#i haven't touched the ai thing I just know it's there
sometimes I hate this fucking art program (if the tablet gets really worked up it will randomly erase layers) but I paid for a year of the special version or whatever and I WILL keep using this until that year is up
also hate it because shortly after I paid for it they added a dumb fucking ai thing and, like, if I had known I wouldn't have given them money, ya know?
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lackadaisycats · 7 months
Hey Tracy! Have you heard about the new Ai called Sora? Apparently it can now create 2D and 3D animations as well as hyper realistic videos. I’ve been getting into animation and trying to improve my art for years since I was 7, but now seeing that anyone can create animation/works in just a mare seconds by typing in a couple words, it’s such a huge slap in the face to people who actually put the time and effort into their works and it’s so discouraging! And it has me worried about what’s going to happen next for artists and many others, as-well. There’s already generated voices, generated works stolen from actual artists, generated music, and now this! It’s just so scary that it’s coming this far. 
Yeah, I've seen it. And yeah, it feels like the universe has taken on a 'fuck you in particular' attitude toward artists the past few years. A lot of damage has already been done, and there are plenty of reasons for concern, but bear in mind that we don't know how this will play out yet. Be astute, be justifiably angry, but don't let despair take over. --------
One would expect that the promo clips that have been dropping lately represent some of the best of the best-looking stuff they've been able to produce. And it's only good-looking on an extremely superficial level. It's still riddled with problems if you spend even a moment observing. And I rather suspect, prior to a whole lot of frustrated iteration, most prompts are still going to get you camera-sickness inducing, wibbly-wobbly nonsense with a side of body horror.
Will the tech ultimately get 'smarter' than that and address the array of typical AI giveaways? Maybe. Probably, even. Does that mean it'll be viable in quite the way it's being marketed, more or less as a human-replacer? Well…
A lot of this is hype, and hype is meant to drive up the perceived value of the tech. Executives will rush to be early adopters without a lot of due diligence or forethought because grabbing it first like a dazzled chimp and holding up like a prize ape-rock makes them look like bleeding-edge tech geniuses in their particular ecosystem. They do this because, in turn, that perceived value may make their company profile and valuations go up too, which makes shareholders short-term happy (the only kind of happy they know). The problem is how much actual functional value will it have? And how long does it last? Much of it is the same routine we were seeing with blockchain a few years ago: number go up. Number go up always! Unrealistic, unsustainable forever-growth must be guaranteed in this economic clime. If you can lay off all of your people and replace them with AI, number goes up big and never stops, right?
I have some doubts. ----------------------
The chips also haven't landed yet with regards to the legality of all of this. Will these adopters ultimately be able to copyright any of this output trained on datasets comprised of stolen work? Can computer-made art even be copyrighted at all? How much of a human touch will be required to make something copyright-able? I don't know yet. Neither do the hype team or the early adopters.
Does that mean the tech will be used but will have to be retrained on the adopter's proprietary data? Yeah, maybe. That'd be a somewhat better outcome, at least. It still means human artists make specific things for the machine to learn from. (Watch out for businesses that use 'ethical' as a buzzword to gloss over how many people they've let go from their jobs, though.)
Will it become industry standard practice to do things this way? Maybe. Will it still require an artist's sensbilities and oversignt to plan and curate and fix the results so that it doesn't come across like pure AI trash? Yeah, I think that's pretty likely.
If it becomes standard practice, will it become samey, and self-referential and ultimately an emblem of doing things the cookie-cutter way instead of enlisting real, human artists? Quite possibly.
If it becomes standard industry practice, will there still be an audience or a demand or a desire for art made by human artists? Yes, almost certainly. With every leap of technology, that has remained the case. ------------------ TL;DR Version:
I'm not saying with any certainty that this AI blitz is a passing fad. I think we're likely to experience a torrential amount of generative art, video, voice, music, programming, and text in the coming years, in fact, and it will probably irrevocably change the layout of the career terrain. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was being overhyped as a business strategy right now. And I don't think the immensity of its volume will ever overcome its inherent emptiness.
What I am certain of is that it will not eliminate the innate human impulse to create. Nor the desire to experience art made by a fellow soul. Keep doing your thing, Anon. It's precious. It's authentic. It will be all the more special because it will have come from you, a human.
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negrowhat · 9 months
BL Superlatives of 2023
Instead of doing a roundup (which I still might do) I just decided to do my own Best of 2023 for the handful of BLs I watched this year.
Series I Finished for the Couple- A Boss and A Babe. The plot had way too much going on and a lot of the pieces didn't flow well and a lot of things really pissed me off. Also the only side characters I liked were Porsche and Jack. But I LOVED Boss Daddy Gun and his Cher Bear. They filled me with joy and warm fuzzies and I loved how dependent they were on each other. Gun got was able to let his guard down and Cher found someone he could be vulnerable with.
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Love Scene the Made Me HOLLER- Love in Translation. YangPhumjai fucking nasty across their freshly opened convenience store. They fucked in front of the security cameras and with the way they were slamming each other into the shelves I'm surprised more merchandise wasn't all over the floor. 10/10 love scene. Also I adore YangPhumjai.
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Messiest Plot-Moonlight Chicken. Between the cheating, crying, screaming, and fighting I was thoroughly entertained. They had my emotions all over the place. I loved the series in it's entirety. (No I haven't watched OF or that would've won lol)
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Dilf of the Year- Jeng from Step By Step. Everything about that man screamed 'Daddy'. He was sweet but stern. A very gentle Dom. He ran multiple businesses. He wore dad jeans on his off days. He had a beautiful smile and a BANGING body. And all he wanted to do was cook and take care of Pat...maybe teach him a few thangs. Sigh yeaaaa He was Pat's daddy idc.
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Most Likely to Get Jumped- Saengtai from La Pluie. Don't you dare lie and say you didn't want to fight him at SOME point in this series. Tai was just very selfish and did not know how to apologize. He blamed everyone else for everything and he acted like a spoiled brat through most of the series. And I for one wanted to beat him up a couple of times. He's so cute tho.
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Best Dressed-Chen Yi x Ai Di from Kiseki: Dear to Me. One favored collars, sweaters, and bright colors and the other had more of a biker-streetwear-combat style and somehow they ended up matching 79% of the time. They looked good together. The stylists popped off.
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Most Goodest Boy- Woo Seung Hyun from the New Employee. Just a sweet 28 yr old man eager to work and be his very best. His bubbly personality is easy to love and I just want to squish his face, kiss his forehead, and hug him for hours. I see why Jong Chan fell in love immediately.
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Most Sad Boy-Seo Jae Won from The Eighth Sense. He shut himself off to the people around him and allowed terrible people into his life because he didn't care enough to show them who he was in real life, he covered everything with a mask and acted the way people would expect so they wouldn't seem him crumbling inside. He blamed himself for his brother's passing and also for Ji Hyun's accident. He felt like he deserved every bad thing that happened to him and every bad person in his life. Ji Hyun brought light into his life after being shrouded in darkness for so long.
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Hottest Couple-KingUea from Bed Friend. The love scenes always delivered. That kitty play scene?????? There was consent everywhere which was also sexy. King was such a green flag and they were hot together. Uea wasn't afraid to be sexy and King was a bonafide bisexual himbo who refused to be shy about sex and all it entails. They were grown and sexy type of hot.
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Hottest Scene-The oil rubbing scene from I Feel You Linger in the Air. Not explicit, but extremely sensual. You can feel the desire and tension in that rub down Jom gave Yai. And then Jom going into his room to rub himself down and relive the moment that just passed??? HOT AF. Personally, I think IFYLITA was the most sensual series I watched all year. The series focused a lot on intimacy and physical touch.
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Most Potential-Step By Step. This series had all the makings of a perfect plot but then everything just sort of got away from them. The office part of the office romance sort of stepped on the romance part. There was too much business involved and it made the conflict between the two mains unnecessary and annoying. Also they completely neglected the side couple and made their storyline almost non-existent. The eps were long af and yet the time wasn't placed in the right parts of the storylines and some scenes felt like a waste...even some eps. It was a bummer because I liked all the characters and first leg of the series. JengPat are top notch and I wanted more from JaabJane.
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Fave Side Dish-YiwaMarine from Wedding Plan. Ooops slipped some girls in! Gawd I LOVED THEM! Yiwa was such a sweet talker! She was def a smooth operator. That line about her liking being short so she could kiss Marine better????? SWOON! I could totally see why Marine could never stay mad at her and was always blushing. They were just the perfect pair of girlfriends turned wives and I'm sad we didn't get invited to their wedding.
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luckyarchivist · 7 months
Touchstarved LIs and Fanfiction AUs They Should Be In
Haven't been able to stop thinking about the people who said Ais is "always the tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop AU". I don't even like tattoo shop/flower shop like that but it was such a correct thing to say and I have to acknowledge that. So here's that plus AUs I've seen that I think the LIs should be in.
Flower shop/tattoo shop, as mentioned. This one is TOO good. Come ON. Ais as the hot-ass owner of the local tattoo shop? Him listening to your idea for a tattoo and then smoothly and easily inking it into your skin and telling you you're good when you don't cry? I don't even need to explain this one. It makes sense in like every way.
NASCAR/Formula One AU. The idea of him getting out of that car sweaty as hell in the full racing suit after crushing a track record? Like, taking off the helmet and shaking his hair out and looking like he couldn't give less of a shit about winning first place? Yeah. I am not immune to vroom vroom
Mermaid AU but he's a bull shark or an octopus, not a fish. IDK if I want his claspers or his tentacles more, but either way he should be lurking in the briny deep and protecting me from the real ocean monsters and threatening to eat me even though he probably doesn't mean it, probably.
Magic/Witches AU. - C'monnnn, he's already so witchy! He's got the sleeves and everything. And yes I know TS already has magic in it, but you know what I mean. He, like, lives in the spooky forest and the people of the village are deathly afraid of him, but you need his magical help, so against the wishes of family and friends you seek him out. And he forces you through a series of dangerous illusions as a trial and, when you successfully pass them, finally agrees to help you for a price...
Royalty AU as either the capricious king of a powerful nation or that king's advisor, formal or informal (smart concubine). I've never seen Game of Thrones but that kind of castle politics, shadowy backstabbing shit seems right up his alley.
Modern AU as an artist: I already talked about this with Vere as an artist and game dev, but I think it'd be so funny if Vere was just sitting in a coffee shop (local, Starbucks is below him) trying to finish his commissions in peace because his roommate(s) are annoying and/or distracting. Honestly, Vere would also rock as a modern AU witch, like urban fantasy type.
Barista/Bartender AU. He's so extroverted and congenial I have to put him in a drink service AU. He definitely has a "time to mix drinks and save lives" type of work ethic behind the counter. He remembers regular customers and their drink orders, he is LIBERAL with discounts, and he leaves little notes to the people he thinks are cute.
Serial killer AU. I am so basic and even though I have no desire to watch or listen to true crime now, I was raised on the Investigation Discovery Channel and I've never lost that. Look at his fucking face. He's asking for it to be covered in blood. Even better if this is combined with the above AU and he's a sweet server by day and a ruthless murderer by night but he keeps the same wide, pleasant, and genuine smile on because both things are things he loves to do. Even BETTER if he has an obsession with one of his regulars and starts killing people around them in an attempt to get closer with them.
Theatre AU. Siiiighs. Yeah, I'm a theatre kid. And I just know this guy would be one of those actors who wants to be a mentor/older brother figure for any new troupe-members. He's walking you through all the vocal warmups. He's offering to help you run lines. He's driving you home after rehearsals. He is a triple threat, but he doesn't prefer musicals because he doesn't like singing in front of an audience (even though he's an amazing singer). And I just know props absolutely hates him because he keeps touching shit that isn't his.
Hospital AU and Angels/Demons AU is too easy. Instead, I'm giving him the flower shop owner in flower shop/tattoo shop AU. Anyone here like KurAis? Anyways, I think it would be sweet to have him be the super-tall, kind but a little awkward and very knowledgeable owner of a flower shop. He probably enjoys crafting bouquets that have meaning in flower language. And yes, he knows about the nice meanings and the rude meanings, so you can get a "fuck you" bouquet from Kuras.
Detroit Become Human AU as an android. I barely remember D:BH but it was one of the first things that occurred to me when thinking about AUs for Kuras. Maybe because he'd be the kind of android who was like, "Don't worry, I'm not a real person, it's okay if I get shot repeatedly," and wouldn't understand why someone would be concerned about him anyways.
Elementary school teacher/single parent AU but I don't know if I want him to be the teacher or the parent. Do I want him to look after a group of children, making efforts to understand their silly little words and communicate with them so they learn and feel cared for? Or do I want him to be the struggling single parent who is so happy to see their child finally getting the attention they deserve outside the house? IDK, but I'd be happy either way.
Superhero AU. They're kinda already halfway to superhero gear with the hood and the cape and the tight pants, but I think it be cool for them to dart from rooftop to rooftop, saving civilians and fighting crime. IDK if it'd be cooler if they were half-hero half-villain (controlled by their bird-monster side and wreaking havoc) or if it'd just be nice to have a crow hero motif. Anyway they save me and I'm a reporter who uses my reporter contacts to try and track them down not knowing they're actually my upstairs neighbor who I bring shepherd's pie and strawberry cupcakes to sometimes.
The other tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop. You know how there's always some other character working in one or both of the shops? Ayeah that's Mhin. Number one, I think it'd be hot if they had tattoos. But even if they don't they're still hot when they give the tattoo because focus and skill are attractive. They're talented enough that Ais keeps them around even though they hate him. They never talk to him even though he's their boss. Over the course of the fic Mhin and Ais get closer b/c Kuras is friends with both of them and he wants them to like each other.
Angel/Demon AU as an angel because I want them to be corrupted :) I want them to be forced to submit to their own worst impulses :) and eventually realize that being evil makes them feel good and more importantly liberated and in control :) also maybe they can get wrecked by a demon please :)
Aaaand the DLC cast gets one as a treat!
Pacific Rim AU but PLEASE don't ask me why. I don't even REMEMBER Pacific Rim. But the clarity with which I could imagine Sen in a Pacific Rim AU is startling. She's gruff and she doesn't want to partner up with you, a rookie, but somehow you have perfect chemistry in the mech she doesn't want to acknowledge. She's too reckless out of disregard for her life, and you reel her in; you're inexperienced, and she fixes your mistakes. Then one day she starts to notice that she's guarding her own life more fiercely than ever before...because of you.
If that's not what Pacific Rim is about shhhh don't correct me /j
Easy answer is pornstar/industry AU or camming AU but I'll never take the easy way out. And I know we don't know shit about the guy but I think reincarnation AU would kinda hit with him. His promo talks about wanting things money can't buy? Like possibly the ability to save his soulmate from dying and forgetting him over and over while he retains the memories of every life they've both shared and lived separately, as friends, lovers, enemies, and strangers? That would go hard imo.
If you read all of that, thanks! I hope you enjoyed~
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niiwa-angel · 8 months
Justice League Uncanny Valley Headcanons.
The members of the Justice League are all very uniquely trained and most of them aren't human but have to ACT human in their day to day lives. But despite them trying their best, normal humans can still tell something isn't quite right.
Clark Kent has no give to him. Superman is the Man of Steel but as Clark Kent, people find it awkward to hug him, shake his hand, or cuddle because his muscles and skin feel too tough.
Diana Prince is weirdly strong. Her coworkers struggle to move cases of artifacts because they're heavy but she has no trouble. When they ask, she always just says she knows the right way to hold things or push them but never elaborates.
Bruce Wayne is just a normal human, but he's trained himself into a weapon. His reflexes are sharper than anybody else's. Whenever he gets caught on camera catching something before anybody else, or dodging something most people couldn't, he always waves it away as "dad reflexes"
Barry Allen moves very deliberately. Every action looks like it's rehearsed and planned, yet he's twitchy when he thinks nobody is watching.
Hal Jordan spends so much time in space that it's vacuum has removed his scent. It's not something most people would notice but when they spend a lot of time with him, they get the sense that something is missing.
Arthur Curry blends in pretty well in Atlantis but in the surface, some of his Atlantean traits seem odd. His webbed feet and hands are particularly noticable. "A birth defect" he'll say and never elaborate on. Everyone else is a little nervous to ask
John Jones looks photoshopped. His features seem too semetrical, his expressions are too well done. He almost looks like an AI generated image, but he's standing in front of people, they can reach out and touch him. He's real. But his features just seem too perfect.
Clark Kent knows things before they happen. He knows when a storm is coming, he warns people about incoming hail before their weather apps even alert them. He'll look in the sky for a few minutes and eventually, everyone else will see a plane or helicopter coming from that direction. He'll ask people about their colds before they even show symptoms.
Diana Prince seems wise beyond her years. She'll tell stories from when she was younger but will never give anybody an exact age. When asked, she'll just laugh and say "older than I look" and eventually, people are too unnerved to keep pushing.
Bruce Wayne makes no noise when he walks. He's a ditzy playboy, always leaning on things, talking loudly about nothing, and he loves a good cocktail... And yet his steps make no noise. He can sneak up on people, despite his size and clumsiness. It's completely out of character and it confuses people at Galas and parties.
Barry Allen is very prone to static shock. He'll shake someone's hand and zap them, only to apologize and say he's nervous. Touching him feels like holding an overcharged battery and nobody understands it. Sometimes people's arm hair stands up around him and people have to explain it as goosebumps or the chill, because there are no other explanations.
Hal Jordan drops things a lot. Not in a clumsy way, not like "I didn't put the whole bottom of the cup on the edge of the table" kind of way. He'll just straight up let go of things he's holding. He always has some excuse. He was looking into your eyes and got lost. Someone pretty walked by. But sometimes he does it and seems just as confused as everyone else.
Arthur Curry's skin feels bumpy and cold. It's like his circulation is terrible but he never complains about a chill. When he isn't wearing a long sleeve, people notice that his skin has a weird looking texture, but some brush it off as old scars.
John Jones seems to know everything another person is about to say, even before they say it. He's answering questions that haven't been asked, only thought. "Good intuition" he'll say or "I'm a detective" but it makes people nervous.
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moderator-monnie · 11 months
Before The Ritual (A COTH Story)
Dr. Ivo Robotnik, otherwise known as Dr. Eggman, was currently sitting in his lab, infuriated as always. He threw some papers off his desk and sighed heavily.
One hand was on his chin, and the other was tapping against his table, mumbling some things to himself quietly.
"Drat that damn hedgehog... Always getting in the way of my plans, he is truly a worthy adversary, but if I want to get rid of him for good, I need the ultimate plan! What haven't I tried? What could I use? Now that is the question at the end of the day."
"Perhaps a doomsday device? Hmm, not too predictable. Maybe I could touch upon the metal virus in a new light? ... No. Not too dangerous. I made some mistakes with that attempt. I didn't even think about my own safety."
"Maybe upgrade Metal Sonic or bring Tails Doll and Mecha Knuckles out of retirement? Could I even make some robot copies of the rats' other friends? That lemur would make an interesting machine. NO NO, none of these plans work!"
He soon laid back in his chair, rubbing his temples. He didn't want to work himself, but Sonic was a powerful foe and quite intelligent too, even if Eggman wouldn't admit it out loud.
Suddenly, a red light flashed in the room, and Sage appeared, sitting on his work bench, kicking her legs before clearing her throat with a gentle smile and a wave and speaking. "Hello Father, I see you are stressed over finding a way to, and I quote, 'crush that blasted hedgehog' may I offer my assistance?"
Eggman sat up in his chair, letting out a hearty chuckle before looking at his AI daughter. He took her words carefully and rubbed his chin before responding. "Ah, hello, Sage. Hello, it's nice to see you. You know what? You might just be what I need; a fresh eye on things would definitely help me figure out exactly what I need to defeat Sonic once and for all."
Eggman put his hands together, striking a pose. "You have access to my data banks along with the internet, correct?"
Sage nodded softly. She then teleported away, inserting herself into the main computer and combing through it rather quickly.
A sudden dinging noise was heard, and Eggman could see some files being downloaded, but he allowed time for Sage to explain what they were for.
"Father, I have discovered something you may have overlooked. You are aware of Grandfather Gerald Robotnik's research into the gods of Mobius and of humanity, correct?"
Eggman's eyebrows rose, wondering where his daughter was going with this, but he was quite curious as well. "Why, yes, Sage, I'm aware of all this; why did you bring it up? I've tried using god-like creatures against Sonic before, like with Dark Gaia and Chaos."
Sage soon pulled up some semi-corrupted files she had dug up. She is in the deepest parts of the internet, and Eggman's own files are on the main computer screen.
"Well, Father, you may have overlooked something. Its origins are not exactly clear. It's commonly unknown if humanity or Mobians discovered this entity, but unlike many other gods of Mobius and Earth, this one has not only been proven to exist to some extent."
"This God, or rather god-like entity, can control dreams themselves and is not physical, at least not without a host body to call its own; it has the ability to interact with solid objects, but with a host body, epically one with a high enough chaos energy.
And given enough time. This entity could possibly even put all of Mobius into a slumber of its own control, one they can't wake up from without its consent."
Eggman began to smirk very widely as he got up out of his chair and looked at the screen widely, seeing all the files Sage showed him.
"What a very interesting find, Sage! I'm very proud of you, but what makes you think we can control it and have it help us get rid of Sonic?"
Sage blushed. She had stars in her eyes for a moment; she was always happy to have her father be proud of her, but she soon cleared her throat and continued.
"Ahem, ah, right, you are father. The reason why I believe this entity would help us is due to its documented nature. It has been shown in the past to love pure chaos, and what would be more chaotic than helping you take over the world?
"Sonic would have no way to stop it either, due to it being far more powerful than him. And Sonic can't simply attack something while he's asleep now, can he, Father?"
He nodded along, listening closely before using a virtual glove he made to be able to pat Sage on the head softly, and then sat back down, carefully reading all the information Sage had brought up.
"Correct, you are Sage; that hedgehog would stand no chance of something he can't even interact with. I shall begin preparations. I see this 'god' has some ties to the chaos emeralds. 
So perhaps I can build a new robot, one that can harness chaos energy without directly needing the emerald, in order to create the perfect host for our friend to take possession of, and with us working together, friends can finally win! I'll need to be careful though and build in some safety features so I can control the robot once our friend takes it's new body."
"Though I shouldn't make the controls too obvious, otherwise strike this 'god's ire."
With a few clicks on the screen, a few images and historical documents showed up, revealing something quite interesting to the doctor himself.
A strange golden arch was under the site where Angel Island once stood, back when it was just a normal land mass.
"How in sweet mother Gaia did I ever miss such a thing during my many trips to Angel Island?"
He zoomed in on the photos, inspecting them closely, and wrote a few things down on his notepad. Not much information seems to be known about this historical sight, but a few tablets were recovered from the sight itself, written in a language similar to the ancients themselves but different.
All Eggman could gather from the rough translations he could figure out was one word: 'Zepperaith'. He would need to travel to the historical site, inspect this golden arch up close, and figure out its secrets.
"Zepperaith... I will unleash you upon this land, and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG WILL BE GONE FOREVER!"
Dr. Eggman began to laugh loudly, with Sage joining him quietly, with a new plan in mind. Perhaps this will be Sonic's downfall once and for all.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
Miguel's is wrong about how Canon works and here is why
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I STILL can't get over how this guy says this entire thing, and SOMEHOW, doesn't realize of the glaring hole in his logic.
Now, if you are familiar with my blog, you had probably seen this post before; I had written about this in different essays, however I realized I don't have THE post dedicated exclusively to why Miguel is wrong about this, especially since a few arguments are different places, so I decided to do one for simplicity sake. I will include some small things that may be new, but really don't add much in the big scheme of things.
If you aren't familiar with my content and you think Miguel is right, I invite to read this post, and if by the end you still think he is right and I am in the wrong, please reblog with your arguments. I love discussing these things.
Let's go!
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Did you catch the issue yet?
Here is the thing: How a canon event can happen if the person who caused it wasn't supposed to be there?
Miguel is blaming the hole on Miles, saying that it happened because it disrupted the canon event; yet what caused the canon event?
Spot. He did it.
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Spot isn't Pavitr's nemesis, he doesn't even give CARE about Pavitr.
And to top it all off-
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The existence of Spot himself is supposed to be an anomaly, Miguel even says how none of this would had happened; including the canon incident that Miles allegedly interrupted.
This is why it doesn't make sense.
Spot is not the arch-nemesis of Pavitr, Spot didn't even want to talk to Pavitr and was mostly ignoring anyone who wasn't Miles. And again, MIGUEL SAYS HOW SPOT SHOULDN'T have EXISTED REGARDLESS.
How come Captain Singh was supposed to die in that bridge, if this wasn't the fight he is suppose to kick said event?
Because remember, Miguel says it needs to be a battle against an arch-nemesis too; meaning that if this needed to happen today, THE CANON EVENT WAS ALREADY DISRUPTED BECAUSE THE WRONG PERSON DID IT.
If anything, Miles should had been doing exactly what he did, because if Captain Singh needed to die while Pavitr was battling against and arch-nemesis, Captain Singh dying NOW means that can't happen.
No, that thing literally happen before we ever saw the Captain.
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Let's recapitulate what is going on in these images. The explosion created this black matter that is slowly growing and absorbing the building, and then on the spot where building fell, instead of the building, there is a black hole that is doing the exact thing as the dark matter was doing, absorbing the material it touches.
There is no way in hell I am not thinking these two things aren't the same thing; it wouldn't make sense to have that black matter absorbing the building, and then magically disappear, just to have the black hole from the "interrupted canon event."
"But Lyla said it detected a canon event!"
Oh this is the part I haven't made a comment about, I can't say is 100% a rebuttal but it makes me laugh.
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"Markers are predicting a canon event."
What Lyla (or whatever system Miguel has) is detecting, is the fact that Captain Singh is in danger, that's what Lyla is picking up.
However, is only picking on the fact that Captain Singh is in danger, not on the fact that this isn't a fight between Pavitr and his Arch-Nemesis; or how arguably the fact this is happening when the battle is done could count as an anomaly too.
This thing is working EXACTLY like AI and is making me cackle so hard.
For those who don't know, computers are stupid, extremely stupid; every time you are surprised a computer picked on something, that's because a human was behind to program to detect those things.
If you ever fear the idea of "Computers taking over the world," take a few programming classes, or just try to code yourself from youtube videos. You tell a phrase to a human, and even if you miss a word or something, chances are the person can still understand what you are trying to say; you miss one letter while coding, and the computer has a meltdown.
Miguel most probably made the data with things that seems to align with "canon events", and have Lyla detect whatever seems to resemble any of those models.
So basically, this works as well as Youtube's algorithm, in which you could see a video talking about how a show is trash and fails in several points, and then in your recommendations appears videos of people praising the show; because the only thing it picked on was the show and that was it.
"But Miguel says how the universe he was got destroyed for defying canon!"
Here is my problem with that, none of the examples Miguel has about an "universe breaking for breaking canon" look the same.
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Let's break it down.
Miguel's second universe: Things glitch briefly before they start crumbling and disappear entirely.
Pavtir's universe after the Spot: Hole starts sinking an entire building and it is led to believe more can be dragged.
Miles's universe in ITSV: Things glitch, that's it, in other instances is shown to have other things to take it's place, but that's about it.
None of these behave the same, which would be weird if these ones were all truly, all breaking apart because canon was broken; shouldn't it all behave the same is they broke for all of them defying it's canon?
Yet what a coincidence that none of this looks so weird once you put context behind it.
Pavitr's universe is being swallowed by a hole just after the guy who creates holes and wants to open some more became a multidimensional monster thanks to a big Collider who of course can magnify the Spot's effect.
And Miles universe ONLY glitches when someone is messing up with the Collider.
Watch ITSV again, tell me one, ONE instance when the universe seems to be falling apart that isn't explained by Kingpin activating the Collider. Or do me one better, show me one time the Universe seems to glitching when something that "isn't canon" is happening.
The only universe I don't have an explanation from, is the universe where we DON'T see what happened, and instead we are told by the same guy who is making this entire theory.
What a coincidence, huh?
There is technically more I could bring to the table (Miguel saying is Miles's fault this is happening being astronomically stupid; on the fact that Spot exists and has multiple spiders but Miles universe is still fine) but for now I think this is enough.
If anyone can think anything that I may have missed, please reblog with said comment; I had learned a lot of things by rebutting people before.
Don't get me wrong, I could be wrong! I am not above thinking I may be missing something or mess up, but so far the right person to do so hasn't appeared.
BONUS: Miguel is just doing his best!
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I had repeated this a lot of times, but I am still fairly angry about it, so let me repeat it again.
Wanting to do your best, or being traumatized, doesn't excuse the harm you do to others. The more damage you do, the least you can excuse said actions.
Miguel is so focused on his martyr complex he cannot notice an incongruity as he is explaining the problem to Miles. The audience not catching onto this makes sense, but Miguel? You have an idea, how astronomically bad it is that you are letting the faith of the multi-verse at risk because you are so traumatized you cannot see what's in front of you?
Here is my take on all of this: Miguel's focuses more about his own pain than the multiverse, why? Because if that wasn't the case, he would had caught on the mistakes a while ago.
The fact that he is so hurt that he refuses to see things another way, or think another possibilities, is putting the multiverse in danger.
Is thinking that Pavitr's universe may fall apart because a guy didn't die instead of investigating how the dark matter works and how to stop it.
Is saying Miles is at fault for being bitten, despite the Spot being the one to bring the spiders, and still has multiple of them.
Is the fact that he is letting people suffer by making people live horrible tragedies, that if I am as right as I think am about this, could had been avoided.
I had seen people who were abused go out to abuse others, I had seen people excuse horrible behaviour because they had a bad childhood or were stress out; as if that means is okay to continue with the cycle.
And I don't tolerate that shit.
Sorry ending it with that, this is a topic that really drives me up the wall.
Thank you for anyone who came along in this ready! As always if you have the chance please support my ko-fi, and if you can’t, please share this post around!
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oreoluvskento · 1 year
Nanami's Your Professor, PT. 1
Summary: You've been trying to get your teacher's attention for a while now, but what happens when you finally get what you want? (Inspired by a character AI prompt lol)
Content Warnings: 6.5k wc, 18+, Fem! Reader, Black Y/N, both characters are adults, 3 year age gap, smut, fingering, no curses AU, explicit language, cunnilingus, missionary, doggy style, blowjobs, overstimulation, nipple play if you squint, unprotected, Nanami has a big dick, y/n is thick, everybody's happy
Story begins under the cut
"Next class we're going over Kantianism, so you all better be ready. Please do the pre-reading over the weekend, it's important. It's only 20 pages, I know you all can handle it," Nanami said as his students packed up. "Oh, and always, if you have any questions, please see me after class."
   You were usually a straight-A student, but Mr. Nanami's class was one of the hardest you have ever taken. It's not like the class itself was difficult, it was actually super easy, ethics being a simple class. Mr. Nanami himself was hard. The way you maintained staying a straight-A student was by choosing all male teachers and then, well, doing things the school board wouldn't exactly approve of. 
    You were smart, of course, but why put in all the effort if the men are easier? The first time you realized you could do this was your freshman year of college. Your body had blossomed all throughout high school and you began experimenting with new clothes over the summer before your first day of college. You found tones that worked with your dark skin, and tops and bottoms that worked with your hourglass shape. On the Friday of your first week, all of your male teachers had a soft spot for you. 
   One day, you decided to stay behind and ask your English teacher about the syllabus and some of the requirements of the year. He smiled at you the entire time, but he never maintained eye contact. You'd find his eyes skirting between your boobs and your thighs, that day you had a V-neck crop top on and some mid-thigh shorts since it was still hot outside. You noticed the same thing with the rest of your male teachers and that's when you knew the power you had over them. 
    The first time you did it was with your Calculus teacher. You were failing his class and you were desperate. He scheduled a meeting with you, on a day when he didn't have office hours and when you walked in, you could tell why. He wanted you to sit next to him instead of in front, and he kept touching your thighs. Of course, you were uncomfortable but you figured that this could get you an easy A so you played along. When he was done, you told him what you wanted. Pussy whipped and still high from his nut, he said yes. You didn't sleep with all of them though, your body was enough. From then on, you haven't seen so much as a B in your transcript, even making it on the dean's list. Except for now. 
   As you said, Nanami's class wasn't hard, but it required a lot of studying, something you don't know how to do. You've never had to study since you got here, or even do homework, so naturally, you had no work ethic. You tried to work your magic the first time you got a B in his class but to no avail. His eyes never left yours and he stayed professional the entire time. Ever since then, you'd been dressing skimpier to his class and meeting with him during his office hours. 
   Nanami wasn't stupid, he saw what you were trying to do, and he found it cute. He wasn't going to lie to himself, he thought you were attractive but you were his student. If you were just some girl he met at a bar, he would've definitely hit. What he thought was funny was how close the two of you were in age. He was a 25-year-old man teaching a 22-year-old goddess of a woman that he wasn't allowed to sleep with. Nanami wasn't a playboy, he never really went out much, but the moment he saw you, he knew that you'd be the hardest part of the school year. 
   The class was over and once again, you were the last one there. Today, you wore a tube top and a skin-tight mini-skirt, making class uncomfortably cold for you, but you were on a mission. Comfort was out of the question. You walk up to Mr. Nanami's desk, heels clicking against the floor in the silent classroom, and you drop your bag on his desk, leaning over it and looking into his eyes. 
   "Mr. Nanami, I wanted to talk to you," You say and he smiles and raises his eyebrows. 
   "Yes, what is it?" He asks and you squeeze your thighs together to quell the ache that appeared between your legs at his voice. Something that was different about Professor Nanami, besides the fact that he has the self-control of a god, was that you were actually attracted to him. He was the most attractive man you had ever seen and it was starting to get physically painful that you weren't getting anywhere with him. Everything about him turned you on, his smell, his face, his voice, even his hands. You loved watching him grade papers while the class was testing. His fingers would tap on the desk as he worked, his eyebrows scrunching when he saw something unsatisfactory, you couldn't get enough. 
   You slide the graded essay that he passed out to the class earlier today across his desk. On the top is a grade you had never seen before in your four years of going to this college. A C+. "Why did you fail me on my last paper?" You ask him. He chuckles softly and you stand up quickly because you felt your arms go weak and you didn't want to faceplant on his desk. You cross your arms across your chest, consciously making the effort to make your boobs appear bigger. 
   Instead of looking up at you, he looks down at your paper, and you groan internally, immediately dropping your hands. He interlocks his fingers and squeezes them together and you watch the muscles in his forearm flex. "I wouldn't say that a C+ is a failure. But just like I said right here," He says, gesturing to the top of the paper. "There was plenty of room for improvement. As a matter of fact, I'm sure this might've been your worst paper. The fact that it was a C+ says a lot. You're smart, y/n. Use your brain," He finishes, subtly hinting at you to stop trying to seduce him. Unfortunately, you didn't get it.
   'I'm trying to use my brain but you won't let me give you any!' You think to yourself, growing more frustrated. You move to his side of the desk and sit on it, something you've never done before. You decided that if you were going to wear a skirt this uncomfortable, you were going to put it to good use. You slowly cross your legs, dramatically lifting your left one, almost kicking Nanami. You notice as he cocks his eyebrow, tilting his head at the same time, his eyes watching your thick thighs, and you gain a bit more confidence. 
   "I don't get Cs, Mr. Nanami. I'm a straight-A student. It's almost like you're doing this on purpose," You say with a frown on your face, causing Nanami to laugh. 
   "Like I said, it could've been better," He shrugs, pushing your paper back towards you. You huff, pushing it right back toward him. 
   "Isn't there anything I can do, Mr. Kento?" You ask, teasing him with his first name and his expression finally changes. Nanami hadn't heard his first name in a long time, everyone here called him Nanami. Hearing it come out of your mouth, with that sultry voice, awakened something in him. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying to control his thoughts, and looks up at you. You've gotten closer now, your face merely inches away from his. 
   He pulls back immediately and stands up. "I can let you rewrite it. I don't mind. Plus, I want to see you do better." He says after a clearing of his throat. His eyes look back towards your legs and immediately flick away, trying to control himself. "Now, can you please get off of my desk, Ms. Y/n?"
   You roll your eyes again and uncross your legs, now sitting with them together. "Fine, but could you at least help me up?" You ask him extending your hand to him. He takes it hesitantly and you latch on. Neither of you moves at this moment. This being your first time ever touching him, your heart was beating out of your chest. You were trying to keep your cool but you were ninety-nine percent sure that he could see the nervousness on your face. 
   Nanami could indeed see the nervousness on your face but he was in fact, nervous as well. The way your soft hand held on to his was making him slowly lose his mind. Out of all of your efforts, you had never touched him before and now he's ever so grateful. He probably would've broken a long time ago if he felt your hand on his arm or his neck. 
   You suddenly stand up, using him for leverage, causing him to lean into you slightly. You remember why you're here and slowly turn around towards the left, Nanami now right behind you. Either he wasn't paying attention or your plan was finally working because he didn't move away. You bend over, pushing your hips back, and reach for your purse which was across the table. Your butt reaches his hips and slowly pushes into his pelvis and Nanami freezes as he looks down.
   The feeling of your hand left him in such a trance that he wasn't paying attention. He didn't even know when you got in front of him but it was too late now. He was staring at your ass pressed up against his quickly hardening dick. He wasn't sure if it was you that was still pushing into him or vice versa but the two of you were getting closer. 
   You bite your lip as you feel the attractive man behind you push deeper into you and you try to keep your cool. You stand up, your purse now in hand with a smile on your face. You've finally broken him. You turn around and look up at him, desire clear in his eyes. "I've decided to take your advice, Mr. Nanami. I'll do better. Can I come during your office hours?" You ask innocently. Nanami opens his mouth to speak but you quickly interrupt him. "You know what, I'm sure there are other students who might need your help during your office hours. How about I come over to your apartment tonight at 10? Then you could really help me since we'll have nothing but time there," You suggest and he furrows his eyebrows. 
   "You know where my apartment is?" He asks, his voice deeper than earlier. You lean on the desk behind you and slowly drag your nails down his shirt. Nanami's breathing gets quicker, his brain no longer doing the majority of the thinking, as he watches your fingers go further down his black button-down shirt. He keeps his hands interlocked behind his back to stop himself from pulling you against him.
   "You and my nail tech live on the same floor. One day, I was getting off the elevator and I saw you enter room 618," You start and his eyebrows raise. "At first I thought you were visiting your girlfriend, but that wasn't the last time I saw you. Somehow though, you never saw me." You say, your finger down at his belt. You hook a finger into his belt loop and slowly tug him closer to you, and he complies, smiling. 
   "How long ago was that?" He asks, genuinely curious. His favorite student has been just down the hall from him many times and he's had no idea. The universe must really have it out for him. 
   "It doesn't matter," You answer. You allow your nails to graze his growing bulge and he hisses with wide eyes. You look back up into his eyes and squeeze it, throwing all caution out of the window. He groans a sound that you would play on repeat if you had the chance, and he grabs your wrist, putting it by your side. A small part of his logical side was still in control but it was fighting hard. 
   "We aren't going to slide past you saying you want to come over to my apartment and study," He says with a smirk, wanting to see if you were bluffing or not. 
   You were not. 
   "I wasn't planning on sliding past it. I'll see you at 10 pm tonight," You tell him, and turn to walk away, not giving him a chance to speak. "Don't forget my paper, Mr. Nanami!" You shout to him, not turning around. You knew he was going to let you in tonight, there was no doubt in your mind. 
   Nanami on the other hand was cursing himself for letting you break him. This was probably your tenth attempt since the semester started and he was doing so well. He didn't know your touch was going to be his downfall, who could've predicted that? Unfortunately, his brain wouldn't rest. He began getting very graphic thoughts, the main one being your soft hand wrapped around his dick while struggling to fit everything in your mouth. He had to see it, there was no going back now. 
   When ten p.m. came, Nanami was anxious. Now that he was no longer horny, he was able to start thinking about his job. If anyone found out, he might never teach anywhere again. Was he really risking it all for a student he could have once she graduates in two months? Suddenly, he hears a knock on his door and blood rushes to his dick again. He opens the door without thinking and there you were. This time you had on a white tank top with your boobs sitting pretty in a bright pink lace bra, and a khaki-colored mini skirt. 
   When he opened the door, the first thing Mr. Nanami looked at was your boobs, and you knew that tonight was going to result in success. "I hope you didn't forget our appointment, Kento," You say his first name again, and his eyes dart to your face.
   "I never forget an appointment," He says with a smile and steps to the side. You walk in, quickly slide off your slippers at the door, leaving you barefoot, and take in his apartment. The loft-style unit was beautiful with floor-to-ceiling windows lining the opposite side. You could see the skyline from where you were standing and you couldn't help but marvel at it. The place was dimly lit, except for his coffee table where a lamp and some papers sat, and that's where you place your bag. 
   You turn around to see him locking the door behind him, and you smile, taking notice of what he's wearing. Nanami had on an oversized black t-shirt with grey sweatpants on, the laces untied, hanging by his bulge and you feel your pussy twitch at the sight. You felt him earlier today but what you were seeing now was nothing compared to what you had in your hands earlier. He notices you staring and calls your name. You look up at him with a polite smile and he gestures for you to sit down. 
   He takes a seat on the floor next to you and begins reading off a paper. Of course, you weren't paying any attention. You watched his face as he spoke, his sharp jaw moving up and down, and as he pointed at papers, you couldn't help but imagine his clean, manicured fingers inside of you. About twenty minutes in, you scoot closer to him, thinking he won't notice but once you get close enough, he finally looks away from what he's trying to teach you. 
   "What are you doing, y/n?" He asks you and you finally decide to come clean. 
   "Why are you so difficult?" You ask and he puts the papers down and smiles in amusement, already knowing where this is going. Nanami was aware that you weren't paying attention as he was teaching. It was honestly a poor attempt to appease his conscience because he knew he was going to make a terrible decision tonight. 
   "I know you're not dumb or naive, you know what I'm trying to do. Why do you keep fighting me, Mr. Nanami!" You whine and he laughs. You begin to grow frustrated, not knowing how to respond to him laughing at you. Finally, he stops and leans into you, catching you by surprise. 
   "I would've taken you a long time ago if you weren't my student," Nanami starts and your eyes widen, "Do you know how many nights I've sat up late, thinking about fucking you senseless?" He pauses and hooks his finger into your tank top, pulling it down a bit, and exposing your bra even more. He looks down into your shirt, admiring the view. "I'm usually not particularly interested in fucking the people I teach. You, however, have made me rethink that and a lot more since the first day I saw you." He lets go of your shirt and squeezes your face with that same hand. 
   Your heart is beating out of your chest and your breathing has quickened. You have never experienced this with any of the teachers you've been with, Nanami was just on a different level. He leans in more, his forehead now touching yours and he closes his eyes for a second. "You have made this a very difficult semester for me y/n." He whispers, his lips touching yours as he speaks. You're frozen in your spot, unable to move due to his unexpected behavior. All this time you were thinking he felt nothing when he saw you just for him to admit to wanting you. Your entire world was rocked and you could do nothing but stare. 
   "Oh, now you have nothing to say? You usually talk a lot when you're with me," He says in a teasing tone. He lets go of your face and leans back, allowing you to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. 
   You shake your head as you sit up on your knees, trying to dull the throbbing in between your plush thighs. "So this entire time, you let me make a fool of myself? You could have just told me!" You complain, now eye level with him and he smiles more. 
    "Now, why would I go and do that?" He asks, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulls you closer to him. You comply as he pulls you on top of his lap, your skirt riding up as you straddle him. You had never been this close to him before, his scent, god his scent, now a part of your respiratory system. Your breathing picks up again as he slides his hands down your back and onto your soft ass, softly massaging and patting it. "Having you stand so close to me is always the highlight of my day, y/n," He concludes, his face now in the crook of your neck. 
   "I won't give you an A for this so let me know if you want me to stop now," He says. You try and think about it for a second - you're about to fuck him just because. You feel his lips touch your neck as he speaks and you shiver at the feeling, your mind immediately clearing.  You quickly mutter out "Please don't stop" and you feel him smile. "This stays between us, y/n," He brings his hand forward and his pinky finger is up. Once you take it with yours he wastes no time. 
   Nanami pulls you harder against him, his bulge directly underneath your pussy and he connects his lips to your neck. You softly sigh as he sucks on the spot above your collarbone and he squeezes your ass harder, seemingly unable to get enough. You find yourself grinding on his growing cock, and he helps you, pushing and pulling your body. He pulls away and looks at you, the look of desire clouding his eyes and you can't help yourself. 
   You smash your lips to his, hands on either side of his face and Nanami kisses you back immediately. You plunge your tongue in his mouth once it opens for you and he groans in the kiss, weaving his hands in your hair. You never kiss the teachers you sleep with, and for good reason too, but you can't control yourself anymore. Your desperation is driving the car now, leaving your brain tied up in the trunk. 
   Nanami grabs a fistful of your braids and pulls your hair back, causing your head to fly backward, instantly breaking the kiss. You feel his mouth move from your chin to your jaw, to your neck, and now it's on your chest. He lets go of your hair for a moment and starts tugging at your top. "I need this off, now," He commands and you waste no time. You fling the shirt off and throw it behind you, not caring where it ends up. By the time your hands come back down, Nanami has already unclipped your bra and the straps are sliding down your arms. 
   "Fuck me," He whispers, staring at your chest and you feel yourself getting shy. He brings his hand up and palms one of your boobs, his thumb grazing your nipple and you lean your head back in pleasure. Nanami notices and does it again, teasing you with a smile on his face, and the next thing you know, you feel his mouth on you. Your hands fly to the back of his head as he sucks on your hard nipple, flicking his tongue around and on it. You're moaning uncontrollably now, unable to move because of the tight grip he has on your waist. He switches sides and begins pinching and rolling the one he just let go of, and your back arches. This causes him to become more intense, sucking harder and flicking faster, anything to keep you moaning. 
   Nanami couldn't get enough of your moans. When he heard it once, he knew he needed to hear it more as it kept replaying in his head. Your breathy moans were music to his ears. When he decides to pull away, you whimper and he officially loses all of his resolve. "Stand up," He growls accidentally, his voice laced with desire. "We're not doing this here."  You do as he says, standing up and pulling your skirt down, which causes him to laugh. "There's no point in doing that y/n," He says as he gets to his feet. He bends down and picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. "It's about to come right off." 
   You smile, understandably excited about what's happening. It doesn't take long before he reaches a room you're assuming is his bedroom. He opens the door and drops you onto the bed, and you feel the mattress dip as he gets on his knees in front of you. Your head is on his pillows that smell just like him and you feel yourself getting even more wet. Nanami's smell was intoxicating and you couldn't tell what it was. It wasn't strong like cologne or aftershave, it just smelled like him, and you couldn't get enough.  
  Nanami watches as you bury your face into his pillows from the side, and furrows his eyebrows, laughing to himself. "What are you doing?" He asks and you drop them, completely embarrassed. As you think of what to say to him, he begins sliding your skirt off, revealing your pink thong and you hear him curse again. "Y/n," He calls out and you hum in response. "Did you wear a matching set every day? Just in case one day I did give in?" He asks and you shyly nod. He erupts in laughter once again, tonight being the most you've ever seen him laugh, and you hide your face in embarrassment. 
   He pulls your hands away from your face and when you open your eyes, he's right on top of you again. He dips and presses his lips to yours quickly. He attempts to sit back up but you pull him down, not wanting to stop kissing him. He falls a bit but catches himself on his forearms and gives in to your kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist and he pushes his bulge into you reflexively, causing the both of you to moan in each other's mouths, spurring you two on at the same time. You bite his lip as you pull away and Nanami feels his dick get harder. "How come I'm only wearing my underwear and you're still fully clothed? That's not fair," You whine and he chuckles. 
   Nanami sits up, your legs still around his waist, and he pulls off the shirt, revealing the most beautiful body you have ever seen before. His abdomen flexes as he leans back down to kiss you again, and you run your hands down his back this time, feeling the now-exposed muscles. When he pulls away for good, he unhooks your legs from behind him and places them on the bed. He lays down in front of you, now face to face with your pussy and you feel your heart rate pick up again. 
    Nanami stares at the wet spot on your underwear, feeling himself get harder and harder, and he presses a thumb onto your clit. You moan softly, looking down at him, and he flicks his eyes up to look at you. Your eyebrows are furrowed with your hand over your mouth, watching him, waiting for more. He pulls your panties to the side, not wanting to bother with taking them off right now, and runs a finger up your slit. You moan again, encouraging him to keep going. He goes faster and soon enough, your hips are rotating, trying to chase his fingers. 
   He pulls his hand back and grabs onto your thighs, throwing them over his shoulders as he goes in with his mouth. You feel him kiss around your clit, but never on it, constantly teasing you and you groan, now becoming slightly frustrated. He finally kisses your clit and then flicks his tongue on it a couple of times before sucking it into his mouth. Your back arches as he plays with your clit with his tongue, flicking and sucking giving you wave after wave of pleasure. You can't control the lower half of your body as you grind against his mouth, feeling yourself get closer and closer to your orgasm. 
   He pulls away and suddenly, you feel a finger slide into you and you gasp, your hand now in his hair. He fucks you slowly with his middle finger, unable to look away from your pussy as it coats his finger in your wetness. When he adds a second, you moan louder and he fucks you faster, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He sucks your clit back into his mouth and now you're seeing stars. He continues his attack on your pussy, not stopping as you begin to convulse slightly around his fingers, legs shaking. 
   "Nanami, please don't stop," You moan and he shakes his head. He pulls away, his fingers still pumping in and out of you, and looks up at you again. 
   "Here, my name is Kento. Call me Kento," He commands and you nod, immediately moaning out his name when your clit enters his mouth again. Nanami moans on your pussy at the sound of his name and that's what broke you. Your back arches unbelievably far as you feel waves of heat and pleasure crash on you. Nanami doesn't stop, of course. He holds down your body as you convulse against his mouth and fingers, keeping the same pace as he fingers you. You begin to come down from your high and you realize that he's still going. You shake your head, breathlessly begging him to stop. 
   "K-Kento, please! It's t-too much!" You cry but he continues. He stops for a quick second to spit on your pussy and rub it in with his other hand. 
   "Don't care. Be a good girl and cum again for me," He says before he goes back down. Your mouth falls open again as he keeps on, with no end in sight.
   Nanami was starting to get addicted to you. No, scratch that, he was already addicted to you. Your smell, your voice, your smile, everything. Now it's like he's discovered a new strain and he's currently high. Nanami was high on you. On your moans, on your taste, the way you held his head in between your legs when you came the first time, he needed to feel it at least three more times. He didn't want to scare you though, he was going to get more some other day. He wanted to be selfish just one more time before he got up. He angles his fingers upwards once more, and you're coming again, quicker than last time. This time, Nanami uses his free hand to pry one of your legs open so he can slide his fingers in and out of you better as you come. Once you began shaking underneath him, a couple of breaths short of hyperventilating, he knew you were done. 
    You watch as Nanami sits up, his chin covered in your juices, and can't help but smile. You sit up to kiss him but he grabs your jaw instead. "Open," He says and you do as he says. He shoves his fingers in your mouth and you immediately begin sucking them, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time. With your free hand, you begin palming his hard dick, which was forming a tent in his sweatpants and he closes his eyes with a moan. Nanami pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his mouth and you taste yourself on him. You pull away and lick your mess off his chin, causing him to curse in response and kiss you harder. 
   You take the opportunity and begin palming him through his sweats. Nanami breaks away from the kiss to give you a soft sigh, an encouragement for you to continue. You pull his pants down and grab on to his dick, your hand barely wrapping around the entire thing. Nanami hums in satisfaction and sits on his shins while you take your spot beside him. He runs his hands through your hair as you lick the precum off of his tip, savoring the taste of it, knowing he kept his body healthy. You suck on his tip lightly for a few seconds, causing him to grip your braids tighter and you slowly descend down his dick. 
   Nanami doesn't usually cum quickly, he's taught himself over the years how to last as long as he needs to, but there was something about you that was making him lose his mind. He had been with many women, of course, but none of them compared to you. His short fantasy came true, your soft hands were at the bottom of his shaft, stroking what hadn't gone into your mouth yet. He was hoping he wasn't holding on to your hair too hard because all he could feel was the immense pleasure you were giving him. 
   You're gagging on him now, enjoying the feeling of his balls in your hand as you bob your head, and all you can hear is his moans and the sound of you choking on his dick. Suddenly, he pulls you up and lays you down on your stomach and you smile, excited for what coming next.  He finally slides your underwear off, and you hear his nightstand drawer open up. You stop him, knowing what he's reaching for. "It's fine, I'm on the pill," You tell him and you hear him slam it shut. Nanami immediately pulls your hips up and you grab one of his pillows to bury your face. 
    He chuckles to himself, too low for you to hear and he slides into you slowly. Your mouth falls open, completely enjoying the stretch his big dick was giving you. You gasp as he bottoms out, pulls out almost completely, and then slams back into you. You let out something in between a moan and a scream as he begins to pound into you. Nanami doesn't start off fast, he slowly builds up to it, wanting to make sure he is hitting the right spot. Once he started feeling your pussy gripping him with every thrust, he knew that it was okay for him to speed up. 
    With every stroke, your body would jolt forward and when he started going faster, you knew that you were in over your head. Nanami wasn't like the other teachers. The middle-aged men would give you less than ten strokes before coming in the condom you made them wear. You actually only started using the pill after you met Nanami, knowing that you would treat him differently, knowing that you'd actually enjoy yourself with him. Taking his class actually changed a lot about you. You began putting in effort again because you liked the attention he'd give you when he noticed you were trying. You noticed that he wouldn't even acknowledge the students that didn't try and you knew that that couldn't- that wouldn't- be you. 
    Nanami continued drilling into you, loving the sounds you were making until they stopped. He looks down in confusion and sees that your hand is covering your mouth. He reaches down and takes your wrists in his hands and pins them behind your back. "Don't hide it. Let me fucking hear you," He says with a teasing voice that had a hint of breathlessness in it. He holds down your wrists with one hand and places his hands on your hip with the other, forcing you to meet him for every stroke. Before you knew it, you were coming again, your body becoming weak. 
   He lets go of you and flips you over, now in missionary, and slides into you again. You moan something a couple of decibels short of a scream and grip the grey sheets below you. He resumes his attack, angling his hips so he's hitting your g-spot again and you can't help but hold him in your vice grip. Once Nanami feels it again, his hips falter, and he falls onto his hands to stabilize himself. He keeps going, now kissing your neck and moaning in your ear, a sound that's only pushing you closer to your orgasm. "Kento, I'm going to come again, please don't stop," You whine, and Nanami curses. 
   He does as you said and you wrap your legs around his waist again, forcing him deeper. "Shit, y/n, you're going to make me come inside you," He whispers, trying to control himself. You don't let up though. As a matter of fact, he's exactly where you want him. 
   "Nut inside me, Kento, I want it all," You tell him and he sits up quickly, breaking your leg lock once again. He jerks you closer to him and begins slamming into your pussy, his tip abusing your walls. You feel yourself getting dangerously close to the edge and he begins to rub your clit. You unwind underneath him again, this orgasm knocking the wind and voice out of you. You can't help but scream this time as you come apart, the pleasure too much for you to handle. Nanami has stopped rubbing your clit but hasn't stopped fucking you.
   He palms your boobs this time as he keeps his same pace, also getting dangerously close to coming. Your eyes are fluttering closed, your mouth slightly open, and you're unable to formulate full sentences as you try and tell Nanami about your overstimulation - not that he would've stopped, anyway. He wanted to feel you cum at least one more time before he let go. It didn't take you long, the feeling of him rolling and pinching your sensitive nipples and the constant grazing of your g-spot, you were on your 5th orgasm of the night. Nanami finally lets go, the warmth of his nut filling you up and you get goosebumps at the feeling. As he's coming he falls forward on his forearms, kissing your neck as he empties himself inside of you. 
   The two of you lay there for a couple of minutes, catching your breath and calming down, and then Nanami pulls out of you. He stands up and heads to the bathroom in his room and comes out with a small towel. He sits in front of you and cleans up the mess slowly falling out of you, while you lay with your arm over your head. 
   "Y/n? You alive?" He asks, patting the side of your ass, and you nod with a breathless laugh, still unable to move properly. Eventually, you regain strength in your legs again and you head to his bathroom without a word, where you pee and finish cleaning yourself. Nanami watches you wash your hands and trudge back to his bed before falling back onto it. You just lay there, the two of you sitting in silence until you hear Nanami laugh. 
   "What's so funny?" You mumble as you watch him put his pants back on. Nanami helps you sit up and helps you into the shirt he had on earlier. He pulls the blankets up over you and you sit up, not wanting to fall asleep yet. "Do you have an extra toothbrush? And what time is it?" You ask him and he looks up at the clock in the corner of the room that you didn't notice until now.  
    "It's 12:54 am, and yeah, come here," He says heading to the bathroom and you follow along with shaky legs. He hands you a green toothbrush and leaves you in the bathroom. As he cleans the living room, you brush your teeth, not wanting to wake up tomorrow morning with yuck mouth. Once you're done, you place it in his cabinet, next to his, and you lay back down on the bed. You hear Nanami walk in but you don't see him. A few seconds later, he's brushing his teeth as well. When he's done, he turns the lights off and gets in bed with you, throwing the covers over both of you. 
   He pulls you to his side, something you were scared to do yourself, and nuzzles into you. He's the big spoon and his hand is on your stomach, rubbing small circles into it. You begin to doze off, coming to terms with the fact that you're in your ethics teacher's bed right now, and you still have to do the homework he assigned for the weekend. Right as you're about to go to sleep, Nanami's deep voice resonates in your ear. 
"We have a lot to talk about in the morning, y/n." 
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exhaslo · 6 months
HOLY MURKROW YOU ANSWERED MY ASK!!! SQUEEE!!!! Ahhh, that's so awesome! College is keeping me busy, so I haven't been able to talk much.
But, I had another idea, and since you write for Miguel and did so AWESOME 👍 with the last ask I rambled with.....
😅👉👈 I had an idea! (Hope you don't mind me rambling!)
So.... I had an idea about a witchy spider-person. Like, A spider-person who can use magic! It'd be so cool!
And since I'm addicted to making this big Tarantula man sleep, (because we know he doesn't sleep, don't deny it you know it's true) Miguel or Lyla, in a moment of weakness or (in Lyla's case, out of concern for Miguel) calls the magic spider-person into Miguel's office and while Miguel and our Spell-slinger (Such a cool name) banter and talk, eventually, one of them asks Spell-slinger to cast some sort of spell on Miguel to help him sleep.....
Man, he's out like a light. Super fluffy, super cute. That's all!
Thanks so much! Have a wonderful day! (Also, sorry if your requests aren't open, I didn't see anything about whether they were open or not. Take your time on this one if you want to write it, it'll be great, but don't push yourself friend!)
Aweeee this is a super cute idea!!! Thank you for reading and enjoying my previous stories!!! And thank you for your patience!!!
Warning: None, just Fluff
"A bark of sandal wood!"
"A sprinkle of Kiwi seeds~"
"A dash of Jasmine petals!"
"And a touch of hoping this works magic!"
"AND WE HAVE IT! Feast your eyes folks, for I, Spell-Slinger, New Myth-York's one and only Spider Witch, has created a new and powerful potion!"
You let out a roar of laughter as you spoke to yourself in your one bedroom apartment. Clearing your throat, you gave a small pout towards your pot since no one was there to witness your wonderful creation.
"Oh, what am I to expect? Tis a city out there of many witches and fiends, yet I be it the only Spider-Witch. How doust thou expect to find such moments amusing?"
"You're being dramatic again, (Y/N)" Lyla spoke as she appeared from your watch. You gave the AI a small pout as you approached your large cauldron,
"Oh, but I must. For you have given me such a....challenging task! Far more than the night of Hollow's Eve when my Goblin tried to ruin the yearly rituals for the Werewolves."
"Another reason why Miguel doesn't like sending people to your world for missions. Your mythical creatures and culture might spark the wrong kind of interest in others." Lyla explained before appearing before the bubbling pot, "Is it ready?"
"Yes. I must say, a sleeping potion is quite rare for us Witches to do anymore. Not with modern technology that is."
"Yes, but Miguel won't take over counter medicine. We needed something stronger."
"And me busting out the hundred year old spell book had to be it?"
Let's back track a little. You lived on Earth-54987. A Earth where everyone was a mythical creature or being of some sort. You were born as an average witch, with no outstanding abilities to separate you and your fellow kin.
That was until you were bit by a radioactive Spider that the Sphinx's were experimenting on. In your world, the Sphinx's the smartest of all races...and now because of their experiment...You were a hybrid like no other.
Your witch casting abilities had intensified and you also gained the abilities of a Spider. It was unique and nothing that anyone had seen before. You could either swing across the city or fly on your broom that you customized yourself.
You hadn't thought about being a Super Hero since it was difficult in your world, but things changed when the Black Market started to steal people's abilities and forms away.
You became the hero known as Spell-Slinger. Fighting villains whom wanted to cause havoc and chaos in your mythical world.
"Can you bottle this up into some sort of drink?" Lyla questioned. You smiled,
"I can do you one better."
Fixing your dress, you approached your cauldron and inhaled deeply.
"Summon thee, oh summon thou, of which minor contraption that can hold. Summon thee, oh summon thou, a tool of how to spray on one wist challenge thy be!"
As you chanted, the liquid in the pot had started to spin and float. Above the smoke an item started to form of its essence. A spray bottle was created from the smoke and the potion made its way inside the bottle with ease.
"Bravo." Lyla chirped. You held the spray bottle in your hand,
"This will be easier. Shall we go?"
Miguel grunted lowly as he sat in his dark, gloomy office, working on some paperwork. It had been a while since he last caught some shut eye, but who could sleep when the fate of the Multiverse laid on his shoulders?
"Not to mention Alchemax is getting on my last nerves," Miguel grumbled out as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Miguel had a bad habit of staying up for days on end. His motto was that the only way work will get done is if he did it. There weren't many people he trusted. Not many people could do the work he could anyway.
"Miguel, you need to rest. Your body is going to crash again at this rate." Lyla warned.
"I'm fine."
"No. You're not, but it's fine. I've enlisted help."
Miguel hissed as he watched his AI disappear. Sometimes, he truly regretted allowing his AI to become self aware. Groaning at the thought of what Lyla was planning now, Miguel paused all of his work.
This wasn't the first time Lyla had 'enlisted help'. Honestly, at this rate everyone in the Spider Society knew about Miguel's horrible sleeping habits. They probably thought it was a game to see who could make him fall asleep first.
Miguel's lazily stare focused on you as you came flying in on your Spider-like broom.
"I don't think your hocus pocus will help." Miguel spat. You gasped softly,
"That is actually an insult to me."
"Ah, my apologies then." Miguel muttered. You huffed in response, glancing towards your handsome boss,
"Lyla says you haven't been sleeping much. Need some help?"
"Thank you, but no thank you. I'm fine." Miguel muttered, glancing at your broom and costume, "Are you fitting in well here?" He asked out of concern. You smiled softly towards his concern,
"Aside from. 'Is the witch of the west your aunt?' kind of questions, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking."
Miguel grunted in response as he observed you a bit longer. You were a special Spider that he found interesting. He liked how unique and quirky you were, but still stuck to your ideals.
"You can forget about Lyla's task. Sorry to have taken time out of your day."
"It's fine, but could you do me a little favor?"
"Start pre-dreaming! It will help you sleep better." You cooed, getting close to his face. Miguel furrowed his brows,
"Mhm, start thinking about what you want to dream about. Gets you looking forward to that sweet rest."
"Fine," Miguel smiled towards you, a rare gem one might say.
"May thy succumb to sweet dreams and blissful rest, oh tense one."
Miguel flinched as he felt his face engulf with a strange mist. Wanting to complain, his body slump as his eye lids dropped.
Spraying your potion against Miguel's face, you hummed happily as Miguel instantly fell asleep. Yes, there was a little bit of guilt since Miguel rewarded you with a smile, but he needed to rest.
"Hehe, it worked~"
Catching the tall man with your broom, you carefully brought him to the softest spot you could find in his office. You casted a blanket and pillow out of air and smiled as Miguel snored. He looked so peaceful,
"Hm, I wonder what he is dreaming out?" You whispered. Lyla appeared and cheered you on,
"You should hide that potion somewhere in this office. That way I can get anyone to use it when he is tired."
"Ah, that would be too dangerous. Best this stays with me. Just summon me whenever Miguel needs to sleep."
"Fair enough."
As you flew off on your broom, you stopped in front of Miguel's door and webbed a sign up.
'Sleeping, Do not Disturb. Curtesy of (Y/N)'
Oh, you knew Miguel was going to chew you out later for it. But it brought a smile to your face. That, and you won the bet between everyone else who was trying to get Miguel to sleep.
This was a good day indeed!
I hope you enjoyed despite it being short! I liked getting creative with the Witch Spider, haha!
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1eos · 1 month
mx kendra, do you have any advice for job hunting? I'm about to start looking(again), but its always so intimidating - have a lovely day!
how it feels to start job hunting in the 2020s:
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but yes i have advice for you anon! last time i went job hunting i got serious enough where i was reading 'askamanager' blogs and shit like that to really make sure i wasn't wasting my effort
so kendra's advice to job hunting in the most effort effective way:
first and most importantly is to understand that job hunting rn is simply a numbers game. it's not you it's just that the society we're living in is full of shit. for every 10 job postings, 4 are fake, 1 has an internal candidate in mind already, 3 are just posting jobs to look good and the rest are legit but slow af
bc job hunting is a numbers game its easy to be discouraged if you're not receiving responses consistently as proof that you're not just throwing shit into the void so its superrr imperative to try your best to apply to legit jobs. ive found my best success using indeed as a method of jobs being brought to me and then going on the company website myself and applying. this also doubles as a way to make sure a job posting/company is real
keep a spreadsheet of applied jobs. i just googled 'job application spreadsheet template' and picked one of the first ones i saw, made a copy, and then modified it to suit my needs. keeping a spreadsheet was one of the best things i did bc it can help keep track of jobs you've found and haven't applied to/ones you have applied to/and if you're like me and had a goal of getting a state job i could pre-empt when the interview requests were gonna come in lol 😭
resumes/cover letters. whew. probably the most important part of job hunting. ai scanning or not its a good rule of thumb to have skills mentioned in the job description to match the job posting. what i did was dedicate a folder in my google drive to job stuff and made a folder for each kind of jobs i was interested in. from there i would find a job i wanted to apply to and tailor an old resume to have a bunch of the shit mentioned in the posting on the new resume. i'd save it in the appropriate folder with the date i edited it. if you haven't been in the habit of tailoring your resume you may be doing this a lot but eventually you'll have so many variations you won't have to do much editing if at all. and i do the same with cover letters. i have a general template for my cover letter and then tweak them for each kinds of jobs im looking for. this + ditching linkedin helped me A LOT
create an interview cheatsheet. you probably already know the job hunting sphere has a language and culture all its own. personally as someone with a touch of the 'tism it do not make sense to me so i have unknowingly not navigated interviews as well as i could have. what's helped? ask a manager. seriously. miss allison has helped me blend in as a normie soooo much 😭😭😭😭 if you have any specific questions/have any specific weaknesses just search the site but what really helped me was the list of good interview questions. oh and for the longest i could never come up with a good question to ask my interviewer but one day google recced me this article and now every time i ask 'so what would separate a good candidate from an excellent candidate in this role' and when i tell you my interviewers gag every time lollllll. i also went through 'boost your interview iq' [pdf download link here <3] and jotted down notes on how i can answer common interview questions to quickly be able to go over the night before
study the job posting before the interview btw and try to drum up at least one correlating anecdote for some of the major points of the job bc they WILL ask you that lollllllll
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blueesnow · 2 months
Kotobuki Reiji Voicelines Translation from Event Log
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-All of this voicelines are from the Event Log (with both Mini Event and Talk section) on each of the Idol page. If you want to collect all of the other talk voicelines, you have to touch the background of the room (or rather anything other than the boys themselves) because touching them will only just trigger their skinship voicelines.
-If you ever see a blank one on the list, it's probably because I still haven't triggered and collected them or I just don't have their cards. I hope you can wait for the update until I finally collect them, or if any of you already have them it would be helpful if you could send me the ss of the missing voiceline so I could fill in the list 🙏
-Also the translations might not be fully accurate since I'm not that fluent on jp/en, so if i ever made a mistake do correct me🙏
Mini Event:
Tokiya's Birthday Celebration (Reiji) Year 1: Reiji: Happy Birthday, Tokki☆ If you ever had a time when you want to be spoiled by someone, then you're very welcome to go to Rei-chan~☆ Tokiya: Thank you for the offer. Although I don't know if I will ever have such an opportunity like that, but I appreciate the sentiments behind. Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Otoya) Year 1: Otoya: Rei-chan, Happy Birthday! As a Senpai-Kouhai duo with a great chemistry, let's continue to have lots of fun together from now on! Reiji: Aww~! You said the cutest thing ever! Onii-san shall do his best to keep up so that he won't lose to Otoyan's growth okay☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Masato) Year 1: Masato: You never forgets to pay attention to your surroundings. Seeing you like that made me want to learn more from Kotobuki-senpai's example. Happy Birthday. Reiji: Hearing that from Hijirin made me so happy~! I should do my best as well to continue being a role model☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Natsuki) Year 1: Natsuki: Happy Birthday! It's always fun being together with Rei-chan-senpai. I think you have an amazing power! Reiji: Thank you—! Nattsun is always happy go lucky so it's worthwhile talking to you☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Tokiya) Year 1: Tokiya: Happy Birthday. Even though it's a joyous occasion, please be careful as to not get carried away, okay? Reiji: Tokki is as strict as usual! But I already knew that's also your way of being kind♪ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Ren) Year 1: Ren: Happy Birthday, Bukki! Let's go for a drive together again somewhere and refresh ourselves. Reiji: Thank you Ren-Ren☆ I'll go pick out some good places later okay~♪ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Syo) Year 1: Syo: Reiji-senpai, Happy Birthday! I found a good hat shop, so let's go shopping there together! Reiji: Eh~! If it’s a shop recommended by Syo-tan, then I have high expectations of it☆ Thanks, I'm looking forward to it! Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Cecil) Year 1: Cecil: Happy Birthday! You've always been so kind to me, so today I will return the favor! Reiji: Cesshi! I'm so happy to hear that I almost burst into tears! To think that's how you thought of me already made my day☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Ranmaru) Year 1: Ranmaru: It's your birthday? Well, Happy Birthday. I have nothing more to say at this point. Whether it's about music or other works, let's put all that we've had into it. Reiji: Why of course! Let's always do our best with our full power☆ I'll accept your celebration wish to me♪ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Ai) Year 1: Ai: Since it's your birthday, why don't you show a bit of your maturity? Anyway, Happy Birthday Reiji. Reiji: Ai-Ai, thank you~! Don't get burned while looking at the grown-up Rei-chan, okay☆ Ah, don't ignore me! Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Camus) Year 1: Camus: Since we're in the same group, let's at least celebrate your birthday. So, I assume there'll be a cake later, right? Reiji: Wait a minute~! Geez, Myu-chan you're so dishonest. But thanks for the birthday wish♪ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Eiichi) Year 1: Eiichi: Looks like it's your birthday today, Happy Birthday. Since we're both the one who's responsible in keeping the group together, I'd like to talk about it sometime with you. Reiji: Thank you~☆ Although I'm not actually the leader, I'm interested in that topic. Do tell me more♪
Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Kira) Year 1: Kira: Happy…Birthday. The ability to create a cheerful atmosphere…and bring people together. It's a charm that I don't have. I'd like to learn it from you. Reiji: The fact that you praised me so seriously made this Onii-san so happy…! Let's learn a lot from each other's good points okay☆
Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Nagi) Year 1: Nagi: Happy birthday☆ I heard you knew a lot of retro words. If you knew something cute, do tell me~♪ Reiji: Ugh, is this what you call a generation gap… You're already cute enough as it is, I don't think you need that~☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Eiji) Year 1: Eiji: Happy Birthday. I think it's so amazing that you've always made the atmosphere on set so relaxing. Reiji: Oh no~ I'm a little embarrassed to be told that by a guy from the different agency☆ It's perfectly OK for you to always imitate me♪ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Van) Year 1: Van: I heard it's your birthday today, Happy Birthday! In exchange for celebration I have a suggestion, can you put a pizza on the Kotobuki Lunchbox? Reiji: Pizza~!? But, it might be quite a good surprise. I'll go and talk to them about it later☆ Thanks for the advice! Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Yamato) Year 1: Yamato: Birthday, huh. I'm happy for you. I've always been indebted by this karaage from your place. Let me also express my thanks to you. Reiji: Don't tell me you're actually a big fan of our store!? That's great~♪ Also thanks for the congratulation too☆ Reiji's Birthday Celebration (Shion) Year 1: Shion: I can feel such a warm vibes from your machocho word. I wish you a happy and prosperous day. Reiji: Don't tell me I'm being praised!? At times like this thank you very very machocho☆ Make sure to use it with HE★VENS too okay♪
Talk Morning Topic: Don't you feel that I'm so full of adult charms right off in the morning? Eh, you don't think so? …Shall I show you how serious I am? Talk Afternoon Topic: As a reward for your hard work in the morning, I shall give you my LOVE as a present♪ Now you'll be full of energy after this! Talk Evening Topic: Whenever I see your face, it feels as if all of the tiredness that I felt from work are being blown away. I feel like I want to do anything for you as a thank you☆ Talk Night Topic: Would you like to do something fun…with me? At times like this, let's have a karaage party☆ Keep it a secret from everyone, okay♪ Talk Summer Topic: Driving along the coast is so good and relaxing! I want to go there with Kouhai-chan someday☆
Talk 1: To Kouhai-chan who's working hard~ I'm going to present you a cheering song with my maracas☆ Talk 2: If you were to go on a date with me, where would you like to go? I'll lead you wherever you want♪ Talk 3: Despite how I look, I might be quite greedy when it comes to music. I want try out everything that I can☆ Talk 4: If you were to ask me a recommendation for a souvenir gift, then you can't go wrong with our Kotobuki Lunchbox! They're very popular at various workplaces☆ Talk 5: There's just something that makes me attracted to UK since I was a child. I even have a lot of Union Jack items with me☆ Talk 6: QUARTET NIGHT is a group full of individual charms! The four of us can shine even more brighter, right☆ Talk 7: The four of us are very particular and persistent with our own opinions. But that is what raises the quality of QUARTET NIGHT to a higher level☆. Talk 8: I'm still conscious and thinking of how to charm the audience even during the music production. It's very important to have an image of how you want to express yourself on stage☆ Talk 9: I'm still not going to lose to all of you youngsters☆ Leave all the difficult dance to me♪ Talk 10: I got a candle as a gift from my work~☆ I'm going to try and use it right away♪
Talk 11: Going undercover at the donut factory was amazing. Seeing so many donuts lined up in a row, it was like a dream come true… Talk 12: Whenever I found a good hat in town, I couldn't help but go and buy it without a second thought! I fell in love with it at the first sight☆ Talk 13: I want to make everyone around me smile. If I can achieve this by being funny, then all the best☆ Talk 14: I got a compliment from someone who used to take care of me before☆ I guess such things happen when you've been in the entertainment industry for a long time! Talk 15: Myu-chan accidentally drink my black tea by mistake. He had such sour face after that, and it made my stomach muscles ache~ Talk 16: I often go out to play during my days off☆ I don't have a fixed schedule, so I like to do things as I please♪ Talk 17: I hear that the number of roadside stations where you can have interesting experiences is increasing! I'd like to go for a drive and check one out☆ Talk 18: I was surprised to suddenly get a day off the other day! I went to a store that Myu-chan recommended and bought a lot of stuff☆ Talk 19: My favorite hobby is driving☆ Along with my cute green car. It's really fun and exciting! Talk 20: Something that I want? Hmm~, maybe a car wash with all the latest equipment just for my car? It's dreamy, isn't it~☆
Talk 21: While I'm waiting in line, I sometimes chat with people, but I also look up on healthcare information too. My body is my greatest asset after all☆ Talk 22: I'm the type of person who gets fired up whenever people wanted me, so when I get a lot of cheers during my live performance I get really excited☆ Talk 23: Will you do Onii-san a favour? I want to have you all to myself tomorrow. I'll make sure you won't regret it. Talk 24: Kouhai-chan have a reliable Senpai, Rei-chan, on her side! Let's work hard together on this week too! Talk 25: Sunglasses are an item that will instantly makes you look stylish, so I tend to collect them all~☆ Talk 26: All right, Rei-chan will go and improve himself until Kouhai-chan's back☆ I'm so going to make her surprised! (when you ignore him) Talk 27: Hm? What, you keep staring at me like that. If you keep that up then in order to respond to your passionate gaze, I'm going to wink at you☆ (when you ignore him) Talk 28: Oh, welcome back—! What do you think of my new look~? Don't I look awesome all around☆ (after you're done ignoring him) Talk 29: Oops, I was the who get surprised than the other way around. You're so concentrated earlier, did you finally found a good melody just now? (after you're done ignoring him)
About Otoya: Whenever I met Otoyan at worksite, he'll come running up to me with a big smile on his face. I wonder if this is how it feels like to have a little brother around~☆ About Masato: Whenever I talk to Hijirin, he praise me a lot you see~ Hearing that of course made me happy and it's quite refreshing too☆ About Natsuki: You can feel the love from Nattsun's hugs. Although it might be painful, it's also shown how big of the love he had…I guess☆ About Tokiya: Tokki can be a little bit harsh to me sometimes…but it's a proof that he opened up his heart to me right☆ About Ren: Ren-Ren and I are driving buddies♪ Sometimes we talk about places we'd like to visit☆ About Syo: Syo-tan, who's always full-throttle of manliness, is very cool isn't he! Seeing him made me feels like I have to show off my manly side too☆ About Cecil: When I give Cesshi a Japanese-style item to him as a present, his eyes would lit up with joy. Isn't it cute how pure he is☆ About Ranmaru: Although he might looks like that Ran-Ran is actually a very caring person you know~☆ He always bought us souvenirs from his trip♪ About Ai: No matter what anyone says, I can't help but dote on Ai-Ai you see~ I mean he's the youngest in our group after all☆ About Camus: Myu-chan's work is always perfect. As a member of the same group, I find him to be such a very encouraging presence♪
Skinship 1: Oh, what's this~? You're so good at surprising me, Kouhai-chan! (touching head) Skinship 2: Getting pats in the head for the first time in a while made Rei-chan feel younger☆ Though I am still young! (touching head) Skinship 3: I guess it can't be helped…but only just a lil' bit, okay? Though I hope you don't compare me to a baby. Skinship 4: A plump cheeks, you said? Then you're probably the winner in an instant~☆ Skinship 5: Are we comparing our arm lengths now~? Well, how about this! (touching arms) Skinship 6: It's okay, you can come closer. Shall I give you a hug as well☆ Skinship 7: Even Rei-chan is also started getting embarrassed too… Skinship 8: Urgh…the endurance contest, is now begin!! Skinship 9: Wait, just give me a moment~! Skinship 10: Whoa~ Rei-chan give up!! Skinship 11: I'm going to stay quiet!
Approach 1: I'm quite a greedy person, so I'd like to receive a different form of love from you soon~ For example, like an invitation to go on a date! Approach 2: If you keep playing a prank on me, then I'm going to call you a bad girl from now on☆ Just kidding♪ Intimacy lvl-up 1: And with Onii-san's power right here, I'm going to make you obsess over me☆ Intimacy lvl-up 2: To think that you're showing me a lot of your different sides, how bold of you Kouhai-chan~☆ Intimacy Limit Release: I received your feelings.
(Your) Birthday Celebration 1: Reiji: Happy Birthday☆ To a hardworking person like you, why don't you relax for a bit and enjoy yourself for today! Reiji: In order to make you laugh, I've already prepared a lot of special jokes that were especially made by me☆ Reiji: Of course I also have plenty of swe~et words of love that will surely melt your heart. …Now, which one do you want to hear first?
Reiji's Birthday Celebration 1: Reiji: Thank you for the celebration~! I held a party today, so make sure you come okay Kouhai-chan☆ Reiji: And of course there'll be an afterparty later~☆ The participant will be just you and me. …Will you tell me you're happy about it?
This one is not listed, but here's a voiceline if you're trying to leave him:
Oh my, it's time already? If you want to go somewhere then Rei-chan will give you a ride so can you wait for a while☆
Bonus Voicelines from URs/SRs:
"Letter of Dream" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 1: This song is a love letter from me. I hope that these feelings of mine will finally reach you, my beloved. "Letter of Dream" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 2: Either it's my cheerful side, or my weak side, if it's you then I'll tell you all about it. In exchange, I won't ever let you go. "Memory of Temptation" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 1: "Memory of Temptation" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 2: "Be Elegant!" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 1: "Be Stylish!" Kotobuki Reiji Talk 1: The whole reason why I was able to enjoy the musical was because you're with me☆ I'll be looking forward for a proper real date next time.
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@lurkingshan Ok. So I haven't really been in QL land long enough to have watched a lot of under the radar ql stuff to be honest. The OJBL journey is the thing that really is helping me discover more stuff or when someone else recommends something.
Also before I start a couple of things. I don't really know if any of this is obscure or not to be fair. I guess these are things that I had to go look for because I'd never heard of them. But that's me. Second thing. Outside tumblr I don't really know what's ql or not. The only distinction I really make is asian queer media or western. So, sorry for my ignorance in this. This is just some of the ones I watched not too long ago I guess.
Speaking of my ojbl journey. You already talked about No Touching at All recently. But I'll take this opportunity to plug another one that I really like and I wish more people watched was
Ai no Kotodama
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The wonderful @twig-tea is my guide through this endeavour and when she told me about this one she also said that it was left out of a lot of rec lists at the time for a couple of reasons.
I'm gonna try to not spoil anything but I really don't understand. I loved the editing in this and how they used everything around the couple to mirror them and work for the love story. Everything serves a purpose here and it's all very deliberate. Sure it's a bit older (lol) and maybe some people are turned off by superficial factors but I really liked it and I loved the progression of these two idiots obviously in love.
Silhouette of Your Voice
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I adored this one. Think Last Twilight but Japanese and they didn't screw up anything. One of them is losing his hearing and the other is just a sunshine that will work for his lunch. They are precious. And I think this one might qualify as bl. A warning to anyone who might see this: If you have sensitive ears, do not watch this with headphones. Because at times the sound we hear is the sound Kohei hears and it's not pleasant.
Twilight's Kiss aka Suk Suk
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I love when I get to watch love stories between older people. It's just a great reminder that there's life as long as you're living. And life doesn't end at 30, or 40, or 50 or whatever it is that you've been been told to believe. Also queer older people is even rarer so when I found this one I had to watch it. I loved it so much. There's so many great moments, I love the tenderness of the mains, and the conversations around the gay retirement home and the music, I loved the music so much.
Another caveat (because obviously I have issues and need to explain myself a lot). I love my rose-tinted glasses but at heart, I live for the sad stories.
In Between Seasons
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I cried so good during this one. It's a story about waiting and about using time to accept, and forgive and heal. It's about family and coming together. And it's beautiful. But it's no bl and it's sad, so fair warning.
That's all I got for now. If I remember more I'll share. I might need to start posting more about films I watch if for no other reason that I would have gifs to use on my own posts. 💜
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aihoshiino · 10 months
chapter 133 thoughts!
Right off the bat, I'm really glad to see OnK looping back around to address something that was largely left hanging from the first half of the movie arc - the idea that Ruby simply lacks the acting chops to properly portray Ai in the movie. This was hammered in to such a degree that I actually had a theory back before shooting started that Ruby was going to end up backing out of playing Ai and that Kana, Akane or even Frill would end up taking her place. Obviously it's not that I want Ruby to fail here or that she doesn't deserve a big W after everything she's been through but it felt really weird for the story to correctly make the point that Ruby's acting was going to make or break this movie and then not properly bring that point home. So I'm glad to see we're actually digging into it this chapter.
That said, it does feel a little... abrupt, I guess? Or rather, I totally understand Ruby cracking under the pressure and having a bit of a meltdown off the back of Nino's words last chapter - that obviously cut really deep - but suddenly jumping back to this idea that Ruby is Just Not Getting Ai after we hadn't touched on that since filming started and we've had no indication it's still an ongoing issue is weird. Especially since Mengo has literally just been flat out drawing Ai any time she's portraying her on panel lol. Maybe holding off on showing her with the double hoshigan would've been a better choice in conveying that...
Again, I guess it just comes back to what I've been saying lately about the movie arc feeling really weirdly structured. Things feel kind of jumbled, or necessarily out of order persay but the way arcs, emotional beats and development is happening in fits and spurts gives everything this stuttering rhythm where all the major beats feel like they're landing in really strange places.
All that aside... man, poor Ruby. We haven't really gotten as good a look into her head as I would've liked during the movie's production but the amount of pressure she feels must be immense. Strawberry Productions have put all their money into this movie and Ruby is telling the story of one of the people she loves more than anyone else in the world. It's no wonder she's in tears by the end of it.
The story also addresses something I'm really glad to see on the page - Kana acknowledging that Ai was the way she was largely because of her negative experiences. I've had a bit of unease lately with the idea of OnK portraying Ai as an aspirational figure or that Ruby 'becoming' or 'surpassing' Ai is a positive step for her. Ai of B-Komachi existed because Hoshino Ai experienced such an abnormally cruel life that was so utterly lacking in warmth or love that she had to make up a perfect version of herself just to feel like she had permission to be alive. It's not that Ruby has never experienced hardship - god knows she has - but she simply does not have experience with the exact nature of the despair, the loneliness and the self hate that Ai struggled with her entire life. Without opening herself up to that, she might never be able to fully understand Ai.
Kana's description of Nino is also really fascinating and it lines up with how I personally was reading her off the back of that chapter combined with the foundation laid by 45510. Her feelings for Ai are a life-altering obsession that has ripped down the boundary between 'love' and 'hate'. It's both at the same time which is an emotional state you can probably conclude is not going to lead someone to grieve in a healthy or productive way.
<3 nino is such a gay little freak i love her so much
Ruby and Kana's talk in general in this chapter is sooooo fucking good, dudes. It's hard not to want to go over it line by line lol but it's the kind of talk I've wanted them to have for a really long time. Their earnest concern for each other and their attempts to reach out and protect the other as clumsily as they end up doing it are so sweet and it makes the end of this chapter such a gut punch... but we'll get there.
I will say it's uh incredibly fucking bizarre to see Akane sorted in alongside the people Ruby considers her family??? Like, I get that Ruby had the whole 'can I call you oneechan' thing with her back while she and Aqua were dating but they've never been portrayed as being that close or really on friendly terms at all after the Private arc. Not only that, but this is specifically in a context where Ruby is talking about how the movie is going to help her family, who are still stuck in their grief over Ai's death move forward - so why the fuck is Akane there?? Akane has no personal relationship to Ai! She was not remotely affected by her death! I can only assume this was some kind of art mistake because I otherwise have absolutely no fucking clue what this is supposed to mean. EDIT: Taking a closer look at the art, I'm pretty certain this is in fact an art mistake and that's Ruby accidentally given Akane's hair screening: her eyes are dark and she seems to have Ruby's hoshigan. Mystery solved!
Ruby's face as she cries looks sooooooo much like Miyako's expression as she cried back in 125. I even noticed then how much she looked like both Ai and Ruby in that moment and it was so sad and lovely to see that similarity mirrored in Ruby. Miyako is their mom!!! Ai and Ruby are her daughters!!!
And finally... Kana just lets it all out.
Honestly, seeing Kana finally express all this stuff was so cathartic. She didn't want to be in B-Komachi to start with, she was bullied into being the center and then watched Ruby absolutely leave her in the dirt. Knowing what we do about Kana's own history of abandonment and her absolute terror at the prospect of being left behind and made irrelevant, it would be naive to assume she didn't feel some jealousy or bitterness in the wake of Ruby's meteoric rise to fame. She's only human, after all and I can't help but wonder if this is one of the 'cracks' left in black hoshigan Ruby's wake that Aqua ominously alluded to a while back.
Even as she pours out all this bile, though - Kana is still, in a twisted way, doing this out of pure love for Ruby. As she herself puts it, she is at risk of permanently destroying their relationship here even though Ruby is her closest and dearest friend. But that's why she feels she had to do it. Like always, Kana sacrifices herself, desecrates herself and throws herself under the bus to support the people she loves and to play the coordinator - to ensure her costars can give the best possible performance. Arima Kana? Don't worry about her. She's fine off in the shadows by herself, right?
I also can't help but wonder if Kana is doing this at least in part for herself, too. We saw that she, too, was struck deeply and unsettled by Nino's words last week and by how deeply Nino was poisoned by her hate and feelings of inferiority towards Ai. Maybe this is Kana's way of trying to purge herself of those feelings so she can look her inner Nino in the eye and confidently say "I am not like you".
No break next week...!
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whumpsday · 1 year
my unhinged rant about the whumptober discourse, below the readmore for the benefit of ppl who dont wanna see that crap. im just gonna go insane if i don't say this somewhere bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
this drama is genuinely so mind-blowingly stupid it's unreal, and it's been bothering me so much that i just HAVE to talk about it or i'm gonna go insane, if for no other reason than to get it out of my system. i honestly never expected the whump community to go on the kind of bad-faith tirade that's taking place.
disclaimer right here that i do not support AI scraping creative works without permission (like chatgpt and a whole host of AI art programs do) or these AI-generated works being passed off as legitimate creative works. obviously that stuff is bad, and literally everyone on all sides of this agrees it's bad. i used chatgpt exactly once one week after it came out, before i knew how shit it was, and haven't touched AI stuff since. because it steals from creators and it sucks.
saying "whumptober supports/allows AI" when their official policy says plain as day:
"we are not changing our stance from last year’s decision"
"we will not amplify or include AI works in our reblogs of the event."
"we discourage the use of AI within Whumptober, it feels like cheating, and we feel like it isn’t in the spirit of the event."
is bonkers! whumptober is a prompt list, there is nothing TO the event other than being included in the reblogs. they literally cannot stop people from doing whatever they want with the prompts.
someone could go out and enact every single prompt in real life on a creativity-fueled serial killing spree and the whumptober mods couldn't do shit about it. it's not like it's a contest you submit to. it's a prompt list! someone could take every single prompt from the AI-less whumptober prompt list, feed it into chatgpt right now, and post them as entries. and the mods of THAT wouldn't be able to stop them either. because it's a prompt list.
the AI-less event have also made just... blatantly false claims, like that grammarly isn't AI. grammarly IS AI and they openly advertise this. hell, this is grammarly's front page right now:
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and this is a statement from grammarly about how its products work:
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its spellchecker / grammarchecker is AI-based! claiming it's not AI is just... lying. saying "this is an AI-less event" and then just saying any AI that you want to include doesn't count as AI is ludicrous.
and you know what? whumptober actually pointed this out. they said they don't want to ban AI-based assistive tools (like grammarly) for accessibility reasons. this post has several great points:
"AI is used for the predictive text and spellchecker that's running while I type this reply."
"Accessibility tools rely on AI." this is true and here's an article about it, though the article is a little too pro-AI in general for my tastes, there's nuances to this stuff. it's used for captioning, translation, image identification, and more. not usually the same kind of AI that's used for stuff like chatgpt. THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS!
"But we can't stop that, nor can we undo damage already done, and banning AI use (especially since we can't enforce it) is an empty stand on a hill that's already burning, at least in our view of things."
and people were UP IN ARMS over this post! their notes were full of hate, even though it's all true! just straight lying and saying that predictive text isn't AI (it is), that AI isn't used for accessibility tools (it is), that whumptober can somehow enforce an anti-AI policy (they can't because it's a prompt list).
in effect, both whumptobers have the EXACT SAME AI POLICY. neither allows AI-generated works, but both allow AI-based assistive tools like grammarly. everyone involved here is ON THE SAME SIDE, they all have the exact same opinion on how AI should be applied to events like this, and somehow they're arguing???
not to mention that no other whump event has ever had an AI policy. febuwhump, WIJ, bad things happen bingo, hell even nanowrimo doesn't have one.
and you wanna know the most ridiculous part of this entire thing? which is also the reason why none of the above events have an AI policy.
no one is doing this. no one is out there feeding whumptober prompts to chatgpt and posting them as fills for whumptober cred. it's literally a hypothetical, made-up issue. all of this infighting over a problem that DOESN'T EXIST.
to the point that people are brigading the whumptober server with shit like this:
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saying "everyone who participates in whumptober is a traitor, you should go participate in this other event with the exact same AI policy but more moral grandstanding about it" is silly. every single bit of this drama is silly.
in the end, please just be nice to people. we're ALL against the kind of AI that steals from creators. the whumptober mods are against AI, the AILWT mods are against AI, whumptober participants are against AI, AILWT participants are against AI. there is no mythical person out here trying to pass chatgpt work off as whumpfic. let's all just be civil with each other over this, yeah?
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Type A
Caroline Forbes x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Day 29 Prompt: "That's all? Easy."
Summary: Caroline is a little overwhelmed by the amount of things that need to happen to open the Salvatore Boarding School for its first year of operation, but her SO is there to help her through.
Word Count: 1,056
Category: Fluff
A/N: Disclaimer, I haven't seen Legacies
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Oh. My. God."
I poked my head into the living room cautiously at the sound of my girlfriend's voice. I recognized her tone as the 'something has gone disastrously wrong and I'm about to have a meltdown' tone. I'd run to the kitchen to get coffee for both of us, and apparently in that short amount of time we'd encountered a new problem. To be fair, worse things had definitely happened in less time to us before.
"Babe?" I asked, taking a few more steps into the room. Caroline Forbes, my girlfriend and the love of my life, looked up at me, clipboard in hand and distress written all over her face. "What happened?"
"Ugh, the Salvatores happened!" she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. "I'm pretty sure they spent the past hundred years compelling anybody involved with this house, and now that new people are responsible for billing things like electric, water, gas, and whatever else you can think of, I have to deal with them all at once! And that's not even mentioning the home inspectors. And I still have to organize all the heirlooms they left laying around, just waiting to be broken. Or the fact that not a single bedroom in this place looks remotely like something a kid would enjoy living in-"
"Caroline." I'd set down our coffee mugs and now held up my hands as I slowly approached my girlfriend, stopping her spiral before it could go any further. "Take a breath, babe."
"Take a breath?" she cried, her voice actually going up an octave. "I still have to make decisions about our first class, find teachers, figure out curriculum, make sure the house is actually safe, and a thousand other things before we can open our doors, which we're supposed to be doing at the end of the summer?"
"Pft. That's all? Easy."
Caroline scoffed, her eyes practically glowing as a murderous expression spread across her face. If I didn't know her so well, I might've been worried for my safety. Instead, I closed the rest of the remaining distance between us, putting my hands on her shoulders and looking her right in the eye.
"Listen to me, right now. You are Caroline Motherfucking Forbes. You do event planning in your sleep, and I know that's a true statement, because I've heard it. This shit is right up your alley! Yeah, it's gonna be a challenge, and a lot of vampires with lazy habits are going to make it harder. But you love challenges! I've quite literally never seen you happier than when you're taking charge in the middle of chaos and pulling it all together. And we went to Paris for your birthday."
Caroline huffed and rolled her eyes, but I caught her smiling anyway. I grinned back at her, giving her shoulders a gentle shake.
"You are a force of nature, and there is literally no future where you don't pull this off. I'm not a witch, but I know it doesn't exist. Besides, you're not doing any of it alone. I'm here with you, and so are our friends. We're gonna help you every step of the way to get this school up and running. And we're gonna help you when a kid inevitably breaks some precious historic heirloom, and one of them brings home a curse from touching something they should've left alone, and every other situation you can possibly think of. We'll be here for you to lean on."
Caroline smiled. She took a deep breath, then pursed her lips and nodded, more determined than frazzled now.
"You're right. I am Caroline Forbes, and no centuries-long problem the Salvatores refused to deal with is going to get the best of me."
"Damn right."
She laughed a little, then leaned in to kiss me. We broke apart fairly quickly, since we did have quite a few things left to do, but it was enough to have a warm glow working its way through my chest.
I turned to retrieve our coffee mugs, offering Caroline's to her. Thankfully, they were still warm, and she took hers with one hand, picking up a clipboard with the other. Her eyes scanned the page for a few minutes with a critical eye. I just sipped my coffee and waited, knowing I'd need all the energy I could muster for whatever was about to come next.
"Okay... the bills are easy enough to deal with, so I'll get online and set up autopay for that. In the mean time, you're on heirloom duty. Find anything we don't want in the line of fire for kids practicing their supernatural abilities and put it in the attic."
"Yes ma'am," I said, saluting. Caroline rolled her eyes with a smile.
We started off to do our tasks, but I stopped short before leaving the room. Caroline was already buried in a task, but I took the risk of interrupting her.
"If we get this done today... any chance we can play interior decorator for our task tomorrow?"
"Sure!" She turned around with a bright smile, a slight edge to it that I recognized and that made me immediately nervous. "And then we can deep clean all the other parts of this house that haven't been touched in years."
I groaned. "Do we have to? Can't we hire a cleaning company to deal with that?"
"Not when vampire speed will get it done at least twice as fast."
"But Caroline, there might be spiders." She crossed her arms, and I realized I was not going to win this fight. I sighed dramatically, turning to go back to the task I'd originally been on my way to do. "Fine, but if I see a spider, I'm screaming and I'm making you deal with it."
"You're an immortal vampire with super speed and super strength!"
"Yeah, and I still hate spiders!"
Her laughter echoed in the room and hallway behind me, and I smiled to myself. I loved that crazy blonde tornado of a girl, and although I complained sometimes and would continue to do so, I'd also follow her to the ends of the earth with a smile.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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We have it all (Hualian adopted daughter fanfic) Chapter 5
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I used Fengqing Gifs because they are the ones fighting the enemies in the opening scene. Both gifs are by @linglynz
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I only do this for fun.
Premise: Not long after comforting a bullied girl named Meng Ai, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian find themselves adopting her and together they form a family they didn't know they had needed for awhile.
Story/Genre tags: Slice of life-ish (mainly), Family focused, Hua Cheng's houses finally become homes, there may be an overarching story but that's not the focus, Hualian being parents, Fengqing being uncles, Lang Qianqiu falling in love with someone who was raised by the Xianle squad, technically post-canon (though I haven't read the books so if there are some ooc moments please forgive me).
AO3 Link
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Follower tags: @anonimgato1507
AN: I did my best but I will be the first to admit that I'm not good at writing fight scenes. Having said that, I wanted to give Fengqing their flowers and hopefully show why they are given the position of generals (and Meng Ai's uncles). Hope you enjoy 😅😂
Chapter 5
The Jiangshi were among the first wave that made their way to the shrine. These weren't the typical Jiangshi that regular Taoist priests would animate for proper burial. These Jiangshi were puppets for the magicians who were controlling them. The fortunate thing about these puppets was that once they were slain and their ashes were burnt they were finished.
Then the next wave were demon dogs accompanied by malicious spirits who came into their area in the form of arrows. Arrows that were shot by mortal archers and the dark spirits emerged and rapidly multiplied in their midst.
"Make a circle of holy fire around the shrine!" Mu Qing shouts at Feng Xin as they quickly make a larger circumference around the barrier of protection. The fortunate thing was that these creatures stood no chance against the Holy fire they made and even then they had some of their best soldiers standing by in between the barrier and the fire.
Then another wave of Jiangshi came with large Xiangliu spitting venom everywhere and poisoning the soil. This time the Jiangshi were a mix of puppets and Jiangshi who were their own being. The puppets walked, the ones who weren't were hopping.
"We'll need to find the mages causing this!" Feng Xin says after slaying a hopping Jiangshi and blasting it with fire.
"What do you think I've been doing?!" Mu Qing replies as he blasts another Xiangliu away and scorches the area its venom had touched to mitigate its effects. Feng Xin uses his momentum to quickly get his arrows. Mu Qing quickly throws a flame on the arrowhead and Feng Xin shoots at the Xiangliu, just beneath it's nine heads. Nine voices screamed out in agony and it fell.
"One down!"
"Of many. Mortals are starting to join in." Mu Qing says as some of his soldiers managed to remove the cloaks of some of them.
"Stop this now!" One of Mu Qing's soldiers commanded.
"We don't answer to your king, we answer to gold!"
"That explains everything."
Fu Dao was one of the wealthier kingdoms because of their position in the trade route. Soldiers bearing Fu Dao's crest would cause a scandal if they were found. But employing mercenaries had the added benefit of deniability if they were ever caught.
"Stay away from this fight and we'll give you gold."
"We've already been adequately paid!" Mu Qing easily blocks and deflects an attack.
"Everyone, don't kill the mortals but protect the Priestess and her child."
Feng Xin sends a mass telepathic message to all their soldiers who begin rounding up the mortals who have begun joining in the fight.
A swarm of arrows and poisoned needles came and everyone put up magical barriers to shield themselves.
The fight went on and little by little they were making progress as their soldiers manage to put magical shackles on the mage mercenaries and that lessened the presence of demonic creatures in the fight.
However one of the mortal mages managed to get past the fire.
Because he was cloaked in a protection spell.
No. They both thought.
Mu Qing and Feng Xin immediately teleported themselves in the temple grounds.
Their soldiers were dealing with the mortal mage.
Who was serving as a distraction.
Assassins cloaked in a similar protection spell soon came inside the barrier.
"Get in!" Feng Xin commands his soldiers as they begin fighting the mortals who have begun entering.
"I'll take them to Jingdezhen."
"Go, I'll follow."
Mu Qing enters the living quarters in the nick of time as he sees a poisoned needle begin to enter inside. He immediately stops it and puts magic shields on all possible openings in the living quarters.
"What's going on?"
"Get Meng Ai, we're going to Jingdezhen." He immediately slams the door shut as another poisoned needle flew inside. He quickly makes a teleportation portal as Jing Mei wears her satchel and carries a sleeping Meng Ai. Once it was completed he opens the portal and they find themselves just outside of Xiwangmu's temple.
"Oh thank goodness." Jing Mei sighs in relief.
"Here, let me carry her."
"Thank you. If anything we'll at least have decent accomodations tonight."
"Your rooms have already been prepared." The priest says as they approach the entrance of the temple. The feminine tone of his voice making it clear that it was Xiwangmu herself speaking to them.
"Oh thank you Great Mother." Jing Mei makes a bow as Xiwangmu through her priest leads them inside the temple grounds.
"You did well General Xuan Zhen, both you and General Nan Feng have my thanks."
"No problem Xiwangmu, besides I've been itching for a fight for awhile."
"Jing Mei? What happened?" A man rushed to Jing Mei's side. His blue eyes shone in the moonlight, his expression was filled with worry.
"Ji Huifan we were attacked at Puqi shrine, I don't know how they found out...we've been so careful -"
"They hired mercenaries." Mu Qing says with seriousness as he gave Meng Ai to her father.
"Let's discuss further details when we are inside. That you won't have to keep repeating yourself General Xuan Zhen." Xiwangmu says as she continues to lead everyone into the room Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were waiting. Once Meng Ai was placed in bed in the room where her parents stayed and once Feng Xin arrived they began their discussion.
"Mage mercenaries - that's a new low even for them."
"It's been awhile since we've had any contact with your family since we've fled. What I don't understand is how they managed to find out where we were."
"Given the right place to look for them and look for the ones with the right skill level and the right amount of desperation, I'm frankly not surprised that a blood thirsty family would employ them." Hua Cheng says as he leans back on his seat beside Xie Lian.
"Tracking and confirming their targets wouldn't be too difficult for them. Depending on the assignment, most of the preparation would be employing the proper tactics."
"And you know this because?" Hua Cheng raises his eyebrow at Feng Xin in a smug certainty.
"I've had my encounters with some of them. A lot of them lost to me in my gambling den, that's how I learned how they work. And when I'm feeling lazy I just out pay whomever their employer was."
"Do some of them work for you now?"
"Only the ones I consider worthy Gege. Most of them are just mages who have lost clients over time and are desperately looking for money. But considering all we know and considering who their client is, the group that was targetting Jing Mei and Xiao-Ai are an investment of Fu Dao's royal family."
"Why do you say that?" Mu Qing asks skeptically.
"Simple, they didn't care if they were seen or not."
"What do you mean? They attacked in the middle of the night." Feng Xin says arrogantly.
"A night with a full moon, using demonic creatures that would cause a ruckus had anyone other than you or their targets noticed. They also attacked them in Gege's shrine which means they necessarily needed to personally be present since only mortals could pass through magical barriers. They either didn't want to wait or could no longer wait for Jing Mei and Xiao-Ai to leave the safety of the shrine. Considering all of these things, it's obvious that they didn't care to be seen. Which means that they've had the resources to train and be better than most other mercenaries. Over time they have developed the arrogance that it wouldn't matter if they were seen or not."
"And what makes that different from a typical mercenary?"
"A mercenary knows how to keep things discreet. The most sought after ones whether they are a magician or not are the ones who could make things look like an accident or make it look like the death was from natural causes. Mage mercenaries who control demonic creatures use those creatures to kidnap or kill their targets without needing to be physically present."
"Hmm and the fact that there were waves of them headed towards the shrine means -"
"- that they knew." Mu Qing finishes Feng Xin's thought as everyone becomes uncomfortable with the realization.
"Another spy from heaven?!" Feng Xin cries in exasperation.
"No - given the right training and the right time to develop their skills, it's possible for a mortal to tell who is a God and who is a ghost. I'm sure you two have noticed how easily Aiai does it while you were with her." Xie Lian couldn't help but suppress a giggle as Mu Qing and Feng Xin become sheepish at Ji Huifan's comment.
"Either one of the mages my family has employed has that skill or a God with an oracle who has a similar skillset -"
"Wait - Huifan, didn't you say that you lost the ability to see a God's aura when you were cured?" The couple shares a look of realization.
"I didn't exactly lose it, it just wasn't as good as when I was...you know..."
"But that means-"
"- one or a few of my relatives are with them." Another air of discomfort fills the room.
"Does this mean we have to flee again?" Jing Mei asks with trepidation and exhaustion.
"No!" "Absolutely NOT!" "No way."
"You are my oracle and priestess. Your family will always be welcomed in my temples. And right now you may stay here for as long as you wish. And if Generals Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen could lend some of their followers for added protection-"
"No offense Xiwangmu but that wouldn't be enough." She raises her eyebrow at him as Jing Mei is shocked that someone would disrespect her and Ji Huifan's reaction was questioning Hua Cheng's decision to cut her off. She isn't as fickle as the other Gods. Hua Cheng's attitude was refreshing to her when most Gods and mortals would be dictated by their fear and reverence to her domain.
"San Lang."
"Ji Huifen, when you were still a cursed immortal could you still enter Xiwangmu's temples?" He then realized what Hua Cheng was pointing out and sighed a sad tone out.
"Yes, my family and I had no problems entering in any temple. We may not be able to do everything our abilities allow us to do, depending on the God who is worshipped in the temple-"
"But the point still stands that if the three of you remain here, someone could still enter and harm you. They just need to be either a mortal or someone from your family."
"And what do you propose Crimson Rain Sought Flower?" Hua Cheng's gaze meets Xie Lian's as they both smile.
"Xiao-Ai is still asleep right?"
Red was the first color that she sees as she wakes up. This was definitely not Puqi shrine anymore she thought as she slowly began sitting up. It was then that Meng Ai realized that the bed she was waking up from was both softer and smoother than what she was used to.
"Hello Aiai."
"BABA!" She launches herself forward as she embraces Ji Huifan and kisses him on the cheek. He laughs as he brings her to his embrace.
"Thank you for sending them to help me."
"Baba please don't scare mama like that again." He gives her a sad smile knowing that whether it is sooner or later he and Jing Mei will have to let her go to Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
"Sometimes I can't help it Aiai, everything I do for both you and your mama are out of love. Even if you can't see it right now." She doesn't like that tone he uses despite knowing what he said was true.
"Where are we? Where is mama?"
"She's in the kitchen trying to teach Xie Lian how to cook." He helps her down and outside her room Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were waiting.
"Hello Xiao-Ai, did you sleep well?" Xie Lian asks tenderly while patting her head.
"Yes, it was a long sleep. I don't know how I was able to sleep for that long."
"Hungry little one?" Hua Cheng asks as he kneels down so that their eyes would be at the same level.
"Yes, where are we San Lang?" He opens his hand and waits for her to take it. He couldn't help but smile as he sees she was wearing the necklace he gifted her with a silver butterfly pendant.
"We are in our house, welcome to Paradise Manor."
AN: And this is the start of more Slice of life moments that I had not yet sufficiently delivered 😅😂 I hope none of you were too disappointed with the fight scene.
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