#i have been biting my nails since i was literally about 4 years old and became aware that i had nails
missbutterworthless · 11 days
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[i’m not a violent dog. i don’t know why i bite.]
The lead singer of BOTB’s Season 4 projected underdogs, Arlo Beck of Penny Arcade, declined further comment in regards to the threatening of a member of the media when questioned about former band mate and fellow competitor, Seven Lawless of Soft Violence.
Further Info Under the Cut!
TW for mentions of addiction 🫶
Introducing Arlo Beck, lead singer of Penny Arcade, a pop punk band of humble origins known most for their musically delivered political commentary and their revenge anthems (it is of particular note that such anthems were not common in the Lawless Era, with the band leaning far more heavily into charged love songs. Which could mean nothing.)
Fun Facts!
Beck is an Aquarius!
According to an insider source, beyond singing, Beck is quite capable with the ocarina.
Beck is known to juggle at any and every opportunity, regardless of who may or may not be watching. (He is apparently rather talented as well.)
Beck is known for accessorizing with heart motifs, noted by a previous local publication to be a nod to fellow bandmate Rowan Hart.
Beck often carries a bottle of quick dry black polish for ‘manicure emergencies’. He is known to have addressed such emergencies while on stage after chipping a nail during a performance.
Beck is often cited as the source for Penny Arcade’s ‘gimmick’ of collecting loose change in collection bins during a dedicated song at every performance. The change is then matched and donated to queer and at risk youth. Beck remains firm that every member of Penny Arcade, past and present, is equally responsible.
Picture Easter Eggs and more Fun Facts!
Arlo is wearing a WWOD? bracelet in the pic! The band got together to make bracelets with Orion’s most recent catchphrase while waiting for filming to start. Arlo made his particularly fruity. He also made a keychain version for Orion.
The time on Arlo’s phone is a nod to MCx7. Seven is, well, 7. And Arlo is 1 & 2 because his initials are the first and second letters of the alphabet. Hence, 7:12.
Arlo’s initial tattoo utilizes the S in SD as an infinity symbol. He acknowledges it is cringy. And poetically tragic.
Not shown is his tongue piercing, which Orion chewed him out for getting because his tongue was swollen and his speech slurred for nearly two weeks!
As stated above, he likes to wear motifs of his band members! Because he is a doofus! Most common because it’s his daily accessories is a heart motif for Rowan, but he also has jellyfish pendants and vampire bite chokers for Iris and different color bee pins for Devyn depending on their hair color! Jazzy is represented in the case he carries his juggling equipment in, which he takes literally everywhere after she bought him one for his birthday years ago. He is currently racking his brain for what to do for August!
43 of the 57 missed calls on his phone were from Orion. He knows because Orion’s ringtone is I Don’t Dance from High School Musical 2.
He is heavily addicted to nicotine (to Orion’s chagrin) and became a functioning (for now) alcoholic after The Fight™️. Prior, he imbibed during social functions but never alone and never when he had plans. Up until the audition, he never partook in other substances but caved into peer pressure. Despite his snark and notorius RBF, he is a chronic people pleaser.
The eyebrow slit is a scar from slicing his eyebrow open in Lucy’s diner after crashing head first into the dish station and shattering a plate. With his face. The scar is almost entirely faded but he can no longer grow hair there. He’s actually really insecure about it and has considered getting the spot microbladed.
That’s all for now folks! I mostly wanted to share my art :) I adore @infamous-if and have been playing with Arlo as my MC since Day 1! He finally fully clicked in my head and after days of attempting to find a face claim or craft him in the sims I decided to crack open Ye Olde iPad and do it myself!
Please feel free to share any fun facts about your own Infamous OCs! Regretfully my friends stay firmly opposed to interactive fiction so I am starved for fellow Infamous fans
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angelbabyblog777 · 7 months
Conscious Awareness
Being consciously aware is a game changer. It also reminds me of when people say "once you wake up, there's no going back." It can be a painful experience to become aware of the spells and curses people speak over themselves. It can be painful to want to be better while some people around you don't want to put the work in to change and improve their lives.
If you are consciously aware, you know that the words you speak are like a veil you put over your life. Our subconscious mind basically rules over our lives and our actions and it is always listening!
Our subconscious mind is formed from when we are a baby up until 7 or 8 years old. It is the core beliefs and perceptions that act as a foundation for the rest of your life. That's why it can be somewhat of a problem for kids who weren't necessarily loved correctly, or worse, abused or ignored..
There are ways to tap into your subconscious mind.. for example, my favorite practice right now is to brush your teeth with your less dominant hand. Brushing your teeth is something that comes as a second nature, we've been doing it since we were little. When you use your less dominant hand, you are fully present, learning the mechanics of this act. After you've finished brushing, you look into the mirror, look into your eyes and say "I love you" 10 times.
We don't have any control over how we're brought up as children. But if you want your life to change for the better, if you want to break generational patterns, break patterns of addiction, of abuse, of narcissism, you need to practice tapping into your subconscious and directing it the way you wish.
The tooth brushing method can be used with any affirmations, not just "I love you." After doing a google search, it says that "it takes 3 to 4 WEEKS to reprogram your subconscious mind!!!" That's insane. It's definitely something I want and need to practice more. As a little girl, I was nervous. I would pick hairs out of my eyebrows and profusely sweat at any given time. I would bite my nails too. These behaviors have seeped into my adulthood and I still get somewhat flustered while talking to people, although I have worked hard to change this. It takes a lot of being uncomfortable and purposely doing hard things to get further in your personal development.
Since our subconscious mind controls about 90% to 95% of our day, changing it can, like I said, be a game changer. When you no longer have that negative, irritable, bitchy voice in the back of your mind beating you up about literally being a human being and living and experiencing your life, you're really free to do what you want to do. I've always wanted to be someone who is able to be CONFIDENT without even a hint of social anxiety. I think that's why I've been on social media for so long, because you feel like you're able to be your real self, even if it's actually a fake, curated, mistake-less version of that.
So far on my journey, I've become more aware of my thoughts and each and every time they're negative, I change that or "challenge them." This alone has helped me a lot because I'm no longer a "prisoner" of my mind. It no longer has that power over me.
At the end of the day, your subconscious is important if you want to change. If you want to release bad/old habits, if you want to become a "new person" with a fresh approach, you need to look deeper into your mind. What do you want to do with this life? What do you want to accomplish? What feels good to do, on a soul level? Are you going to keep letting the past hold you back? It's PASSED. Live in the here and now, it's where life is happening for us. It's where our kids are growing and learning from us. It's where you can set the foundation to reach your wildest dreams.
It takes becoming consciously aware of ourselves to ask, "Why do I do that? Why do I feel this way?" Listen to your feelings!! They are trying to tell you something! When you ignore your feelings, your body still takes note of them! It's so easy to mindlessly go through life, being told what to do and how to act. It takes courage to go against the grain, to change for the better. Do it for the sake of yourself and the future!! You are not alone!
Love, Kaylee Duquette.
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more terrible no good headcanons for eddie disaster dreamboat munson
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I said that if anybody made him too cool I'd have to add more and that's exactly what I'm gonna do babes because I had to scroll for way to long to find him making spagetti-os
(posting again bc it wasn't showing in the tag)
(first post)
-genuinely doesn't know what those stains are. Didn't even know it was stained bc he's had the same fitted sheet on it with one corner tugged off for 8 months and forgot about them since last time
-throws away Tupperware if the stuff in it is too gross
-he's pretty sure that green sour candy counts as a vegetable so he does eat at least 3 a day.
-just. Doesn't ever throw things away. Stupid shit like the backs of band aids and paper straw wrappers and napkins and hooooo boy this has turned into a callout post about myself
-sometimes horseflies fly into his hair and get stuck and he can hear them buzzing around and doesn't necessarily so anything about it right away until it stops
-no room for legs in the front seat of his car that space is reserved for old fast food bags
-buys new underwear instead of doing laundry
-hey why do I keep writing genuinely embarrassing things that I literally do irl. Is this really worth putting myself and the 4 huge bags of laundry I have in my tiny car and all my band aid wrappers on blast. Next I'm gonna write that every surface in eddies house is covered in stacks of hobbies and papers that feel like a goddamn archeological dig every time I clean
-psych he does that too
- ok things that I don't also do so that I don't start having a crisis that makes me a tidier person:
-feeds a family of raccoons that live in an abandoned hunting cabin in the woods
-one time he let one live in his closet for a bit and hoped Wayne wouldn't notice (this may explain some of the stains)
-this boy spills. Everything. He's a hand talker and it doesn't matter if he's holding something.
-the hand talking is also terrifying when in a car he is driving
-never drinks water ever and it stresses ppl out
-every single time he sees somebody he knows in public he will try and sneak up on them to scare them
-wears shoes inside bc he broke glass on the carpet months ago and he doesn't want to vacuum.
-the only place he has to actually sit and do anything I his room is his bed because everything else is covered in stuff
-everything is covered in stuff but every drawer he has is empty
-theres one category of things he owns that is organized absolutely meticulously and idk what it is but he's very proud of it and when he says he's "cleaning his room" it means organizing like band tees alphabetically or sorting minifig painting supplies and everything else stays trashed
-it's a perm and he did it himself in his bathroom 100%
-hair dye stains all over the bathroom from an ill advised look a while back. and maybe a few more times
-doesnt have a compulsive habit to bite his nails he does it bc he can never find the damn fingernail clippers
-notes and doodles. All over his arms
- yknow how when u were in school by the last day you'd have like one pencil and nothing else and u kept a hold of it bc you couldn't find any others?
- eddies been at that point since about half way thru his first senior year. He has one pencil and it is a stub (it is a d.a.r.e. pencil and he does find it funny) with no eraser and it's not sharp and it had a million bite marks on it
-has little stoner burn holes in all his clothes all his sheets his matress his sheets and the seats on his car bc he needs to be more careful and is gonna end up starting a fire someday
-wait that last one was a me thing
-maybe this is how I can embrace my flaws. make eddie do em too. it's cute when he's disgusting
-I no longer have improve myself at all
-puts random food in his pockets for later even though it will get linty. Gonna go ahead and say that I don't do this.
-isn't actually that good at guitar it turns out
-I gotta stop myself now because I know they'll just keep comin but add any you can think of or dm me because every time he gets worse he gets more of my love so like 2 give him a hug reblog 2 spray him with a hose
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
What Dog the AoT Characters Would Have 💛
Character(s): Armin Arlert, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Bertholdt Hoover, & Annie Leonhardt
Genre: Light-hearted, modern!au
Warnings: Mentions of animal neglect/abuse, some dog breeds commonly perceived as scary, cursing
A/n: I usually include Mikasa in my headcanons, but I just forgot until last minute that she existed ;-; so, sorry for not including her. If someone requests it, I’ll add her to the list.
💛 Armin
His parents got him a beagle puppy for one of his birthdays and he got so attached to it. He was so grateful that he had a dog and absolutely treasures him.
Named him Buddy because he’s his little sidekick and is always fun to play with and snuggle up to.
Buddy almost never shuts up though. A bird flies past the window? He starts barking. A truck goes by? Goes bonkers. He sees himself in the mirror? Shooketh.
Whenever Buddy starts going crazy, Armin picks him up, takes him away from whatever’s bothering him and scratches behind his ears. That makes Buddy practically melt into Armin’s arms and it’s so adorable. 💕
Buddy is very protective over Armin, or as protective as a dog his size could be. He always barks at the doorbell and is very wary of strangers.
If you walk into Armin’s house and Buddy has never seen you before, Armin will be sitting in a chair holding a dog who’s glaring into your soul.
You and Armin will try to have a normal conversation while Buddy is snarling and growling at you with Armin just patting his head and making an expression that says he deals with this all the time.
After a couple visits, Buddy is still tense around you but unwinds once you start playing with him.
Whenever Armin’s studying or working, Buddy will jump up into his lap and snuggle with him.
Sometimes when Armin falls asleep at his desk, he’ll have his arms on the table and Buddy in his lap.
When he’s in the car, Buddy tries to bite cars through the window. He just growls and bangs the glass with his teeth before Armin stops him from chipping a tooth.
Just how Buddy is protective of Armin, Armin’s protective of Buddy.
If someone talks shit about his dog, he’ll get sad about it. Buddy doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, he never hurt anyone.
Buddy can’t be taken to the park because he just agitates other dogs. He never gets along with them and never lets his guard down.
Buddy’s also one of those dogs who gets really dramatic. One time he was laying on the couch with his ball and it rolled off so he just started howling.
It’s also really hard to trim his nails without him growling, even though he’d never bite anyone.
Once Buddy has calmed down around someone, he’s fun to just hang around.
Armin likes to sit on the couch reading with Buddy on his lap or beside him. He’s great to study with or have around.
💛 Sasha
Adopts a 5-year-old blue greyhound from her local shelter.
She’d been volunteering there for a while when the greyhound came in and just couldn’t resist.
With greyhounds being bred to hunt and Sasha coming from a family who has a hunting background, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
She bought her and gave her a bright pink collar with a little dog bone tag with her name etched in it.
Since greyhounds’ necks are so long, she gives her a big knitted scarf to wear in the winter to keep her all nice and cozy.
Was torn between naming her Snickerdoodle or Candy because they’re both cute names and are both foods, but ended up naming her Pumpkin because she couldn’t decide and Pumpkin’s a really cute name as well.
Sasha loves playing fetch with her and it’s so fun because Pumpkin can run really fast, really far.
Pumpkin almost never barks unless she’s having fun or there’s someone at the door.
Sasha’s bed is lofted by a couple feet for storage and Pumpkin has no problem getting on and off her bed.
The first time Pumpkin saw Sasha’s bed, she didn’t know what to do so just sat there looking up at Sasha. It took a couple minutes for her to realize Sasha patting the bed meant she could jump onto it.
Sasha allows her dog on any of the furniture so there’s short hairs all over the couch no matter what.
Pumpkin’s really kind and gentle around kids so Sasha can basically take her anywhere. She’s super well behaved but sometimes scares people because she jumps in excitement.
Sasha also shares her food with her dog all the time. Always packs extra whenever she goes somewhere so she can give some to Pumpkin.
If you moved in with Sasha, Pumpkin would take to you right away.
She would literally be so sweet and always make you happy all the time. 😭💕
Plays tug of war and fetch a lot with you.
If you’re working/eating at a desk, she’ll lean her head on your leg until you pet her or give her food, or both.
Overall, Pumpkin is so sweet and adorable. She will always cheer you up when you need it and always has enough energy to play.
💛 Jean
Adopted a pitbull who is now 6, but was brought into a fighting ring when he was 4.
He knew it would be a challenge to help an abused dog but wanted to give him a good home.
When he first saw him, he was covered in scars and missing part of his ear.
He named him Kane. He’s a beautiful deep reddish-brown color with a white belly.
From the first moment they met, there was a connection. Kane warmed up to Jean quite quickly for a dog who’s been through so much.
Jean took him home and slowly introduced him to lifestyle changes, like going for walks or taking baths.
He introduces him to other dogs too. Kane showed a little hostility in the beginning, but once he realized they weren’t threats he was fine being around them.
Jean pays top dollar for him. Any issue he has, he takes him to the vet and gets it fixed up. He also gets the best food for him because that’s what he deserves.
Kane loves going for car rides. Sometimes Jean will get in the car with him, no destination in mind, and just drive.
Jean rolls the window down and Kane pokes his head outside. His mouth opens and because of the wind going into it, he showers the window behind him in slobber.
Kane absolutely loves swimming. He’s quite good at it, but Jean still takes a lot of safety precautions, such as a life jacket or shallow water because pitbulls are known to be somewhat bad swimmers.
Every summer, Jean takes out a kiddie pool and lets Kane splash around in it.
He also really likes to turn on the hose or sprinkler and aim it at Kane. He jumps up to bite the water and they both have a great time.
It can be a problem though because when Jean’s trying to fill the pool up, Kane keeps batting the hose with his paw or trying to eat the water and Jean has to get him to relax.
Other than his little quirks, Kane’s a relatively chill dog. He’s alright with being dressed up in costumes or having to wear a cone.
Every halloween, Jean gets both of them a matching costume and they sit on the porch to give kids candy.
Jean also lets the kids pet Kane because over time, he gets very welcoming of people and other dogs he doesn’t know.
Long story short, Kane’s not the dog you want to protect your house, if someone broke in, he’d just start wagging his tail and not be able to tell what’s going on.
💛 Connie
Saw how cool Jean’s dog is and also wanted a badass and cool breed.
He ended up adopting a doberman pinscher.
Like Jean’s dog, she looks strong and intimidating.
Unlike Jean’s dog, she acts the complete opposite of how she looks.
She’s often quite jittery or seems scared. Whenever someone even remotely raises their voice, her ears go down and she lowers her head.
You and Connie often have to give her tons of pets and appreciation after shouting, whether it’s good or bad shouting.
She’s also a total cuddlebug. She loves to be on Connie’s lap 24/7 and sleeps right next to him, watching over him.
Because of her timid personality, Connie named her Lily. It’s a sweet and innocent sounding name. Even though he sought her out to be a “cool” dog, she’s super sweet and didn’t want to name her something that conflicted with who she really was.
One thing about Lily is she loves running. Connie likes to skateboard alongside her as she pulls him along. It’s not much effort for her because Connie’s lightweight and uses his feet a lot. Plus, the area they live is pretty flat, so they often do.
Lily has a hard time understanding what is and isn’t a toy. One time she nearly chewed off one of the sofa legs. Next time Connie sat on it, it snapped and then he figured out Lily was behind it.
After that, he trained her to know everything he puts in her basket is a toy, but everything else isn’t. Then, she used the basket as a toy.
She goes through toys lightning quick.
Every time you or Connie give her a new stuffed animal, it takes approximately .2 seconds for it to be torn to shreds.
Connie loves to take her to PetSmart and let her pick out toys in-store.
If she chooses a toy that means Connie won’t need to guess what she likes and what she doesn’t.
One time she chose one of those scented rope toys, but once Connie took the packaging off, she started acting weirdly.
Once he gave it to her, she started barking at it and whacking it with her paw.
Connie was super confused so he threw it and she chased after it like normal, but once she got close to it she started acting scared of it and barking.
It’s been like that ever since now so they just don’t play with that toy.
Lily doesn’t bark that often. She usually only barks from excitement or when she meets someone new.
She also doesn’t have the zoomies that much so she’s a really relaxed dog to hang with.
💛 Bertholdt
Bertholdt saw his neighbors packing their stuff in a van one day and leaving but saw they left their samoyed leashed up outside.
He wanted to hold out hope that they were just going out somewhere for a bit so waited the rest of the night but found the dog still chained up the next morning in the rain.
He was never close to his neighbors and didn’t want any confrontation so he went up and knocked on the door, checking if anyone was home.
No surprise, they weren’t so he cautiously made his way over to the dog.
It was so happy to see someone and started licking his hand right away.
He unchained the dog and led it into his house where he gave it a nice warm bath and some food.
While bathing her, he took off her collar, with the neighbor’s number and address engraved in it along with her name, Mavis.
While Mavis was eating he called the number he found on her tag. He explained that the dog looked like it was left there on purpose so he took it in until they got home. They just said they didn’t want her anymore and hung up, which broke Bertholdt’s heart.
So he took her to the vet, got some pet things because he hasn’t owned a pet previously and she became a big part of his life.
She clings to him everywhere and won’t ever leave his side. Almost never barks and is super good on a leash.
Bertholdt takes her to the dog park a lot, Mavis is very social and has made a lot of friends there.
Mavis has quite the habit of rolling around in the mud or dirt though so Bertholdt has to give her a bath quite often.
Bertholdt absolutely cannot contain the dog hair. There is so much of it and it’s everywhere, went through like 3 lint rollers in the first week.
He spoils her rotten. Whenever he goes shopping he gets her new treats and toys because he swore to do right by her when her old owners didn’t.
If you were brought into the equation, Mavis would love you unconditionally. She’ll be there to give you high-fives and cuddle with you.
She is the softest thing on the planet so the cuddles are amazing. If you and Bertholdt sleep together, she’ll plop herself right in between the both of you so she could get attention until you fall asleep.
Whenever she needs something but isn’t up, she licks your face until you give her what she wants.
Even though she can get quite hot in the summer, she always wants to cuddle and loves to do it, whether it’s with you or Bertholdt.
💛 Annie (normally I don’t write for her but I couldn’t get this scenario out of my head)
Hitch gave her a chihuahua for her birthday even though she never remotely hinted at wanting a dog.
She didn’t want to return it though and oddly liked it, even though she never asked for him.
Just calls him “Dog” for a bit since she doesn’t know what to name him.
He’s a tan deer head dog so Annie gives him the name “Biscuit” after a couple weeks.
It’s super generic but she doesn’t think he needs any fancy name and he looks like a biscuit so 🤷🏻‍♀️
She has one of the backpacks with a compartment to fit a dog.
She likes to put Biscuit in there and take him out when she goes out.
When Annie takes him out, Biscuit is usually pretty chill, aside from giving a couple glares to random people.
Sometimes he even falls asleep in her backpack.
Whenever someone pisses Annie off, Biscuit senses it. Annie isn’t usually one to get into a full-blow fight and be loud, so Biscuit is her volume. Whenever she starts going off, he starts growling and barking.
And when she does get loud, both of them are yelling and screaming so that often deters the other person.
When she first got Biscuit, Annie didn’t really pay that much attention to him. She’d be on the couch and whenever he came up to her with a ball or toy, she’d throw it.
Then as she started to get used to him, she started to like him more.
Nowadays, she sometimes chases him around the house with a smile on her face and it’s so adorable, especially because she doesn’t smile all too often.
Biscuit is relatively calm, even for a chihuahua. He can often be seen on the couch on his back with his tongue out laying in the sun.
Speaking of being on the couch, originally Annie wanted to keep him off all furniture but soon realized he simply wouldn’t stay off and she didn’t want to bother to train him not to.
Now, they share almost everything. She sleeps with him next to her, they relax on the couch together, and sometimes she even brings him up on one of the kitchen chairs and they share food together.
Biscuit hates her alarm clock with a passion. If Annie doesn’t wake up from the alarm, she wakes up from the high pitched barks of her dog wanting her to turn it off.
Once the two are close, they are bonded for life and can be seen everywhere together.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Fallout of the century❤️🌒
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Part 4 🥜
Read part// 1  // 2 // 3 here 
🌸🌼 Masterlist 🌸🌼
Warnings: Some smut, Angst, and fluff.
I sat at the kitchen counter unknowingly biting my nails, a nasty habit I had when I was stressed. Harry had gone off to the doctor's office with Olivia and I had quite literally refused to go. I wanted to think about something else, quite literally anything else, but my mind seemed to be stuck on the unknowing fate of my newly rekindled relationship. 
“Hey you,” I heard from next to me, i hadn't heard or seen him come into the house, but was thankful at the sudden company.
“Tom,” I smiled as I threw my arms around him, embracing him in a much needed hug.
“You doing alright darling?” He questioned as we sat back at the counter and settled in. I didn't know what to tell him, cause i honestly didn't know how i was doing. “It's OK, to not feel alright, to not be OK,” He said while rubbing my arm. 
My phone buzzed in front of us on the counter and I immediately turned my attention to it, too scared to look at who or what it was. Worrying that my fate rests in whatever message lays on my screen.
“Go on,” Tom encouraged, nodding towards my phone. With a deep sigh I grabbed it and clicked it back to life to see a four word message on the screen.
Harry: We need to talk.
I felt my breathing hitch in my throat and suddenly lost all of my ability to breath. I clasped at my chest and let out a somber cry as I tried to let the air come back into my lungs, a wave of panic washing over me. Tom was quick to act, pulling me into his arms and holding me as tight as he could, reminding me to breathe, my gaspy breaths soon matching his own. 
“He- I- Can't,” I tried to speak, but my quiet sobs prevented any coherent sentences from forming. 
“Hey, look at me,” Tom whispered, pulling back from the tight hug he held me in. “You are OK, I'm here. You're not alone, and I won't let you be.” His words were comforting and probably exactly what I needed at that moment. My phone began to chime on the counter as a call came through. Tom was quick to pick it up. 
“Hey mate, it's me,” Tom said, as he listened to whatever was being said. Nodding his head and ‘okaying’ and ‘mhming’. “Hold on, what?” he asked about a sudden fierceness coming from him that I had never seen. “You what?” He asked again, his voice getting even louder. He walked away to the living room only a few feet away from the kitchen, out of eye shot but not earshot. 
“I swear to god Harry, you do this, it's done,” he paused as his brother was surely trying to explain whatever mad decision Tom had gotten so angry about. “Yeah, yeah. And what then genius? You think she’ll wait? This is all on you. So when i say this i mean it in the most truthful way, You do that, and i'll be the one to take her away and make sure she's alright, cause you have done nothing but crush that girl since the moment you walked into her life,” his words caught me off guard, not sure what he meant, harry's and I’s relationship had been a happy one, so I wasn't sure what he was referring to when he said Harry crushed me. “No Harry, i'm not just talking about the last year, i’m talking about since the first time you guys actually started hanging out, she went from being this energetic little spitfire, to a dispirited homebody that was always looking for your approval, and you held her to such a high standard that she never thought she was good enough,” he mumbled some more things into the phone that i couldn't quite catch “Yeah have fun with that you div,” he groaned loudly before walking into the kitchen back to me and handing me my phone. His face was mad with anger and he looked like he was ready to explode, i sat there staring at him, not sure what had just transpired. “Lets go pack you a bag Y/N,” Tom said, grabbing my hand. “I'm not letting you stay here alone tonight,” And i wasn't sure if i was so eager to respond because i thought i could use the company or because i thought Tom could. 
I had been to tom’s flat before, briefly all be it. He lived in the penthouse, and everything just seemed nicer in his place. The drive over had been silent, I wasn't sure what Harry had said on the phone or what had happened at the doctors office, and deep down I wanted to know, but I wasn't sure I could deal with the reality of it all.
“Guest room is this way,” Tom said, leading me down a hall towards some doors. He opened one of the doors and led me in. The room itself was nice, it was what you'd expect in a spare room, some impersonal wall decor and a plain bed set. I sat on the bed and dropped the small bag I had thrown some clothes in by my feet. Tom sat next to me. 
“So the baby is his, right?” I finally asked, looking over to Tom for confirmation. His face was downward looking to the floor, and he had his hands pushed together in his lap, he turned to me slightly with his lips down turned, giving me an answer. “What did he say?” I asked, feeling the tears begin to pool in my eyes.
“Y/N,” Tom sighed. “My brother is so smart, but he's also a major idiot.” He told me, making me chuckle a bit at the truth behind the statement. “I guess he has it in his mind that being a good dad means he has to know to take care of Olivia,” he looked back at me, probably to gage my reaction.
I took a deep breath and nodded, fearing if I tried to speak nothing but sobs would escape. “He also said as soon as they told them that he knew he had lost you, that this was never part of your plan, so he felt like this was the best thing, for the both of you,” I rolled my eyes and scoffed at that. I had told him that this would be it, but I hadn't expected him to just give me up so easily. The more I thought about it, the more I understood. Sure, I was his first love, and maybe I would be his greatest love, but there was no way that could trump the love he would soon develop for his unborn daughter. 
So I decided right then and there it was my turn to move on. “I understand,” was all I said. All i could say. Tom put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him as silent tears streamed down my face. This chapter of my life had come to an end and it was time to begin a new one, maybe a better one. 
The next few years were tough. I had to find out who I was, and what I actually wanted in life. I spent most of my time focusing on work and new projects I could participate in for the less fortunate, one of which had me away for almost a year. Harry had stepped up and become a dad for little Rosie Holland, who was as sweet as sugar. To everyone's surprise Olivia had left when Rosie was a year old, signing over her rights as a parent and leaving Harry to do it all himself. We had all stepped up in the ways we could, being there for the both of them. He had a great support system. Harrison and I had attempted a relationship, but quickly realized we were better friends. Life continued to go by for everyone, and any problems got left in the past.
I stood next to the baggage claim, keeping an eye out for my bag amongst all the rest. It was late at night when the plane had landed and I had planned on calling a service to get home. I hadn’t been to my apartment in almost a year and I was worried about what I might get home to. Shortly after everything had happened with Harry and I, I had decided it was time to move on my own, giving myself space to find out who I was. 
“Peanut,” I heard from a few feet behind me, a voice I had heard so many times before. i felt my heart pang in my chest as I turned to see him standing there. A nice pair of jeans, a maroon hoodie and unruly auburn curls going in every direction on his head. 
“Harry,” I smiled, as I rushed to him. His arms instantly found home around my waist as I threw mine around his shoulders, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck, taking in the scent that I had once loved so much. “What are you doing here?” I asked as I lifted my head, not letting go of him.
“Tom told me your flight was getting in tonight, and you were just going to call a service to get home. You've been away so long, I just didn't want to wait to see you. So I figured I'd bring ya home myself,” he told me, a goofy grin on his face. I couldn't help the feeling I felt deep inside at the gesture so innocent in nature. 
“Harry,” I let my fingers brush against his cheek, his face leaning into them. “You didn't have to do that,” I whispered. 
“I had to.” He looked deep into my eyes with his chocolaty ones. “I needed to see you,” 
While I was away. Harry and I had been talking, reminiscing, old memories and talking about feelings that were still there. Occasional texts had turned into phone calls, which had turned into video calls, which had turned into sleepless nights, longing for just a simple touch. Six months of that, had us both wishing I was home, wishing we had more. Maybe it was what we needed. We had both grown up so much, over the last few years. Things were just different now.
I knew we had things we would need to figure out. We were both completely different people now. But standing there, in his arms, in the middle of an airport, I knew I was where I was supposed to be. I felt at home.
I leaned in slowly, giving him time to move away if he wanted. He didn't. My lips met his, and instantly there was a shock of electricity that ran through my body. Our lips glided together in unison like they were made for each other all this time. He broke away causing a slight whimper from me. He placed his forehead against mine as he took a deep breath. "Let's get your bag and get out of here, yeah?" He asked, before kissing the tip of my nose. Eagerly, I complied. Grabbing my bag and following him out of the airport like a lost little puppy.
The car ride back to my flat was quiet. He parked the car outside and we made our way up the stairs to the door. I fumbled with the keys trying to get the door unlocked. I could feel Harry standing behind me, not quite touching me, but close enough that the warmth of his breath was on the back of my neck. Finally after what felt like an eternity of struggling with my keys, I managed to unlock the door and open it up. The inside of the place was how I had left it all those months ago. The door clicked shut behind me and I turned to see Harry setting my bag down. 
"Rosie?" I was curious about where the little tot was Tonight.
"My mom's house," he smirked. I smiled knowing for the next few hours he had no obligations, no prior engagements to where he would need to rush away. For the next few hours he'd be mine. I took a step towards him at the same time he did. we met in the middle, our lips crashing together and our bodies forming to each other. Harry's hands traveled from the nape of my neck down to the small of my back pushing me further into him. I had my fingers tangled in his already unruly hair, pulling his face into me. His tongue grazed over my bottom lip before I opened it letting his tongue explore my mouth as our tongues clashed. His hands slipped down farther until he was cupping my ass. He swiftly lifted me, my legs going around his waist as he traveled deeper into my apartment to my small couch that sat in the living room. He laid me on the couch, him hovering over me, still kissing. Our clothes quickly were removed between heated kisses, until our naked bodies laid flush together. 
“Fuck, i missed this,” Harry mumbled into my lips as he positioned himself to enter me. He pushed in slowly, making sure I had time to readjust to him. He held one of my thighs up as he slowly thrust into me. “Harry,” I moaned out, my nails digging into his biceps as he picked up his speed. The familiarity of it all was the best thing about it. With Harry things seemed to come so naturally and with such ease. Faint profanities left his lips as he neared his high and I knew I was close. 
“Harry,” I groaned, my high quickly approaching.
“Cum with me princess,” He urged as I felt myself clench around him, the tightness in my core exploding in pure bliss, his thrusts became slower and less uniform as he too reached his high, painting my insides white. 
Our bodys were both limp as we laid on the couch catching our breath. “Your incredible peanut,” Harry whispered as he kissed below my earlobe. 
“Only with you,” I kissed the top of his head before drifting into a deep sleep, in the arms of the man I was meant to be with. 
I opened my eyes to the bright light from the window streaming in. The apartment smelled of bacon, eggs, and coffee. I sat up and watched as Harry stood behind the island cooking the bacon. “I could get used to this,” I said, startling him. 
“I thought we could talk over breakfast,” He smiled before walking towards me and leaning down pressing his lips softly to mine. “Good morning,” 
“Seems to be,” I admitted, wrapping the blanket around my still naked body as I stood up and walked to the counter, where he had put a plate for me. “Talk about what?” I asked with my mouth full of toast. 
“Us,” He said matter of fact-ly. I nearly choked on the bite in my mouth. He could see that he had caught me by surprise. “Sorry,” He chuckled. “I just, I don't have time for games. I'm ready to be with you 100% if that's what you want. But I don't have time to run around.” He explained.
I looked at him, the same boy that I had been in love with for so many years. The same one that I would probably be in love with for the rest of my life. I had let him go not once, but twice and somehow each time he came back.
“If you love something, let it go, if it's meant to be, it'll come back,” I mumbled to myself, realizing how real the saying had turned out to be for us.
“What?” He asked. 
“I love you. I'm in love with you,” I blurted, this time catching him off guard. 
“You are? You do?” 
I closed the space between us, letting my lips meet his before whispering. “Always have, always will,”
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What is Love?
Requested by @sassysaxsolo​
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Pairing: BadBoy!JK x Innocent!Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warning: Dirty talk, degrading, oral sex (m and f receiving), pussy slapping, exhibitionism (??). Oh god this has like 4 smut scenes in it, it's nothing but porn bye
Summary: Jungkook has a degrading kink. Y/N doesn’t seem to like it. Also, JK is bad at this entire love thing but totally whipped for the girl of his dreams.
WordCount: 3.6k
A/N: The first scene is inspired by Hunter and Amy from “Hot Summer Night,” because it’s such a cute couple! P.S this might not be my best work because I wrote it at 3AM, so :( sry
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You wouldn’t exactly call your boyfriend mean by any chances, but it doesn’t mean he was the nicest person you’ve ever met either. Sometimes you look at other people, like Hoseok, or Jimin, they could most definitely keep you happy – and speak to you like you’re an actual human when you both fuck.
You still remember the first time Jeon Jungkook had ever well, noticed you.
“-and then they both crashed into each other!” your friend was telling this story for the nth time, and you paying your 101% undivided attention to your fries sitting in front of you, basically drowning in ketchup, while trying to ignore the eyes that bore in the back of your head.
It was the last day of your exams as a sophomore in high school, and just like everyone else in town, you’d gone to the diner you always went to, at the end of 15thStreet Avn. Everyone and their mom had decided to come, so it was really busy, you literally had to speak loud to your friends, sitting just across you.
Fifteen minutes ago, Jeon Jungkook had walked into a diner and chose the place that gave the perfect view of you from the back.
Seven minutes ago, your friends had noticed that he was – shamelessly – staring at you, strawberry milkshake in one hand, a lit cigarette in the other. When you tried to look back, his eyes didn’t even flinch when they made contact with yours. On top of it, he winked at you. It was weirdly strange, yet made you feel all giddy inside.
What. The. Fuck. It was a well-known fact that girls would actually die to have one date with Jungkook, willing to get plastic surgeries, buying the most expensive clothes, and even leaving gifts in his locker at school. So why was here he here, in this lame-ass diner? And that too, wasting time while staring at you? He clearly didn’t even take a sip of his beverage.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, he’s so totally staring at you,” your best friend from across the booth said, while pretending to look at her nails.
“He’s so hot, I would totally take a bite,” your other friend says while taking a bite of her burger.
“Yuck!” you exclaim, as you can’t help but laugh at the thought of it. You had a certain laugh, especially when you were sitting around with your friends – it wasn’t that loud, but your eyes would bunch up as you would unconsciously bring your hand up to your mouth, and would throw your head back.
You dare to look back at him again, but this time you see his coming towards you, while taking a puff from his half smoked cigarette. You immediately turn your head back, so quick that you feared you’d broken your neck.
You look at your friends adjust their hair and posture when they see him coming towards your booth, and you can’t help but play with the hem of your sleeve, biting your lip. He stands across you, leaning on the booth in front of yours, swirling his straw so the whipped cream becomes one with the milkshake.
As soon as he makes eye contact with you, you just freak out and amidst that panic, you blurt out, “I have a boyfriend.”
He looks back at you and smirks, oh God, he looks so, so amazing. This year, he’s grown out his hair, so the waves were sprawled against his forehead, and he pushed it back with his hand after placing the milkshake next to you. He’s the pitch perfect image of a fuckboy; leather jacket, a motorbike, tattoos (even though he’s totally not 18 years old yet), and the lingering scent of cigarettes.
“Nah, no, you don’t,” he takes another puff of his cigarette, “but if you don’t stop being so fucking cute, you will,”
You chuckle, thinking he’s pranking you, thinking it’s just a joke him and his stupid friends had planned out to humiliate you publicly, “You don’t know the first thing about me,” you say as you dip a fry in ketchup.
“I know you like ketchup,” he says, before taking a sip from his milkshake.
That was also the day when Jeon Jungkook had officially asked you out.
When you’d spent the entire summer with him, you got to realize one thing about him, he loved to degrade you while having sex. Sure, it was fun the first few times – but after that, words like “slut,” and “whore,” had started making you feel like one.
It was obvious that to you that you weren’t his first priority; football and his friends were always going to be before you. You still remember he was less than enthusiastic when you told him about the art gallery you’d host after working on your still life pieces for two years.
But in reality, everyone on the team knew he was head over heels for Y/N, he had quitted smoking right after he heard you cough, he’s started wearing a helmet whenever he rode his bike, and even let you decorate it with your frilly stickers. He would always, always go out of his way to get a fresh pack of chocolate milk for you, because you once mentioned that your dad doesn’t let you drink it because it’s unhealthy.
“Here, babe,” he says tossing you your daily supply of chocolate milk.
“Hey, remember when I told you about the art gallery I was preparing for?” you said, but it seemed like he was more interesting in scrolling Instagram on his iPhone, “um, because I have to go to art school,”
“Yeah, what about it?” he said, pecking your cheek as he got up for class.
“Well, it’s on the 28thof October, that’s next week,” you say before taking a sip of the milk he got you.
He waited a minute before speaking anything, and you wished, you wished deep in your heart so sincerely that he wouldn’t come up with an excuse.
“You know Jake’s birthday is that day, right? Can’t you reschedule it?” he said, looking down, adjusting his leather jacket.
You felt as if someone was stomping on your chest, it was getting harder to swallow the milk in your mouth, and it didn’t taste like the too sugary drink it was – instead it felt like you were swallowing poison. He surely remembered your rants about how it was so hard to rent a place in that gallery right? Or how it took you three months to manage to snag it for a couple of hours? Or how it took you two years to compile your best art pieces?
“B-but I don’t think I can do that, I barely got to rent the place an-and I- “
“Babe, I don’t think I can make it. The boys and I are going out to the city,” he said, tilting his head.
He didn’t wait for your reply, already walking down the hallway, leaving you heartbroken.
On 28thOctober, you met all the professional people you had dreamed of meeting, it was an honor, especially since you were just a Junior in high school. But, you never saw the face you wanted to see. You couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest when the exhibition finally finished, and you had to close the gallery.
That night, around 1AM, Jungkook broke into your room through your window how he usually did, only this time he had a bouquet of roses in his right hand, and red eyes.  When he noticed your tear stricken eyes and smudged mascara, he didn’t think twice before throwing the flowers on your bed and hugging you hard. Then, when he was so close, you noticed that he reeked of alcohol and weed. But it was fine.
He spent the night trying to make you laugh by reciting jokes he was forced to listen from Seokjin, and trying to make up for not being there. He cuddled you, putting your head under his chin, your body resting on his chest. It felt like home, when you would be with him, alone.
“How did it go?” he asks, nuzzling his face in your neck, peppering kisses there.
“It went amazing, I got a lot of good critique from artists and college professors,” you say, running your hands through his hair, you still missed his long hair that he cut last week, but it was way softer now,
“I missed you,” you say as he hummed.
He loved how you were like an open book, not like the girls he had been with before. You wore dresses – which he loved, because easier access – and you had long, virgin hair. He loved how untouched you were, innocent, pure and uncorrupted. He loved the little chub on your cheeks, he loved your pillow soft breasts, he loved how you always tasted like strawberries because of your chap stick. He loved virtuous you were. His to taint.
“I’m here, baby, and to make up for it, we’ll go to that café you always wanted to go to, my treat for being the best girlfriend,” he mumbled in your ear before taking off your dress and peppering kisses all over your body.
Of course, your mood had evidently changed, “Okay, you goofball,” you laugh as he tickles you.
“Baby, even if everything is wrong, it’s always going to be alright, and you know why?” he says as he kisses you on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, a huge contrast from his usual drunk kisses, they seem to be more chaste, more genuine, “you’re the only good thing in my life,”
You forgive him, like every other time.
You also toss him out the window before 6AM, before your father catches you with a boy. And that too, Jeon Jungkook. He’d probably kill you. It reminded you of the time when Jungkook decided to eat you out, on a weekday, on your bed, with your room unlocked.
It was no surprise when you found out that he was especially skilled with his tongue, not that any boy had ever even touched you there. You fought your moans, because your dad was literally downstairs watching his daily 9pm news. You knew he’d check up on you at 9.30 PM to ensure that you were studying for the SAT.
But here you were, your face stuffed with your own panties as the taste of your cum took over your tongue, it was a little embarrassing for you to taste yourself, but you paid more attention to the brown haired man between your legs. He’d mutter the same obscene words that used to give you the pleasure you needed at first, but soon became insecure of.
“You like that, dirty slut?” you mewled as he worked his tongue on your clit, adding another finger to the previous one inside of you. His two fingers did more than what you could do with your entire hand, the long slender fingers were now knuckle deep inside of you, doing wonders to your body.
“You’re such a whore, moaning here like a bitch in heat, when everyone thinking you’re an angel, huh,” he says as his fingers thrust in and out of you, lewd noises filling your small room.
You felt your blood run cold, when you could hear your dad’s footsteps on the stairs. Fuck.
“Three. You have three seconds to cum, or forget about it,” he said looking your straight in the eye, his fingers working faster than ever.
You could feel yourself pent up, your walls clenching down on his fingers.
“Two,” he said, attacking your bud with his tongue, a circling pattern, making you shake.
Before he could say ‘one,’ you were cumming, all over his fingers, your thighs and your sheets.
Jungkook chuckled, “Fucking whore,” before jumping out of your window in time, just a second before your dad came in your room. You were under the blanket, your panties under the bed, and your pride out of the window.
As you excused your flush face as a small fever, you couldn’t help but feel a weird twist in your stomach. You didn’t exactly like the way you felt.
You had avoided Jungkook as much as you could the next week, but he didn’t exactly notice because recently the football team had been putting in more hours to prepare for the nationals. He’d still slipped loving notes in your locker, and strapped a red rose on Thursday as well, that made your heart flutter.
The next time you met him was on the bus, on your way home.  
He could’ve rode his bike to his home, but he wasn’t born yesterday, he knew something was up with you when you didn’t respond to any of his messages, and didn’t even acknowledge him in your English class.
The was bus was packed, to say the least, as he followed you as you went to the tail of the vehicle, excusing people. The next stop had more people stepping in here, and he was even more pressed towards you.
You instantly regretted wearing the tennis skirt you wore yesterday, because it was short short, and also thin. You no longer had an excuse to avoid your boyfriend as you felt him press up against your back, you could feel his bulge on your butt.
You tried to look back up at him, but whimpered when you saw the animalistic look in his eyes, and the way he towered over you wasn’t helping either. You sucked in a breath when you felt his finger hitch up, and up, and up, until it was so, so near your panties as he circled your inner thigh with his thumb. He could notice how you were hyper-aware of the surroundings, as if people could see everything that was happening, everyone could see how your boyfriend was basically fingering you on the bus.
“Do you wanna do this?” you heard Jungkook whisper in your ear, and truth be told, you had missed him, the feeling of his dick, his fingers, that you needed him, and you needed him now.
You nodded, and just as soon, you heard him chuckle, “You really are a dirty slut huh?” he said as he slapped between your thighs, making your knees buckle.
With one hand, he held the handle above so he would stay balanced, but with the other one, he steadied your hips, grinding his hips against you. You almost felt embarrassed by how aroused you were, and how quick you were wet. Seconds later, you could feel his fingers separate your folds, “Spread your legs, whore.”
As you spread them, you finally noticed how many people were actually here, and how to the untrained eye it just looked like he was hugging you, but his fingers were now scissoring inside you, stretching you.
You could feel him taking his cock out of his sweatpants, brush it in your folds. You were always so sensitive, the smallest of touches against your clit would make you cry out and moan, so it was no surprise that you let out some noises as his cock entered in you.
“Make one more noise, and I won’t be scared to fuck you senseless in front of all these people,” he whispered in your ear again, this time rocking his hips into you.
“Such a slut, huh? Tell me you’re a slut,” he said, and when he noticed that you didn’t do as he said, he completely stopped all movements. You couldn’t thin straight with his dick sitting inside of you, you needed to get off, and this neediness of yours made you want to crawl into a grave and die.
“I- I’m a slut,” you whispered, and Jungkook wouldn’t have been able to heard that, if he wasn’t basically glued to you.
“S-say it again,” he stuttered and you could feel the both of you coming closer.
“I’m a slut! I’m a whore for you, Jungkook,” you whispered, as you felt yourself cum. As for him, instead of cumming in you, like you thought he would, he took himself out, and jerked off in your panties. The feeling of his cum against your soaked panties was lecherous to say the least, you could feel your panties stick to your clit, almost as a reminder of the disgusting deed you’d just done.
“Keep those on until you get home, such a fucking bitch, fucking her boyfriend in a bus,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, and stepped off the bus after slapping your ass.
And you were left alone again, thinking if you really were the slut he made you out to be.
Your next interaction with Jungkook had been next week, when you both had decided to do the English homework together, at his house. While you spent at least two hours, researching on the topic, Jungkook had simply bullshitted the entire essay in half an hour. Sigh, this is why he was failing. As you were left on his bed, completing the essay, he sat on the other end, gaming with Taehyung and some random boy through his PlayStation party.
Finally, another two hours later, you were done with the horrid essay and were desperately craving your loving and adoring boyfriend’s attention.
“Jungkook,” you tried to get his attention, but didn’t even turn around to look at you. You continued to annoy him, “Kookieee,”
Suddenly, you saw a blast on the screen, as Jungkook slammed his controller on the floor.
He muted his mic before speaking, “You just don’t wanna be a good girl for me today, huh?” At this point, you straddled his lap. He picked you up without a glimpse of hesitation, settling you between his legs, as he took out his cock.
“Suck me, and be quiet about it, unless you want Tae to hear what a desperate bitch you are,” he says, and you’re left to suck him. Jungkook definitely wasn’t small, not even close. In fact, when hard, he was bigger than you had expected dicks to be. So, 4 rounds of battle later, your jaw had started to ache, and you couldn’t help but cry out an elicit moan, forgetting Tae could hear everything.
Jungkook turns off his gaming station as soon as he hears you, “I think I told you to shut the fuck up, but you’re just too fucking stupid to understand,” he says as he harshly picks you up by your ponytail.
“I’m gonna fuck you, gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be nothing but a dumb bitch hungry for cock,” he says as he thrashes you on the bed, stretching you out with his fingers.
Before adjusting his dick, and putting it in front of your entrance, he slaps your cunt, “that’s for fucking my game night, you bitch,” and he enters you, rough and fast.
He pushed his hair back, it’s been growing again, as he looks at you with his doe eyes again, this time they’re a shade darker. This turns you on, as you let out a whimper, “Jungkook c-close,”
“Cream yourself on my dick, go on, my dumb baby,” he chuckles, before increasing his speed, the sound of skin slapping filling the silence of the room, “Such a desperate cock slut, you can’t get off with me, huh?”
Moments later, when you both cum simultaneously, he lays down next to you and stares at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking of?” he asks, minutes after your silence. This time, he’s not harsh, but instead you’re surprised by his loving tone.
“Just thinking if you love me or not,” you mumble, closing your eyes, missing the surprised look on his face, eyes wide open, jaw ajar.
“Wha- Baby, of course I love you,” he stutters on his words, not knowing what to say. What had made you believe that he wasn’t head over heels in love with you?
“I just… I don’t know, I don’t like it when you call me names,” you explain already feeling embarrassed at being such a prude.
“Baby girl,” he sits up, and kisses your cheek, “you should’ve told me, I- I’m sorry,”
Jungkook looked like a hurt puppy, his eyes downcast, as he fiddled with his fingers. The next week, he had spent making sure you felt like the Princess you were, his Princess. Obviously, you had noticed his behavior, bringing a donut along with the chocolate milk, ditching football practice to meet you, kissing your hands every time he met you, peppering you with kisses.
“Kook, you don’t have to do this,” you exclaimed when he took you to see the beach, two hours away from the town.
“I just my Baby to know that I love her, and I want her to be happy,” he says, and for the first time, you feel like you’re free. You’re free when you’re with him and you love it.
You’re always happy with him. You loved his sloppy kisses, his shit eating grin when his fingers made you cum, his habit of bringing you chocolate milk every day, his scent which was a mixture of cologne and cigarettes, his hoarse voice after he wakes up. You knew no matter how much he accidentally hurt you, he loved you too.
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The Big Three x Reader Imagines
Anonymous said:                                                                
I don't know how many characters you take for headcanons but here it go... How do you think The Big 3 would handle having a crush on a first-year student?If this excees your maximun on characters, just a one headcanon or scenario with favorite Big 3 it's perfect too ^^
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When he first meets you, it’s when he’s helping out Present Mic
That’s when you walked in to give him a note from Mr. Aizawa
Tamaki didn’t know how, but Present Mic knew you
“Ahh, Y/n! There’s my champ! How did training go?”
Tamaki just sat on the sidelines, trying not to be obvious when he was staring at you
You explained how you had gotten hurt, and then gestured to your leg that was wrapped up
“Recovery Girl wanted to give me crutches, but I told her I’m not a weakling!”
Tamaki couldn’t help but chuckle, and that’s when you finally noticed him
“Oh forgive me, this is Tamaki! Tamaki, this is Y/n from Aizawa’s 1-A class. Y/n, this is my student Tamaki. He’s apart of The Big Three.”
A first year student??? With a body and face like that???
Wait, no... she shouldn’t think such dirty thoughts.
Over the next few weeks, he somehow runs into you a lot
Like... too much to be just a coincidence
Little does he know that you are just as smitten with him as he is with you
You give him your number, and it takes the power of Nejire and Mirio to get him to text you
When he does, you’re so happy
The four of you make plans to go to a café down the street, and you guys have a good time
You learn that Tamaki’s shy, but he has a lot to say
Mirio makes sure to ask a lot about you, hoping that you and Tamaki will build something cute
Him and Nejire already ship it
Over the next few weeks, Tamaki finally grows comfortable around you
That is, until the dance comes around
Tamaki is terrible at dancing, but lucky for him you aren’t
“That’s it! Every day, from 2 pm to 4 pm, we are dancing!”
You teach him everything Mina taught you
You guys grow close, really close
Finally, the dance comes around and Nejire dresses you up in the cutest dress possible, which happens to show off your chest immediately
Tamaki is quick to let you borrow his jacket
You tell Tamaki to go dance with a pretty girl when he says that the prettiest girl there is you
You’re not stupid, and end up dancing with him the entire time, laughing and joking
You realize that you couldn’t have had a better time with anybody else
When you’re walking home, it starts raining, so you two squeeze under an umbrella and hold hands
When you’re about to go inside your dorm, he decides it’s now or never and kisses you
You kiss back, and smile
Is he dating you now? He needs to talk to Mirio and Nejire for several moments about how he’s questioning everything.
But he doesn’t question that you like him, and he likes you back.
You’re his favorite person in the entire world.
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When Aizawa calls her, Tamaki, and Mirio to his class, you stick out to her
It’s like there’s a glow around you the entire time, and she can’t look away
She doesn’t really hear much before they have to go back to class
She’s not stupid! She knows she likes you!
She makes it her mission to know your name, quirk, friend group, and to find your old year book
She even makes her two best buds help her out
They think it’s creepy, but at the same time cute
She’s just so fond of you!
She finally talks to you in the cafeteria and is her own bubbly self
She easily becomes friends with you and invites you to a movie
“You’ll be my date!”
You both laugh it off, but she has a plan
She buys your tickets first, far away from all the people
She then buys you one soda with two straws, and your favorite candy bar which she made Tamaki find out
By the end of the scary movie after Mirio found out you were easily scared
You’re holding her hand and pulling her close
She isn’t watching the movie
Near the end of the night, you’re holding her hand tightly as you walk home to your dormitory
Good thing she had Mirio dress up as a ghost to scare you from the bushes
By the end, you two cannot be closer
“I don’t know about you but I had fun.”
You agree, and she bends down to kiss you
You kiss back slowly and passionately
“Well then I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Gosh, why do you have to be so cute?
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Mirio couldn’t be in love with you! You’re like a little sister to him!
At least that’s what he is thinking when you walk by him in that bathing suit in swim practice
Mirio always comes to your swim meets, you’re just so good!
But you also look sooooo good.
He doesn’t like the way your young coach looks at you. Mirio wants to kill him.
Doesn’t he know that you belong to Mirio? Or... as a friend obviously.
Today Mirio cannot think about all that though, it’s the day of the Sports Festival.
After months of you and him training together, it’s your time to shine.
Your quirk is amazing, and you easily make it into the top 4.
You’re fighting Tokoyami when he run around him, swing your legs around his head, and throw him out of the arena.
Mirio jumps out of his seat, along with most of the arena in applause.
Mirio’s crying, he’s literally crying
He’s only known you for three months when you got into 1-A
But ever since then, his life was changed thanks to you
He was able to talk about his issues to you, have sleepovers with you, and he had taught you how to drive
You two needed each other more than you’d ever know.
But during that entire time, you had only talked about one dream of yours!
Winning the Sports Festival!!
And here you were, about to accomplish your dream
As the final round came, you weren’t able to talk to anyone
The festival had already gone on for too long
Your final opponent is one of your classmates, Katsuki Bakugo
“Just so you know, I’m not going easy on you because you’re a girl, or my friend.”
“Just know I won’t go easy on you because you’re a guy, or my friend.”
He grinned, and then the sound signaling the start rang out in your ears
In a moment of desperation, Bakugo leapt forward, explosions coming towards you left or right
In the smoke and dust, you were able to run out of his sight and disappear into the dust
Mirio was watching, terrified as he watched fire graze your skin and burn you
He heard you yell, before you jumped behind Bakugo
From above the arena, Mirio found himself biting his nails in worry
You were getting hurt, and going up against one of the most violent people he knew
It didn’t matter that you were one of Bakugo’s only friends, he wanted to win
But so did you...
it scared Mirio that he knew that neither of you would give up, and with both of your quirks together, it would be a messy fight.
The fight was mainly Bakugo firing shots at you, and you dodging every one of them
It was obvious that you were showing off, hoping that hero agencies would take note of your skill against someone so desperate to hurt you
Mirio and everyone else could see Bakugo quickly running out of energy, but so were you
You looked thirsty, out of breathe, and like your entire body was aching
You were using your quirk to propel you around like that, and Mirio knew that you were already overdoing it
Luckily he had packed his backpack with chips and your water bottle
The moment Bakugo took a moment to breathe, you ran at him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him out of the stadium into the wall
“Katsuki Bakugo is out of the arena! Y/n L/n wins the sports festival!” Midnight yelled into the speaker, beginning to walk up to you before you fell to your knees weakly, smiling ear-to-ear
The entire stadium erupted into screaming of joy, as practically everyone had been rooting for the cute, sweet girl against the rude, loud, violent guy
Even Endeavor could be seen clapping off the sidelines!
Mirio looked around to see Ochako shaking Asui ecstatically, Denki and Sero crying happily for their Minecraft girlfriend, and Aizawa and Mic, who were staring, happily shocked, at you.
Mirio just sat there though, staring at you with hearts in his eyes
You were the most perfect thing in the entire world
Once you were finally let go of the nagging press and all the wonderful pro heroes congratulating you, you got in line with your friends to board the bus
“Y/n! Wait!”
You turned to see Mirio sprinting after you, hoping to catch you before you went back to school
He needed to talk to you now or never
“Here! Don’t forget!” He handed you your water bottle and a bag of chips, as well as the sweatshirt you had asked him to hold
“You’re so sweet. Tha-”
He stopped you mid-sentence by kissing you, cupping your face sweetly
You pulled back, appalled by your best friend’s actions as a regretful look spread across Mirio’s face immediately
“I’m so sorry Y/n, I’ve just been feeling a certain way about y-” Mirio was interrupted by you squirting a little bit of water onto his face from your water bottle
“You’re so cute Miri.” You winked at him before turning to the bus, to see all your classmate’s faces pressed against the window, not even trying to hide the fact that they were watching
“Might as well give them something to watch.” You laughed, before grabbing his collar and pulling him into another deep kiss
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polygarnstars · 3 years
facts about me that you could state to my face that would hurt more than that ask did
I own three copies of Okami HD, and have beaten exactly zero of them
I paid $40 for Balan Wonderworld, knowing full well that any enjoyment I drew from it as a game would be ironic, and I plan to spend another $10 on the novel so I can be mad about the fact that approximately two percent of the story actually made it into the game
I played Kingdom Hearts as a kid and was attracted to Zexion, and given I am currently attracted to another edgy squenix bastard with emo hair in the form of Therion Octopathtraveler, my taste has apparently not changed since I was ten
I played Sonic 06 and thought it wasn’t terrible
I learned and did a partial speedrun of PMD Red Rescue Team for the sake of getting on someone else’s Let’s Play of the remake
I tried streaming once, only to have to stop because my capture card ate my sound card
The last week and a half of my Spotify history is comprised almost entirely of the Persona 5 soundtrack and various covers of those songs
I’m a furry who can’t even decide on his own fursona’s species or design
I spend so much time reading Nuzlockes, challenge runs of Pokemon games, games for children, I was brought on as staff of the official forums
I do the aforementioned work as Nuzforums staff knowing full well that it is a volunteer position while I am unemployed in real life
I watched the Kirby anime as a kid instead of doing my schoolwork. Years later, I plan to rewatch it in its entirety instead of seeking employment
I voted for Bandana Waddle Dee in the Smash Ballot
On that topic, I’m a Kirby main! I played through the entirety of World of Light using only Kirby! Like, I love Kirby, but who the fuck mains him unironically like that? I don’t even do that strat of succing your opponents and spitting them out over the blast zone where they can’t recover or taking them down with you, like, cmon
I was in anime club in high school
Despite owning it, I’ve never played Among Us, but I still watch other people play it regularly
I didn’t realize the Guardians of Ga’hoole series was a WW2 allegory until I read the TV Tropes page in high school
I got into Kingdom Hearts for the Final Fantasy stuff, and yet to this day the only Final Fantasy game I’ve ever beaten was the DS rerelease of Final Fantasy III
I 100%ed Breath of the Wild less than three weeks after it released, and proceeded to help various streamers do the same, because I had literally nothing better to do with my time
As a teenager I uploaded two mashups, one of All Star and In The End, the other of All Star and Lonely Rolling Star, to YouTube because in the summer the only device I had to get online with was a Nintendo 3DS, I wanted to be able to listen to them year round, and my 3DS would not play Soundcloud uploads
I’m currently making a mashup of the Balan Wonderworld credits theme and Wonderwall
I think Pokemon peaked in Gen V and I trust Spike Chunsoft with the series more than I trust modern GameFreak
I have owned literally every Animal Crossing game except Amiibo Festival, but I do still own Amiibo from the sets released for it
I’m still waiting for Pikmin 4!
I’m still waiting for another real Chibi-Robo sequel!
I’ve still not beaten the prior games in the series despite owning them, but I’m still waiting for Bayonetta 3!
I dip dill pickle spears in chocolate pudding Snack Packs and I enjoy it
I know all the lyrics to the opening of Pichu Bros. in Party Panic, that anime special that was viewable exclusively on Pokemon Channel
I plan to romance Ann in my first playthrough of Persona 5 Royal purely for the sake of cucking the cat. I do not plan to do this because I dislike Morgana, but simply because I think it would be funny
I say KEKW, Pog, OMEGALUL, and Sadge in real life, with my actual human mouth
I have spent money on microtransactions for mobile games
I bought well over a dozen packs of the Unbroken Bonds Pokemon TCG expansion in an attempt to obtain a rainbow rare Reshiram & Charizard GX. I found zero of them
Until earlier today, when I cleaned out my drawers of old clothes I no longer wear, I owned two Big Bang Theory shirts. Instead of burning them like a reasonable person, I donated them to my local Goodwill for some other poor fool to find
At the age of 23, I still cannot swim
I’ve gotten used to every other bug in my house, including the bees in the walls and the stinkbugs who refuse to just stay outside, but whenever I see a silverfish I consider committing arson
I collect dice but do not play D&D or any other TTRPG, I just think they’re neat
I’m too physically weak to take apart a PS4 controller
I haven’t ridden a bike in a decade, and at this point if I tried I would probably fall over or ride uncontrollably into the street and be hit by a car
I still have art on my wall of a Pokemon character I made in sixth grade at the absolute latest
I buy sketchbooks despite not drawing traditionally literally ever
I cannot draw on a normal tablet, because I look at my hands instead of the screen, and so I had to buy a 2-in-1 laptop to do art
I bite my nails
I compulsively pluck the hairs from my legs
Despite compulsively plucking the hairs on my legs, I cannot be bothered to do the same for the ones that have grown into a unibrow
When I was a child a goose whacked me with its wing
I’ve been bitten by two dogs, one of which bit me twice
Despite domesticated animals hating me, I’m the world’s worst Disney Princess, having taught a grey catbird to recognize Zelda music and having watched the entirety of Avatar the Last Airbender with a baby mourning dove perched in the bush outside the window watching with me
I spell grey grey instead of gray despite being American
I’m American
I’m still on tumblr in 2021
do with this information as you will
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arrow-guy · 4 years
The Lighthouse (4/??)
Summary: The town is sleepy, the people are nice enough, but life gets turned upsidedown when the God of Thunder literally falls out of the sky.
A/N: It’s been two years since I last updated this story, and it’s taken me this long to figure out where it needed to go. Good news: I’ve finally figured it out, and can get back to actually writing it. Anyway, please enjoy!
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong​
Pairing: ThorxReader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None (annoying sheriff, maybe?)
Part 3
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“(Y/N),” Thor calls. “There’s someone at the door for you!”
“Coming!” I shout.
I shove myself back from my desk and haul myself up from my chair. I push my hands into the small of my back and twist from side to side in a feeble attempt to crack my back. I give up after a couple of tries and pad out of my office onto the staircase.
At the bottom of the stairs, I find an agitated Sheriff Green and a nonplussed Thor facing off in the doorway. When the Sheriff sees me, he looks at Thor then back at me before his eyebrows pull together.
“(Y/N), who is this guy?” he asks, looking Thor up and down. “I haven’t seen him around town before.”
“Old friend, that’s all,” I answer, placing a gentle hand on Thor’s arm and pushing him back from the door. The Sheriff opens his mouth to ask another question and I hold up my hand, silently asking him to keep it to himself. “I trust him. That’s all you need to know.”
“Just one more question, and then I’ll stop.”
“How long has he been in town?”
I shrug. “Couple days. Showed up just before the storm hit.”
“Really? I didn’t see another car in the driveway.”
“You said one question.”
“I’m just trying to gauge what’s happening.”
“Sheriff, unless I’ve done something wrong, there’s no reason to interrogate me.”
He nods and sighs in resignation. “How are you holding up after that storm?” he asks.
“Just fine,” I answer. “I wasn’t hit as hard as everyone else was this time. Could have something to do with being closer to the water, but I can’t say for sure.”
“Whatever it is, I’m glad you’re fine. If the lighthouse weren’t operational, we’d be in a helluva lot of trouble right about now.”
“Maybe, but… is there a reason you’re here, or is there something I can do for you, Sheriff?” I ask. “Not that it isn’t nice to see you, I’m just a bit busy at the moment. You know how people are about deadlines.”
“You still doin’ that editing thing?”
“Well, yeah. That editing “thing” is my job. Operating the lighthouse isn’t exactly lucrative work.”
“Is there an issue, (Y/N)?” Thor asks.
I shake my head. “No, don’t worry.” I glance back into the house. “Could you go check on Charles? He gets into trouble if he’s left alone for too long.”
He nods and squeezes my shoulder before heading off to the kitchen. The Sheriff’s eyes follow him until he notices my unimpressed expression.
“Leave him alone, man, he’s got enough on his plate right now without you looking for some kind of trouble.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Oh please, I saw the way you looked at him. Just because you’ve never seen him before doesn’t mean he’s dangerous.”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I never said he was.”
“You didn’t have to, Sheriff. It was written all over your face.” I jerk my chin at him. “Now, what do you need?”
He sighs. “I just wanted to check up on you. No one’s seen you for a few days. Edith at the grocery store is starting to get worried.”
“It’s been two days. It’s not unusual for me to stay inside while I’m working. You know this, and you’ve never come by to check on me before, so why now?”
He tilts his head to the side. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“Well if you don’t know, I guess that means we’re done here.”
“Sorry to cut this little visit short, but I have work and company to attend to. You know how it is.”
“Of course, you’re right.” He nods erratically. “I’ll see you around, (Y/N).”
“Yeah, see you around.”
He tips his hat to me and turns on his heel, quickly picking his way through the yard. I watch him until he’s in his car and driving away, and only when I can’t see him any longer do I close the door.
“That was odd,”
I slowly turn around to find Thor standing there with Charles curled up in his arms. I shake my head and scrub a hand over my face.
“Yeah, it was.”
“Does he normally act like that?” Thor asks, following me as I head into the living room.
“No, he doesn’t. That’s why it was odd.” I crouch down in front of the TV cabinet and reach as far back as my arm will go, fishing around for the metal case my father had hidden there. Looking at it fifteen years later, it seems impossibly dusty and small.
“What is that?” Thor crouches beside me and allows Charles to jump down from his arms.
“They’re old protection runes my father used to have hanging up near the front door. We took them down about five years after we moved in when he was sure this was a safe place.” I flip open the lid to reveal two substantially sized Algiz cast in silver metal. “I think it might be time to put them up again.”
“You believe the sheriff wishes you harm?”
“No, but he was acting strange. The fact that you, a literal god, are sitting in my living room leads me to think that there’s something out there that wants to get to you. If that’s the case, then we could use all the protection we can get short of calling up an actual witch.”
I pull myself up and head back to the front door. I take the pictures from the nails on either side of the doorway and set them to the side before carefully hanging the runes in their place.
“How is it that you know so much of runes and magic?”
“Runs in the family,” I answer. I straighten one of the runes slightly. “My dad said that my great aunt Lacy had actual magic, but I don’t think that got passed down to me.” I shoot him a grin. “Would’ve been cool if it had, though.”
“How do you know that it was not?”
“I think I’d know if I had magic by now.” Thor raises his eyebrows and I tap the side of my head. "Heimdall.”
“If you’ve got any information on my totally fake magic, it’d be nice of you to let me know.”
“It certainly would explain why you’re the only human that I’ve been able to get through to. Believe me, I tried numerous before stumbling across you.”
“I wonder…” I head into the kitchen to clean up the mess we made at breakfast. “How many humans with magic do you know of who can talk to gods?”
“None, though one recently managed to bargain with a cosmic being who could be classified as a diety.”
“Well, then I’ll take the title of God Whisperer, please and thank you.”
Thor laughs heartily but sobers quickly. “The sheriff mentioned that you haven’t left to get groceries in quite some time.”
“I haven’t.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “I should probably make a trip to the store unless we want to eat canned soup and cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Thor laughs. “It wouldn’t be awful, though I understand your reluctance to do so.”
“I think you put too much faith in canned soup.” He just laughs harder and I shake my head.
I fold my arms and squint out the window, mulling over what I should do.
“What are you thinking?” he asks.
“I’m thinking that we need food, but I’d rather not leave you here on your own, even if you do have a vicious guard cat to keep you company.”
“Would I be wrong to think that you’re able to order groceries?” Thor asks. He smiles when I raise an eyebrow in question. “It’s something that I’ve seen Stark do in the past.”
“No, you’re not wrong. That’s actually a pretty smart idea.”
“Well, the only person who's ever accused me of being stupid is my brother,” he says, an amused smile playing at his lips.
I laugh and grab the phone from above the sink. “I’ve never really heard anything good about him, so I won’t trust his judgment.”
“I appreciate that.”
I call the grocery store and one of the clerks picks up.
“Thank you for calling Family Grocers, this is Deb, how can I help you today?”
“Hey, Deb, it’s (Y/N).”
“Hey, what can I do for you”?”
“I was hoping I could order some groceries? I’m on a time crunch for this project for work and I don’t have time to come by and shop.”
“Oh, yeah, no problem at all! What do you want in the order?”
I rattled off a list of things I’d need and she says she’ll have it ready for me in an hour. I thank her and hang up. I frown and place the phone on its’ stand before moving to the living room. I pace back and forth in front of the couch, arms folded across my chest. Daisy wanders along beside me but abandons me for scratches when Thor sits on the couch.
“You’re worried,” Thor says.
“Of course I’m worried. I don’t know what’s going on here. You can’t seem to remember what happened to you, and now the sheriff is acting weird.”
“Police on this world have always baffled me,” he says. “I wasn’t sure what to make of the way he acted.”
I shake my head. “Sure, police suck, but he’s always been pretty obvious about what he’s after. He was just… really weird, earlier. Like just off in general.”
“I see.”
I stop pacing and face him. “Do you think any of this could have something to do with you? Whatever happened on Asgard before you fell here has to have had some kind of impact outside of the crater you left.”
“It’s possible. I just can’t remember anything.” He sighs and leans back against the throw pillows. “I wish I had just a shred of what happened. But everything is blank.”
“Don’t worry about it yet.” I watch him squeeze his eyes shut and scrub his hands over his face. “We’ve got time before anything serious happens.”
“How can you be sure?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. Green gave up too easily. I feel like that’s a good sign, given the circumstances. If the runes help, it should buy us time to figure things out.”
He nods. “Alright.”
I take a seat on the couch, facing him with my legs tucked under myself. He reaches out and takes my hand in his. Daisy trots over and places her head in Thor’s lap and waits patiently for him to pet her. He sighs, smiles, and scratches behind her ears. When he scratches her chin her tongue lols out and Thor chuckles.
“Thank you, Daisy,” he says. “You’re a wonderful companion.”
She licked his hand and sat on his feet, contentedly wagging her tail when he continued to stroke her head. Thor slowly begins to relax and the tension leaves his shoulders when Daisy lifts her head and he leans down to press his nose against hers. He grins when she licks his chin and I laugh.
“I have a feeling that things will be alright,” Heimdall says. “All in due time.”
I nod and run my thumb over Thor’s knuckles. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Hmm?” Thor looks up from Daisy, eyebrows raised.
I shake my head. “Nothing. Just something Heimdall said.”
“Anything important?”
“No, everything’s fine.” He nods and is quickly distracted by Daisy again. “Everything’s fine.”
Part 5
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Thank you guys so much for reading! If you liked this chapter, please reblog, comment, or shoot me an ask! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 years
2019 may not be the year I meet the love of my life, or get an amazing job, or become my best self, but goddamnit it is going to become the year I stop biting my nails
#i have been biting my nails since i was literally about 4 years old and became aware that i had nails#this boy i was friends with literally went ‘hey watch this!’ and bit his nails#i hate him. i would hunt him down and smack him around the head if i could#nature was unkind to him he looks like a cave troll now so i guess there’s nothing much else i can do to him#ANYWAY. yeah#i’ve had like. 2 times when i managed to stop biting for a few months?#one was when i was 18 and my level of stress was really low bc i just finished a-levels and was taking an accountancy course#(which sucked btw but it wasn’t stressful bc it was 1 night a week and i never did the work)#but then my dog went ahead and died and that put me in a depressive spiral and i wasted a year of my life and the biting started again#then i stopped again right before i went to america and my nails had grown kinda long but like... 12 hour flight#of COURSE i was going to end up biting them#that was september 2017 and i haven’t stopped for longer than like a day since#stopping is kind of a mess for me because it is no one thing that causes it. like sometimes it’s boredom sometimes it’s stress/anxiety#sometimes it’s a cosmetic thing like my cuticles are fucked ALL the way up and i always want to bite them#sometimes it’s my oral fixation. sometimes it’s fidgeting#sometimes i have nail polish on and i bite that off but then there’s a part i can’t get to w/o biting the nail#so then i’m like ‘what the hell’ so i bite the nail off to get at the polish#i think my plan should be to try to get my work done on time so i’m not stressed (this will be good anyway bc i graduate soon)#have my kindle on me all the time so i can read literally whenever i’m bored#i’m combatting the oral fixation w/ lip balm because i go through packs of gum so fast i would bankrupt myself if i tried that#so if i get the urge to bite something i’ll just apply lip balm instead and that should distract me for a bit#i’m going to start wearing jewellery again so i have something to fidget with#the cosmetic thing i can’t do much about.. i’ve started using nail oil & clear polish#so maybe that will help? honestly i have a couple of nails that just grow fucking weird and there’s nothing i can do abt it#yeah. that is my plan that nobody ever needed to know about#i’m just so sick of having like. torn cuticles. constant hangnails. half a nail missing bc i bit too deep. just random constant pain#having to eat crisps weirdly and being in pain when i use hand sanitiser#it SUCKS and i’m not doing it anymore#personal#rant
0 notes
kevv · 4 years
a goodbye letter- abandoning current social media
i'm not the best at writing out my thoughts. forgive me if this feels scrambled and scraped together. my best friend, Fox, once said in abridged words; "it takes two to play out an abandonment fantasy, one to have it, and the other to follow suit".
i've known several handfuls of people who fear abandonment, or more specifically, being the one abandoned; scared that one day everyone in their life will take leave. and sometimes, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, they do. they leave in mass exodus, set into motion by one person who wants to set-forth their own abandonment fantasy– abandoning everyone else.
for me, my own fear of abandonment is not anyone abandoning me, i'm unbothered by people entering my life and leaving of their own accord; i'm scared i'll be the one to abandon everyone in my life. because i have. several times. i still do, even. i'll meet people in my lifetime that i loved harder than the universe itself, a deep love so terrifying i feel that it'll demolish cities and townships, friends and lovers and found-family. my skin will buzz and blaze alight with such an intense fear, a fear that i will ruin them and everything they are so i must run. it's unfounded, but it drives me away, and i fight tooth and nail to get to that escape route for those who won't let me leave quietly, until it ends in disaster. it's my own abandonment fantasy. i recall once, an ex-lover wanted me to stay. tried to lock the door and toss away the key, and said it hurt that i wanted an out. so i caused problems until i could break out through the window. not being allowed an option to leave made me feel like a feral, caged animal; because in the end, that's all i am. i hadn't done it on purpose. the need to escape everything had been there months prior. the events leading up to it had been fuzzy at best, sickly at worst, and i had been spoonfed misinformation. not on purpose, not in malicious intent, but still it struck genuine fear in my heart. like a feral animal, i want the option to roam. to come and go as i please. i can't be kept, i just want the trust that i'll find my way back eventually. if i feel contained, i scratch and bite until i'm released. but if you hold out your hand and wait patiently, i'll come to you. but don't ask me to stay. please don't ask me to stay. there's a lot that lead up to this current migration. the inability to be allowed to stand on my own two-feet and exist as just purely Kevin, not adjacent to someone, was a big one. still to this day i am asked about a youtuber i am no longer affiliated with by my own choice. i don't like attention, it's something i've said to her, said to many, and why i chose to never appear in her videos. which seems contradictory for an artist who posts on social media and previously did all of her older channel art. but maybe now i'm realizing that truthfully, i wanted recognition for me, not for others or for who i made myself sick in order to create content for. it's inescapable. i harbor no hard feelings anymore, i understand i was in the peak of my codependency and was willing to ruin myself for the benefit of another. to run myself broke and dry because at 19 years old i was still a child who didn't know how to handle the extent of his emotions. i want to apologize to penny. neither of us are really blameless, but we were inexperienced and young– still young. it's easy to not know what we're doing, to unintentionally take advantage of someone who was willing to burn themselves to give you warmth, or to latch onto an unfounded rumor and bare my teeth. i hope you're doing well, and i'm sorry. i'd like to give you a proper apology one day, when i'm more ready. that day is not today. sometimes i feel like there are four people living inside my brain, all with dissenting opinions and voices that i can't tell who i am anymore. i feel like i'm constantly contradicting myself because i don't know what my own thoughts are. i don't know who i am anymore. i don't know who i am anymore because i'm several different people all trying to be "kevin", all with different beliefs that go against a previous one. i prematurely deleted my twitter account for this reason, i couldn't stand a second more of being in a toxicity cycle i had previously taken part in, because sometimes that's all social media is. it's very... Online. i want to be one, unified person. whose thoughts and feelings are unadulterated by others surrounding him. additionally, there's the elephant in the room. some have already guessed it, suspected it, saw something like it coming from miles away. but for others who have known me for the past decade, it might be a surprise. someone once told me that words have power, and while at the time i disagreed, i'm starting to understand what she meant now. i've been afraid to speak it into existence, because it means it's real, and coming to terms with this unavoidable truth is a terrifying experience, one i need to face and stop running away from. 
i'm detransitioning. giving life to this phrase doesn't make me feel any better. words have power, and that power is to make me crumble and break. since as early as 4 years old, i felt as if i was born a boy who was just being raised as a girl. at 12 was when i learned about and started identifying as transgender. at 18 i legally changed my name. for a decade, i lived as a transgender man. i've mentioned this before, but i'm intersex. i have an androgen insensitivity syndrome. what this means is that androgens, male sex hormones, have no effect on me. they instantly are reconverted back into estrogen by my body. this has been a reoccurring nightmare of mine since i was 14, and having it become my reality is.. heartbreaking, to say the least, crushing a lifetime of dreams and wishes. i've tried testosterone, self-medicated in my teen years, and "officially" more recently. it has no effect on me. a friend of mine says i shouldn't give up hope until i properly see an endocrinologist about HRT, but the reality is– i know my body, and i know my condition. i don't grow body hair, and my body cannot masculinize. these are unavoidable truths. i don't need to spend hundreds of dollars to be told what i already know. HRT will not affect me; i will never be able to transition. any attempt will become a scientific study in which i'm a guinea pig. i don't want that. i will never pass for male. my voice is high, my body is undoubtably female, my face is feminine, and i'm 4'11". it's disheartening and i've shed many tears over it. for what feels like my whole life, i've longed for SRS/GRS, top surgery, a deeper voice, and a couple inches of height. i ache for body hair, masculine fat redistribution, and male pattern baldness. all the good and the bad associated with testosterone is what i so desperately yearn for with such a soul-crushing depravity. i am genuinely heartbroken. maybe it's my punishment for all the bad things i've believed in or done. it's what i'd deserve, i guess. this punishment. it is for those reasons that i feel like i can no longer find comfort in identifying as ftm, to struggle seeing myself as a man. it's crazy, i've referred to myself as male since early childhood, and now that i'm coming to terms with my intersex condition am i feeling wrong in every conceivably way of identity. truthfully, i don't even identify as anything anymore. i'm not nonbinary, cis, or i guess trans. i feel as if i just exist. i just am. you can still call me kevin. it's my name, my legal name– which i love to point out. i'm not changing it. it's the first time i made a decision purely for myself, and went through with it. i love my name. i don't think i will love anything about myself quite like my name. i chose it when i was 12, it was my first choice. i never wanted another name. i still don't. but i like nicknames, particularly kitty and K-K. you can call me those too. these have always been options available. i reiterate– i really like being called nicknames. (: you can still use male pronouns for me. i never minded being "misgendered" because, well, i never passed, and i made peace with that years and years ago. while being called she/her or otherwise will probably always leave a stale taste in my mouth, i've learned to accept the reality of what i am a long time ago. biologically female. you can still use male identifiers for me, like husband or boyfriend or whatever other male terms there are...... actually you'll have to pry those out of my cold dead hands. i will not accept being called a "girlfriend" i will literally go feral and foam at the mouth and bite your ankles until you take it back. there's comfort in these things that i'm not ready to let go of, and frankly, i don't think i'll ever feel ready to. moving forward, i don't really know what i'm going to do. right now i'm taking a break from the internet, so i can soul-search and truly find myself, in all senses of the word and every iteration that it can be built upon. i'll make a new twitter account when i'm ready to, probably. there's a lot more i want to say, to add onto this in addendum, and pour so much of myself into this until it spills out the sides and trickles down into tiny cracks. but truthfully, i don't know how to say it. i don't know its relevancy to this eulogy of an account, and quite honestly, there are still some things i can't find myself able to say. to speak into existence. to give power to those words. admitting aloud to a 6-year long love that burnt like candles catching a home on fire was intense enough (hi Charlotte it's you, it's you and it's always been you and everyone knows this). so maybe i'd rather keep some things to myself, perhaps. preferably. so i guess that's it. i've bared my heart and soul and skin and bones to whoever will read this piece of myself. it's the end to katidoj, one that's been a longtime coming. i've never been very good at staying in one place for very long. please take care, i love you. and i'll miss you. a piece of my heart left with you, here buried deep in this account. (pressing the submit button has never been so hard in my life.)
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10 Underrated Movies of the 2010s
1. John Carter (2012)
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Before Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was even produced in 1937, Disney was considering producing an adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough’s A Princess of Mars as Disney’s first animated film. During its pre-production stage, producers weren’t quite receptive to the concept. The story was about a man being transported to Mars, where its gravity gave him super powers, and he fought with four-armed green-skinned aliens. Back then, space ideas were the last things on people’s minds in the ‘30’s. They wanted something uplifting from The Great Depression. Disney didn’t quite scrap the story; they shelved it for later and decided to go with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves as Disney’s (and the world’s) first feature-length animated movie. John Carter holds the award for the movie with the longest time spent in “development hell”. For the next 75 years, different directors and producers would try to bring back the classic tale of daring-do on the planet Mars. Growing up reading Edgar Rice Burrough’s novels, I was enthralled to hear that they finally produced a live-action film to be released on 2012 – and it was even near my birthday! March of 2012 marked 100 years since Edgar Rice Burroughs published A Princess of Mars. It was like all the stars were truly aligned for something great. The movie finally came out and it . . . didn’t do well at all. It’s also notable for being one of the most expensive movies ever made – and it was all for nothing. What happened? Most of you reading this may even be unaware of the hero John Carter or A Princess of Mars. I find that the main issue was the problem of John Carter being largely unknown because it has been long overshadowed by Flash Gordon, Superman, Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and literally everything else that owes its inspiration to John Carter. Superman got its concept of gravity-granting superpowers from John Carter. Flash Gordon got its human-on-another-planet heroics from John Carter. Star Wars derived nearly everything from Flash Gordon. The domino effect goes on. The further you go, the more people forget the original inspiration, and we live in a world now where people don’t really care about who did it first, but who did it best.
There’s a particular scene in the movie John Carter where the titular hero has to fight monsters in an arena. Many critics were bored of the scene, claiming they saw it already in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones; which is ironic being that the arena scene was written almost a full century before Attack of the Clones. Scantily clad Carrie Fisher in Return of the Jedi? That’s a Deja Thoris reference from A Princess of Mars.
It can be difficult to judge a movie or story by itself aside from other derivative works. When that source material is some obscure adventure tale that is literally older than World War I, you should realize that probably not a lot of people have heard about it nowadays.
The film suffers from two other major points: the runtime and the combination of books one and two of Burrough’s original trilogy. A Princess of Mars is a rather simple tale of a man saving a princess on Mars. Its sequel, The Gods of Mars, goes into more complex matters as the evil Therns are revealed as a group of mysterious aliens controlling all culture and life on Mars for their benefit. The movie John Carter tries to combine the two, and I see why. Modern audiences are uninterested in seeing another adventure tale about a guy saving a princess. Ironically, that would have worked much better in the 1930’s, but the Disney board at the time was like, “Space? What’s that? Mars? What’s this newfangled spaceship business?” John Carter ultimately had the unfortunate and unique experiences of being both too ahead and too dated for its time.
I still highly recommend it because the production value is amazing and it’s still highly entertaining. The score is fantastic (Michael Giacchino), and the performances are great, albeit with some cheesy dialogue. The screenwriters added more depth to the character of John Carter that really pulls some heartstrings, especially during one particular scene where he’s bashing hundreds of aliens to a pulp.Unfortunately, the poor performance of John Carter prevented its sequel and the planned trilogy from ever being produced. At the end of the day, I’m still content with seeing the world’s very first space adventure that ultimately inspired Star Wars finally put on screen. 2. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
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I was frankly surprised when nobody else cared about a Solo movie coming out. Having read A.C. Crispin’s Han Solo Trilogy when I was a kid and having overall grown up loving the character, I thought ANY Star Wars fan would be pumped. That was the issue right away before the movie even hit theaters – Nobody. Fucking. Cared. The previous year’s Last Jedi left a sour, divisive taste in the Star Wars fandom. Toxic fans threw their hands in uproar and an entire debacle unseen since the prequel trilogy exploded. Like with Jake Lloyd in The Phantom Menace, fans had continually harassed and bullied Kelly Marie Tran for playing Rose to the point where she quit Instagram. YouTube videos nearly 30 minutes long were dedicated to bashing the film and “SJW culture” and “virtue signaling”. The entire debacle was a nightmare that makes me shudder to even think about. It was like everyone was tired of Star Wars by the next year. Some people like to say that “Star Wars fatigue” wasn’t the thing because nobody was tired of Marvel movies. I disagree. First of all, I witnessed immediate responses to people’s reactions at the trailer. They said “I don’t care” and “Why do we need that?”. Second, Star Wars and Marvel are two completely different universes. Marvel has a nearly infinite range of various stories with various atmospheres and moods and characters. One Marvel fan can “specialize” in Doctor Strange while another mostly loves Thor. Star Wars follows the same group of characters over the same damn story that we’ve already known for the past 42 years. Like John Carter, Solo had the same problem by being too confident and throwing too much money into its production. Solo also happens to be on the list of the most expensive movies ever made. Its poor performance and inability to make a return on the total costs scrapped the possibility of any more future standalone Star Wars films. Further dissections of why it didn’t work out vary. Some people hate the droid L3-37 and claim unnecessary SJW content. I disagree with that too. In my rulebook, something in a story is not unnecessary unless it proves crucial to the plot; L3-37 is the reason why the Kessel Run worked. Were it not for her fanatic desire of starting a droid revolution, Han wouldn’t have survived. The idea of revolution is also crucial and foreshadows the coming Rebel Alliance. I wonder if people would have had the same reaction to L3-37 if the movie had been released years before the current political situation; if we would have just seen her as a cool, kooky and rebellious droid instead. Solo: A Star Wars Story reveals that Han has always been around instances of rebellion, which he has tried to ignore. It isn’t until A New Hope that he finally gives in for good. I honestly don’t see why some people say it doesn’t fit with A New Hope when it clearly does. One of my favorite parts is when Q’ira tells Han, “I know who you really are.” From the trailer, you would expect her to say “A scoundrel.” But in the film, she says, “The good guy.” The film cements the idea that Han has always tried to look and act cool but deep down he gives in to doing the right thing, which separates him from the other scoundrels at the cantina. It’s because of this adventure that he ends up helping to blow up the Death Star later on. Also, like John Carter, the score is absolutely fantastic. I could go on about it but that would derail the topic for another time. 3. The Gift (2015)
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I ended up seeing this movie on a whim by myself after someone bailed on me at the last minute to hang out. I had nothing to do but wanted to do something and checked what was playing in theaters at the time at my local theater. The synopsis hadn’t told me enough about what was really going on while at the same time enticing me. Jason Bateman though really surprised me in this role.I really don’t want to give anything away other than what you can find on the basic synopsis. Jason Bateman is married to Rebecca Hall and the two share a completely content life, until an old school friend of Jason’s starts visiting them. Joel Edgerton plays the school friend, and it’s quite amazing that he both wrote and directed this film too. 4. Prisoners (2013)
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This movie was great – and absolutely nobody talks about it. I recall wanting to see a movie with my mom around fall of that year. We realized there was really nothing interesting in theaters. It was a lull where there was nothing really interesting playing. No blockbusters and no Oscar buzz. We chose Prisoners solely based on the fact that we like Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, and I guess we also gathered the general sense that it was a mystery.I became glued to the screen during the entire movie. The story revolves around Hugh Jackman’s daughter supposedly abducted by Paul Dano, who plays a mentally ill suspect. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the detective tasked with finding the daughter. With Paul Dano being unable to articulate his thoughts, everyone is left distraught on how to solve this case. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal take drastically different routes in trying to find the girl.Out of everything on my list of underrated films here, this was the most nail-biting. Highly recommend. That ending. Whoo. 5. Source Code (2011)
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This movie is a real mindbender. It might be so much of a mindbender that it’s the reason why people didn’t talk about it more. They probably just thought, “Huh?” and wanted to rewatch the previous year’s Inception again instead.Jake Gyllenhaal is on a mission to find a bomber on a train in a computer simulation. That’s how it starts at least. . .   Another movie I probably shouldn’t explain too much, but it explored themes about a post 9/11 world and the nature of self. 6. The Big Short (2015)
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This movie was a hit and then everybody forgot about it. Heck, I know a bunch of you didn’t even see it. I find this really concerning. Brought to you by the director of none other than Anchorman, Adam McKay directed a very entertaining but distressing take on the Great Recession. It has an ensemble cast of Brad Pitt, Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling, and Christian Bale. The movie manages to translate complicated, bullshit concepts in Wall Street into layman’s terms. Every performance delivers, yes, but it was also staggeringly prophetic in what would come a year later in the 2016 election – “I have a feeling, in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people.” This movie should have seriously started a riot. But it didn’t. Watch it. 7. Spectre (2015)
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Many Bond fans hated Spectre, and it’s often compared to the supposed high-and-mighty Skyfall. I beg to differ. Spectre brought back the fun in Bond without also resorting to the really obnoxious misogyny. The Daniel Craig era of Bond films went back to Ian Fleming’s original intention of Bond being more of a “blunt instrument” than the tongue-in-cheek action hero he came to be known in the film series. And that’s okay. But you can’t help but be bored once and a while by the recent trend of “making things gritty in the new millennium”. Spectre brought back the evil Blofeld, Bond’s nemesis. Fans hated it because this movie implies that every other Daniel Craig movie has been tied to Spectre, ruining the standalone nature of Skyfall and feeling like Spectre was a shoe-in.
This situation requires a lot of explaining, but I’ll be brief.
The creative entities of Spectre and Blofeld were tied up in a copyright battle for almost half a century. Back when Ian Fleming was still alive, he was working on a script for Thunderball with a screenwriter named Kevin McClory. Long story short, there was a dispute on who created Spectre and Blofeld – Fleming or McClory. McClory won the dispute and MGM (the producers of the Bond films) were prohibited from using the names and characters of Spectre and Blofeld.
The last time we officially saw the character in name was in 1971’s Diamonds are Forever. Blofeld made a cameo in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only but was never mentioned by name, but you knew it was Blofeld because he was always the man with the white cat. McClory did eventually make his own version of Thunderball in 1983’s Never Say Never Again, which was an unofficial Bond movie yet it still starred Sean Connery (crazy, I know).
Fast-forward to when the Daniel Craig era started in 2006 with Casino Royale. Spectre and Blofeld were still under copyright protection of McClory. Instead of using the name Spectre, the writers had to come up with another Specter-inspired evil corporation. So they came up with “Quantum”, the evil company behind the plots of Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.
BUT THEN, the McClory estate officially settled the matter with MGM in 2013, and Spectre and Blofeld could now be used. The writers jumped on it and that’s why to some Spectre feels like it was a shoehorned at the last minute.In my opinion, Skyfall had more issues being a standalone film. The villain Silva was supposed to be working alone and yet somehow create all these elaborate, time-sensitive plots that was just too much for one man with maybe a few henchmen to pull off. In Spectre, it’s implied that Silva used Spectre’s resources to help him plan his revenge. This would realistically make more sense. After all, it’s in the name: SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. One would go to Spectre in order to enact revenge on someone if one didn’t have the means or resources.
And the whole Quantum being a part of Spectre thing – so what? Quantum was meant to be the same thing anyway. Lastly, there is some dispute on to the nature of Blofeld’s relationship with Bond. Bond suddenly has an evil foster brother now? Some complained about it. I thought it was fine. It gives a reason for Blofeld to go out of his way to torture Bond rather than just shoot him, which is a point always parodied in Bond spoofs. So again, it actually makes sense. I thoroughly enjoyed Spectre. It was virtually not misogynist out of the new Bond films. It treated the main girl, Madeline, very well, as well as the “other” girl Lucia. Yeah, some of the action is dumb and more out of spectacle than realism. It’s still done with the same wit and style of the old Bond films. 8. Shazam! (2019)
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Yeah. I get it. Everyone’s tired of the god-awful, insipid DC Cinematic Universe (except for Wonder Woman), which pales in comparison to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But Shazam! was finally a very fresh, funny, and lively DC movie. What makes it stand out to me was how it ended up revolving around the main character’s friends standing together with him, rather than just simply being an origin story of one superhero. Nothing felt like it fell flat. The humor was spot on. The action was good. You had a really pained, terrible villain. Some of the plot may be simple but it had a satisfying ending. Shazam! has the same kind of energy as Spider-man: Homecoming, but by doing its own thing and having its own theme of what a family really means. It revels in the genre by literally putting you in the shoes of a child’s wish fulfillment. 9. Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
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I saw this movie on a whim on Netflix. Nobody has made any fuss about it. I think it was fantastic. It’s a quirky sci-fi comedy with Aubrey Plaza playing a newspaper reporter investigating an ad someone put in the classifieds asking for a time travel companion. She goes along with two other co-workers, played by Jake Johnson and Karan Soni (who later becomes the taxi guy in Deadpool). I have to be honest – I don’t find Jake Johnson that funny. In most things I’ve seen him in, I feel like his reactions are forced. But his deadpan deliveries in this movie are on the spot. Mark Duplass was still relatively unknown at this time, and played the oddball guy who placed the ad and firmly believes he made a time machine. The entire movie only costed $750,000! Movies today need to spend over $10 million in order to try and make something as compelling as this. This movie alone influenced the modern indie film industry by combining forces with Netflix. Maybe Netflix and chill wouldn’t have been a thing if it weren’t for this movie. 10. The Nice Guys (2016)
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I saved my personal favorite for last. The Nice Guys is my favorite underrated movie that I have seen this past decade. It has everything I love in a buddy film; wit and style. Written and directed by Shane Black, this movie has some real zingers and hilarious deliveries. Ryan Gosling plays a jittery private detective, who unwillingly teams up with Russel Crowe, who beats up people for a living. The story revolves around a missing girl who is a key witness to a grander conspiracy involving the automobile industry. This is one of those movies that never fails to make me laugh. I can rewatch the same scenes over and over and still crack up with laughter. My only gripe is that the final confrontation can be a bit unrealistic at times, which can be close to breaking that border of “Okay, is this witty satire like Coen Brothers or just outright comedy sketch like The Naked Gun?” So to me it felt a little imbalanced in the last quarter. Still, the rest of the movie really hits the right marks.
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twokinkybeans · 5 years
Jar Of Dirt Chapter 7: Swiss  [Starker Fanfiction NSFW/18+]
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Kink/Sexual Warnings: Sex Toys, Anal Penetration, Hand Jobs, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Humiliation, Subspace, Multiple Orgasms, Name-Calling. Other warnings: Tony's having anxious feelings about the events that went down in the last chapter.
All Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 ... Masterpost (More to come!)
Chapter 7: Swiss The first thing Tony does when he wakes up the next morning is grabbing his phone and Peter’s AirPods to go through the security footage from last night. He knew something was off about the story Peter told him about kicking out a ‘random drunk dude’, but he hadn’t wanted to pry during the party. Peter’s still snoring softly and drooling on his pillow. Tony scoots closer, enjoying his warmth. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., show me all security footage that includes Peter from last night at triple speed.” He stares at the screen intently. Everything seems to be perfectly fine at first. Peter’s laughing, having fun and hanging out with his aunt and some of the Avengers. But a few minutes in, he spots him. “Real-life speed, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” he whispers and the recordings slow down. His heart thumps in his chest as he watches Beck walk up to his boyfriend with that smug grin on his lips. No. No, no, no. How did he even get into the Tower?  
His blood runs cold, and horrified, he listens to all the filth the man throws at Peter. The offer, the degrading comments about Peter’s motivation to be with Tony, the sexual insinuations. He sees how badly Peter’s trying to hold himself together, trying to stay in charge of the situation. He watches Peter force the man to the elevator and F.R.I.D.A.Y. switches shots. Tony’s jaw is clenched for the entirety of the time Peter and Beck spend in the elevator. Anxious for something to happen. "Ah…” Beck coos. “He hasn’t told you yet, has he?” Tony’s pretty sure he hasn’t blinked since Beck showed up in the footage, but now he feels the tears prick in the corners of his dried eyes. He dreads what’s coming next. What Peter is going to say. The elevator doors open and Peter remains unmoved. “Get out.” Tony closes his eyes, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. His breathing is shaky and his chest is tight. Peter’s in control. Not Beck. Quentin is not pulling the strings like he did when Tony was still with him. He sniffs once and bites the inside of his cheek, opening his eyes again to watch Beck step outside the elevator. “I’ll be looking forward to your pretty moans.” Beck laughs and walks towards the front door, blowing Peter a kiss. “Ruuffffff!”
Tony turns the screen off and lets his head hang back, taking a deep breath and removing the AirPods from his ears before turning towards Peter, sneaking an arm around his waist. Peter shifts, closer into the embrace in his sleep. Tony stares at the young man, so peacefully lying here in his arms. He can’t believe Beck came here. He can’t believe he had the guts to talk shit to his boyfriend. However, an immense surge of pride washes over him as well for how Peter told this man off. He handled it so well. Not letting the awful words get the better of him.
“You’re really living up to his perverted tendencies, aren’t ya?” Beck’s voice echoes in his mind. “Ruufffff!”  
Tony feels sick. Nauseous. He hasn’t seen the man in nearly a decade, and Tony doesn’t like how Beck still creeps under his skin, scaring him. Making him feel insecure and taken advantage of. He doesn’t like how the man’s voice makes him doubt everything. Is Beck right? Is Tony an old creep for being with Peter? No matter how much he loves having sex with him, it isn't about that at all. He loves Peter for who he is, even if they wouldn't get sexual. Is that still considered perverted?
At breakfast, Peter suddenly puts his spoon down and looks up at Tony. His eyes are so serious that it has Tony on edge instantly. “Tony?” Peter takes a deep breath. “You know that, uhm, I’m not with you for your money, right?”
Oh. Shit.
Tony bites down his lip and tries to keep the sudden surge of emotions under control. God. He’s such a wreck today. Peter had seemed rather unfazed by Beck’s tirade, but of course Tony should’ve known it would get to him more than he’d show. “Baby, of course I know that. Do you know just how hard it is to spoil you?” Tony speaks, trying to think about how to break it to him that he knows about Beck. He should just say it to him right out. “I watched the security footage this morning. I saw, uhm, Beck.” Peter’s expression falters. “You watched it, why?” “You’re bad at keeping secrets, kid,” Tony jokes, trying to keep the conversation as light-hearted as he can. He doesn’t want to drag the boy down into his inner mess. Peter scoffs. “I am not!” “Honey, you told me to try the whiskey I’d been drinking all night.” “Okay, maybe a little,” the boy confesses, his face a strange mixture between a goofy grin and the weight of the situation flashing across his eyes.
Tony realizes that this is the moment he should stop hiding. Peter is - funny enough - the most mature boyfriend he’s ever had. He has to tell Peter the whole story. He deserves it. “I’m very proud of you, Peter. For how you handled him.” “God. Mr. Stark. I wanted to punch him so bad.” “You did well, sweetie.” Tony takes a deep breath. “Beck’s manipulated me throughout our entire relationship. When I saw him walking towards you in the footage, I- I was scared.” “He’s an asshole.” “Took me a couple of years to realize that.” “Years?” Peter asks, carefully. Tony had shortly mentioned his exes before but he’s never elaborated on them. He always told Peter they should only focus on what they had going on right now. That that was the most important thing. “Even after he left I thought it was all my fault. You know?” Tony hates how unsteady his voice sounds, but he has to push through. Peter deserves to know the full story now. “Sometimes, I still think that. Of course, in hindsight I can see how abusive and toxic he was. He’s very manipulative; made me do things I didn’t want to do. When I said no, he’d push through or tell me he’d leave if I didn’t. When I finally told him what I liked, he ran off to the media to go public about it.” Tony looks down, almost reliving that moment. “I figured out what he was up to and could shut it down just in time.”
Peter slides off his chair and walks towards Tony, hugging him from behind tightly. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Tony,” he whispers. “But he’s wrong about everything he said last night. I’m here. And I love you.” Tony closes his eyes, reaching up to pull Peter in closer. “He’s delusional,” the boy continues. “With the whole barking thing he did? As if I’m your dog or something like that.” Peter scoffs. Tony swallows at the hurtful stab in his chest. Oh, if only Peter knew. “Please, don’t let his comments get to you,” Peter says quietly. “You don’t have to tell me or try anything you’re not ready for. Once you are, I promise you I will stick with you,” Peter pauses. “Literally.” Tony’s surprised laugh fills the room. “You’re perfect, baby. Thank you.” “Mmmmh, you’re going to love me even more when I give you your birthday present!”
Tony had nearly forgotten about his birthday today and he breaks out into a grin. He would push away whatever happened with Beck last night, for now. “Oh, now you got me curious,” he grins. “Wait. Right here. I’ll get it for you!” The boy runs towards their bedroom and Tony shakes his head happily at the sudden enthusiasm. When he comes back, there’s a large-squared present in his lover’s hands. He pushes Tony’s breakfast aside and places the present in front of him. “Happy birthday, baby,” he whispers and Tony grins at the nickname, definitely not minding it. “I-I hope you like it.” “I like everything you give me.” Tony tugs the present a bit closer and sees there’s a note.
For the sweetest, quirkiest and most handsome man, I’ve ever met in my entire life. I love you. May this present bring us even closer. -X Peter
Tony slowly tears the bright red wrapping paper and once he takes it off, his jaw drops. There’s a stack of old records. Black Sabbath - of course, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Rammstein, Adam Ant - Tony snickers at that one - God, that brings him back, Dead Moon, The Cramps- Oh! , Nine Inch Nails. “Pete,” Tony says breathlessly. “How’d you get these? This must’ve cost you a fortune!” He slowly shakes his head, eyes wide. Tony could snap his fingers and these records would be delivered right to his doorstep. Whatever this cost, to Peter it’s a lot. “Do you like it?” Peter leans on the counter, resting his head in his hands. His eyes gleam hopefully and Tony breaks into a smile. “Kid- this… I don’t know what to say.” “YES!” Peter jumps, startling Tony. “There’s only so many times I got you speechless, so I’m counting this as a win!” Tony laughs and moves to grab Peter’s hands. The boy turns to him and his bright smile has Tony’s heart flutter. “I- I can’t let you pay for these, kid.” “Shush!” Peter pouts like a child. “I didn’t spend every free second of last week on Craigslist for you to just throw money at me again. It’s a gift, Mr. Stark! Take it!” Tony raises his hand to caress the boy’s cheek. Peter instinctively closes his eyes and leans into Tony’s touch. "Besides," Peter smiles. "-your present is slightly self-indulging. I want to listen and dance to all of these together. Like I said on the note, these albums will bring us closer."
“That's an amazing idea," Tony whispers. "Still, let me give you something else too…” Tony mumbles. “Like what?” Peter mutters back, not opening his eyes. “Well!” Tony steps back and lets go of Peter suddenly, startling the boy. “Wait here.” “Mr. Sta-” Before Peter can protest, Tony makes his way behind the kitchen counter and grabs their Jar of Dirt from a cabinet. They’d hidden it for the party, but Peter’s dick twitches in his pants already, a slight Pavlovian response to seeing the jar again. Tony unscrews the lid and puts it on the counter, but instead of putting his hand in, he turns again, opening a drawer and taking out a folded piece of paper. Peter curiously watches Tony’s shenanigans as he sits down on the barstool, pushing away his bowl of now soggy cereal.
Tony grins and cocks his head. When he speaks again, it’s dramatic. Acted. Old-timey. Peter smiles. It’s funny. “Oh, I think it is time for us to get another piece of paper from the jar. Don’t you think so too? Peter?” The man leans in and gives Peter an over the top wink. Peter can’t help but laugh. This is silly. But he’s enjoying it. He loves seeing this side of Tony. When the older man stands up straight again, he presents the piece of folded paper he got out of the drawer and with a swift motion he brings his hand with the paper into the jar. He immediately pulls it out again, not even touching the other ones resting in it. “Now, would you look at that! We pulled out a whole, brand new kink for us to explore!” Peter hides his face in his hands, shaking his head, unable to stop smiling. Tony’s a dork. His dork. Fuck, he loves this man.
Tony presents the folded piece of paper to Peter in both hands, with a small bow, head bent down. Peter shakes his head again and takes the paper from Tony’s hands. “You’re unbelievable, Mr. Stark,” he chuckles. Tony stands up straight and proudly angles his chin up. “I aim to be.” He shifts again, holding a butler pose and nodding to Peter. “Now, if you would do us the honors of reading what’s on the paper?” Peter looks down at the note as he twists it between his fingers. He carefully opens it, occasionally glancing up to watch Tony’s expression. The man looks at Peter with wide, excited eyes. Peter can’t help but feel excited as well. Whatever Tony has planned, it must be good. He’s never been this hyped to try out one of his kinks before. Call it a breakthrough. Peter finally looks down at the piece of paper, his mouth dry with anticipation. However, he frowns when he reads the note.
“Um… Tony?” “Yeees?” Tony’s voice shifts in pitch as he answers. He’s nearly buzzing with excitement. “What’s… Swissy?” “Ah!” Tony exclaims, raising both hands above his head, palms aimed at the ceiling. “Boy, am I glad you asked.” Tony bends down, completely in his element, to open another cabinet door and out comes a black, square box about the size of a small picture frame. He places it on the counter, slowly pushing it towards Peter with a smirk. The boy eyes the box cautiously and he puts down the piece of paper. “Tony, it’s your birthday. I’m not taking any presents from you.” Tony stands up straight and cocks an eyebrow. “Trust me, sweet thing, when I say this going to be as much of a present to me as it is to you.” “How so?” Tony nods at the box. “Just open it.”
Peter slowly moves his hands towards the box, letting his fingers glide over the soft material. He catches Tony biting his lip from the corner of his eye and Peter’s breath hitches in his throat. God, this must be really good. It opens like a jewelry box, the padding inside holding a... Black cube? Peter stares at it for a little bit, trying to figure it out. Nothing about it seems to make sense, though. “...What am I looking at?” “Right!” Tony walks around the counter to stand next to Peter and he gestures at the box with one hand. “That-” he nods. “-is something I have been working on for a little bit.” “Okay, but what is it?” Peter has to look up, as he’s still sitting on the stool and Tony looks down at him, giving him a loving smile. “It’s a.. Toy.” Peter’s eyes go wide and Tony smiles triumphantly. “Or, I’d say the toy.” Peter licks his lips and he looks back at the matte black cube. “It’s a dildo, a vibe, a plug, yada, yada, anything I want it to be.” The way Tony enunciates the fact that he decides what the toy is, makes Peter shiver. “It’s basically a Swiss army knife, but, without the knives. Hence why I decided to endearingly call it the Swissy.” The older man chuckles darkly. ”We’re going to have a lot of fun with this.”
Peter turns to look Tony in the eye again and the billionaire could take his boy right then and there. The hungry look on Peter’s face is making Tony slightly dizzy. The older man shifts to stand behind Peter, who squirms in his seat. His hands rest on the boy’s shoulders, softly squeezing them, massaging them until they relax. Tony leans in and presses a feather kiss on Peter’s ear. The boy shivers under his touch and Tony smirks. “Go on, sweet boy. Take it out,” he whispers. Peter stares at the cube for a few seconds before carefully removing it out of the padding. He turns and twists it in his hands, studying it, trying to see anything distinguishable on it, while Tony continues to massage Peter’s neck and shoulders. Peter pulls a face. It’s still just a black cube with a rubbery texture.
“How does it work?” Peter asks quietly, a little dazed from Tony’s attention. Tony presses a soft kiss on top of Peter’s head and closes his eyes. He presses his fingers into Peter’s shoulders when he replies. “Squeeze it, love.” Goosebumps rise all over Peter’s body and he does as told, slightly squeezing the cube. Out of nowhere, lines light up, bright blue. Peter stares at it in awe. He sighs disappointed when Tony’s hands disappear from his shoulders so he can stand next to Peter again. He grabs his phone and unlocks it with a mischievous look on his face. “Hmm… What do I want you to try out first?” “You’re telling me you can control this thing with your phone?” “Oh yeah. Every time you’ll squeeze it, I get to choose what you’ll be playing with” Peter feels hot all over at the idea of Tony being in charge of him even at a distance. This is going to take their phone sex to a whole new level, shit. “Ah!” Tony exclaims and taps something on his phone. Peter gasps when the cube moves in his hands, within milliseconds, he’s holding a slightly arched dildo. Another tap from Tony on his screen and the toy starts to buzz. “Wow. Tony.” Peter chuckles. “You made this, for me?” “I sure did. Was worth all the extra lab hours for sure. You like it, kid?” “I- I do.”
Tony taps his phone again, and again, showing Peter everything that the toy - Swissy - can do. By the time all features, a whopping 27 of them, have been explained, Peter has a damp spot in his sweatpants. And it didn’t go unnoticed. Tony leans over Peter from behind, resting his head on his shoulder and creeping his arm around Peter’s waist. The young man jolts when Tony cups his hard on, his thumb rubbing slow circles. “Anything you’d like to try, boy?” Tony nibbles on Peter’s ear, causing him to whine and buck his hips in the hopes of gaining more friction against the billionaire’s hand. Peter nods slightly. “Y-yes, daddy,” he moans. “But- it’s your birthday. You pick.” Tony grins against Peter’s hair, his other hand finding its way under Peter’s shirt to slowly tweak his nipple. He increases the pressure on Peter’s dick and Peter screws his eyes shut, trying to hold back another whine. “Ohh,” Tony coos. “So good for me, Peter. Such a lovely, good boy.”
“Mhm,” is all Peter can muster up to say. He absentmindedly starts rolling his hips in the chair. Tony takes his hand off Peter’s nipple to grab his phone and change Swissy’s shape. Peter’s eyes are fixated on the toy in his hands and his lip quivers when he sees what it’s turned into. Tony then tugs on Peter’s dick through his sweats. “Get up,” he orders. Peter complies fast, nearly knocking over the stool on his way up. Tony immediately presses his own hard-on against Peter’s ass. “Take off that hoodie,” he growls. “Stop hiding your pretty body.” Tony’s free hand grabs the Swissy from Peter’s hands and the boy undresses swiftly, not wanting to waste a second. Tony caresses Peter’s soft, bare skin, leaving hot, wet kisses on his shoulder blades as he continues to tease Peter’s hard cock.
“Daddy-” Peter whimpers. “I know, baby, I know…” Tony coos lovingly. “Let me help with those pants. But first…” Tony pushes Peter over the counter with the hand that’s holding the Swissy. “Down, boy.” Peter shudders and obeys, feeling the cold, granite countertop sting his skin, making his nipples hard. Peter’s arms hang limp next to him and he angles his head sideways, whining when Tony lets go of his dick. Tony caresses every inch of Peter’s back, making his way down to the waistband of the sweatpants. He hooks his fingers in and starts pushing down, a surge of arousal shooting through him when he finds the boy isn’t wearing underwear. “Such a naughty boy,” Tony moans, squeezing Peter’s ass with one hand, making Peter whimper. “You knew you were going to get fucked again today, didn’t you? Even though I already destroyed your pretty, little hole yesterday?” Peter whines, closing his eyes. “Y-yes, daddy. I just need you so bad, feels so good- please touch me.” Tony kisses one of Peter’s buttcheeks and then stands up straight to give it a gentle, but hard smack. Peter jolts forward on the counter, an obscene moan echoing against the walls.
“Peter, Peter…” Tony looks down and rubs the spot he just hit with his palm. “I will only really touch you once you make it to the bed.” Peter frowns, unsure what it means, but then Tony’s fingers slide towards Peter’s crack. “Open wide.” Peter arches his back as far as he can, pushing his butt towards Tony and instinctively unclenching. “Good boy.” Tony contemplates opening Peter up first, but that would be against what he just said. Instead, he decides to immediately go for it and gently push in the Swissy. He knew it’d been a good idea to make the toy self-lubricating. Peter moans unsatisfied. The Swissy’s current shape isn’t very big, so it doesn’t exactly fill him up the way he’d want. Tony lets go of Peter completely, which leaves him feeling naked and alone. He senses the billionaire walks away from him and he opens his eyes to see only to find Tony standing in front of the bedroom door, phone in hand. He taps a few buttons and Peter’s cock jolts with arousal when the Swissy starts buzzing inside of him. Directly against his prostate. “OH!” Peter pushes himself into the counter with wide eyes and an opened mouth as he stares at Tony, who smirks mischievously. Peter’s eyes roll back in their sockets as he absentmindedly thrusts into nothing, feeling the vibrator buzz through his entire body. “Remember what I said, Peter.” Tony cocks an eyebrow. The boy opens his eyes, a pleading look on his face, but he does recall daddy’s words.
“I will only really touch you once you make it to the bed.”
Peter has to make his way to the bedroom by himself, knowing Tony will be ruthless. He’s still holding his phone, thumb at the ready and a dazed smile crawls onto Peter’s face. This man is unreal. Peter slowly scrambles upright, using his hands to find balance on the counter. The gentle buzzing shows no sign of slowing down and Peter takes a deep breath before letting go, so he can take his steps towards Tony. “Color?” Tony’s voice is distant, but present and goosebumps spread over Peter’s entire body. “Green,” he moans in reply. He realizes he shouldn’t have said that so soon, because suddenly the vibrator increases to an incredibly high setting and Peter gasps, locking up his joints and muscles. After a few seconds, Tony releases him and the boy stumbles, barely able to stand upright. The buzzing is gentle again. But never gone. When he manages to take two more small steps with his eyes shut, he is attacked with mind blowing pleasure yet again and this time his legs give in. He crashes to the ground, landing on his hands and knees and moans loudly as he arches, pushing his butt away from him, unable to get the friction he’s so desperately longing for..
“That feel good, boy?” “P-please-” Peter whimpers. “C-can’t move-” his body convulses when Tony brings the setting down for less than a second, almost immediately throwing it back up to even higher than it was before. Peter wails, precum dripping from his cock onto the floor as he tries to move forward. He knows Tony will never allow him to come on the floor like this. He has to get to the bed to find release. He has to. Tony dials it down again, enough for Peter to open his eyes slightly. Tony’s still at the door. Waiting for him. Peter puts his foot down on the floor, aiming to stand up, but when he tries to, Tony throws the vibrator back up once again. The boy is stuck on his knees, pressing his chin against his chest. He gasps for breath, head swimming with incoherent thoughts.
The billionaire brings the vibrations down again, but Peter knows better than to stand up now. There’s nothing more he wants in the world than to be in Tony’s arms now. To be touched by him. And Peter will only be able to get to him if he stays down. He’s going to have to crawl. God, this is humiliating, but fuck, does it feel good. Peter puts one hand in front of the other, slowly making his way over the dark tiled floor. Instead of heavy, short bursts, Tony increases the vibrations gradually. The closer Peter gets to daddy, the more pleasure he feels.
Tony is fighting himself on the inside. Cause, shit, his little slut looks so good for him. On his knees, crawling towards daddy. He never meant to put Peter in this position, but he can’t help himself. The boy is loving this, Tony can see it in his eyes. They’re both drunk with pleasure and lust. Tony relishes in the power he has over Peter. How perfectly the boy surrenders to him. He can’t wait for Peter to make it to the bed. Peter blinks fast as he makes his way to his daddy, his mouth dry from gasping and panting. When he nearly reaches Tony, he whines as the man walks into the bedroom instead of taking Peter’s stretched out hand. Tony leaves the door open and sits down on the side of the bed, patting Peter’s spot with an open palm. Smirking intently.
Peter could get there within a second if he could just collect himself. But… He’s not sure if he wants to. His leaking cock is leaving a trail of little drops on the floor and this it’s taking all of his willpower to keep himself together. And it feels so good to be on his knees for daddy. The look on Tony’s face tells Peter how much this turns the older man on. Skipping it because his spider powers could allow him to was out of the question. Peter continues his journey, occasionally having to pause when Tony decides to turn up the vibrations. There’s a sheen of sweat on his body and he smiles triumphantly when he reaches out and feels the sheets with his fingers. He made it. Peter crawls up the bed, whimpering as the toy moves inside him, his aching cock screaming at him to be touched. Tony’s undressed now, Peter doesn’t recall seeing him get out of his clothes, but then again, he was a little preoccupied.
“Well done, Peter,” Tony says with a smile. The boy drops himself face first into the pillows, gasping for air when the vibrations stick on a low setting. “Why don’t you turn on your back for me? I want to show you what you do to me.” Tony’s voice is deep, dripping arousal with each word. Peter complies and turns to his back, hands to his sides. Tony makes his way to sit on top of him, legs either side. He doesn’t sit down, though, leaving Peter untouched. The boy whines but Tony stops him by crashing their lips together in a heated kiss. Their mouths open and their tongues dance. Peter can still taste the orange Tony ate for breakfast on his lips.
Tony lets go suddenly and sits up straight again. His hand was already stroking his own cock, but now Peter can see it. Right in front of his face. Tony is jerking himself off. He still has his phone in his other hand and he sighs breathlessly. Tony groans as he throws his head back. “Can’t stop touching myself,” he growls. “You know whose fault that is?” When Peter wants to reply, Tony throws up the vibrations again, causing Peter to jolt involuntarily and buck his hips up. “M-Mine!” “That’s right, boy.” Tony sets the vibrations to a medium-high setting, watching Peter squirm under him, not finding any friction or release. All he can do is moan and pant and watch Tony’s hand pump his own shaft. “You are truly a sight, sweet slut.” Tony grins, rolling his hips mid-air, loving how Peter’s eyes are glued to his cock. The boy’s mouth is open and he twitches constantly, the vibrator teasing him non stop. “Bet you want me to fuck your face?” Peter’s eyes roll back and he nods frantically as he tries to thrust his hips up. “Yes, daddy, want your c-cock, need it. Fill me- please, anywhere!” Precum trickles down Tony’s dick at Peter’s words. “Fuck! No, you’re not getting me today-” he growls. “I already gave you the Swissy, you’re just gonna watch me now.” “W-watch-” Peter repeats mindlessly. He sounds out of it, and Tony moans. “That’s right, slut. You won’t be coming until I’m done.” Tony’s hand goes faster and faster, desperately trying to reach that sweet release. “Make me cum, Peter, use your words.”
Peter licks his lips. As much as he wants to look at Tony’s face right now, his eyes are stuck on the billionaire’s crotch. His dick is long, hard, thick and dripping precum and it must be throbbing and twitching in Tony’s hands just like Peter’s dick is throbbing and twitching against his abdomen and oh, god! “Fuck, daddy, look so hot on top of me-” Peter manages to get out. “Please, show your pretty slut your come, come all over me, daddy, cover me!” “SHIT!” Tony didn’t expect to last this short but Peter is so beautiful and his words are so filthy and Tony’s hand around his cock is pumping so fast and now he’s spilling his seed all over Peter’s upper body and face. The man jolts when he sees Peter open his mouth to try and catch some of it. The image is bored into Tony’s mind, knowing he’s going to use that exact memory to get off the coming week. That and the footage F.R.I.D.A.Y. takes of them. Peter knows about it. Agreed to it if he got to watch it too, yet he rarely asks for it.
Peter slurps obscenely, cleaning his lips with his tongue and innocently looking up at his daddy as he still twitches from the vibrator buzzing in his ass. Tony can barely hold himself up, so he leans down to kiss Peter. The boy moans when Tony starts licking his face, getting rid of his own cum with his tongue. “So good for me, Peter,” he groans as he sucks a hickey on Peter’s neck. “D-daddy-” the boy whines. Tony smiles. “Yes, sweetheart, I think it’s time for your reward.” He repositions himself slightly, shifting back so he can kneel between Peter’s legs. The boy’s thighs resting on his own, causing his pelvis to tilt forward just the right amount. Perfect for Tony to reach and feel wherever he wishes. “Hmmm, look how messy you are, sweetness.” Tony whispers, trailing his fingers through the cum staining on the boy’s chest. Dragging it along the taut, strong muscles. He doesn’t waste too much time teasing, Peter deserves to be touched. He curls his fingers around the base of Peter’s cock and starts pumping at dazzling speeds right away. “O-OH!” “How’s that feel, hmmm?” “D-Don’t stop. Mr. Stark. F-fuck!” The boy’s shaking underneath his touch, bucking his hips wildly at the slight overstimulation. He’s seen the boy reach his peak so often now that he knows that he’s just seconds away from coming. But Tony doesn’t stop. Instead, he reaches for the vibrator with his free hand, fucking Peter with it. Peter’s panting, gasping for air and when Tony angles the vibrator slightly up, a silent cry leaves the boy’s lips. His entire body arches, shuddering, when his come mingles with Tony’s on his chest. Then, he slumps down and rides through the rest of his high. Tony slows his movements down, but he’s not stopping entirely, leaving the boy a whimpering mess.
“Remember you told me how you can multiple times, baby?” Peter’s eyes widen. Fuck. Oh fuck. He chuckles breathlessly. Yes, yes he can come multiple times in a row. But his orgasms never hit him as hard when he’s alone. He’s so spent, so fucked-out already. Yet, his cock is still stirring in his lover’s warm grip. He feels embarrassed to admit, but yes, he does want to go at it again. “Gonna get the last drop out of your pretty cock, baby.” Tony growls, and slowly, very slowly, starts building up again. “Give it to me. Ask me for it, honey.” “Please, daddy!” “What’s that now?” “Please, can I come again?” The boy’s cheeks are flushed, hands gripping onto the headboard to steady himself when Tony drives the vibrator into him faster and faster. Little beads of sweat rise up to the boy’s chest, his body just taking whatever’s thrown at it. “Good boy, you make daddy so happy. Love watching your pretty face when you come.” “S-so close already!” “I know, daddy knows.” He lets go of Peter for a hot second - relishing in the whine that leaves his lover’s lips. He spits into his own hand and grips the boy’s hard cock again, making it more slick and pleasurable for Peter.
Peter whimpers when Tony touches him again, he’s so goddamn close. He doesn’t know how to speak anymore. Has lost control over all his movements. He just lets his body guide him. Lets Tony guide him. Pleasure rushes through his veins, burning all over his skin and making him shiver. “Come,” Tony’s voice hits him, hard. His body obeys, releasing yet another load of his come all over his abdomen, clenching around the vibrator which is still stimulating his prostate without pause. He’s trying to catch his breath, but Tony doesn’t give him time. His hands start speeding up again. Drawing another orgasm from him. And another. And another.
Peter feels how he’s slowly spacing out, completely overwhelmed and his Spidey-sense so thoroughly overstimulated that it gives in completely. There are colors everywhere around him. A rainbow surrounds him. Envelopes him. He’s lying on pink clouds. The experience makes him so bubbly and happy that he laughs, reaching out for the hues in front of him. “M-Mr. Stark. Do you see all these pretty colors? I-I…” Suddenly there’s a shiny blue light coming from the center of his vision and he gasps, trying to touch it. “Careful, kid,” comes Tony’s steadying voice and Peter groans, slowing down his movements. His fingers graze across something smooth and slightly cold, sending him another jolt of pleasure through his fingertips. Right next to the smooth surface, he feels something warmer. Softer. Tony’s skin. He loses himself in the sensations around him. The dancing colors, the encouraging words that he hears in the back of his head. Good boy, so pretty, so proud. His skin tingles and burns and everything just feels so perfect that it makes him want to cry. He’s vaguely aware of the dizzying sensation in his crotch, how it doesn’t seem to stop. He doesn’t want it to stop. Ever.
“Baby,” comes a soft, gentle voice out of nowhere. Peter blinks, trying to figure out where it’s coming from. “Right here, sweetness.” His eyes flutter open this time, and he groans when the bright daylight hits him. He feels so disoriented and he takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, he slowly starts to make out Tony’s face and he smiles, still very much dazed out. “Hi, Tony,” he slurs and giggles at the happy feeling in his chest. He moves and frowns, how did he get this sticky? Slowly, his memories seep back into his mind. The present Tony got for him. The crawling.
“Peter, how are you feeling?” Tony’s voice is sweet and caring and Peter feels a deep satisfaction settle in his chest. “Incredible.” “You came so much, baby. You came eight times in a row, I’m so proud of you,” Tony whispers, cradling him from the side. Peter smiles, closing his eyes again and snuggling closer into the man’s chest. He’s still at a loss for words, but the impact of the situation is definitely dawning upon him. He just completely lost himself. His senses kicked into overdrive so hard that he’d hit more than just his subspace. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers everything. Not every second, but he does recall the things that went down. How Tony completely lost it as well, releasing himself all over Peter’s chest. It makes his eyes sting with tears. A few weeks ago, Tony’d been hiding himself. Now he asked Peter to watch. Deliberately showing off his pleasure. The pleasure Peter gave him. “I love you, Tony,” he speaks quietly, “-so much.” He can’t help the tears from actually spilling from his eyes now and he sniffs. Tony holds him closely. “I love you too, Peter. My sweet baby boy.” “Don’t let me go,” he pleads, “-please.” “I won’t. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
--- More: Chapter 8 Masterpost
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Chapter 2
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Warnings: Drug use, potential alcohol abuse, mentions of an underage relationship (which I personally do NOT condone) and some brief smut. 18+ only y’all! Word Count: 3.3k Join my taglist here Tagging: @mcu-padawan​ Chapter 1
I was sitting at the bar of some fancy restaurant that my brother arranged for us to meet at, studying my nails and sipping on a martini, bored as could be of waiting for him to arrive. We had run into each other while I was shopping with Grave for a new outfit to wear at The Crypt, both of us taken by surprise by the encounter; it had been years since I’d last seen him. And of course he was running late. Surprise, surprise.
“I’m surprised your… boyfriend isn’t here with you,” Ivar took a seat next to me, flagging the bartender down to order a drink. “How have you really been, Astrid? Are you doing okay?”
“Oh, I’m perfect, Ivar. I’ve got a great job, a wonderful boyfriend, freedom,” I put emphasis on the word ‘freedom’, giving him a look. “I’m even looking into becoming a medic. As great as dancing is, I want to get out there and actually do something helpful.”
“Oh? A medic? You know that I can help you achieve that goal. Will you let me help you?” He smiled at the thought, his eyes crinkling up at the corners and I couldn’t help but smile back. I had missed him as much as I hated to admit it, not that I’d ever say it to him out loud.
“Depends, are you going to hold it over my head if I say yes and try to use it to manipulate me?” I tilted my head curiously, taking a decent sized gulp of my martini.
“What? No, of course not. I really, genuinely want to help you, Astrid. My only request is that you stay with me and stay away from that cantina rat and no more dancing.”
I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue with him. I really wanted this chance to do something good, something other than being just a pretty face to look at, a nice body to admire. I’d always had a knack for helping people, picked up on it really quickly watching my mom patch people up who got hurt. “Fine, fine. I’ll have to go back for my stuff, though.” I set my empty glass down on the bar, frowning again. “So you’re really willing to help me? Even though our last conversation literally consisted of me telling you I hated you before running off like a brat?”
“You’re my sister. I love you more than anything. I don’t think you understand how relieved I am to see that you’re alive and okay, if not still a brat. I’m always going to help you when I can.” He squeezed my hand gently, comfortingly, and I had to take a moment to keep from crying. “I do have a couple of questions though, if you’ll humor me. First things first, how old is that cantina rat you call a boyfriend? He’s so pasty, I can’t tell.”
“Okay, rude. He’s twenty -”
Ivar glared in indignation. “He may only be three years older than you, but a twenty year old being interested in a seventeen year old is not normal in the slightest. What’s wrong with him that women his age won’t date him?”
“What’s the big deal? He treats me like a princess.” I scoffed at his outburst, embarrassed when other people started looking our way with interest. “Besides, he loves me and really cares about me.”
“By the gods, Astrid. He’s a predator. Look, that’s… we’ll… that’s a conversation for another time, I just can’t even start on how wrong any of that is right now. Are you using any drugs?” He ran a hand through his hair, stressed to the max.
“No! Come on, I may be a dancer in a low rent cantina, but that doesn’t mean I’m using. I’m smarter than that.” I lied through my teeth with another roll of my eyes. “I’m so glad to know you think that highly of me.”
“Are you going to have an attitude the whole time? Is this really going to be a thing?” He was already exasperated with me and it hadn’t even been an hour yet. Living together again was going to be hell, for him or for me, it was yet to be determined. “If this is going to be a thing, how do I make it not… be a thing? Do I just… appease you with sweets or something?” He was teasing me now, trying to find humor in the situation.
“Shopping. Lots of shopping. You still have your cushy job, right? Shouldn’t be an issue for you.” I shot back with a laugh while gathering my things. “I need to go pack my things up and talk to my boss about what’s happening.”
“Wonderful. If you don’t show up in an hour, I’m calling in the Coruscant guard to come and get you out of there.” He warned me with a sigh, growing serious again. I just waved him off, sashaying off towards the exit, contacting Grave on my comm.
“Are you still nearby babe? Great, let’s head back to the Crypt.” I ended the call, smiling sweetly at some clone troopers who walked by, batting my eyelashes flirtatiously at them.
“Flirting with the troops, Baby Doll?” Grave came waltzing up out of nowhere, draping an arm around my waist.
“Who me? Why I would never. I’ve only got eyes for you love,” I leaned into him, smiling. “There is something we need to talk about though. You know how I’ve been talking about becoming a medic?”
“Yes, I recall.” Grave glanced down at me with raised brows.
“Ivar said he’d help me get into the academy,” I hesitated a moment, biting down on my lower lip. “But that would mean I have to move back in with him, quit dancing, and… I wouldn’t be able to see you anymore.”
“So do it.”
I stopped, shocked into silence with his carefree reaction. I would have thought he would have been a little more upset but it didn’t seem like it bothered him at all. “You’re not upset?”
“Why would I be? Your brother can’t keep me away from you, Baby Doll. Besides, you’d make a sexy medic.” Grave smirked, leaning down to catch my lips in a tender kiss. “We follow through with what big brother says, lay low for a while, you focus on your studies, and when he relaxes, you come back to me and the Crypt at night.”
[4 years later]
The bass from the music thrummed through my back and deep into my chest, the wall I was pressed up against cool against my flushed skin. Hands tangled themselves in my hair while black painted lips crashed against mine in a slow, hungry kiss that threatened to turn me to ashes from the heated desperation of the man who kept me pressed to the wall.
“Grave,” I managed to gasp out, struggling to catch my breath between hot and heavy kissing. “Can we move to the bed? Please?” The windup key that was part of my costume had been digging into my skin through my corset, the sensation quickly becoming uncomfortable. Grave smirked against my mouth before easily picking me up and carrying me to our bed to set me down so he could remove the silly costume I wore to dance in.
“Sorry Baby Doll, I just couldn’t wait any longer. You’re leaving me tomorrow to go be a medic and I just want you all to myself.” He breathed against my neck as he slowly unlaced my corset, placing soft kisses along my neck and shoulders. A soft moan escaped my lips as his hands gently slid the confining top off of me, fingers skimming feather soft over my skin. “Those clones don’t know how lucky they’ll be to bask in your presence my sweet Doll.” Those black lips twisted into a sneer as he pushed me back into the bed, kneeling between my legs, the Zydrate gun gripped in his hand. I ran my tongue over my lips, watching as he pressed the gun to my inner thigh and depressed some of the electric blue liquid into my thigh, the instant feeling over numbness causing me to drop back onto the bed with a contented sigh. With a soft laugh, Grave tossed the gun aside before sliding my skirt off and dropping it to the ground while I lay quietly on the messy sheets, eyes closed while losing myself in my high.
[2 years later]
“Valkyrie, hey, we got two new guys coming in for some boosters. You good to handle them?” Kix asked while tossing me a couple of datapads.
“Yeah, I got ‘em. See you after my shift is up?” I caught the datapads with slightly trembling hands, wincing a little at just how shitty I felt. Kix nodded in confirmation and gave a slight wave before taking off with a quick goodbye just as Rex came walking in with who I assumed were the newbies behind him.
“Fives, Echo, this is our other combat medic, Valkyrie. She’ll get you taken care of.” Rex gave me a nod and a faint smile before taking off after Kix, calling for the other medic to wait a moment.
“Welcome to the 501st, guys. Alright, lemme just get a look at your charts real quick and you two can pop a squat over on those two beds.” I motioned to the two beds closest to where I was working, powering on one of the datapads Kix tossed at me. This one contained Fives’ file, giving me all the info I needed to know about the soldier, including which boosters he needed. “You’re up first, Fives.” I popped up to my feet, grabbed the correct boosters, and walked over to him. He already had the sleeve of his blacks rolled up, ready for me to clean the injection site, smirking a little as he looked over the tattoo on my neck.
“What’s the tattoo say?” He jerked his chin towards it and I grinned a little while wiping the numbing wipe over his bicep gently.
“Says “Loki”. He’s an old god of mischief,” I quickly injected him, moving through each booster with a practiced ease. “Guess I forgot to cover it up this morning while getting ready for the day.” I gathered the used needles and tossed them in the appropriate disposal bin and tossed my gloves to get fresh ones so I could do Echo next.
“Got any other tattoos, Doc?” Fives was watching my every move curiously as I wrapped up getting Echo taken care of, tossing the gloves into the trash before holding my hands up to show off the tattoos I had there.
“Tons of them. Pays to have a best friend who’s a tattoo artist. My right hand reads “Odin grant me wisdom” and has runes of wisdom and medical healing on the knuckles. Left hand says “A healer’s hands are often the most bloody” with healing and protection runes on the knuckles,” I rolled up the sleeves of my blacks that I wore under my scrubs to show off the Norse compass on my right inner forearm and the 501st tattoo I’d gotten done as a tribute to my guys. “And these are just a few. Now if you’re done interrogating me about my ink, get a move on. I’ve got work to do.” I shooed the pair away with a grin that immediately fell the moment they left. With a groan, I dropped back into my seat, wincing at the throbbing I felt in my brain. The withdrawal was hitting hard again and I was out of my Zydrate stash Grave had been kind enough to send along this time. I always felt like death after the high went away; I’d had to increase my dosage yet again and it was getting a little harder to maintain it. I’d gotten so used to using it for the past six years, that going without was almost enough to make me feel like I wanted to die.
Fuck. I need to let Grave know that I need more when I see him in a few days. Thank the gods we’re getting a decent leave block this time. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to try and steady myself. It was a wonder my hands didn’t tremble when I was administering their boosters, especially with how hard they shook now. Just thinking about getting my fix had me practically moaning, I couldn’t wait to see Grave and get what I needed from him.
“You absolute kriffin’ idiot!”
My eyes popped open when I heard that familiar voice yelling down the corridor. Moving quicker than I had all day, I was up and out the door of the med bay just in time to see Fey Royi, the best mechanic here on the Resolute, and one of the other mechanics getting into a fist fight right there in the corridor.
“Ya damn near killed my ass! Did ya ma drop ya or somethin’ when ya were a baby? Or are ya just stupid?” Fey growled viciously, a tool gripped tightly in one of her hands as she tore this guy a new one. Her words got under his skin and he swung at her, swearing up and down as he tried to grab the pissed off Codru-Ji woman.
“Shit!” I hissed, immediately wading into the fight along with a couple of the clones, wanting to get this taken care of before it got worse. Time seemed to slow down as a durasteel wrench came flying at my face, smashing right into my nose before I could even react. “Motherfucker!” I bellowed as my head snapped back, blood going all over the front of me.
“Oh kriff. Valkyrie!” Fey was horrified to see the results of her fight. “Way to go, dipshit! First ya almost kill me and now ya’ve broken Doc’s nose! Ya fired!” She was shaking with rage as she scruffed the appalled man and dragged him off to presumably either beat his ass or give him to the Admiral. Arms went around my shoulder as someone led me back to the med bay, swearing under their breath while getting me sat down so I could staunch the bleeding.
“Are you alright, Valkyrie? That sounded pretty bad.” Fives stepped into my line of sight, frowning. I held up a finger, signaling for him to give me a moment while I reset my nose with a snarled swear. There was no way this was going to look good by the time we got back to Coruscant, I was going to have to skip dancing this time. And if I skipped dancing, that meant no Zydrate.
“Oh I’m fucking perfect! I’ve always wanted to have my nose broken by a mechanic in some stupid fight!” I hissed before gagging at the taste of blood. “Fuck!” I kicked a tray, sending it flying across the med bay in my anger. Fives gaped at me in shock, eyes wide and immediately I felt like shit for losing my cool the way I did.
“I’m sorry. I promise I’m usually way more laid back than this. I just don’t take kindly to getting my face bashed in with a wrench.” Casting an apologetic half smile his way, I trudged over to the tray, picking it up to put it back where it belonged.
“Ah… Valkyrie? Um… are ya okay?” Fey was hovering by the entrance to the med bay, hesitating to come anywhere near me.
“My face hurts, but beyond my nose being the only thing that got busted, I’m okay. What in the absolute fuck was that all about? Fighting in the corridors? Really?” I snapped at the Codru-Ji, motioning for her to come in so I could look at her lower left arm that she’d been cradling close to her body.
“That punk Coltyr didn’t place a jack correctly and the machinery I’d been workin’ on fell and nearly crushed me. The di’kut was drunk on the job again, because of course he was. Anyway, I-I’m really sorry ya got caught in the middle of that.” She was embarrassed, having a hard time looking me in the eyes. I didn’t say much, more focused on her arm, gently prodding it and moving it to test for brakes, biting my lip when she cried out.
“Let’s get an x-ray of this. There’s a really good chance it’s broken and I want to set it before it gets worse.” I helped her up, whistling for one of the medical droids to come give me a hand. Fives was still hanging around, trying to stay out of the way, his eyes tracking us as I got Fey set up with the medical droid. Once I was sure they were okay, I walked over to him, resting a hand on his bicep gently, motioning for him to walk with me. “I’m seriously sorry you had to witness my temper get the better of me in there. Drinks are on me when we get to Coruscant, it’s my way of apologizing.”
“You don’t have to do that -” He began to protest, when I raised a hand to cut him off.
“It’s not a big deal, really. It’s just a couple of drinks. We’ll meet at the 79’s okay?” I offered a quick smile, excusing myself when the medical droid called for me. Looking at the x-ray, I winced a little when it confirmed that her arm was definitely broken, and I gathered up everything I needed to get to work setting it and patching her up.
“Ah shit. Well, at least I have three other arms to use,” Fey joked but the look on her face screamed panic. “Uh… ya gonna numb me up, right Doc?” Her skin had taken on a slightly green coloring as she spoke, eyeing all of my tools on the tray with distaste.
“Yes, Fey. After we’re done here, I’m going to keep you for some observation just to be sure the pain meds don’t mess with you too badly and because I don’t want you back in the hangar yet. In fact, you need to take at least six weeks. Maybe even the full eight depending on how well you’re healing. I’ll check it again in six weeks and make a judgement call from there, but for now, you need to stay out of the hangar.”
“Six weeks?! What the hell am I supposed to do for six weeks?” Fey’s eyes got huge, horror all over her face at the thought of not being able to work for that long. She lived for her work as a mechanic, she even slept in the hangar so she could work on sleepless nights, so this had to be killing her to know she’d be out of commission for so long.
“Sorry Fey, but I need you to cooperate on this. Your arm needs time to heal. Get caught up on paperwork or you mentioned wanting to work on making some new and improved droid poppers, now you’ll have some time to sit down and design those.” I leaned back in my chair, admiring the perfect job I did binding her arm up in a cast. The idea of working on her side project seemed to cheer her up a bit, a slight smile appearing on her face.
“That’s true, I guess I have time for that now. I’m gonna take a nap though, those painkillers are no joke.” She curled up on the bed she’d been sitting on, almost immediately passing out. Smiling softly, I laid a blanket over her, and started cleaning up, wanting to make sure everything was good to go for the crew coming in to take over for the next shift so I could grab something to eat and a shower.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
WTFried Episode 3: KFC Otome Game
Bold: Gaku’s commentary Italics: Futaba’s commentary Normal: Official documentary narration (usually in a bad British accent) Bold and Italicized: Answers/Questions to the… game.
In 1910, the Capital, one man had a dream that he made another man work for. That dream would result in the exclusive Milk Hall. A chic cafe that would serve all manner of dairy-based treats… and making only one exception today. A day where we will reach deep into this bucket of…
Oh, Aoi! This logo is such a cute design!
How did you know it was by him?
Did… did you seriously think it was anybody else?
Point taken... Ms Futaba-rt…
Hush, Gaku. I’m just going to leave the drawing to the actual student.
Since everyone is craving for some turkey this winter, the employee has made the employer fetch some slices of this fine poultry. Everyone at Raccord is getting ready for the tender meat AND the festive season as we ring in the new year of 1911! Featuring buckets with the restaurant’s symbol… an old man!
And speaking of the devil, here he comes without… the turkey but some other manner of bird? Thus, Aoi has prepared to strike, dumping the bucket on the counter with a resounding thud.
“Erm… so remember how I said it was ok if I arrived at the turkey place slightly later than usual…?” A sheepish Oji's question can only be met by Aoi's deadpan conclusive remark,
“They ran out, didn’t they?”
Apparently, that was super insensitive because Oji-san has scrunched up his nose and eyes (the more normal ones) and…
Wait, how did you speak in parentheses?
"Nevermind that, somehow the narration was more offensive than Aoi's accusation." Oji’s fake-sniffling is thankfully interrupted by Aoi shaking the contents of the… replacement.
"I don't think it was harsh enough considering your blunder."
“No… it's just that the turkey place somehow became a chicken place! So the party pack is full of chicken!”
And just like that, the bells at the entrance have stopped ringing just as fast as the front door has been shut. And two hearts are now shattered into a million pieces. Why wouldn’t there be shattered souls after witnessing all hopes of savouring a Western classic slipping down the grease tracks of the fried chicken? The sound of the fat fizzing and splattering was supposed to be a welcomed one, not this… this… tinier bird. In particular, Ginnojo knows that he knows too much. See the look of imagining death and actually experiencing it? And Kuro! He’s pouting in slow motion, head down, shoulders slumped, and with an expression that clearly indicates he’s responding but barely able to because of the sheer despair consuming him… AKA, exactly like a puppy.
...Gaku, don’t zoom in on their faces. I’m already describing it, no need to rub it in.
“Man, I’m sorry you two. I know you guys were looking forward to the turkey.”
“Old Man Oji, it’s ok! I’m just glad everyone is here to feast at least!”
Of course, the most ferocious growl has to refute that statement and it certainly has to come from an even more ferocious beast… Ginnojo’s disappointed stomach. Does he manage to hide the betrayal well with his stoic face though as the two neighbours/besties/??? eye the substitute meats?
Ok, really, there is no way you can tell me you spoke in question marks.
“I apologize too. Honestly, I should have checked beforehand.” Aoi concedes and offers a temporary white flag in the form of a kitchen towel to see the numerous chunks of fried chicken.
Could it be? The magic of fried chicken is soothing wounds of the past? Can the crispy chicken skin really fully resolve the dwindling festive spirit? Will it be just as great as its twin…
… Sorry Yura and Gaku.
“Be at rest, my Lady. I am sure a dollop of sugar or two is enough to fully restore the chicken to a turkey’s high status.”
I’m glad to see that the sugar dispenser I made is being put to such use, brother.
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As Yura makes the sugar cookies even more… sugary, Aoi shakes his head,
“What now? We work with fried chicken? I’ve never really experimented with it before.”
“We… do need to finish this supply eventually. Might as well start now.” was all Oji can offer in this dire situation. Just as everyone is heaving a sigh, two majestic heroes arrive with…
A tengu as a sacrifice for the turkey my brother can never savour now. Crows are closer than chicken to turkey.
“Nevermind, ignore him Kuya. Hiya Koga! Sorry you two, but we’ve only got fried chicken...”
And with that, Futaba witnesses the magnificent wingspan of the tengu… as he flies away at the mention of devouring a fellow bird. At least, he tried to but an oni ogre foils his meticulous plan by… grabbing his ear.
“Sorry about him. And even more sorry for Ginnojo and Kuro. I know you two were looking forward to the turkey.”
Nice job, Gaku! :D
What even is... you know what, nevermind. Thanks, I guess, and the mic’s back to you now.
“Really, don’t worry you guys. It’s more like Gin-Gin and I like the story surrounding the turkey in the festivals. The fried chicken just doesn’t have such an interesting story.”
The gramophone acts up at this precise moment Kuro tries to break the tension. As a wonderful person holds this strangely bulky camera while Gaku rushes to fix the audio camera, he finds that the cause is none other than his own customer… Oji-san with a record-breaking moment. Literally.
“Ok, wait, I’ve lived long enough to tell you that isn’t true. Why, I used to tell this story to Aoi when he was a little lad…”
And Oji-san whips out… a shopping list dated 5 years ago. Additionally, the crayon doodles are really adorable alongside the cursive handwriting.
“Yup, you told me a shopping list that I wrote down and YOU forgot.”
… Edit out my earlier statement.
… I’ll try.
“You know what? We have all this fried chicken for me and Aoi to do something AND tell you more about the tale of the fried chicken this time of year.”
And this folks, is what happened before we come up with the most amazing play…
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Before we continue this documentary, we would like to thank our sponsors. Koga Kitamikado. This Oni Ogre is tough as nails and nothing ever gets him down! You can always turn to him when you're in a bind. A… tender bind.
… Why is Koga sponsoring this?
Guess he saw something… like how we are going to see two ayakashi experiencing the world’s greatest interactive play!
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Tonight, Ginnojo and Kuro react to ‘I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger-Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator!’. An interactive play scripted by Oji, you, yes you the audience, gets to play as a budding chef…
“Ooh, Gin-Gin is a good one… when you know, he doesn’t go bonkers on the ingredients.” Kuro’s chirp is nearly drowned out by the action at the back where we will be observing how our thespians are preparing.
Aoi and Oji have outdone themselves for this. We don’t have every single thing that you can purchase by queuing up but the menu prepared within 4 seconds is well-represented on this table. Sometimes, it is in a 3-piece meal, a few are in the buckets, and you get the overall picture! No double-dipping needed here, the act is too sacrilegious for such a holy beginning. A beginning… that will melt the frost around here.
Warm yourself from the inside. You’re about to embark on a journey that will end with you sleeping with this warm milk and pot pie….
Thus, these two can’t drink milk. Only eating the pot pie. We… we need them to actually play this.
“This is confusing, our journey begins with the ending?” Kuro asks a question that no one knows the answer to except for Ginnojo,
“Aye, a lot of the greatest heroes stumble upon their best stories after the ending of another. I suppose this is what we are trying to get here with… the pot pie?”
Scepticism is evident even on the usually trusting Kuro’s face. Nevertheless, they put their faith in Aoi’s culinary skills as they see the smoke still wafting from behind the stage curtains that are really just Kuya’s blankets. 
AKA: Koga’s blankets.
Sure, the decor is a bit too… reminiscent of a chicken barn. And yet, observe the first bite taken by the Mizuki and the… other… ayakashi. Creaminess flooding each of their mouths as veggies and fried chicken come together in this glorious, crusted symphony. And at the very end of it all,
“Oh my gosh! It’s so good! The chicken, yum! More, please!”
As they chew contentedly amongst dozens of floating… chicken and biscuits… Yura approaches them with the most adorable signboard… and the weirdest customizable one at that. That’s right, we are featuring the talents of Yura and Aoi… for the second time in the latter's case.
“Welcometh, chef! Bef're we start, bid us thy nameth!”
Translation: Give us the coolest names you have Ginnojo and Kuro! Note: no explicit language or demeaning words are allowed.
“Oooh, let’s do a ship name, Gin-Gin!”
“I dislike ships. Especially the black ones. Why can’t humans just learn to be one with the waves?”
Thus, comes the most epic name ever.
“Like, Mama + Mon! Because, I dunno, it feels like a mum made this!”
“The Mon is an abbreviation of Monday, the day we are watching… I mean, playing this theatrical game.”
Should… should we tell them?
With the dimming of lights and pot pie nearly finished, Kuro and Ginnojo move on to the chicken wings and munching sounds accompanied the sight of the protagonist… in bed. Since the protagonist is me. So…
I’m taking over the narration from this point onwards. Be grateful. And note… this is the game. So if it’s weird… do not blame me for it.
Oh hush, and get to your job.
Futaba is buried like one zinger in a tortilla wrap. Until the latest alarm clock that I have built with a custom ringtone goes off with the best sound in the world - that of a happy chicken. Sleep in or wake up? What should they choose?
“I’m concerned about the rooster.”
“Yes… but whelp, up and at’em is what I’d say!” was the only warning the poor alarm clock received before Kuro smacked the robot rooster with the goddamned whip of his, ruining hours and hours and hours of…
Don't be so offended, Gaku, it's just a game.
“Wow, I better get ready for my first day at the prestigious University of Cooking School: Academy for Learning!” Futaba says in a way-too-enthusiastic voice that is almost on Kuro’s level when he’s drunk.
“Ok, so I’m only familiar with Futaba and Aoi’s schools but I’m pretty sure no one would want that for a name. Oh! Let’s call it Cuddling Chicken School!”
Case in point because as I speak, Kuro and Ginnojo are now enjoying another treat with coke… that may or may not have been spiked. The main focus though is the box filled with delicious chicken and named after popcorn.
“This one’s the most processed. I don’t think I can take another bite. Oh, Kuro? You’ve finished yours?”
“... More like you finished yours and mine within a bite.”
For once, Ginnojo looked more innocent than Kuro was somewhat forlornly staring at his very, very empty container. At least now both could be more invested in the… plot of this play as our main character starts to get changed into a chef’s uniform, complete with an apron and a hat. All that is left to do is for her to actually move but she just has to ask,
“Hmm, I kinda want to daydream and laze about in bed.”
Of course, that’s challenging everything a former Shinsengumi member loves and knows so Ginnojo is quick to call my brother over to reject the option… except that Kuro is a bit more nonchalant about the whole affair.
“D’aww, let her, it’s so rare to see her relaxed.”
“I won’t deny that a girl her age shouldn’t be concerned with hard matters but Futaba wants to go to school. And I shall support her in her endeavours.”
“Except, this isn’t Futaba. She’s being Mammon remember?”
“Very well.”
And just like that, Ordinary Chef Student protagonist Futaba is late and doesn’t have time to sit and eat a full meal. She grabs a piece of biscuit, fluffy… unlike her missing deodorant.
“I knew she had a price to pay.” Ginnojo’s heavy sigh provoked a gasp of realization from his neighbour,
“Are we going to be fried?”
Alas, she was not…
By the time she has thrown the biscuit at me, the setting has been changed to the ivory walls of UCS: AL… or the Cuddling Chicken School. And there, awaiting her is the ever-so-perky… BROTHER?!
He volunteered for the role!
Wow, I’m so proud of him! Wait, should I have auditioned… no, I’m just going to record every moment of this now.
Here comes the bestest friend in the world, Yura!
“Many thanks, brother, but I shall now don the name ‘Miriam’ and ask Mammon here if she is highly anticipating our term of 3 days!”
Ginnojo does have to voice out one concern that I am sure most viewers will have as well,
"Hold on, they can graduate in 3 days? Youth these days really are picking up new knowledge."
"I want a degree in English in 3 days. If I take the English food course in 3 days, will that count?"
Before Kuro can learn more about this miraculous development in education, Futaba has to continue with her dialogue and actually focus like my brother,
“Good morning Miriam! I'm sure…”
“Because I most certainly am! Alack, the breakfast I hadst did prepare this morn did not have enough love… whatever shall I do?”
As another branch of the game appears, the choice is rather evident… 
Finally, sense strikes the two, Kuro furiously slamming the option and poor Nachi as a result. Still, the nekomata behind the Option Board manages to signal to the other actors and Futaba barely adeptly gives my brother a pep talk,
“Ever since we were little babies together and you rescued me from that quicksand box, it’s been clear to me that you’re the most loving, caring person I’ve known! Your tiny… sweets are definitely going to be a hit!”
Part of the reason why this speech is not adequate enough is because Futaba is RUDELY interrupted when someone smacks her books and custom-engraved measuring spoons out of her hands and onto the ground.
“... Aeshleigh.” Futaba finally spat out, or whether it’s from deliberating drawing out the heavy silence to emphasize the sheer tension… or because she is wonder if Kuya cannot spell Ashley.
“This is the fancy name. For the fancy Ashley. Aeshleigh who is better than everyone else.” Ginnojo’s attempt at finding the reason for Aoi’s character name is ultimately thwarted by Aoi starting to get into character EXTREMELY reluctantly,
“Oh, I didn’t see you there, chicken shins.”
"Her boobs are not parallel at all." came Kuro's deadpan remark… and Ginnojo choking whilst looking like a boiled lobster. That, or because he is eating the Crispy Version of the Chicken breast.
“Kuro! Do not look there!”
“Why is she even insulting us for having chicken shins? She has chicken breasts on her thigh socks! Futaba, you should have actually worn chicken shin guards.”
Don't be so offended, Futaba, it's just a game.
Across the quad, one can see the rival’s best friend, who has stopped to look at his own reflection in the mirror. Pants so tight, anyone can see him casually working out his glutes while he styles his hair. No lie, they’re rocking glutes belonging only to one Koga.
“Ahem, Van Van?”
“You rang-rang?”
“Damn, Koga, you cougar go!”
“I’m curious about his hair, it’s actually in the shape of a starfish.”
“Don’t you just mean a star?”
“That can work too, I suppose.”
Sure, the pairing seems weird to the current audience but Aoi… I mean, Aeshleigh continues to sneer at Mammon who is slowly getting up with Miriam’s help but quicker with throwing the retort,
“I can’t believe that the University of Cooking School: Academy for Learning would ever allow people like you to attend as students.”
Except that it completely flies over both bullies’ heads as Aoi delicately laughs with icy cold teal eyes, 
“Ara ara, so you do know. We should have gotten our diplomas already with these great skills of ours.”
“Or maybe hire us on as professors. You amateurs could learn a lot from us.”
With the first day of school about to start, there’s just not enough time to properly tell these two off so everyone else resists the urge. As Mammon and Miriam approach the door, they see a goofy-looking kid pushing hard against the window directly next to it. 
“He would have been completely dislikable if it weren’t for the fact the cutest cub is playing him right now.”
On a more serious note, could someone like this also be a student at the school? He must be a great chef, with a name tag that clearly says ‘Bob’ but there he is, introducing himself as,
“Hi! I’m Kogare… Pop! And I think I was supposed to say that I broke this door.”
… And now I know why Fox-Face wants a copy of this film while he is attending Part 1 of the New Year Kitsune Festival…
When Mammon easily opens the door, Kogare… or Bob… or… Pop? Just has to tackle her for a big hug and squeal out, 
“D’aww!” should have been everyone’s response but only Kuro’s was heard over Ginnojo screeching and of course, an epic debate about expressions of affection,
“GAGH! K-k-kogare! Do not touch a lady like that yet! Or profess something that serious until you are of age!”
“What? No! Hug her like you are squeezing the life out of her!”
Fortunately, the actors continue the scene. Unfortunately, it is with this line from Kogare Pop’s mouth that makes you wonder who allowed this writing. Money is on Kuya.
“Did you know my other name ‘Pop’ comes from my great-grandfather Pop pop?”
The critics are not amused, Ginnojo tutting and Kuro making a face like he had just tasted chocolate for the 32nd time,
“Days like these makes me glad I don’t know my lineage.”
“Is it just me or is that young gentleman cute?” Miriam tries to note but everyone... and I mean everyone... just has to say,
“It’s just you.”
Miriam and Mammon shrug their shoulders before following Kogare Pop into the building. They stand at the edge of the room, unsure where to sit. Other students wander in and keep themselves busy chit-chatting.
“Where… is the Colonel we were promised to romance for fried chicken? Even now we are stuck with cheese fries… nothing can make up for these soggy… Oh my gosh, so CUTE!!!”
Kuro only stops when he sees a scruffy-looking cat taking his place at a podium at the front of the class, the smallest chef hat on his head. Head Instructor and CEO of UCS: AL is here everyone! Nachi taps his paw against the wooden surface to gather attention… although Kuro is already cooing over the little hat on the nekomata’s head and even Ginnojo smiles a bit in approval.
Out of nowhere, the wind begins to rush around everyone as a swirl of cherry blossom petals fill the air inside the classroom despite it being in the middle of winter in Japan. To be more accurate, the petals are… Kuya’s feathers dyed pink much to Kuro’s delight,
“Nice effects! I kinda wanna play with them now! Guess I better wait for Kuya to fly and leave some behind next time...”
“Wait, the cherry blossoms are blooming for them? Where and when are they?”
A hushed murmur rolls through the classroom as HE walks down the aisle of desks. Suddenly, the room is sweltering. And there… we have Oji as the one, the only…
Colonel Sanders!
“I’m confused… are we supposed to find him handsome?”
“Did Oji just reveal his true aged appearance or did he just dye his hair white?”
“His eyeliner is as thick as his actual eyes and even thicker than his actual eyebrows and spectacle frames.”
All those statements were slowly cracking the fried chicken skin, with Ginnojo’s final casual observation really roasting Oji’s self-esteem. Nevertheless, the show must go on with the main chef and… love interest... helping the two audience members crack open the ranch. We shall now divulge in a bit of ASMR… ASMRanch as we massage Colonel Sander’s arm that is as thick as his neck. See how he flexes...
“OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!” Kuro squirms.
“FUTABA!!! I mean, Mammon, right, Mammon… MAMMON DON’T MIX WITH SUCH FILTH!”
… We are changing scenes already? Oh, ok, suit yourself.
Here, he wields the spork, his eyeliner game suddenly aligned…
“It… is… rectangular. A rectangular spork.”
Did that earn a… Kentucky-fried chuckle?
What’s Kentucky? Also, you broke character.
Think this play is broken. Oh, next scene...
The Colonel makes a delicious array of food items in the cafeteria...
“What kind of cafeteria has flowers and a fancy atmosphere?”
“Not Milk Hall Raccord except for the flowers.”
The Mac and Cheese falls flat on the ground, along with Oji’s chef hat,
Ok, I’m going to resume while Ginnojo eats the rest of the food Oji has left...
And so, the wisest Satori Seer, on behalf of his boss, buries the abominable script and the actually-kinda-nice-art-if-it-wasn't-about-fried-chicken romance.
Hey, should we bury this camera?
Ok, ok, we won’t. Besides, there’s still Valentine's day if this show hits more than 1 view.
… Why the 1 view benchmark?
Cus… apparently, there was a dish here that wasn’t revealed here that would work great for a Valentine's Day episode.
… At least my brother can eat it.
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For some reason, we have noticed a foreigner digging up the manuscript. He even paid Oji for it. Said it might be the next biggest thing in America for an even weirder reason?
Ginnojo is still eating the whole menu. Kuro has shared the magic of fried chicken with the rest of the troupe and occassionally, the circus-theatre guest. Unfortunately, it is during one of these stunts that a fried chicken cracked the lens. Even more unfortunate, the grease from the fried chicken seeped through the components and short-circuited everything. 
So the only thing hotter than Colonel... is everything. Let’s hope we never see anything like this even in the 21st century. 
Epilogue to the Epilogue
My grandparents sure were naive.
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1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loooooong post under the cut???????
1. what's your favorite memory?
stargazing with my sibling :)
4. sunsets or sunrises?
sunrises! i see more sunsets because i am hardly what you’d call a morning person, but i love watching the sky go from dark to light, especially in the mountains!
5. vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry?
6. rain or sun?
both for different reasons! i like rain because (when there’s no thunder/lightning) it’s very relaxing to listen to, and kind of fun to be out in tbh, and i enjoy the sun because i have been pale for so very long and i would very much like to have a tan again, i had such a nice tan when i was a kid, and then i stopped going outside.
8. do you like your ice crushed or in big blocks?
big blocks! crushed fits in ur mouth better, but big blocks are..... so fun....
11. what time period would you like to live in other than your own?
uh... maybe... the future... which will hopefully be even better than now... because most time periods... are worse... when u look past the aesthetics...
16. who are your top five fictional characters?
tony stark
harry potter
diego hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
ive only had jack kelly for a day and a half but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself i just watched newsies for the first time dsfhsdfhdf
17. how have you changed in the past year or two?
i’ve started to understand my emotional limits a little better, and learned to recognize when they’re being pushed too far, and how to say “this needs to stop before i go to a bad place”. of course i only learned this because all those things happened, but i did learn and i’m better now :)
22. favourite scent?
answered :)
23. would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
with my gimpy leg? lol no
24. what lyric(s) do you love?
how....... how much time do u have
25. what do you like about yourself?
i like that my eyes are two different colors if you look really close! first glances can be deceiving! its not just brown! one is actually green!
27. do you like your handwriting?
i do! i’ve been working on it a lot this year, and i’m really happy with it right now.
31. what are your bad habits?
uhhhh catch me exposing myself on the entire internet
i bite my nails
when im bored i scratch at the scabs and/or bug bites on my legs until they bleed and then when they scab over again i scratch some more
i dont brush my hair every day
my room is exceedingly messy and it drives me nuts but also thats not entirely just a bad habit because with my knee pain i literally cant get down on the floor and clean it properly so until i get it strengthened enough to be able to do im kind of in messy bedroom limbo
32. what was your first fandom?
ummmm oh my gosh its literally been so long i can’t-
harry potter
i’ve been a die-hard harry potter fan since i was three years old and everyone is gay and jk rowling can suck it
33. burger or pizza?
35. when did you last feel infinite?
i honestly have no idea.
38. best movie?
high school musical no uhh
frozen 2
40. have you ever wrote fanfiction?
41. are you happy?
i think so :)
42. do you really relate to your zodiac?
depends on the horoscope post i’m looking at.
44. do you often find yourself jealous?
not really, no.
45. are you a fan of 80's music?
yes! i grew up on the more lowkey stuff, because it’s all my parents played besides classical or their favorite religious stuff when i was a kid, and as i’ve gotten older and exposed myself to more music i’ve found that i enjoy some of the more hyped-up stuff, too.
51. are you superstitious?
ehh, nah. my refusal to step on sidewalk cracks stems more from being a little bit neurotic than fear that it’s going to kill my mother.
52. what do you believe in most, ghosts or aliens?
um, i kind of believe in both to a degree, when i think about it. i believe that people’s spirits can walk the earth after death, i just see it as more of a “visiting loved ones” way than a “chained to the earth because they were a terrible being or because they have a personal vendetta and refuse to leave until they’ve haunted every inch of the planet” kind of thing.
53. what song(s) do you hate?
teach me how to dougie. i cannot stand it. i whip my hair back and forth. WE GET IT PICK A NEW LYRIC. most of justin bieber’s discography, on principle. monkey’s uncle. idk what movie its from but it’s a disney song and it just really annoys me for some unidentifiable reason. im sure im forgetting some.
58. do you have any bizarre experiences?
me and my sibling scared a ghosthunter once! we were staying overnight on the queen mary (the haunted cruise ship in long beach) and roaming the halls late at night, and we came across a lady who was filming down a dark corridor with like a flashlight and a camcorder and everything and we walked behind her and i think she thought we were a ghost because when she heard us she jumped about a mile out of her skin and whipped around to see who was there...... only to discover a couple of mildly bemused young adults in their pajamas blinking owlishly at her
59. do you have a night/morning routine?
yes i do! when i’m not too lazy to do it, in the morning i go into the bathroom, do bathroom things, take meds, wash my face, and then go eat breakfast. at night, basically the same thing, replacing the breakfast with a cup of tea and a quick snack, and then i’ll usually watch something on netflix or disney+ until i get sleepy, at which point i will put my dog in her crate for the night and tuck myself into bed :)
60. do you have a bittersweet memory?
the last new year’s eve i spent with my grandma when i was 7 because it was also the night she passed away while everyone was asleep.
64. what is your dream job?
answered :)
65. if you had to pick a fictional universe to live in forever, which one would you pick and why?
harry..... potter........... just........ give me my hogwarts letter..... please..... i dont care about ilvermorny i want my hogwarts letter......
66. do you know any form of self-defence?
67. favourite planet?
pluto will always be a planet in my heart
68. do you consider yourself to be more masculine, feminine, or a mixture?
definitely feminine
72. what question do you hate answering?
anything that begins with “what’s your favorite” because I HAVE TOO MANY FAVORITES WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME LIKE THIS
73. do you believe in guardian angels?
very much!
74. can you rap?
presents? yes. lyrics? not so much.
75. how do you stay warm?
sockses for my ice cube feetses
76. do you want to be in a relationship?
i do! if i ever manage to find the right person, i would absolutely love a relationship!
77. how was your day?
answered :)
78. are there any fictional universes you would not want to be in?
hunger games... divergent... any zombie apocalypse and/or dystopia...
79. what fictional character do you relate to the most?
neville longbottom.
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