.
“Get lost looser” she grumbles under her breath as she shoves Hibiki’s fingers away from her arm.
“Tala fuck” he swears as both of them rounded on a corner
his arms flailing around in attempt to keep up with tala’s walking pace “I’m desperate here come on”
But Tala ignores him completely as she continues to walk along the dark alley.
“What you saw was nothing please don’t tell anyone” Hibiki reasons with her desperately
She hums in acknowledgement but she refuse to meet his eyes
Not after what she just saw
“I was just looking for a strap on to try on-“
That’s it!
“Ok stop” Tala whirls around to place a hand over his mouth “I don’t need an explanation on why I saw you on a sex shop looking for a strap on but If it helps you sleep at night I promise I won’t tell the league about any of this”
Hibiki raises his eyebrows in question but Tala was quick enough to brush him off
“This conversation never happened” she told him strernly.
Hibiki nodded his head in agreement “You promise you won’t tell anyone ok?”
“I promise, I got you”
Tala wouldn’t want to be admit it to everyone else but Inky was Tala’s favorite villain among the LOV
I mean cmon the girl was an under cover agent, and even though she was born quirkless the girl was a badass
From day one She was truly impressed on her combat and fighting skills.
So when Inky walks up to her one day and asks if she’s down on helping her with an undercover mission she immediately says yes.
Her given task was easy, talk to that purple haired dude from the UA and gather information on Eraser head’s status and schedules. (ooooop inkie swettie I see what you did there 😉😉)
Now talking to the purple haired dude was not as easy as she thought it would have been. She started the questions easy, asking how it’s like studying in UA? How do you balance your hero life and social life? Questions she knew wouldn’t draw any suspicions. But the guy showed zero interest in engaging on a conversation and if Tala was being honest to herself she was sensing a bit of a Tsundere vibes from him.
Tala was on the verge of giving up cause it looks like this purple haired kid isn’t gonna talk anytime soon so she decided to do one more trick up her sleeve
“Im sorry for bothering you about all this UA stuff. I always wanted to enroll there and become a hero ya know but people always thought I had a villain quirk so I guess I just didn’t have what it takes”
At that statement the purple haired guy stops dead in his tracks
BINGO! Got him.
“Why? What’s your quirk?” He asks as he turns to face her
Smiling to herself Tala points a finger to her bandaged eye “I can make people tell what’s their deepest desire by directly looking at their eyes”
The UA student blinks his eyes in surprise before he softens his face and smiled “That’s an amazing quirk you have there”
“Yeah you think so?”
He nods his head in response
“What’s your name?”
“Shinsou. What’s yours?”
Time skip:
“Well I got the information that you need Inky” Tala laughs as she skips towards the under cover agent
Inky smiles at the younger girl before she tilts her head upward to meet her gaze “well?”
“Ereaserhead is single” Tala squeals as she clutches unto Inky’s arm.
At this Inky also laughs as she stood up to ruffle her hair “Knew I could count on you Kid”
“Of course you would I got you”
Tala pauses the activity she was currently doing and took a quick glance to her peripherals where Yua was standing.
“How many times have I told you to not to play with my needles?” Yua scolds as she quickly snaps the box of needles shut.
“I wasn’t playing” Tala defends as she removes the sharp syringe that was impaled on her skin.
“Was just testing them that’s all”
Yua clicks her tongue in disappointment before leaning down and plucking another needle that was stuffed into Tala’s neck.
“You don’t even know your pressure points” Yua retorts sarcastically
“Would you teach me where they are?” Tala asks as she props up beside Yua’s chair. “You know they could come in handy during battle”
Yua smirks to herself as she gives Tala a flick on her forehead “Always so stubborn” she says smiling.
“Is that a Yes?” Tala asks as she adjusted her sitting position so she was looking directly at Yua.
“Hmmm I dunno what’s in it for me?” Yua asks teasingly as she made a move to grab the box of face mask’s
“I can buy you and shiggy your favorite essential oils? and aloe vera gel?”
Amused with your answer Yua gestures Tala to get comfortable in her sit so she could begin the acupuncture.
“Lots and lots of essential oils” Tala promises as Yua hovers right in front of her.
“You definitely owe me a lot this time love” Yua says as she pricks a needle unto the sensitive spot in your neck.
“No worries” Tala hums in pleasure as she leaned her head over the chair “I’ll always got your back”
Tala presses both her hands unto her bleeding abdomen trying so desperately to stop the blood from flowing out.
“Stupid” she scolds herself “God you’re so stupid Tala if you just followed Shigaraki’s instruction you wouldn’t be in this situation”
Another boom of explosion rings around her that Tala’s vision turns hazy for a second. She was about to slip unto unconsciousness when two large arms shook her awake
“TALA” Dabi’s voice echoes inside her ear as she slowly opens her eyes.
“Keep those eyes open for me ok?” Dabi whispers as he gently places his arm around her shoulder.
“Dabi” she wheezes out “your bleeding”
Both their eyes flicker towards the ugly scratch of wound on Dabi’s left leg. The dark bruise now turning to an ugly shade of purple.
“You can’t carry me out of here” Tala coughs as she tightens her hold unto her own wounded stomach
“Of course I can” Dabi says as he heaved Tala into his arms
Before he could take a step forward, a huge amount of pain shot through his leg that made both of them stumble back to the ground.
“You can’t carry me” Tala repeats her statement as sudden realization dawns on her.
Dabi couldn’t carry her.
Only one of them would walk out of here alive and it’s not going to be her.
She needs to give him the letter
*oh god the letter*
Wasting no time she maneuvers her hands out of Dabi’s shoulders and into the pockets of her hoodie
She quickly then hands Dabi a torn up envelope “Make sure shinsou gets that please” she breaths unto dabi’s ear
“There are also letters for all of you in my bedroom. Can you make sure everyone gets theirs? there’s also some money that I saved inside my-“
“Fucking Hell Tala” Dabi interrupts her “Stop talking like that”
“I’m not going to make it Dabi” Tala cries as she hits dabi on the shoulder. “There’s nothing we can do so please please just do what I say”
And for once in her life she saw the great and powerful Dabi cry
“You always have been a troublesome little brat aren’t you?” He sniffs as he buries his face into Tala’s head.
“I know” Tala whispers as she gently wipes the tears that were gently rolling on Dabi’s cheeks. “It’s ok now. I’ll be ok”
She frees herself from dabi’s embrace to allow him to stand.
When dabi was on his feet he leans down to give her a kiss on the forehead one last time
“Hey dabi?”
“Tell shinsou I love him”
A choked sob came out of Dabi’s throat before he replies “I got you”
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boymeetsweevil · 5 years
Another draft because FS is taking too long
Title: two wrongs don’t make a right (so what do two douchebags and a dweeb make?)
Douche/fuck boy Jimin and Jin, weirdo!OC
Jimin waits until the girl’s tiny frame disappears down the hallway in a blur of overly familiar stained sweats before turning to stare down a very sheepish looking Jin.
“You can’t tell anyone about this, got it?” He rakes a hand through his hair, mussing it and making him resemble a cockatoo.
“Dude, relax. I get it, you have a rep to maintain. Everyone ventures outside their type for a first time.”
Jin winces. He knows he’s known for being incredibly picky—only ever sleeping with 4.0 girls (the number referring to their maximum dress size and minimum GPA). Someone even did a story on it in the Hot Takes section of the school magazine. He’s still not sure if it’s a moment he should proud of.
“About that…” he trails off and tugs nervously at the throw blanket he hastily clothed himself with when Jimin burst into their shared living room only to catch him in a rather compromising position. With that girl of all people.
Jimin blinks slowly, trying to process the flurry of words and Jin’s ashamed tone. When what Jin said finally hits him, he grins darkly.
“Man, c’mon. Don’t joke like that about her, its not nice.”
“Jimin, I’m—,” Jin looks around the hallway suspiciously before dragging Jimin into the dorm and slamming the door shut. “I’m being serious, okay?” Jimin’s jaw drops and he begins to sputter.
“But…why her?”
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The first time Jimin encountered you was during a particularly late night in the stacks of the library last semester. The year was starting off hard and he was getting his ass kicked in one particular introductory psych class.
At around 1 in the morning, he had one more problem to finish on his take-home exam but was desperately stuck. He remembered seeing someone who he recognized from class sitting in the economics section. He thought it was odd initially. Usually no one sat there because the smell from the librarians’ bathroom often carried over. And no one wanted to study to the smell of coffee shits.
Taking a break, he grabbed his laptop and wandered around the stacks to find the classmate. When he found you, you were in the process of packing up, struggling to get your earphones into the headphone jack of your phone while also carrying a stack of periodicals and a burger from the campus grill, which happened to be leaking ketchup onto your already dingy tracksuit. He approached you carefully.
“Hey, you’re in Professor Kang’s class, right?”
His voice startled you and you lost your precarious grip on your stuff. The poorly wrapped burger fell to the floor and bled a little onto your white converse. The periodicals fluttered down around your feet.
“Shit, sorry. Lemme help you,” he offered as he put his laptop down. You gasped from your spot already crouched on the ground.
“No, please, it’s really okay. Please, I’m fine, I don’t need—“
But he already had one printout from the stack in his hand and automatically turned it over. When Jimin looks back on the memory, he thinks that this may have been the biggest mistake he’s ever made in his life.
He would later find out after a nervous google search that the paper in his hand, and probably 80 percent of the papers on the ground, were called fursonas. While a handful might have been somewhat decent, most of them were of overly buff rabbits with bubble butts raised for the viewer or tigers fisting weeping, veiny dicks over pastel backgrounds. The one he held was of a duck, or something, with a weight lifter’s body with an obscene expression on its face while tentacles swarmed it from all angles. The implications of what might be happening in the picture made Jimin’s head hurt.
“Oh my god, what the fuck. What the fuck,” he whispered. He was so stunned that he let you rip the page from his hand.
“It’s called fur-centric hentai and its art,” you hissed. The line sounded mechanical and well-practiced if you asked Jimin. He watched you gather the rest of your belongings quickly, burger included, before leaving him crouched in the economics stacks.
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Jin snaps his fingers in front of Jimin’s zoned out face only to have him be brought back to reality with a look of slight disgust.
“What’s your problem, fix your face,” Jin snapped.
“I’m just trying to figure out why you chose her, of all people. You remember that story I told you about the Econ stacks. I was so scarred, I got a C on that test.”
“Pretty sure you got a C because you didn’t realize there was a second page of the homework.”
“Well, if she hadn’t thrown her weird animal dicks all over the place, I would have realized there was a back and finished the assignment”
Jin sniffs and drops the blanket he was wearing, before walking over to the kitchen to get a drink, naked as the day he was born. Jimin follows on autopilot.
“Maybe you should stop trying to yuck my yum,”Jin says over his shoulder.
“Oh my god, don’t say it like that. I’m just saying, man. She’s weird. And gross. And more importantly not.Your. Type.” He enunciates each word with a poke to Jin’s bare back while he gets them some beers.
“You think I don’t fucking know that? That’s why I keep it discrete. Why do you think I told you not to come home every Tuesday and Thursday at until after 8:30?”
“You said you had lab.”
“How the hell could I do a lab in our apartment?”
“It…It could happen.”
“I’m a poetry major,” Jin pinches the bridge of his nose at his roommate’s stupidity, “Damnit Jimin.”
Jimin purses his lips when he realizes he might be even dumber than he thought.
“Wait a second, you’ve had lab,” he makes giant air quote gestures, “for, what, 2 months now? You’ve just been fucking her this whole time?”
There’s a beat of silence as Jin takes another swig from his beer. “Yeah,” he finally says. The matter of fact air of his response makes something glitch in Jimin’s brain.
“What the hell, dude? That’s a lot of repeat service. Does she have something on you? Is that why you’re doing this? Did you break an expensive-ass vase or something?” Jimin stops to think, his mind running wild with possibilities. “Holy shit, are you being pimped out?”
“No. God, would you just shut up?” Jin sighs quietly. “I’m sleeping with her so much because she’s the best I’ve ever had.”
Jimin takes a step back at the defeated sincerity in Jin’s tone.
“How? What about that time with that other girl--what was her name?” Jimin runs a hand through his hair trying to remember any name of one of many the girls Jin has had a fling with. “Oh! Irene or something? What about her?”
“I mean, Irene was fine. She gave pretty good head. But last Thursday I thought I came harder than I’ve ever come in my entire life.”
“You ‘thought’?”
Jin looks up wistfully somewhere behind Jimin’s head at the memory. “Well then she came over the following Tuesday and rocked my shit,” he smirks. “And then that was the hardest I’ve ever come in my life.”
“So she gives good head. Who cares? There’s plenty of girls on campus who give good head and also don’t draw furry porn for a living and wash their damn sweatpants.”
“You don’t understand, dude. It’s not just the head. It’s the head, and the handjobs, and the pussy. It’s everything.”
Jimin raises his eyebrows incredulously. “The pussy is better than the handjobs?” He has to try hard not to look impressed. Meanwhile Jin is smilng, almost relieved now that the secret is out and he can talk openly about the mindblowing sex he’d been having.
“The first time she jerked me off, I passed out immediately after I came and woke up late to the class the next afternoon.”
Jimin narrows his eyes but motions with a hand for Jin to continue.
“The first time she blew me I couldn’t even walk afterward.”
“Wait...was that the day you told me you thought you had a sprained ankle? The one that healed after 24 hours?”
The smug tone and the second stupid lie make Jimin want to rip his hair out. “Why do you lie so much,” he whispered, pain in his voice.
“I wasn’t lying, I really thought I had a sprained ankle.”
“From a blowjob?”
“That’s what I said.”
“What about the, uh, the pussy,” Jimin asks after realizing the FBI probably won’t come through the doors and snipe him for talking about vagina.
“The one time she let me hit it raw, I cried.,” Jin says, absolutely beaming.
“Oh, come on. You can’t be serious.”
“I am, though. I think she was gonna let me do it again today.” Jin closes his eyes and smiles softly while Jimin looks on, unamused.
“So? What happened today? She underperform or something?” There’s a hint of jealousy and a lot of curiosity in his tone, but Jimin would deny it if anyone asked him.
“No, asswipe. She got spooked because you showed up when you weren’t supposed to.”
“Well, sorry for ruining your lies,” Jimin snaps, cracking open his own beer.
“You think this is a joke?” Jin shoves Jimin in the chest roughly. “We didn’t get to finish because of you. Now I have to jerk off with my own hand. That’s pathetic”
“And what were you doing before you met her? Listen to yourself, she’s making you crazy. No one is that good in bed.”
Jin stomps over to the couch and settles down before turning and looking at Jimin over the backboard.
“You know what? You go and sleep with her 3--no--4 times. And if she doesn’t completely fry your brain, I’ll pay for any and all of your takeout for the next month. But If she does, you gotta switch mattresses with me and not come by the dorm until after 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from then on.”
“Dude, gross I don’t want your sex soaked mattress. It’s the same as yours anyway. Minus the ten gallons of old jizz on it.”
“No, it’s not. You have that, like, Tempurpedic thing.”
“True,” Jimin nods thoughtfully, “But don’t you think it would be weird if the roommate of the guy she was fucking started trying to get in her pants? Also, I could just lie and say she didn’t do it for me. Then you’d be forced to pay for my food and—Hold on. If she’s so good, why are you so willing to pawn her off to me?”
“Why do you ask so many stupid questions? First of all, she’s not mine just because I’m sleeping with her. I’m just telling you to go see if she’ll let you. I mean, there’s no guarantee. She barely even gave me a shot.”
“She barely gave you a shot? But you’re, like, the campus prince”, more air quotes, “How did this even happen?”
“Well, to make a long story short, we were both high at her sorority and I’d heard rumors about her from Wonho, so I went to…talk to her in her room.”
“Wonho is Wonho, though. He’d fuck anyone if the weed was good.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken, my friend. He has a diverse and sophisticated palate. He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to weed and sex. Once I took him up on his suggestion and she said yes, I never looked back,” Jin says with a dreamy voice.
Jimin watches the back of Jin’s head loll on the sofa. When a soft sigh emerges from where the older man is sitting, Jimin recoils and runs out of the kitchen, away from the couch.
“Are you jerking off right now? Dude. Not cool.”
“Get the fuck out, then. It’s Thursday, which means I’m getting off by 7:30pm and I don’t give a rat’s ass who’s here when it happens.”
“Fine,” Jimin huffs and reluctantly stuffs his feet back into his sneakers where they lie by the door. “I hope your dick chafes.”
Jin purposefully releases another, louder moan and Jimin runs out of the apartment.
Tumblr media
“I’ll have an order of the half crispy, half spicy and a large coke. Thanks,” Jimin says to the clerk at the grill before checking his phone for the 8th time in the hour.
8:01 Jimin - Are you done yet?
             (8:10 read by Jin)
8:11 Jin - yeah but round two starts soon so
8:11 Jin - *middle finger emoji*
Jimin quickly shuts down his messenger app and opens up Flappy Bird while he sits at a table and waits for his order number to be called.
“Stupid asshole and his stupid dick, kicking me out of the stupid apartment. Fuck you, dickhead,” Jimin mutters to himself.
“What did you just say?” 
Jimin’s head whips up at the infantile voice coming from the seat across from him. Jeon Jungkook is sitting at his table, eating a veggie burger. Who the hell orders a veggie burger from a chicken place?
“Were you talking to me,” Jungkook asks again, pushing his bulky glasses up with a finger.
“Jeon, why would I be talking to you? A better question is why the hell are you talking to me?
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crispychrissy · 6 years
Bed of Roses - Chapter 1
Summary: Y/N finds some strange abnormalities with some medical records, and when she continues to look into it after her boss tells her not to, things take a turn for the worse. Characters: Nurse!Reader, Gordon Walker, Sabrina (OFC) Word Count: 1412 Warnings: Medical situations and discussions, angst, violence A/N: Welcome to a new journey! This chapter is short, but it’s a lead up to the journey the reader is going to be taken on. I am in the medical field (I do the reader’s job, just on the side of the insurance company), so there is some calloused mentions of medical situations that I have seen before. And yes, Sabrina is a real nurse I work with and yes, she’s that annoying. Tags are open for this series so please send an ask!
Bed of Roses Masterlist — Complete Masterlist
“Never ceases to amaze me what people shove up their butts,” one of the nurses from the ER muttered as she walked into the health management and insurance review office, carelessly tossing a patient file onto the only occupied desk.
Glancing up, Y/N stopped typing, removed her hands from under the file, and placed it into the overflowing box labeled ‘New’ sitting a mere foot away from where the nurse had dropped it. “People do a lot of things, Sabrina. Good thing the human body is so resilient.”
Sabrina chuckled and snapped her gum, giving Y/N a lazy shrug. “Tell that to Mr. Isaacs,” she gestured to the folder, “who decided to shove a beer bottle up his ass and then take a shower. He fell, bottle shattered… you know the rest. Dude bled out from a perforated colon and died forty five minutes ago.”
Being a nurse herself, Y/N understood the callous nature of some people in the medical field, but it still didn’t make it easy to hear a co-worker speak without any compassion whatsoever. “That’s a tough break,” she grimaced at the unintentional pun that made Sabrina snort, “but I’ll take care of the insurance clinicals and submit it for processing.”
Sabrina blinked at her. “Yeah, I know. That’s like… your job. Duh.” With another snap of her gum, the ER nurse spun on her heel and left the room, finally leaving Y/N alone once more.
It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy being around people, she just enjoyed being alone more. Tasked with gathering clinical documents to submit to insurance companies for approval, her department only had two people in it. One was her, and the other was the department lead and her boss, Gordon Walker. What the man lacked in personality he made up for by allowing Y/N to do her work in peace. She was good, fast, and dependable.
She never let anything slip.
Which is why the patient file she was currently processing drew her attention. There was so much missing information, it was as if the file was documented carelessly or was done by someone who didn’t understand what fields need to be filled out.
The only information on the file was a name, Dean Winchester, and year of birth, 1979. There was no admit date, no diagnosis, and no insurance information. Usually, if a patient is uninsured, there’s a code that’s used to flag the file so it doesn’t land on Y/N’s desk; no insurance means there’s nothing for her to submit. But in this case, the field was left completely blank.
Thinking it was just a clerical error, she opened up the medical record search box on her computer and typed this mystery man’s information in. Her eyebrows shot up when the program notified her that there were fourteen matches based on his name and year of birth.
“What the hell?” she mumbled to herself as she scrolled through each record, realizing that each patient file is just as incomplete as the one on her desk. None of the files ever crossed her desk, so it wasn’t anything she overlooked, but it was still a huge error on the part of the hospital and needed to be corrected.
Highlighting all the files, she printed each admit form out and tucked them neatly into a folder. Gordon would need to be made aware of what Y/N discovered so they could figure out how this Dean Winchester fella had been receiving free medical care over the last decade without anyone noticing. She set his file and the folder filled with admit forms to the side and continued processing the stack of patient files that seemed to be a permanent fixture on her desk, regardless of how fast she worked.
When Gordon strolled into the office thirty minutes later, Y/N caught his attention and gathered the files before walking over to his desk right as he sat down.
“Hey, Gordon. This file came across my desk and it’s incomplete,” she passed him the patient file, “but when I tried to look up this patient’s name in the medical records database, there’s fourteen more incomplete admit forms that come up. I don’t know how nobody caught this, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.”
Gordon flipped open the patient file and his body tensed as his eyes studied the name printed on the page. Immediately, he shut the file and tossed it - along with the folder of admit forms - into the confidential information bin to be incinerated.
“Forget you ever saw those, Y/N,” Gordon warned, pointing a finger at her. “The file landed on your desk by mistake and the Winchesters are nothing you need to worry about.”
“But -”
“That’s an order,” he interrupted. “Now get back to work.”
Y/N opened her mouth to argue more, but decided against it, dejectedly making her way back over to her desk and sitting down. The more she thought about it, the more things didn’t add up. That, and the fact that Gordon said Winchesters, plural. Something else was going on, and Y/N was nothing if not diligent. If there was anything untoward going on, she’d get to the bottom of it and bring it to the attention of the administration staff if she found anything.
Once Gordon was distracted with his own work, she continued processing the patient files on her desk, but also began searching through medical records for patients with blank files that have the last name of Winchester. There were several complete files, but she found multiple files under the names John and Sam Winchester with the same incomplete status as Dean.
After a quick break for lunch, Y/N continued working and continued digging deeper and deeper into the fragmented medical history of these mysterious Winchesters. There were some consistencies in their sparse documentation, though. Almost all of their patient files had originated in the ER’s trauma unit, meaning there was some kind of life threatening injury that brought them in. Based on the amount of times each man was here, they were some of the clumsiest people in the world.
Or they lived very dangerous lives.
The afternoon passed in a blur, and Y/N waved goodbye to an oddly skittish Gordon as he grabbed his coat and left the room, leaving an hour early for the second week in a row. She never complained, though. This job allowed her the freedom to work alone without being spit on, peed on, pooped on, or otherwise abused by patients. She was still helping, but behind the scenes.
The next time she glanced at the clock, it was just past five-thirty, a half an hour after her shift was supposed to end. There was nobody waiting at home for her, so she wasn’t concerned. She locked up patient files, turned off her computer, and stored the list of medical record numbers she gathered from all of the Winchester’s incomplete cases in one of the bottom drawers of her desk.
It was tomorrow’s problem, now.
Gathering her purse and coat, she shut the light off and locked the door to the office before leaving the hospital and making the long trek across the property to the employee parking lot. It was a rather large hospital campus, but the cool fall air was nice compared to the stuffy recycled hospital air in her office.
The parking garage was quiet, and she paused when she noticed some of the lights near her car were burned out. The outages looked random, and there was still plenty of light, so she only gave a cautionary glance around before continuing to her car.
The second her key slipped into the lock on the driver’s side door, something heavy hit her over the head and her body was slammed against the side of her car. Panic set in and she began fighting, ignoring the immense pain burning in the back of her skull. Something sharp piercing her neck made her try to scream, but the second she parted her lips, a wool glove was pressed against her mouth, silencing her.
Her body felt heavy and her vision was blurry, and she stumbled once the arms wrapped around her body released her. Spinning around, she squinted at the blurry outline of someone dressed in black and the last thing she heard before everything went dark was a man’s voice.
“Got her.”
Forevers [CLOSED]: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @just-another-busy-fangirl @growningupgeek @jensen-gal @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @atc74 @pilaxia @supernatural-jackles @impala-dreamer @bambi95-blog @wonderfulworldofwinchester @batmmgray @brooke-supernatural16 @dwgrl1903 @hey-bxtch @turnttoverr @kittenofdoomage @leanbeankeane @emoryhemsworth @xalgaliareptx @mhnfatima @bi-e-ne @speakinvain @pebblesz892 @kararanae23 @kassablanca13 @mogaruke @tockettt @imagining-supernatural @wildefire @serienjunkiegirl @mrswhozeewhatsis @stars-and-seas @jaremish @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nyxveracity @andkatiethings @bamby0304 @deathtonormalcy56 @winchesterprincessbride @moonstar86 @missihart23 @mrs-meghan-winchester @miss-rebel-without-applause @dean-winchesters-bacon @curly-haired-disaster @supernatural-teamfreewillpage
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @adoptdontshoppets @focusonspn​ @spnwoman
Bed of Roses tags: @fangirl-and-medstudent-help @somilotopia @animatenebrae @jessieray98 @docharleythegeekqueen @ellallheart @superflurry @holylulusworld @anathewierdo @flamencodiva @notyourtypicalrose @ladycynthia @maddiepants @mirandaaustin93 @the-is13 @spn--imagines @oneshoeshort @waitwhatsrealityagain @sexykitten253 @stupidtrashprincess @the-walking-daryl @thebooksiwishtoread @momma-loves-her-some-capnbucky @kbl1313 @winchasterdean @hopefulcolorcollectorsthings
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aggedyann · 5 years
1 Cold 4 Stories part 1
Actually 1 Cold, 4 Stories, 2 Interludes and 2 Epilogues
Fluff featuring all my OCs
1 Cold, 4 Stories
1. Freddie
Freddie woke up feeling significantly worse than yesterday. He had found himself in the early stages of a cold yesterday and had spent all of Sunday in bed, hoping to head it off. That had done little good, it seemed. “HuhhhChuusshh.” A powerful sneeze jerked him forward, and he sat up, grabbing a tissue to catch the three that followed in. “Huhhchushh, uhhchishh, huhhchusshhmmphh.”
He looked over next to him, expecting to see Jamie there. Instead, there was a note on her pillow. ‘Hey, Sweety, reminder, I had to go into work early so I could leave early. Hope you’re not feeling too awful. Love you.”
He blew his nose again and got out of bed, ignoring the few seconds of dizziness when he stood up. He grabbed clothes and headed for the shower, hoping that and some DayQuil would clear out his congestion. He sneezed twice more while getting ready, then headed down to make breakfast.
He picked at a slice of toast, sneezed again, drank his orange juice and headed to work.
An hour later, he was in the office he shared with Tim, Ella and Sam, stashing a fresh box of Kleenex in his desk.
“Got a cold?” Tim asked, sympathetic look on his face.
“He always has a cold.” Ella pointed out, less sympathetically. She’d been brought down by his last one.
“It’s been at least a..a..a..uhhchusshh..a month.” Freddie protested, face buried in his sleeve. He kept his face there a moment. “Ugh...thought there were gonna be more.” He sniffed.
“Here.” Sam tossed him a bottle of hand sanitizer she’d pulled from her purse. “I swear I’m buying you some for Christmas.”
“Thanks.” Freddie caught it easily, blew his nose and used it. “Can we just get to work?” He coughed, reaching for his water.
The four of them started throwing topics around for the show that night and working on jokes, Freddie primarily contributing coughs and sneezes to everyone’s dismay.
Alex came in a few hours later to see what they were working on for him.
“Hey guys? Whatcha got?”
“Hey Alex” came from Tim and the two girls.
“UhhhChushh! Chushhh!” Came from Freddie.
“Don’t tell me you have another cold.” Alex groaned, noticing that everyone was sitting as far away from Freddie as they could.
“HuhhhChuushoo.” Was Freddie’s response, followed by several harsh wracking coughs.
Alex sighed, noticing no one moved their chairs to make room for him at the end of the table where he usually sat. Inwardly groaning, he dragged his chair over by Freddie, noticing Tim at least move closer to Ella.
The group tossed out the current events of the day for him to review and the jokes they had written about them, Freddie sneezing at increasingly more frequent intervals followed by harsher and more prolonged coughing.
At 1:00, the group left for rehearsal. Freddie got up slowly to follow them when Alex stopped him, grabbing his elbow. “Dude, you got 2 choices, you can go home or you can stay in here preparing jokes to replace the ones that don’t work. But you’re not going in there with everybody. I don’t give my guests colds as thank you gifts.”
Freddie nodded, coughing. “I’ll stay back here.”
“I’ll have someone run you notes every 15 and pick up what you have.”
Freddie stepped back from Alex and turned away. “Huhhchushh. Uhhchussh.” He grabbed a tissue off the table and blew his nose.
“Bless you. I’ll see you after rehearsal to go over jokes again.”
Freddie sat down at his desk and waited. His fellow writers rotated through, bringing him stuff to fine tune and picking up what he had already fine tuned for Alex to try. At 2:30, they came back to the room, catching him in the midst of a sneezing fit. “Uhhhchussh, Chushhh, huhhchusshhh, huhhhchusshoo, chusshhmmphh, huhhhchussmmphh, huhhhchuhrsshhooo.” He turned to grab a fresh tissue and found them also standing there. “Ub, hi.” He said, blowing his nose loudly a handful of times.
“Bless you.” Tim ventured. “You sure you’re ok?”
Alex nodded. “You don’t usually sneeze like that.”
“You didn’t hear half of it.” Freddie admitted, stuffily, rubbing his neck.
Alex gave him a firm, but gentle look. Freddie sighed. “Let’s review the monologue and topics. Then I’ll go home.”
He didn’t make it back to work that week.
Freddie didn’t make it back to work that week, a gesture his colleagues appreciated, however they wondered exactly how sick he was. He wasn’t one to call out, and certainly not for 3 days.
Wednesday, Sam came in sick. She spent the day repeatedly sneezing, coughing, using hand sanitizer and wiping everything she touched down with bleach wipes. Alex finally sent her home at rehearsal when the scent of bleach started making him sneeze and gave him and Tim headaches, reminding her he needed to be in top form for the show.
She didn’t make it in on Thursday, leaving Tim and Ella to handle that night’s show. Tim was sneezing when Ella walked into the office. “He got you too?” Was her only comment.
“Too?” Tim blew his nose and turned to look at Ella who was paler than usual, red nosed and sniffling. “Well, at least he hasn’t gotten Alex yet.”
He had no further finished that statement when they heard Alex’s familiar “Huhchuh” from the doorway.
“I hope that’s just your allergies, for your sake.” Ella sniffled.
Alex shook his head, coughing. “I see he got you both,” taking in Ella’s appearance and the tissues in Tim’s hand. “Let’s get to work. I’m joining you two today.”
The three of them sat around the table, working between coughs and sneezes. Around noon, they realized none of them had cold medicine for that afternoon.
“I can send someone out to get some.” Alex said, looking at the pile of tissues by Ella and Tim wrapped in his coat.
“Hiichiew! Check Freddie’s desk. As much as he’s sick, he’s gotta have some in there.” Ella suggested.
Tim walked over to the desk and started checking drawers. Hitting the bottom drawer, he came up with a box of cold medicine and a bag of cough drops. “Jackpot,” he said congestedly. He held up a box of tissues. “How are these holding up?”
Alex looked at the remaining box on the desk - they’d had 3 partial boxes this morning. “Bring it.”
Tim carried the bounty over to the table and dropped it there, turning away from the table. “Hayahhshoo, hahhshoo! Ahhshoo! Heyyahhshhehh.” He sat down and blew his nose, taking a cough drop and a blister pack of cold medicine, then passing them on.
By grace, they made it through rehearsal, Alex sneezing minimally. He managed to make it through rehearsal, sneezing once on a commercial break. Tim and Ella didn’t do that well on the headsets, but they all got through it.
At the end of the day, Tim handed out Sam’s bleach wipes and told Alex to wipe down his office while he and Ella did the writer’s office.
They headed home, knowing how sick Freddie and Sam were, and what lie ahead for them.
Interlude 2
Freddie didn’t sleep well Monday night, despite the NyQuil. He kept waking up to sneeze and waking himself up coughing. At midnight, Jamie put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Sweety. I need to go sleep in the guest room. I’m not getting any sleep in here.”
He nodded, blowing his nose. “Go.” He understood, and settled himself in for a long night.
Tuesday would be his true test. He woke up coughing so hard he could barely catch his breath. When he finally stopped, Jamie was standing there with a glass of water. “You are *not* going to work today.” She informed him. He protested weakly. “I already called Alex.”
He tried to glare at Jamie. “HuhhChusshh, uhhchushhh.” The effect was the ruined, and she smiled sympathetically.
She finished getting ready for work. “Just rest, ok. I want your butt here or on the couch, ok.” He nodded, trying not to sneeze again. “I’ll call and check on you.”
He couldn’t hold back the sneezes any longer. “Uhhchusshh, Huhh-huhhchushh, huhhruhhCHUSSHshehh.”
Jamie raised her eyebrows at the the violence of the last sneeze. “When can you take DayQuil?” She asked, picking up his phone and punching in his security code.
“Ted.” He sniffled, blowing his nose and wincing at how tender it was. She set the alarm on his phone, reminded him of the soup in the fridge, to stay hydrated, and left for work.
Freddie’s spent the morning in bed trying to sleep, but mostly tossing and turning, coughing and sneezing.
Jamie called at noon to check in him. “Hi.” He said breathlessly. “Ihhchussh, CHUSHHHooo.”
“Bless you. I’ll take that as an answer on how you’re doing.”
“Still sdeezig ad coughig dodstop.” He snuffled. “Hag od.” He set the phone down and she heard a wet, gurgling blow.
Lord was he stuffed up. “Gotten any rest?”
“A little. I was godda eat ludch dow.”
“Good. Need me to bring you anything when I leave work?”
He coughed roughly for a good 30 seconds, a persistent strong cough. “Cad you brig those tissues with the lotiod? By doze is really sore. OJ. Cough drops. I thik we’ll deed bore cold bedicide.”
She laughed. “So everything.”
“Yeah. Hehhruuhhchoo.”
“Bless you. I’ll see you tonight.”
Freddie managed a bit more sleep after lunch, but it wasn’t restful. His nose has decided to drip nonstop, saturating his pillow.
Jamie was home by 6. She handed him 2 bags of tissues. “Soothing lotion, cooling lotion, and Lotion with Vick’s. I wasn’t sure what would work best for you right now. 2 gallons of OJ in the fridge.” She handed him the cough drops. She held up the other bag. “Cold medicine. Daytime capsules, nighttime liquid and capsules.”
He looked at her gratefully, grabbing a tissue from the box on the coffee table. “HuhhCHUHMMPHH.” He tried to muffle the sneeze in the tissue, then tenderly wiped his nose.
“Chili in the crockpot, then back to bed.”
He nodded. The ate dinner; well, she ate, Freddie picked at his chili and sneezed, apologizing the whole meal. He hated sneezing at the table. Jamie just kept reminding him he couldn’t help it right now, that she did it plenty.
After dinner, she brought him upstairs, set his alarm for NyQuil, put eucalyptus and wintergreen oil in the essential oil burner on the humidifier to try to relieve his congestion, and tucked him in.
“I’m sleeping in the guest room again,” she told him. “I can’t catch this.” She brushed his hair back. “Love you. I hope you sleep.”
He did get slightly more sleep that night.
Wednesday was slightly better.
But Freddie spent the rest of the week in bed. He hadn’t been this sick in a long time. Thursday, he crashed and did nothing but sleep. Friday, he woke up, feeling somewhat human. Still a little tired, sneezing, and coughing, but human.
Which was good because that’s when the phone calls started.
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flashflashitsash · 5 years
The Bakers Son - 2
Part one
Part two <- you’re here
Part three
Ladybug pouted as Chat Noir had beat her to the roof top
“Haha M’lady you owe me a date” he grinned leaning on his baton toward her, she rolled her eyes, pushing him slightly to tip him over
“All you’re gunna get is your butt kick- watch out!” Ladybug jumped pushing over chat and herself.
They both ducked down to miss the flying lamp post that was thrown at them.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir!! Give me your miraculous’!!!” The akuma victim screamed flexing his muscles
They scanned over the scene, Anti-Weak was grabbing civilians, squeezing them, and then taking away all their strength.
“Ugh seriously?” Bug looked over at Chat
“This is the best Hawkmoth could come up with?” She spun her yo-yo in her hand getting ready to launch it.
Laughing, Chat said “I guess he’s getting desperate Bugaboo..” he smirked at her “Just like I’m getting impatient waiting for the day you go to the movies with me!” He smirked back at her on his way toward the villain
Chat swung his baton to hit the back side of the villain, but then was jerked to a stop when he felt a strong hand grab the other end of his baton
“Ooo look at your muscles, eh? I could definitely use Kittens strength” the villain tightened his grip on chats baton, shaking it violently, which in return sent Chaton flying into a building across the street.
Ladybug grimaced at the sight “Guess we’re going to need a little luck now aren’t we?” She smiled and called for her lucky charm..
A feather pillow?
“What am I going todo with this?” she looked down at the lucky charm puzzled, then took another glance at her scenery. She jumped down off the rooftop to the ground.
“M’lady we shouldn’t be taking a cat nap at this hour it’s only midday! “ Chat rubbed his back joining her on the ground ready to start again.
She rolled her eyes ripping the pillow open. She wiggled a feather in her partners face, which in turn caused him to have a sneezing fest.
“Ahh-ahh..” Chat began to rub his not vigorously trying to make the sneeze go away
She giggled as he’d went and splashed his face with water to restart his nose.
“Not fair” he pouted trying to hold back a sneeze.
They had defeated the akuma by tickling his back, where he could not reach due to his overly large muscles. Chat had used his cataclysm to destroy the Akumatized object, the villains sports headband.
“Bye-bye little butterfly” Lady said as she watched it fly away. She called for her miraculous cure and everything went back to how it was..
Except for chat sneezing every two minutes.
“Ugh M’lady do you have time to called out for some medicine to stop this sneezing?” He rubbed his face walking over towards her.
Right as she was about to make a sly comment her earrings beeped.
“Sorry chaton I gotta go” she giggled and pushed his face away by poking his nose
“See you tomorrow Sneezy” she launched her yo-yo to the top of a building and disappeared from sight.
Chat dipped down behind a trash can and walked back around it as Adrien. He started walking making his way back home to set his back pack down before the school fair started.
His parents both look up hearing the bakery’s bell ding. His mother shooting him a warm smile.
“Hey Bud, could you give your mother a hand really quick while I go get some more ingredients?” His father asked him already half way to their storage room
“Of course“ Adrien smiled moving his hair from his face and ringing out the next person in line.
After a few minutes of quiet and helping his mother restock the window displays. He’d heard the bell to the front doors go off again.
“Hello welcome to-“ Adrien looked up to see a bright, blue eyed marinette standing there, biting her lip looking at the cookies he had just set out in the windows
“Hey Marinette!” He chimed as he walked back to the cash register “Any special requests?” He smiled as she blushed a bit, realizing it was Adrien who was attending to her.
“I-um..” her face turning very red. “Do you think I could get some of those cookies you brought to school today?” She looked up at him fiddling with her fingers.
“Yeah of course! “ he turned around to where he still had a few of his moms special cookies he had taken to school in the morning. Luckily they hadn’t been finished due to the akuma attack.
“You can have the rest of them” he gleamed handing her the box Adrien always used when bringing baked goods to school.
A smile came to her face taking in their smell “How much?” She set the box down reaching down to pull out her wallet.
“Free of charge” he grinned that goofy grin at her
“O-oh Adrien no I can’t, how much?” she stuttered playing with a strand from her pony tail
“Really Marinette, take them, we don’t sell these in the bakery, is just a special recipe my mom makes every once and while.” He shrugged and a small laugh left his lips “ I just need the box back”
She looked away knowing how red she was becoming. “Well let me do something in return?” She bit her lip fiddling with the cookie box.
“Surprise me “ He smirked a bit seeing how red she getting, but he got brought back to earth when his phone went off. “Oh crap! I forgot I’d help Nino set up!” He grabbed his wallet and sweater, then meeting Marinette’s eyes again.
“You’re going to be there tonight right?” He smiled at Marinette, who was practically drooling over the cookies
“Yes of course, I’ll see you in a bit? “ she blushed making her way towards the door.
Adrien slid past her, opening it for her. “See you in a bit “
He heard his mother giggle from around the corner. “ Let me know when she wants more cookies mon fils”
He rubbed the back of his neck looking away from his mom “ I will mama, see you tonight!”
Marinette blushed all the way home looking at the cookie box. She opened it pulling one out and opened her tiny purse in which her Kwami popped out smiling
“Ahh I’ve been waiting all day!!” The little Kwamis eyes became huge in delight, she took a long sniff before taking a bite bigger than her head
Giggling also taking a bite “They’re so good right?” She rubbed the top of her Kwamis head, then begane tracing over the delicate design in the box.
“Marinette are you ever going to tell him?”
Marinette looked out the window in thought, “That these cookies are the best I’ve ever had? Of course!”
Tikki gave her a less than amused look, “No the other thing “
She sighed “ What do I even say? You know father, he barely likes when I have photo shoots with boys, imagine once I start dating !?” She huffed putting her head in her hands
“I mean I turn red every time I’m near him! I stumble my words-“ she was cut off by her Kwami.
“But he’s so kind and he doesn’t make fun of you when you stumble and turn red “ Tikki moves to her chosens shoulder.
“He only thinks of me as a friend “ she sighed getting out of the car once they arrived home.
She raced upstairs to her fathers office, to find a Natalie -as usual- guarding the door
“He’s busy, I’m sorry Marinette. ” she claimed staring straight forward.
“Can you ask him for me if I can go to the back to school fair? It’s in an hour” She bit the inside of her cheek folding her hands almost begging Natalie
“As long as your home by 9-“ Marinette had already engulfed her in a hug
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou” she whisper /shouted then ran off to her room to change
“ This looks great Nino!”
“Thanks dude I couldn’t have finished in time without your help”.
They gave each other a high five having just finished setting up. they allowed Nino to have set up on the second floor, overlooking the entire event.
The court yard had just begun to fill up with people, Nino started the soundtrack and a bunch of hoops and hollars came from the crowd
“ Alya I have no idea what to wear..”
“Girl, wear THE DRESS” her friend pleaded with her, “You worked so hard on it! People should see it!!”
“ I guess if I put a Cheng jacket on top...father won’t be as mad?” She but her lip paring the two together “That’s if he finds out”
“Yes girl go for it!!”
Alya was her biggest supporter when it came to marinettes own creations.
“ I’m almost at school I’ll see you there!” Alya yelled over the phone.
“Alright bye bye!” Tossing her phone to her bed, Mari put on the dress and then the jacket over. “Tikki I’m nervous. “ she glanced at her Kwami through her mirror.
“Why Marinette?” She peeped flying her way over to the top of her mirror.
“I want this to be the best school year yet, I was so meh last year since it was my first year, and I was gone with doing photo shoots for most of it” she sighed “This year... I just want to feel normal. “ she let herself fall back onto the couch in her room.
“ I mean, Alya has never even been in my room!” Throwing her hands up in the air.
“ I’m going to make father change this year. “ she felt determined.
Ever since her mother passed, her father had been so overly protective over her. Never let her go out, much less let anyone in.
“Let’s go Tikki! I’m going to have fun tonight!” She hopped up, pulled on her flats that matched the dusty pink dress she had designed and created herself, she picked up the random grey sweater from her fathers collection.
She’d started making her way down the steps when she could hear the cold voice from down the hall, making a knot in her stomach.
“What are you wearing “ her father caught up with her, eye balling her outfit.
“One of the new sweaters from your collecting” she breathed out hoping to take all attention away from her dress
“ I know that obviously, I created it-but this dress I did not.” He poked at the collar of it
“ M-my friend gave it to me” she mentally face palmed.
Good one Mari, he’s going to believe that for surrree
“Hmm. Well ask your friend tomorrow if she can tell me the designer.” He let go of the collar beginning to walk away
“ I will, Father. ” she tried to make it down the stairs as fast as possible
“Where do you think you’re going?” He stood at the top of the stairs hands folded behind his back.
“I was going to go to the back to school fair..” she rubbed her arm not wanting to meet her fathers glare.
I guess Natalie hadn’t asked him...
Turning his head to the side, he side eyed her sternly “You are not going out.“
She felt the tears brim her eyes “Please father! I promised my frie-“
“ I said no, my answer is final, go to bed you have to get up early. Also, no more stops at the bakery’s. You have a strict diet to stick to.”
He made his way to his office, the doors slamming closed behind him.
Natalie stepping out from the restroom, shot her a sympathetic look as Marinette dashed upstairs covering her face.
“Ugh where is that girl!!” Alya huffed standing up at the dj station with Nino and Adrien.
“She’ll be here Alya don’t worry” Nino patted his girlfriends shoulder in reassurance.
“She definitely will Alya, I talked to her earlier at the bakery” Adrien chimed as he took bite of pizza
“Wait-Marinette went to your bakery?!” Alya said moving spots with Nino,
Adriens eyes widen at her sudden interest in the quick stop for cookies, he swallowed his food “Uh yeah she came in, got some cookies then left“ he went to take another bite of his food before Alya stopped him.
“Was her dad with her?” She was looking concerned at this point.
“N-no she was alone..”
Alya sighed and let adrien have his food back.
“What’s wrong with her getting food?” Nino put a hand on alyas shoulder
“Her dad is so controlling, he probably got mad she bought cookies before a photo shoot. ‘Only healthy food so that your skin looks flawless’ Or he’s upset at the wardrobe she wan-I forced her to wear“ she huffed and rested her arms on the railing.
“What?” Adrien said again stuffing his face
“ Nothing, she’s not coming. “ her phone had buzzed, she already knew who it was from.
The fair had ended, Adrien helped Nino take his dj stuff home, he was walking down an ally when he felt rain drops.
He sighed, he loved helping his friends but Nino was the one who lived the farthest away. Which meant Adrien was most definitely going to get caught in the storm.
“Well this sucks “ Plagg went and hid in adriens jacket
“Oh no you don’t, I’m not going to get caught in the storm “ he smirked at plagg who whined
“Ugh just do it already “
“ Claws out!”
He did not beat the rain which sucked because he knew he’s probably have a small cold in the morning. He was running as fast as possible down roof tops when a girl in a pink dress caught his attention.
She was curled up in a ball under a tree, he jumped down and walked over to her, he knelt down to her level
“Hey, miss are you alrigh-“ His mouth gaped open once the girl looked up at him with sadness in her eyes, he was taken a back.
Marinette had stormed back into her room, slamming the door shut-she’d hear about that later- she was just beyond angry.
“Why Tikki!? Why is he always like this? I just want to go to the fair! I’m so sick of it all!” She paces her room, ripping off the sweater in aggravation.
“ I need air, I just need to get out of here for a while” her breathing becoming more rapid.
Tikki looked at her in concern “Are you sure?”
She looked at tikki with tears in her eyes, “Yes spots on”
Off she went. She had no destination, not a thought of where she’d end up, she didn’t even care about the fair anymore, she just needed to clear her mind.
She didn’t really have a summer vacation due to her father, all she wanted was a normal school year. Not even that her life was normal. She was a model with a controlling father, but she also had a huge secret. Being Ladybug was her only escape from her dungeon she called home.
She eventually stopped not knowing where she was.
Crap, what street is this?
Well frack this part is too long so I’ll have to post the other half of it as part three :/ Ugh. I got caught up doing house work today, but here’s part two! Sorry if there are typos I didn’t get much of a chance to really proof read it. Let me know what you think!
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