#i hate you emma
z0mp13ss · 3 months
I wonder if she thinks im a dry texter
I literally get so excited whenever she texts me and with nearly all of my irls its,
"Heyy hru" -them
"good ig hbu" -me
"Im good!! Wyd?" -them
"Nothing, hbu"-me
"___!" -them
then I leave them on read for a good couple of months.
I actually just dont like most of the people I get surrounded by now that I think about it. Like, I'm a big of a "people magnet" and people usually talk to me first, but it's hard for me to just out right say I don't like them and that I find them so annoying I'd rather jump off a bridge into 8 foot deep water (i cant swim) infested with toxic chemicals rather than hear their voice or even hear them mentioned in a conversation I am having.
Like I appreciate having friends, and all of my FRIENDS I am good with, I love them a lot. But some of these people think we are friends but we are NOT. I am NOT trying to talk to you bro get the fuck out of my dms I don't like you, no I am not giving you my number its bad enough you have my insta get the fguck away from me.
Anyways recently I've been questioning my existence again and I am starting to lose meaning in life. Like why the fuck am I here.
I like cat videos on Insta.
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nebulousfishgills · 3 months
Listen, Otto realizing that he helped put a moron on the Iron Throne and then going through the five stages of grief before dipping is peak comedy, bro really fucked around and then found out.
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itsdefinitely · 8 months
Can you please draw some Murder Paulkins (Paul 23 and Emdroid)
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normal couple activities
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notfernintheslighest · 2 months
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we are so back
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sea-owl · 8 months
You know what era of romcoms I miss? It's the early 2000s teen romcoms that were based on classic literature. They were some of my favorite ones, and yeah, some were loosley based, but they still hit those important bases, and they were so much fun.
We had:
Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew - 10 Things I Hate About You
Shakespeare's 12th Night - She's the Man
Snow White - Sydney White
Cinderella - A Cinderella Story, What a Girl Wants
Little Mermaid - Aquamarine
Jane Austen's Emma - Clueless
The Scarlett Letter - Easy A
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Warm Bodies
Shakespeare's Midnight Summer's Dream - Get Over It
Pygmalion - She's All That
Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor - John Tucker Must Die
Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility - Material Girls
I might be missing some, but I remember just having fun with these. One of my English teachers also showed us a few of these movies while studying Shakespeare to show how pieces of literature can change over the years and inspire other's own takes.
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sentientsky · 11 months
good omens fanartists, i love u most ardently. good omens fic writers, i would commit arson for you. good omens shitposters, i cherish and adore u. good omens angst meta-analyzers,,,my therapist knows your names
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blackvoidspace · 2 months
"Daemon and Rhaenyra share the blood of the dragon. They are restless and chaotic."
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anneslovegood · 10 months
“classic literature is so boring, why do high schools never change the reading requirements for kids? how can these books still be relevant?!”
oh, honey, if you only knew the amount of teen romcoms based on classic literature
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therealsigmamale1 · 2 years
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Movie title cards 🫶
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ccircusclwn · 7 months
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yoooo new chapt of intertwined jst came out!!!!! greeces piecew!!!!!!
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wyldfell · 2 months
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emma d’arcy for british gq
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Been a barista for about a month and a half now and I understand Emma Perkins in a whole new way because if someone ordered a plain black coffee and then tipped five whole dollars I’d probably catch some feelings too.
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4chtungb4by · 7 months
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Tomothy Selleck for my drawing classssss sketchbook woohoo
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alicenpai · 25 days
started reading emma by kaoru mori today and by golly. i am not a binger by any means (far from it) but i zoomed through half of the story in a day. it's literally That Good................
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sincerelyemma13 · 16 days
cause when u know, u know!!! ♡
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addictedwritingg · 8 months
Hate Means Love Ch.2
Jenna Ortega x Male Character.
Summary: Jenna Ortega shares a house with her roommate's, one of them being a male she can't stand, in other words, hates. He loves to tease and feed her hatred just to watch her for his pleasure (wink wink).
Warnings! Bad language, drinking, talk of hangovers, teasing, arguing, and steamy situations, short smut, bad writing.
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Andre's POV.
"Jennaaaa lets goooo." I hear Trina drunkenly saying trying to tug Jenna off the floor. To say the girls are pretty drunk is an understatement, Devin and I were buzzed but not like them, so the situation was pretty funny to us. "I can't walkkkk." Jenna drags out to Trina. Devin got out of the car and walk around to see the two of them on the floor and started dying laughing. He looks over to me and nods, "Ill grab Trina, get Jenna." He says laughing. I laugh to myself and walk over to Jenna, and she looks up at me.
"Oh no you don't. you no carry meee." She says pointing at me.
I laugh and bend over and pick her up and throw her over my shoulder with ease as she was small and weighed the same amount as a sack of potatoes.
"I'm going to puke if yo -hiccup- you carry me like this." She says covering her mouth.
I quickly pull her down to hold her as her legs are wrapped around my waist and I'm supporting her ass. I continue to walk for another 5 minutes and finally make it to the house to see that Devin was occupied with trying to get Trina to go to sleep. I make my way to Jenna's room and lean over and plop her on her bed with me hovering over her, but she would let go of me with her legs as I tried to get up.
"Jenna let go you're in your bed, and I have to piss really bad." I say reaching for her legs behind me to unclench them. But something about the look in Jenna's eyes that I've never seen before, like a starving lion who hasn't ate in weeks. She slams me forward with her legs pushing my pelvis into Her's, I quickly look at her in confusion as I feel her hands slide down to the hem of my t shirt and pull it off me throwing it over by the open door. She rubs her hands up and down my naked torso, sticking her fingers in the lining of my boxers and leans up to me and glides her lips across my ear.
"Remember at the party?" she nibbles my ear making me shut my eyes, feeling myself getting hard on top of her. "How you made me feel that way, and then stopped." she continues shoving her hands lower into my boxers just above my hard member, but painfully not touching it. "Well karma's a bitch." she says as she yanks her hands out and unwraps her legs from around me and begins to laugh. I sit up and scoff that this woman really just played me. I quickly grab her wrist and slam her arms above her head and hold them there before getting inches from her wet, plump lips. "You wouldn't be able to handle me anyways, I would fuck you stupid, your legs would fail you, and you would be able to do nothing but scream as I'm deep in you watching my dick bulge in your stomach." I bite her neck as I hear a soft moan escape her lips making her arch into me. I place my hand on her throat and squeeze, lifting her to face me eye to eye. "If you ever tease me again, I will rail the fuck out of you." Jenna looks at me and bites her lips followed by a giggle. This girl was fucking crazy, and damn was it hot. I stand up and go to walk over to the door, I hear the bed creek and turn around to look and see Jenna now standing up at the end of her bed. Keeping eye contact with me, she places her hands at the bottom of her shirt lifting it over her head tossing it on the floor, showing her black lacey bra and sexy body. Shes grinning from ear to ear biting her bottom lip, keeping her eyes on my eyes the whole time. She unbuttons her pants and slowly takes them off tossing them on the other side of the room. "I can send you a picture if you like?" she teases me with my own line I used on her earlier that day and it made me chuckle. "Is this really a case of you feeding me my own medicine?" I chuckle leaning on her door frame looking her up and down. "No, I just really hate you and like to watch you suffer." she walks over to me and shoves me outside her doorframe into the hallway. "Goodnight asshole" she says just before shutting the door making me scoff.
Jenna's POV.
I laugh historically with myself for getting back at Andre for all his bullshit he does to me. I lay down with the biggest satisfied grin on my face when my phone dings and I pick it up to look at a message from Andre making my smile turn into an "o" expression.
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"Could have been in here with me."
My mouth hung open in surprise at his text that was sent with his picture. I locked my phone and set it on the table ignoring his teasing and rolled over to my side kicking my feet like a child while laughing because I got him so riled up, so easy.
The next morning I'm woken up by the sounds of Devin and Andre yelling at each other, arguing over something I wasn't sure of, but it sounded like it was getting serious. I quickly throw some clothes on and hurry out of my room at the same time Trina is coming out of Her's as we both exchange a look of "wtf" and hurry to the kitchen.
"Fuck you! how many times did you and her fuck bro?!" Devin yells to Andre.
"Chill the fuck out dude, you guys aren't dating, if I knew you liked her that much, I wouldn't have done anything with her."
"Of course I like her you fucking idiot I talk about her all the time to you!" Devin yells stepping closer to Andre.
"You talk about every girl you fuck! you legit just talked about that blonde you fucked last week, and besides, she came on to me, and we didn't even fuck, she sucked my dick." Andre responds with a grin that seemed to push Devin over the edge considering he lunged at Andre, and they started to trade punches. Trina and I exchanged looks and quickly went to break them up.
"Stop! break it up! you guys look like fucking idiots!" I yell as we try and pull them apart.
"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Andre yells pushing Devin off of him slamming him to the ground. "To fight me over a bitch is fucking crazy, fuck you and don't talk to me!" Andre turns to me and takes my hands off him from trying to hold him back. "Get off me, I'm fine, fuck that guy." He walks past me and goes into his room slamming the door behind him.
"Are you guys fucking serious, you two are so dumb." Trina says helping Devin off the ground, picking up all the shit they knocked over fighting.
"I need a break from being around that piece of shit, I'm going to go stay at my parents for the week." Devin says getting a glass of water, looking at Trina and I.
"Thats understandable, but you already know how I feel about him as well." I say giving a small smile to Devin.
"You're going to hate me, Jenna." Trina says causing me to turn my attention to her. "I'm supposed to go out of town for a week today to visit my grandparents for my grandma's birthday."
Thats when it dawned on me, that I was going to be stuck, alone, with Andre for a whole week. At this point I was begging to be struck by lighting and taken out of my suffering from Mr. Asshole.
"UGHHHHH now I get to stay with dick head for a week, ALONE." I say putting my head on the counter and letting out a breath of frustration. "It's okay guys, ill hold the fort down, go see your families and enjoy it." I follow with giving them both a hug as I head back to my room to sleep a little more while they pack.
Andre's POV.
It's been a few hours since Devin and I's fight and him and Trina have already left for the week, I gave Trina a hug and told her bye, but didn't even bother to say it to Devin because I could give a fuck less at this point. It's 6pm and I figured it be the perfect time to pour myself some Hennesey and chill out for the night to let go of some steam. I decided to pick my phone up and text a girl I met at the club a few weeks prior and decided to invite her over to have some fun. About 30 minutes go by and I hear a faint knock on the door, and I get up to open it for the girl.
"Olivia, hey how you been?" I ask giving her a hug and motioning for her to come in.
"I've been good, you look so hot," she said followed with a giggle as I close the door behind her.
"Mm, thank you, so do you." I say with that grin of mine that gets me in trouble. "Want anything to drink? I have some Hennesey and also some Amsterdam, not much but it's something." I continue, heading to kitchen to get her a drink.
"Uhm, you pick!" I hear Olivia yell from the living room. I grab her a glass of Hennesey as that's what I was already drinking so I figured why not. I hit the corner of the living room and walk in to see her on her knees Infront of the couch giving me a smile.
"Hm, what's this about?" I say walking up to her handing her the cup of alcohol. She takes the cup from my hand as I stand above her, towering over her like a tall building. She smiles at me and takes a sip out of her cup.
"You home alone tonight?" She asks tucking her hair behind her ears looking up at me.
I think about how I'm going to answer her question, knowing Jenna is home, but she's been sleeping, and she might not get up till later, and even if she did, I have no shame. I look down at her tilting her chin to look up at me, caressing her bottom lip with my thumb.
"I happen to be alone today, what have you got in mind Babygirl?" I say sitting in front of her on the couch putting my legs on each side of her.
She gives me a devilish grin and reaches up to pull my sweatpants down just enough to where she can pull my dick through the hole in my boxers. I sigh and sit back in pleasure as she leans up and kisses the tip of my dick, making me erect little by little. She licks up and down my shaft getting small groans from my mouth to come out, she smiles at me before shoving my dick all the way in her mouth and proceeds to suck up and down making me throw my head back in pleasure.
Jenna's POV.
I turn over and grab my phone to check the time, seeing that its now 7:15 and I've had a pretty good nap, I blindly reach for my water glass and tip the cup back, and to my surprise it was bone dry. I sigh to myself and sit up and throw some shorts on and a tank top that rode up my stomach and head to my door to leave for the kitchen. I turn the corner from the hallway and see a girl kneeling Infront of Andre bobbing her head up and down and he's breathing heavy and grunting. From where I was standing, I couldn't see anything, but the girls head and Andre's face and I was completely shocked. Andre looks up and sees me, throwing me a lip biting grin, keeping eye contact with me, he leans up and grabs the girl's hair and pushes her head deeper on him making her gag leaving his mouth open and throwing his head back. He looks back to me and looks deep in my eyes as he tells the girl, "Such a good girl for me." followed with that stupid fucking grin. I scoff and hurry back to my room in shock with what I just witnessed. The way he looked, I couldn't lie to myself that it was so attractive and turned me on. This stupid little game him and I have going on of who can get who sexually riled up is ridiculous, but I will never cave to that asshole.
It's been about 30 minutes now and I hear a knock on the door interrupting me from my scrolling on Instagram. I roll my eyes already knowing who it was, I sit up and walk over to my door and open it, reveling Andre standing in black boxers and shirtless.
"What." I say blandly and irritated.
"Sorry you seen that, forgot you where home." he says with a smile.
I give him a stank face from his comment, knowing he knew damn well I was home.
"Is that all you do? lie?" I question. rolling my eyes at him.
He chuckles at my response and walks into my room sitting on my bed, placing his hands on the side of him so he can lean back.
"When are you going to let me fuck you? You hate me so much; I could most defiantly hate fuck you; I would enjoy watching your pretty face in pleasure."
"Never, never in you're stupid life." I say to him ignoring his presence and lay back down on my bed getting on my phone.
I feel him get up and get on the bed, he crawls towards me flipping me on my back like I weighed nothing, tossing my phone on the ground. He places himself between my legs as his arms are on each side of me, lowering himself onto me, pressing his bulge into my hot center, making me breathe louder with pleasure.
"You know, I can tell how bad you want me, the way you breath when I'm around you, the way you squeeze your thighs together when I tease you, trying to suppress the heartbeat in your pussy I give you." His words make me breath harder and arch into him, my hands find his chest and I can't help but touch him, knowing he's right, and I hate him even more for it....
A/N: I'm so sorry to end it like this, but the next chapter is going to be spicyyyyy! let me know if you guys are liking this story and maybe if there's anything I can add to spice it up more! <3 CHAPTER 3 COMING SOON!
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