genesis does what nintendon't
2K posts
♦ alice / 君 / toronto ♦ inconsistent art style + slow updates + multifandom: originals + misc anime/manga + games. i just draw what i like + here for a bad time!! i like seinen manga + horror/mystery games + jrpgs. ♦ commissions & freelance inquiries: alicenpai(@)gmail(.)com my art | my ocs | about my stories lost and found children | the magician's protegee carrd answered asks | tutorials twitter | my art/moments on twitter store (opens seasonally) | print shop instagram side blog anonymous ask box
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alicenpai · 1 month ago
it's over. i've been rewatching supernatural.
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alicenpai · 1 month ago
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🥀💛 there was nothing in the world i ever wanted more / than to never feel the breaking apart / my pictures of you (the cure)
redrew a 2023 mary for postcard purposes since i felt like… people weren't strongly in favour of the '23 drawing (see under the cut). i wanted something that was more sympathetic to the lonely nature of this character, forced to forever wander in purgatory alone. prints if you want | my ib art tag
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mary through the years - 2023, '19, '14, '13
i first discovered this game when it came out in 2012 and i've loved haunted paintings ever since. 10+ years of drawing mary… let's keep going!
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there was also something lost in between the sketch and the final, but it's whatever………… pain of making art
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alicenpai · 1 month ago
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🥀💛 there was nothing in the world i ever wanted more / than to never feel the breaking apart / my pictures of you (the cure)
redrew a 2023 mary for postcard purposes since i felt like… people weren't strongly in favour of the '23 drawing (see under the cut). i wanted something that was more sympathetic to the lonely nature of this character, forced to forever wander in purgatory alone. prints if you want | my ib art tag
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mary through the years - 2023, '19, '14, '13
i first discovered this game when it came out in 2012 and i've loved haunted paintings ever since. 10+ years of drawing mary… let's keep going!
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there was also something lost in between the sketch and the final, but it's whatever………… pain of making art
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alicenpai · 1 month ago
your yyh charms are the cuuutest.... the botans have the cutest expressions !!!!!!
WEHH THANK YOU SO MUCH.. YOUR ART IS SO POG BTW.......... (the yyh charms in question)
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alicenpai · 1 month ago
idk if you guys know but they're planning to revive dashcon in toronto (original location was in shaumburg IL) this year - apparently the artist selection is fcfs, but if there are a higher number of applicants than anticipated, it'll be switching over to lottery. im begging all celestial forces to let this former tumblr girlie (me) into the artist alley so that i can do all of my tumblr girl fandoms.....
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alicenpai · 3 months ago
🌟 ART SUMMARY 2024 🥂
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this was a year where i didnt draw a lot, despite that, i tried to make every drawing count. thank you all for the support in 2024, here's to 2025 ! 🫶
⭐ [read more starts here]
i continued my goals from last year with regards to perfectionism. the tldr is that i strongly feel my perfectionism kept me away from completing as many drawings as i could, and i had to make an effort to just finish drawings no matter how lukewarm I felt about them. especially since i could just edit them a bit afterwards, i've tried to get over the fear of reuploading. 2024 was a strange year, it came and went in the blink of an eye, even more than previous years! life has been stressful, so i've been trying to focus more on myself and taking time off drawing. ironic, although i think i succeeded in that above goal, i expected to get more drawings out of it, but ended up taking more time off drawing anyways. towards the end of the year, i started feeling more burnt out, and drawing became a slow and arduous process. i think part of the reason was because 2024 was my first year doing 5 events - 2 full weekend conventions (anime north and otakuthon), and 3 single day events (bamtori fall aapi market, toronto game expo, bamtori jinglebam market), when in the past 2 years i'd just opt to do 1-2 local cons. it was also my first time doing single day events, which were super chill! although you have to both set up and tear down on the same day, i felt more casual at those events, had more time to chat and look around. back to my point - despite being fun, doing so many events took its toll on me - especially during the colder months of the year, where i wasn't so used to going to events haha! usually i take fall as the time to rejuvenate and recover from summer events, but i couldn't really do that this year. i kept questioning myself, "does this drawing have appeal? will people buy this?" "is my art hireable?" and it's just not a healthy mindset to have. next year i'll try to draw more of what i enjoy and what's on my mind, instead of worrying too much if it's sellable! *feeling like the HAHA YES sickos meme* - 2025 art goals outlined below: - oc zine (aiming for a character guide with some test comics) - character interactions & poses! e.g. dancing, hugs - generally stuff that's more difficult to draw. my art is more illustrative, but sometimes i wished it was more engaging emotionally? like i want people to smile and cry with my characters... - illustrations that challenge me. when i say illusts that challenge me it's pretty abstract - do research and gather inspiration for every illust.. compositions that are difficult/complex and take a while to draft.. strong theme.. it's more for me to understand AHAHAHA. as the years go by you can see my art becoming more unified in theme and self indulgent... i want to keep going, i want to make art that is uniquely mine. less priority: - get used to sketching! truly miss how i used to fill up sketchbooks every year - sticker sheets (this is on the less priority list bc i will probably fulfill this goal regardless) - oc merch (happy with the stickers i made in the last 2 yrs, let's keep going!) - silly things! e.g. 4koma, silly doodles. comedy is an art, it IS a skill you can study and chip away at (e.g. comedians and comedy writers). make sure i take notes on really stand-out jokes i find funny & why
other various things to try and draw more of: - group pictures - animals - layouts and props. i find layouts and anything with hard surfaces difficult to draw, which is why i draw a lot of flowers and fabric LMAO. one thing i gotta do is start by either drawing characters holding props more (easy baby steps!) and/ or start drawing props around them and make my way towards harder things (e.g. practice drawing a character sitting, i'll start by drawing a simple chair, then a table, then objects on that table). this is also one of my weaknesses - draw the ground they're standing on if possible, e.g. characters standing on a grid - vehicles, if i can. i mostly draw stuff from fantasy series where cars don't exist LOL but i'll try...
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alicenpai · 3 months ago
hello! i wanted to ask for your thoughts on something (and i understand that this may differ from artist to artist): is it okay to not having a specific composition/pose in mind when commissioning an artist? like, if you just generally want art of a particular character in their style? i know that you risk not being satisfied if you aren't specific, but i completely accept that risk as the commissioner. for the artist, is it an additional hassle or is the freedom appreciated?
hi! it depends - how much creative liberties you give the artist is up to you, as the client (this is likely the case for most artists), and on the other hand other artists might only proceed if there's a pose/idea specified beforehand (to ensure client satisfaction ofc). in the end, it's something you should ask your potential artist yourself if you're unsure. personally i find it difficult to draw if people are going to be nitpicky, i prefer more freedom for commissions. like i've had people who were figuratively breathing over my shoulder as i drew haha... but i also understand bc it's their money. as a client myself, to be honest, i've had my fair share of commissions i didn't think turn out how i wanted but that was also my fault because i wasn't specific :') so it all depends.
a rough chickenscratch stick figure sketch is honestly perfect!!! or a reference photo (try not to use artwork bc it's a kind of gray area with regards to copying and whatnot), some people provide 3d mockups haha i've definitely seen those (not for myself). hope this helps!
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alicenpai · 3 months ago
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i forgot about these doodles.....!!!
in response to:
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made for a 5 charas shitpost on twt.. i feel like the characters i find pog aren't the types of characters i usually draw 😶 this image feels like 4 gay men or something standing protectively around their hyperactive daughter obsessed with rainbows and hamsters idk. idk!
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alicenpai · 3 months ago
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Redditors crashed the website with donations over $25k and 0 wishes left. via /r/MadeMeSmile
Click here and follow to get more daily positivity on your dash!
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
Hello! I’m just wondering if you have an idea of when your big cartel may be opening up again?
hi! It all depends on when I have new merch ready! I'm taking a break from merch right now, I've been feeling a bit burnt out/lost and I want to focus more on illustrations for the time being. but I'm hoping for either February or March..? thank you so much for your interest!! ❤❤
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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jack frost & black frost poofies!!!!!! ❄
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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nanananaananana!!!!! 🍓🩷💜 (only nana O available)
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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yu yu hakushoes 👉💥 (will likely be discontinued in the new year!)
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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let's eat!!!!!!!!!!! 🐰🍽🐉
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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you can smile again!!!!! 🎣🛹⛓🩺 (being discontinued so grab em while you can!)
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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acing your attorneys!!!!!!!! ⚖🔍
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alicenpai · 4 months ago
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rozen maiden! 🎀🌹☕ (will probably discontinue in the new year so grab em while you can!)
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