#i hate when i get attached to animals and of course i always do. what the fuck
californiaquail · 8 months
came home to snow!! also at least half a dozen piles of cat vomit on the rug and various bovine parts growing botulism in the fridge. really cool
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bloodmoonmuses · 7 months
stray cats, cold spaghetti | mark lee
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genre: mark lee x reader, meet cute, friends to lovers (this is unedited, so forgive any typos! happy valentine's day!)
warnings: mentions of food!
summary: your cat introduces you to your new friend, mark. he's a bit more similar to an actual cat than you initially realized.
You didn’t understand the attachment people had to their pets until this stupid cat showed up. She was a stray, with mangled fur and callous eyes, who popped up some months ago. You had checked for any postings about missing pets, and even asked a few of your neighbors, but no one claimed the ratty thing. It’s not that you disliked animals entirely- you’re not a sociopath. You just aired more on the side of nonchalance. 
The cat could sense this, ever since the first time you two crossed paths. You remember that night so vividly. You couldn’t sleep. You laid on your couch, staring at the ceiling, hoping slumber would whisk you away sooner than later. Just as your eyes began to flutter shut, you heard whining. Visceral, pained whining. At first, you tried to ignore it, but when you heard a sound that suspiciously sounded like a young child, you figured it’d be better to survey the situation just in case. When you opened your door to a begging cat, you sighed. Damn the neighbors for feeding this thing. Now she thinks she owns the place. 
“I bet you’re hungry, huh.” The cat bore into you with bright green eyes, tilting its head as if to say, “Duh!”
So you re-entered your home, Googled “What human food can cats eat?”, and came back with canned tuna and half a carrot. The brat looked right past the carrot and inhaled the tuna, this being its first real meal of the day. In between scarfing down food, the gray cat looked at you inquisitively. “Any more where that came from?” her eyes said. She sidled up next to your leg, purring and rubbing her head against it. 
“That’s all I got,” you had confessed. 
You named her June, since that’s the month she came into your life. Now, you’re best friends. June is actually pretty chill. She likes watching movies with you and, strangely, likes going on walks. After getting her groomed, she’s kinda cute too. You hated to admit it, but you love June. You imagine this is how people felt about their kids- without the initial reluctance of course. June comes and goes as she pleases as if she’s still a stray, but always comes back by dinner time. 
When June isn’t back at her usual time one day in October, you get a bit nervous. She never does this. Before breaking out into a full out panic, you remember she’s got a collar and a tracker from the vet now. No biggie. Opening the app that’s connected to June’s tracker, you meander down the path you usually walk with her when it’s warmer out. When you’re a few blocks from your place, you see her, relief flooding your system. Then you realize there’s a man petting her.
“Junie! June!” You run up to her, taking her into your arms. You snuggle her into a tight embrace, planting a kiss on her head. You’re so caught up in your reunion with June that you forget about the stranger standing in front of you. Oh yeah. You should probably say something. His hair is somewhere in between auburn and brown, making his face look incredibly warm. You hold June a bit tighter.
“Cute cat,” the stranger says. His voice is a bit hoarse. “Thought she was a stray before I saw the collar.” Um, okay? June’s a little rough around the edges, but she’s clearly cared for. 
“Yeah, she’s mine. Do you, like, follow strays around in your free time?” you ask with a bite to your tone. 
“Do you let your pet wander around like a stray in your free time?” Fair, you think, but still rude.
“She’s a free spirit,” you contest. 
“So you let her wander.” 
“This is the first time she hasn’t come home for dinner. Our relationship is built mostly on my ability to provide her food- which works for me.” You’re not sure why you’re explaining your relationship with your cat. Who cares what this guy thinks?
June jumps out of your arms, back to the ground, and walks up to the stranger’s legs. He bends down to resume petting her. From his crouched stance, he looks into your eyes. The eye contact makes you shiver.  
“She’s sweet,” he says. “What’s her name?” 
“June. She’s a charmer- and incredibly manipulative. She probably thought she could swindle you out of some food.”
“Do I look easy to take advantage of?” He asks.
You assess him. Oversized hoodie, baggy pants, sneakers covered in scuffs... Maybe he’s a dancer. Or skateboards. You’d be into that, you think. Skater boys weren’t really your thing, but they could be- as long as it’s him. If anything, the guy just looks… cozy, all bundled up like this. There’s a tinge of red on the tip of his nose from the nippy air. He’s smirking to himself at his (flirtatious) question, making his cheek look plump. You want to pinch it. 
You want to make him as warm as his eyes make you feel. 
You realize you’ve probably been staring. Geez, what was his question? Oh yeah. “Yeah. Like a pushover,” you say. “In the best way, of course.”
“Only a real sap would fall victim to June’s powers. She can sense lackeys. No offense.” 
“I’m gonna choose to believe that means you think I’m a nice guy.”
“Nice enough.”
“I’ll take it.” The two of you stand in awkward silence for a few moments, June having finally grown bored of her new friend. The guy stands from his crouching position and sways a bit as he awaits your next move.
“Well, like I said, this little lady was late for dinner. So if it’s okay with you,” you pick up June, then continue your thought, “We’ll be heading out.” 
As you turn to walk back home, the stranger says, “I… didn’t catch your name, by the way.” 
Right. You introduced June, but not yourself. Go figure. “Oh. I’m ___.” 
“Cool. I’m Mark.” He looks like a ‘Mark’-boyish and chipper.
“Nice to meet you, Mark. Well, have a nice night.” You start to walk again, but Mark interjects yet again.
“The sun’s setting,” he blurts it out like he’s trying to rid his mouth of the words as quickly as possible. “Can I walk you home?” Then he amends, “I live nearby, so I know it gets kinda dark in this neighborhood. Not many street lights.”
You think about it. You’re not getting any serial killer vibes, plus he’s already passed the June test. (And if you're being honest, he's very cute.) “Um, sure. Thanks.”
The two of you walk in silence, save for June’s purring. When you make it to your apartment building, you stop. Your gut is twisting, mind fixating on the warmth radiating off Mark’s body. Your fingertips are whirring with electricity. You have a bad idea. 
“Would you maybe… wanna come in for dinner?” Mark turns to look at you.  “I never really learned how to cook for one person, so I always have a bunch of leftovers.” 
It’s a lie, but not entirely. You like to cook enough food for the entire week. Mark doesn't need to know this, you conclude.
Mark nods to himself. “Uh, sure. I could eat.”
As soon as you place June down in your apartment, she sprints to her food bowl. Silly girl. 
“Sorry about the mess. Wasn’t expecting company,” you say. “I hope you like spaghetti.”
“Love it,” Mark responds. (You’d later find out this was a lie.)
That’s how you and Mark became friends- similarly to how June came into your life. You fed him. In all honesty, he wasn’t that fond of your spaghetti. He just liked the way you smiled each time he took a bite. The two of you continued to get to know one another while making food. Neither of you are great cooks, so you usually team up. It’s become a love language of sorts, sending recipes back and forth to try. You look forward to eating with Mark more than anything these days.
You’re more than aware of your underlying feelings for Mark, but you’ve managed to temper them. You don’t want to scare him off, but the tension is relentless. You’re making tiramisu and your shoulders touch. You’re piping flowers on a cupcake while Mark pulls tendrils of hair away from your face. You’re whisking meringue into stiff peaks while Mark hums to June in the living room. It’s heart achingly domestic. 
Oftentimes you imagine Mark as your husband. In your daydreams the two of you are wearing matching aprons, flour dusting his nose. He kisses you, a fit of giggles attacking your system. You’re absolutely smitten and unabashedly so.
 In reality, today is Valentine’s Day. Mark suggests he comes over and makes pizza. You don’t think Mark realizes what day it is until you suggest making your pizzas heart shaped. He says he forgot to buy his friend Jaehyun a birthday gift.
“This is, like, kinda romantic.” If being covered in pizza sauce and flour is romantic, then yes. This was very romantic. You have a nice spread here-  fresh basil, mozzarella, alfredo sauce, vodka sauce, roma tomatoes… It smells so nice. Mark keeps sneaking chunks of cheese into his mouth. He looks like a little mouse. June is fast asleep on the couch. You’ve finally perfected the heart shape of your dough, and begin to spread alfredo sauce on your pizza. 
“Your parameters for romance are very strange, Mark Lee.”
“If you close your eyes, it’s like we’re in Italy.” When he says things like this, they only fuel your daydreams. You blame the flush of your face on the preheating oven.
“Venice, I hope.”
“Of course.”
Mark’s pizza looks more like an anatomical heart than the kind you’d doodle in a notebook. He scoffs when you tell him this, feigning offense.
“Should I remind you of how your cinnamon rolls came out a few weeks ago?” They were awful. At a certain point, you had given up and rolled them into balls. 
“My cinnamon rolls/balls were innovative and transcendent.” 
“I don’t even know how you messed them up,” Mark says as he puts the pizzas in the oven, “We bought pre-made dough.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
When the pizzas are done baking, the two of you sit at the dinner table. It’s a different feel for the two of you, seeing as you usually eat together on the couch.  You take a bite of your pizza, savoring the taste.
“Not bad. Wanna taste?” Mark nods. Instinctively, the two of you swap plates, trying each others’ creations.
“I think you’re better at making savory foods.”
“I agree.”
You and Mark continue to eat your pizzas, taking gulps of your respective drinks in between bites. Beer for Mark, white wine for you. Jazz plays softly from your shitty phone speaker, and June’s snores fill in the gaps of silence. After a bit, Mark’s face goes red from the alcohol. You liked seeing him tipsy. He gets all wavy and fluid, unconsciously swaying side to side like a daisy in the wind. Your face feels fuzzy from the wine and you find yourself biting your tongue. 
You’ve had to be more conscious of your alcohol intake around Mark lately. It felt as if at any moment, your love for him would simply become unbearable. Recently, it’s been hard to just look at him- even while sober. Tonight, apparently, you threw caution to the wind. 
“Mark?” you say.
“Hmm….”  He’s drifting away, lethargic from the food and beer. You repeat his name again, this time getting his full attention. When his glassy eyes meet yours, the force behind them knocks the wind out of you.
“Yes?” says Mark. He takes another sip of beer. 
You can’t do this, you think, backtracking entirely. The lie escapes as a garbled mess of words: “Forgot what I was gonna say.” You take a nervous gulp of your wine.
Mark slams his fist on the table, in a drunken stupor. The sound startles you, but there’s no malice behind his motion. In fact, he’s laughing to himself. “Bullshit.”
“I really did lose my train of thought. Maybe it’ll come back to me.”
“I know you’re lying. Like you lied about that cold ass spaghetti you used to lure me in!” he says, referencing the night you met. The spaghetti wasn’t that cold…
“I really did make too much spaghetti that night! Plus, you kept June safe. It was the least I could do!” 
Mark begins to gather your plates and cups, walking over to the kitchen to place them in the sink. As he stands, he says, “I won’t force you to say it, but I know you’re lying.” 
Then he moves to run the faucet. The rushing water fills the silence like TV static, buzzing and itching in your ears. Your throat is burning. You want to talk to him openly, honestly- but something’s stopping you. Mark washes the dishes wordlessly. With his back turned to you, his words hang heavy in the air. Mark never pries but simultaneously knows you so intimately. You love being known by him. You love knowing him. 
You simply love him.
“Why’d you walk me home that night?” Your voice barely pierces the air. The question practically squeaks out of you.
“What?” Mark turns off the facet and dries his hands on a towel, turning to look at you.
“The night we met. Why’d you walk me home?”
He contemplates the question for a moment, closing his eyes to visualize the night. Then he says, “Wanted to make sure you got home safely.” 
The moment is delicate and fragile. You’re scared that if not nimble enough, if not cradled with the utmost gentleness, it will shatter. You proceed with caution.
“Mark?” At the sound of his name, Mark returns to his seat at the dining table.
“I think… I love you.” Mark chuckles. “Don’t laugh!”
“You think?” he says, now breaking out into a full-bodied laugh.
“Yeah. I think so.” 
“I love you too.” He pauses for dramatic effect. “...I think.”
“Very funny, asshole.” 
Mark reaches over the table and places a chaste kiss upon your lips. “Okay, I think I’m a little more sure now,” he says.
“Need some more reassurance?” you ask. Mark nods. 
You lean in to kiss him this time, and just before your lips touch, you hear whining. You pull back to look down, seeing June curled up beneath your chair. Her timing is always impeccable. The two of you giggle, sealing the moment with a fervent kiss. You melt into his touch, the elation coursing through your veins. When you come up for air, you meet Mark’s eyes.  
“What?” he says. “I’m a better kisser than you thought?” 
“I was just wondering… you’re still gonna wash the dishes, right?”
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Hello there, I just read that you do ouran high school host club yandere request. I just love that anime it reminds me of my childhood. And I love your work too especially the angsty cheater ones, they’re my favorites.
So actually going to the request: Yandere Tamaki x fiancé reader but Tamaki is neglectful of them and cheats on them with Haru (angst heaven). Basically Tamaki and Reader where engaged when they were children by their wealthy parents . Tamaki hated this and by extension he hated the reader too. Despite the reader trying to be to be the perfect fiancé and supports him from the sidelines, the reader even make sure that the mansion runs smoothly and even learned how to cook his favorite food and cater to his whims. Tamaki still being blinded by his distaste for the arrange marriage carelessly ignores all of reader’s hardwork and flirts with every woman in the host club. Then comes Haru and Tamaki just falls in love and in the back of his head, what better way to get back at his father than to marry a commoner. Reader finally having enough of Tamaki’s cheating and intentionally humiliating them in public, rebels against their parents and cancel the engagement. The reader just leaves Tamaki behind and goes into the countryside to live a peaceful life.. but surprised Tamaki goes full on delusional Yandere, he misses the reader’s devotion to him and wants to continue on with the marriage. When reader left Tamaki felt empty and he started to realize his mistake, He tracks reader down to beg for their forgiveness and so that they can get married as intended. Tamaki still think of you as his fiancé and he doesn’t realize that reader doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore.
Sorry for the long request, I just got excited when I found out that you write for Ouran High school host club. Thanks for reading!
My first OHSHC request!! Yay!! And it's okay, it’s always nice to have a good plot to work with!
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Title: Blind
Pairings: Tamaki Suoh x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: Tamaki’s behavior proves too much for his fiance.
Part 2: here
deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception:
Sometimes, you wished Tamaki would just open up his eyes and see you. You, and not the engagement your families had forced upon you both.
You could tell from day one that Tamaki hated the idea and, subsequently, hated you for representing the ball and chain that attached itself to his ankle. You couldn’t blame him for being angry that his future freedom had been taken away, but you wished he wouldn’t blame you for it.
You weren’t much happier than him at first, but you decided to make the best of it. Tamaki was handsome, you could even appreciate that when you both were children forced to play together. He also had a soft side that you rarely got to see under all the silly dramatics. If only you could unlock that part of him, surely you both could be happy!
Then the host club started.
It’s easy to smile and say that you aren’t bothered, but it’s another thing to actually not be bothered with your fiance flirting with girls all the time. You could never help the twisting of jealousy in your gut anytime you heard or saw anything to do with the host club.
You’d tried to visit before. Make the best of things. But he’d blacklisted you as a customer, said with a careless tone that maybe you’d prefer one of the other boys. That stung.
“Make the best of it” became a mantra in your head, a desperate goal and coping method all in one. Eventually, Tamaki would either come to love you or accept that his future was predetermined by a piece of paper with his father’s signature. 
Did you want a potentially loveless marriage? No, of course not. But that’s what happened to most people of your stature, so it wasn’t a surprise. If you could just make the best of your situation, you could be happy. Probably.
The changes in Tamaki really started when a new boy joined the club. You could tell right away that he was naturally a girl, but wouldn’t out him to the school if that’s what he chose as his path. You began to suspect that Tamaki knew this truth as well, because he always seemed so flustered around the boy.
Haruhi. You numbly repeated his name in your head. Even in the beginning, you knew, this relationship would be the downfall of your own.
Numbness overtook you as you caught the pair kissing and holding hands, looking happy and carefree, even outside of the club where there were no requirements for them to act like a cute couple or something.
They were trying to be secretive and, at first, you wondered how you were the only one catching them in the act. Then, it hit you like a speeding train.
Tamaki wanted you to see.
Your daily trips to the mansion were mostly in lonely silence. You cleaned the place like his maids probably should, made him his favorite meals, ran hot baths for him, and sometimes left him notes around the house to boost his self-esteem and cheer him up.
As time went on, it began to feel like empty actions. Duties without reward or even so much as acknowledgment. Things you did just because that tiny voice still cried “Make the best of everything!”
Well, you were getting sick of that voice. That hapless fool inside your head that didn’t seem to realize that things were speeding out of control. How could you make the best of anything, when he continually gave you nothing to work with.
You cried as you did those little things- what had once felt like happy little jobs became heavy chores that you couldn’t figure out why you continued. The tears blurred your eyes as you made each gift for Tamaki- gifts that would no doubt be cast aside and forgotten.
What was the point?
When Tamaki called a crowd together in the school’s entrance hall, standing atop one of the highest steps with his hands intertwined with Haruhi, you knew it was all over.
“Haruhi is actually a girl- and she and I have started dating!” His eyes seemed to dart to yours to gauge your reaction, but you didn’t dare show anything on your face. You were still a regal person, determined to not put your family’s name to shame.
“What? Is that true, Haruhi?” One of the girls in the crowd shrieked.
You didn’t need Haruhi’s answer nor the shy smile on her face to confirm the truth. You’d already known well before that this was the future you’d been helplessly barreling towards.
The crowd had mixed reactions. Some people were supportive and found the couple cute, others were jealous of Haruhi, and many people were confused on the whole matter. Those were the ones whose words shot like daggers into your heart.
“Doesn’t Tamaki have a fiance?”
“What will his father think?”
“Does that mean his engagement is canceled?”
Struggling not to break down, you pushed your way through the crowd, looking for an escape. The crowd was too thick and it was quickly too late.
You broke down crying, your large tears blinding you as little hiccups left your lips. Finally, the sea of people parted and you ran through it. You risked one look at Tamaki and were upset to see him looking concerned. How dare he be concerned when he was the one that hurt you?
You skipped your classes, opting instead to head straight home and confront your parents. The moment you were in front of them both, you broke down once more. They wanted to know who’d hurt you right away and, when your story of Tamaki was revealed, they vowed to rip the contract into little pieces.
They let you stay home the next few days. If you could, you’d stay home forever. How could you show your face after you’d been humiliated and cried like that in front of everyone?
You focused your thoughts and feelings into gardening. Today you cut the stems of flowers and placing them into your basket before bringing them up to the house. The chores you did were fit for the family’s gardener, but he was on vacation and you needed something to distract yourself with.
You heard your name called. Furrowing your brow, you raised your head and shielded your eyes against the sun. Was that…?
It was, a certain blonde boy was speeding towards you at the speed of light. Had he jumped the tall fence or broken the gate’s lock? Either method was concerning, to say the least.
You let out a feeble “hey!” when he kicked up some of the flowers in his path to you, but you were more afraid of what he had to say than of losing a couple of flowers.
Finally, he stopped in front of you and dropped to his knees. You stood, watching in shock as he kneeled in the dirt, in a motion that you’d expect a man begging the queen to spare his life.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n). I- I was so stupid, so blind! I didn’t know how much I’d miss you when you were gone. Please come back, please! I’ll do anything!”
You stared at him in shock, “What about Haruhi?”
The man raised his head, his eyes glazed over as they met yours, “I took care of her.”
It wasn’t so much the words he said, as it was the chilling, lifeless tone in which he said it. You took a step back, nearly tripping over the small mound of dirt behind you.
“What did you do to her?” Your voice came out shaky and unsure. Tamaki would never hurt someone, would he? That thought was laughable, wasn’t it?
Tamaki grasped your ankles and began to cry, looking more pathetic than you could have ever imagined him. You never thought that Tamaki would ever beg on his knees to anyone, much less you.
“I’ll do anything.” Tamaki murmured. Somehow you knew.
He would definitely hurt someone, if they got in his way.
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evilminji · 6 months
My WIP fairy hates me. But like... in that homoerotic Nemesis sorta way, I swear.
Cease an desist, woman! (I scream into the void, knowing damn well she, being my own brain, SHAN'T.)
Cause NOW? Now I CAN NOT stop Pondering, with a Capitol P, the life of a Sentient Quirk. The trials and tribulations. The indignities and sufferings. Countless micro-aggression and out right dismissal of sentience. The reduction to the EXTENSION of another.
You are not a person.
You are JUST a Quirk.
An organ that "thinks" itself separate, in the way knees spasm when struck just so. The child you are attached to just needs to get better CONTROL of you. Your words and actions are actually THEIRS. You are simultaneously an unruly animal and strange adult, not allowed near other peoples children.
Why are you trying to follow this four year old into their school? Why are you SITTING out side a pre-school? Are you stalking that child?
You are a grown adult. Connected to a random Japanese child.
The child is expected to "control" you.
Punished if they do not.
No one is listen to EITHER of you, as you try to explain the situation. The child is upset, scared, and does not have the emotional maturity to understand why you are not to blame. All they can understand is that you appeared and everything became stressful and "bad". They started getting punished. Have to share their room now.
Do you even have rights? If you get hurt, get MAIMED, what will happen to you? Can you hold a job? Own land? Open a bank account? Fuck it! Can you have a RELATIONSHIP?
If you went out RIGHT NOW and punched a purse thief, would the FOUR YEAR OLD be arrested?
If the kid grows up, becomes a hero, and you do secretarial work... does his license cover you? If YOU wanted to become a Hero, would he be your hero partner? Could he technically sit in a corner and let you work?
If no one could TELL, over an internet connection, then surely that should prove SOMETHING? Right?
And! The question NO ONE ever seems to ask!
Could..... could you LEAVE? Do people have the right to force you back? If you don't WANT to be some kid's Quirk? You're sentient. If, unlike Dark Shadow, you are not PHYSICALLY connected, but tethered by distance?
Could. You. Leave?
Just "Allright, I'm out. The way you're all treating me is unacceptable. See ya never." And walk out the door? You'd be able to gain distance as the kid grew older. As long as you hid? You be homeless, without papers, but free.
A sentient Quirk means free will. Means you don't HAVE to do shit. It's like being born with a twin, not a slave. And that Twin does NOT have to put up with your bullshit. YOU are the one asking THEM to work with you, after all.
This? Of course, ALSO just ABSOLUTELY BEGS the question? What if that four year old grew up to be a BASTARD? Just... NO self reflection or empathy. Everything is everyone else's fault, always. And they want a NEW Quirk. One that won't question them.
So they sell theirs, buy a new one. Probably die off screen trying to throw it around.
What happens to you THEN? Pain, obviously. Like... massive, massive amounts of pain. You ARE a Quirk. You're being ripped out by your metaphorical roots. By the NERVE ENDINGS. But? Do you... for lack of a better word, "reset"?
Are you back infront of "your" person? Or do you stay, safely, where you are? Both would be fascinating, honestly. Because I imagine All for One? Does NOT get sentient quirks often. If at all.
They'd sooner kill themselves.
After all, if your choice is "kill yourself and your beloved twin" or "be ripped apart and watch them die horribly, then be used to go against everything you both stood for"? You weep and promise to make it fast.
Then you make it fast.
It's... really annoying, I'd imagine, for All for One. It's not necessarily that he WANTS a sentient Quirk. But they are INTERESTING. And he likes interesting.
He also likes owning things that can't leave. Ever.
So of course he'll poke and prod at the Quirk. It will inevitably be a nightmare, either way. Because EVERY Sentient Quirk has some degree of communication aspect to it. Just because the original holder never figured it out, doesn't mean HE can't.
And while your range may now be much, MUCH bigger? Because the fucker is strong as hell? How useful is that... if he can talk to you when ever HE feels like it? Day or night. 24/7.
And that's assuming you don't reset. God help you if you reset. Because THEN your STANDING infront of, most likely, pre-face-smash All for One. Who's looking at you like he just won a Mildly Interesting Prize and you would PREFER HE NOT. But what are you gonna do?
Walk out again?
You think THAT'S an option here?!
I mean... you can and do TRY. But, obviously not. So like? Fuck ™.
THEN the question becomes? Would YOU go to Tarturaus. Are you a hostage? Or an accomplice? You have the same level of power and authority as a cat, deliberately knocking pages of tables and cups to the floor, but... like? Oooooh~ oh yeah! THATS gonna slow him down! His empire crumbles beneath the sheer MIGHT of your petty inconveniences!
*trips the doctor again*
Fffffuck you.
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cwritesforfun · 7 months
Regina George x Fem!Reader: Overnight Field Trip
Y/N = Your Name Your best friend = Sam
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Your POV
You lean your head against the window of the bus with your headphones on and press play on your playlist. Your best friend, Sam, slides into the seat next to you passing you your favorite candy.
You get off to go pee and then look for a snack. Regina George is standing at the end of the aisle. Regina is new to your school after getting kicked out of her last one because she was the bully. You've only spoken to her once or twice because you share a few classes. She seems nice and she's really hot.
As you walk past Regina with your favorite snack, Regina calls after you, "Hey uh Y/N!" You turn around and say, "Yeah Regina, what's up?" She asks, "What's a good snack?" You answer, "Me." She smiles widely and says, "I think you're a full meal, baby." Flirty, you like that. You smile and say, "Touché Regina and the classic cheese squares are a good second option." She nods.
Back on the bus, you slide into your seat with your best friend. Regina walks past you and winks at you. Hot. Sam asks, "What was that?" You answer, "Just a friendly wink, why?" Sam answers, "Uh because she was kicked out for being a bully and she winked at you. I don't want you to get hurt." You answer, "I won't, but thanks for thinking of me." :)
You finally arrive at some lodge where you'll be staying with your English class for a few days. You'll be in the city to visit museums, explore, and see a play. It should be fun.
You wait for your English teacher to return and when she does, she announces that she's placing the room list up. She chose who we'll room with and we'll share with 3 people. You & Sam wait and finally, you get to the front. You're sharing with Sam, Regina, and Sam's crush, Casey. You & Sam walk off to find the other two. Casey walks up happily and Regina finds you soon after. You 4 head up to the room.
You're the first one in and you toss your stuff onto one side of one of the beds claiming it. Regina tosses her stuff on the other side of the same bed. You couldn't be happier. Hopefully, Sam is cool with sharing with Casey. You all change for a walk in the area and dinner then head downstairs. Sam is in an animated conversation with Casey right now. Regina asks, "Is it okay if I hang out with you tonight? I don't really have many friends at this school yet." You answer, "Of course you can. It seems Sam is going to be attached to Casey the next few days anyway." Regina asks, "Yeah, what's the deal with that? They seem really close, but she's your best friend, right? Why is she ditching you?" You whisper in her ear, "Don't tell, but she's her crush." Regina gasps and says, "No way, that's cute." I laugh.
You walk next to Regina on the guided walk. You both point out cool sights on the walk to each other and it's fun. Regina is nice to be around.
When we're sitting for dinner, you're at a table with your roommates for the weekend. Regina exclaims, "Some girl keeps shooting daggers at me from that table over there." You ask, "Where?" She points and you see this mean girl. Sam says, "Oh yeah, we hate her. She's always rude to us and she broke my heart." Regina replies, "Ew, I hate her now too." Sam laughs and says, "You know you're not like people said, Regina." Regina asks, "Is that a good thing?" Sam answers, "It is." Regina smiles.
During dinner, someone taps your shoulder and the mean girl is standing there staring at you. She says, "Hey so a couple of my friends and I are going to sneak out later to explore. We were wondering if you, Sam, and Casey wanted to join." You ask, "What about Regina?" She snaps, "What about her? You can't tell me you already care about the new girl that much. She's not invited." You reply, "Then consider me not there, thanks for the offer." She then storms off. Regina turns to you and says, "If you want to go with her, I don't mind staying in the room. Really I do. I could see she's into you." You ask, "What? Are you jealous?" She shrugs and blushes before you say, "Relax, I was kidding. I also do not want to hang out with her more than I have to in class. The bed and the on-demand movies are calling my name tonight." Regina replies, "Don't mind if I join you. That sounds fun." You smile.
After dinner, Casey and Sam stay out with some of your class for game night. You head up with Regina then you take a shower first. You climb into bed and Regina heads to shower. You turn the TV on and find the movie channel. It's some fantasy movie you love.
Regina exits the shower, puts her stuff up, and then seems to hesitate to get back into bed. You joke, "Regina, I don't bite if that's what you're worried about." Regina smiles and says, "No sorry, it's just ... are you comfortable sharing with me?" You ask, "Why wouldn't I be? Are you planning to kill me?" She shakes her head and says, "No, nothing like that. You just don't know me too much and you know I was kicked out of school. I just don't want you to feel weird." You ask, "What, were you kicked out for sharing a bed with someone? I don't understand. I feel fine with you sharing the bed. It's all good." She slides into the bed and says, "I wasn't kicked out for that. I should probably tell you why I was kicked out though." She then goes on to explain why she was kicked out of her last high school. (Plot of Mean Girls) You exclaim, "Well I don't think you're a mean girl, Regina. You've been nice at school. I'm sorry that happened to you at your last school. It really does suck. Now, to cheer you up, you should watch one of the most epic dragon battles ever." She laughs. You like her laugh.
Sam and Casey get back once the first movie finishes. They sit on their bed and you all watch more movies.
Next Day
You hear the alarm and groan. Damn, why do you have to be awake? You rub your eyes and open them to see you are lying very close to Regina who is also just waking up. She sees you, blinks, and says, "Sorry. I guess I rolled over last night." You reply, "It's okay. So did I. How did you sleep?" She answers, "Really good. I want to go back to sleep." You reply, "So do I. It's so cozy."
The day passes with nothing crazy happening until the night. You're going to see a Shakespearean play tonight. You get all dressed up in the room with the girls and each one compliments you. Regina's compliment makes your heart flutter a little.
At the play, you walk in and take your seat. You then realize who is to your right. It's the mean girl. Regina is to your left and she seems to notice as well. You just hope tonight goes smoothly. The mean girl says, "Y/N, fancy seeing you here." You reply, "Yeah. It's almost like we're on a field trip." She laughs too loudly and says "Yeah, you're so right. HAHA! You clean up well." You sigh and reply, "Thanks. So do you." She asks, "Really?" You answer, "I'm just being nice to an acquaintance."
The lights dim and she tries talking to you. You quickly interrupt, "The play's starting. Please hold what you're going to say. I want to watch." You notice Regina's fist next to yours and you fist bump it lightly.
At intermission, the mean girl leaves with her friends for a bit. Regina leans over and says, "God, I hate her." You reply, "She just refuses to take no for an answer." She replies, "She's really into you. She's down bad." You reply, "I wish she wasn't." She replies, "I know a way that'll work. Just hold my hand." You reply, "I'm willing to try it." She holds her hand and you link yours with hers. Sure enough, when the mean girl returns and sees your intertwined hands, she switches seats with one of her friends. At the end of the play, you take your hand out of Regina's to clap for the performers. You liked holding her hand during the play.
The next few days pass the same way. You and Regina are cuddling in bed in the mornings, you both flirt a little, and you explore with your class. The mean girl even leaves you alone for the rest of the trip.
Upon arriving back at school at the end of the trip, Regina calls your name and you turn to see her running over. You exclaim, "Hey Regina, what's up?" She asks, "Could we talk for a minute?" You nod and you walk over to sit on a bench. Regina says, "Look, this trip was really great for me and I really liked spending time with you. I don't know what it meant to you, but it meant a lot to me. When we held hands," she pauses and takes a deep breath, "it felt like fireworks went off inside of me. I really like you, Y/N. I was wondering if you feel the same way about me?" Oh wow ... You reply, "I really like you too. I liked holding your hand too." She smiles widely and says, "Cool great, I'm glad. I don't want to have our first kiss in front of our school if that's okay. It just doesn't sit right with me." You laugh and reply, "Okay, that's fair. You should give me your number so we can talk about when we can make that kiss happen though." She replies, "That was smooth." You exchange numbers, hug, and then part ways happily smiling at each other across the parking lot.
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helloo!! Can we please have dark chocolate number 13 with Ace pls \(//∇//)\ thank you!!♡♥︎♡♥︎╰(*´︶`*)╯🍫♡
Yandere Ace x GN!Reader
1.1k words
I’m so happy to have you here with me, I will never want anyone else. You have more of a hold on me than you’ll ever know.
It’s been a few hours since you’ve last seen Ace. An eternity in his book, barely a breath of fresh air in yours. During your precious alone time, you elected to stay in his cabin and tidy up the place. His tendency to just throw shit and leave it wherever it falls left the room in a chaotic state, and that got on your nerves given that this is where you spend almost every waking moment of your day.
Going out amongst the other people on the Moby Dick always left a bad taste in your mouth. They would give you pitying glances at best, but never lend a hand to help. They ultimately cared more about Ace’s well being than yours, and since your presence was directly tied to his mental state, your fate was sealed.
You never asked for any of this. No one wants to get dragged off onto a pirate ship because the captain of it got too attached. You had a glimmer of hope that you may be able to escape after the Spade Pirates were forcibly disbanded by the Whitebeard Pirates, but as already stated. They weren’t much help. At first they couldn’t even get close to you without Ace trying to kill them, but eventually he grew on them. Then they were helping keep you on board, lest he spirals. 
The relationship you had with Ace could be very draining. That fun, rambunctious side of him that had originally drawn you in was only a part of him. A front that he put on. In reality he was an intensely depressed individual that had become much more comfortable showing that side of himself to you.
In normal circumstances, this would be a heartwarming show of trust. Typically this would be a steady step in the right direction to build a healthy relationship, but nothing about your relationship was healthy. The exposure to his depressive episodes felt suffocating more than anything. While he would be sobbing into your chest and clinging to you for dear life, you would be forced to comfort your captor out of pure guilt from seeing him look so broken. You felt more like an emotional support animal than a human significant other some days.
Going back and forth between hating and pitying him was dizzying. Not to mention the bizarre form of codependent love that had been thrown into the mix. You never knew what direction your emotions towards him would go any given day, just like you never knew what kind of a mood Ace would be in.
It was exhausting. You felt like you needed a vacation to recuperate at the end of every day, but you of course never got one. So you would have to settle for the moment of peace you’ve been granted in this messy cabin.
The door is suddenly kicked open and you internally curse. Your quiet moment is done and over with now. You should have cherished it more.
Strong arms lock around your waist, heave you up, and spin you around. Ace seems to be in a good mood today, which is a plus. “(Y/N), I missed you!”
“It’s only been a couple of hours, you’re acting like it’s been months,” you muttered, more to yourself than him.
“What? A couple of hours is a long time, it felt like months.” He had mercifully stopped spinning and was looking around the room. “Where’d all my stuff go?”
You rolled your eyes, “All I did was stuff your dirty clothes into the hamper. Don’t know why you even have that thing seeing as you never use it.” It had a fine layer of dust that would gather over it in between your sporadic uses when you got fed up enough to clean.
“Not everything was dirty, most of those were still good!”
“It’s not “good” if you have to do like three sniff tests to determine that! Just wash that shit!” You were squirming to get out of his grasp, thoroughly irritated from bickering about you cleaning up his laundry.
Ace laughed and shrugged, “Maybe I’ll do it later.” Yeah right. He walked towards your shared, unmade bed and tossed you onto it before throwing himself on top of you. Oh. He’s feeling cuddly today. Great. Well, as long as he doesn’t start crying it won’t be so bad.
A kiss was placed against your cheek with enough force to squish your face, and then he unceremoniously flopped down, further squishing you into the mattress. Instead of using your chest as a pillow like he usually does, he nestled his face into your neck. His arms snaked underneath you to keep your bodies fully pressed together.
The man was a walking furnace, so you were already beginning to sweat. Such a thing didn’t bother him, but it was uncomfortable for you. Not that your discomfort was enough to deter him, you would be stuck in this position until he’d gotten his fill. This was far from the first time you’ve been subjected to this, so you knew what he wanted. One of your hands plucked his already partially dislodged hat from his head and tossed it aside so you could run your fingers through his messy hair, the other one rubbed slow circles on his back.
Ace hummed in contentment from your ministrations, and his body sagged more than it already had against your own. His hair was tangled, a common occurrence for anyone primarily living at sea. Your fingers worked meticulously to undo all of the knots. You weren’t particularly gentle with it, but he wasn’t flinching from every tug so you can’t imagine it was that harsh either.
For a while, nothing is said. Ace enjoys your company, while you feel obligated to acquiesce his wants and desires.
“I’m so happy to have you here with me, I will never want anyone else. You have more of a hold on me than you’ll ever know.” The words are spoken in a hushed whisper directly into your ear.
There it is again. That pesky, traitorous feeling of affection. The flutter of your heart from being so desperately wanted- needed even. Your impulsive inclination to comfort someone so clearly in need even though it’s absolutely not your job to do so. You wanted to “save” him almost as badly as you wanted to save yourself.
It made you question if he was the only one with serious psychological issues here. Have you always had this savior complex, or was it a recent development brought on by your living situation? 
This wasn’t something you wanted to think about today. You sighed and clutched Ace closer. Maybe it would be for the best if you just turned your brain off for a little while? Thinking too hard on your circumstances has never done you any good.
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akanesheep · 1 year
What pet would they give MC:
Lucifer wouldn’t just gift them a pet, but that pet requires the ability of homing and caring. He would gift them an aviary. Attached to this aviary would be a large enclosed area with a pair of peacocks. He selected them personally, ensuring that not only were they physically beautiful, but also that their personalities meshed well together. After all, he wants to ensure that this gift, as all other gifts he gives you, are as perfect as possible.
Mammon would pick a pair of his young crows and assign them to you. As they are his familiars, he can keep a watch on you no matter where you are. Crows are also resourceful and able to work out how to live no matter where they are… they do like to stay in the aviary a lot, but most often they stay in the tree within your room.
Levi know without being told that a snake is a bad idea, look what happened with Henry 1.0… so he will get you a goldfish also. And if you want, he would get you an aquarium set up for your room.
‘What? You want Lily to be in the same tank as Henry??’
Cue happy Levi noises.
Many an evening are spent watching the two goldfish swim happily together as you hold hands and cuddle.
Come on… do I even need to say it?
You open the box to find an adorably fluffy silver furred kitten inside with a green collar. A small heart tag hangs from her neck.
‘Diana’ you read and then giggle softly. ‘You remembered?’
You had told him about your favorite show to watch as a child, which had started as a manga. He read them all with you when he managed to get a full set for your birthday.
‘Of course I did… when the owner of the cat cafe told me he had a surprise litter he offered me first choice. When I saw her I knew.’
I mean, it could have been a unicorn, technically, but unicorns are for war. (Guy Kay fans ftw) Satan wants no part of you near a battlefield, so he hasn’t even allowed you to see his own unicorn.
Asmodeus, Beel, & Belphie:
Ok, you guys don’t hate me… but these three just aren’t animal people. Like they don’t hate animals at all… but they’re the least able to truly care for animals.
For Asmo, his priorities just aren’t there. And that’s ok. He knows his limits and is responsible enough to stay in them. He’s ok with other people’s pets as long as they stay off of him. He puts a lot into every aspect of his appearance and doesn’t want to give that up. (No hate at all for him. He know what he does and doesn’t want, and not everyone wants a pet). If you asked him for a pet, he would get you one, but he has no self-interest.
Also, his ‘animal’ is a scorpion, which horrifies him, he wouldn’t give one as a pet.
For Beel, he loves animals, especially dogs… but also has a tendency to eat animals if he goes on a rampage…he would never want to put you in a situation where he would accidentally hurt your pet.
His ‘animal’ being a fly isn’t really the kind of pet anyone wants…
For Belphie: I mean, while he’d love to get you a cow to rampage through the HoL gardens and piss Lucifer off, the truth is, he just isn’t willing/able to put that kind of effort into a pet. Instead, he’ll get you a cow plushie.
Our sweet demon would get you a phoenix. He finds them absolutely fascinating, and you remind him of one, the way you always rise through any troubles in your wake.
(Dragons are not pets, but they will befriend you)
He has enough on his plate without adding another pet. He’ll just assign you a Little D to take care of whatever you need while he is away.
Simeon & Luke:
This angel would gift you a pair of white doves.
They don’t get along with Mammon’s crows, so don’t let them in the aviary at the same time! Luckily they tend to avoid each other. That said, these doves are super sweet, just like the angels who gave them to you
No. Keep this man away from the pets. His penchant for experimenting on others is already problematic at best. Lucifer banned him from the aviary after he turned one of the peacocks into an owl and turned a crow into a mouse… it got really crazy for a few minutes.
This man is the pet, good luck us.
Hope you liked it, I wanted to keep this one light hearted.
I’m thinking of doing some more song vids, let me know what you think?
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linos-luna · 2 years
Hi i would like to request a yandere Chan or Felix fic to a female reader always carrying around a stuffed animal. She can't go anywhere without it. And if you take it she won't stop crying.
Sounds good ☺️
“Where are you going, Babydoll?” ❣️🔪
Yandere!Felix x Fem!Reader
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2)
Warnings: 18+, yandere, mention of trauma, some smut, fingering, manipulation
Carrying around a stuffed animal wasn’t that odd to people that knew you. You’ve dealt with trauma growing up and this caused to have some regressive tendencies as a coping mechanism. Of course this made you susceptible to other forms of pain and manipulation.
At first Felix thought it was odd and a bit annoying. He hated how attached you were to it and felt like you loved it more than him. But he soon realized how it could be used to his advantage.
~ ♡ ~ ~ ♡ ~ ~ ♡ ~
“Yeah Ning, I’m on my way.” You replied as you were grabbing your purse. “Give me 20 minutes.”
You were on the phone with your best friend and had been planning on going out for a while now. Your birthday was in less than a week and your friend wanted to hang out and get something nice for you at the mall.
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair to your liking and putting on your favorite jewelry. Once ready, you grabbed your plushie and started heading out, passing your boyfriend in the living room.
“Bye Lixie, I’ll see you later.”
Felix was watching tv and stood up quickly when noticing you head towards the door.
“Whoa, hey!” Where are you going, babydoll?”
“I’m going out with Ningning. For my birthday.” You replied, looking down at your shoes.
“I never said you could go…” Felix said with his arms crossed.
“But it’s with my best friend-…”
“I don’t care!” Felix snapped at you.
She’s one of my only friends!” You said, now frustrated. “The only one I still have left since we started dating!”
Felix was surprised by your sudden confidence but then remembered something when looking at what you were gripping.
“Fine…” he said calmly while suddenly snatching your plushie. “Then you can’t bring this.”
“Lixie!” You cried out in a panic. “Give him back!”
“No.” Felix shook his head and smiled. “You think you’re such a big girl now? Thinking you can talk back to me? Then you don’t need this.”
You were practically shaking at this point and tears streaming down your cheeks.
“N-no! Lixie!!” You cried and kept reaching for it.
Felix ignored you and started walking away, causing you to sob and follow him to the kitchen. He then put the plush on a high cabinet you couldn’t reach.
“Sweetheart… go out with your friend.” He said casually. “You’re a big girl, right?”
You continued sobbing and shaking your head, barely able to speak.
Felix went back to the living room, smiling to himself, knowing that you weren’t going to leave now.
You followed him and continued crying. “Lixie! Give him back!”
Felix only ignored you and was looking on his phone.
“L-Lixie! I’m not a big girl!” You sobbed as you fell to your knees in front of him. “I’m not a big girl lixie! I need him!”
“You need him?” Felix said raising his brow. “Who else do you need?”
“I need you!! I need you too!” You continued crying, now holding onto his legs and crying into his lap. “I’m not a big girl! I’m not a big girl!”
Felix was satisfied and got up, taking your hand as he made his way to the kitchen.
You were wiping your tears with your arm, your makeup obviously messed up and smudged by your crying.
Felix grabbed your plushie from the cabinet and held it in front of you, holding it back when you reached for it.
“You’re not going out right? You’re staying here?”
“Y-yes, I’m staying here…” you nodded.
“Because…?” He continued, wiping your tears with his sleeve.
“B-because… I’m… im….”
“… Because you’re not a big girl” he said, tilting his head. “You’re just my baby”
“Y-yes, I’m… I’m your baby…” you nodded.
Felix gave you the plush back and you were quick to hold it tight.
“Come ‘ere…” he said, opening his arms.
You went into his embrace and he lifted you up, taking you to the couch. He sat you down and started taking off your shoes. He then took off your earrings and used a tissue to wipe away your smudged makeup.
He kissed your hand, then softly kissed your lips. Afterwards he stepped back to look at you.
Your cheeks were flushed and lips rosy from crying, and your eyes still a bit puffy.
He had you sit on his lap as he continued watching tv and you laid back, in and out of sleep as you were a bit tired, holding onto your plush with one hand.
Once asleep, Felix couldn’t help himself. He was a little hard from when you were moving on his lap and he had his hand under your skirt , rubbing you over your panties. He then went under your panties and started fingering you, rubbing your clit and inserting a finger in your wet pussy. This caused you to shift a little and moan but you didn’t wake.
He was interrupted by your phone buzzing in your purse next to him. He reached over to grab it and smiled when seeing your friend’s name there.
“Hello?” Felix answered with a smile, trying not to be too loud.
“Hello? Y/n?” She answered
“No it’s me, Felix. What do you want, Ningning?”
“Uhm… me and y/n were supposed to go out today… where is she…?” She replied, now confused.
“Oh she’s not going.” Felix replied.
“She can’t go out with you.” He interrupted. “You shouldn’t be talking to her anyways. You’re a bad influence.”
“Excuse me?!” Ningning yelled back.
“Quiet down…” he hushed her. “She’s sleeping… and I’m taking care of her….” He inserted a second finger into you and slowly moved in and out, making you moan lightly in your sleep, putting the phone close enough for your friend to hear.
“You’re disgusting!” She yelled. “I’m the bad influence?! That’s you! I knew she should’ve never-…!”
He hung up before she could finish the sentence and chuckled to himself as he continued fingering you.
“Hope you’re having a good rest, doll…”
Meanwhile, your friend was on her way. She was couldn’t allow this. She knows how susceptible you are to manipulation and she wasn’t going to let this man control you. She needed to get you out…
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sc0tters · 1 year
Moments of Awe | Kirby Dach
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summary: you and Kirby are at the same party but this time there are feelings involved.
song: Fuck Up The Friendship- Leah Kate
request: yes/no
warnings: mentions of drinking
word count: 854
authors note: every time I wrote Kirby I get on thinking about that animated character. This was crap but I spent the day writing it and this is somehow the best we could find.
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Kirby watched as you let your finger tips wrap around your can of seltzer.
You had both been drinking since pres and now it was hours into the party. He knew it was wrong to think of you in the way that he was. The way his palms grew sweaty at the sight of your legs in your shorts as you danced along to the music with some of your female friends. Your laugh in between the horrible attempts to do your own versions of karaoke as you all sang along to the song that were blaring over the speakers of the club.
It should have been a crime to look at him the way you did with that piece of lime wrapped around your lips “why does he keep looking at you like that?” One of your friends asked as she titled her head in Kirby’s direction.
His eyes hadn’t left you, hadn’t left your body since Cole started talking to you forty five minutes ago. The conversation only lasted fifteen minutes or so because Kirby wasn’t counting of course. You grinned as the American had said something stupid that made you wrap your hand around his arm. It brought up thoughts and feelings that Kirby had never imagined he would feel.
You let your lips form a pout as you locked eyes with your best friend “I don’t know,” you mumbled as you felt your knees grow weak at the way his eyes almost undressed you.
Your friend smiled “go talk to him,” she mumbled as she softly placed her hand on your back to give you a soft push.
Kirby smiled as his eyes lit up when you smoothed out the ends of your shirt “hi doll,” he mumbled as he reached his arms out so that you could sit on his lap.
That was something that was common for you two. Usually at parties you were attached at the hip, both teams that Kirby had been with got the chance to see how you were attached at the hip to your childhood neighbour.
Your hand went to the nape of his neck “what’s going through your mind?” You asked as you smiled.
It was a sight that made him want to curl up into a ball and pass out “just thinking about you,” he confessed as he wrapped his hand around your thigh.
A giggle left your lips “me?” You cocked your head as you hated how kissable his lips look in that very moment “always about you,” Kirby seemed to share your thoughts as he let his fingers softly pull at your chin.
Before you had a chance to respond as your cheeks turned pink, one of the boys called Kirby because they wanted him to meet.
What irritated you was the way that Kirby placed you next to him before he sent you an apologetic look as he sighed getting pulled away from you when the boys wrapped their arm around his shoulder.
You spent the next few hours with the girls as they all swore that Kirby clearly had feelings for you “you ready to go doll?” It was tradition that Kirby would drop you off at home after a night out, part of it was because he wanted to make sure that you got back safely but the other part was him loving the fact that he was the last person you would see before you went to bed, because there was nothing you hated more than talking to strangers after dark.
Your playful mood came back as you nodded “of course,” you held your hand out for the boy to hold onto in your efforts to combat the Montreal autumn night time breeze.
The car ride back to yours was quiet as it seemed the moment from earlier on in the day was now a bust as you had both sobered up and didn’t have the atmosphere to egg you on.
Kirby’s arm never left your shoulders on the walk back up to your apartment as he watched you rest your head on his shoulder until you got to your door “you want to come in?” You offered as you spun around unaware of the fact that he was so close behind you.
If you were taller your lips would have been touching but given the height difference, Kirby instead had his lips hovering dangerously close to your forehead “always,” occasionally you’d invite him in if he didn’t have places to be in the morning, each time he’d say yes.
Despite all of the drinks that you had already had you realised you were going to need another one if you were going to keep your hands to yourself “what you thinking about doll?” Your silence made it easy for him to pick up on the fact that your mind was moving quicker than the rest of you.
Your sigh was noted “just something big that I don’t know if I should do.” You explained as your eyes moved from his to his mouth and back again.
“I think you should just go for it.”
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ichinoue · 1 year
I just finished watching bleach, and I'm not much of a shipper, as in I didn't care for the ships. But ichihime just didn't make sense to me, I have no problem with renruki but ichihime just didn't do it. So like I'm genuinely curious as to how they stuck out for people like you who absolutely adore it, I've also seen alot of hate towards it so once again I'm curious. Is there any reason that you personally always loved the ship? Be it their chemistry? Or interactions?I don't know I just want to see the appeal
Well, for starters, if you've only watched the anime, I think that can definitely taint your perception of IH because the animators butchered it so much compared to how it actually is in the manga, especially in the early arcs. I made a post on the very first IH moment in the anime vs. the manga here although it's pretty old so the links I used as references are probably broken now. But I definitely recommend reading the manga to get a true sense of what their dynamic is like!
Honestly it's hard to sum up why I love this ship so much without pulling out a bunch of manga pages and turning this into a full blown essay of things I've already said a million times before (but I'll attach a bunch of links to some of those posts below lol).
But I just love the sweetness of IchiHime. The mutual respect. The selfless care and consideration they have for each other. How dorky they are together. The way they make each other better, and stronger. The way Orihime can pull so many passionate, emotional reactions out of Ichigo--the way he softens around her, the blind rage when his enemies use her to taunt him, the way he flies off the handle in a panic when he thinks she's in danger, the depression he fell into when she was gone, the relief he feels when he realizes she's okay. The puppy dog eyes he gives her. The way everyone else kicks him in the head or punches him to lift his spirits, but Orihime--she only has to use gentle words. The vow to protect, the rising up from the dead to keep that vow. Not even death could keep them apart. Orihime wanting to love Ichigo in every lifetime she lives, she would choose him every single time. And yet she never expected him to love her back--he just did. All on his own. He was pining for her, they were pining for each other. It was mutual long before they even knew it.
And I think Kubo did so well writing for the IchiHime relationship. It's got cute, heartfelt moments, angsty teenager moments, silly, comedic relief moments, and dramatic, life-or-death moments. You can see their development from one arc to the next, see the clear-cut changes and growth in their dynamic from beginning to end. They never stopped changing, and growing closer over time. Which created a nice, long slow-burn for me to sink my teeth into over the course of Bleach's 15 year run.
Anyway, here's some links of posts that explain different aspects that I love about this pairing:
I have an extremely long masterpost about IchiHime here, which mostly goes into detail about why I think it was obvious for canon, but it covers almost every single IH moment in detail and my love for the pairing and reasons for shipping it are pretty much woven into the fabric of this post lol.
The chemistry of IchiHime.
My top 3 favorite IchiHime moments.
Masterpost of moments where Ichigo and Orihime protect each other.
IchiHime implications of the lust arc.
Ichigo being teased about Orihime.
Ichigo's vow to protect Orihime.
Ichigo and Orihime's growing feelings for each other.
Orihime consistently being singled out to target Ichigo's heart.
Orihime loving Ichigo's kindness.
Ichigo being receptive to Orihime's feelings.
And these are some posts made by other people that I like:
A post about Ichigo's feelings for Orihime.
This one is an image post that basically combines almost every single IchiHime moment from the first to last chapter, as a visual reference.
A response my friend gave when asked the reasons that they ship IchiHime that I wholeheartedly agree with.
And another list of reasons.
I also just really love this post.
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lalalian · 2 months
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why do dragons bond with humans in the first place?
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date: july 10, 2024
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it’s been a while since I’ve done a post like this, hasn’t it? Do keep this info in mind, as it has a large impact on the storyline, conflict, and plot.
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intro; humans vs dragons
Dragons and humans haven’t necessarily been in much conflict until dragon riders came to be.
“But what about territory and land? Wouldn’t humans fight dragons for their lands?”
No. Would you fight a colony of magically armed polar bears for an orchard?
Okay well people have certainly tried, but only a handful of times. Each time ended in… a very clear victory for the dragons.
Humans who messed with dragon riders frequently got cocky. Why? Riders refused to let their dragons get involved humanxrider disputes due to the sheer impact their anger would have on people who aren’t even part of the conflict. Of course, some riders have let their dragons run wild, but it’s generally a pretty terrible thing to do— plus, it breeds even more hatred between humans and riders.
Because of this, dragons typically despise humans (not riders, humans). No matter how bad things get between humans and riders, dragons are told to stand down. This built up anger within a community isn’t healthy. Dragons who are much older (I’m talking like thousands of years) sometimes visit dragon rider schools and spread this sentiment to the hatchlings. Let’s just take the older dragons out the equation for a sec— what if a younger dragon never came into contact with someone who hated humans?
A dragon is going to come across a human sometime in their lifetime— and it’s not always gonna be a nice experience. Dragons generally don’t like being treated like zoo animals (I mean, would you?). Dragons want to be respected just like anyone else does, but humans usually cross quite a few boundaries.
A dragon will very very likely to come to dislike humans.
Some things that humans find acceptable that dragons don’t like are:
- touching without permission
- being poked and prodded for the wrong reasons
- the ‘baby voice’ from people who aren’t their riders, even then a lot of dragons prefer their riders to speak to them as they would with another rider
- disrespecting their riders, especially since riders are instructed to keep their dragon from lashing out
- throwing food carelessly towards them as if they’re dogs, teasing them with their food (move the food towards their mouths and then snatching it away)
- humans who don’t shower— humans have a sulfur smelling odor (to dragons) even after showers, but it’s much less intense
- generally just being treated like a dog (fetch the stick!) unless it’s with their rider
- overworking without nourishment, a popular sentiment amongst humans is: “dragons are beasts of magic, they don’t require as many resources because they can replenish themselves with mana” …Some dragons don’t even consume mana… even then, all beings need rest
- stealing and selling of unshed scale (unshed scale = scale that is still attached to the body, will bleed if removed before the body sheds it on its own)
- “all dragons consume meat” …Some only eat grubs and fruits sir… leads to malnourished dragons in the workforce, they need a balanced diet
- “Mommy, can I have a pet dragon when I grow up?” Innocent question to us, but since dragons mature quickly, they resent human kids for their stupidity; also there has been an illegal dragon pet trade going around, but gov officials have tried to end it numerous times
weren’t riders humans once?
Riders appear to be humans, but they were never really humans in the first place. They look and smell the same without literally any training, especially if a rider refuses to use magic— but they are different.
Riders are born with either an open link attached to their soul or immediately bond with another dragon’s soul upon birth.
In the case of an open link, another dragon’s soul is always bonded to theirs by the time a rider reaches 15. The existence of a bond allows mana to be distributed throughout a rider’s aura. The linking of the two souls creates a channel between them, thus funneling mana into the rider. Humans and riders both have auras, but riders, even the lowest tiered rider, have enough space to store mana. It’s important to recognize that humans cannot, under any circumstances, control the flow of their own mana because they don’t have any. Humans cannot hold mana in their aura. No mana=No magic. A rider’s mana capacity is the amount of mana an aura can hold. A human’s mana capacity is always 0, no amount of training will increase it. Can you fill a straw up with water? It’s like that.
Once a rider nurtures the aura through movement (using magic, doing more difficult spells, even telepathy with dragons stirs the mana in your aura) the differences between a human and a rider becomes more apparent.
getting to the point..
So… why do dragons bond with riders in the first place?
Well, now it’s usually not on through complete choice, but it was the first few times. A very small colony of dragons came to accept a human boy as their own after raising a hatchling. Sure, there have been some (very very few, humans were scared of dragons after seeing/hearing about the destruction they can cause) humans who have tried to raise a hatchling, but most were either killed by the hatchling, surrounding dragons, or even other humans for their ‘traitorous’ actions.
The accepted boy was granted with a blood spell that made it so his children would be able to bond with dragons as he did.
These children had to nurture dragons just like their father did, and the hatchling would consider the human as their own. Eventually, this colony of dragons came to trust this human’s lineage. The bond began to mutate into something else— a soul bond. This mutation wasn’t intentional, but it did lead to the same kind of bond that we experience today.
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wanna know more about my aethergarde academy dr? here's a masterlist with everything I've posted about it!
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ghostlynachopanda · 2 years
a/n: I'm drowning in schoolwork. anyways,, you guys see lady Nagant?? soo happy she's finally animated. but yeah, lady Nagant and vigilante deku is the only good thing from this week. here's the last part pals, enjoy :)
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 3.7k
To say Wednesday was pissed would be an understatement. Watching Enid force you to talk to others was infuriating, even more so when you actually got along with them. Erebus started following Wednesday about a week ago after you walked out on her. He's there when it starts to get dark, when she's alone, and she isn't quite sure how to feel. He never bothers her, curling himself around her legs in a protective manner or falling into step next to her when she sneaks out. She wasn't sure what bothered her so much until she realized the warmth he gives off could've been yours. The problem was you aren't there with him. You're a coward. 
Wednesday wants to despise you for what you were doing. She desperately wants to make you pay for what you've done, for what you're not doing, and for what you're making her feel. She wants you to suffer in the worst way possible by her hands. Wednesday isn't sure if she can do that though, so she'll settle with acting like she hates you. Of course, Wednesday talks to Erebus about a lot of things. The most common topic seems to be you, and what you're doing to her. What Wednesday doesn't know is Erebus tells you everything.
You had no idea what would've happened when you walked out of Wednesday's dorm room. You expected to walk away and go back to how things were before you met them. Not expecting Wednesday to start throwing glares at you and actively avoid you. You also weren't expecting Enid to get even more persistent with hanging out, this time forcing you to hang out with her friends too. Enid didn't force you to talk to anyone though, just not wanting you to be alone. For her sake, you put in slight effort into the friendships. 
Enid was elated when you started talking to her. Though kind of uncommon, you were making an effort and that was enough for her. Enid had no problem filling the silence whenever you two would hang out, she seemed to always have something to talk about. She also had picked up a habit of blurting things out, random things that pop into her head at the most random times. You never minded though, that made things entertaining. It was funny to hear her say what she's craving for an afternoon snack when she was talking about nail polish just moments before. 
You two were hanging out in the quad after classes were done for the day. She was talking about an argument that happened between her and Bianca. Enid suddenly went quiet, appearing to be lost in thought. "So, you gonna tell me what happened with Wednesday that night?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.
"Why do you ask?" you responded with a question of your own. Not liking where this was going. 
"Wednesday has been more," she paused for a moment "murder-y and gloomier than usual. A girl can only put up with so much, ya know?" 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize-" she cut you off
"There's no need to apologize. I just wanna know what happened to see if I can get her to stop threatening me every 5 minutes." Enid didn't care about the threats, long grown used to them by now. 
She watched you closely, her eyes now almost as observant as Wednesday's. You were tenser than you were when she was talking about that fight with Bianca, a hint that things obviously didn't end well. Before you got the chance to answer she added, "Besides, you two were almost attached at the hip. She spent, like, all her free time with you. And, she wasn't bothered by you at all. Which is amazing by the way, 'cause she's bothered by like everyone." 
"Oh," you nervously chuckled "yeah, well, nothing really happened. We talked and I left." 
"That's it?" she inquired.
"Yeah, pretty much," you stated.
"Man, maybe something happened with her family then. Oh, can I ask why, uhh,, what's the wolf's name? The big one that's always with Wednesday." 
"Yeah! That's the one! Anyways, can I ask why he's been with Wednesday so much? He hardly pays any attention to me when he's in the dorm" she pouted slightly.
"Don't worry about that. He just really likes Wednesday and throws a fit when I tell him no. I just let him go be with Wednesday whenever he wants." you explained, not wanting her to know you send him to keep her safe. You also didn't want Erebus' actions to offend her.
"Okay, yeah, that makes sense," she looks at you pointedly "send Tengoku over sometime. I'd love to hang out with him again, I'll even take him on some walks!" she exclaimed, her tone going from demanding to excited. It made you chuckle.
"Of course, I'm sure he'd love to hang out with you again. Maybe if Thing isn't too bothered you can bring him along too," you said softly, excited by the idea.
After that, the conversation goes back to being one-sided, but completely comfortable. 10 minutes pass and Enid claims she needs to go do some homework. A believable excuse on her part, so when she sees you walk out of the quad she starts to talk to her shared dorm. Enid is going to devise a plan to get you and Wednesday to talk to each other again. It might just be the last thing she does since Wednesday might actually kill her for meddling in her business, but anything is better than this. 
Enid is happy to play detective and be a mastermind. Enid's walk to the dorm is short, she needs to know more about what happened. Once she gets there she, not so gently, pushes the door open. Wednesday is sitting at her desk staring at an empty page in her typewriter. Enid decides to act unconcerned, asking her roommate, "Writer's block?"
"No, just starting a fresh page" Wednesday replies with an irritated tone, turning to look at Enid. Wednesday's eyes are sharp, if looks could kill Enid would have died multiple times. Enid decides to ignore the look, "Say, what happened that night?" Wednesday sat up a little straighter, tensing.
"What are you referring to?" There's only a slight bite to her words, it's said ever so slightly quieter than the last. 
"Come on, Wednesday. Our favorite person! The only one in school who can give us our little furry friends. Although, 'little' might be the wrong word since they're both freaking huge-"
"I'm aware of who you're talking about and what you're talking about. I want to know why," Wednesday says, words sharper than her favorite knife. 
"Just curious if you're the reason my fav person is all sad," that confuses Wednesday, lots of questions filling her head. You're sad? Why are you Enid's favorite person? Did something happen while she wasn't looking? Wednesday slightly shook her head to clear her thoughts before replying, "Good, now why would that have anything to do with me? You're interrupting my writing time-"
"I can't seem to shake'm out of it. I'm just worried about my friend, that's all." Enid lied through her teeth.
"It's a good thing your 'favorite' person is suffering. Now, would you shut up so-"
"So it's your fault," Enid said accusingly. 
"It would be a fantastic thing if it was," Wednesday replied evenly, giving up on shaking her roommate's attention. Enid saw her roommate turn to put her typewriter away, a lengthy process Wednesday made look easy. While Wednesday was busy, Enid took a quick look at Thing. Sending him a look to see if he could possibly help her out, he shallowly bowed, trying to be discrete in his desire to help out. 
A small, victorious smile pulled at Enid's lips; she could get the info she wanted now. Quickly wiping the smile off of her face when Wednesday turned around, still sitting in her desk chair. "Roomie, tell me what happened. I wanna know everything," Enid inquired, Wednesday didn't seem as murderous this time. 
"Nothing happened," Wednesday said, back to her monotone voice. Thing crawled his way over to Wednesday's desk, catching her attention and making her look at him in her peripheral. Thing started signing, for both roommates to see. Enid piped up before Wednesday could.
"Yeah, you don't go from being with each other all the time to not, something had to have happened. Just tell us what happened so we can figure it out." Both Enid and Thing looking at Wednesday expectantly. 
"I hate repeating myself, but I'm aware you're a little slow," Wednesday said, offending Enid. "nothing happened. We had a conversation and when it ended she left." Enid knew there was something else, she knew the conversation didn't end the way Wednesday wanted but she needed Wednesday to say it herself. 
"So, what you're telling me is that our resident shadow user just decided not to speak to you, out of nowhere? Yeah, no, I don’t believe that." Enid was starting to get mad, she didn't want to keep asking questions.
"What's not to believe-" Wednesday gets cut off.
"Shade wouldn't do that without a reason-" Enid gets cut off this time.
"Shade?" Wednesday asks, when did Enid give you a nickname? Why did you let her? And why something as stupid as that?
"Yeah, Shade said it was cute so I kept it," Enid shook her head and stared pointedly at Wednesday. "Stop avoiding the question, something happened and I want to know what you did." 
"Are you going to make me repeat myself for a third time?" Wednesday said in a low, threatening tone.
An exasperated huff left Enid's lips, looks like she'll have to play dirty this time. "Fine, I just wanted to try to help out my two fav people but if you want to be alone that's fine." Enid turned, walking to the door. "I don't exactly feel like being around someone willing to hurt my friends anyway," Enid said angrily, slamming the door on her way out.
Wednesday turned to look at Thing, but he wasn't on her desk anymore. She looked around the room to spot him with no luck, turning to face the big window to take some calming breaths. She realized something at that moment, it’s cold. She felt her eyes start to sting and that's when Erebus crawled out from under her bed. She didn't have the energy to greet him though, her mind has been running this past week causing her to lose sleep. 
Wednesday didn't need to say anything, Erebus slowly walked over and laid his head in her lap. A comforting gesture, she hated the fact she unconsciously ran her fingers through his fur. Perhaps I'll speak to Enid tomorrow and maybe Shade too. "Erebus, do you think it would be a good idea to speak to Shade?" Wednesday asked, not expecting an answer. But when he nodded his head slightly another question popped into her head, "Do you think she'd listen to what I have to say this time?" 
She saw him close his eyes, unsure if he was falling asleep or thinking. Continuing to thread her fingers through his fur while she waited, comfortable in the silence of the room. A few minutes pass, and the quiet growl and small nod Erebus made disturbed the still air. A weight settled on her chest. What if you don't listen though? Erebus knows you better than anyone else she's met. Maybe, just maybe, he's right...
The quad had a couple of students in it, not quiet but not loud either. Last night, Erebus told you Wednesday wanted to talk to you. He didn't say about what, and that made you anxious. You haven't been actively avoiding her, but now you’re considering it. Enid had been attached to you all day, hanging out with you more often than she did before. Maybe Wednesday's threats got to be too much? What did Wednesday say to Enid? Is Enid okay- you’re thoughts are cut off by someone standing across from you. 
"Is this seat taken?" You look up to find Bianca. You're unsure if she had resolved her issues with Enid yet. Sure, you've spoken to her a handful of times, but what would happen if Enid shows up and they're still mad at each other? 
"No," the words come out before you reached a decision. You see something akin to satisfaction ghost across her features as she sits down across the table. It was weird, you don't know why she wanted to sit here; multiple tables are free since it's an off period for some students it's unlikely there will be more coming. She doesn't say anything, just looking at you. You've been scrutinized before, mostly by Enid and Wednesday, but this was different. You feel the need to make conversation. 
"Your, uh, eyes are very pretty." a strong urge to cringe comes. That’s not how you're supposed to break the awkward silence. How is she even supposed to respond to that? 
"Thank you, your eyes are pretty too," Bianca replied coolly, causing your cheeks to warm from embarrassment. That's when Wednesday walked in, immediately taking notice of the two of you alone at a table. Wednesday noticed your tinted cheeks, watching as you bashfully raised a hand to rub the back of your neck; something she learned you do to draw attention away from your facial features, usually when you’re embarrassed about something.
Wednesday felt the urge to walk over and take you from her, but she also had the urge to turn around and walk out. Both were in a battle causing her to be stuck in place, watching in horror as the two of you conversed easily. It makes her feel nauseous, an uneasy feeling settling on her chest. Why are you talking to her? Why does the conversation flow so easily? What is it about her that makes you speak so freely? Why can't you just- her thoughts are cut short by a nudge on her back.
Whipping her head around to see Erebus, half of him coming out of a shadow from the hallway. He nudged her again, more forceful with a growl that was loud enough to catch your attention. Swiftly turning your head to see what happened, seeing Erebus bare his teeth on Wednesday caused concern. Without thinking, you excused yourself and walked over to the pair. Completely missing the smirk Bianca wore and the nod she sent a hiding Enid.
"What are you doing?" a scolding question directed entirely at the wolf.
Wednesday froze, you were finally close enough that she could feel your body warmth. Something she didn't know she craved. Wednesday cleared her throat, "Everything is fine," Erebus growled again, his eyes moving back to Wednesday. A threatening look adorned his features, a look that would send most people running.
"Clearly not. I'm so sorry Wednesday, I didn’t think he'd act out like this." you refuted, stepping between them. Your frame almost completely obstructing his view of her, but he still didn’t take his eyes off her. You don’t know what's happening, Erebus wants something from Wednesday but you don’t know what it is.
Erebus and Wednesday seem to be having a staring contest around your figure, neither of them backing down. Erebus replaced his growl with a lower, more threatening one; showing even more of his teeth with his ears back. Wednesday knows he won't do anything to harm her, even if he tried you were here and would put a stop to it. She was sure you'd never let harm come to her in your presence. Wednesday didn't want to back down, but she didn't want you two to fight, "I need to speak to you,"
Erebus finally stopped his aggressive behavior, calming down enough to listen to the small conversation. You turned your head to look at her, caught off guard by what she had said and how Erebus was acting. Surprised written all across your face, "Oh, are you sure?" Wednesday wanted to slap you.
"Yes, I would prefer this conversation in private. Now, come with me," she said, making Erebus completely calm down and retreat back into the shadow. She didn’t give you a chance to reply before she grabbed your wrist and started dragging you in the direction of the woods. Oh boy, you're in trouble.
During the walk to Wednesday's destination, you zoned out. Not exactly caring where she was taking you, just eager to get this conversation over with. You hadn't realized you reached her destination until she let go of your wrist. This whole situation makes your stomach feel like it's doing flips.
"Run away again and I'll torture you in the worst way possible," she started, threats back in full swing.
"I wouldn't expect any less," you replied.
Wednesday took a breath to calm her racing heart. The uneasy feeling settled in her stomach again, but you piped in before she could. "What do you want from me?"
She hates that question, she knows all you want is honesty. Wednesday is worried her honesty would scare you away, just like last time. Her pondering is broken by your next words, "Remember, silence is an answer too."
"I want you to stop being a coward," she speaks quickly, rushing to get it out.
"A coward?" you chuckle humorlessly. "I'm afraid I don’t understand what you mean, Addams" venom laced in your words.
"Putting others before yourself is cowardly. Stop caring about how you'll affect others, and stop making decisions for others," she said, venom is thrown right back at you.
"Listen, I didn’t come out here to argue with you" you sigh, annoyed with how this conversation is going.
"Then stop arguing and just listen to what I have to say," she replies just as annoyed.
"Fine, but do you really think I see things like that?" you asked incredulously
"No, but you should."
"It's ridiculous, a complete waste of time and energy," she explained as if it was the easiest thing.
"Aren't you putting me before you right now? You seemed more concerned for my feelings over anything else," you said, wanting to see if you could get to the root of why she was here.
"No, I'm simply acting to get what I want," she responded, voice even.
"And what is it exactly that you want?"
"From my understanding of my classmates, for some odd reason, enjoy being around you. They might not get the warmth scale you have, but they enjoy your presence. Enid is a prime example, she's been grossly more positive after meeting you." that made you pause. You hadn't really been paying much attention to the others. More focused on keeping to yourself. You figured Enid was the same, just accommodating your silence.
"Is that true?" you asked, not believing what she said.
"I don't lie unless it's for personal gain. Another example would be earlier, Bianca sat with you rather than at one of the empty tables." you feel the need to sit down. This new information has your head spinning.
"Is it true for you?" you can't keep the hopefulness out of your voice. It's quiet, one of the softest things Wednesday has ever heard. But it made her pause, should she tell the truth? Erebus said you would listen this time.
"Yes, not once have I been tired of you." shock covers your features before joy does, all muted but it's there. Wednesday wouldn’t say, but she likes the look of joy on your face; especially when she's the reason. That same despondent look taints your face, the same one you gave her when you worked on the project together for the first time.
"Has it affected you?" you asked cautiously as if you were afraid of the answer. Wednesday isn't sure what you're referring to, but her answer will be the same regardless.
"Not in the way you think,"
"How so?" you're worried now, all your prior happiness is completely gone. Replaced with worry for Wednesday. Unintentionally taking a step back, as if physical distance will give back the warmth you stole. There are a couple things Wednesday absolutely despises, one of them is talking about her feelings, especially to someone alive and responsive.
"In the beginning it was irritating, not knowing what I was feeling. It has nothing to do with your 'lack of warmth'," she takes a step calculated step toward you. "I still don't know what the feeling is, but the one that came when you walked away was worse. I know, for certain, as long as it's you I won't mind." she finishes, taking that last step into your personal space. Your eyes are frantically searching hers, looking for a hint that she's lying.
Wednesday's heartbeat is loud, silencing the sound of rustling leaves. She waits, hoping she said the right thing. It takes a couple moments for your face to relax, looking at her with the softest eyes to date. She releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. The relief you feel at her words is enough to make you feel like crying; it comes crashing down on you but also lifts a weight off your chest.
"Thank you, Wednesday." The words are breathy, soft, and so quiet Wednesday almost didn’t hear. These words were the only ones you were able to get out. Wednesday didn’t need words to understand, she felt the same relief. She's relieved to finally be able to be in your presence, without interruptions or distracting thoughts. She's relieved that you didn't walk away, relieved Erebus was right.
"Will you sit here with me? I don't want to go back just yet," you said, looking down at your shoes, cheeks painted a pretty red. Wednesday didn't need to think before answering, "Of course,"
Settling down on the grass, sitting close enough that your fingers almost brush. Close enough to feel the body warmth from the other. A quiet, comfortable air surrounds the two of you; as if you're in your own little bubble. Soaking in one another's presence, looking forward to more moments like these. Wednesday breaks the silence, her words somehow making the moment more emotional,
"You're warm."
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638
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comicaurora · 1 year
So, you mentioned on the podcast that you were watching some classic-era Gundam.
For the season(s) you've watched, assuming you're not planning on suddenly taking the plunge and making a Universal Century Detail Diatribe, would you mind sharing your opinion so far? Universal Century can be a bit divisive, but I always enjoy seeing people's opinions on it. I have mixed feelings on some of the decisions made, myself, but in the grand scheme of things I enjoy what I've seen so far. (Especially Unicorn, but that's not really classic era.)
Also, I'd like to reccomend watching (or reading!) Gundam The Origin, since it acts as a really good, pretty, (and in the anime's case, short) prequel series to the original.
It's interesting! I've watched the compilation movies for 1 and 2 and most of 3, and I can't tell if they lost the plot after 1 or if the writers were being really, really scathing in a subtle way.
1 was incredibly blatant about how Amuro is a traumatized kid who got strongarmed into being the gundam pilot and using it to kill people, something that he clearly absolutely hates - and it's pretty overt that the Federation Force is more than willing to mulch up as many child soldiers as they want in order to win. The movies, and I assume the show they're compiled from, go out of their way to show that there are sympathetic young people on both sides of the conflict that just want to be free of this war, and there are also right bastards on both sides that are willing to be very callous with the lives of others. You can, of course, always identify who the compassionate people are by how pretty they are, and all the right bastards by how grotesque they are. It's pretty unsubtle about that being the core of the narrative, and they really twist the knife at certain points, like when Amuro's mother is horrified and ashamed at him self-defense-killing a Zeon soldier that was actively menacing her refugee camp, and Amuro concluding that she doesn't love him and he truly has no family to go back to.
By 2, things have gotten a little confusing, and I'm inclined to assume this is because the compilation movies had to make some cuts that would've made the character arcs flow a little more smoothly. Amuro decides to leave the whole war behind, which makes sense, but he takes the gundam, which doesn't. They introduce this thread that Amuro is extremely attached to the gundam and very proud of his ability to pilot it, and he has an actual breakdown when he learns that other members of the crew are now trained in its operation and can use it just fine, if not quite as skillfully as he can. It seems like there was a bit of a lurch from "Amuro has been unwillingly dragged into this nightmare and is forced to fight again and again despite his extremely obvious PTSD" to "Amuro refuses to let go of the giant robot that tethers him TO this nightmare," and while it's very interesting in the implications, it doesn't exactly flow cleanly. In fact, this is where there seems to be a bit of a shift from "war is bad" to "wow! cool robot." Amuro goes from PTSD-catatonia every time he destroys an enemy mobile suit to counting them during fight scenes, which is kind of a chilling indicator of the mechanized horror he's becoming accustomed to - assuming that was on purpose and not just a broad defanging of the story to do more Cool Robot Fights.
But the thing is, there's this subplot sometime around 2 or 3 involving a bunch of actual toddlers that have been hanging around on the ship - because it started as a refugee vessel escaping the destruction of a colony, so there's a lot of women (who are now conscripted pilots, of course, and shockingly badass for the era it came out in) and children onboard, and they've been stuck on the front lines running from Zeon with almost no ground support because the Federation likes throwing the gundam at things too much to care about a handful of six-year-olds potentially getting mulched. But throughout this little arc, the kids are finally on track to getting rehomed on Earth by the military - something that the kids are unhappy about because they've got a whole Found Family thing going, but Amuro approves of them leaving, saying "little kids shouldn't see people killing each other," which aligns very firmly with how he is a kid who hates all the killing he's stuck in.
Except then the happy ending is that the six-year-olds get to stay on the warship because they recently helped out with bomb disposal and "they've seen things you guys can't imagine, they don't want to leave!" And this is either really losing the plot or absolutely brilliant spiteful writing on the part of the creative team, because as I understand it, executive meddling was pushing them to include newer, flashier, more colorful giant robots (weapons of war and untold suffering that our teen hero has been trapped in by a mechanized war machine that has effectively enslaved him for his talents) to push toys to the exact age demographic of those chipper six-year-olds. It's almost like the teenage child soldiers are turning out to directly face the camera and saying "what's the difference between forcing us onto the front lines and letting these precocious youngsters keep flinging themselves into the crossfire? Gotta sell more gunplas, right?"
So if that was on purpose, I really liked it. If not, it's kinda hearbreaking to see the show gradually start pulling its punches in favor of turning the Oops All Babies warship into a heartwarming found family situation.
Also they started really banging the "newtypes are the plot now" drum in 3 and once everyone started getting psychic powers I kinda lost steam tbh
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istadris · 9 months
We all know how Luigi adopted Polterpup and how everyone finds it ironic since he's scared of ghosts.
What if he found an abandoned and hurt baby bat (not Antasma) while visiting Pi'illo Island and decides to adopt it too because he can't possibly let the poor thing suffer like this, the bat getting attached to him after he cares for it and sees him as its parent. Grew attached too but is hesitant to take it with him since he doesn't know if it'll survive in a whole other habitat and he's reluctant to ask Prince Dreambert for permission. In the end the bat goes with him.
I feel like this would benefit him because he naturally loves taking care of others and so having someone new added to the family who's a bit more dependent on him really allows him to let those urges out. Also, it helps his guilt because while he will fight villains to save his loved ones and stop evil schemes that can damage the world, he still feels bad for hurting others and making their urges for evil worse due to hatred.
So he has Polterpup for King Boo, who despite all the terrors he's put him through, he feels bad for trapping him so many times and keeping him away from his boos. The baby bat for Antasma, because he feels guilty for fighting him after he was betrayed and the fight resulted in his death. (Dimentio doesn't count here for obvious reasons-). I just think it'd really fit.
Also, I keep picturing the baby bat being albino, no idea why, but I do.
My only objection to all of this might have been that Luigi is such a disaster magnet, animals often end up hating him or biting him, on the exception of Polterpup, or that he's too much of a mess to take care of a pet that's not already a ghost.
But then it hit me. Of COURSE Luigi would end up looking after a scary-looking, ghost-like, bitey little thing ! How much do you want to bet that he met it when it flew right into his face during a walk, and Luigi spent several minutes screaming and trying to get it off his hair while screaming "GHOOOOOOST" ? He's only allowed to have a pet if he goes through hell before adopting it XD
Plus, I'm thinking about Partners in Time where, even if sometimes he messes up, he has very nurturing instincts, always taking care of the babies and having his baby self grow so attached to him he doesn't want to leave adult Luigi...And also Polterpup himself! Puppy was a little troublemaker when he first met Luigi, causing trouble just to play, and at the end, despite all the trouble caused, all it took was a sad puppy look for Luigi to forgive everything and bring back puppy home!
I also love very much the idea that it's his way of making up for hurting some of his ennemies. He's a forgiving type, our Luigi, much like his brother; despite the ghosts harassing him in every Luigi's Mansion, the moment they stop being hostile or brainwashed, he's all up for putting the past behind and having fun with them. If King Boo wasn't so bent on ending his game, maybe Luigi would give him a chance too.
Anyway, back to baby bat : yes to it, and also imagine Antasma coming back with a whole plan to get into Luigi's good graces and obtain his powers by manipulating him...
And then he finds Luigi cuddling an adorable little bat and calling it sweet names.
The screech ! The outrage !!
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 year
I've been thinking about the difference between Davy and Malcolm and how Malcolm hurt Baz by the things he never said but through his actions demonstrated that he loves Baz very much. Like he never openly says he approves of who Baz is and of course Bazs hurt is valid in wanting to hear the words and not getting them. But Malcolm shows that he accepts him by making sure Baz has animals to drink and inviting Simon to Christmas. And Baz wanting to reach out to his dad in WS when he felt overwhelmed, he imagined that his dad would say things he didn't want to hear EX leave Agatha to die, but he knows it would be coming from a place where he values Bazs life and safety over Baz being a hero and Baz in his lowest moment wanting his dad shows that even Baz knows his dad loves him.
On the flip side as RR pointed out Davy says really encouraging stuff to Simon but he put in zero emotional labour behind it and when he did praise Simon it had strong stage dad energy where it's more about pressure, control and even vicariously living though him than actually building Simon up. I think its sad that for Simon Davys empty words are good enough because he had no way of knowing that it wasn’t. I think in CO when Simon wants to go to the Mage after he learns he's the Humdrum it's not to seek answers or comfort I think he knows that he's going there to be destroyed. Like all he is as a person is what the Mage made him and he's going to him to be destroyed figuratively and literally.
I just read "Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zautner and how parents can't always understand or especially for certain generations, express themselves to their children but they find avenues to show their love and I feel like Baz and Malcolm have that sort of secret language of affection with each other: Malcolm doing things to show his love for his son, Baz mimicing Malcolms habits. And I also finished "I'm Glad my Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy and I feel like her Stage mom had so much Davy energy maybe Simon will get to a place where he'll be glad he killed his dad. I think Simon can sort of grasp that he loved Davy and I think the part of his emotions he's repressing is the part of him that's relieved he's gone and that maybe a part of him hates Davy. And he'll have to grapple with feeling both those things about Davy someday. Yeah reading books about complicated relationships with moms made me think about CO dads
I do think it's interesting that Simon when he thought hed marry Agatha he said hed ask Dr Wellbelove what hed do for his future or in SFC when he says he wants to join the RAF and I although I think that's sweet that he wants to be like his grandfather I also wonder if it's Simon attaching himself to another father figure that is also emotionally one sided (not because Andrew is a bad person but he's dead and so Simon can infuse him with the "footballer" dad fantasy he had when he's an orphan) Simon is constantly looking for a grown man to tell him what to do and who he is. He seriously needs to talk to someone, his dad issues are very meaty
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lilac-melody · 10 months
Hypmic s2 e6 spoilers but I wanted to dive into some scenes in a bit more detail
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So this scene is what caught my attention the most. It's interesting to me because given the framing of it- from Ramuda's hands tightly clenched to his eyes being shadowed most of the time, with only cold fury being shown in one frame, we can easily tell that Ramuda is not only echoing things he was told by Chuohku, but echoing his own thoughts towards himself.
In the manga/drama tracks, we see plenty of instances where the moment Ramuda's humanity is brought into question, he quickly spirals. If it's brought up by someone else, he gets furious, but if it's his own thoughts, he becomes depressed.
"A fake like you isn't worth the air you breathe" does this not sound like Ichijiku's words to him, whenever she threatens to replace him???
"You don't even know who you really are. You just wander around, lost in a sea of deception." That's exactly what happened with Ramuda. He formed TDD and FP because he was told to, and despite his growing emotions, he tells himself it's all fake. Even how he became chipper and expressive was because of someone else. He agonizes over his deception when his feelings with Gentaro and Dice come to play.
His cold gaze when he told Rabuta that he was an imitation could just be because Rabuta's annoying, but it could also be an internal anger at himself.
"Just disappear. Stop existing." With how many people he's hurt- even if he did it solely to survive, do you really think he would tell someone harmless to just stop existing? No, and we know Ramuda has issues with his own existence. Time and time again, he's thought "if I didn't exist, (x) wouldn't happen". He even brought it up to Jakurai that his existence was what ruined his assistant's life, and that life would be better without him.
He considers himself nothing more than a burden to the people around him. Someone who can't form any real attachments because he's a fake.
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His posse will always be there to pick him back up- literally and figuratively...
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And the true, sparkling awe on his face when Gentaro and Dice saved his life made him realize something- at least in the anime universe. (As he's already realized it all in the manga/DTverse)
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His posse is here with him. And that's what makes him truly happy. Being with them. Because he loves them, and like their rap said, you can't fake an emotion like that.
And of course, to Gentaro and Dice, of course they all love each other. I don't necessarily mean romantically (even though I personally ship them), but Fling Posse does love each other.
So even if Ramuda hates himself for being a clone, he knows- he understands, that his feelings for Gentaro and Dice are real. He, in the manga/DT, has even sobbed over how it hurts that he can't have a true bond with them. Though he does. And he always will.
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After all, this is happiness- a smile, that you can't fake.
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