#ceo! jin ling
littledancingphoenix · 5 months
Closed rp with @thekingsofironfist
Xiaoyu dreaded turning 18, because she knew what it meant. Her traditional parents would try their absolute damndest to marry her off to a well-to-do family. Even though she had already expressed to them that she had no interest in marrying someone else. She already had a wonderful relationship with Jin, a former fellow classmate at her school. When she told her parents about him however, that's when the real trouble started.
"Ling, you will meet a potential suitor this weekend."
"Mother, I already told you! I have someone already!"
"Your father and I forbid you to ever see that boy again!"
"I don't understand! Why do you hate him so much? You've never even met him!"
It was then when her father decided to speak up. "We know enough about him. And we do not want you involved with him."
Xiaoyu couldn't respond. She just looked at her parents in disbelief. Her mother went up to her and took her hands. "Please believe us when we say we are doing what is best for you."
She glared. "You can't possibly make me believe that."
"We can and we will!" her father yelled. "I'll bet that boy hasn't told you anything about himself, has he?"
"No, he hasn't because I don't care!"
"You should care!! Do you know who his grandfather is? Heihachi Mishima, the current CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu."
Xiaoyu froze. "N-no..I didn't know that.."
"We didn't think so..and we didn't think he would tell you. He's dangerous. The Zaibatsu's influence has spread far and wide. Even to other countries. He may even be an unwilling pawn in Mishima's game to spread control. We don't want you caught in the middle."
Xiaoyu just continued to stand completely still, feeling her heart shattering. She loved Jin so much.. Maybe his status didn't matter to him, but others around him could potentially become his grandfather's targets. Could she go through that much torment? Even for Jin? She turned and ran upstairs to her room. As soon as her face hit her pillow, her tears began to flow freely.
Her parents decided to leave her alone. They would talk again after she took some time for herself.
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fightingforjustice · 2 months
Kind Opinions To Kazujun and JinXiaos fans
Nowadays, regardless of games or anime, there are many fans who like shipping different characters with the others. Regardless the couples are canon or fanon, they can be good or bad, wholesome or abusive. They can also have a huge impact on everyone’s value. Now, I will take these two Tekken’s couples - Kazuya Mishima x Jun Kazama (Kazujun/Kazjun) and Jin Kazama x Ling Xiaoyu (Jinxiao) as examples, and share my notions about their fans / stans.
I believe everyone knows that Kazuya Mishima, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu are famous characters in Tekken. In its story, Kazuya and Jun were in relationship. Then, Jin was borned. Jin has a chance to form a canon couple with Xiaoyu. In fact, the existence of Kazujun and Jinxiao has a negative impact on their characters and stories, it also distorts people's values and has a huge impact on the entire world.
Kazuya is Heihachi Mishima’s cold-blooded son. He loves Devil Gene, and has been consumed by it for a lot time. He comes from the wealthy Mishima family, so he can enjoy the luxurious products from his young age. After he defeated Heihachi Mishima in the tournament, he became the CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu. Despite this, he repeated to commit the crimes which Heihachi had committed and advanced them. Some of these crimes were related to murdering the animals and destruction of nature. This can prove that he despises the nature. After Jin being borned, and Kazuya being saved by the G Corporation, Kazuya is still cold-blooded, inhumane asshole with distorted values even if he did not turn into his Devil Form - Devil Kazuya due to the influence of Devil Gene. He hates Jin Kazama very much, so this is enough to prove that he will not care about Jin Kazama's life and death, and even abandon him. Jun Kazama is a kind, innocent and pure girl who adores the nature. She comes from the remote rural area, so it is difficult for her to understand city life. She adores Jin Kazama, and hates Devil Gene. It is very difficult to let the person who adores the nature, has lived in the countryside for a long time, adores Jin and hates Devil Gene and the other person who despises the nature, has his head in the clouds in his life, despises Jin and loves Devil Gene be together. It is very impossible to make Kazuya loves the nature.
Kazuya’s hate to Jin can show that he will be cruel to him except for abandoning him, but Jun Kazama loves him very much. If Kazuya and Jun are married, family violence will be happened. Kazujun reminds me of the couple in the movie called ‘Night and Fog’. Its plot is mainly related to them – Mr Lee and Mrs Lee gave birth to twin-daughters and moved to one of the places in Hong Kong – Tin Shui Wai after being married. However, Mrs Lee and her daughter were unlucky. They suffered long-term mental abuse from Mr Lee and were sent to an asylum center. Mrs. Lee's fellow residents persuaded her to leave Mr Lee and raise her daughter alone. Despite this, Mrs Lee returned to Mr Lee’s side. Unfortunately, Mr Lee lost his humanity. Also, he lost his temper with Mrs Lee, which caused Mrs Lee to be sent to an asylum center again. Mrs Lee worried about her daughters’ safety. She wanted to pick them up, but she found that the door was locked. After she found Mr Lee, she arrived at the fast food restaurant and took her daughter home. After returning home, a domestic violence incident occurred. Mr Lee called the police and committed suicide after murdering them. This movie is adapted from the massacre in Tin Shui Wai in the past. It became the talk of the town in Hong Kong and was adapted into the movie after the tragedy happened. According to the narrative of this movie, Kazuya’s despicable personality and his hate to Jin can prove that family violence will be happened even if Jun is alive. Even though Jun Kazama constantly protects him, he will abandon him and even become cruel to him. This will lead to the destruction of family. Will you feel poor for Jin and Jun if it happened to them? (God! They are your favorite characters)
Ling Xiaoyu loves Jin Kazama, but Jin is indifferent to her. Xiaoyu’s story is mostly related to her stalking Jin, but Jin Kazama just considers her as his best friend. In Tekken 8’s story, in order to seek Jin, she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu in search of clues to find a missing Jin and to obtain data that would prove helpful in her search. Traveling around the world and following whatever traces she could find, six months had passed for her with no hope in sight. She had run out of leads, but she simply must find Jin, no matter the cost. There was something she needed to know from him...It was this unwavering and ever-growing determination which drove her ever forward. For Jin, he has never fallen into her. It would definitely be annoying to him if he knew that she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu and traveled around the country to find him.
The reason why people like Kazujun and Jinxiao should be related to their childhood memories. The reason why there are a lot of people who love the fanarts and fanfics that are about them, must be related to peer influence and fear of irritating their shippers. Despite this, the facts that you ship them is equal to encourage family violence and male chauvinism, and say that it is okay to follow the person you fall in love with without paying attention to the other person's opinions and feelings, and then follow him crazily. In Kazuya’s ending, the fact that he threw a statue of himself at Jun, contains male chauvinism – Only men (e.g. Kazuya) can become emperors or leaders, the women (e.g. Jun) cannot become emperors or leaders, but can only become men's subordinates, or his women. Meanwhile, men have the right to ignore family-related matters. This prompted Jun to become just Kazuya’s normal wife and lose the chance to dominate society. Even if Kazuya wants to commit the crimes, Jun can just listen to him. This indirectly has a bad impact on Jun’s character and story developments. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans have to feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?
The people who oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, and criticize or block the shippers who ship Jun with the others, but allow the other ships (especially the straight ships) are actual hypocrites. They are kind to the others who ship kazujun, but their change their faces if they meet the shippers who do not accept Kazujun. Meanwhile, in order to make Kazujun work, they make numerous excuses like ‘Kazuya and Jun are made for each other’. They attempt to insist that Kazuya Mishima deserves the redemption, he should be saved by Jun…Guys, Kazuya’s humanity has already been gone. Your actions or behaviors actually encourage and romanticize the family violence and male chauvinism。They support Jun Kazama and Jin Kazama to be abused by Kazuya Mishima. If they oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, this will show that they think Jun and Jin must be abused by Kazuya, even death. Jun should not be with the others for having a better life. This will make Jun Kazama cannot have a better life, and suffer a lot until death. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans must feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?
At the same time, their action of insisting that Kazuya is redeemable shows that they think the laws can be ignored. The criminals deserve to have their redemptions even if they commit a lot of crimes. In fact, their action encourages the people to ignore the law, and commit the crimes. Justice will not be existed if they commit the crimes, but have redemptions like Kazuya. Also, it is not fair to the other criminals who are punished by law if Kazuya has his redemption.
Jinxiao’s shippers criticize or block the other shippers who ship Jin with the others like Hwoarang, and call them ‘delulus’, but they support a crack ship which have no chemistry – ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’. This shows that they are also hypocrites. Their actions and behaviors encourage Xiaoyu continue being a childish and naïve girl. She should continue chasing after Jin. This affects Xiaoyu’s character and story developments, and make Jin feel very annoyed. Then, Jin’s emotional condition might have a negative affect. Its shippers ignore Jin’s feeling and notion, and make him feel annoyed because of her. You shouldn’t ship Jin with Xiaoyu if you care about Jin. Will you be happy if you find that Jin is annoyed by her?
Sometimes, the aesthetics are also important for shipping. For example, in the anime called ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, ‘Katara x Aang’ (Kataang) has become canon, but there are still a lot of shippers who ship Katara with Zuko. The reason why it has happened is related to aesthetics. Apparently, Kazujun looks like that the kind, pure and innocent girl is prepared for being controlled, eroded and killed by the terrible devil dude. Kazujun is the equivalence of Chun Li x M.Bison. Also, Xiaoyu looks more like a childish and immature teenaged girl than an adult. She looks more like Jin’s younger sister than his girlfriend if they are together. Asuka is Jin’s cousin, but she looks more like Jin’s lover than Xiaoyu.
Moreover, the zodiac signs are unbelievable. It is because there are just 12 zodiac signs according to our birthdates. If the zodiac signs are believable, there are just 12 types of people in this world. Therefore, the zodiac signs cannot be evidence to prove that Jin is suited well with Xiaoyu.
According to Kazujun and Jinxiao’s aesthetics, how it affects their character and story developments, they can prove that both are disqualified to be couples. They have negative affects to the people’s values and the entire world. They deserve to be hated, and don’t deserve to be shipped. The reasons why Kazuya is not killed, Jun must ‘sell herself’ to ‘save’ Kazuya, Xiaoyu can continue chasing after Jin are relevant the human factors coming from their fans / stans. Their shippers who said that anti-Kazujun shippers are annoying, should be thinking of why they are hated. The secondary students also know the reasons why they are hated. To be honest, there would be no conflicts or wars if Kazujun and Jinxiao were not existed. At the same time, if Jun was with the person who has values like her – Lei Wulong, and Jin was with either Julia Chang or Hwoarang, Kazujun, Jinxiao, ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’ and the other ships which were forced by them like ‘Lei x Michelle’ (Leichelle), ‘Lili x Steve’…would not be existed. Also, ‘Lei x Jun’, ‘Jin x Hwoarang’ and ‘Jin x Julia’ would be more acceptable and welcomed than Kazujun and Jinxiao if they became canon. The Tekken’s devs or creators must have put more thought into Kazujun and Jinxiao instead of treating them as plot devices.
The gift that I give to its shippers is the sentence – ‘With a little forbearance, you will find calm and peace; take a little step back, and you will find more space around you.’ They should have been thinking of whether it would be much better for Kazuya and Jun if they were not together, whether they cpuld just be friends after their divorce, and whether Jin and Xiaoyu are better to be friends than lovers. I hope that their shippers can turn their head to see the shore.
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The poll
Ficlet based off this poll
The moment he walked into his home's living room after a long, daunting day of lessons, the last thing Jin Ling had expected was to find his dad sitting on their couch, elbows on his knees, a fornlorn stare directed towards his work macbook on the glass coffee table. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger, one of his hands covering his mouth in disbelief.
It wasn't often Jin Ling saw his father like this - last time it happened, there was a stock market crash that almost sent their company reeling and that had Jin Zixuan work overtime for three months to deal with the fallout.
But Jin Ling had checked the stock market forecast for that day already and nothing else notable happened to put the company in jeopardy - so something else must have happened to have his dad stare at his laptop like it owed him money.
"Everything okay, dad?"
Without taking his eyes off the screen, Jin Zixuan huffed a disapproving "Hm."
"Where's mom?"
"Here, A-Ling." Yanli replied, emerging from the kitchen with two cups of steamy herbal tea. She set them onto the table and left a kiss on her son's forehead.
"What's going on?" He insisted, "You can tell me, I won't freak out or anything, I can take it. Did something happen with the company? Did a deal fall through or something?"
Yanli gave a long, tired sigh. "Come look, A-Ling."
Joining his father on the couch, he glanced at the laptop screen and frowned. Somebody had made a poll listing out various names (of Jin Ling's uncles, uncles-in-law and uncles-in-spirit) and asking which of them was the hottest cultivator.
Wei Wuxian was clearly in the lead, with over half of the votes, followed by Lan Wangji, uncle Jiang, Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen... and far down the list, with a percentage switching between 0 and 1%, his dad and uncle Jin Guangyao.
"....Why are you on tumblr, first of all? And second, is this why you're so upset?!"
"This is terrible, A-Ling!" Jin Zixuan wailed, Yanli sitting beside him to rub his back comfortingly. She appeared absolutely done with the situation, however she still tried to be kind and supportive of her husband.
"It's a tumblr poll, dad." Jin Ling rolled his eyes. "Is it that important?"
"Of course it is! People don't find me attractive anymore! I used to be the third hottest after the Twin Jades! Now look at this! Lan Wangji I get, but - Wei Wuxian?! Are you serious?!"
"He is pretty hot, objectively speaking."
Jin Zixuan gasped, scandalized. "Jin Rulan! How dare you?!"
His father's outburst didn't sway Jin Ling. "What, don't you have eyes?! It's true! Do you think Hanguang-Jun would marry someone ugly?!"
Jin Zixuan huffed an annoyed breath at that, glaring even further at his laptop for a few seconds, begrudgingly seeming to agree... before his rant resumed. "And what about Jiang Wanyin then?! How is he hotter than me?! He's angry all the time! He never even had a girlfriend! Or a boyfriend! I know he's your brother, A-Li, but, he's just some guy that needs therapy! What does he have that I don't?!"
"Zidian." Both Jin Ling and Jiang Yanli responded in unison.
Jin Zixuan paused for a few more seconds, before angrily throwing his hands up. "I guess!"
Jin Ling was quite sure that if he rolled his eyes again, they'd get stuck in the back of his head. "This is so dumb."
"To you! It matters to me! I thought I was a DILF! I'm rich, I have a 6 pack, I'm a CEO - but no, everyone is wet for the fucking grandmaster of demonic cultivation for some reason!"
"I'm going to my room. I've had enough dumbassery dealing with Jingyi today, I don't need my own father agonizing over a fucking tumblr poll!"
"I made you a snack, A-Ling. It's on your desk." Yanli said, momentarily distracting her husband by giving him tea. "We are having a family dinner at the Four Seasons later, so it's just something to tide you over, okay?"
"Dinner!" Zixuan suddenly exclaimed again, beyond scandalized. "That bastard Wei Wuxian is going to be so fucking smug about this! I'd rather be fucking eviscerated than have to deal with him!"
Jin Ling sighed and dragged himself up the stairs. "You're so dramatic for no reason! That's why people don't find you hot!"
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Kind Opinions To Kazujun and JinXiaos fans
Nowadays, regardless of games or anime, there are many fans who like shipping different characters with the others. Regardless the couples are canon or fanon, they can be good or bad, wholesome or abusive. They can also have a huge impact on everyone’s value. Now, I will take these two Tekken’s couples - Kazuya Mishima x Jun Kazama (Kazujun/Kazjun) and Jin Kazama x Ling Xiaoyu (Jinxiao) as examples, and share my notions about their fans / stans.
I believe everyone knows that Kazuya Mishima, Jun Kazama, Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu are famous characters in Tekken. In its story, Kazuya and Jun were in relationship. Then, Jin was borned. Jin has a chance to form a canon couple with Xiaoyu. In fact, the existence of Kazujun and Jinxiao has a negative impact on their characters and stories, it also distorts people's values and has a huge impact on the entire world.
Kazuya is Heihachi Mishima’s cold-blooded son. He loves Devil Gene, and has been consumed by it for a lot time. He comes from the wealthy Mishima family, so he can enjoy the luxurious products from his young age. After he defeated Heihachi Mishima in the tournament, he became the CEO of Mishima Zaibatsu. Despite this, he repeated to commit the crimes which Heihachi had committed and advanced them. Some of these crimes were related to murdering the animals and destruction of nature. This can prove that he despises the nature. After Jin being borned, and Kazuya being saved by the G Corporation, Kazuya is still cold-blooded, inhumane asshole with distorted values even if he did not turn into his Devil Form - Devil Kazuya due to the influence of Devil Gene. He hates Jin Kazama very much, so this is enough to prove that he will not care about Jin Kazama's life and death, and even abandon him. Jun Kazama is a kind, innocent and pure girl who adores the nature. She comes from the remote rural area, so it is difficult for her to understand city life. She adores Jin Kazama, and hates Devil Gene. It is very difficult to let the person who adores the nature, has lived in the countryside for a long time, adores Jin and hates Devil Gene and the other person who despises the nature, has his head in the clouds in his life, despises Jin and loves Devil Gene be together. It is very impossible to make Kazuya loves the nature.
Kazuya’s hate to Jin can show that he will be cruel to him except for abandoning him, but Jun Kazama loves him very much. If Kazuya and Jun are married, family violence will be happened. Kazujun reminds me of the couple in the movie called ‘Night and Fog’. Its plot is mainly related to them – Mr Lee and Mrs Lee gave birth to twin-daughters and moved to one of the places in Hong Kong – Tin Shui Wai after being married. However, Mrs Lee and her daughter were unlucky. They suffered long-term mental abuse from Mr Lee and were sent to an asylum center. Mrs. Lee's fellow residents persuaded her to leave Mr Lee and raise her daughter alone. Despite this, Mrs Lee returned to Mr Lee’s side. Unfortunately, Mr Lee lost his humanity. Also, he lost his temper with Mrs Lee, which caused Mrs Lee to be sent to an asylum center again. Mrs Lee worried about her daughters’ safety. She wanted to pick them up, but she found that the door was locked. After she found Mr Lee, she arrived at the fast food restaurant and took her daughter home. After returning home, a domestic violence incident occurred. Mr Lee called the police and committed suicide after murdering them. This movie is adapted from the massacre in Tin Shui Wai in the past. It became the talk of the town in Hong Kong and was adapted into the movie after the tragedy happened. According to the narrative of this movie, Kazuya’s despicable personality and his hate to Jin can prove that family violence will be happened even if Jun is alive. Even though Jun Kazama constantly protects him, he will abandon him and even become cruel to him. This will lead to the destruction of family. Will you feel poor for Jin and Jun if it happened to them? (God! They are your favorite characters)
Ling Xiaoyu loves Jin Kazama, but Jin is indifferent to her. Xiaoyu’s story is mostly related to her stalking Jin, but Jin Kazama just considers her as his best friend. In Tekken 8’s story, in order to seek Jin, she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu in search of clues to find a missing Jin and to obtain data that would prove helpful in her search. Traveling around the world and following whatever traces she could find, six months had passed for her with no hope in sight. She had run out of leads, but she simply must find Jin, no matter the cost. There was something she needed to know from him...It was this unwavering and ever-growing determination which drove her ever forward. For Jin, he has never fallen into her. It would definitely be annoying to him if he knew that she sneaked into the building of Mishima Zaibatsu and traveled around the country to find him.
The reason why people like Kazujun and Jinxiao should be related to their childhood memories. The reason why there are a lot of people who love the fanarts and fanfics that are about them, must be related to peer influence and fear of irritating their shippers. Despite this, the facts that you ship them is equal to encourage family violence and male chauvinism, and say that it is okay to follow the person you fall in love with without paying attention to the other person's opinions and feelings, and then follow him crazily. In Kazuya’s ending, the fact that he threw a statue of himself at Jun, contains male chauvinism – Only men (e.g. Kazuya) can become emperors or leaders, the women (e.g. Jun) cannot become emperors or leaders, but can only become men's subordinates, or his women. Meanwhile, men have the right to ignore family-related matters. This prompted Jun to become just Kazuya’s normal wife and lose the chance to dominate society. Even if Kazuya wants to commit the crimes, Jun can just listen to him. This indirectly has a bad impact on Jun’s character and story developments. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans have to feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?The people who oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, and criticize or block the shippers who ship Jun with the others, but allow the other ships (especially the straight ships) are actual hypocrites. They are kind to the others who ship kazujun, but their change their faces if they meet the shippers who do not accept Kazujun. Meanwhile, in order to make Kazujun work, they make numerous excuses like ‘Kazuya and Jun are made for each other’. They attempt to insist that Kazuya Mishima deserves the redemption, he should be saved by Jun…Guys, Kazuya’s humanity has already been gone. Your actions or behaviors actually encourage and romanticize the family violence and male chauvinism。They support Jun Kazama and Jin Kazama to be abused by Kazuya Mishima. If they oppose to the anti-kazujun’s shippers, this will show that they think Jun and Jin must be abused by Kazuya, even death. Jun should not be with the others for having a better life. This will make Jun Kazama cannot have a better life, and suffer a lot until death. Jun Kazama’s fans / stans must feel poor for Jun because of that, don’t they?At the same time, their action of insisting that Kazuya is redeemable shows that they think the laws can be ignored. The criminals deserve to have their redemptions even if they commit a lot of crimes. In fact, their action encourages the people to ignore the law, and commit the crimes. Justice will not be existed if they commit the crimes, but have redemptions like Kazuya. Also, it is not fair to the other criminals who are punished by law if Kazuya has his redemption.
Jinxiao’s shippers criticize or block the other shippers who ship Jin with the others like Hwoarang, and call them ‘delulus’, but they support a crack ship which have no chemistry – ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’. This shows that they are also hypocrites. Their actions and behaviors encourage Xiaoyu continue being a childish and naïve girl. She should continue chasing after Jin. This affects Xiaoyu’s character and story developments, and make Jin feel very annoyed. Then, Jin’s emotional condition might have a negative affect. Its shippers ignore Jin’s feeling and notion, and make him feel annoyed because of her. You shouldn’t ship Jin with Xiaoyu if you care about Jin. Will you be happy if you find that Jin is annoyed by her?
Sometimes, the aesthetics are also important for shipping. For example, in the anime called ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, ‘Katara x Aang’ (Kataang) has become canon, but there are still a lot of shippers who ship Katara with Zuko. The reason why it has happened is related to aesthetics. Apparently, Kazujun looks like that the kind, pure and innocent girl is prepared for being controlled, eroded and killed by the terrible devil dude. Kazujun is the equivalence of Chun Li x M.Bison. Also, Xiaoyu looks more like a childish and immature teenaged girl than an adult. She looks more like Jin’s younger sister than his girlfriend if they are together. Asuka is Jin’s cousin, but she looks more like Jin’s lover than Xiaoyu.
Moreover, the zodiac signs are unbelievable. It is because there are just 12 zodiac signs according to our birthdates. If the zodiac signs are believable, there are just 12 types of people in this world. Therefore, the zodiac signs cannot be evidence to prove that Jin is suited well with Xiaoyu.
According to Kazujun and Jinxiao’s aesthetics, how it affects their character and story developments, they can prove that both are disqualified to be couples. They have negative affects to the people’s values and the entire world. They deserve to be hated, and don’t deserve to be shipped. The reasons why Kazuya is not killed, Jun must ‘sell herself’ to ‘save’ Kazuya, Xiaoyu can continue chasing after Jin are relevant the human factors coming from their fans / stans. Their shippers who said that anti-Kazujun shippers are annoying, should be thinking of why they are hated. The secondary students also know the reasons why they are hated. To be honest, there would be no conflicts or wars if Kazujun and Jinxiao were not existed. At the same time, if Jun was with the person who has values like her – Lei Wulong, and Jin was with either Julia Chang or Hwoarang, Kazujun, Jinxiao, ‘Hwoarang x Asuka’ and the other ships which were forced by them like ‘Lei x Michelle’ (Leichelle), ‘Lili x Steve’…would not be existed. Also, ‘Lei x Jun’, ‘Jin x Hwoarang’ and ‘Jin x Julia’ would be more acceptable and welcomed than Kazujun and Jinxiao if they became canon. The Tekken’s devs or creators must have put more thought into Kazujun and Jinxiao instead of treating them as plot devices. The gift that I give to its shippers is the sentence – ‘With a little forbearance, you will find calm and peace; take a little step back, and you will find more space around you.’ They should have been thinking of whether it would be much better for Kazuya and Jun if they were not together, whether they cpuld just be friends after their divorce, and whether Jin and Xiaoyu are better to be friends than lovers. I hope that their shippers can turn their head to see the shore.
Please stop shipping Kazujun and Jinxiao if you do not support family violence, male chauvinism and want your friends’ emotional conditions to be affected. Please block or report all of these accounts from different websites (e.g. twitter / X, tumblr, deviantart, fanfiction.net, ao3…) if you rebel against the family violence, male chauvinism and want your friends’ emotional conditions not to be affected. The below are the accounts that I suggest all of you to block or report by punishing them:
-@lei_jessy (twitter / X)
-@PandaSara4ever (twitter / X)
-@Harpsochordx (twitter / X)
-@EstefaniAmanda7 (twitter / X)
-@dosa_gamer (twitter / X)
-@Negin06554597 (twitter / X)
-@nunukazama (twitter / X)
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ao3feed-xicheng · 4 months
the stars brought me you
by crystaltome Modern setting in which Cloud Recess is a security agency. Lan Xichen just became the CEO, due to Lan Qiren finally handing over the reins— begrudgingly of course. Xichen is leaving the office late at night and he sees a shooting star… he decides one wish won’t hurt. Little does he know that the stars have been waiting for their favorite Lan to finally make a wish. He’d worked hard enough to deserve one and finally he was lucky enough to come out on time. The gods easily please their favorites. Words: 872, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Jin Ling | Jin Rulan, Lan Jingyi, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Relationships: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen Additional Tags: Wish Fulfillment, gods love lan xichen, Bottom Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Bottom Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Top Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Love at First Sight, Red String of Fate via https://ift.tt/Vpy0B7k
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Post s2e9 confirmations and speculations as of this ep, starting with confirmations and moving on to thoughts/speculations.
Before I start, just going to link my speculations as of a couple of episodes ago here because they're surprisingly either still relevant or have been confirmed either way. Of these, the main pieces still outstanding are Liu Min's phone and the serial murders.
Fountain boy low-key confirmed to be Liu Min's younger brother (Liu Xiao, apparently?). He knew Tianchen would soon be given the opportunity to "hunt" and lo, there is Liu Min (who even vaguely recognised Tianchen which makes sense if he's an acquaintance of his brother's). His own surname is Liu and obviously that's a pretty common name, but the fact he had someone driving him around means he's pretty rich and, well, son of a games company CEO seems pretty rich indeed. Apply law of conservation of detail and this one is now locked in at 95%. Fountain boy = Liu Xiao = "hunter" = hat guy (the last I'm a bit less certain of, but again, conservation of detail and there aren't many episodes left).
I'd been wondering about the weird focus the neighbour got in terms of his gaming so him being someone Liu Min wanted taken care of made that entire side of things click for me. Liu Min was terminally online and so was the neighbour. Tianchen must've thought it karma that he had this opportunity.
Third story: Tianchen as red eyes, going further and further as Tianxi is forced to watch until he goes too far even for her - at which point she broke free and tried to appeal to Lu Guang (but why him?). (All that said, Tianchen claims he killed both their parents, but we didn't actually see it properly in any of the flashbacks which could just be because they're being careful with the censors but I'm still side-eyeing it until we see exactly what happened. After all, there was no knife in the picture when we left the scene.) Tianxi's story I'm presuming is simply an animated version of what Tianxi is showing Qiao Ling to tell her story.
Speaking of, Tianxi "broke free" in her school uniform and that was also how she was found. Does that place the hoodie scenes in the hospital as before she fled? Because rewatching a bit of ep 4 and it seemed that QJ was talking to Tianchen-as-Tianxi then (could be wrong, 'Tianxi' never spoke that we heard in this scene but it being actual Tianxi rather than Tianchen raises so many more questions) which would imply she was missing after the hospital and that's when they implemented the disguising plan. Thinking about the "sorry" scenes in the third story and wondering if Chen Bin was the final straw for Tianxi.
First/second story: The Romeo and Juliet backstage they're at was indeed as I saw a few people speculating a production featuring Qian Jin's wife and her co-star. Tianchen "I killed them both" @ Qian Jin: wow he just like me fr. (But nah this definitely raises more questions about the murder of his wife). (Also, just to note that I'm putting the different perspective of QJ meeting LTX and LTC down to the unreliable nature of Xiao Li relaying info initially rather than alternate timelines. Can't rule it out, of course (and the blood on Tianxi in only one of the tellings has me even more hesitant), but unreliable narrator seems an easier fit at this stage. We also know QJ doctored the case files and if LTC outright told him "I killed them both" then that sure didn't make it to the files.)
Qian Jin's motives now back up in the air. Initially it seemed as though he wanted the powers so he could bring his wife back, but with the revelation that he had reason to believe she was cheating (and pregnant with the person she was cheating on him with) the idea he would want her back seems... a lot less likely. Also, his break from morals is placed a lot earlier than it seemed from the outside. Those in the police thought he was outstanding etc etc until his wife died, but he was gone long before that. Ultimately, in both cases with alleged cheating it doesn't matter if the person themselves was cheating because they didn't deserve to be killed for it, but it is fascinating that we're presented with these two similar scenarios from two entirely different perspectives. Li Tianchen and Tianxi as victims of domestic abuse by the person who believes they're being cheated on whilst Qian Jin is the role of the husband who believes he's being cheated on. (The way the pregnancy reveal is played - QJ not seeing his wife often because he was always at work, her startling when caught on the phone - it does seem like he takes the pregnancy as confirmation that she was cheating as the pregnancy couldn't have been with him. She's already dead at that point though.)
With the current timeline we have, I don't know whether QJ engineered the initial killing of his wife (and the fact the culprit escaped legal justice actually kinda makes me think that he didn't), but I do think he used Tianchen after the fact to set up the suicide and suicide note of the killer
The serial killings. We originally believed there were eight in total, starting with Emma. However, this episode shifts the timeline somewhat. Liu Min says thank you for dealing with "that woman", but he still seems to have use of his legs so presumably "that woman" isn't Emma and this is taking place beforehand. Which would imply there are a number of extra victims the police haven't uncovered. (The alternative is that this flashback was in a timeline before the Emma stuff went so wrong and Liu Min still had use of his legs? I'm really hoping it's not this because it'd break my brain a bit) This also somewhat explains how the police were unable to tie motives together for the serial killings if it was a killing-for-hire type scenario, though I do still somewhat believe there's some underlying logic that QJ either bought into himself or was able to make Tianchen buy into in order to believe the victims weren't "innocent"
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
Hey! Do you review tv series? because I think the male lead in the chinese drama well-intended love is a yandere. He is really possessive and controlling. The plot twist too is very creepy. It's available in netflix and free on youtube if you want to trt watching it. Love your reviews❤
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Phew, man I am not used to watching dramas. Cherry and I watched two seasons of Well Intentioned Love, but only the first season has the relevant yandere stuff going on. It’s got a lot from cancer, to car accidents, dogs, the driver, falling into a lake, kidnapping, cakes, amnesia and acting. There is so much going on and yet nothing going on at the same time. Sorry it took so long, but this will be a very long ask. I also found this wonderful review on this website that also tells probably a better summary from what I can tell.
Season 1 and Season 2 are sort of AUs of each other, with the first season set in the world where main character Lin Lin is a struggling actor and in the second season she’s a successful actress instead. We’re going to go season by season.
The first season starts with Xia Lin, an upcoming actor with bad luck who finds out one day that she has Leukemia. She's matched with a CEO Ling Yi Zhou, to which her and her best friend Jia Fei try to break into the company to talk to him. Lin is able to talk to the CEO about her situation, and he agrees under the condition that the two get married. The CEO wants to get married to make his grandmother happy, and we also run into An Ran, the CEO's childhood friend, who is in love with him. After an encounter at a rich jeweler show, Lin runs into her ex, and in a grand gesture of love, the CEO ends up buying the most expensive jewel to dunk on the ex and to court Lin with. The two get married, and Lin gets some visits from Chu Yan, a famous actor who seems kind of offended that Lin is ignoring him, and An Ran plots to separate the newly wedded couple. Lin gets a ring to further sell the idea of the two getting married for the grandmother, and Lin learns more about the CEO by finding a toy robot in his room, while the CEO helps her career by getting her into a movie. Lin ends up finding a dog one day by the park, and keeps it until she can return it to its owner. The man who owns the dog, Nan Jin Tian seems to be conspiring for something while the CEO and Lin bond over making cakes. Lin has to go meet Nan after he finds out he's sick to return his dog. The CEO ends up buying her a dog after because of how much she loved the dog she was taking care of. Also Jia Fei and the CEO's assistant/driver Wen Li get together. The CEO gets into a car accident (off screen?) and loses his memory of the past two years. Lin tries to win over his heart, and we learn that Nan seems to have had a hand in the accident. An Ran makes a soup for the CEO to make him feel better, but we find out that the soup was actually poisoned and that that she's been hypnotizing the CEO so that he will fall in love with her. While the driver and Jia Fei get closer, we find out that the CEO actually forged the documents about her having lukemia and the bone marrow transfer, something that makes Lin question their relationship. We learned the reason why the CEO fell for Lin in the first place was when the two of them met at a cake shop on their birthday (since they share a birthday) as well as helping him once when he was really drunk. For about two years, he's gotten the driver to essentially stalk her for the past two years. The CEO also eventually gains his memories of her back.
Lin gets framed by An Ran and Nan Jin to make it look like she was groped by Chu Yan as the two have been meeting up periodically. We also get more insight into Chu Yan's family as his father hits him with a cane for dishonoring the family image, as well as Chu Yan realizing that he has a crush on Lin. He ends up at the hospital because of his father, which leads to an explosion where he dies. They find Lin's earring at the scene of the crime, suspecting her as the one who caused Chu Yan's death, as well as a photo taken that made it looks like she was attacking him before he died. The driver (and CEO) find the culprit behind the photos and during a press conference, the CEO announces him and Lin's marriage towards each other. Lin finds out that An Ran was the one that framed her and that Chu Yan is actually alive. As it turned out, he was kidnapped by Nan Jin and met Xiao You who helped him escape (though initially unwillingly). Lin and CEO try for a baby and the driver and Chu Yan get into a car accident. Lin gets the driver to find the CEO's mother so that the CEO and him can bond (since she left when he was young). We find out that Nan Jin is actually the CEO's step brother and was the one who planted the earrings so that she would be arrested for Chu Yan's death. He seems to have done all of this for revenge for his mother(?), and we also find out that Lin is pregnant. Lin and Chu Yan get kidnapped by Nan Jin, and he and the CEO get into a fist fight after the CEO goes to try to look for the both of them. Chu Yan's dad gets a redemption arc and we find out that the CEO's mom was using him so that he could get Nan Jin's love, even though Nan Jin doesn't love her back. Nan Jin gets shot at some point and dies. Lin is saved and everyone is happy with the end credits having Lin and CEO get married.
The second season starts out in an alternate universe where Lin is a successful actor. She ends up being in fake engagement with the CEO and in a realty show with him to up the numbers. A lot of the season is fluff between characters, including going to sports together and eventually get married when they find out that CEO's grandmother may die soon. We also find that Xiao Yu is much more different in this version basically being a more naive girl who doesn't know much about the world and has a hard time talking with men. There's a person that tries to drag down Lin's reputation because of a car accident he was in. We also find out the manager is the one who is blackmailing Lin? The entire thing ends with the CEO and Lin having a child and living happily together.
Cherry and I watched the second season just to make sure that we were watching all of the yandere portions of the show, but really all of the yandere things by the CEO are in the first season. I will say if you do like the characters and a lot more fluff that you would probably like the second season as well.
This show is... I don't really watch a lot of dramas (and especially not a lot of C-dramas), but I felt like this show has really weird pacing. Often there will be important plot points that are then added with fluff, and specific important scenes will be shown off screen, like when the CEO gains amnesia from a car crash, or people who were built up will die very abruptly, like Nan Jing, who seems to die from a gunshot (not even from the CEO) and then never brought up again. I know that a lot of chinese media, like manhwa often have a bit of pacing issues where the stories can often be a bit choppy, but this one really takes the cake. It's not necessarily bad since there are quite a lot of cute moments and the characters are fun and endearing, but the plot is... kinda just all over the place. I feel like for the first season a lot of the important information was dumped near the end, with most of the middle being fluff, and there was just so much going on constantly, from drugging people to brain washing to kidnapping and not really in any order. The second season is more for fluff, but like I said, don't expect any proper plot or even that much yandere things going on.
That being said, the CEO, or Yi Zhou is pretty calculating all things considered. After falling in love with her, he got Wen Li to stalk her for about two years before swapping out the tests she got for anemia with results for leukemia so that the two would meet and he could get the marriage scheme going. I will say that the two of them meeting in a cake shop because they have the same birthday is super unorthodox as a love at first sight thing and it is pretty funny to see Yi Zhou drunk and attempting to drive on the wrong side of the car. I believe at some point Yi Zhou ends up also trapping Lin inside of the house after she learns that she faked the report. In the end with the giant plot of Nan Jing trying to usurp Yi Zhou, it is nice that Lin believes in Yi Zhou and that he won't betray her, and ultimately ends in a happy ending but... it does seem weird considering the vibe of the series tends to be more light hearted, so all of these random car crashes and people trapping the CEO and Lin inside of a storehouse to freeze are really weird out of context. Lin and Yi Zhou do care for each other despite these mishaps, which is something that I always find nice in yandere media.
I will now take this moment to talk about how Wen Li is the best character. He's the driver and he has the best surprised pikachu face ever thoughout the entire series, so much so that me and Cherry kept making jokes about him. He honestly does so much for the CEO and it was really funny watching him hang out with the girls only for him to be forced back into work despite him only wanting to play cards. He's the best character honestly and I think it would be super entertaining watching a show that is based around him.
Overall, this show was honestly kind of confusing, even though the characters themselves were pretty solid. I honestly watched like two episodes of this in a row once and got a headache because god does so much happen and yet so little happens at the same time. Big thanks to Cherry for helping me summarize all of this because lord knows that I wouldnt' be able to do it myself. If you are looking for a fluffy show that suddenly has a lot of drama and a yandere, maybe this one is for you.
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llycaons · 2 years
now that I’ve gone through the entire tag (some pages twice) it’s time to settle down and sort through the one thousand, eight hundred (!!!!) works in my marked for later. not-so-quick note on my personal preferences, and what you can expect to be included or excluded from my rec list
so, in general my favorite fanfic tropes can be categorized as hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. as reflected from the source material, I read and may recommend works containing graphic, disturbing, or potentially triggering content, including writing related to sexual assault, grief/mourning, trauma, and suicide. I will summarize each work, but please note the tags and warnings on any fic listed here if that’s a concern for you.
on the flipside, I do not read works that end unhappily - all these end hopefully at the very least. no main characters will die who aren’t already dead in canon, wx will always be together or getting there (or, in the case of sad flashback-era fics, will eventually get there), and many of these works reflect themes of healing, recovery, and finding peace. I’ll make note of any exceptions, but there are pretty strong preferences for me, so there won’t be many. and I like sweet and fluffy things too, as well as humor and interpersonal drama and worldbuilding and action - there will be a mix of various types or works
this is an 18+ rec list! explicit works will be on here in any category. additionally, what else the author has written may or may not affect whether I rec something, but I’ll make a note if I know there’s an issue. I also can’t guarantee all authors will be vetted, but I can make a note for authors whose works I trust completely not to be weird or gross
fics recommended in this list are guaranteed NOT to have the following, and please let me know if I mistakenly included anything containing them:
pedophilia/csa, teacher/student relationship, sexual ageplay, or any couple with a canon age gap (even nhs with mxy, or lxc with jc)
incest, including wwx with jc, and jin ling with lzs (the canon incest may be mentioned, but I find that comes up rarely in works I read)
romanticized rape (incl. sex under duress or when unable to consent); everything under the umbrella of ‘noncon’, ‘dubcon’, fuck or die, sex pollen, sex curses, drunk sex scenes, warprize, nonconsensual (or even consensual) somnophilia, necrophilia, etc - unless treated as a traumatic experience - I have several SA recovery works bookmarked and in my MFL
*note on novel ‘canonical kinks’ - a couple of fics do obliquely reference rape fantasy, but they’re few and far between, and there are no actual scenes depicting it. I will mark them so readers will know
abusive wwx or lwj (or anyone not already abusive)
dark!wwx or lwj (🙄)
xy/xxc unless it’s treated as fucky
fics feminizing wwx - some gray area since he’s gnc in the novel and I really do like seeing that explored; there is one exception to this rule and it will be marked
cop AUs
CEO wwx or lwj (except for parody)
character x reader
h*rry p*tter
asexual or demisexual wwx and/or lwj: I don’t have an issue with any other characters being aro or ace but they just didn’t come up very often
plus more that I habitually avoid and assume everyone following me does too, but I’m drawing a blank rn. feel free to message me to add more
due to personal preference, there will be also be no, or very little of the following:
meet-cutes, hook-ups, breakup fics (even if they get back together), friends with benefits, fake dating/relationship
self inserts
soulmate AUs
age regression (even if non-sexual)
camboy/stripper/sex worker/brothel/courtesan AUs (they’re usually awful but I do have one exception)
kinky stuff besides bdsm. not what I’m here for
*bdsm fic is not something I particularly seek out or enjoy, but since it’s kind of unavoidable so you can expect a fair amount of that
*like I really dislike reading orgasm delay/denial but it’s everywhere so *shrug*
*spanking and more specific kinks like petplay, watersports, inflation, tentacle shit, etc. will not show up since I don’t like them
any reference to the PM kiss unless it’s treated with the gravity is should be
time travel
youtube/socmed, high school, robots/androids, sports, office, assassin, spy, royalty, science fiction, idol, shapeshifting, reality tv, celebrity, mafia, actor, professor, military, or fairy tale AUs
significant canon divergence AUs
significant fix-its
junior-centric (and anything where they’re shipped with each other or anyone else)
fics over 3 chapters (with a handful of exceptions)
Hanahaki disease
mpreg: obviously trans men and and do get pregnant, but I’m wary of anything tagged mpreg since generally speaking, this type of fic is quite weird about trans men. also some mpreg is literally about cis men getting pregnant which like...???
threesomes...sorry, there are just no good ones that people write very much about
podfics/video format
fics that try to pretend like myu was a good mother lmao
I have the tag ‘oblivious wwx’ blacklisted so that might tell you something
if jc is there, people are probably bullying him, but I dislike fics written by jc haters as much as by uncritical jc fans
drawn-out miscommunication for the sake of romantic angst. super annoying
juniors shipping wx 🙄
I have ‘possessive lwj’ blacklisted but this is also something else that’s sort of everywhere; if it’s present it’s either recognized as a flaw and well-controlled, or isn’t very significant
also, the only couples I really read about or rec are
wx (number one, baby - most other couples are usually background sorry but nothing overshadows Them)
yanqing (MAYBE)
nielan (background only)
xiyao (as a toxic or past relationship only)
cssr/wcz (background only)
ONE instance of wq/jc
one-sided nhs/wwx
yaoyang lmao
wq/wwx, sexually but not romantically. like platonic BM-era comfort sex
+ random one-offs like wlj/wq, jc/jzx, and others, perhaps (??)
if you’re still reading, thanks <3
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zhancheng-ao3feed · 7 months
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doramalovers · 11 months
Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling (Sinta-se em Casa Sr. Ling)
Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling (Sinta-se em Casa Sr. Ling)
#cdrama #dorama #serie
Oi Dorameiros, Tudo bem com vocês? Hoje trago uma indicação de C-Drama maravilhoso. Para quem gosta de romances bem clichês com o CEO.
Estou falando do C- Drama Please Feel At Ease Mr. Ling (Sinta-se em Casa Sr. Ling)
Que foi lançado em 2021, e contém 24 episódios.
Na descrição do vídeo você vai encontrar como assistir a esse c-drama. Mas assista ao vídeo até o final.
Mas antes de começar a falar desse dorama, já deixa seu joinha e se inscreva no canal!
Vamos lá...
 Gu An Xin (Zhao Lu Si) é uma jovem que dá duro para realizar seus sonhos, mas nunca esperou viver nada além de uma vida ordinária. Ela trabalha fazendo entregas, correndo de um lado para o outro pela cidade, e sequer suspeita que sua vida está prestes a sofrer uma reviravolta incomum. E a reviravolta veio no dia que ela esbarrou com — ou melhor dizendo, atropelou — um homem chamado Ling Yue (Liu Te).
   Herdeiro de uma grande corporação, Ling Yue estava se preparando para assumir os negócios da família, antes de sofrer um acidente que quase tirou sua vida. Severamente ferido e deixado para morrer, as coisas não tinham como piorar para Ling Yue. Bom, isso era o que ele achava. Quando Ling Yue se arrastava pela rua, à procura de ajuda, An Xin passa por ele, ou melhor, passa por cima dele. Aterrorizada com o que acabou de acontecer, ela o leva correndo para o hospital. Após os exames, o médico diz que Ling Yue está com amnésia. Incapaz de deixar o rapaz desmemoriado por conta própria, An Xin o convida para sua casa, prometendo que vai fazer o que puder para ajudá-lo a se recuperar.
   Com personalidades totalmente opostas, a convivência entre An Xing e Ling Yue não é das melhores; mas o tempo e a paciência operam uma mudança inesperada. Os dois se aproximam cada vez mais, e logo percebem para onde seus sentimentos estão levando-os, ao menos antes de Ling Yue recuperar suas memórias. Será que Ling Yue e An Xin conseguirão viver felizes para sempre quando ele se lembrar de quem é de verdade?
   Adaptado da web novel "I Accidentally Picked Up a President", escrita por Chung Feng Yi Du, "Sinta-se em Casa, Sr. Ling" é uma comédia romântica dirigida por Zhong Qing.
Obrigada por ter chegado até o fim do vídeo e espero que tenham gostado das novidades! E não se esqueçam de curtir e se inscrever no canal.
 Até a próxima!!
 Dorama, coreano, c-drama, k-drama, larkon, series, short, shorts, short video, short videos, lovers, Netflix, viki, telegram, fansubs, doramas, série coreana, drama, série chinesa, korea, pousando no amor, uma advogada extraorsinária, a lição, pretendente surpresa, as três irmãs, dorama japonês, j-drama, Viki, Park Eun-bin, Kang Tae-oh, Kang Ki-young, Ha Yoon-kyung, Hyun Bin, Son Ye-jin, Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Se-jeong, Kim Min Kyu, Seol In-ah, Song Hye-kyo, Lim Ji-yeon, Lee Do-hyun, Wi Ha-joon, Kim Go-eun, Nam Ji-hyun, Song Joong-ki, Park Ji-hoo,
 #dorama #coreia #short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideos #korea #larkon #cdrama #kdrama
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starshinegoblin · 5 years
Walking Right into Your Heart
Here’s your request @ruensroad for JinYi au where Jin Ling is CEO and Jingyi is a dog walker. In this AU. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng aren’t brother’s but friends from college. Oh and Jingyi is still cousins with Lan Wangji but they aren’t close at the start. Shizui is a Wei here with Wen Qing being his surrogate mother. Here’s the start of their love! It got away from me and thank you for being patient! 
Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! 
Jingyi groaned sleepily waking up to the sound of rapid fire text message notifications on his phone. His sleep crusted eyes opening to see that the alarm clock read that it was barely after five in the morning. He grabbed the pillow placing it over his head in hopes of blocking out the sound. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. Just by the time of day was telling enough. Sizhui may be a man of few words like his father Lan Wangji but when it came to texting it was like he was truly his other father, Wei Wuxian’s, son. Now don’t get him wrong. He does love his best friend but he hadn’t gotten back home to his apartment till after two in the morning. 
The lack of bloomp sounds stirred him from his thoughts. He was just about to go back to sleep when his phone started ringing. Jingyi huffed in frustration before reaching out to palm the nightstand until he found his phone. He answered without checking the ID. 
“This better be good you, Wei demon. ” he croaked. 
“Jingyi?” A-Qing’s soft voice came through the phone instead of Sizhui’s, “Is this Jingyi?”
Jingyi quickly sat up letting the pillow roll off him. A-Qing is Sizhui’s girlfriend and it was rare for her to call him. He moved the phone away clearing his throat before trying again to speak, “Yes, it’s me.” 
“Hey, I’m calling you because we are currently at the hospital. Sizhui was in an accident.” She explained. 
“Which hospital is he at? What happened?” He asked tossing the blankets back getting out of bed. He grabbed his towel heading to the bathroom. He’d take a quick shower to wake up some more before heading to the hospital. 
“He’s at Gusu General and you don’t have to come. He just fell and broke his leg after dropping off one of his clients. That’s all. He should be home either today or tomorrow.” 
“I’m on my way.” He said hanging up. He liked A-Qing but he had a feeling in his gut that she was leaving something out. It hadn’t been the first time he’d caught her in a lie when it came to Sizhui. If it was just a broken leg they’d have set it and sent him home. He’d find out soon enough though he thought as he started stripping to get into the shower. 
Ten minutes later, Jingyi was fresh from his shower with a hoodie over his t-shirt and jeans with his converses. He put on his sunglasses as he stepped out of the elevator of his apartment building to the front entrance. He might be sipping a Monster Mean Bean but that didn’t mean he needed to be driving with barely two and a half hours of sleep in him. Thankfully his uber was waiting for him. 
“Gusu General please.” He said getting inside. An acknowledging nod had the car pulling out of the parking lot to his best friend. 
Jin Ling sighed loudly as he tossed the pen on his desk.  He leaned back in his chair resting his head against the top of the chair as he rubbed his face. That was the last of his paperwork declining the merger with Chang Industries. A deal that his grandfather had orchestrated in his schemes to get the company back from him after his parents had died. Thankfully, he’d been able to stop it. It’d taken him nearly a year to keep the Chang’s from taking his father’s business. The one that Jin Zixuan had built from the ground up without the help of Jin Guangshan. Jin Ling wouldn’t let it be taken from him. 
“Boss?” Rayne, his personal assistant called for him as she stepped into his office. A  look of annoyance on her face as she took in his appearance. He was still in yesterday’s outfit and there was day old take out boxes from last night’s dinner on the corner of his desk .  “I thought you said you were going home?”
“I did.” He replied sheepishly glancing at the open door to the small living quarters to her left. 
Her lips pursed approaching his desk reluctantly using her stiletto covered foot to push the trash can closer to the edge of the desk.“That’s not home, sir.” She stated as she took one of the unused napkins to push the take out boxes into the trash can. 
“I’ve been informed by Director Luo to send you send you home.” 
“But the Tang meeting.” 
“Has been moved Director Luo’s schedule. So has the Fang meeting and Wen meetings. In doing that allows for you to have the rest of the month off. So that you will be well rested for the Zhan meeting.” She replied going over to the coat rack plucking his coat off it. 
“Song is already downstairs isn’t he?” Jin Ling asked despite already knowing that his former personal assistant turned director because the woman was smart as hell and was a force to be reckoned with, Luo Qingyang, had everything in place for him. Realistically he knew nothing bad would happen but the anxiety was there. He sighed in resignation before standing up. 
“Yes, sir.” She nodded as he rounded the desk to allow her to help him into his jacket. 
“See you when I get back, Rayne.”
“You too, boss.” Rayne replied waving goodbye to him. 
So….I distinctly remember her saying it was - quote...nothing serious. Jingyi thought biting his the inside of his cheek to keep from scolding the woman. Said would woman was lazily lounging in the armchair munching on a bag of hot cheetos while Sizhui was on the phone with his father’s. 
His golden eyes taking in the sight of his best friend - who’s now in a room,with his leg in a cast with a bandage on his forehead and his arm wrapped up. Oh his phone? Yeah, that’d been smashed. So he was talking to his parents on the hospital phone. The woman claiming she couldn't bear to leave him. He sent a glare towards the to the woman as the responses to his father and the injuries told him that he’d been hit by a driver reaching down to grab their phone out of the floorboards. He’d been flung in the air and gravity aided in the sudden stop. 
Suddenly, she got a call before his temper got the best of him. “Oh, gege!” she practically screamed happily making Jingyi clinch his jaw. He wished she would just leave. 
Gege? he thought, Her parents made one before her? He mentally shivered at the thought as she wiped her cheetos dust stained hand on her jeans before getting up. 
“Bunny, I have to take this and if you want I can go get you a phone while I’m out.” she said with a forced sweet tone that sounded grating to Jingyi’s ears. Sizhui gave her a warm smile and nodded as she practically bounced out of the chair grabbing Sizhui’s wallet. Then fluttered out of the room.
“Oh thank god.” he thought he said in his mind but the sound of Sizhui smacking the bed made him realize he said it out loud. He quickly turned his head to look at Sizhui who gave him a knowing look. 
“I will dad. Yes, I’m going a new pho….I have A-Yi and A-Qing here with me. There is no need to fly...Okay...I love you.”
“Your mother coming?” He asked with a sigh. 
“No, but my dad’s are.” Sizhui replied. 
“That’s going to be interesting.” 
“Don’t be like that.” Sizhui scolded lightly.
“Sorry.” He apologized. 
“It’s okay.” Sizhui sighed. 
“What are you going to do about your clients?” Jingyi asked.
“I only have Fairy this week.” Sizhui replied from memory as he leaned his head back. His snapped opened as he leaned forward repeating, “I have fairy this week.”
“ My beloved sugar plum of a husky puppy?”
“She isn’t yours and hardly a puppy.”
“Cuteness trumps reality.” Jingyi replied tilting his nose up in the air. 
“What am I going to do?” Sizhui replied. “I don’t have his owner’s secretary’s number. The whole phone was crushed!” 
“I mean I could take care of her for you.” 
“No, I couldn’t…”
“Dude, you’re not asking and it’s just walking her on her normal route right? I’ve done that a million times with you two. Besides she knows me and you said you’ve never met her owner. Only spoke over the phone with his assistant. ” 
“Yes, but-”
“What about your clients?” 
“Her routine is early in the morning. So that fits perfectly with my other clients.” 
“Are you sure?” Sizhui asked again. 
“Yes, and don’t even think about sending me the money. You know I don’t need it.”  Jingyi chided as he handed his phone to Sizhui to add Fairy’s information into his phone. 
Fuck. Jin Ling thought as he woke up to the sound of Fairy barking rather loudly. She sounded happy so it wasn’t an intruder.  It hadn’t been her barking that bothered him rather than the sharp pain to his head when he’d trying to sit up to go check on her. His body gifting him with a skull cracking headache after finally getting more than two or three hours of rest. He reached into the nightstand grabbing for the bottle of aspirin he keeps there. Popping two of them in his mouth then washing it down with tepid water from the glass that he left there last night. 
He tossed the bottle on the back in the drawer before getting up. Jin Ling gently rubbed his temples with both hands as he stepped out of his room walking towards the living room. He guessed that he’d probably left the blinds opening and Fairy had spotted a bird on the balcony of their penthouse. Though the idea faded as he stepped into the living room seeing a man crouched down scratching behind both of Fairy’s ears.
“How’s my favorite sugar plum?” The man childishly said to his dog earning a happy bark. 
“Apparently happy and her name is Fairy.” Jin Ling stated with a scratchy grumbling tone dripping with sarcasm making the other man jump and topple back onto his butt. The way his beloved husky was acting plus the clock on the wall told him that this was his dog walker. 
Jin Ling’s dark eyes taking in the sight of him. The man had dark brown hair cut short with a long bangs but not too long that it covered his beautiful whiskey colored eyes. He wore a jean jacket with an over sized grey sweater and a pair of jeans with black converses. 
“Uh, I think so too.” the man chuckled with a blush creeping up his neck from the sweater’s collar, “Stop sugar plum.” he said to Fairy ignoring him while gently pushing her off him to stand up, “You must be her owner. Since you’re home. I’ll just go.” He gestured towards the door. 
Jin Ling was about to agree but then he got another sharp pain. “Wait, If you don’t mind can you walk her today?” 
“Sure, thing. Let’s go sugar plum.” The man nodded heading out the door with Fairy and her leash before he could ask about why he was even here. Jin Ling huffed turning around. He’d worry about the cute dog wal...wait no…annoying dog walker later. He shook his head making it hurt even more. His head was busting and all he wanted to do was crawl back into bed. 
“Dude.” Jingyi said practically yelled into his phone the moment that Sizhui answered the phone. “Sugar Plum’s dad is hot.”
“How do you know that?” Sizhui asked with a worried tone.
“I went to go pick her up and he appeared in the living room. Lord, Sizhui. He’s hotter than the sun.” He happily answered.
“You should have seen him. That messy bed hair, the muscles, and the -”
“Don’t say another word and don’t you dare sleep with my client.” Sizhui replied with a warning tone. 
“Who said anything about sleeping?”
“Okay, Okay, I won’t.” Jingyi chuckled “But I can ogle right? Because he has a tattoo on his left pec is…”
“I’m out.” Sizhui replied hanging up. Jingyi couldn’t help but laugh sticking his phone in his pocket as he refocused on the walk. If he ran a bit with Fairy to try get the memory of her shirtless owner out of his head before going back no one else would know. 
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gravitydefyingtears · 2 years
Danmei Roundup
I suddenly realized that ever since MDZS opened the doors, I’ve steadily gone through a good amount of danmei. 👀 Since I’m apparently doing anything except write my final paper, I compiled a list of stories I’ve come to know either through their novels or audio drama adaptations (or both). Any of them look familiar? lol
Adding/updating the list as I go + highlighting some of my favs.
Period Fantasy: Wuxia, Xianxia
人渣反派自救系统 — 墨香铜臭 (Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System — Mo Xiang Tong Xiu) *system/transmigration*
魔道祖师 — 墨香铜臭 (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation — Mo Xiang Tong Xiu)
天官赐福 — 墨香铜臭 (Heaven Official’s Blessing — Mo Xiang Tong Xiu)
铜钱龛世 — 木苏里 (Copper Coins — Mu Su Li)
二哈和他的白猫师尊 — 肉包不吃肉 (Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun — Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat)
Sci-Fi/Survival (? idk what 无限流 is called)
全球高考 — 木苏里 (Global Examination — Mu Su Li)
地球上线 — 莫晨欢 (The Earth is Online — Mo Chen Huan)
Modern Setting
犯罪心理 — 长洱 (Criminal Psychology — Chang Er) 
默读 — Priest (Silent Reading — Priest)
破云 — 淮上 (Breaking Through the Clouds — Huai Shang)
皮囊 — 潭石 (Skin — Tan Shi) 
你师父我人傻钱多 — 莫晨欢 (Your Shifu is Stupid Rich — Mo Chen Huan)
网恋翻车指南 — 酱子贝 (How to Fail at Online Dating — Jiang Zi Bei)
你亲我一下 — 引路星 (Give Me a Kiss — Yin Lu Xing) *celebrity* 
Schoolyard Romance
我喜欢你的信息素 — 引路星 (I Like Your Pheromones — Yin Lu Xing) *abo*
伪装学渣 — 木瓜黄 (Fake Slackers — Mu Gua Huang)
信息素说我们不可能 — 毛球球 (The Pheromones Say We've Got No Chance — Mao Qiu Qiu) *abo* 
Celebrity/Entertainment Business
我嗑了对家X我的CP — PEPA (I Ship My Adversary x Me — PEPA)
情敌每天都在变美 — 公子于歌 (My Love Rival is Getting Prettier Every Day — Gongzi Yu Ge) *system/transmigration*
我只喜欢你的人设 — 稚楚 (I Only Like Your Persona — Zhi Chu)
营业悖论 — 稚楚 (Fanservice Paradox — Zhi Chu) *boy group*
小行星 — 微风几许 (Little Asteroid — Wei Feng Ji Xu) *abo*
落池 — 余酲 (Falling Into the Pond — Yu Cheng)
迪奥先生 — 绿野千鹤 (Mr. Dior — Lv Ye Qian He) *crack/amnesia*
职业替身 — 水千丞 (Professional Body Double — Shui Qian Cheng) *rebirth*
没钱 — 吕天逸 (Broke — Lv Tian Yi) *system/supernatural*
营销号说你喜欢我 — 螽斯 (Clickbait Media Accounts Say You Like Me — Zhong Si)
论以貌取人的下场 — 月下蝶影 (The Consequences of Judging a Book by Its Cover — Yue Xia Die Ying)
我开动物园那些年 — 拉棉花糖的兔子 (Those Years I Opened a Zoo — La Mian Hua Tang de Tu Zi) *system*
临时保镖 — 绿野千鹤 (Last-Minute Bodyguard — Lv Ye Qian He)
飞鸥不下 — 回南雀 (Flying Gulls Never Land — Hui Nan Que) *adopted brothers*
安知我意 — 北南 (Know My Heart — Bei Nan)
刺青 — 不问三九 (Tattoo — Bu Wen San Jiu)
燎原 — 不问三九 (Wildfire — Bu Wen San Jiu) 
烧不尽 — 回南雀 (Eternal Burning — Hui Nan Que)
腹黑和腹黑的终极对决 — 羲和清零 (Behind the Scenes Hunter — Xi He Qing Ling) *corporate battle*
… … …
And then there are some more I started to various extents:
这题超纲了 — 木瓜黄 (Beyond the Outline — Mu Gua Huang) *schoolyard*
不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友 — 骑鲸南去 (Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash — Qi Jing Nan Qv) *transmigration/system*
魔尊也想知道 — 青色羽翼 (Mo-Zun Also Wants to Know — Qing Se Yu Yi) *period fantasy/system*
可爱过敏原 — 稚楚 (Adorable Allergen — Zhi Chu) *schoolyard/adopted brothers*
欢迎来到噩梦游戏 — 薄暮冰轮 (Welcome to the Nightmare Game — Bo Mu Bing Lun) *sci-fi/transmigration/survival?*
恶性依赖 — 金刚圈 (Unhealthy Attachment — Jin Gang Quan) *modern*
营养过良 — 芥菜糊糊 (Nutrition Overload — Jie Cai Hu Hu) *cats*
S.C.I. 谜案集 — 耳雅 (S.C.I. Mystery — Er Ya) *crime/mystery*
嚣张 — 巫哲 (Audacious — Wu Zhe) *schoolyard* 
穿成反派总裁小情人 — 林盎司 (Transmigrated as the Villain CEO’s Little Lover — Lin Ounce) *transmigration/entertainment business*
一不小心和醋精结婚了 — 一枚纽扣 (My Accidental Husband is Full of Vinegar — Yi Mei Niu Kou) *modern*
碎玉投珠 — 北南 (Sui Yu Tou Zhu — Bei Nan) *80s/90s setting*
兼职无常后我红了 — 拉棉花糖的兔子 (After I Started Working as a Wu Chang, I Became Popular — La Mian Hua Tang de Tu Zi) *modern/supernatural*
新时代,新地府 — 林知落 (New Times, New Hell — Lin Zhiluo) *supernatural/modern/crack*
两A相逢必有一O — 厉冬忍 (When Two As Meet, There Must Be One O — Li Dong Ren) *abo/schoolyard*
破云2:吞海 — 淮上 (Swallow the Sea — Huai Shang) *crime/mystery* 
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wei-meddling-wuxian · 2 years
JC Centric Twitter threads
using twitter is a recent development so I’m leaving threads I like here so I don’t have to search through my likes or bookmarks everytime. btw this is gonna keep updating as I fall down the twitter rabbit hole
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1478883618202210305 secretary JC, ceo LXC, misunderstandings, mpreg, dark lxc
https://twitter.com/darkbluemint/status/1554922992517398528 drunk jc, ymj and jc, drunk proposals
https://twitter.com/Moon_bunsie/status/1553585715404873733 wwx tries the shovel talk, gets a jfm revelation instead
https://twitter.com/herapersona/status/1553623853678886913 jin ling askes about a college story where jc got someone fired - academia injustices
https://twitter.com/asagi_bluewrite/status/1553170228372471808 jc going to collect overdue taxes from immortal mountain dragon lxc
https://twitter.com/herapersona/status/1547185474481291265 drunk lxc simps over jc, established xicheng
https://twitter.com/just_____jade/status/1554773130329337856 ymj teach jc to smile pretty - pretty jc
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1553833196889989120 jc is pei ming and yzy’s kid - latent abilities
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JCxHappiness happiness for jc agenda
https://twitter.com/valkepm/status/1549844941496586242 jc and yzy, spirit summoning
https://twitter.com/catharinathecat/status/1549898905122471937 jc stops looking for jfm’s approval
https://twitter.com/Cedric_B7/status/1584533602301538306 ambiguous chengxian - wwx protective of his relationship with jc and disagrees with l/wj interfering 
https://twitter.com/abira_og/status/1554624475928449025 acts of service love language, post canon wwx eases himself back into ymj, [physical] hurt/comfort
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1553602813220900864 de-aged jc, smitten wwx, cuddles, fluff
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1553035790493446144 fluff, established and married chengxian with jiang furen wwx, worried jc, romantic wwx
https://twitter.com/jcmochiheart/status/1550776368165945345 modern au chengxian, jc goes abroad to study, reunion scene, cuckji (sorry l/wj)
https://twitter.com/nottheimp/status/1549305845934080001 soft, reconciliation, development
https://twitter.com/rikkainhaz/status/1519518445280260096 yunmeng shuangjie angst
https://twitter.com/rikkainhaz/status/1547162676090249216 pre-relationship, wwx talks about jc a lot
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1546373309675315200 modern au, gamer wwx
https://twitter.com/_jiangwanyin/status/1528841462091501568 unhinged wwx, pre-death
https://twitter.com/suddenlyapples/status/1409505884263260160 post-canon, feral yllz protective over injured jc
https://twitter.com/zyprexd/status/1530766667986378752 post-canon, jc assassination attempt, protective yllz, cuck lw/j (sorry 2x)
https://twitter.com/Moon_bunsie/status/1554395026305974272 ymj defenses, home alone edition
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1550741246464901120 ymj knows how to deal with bugs
https://twitter.com/dodoscreamb/status/1549356833747648512 ymj and the nine petals - ymj reputation
https://twitter.com/JadeLotus18/status/1549022328780009472 jc can go apeshit post canon bc he’s politically fine now vs the vt situation
https://twitter.com/JadeLotus18/status/1553754995995992065 on fierce corpses
https://twitter.com/jcmochiheart/status/1538515325050064898 jc sees himself as an heir and doesn’t have an identify outside of that
https://twitter.com/millialani/status/1535174947399553024 on hunting demonic cultivators
https://twitter.com/felidae_somni/status/1552879757271998464 not jiang fam friendly, loyal jc, supportive nie brothers, businessmen, 
https://twitter.com/cinnamoningroll/status/1552716072662736897 xicheng, crying during sex
https://twitter.com/bananasonrye/status/1547663174853226497 zhanchengxian - de aged jc being cute
https://twitter.com/ThatClumsyB_Li/status/1551931311866413056 post jc-death, jl goes through his things and finds letters
https://twitter.com/millialani/status/1550212381506019328 JC qi deviations and losing his mind
https://twitter.com/abira_og/status/1548715832800313345 au where jc doesn’t stay in the temple but just comes in to take jin ling out
https://twitter.com/dodoscreamb/status/1350032270166433799 JC teaches JL about being a sect leader
https://twitter.com/zeldacw/status/1549087818391072770 Sandu as a person, Shuoyue and Liebing
https://twitter.com/just_____jade/status/1545972144462774272 jc, wwx, jl on one sword
https://twitter.com/suddenlygrapes/status/1549145206016000005 jc pretends to be yzy for a conference, shenanigans ensue 
https://twitter.com/BlaBlaBla__Me/status/1546055615273140225 jc death, the concept of soul residue and memories, soft
https://twitter.com/swampw1tch_/status/1516588434705596420 transmigration jc, who is too tired and jaded, so everyone’s concerned
https://twitter.com/spearcolor/status/1547421731312537601 established zhancheng - jc gets so drunk he doesn’t recognize lwj and brags about his boyfriend lwj to lwj himself
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joshuasumter · 2 years
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Phineas & Ferb X Tekken
Synopsis: Get ready for the epic ultimate yet craziest crossover event in Disney and Namco Bandai history when our favorite step-brothers, Phineas and Ferb, meet the fighters from the world of Tekken! When Candace discovered Nina Williams, who has been crash-landed in Danville Park, a set of crazy things have began! Nina enlisted Phineas and Ferb’s help in getting her back to her universe. The problem? Well, Nina wasn’t the only visitor in Danville. Her sister and rival, Anna Willaims, had came along, too, with G Corporation and its CEO, Kazuya Mishima, for they had big plans of their own. Also, once his father, Heihachi Mishima, found out that his son is in Danville, he and Kuma followed him and accidentally teams up with Dr. Doofenshmirtz and together, they came face-to-face with Kazuya. This, however, leads to a climatic war between the Mishimas that threatens not only Danville - but the entire Tri-State Area, as well as the world! Now Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, along with Stacy and the Fireside Girls, must go travel with Nina to the world of Tekken to get help from its roster of strongest fighters, including Jin Kazama, Ling Xiaoyu, Panda, Julia Chang, Robert ‘Bob’ Richards, Lars Alexanderson, Alisa Bosconovich, Marshall Law, Paul Phoenix, King, Craig Marduk, Steve Fox, Hwoarang, Asuka Kazama, and Emilie 'Lili’ de Rochefort, so they can band together to stop them.So begins an epic battle as our heroes try to save their home from the clutches of the Mishima family. Can this tag-team prevail and set the whole thing straight? And did we mention that Perry the Platypus, aka Agent P, is in this crossover story, too?
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ao3feed-xicheng · 7 months
Till Death Do Us Part
by 0nlyxicheng (suibianne) "If you go through this door... I'll not forgive you." "Then hate me... If it makes you feel better, hate me, Jiang Cheng." Jiang Cheng walked towards him. His face was full of anger, full of contempt for himself. He grabbed Xichen's hand in a final attempt at persuasion. He cried. "...What am I to you? Why are you doing this to me?" You've always been everything to me... "You're nothing to me." "Lan Xichen, you're heartless scum!" Words: 1165, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing (Modao Zushi), Xiao Xingchen, Song Lan | Song Zichen, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang, Wen Ning, Jin Ling | Jin Rulan, Wen Ruohan, Wen Chao (Modao Zushi), Qingheng-jun Relationships: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji & Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao/Nie Mingjue, Song Lan | Song Zichen/Xiao Xingchen Additional Tags: XiCheng, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Break Up, Post-Break Up, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reconciliation, Dark Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Porn with Feelings, but the feelings are bad and confusing, Power Imbalance, revange, Dark Xicheng, Office Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Alternate Universe - Office, CEO, Smut, give Jiang Cheng all the love, Explicit Sexual Content, Bottom Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Top Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault via https://ift.tt/GLK8bfO
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shijiujun · 4 years
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ANOTHER REC from the author who wrote The Wife is First 妻为上! I’ve actually read like six of her novels so far (will do a compilation soon heh) and 绿野千鹤 (the author) is very fond of transmigration, going back in time, reincarnation, revival and everything, and she’s also very fond of historical settings where men can marry men, in varying degrees, and this is one of them!!!! This is a very feel good novel, just like The Wife if First - considered a sweet, not complex novel. 
(And for those asking about reading difficulty levels, this is actually not very complicated, so if y’all wanna read in Chinese, you can actually try this!)
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
At his deathbed in his 20s, emperor Yu Jin Tang tells his male empress Song Xiao to die with him right before he passes away from a severe injury sustained from war. Devastated and also willing to die with him, Song Xiao is about slit his own throat when Jin Ling, Jin Tang’s younger brother who’s next in line for the throne, reads out the imperial decree to have Song Xiao be given a wangye title and assist Jin Lin in his rule, a decree that Jin Tang made before he died, of course not expecting Song Xiao to die with him.
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Song Xiao slits his own throat anyway after killing the man who dealt his husband with the fatal blow, and wakes up in 16 year-old Song Xiao’s body in the modern world. He’s in the hospital after an accident, and is entirely confused with this world. He also wonders where Jin Tang is, if he also travelled to this world after his death, but Song Xiao first has to get used to the modern world, to his father, who is the CEO of an entertainment company, unofficial stepmother (who is an actress under the company and had an affair with Song Xiao’s father) and stepsister.
After recovery, Song Xiao gets to school and becomes tablemates with someone who looks exactly like Jin Tang, called Yu Tang, who is the heir to the wealthy Yu family.
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Cue Yu Tang and Song Xiao trying to test each other out to see if they really transmigrated to this world and have memories of their past life, navigate their families and find other transmigrated people from that dynasty in their current timeline. Yu Tang and Song Xiao also reaffirm their love for each other after clearing up the misunderstanding that led Yu Jin Tang to go off to war suddenly that year, which inadvertently led to his death after.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Not Available | Novel Translations | Manhua 
1. 宋箫 Song Xiao - In his past life he was a scholar who first met YJT at a palace feast, and YJT fell in love with him at first sight and was adamant on marrying him as his empress. The previous emperor caught wind of this and wanted to execute Song Xiao, but his grandfather begged the emperor to spare his grandson in exchange for his life. He loves YJT but in his past life was always carrying the burden of the empress title and was never close to YJT in public, and in private, he repeatedly refused to sleep with YJT because he was scared of the pain, but also did not tell YJT that this was the reason for his rejection, leading to YJT thinking that Song Xiao must really hate him/not love him. 
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After he commits suicide and transmigrates to the modern world, he’s the 16-year old son of the CEO of a huge entertainment company, and lives with his father, stepmother and stepsister. Before he transmigrated, the current him was diagnosed with autism and he was non-verbal, until his stepmother/stepsister hurt him and led to him being in a coma. He wakes up from the coma having transmigrated after, and is so confused at all the nurses, plus he has all his ancient traditional habits - the way he talks, his hand gestures etc. He was caught calling his stepmother a concubine LMAO in public, and only has two months to get used to the modern world before he’s tossed into school, where he meets YJT again. And as expected he forgets himself frequently and ends up greeting people traditionally like this LOL:
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Considered to be a real pretty boy HAHAHAHA as expected, but before he transmigrated he was often the subject of bullying. He ends up rooming with YJT, and they start second-guessing whether each other has transmigrated. It’s hilarious because even before confirming that he is indeed YJT, Song Xiao is so used to things like feeding YJT chicken wings, helping him with his clothes etc. from back in his days as empress, and YJT in modern world is also like used to it and then when they realize their actions they’re like ???? hold on, are you...
Totally doesn’t get Math (like all of us), but luckily he’s so smart and picks up all his academic material quickly. 
2. 虞锦堂/虞堂 Yu Jin Tang/Yu Tang - Went against laws and his father in his past life to marry Song Xiao, and really, really loves him. He always doubts that Song Xiao loves him back, however, because of the way he basically forced Song Xiao to marry him, and did not take in any concubines etc. in the year they spent together before he died. They argued over this, which led to him going to war in anger, and to his eventual death. On his deathbed, out of spite and anger at his impending demise, he asks Song Xiao to die with him, but does not mean it, having already planned Song Xiao’s future for him.
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He wakes up in his new body as an 11 year-old named Yu Tang, 5 years before Song Xiao transmigrates despite their deaths being minutes apart. At some point he goes to read historical books and is furious and devastated when he reads that Song Xiao killed himself after he died, and wonders if it’s because Jin Lin didn’t tell Song Xiao about the decree.
He’s been waiting for Song Xiao to turn up, and when he does, Yu Tang finds himself testing Song Xiao to see if he really has his memories or not, and even plots for Song Xiao to room with him because Yu Tang gets pissed at the thought of someone else seeing Song Xiao’s body as he comes out of the bath everyday HAHAHA. 
In this modern world, he no longer has to deal with the burden of country etc., and one of the possible heirs to the Yu fortune and empire, he now only has to deal with greedy relatives and a grandfather who may oppose same-sex relationships, but smart Yu Tang knows what he’s doing and is more than familiar with fighting for the throne in his past life, and now in this life. Because he lost so much in the previous life, he’s now plotting to keep everything, including Song Xiao.
3. 虞锦麟 Yu Jin Lin - YJT’s younger brother, who also transmigrated to the modern world the year Song Xiao does, but in his past life he dies much later than his brother and Song Xiao did out of natural causes. He is reborn as Yu Tang’s baby brother, and this baby has ALL THEM MEMORIES.
4. 独孤暗 Du Gu An - Yu Tang’s current same-age bodyguard, was picked up from the streets by Yu Tang when they were both younger. He was the head of YJT’s secret army in his past life, who transmigrated over.
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
In private, Yu Tang and Song Xiao refer to each other frequently as emperor and empress, but they’re conscious to not say it in public because they know people will wonder if they’re insane hahaha
Yu Tang ran for President of the Student’s Club, won, and then changed all the names of the different committees in school (cleaning committee, disciplinary committee etc.) into historical ministry names like, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Justice etc. hahaha
They acknowledge each other quite early on in the book and it’s so sweet from then on! Technically even though they’re 16 year-olds here in spirit they’re like... they’ve lived another lifetime together, so Yu Tang refers to Song Xiao as his wife and empress, and keeps stealing kisses etc.
The man who killed YJT in his past life was reborn as Yu Tang’s literal dog in the modern world, and a lot of characters transmigrated/were reborn as well, including YJT’s eunuch gonggong, who is actually a high-ranking butler now in the main Yu family branch and who has also been waiting for YJT to turn up in the modern world. When Song Xiao first meets him, his eyes automatically go to the butler’s crotch LMAOOO
YJT’s sister was also reborn as his sister, and because he wasn’t able to protect her in his past life, he’s very thankful that he can do so now
It’s really cute because there’s even an overseas academic exchange part. Outside of school they also try to navigate their relationships with their families, and it’s impressive to see how Song Xiao and Yu Tang deal with their pesky relatives, work etc.
Song Xiao has to defend himself (with the help of Yu Tang) against his stepmother, and another woman that his Dad had another affair with etc., but all these tactics are elementary to him as he recalls how his siblings in his past life were much more merciless and scheming than this towards him LOL
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