#i have done a couple other small drawings but nothing of note
Some Wednesday (Netflix) doodles from last year
Meant to post these ages ago. The one of Wednesday herself went great until it didn't and I am still disappointed (it's supposed to be the shot of her walking into fencing class)
Also features two doodles of Birdy from EBH, by @toournextadventure (hey it's me, your friendly neighborhood crow, posting on main for once)
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grandline-fics · 11 months
hi! i just read all of your oneshots and they’re perfect, i’m in love. hoping it is okay to request something with zoro having a soft spot towards reader? he doesn’t even realize it a first, but since reader is somehow quiet and gentle (not weak though!) he starts to take note of small things to do/don’t do or notice their actions (ex: taking care o the crew) a lot more than others. thank you. <3
DESCRIPTION: Who knew you were Zoro’s soft spot? Apparently both of you are the last to know 
WARNINGS: none, just pure fluff
WORDS: 856
A/N:  Thank you for your kind words and for this request! I hope it's to your liking. I've been feeling a little under the weather these past couple of days so some fluff was needed <3
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It’s tiny things; little, practically meaningless things that are so easy to miss but they’re there. When you first joined the crew, your presence fell into the likes of his and Robin’s; strong but relatively quiet and easily looked passed if you wanted. You didn’t see the point in wasting energy needlessly and knew the value in waiting until letting yourself be known. Zoro unknowingly enjoyed that kind of calm you naturally brought and found himself gravitating towards it because it seemed even when he was in his own space you were still in his eye-line. In the beginning he found it a little strange that it kept happening, he knew you weren’t following him. Hell most of the times you were on the other side of the ship or talking with someone else so he cleared it as coincidence and thought nothing of it. As time went on, there was a lot he was putting down to mere coincidence. 
When you were all exploring new islands it was purely happenstance that you two walked side by side. Neither of you were the type to bound about and race ahead without a cause for urgency. He found he didn’t get lost as easily when you were close. You always seemed to know the way to go. On one trip Brook had commented to Zoro how lucky he had been that you were there to talk to him at the right moment otherwise he would have kept walking towards a path that would have taken him towards a ravine. Because of your voice suddenly pulling him into conversation he’d kept the right track and avoided possibly injuring himself and getting a lecture from the others. Lucky right?
It was also luck of the draw that when eating or drinking off the ship, Zoro was sat at the table in such a way that his back blocked you mostly from view from any unwanted stares. It was never in a subconscious way to keep you from interacting with others but it was like another sense he had that he was able to tell when you just wanted to sit with the crew and enjoy your meal. It seemed to go both ways too in that regard. If women tried to approach and flirt with him you effortlessly had a way of making a joke to dissuade them and steer them in Sanji’s direction. Was any of it done out of jealousy, possessiveness of the other’s attention, or an overwhelming need to protect? Not in the least, it was just doing what needed to be done to help out a friend and fellow crew-mate.
On the Sunny it’s no different. It’s not even a second thought, his body just reacts without thinking. In the early, barely waking hours when he’s finished his night watch and is about to grab a quick snack before training he always pulls out a specific mug from the cabinet and sets it on the counter. It’s never for him and like clockwork you appear just as he’s finished drinking a glass of water. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stifling a small yawn you always offer him a small smile and greeting that is returned. You both pass each other, your only motivation is caffeine to see you through the last of the watch before everyone else is awake while he goes to the crow’s nest to train. 
After all this time it’s never occurred to you to question why your mug is waiting for you when you rise. You don’t know why but it’s something that immediately makes your morning a little bit brighter. It’s also routine now that an hour or so after breakfast, you and Zoro both nap; him to rest between his training sessions and you to grab another couple hours after your night watch. Nami occasionally glances up from her charts to shake her head at your sleeping forms. Robin finds it adorable while Brook chuckles, nostalgic over youth and love’s first stages. 
“Jeez they’re both so clueless.” Sanji grumbles, he’s accepted long ago that he doesn’t have a chance with you but is so infuriated that nothing has actually happened. He lost you to the swordsman who hasn’t even thought to make a move. Usopp grins and watches as you stir slightly in your sleep which in turn makes Zoro react before his body relaxes again. Currently he’s lying on his back with one hand tucked behind his head. While the other that’s draped over his chest, his fingers almost touching yours that are curled by your head as you sleep on your side. 
From his spot on Sunny’s head, Luffy grins. “I don’t know. I think they do know, in their own way.” It’s the little, insignificant things that you both do for each other that are easy to miss and while a lot of little things add up into something bigger, none of it compares to the way that you and Zoro unknowingly look at each other at any given chance. Because that is something so big that no one else can ignore. 
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me casually thinking about miguel o'hara discovering reader's notebook accidentally left on her desk filled with cutesy drawings of him (hearts and all) and personal entries of what they think of him
perhaps there's a playful confrontation?
hii!! omg this is so cute!! I did change a couple small things, hope that’s okay. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
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Miguel O’hara x fem!reader
wc || 1005
warnings || none, just fluff
part 2 -> doodles
Sometimes during meetings at HQ, you were so bored listening to Miguel drone on and on that you'd often draw as a way to kill time. You'd have your mini notepad hidden behind your arm as you doodled onto the page, drawing and sketching whatever was around you. More often than not, Miguel would be a victim of your boredom. You'd doodle angry sketches of him as he stood there talking to the other spiders, scolding them or telling them off for things they've done wrong.
So like any other day, you had your doodle pad on the table hidden behind your bent elbow, drawing little sketches of everyone. Finishing up on Hobie's drawing, you glance over to Peter B, noticing Mayday's cute expression as she mimicked Miguel. 
You quickly sketched her, drawing her hat with locks of curly hair and a toothy grin hidden behind, finishing it by adding little mini hearts around her. You turn to Miguel next to her and doodle a softer sketch of him than you typically would. A little drawing where he is subtly smiling into the fist of his hand as he watches Mayday, a moment where he looks somewhat happy. You scribble away with his sketch, pencil to paper as you capture the unfamiliar expression on his face. You finish the doodle by adding small notes beside his face, little thoughts and entries of your undeclared feelings towards him.
You excuse yourself to the restroom, placing your notepad on your chair, discreetly hiding it as you stand from your seat. You make your way over to the door, mouthing to Miguel, "pee break," with a smile as you walk passed the other spiders. 
Miguel wasn't oblivious to your doodles. He often pays attention to you when you don't even realise it, watching you scribble away in your notepad, clearly disengaged in the meetings as he speaks with you and the other spiders. If anyone, anyone acted as uninterested as you during conversations, he would've lost his temper, but not with you. When you did it, he found it sweet, endearing almost.
You thought you were being discreet with your doodles, believing that you've played Miguel, but like always, he was a few steps ahead. So, as soon as you leave the room, he stalks over to your chair, snatching the book and hiding it under his arm before excusing himself from the room.
He was pacing outside the seminar room, fingers tapping on the cover of your notebook as if he was battling with himself; either sneak a look and betray your trust or leave it be. He knew he couldn't ruin what he had with you, so he decided on the latter.
"What are you doing with that?" you ask, your eyes squint in focus as you walk towards him.
"What is it?" he asks, waving the book at you, his gaze following you as you get closer.
"Give it back,"
"You didn't answer my question," he wryly smiles, his head cocking to the side.
"You didn't answer mine," you say playfully, hiding a smirk.
He stifles a snicker, averting from your gaze. "Can I see?" he asks, his tone genuine as he nods to your pad.
"Why?" he grins, extending his arm so it was out of your reach.
"Oh, that's not fair," you jokingly frown, tugging his arm.
"Why can't you show me?"
"They're just crappy doodles," you shrug, partially lying. "Please- it's embarrassing, give it back," 
"Okay," he nods, lowering his arm, raising it again as if to play you. "Why can't I see? Am I in there?" smirking.
Your eyes bug, and you feel the heat rush to your hands, feeling nothing but embarrassment under his attention. He must've sensed your unease because he hands you the book with no objection, avoiding your gaze.
"Thanks," you sheepishly smile, hiding the book under your arm. "They're just sketches of Mayday and Pav and stuff," you say, trying to ease the slight tension. Even though you didn't want him to see, you still felt a little guilty about it. He was only showing his interest, that's all. He wasn't being mean or critical. He just seemed genuinely curious about your drawings.
"I'm sure they're good," he smiles small, nodding towards the door as if it was time to join the rest of the group again. "You don't have to show me. If they're private, I get it," he comforts, dropping the question as he extends a hand.
"You can't be mean about them," you say quietly, pulling out your notepad. "If I show you... you can't be mean about them,"
A smile slowly creeps on his face, his eyes softening at the idea. "Promise," he grins, ushering you to the nearby bench. "I wouldn't dream of it,"
You sit down, and Miguel joins you seconds later, sitting close to you, inches apart. You hand him your work and look away, feeling too embarrassed. 
He's quiet, far too quiet, and it's making you anxious. 
"I told you they're bad," you awkwardly laugh. 
He doesn't say anything. He just smiles, looking over your mini sketches. 
"What uh- what'd you think?" you ask, glancing between him and the page.
"You did these?" he questions, his eyes focused on the paper.  
"Yeah," you coyly smile, chuckling.
"They're amazing. This one- is it meant to be me?" he grins, looking up to find your gaze. He softly laughs, pointing to a sketch in the corner. "Why do I look so angry?" 
"That's how you always look, Miguel," you laugh, playfully nudging his side. 
"Is that why I have... squiggly lines coming from my head?" he grins earnestly, watching the smile widen on your face. "And the frown lines?"
"You were being mean that day," you justify, snickering.
"Oh, really? Huh?"
You were thankful he stopped flicking pages when he did, as there were drawings and notes a few pages over with some thoughts and feelings you weren't yet ready to share, notations of your personal feelings towards Miguel.
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foschiamara · 7 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTo my 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 fan.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤRicky × M!reader.
Summary: You and Quan have been dating since a few months after he debuted, and you decided to surprise him by going to one of his fansing.
Genre: fluff, curses (few), lovers, a lot of affection.
Author's note: This will be a unique chapter, + it was a request from days ago, It's a little short, but I hope you like it! ♥︎
words: +500.
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"Please continue to love and support us!" Said one of the boys who was one more member away from Ricky and clearly everyone knew who you were. You were very nervous because you didn't know what his reaction would be, however your heart calmed down a little after seeing the next member, it was JiWoong, he immediately smiled at you and took your hands to caress them a little, you both had a very good talk, after all he was your closest friend outside of the Idol-Fan role.
On the other hand, Ricky would have heard your voice and made him nervous, it didn't take that long for him to start looking for you with his eyes and come across the scene that you were quite close to your friend, JiWoong, he became a little jealous now. It was impossible not to see the two of you beyond the fact that you were laughing almost out loud. You were practically very close to him, just a few meters away. A short time passed and you were already in front of your boyfriend, everything felt so strange, but you knew how to handle it and you took out a small gift from your small bag.
"T-take it, it's a little drawing I made for you, on the back there are some words that I always wanted to say to you" You said with a smile on your face, the boy would have purposely brushed his hands against yours and whispered to you in Chinese:—"I love you a lot, my love".— to which you responded in the same way, and now he was the one who took your hands firmly after having kept the letter in his pants pocket. Sadly, time was about to end, and he decided to sign the album you had on the table. Inside it, he left a small letter along with several hearts around it. After a couple of smiles before the staff let you know that you were finally done, you went back to your seat and enjoyed the last hour where they did nothing more than read some letters and dance to songs from other groups.
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You had finally arrived home, somewhat tired from the posture you were doing for no more than 10 minutes between each member, however you were happy to have seen Ricky so happy. You were inside your little bubble until someone rang the doorbell of your apartment, you quickly got out of bed and went to the door, you noticed that it was the same boy who made you feel like you were in heaven. You didn't hesitate to open the door and also receive a big hug for him.
"I read the letter you gave me, you don't know how much I wanted to hug you and kiss you at that moment" Quan said after separating slightly from you, this to leave a small kiss on your lips. You smiled naively and began to leave several kisses on his face, which made him smile and let a soft laugh come out of his lips. "We're in a pretty private place, I think we can stop pretending that I'm just a fan who admires everything you do." You closed the door that was behind the tallest boy and broke away from the hug to take his hand. You turned around and started heading towards the sofa.
And so you two spent a fairly quiet night, you did nothing but kiss, compliment each other on how they looked at the meeting, hug each other and many other things. Finally, you both fell completely asleep, and you only got up for a short period to tell the boy that they should go to the room. "Baby, come on, it will be more comfortable in bed." Ricky nodded and took your hand to head to your room.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
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chapter 4
genre: fluff content warnings: none word count: 1.2k
Lou went straight back to her room after an incredibly filling meal. She did struggle to find her room at first, not quite remembering which one she exited from earlier in the morning, and none of the visions she had been having gave any hints away. But when she got weird looks from the other members about why she was looking in every room, she smartly used an excuse that would actually pass at the truth.
"What you doing Sunny?" Lee Know rose an eyebrow in curiosity at the girl who was looking through different rooms in the dorms.
"Hmmm? Oh... I'm trying to find Garfield, can't find it at the studio so it must be around here somewhere..." Lou miraculously thought up the excuse, twiddling her fingers as she made it look like that's definitely what she was looking for rather than her own room.
"You lost Garfield? Hmmm, don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him," Lee Know patted her head before heading off to his own room, which just so happened to be next door to Bea's.
Which brought her back to now, where she was staring at the ceiling wondering what to do with herself. The empty space in her mind seemed to be filled by another vision.
"Huh? What could this be?" a younger Hwang Hyunjin looked around the walls in his room, Lou hiding trying to muffle her giggles.
Hyunjin looked around at the bizarre and amateur drawings of weird, disproportionate animals drawn on post-it notes, stuck as some sort of mural by his bed.
Lou accidentally let out a laugh at his utterly confused expression.
"Yah, Sun, I can hear you..."
She emerged from her spot, no longer tucked away round the side of the wardrobe.
"Don't you like the drawings I did for you?" she giggled at his 'done' expression.
"I don't know what I'm looking at right now," Hyunjin dramatically deadpanned, before letting out a cackle, only triggering Lou further.
"Look this one is a ferret! It looks like you!" Lou laughed, pointing at his face and then the silly drawing, before running away from him as he chased her.
Some may say that Lou created Jiniret.
The girl blinked as she tuned back into her surroundings. She was happy it wasn't as much of a sad memory, and decided maybe it wouldn't be so bad to tease Hyunjin again. Wearing a mischievous smile on face, she rummaged around the chest of drawers in her room and was happy to find a stash of post-it notes and pens to use for her 'artwork'. Because of course, it would obviously be so much better than Hyunjin's gorgeous paintings. Well, she didn't know if he started painting yet, perhaps he sketched, she did remember seeing a pad of paper in the small vision she just had.
Tiptoeing into the room she remembers seeing herself run past, she quietly pushes down the handle and walks in, relieved that there was no one there yet. Sticking a pink post-it note on the wall, she popped of the lid of the pen and starting working her magic. Soon there was a couple drawings decorating the walls, ranging from Jiniret to Hyunjin pulling dramatic faces, and an artistic impression of him morphed with a llama.
She hoped he would appreciate the effort she put in.
Exiting out his room like nothing happened, she was caugh red handed by the guy himself.
"Lou... why were you in my room?" Hyunjin jumped at seeing her, not expecting her there as he put a hand over his heart, eyes wide.
"Oh... Can't find Garfield," Lou casually nodded and swiftly left the situation, joining the others sat in the living room. She plonked herself down on the sofa, next to Jeongin, giggling to herself.
"Oh no... she is laughing already," Jeongin announced to the room.
"What has our Flo done now?" Changbin questioned with a grin, causing Jisung to stand excitedly.
"Our Flo man! Our f-low! Flow so sick man!" Jisung hyped himself up with Changbin, bouncing in his spot and giving a proper handshake to his hyung.
"This always happens..." Seungmin sighs, pretending to look exhausted from the energy of his members. Or was he pretending...
"You'll find out in 3, 2, 1..." Lou smirked, rubbing her hands together.
"Lou. Ie. Sa!!!" Hyunjin yelled from his room, seeing the monstrosities of doodles that Lou had produced. He marched out of his room and immediately dove onto the girl, tickling her sides.
"Hahaha I got you again!" Lou giggled loudly, kicking her legs as Hyunjin playfully attacked her.
"Lee Know. Hannie. Get your child under control," Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair, pointing at Lou as he stared at the two guys.
"Our Lou has learnt well," Lee Know simply came over and hugged her from behind, patting her head and laughing to himself thinking of the mischief she had caused. This only caused Jisung to laugh harder.
"Jinnie... she decorated your room again?" Felix grinned imagining the sight.
"She vandalised it!" Hyunjin kept up his streak of over-exaggeration, making his members burst out into laughter once more.
Lou giggled once more and hugged Hyunjin from behind, causing him to turn and around and pick her up, depositing her next to Bang Chan.
"He is your only hope now," Hyunjin whimsically said, saluting at Bang Chan before retreating to his room, probably to plot some revenge on the girl.
"What shall we do with you, hmmm?" Bang Chan poked her sides, causing Lou to laugh once again as she accepted the cooing of the leader.
"Send me to art school."
More laughter resounded from the room.
"I can't believe he never noticed you going into his room again..." Changbin shook his head thinking of his dongsaeng.
"You're so sneaky, like a little spy," Seungmin nodded at his own observation.
"Yah! Did the 'little' really have to be there?!" Lou protested, sitting up in her seat and looking at the older with a challenging expression.
"Of course," Seungmin said like it was obvious.
"You're next, Kim Seungmin," Lou confirmed her next plans.
"Oh fighting talk!"
"She's gonna beat him up!"
"Seungmin's going to find out before she does anything."
"Yeah Seungmin is the real spy!"
The members conspired about what was going to happen next.
"Right, we should get some sleep now, got a couple of busy days of practice ahead of us before Miroh is released!" Bang Chan ushered his members to bed.
Lou couldn't help but feel nervous. In her home, universe, let's say, she knew the choreography of Miroh, she loved practising the dances from Stray Kids. But she knew she wasn't the best, and she didn't want to be the reason that the group wouldn't win their first award for the song. She couldn't change things that happened in the original timeline, could she? She thought to future events, like the ISACs and Kingdom, thinking if the group would be able to participate how they originally did due to her being a female. Or would there be special allowances...
Lou wasn't too sure on that for now. But she would have to cross that bridge when she came to it. Now, her first obstacle would be attending their very first live performance. Oh how she wished she had a memory full of everything that had happened to herself in this universe. Getting small glimpses wasn't feeling enough.
And this had just been the first day. She was in for a wild ride.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @lixie-phoria
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sapphirestones09 · 1 month
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AAAAAAA FINALLY! I'm done playing @oneknightstand-if. As part of the celebration, here is Rosie's colored sketch (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lol, this looks like an anime title card And thus! The Stats!
Blobbed: Yep (We are what now?)
Bold : 205 (Is this high lol?) Sweet : 46 Sassy : 159 Optimist : 76
Health : 85 Mark Status : Healed Merlin Healing : 2 Merlin Forced Healing : 0
Caution : 9 Will : 7 Cloudcuckoolanderness : 42 (Not enough, we gotta go full cray cray) Silent : 7 Curse Level : 4 Fear Level : 6 Corruption : -5 (Is this low enough?) Mute : false Mindcontrol : false
Downtime : Had Breakfast | Snarfed Sweets | Shower Accident |
Route : Went into Store & Fought | (What I gotta use the hunting knives as soon as possible in some way right?)
New Inventory : Hairdryer | Sweets | Shower Mat | Everclear Alcohol (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov!) They Know : false | It Sees : Masked | You Replied False Some stats are missing when I scroll from the past posts in the forum. Such as Crazy Theory, Crazy Theory Level, Pottymouth, Serenades, Interpretative Dance, and a deep dive into the Adrian and Merlin's relationship stats (I WANT TO SEE HOW MANY TIMES I FLIRTED GODAMMIT!). I wonder if I can access it (╥ω╥) About Rosie!
You are currently known as Rosaline (Rosie) Bane a seemingly normal female wildlife biologist. You have red eyes, very long flowing icy blond hair, and a short and petite figure clad in a red cape with an amaranth face mask. People tend to take particular notice of your hair. At first glance, people tend to find you not very intimidating.
You excel at sword fighting, gardening, and having a magnetic personality. Meanwhile, you've got a weakness for prescription medications and enclosed spaces, as well as having anger management issues.
You have an ear piercing. You also have a couple of scars along your neck and wrist.
A tragic accident that claimed your whole family lies in your past and the fate of your future remains murky with the apocalypse ever looming in the background. At least no one has suspected that you are actually a serial killer.
Your final words were "And now for a final word from our sponsor—"
Note! I didnt know I could play something as chaotic and as fun as this game provided me. Its super fun and enjoyable and yet amidst the chaos I loved the characters that was shown and grown to get attached to them to a degree. Both Merlin and Adrian are mysterious and enigmatic in their own ways that makes me look forward to the story and how it progresses towards their character. Also seeing Adrian being exasperated over Cloudcuckolander MC's antics tickles my funny bones more than I can admit. I admit I was reluctant to get into the game seeing as its such a huge one, but after playing all I can say is MOAR! I NEED MOAARRRR! AND PLEASE AUTHOR TELL ME HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE STAT CHECK FOR MOONWALKING ON THE FENCING ROUTE! I NEED TO MOONWALK! I NEED THESE PEOPLE TO CLAP FOR ME! And please can we apologize to Adrian for punching him? (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I know in the grand scheme of things, Adrian forgives us already but we still wanna apologize (ಡ‸ಡ) And oh boy, I think Im gonna draw lots and lots of fanarts now... Skill Stats!
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Personality Stats!
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Can we still claim to be a newbie after Merlin's extensive lore dump on us? Relationship Stats!
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Your ultimate weapon is unknown.
You are currently armed with... nothing, at least as far as you know.
Cold Steel SRK survival knife
You also have on hand...
E-phone 7XL
several small bottles of prescription medications
photo of your family
Killer McKiller Face's favorite stuffed animal (Rip our micro pig (ಥ﹏ಥ))
well-worn Bible (To ward off evil of course!)
mystical Magic 8-Ball (Another holy item! I sure hope it does not contain anything otherworldly that will potentially endanger us and others ha.ha.ha (→_→)
small herb garden of eclectic plants including a mutant Venus Flytrap (The only queen Rosie will ever potentially bow to!)
collection of various survival & hunting knives
small bag of iridescent pearls
bottle of 95% alcohol Everclear (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝)
slightly squished pastry (I KNOW MY PRIORITIES! AND ITS SWEETS!)
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i was gonna wait until i finished the bitd and deadlands line-ups before posting these, but i'm not gonna get those done before the final season starts, so might as well bite the bullet now XD woohoo, oxventure d&d designs! i'll go into further detail below the cut for all of my thoughts on these designs and reasoning for smaller details, but for now, just know that i will never draw a cape. i simply cannot do it. hoods and weird draped fabric or nothing XD
okay i put like. waaay too many thoughts into a lot of these small details so im gonna allow myself to geek out here X3 firstly - though they're way too small to read properly, i did the little symbol eye shines i used in my first art for them! dob gets music notes, prudence gets fire, corazón gets hearts, and merilwen gets flowers. i usually draw egbert's pupils pretty thin to resemble a reptile, so he just gets normal eye shines, but i probably could have given him some here... he would get suns if i thought of that
dob - muscular in a wiry and dehydrated way, lol, hence having a more defined stomach/hips despite not being as strong as prudence or egbert. he has sad/down-turned puppy dog eyes at all times because i think the big-eyed endearing look is fitting for him, though i do make them darker blue than his canonical baby blues because i just... like how dark blue eyes look, lol. i'm pretty sure he canonically has the stomach scar, and obviously his facial scar has always been there, but i gave him a couple other ones just to show that hes pretty reckless. and he gets freckles because even though they arent mentioned in the dragon dogma's video, i noticed luke added some and. i like freckles a lot
prudence - i've said this before, but i love the thought of pru getting muscular after the werebear bite <3 i just think she should be a little bit hench. as a treat. once again, the heavy stomach scarring comes from the dragon dogma's video, because i found their design choices in that really fun. i change prudence's outfit the most out of any of the characters, just because her canonical outfit confuses me. i'm really bad at understanding/drawing fantasy wear as is, but her fit... i'm lost entirely XD so i free-balled a bit. her inner sleeves that hook around her fingers are based on jane's various prudence looks, and then the looser outer sleeve is just because i love prudence with a dramatic sleeve. originally the colors were closer to her canon outfit, but it just looked messy without all the details of the original, and then i tried red like jane's prudence looks but it didn't contrast enough with her skin. so i restricted them to just deep purples and black with pops of gold and dark magenta!
corazón - what can i say besides. transgender. LMAO honestly though, besides adding the top surgery scars, i just really like his canon look. i simplified the details, obviously, but i really love his big coat and his tall boots and the earrings and the black-on-black-on-black of it all. i didn't particularly feel like drawing hats when i was doing this, lol, so i stuck with a red bandana instead. the beads that are strung from it are black, red, purple, green, and yellow to match their guild's canonical color associations/the colored name plates they get in later seasons :] because corazón is the sentimental sort, even when he won't say it. also he gets a little cateye for his eyeliner, i dunno if i've ever said why i do that before haha
egbert - egbert my dearly beloved. literally just his canon look except he has la vache mauve on his tunic instead of fire! and the nose spikes i give him, i guess, but i forget those aren't canon. i actually usually draw him in mike's egbert get up, with the black robes and the golden dragon sigil, but i kinda wanted to move away from that to lean more into the end of legacy of dragons, where egbert fully commits to never going back to the dragon d'or. also i just love drawing little cow heads <3 also! i like the idea that rather than typical scar tissue, dragonborns grow thicker scales over places where they've been injured. so the thicker patches of small scales on egbert's body are meant to be scars! including his kidney scar, lol. the larger scales and the ones on his face were always there though, that's just dragonborn biology baby
merilwen - if i said i based merilwen's body on cartoon bears, would you forgive me... i just think it's cute LOL tummy <3 for the final dragon dogma's video reference, that's where her freckles and tattoos come from. ellen was right, merilwen with floral tattoos fucking rules. who am i to deny it. as a hairy woman myself, i also like making merilwen a hairy woman. she's a hippie, she would NOT shave. i also really love the red earrings she wears in her canon art, so i tried to carry that through to some other small parts of my drawing for her, and landed on the bands she has on her pants as well as the odd feather for her arrows. fun archery fact, for those who may not know - in modern archery at least, you usually will have a differently colored feather (or for my arrows, rubber fins lol) that indicate how youre meant to string the arrow! so i took advantage of that to give merilwen some more red, hehe
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ravetillyoucry · 5 months
Chapter 8 - Rain
prev - chapter 1
"Huh." Hosah stood over the dirtied, coffee-stained notebook page that sat in-front of him.
His assistant leant in uncomfortably closer, his brain left to wonder what the hell it said for far too long by now, "Well, can you make it out?"
The shifter kissed his teeth, unsure whether to tell the truth and have to read all what it said out loud, or if he should keep the team waiting until somebody else had interpreted and written it up in an email.
"No, no yeah, pretty much." To be fair, he wasn't sure of a couple of ink-smudged words, but as long as he got the gist of it, that would be enough to move the case forward.
As eyes of anticipation bore into him, Hosah realised now was probably the time to start reading. With a heavy sigh, slightly contemplating what he'd gotten himself into, he began;
"You fucking vermin. You don't know me, and frankly, I don't really know you either, but I know enough to come up with the conclusion, that you're all, fucking leeches. People worry about the rats that scurry all around the city, in the subway station, in the trash and down the dark alleyways, but the real fucking rats are right in front of us."
Eugh. Cliche. Boring. All the other adjectives Hosah couldn't quite think of right in that moment,
"But, I've found myself growing fond of you. Watching you from afar. I find myself both loving you, and hating you. The lines have blurred by now. I understand you are human, or at least, that is what you parade yourself around as, but honestly, I'm not too sure you're anything at all. Completely devoid of life. Just an empty pit of nothing hiding in a cold, flesh shell. I see you sitting alone at bars on a Friday night, and I have to really stop myself from sitting down next to you, buying you a drink, taking you home with me, keeping you forever. But I'm not that selfish. Maybe later. You make me furious, because I love you. And I shouldn't, that's what you want, after all, you act cute and helpless, vulnerable and fragile, that's what draws everyone in, you've got that ginger prick hanging on your every word, and look at you. Hot and cold, nothing that you say is what you really mean, you work people up just to run away when they start to act on feelings they thought were returned. It's cruel. But, I can be crueler. We would've made the perfect pair, if you didn't drive me so crazy. You're going to be the death of me, Hosah Seung Levi. And the death of many, many others. I don't know, see how I feel once this gets to you. Let's talk more over drinks next time, though."
Ew. Was this really the type Hosah attracted? Serial killer stalkers? I mean, sounded about right. Some of the note seemed pretty heartfelt, some downright offensive, and some offensively corny. If the whole murder aspect wasn't the main thing that put him off, it'd be the cheesy way they spoke about him.
"I've never even told anyone my middle name." The shifter's voice shook, clearly disturbed by the contents of the letter, despite not wanting to admit to being so.
Teddy leant back in his chair, hands rubbing his face in disgust, not saying a word, just groaning endlessly.
"Man." The giant pushed himself forwards again, eyes fixated on the paper, "Got ourselves a next level freak."
If you were to listen closely, a small, unsettled 'Hmm' could be heard from the tiny man sitting before the sheet. There was so much information to rack his brain on. Hosah hadn't even been to the bar in weeks, meaning this killer had been at the whole stalking game for a while now. He wondered if it was just the fifteen they were guilty of, or if years worth of unsolved homicides were all on their hands. Maybe he'd have to take up the offer to chat over drinks, just to pry all of this information out of the twisted individual with his bare hands.
He wondered about what specifically he’d done to attract this kind of attention. If anything, the shifter thought he’d been keeping his head down lately, staying out of trouble, but it seems the more he tries to avoid these kinds of people, the more attracted to him they become.
The contents of the note echoed in his head, everything else becoming white noise. Vermin he could handle, Rat he’d heard a million times before, but there was something far, far more hurtful about the brutal reality of the situation;
Whoever wrote this, was completely right.
Thinking back to how he’d previously behaved, his cold attitude towards Teddy for no other reason than he felt threatened that there was an off chance of him opening himself up to someone again. It was all true. Sure, Hosah wasn’t a serial killer of any kind, but god did he have it in him to be cruel.
Hit with an unexpected punch in the gut from a little something called shame, the shifter couldn’t help but hang his head down, letting out a troubled sigh,
"Should send this all off to the police. Let them know about the painting and shit. Report the stalking. Get a protection order of some kind. I don't know.. Anything, nothing, I.. I'm just tired to be honest." Hosah sat, cross legged, burying his face in his hands, brushing through his hair as he usually did under stress.
Teddy agreed, "God, yeah definitely, shouldn't reported the painting yesterday. Shit. Well, they'll be over later in the day, can lay down the basics then." In all honesty, nobody knew why they didn't come the day prior, it's not like Jeanne didn't try calling, unlike that useless security guard, so the reason for their no-show was seemingly a mystery.
God, as the days went by, Hosah felt more like Fred Jones rather than any Sherlock Holmes, all he needed was a talking dog and a brightly coloured mini van.
As the shrunken man lost himself in his thoughts, a finger reached over, giving him a gentle rub on the back. The touch almost made the shifter jump out of his skin, but it only took a split second for him to melt into it. Surprisingly, it did its job pretty well, easing Hosah's mind, just a little.
"I'm glad I can be of help for you. Keep you safe and stuff. Just not sure if your secret admirer is all too on board," the giant teased, although it wasn't the best of times to be cracking jokes.
Hosah didn't care to get offended, or to laugh either, instead focusing on making the most of what little physical contact he'd gotten to receive in months. He was too tired to care, really. The whole ordeal tuckered him out. Just the thought of being where he was, working for another few hours, almost lulled him straight to sleep. Sure, being stalked by someone that had a kill count possibly in the twenties was probably about as interesting as his life was ever going to get, but Hosah really didn't have any damns in him left to spare.
Thinking back to his dreams, he wished he could be at a little cabin on the lakeside. Spending his days fishing, collecting firewood for his makeshift oven and heating system, his evenings cooking his catch of the day, and his nights watching the stars, skidding rocks over the surface of the crystal water, looking at the moon in its clear reflection. Summers could be spent riding his horse companion around the forest, herding the sheep on the mountain side, making sure they weren't eaten by any wolves when the sun went down. That was the life he was destined for. Maybe he could spare a couple days of the year to paint such a scene, although it'd have to wait until he could safely return to his own apartment.
Teddy rested his head in his folded arm on the desk, much closer to the shrunken figure, with a much better view of him. He looked tired. At least, more than he usually did. The pronounced fat under his eyes always gave him that sort of sleepy look anyway. The giant felt very, very bad for him. The kind of sympathy you feel guilty just for feeling towards someone. Pity was probably a better way to put it. He was sure Hosah could carry himself as well as anybody else in the building, but his assistant just wanted to crawl inside of his brain and figure out just about everything there was to know. What secrets he kept, what he dreams about, what he thinks of everyone he meets, the songs that get stuck in his head.
Teddy seriously had no idea how anyone could miss just how blatantly human the tiny man is. Maybe the killer had gotten their names mixed up, because it was the 'ginger prick' that felt as though he were a dark, endless pit of nothing, using a human shell to disguise himself.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, this was just about as close as he could get to opening up Hosah's skull and crawling in, and he'd take what he could get.
The shifter shrugged, burying his face deeper in his knees, "This dream I keep having." , he waited for Teddy's 'Hmm?' of approval to continue, "Living by lakeside, never having to work again, spending every day fishing, or painting, reading, just thinking.. It's been my dream ever since I could remember. To do nothing."
"Fishing, painting and reading doesn't sound like nothing."
"You know what I mean, not paying my way in society, living off the grid," Hosah sighed, satisfied with the idea. "Would you come with me? Once this is all over, at least."
Yes. Of course, a thousand yes's. "Haha.. We'll see"
The rest of the day, Hosah spent on edge. Not that he wasn't constantly in some state of fear anyway, but the whole devocoale had sent him down a spiral of anxiety. In the taxi back to Teddy's place, he convinced himself the car behind them was following him, a creek in the old apartment buildings hallway must've been someone scoping the place out and preparing to break in, the people sitting out on the benches outside must be waiting for him to come out so they could grab him. In summary, Hosah was not having a fun time.
As the shrunken figure sat at the windowsill, watching out of the cracks in the blinds, his eyes squinting to make out any activity in the poorly lit streets, he wondered what kind of person had written him the letter. Obviously, he knew what they were roughly, a monster capable of causing large scale tragedy for the likeness of New York's shifter population, but on the surface, it had to be someone he himself wouldn't peg as such a threat.
He thought about everyone he'd ever interacted with, or at least, within the past month or so. Cashiers, strangers on the tube, people in cars giving him the right away to cross the street. Anywhere he could find any sort of answer, Hosah thought about intensively. The shifter felt his breath shorten as he got himself more and more panicked, he'd felt fear before, the kind of fear that the breath you'd just taken would be your last, but nothing like this. The kind of fear that comes before fight or flight, the lingering feeling that something is extremely wrong. His heart in his throat, Hosah reluctantly closed his eyes, trying to steady his readily increasing heartbeat and his uncontrolled breathing.
"Hey. All good there?"
The voice took him out completely, the shifter momentarily feeling his soul come out of his body as he frantically gasped for air, "FUCK, don't.. sneak up on me like that.." Hosah clutched his chest with one hand, the other wiping he sweat that had built up on his brow, "Scared the shit out of me."
Teddy didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation, as he laughed instead, "Sorry, sorry. You looked lost in thought," the giant leant in closer, his elbows at either side of the man before him, "Something bothering you?"
'Oh, nah, just the fact he'd learnt he was the victim of intensive, violent stalking', was what Hosah really wanted to say, but he didn't want to make any more enemies after learning such a fact.
"Just that note. Trying to remember everyone I've got bad blood with, s'all.." If that was all, he wouldn't be such a ghostly white colour right now, starkly contrasting his usual sienna-adjacent tone.
His assistant turned, lifting himself up to sit on the window sill besides the tiny man, "Never really thought you were the type to go around making enemies," Teddy commented.
"God, not now, no.. But definitely in my early twenties." Ah, the good old days, as most would put it. For Hosah however, these were probably the worst years of his life.
The shifter had tried his best to keep everything he got up to around this period a secret, but of course once he'd gotten settled at his first position when first joining the agency, Jules had to and spread exactly the kind of things he got up to around the office like wildfire. 'Just to break to ice' , as she put it.
He winced at the memory, adding, ".. You've probably heard it around work. Always resurfaces every couple of months. Everyone in that place is so fucking bored man, I mean, isn't homicide enough for them?"
"I haven't heard anything, actually. If you don't want me to know, I'm okay with that. Sucks to have your dirty laundry aired out. I know the feeling." Teddy's eyes lingered on everything else that wasn't the shifter besides him, although his hand seemed to inch closer and closer by the second.
Maybe the two were more alike than they'd initially bargained for.
Hosah shrugged, despite knowing he wasn't being looked at, "It's not that bad. I was just a bit of a.." his hand brushed through his hair, pulling on the strands just a little, as he tried to think of the best way to both vaguely and accurately put it.
"A twenty year old? Hah, we all did shit we regret back then. I'm not gonna judge you for any of that, I know I'm not the same person I was like, five years ago."
Not wanting to push the topic any further, the shrunken figure moved himself directly in front of the hand, leaning over and resting his upper body against it. All he could mutter was a quiet, almost unheard, 'I'm tired,' , his eyes instinctively closing once more. He was definitely going to struggle to get a good nights sleep after the day he had, but it was worth a try.
It turns out, going through emotional turmoil does in fact tucker oneself out, as Hosah seemed to have slipped into unconsciousness right then and there, only now awaking after a night filled with the type of dreams he could only assume to be bad omens.
The dream that awoke him however, was one he recalled clearly, although this time, there seemed to be a twist.
None of that mattered though, as Hosah was back to his full height of five foot seven. The only problem is, he must've stripped off as he was so used to doing whilst in a between state of both awake and asleep, leaving him with no size appropriate clothing.
There was only one option for the shifter, unfortunately.
The yell was immediately met by a creak in the bedroom door, as if his assistant had been stood outside of it this whole time, waiting for the OK to enter.
Teddy covered his eyes as he walked in, making his way straight towards the wardrobe and throwing the first things he grabbed at the shifter.
"I know, I'll go over and get some of your stuff in a few minutes. Just.. put these on for now whilst I make breakfast."
Ew. Hosah didn't get it. Beautiful people should wear clothes that are of the same level as beauty as the individual, but, in all honesty, the guy dressed like shit. The tattered t-shirt only just hung on to the shifter's slender shoulders, and the pants were a complete lost cause. Instead, he opted for the classic 'My shirt will cover all it needs' look, wandering his way into the living area, where he could smell something cooking in the next room over.
The, for once, regular human sized man peaked over the hollow door frame, watching as his new found roommate flipped the final pancake onto its uncooked side, listening to the sizzling of the mixture against the hot pan rather than starting any kind of conversation. He wondered if things would be different, now that they were on equal grounds to each other.
It didn't take long for Teddy to feel the eyes boring into the back of his head, turning to greet his single audience member, "Morning," He froze for a second, looking Hosah up and down.
Teddy knew he was taller than most, but he didn't expect the shifter to still be so small even when at his regular size. Not only was he much shorter than himself, but he was also much thinner, his knobbly knees poking out from each side of his legs, and his collar bone extending all the way out and to his shoulders where it stuck out like a spike of sorts.
Still, the stark difference in his height from what Teddy had grown used to was definitely going to throw him off. He almost found himself reaching his hand out, the same hand the shifter once lounged in less than a day ago, comparing it to his current size.
"Smells good," Hosah commented after a brief moment of silence, whilst his assistant took in the change of perspective.
It took him a second to get his words out, his train of thought being halted by the sudden spark in conversation, "Yeah, thanks. Should be done by now. Then I'll go and pick up some of your clothes."
He tried his best not to look the shifter in the eye, as he felt his face become progressively redder with every word that came out of his mouth.
Hosah, more casual than ever, just propped himself up on the countertop opposite his assistant. "Cool."
As his eyes fixated on everything else in the room, Teddy couldn't help but compare the countless trinkets and decorations he kept laying around the place to the, once tiny, man.
As the day went on, he found himself seeing Hosah in all different kinds of places. A butterfly resting on a flower as he walked past the park, countless erasers lying around on his desk where the shifter sat not so long ago, without even realising it, Teddy had been staring at his hands for the last five minutes. He should really get back to work.
"Here's what I'm caught up on, how the fuck does this guy know my middle name? It's literally only on like.. My legal documents. That's it."
The shifter's words took Teddy out of his trance, "What?"
"The note." now leant against the desk, Hosah sighed, "I'm just thinking about who would even have access to any of that stuff. Jules is the only one with the skeleton key for all the filing cabinets and shit,"
"Is it on your ID, maybe?"
Eyebrows furrowing, the shifter thought about the question for a second, ".. Shit. I don't know. Maybe? Fuck, yeah, since in the note it said about the bar.. But I don't even get ID'd anymore"
"I don't want to scare you but.. Could be premeditating for longer than you'd think." Teddy instantly regretted the words as soon they left his mouth, "Maybe. It's just an idea. Might be wrong too."
He looked at his hand, then back at the shifter, and then back and forth a few times more, not really listening to whatever was being spoken at him. The clothes on Hosah's body hung loose on his frame, despite them being his own, maybe this wasn't his full height after all, or maybe he just hadn't had the chance to get more form fitting options for a while. Something about the bruises Teddy had noticed scattered across the shifters legs, and the fact he could now see his sunken features much clearer, evoked an urge to protect him.
Hosah had made it clear to him that he was in no need of protecting. Just watching him make his way around the apartment when he was a mere three inches tall solidified that fact, but that still didn't stop the assistant from wanting to help him. He could want all he wanted, despite the fact it's not what he necessarily needed, which sort of made Teddy feel better about pitying the man.
Instead of focusing on Hosah’s chatter, his assistant couldn’t help but reach for the phantom weight in his pocket. There used to be someone in here, but now he’s not, and that hurt Teddy’s heart, just a little.
".. Anyway, I'm gonna go see my doctor tomorrow. Im due a visit. I'll meet you back at your place, if... if you still think it'd be better if I stayed." The uncertainty in his last few words concerned the assistant slightly, only just know focusing back into the conversation.
"Yeah, yeah, no I don't think you should risk staying at your own place for a while. At least not alone, anyway." Teddy reached his hand out for Hosah's, trying to give a reassuring touch, but instead, he became focused again on his size change.
The hand that once held his entire form could now only wrap around his wrist, and that Teddy did. He didn't even realise it until Hosah commented,
".. What are you doing?" the shifter asked, arm raised as the hand gently grabbing it had pulled it in closer.
Noticing the fact, he let go, muttering a quiet 'Sorry' , his face now burning up.
Fortunately for the assistant, Hosah did not take offence, or get annoyed at, the action. He didn't even lower his hand, instead, he just smiled.
"It's ok. It's weird right?" the shifter spun on his heel, leaning over Teddy in his seat, placing his hand down next to his assistant's resting one, "Just yesterday, I was right here. Aha."
It's almost as if he took pleasure in seeing the seated man become progressively more and more flustered.
As Hosah's fingered inched closer to the other person's tightly closed fist, he also began to think about the shift in perspective. He also thought about telling a white lie the next morning, making it out that his shrinking had been just so unpredictable lately, forcing him back into the same hand that rest besides his own.
No, not yet, at least. He had stuff that needed to be done at this height still. Besides, he hadn't pulled that trick since he was much younger, when he wanted to spend the day home from school, or to get out of any kind of family gathering he wasn't particularly bothered to attend. Those were the days. Lounging around on his dad's shoulder, spending the day doing nothing at all productive. Just hanging out, sometimes not even speaking, and enjoying the silent presence of each other.
Ah, there's another thing he had to do, call his dad.
"Well," Hosah stood back up to his full height, his hand now moved to pat his assistant on the shoulder, "Back to work."
Right, work. The shifter still had about an hours worth of security footage to try and make out. Why Scotty wasn't doing this, he had no idea. Hosah always seemed to get saddled with the short end of the stick when it came to big investigations like this one, even if he himself was a highly regarded target to the killer.
So far, there was nothing. Almost as if the package just appeared out of thin air. The fact the computers ran at what seemed to be a frame-per-second wasn't helping either. Rewinding took a whole minute, then the footage would buffer like crazy. He should've really just brought a notebook to jot these things down in, as Hosah thought of a new objective that needed to be met; complain to Jules about the dated technology they were saddled with in the shifter specialised unit.
As he sat, staring at the forever spinning wheel that was the computer loading screen, Hosah could only think of one thing, just how badly he wished to be tiny again. The thought had never crossed his mind before, but now, being reintroduced to the feeling of being held in a single hand, the shifter found himself longing for that touch.
He knew he should’ve just kept his guard up, stuck to what he knew and kept Teddy at an arms length, but Hosah always found himself in these kinds of situations. Finding love and warmth in all the wrong places at all the wrong times.
And when you have a crazed killer out to get you, you should probably avoid becoming distracted with meaningless things like touch deprivation. After all, there are bigger things to focus on, and, despite his height, Teddy was not one of them.
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coolbeans32 · 5 months
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader(OC)
SYNOPSIS: Harry, Hermione, and Ron delve into Dumbledore's puzzle, examining the scrapbook and magical texts to locate Genevieve Ariana Dumbledore Grindelwald. Three days pass as they decipher Dumbledore's cryptic messages, tension mounting with each failed attempt. Hermione's discovery of a hidden message sparks hope, leading them to Grindelwald Manor. Despite Ron's skepticism and Hermione's sass, Harry urges focus, emphasizing Genevieve's importance. With renewed determination, they plan to depart for the manor, vowing to protect Genevieve from Voldemort's grasp. As they bid goodnight, Ron reassures Harry, pledging unity against Voldemort. Their minds already brimming with strategies, the trio prepares to confront the challenges ahead in their quest to uncover Dumbledore's secrets and thwart Voldemort's darkness.
WARNINGS: This passage doesn't contain any form of triggers/warnings aside from tension between characters and small bickering arguments.
WORD COUNT: 672 (shorter chapter)
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Chapter Two
The Name
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Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat around a large oak table cluttered with an array of magical texts, worn-out parchment, and the scrapbook itself. It has been three days since they’ve received their respective items, and were trying to figure out Dumbledore’s puzzle, in hopes to find Genevieve. The soft glow of the candlelight illuminates their determined faces as they diligently scour the pages, their fingers tracing over faded photographs and handwritten notes. 
Hermione was tracing her finger along the edges of a faded photograph of Albus, Gellert, and Genevieve; her eyebrow furrowed in concentration as she observed the image. “I still can't believe it. Dumbledore had a daughter, and we never knew.”
Ron nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. “Yeah, it's a lot to take in. But at least now we have a name. Genevieve Ariana Dumbledore Grindelwald, doesn't know how that is much help. Honestly, why couldn't Dumbledore give us her location instead of all this,” he remarks as he gestures to piles of books layed out in front of them. “Honestly, it feels like we’re studying for bloody OWLs all over again.” 
Hermione replied irritated, “As if you have done any studying in the first place. You haven’t even passed the first page, and we’re not even studying for anything Ronald.”
Ron replied, “But it’s just so much reading ‘Mione! We don’t even know if this will even help us even figure out the first clue.”
"Honestly, Ron, if reading past one page were an Olympic sport, you'd be a gold medalist in giving up," Hermione sassily clapped back.
Harry ran a hand through his unruly hair, his green eyes reflecting a mixture of annoyance and cheekiness . “Guys, this isn’t the time to act like a married couple, we need to find her. She could be our best chance at understanding Dumbledore's past and what he was trying to tell us to do.” Both Hermione and Ron blushed and glanced away from each other.
Hermione agreed and said, “You’re right, but we have to be careful. We can’t let you-know-who find out about her. Especially with their history.”
Ron finished her sentence, his voice tinged with apprehension, “He'll stop at nothing to use her against us…especially if he can get her on his side, they were together before, I wouldn’t put it past him.”
Harry met their gazes with a steely determination, “We won't let that happen. We'll find Genevieve, and we'll protect her, no matter what.” The trio shares a silent moment of solidarity, their resolve strengthened by their shared mission. Suddenly, Hermione's voice breaks the silence, drawing their attention back to the task at hand.
Hermione, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she points to a corner of the page, “Look! I think I found something.” She gestures towards the corner of the page where the edges of a piece of parchment peek out from beneath a photograph. Ron's eyes widen with anticipation as he eagerly reaches over and carefully lifts the corner, revealing the handwritten words "Grindelwald Manor" scrawled in elegant script, underneath the photograph. 
“Grindelwald Manor. That's got to be our next destination then,” Ron exclaims.
Harry nodded in agreement, a determined glint in his eyes, “Then let's get ready and pack. We should leave first thing tomorrow morning. The sooner, the better.”
The trio move to gather their belongings and prepare for the journey ahead, the weight of their mission hangs heavy in the air. But amidst the uncertainty and danger, there is also a glimmer of hope—the hope of finding Genevieve and uncovering the truth about Dumbledore's past.
Ron placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder, “We'll find her, mate. I promise.”
Harry returned the gesture with a small, grateful smile, “Thanks, Ron. And we'll defeat Voldemort too. Together.” With renewed determination and a shared sense of purpose, Harry, Hermione, and Ron bid each other goodnight, their minds already racing with plans and strategies for the challenges that lie ahead in their quest to find Genevieve Ariana Dumbledore Grindelwald.
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Tom Riddle Masterlist
© coolbeans32 2024
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franki-lew-yo · 11 months
It says so much about Ben Shapword as a person that he was threatened enough by Bluey to greenlight Chip-Chilla.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but nothing about Bluey is striving for being ''progressive'', at least not by rightwing standards. It's no Owl House or Steven Universe. Outside of the ep where Bluey makes a French friend and the Heelers celebrating Easter I can't ever recall the concept of religion, ethnicity or heritage being important in the series. Don't think I've ever seen a gay couple or pride flag in the background, neither. Obviously I don't think the show being made for little kids and/or about anthro dogs means you can't talk about concepts like that, it's just that Bluey doesn't even attempt that. In fact because it IS made for and about small children I would argue that's the reason there's no big talk about money problems in the show and all the characters seem well-off.
My point is, unless Steiner/Waldorf schools became a tool of the left when I wasn't looking (they're not; Waldorf schools teach pseudo science and are sometimes antivax. Hopefully not in Calypso's class but yeah now you know what to look for when you google 'waldorf school controversies'), Bluey is about as 'woke' as modern day Peanuts or Illumination. It's inherently nonthreatening and non-confrontational of bigger concepts outside of what's universal to kids and the kid characters. It'd be interesting if they had a LGBTQ character or a talk about (dog?)race and culture, but overall the show seems 'safe' from that stuff that makes conservatives cringe. So at first glance you think Chip-chilla is just a "want to cash in/draw people away from sinful mass media"-thing. Still disgusting but honestly par for the course. Christian programing meant to be a 'safe' alternative to nasty secular shows isn't new.
And then, it dawns on you:
Bluey gets confused for a boy by those who don't watch the show, kind of like how people misgender Bambi, Tweety or Peppermint Patty sometimes.
Chili and Bandit both work and have equal time to be the at-home parent with their kids.
Dailywire is offput by a girl character not being definitively feminine from first glance. Dailywire can't stand the idea of a man being a home husband. They not only see these standard lifestyles as threatening, but that this alone is trying to 'push' something on them when it's just, you know, trying to depict accurate home life of most kids.
What hope do trans people have even existing in the world when a cis girl without eyelashes is a threat to you? What kind of person looks at a dad (who isn't even a fulltime homehusband) having a nurturing relationship with his kids and thinks "DEGENERATE!"
I don't have to answer. You all know the kind of person.
On a happier note: I'm very curious how Bluey would go about addressing that real world representation I was talking about. I think that could be done well but, considering how the exercising episode was received by some adults, no doubt there'd be controversy. And I mean controversy inside the communities they're talking about, not pundits like Ben who'd have a heartattack over a progress flag being in the background that's never even addressed by anyone. I can see an adult character walking off with their same-sex partner or maybe a new classmate who's muslim and wears a hijab just being there and some people being concerned they're not handling it right/well enough. Which is probably why the writers just have steer cleared of it, I think.
If there's one gift Benny boy gives us all it's making us realize that that kind of discourse is always preferable the one where garbage people have no care for others.
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
Taste the Rainbow
Summary: Shawn and Lassiter have a little game they like to play.
Notes: Based off this post
Thank you @lassie-farce for the inspiration <3
Shawn popped open a bag of skittles, kicking his feet back and forth as he sat on the edge of Lassiter’s desk. Currently, the detective himself was nowhere to be seen, most likely off to grab something from the Chief, or to discuss something with Juliet. Whatever it was, it had taken Lassiter away from his desk. And that meant it was free real estate for the fake psychic.
He grabbed a handful of skittles and, after picking out all but the grape flavored ones, dumped them into his mouth. Those ones were the best, in his opinion. Not because they tasted like grapes, oh no no no. Rather, he loved the way they didn’t taste like them. Regular grapes were alright, but they didn’t compare to the artificial flavor-bomb that was the fake grape flavor. Now, if only they could manufacture pineapple skittles…
Boredom fell upon Shawn quickly. He started scanning through the miscellaneous papers scattered over his boyfriend’s desk, shuffling them around then returning them to their exact spot. Witness statements from a previous case. A calendar marking Friday as a surprise date night for the two of them — he’d have to pretend to be surprised. A binder full of convicted criminals and along with what they had done to deserve to be put in Lassiter’s special folder.
There wasn’t a single snack in sight. Other than Shawn’s skittles — of which he was still trying to work his way through the first bite — Lassiter’s desk was void of candy, except for the small pack of watermelon gum he had stashed away in the bottom drawer on the left. He knew it was because although the detective had one heck of a sweet tooth when it came to his coffee, it did not extend to actual sweets. ‘It’s nothing but cavities in a pretty wrapper’ he’d said when asked.
It didn’t stop Lassiter from snagging a few whenever Shawn had them on hand. A tiny handful of M and M’s here, a couple chips there. Shawn found it endearing. Not so much so when someone else did it, but Lassiter was an exception in his eyes.
As he continued chewing on the mass amount of skittles he’d shoved in his mouth, Lassiter walked up behind him. His hands were full with a large file from their latest case. “Shawn, what have I said about sitting on my desk?”
Through the skittles, Shawn managed to say “I dunno, something about falling and cracking open my big beautiful head?”
Lassiter sighed. “Yeah, something like that.” With that, he plopped into his rolly chair and began going over witness statements.
Just as he was about to swallow his mouthful of candy, a lightbulb went off in Shawn’s head. “Hey, babe come here.”
Without hesitating, Lassiter tilted his head up towards Shawn. As he did, Shawn leaned down to close the gap between the two of them. One small kiss later and they parted. Looking back down at the papers, Lassiter nonchalantly stated, “Grape.”
This was a game he and Lassiter had made up a long time ago. Shawn could remember the exact time and date he’d leaned down and kissed his boyfriend, only for Lassiter to draw back in disgust. He’d claimed it was because Shawn had been sucking on a grape warhead.
The game started off one-sided. Shawn would pop a different flavored candy in his mouth, chew on it a bit, and then get Lassiter to kiss him. He almost always chose something he knew Lassiter wouldn’t like, just to see how he would react to the different flavors. But he also chose nice things, like fruity gum. Those were the times Lassiter kissed him longest.
Of course, he caught on to Shawn’s antics fairly quickly. He wasn’t made head detective just because of dumb luck, after all. And eventually, the game became two-sided. Shawn would have something sweet or sour in his mouth, and Lassiter would have to guess what it was just by the taste of one kiss alone.
Eventually, Lassiter got so good at guessing the flavors he started to brag — in the safety of his and Shawn’s home, of course — how his sense of taste was beginning to become on par with Gus’ extraordinary sense of smell. (Lassiter had dubbed it the ‘Super Tongue’, a la Gus’ super smeller. To which Shawn had snorted and said, with a mischievous grin, “It really is pretty super, huh?” Lassiter had since renamed it the ‘Super Taster’, which didn’t have the same ring to it as ‘Super Smeller’, but the name satisfied him, so it stuck.)
Shawn couldn’t help the grin growing on his face. “Can’t fool you, can I?”
Lassiter simply hummed, sinking back into the monotony of the paperwork.
Shawn quietly sat there a moment, watching as Lassiter scanned through the witness statements. He caught one of them going on about how a certain head detective had ruined their night. Which wasn’t entirely fair to him. After all, none of them could help the fact that the bad guy had decided to try holding up an entire club full of people as hostages. (It had quickly turned sour for the man. Drunk people trying to have fun at a bar didn’t take kindly to people who took the fun away. They also tended to throw caution to the wind.)
By the time Juliet, Lassiter, and other black and whites had shown up, the man in question had been tied up with spare rope from one person’s truck and wrapped up in garbage bags from the back of the establishment. They didn’t have the time or the patience to question every single club-goer so he and Juliet went around handing out witness statements.
At least, that’s how Shawn had heard it go down through the grapevine. Man, he’d wished he’d been there to see the look on the dude’s face as he tried to squirm out of his restraints. He could almost see it in his mind’s eye now, a vision of a man wrapped up in a huge plastic cocoon like some messed up caterpillar.
He looked back at the witness statement Lassiter was poring over. Apparently, he'd been very rude to the person writing. Shawn couldn’t blame his boyfriend for being short with them, though. From what he could see from the tone of the writing, it looked like the person had come onto the detective and was quickly dismissed.
Shawn began digging once more through his bag of skittles, searching for the green ones. Those were his second favorite. They’d been okay when they were lime flavored, but since they’d changed it over to green apple he just couldn’t get enough of them.
‘Wonder if Lassie knows about the change…’
As he thought that, an impish grin began to grow. He was finally about to pull one over on Lassiter.
Shoving just a few green apple skittles in his mouth, he once again beckoned Lassiter to look up.
He did so and saw Shawn’s puckered lips. Not waiting for him to ask the question, he simply leaned forward once more and gave him a quick kiss.
Lassiter halted, slowly reclining back into his seat with a thoughtful expression, and ran his tongue over his lips. “Hold on, I got this…”
Shawn watched in amusement as Lassiter kept licking his lips and even biting them in an effort to pick out what flavor Shawn had chosen this time. “You can do it, I believe in you Carly.”
“Mmm.” He turned to look up at Shawn. “Here let me try again-”
Shawn drew back. “Oh no no no, that’s cheating! One kiss, them's the rules.”
Lassiter fell back again. His face scrunched up in confusion as he concentrated on the lingering flavor that was quickly fading. “What the heck…” he muttered.
Shawn’s smile never stopped growing, his amusement at the situation extremely apparent. “Giving up?”
Lassiter looked up and gave Shawn a hard stare. Eventually, he slumped in defeat. “Yeah. What was it?”
His grin still unrelenting, he said “Green apple.”
“Green apple?”
“That’s what I said.”
“You’re lying. There’s no such thing as a green apple skittle.”
“Ah ah ah! There used to be no such thing. Check it out.” With that, Shawn handed the bag over to him.
Lassiter snatched it and looked at the back of the plastic. “Grape, lemon, orange, green… green apple…” He stared at the little package, stunned. “Since when?!”
“Oh, give or take a few months. And I’ve gotta say, it’s so much better than lime, in my very humble opinion.”
Lassiter snorted at that last part. “Oh please. Since when have you ever been humble about anything?”
Shawn opened his mouth and closed it, thinking to himself. “Touché.” Then he had an idea. “Here, how about a redemption round? I’ll let you try again.”
Lassiter thought it over. Instead of answering, he shut his eyes. A sign that said yes.
Shawn smoothly reached into his pocket and grabbed an unwrapped lemon warhead, trying to make as little suspicious noises as possible. He crinkled the skittles wrapper around to make it seem as though he was rooting through it instead of what he was really doing. He popped the sour candy into his mouth and held back a grimace. Don’t get him wrong, he loved Warheads. But damn did that first taste always hit him like a punch to the tongue.
“Alright, ready!”
Opening his eyes, Lassiter eagerly leaned forward again to kiss Shawn and guess what flavor skittle he had this time. Little did he know the surprise he was in for.
It was almost instantaneous. “Oh sweet lady justice, Shawn!” He frantically wiped at his lip as Shawn doubled over in laughter.
The sudden burst of noise caused heads from around them to turn, wondering what the fuss was about. All they saw was the head detective frantically digging through one of his drawers for a piece of gum, while the resident psychic was inches from falling off Lassiter’s desk from laughing so hard.
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cod-z · 7 months
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Randomly popped into my head, a short story/one-shot… reminds me of Gaz or just Reader. Fuck I love bbg Gaz, I love all of them, and I’m just lovestruck… this song is it-
a/n: I had to rewrite this FOUR fuckin’ times because it would just RANDOMLY close! …the thought of seeing my pretty boy sad because I didn’t write it hurts more than my anger… FUCK
| One-shots |
Reblog & Likes are appreciated 🥀
It's his hair and his eyes today
That just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way
You head towards Price’s office with a folder in your hands, skimming through the documents that were in it to make sure everything was in the correct order and information. You tilted your head up ever so slightly to make sure you weren’t going to walk into anyone till your eyes meet his.
He flashed you one of his sweet and pretty smile that makes your dull and dead heart, rejuvenate back to life, making it flutter every which way. You return a small smile back as you pass one another, your steps coming to a halt, turning your body slightly as your eyes watch his retreating form greet another soldier.
Your mouth slightly gape with an awestruck expression.
All the times I have sat and stared
As he thoughtfully thumbs through his hair
And he purses her lips, bats his eyes as he plays
With me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say
His brows furrowed in annoyance while he glared down at the screen, agitated that he couldn’t find what he was looking for as the briefing continues on, he sat beside you. You rested your elbow on the table while you placed your chin on your palm, your other hand held a pen as you take down notes and slightly draw.
Your eyes wandered towards the person sitting next to you, Gaz, your breath hitched as you look at him, trying to ignore the flurry storm inside your heart.
He leans back against his chair making it squeak, he combs his hand through his hair while a mixture of a groan and a sigh ruptures from his throat, before relaxing again to stare at his screen and pay attention to the brief.
Your eyes dart away from him as you use your hand that you leaned on as a cover to hide your blushing cheeks while your eyes looked down, avoiding anyone that would see the hearts in your eyes, that you were assure appeared.
'Cause I love him with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
'Cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need
Watching him from afar while he ran an errand for Price, you stay close to Soap and Ghost, hearing the scot complaining about the alcohol in the UK while Ghost humoured him from time to time but mainly remained quiet.
Your eyes glancing while you fade in and out of the conversation before you see a female soldier talking to him, a slight twinge of pain and jealousy rings through your heart - you returned to the conversation but this time you don’t look at his way as a thought reminds you of your place.
‘And I'm out of my league once again’
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After a successful mission that had no casualties and a few minors cuts and bruises, you and Task Force 141 sat a local bar/pub.
Soap and you were the first ones to arrive as you both didn’t have that much work to be done, you both took a seat and wait for the others while chatting, soon enough after a couple of minutes Ghost had decided to join you two, the last two being Price and Gaz.
Gaz look towards the table as he calls and greets Soap and Ghost before calling out your name.
It's a master for melody when he calls out my name to me
As the world spins around him he laughs, rolls his eyes
And I feel like I'm falling but it's no surprise
In no time all of you were joking, retelling missions where some of you went solo or a duo, the reminiscing times that were life-threatening at the time but could laugh right in this moment, like when Gaz dangled from the rope while Nik had thought he lost Gaz in the chase, the table ruptured with laughter.
Gaz laughs along while nudging Soap’s arm while rolling his eyes at his best friend for telling his story, exaggerating some of the memory.
The echoes of his laughter rang through your ears, travelling through your system and melting your heart, another twinge of a warm, flurry feeling engulfs your heart as you stare at him, the world in slow motion.
'Cause I love him with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
Ghost nudges you in concern, seeing that you were silent, it breaks your daze and you look at Ghost with a reassuring smile before sipping your drink.
‘Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Ghost stares at you, reading your expression if it was genuine before turning his attention back to the table,
Your gaze fall back onto Gaz, the warm feeling returning as you felt your cheeks flush - his laugh ringing in your ears.
Yes, he's all that I see and he's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again
You smile gently as you take your glass into your hand while you watch him laugh along with Soap, the warmth and joy, engulfing you fully as you enjoy the moment.
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Divider Credit(s): @enchanthings
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
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@jilytoberfest 31 Prompts: Day 17 || 1186 Words || Read on Ao3 —
“Alright, everyone! Follow your string!”
James gives a chuckle as he grabs the red string of yarn attached to his left ring finger (a little on the nose) and begins following its path. He has to duck through a few obstacles created by the other participants following their own strings. When he had agreed to help Arya—a longtime family friend—with the kickoff of her matchmaking business, he didn’t expect it to be so…labyrinthine. 
Carefully skirting around two blokes who had gotten their yarn knotted together, he sees his string tighten as a pull from the other side draws his attention.
Tied to him by several meters of red string stands a woman with similarly red hair, half of which is pulled back to uncover stunning, amused green eyes. A small smile graces her lips and James sees her eyes involuntarily flick down his body as he approaches, taking him all in.
He feels a little guilty for thinking this whole thing’s a lark.
“Hi,” he says with a smile, offering his hand. “James Potter.”
“Lily Evans,” the woman replies with a shake of his hand. 
The two stand there for a moment in awkward silence, unsure of how to broach the subject of their supposed compatibility. James can certainly admit to being attracted to her, but all of Arya’s methods of matchmaking have never really worked for him in the past—his most recent relationship a shining example of that—and he finds himself having a hard time trying to be optimistic about this one.
“So what brings you here?” Lily asks, brows raising. “What about this event did you think was unmissable?”
James’ brows knit together as he thinks of a way to give her a satisfiable enough answer without exposing himself as a fraud. “Well, I’ve known Arya since we were five, so—”
“Wait, wait, sorry,” Lily hurries, pulling out her phone. She gives him an apologetic look. “Mind if I take some notes? I’m…” she grimaces, “I’m a reporter. Ms. Bell knows I’m coming, so it’s not any sort of nefarious undercover situation, but ah, just wanted to get that out in the clear.”
A laugh threatens to burst from his chest. Of course Arya would pair him with the woman writing an article about the event. James was nothing if not personable.
All fears of ruining this woman’s day evaporated, James feels his shoulders relax as he gives her a casual smile. “Of course, I’m happy to help. Like I said, I’ve known Arya since we were five so I can confidently say this is a lifelong passion for her. She’s personally been responsible for introducing the bride and groom of the last three weddings I’ve gone to.”
“And what was it specifically about this event that caught your eye?”
“Well, this is the biggest event she’s done. Typically it’s very casual, or even one-on-one when people specifically seek her out for her services. But I wanted to come see what something at this scale would look like.” James takes this moment to look around the room—all the strings were slack as the couples chatted, smiles bright and enthusiastic around the room. “And it seems to be going off without a hitch.”
“It does,” she agrees, pausing in her typing to look around with a smile.
“Arya does have a natural talent at all of it. And she’s realistic about it.”
He’s watching Lily as she types away and notices the wry smirk that pulls her lips tight. “No waxing poetic about how each of us are ‘predestined’ and all our paths are constantly heading in that direction, no matter what right or wrong choices we make?”
He has to blink for a second, shocked at the specificity of her words, stomach turning unpleasantly at where he’d heard such similar musings. “No, not at all. I know the red string of fate”—he holds up the yarn still attaching them—“is a bit gimmicky, but I can promise you, Arya puts a lot of effort into this. She emphasizes working on relationships, acknowledging issues and working forward in a partnership. ‘Signs’ are not something she puts stock in.” He winces a bit at the bitterness in his voice.
Lily’s stopped taking notes now, a divot in the space between her brows as she studies him. James’ hand comes to rub the back of his neck, and he can feel the heat coloring his cheeks.
“My last girlfriend, she was really into fate and destiny and all of that stuff. It made it really stifling sometimes, being with someone convinced that every little thing was a sign. It starts to feel like your decisions aren’t really your own.”
He expects it to weigh down the conversation—an awkward admission in the middle of this matchmaking-interview session—but is surprised when she nods and pockets her phone, a sigh deflating her.
“I know what you mean,” she commiserates with a shrug. “I recently got out of a relationship with a guy who was the same way. Obsessively counting every little thing as a sign to do this or that, what to name out bloody kids—nevermind we were only together for four months.” She shakes her head as if ridding herself of a thought even as her lips thin into a line. “He was really into Destiny, too. I caught them fucking at his flat…two weeks after he gave me a key? Dumped his arse on the spot and didn’t look back.”
James chokes on air and she meets his eyes with a rueful smile.
“Sorry, have to cope somehow.”
“Sounds like you dodged a bullet.”
“That bullet’s name was Simon and I wished I’d dodged a little faster.” She offers a chuckle that James notes is laced with embarrassment, but he’s too struck by the dryness of his throat to offer any sort of reassurance.
“Did you say Simon?”
Lily nods in assent, confusion pulling her brows together.
James’ mind is racing and he tries to keep his voice calm. “Would he, by chance, have blonde hair and a…” James pauses, mouth twisting as he looks for a delicate way to phrase the rest of his sentence. “...Mole situation around his eyebrow?”
Lily’s eyes widen, lips parting ever-so-slightly from shock. “How—“
“Destiny…obsessed with destiny. That’s—“
“Your ex.”
As the realization washes over them, James’ hand crawls from his neck into his hair as they stare at one another in a shocked silence, the rest of the world buzzing on around them. Lily’s eyes are sparkling with delight and James feels a strange kind of giddiness settle in his chest as all the pieces fall into place.
Something catches his eye over Lily’s shoulder and his gaze flickers to see Arya giving him a thumbs up with a mouthed ‘Thank you!’.
He has to contain himself from snorting as his attention turns back to the woman in front of him, an excited hum racing through his veins. “Can I get you a drink, Lily?”Her head tilts to the side a bit, her smile genuine, still glittering with a bit of wonder at this entire situation. “I’d like that.”
— some inspo taken from here
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
Quite a compliment
Media Game Of Thrones
Character Lancel Lannister
Couple Lancel X Reader
Rating Flirty / Suggestive
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Writers notes: Hi my little bats I am fully aware yes this is not a TBS character it's not even a character I've done before but I felt like giving it a go, if it's interesting to you give it a read if totally fine, if you like it let me know, if you'd like me to do more other characters let me know, if nothing else this was just fun for me to do.
Lancel went, to complete various business about the red keep, today being no exception. This task was that his uncle Tywin ordered him to fetch wine, so he went jug in hand to the cellar. Such a job was a squire work but he knew better than to argue with his uncle.
Between the racks of barrels and bottles of wine, mead, and ale he saw Y/n across the way. Her body is covered by a half-sheer dark purple dress, a silver necklace around her with a dark-coloured gem against her skin, her hair down to the small of her back with various intricate braids and ties a small knife in her hair as a hairpin, she sees Lancel arrive and giggled to herself keeping her view away from him.
A half smile creeps onto Lancel's face as he stares upon the woman before him, he moves through one of the rows of barrels to get a closer look at the loveliness before him.
He stops near her, taking in her entire form down her soft curves, the deep purple of her dress bringing out the colour in her face. Lancel can't seem to take his eyes off this sight he finally decides to approach her, his eyes glued to her form. He puts his jug for the wine on the nearby barrel of ale and walks over and stopped just close enough to not be intrusive but close enough he could be close to her. He takes in her scent of lavender flowers and honey mead, all the while she hums ‘Jenny of old stones’, As she hums the familiar song, Lancel's heart races even faster. Not only is this woman breathtakingly beautiful, but she's also wise. Seeing her humm an ancient song about the tragedy that took place in the Riverlands only makes her lovelier to him. The scent, the hum, everything about the woman draws Lancel closer. He can't resist looking down at her body one more time, and his lips grow moist at the thought of her taste.
She noticed him she giggled again as her hands searched the racks of bottles doing her best to avoid his eyes but biting her bottom lip. 
Lancel's eyes are now fixated on her lips, watching them curl as she bites her bottom lip. She concentrates on her task, and Lancel can't resist but to take another step closer. he watches her chest rise and fall slowly while she hums. The sight of her curves would be enough to tempt any man, and her voice is so soothing that he can't help but swim in it. He wants nothing more than to taste that soft bottom lip that she has between her teeth, to kiss her and take his time exploring her soft skin.
"something you wanted Ser?” she cooed playfully not looking at him when she spoke to him, she says the word ‘ser’ is enough to almost steal what's left of Lancel's breath. 
He gulps, his heart racing even faster as he tries to gain some control over the rising tide of desire spreading throughout his body, all he can think of is her body, of what secrets lie below the purple dress and how he so desperately wants to discover them, how in this moment he wished to seal the cellar doors and have her alone with him. He manages to regain some control over his breath and words. "I-... Uh, yes, um..." 
"oh? How may I be of service?" She smiled wickedly, She knew what she was doing and she liked it. 
He can't help but stare at her lips, her face, her chest, the curves of her body, as she waits for him to say something, anything. 
"Um... What is your name?" the moment those words stuttered out his mouth he suddenly realised He had no idea what he's doing! He just wants to kiss her, touch her, run his hands all over her his brain doesn’t want to make words it wants to make love. 
"hmm Y/n." She curtsied, As she curtsied and dipped down, he nearly went weak in the knees seeing her and wanted nothing more than to sweep her off her feet and lay her on one of the barrels and make her his lady for the evening but she was just being playful as of course he has asked this question every time he saw her, not that he had forgotten he knew her name very well but he found himself so nervous he would always ask it again. After a moment of forcing his desires away like forcing down the final dregs of a wine goblet, he managed to get composed and managed to clear his throat a bit before finally finding words. "How are you, Y/n? You look very… uhh… I mean uhh you are uhh truly... uhhh Stunning."
She giggled her hand in front of her mouth "Quite a compliment from a Knight and a Lannister, my day has been very well busy with business" She said, "Yourself Ser?"
He nods again, "Uh... Oh, just... Business. Running errands for my uncle. Quite boring really. I wish I had something to keep me entertained."
"I'm sure you find your entertainment Ser" she wickedly smirked taking a bottle in hand, “have a pleasant day,” she curtsied low before heading on her way, 
He watched her turn and walk towards the door, his eyes following her the entire way. He is mesmerized watching her hips swinging seductively from side to side as she takes each step making sure not to go around the racks and barrels even if she had many options to do so some of which were even closer to the door, but to pass him only inches from his arm, He knows he is staring at her and so does she, but he cannot help it. 
"the wine for your uncle is third-row sixth shelf," she said blowing him a kiss before she left the cellar
Lancel watches her walk out of the cellar, the way her hips sway is enough to get him thinking naughty thoughts about her all night. He takes a deep breath and collects himself, he has to concentrate on finding that wine or he'd be in trouble.
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heartlurch · 1 year
hey what brush do you use to draw in digital and traditional (if that doesn't bother you!💦)
No worries! I don't mind. :3 The answer isn't so interesting though ww
I just use the pencil tool in MS Paint & the binary tool in SAI 2. Default settings. Most of my art is done this way. I often sketch in MS Paint, and complete in SAI.
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(a few examples)
I find it's easier to work within the simplicity of MS Paint, but I do like SAI's features, and sometimes I need the flexibility of pressure sensitivity to really chip away at my thoughts... I find myself relying on it more recently, as I got into JSHK. Human characters aren't actually my forte, and it takes many passes for me to get something legible... Trying to mimic Aida-sensei's ability to render clothes is also breakin' my back lol.
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(just taking you behind the scenes :p)
Oh um ... Hm, I draw in my phone notes more often recently as well, so that's the only other variable at times. If you see something like this:
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It's just me using the notes app on my samsung galaxy. I use it to jot down ideas for future me. Or... sometimes I'm just passing time. Nothing special about it, I would say, aside from the fact that it's more robust than the previous phone notes app I would draw on. I was fingerpainting back then, but now I have a stylus.
Edit: Wait I feel like an idiot for saying all this and literally posting a piece I made in CSP... SORRY!! My brain is small. That's what I use to animate as well!! !!! Sorry, I just use it once in a blue moon...
On CSP, the brush I like the most has been this one.
As for traditional, I use an assortment of things! It's a split between mundane art supplies (dollar store mechanical pencils, ball point pens, etc.) and some fancier stuff I've been gifted. Currently I have a set of prismas and a couple of ohuhus I use for commission work often. I also have some faber castell brush pens. I prefer inking pens with a flat tip, basically I disprefer fine points/microns etc. (I... um, have a bit of a harsh grip, so I'm prone to crushing them...) My traditional stuff varies a lot more so I'll just paste examples directly. For fun!
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Mechanical pencil!
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Faber castells! (The greys are as well!)
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Ball point pen and highlighters!
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Woodless color pencil! (+inking pens, pencil...)
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Ohuhu markers! (+pencil)
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Overall, I like having an assortment of things to grab and mess around with, for different moods. I'll draw on any scrap of paper also (to the burden of my wife, who scans and edits ALL!!!! of my art, lol.) If you're at all seeking for a similar experience, I recommend playing with whatever odds and ends you got in your possession. It's not really a matter of skill... imo, cuz, I don't really feel as though I use anything very 'well', I just use it. Perhaps all equally sloppy, and for fun. Just have fun. ╮(╯▽╰)╭
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
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Wanted to draw smth because i'm gonna be really busy this weekend, so I did some doodles of Lester circa TON. Here are some notes!
I imagine Lester would actually have more acne during this time due to stress.
I would also say he gained some weight during the road trip, because almost a month on the road with nothing but gas station food to stress eat and dozens of monsters on your tail is not the best route for weight loss.
(btw, both of these headcanons ride on the idea of this book being the final challenge for Apollo. He needs to face all of his flaws to be able to come back on top. The acne and the flab are NOT Apollo's flaws, but his semi-vain hatred of them is. If the features both became more prevalent in TON without a massive complaint from Apollo, it would show his growth a lot. By TON, he isn't focusing on his physical appearance, because he's much more focused on what really matters.)
(That was really long and also idk if I worded it right, sry!)
After six months of questing, Lester definitely has a lot of scars. The biggest ones being a scar across his forehead and eyebrow from one of the many concussions, and the burn scars from the burning shackles in TBM (I know Helios healed them but shhh shhh don't worry about that)
His hands are covered in callouses from wielding his bow and strumming his ukulele, and he has a couple of small cuts that Meg has helped him bandage.
While the poison from TTT has been entirely cleared away, it seems to have left a stain, as Lester's veins remain a bit dark and stand out prominently on his skin.
A month of road trip = Mullet.
Btw all of this was done without reading through the book again, mainly because I don't have access to it right now, so if anything is contradicted in canon pls let me know! (other than the scar thing that was intentional ;) )
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