#i hate heartstopper
barbieslutshamesken · 8 months
hi. i feel like enough time has passed and i have separated myself from the fandom enough to make this statement. anyways here’s my super duper controversial statement.
nick and charlie are poorly written characters and they’re relationship is entirely too codependent. as a queer person (assigned male at birth) who has been interested in guys, i hate how they’re relationship is depicted. i really just have a huge issue with women writing men-loving-men relationships, i never think they do it right. and YES i am aware that alice oseman is queer/gender-queer but she is a femme-presenting/woman-aligned person who is also aroace. she has never lived that experience and i do not think that her telling of that experience is accurate. i think it’s extremely cishet-washed and honestly i feel like it’s pandering to straight people and people who are newly out, if that makes any sense. i personally feel that they’re story lacks nuance. it embodies the worst aspects of ya fiction.
firstly, my main issue i have is with charlie and how he is depicted as a queer man. i find issue with the way he is depicted; timid, awkward, clumsy, and in need of saving. i HATE that fucking trope. i hate that everyone’s idea of a gay couple is of this femboy, who was probably abused or bullied, being saved/rescued/“really-loved” by a larger, more masculine, jock.
i have personally gone through many of charlie’s experiences. i was r@ped/sa’d as a young person, i have struggled with anorexia, and i have and still do struggle with self-harm/cvtting. i have also stayed in a mental health facility! sounds familiar, right? that’s because all of that shit also happened to charlie spring. but we don’t get to see any of his healing process. we don’t see him in therapy. we don’t see his time in the hospital. all we see is how it affects nick and how nick gives him the strength to recover. blah blah blah gag me with a spoon.
anyways, having said all of this. i have read the entire updated comics, and i have seen the show. i plan on reading the final installment of the comics and watching the remainder of the series. i do think queer people need and fucking deserve more representation and more media depicting our normal domestic lives. there are so many shitty straight shows that are just pure fluff and entertainment and queer people fucking deserve that.
i also am extremely interested to see if/how alice incorporates darcy‘s actor kizzy edgall’s transmasculinity into darcy’s character. i would have a totally new respect for her to ACTUALLY WRITE a complicated subplot that is nuanced and depicts how queer people’s labels change and how their understanding of their gender and queerness grow with them. how does tara react? does she amicably break up with darcy to respect their identity? or does she come to the conclusion that, “fuck it. i love darcy. who cares if we aren’t technically in a lesbian/sapphic relationship. i am still valid.” THAT WOULD FUCKING ROCK
anyways best character is elle. hehehehehe.
an openly queer, semi-closeted transfeminine person. *equips sunglasses*
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the-geeky-fangirl · 1 year
yes i know heartstopper is "cringe" and yes I know you think it's not that deep but you've endured years of cringe oversexualized shows about high schoolers where the gays are delegated to sub plots I'm sure a few hours of queer people being safe and happy and loved won't kill you so please shut the fuck up
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leighbaylee · 2 months
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greeen-bean · 1 year
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What do you mean?????? I love Charlie's parents
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heartstopperthoughts · 8 months
Charlie Spring is so strong
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normalpeoplethiings · 11 months
school makes me want to pull a solitaire
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arotemisace · 1 year
heartstopper teaching that you don’t have to forgive people who were shitty to you just because they apologize
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sunsetcurveauto · 1 year
one thing i havent seen anyone talking about when discussing isaac is when he meets james at the bookstore and they talk abt how isaac doesnt reciprocate james' feelings. and although james has the best intentions he tells isaac that (more or less) isaac just hasnt found the right person yet. and yeah isaac doesnt have the words or terminology at that point to express how he feels being aroace but it was still such a gut punch to see an example of someone who cares for you, even someone in the queer community, still negate your orientation using a phrase that is meant to be an assurance and yet is still what so many ace and aro people have been told
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nicknelosn · 1 year
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@pscentral event 19 — music @lgbtqcreators event 16 — raise your flag
i don't care if you wear high heels or a tie, you might just catch my eye, because i'm definitely bi (in/sp)
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spongebobs-dirty-dish · 5 months
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boredflautist · 6 months
quotes that keep me alive
"all the people are fake, they're made out of metal. But I like you, and that is not fake" -young royals
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." -song of achilles
"No one ever says goodbye unless they want to see you again." -turtles all the way down
"I want to be with you. If we have to keep it a secret then... So be it, if thats the only way... But no more secrets between us. I love you" -young royals
"Why does the word 'love' from you hurt me so damn much?" -Only Friends
"I've always thought Ray was my 25th hour, my extra hour. But the truth is, everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. And within Ray's 24 hours, I'm not part of it. I'm not that special." -Only Friends
"If I'm gone, I won't be anyone's burden anymore, right?" -Only Friends
"You were wearing corduroy, acting like a poster boy" -poster boy by Lyn Lapid
"I would recognize you in total darkness, were you mute and I deaf. I would recognize you in another lifetime entirely, in different bodies, different times. And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion" -song of achilles
"Tell me every terrible thing that you ever did, and let me love you anyway" -edgar allan poe
"The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you... I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating, hoping that that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me... What can I do? I will do anything that you ask." -anakin skywalker
"If changin' my clothes would make you like me more, if changing my hair would make you care, then I'd grab the kitchen scissors and cut myself to slivers" -jigsaw by conan gray
"'Sorry' doesn't make up for everything you did to me." -heartstopper
"You were my brother Anakin. I loved you." -revenge of the sith
"The truth is what I make it. I could set the world on fire, and call it rain." -red queen
" But isn't it also that on some fundamental level we find it difficult to understand that other people are human beings in the same way that we are? We idolize them as gods or dismiss them as animals." -paper towns
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like 'I love you'" -somethin' stupid by frank sinatra
"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm blind. Tell me you love me. " -shatter me
"I do want to be your friend. I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend." -shatter me
"The truth is a painful reminder of why I prefer to live among the lies" -shatter me
"'Don't ask me questions you already know the answers to. Twice I've laid myself bare for you and all it's gotten me was a bullet wound and a broken heart. Don't torture me,' He says, meeting my eyes again. 'It's a cruel thing to do, even to someone like me.'" -shatter me
"Everything's a game, Avery Grambs. The only thing we get to decide in this life is if we play to win." -inheritance games
"The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive." -the last olympian "You think I didn't fight the same fight? I halfway convinced myself that as long as Avery was just a riddle or a puzzle, as long as I was just playing, I'd be fine. Well, joke's on me, because somewhere along the way, I stopped playing." -the Hawthorne legacy
"When you're ready, if you're ever ready, if it's going to be me - just flip that disk. Heads, I kiss you." His voice broke slightly. "Tails, you kiss me. And either way, it means something." -the Hawthorne legacy
"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here" -william shakespeare
"But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all" -10 things I hate about you
"It's just like the novels, side characters end up alone" -footnote by conan gray
"You made us past tense," I said, my voice cracking, "not me." -betting on you
"Because when they write the history of my life, I want it to include you" -red white and royal blue
"My life is the crown, and yours is just politics, and I will not trade one prison for another" -red white and royal blue
"Or maybe it was when I realized the bruises on your neck were fingerprints and wanted to kill them all over again just so I could do it slowly. Maybe it was the first time I recklessly kissed you or when I realized I'm fucked because I can't stop thinking about doing more than just kissing you. Does it even matter when, as long as it changed between us?" -fourth wing
"Oh darling all of the cities lights, never shined as bright as your eyes" -car's outside by james arthur
"I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over again, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart and I'm keeping it." -iron flame
"Because pain in the body quiets the pain in your head. It feels good - like a kill switch for your brain" -kill switch
"Then take your punishment like the pathetic creature that you are" -cruel prince
"Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop." -cruel prince
"If you're the sickness, I suppose you can't also be the cure." -the wicked king
"I hate you. I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else." -the wicked king
"Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god. I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can." -the wicked king
"She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." -the queen of nothing
"By you, I am forever undone." -the queen of nothing
"Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you just. Just come home." -the queen of nothing
"I wasted all those yesterdays and am completely out of tomorrows" -they both die at the end
"For what it's worth, I doubt I will ever like anyone else in the world as much as I like you." -book lovers
"I'd never thought about my favorite color before. It never seemed important. Not until I looked into a pair of ocean-blue eyes and realized that perhaps drowning was a beautiful thing" -powerless
if you've made it to the end good god please get some sleep
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honestly i think it’s so gross how many adults i have seen on this app upset that heartstopper is a show rather mild in its sexual content. it’s a show that’s target audience is young queer people….about young queer people……played by young queer people. the show is not “anti-sex” at all, if you actually watched the show charlie and nick discuss that they WANT to do more, that they want to “go further” some day. charlie has a boat load of trauma (including trauma about having his physical boundaries ignored) however and nick is still processing his sexuality, so why are you pushing for them to be intimate?? i’ve known people who have dated for years and didn’t actually have sex until they were adults and mature enough to do so.
viewing this show as a adult woman i find it honestly disturbing that there is this fixation on the necessity of sexual content including children. because that is who these characters are. children.
the show does not bash sex (uhh the teachers very clearly banged??), it merely advises against forcing yourself to be sexual before you are ready. the queer community has always been demonized as a “hypersexual” group of people, but that is merely a label forced upon us. heartstopper is the one of the only queer pieces of media that defies this expectation, and tells queer kids everywhere that it’s ok to take your time, and that sex is not the end all be all.
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ch4rliespringg · 2 months
if you watched the heartstopper leak your a opp
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angelnicknelson · 1 year
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deanspajamas · 27 days
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little stupid intro thing bc im super bored!!
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