#i have a normal and healthy relationship with academia!
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ayuniiverse · 6 months ago
i have officially started doing my university transfer applications (aka applying to transfer from the community college i currently attend to a four-year university). i have had murderous stalkers and have been in multiple life-threatening situations and straight up died once and yet this is genuinely the scariest thing that's ever happened to me
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basicallykiyotaka · 4 months ago
Every time I see a Fuyumi x Pro Hero ship I just want to take her by the hand and tell her honey, no
Look, darling, I get it. He's a sexy blonde man who talks smooth and is probably great in bed but I know you and I know him...and I'm telling you not to waste your time.
I know what you're thinking. But you can't. You can't help him. What's going to happen is the relationship is going to be wonderful and then he's going to dump you in a year because nothing you told him sunk in the way you wanted it to and instead of one of you needing a therapist, both of you will need a therapist because you are going to be feeling some codependent feelings you don't need in your life. You think you can get through to him just by being the most wonderful woman he's ever met? Think again.
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lemedstudent2021 · 8 months ago
ive never been huge on fashion events and runways so in many ways i am biased, and the met gala, among others, isnt a huge deal where im from (so i dont see it on my feed or plastered all over social media for example). and i only know its happened after the memes lol
my point is that theres so many examples of the attendees looking absolutely ridiculous or impractical (which to be fair is kinda a rich person thing) and for what? would it have hurt anyone to raise funds for gaza for example? or the millions of other struggling human beings we share the planet with?
the juxtaposition of having a bunch of people half naked or covered in too much fabric while others are dying of malnutrition and senseless violence is jarring as it is horrifying and inhumane
the net worth of the people in that building alone was probably enough to feed and medicate and clothe everyone on the planet.
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physalian · 10 months ago
Writing Tone #2: Avoiding Manufactured Sincerity
There’s a scene in season 5 of My Hero Academia where two beloved teachers have been brought to some high security prison to interrogate a captured villain that turns out to be a brainwashed childhood friend of theirs. The scene is really dramatic, these two teachers are screaming at this guy, heartbroken, and when I saw the episode (shortly before quitting the entire show mid-episode over how bored I was) I was not at all as outraged and horrified as they were.
It was so tonally jarring, and so unfounded within the plot, that it was almost uncomfortable to watch. The villain they’re interrogating isn’t unfamiliar, but the plot-twist-surprise childhood friend is a stranger no one but these two care about.
I didn’t care, couldn’t empathize with why they were upset, knew nothing about their relationship with the guy beyond the ham-handed flashbacks given right that moment. I wasn’t prepared to mourn the loss of this random character, wasn’t primed ahead of time with the idea that this was a possibility to dread the scene before it happened. I was just waiting for it to be over and when it finally was, the impact it had on me was a resounding: Well that was weird. Now back to the plot.
Unfounded sincerity is the uncomfortably ugly step-sibling of plots that are starved of sincerity—look at most of Phase 4, but really, starting with Thor: Ragnarok in the MCU. Many Marvel properties are afraid to embrace the emotional moments and resort to bad jokes to laugh at themselves before the audience can laugh at them. Because how dare a late-stage superhero story about mythical gods be at all sincere in its relationships, its quiet moments, its tragedies. Nope, time for jokes.
Unfounded sincerity is when a story goes far harder with the drama, the love-declarations, the angst, the humor, where it’s trying really hard to convince the audience to care and it just isn’t working.
This happens when arguments start out of nowhere, as well, when characters explode at each other in a heated screaming match that hasn’t been left to fester for nearly long enough, undercooked and hard to swallow.
This happens when characters fall suddenly, madly in love with each other with zero dubious intervention to explain away the sudden passion.
It happens particularly when characters care a whole heck of a lot about someone the audience doesn’t, at the expense of characters the audience is invested in.
It happens when characters have emotional breakdowns and start crying over what ends up reading like spilled milk. When stoic and strong characters break over something they normally would never, for ~drama~.
This is usually both a tone and pacing issue, and a serious case of telling. The author hasn’t done any of the work ramping up a situation or relationship for proper delivery of these emotionally charged moments that are written like critical character beats we’re supposed to care deeply about.
So how does this happen?
1. The author *really* wants this scene, but writes it too early into the story
Unless there’s foul play involved, or this is a romantic comedy that isn’t supposed to be a realistic and healthy depiction of how romance works, characters suddenly declaring love for each other at the cost of their own well-being, their own character arc and journey, and their other motivations can be very frustrating to read.
But the author wants to get to the Good Stuff, so they coast on the “male + female leads = relationship” expectation without writing the why (and so ensures the rise of so many gay ships in the process). Or the male + male leads” or what have you.
2. The author cannot fluidly change tone and characters explode, instead of simmer
An argument that comes out of nowhere can really take your audience out of a scene. Your characters suddenly look ridiculous and your audience can’t follow what’s going on or why they’re so upset. This is different than a character exploding seemingly out of nowhere, but who we know has been building resentment for dozens of pages and loses it over something otherwise inconsequential.
These scenes are painfully, obviously there for manufactured drama and don’t feel natural. These characters don’t feel like people, but playthings, action figures manipulated by the hands of the author.
3. The characters involved are underdeveloped
As in the My Hero scene mentioned above, of the three characters in the scene, the “friend” we’re supposed to care about is a non-entity. The two teachers could have lost their minds over this guy’s sudden death, or the reveal that he turned traitor, or that he murdered younglings and puppies and kittens, to the same emotional impact, because we don’t care about this guy (or, I don’t, at least. I didn’t, and shouldn’t have to read the manga).
You can of course have characters who grieve non-entities, like the fridged wife trope. The difference is the audience knows we’re not supposed to know or care about that lady and the character she never was. This happens pre-plot, not mid-season 5. The frigid wife is the catalyst for the character we then come to know, not a character whose death radically changes our heroes from the people we’ve already established.
4. The tonal jump is just too extreme from the established rules of the story
Abrupt changes in tone can be very tricky to pull off, and almost always fail when it surrounds an abrupt shift in character dynamics (as opposed to something more plot-related). As in, your lighthearted comedy suddenly stops the plot so two characters can scream at each other, when this level of emotional charge hasn’t been established as a possibility.
Or the aforementioned emotional breakdown that just leaves audiences uncomfortable like the awkward friend trying to soothe a weeping companion.
Unfortunately, the fixes to these situations are either delete that entire scene, or go back and do a lot of rewriting so there’s enough build-up to justify its existence. Go back and write in that simmering resentment, all the little frustrations, a pre-existing tension within the relationship that is always primed to snap.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder and there’s a reason the “slowburn” is so popular. Setting out from the beginning to write a fast-paced, passionate romance tells your readers to expect exaggerated displays of emotion.
My favorite musical is Moulin Rouge. This movie is insane. Everyone is hyperbolically emotional and nothing is half-assed. The dances, the belting singing, the costumes, set-design, editing, the declarations of love– they’re all dialed up to 11. So characters screaming their love or rage from the rooftops is a *lot* but you’re prepared for it from the opening scene, knowing exactly what kind of movie this is.
Even if you don’t start your story with the level of drama it will eventually reach, there should still be some sort of progression when it comes to character drama.
Last Airbender didn’t open episode 2 with the emotional intensity of Zuko and Azula’s last Agni Kai… but it did show you that this isn’t just a lighthearted comedy in episode 3, with the reveal of Gyatso’s body and Aang’s violently emotional reaction.
Speaking of episode 3, they didn’t throw in Gyatso out of nowhere. We know from the show so far that a) Aang is the last of his kind, and b) he doesn’t know this. Everything leading up to this reveal is lighthearted, sure, but with that undercurrent of dread, waiting for Aang to see for himself, waiting for that other shoe to drop.
So some things to keep in mind are:
Prime the audience with dropping that first shoe, make them aware of the building tension (romantic, aggressive, grief, or otherwise), even if not all the characters are aware.
Build that tension. If your characters will eventually explode, let them be mildly irritated first, then annoyed, then frustrated, then angry, then raging until they can’t contain it anymore.
Make sure every party involved in this dramatic moment is someone the audience actually cares about, not just someone they’re told to care about.
TL;DR: Don’t pull the trigger prematurely. It’s most obvious with suddenly passionate arguments, characters flinging insults and hurts the audience isn’t prepared for and doesn’t know about, in effort to move the plot along before it’s fully cooked.
So unless there’s some drugs or fairy magic involved, or one of these characters has a gun to their head forcing them to do this right now, people don’t just explode in a rage without some buildup first. People can explode in a rage over a seemingly inconsequential and unrelated thing, but they’re likely already upset and this one little thing is the final straw. Audiences love the anticipation of what that final straw will be, and whether the explosive drama is rage or romance, “slowburn” is immensely popular for a reason.
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nenelonomh · 10 months ago
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the importance of balance in academia
balance is SO IMPORTANT in every aspect of life, but so often students sacrifice it in order to achieve high-level grades. balance is a critical factor that contributes to both personal well-being and academic success. many myths exist that build this lack of balance in the academic world, so let's debunk some of them.
working long hours guarantees advancement who told you this? seriously? the number of hours worked does not necessarily correlate with productivity or career success. quality of work matters more than quantity. you should try to prioritize efficiency and well-being over excessive hours.
life must be compartmentalized separating work and personal life rigidly isn’t always feasible. embrace flexibility. sometimes school/work and life blend, and that’s okay. focus on being present wherever you are.
you can have it all this is a big goal of a lot of people. i hate to break it to you, but you're NEVER going to have it all. balancing everything perfectly is challenging. prioritize what truly matters to you. accept that some trade-offs are necessary.
time management solves everything another lie that's commonly believed. yes, time management helps but IT WILL NOT SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. time management alone won’t guarantee balance. it’s about making conscious choices, not just managing the clock.
technology frees up more time/technology wastes time technology can both help and hinder balance. you must learn how to use technology wisely; and not let it consume your life. always disconnect when needed.
academic stress arises when a student’s existing capacity to manage and adapt to academic demands is exceeded. it encompasses mental distress related to expected academic challenges, fear of failure, or even the possibility of academic failure. you can prevent it by learning about your stressors, changing what you can, moderating your emotional reactions and practising physical responses to stress (e.g. mindful breathing). remember, academic stress is normal, but managing it effectively is essential for your overall well-being and success. prioritize self-care, seek help when needed, and find a healthy balance.
one thing that you're going to have to learn in order to become more balanced on your academic journey is to drop perfectionism. you may think that it has helped you get to where you are,, that it motivates you and keeps you going. these are lies. you must find new ways to motivate yourself that are not harmful.
for example, learning how to evolve whilst accepting that you are still growing and that you are just a person will get you to the same places, without the detrimental effects. perfectionists tend to have an all-or-nothing mindset and experience feelings of inadequacy due to toxic comparison. in being a perfectionist, your creativity may dwindle, as well as health implications arising and relationship strain.
if you don't believe me -- take a look at the article here.
but HOW can you manage balance in academia?
prioritize and plan though time management will not save you by itself, it is a great skill and very helpful. create a weekly schedule that allocates time for BOTH academic and personal activities. prioritize essential tasks and set realistic goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
set boundaries establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. make time to go out with your school friends outside of schoolwork! you have to be mindful, however, that it impossible to have a perfect divide or balance. we are humans; we are messy; life is messy.
self-care make time for activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. prioritize physical and mental health alongside academic commitments.
be flexible recognize that there will be times when your work demands more of your time and attention. adapt to changing circumstances while maintaining a balance.
build a support system i can't stress this enough! having people around you --even if you're writing your stressors on an anonymous blog-- is so vital to academic success. foster personal relationships and build a network of colleagues and friends who understand the challenges of academia. seek advice and support from mentors and peers.
effective communication communicate openly with colleagues, supervisors, and family members about your commitments and limitations. negotiate the workload when necessary. i remember in primary school (sixth grade, to be precise) when my teacher gave me extra homework to 'push me'. it took so much time away from me. as a twelve-year-old, i was able to talk to her and we agreed that i would simply just do the extension homework (instead of double work) so that i would have more time to play. this shit works!
utilize technology leverage technology for efficiency. use tools for time management, collaboration, and communication. if you get too distracted by technology, block the sites. delete the apps. do whatever you have to do to make it a tool. you can always re-download when you're finished. you can always call a friend during the breaks.
i think one of the most significant things to learn, ever, is that all of your actions/strategies are a double edged sword. they can either hurt you or help you. you have to decide which side you use.
achieving balance is an ongoing process, and you have to learn what works best for you--everyone is different. always strive for a healthier equilibrium. i promise you that it will be better for your wellbeing; your soul.
luck on your academic journey.
❤️ joanne
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dballzposting · 11 months ago
It's just that well simply put Gohan didnt have any time to himself ever. There was always bullshit happening. Then Goku died and Goten was born and Gohan had to keep his mother from falling apart and his baby brother healthy and happy. And it's rewarding work. But yknow
When he wasn't tending to the baby or helping with other domestic chores, he was in his room studying. It's nice to learn about the world he fought so hard to save. It's also nice to not have to have a relationship with his body (as with fighting) so that it's easier to dissociate from all the bullshit. Academia was a lifeline out. It was also a definitive "good" thing to be doing. It was also an escape. And also a source of the stress that he's so accustomed to. And yknow. Maybe the letters started to dance on the page after a while. A life unlived will find life in other places. Maybe the historical figures were his friends. Maybe he memorized chemicals like one would memorize constellations. Maybe different mathematical functions began to represent and facilitate different experiences of emotion. You know how it is
I mean maybe not. Maybe he got out enough and was present enough to not dip into that. If his time alone was really that needed, then I imagine that he would get angry if interrupted; but I don't imagine that he snapped often when his mother called him to attention or when his brother needed something from him. I think that he finds fulfillment and peace in his family and he wants to be there with them. But I think that he also finds habits of repression or self-denial.
I'm not saying that he represses all of his anger, because he doesn't. What he does repress is infinite amounts of survival rage. What he doesn't repress - and what seems like he's not even aware of when he expresses it - is sharp annoyance. A mild example would be when he snapped at Goten for bothering him during his training, which was super funny. A more poignant example is Every Time Somebody Insults his Great Saiyaman Persona somehow. First he was interjecting into his classmates' (strangers!) conversation to correct their misnaming of the new hero, and he didn't seem to notice how rude his tone was or how surprised his classmates were. Then later he stopped two reckless drivers, and they made fun of his goofy persona, and Gohan (without resistance) just threw a petulant fit - and he did not seem to notice how he was Destroying The Road by stamping his foot.
My favorite example was when Krillin told him he looked dumb. I should probably get screenshots. Gohan's Eyebrows Twitched and Reared like Rattlesnakes. And his passive aggression was enough to constituent manslaughter. Masked behind saccharine positivity. It was a vile display. What do YOU know about Fashion, Quiverin..! (<- What we sometimes call Krillin in my house becasue he's always cringing and quivering and being fearful lol.)
OK I didn't get screenshots but I have this timestamped video from the youtube.
And it makes sense that Gohan is super defensive about The Great Saiyaman. It's the first thing that he's gotten to do/be that was up to him.
I understand that Bulma designed the original get-up, but it was still collaborative; it's not like when Chichi dresses him in what she can afford to buy or make, or when Piccolo dresses him in what he himself likes to wear. And Gohan picked the name. He picked the poses. He picked the voice. He picked the personality. He picked the role.
You know that Oscar Wilde quote that goes something like "give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth"? Yeah. There's madness behind that mask.
It's also a very significant time for him because he's for the first time having the opportunity to associate with peers in a consistent way. And he wants so bad to be "normal" and that's also why the mask is so integral and alluring. And he wants to be a normal bloke and make normal friends, but at the same time, he's out of practice without really realizing it; he hasn't come to terms with how in order to make friends, you have to put yourself out there. He thinks that he can simply make friends while hiding himself and lying about everything. And when Videl starts trying to figure out who he is and pry the mask off, it's a horrifying inconvenience. And Gohan just isn't in the habit of receiving well others' companionship, having lived isolated for so long; when Videl makes him teach her how to fly, he's nice to her, but you can tell that he just wants her to leave.
Her insistence on drilling into him is why they become friends and eventually marry, though.
He seems like an optimistic fellow, and his appreciate for life must be sincere, as his history necessitates it - if life sucked, all of that would have been for nought. But remember, for a good seven years it was just him, his mother, and the new baby. No drama or adventure to bring him out into the world. No friends his age that he could connect and evolve with. Just him up there on Mt Paozu stagnating.
There was definitely a lot of goodness and happiness and stargazing and lovely dinners and hanging out with dinosaurs. But there was also a lot of boredom and avoidance and why-is-the-baby-crying and mom-please-put-the-wooden-spoon-down and mom-please-stop-crying and can-i-have-the-time-to-study-unbothered-please and an undercurrent of feeling bogged down that really isn't apparent until you get out and get moving.
Gohan never says this outloud or thinks this definitively, but it's a natural truth, like the wood that a house is made of - he is going to do everything he can to be a good brother and to protect his baby brother. And it's a given, too, that he'll do everything it takes to keep his mother sane and happy, because everybody else shies away from her, and it's SORT OF Gohan's fault that Goku had died, and he very much wants to give back for all of the nurturing that his mother has given him.
And when you want to be a force of Good that badly, it completely turns you away from the parts of you that may be Bad, and encourages you to be afraid of certain feelings or needs.
When Gohan snaps at people out of irritability or defensiveness, it really seems like he doesn't know that he's doing it, and it comes out in the way that a hurt child may just act out. Everything else that is ugly about him just gets buried deep. And that makes him a weirdo. That's what it seems like anyway
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years ago
After searching about, I've found others who've had and thought about the same issue that I did, which is that the Kingdom Hearts fandom has a HUGE amatonormativity problem. Which, yeah, most fandoms do, but the difference here is that the KH fandom is pretty small, which makes it way more prevalent.
There's a good amount of people who think Sora is aroace, grayromantic, or alloromantic asexual, but they keep it to themselves for risk of being harassed by shippers. They have to protect themselves with "aphobes DNI" on the few posts they do post about it. They have to continuously reblog their own art or go to a confession blog to lament about it.
And it's sad! This is saddening! And the thing is, I do ship SoRiKai. At least the minimum amount, enough to be fully invested in what's going on in canon. Because, canonically? They do care about each other intensely enough to usually go beyond the bounds of typical friendship. Especially Sora. The way he thinks, the things he does, it's all so grandeur in comparison to the things people do in real life for their friends. He flat out says he wants to be with Riku and Kairi forever in one of the first games.
The problem is that people still think being aroace means being apothi and aplatonic, but that's not the case. Sora feels platonic attraction so quickly, frequently, and intensely that it even puts off new characters he meets in the game. He's affectionate, uplifting, and confident(most of the time). But people can't see aroace people as a whole as anything but negative and loveless. Which is just plain not the case for all of us. Aspec people post about the different ways aspec people think all the time! It's mostly the only thing in the aromantic and asexual tags, and I frequent those a lot! So I'd know!
This is an issue thats brought up over and over and over again, and it's that being aroace-- feeling exactly zero romantic or sexual attraction-- does not mean you also feel zero platonic or queerplatonic (or sensual or alterous or any tertiary) attraction. It does not mean you can't feel attraction that is just as intense as allos feel romantic or sexual attraction. Sora has always attributed his strength and confidence to his friends, to his heart that belongs to all of his friends. He feels platonic attraction so intensely that it literally powers him up. It's the main theme of the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise.
Saying that Sora feels queerplatonic attraction towards Riku and Kairi does not mean he'd feel any less than if he were romantically and/or sexually attracted to them.
Thinking that queerplatonic and/or platonic attraction is less than romantic and/or sexual attraction is incorrect, aphobic, amatonormative, and exactly contrary to what Kingdom Hearts the franchise is partially trying to do.
Kingdom Hearts normalizes healthy, platonic, life-long relationships, which wasn't well represented in the early 2000s. Most media represented friendships as on the back burner, especially when pit against romantic relationships. Affectionate arospecs watched shows and movies when they were younger seeing the main character dismiss their friends, grow out of them, or outright hate them, and then have their problems be solved by a romantic partner. Toxic or unhealthy friendships (and also sibling relationships) were the norm, so having Kingdom Hearts, and a few other media I can't think of right now, be made where there's no romance outside of background characters and established ones fron Disney Movies, and where friendship is treated as equal and as the most important, was revolutionary.
Tons of Shounen anime do this, too. Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Hero Academia, most sports anime. Then there's other stuff like most magical girl anime, Soul Eater, Little Witch Academia, Promised Neverland, Lucky Star, Baccano, most Miyazaki movies. A lot of popular anime are popular because people love the friendships between characters. And I bet most people in Kingdom Hearts love it specifically because of the friendships too. They like that they're friends. Because their friendships are wholesome, and healthy, and good. They make us feel good. KH isn't "Queerbaiting"(which is only ever brought up for mlm ships and never for aspecs or wlw) for having Riku and Sora care about each other and get along. Just because pop culture has forced f/m relationships start specifically because a girl and a boy get along(if even that happens), doesn't mean that all characters in all media that get along are romantically into each other. Both of those are bad and thinking that its not is a double standard. Platonic chemistry and romantic chemistry are not the same (even if pop culture media continue to try and make it seem like they are). But so many posts trying to prove Sora is actually canonically secretly in romantic love with Riku and Kairi only have evidence of him just being his regular old self, doing things he canonically sees as platonic-- things that are platonic.
It's not an issue of people headcanoning Sora with romantic/sexual attraction (or otherwise) for the other characters, it's about the harassing of other people that it's canon and the blatant aphobia and amatonormativity. All that's canon right now is that Sora cares about his friends, which includes Riku and Kairi, and the fact that I got so much negativity back for saying he's aroace and feels queerplatonic attraction for them only proves that some people in this fandom think aroace people can't care about anyone strictly because they don't feel romantic or sexual attraction. The aphobia in the fandom needs to be addressed, and the aspec content should be allowed to be post freely without push back.
TLDR; Once the main Kingdom Hearts fandom stops seeing every little interaction between certain characters as canonically romantic, it'll finally be a more open and healthy community that people won't be afraid to engage in.
I want this to be helpful to read and for someone to learn something. And if aphobia shows up again, maybe take that person to the side and say that's not cool? Defend us aspecs, please? Cause all that..really makes me feel bad about and put off Kingdom Hearts completely. (And again! I ship SoRiKai! But people that don't ship it shouldn't have to go through this either!)
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 1 year ago
A Guide To TDP's Male Cinnamon Rolls
So, since I have seen even more "season 6 is the most heartbreaking season yet" tweet screenshots (Aaron Ehasz tell your merry band of jolly souls to stop tormenting me and to leave me alone please I can't take it anymore) I figured I would bring more happy content to this fandom and completely ignore season 5 episode eight ahaha what are you talking about
So I will be explaining the differences between each of our little wholesome men here, because they're all just sliiiightly different from each other, which warrants an entire long text post from me because I'm bored
King Ezran- despite all the trauma he's withstood throughout his life, he's still a twelve year old boy, and there's a sense of childlike innocence about him. This boy would like to tell you about Pokemon, and I would listen to him if I were you. He's the type of twelve year old cis boy who would definitely stand up to transphobic bullies. King Ezran is the definition of the "not all (I suppose men doesn't apply here, 12 year old boys ig?) is right, [insert character name here] would never" meme.
Prince Callum- Callum is literally the biggest loser around and it's adorable. He's literally a crown prince and he couldn't ride horses normally until he was like 16. He's just a dorky little man, who gets excited about big books and research and libraries and things like that. Dude would love light academia. He's a nerd with tiny skinny arms, need I say more?
Head crownguard Soren- he's a himbo, need I say more?
Commander Gren: he's the dictionary definition of cinnamon roll. Dude is polite even with his captors. He has the patience I never will, and that is completely envy-worthy. He's that one friend in the gay friend circle who is endlessly polite to the homophobic mom, just because that's how Gren is. I don't think he could ever be mean, or rude, or angry. And that's just the way he is.
Title-less Terry: Terry is the one who is setting high standards for boyfriends. Terry is everything a boyfriend should be, and he goes even above and beyond. Terry needs to get out of this relationship soon, though, because he is too optimistic and happy to realize the gravity of what is going on with his girlfriend. He literally put all of his issues on hold for his girlfriend, and keeps telling her "Claudia you need to sleep, it's not healthy for you to go this long without sleep :(" and then goes around building rafts throughout the night with no sleep and wearing his binder 24/7. Terry you need self-care too!!!
Crownguard Corvus because I just considered to include him- Corvus is a man who is built different. He is the voice of reason in these trying times, but under his rough exterior, he has no idea what is going on. He is pretending to be in control and he is not fooling us. Corvus is the type of man who had an emo phase. Corvus is just trying to keep everyone alive, and honestly, they need to bring him on more missions because he would've probably helped them avoid so much awful stuff.
Another crow themed man I missed- The associate crow lord. While being an unnamed side character, the crow lord is just a struggling man fresh out of college trying his best to help all of his customers. This man exudes waves of he/they energy. He is happy you're happy, definetly. He just got promoted and he is very proud of himself.
Lemme know if I missed anyone
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ofstarsandmoonlightt · 7 months ago
ok so i just finished nine liars of the truly devious series and anyone wanna listen to me ramble?
so here’s some background~ read the main trilogy all together, loved it (had a single issue will elaborate below)
when box in the woods come out, read it and also liked it!
so here’s the thing, i may have some thoughts on the books, writing or plot wise but i don’t remember anything lmao just that i enjoyed them and that’s it
now nine liars~ this was a great book! im such a sucker for friends in academia so close together (iwwv anyone?) and wish we got more of the nine! someone here mentioned that it would’ve been better if they were less people and im inclined to agree, less people but more page time developing them as complex characters would’ve been so much better; which is why when the mystery was solved it fell flat! honestly out of all the books this was the easiest to predict and it didn’t even wrap up nicely!
now one thing that was done well was how stevie was treated like a normal teenager and it was even better than other ya books! she’s clumsy, always spilling things on her hoodies (lol this was the most relatable!) and also other stuff, her not being able to focus on stuff, feeling behind everyone, being kinda self centered and all!
also kinda love her friendship with nate more than janelle? like yes i love janelle but just- ahh it’s so good to see a healthy platonic relationship between stevie and nate!
now comes the bad part hehe ok ever since the og trilogy ive hated david like so bad and was so disappointed when in the end he ends up with her, so i was so happy when they broke up, but when izzy said he broke up because he thought she’s too good for him i was like whaa no don’t get together! this is exactly like when he was giving her mixed signals in the og trilogy but she still stuck with him? like please the mysteries are good on their own it doesn’t need romance!!
also one thing that was kinda weird was how easily they were able to go to the uk? like idk much about how things in the us work so maybe im thinking too much but there should’ve been some clear explanation as to how, like some random dude just provided accommodation to four students when they weren’t even sure why they wanted to come and all?
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pockethep · 1 year ago
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "pockethep"?
I’ve had this Tumblr for a molten minute and originally it was a Pokemon themed blog before I deleted my side blogs (a choice I regret every day). The Pocket in my user came from “Pocket Monsters” and the HEP was just tagged on because a lot of pocket monster themes names weren't available but younger me wanted to be open to having a blog that wasn't just 1 thing.
Now for the fics…
These are in no order whatsoever. This is based purely on fanfics that I love that no matter what I keep going back to, there are honestly a lot I could put especially if I think harder but its late and I'm typing on my phone.
Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom on AO3. (My Hero Academia)
Genuinely an amazing fanfic, probably the best BNHA fanfic I’ve ever read which is a strong title to hold. It even has its own TV Tropes Page. It was Published in 2016 and I read it religiously. It had it all, Queerplatonic relationships, Drama, Angst, heartwarming moments, and realistic character depictions. It’s one of those fanfics that most people in the fandom know as “One of the Big Ones”.
A Breach of Trust by Phantomrose96 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Another “One of the Big Ones” and another fanfic that I’ve been following since it was published way back in 2016 (a wonder how 2016 had a lot of really great fanfics just like how a lot of good writing came from the quarantine). This is such a good fanfic, that really expands past the base content of the manga/anime and has a well fleshed out world as well as characters. It’s a drama that has a good dose of angst and I love the way the relationship between Mob and Reigen develops.
Issho by ToastyToaster22 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Normally I’d try to keep it one to a fandom with these types of lists/asks but Issho was really good. Once again has the bonus of being a fanfic from one of my favorite anime/manga. But it highlights one of my favorite characters, Teru, in a way that develops him very well over the course of the series. Issho is just the first of ten parts and I'd recommend reading all of them.
Salvage by MuffinLance on AO3 (Avatar the Last Airbender)
One of my comfort ATLA fanfics. A great amount of humor, angst, and a lot of found family. I absolutely adore Hakodad pics and Zuko honestly deserves it but Salvage has the plus of adding more additional siblings and a cute isopuppy because Zuko really deserves it.
fool in the moon by arahir on Ao3 (Trigun)
Despite having read the Trimax manga and having seen the original Trigun anime, I didn’t actually start reading fan fiction for it until Trigun Stampede paraded through…And BOY was I missing out. Although fool in the moon is a recent addition to the roster of amazing pics, it’s up there as one of my favorite. It’s a vashwood fic with a healthy dose of angst and comfort. I don’t know what it is but Trigun writers all have the ability to write the most visceral things.
(HONORABLE MENTION: A Ship and his Anchor by DerringerMeryl who aced the Vash whump.)
Press 9 to delete this Message by moriturism on Ao3 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
One of the most cleverly written fics not just on this list but that I’ve read. I can’t recommend it enough, even to those that don’t ship satosugu. This is a hurt no comfort fic and the way my stomach sunk reading the date for one of the last messages is a feeling few people can replicate. It’s good all around. 11/10
Those Hands Were Meant To Love by Ahenix on Ao3 (Spy X Family)
I think this is one of the big fics for Spy X Family and for a reason. It’s fluff without plot, and I love a good bit of found family and fluff especially centered around my favorite “fake” family. I read this one a couple times last year because it’s cute and its only 6 chapters.
Cascading (In a good way) by Hubbleablubble on Ao3 (Genshin)
There are a lot of well written genshin fics but this one is my favorite both for the ship (Kaebedo) and that I enjoy the way the characters are written. I like how everyone was written in this. Although it’s only a chapter the pacing was great, especially as it told their story from strangers to friends to lovers. It also mentioned Khaenri’ah Royalty Kaeya which is a huge plus.
(HONORABLE MENTION Song of Resistance by TheOpticalMouse absolutely check this out, its a series of 2 fics)
Starstruck by shizuoh on Ao3 (Yuri on Ice)
All that needs to be said is that the author basically created the Actor Victor Nikiforov tag on ao3. It’s a fic that’s been there since around 2016 when the show debuted and it hasn’t left my favorites for a while alongside a lot of others. Featuring the aforementioned actor Viktor, a barista/babysitter yuuri, and Yuri as a child caught up between the two. There are a lot of great’s and this is one of them.
(HONORABLE MENTIONS: There are a lot of Yuri on Ice fics I could have put here so…Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart aches by Reiya (The Biggest Diamond among the rest of the diamonds), crust and sugar over by ShanaStoryteller, Where the Cliff Greets the Sea)
Academic Intrigue by kassvea on Ao3 (Word of Honor)
It’s a modern AU, college/university AU with well written characters that are true to the original source. It’s a story about starting over, especially given the scandal at the start of the fic. I love the connection between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing in all forms of media but this is one of my favorites.
(HONORABLE MENTION: Sanguine by jaemyun this is one of the big word of honor fics and for a reason.)
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joannerowling · 11 months ago
Idk if I've already written this but an average hp fandom experience has become very boring. To find something good you need to dig through thousands of art and fanfiction of effeminate sirius', feminist pettigrews, dark academia regulus' and all that jazz.
Tbh it's not even the pairing but the characterisation they write. I don't recognise like 80% of what the fandom produces.
Re: the evans sisters – i really wish a good study on their relationship. Same with the black brothers and black sisters, the insight on marauders inner dynamics (not shipping but like friend group), on Weasley siblings dynamics etc. But they have to be close to canon at least a very bit. Bc otherwise who are even these people and why should i care about them? It does seem like fanon is now perceived as canon, and ooc's are further made of the already ooc fanon interpretations.
Well, part of it is normal you know. People who grew up with the series moved on with their lives. We're no longer teenagers finding ourselves within a community built on shared love for the books, we have jobs and kids. That's healthy. We'll never have the 2000s back but the good news is, there is a tone of excellent material from that time (whether fanfic or meta) still out there, you just have to look a bit for it.
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mun-urufu · 6 months ago
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
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🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
a few, Moon, Furry, and a few by my gf like [REDACTED]
🎵 Last song you listened to?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
not really I tried but failed miserably
😏 Are you on discord?
 💛 Do you have any piercings
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
the little things how they act, how they act, their quirks
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
a biscuit/digestlible to be dipped into Yorkshire tea
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
headphones but earbuds have to do most of the time
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
“A čo czi po tim?!”
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
A lot of sea creatures have their attack/defense mechanisms if just puking out their intestines into you
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
night owl all the way
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
next to my girlfriend surrounded by plushies and blankets
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
yes I am very chaotically gay
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
nerd, chaos, gay
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
black tea, in the morning preferably English breakfast, otherwise Earl-Grey
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
the sort of cross of green and yellow like colour
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
A replica of the wand of Sirius Black
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
this account over a year but active around a month or two
🌴 Desert island item?
the wand of wishes
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
mix of cottage core and dark academia but with a bed full of Blåhaj
🔮 What’s your dream job?
Astrophysics/theoretical physics
💙 Relationship status?
taken :3
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
honestly either a stylish more old suit a suit of armour or my Pyjamas
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
dark brown with slivers of silver
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
way too much for it to be normal/healthy
💄 Do you wear makeup?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
“I’d drink with you tea and argue over the meaning of the universe”
💞 @ your favorite blog.
@im-a-sentient-magic-carpet @hadoom
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
🎵 Last song you listened to?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
😏 Are you on discord?
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
🌴 Desert island item?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
💙 Relationship status?
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
💞 @ your favorite blog.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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ao3feed-erasermic · 4 days ago
Takami's and Class 1-A (Plus Two Teachers)
Use the related link post to read Takami's and Class 1-A (Plus Two Teachers) on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/62058547 by XoxoKH Finally, Shouta thinks, they finally got the kids safe. But now they had to recover, but they were terrified of teraphy, enough for Haw- Takami to hiss at Hound Dog while covering Fal- Young Takami because the last time they were shown teraphy they got shoved down a cheetah-like person's cock. Google, how to show a kid you're a safe and trusted adult? Google does have a response but he still needs help. OR After everything they have been through, Falco and Hawks are allowed to be just them. But they're bad at it, they don't understand that they aren't going to be punished by everything. They don't know that eating at a table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is what's almost the normal in a healthy house. How can you recover if you have yet to understand of what you have to recover from? Words: 5717, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Broken Angels Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Tsukauchi Naomasa Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A & Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Winged Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Bird Quirk, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Tokoyami Fumikage Acts Like a Bird, Midoriya Izuku acts like a bird, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Hero Public Safety Commission Raises Midoriya Izuku, Evil Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia), It was, Good Person Sensei | All For One, A little, He's still a villain, Sensei | All For One is Soft for Children, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, No Smut, No Incest, Father-Son Relationship, Platonically, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist, Monoma Neito is in Class 1-A, Wing Grooming, wing preening, Nesting, Midoriya Izuku is Takami Keigo | Hawks Biological Child, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Takami Keigo | Hawks, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, ? - Freeform, I think so.., Past Sexual Abuse, Traumatized Midoriya Izuku, Traumatized Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dead Iida Tenya, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, PAPAMIC!, Rape Recovery, Panic Attacks, Suicidal Thoughts, Past Rape/Non-con, no beta we die like Warui, Midoriya Inko is alive and in good health, probably many characters ooc, i need a beta reader, English isn't my first language gang, I STILL NEED TO PUT TAGS HELP Use the related link post to read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/62058547
0 notes
sacredquakes · 3 months ago
Scared that I’ve put A on a pedestal and made her HP. That’s okay sweetie. It’s normal. You are powerless over this stuff, this is why we are in two programs. And of course you’re putting her on a pedestal- she’s Swedish, your mum’s age, and pretty amazing in so many ways. Of course. You need guidance, you need healthy supportive people to share with. You need ESH. And it’s unusual to feel like people are really really authentic, but she is. But maybe there’s something about being too worried of triggering her by talking about sex work, and especially of talking about things I’ve enjoyed with the work, that it’s not just straightforwardly abusive, that at times it’s felt empowering and fun, and been a space where I could explore things. Just like academia was, just like taking drugs was, just like a lot of addictive relationships can be. But I have this fear of seeming shallow, seeming stupid, naive, like a similar fear I can have with super strong feminists. So I think it’s a fear of my femmeness, my femininity, my frivolity, my complex sexuality, my kinks, my feminism, my somatic abolitionism- like, the softness, vulnerability, playfulness- but also neurodivergence and difference- not being seen and being devalued. Also feeling shame for maybe having put A more on a pedestal than I realised. There’s something that just feels a bit disgusting about it. I feel embarrassed about it. Like I’ve sullied the relationship. Which I think is that shame around the sexual abuse coming out. That I was the only one who seemingly saw it, and I was made into a problem, I was seen as the one to blame for it. It was my fault. There was something wrong with my sexuality and my desire and my life force. When of course, it was his responsibility to respect boundaries, which he didn’t do in any way. And I guess, in an adult relationship you are also both responsible for the dynamic. If I have someone on a pedestal then it’s probably likely partly because the other person wants to be there.
But yeah, also. I so often feel there’s a sexual energy if there is any form of closeness. That’s what I felt with Finley. Maybe with Shanna too. And then last week or so with Leo. And I think I’ve always felt it in the past, but I’ve tried to kind of just ignore it. But now I can feel it and it frightens me. I mean, with Finley it was definitely there, they did send a flirty text to me. But maybe it is also just that any kind of intimacy triggers a sexual response for me and that immediately triggers all these other feelings and I immediately feel scared and overwhelmed because I don’t think I’ll be able to say no and stop it. And like, when I tune in more to those feelings, I can see how that fear is there a lot. And that that’s probably what’s coming up with friends as well, when I have this fear around physical contact, so I’m both scared of being seen as a perpetrator and to not be able to stop it. And maybe that’s partly what being first a sex worker and then a body worker is about a bit- wanting to gain some kind of control by being in charge. Being in the role of professional and also making sure that I’m controlling any physical contact.
0 notes
belamuse · 7 months ago
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Forever in awe of the Coastal Redwoods.
I am still learning how to be alive– how to allow my heart to leave my sight, to attend school, to grow up. I cannot comprehend the arguments used to bomb the lungs of children, to leach the Earth of her marrow, to ban books about love. Some days, I am paralyzed by grief. There appear to be pages missing from my manual. Perhaps I was improperly configured when they installed my software. I do what I can. I am asking the experts. I am Googling for answers. I am trying my best. Please forgive me, it’s my first time on Earth.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt out of place–like the only actress on stage without the screenplay. Some days, I wish I could have Please forgive me, it’s my first time on Earth permanently emblazoned on my chest. A reminder to others to be patient with me as I fumble through existence. 
I don’t ever remember a time where it felt easy to be human. As a child, I was often confused by other people. I did not understand why America’s Funniest Home Videos was popular. I could not comprehend what was funny about watching people get hurt. When I began to watch the news, it was unfathomable to me how humans could allow humans to go hungry. And war, why were we always fighting over lines on a map, wealth, weapons? I expected it to get easier as I aged. It never did. Rather, it became increasingly more confusing. Academia, corporate culture, romantic relationships, parenting. I cannot begin to guess how many hours I lost asking Google for answers. How can I study more efficiently? How do I network? Is my relationship healthy? How can I communicate with my child when he’s hitting me without losing my mind?
For most of my life, I thought it was just me. I didn’t share the inner workings of my mind with anyone. I was embarrassed to admit how uncomfortable I felt, the daily burdens of living in a bipedal body. Somehow I must have been improperly configured, so I committed to learn the rules. Perhaps I too could learn to be the right kind of human. I self-lobotomized as a passion project, convinced at some point I would feel normal and less like an impersonation of what a human should be. 
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I numbed and escaped through avoidance and alcohol. It gnawed at my rib meat for years, but when it threatened to become a death sentence, I understood silence and numbing were no longer sustainable. Bit by bit I opened up, shared with those I thought most likely to understand– my closest friends and my peers in recovery. I explained how I felt I’d spent my life trying to learn the rules to a game I did not understand and would never win. And almost every time, the response was SAME, SAME, SAME.
We often forget we are all new, novice explorers in uncharted terrain. We watch our children experience the world with freshly hatched eyes. We parent them, do our best to impart our wisdom as they begin their journey on Earth. But we still know so few of the answers. Our eyes and ears and tongues are still dawning.
There are times I envy other species. How they do not require a personal development industry to help them navigate their existence. The honey bee collects nectar. The mama bear feeds and nurtures her cubs. The orangutan plays. They do not read books about increasing productivity, how to be the best parent, or how to decrease stress. They do not have development plans and performance assessments. They simply exist. 
It feels less lonely knowing there are others who find being human as uncomfortable as I do. The experience of shifting body and skin, how the playbook we grew up with as children is now outdated. On tough days, friends and I send each other long voice notes detailing when insecurities run rampant, when howling darkness sets in and we have lost all sense of the sun. It’s here, in the messy midst of it all, that I’m finding how to be human– where former versions of our past selves decompose. I welcome all of it— the blooming, the molting, the rotting, the growth. And on days when I struggle, please remember, it’s my first time on Earth.
Picture: Redwood National Forest Circa June 2020
0 notes
circusclownsam · 1 year ago
my hero academia oc👍
Name: Min-Ya Choi
Nickname: Minnie, prefers that nickname
Gender: Female
Age: 18 - 20s+
Race: Asian
Nationality: Korean - Australian
Scent: a soft, vanilla smell
Voice: mid pitch, with a noticeable australian accent
“I hope I don’t look too scary”
Physical appearance
Height: 5’2 (158cm)
Weight(heaviness): light
Hair colour: chocolate brown
Hair texture: 2C
Eye colour: deep blue
Skin colour: warm tan
Face claim: https://pin.it/bWfcvlxGc (it’s realistic, ik. sorry abt that)
Body shape: hourglass, average thickness, small waist, D cup size
Scars: arms, inner thighs and back. won’t speak of when/where she got them.
Teeth: https://pin.it/rCZ9Qeb5C
piercing(s): seven on each ear, all studs
Other facial features: freckled cheeks + nose, dimpled smile. smaller eyes underneath her normal ones.
“The uniform is rather comfortable, actually”
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; https://pin.it/4NWeiBOyG (left wrist)
; https://pin.it/7L9o4lzbl (right wrist)
; https://pin.it/1PgXZJhns
; https://pin.it/4SvHs7W5w
“Please, don’t let it be slimy..”
Personality and interests
Positive traits: kind, caring, humorous, hardworking, selfless, trustworthy.
Neutral traits: Flirtatious, Honest.
Negative traits: Anti-social, sarcastic, cold, untrusting of others.
Likes: hanging out with Deku, watching sitcoms, studying quietly in her room, annoying Bakugou, cooking for her friends, reading in her free time, bakugous cooking, styling momos hair, spending time with tokoyami (will add more, probs)
Dislikes: slimy foods, romcoms, being pushed into group activities, Mineta, having to raise her voice, when spiders are killed for no reason (will add more soon)
Hobbies: studying, sketching, occasionally painting
Habits: scratching at her scars, tapping her nails on her desk
Fears: being forgotten, deep water (to an extent)
Insecurities: her scars, her overall appearance
Pet peeves: when things are left messy on purpose
Talents: sketching/painting, gymnastics, stealth
“living with my father was..an experience, to say the least”
Living arrangements
Born in: seoul, south korea
Lived in: Sydney, australia
Moved to: a small, four bedroom house in Musutafu, Japan
Lives in: a dorm not far from the U.A
Occupation: high school student
Schooling: U.A high school
Class: 1A
Transport: walking, mostly. occasionally the bus
“Father is a cruel man, mother just watches.”
Bio Father: Robert Choi, Alive, strained relationship due to prolonged abuse.
Bio Mother: Lin Choi, Alive, strained relationship.
Bio sister: katie choi, 10, close relationship.
Best friends: Deku, Mina, Denki and Tenya.
Friends: Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, Shoto, Shoji, Tokoyami.
neutral: Momo, Jirou, Ochako, Aoyama, Toru, Sato, Kado, Ojiro, Asui.
Enemies: the villains, mostly
Potential love interest(s): Bakugou, Aizawa (if aged up), Shoto
“I think i’m pretty healthy, for someone so traumatised”
Mental: occasional nightmare and panic attack, overall okay
Physical: fit for her age, works out when she can, healthy diet, faint muscles
Disorders/illnesses: diagnosed with mild social anxiety, unmedicated
Hygiene: showers/bathes regularly, no bad BO.
Dental: brushes regularly, no known cavities or sensitivity, healthy white teeth
Eyesight: 20/20 vision, no need for glasses
Addictions; none
Allergy; sunflower, mild rash and sneeze
“Arachnid, pretty simple”
Name of her quirk: Arachnid
What age did she obtain it: 7
How did she obtain it (what was happening at the time): she was brushing her teeth when her toothbrush became stuck to her hand
Drawbacks: if used too much, she’ll become exhausted but if used past the point of exhaustion, she’s at risk of rendering herself unconscious
Short abilities desc: web creation(inner palms, finger tips), communicate with any nearby spiders, paralysing bite, hang upside for long periods of time, enhanced speed and jump, climb/stick to all surfaces.
Other/extra info: her “paralysing bite” lasts for a minute and can be used at will, she unfortunately lacks the “spidey sense” therefor is unable to detect danger faster than others.
“boo it’s..me?”
Hero Profile
Hero Name: as of now, she goes by Arachnoid
; https://pin.it/1aaehTnkD
; https://pin.it/13NdUFaeE
; https://pin.it/23xp0g8uv
; https://pin.it/6TitG2vuc
; https://pin.it/7Eab6RV7M
; https://pin.it/8yLSiUj3t
specialises in: rescue (as of now)
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