#i have read so much about this show and i will literally never watch it
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writingoddess1125 · 1 day ago
Annoying Shit They Do
COD Men X GN Reader
Price, Simon, Johnny, Kyle, König, Horangi + Bonus
This is all tongue and cheek. Enjoy!
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Simon was a very.. Well thought out man.
He was always prepared-
Painfully prepared.. for every situation and some situations that weren't even possible.
You knew Simon loved knowing what he was going into at all times. However it can be a bit much at the best of times.
Ever had 2 different types of navigation tools including a compass while going to the post office?
You have-
Ever had hiking gear loaded into your car cause you where going to a local park to jog?
You sure as fuck have!
Thanks to Mr. Always Prepared Skull Man!
You swore this man was prepared for a Mutant zombie apocalypse with the amount of supplies and preparations he had constantly.
Sure while it wasn't something you thought about often and it was clearly in a loving way, He wanted to make sure you were always safe and you appreciated it deeply-
However when you go into your kitchen and see MRE's and emergency dried food to last 30 years next to your chips-
It can get a bit much..
It was always a bit power struggle with the broody man. You'd have a better time fist fighting a brick wall or bringing a rock to a orgasm then winning over the Lieutenant when it came to stuff like this.
Which lead you to staring at the hard black suitcase that was being loaded into the back of the SUV along with your guys few shared soft luggage bags.
You rub your temple, perfectly in between the two emotions of either crying or laughing at your partner.
"Simon-.. I love you. So so much. However I don't think, We need a literal military grade survival kit.. on a couples get away to a private resort"
He looked to you calmly-
"Never know.."
You look up to the sky, Begging whoever is up there that he leaves the kit in the car the whole vacation- and that he doesn't bring a tactical knife into the resort..
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John, the love of your life. The apple of your eye..
A good man and a Captain of a special Ops team...
The bastard that leaves one God damn bit left of whatever he touches and tells no one!
From toothpaste where there is only a bead sized amount left.
To even leaving four chips in the family size bag you'd gotten.
Leaves a single bite of ice cream in the pint and puts it back like it's still full.
Ever opened a box of what used to be Chinese takeout and seen literally 6 noodles, 12 grains of rice and a single piece of meat with a perfect green onion on top?
You sure as fuck had.
You knew it started out as something he genuinely did naturally. However once he figured out it annoyed you- It was on.. he now did it cause he knew it annoyed you.
The fucker-
Just how now you stared at the empty jug of what used to be white grape juice. Now with maybe a shot glass worth in the bottom.
You supress the demonic feeling of wanting to Hex your spouse.
Walking upstairs to his office area where you knew he was both smoking a cigar and drinking from his private stash while watching football (soccer).
Opening the door slowly you make direct eye contact with him. Price slowly raising an eyebrow at the serious look on your face.
"Yes Dear?"
You hold up the empty jug of juice and shake it a little showing the literal trinkle of juice left in it.
"Couldn't just kill it off could you?-"
John gives a smile at you as he takes a sip of his scotch.
"Well, Wanted to save ya some-"
John laughed loudly when you threw the empty juice jug at his head after that.
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Kyle likes to mess with stuff...
Always moving stuff around, always touching stuff, messing or bending things.
If it's in reach his hands seem to find it-
He's like those children you used to see that had to have their hands on the cart at all times or in their parents pockets cause they would always touch stuff.
Kyle was one of those people in adult form- You'd even heard his mother yell at him saying 'Idle hands are the devils workshop' when he visits and continues the practice.
While in most cases you didn't mind, it was a bit irritating when things got moved from where you'd left them or things just appearing out of thin air.
Your tube of chapstick? Suddenly in the Livingroom.
Phone charger? Now sitting on a random shelf.
You knew it wasn't on purpose but damn, Hell he didn't even seem to realize it himself.
He'd be sitting there, shaking his knee as he rolled something between his hands casually. The two of you talking about something random in the livingroom.
You can't help but narrow your eyes a bit as you see something silver in his palm which he was rolling like playdough.
"Sweetie, What are you messing with?"
He also looks confused for a second, not even realizing he had been messing with something. He looks over whatever had been in his hands.
"Uhh Looks like a oat bar-"
You scrunch up your face a bit.
"We don't even have any granola bars in the house? Where did you get that?"
He shrugs having no idea himself.
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He buys bulk in everything...
Once he realized that it was a thing he could just do-
He did it with everything..
Bulk Paper towels, Bulk Soy Sauce, 45lb tub of Nut Butter? He got all of it, Leading you to staring up at what was equivalent to a Military food storage in your downstairs pantry.
Leaving you currently staring up at the 25lb cloth bag of table salt on the top of the easy 10ft tall pantry shelf wondering if this was worth the possible 80% death rate trying to fill up the salt shaker.
As you stare up at it, the man of the hour pokes his head in. Seeing you staring at the bag of salt.
"Johnny My Dear- We have essentially a bunker of Bulk everything. I don't think we need anything else.. I cant even get the salt without risking a skull fracture"
Johnny chuckles at this. Setting down a box to grab the hefty stool kept in the pantry and pulling down the bag, Setting it next to you on the floor.
"Well just saves us the hassle"
He chimed with a chuckle. However you silently disagreed.. Before looking to the large box hed set down.
"What is that?.."
Johnny gives a shy chuckle as you move over opening it quickly you see a massive mountain of 250 individual bags of Welch's Fruit Snacks.
"Johnny.. Why is there enough fruit snacks to kill a small child?"
Hong-Jin (Horangi)
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So you're darling husband, He has a wonderful terrible habit of just disappearing..
Walking through a store?
Going to a Restaurant?
Hell going down the hallway of your house!?
The Poof-
He's just gone.
Which always leaves you stranded looking around like a crazy person.. Currently in a giant ass world grocery store he had been the one to drag you to- Aka you knew nothing!
"God Damnit-"
You mumble looking around the aisles trying to see if you could spot him. The place was like a maze, each aisle was a different part of the world it seemed and had at least 60 people crammed in each section.
It was hell! Why did he leave you here!? Now rushing around to just find a spot that wasn't being occupied or in anyone's way.
Aisles 43!? You thought you where at 12!? Where is the Exit!?
Standing there confused by what seemed to be some sort of brooms, you feel a small tap and see Hong-Jin standing there calmly.
"Found you. Got what I needed, We can go now"
He holds up a single small package of a seasoning mix he liked.
There was a small tick in the back of your brain that said to shove that packet up his ass.
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One word-
While sure, it's good to air out the room..
However not when there is 4ft of snow outside and the heater is off because of König wanting to 'Save Gas'.
Bullshit to save gas, He just likes the cold. Correction.. He Loves the cold.
More then most around you or anyone probably in this country. He will happily have the window open and let the house freeze like the arctic saying its refreshing new air.
Ever seen those weirdos that walk in a blizzard in shorts, sandals and a shirt?-
That's him.. damn near skips when a snow storm hits.
However he drags that brand of cold enthusiasm into the house. Leading you huddled under 4 blankets as you have to turn the heater onto Max.
"I swear- If you open that God damn window.."
You mumble to you're spouse as you look up from the blankets of your guys shared bed hiding from the cold that was already in the room as the heater works hard to make the room livable.
Seeing König standing by the large window ready to open it- His hands on the little handle as he stared wide eyed at you.
"There is a snow storm going on. The house does not by any means- 'need to be aired out'"
"It feels nice Liebling and it's goo-"
"Felix- I will turn the heat on during peak summer and leave you here... to melt"
And Bonus!
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This man will eat anywhere at anytime..
You leave him alone for .24 milliseconds?
He's munching on something in record time.
Sure he seemed to burn it off but it was the amount he could eat, what he ate and then if it was close to dinner. He would eat again-
You where honestly starting to worry about his health.. He was concerned about the scars on his face but not the amount of sodium he just drank from the pickle jar.
It made it so when you left to grab one of his prescriptions from the pharmacy which you swore was 15 minutes tops you walk in and see Nikto there with a mountain of food on your coffee table watching TV.
A opened pickled onion jar which was now empty- juice gone too, Some sort of packaged meat that seemed was mostly gone and what seemed to be a rolled newspaper filled with the shells of sunflower seeds and seemingly walnut shells (You hadn't even bought either of them-) And now he was cutting up an apple with a knife and using it to eat the slices.
"H-How, Its been 15 minutes... We don't even have walnuts in the house?"
Nikto looked to you eating another slice of apple and shrugged.
"We got hungry-"
He said plainly before looking back at the TV you standing there both worried and frustrated.
"How we just had dinner? There are leftovers!"
"Not anymore. I ate it-"
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izzysbeans · 1 day ago
i just read a mainstream article about the show and there are so many comments of people being hommophobic it's hilarious i can't these people have no idea how funny they are
"this show doesn't need another gay character!!!!"
"they've already made buck bi!!!! STOP this NOW!!!"
dude this tv show has had a tornado made of BEES and you're mad that queer people exist? shows don't "need" anything, they're shows! if you don't like it just leave! GOD.
also this is a great example of why i keep saying that even tho a show has queer characters it doesn't mean it can't queerbait: a lot of homophobic audiences will tolerate a character being gay, if that character is disclosed as gay as soon as they appear on screen, because they will choose not to relate to that character. If you have a character discover their queerness as the show goes on, these people will ralate to that character and than be mad when that character turns out to be queer because "I'm not queer so this character i like/relate to can't be!". I've literally seen people say that if the show makes eddie gay, they will stop watching because this show "doesn't need another gay character" and eddie is "straight" so it will be the last straw for them.
The point of queerbaiting is to make queer people believe a character is going to discover they are queer to keep them hooked, but never commit to it so they don't alienate the homophobic audience watching it. THIS is the homophobic audience!! the same people oliver called out when 7x04 happened! they have tolerated hen and karen and josh and michael because that is what they do: they tolerate the existence of queer people, but only in specific cases. They don't actually want queer people on their screens. And that is exactly why we need more characters like buck, more slowburns, more queer characters who get the same treatment as straight couples have gotten for YEARS. Sorry for the rant but i get the "stop saying it's queerbaiting because there's queer characters on the show so it can't be" argument all the time and it sucks because all these homopobic assholes who are out there have found it in them to sort of tolerate a few gay characters on tv after years of us not even existing in media or being the butt of the joke if we did, and instead of continuing to push for more characters and normalizing our existence, people who say that argument are just catering to that homophobic audience that is ALWAYS just one queer character's awakening away from lashing out about how much they hate us and how tv is "shoving gays down their throats" and "making their children gay" or whatever. I'm tired of it and i really hope 9-1-1 makes the decision here to be better and continue pushing for more. Having two main characters who were not established as queer early on, have a slowburn romance is something HUGE that has never really happened before
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 1 day ago
I have been looking forward to Top Form all week! I neeeed it. Gimme gimme.
I love how they use the series Akin & Jin film together as a chance to use dialogue that is true to life, but that they would never say to each other in reality.
I feel for Akin. On one hand, he's got these feelings about Jin that he is clearly having trouble reckoning with. On the other, the entertainment industry is truly cutthroat, Akin is getting older, and Jin is the next bright young thing. None of that is easy stuff to process! And Akin seems to resist processing as his defense mechanism.
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Also Boom is looking very pretty today.
The shipping going so strong already is probably the most realistic thing about this show.
Aw, Akin is sweet. Being cute with the clerk, smiling at the camera. He's a nice dude to his fans.
Oh, this framing is really interesting...Akin already feeling like Jin is such a massive presence. Dude is clearly already having such big feels.
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Fascinating to compare to the framing in episode 1, and how quickly it's reversed.
Hee hee, the wings again. I know there were people confused by it, but seriously, just go with it. It's fun.
Akin is me when it comes to chocolate muffins. But also, editors, muffin flashback was not necessary, it happened two minutes ago.
Not the cat noise! I can't stop laughing. This show is such a gift.
Hey, it's Khom! Love seeing him pop up in things.
Baby has been counting down!
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I bet you anything he knows to the minute as well.
Aw, Jin letting Akin know he's been working on his craft, he wants to make him proud. And to be seen as his equal, of course.
Haha, Akin trying to show he's all about the work with his memorization of how many scenes they have together. (But we all know this is about more than work to you Akin).
Oh this is brilliant. Akin trying to show off, and Jin proving he's a match.
Well, this is by far the prettiest monologuing to a muffin scene I've witnessed.
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Poor Akin, this is not going to help his difficult feelings.
Not my mind immediately going to Jin asking this question in bed...
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Why yes I do have a praise kink, how can you tell, lolol
Ok, this may seem like a little thing, but Akin letting down his perfect facade around Jin to grab the bottle is a rather adorable indicator that he already feels like he can be different with him.
Oooh, Boom in glasses = hot.
Wow, the parallels of this script - Jin's character studying the dark arts as a metaphor for joining with the unethical company. I am loving this so much.
Holy shit, just when I think I can't love him more.
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How much fun do we think Boom had learning to serve cunt with a fan?
Oh baby, don't read the comments.
Not the baby deer!!! Does it literally say "this is me" on it??
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Literally all he cares about is Akin, sweet boy.
Also, Smart in glasses = hot.
Uh, calm down crowd. But also Jin is so damn huggable in that sweater.
Oh don't pretend to be annoyed Akin, we all saw that little smile.
Haha, their interaction in the van is so delightful.
This show has some incredible filming locations.
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And I love the detail of the aspect ratio changing as they enter their series within a series.
The black and white coloring, the framing of the characters with Jin starting below and then moving to be at the same level multiple times, the interplay between them... I am adoring the details.
Not to mention the fucking killer chemistry, goddamn.
Lol, Jin nodding along to the director is adorable.
Whoa - that escalated quickly!
Nooooo, don't stop there! Waaaaaah.
Oh god is it next week yet?
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moonstars-tro · 4 hours ago
definitely agree, this is absolutely something that needs to be brought to light.
i personally favor leo and donnie because their blue and purple, i always have 😭 (like honestly in every iteration it’s leo and donnie for me just because they’re blue and purple, i start from color and then love the character next. u can look at my favorite characters list and you’ll just see different shades of blue)
HOWEVER, i love raph and mikey so much and i don’t think they deserve to be dismissed or mischaracterized or ignored at all. they’re incredible characters and even moreso, incredibly well written. i do think a large factor that contributes to their lack of popularity is the lack of focus on them in the show, due to the many cut episodes (so many, poor guys… i would’ve loved more sunset duo and brains and brawn) and the lack of a full season 2 in general, it’s the cause of many issues i fear.
little rant abt my love for raph and mikey
mikey is so creative and i love how they made that a bigger part of him in rise, and he’s not ‘just a baby’ he can be childish and immature but he’s also angry sometimes, he isn’t just a manipulative crybaby like some of this fandom makes him out to be…. but he’s funny, he’s got a short temper, he loves so hard, he wants the best for everyone. he’s the baby brother but he’s also the heart and the glue and he deserves the world my baby UAGAHJ i want more attention on him i read two mikeycentric fics lately and they changed my life and one of them wasn’t finished. bc i never checked if it was my heart broke guys.
rise raph is so WELL WRITTEN that it is INSANE. like holy omigosh. he just wants the best for his little brothers but there are so many little moments in episodes that remind you that he is just a child who was forced to grow up too early. he’s so sweet and silly and he’d give the world to protect his brothers. AND HE LITERALLY DID. HE SACRIFICED HIMSEKF FOR LEO IN THE MOVIE that moment still makes me so ill sorry because he cracked his shell that HURTS. omigosh anyways i love how rise kept some small things that make him RAPH, like how he’s impulsive and likes to smash things LOL ❤️ when i first started watching i couldn’t really see how he as raph aside from being physically intimidating and then it hit me as time went on.
point is they are very loveable i feel they deserve the world and so much more attention than they get these poor guys. although sometimes people do this wrong, i don’t think we should start hating on or disssing the twins (i mean u do u i guess 😭) i just think we should start loving sunset more. because they deserve so much love and appreciation and more popularity than they get, i love mikey/raph fans so much because. they always get them so well i don’t know how to put that better, like it’s easy to understand ur favorite character so it helps me a lot with understanding them as well. (mwahaha im actually in the midst of making a mikeycentric fic wish me luuck)
AAALSO i love drawing them i used to hate it because raph’s spikes were hard (i kept making them go the wrong direction sigh) and mikey had a round face when i was used to the twins being like a square and a triangle 😭 but i got practice and they’re super fun !!!!!
leo is my favorite for blue, illusion of ego, flamboyant, funny, and he is my reference for living. i do feel genuinely attached to him but ill never let that be a reason for me to dismiss raph or mikey, they deserve love and respect and SO MYCH MORE POPULARITY. there’s so much depth to them despite the missing episodes and the fact that racism and sizeism is a reason for their lack of love is.. like, genuinely sickening.
sorry about this reblog probably being a whole lot of nothing i yap a lot
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Why Rise Raph and Mikey are Unappreciated and Underrepresented in the Fandom: Leo/Donnie Favoritism, Anti-Black Racism, and Sizeism
It's refreshing to see that more Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans nowadays seem to be waking up to the fact that Leo and Donnie get way more attention from the fandom than Raph and Mikey do. However, what's still missing from most of these discussions is exactly why that's the case.
With Raph and Mikey being voiced by Black actors (Omar Benson Miller and Brandon Mychal Smith, respectively) and Raph being a character with a big, burly physique, anti-Black racism and sizeism (in the case of Raph) are definitely factors in all of this. In contrast, Leo and Donnie are voiced by white actors, and both characters have a much smaller build than Raph does. And in the world that we live in with both anti-Blackness and sizeism, sadly and upsettingly, being the norm, it's easy to see why Leo and Donnie receive the favoritism that they do compared to Raph and Mikey.
But this favoritism doesn't just begin and end with the RotTMNT fandom because the series itself shows a preference for Leo and Donnie as well. Arguably, it's those two who receive most of the focus in the show, with many episodes revolving around them or being from their point of view.
The way both the series and the fandom downplay Raph’s parentification due to Splinter’s neglect also is a notable example of how a Black-coded and big teenage character like Raph is treated so dismissively by the creators, writers, and fans. After having raised his three younger brothers for years, Raph has his role as team leader stripped from him by his neglectful father with that role given to his much thinner, white actor-voiced brother, Leo. And, that's not even going into the proverbial mess that is the season two episode "Raph’s Ride Along," which makes light of police brutality and profiling against a Black(-coded) child. The adultification of Black children, and in this instance, specifically large Black boys, is likewise tied into the implications of "Raph’s Ride Along" as well as Raph’s treatment within the series overall. Honestly, all of that deserves its own write-up, but that'll have to be for another time.
Anyway, my point is that Raph and Mikey, especially Raph, haven't been given as much appreciation or grace by pretty much anyone, including the folks who made the series. All this also serves as a reminder for why it's important to have Black talent on all levels of production, not just as performers but as creators and producers. Or if not that, at the very least, projects should have non-Black creators who have enough know-how to portray Black/Black-coded characters adequately, treating them with as much care, attention, and respect as they would their white/white-coded counterparts. RotTMNT fans could also stand to do more questioning as to why they don't feel as drawn to represent Raph and Mikey as much as they do Leo and Donnie.
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samsayswhatever · 3 days ago
For what it's worth, Saxon, as he remembers more details, looks confused, disgusted, uncomfortable, regretful, maybe even guilty.
When Lochlan remembers he looks afraid. What is he afraid of? His own gay thoughts? The repercussions of this? That Reddit is calling him a rapist? Saxon himself??
Hopefully he's not afraid of Saxon, but since I do want more angst, hopefully he's afraid of Saxon 😶 or at least what he thinks Saxon will think of him once they inevitably talk about it.
I mean it's the internet, everyone claims to be body language experts, but why do people ascribe fear to Saxon's facial expressions during the flashbacks and when he remembers, but ignore the fear in Lochlan's eyes which is obviously what the acting and direction were going for.
This is quickly becoming one of the most braindead fandom spaces I've ever been. It's all shallow analysis, actual misinformation, and lazy thoughtless moralism.
I think Lochlan is likely afraid of a lot of things, but my guess is he's mostly afraid of losing his family's respect and therefore their love and attention. He was so desperate for Saxon's attention that he had a threesome with him, and I hope now he might become aware of that desperation and what it means.
As far as the fandom being "braindead" I'd like to say that 4.2 MILLION people watched ep 6. And it only aired 2 days ago. Which means there are a lot of people making statements about the show in general, and they haven't had much time to analyze it. The show isn't over so not all the context is there for them to make a fair assessment of the characters or the show as a whole. As more people watch it, there are more episodes for them to binge watch rather than wait a week between episodes. So I think the thought put into the show is going to exponentially decrease as time goes on.
And even as much as I would love every person in the world to be fully media literate, even in America 54% of adults have literacy below a 6th grade level. I didn't learn to read english until the 7th grade, so maybe I'm not the most equipped person to say what a "6th grade reading level" actually means. But I do think that media literacy and regular literacy are connected concepts, and without regular literacy, media literacy could prove more difficult.
I would estimate there are about 2 million people who've seen the show that are going to have trouble reading into this shows complex and nuanced themes of desire and identity. This likely increases the amount of shallow analysis and misinformation.
As for the thoughtless moralism, that could maybe be contributed to the rise in conservatism that I've noticed in the last couple years. Maybe not, but it's just a thought. It could also be related to how this show likes to discuss taboo topics more than a lot of other shows I've watched in the same "famous actors, fun setting, murder mystery" type shows. So maybe people who aren't used to these topics are watching this show.
And even though this show has adult themes, I don't think it's only adults watching. I've seen a good number of people interacting with my tumblr content who's profiles say they are minors. So that is also something to take into account.
All that being said, it still sucks that the fandom can be like this. I initially tried finding twl takes on twitter, tiktok, and reddit - but a lot of it was really hard to read/watch. On tumblr its easier to filter out what I don't want to see with tags and blocking and such. I'm so glad I've found a lot of interesting people to interact with for this fandom though.
It's been a year since I participated in a fandom of a new show, and it's so alive. People are constantly making posts and realizations and putting together things I would never have thought to. It's amazing to get to see the fandom in action.
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 11 months ago
i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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hooked-on-elvis · 20 hours ago
That edit killed me. 🥹🥹🥹 I see footages of fans crying copiously after seeing Elvis, specially after the show ended and he's no longer onstage. And they cry in a way it literally seems like someone died. It's funny but I SO understand them! Now we know all about how he reacted to that - sometimes he just laughed in disbelief, he was only a human being (at least in his own eyes) but then, there's that story of a fan fainting when she met him in the lobby of a hotel in (I guess) Florida, 1956. He asked for his friends and the people inside his room to help get her comfortable on the sofa until she came back and he was there, looking at her, stroking her hand. And when she came back, he was still there to ask if she was okay - and after all was said and done, he asked her not to faint when they met again. It seems like just a made-up story, but it's not. And it didn't happen only once... He was SO HUMBLE, SO DOWN TO EARTH, he never got used, NEVER GOT USED IN +20 YEARS BEING ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS PEOPLE ALIVE, with the fans commotion. And the funny thing is: We only know a few stories! We can't possibly read and watch and hear from all those fans who crossed paths with Elvis the things they could tell us. IF THIS GUY WAS THIS AMAZING, I FEEL SORRY, I FEEL SORRY AS HELL FOR NOT HAVING THE GREAT PLEASURE TO SHARE A SECOND OF LIFE WITH HIM. I write in capital letters because that's really screaming inside of me all the time: I LOVE ELVIS! I know he wasn't perfect but this guy was so lovable it's hard to understand how a human being can inspire these feelings in people who never saw him, didn't even live in his own time. You gotta be an angel to do that... There's some magic in him we can't put our fingers on. It's weird and amazing. He was... Unique. Literally unique. How I wish I could forge my own dreams... I would dream of him every night. Just to get the feeling. Yes, we can never repay Elvis for none of this. If anybody is in Heaven, it is him - so I hope he can feel our love and deep respect for him. God bless his sweet, sweet spirit. 🩵
DEAR @heart-of-ep, I guess we'll keep this rolling for a while. Hahahahaha. SO MUCH LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!
Celebs are really not made of what they used to anymore.
I just watched a celeb gossip content on Youtube in which this huge Hollywood star harassed a poor girl because she filmed her in the same hotel lobby that she was. I was like, "seriously?" Celebs want to walk and not be noticed anymore? I think there's limits we have to have in order not to invade other people's privacy, even if they are famous, because that's the right way to go, but sometimes celebs behave so weird. The girl was filming this one actress from afar, not right on her face with a phone, screaming or something. The girl told on Tik Tok that when she was leaving the hotel this celeb follows her, says 'hi' in a way to call her attention when all of her security guards start to circle her and her mom's car, filming and taking pictures of them and the plaque's licence of their car. This is too much. I would cry, I would get desperate, seriously... Was she going to call the cops now? Did this poor girl committed a crime by recording her walking in a hotel lobby with her husband?
Of course I thought about Elvis. I know, maybe he should've preserved his privacy some more, the guy was filmed everywhere, doing anything (horseback riding in his own home, sunbathing, riding carts, with friends having fun in amusement parks... it was insane!), but he was always so understanding about where this all came from, why the people wanted to film or take pictures of him... he knew it came from a place of love and amazement too, not from wanting to be invasive or hurt him and his image in any way.
I mean, I'm a huge fan of Elvis Presley but some people don't have the slightest idea of how much of himself as a human being - his privacy - he gave up. And although I feel protective of him, I am also so grateful he only poured love on the fans following him around, never being nasty and rude and telling them to fuck off or having bodyguards throwing them out of his sight, instead he was really what you expect a celebrity should be. Humble, kind, understanding, cute, generous with his time and image. Most of all, he did all of this because he was grateful for the people who put him in that position, who gave him everything he had. He said that in many different ways, like, "If they want the shirt I'm wearing, they can have it."
It's complicated. I believe celebs have to have their privacy respected. Like what happened to Amy Winehouse and before her, Britney Spears. Paparazzi harassment is never good, specially when they're after someone to mock them in gossip columns, but this case I mentioned has nothing to do with this kind of disrespect, it was a fan filming a celebrity in the same lobby as her in a hotel... It is understanding it's not something that happens to you everyday, so why bother so much with the fan?
This is just something random I felt like sharing my thoughts.
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icewindandboringhorror · 1 month ago
I'm so heavily anti-advertising that all pitches sound goofy silly to me/I can never take them seriously, so I have no idea how I'll manage to to advertise my game even if I do finally finish it soon-ish lol...
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#Especially how so much modern media advertising is like... getting people excited about random tropes and stuff like#''Do you love enemies to lovers? Do you love sad stories that make you do a heckin CRY? Do you love big stupid dumbo muffin cake#sinnamon roll babies who are too good for this world? Have you ever wanted to read a blah blach blah" whatever stuff and it's like#... i cannot type that... I couldnt do it.. I couldn't even think of how to do it ghbjhbjh#I am such a literal person... Like I love when an advertisement is just like 'This product works well. Look at it. Buy it if you want. Ok'#You know what makes me want to read a book or watch a show or play a game? Reading a detailed plot synopsis or the full wiki page#for it and then deciding 'yeah I wouldnt mind sitting through seeing the events I just read about happen in more detail' lol#OR aesthetics. since I do often watch things JUST for the set/costume design. Sometimes I will watch stuff literally#just because I saw a picture of a costume in it that looked really cool and I want to sketch costume looks whilst watching#But aside from appearance like... little bullet point break downs of things that are in a story just ... do not do anything to me at all.#And i just hate 'selling' things to begin with. I don't want to have to convince people to like something.. they should just... like it...#LOL.. like.. just be born liking it. just like it automatically please. Dont make me beg to you like a weird little freak. So many commerci#als seem weirdly desperate and manipulative. Like those Truck/Car commercials that will have like a freaking dog crying and#a war vet in a wheelchair with the american flag in the background and a family hugging around a christmas tree or some shint and its#just like oh my GODDD... shut UPP.. you could literally not be MORE blantant about just trying to prey on peoples emotions to build#some sort of fabricated positive association with your product/brand.. begone.. Or brands having their own twitters where they post#~~relatable content~~ as a means of shallow audience endearment GGGRR..... ANYWAY.. hhrgh...................#Maybe that's something I can ask playtesters I guess like.. I feel like I don't know my own audience very well because I am not#much of a media person?? ironically.. Like I do enjoy MAKING media. But I've never been in a fandom. I've never read fanfiction. I've never#spent much time in those spaces. I've just never really had the inclination and don't personally derive much joy out of stuff like that#(since I'm already so focused on my OWN world and projects its like.. hard for me to even find the time and mental energy to expend on#others). Even when I finish a movie or game and really like it.. I just kind of like...move on? and don't really dwell on it much? At most#I will get into the worldbuilding of a piece of media and read the wiki for a while or watch Lore info or critical analysis videos. But I#never really care for or attach to the characters or the plot itself very much. So I feel like.. the way my brain works. I'm just not as#good at approaching things from that angle? Kind of like how if you're a lifelong vegetarian whos never eaten meat - you might#struggle to write an ad for fancy brand of steaks bc you'd be like... idk what meat eaters are even looking for? whats the selling point??#Which I'm not saying that I wouldn't play my own game. i AM definitely the audience for it. But it's more like.. I would play it for my own#very niche specific reasons that I think are different from what MOST people might want to play it for. So I need to somehow#tap into the minds of the Majority who play things for Normal Reasons than pure lore collection or whatever lol.
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blood-ology · 11 months ago
… bad fucking sign that I’m already crying this hard over the first episode like “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” and “if you were the last vampire on earth it would be enough” … ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL ME??!
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dsntwrk · 6 months ago
help me i've gotten so deep into the steddie rabbit hole i haven't gotten this stuck on something since destiel
this really isn't good for my health
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tbf, i have taken breaks from destiel to read other fandoms/fics so, ig the timing works out? if you think about it?
#steddie#destiel#fics#ao3#also if anyone comes across this post i can rec you some of my absolute favs#these stats for my fics don't even include the ones i finished but didn't enjoy all that much#or the ones i abandoned halfway through even though it was like 100k words#i really dont care if i've spent hours reading it#i literally just leave if i get slightly annoyed by the writing#i'm not kidding#it's a problem#but also not really?#i'm just complaining for the sake of it#also i never got into stranger things fics for some reason even though i watched all of the show#idk why#i think it's bc i watched the show w/ my dad? so i felt weird to read fics about it?#like i considered it a family show for some reason#and for some reason reading fics for that was off limits??#idk#i also i'm getting scared that i won't ever be interested in my other fandoms again bc of how much i am invested in steddie stuff#this was exactly like destiel though#i just gotta get it out of my system#i have no idea why i'm so scared of losing interest in my other fandoms#also if anyone is wondering where these stats are coming from i made a spreadsheet of all the works i like#it's basically a replica of my subscriptions list because when i started ao3 i acted like the subscribe button functioned like bookmarks an#now i cant go back#so instead of transferring everything i just took the time to make a spreadsheet and basically code the functions myself#which arguably took more time to do than if i transferred everything#i would share the list but i'm sort of embarrassed of the stuff that's on there#if anyone is curious i have 676 fics stored on it
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spineless-lobster · 1 year ago
I miss creative writing in english class I don’t wanna write a fucking comparative paragraph about existentialism in two damn near unrelated pieces of media I want to write about silly little guys doing things
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dan-crimes · 2 years ago
LMAO so funny thing is everyone knows the whole Sonic and Shadow looking alike thing is total bullshit and I totally agree those comments they try to pull in the games and show(s? I'm not technically a Sonic fan I dunno if it's multiple) make basically no sense to me but then my Mom comes in while watching Sonic Prime and says "So what, Sonic has a brother or something?" and this whole other world has opened up to me and I've seen the truth of it all
#so to clarify I do not consider myself a Sonic fan since I have never played a Sonic game and I've never read any of the comics#and idk the lore cuz I've never really bothered to watch other people play it and I have watched some of the shows#y'know my grandma had 4Kids so sometimes I would catch Sonic X on TV#but literally most of my knowledge of the Sonic franchise is just having people talk to me about it#like when I was a kid my grandma babysat these kids who were older than me I forget how old I was like under 10 I think#and one of the kid's big interest was Sonic so I would just sit and listen to him talk about Sonic the entire time I was there#he would play the games too I think but my brain didn't process any of that so I have no actual memory of the screen#I would mostly just pay attention to him talking cuz he would talk about it while playing it was great#so that is the base of my knowledge and then after my grandma stopped babysitting them it was radio silence#until y'know people would occasionally bring stuff up in videos I'd watch and I'd look @ videos about people talking abt Sonic#occasionally and see like memes or YTPs of Sonic or y'know abridged stuff#but I literally never actually watched a Sonic game until Frontiers came out and then The Murder Of Sonic the Hedgehog#and Sonic Prime is the first Sonic show I properly sat down and watched which show is great btw I enjoy it a lot#but yeah and it was vaguely purposeful like I was keeping myself away cuz I know how I am about stuff and I WILL try to learn EVERYTHING#if I get too interested in Sonic as a franchise#oh I did play Unleashed sometime after it first came out and couldn't get past like the first fuckin level but tbf I was like 7 years old#possibly 8 years old cuz I'm not 100% sure how much later I got the game but like I was really bad @ any game that wasn't just like#spamming buttons since I grew up on fighting games lmao#but yeah I dropped the game almost immediated I do not count that for anything#but yeah long story short: all my knowledge is second hand like I still think I know a good amount for what it's worth but#I wouldn't trust my own knowledge
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malachitezmeyka · 1 year ago
I always forget just how many love songs I have in my playlist until I’m having an ultra-love-repulsed day and have to try my best to contain my breakdown until I get home
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no1ryomafan · 1 year ago
Yknow I’m generally someone who could be deemed a outsider because I don’t get involved in a lot of things especially when it comes to unnecessary discourse because even if I have a opinion I usually keep it to myself because for me it’s less worth to get involved in certain debates unless I’m really feeling like choosing violence that day but if there’s one debate where it’ll be two sides fighting and I’m just standing aside like “yep this sure is something” it’s fucking sub v dub debated because I’m the anomaly who watches either like it’s no problem and so many anime fans would find me weird for that- if they didn’t already think it was weird I didn’t care for mainstream stuff.
#meg text#this ain’t even a self conscious thing I was just thinking about it#because i literally swap dub/sub so much with the last show I watched for no reason#I don’t like picking a side in this debate even though sub fans are the more uh- vocal ones#but unless it’s hard or impossible to read captions people should be opened to watch things subbed#because some animes legitimately never get dubbed and this limits yourself from trying stuff#I say I’m more dub leaning though but it legitimately depends on my mood if I watch sub or dub#I originally thought sub was easier for me to watch short stuff and I have to test if I can last watching subs of longer shows#but I remember with fucking kikaider I kept swapping dub and sub like crazy#me: kikaider has a good dub also me: seki as jiro though (<saids as I think Dave was good)#that is my only frame of logic because I can’t use “oh if it’s shorter subs help me more”#bc I watched 01 dub but also more importantly new fucking getter dubbed fine#so much so new ryoma is the only ryoma in my brain I don’t attach hideos too it’s only Lex#I do wanna watch new sub in full one day though but no one somehow uploaded the full subs anywhere??#like when they are there’s a glitch where they aren’t in the center screen and this show on BLU-RAY how the fuck#new dub is good tho but I get it’s awkward to watch bc it’s also so engrained with Japanese culture#”people in a ancient Japan wouldn't sound like this”-my friends watching it again with me
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sateurn · 1 year ago
These sobs really limited my tags?????
I have so many more thoughts this is so so much less than 1/2. Broski. Big dislike
#its ‘i watched a tv show and i need to talk about it in the tags of this site im not on anymore’ time#ty to the void for always accepting my thoughts <3#so honestly its just me thinking about the andromeda tv show. i just finished it and it left me destitute bc i clung onto the first 2 season#s as a basis and had ten thousand questions i *assumed* would be resolved. spoiler alert: they were nto#not*. and the coda addition helps but like. not enough. it explains some of the#oh fyi if anyone is reading or cared there will be spoilers#anyways it explained some of them ex for the cosmic engine bit. seemed pretty relevant and then was never mentioned again#i also MUCH prefer that version of trance — i had speculation she was a sun avatar which i took as confirmation when i finally noticed her#tattoo when harper used it to remind himself he put that data in the sun etc etc but i much prefer the sun-as-consciousness-astral-poject-#ing-slash-dreamjng-itself-a-body / being a little devil. i think that feels much more true to what we got in worldbuilding early on and tbh#the bar is on the floor bc any explanation would be better than what we got. also im sorry but s5 i trusted SO hard that that whole virgil#vox bit in the finale was insulting. couldnt even tie up the loose end you invented at the last minute????? MY god. i understand getting you#r budget halved but like. broski. it would have been better to ignore it at that point imo.#anywhoodle. i also have just ISSUES w the lack of resolution & not doing justice to literally any character#listen. why would you sink SO much effort into tyr just to have honestly what i feel is a disrespectful end to that character. like#tyr required me to do a LOT of thinking bc i sympathized with his position in exile etc while thinking also bro thats real fucked up. bro#stop thats fuckinng e*genics again dude. tbh with the entire species (im not looking up how to spell that rn) bc like the foundation of#their entire race is e*ugenics. (sorry censoring bc im in the tags just venting about tv) which obviously is a terrible idea but i think the#so it was like i am fundamentally against the concept but in show universe theg obviously did it etc but for me provided such a huge like#context to the universe. i fundamentally am not on board with all the commonwealth stuff like yeah i get it the magog are bad and scary but#like the neitzcheans (sp??? idc) are also Right There bein scary. then theres the ‘enhanced’ debate re dylan beka etc that like. is the same#but ‘’different’’ i guess. 🙄 anyways that is just to point out like. the level of thinking this show put me through just to blindside me w/#no resolution. i had SO much hope. tyr selling iut to the abyss is disrespectful to all of the established work the actor did for him and#to the character as well even if i think the ideology is icky. he was shown to be even less and less self-centric survival guy as it went on#and also tbh i didnt understand the him stealing his kids dna thing. i really thought that was gonna gi in a different less bs direction#okay also while im here can i just say. that tyr and dylan had THE most romantic tension to me. everyone else felt very friendshipy and i am#NOT one to usually fall into a ‘they obviously should be together’ pipeline that the writers dont make themselves. but the back and forth (#and intense eye contact) had me sitting there like. it was made in 2000 i know they wont do it but for not doing it they sure did! not that#i think they’d make a good couple (they would not) but that there was definitely something there on the dl you know? something more than#‘mutual respect’ you feel? and tbh! they also ruined the tyr beka thing by making her the matriarch. big ew huge ick.
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stripesysheaven · 2 years ago
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