#not 👏 everyone 👏 deserves 👏 forgiveness 👏
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heartstopperthoughts · 1 year ago
Charlie Spring is so strong
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idyat · 10 months ago
i love your Jeb work aughhh 😩😭 ANYWAY may I request Jeb suggestive HC's? Like how he usually acts when he's horny or sumthun! THANKS!!!!!
I get a lot of Jebus requests huh? Also thank you!!!!
Jebus x reader, suggestive headcanons
WARNING: Suggestive of course
-Bashful man? Bashful man.
-He'll try to hide it out of embarrassement at first, trying to swat away the thoughts by going more on the fancy old timey romantic style or excusing himself so he can take time to regain his composure.
-But if you do notice him staring at you a bit too much? I'd suggest teasing him about it, his flustered reaction is delectable >:)
-If he does try to be a little more "flirty", he'll usually wrap a hand around your waist or slip his hands underneath your jacket when you hug. If the subtle touches are just enough to get a reaction out of you, he'll have a small grin and chuckle. Although he smiles and chuckles quite a bit around you already. It's always the little gestures with Jebus, whether they be purely romantic or with a more intimate intent.
-During these times, he'll subconsciously start speaking even fancier than he usually does, whether it be to court you or make it look like he's calm and composed and his heart isn't beating a thousand miles per hour. It usually fails for the latter.
-"Sweetie you're speaking Shakespearian english I can't undertsand what you're saying."
-Tell him he's cute when he's flustered and he'll be excited like a schoolgirl with a crush.
-Now most of the last part was in public, in private it's a little different.
-First of all, he'll be a lot less shy about it, even initiating kisses and hugs from behind himself. If you turn your head, you'll find the most lovestruck eyes and smile you've ever seen on a man.
-He actually has a thing for turning the lights off when you do things... like slow dance of cuddle. His halo will provide a beautiful spot light that makes it feel like it's only you two in the world.
-Jebus is actually quite affection starved after spending decades being cold and distant with everyone. You are the only one able to melt his heart, and now he absolutely adores every bit of intimacy he can get with you, from the little moments of unspoken love to the sheer intensity of the bedroom.
-If he gets a look at your body? Ooh boy, give him a minute so he can ask the Lord to forgive him for his thoughts and make sure he doesn't faint.
-You can hear him quietly whisper words of affection as he rubs your waist. Not sweet nothings though, he wants his words to have substance and meaning, so you're getting all the sweet somethings in the world.
-He likes your waist. When he's a little pent up, he likes to rub, hold or wrap his arms around it. Sometimes he'll even lift you up by your waits, just for the romance of it.
-It's pretty endearing how you can make this confident and stubborn so shy. He just doesn't want to break his morals with you, because he judges that you deserve them more than anyone else.
-He's already rather protective, but after this, he might start displaying jusst a little bit of PDA. An arm around you, petnames spoken a little bit more loudly, just out of affection, just to make sure others know you're taken :)
-If you want to do the Act though, you better be married already, or he's making the ceremony 👏here👏and👏now.
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llamaisllama777 · 7 months ago
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I really love these Q and A videos they've been doing lately. A lot of interesting questions were asked in this episode, and two things I want to talk about that were brought up
1. Monty
2. Nexus
Monty treats Earth like a princess, and that is adorable! Monty does really love Earth, and it shows. Monty, yes, has his flaws (and crimes). Earth admits it as much, but when push comes to shove, Monty is a good person. He loves Earth and her family and wants to keep them safe. When poo hits the fan, Monty is there to help the family. He's the only one who is on Moon's level of intelligence next to Eclipse. He's Lunar's best bud next to his brothers and he is willing to risk bringing the wrath of the Astrals down on himself just to help and protect Lunar, and while yes, Monty and Sun have and probably will continue to butt heads, he loves that family TO DEATH! He shows he loves them and would do anything for them. Monty really has changed since the beginning of the show.
Now, onto Nexus...
Nexus, look, I'm sorry for what you went through. Losing Solar like that was hard, and I get it you were grieving. Everyone was grieving, and when you found a way to bring back Solar, you all jumped at that. And you felt a lot of pressure to bring him back not just for your sake but for them and also feeling pressured by Old Moon to "Protect the family" and "Do what it takes to keep them happy" you were under a lot of pressure I get it and you probably feel betrayed by them... but Nexus, you betrayed them first. You complained that Earth wasn't helping. She offered you help, but you rejected it! She asked multiple times. "Are you okay?" And you said "ya." Which was a lie. Even during family therapy, you lied and said you were okay. You weren't. You were willing to go behind everyone's backs and kill someone to bring Solar back. That's not okay. Even if it was a bad person like Ruin or Bloodmoon, that's still not good. Plus, you don't even know if Solar wants to come, and you forcing back to life in such a way probably wouldn't have gone over well. And when they all try to tell you that you are going over the deep end, you pushed them farther away, saying you don't care. And then after, they are forced to lock you in a cell to stop you from doing something stupid that you will regret look I get it you felt betrayed but Sun didn't mean to leave you in that cell for that long he got sucked into another universe and had to deal with Joker from Persona. He was gonna come back sooner, Nexus, he was. And then you get the idea to be the villain cause they are treating you like one.. Nexus, they aren't treating you like the villain, they were trying to stop you from doing something stupid. Then you go and try to kill Bloodmoon and are willing to let YOUR OWN SISTER die just so you can destroy Ruin and Bloodmoon. That's not right! And you act like you got betrayed? Buddy, YOU BETRAYED THEM FIRST!!!!!!! They didn't abandon you and try to kill you. They extend the olive branch to help you and help you work through your problems, but YOU said no. Not them. You went off the deep end and were going to do something the family wouldn't like, and something they knew wouldn't be good/would hurt you. They were trying to protect you cause you were their family, but you didn't care. You tried to kill your own sister. You called her "collateral." That is not cool. Whatever is making you out like this, maybe it's a shard of a Wither storm making you act like this, or maybe there is some chip in you making you like this, or maybe you did just snap but whatever the reason everything you did was not okay. You hurt your family, and depending on if this is really all Nexus' actions or he's being influenced by something will determine if he deserves some forgiveness or not.
If he is influenced by something, then ya, you deserve some forgiveness
But if this is just all him, then Nexus, you deserve NO forgiveness. You hurt your family, you tried to kill your own sister, and that is something that is hard to forgive. Don't expect them to cause no one would blame them for not forgiving him. No one like that deserves forgiveness.
Also fact I learned about Earth. Her favorite Mlp character is Fluttershy, same as Moon.
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Well, Sun finally gets to relax... can't say the same for Moon tho.
Emperor Eclipse has re-entered the building yall!
So, Nexus is sending drones to Emperor Eclipse's dimension and Dark Sun has sent spies there to find the Wither shard, and now Moon and Emperor Eclipse have made a deal to help each other get rid of Nexus and Dark Sun. Add another ally to the list. Emperor Eclipse will be a very helpful ally, but he is an Eclipse, especially an Eclipse that won, so keep an eye on him.
Emperor Eclipse is actually kinda menacing, I don't know why? Maybe it's just the fact he won in his universe or his dimension or just his presence it scares me.
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Eclipse and Puppet look super cute in the thumbnail! I'm sorry just had to say that.
So,Eclipse has been doing some dimensional tinder hunting and stumbled upon a new universe that spawned from the destruction of the 5,000 universes that Ruin destroyed. So this universe is like a patch-job universe. A universe made up of bits and pieces of the universes that got destroyed. So, in this universe, Roxy isn't around she was discontinued by the company, and Foxy took her place in this universe. Sun and Moon aren't separated yet in this universe, they might not even be the daycare attendent here? Freddy might not exist in this universe, and Henry might own Fazbear in this universe, not William. Also, Monty still exists in this universe. You can't escape him, Eclipse.
Puppet seems to like this place, Eclipse seems to like it too. So, it seems like Eclipse, Puppet, Foxy, and F.C. Will be leaving soon. What will become of the channel? Will Monty have to find a new co-host? Will Puppet and Eclipse take over the channel? Also, Puppet mentioned that if they take F.C. the Astrals may come after them. So, that might be a problem.
Good news Solar is coming back soon! 👍 😃
So, all and all awesome episodes, I loved all of them. The LAES one was cute, TSAMS gives us some more allies, and MGAFS gives us a look at a universe we may see a lot of soon.
11/10 👏 👏 👏
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creedslove · 1 year ago
I just got my masters degree and my bf did not want to celebrate because it’s not that big of a deal and instead he went out by himself.
Would you do an imagine with any of the Pedro boys or him himself celebrating it? I just need a Little pick me up ❤️
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: OH MY GOD HONEY!!! CONGRATULATIONS 👏🎉💐🎉 This is amazing! Such great news honestly, I couldn't even make it through graduation so if you managed to get your masters degree this is a huge deal!!! I hope you are enjoying yourself at the moment and forgive me if I step outta line here honey but your bf is a piece of shit honestly, you know what's not a big deal? His mf ass!!! Once again I'm sorry bestie but you deserve way better than this guy honestly, and well, I thought about it and I decided to go with Joel because he would exactly how to treat you right ❤️
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• Joel loves how smart and hard working you are, he is a guy who isn't book smart even if you praise him for his emotional and rational intelligence, he knows that in your relationship you got the brains
• he supports you through everything you decide to do, concerning your academic or professional life, he supports you no matter what and he loves bragging about you and how successful you are
• he would proudly tell anyone you were getting your masters degree because
"you gotta be smart for that, you know, darlin'"
• and once you finally get your masters degree, Joel feels his heart bursting with pride and love and he just gets too excited about you, he wants to know if you will have some kind of ceremony because he will be there
• he hopes he doesn't have to wear a suit but he would if he had to, as long as you are happy he is happy
• Joel would get himself a new shirt and some new jeans, he would put on his good boots™ and his leather jacket 🫦 looking his best for you
• afterwards he would take you out to celebrate just the two of you to some place where you can have some drinks and good food, he's a steakhouse man and no one can try to prove me otherwise but I'm certain he would go for a japanese or italian restaurant if it makes you happy
• he would gift you something too, I'm sure he would go for jewelry, not something awfully expensive, our sweet Joel ain't rich but you can bet he would choose either a beautiful bracelet or a gorgeous pair of earrings and perhaps a necklace
• or even that kind of ring we all would dream of getting from him 😉
• on the weekend he would make sure to throw a barbecue in celebration of you, calling your family, your friends, Sarah and Tommy so everyone could cheer and congratulate you for your achievement
• he is just so happy you managed to accomplish your stuff, he can't even describe into words, he just loves it and he could never hide how proud he is ❤️
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tremsing82 · 2 months ago
CC Character Rant
(I just started reading CC3 but this anger at this character started in CC2. I just read chapter 1 of CC3. I have kept myself mostly spoiler free for the over arching plot but for this character I hate my friend tried to help me understand her better and gave me some spoilers but yeah those spoilers did not help one bit. If anything I got even angrier which is why I had type this out and see if there are any other Lidia Cervos Haters out there.)
I HATE LIDIA!!!!! Like with all my being. With a passion. With anger I have never felt towards any character ever. I HATE THIS CHARACTER.
I hate the idea that I need to read this book and have SJM and fucken Lidia and any other bleeding heart character in CC who forgives her, GASLIGHT me into thinking she is some victim. She is a MURDERER. Her reason for being a double agent who murders her secret allies for the enemy are stupid and flawed and not worth the innocent lives she has MURDERED.
NONE 👏👏👏👏
She is not a victim, she is the abuser. And her excuse for doing what she does is stupid. She had some accidental babies which she kept secret from EVERYONE and hid away. No one knows about them and then she joins the asteri and becomes their death warden all to protect them. From WHO?!?!?! NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THEM!!!!! YOU HID THEM!!!! YOU GAVE THEM UP YOU STUPID BITCH!!!! You cannot use them as an excuse for you murdering people to keep them safe. THEY ARE SAFE DUMBASS. Just stay away from them, they obviously don’t need you as their mother. They are better off without you in their lives.
And I am suppose to read this book and then feel sad for her FUCK NO!!!!!! She is in the dungeons order ruhns torture all while she is gonna be pleading in his mind to “please talk to me I feel sad for hurting you and your family and i need you to forgive me and tell me it’s ok I murder innocent people daily.��� And the worst part is sweet kind Ruhn will finally give in and talk to her all while having his skin peeled off and tell her “it’s ok your just doing what you have to” because that stupid fucken mate bond of theirs is gonna make him do it.
If SJM ever wants to do a rejected mate bond plot it should be for Ruhn and Lidia. This bitch deserves no happiness for the rest of her life. She should live in an isolated cottage in the woods somewhere where none of her victims or their families have to see her walking in the street with a smile on her face, like everything is normal. She has a metal bar for a jacket collar because of how many people she has killed. Every single one of her victims or victims families have every right to hate her and not be lectured on forgiveness being the greatest form of healing. FUCK NO!!!! SOMETIMES FOR A TRULY EVIL PERSON THEY DESERVE TO BE HATED!!!! She is the worst character I have ever come across.
And I love CC. I want to finish this book for Bryce and Hunt and for Tharion and Ithan. And originally I wanted to see Ruhn happy but I gave up that hope. But this bitch makes me so fuming mad when she appears on the page that I am actually contemplating if I should just DNF it.
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silviakundera · 1 year ago
Watching ML get repeatedly dissed & ditched in the latest episodes The Last Immortal and it's not enough gimme moooorreeee 👏👏👏
MDL crowd has predictably come around on Jin but not me SUFFERRRRRRRRRR 😈😈
no but fr Yin/Fengyin deserves her grudge. This isn't just a misunderstanding! oh poor True God, what was he to do??? 🤔 hmm idk how about NOT hide things from Yin, cause you think her emotional torment is an ok price to pay if it's "for the best"? How about NOT just cave to the crowd? if everyone starts a moral panic & begins to lynch someone then you can...not join in...? and if you are a person with power, you can use that position and privilege to refuse to co-sign punishing or convicting anyone until a full investigation is done properly, when emotions aren't running high. so that real justice is served.
yes blah blah he is young and weak and so made mistakes. Ok sure. I'm not saying to try him for murder! But as those lapses in judgment and backbone lead to FL being gaslighted about him ever caring about her (being repeatedly told she is a lesser being!), then her horrifying torture, extreme emotional trauma that made her no longer care to live.... like, I think she has a justified reason to be a hater. Is the flop king in Nirvana in Fire just misunderstood because he was pressured by the court when jumping to conclusions & allowing The Good Prince and Mei Changsu's family and army to get scapegoated? Is the cowardly Wu emperor in AJTL just misunderstood? It's like shitty leader 101 in palace dramas - allowing yourself to be impulsive & reactionary and steered by how loud the officials are and what they think they're owed, instead of standing your ground & taking time to find the best answer to a dilemma.
Extenuating circumstances, He Tried™. Dude, I know I know I know. He's not evil. Maybe the answer is he realizes he's really crap at being a leader and not cut out for it, so he leaves that to Fengyin and other more qualified parties. I'm just saying - at several places in the Yin storyline, Jin did have multiple options and he made choices that hurt Yin terribly. Including that nonsense with the affection bond, which he didn't have to resolve via borderline emotional abuse. And after her death, he still didn't take any action against Peacock and HongCho who are living just fine & happy for a 1,000 years. He knew very well how little power and privilege she had in that environment, how vulnerable she was to be victimized and he knew some parties had an agenda/bias against her. And he let her down.
So on a personal level, I don't see it as being unfair for her to judge him and avoid his presence. She can decide to forgive him, that's fine. But she's not obligated to and there is no escape clause imo where he suddenly is discovered to blameless all along. He wasn't. She can simply decide to forgive him anyway. (We all know she will.)(And I even want her to! I want my happy ending. Just not by completely absolving Jin, so Fengyin is the unfair party and Jin is the victim.)
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elizabeth-mitchells · 10 months ago
Could you rank some YJ death scenes in terms of how devastating/well written/impactful they were? Laura Lee, Jackie, Javi, Wilderness Baby, and Natalie?
OH? that's a great question omg let's see... okay this is tough. but one thing about some of those death is that they weren't exxactly That unexpected. but since you didn't mention shocking factor, i'll focus on more impactful and devastating (to ME btw)
Laura Lee. yes i'm very biased but listen... it's the first big death of the show, it certainly made a big impression i mean my girl literally blew up in the sky! and even though on s1 i wasn't as obsessed with LL as i am now it was SO devastating, and everyone's reactions... oof. also! as in impactful to the storyline, i think laura lee and her death are so understimated. the influence Ll and her loss had on lottie... and lottie then being the biggest influencer on wilderness stuff... gigantic impact if you ask me
Jackie. when i tell you that up until the very last second i had convinced myself that jackie would survive... but hey. it would Not be yellowjackets if jackie had survived. i know i just talked a lot about the importance of laura lee's death but i'd rather bring her back than jackie. that's how important jackie's death was. was it a shock? no, but i do think it was so well done and that we'll never be done analysing her character and her death
Javi. if i wasn't biased i'd choose this as my number one actually. and i said i wouldn't count if they were a surprise but fuck this was so surprising to me. like... they had just gotten him back! that whole episode, the card sequence, he was spared, then he didn't, going back to him finding the first queen card, that scene was so brutal. it had me on the edge of my seat and i hope the rest of the show is more like this actually
Wilderness baby. do i like that the whole thing was a dream? i don't know. i think the whole thing was a little too cruel for my liking. i appreciate that yellowjackets was like they didn't eat the baby :) but also they did :) and i still want to give sophie nelisse an emmy. that last scene... yeah this could be number one too
Natalie. 👏 she 👏 deserved 👏 better 👏 and i'm not forgiving them for this. too cruel for me but it left and even worse feeling. i do not like ittttt it makes me so saddddd please fix ittttt (though i do appreciate the dying moment in the plane thing)
(give me five ships, characters, or shows and I will rank them from my favorite to my least favorite.)
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kooksbunnnn · 9 months ago
Those who believe ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ need to mature and live abit of life because that is not the case for every ‘cheater’ because everyone is different and has different morals.
Taking back a cheater depends on the situation. ONE drunken/drugged up mistake can be forgiven because that person wouldn’t have done it otherwise, BUT it also depends on if the person is willing to grovel and are remorseful, they’ll know they won’t do it ever again, which JK is doing.
Going through a situation like this can actually make a relationship stronger — if the couple are willing to forgive (not forget) and work through it.
A serial cheater, or those who seek it out, obviously don’t give those people a second chance.
But people make mistakes.
All it takes is one person or one mistake/situation to make someone realise they fucked up or did wrong and they won’t do it again.
Again, people make mistakes, and that doesn’t mean they’re not deserving of a second chance.
I’m team JK+OC getting together again and working through it 🫶
This. 👏👏👏👏 thankyou🩷
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waynes-multiverse · 11 months ago
Aaaah this chapter had so many awesome gems! I loved it! 😍💎
Denise is so sweet and caring 🥹 I love that she's the reader's aunt, too, and that there is a straight connection to Cassie and everyone
And I had a feeling when grief counseling was mentioned that she'd run into Beau 😁
Tastes like damn soil water! You made a grossed out sound and spat it back into your cup.
Hahaha I loved that little easter egg to Smoke Eater! I haven't gotten far in that series yet, but even I understood that one 😂👏
“Let’s go around, introduce ourselves, and share something interesting.
Oh God, my worst nightmare whenever someone suggests that 😂 I'm with the reader on that one: is watching TV interesting enough? lol
Beau’s brows rose as his lips twitched upwards.
Ooop, someone likes himself a professor 😏 (Thank God she's English Lit and not Paleontology 😆)
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“Do you think you have the right man?” you asked, speaking of Walter.
I honestly have such a soft spot for Walter 🥺 (Also, Seth Gabel is such a good actor 👀) I didn't like Paige because I thought she was taking advantage of him. I was surprised to find out in the end she actually had feelings for him. That kinda came out of the left field 😅
And I totally understand why reader feels guilty over Mary's death, but it really wasn't her fault. I hope she can forgive herself at some point ❤️
“Just a couple months before the wedding, I found out he’d been cheating on me with his college girlfriend…pretty much throughout our whole relationship,” you said.
Jesus effing Christ! No wonder she's so upset and wanted to move 🙈 What a giant ass-douchface her ex-fiance was. Honestly, that scum doesn't deserve her tears...
I absolutely loved their little get-to-know coffee date! 🫶 It was exactly what they both needed. Let's be honest, their past meetings were a bit awkward, considering the circumstances (tete-a-tetes with new husbands and murder investigations) 🤣
He offered you a napkin. “Sorry it’s not a tissue.”
I snorted 😂
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Cassie and Jenny shared a certain look—the kind these women donned when they were having a private conversation with just their eyes. This time, it seemed to be about him.
Gaaaah, I felt through Jenny throughout this chapter. I got all the little hints you dropped and loved the way you described her silent pain 💔
“Crazy, Stupid Love,” Jenny grinned, holding up the DVD cover. “For Ryan Gosling, of course.”
This is my favorite movie, btw. I just watched it last week again lmao 🤣❤️
“Okay now, just pivot on this corner,” he instructed. “Pivot!”  Jenny nearly dropped her end out of sheer aggravation. Her blue eyes cut down to his. “If you say pivot one more time, I’m gonna shoot you,” she snapped.
I DIED!!! 🤣🤣🤣
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“Threatening to shoot the sheriff.
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Zep, it's too much! You're killing me 🤣💀
And did you have to make that hunk of a man move furniture? And SWEAT???? Dear fucking Lord, I-I- I'm not alive anymore. Pretty sure, yep... 🥵💦 (I was full with Denise with this one. And I could just imagine her gloriously shameless face the whole time as she thirsted over him 😆)
“Okay, cowboy. Let’s ride,” you said. And you even surprised yourself with the flirtatious note in your voice.
Wooohooo! Are we having another date? 👀 Welp, if she's not getting on a horse for Cormac, maybe Beau will actually do it for her 😝
Can't wait for all the riding... I mean horse riding next chapter! 😏😍🤍
Take Me Home - Part 3
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
AN: I’m being continuously blown away by your lovely responses on this story. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate all the love for our cowboy sheriff and where TMH is going.
Word Count: 6.6K
Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, a heart-to-heart, flirtations, and invitations taken…
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Part 3: Welcome Home
In the next twenty-four hours after Mary was found, the police’s investigation led them to a man named Walter. He’d been living in the woods, and was suspected of stalking the camp for days. 
He was arrested as a prime suspect in Mary’s murder at Sunny Day Excursions, along with Paige’s; even though they’d yet to find her body, the police did confirm that she'd never made it home to New York.
They also found Luke later that night. His body was pierced to a tree by an archer’s arrow. 
The campers were sent home shortly after Walter was arrested. 
And three days later, your aunt Denise gingerly took a seat on the edge of the couch you’d been lying in all day (and all week so far). She swept her fingers over your greasy hair in both comfort and affection. 
Denise Brisbane was your mom’s sister. She was a private investigator here in Helena. And as you found out, she actually worked with Cassie Dewell, the woman you’d met at the camp, who was still in search of a missing backpacker.
“You’ve barely moved in days, honey,” Denise said.
Her face was sympathetic and sad, watching you. Though you felt the sting of guilt, feeling like a burden that had just been unloaded on your aunt, you didn’t want to leave your warm blankets. Your body felt heavy and useless.
“Good news though. The rest of your stuff ships in tomorrow,” she said, continuing to pet your hair. “I’ll help you move into your new apartment. How does that sound?”
You gave a weak nod. “Thanks.”
She sighed. “I’m not trying to kick you out, hun. I just think it’ll be good for you to start getting on your feet.”
You agreed, wordlessly. In your head, you knew she was right. You couldn’t sleep on her couch forever, and perhaps more importantly, you couldn’t let this beat you down forever.
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” Denise asked, squeezing your shoulder. “Your mom wanted to get the first flight out here, but I told her I’d take care of you until you go home for the funeral.”
You were grateful for that. As much as you loved your mother, you didn’t want to be smothered right now. Your mom’s version of comfort could only include a heavy dose of smothering. The one thing you had been able to do was call Mary’s parents.
That had been a long and painful conversation. After which, you slept like the dead for two days straight.
Denise broke you out of your wandering thoughts when she handed you a business card. It had a banyan tree emblazoned on it, along with the name of a grief counseling center.
“Cassie’s actually been going here, and she’s liked it so far,” she said.
At your furrowed look of confusion, she added, “Look, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me, but I think it would be good for you to talk to someone. Maybe someone who understands what you’re going through.”
You sighed and flipped the card through your fingers. You really, really didn’t want to go. You could already what your father would say if he knew you went to a grief counselor. His form of “therapy” was the growing collection of bourbon behind his desk.   
But if it meant you’d stop being a lump in your aunt’s living room, then maybe you could give it a shot.
“Okay,” you nodded. Your voice was a bit coarse with disuse. Denise gave you a smile, and a warm hug that felt like home. She even offered to make your appointment for you.
You were a little annoyed though. Now you’d have to actually get up and put on a bra.
“Maybe shower first, huh?” she advised, while she helped you get up.
“Yeah, yeah,” you replied.
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A hot shower, washing and styling your hair, putting real clothes on, and overall making yourself presentable actually made you feel human again. You even surprised yourself by putting on a bit of makeup.
Once you made it to the grief counseling center in your car, however, you sat in the parking lot for a minute. You had to take a moment to breathe. Because you knew you were going to be asked what happened. You were going to have to get into it all over again.
Even after you were able to leave your car and brave through the carpeted halls of the building, your hands were shaking. At the reception desk, an older woman directed you down another long hallway to the group session. It was the only one available on short notice, but she promised that if you found the session helpful, she could help you book another group session, or even a solo session.
You weren’t sure if you were ready for “solo,” but a group appealed to you. Maybe you could just sit in the back and let the others talk.
The counselor, Tom, greeted you when you walked into the right room. It was a small room with a bunch of chairs formed in a circle at the center. No room to hide, you thought with growing unease. You glanced over and saw that there were a few people already milling about, making small talk in a cluster near the circle.
“We’re gonna start here in a few minutes, but until then, you can take a seat,” said Tom. “There’s also coffee and cookies over there, if you like.”
Coffee. Coffee was warm, and it might settle your nerves and help you perk up a bit. You thanked him and went for the carafes on a small table in the back. You poured some coffee into a Styrofoam cup and poured a little sugar and creamer into it, but after you took an experimental sip, you immediately regretted it.
Tastes like damn soil water! You made a grossed out sound and spat it back into your cup.
“Yeah, wouldn’t recommend the joe,” drawled a familiar voice. 
You turned sharply to find Sheriff Beau Arlen. He gave you a sympathetic look as he reached for a cup of water. Seeing him took you by such surprise, you gasped with a slight flinch, accidentally spilling some scalding coffee on yourself in the process. 
You held the cup away from you fast, but a few drops still flecked on your jeans, and even his boots. 
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” you gasped again. Beau just smiled good-naturedly and grabbed a few napkins off the table.
“It’s all right,” he said. “I’m the one who snuck up on you. Accidentally, I might add.”
He handed you the napkins so you could soak up the coffee from your hand and arm. Meanwhile, he took your half-empty coffee cup and tossed it in the garbage. Your damp wad of napkins joined the cup.
And when you finally looked up at him again, you both found yourselves smiling, despite where you were. It was the first time you’d been able to smile in days.
“Sheriff Arlen,” you greeted. “I did not expect to see you here…”
His smile faltered at that, but his hand reached back to sort through his short hair at the back of his head. 
“Ah, call me Beau,” he said. “I have a feeling we’re about to get to know each other better.”
You agreed to that, just as you agreed to join him for a seat within the circle of chairs. He leaned back in his chair and swept a hand through his hair again, perhaps in a nervous gesture. You glanced over at him, saw the way he smoothed a hand down his jeans when his knee started bouncing…
Could he be as anxious as you? You had to wonder why he was here, for grief counseling of all things. The thought sobered you as more people filtered in and took their seats. Tom eventually got things started from his spot across from you in the circle.
“Okay, we’ve got a couple of first timers to this group session, so tell you what,” he said. “Let’s go around, introduce ourselves, and share something interesting. Whether it’s what you do for a living, a new hobby you picked up, or keeping it even more simple, something fun you did this week.”
You looked down at the folded hands in your lap. If binge watching entire seasons of Succession and sleeping until noon every day counted as something fun, then you were all set.
The introductions started to his left, so it took a while before it got around to you. There was that little flutter of nerves in your stomach, like you were a kid again, and it was the first day of school (but worse).
Luckily, Beau was before you. You were curious about what he would share as he let out a subtle clearing of his throat.
“Hi there, I’m Beau Arlen. Some of you know me as the new sheriff over at Helena PD.” He greeted everyone with a short wave, though he tossed you a smiling glance. “You might also be able to tell that I’m from Texas. Born and bred in Houston. I moved up here to stay close to my daughter, who’s living here with her mother…my ex-wife.”
He tacked on that last bit after a slight pause. But he recovered quicker than you could process and gestured to you next. You forced yourself to perk up, putting your “teacher’s hat” on as you tried to meet everyone’s eyes. First, you gave them your name.
“I’m also from out of town, from Chicago,” you said, glancing at Beau. His expression was encouraging. It gave you the small boost you didn’t know you needed. “I’m a college professor, formerly of the University of Chicago…but I start at Caroll College in the fall.”
Beau’s brows rose as his lips twitched upwards. You tried not to blush as you passed on the introductions to the next person.
The session itself was light overall. Tom talked about the stress that often came with the unknown—with moving past a challenging time, or tackling a new project, or even moving to a new and unfamiliar city. He didn’t force everyone to chime in about themselves, but the ones who were ready to share took the floor one by one. And by the end, you thought that you’d gleaned some useful tidbits just by listening.
Hell, maybe you’d even come back here.
When the session was over though, you were kind of relieved. You grabbed your purse and got up to leave.
“Well, that was relatively painless,” Beau said, also getting up from his seat.
“Yeah, wasn’t so bad,” you replied. Your name fell from his lips in the form of a question, earning your expectant gaze.
“Listen, uh, can I buy you a real cup of coffee?” he offered. “We might not have met under the best of circumstances, but I just heard recently that you’re Denise’s niece. Well, I’m friends with the gals over at Dewell & Hoyt, your aunt included, so I just thought it’d be good to get to know each other, being that we’re both kinda new in town, and—”
You set a light hand on his arm. That one touch was able to stop his rambling, along with the sight of your amused smile up at him.
“Coffee sounds great,” you said.
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You decided there was no real harm in meeting him at the nearest coffee shop, just a few minutes away.
It was hard not to associate the sheriff with that terrible night at the camp, but you knew that wasn’t fair to him. He seemed like a nice guy, and by the way he talked about his daughter, maybe even a good man.
In your experience, a good man was hard to find.
“So, what do you teach exactly?” Beau asked. He’d just finished telling you about Emily starting a summer internship with Cassie and Denise at the private investigation agency. Like father like daughter, you’d remarked. Beau’s soft, but proud smile had been telling.
“English literature,” you replied to his question, sipping at your cappuccino. He was drinking a hot French vanilla latte, which kind of amused you. You had expected him to order an Americano or something.   
“Oh, yeah? What sort of classes?” he said.  
“The greatest hits, basically,” you explained. “Composition, English grammar, Shakespeare…Twentieth Century British Literature.”
“Oh, is that all?” he chuckled. It charmed a smile out of you. 
“I don’t know why I asked. I didn’t even go to college,” Beau said. It finally succeeded in making you laugh.
“Straight to the police academy, then?” you asked.
“Like a cannonball, heels a blazin’,” he said, miming a gunshot with his hand. 
“Like a rhinestone cowboy,” you teased. And you felt brave enough to hum the riff of the Glen Campbell song. 
Beau shook his head with a grin. He’d seen you, all tightened up and anxious throughout the group session, even though it had been pretty lightweight. He could relate to your discomfort. He’d made a conscious effort to talk very little about himself and gave the others the room to tell their stories.
Beau liked seeing you more relaxed though. He liked your smile, the glimpses of your sense of humor shining through. He liked that he was somehow able to bring that out of you for a while. 
“I still can’t believe you're Denise’s niece,” he said, once again shaking his head. “What a small world.”
“Yeah. I’ve been crashing on her couch for the past week,” you admitted. “But I have the rest of summer to settle into my new apartment, starting tomorrow. I’ve got my whole life shipping in on a truck.”
Beau nodded at that. He contemplated whether it’d be appropriate for him to offer you some help with that. The question was on the tip of his tongue, until he saw the way your mood saddened. You sat contemplating your coffee mug.
“I asked her to come,” you confessed. When your eyes met his, they shone with the beginning of unshed tears. “The camping trip was Mary’s idea, but I asked her to come with me to Helena for the week. She wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for me.”
Beau let out a deep breath and met you with a more somber, understanding gaze. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” he said. He was reminded that they had Walter in custody. He wasn’t yet willing to break and confess to the murders at Sunny Day Excursions, but they had him.
“I promise, we’ll get justice for Mary,” Beau added. You sighed and wiped a tear from your cheek.
“Do you think you have the right man?” you asked, speaking of Walter.
“I do,” Beau replied. “He’s being stubborn, but all the evidence points to him.”
You nodded gratefully, but you had to try and breathe through your tumultuous emotions, the way your heart was cracking with pain. You didn’t want to break down in the middle of a damn coffee shop.
Again, Beau wrestled with the inclination to cover his hand over yours. He felt like he was toeing the line between his professional capacity as a sheriff, and the fact that you were his friend’s niece. He wanted to comfort you the best he could. But sometimes, words just weren’t enough.
You took a half-hearted sip of your coffee. By now, it was lukewarm, if still tasty and sweet. It was healthier than whiskey, you supposed.
“She was like…like my sister, you know?” you said. “I feel like I failed her.”
Beau shook his head, his dark brows furrowing. He didn’t know how many times he could say it wasn’t your fault, knowing you probably wouldn’t ever believe it.
That struck a familiar bell.
“Look, I uh…I understand what you’re going through,” he admitted. Your watery gaze found his again. Your head tilted in interest.
He sighed before answering your unspoken question. “I lost my partner on the job, now a couple years back.”
“I’m sorry,” you replied, and your sympathy was as genuine as his had been for you. “I’m guessing you two were close.”
Beau’s lips quirked at one corner. “He was like my brother. Matter of fact, I think it used to make my own brother jealous.”
You processed that with a sad frown, though your brows soon rose in curiosity.
“You have a brother?”
“Yep,” Beau nodded. The brief shadows in his eyes lifted at the merciful change of topic. “Good ole’ David. I still call him Davey, even though he hates it.”
A smile played on your lips. “Older or younger?”
“Younger, by a few years,” he replied. There was a more natural gleam to his smile then. “He’s a hotshot doctor back in Houston.”
He teased, but you could see there was pride behind his eyes. It reminded you of the way he got whenever he talked about Emily.
“So you know my story. What brought you to Montana?” he asked. He wanted to see if he could help you get your mind off Mary. He didn’t know that he’d just pulled the pin on a whole other grenade. 
You let out a wry chuckle. 
“Uh, oh,” Beau said warily. 
You nodded. He did tell you his story—ex-wife with a new husband, daughter, a new job in Montana—though you still didn’t know why he was going to grief counseling. If it was because of his partner, you could understand that…but you also didn’t want to pry.
You also knew it was only fair to answer his question.
“It’s not exactly like your situation but…I was engaged,” you said at last. 
Past tense, he noted. 
“Good guy?” he asked. 
“A firefighter,” you replied. Though you knew well the rivalry that sometimes existed between cops and firefighters. Beau’s growing bemusement told you he was thinking along the same lines. 
“Ah, a smoke eater, huh?” But his smile faded. “Did something happen to him on the job?”
“No,” you said, again with that weary chuckle. It was hard for you to get this out, but you’d been wrestling with it for over six months, damn near a year. It was enough. 
“Just a couple months before the wedding, I found out he’d been cheating on me with his college girlfriend…pretty much throughout our whole relationship,” you said. 
Though you promised yourself that you’d never cry over this again, today had already been incredibly difficult. The tears came, and you couldn’t stop them. 
Beau's brows had risen high in surprise. Then, a deeper sympathy settled in his eyes.
“Jesus. How long?” he asked.
“We were together three years, engaged for about another one,” you said. “Almost four years of my life, just…”
You mimed a puff of smoke blowing out of your hand. 
“Yeah. I know the feeling,” Beau said. His tone was wry as he dragged a hand over his beard. You gave him an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry. I know my story doesn’t compare with a marriage,” you said.
“That’s not what I was gettin’ at,” he replied. “But I get it. You start to think, what the hell was it all for? …Except for my daughter.”
“Yeah. Unfortunately, I don’t have an Emily,” you said. At the same time though, you were very glad you never had kids with that man.
Beau frowned when he saw the way your face fell further, becoming distant, and lost in old memories. 
“Afterwards, I…I checked out, you know? I could barely focus on my students, my family, my friends.” Your nails drummed on the countertop. You shook your head as it all filtered through your mind again. “But the last straw was that my dad tried to get me to work things out with him, and I just…I lost it. Beau, I absolutely lost my shit.”
Beau grimaced. “What made your dad think that would work?”
“He’s a retired firehouse chief,” you said, with a purse of your lips. “He’s always had a soft spot for Michael.”
“Michael, huh?” Beau quirked a brow. “That come with a last name?”
You shot him a look of amusement. 
“What, are you going to run his LUDS?” you joked, but you couldn’t prevent a sniffle as a new wave of emotion threatened an upswell.
You felt pathetic. This man was the whole-ass sheriff of this town. He probably had more important things to do than listen to you complain about your imploded relationship. But you were also Denise’s niece. Maybe he just felt sorry for you.
He offered you a napkin. “Sorry it’s not a tissue.”
In his eyes though, you didn’t see pity. Just kindness.
“It’s okay. I can brave a scratchy napkin,” you said, laughing a little. “But after that, I knew one of two things was going to happen. Either I was going to break open my dad’s gun safe and shoot the bastard in the ass, or I had to get the hell out of Chicago. My mom and Aunt Denise suggested I come here for a visit, just to clear my head. That turned into scoping out jobs, and then apartments… Now I’m here.”
That fell between you for a moment as your companion processed it all. In hindsight, you probably shouldn’t have mentioned that whole bit about possibly shooting your ex, but he took it in stride. 
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad you are,” Beau said. “Here, that is.”
You couldn’t help but blush; at his words, the deep green of his eyes, and the sincerity of his smile.
“Likewise, Sheriff,” you said.
He smirked. “Also glad you didn’t go shootin’ people in the ass.” 
You covered your face and laughed. 
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Beau walked you to your car like the gentleman he was, even though it was only late afternoon. You opened the driver’s side door, but you lingered there. You turned back to him, curling a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Thanks for the coffee, and for letting me ramble, and vent, and soak up a few dozen napkins,” you said. You laughed a little in embarrassment, but he waved it off.
“It wasn’t as bad as all that, but good luck movin’ into your apartment tomorrow,” he said. Then it was his turn to hesitate. “If you need some help with that, just let me know.”
You blinked, mouth parting in soft surprise.
“Oh, thank you but…I don’t want to trouble you,” you said.
“You wouldn’t be. That’s why I offered,” he replied, smiling down at you in a way that had you melting a little bit more. “I’ve got an early shift tomorrow, but after, I could probably pull in Cassie. Maybe even Jenny, if she’s up for it. She’s one of our deputies at the PD.”
Beau recognized your hesitance.
“It wouldn’t be any trouble, I promise,” he said, holding a hand over his heart. “We’ve gotta welcome you to the neighborhood, don’t we?”
You were still a little unsure, but you agreed to it with a thank you, along with a more shy, sweet smile.
Beau liked that smile too.
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Later that day, Beau remembered it was his turn to host the ritual movie night Friday with Cassie and Jenny. His trailer was too small to have it inside, so they set up Cassie’s projector out in front, by the fire. According to his friends, he was going about the night with too much cheer.
“You’re entirely too smiley to have just come from an afternoon of therapy,” Jenny pointed out. She uncapped her second beer, then passed him the bucket. He waved her off; he was still nursing his first beer of the night. If he stuck to his plan, then it’d be his only beer of the night.
“Aw, it wasn’t so bad, actually,” he said. He explained that you had been there at the group session. The moment your name was mentioned, Cassie and Jenny both raised their brows.
“Really?” Cassie remarked.
“Yeah. Losing her friend really shook her up. Understandably,” Beau said. His gaze lowered when he played through his afternoon with you in his mind. Though your situations were different, both in your lost friends and lost relationships, he realized just how much he’d understood and connected with a near stranger.
That kind of thing didn’t happen to him often, if ever before.
“But, she’s actually moving into her new place tomorrow,” he added, breaking himself out of his own head. “Speakin’ of, would you two have the time to help her and Denise out? I already said I would come by after shift tomorrow.”
Cassie and Jenny shared a certain look—the kind these women donned when they were having a private conversation with just their eyes. This time, it seemed to be about him.
“What?” he asked, his hands spreading wide.
“Nothing,” Cassie said, smiling. “Sure, I can come.”
“Yeah,” Jenny agreed, “barring nothing too crazy happens on shift.”
Beau inclined his head. “Knock on wood there. Anyway, what’re we watching?”
“Crazy, Stupid Love,” Jenny grinned, holding up the DVD cover. “For Ryan Gosling, of course.”
Beau rolled his eyes.
A few months ago, he wouldn’t have expected that he’d make friends with exclusively women in this town, but he only complained about it in times like these.
Though as it turned out, he enjoyed the movie. There were as many hilarious scenes as there were poignant ones. By the end of the night though, he was beat.
Jenny helped with the cleanup, but she ended up taking off first. It left Beau to put away the fold-up chairs with Cassie.
“So, tell me,” she said, in a leading tone and with a teasing smile. “You crushing on Glamper Girl for real now?”
Beau shot her a wry look.
“She’s not a glamper anymore,” he pointed out. “And I’m not crushing like some teenager. I just want to help her out. She’s been through a lot…and she’s Denise’s family. It’s just the right thing to do.”
Cassie laughed. “That’s a lot of over-explaining you’re doing right there, but okay, Beau.” 
He rolled his eyes, but he had to smile. “Okay, that’s it. I’m gonna have to insist you get off my property.”
“Off what, your tin can?” she retorted.
“Hey! She can hear you.”
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Beau wiped the sweat from his brow strategically while he carried his end (the heavier end, he might add) of your couch. He and Jenny were trying to get it up the stairwell to your apartment on the second floor.
“Okay now, just pivot on this corner,” he instructed. “Pivot!”
 Jenny nearly dropped her end out of sheer aggravation. Her blue eyes cut down to his.
“If you say pivot one more time, I’m gonna shoot you,” she snapped.
Beau whistled in amusement. “Threatening to shoot the sheriff. Now that’s at least a misdemeanor.”
Right as he could almost see the fumes coming out of his deputy’s ears, you hustled up the stairs to help them. You picked up the middle to make it easier.
“Okay, we can do this! I think we can just tip it on its side to get it around the corner,” you said.
To everyone’s relief, your suggestion worked. Denise held the door open while the three of you got the couch up to the second floor, then into your apartment. Once the couch was successfully in the living room, you went to the kitchen and grabbed a few bottles of water out of the fridge. You handed one each to Beau and Jenny.
“Thank you guys again so much for doing this,” you said, still catching your breath. You surveyed all the boxes and furniture you all had brought in, and you realized you were crazy to think you and Denise could’ve done all of this by yourselves.
“It’s our pleasure,” Beau nodded. He gestured to his sweating face and neck. “But do you have a towel or a rag or something? You’re about to be mopping me off the floor in a minute.”
“Yeah, of course. Hold on,” you said. You went back into the kitchen and retrieved a clean hand towel. Beau used it to dry his face, neck, and the top of his chest.
You tried not to stare at the flash of tan skin near the collar of his plain gray shirt, or the wet spots clinging to his back. The sleeves were tight around his arms and across his chest, leading you to believe that despite being in his mid-forties, he kept himself in shape. 
Meanwhile, Jenny drank her water, and pretended not to notice you staring at her boss. Part of her was amused, but a good part of her felt an unfamiliar sting as well.
“Okay,” Beau clapped a hand on his jean-clad thigh after he drained his own water bottle. “What’s next?”
Your face warmed, because you knew what your aunt was about to say before she said it.
“Oh, I think it’s just your bed, right honey?” she asked you.
“All right, let’s do it. Frame, headboard, box spring, and mattress, I assume,” Beau said, rubbing his sweaty hands together. He stretched his arms in preparation.
Again, you had to admire the way his shirt pulled across his tall, broad frame. But you followed after him when he started heading out the door.
“Wait, you shouldn’t do it by yourself!” you called out, and quickly followed after him.
Denise shot Jenny and Cassie a highly amused look.
“That's what she saaaid,” Denise sing-songed. The other two women grimaced.
“Wow. That’s your niece!” Cassie exclaimed.
“And technically my boss, thanks,” Jenny added.
“What, they’re cute, aren’t they?” Denise said, gesturing at the way you and Beau left.
“This from the woman who’s been lusting after that man since the minute he got into town,” Cassie retorted.
“Well, I’m woman enough to bow out when I’ve been thwarted. By my own blood no less,” Denise replied, but her mischievous smile said it all as she breezed back into the kitchen to start unpacking the silverware for you.
She knew for a fact that you’d made dinner for later—and not just because she’d told you how much Beau liked lasagna.
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Beau accepted your help, along with Cassie and Jenny’s in bringing up all the parts of your bed. He just insisted on utilizing his own power tools to put it together.
That was how you found yourself holding the headboard up straight while Beau made sure the frame was aligned. It wasn’t as easy as it looked; the wood panels had to slide into the notch in the headboard just so, before he could start drilling the bolts back in.
“Damn it,” he muttered, when one panel of the frame nearly slipped out of his hand.
“Can you actually use that power drill?” Cassie asked. “Because you’re pretty hopeless with cars.”
Beau rolled his eyes, despite his smile. “Save the belittling for later. Tryin’ to concentrate.”
After a few more minutes of sweating, mild cursing, and internal praying, you, Beau, and Cassie managed to get the bedframe put together with the headboard. Then the box spring, and finally the mattress. It marked the official end of moving in.
While Beau, Cassie, and Jenny took a much-deserved rest sitting on the couch with a round of beers, you went to the kitchen where your aunt had already preheated the oven for you. Now you just needed to pull out the two massive pans of lasagna you’d prepared the night before—as a thank you for everyone who came to help you.
Denise sidled up to you and touched your arm to get your attention.
“Good job inviting our dear Beau to lift furniture for us,” she whispered, waggling her brows. You shot her a look and shushed her.
“Do you always flirt with him like this?” you asked incredulously.
“Well, I might have to do it less blatantly if he’s gonna keep playing Mr. White Knight for you,” she teased. 
“He is not. He’s just…nice,” you whispered back. “So are Cassie and Jenny.” 
Denise gave you an amused look. “Mhmm.”
You rolled your eyes and focused on getting dinner ready.
Within the hour, the five of you were sat at your new modest dining table between the kitchen and the living room, eating lasagna and drinking iced tea. Jenny and Beau had beers alongside them, and conversation drifted from how you intended to set up the apartment, to Cassie’s still open missing backpacker case.
The parents were even more worried now, saying it was out of character for him not to check in with a phone call, despite the email he’d apparently sent them a few days ago. Beau had agreed to give Cassie whatever help she needed on the periphery, especially if further evidence revealed itself on the backpacker’s whereabouts.
Beau was already on his second helping of lasagna when he raised his gaze to you, right across from him at the table.
“Clearly you get your cooking skills from your aunt, because this is fantastic,” he said.
Denise twittered. You blushed a little as you smiled.
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
There was a short lull, filled by the tapping of silverware on plates, before Denise spoke up.
“By the way,” she said, looking to you and Beau. “Did you two have a productive time at grief counseling? What did you talk about?”
It was a well-meaning, but perhaps intrusive question. Both you and Beau tensed up. Cassie gave Denise a warning look. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. You guys don’t have to answer that,” Denise amended. 
“Um, it’s okay,” you replied. “It wasn’t too bad…I think I might go again.”
Beau had a warmer smile for you. “That’s good.”
You were able to return his smile. You turned to Cassie next.
“You went there for a while, right?” you asked. Cassie nodded. 
“It was helpful,” she said. “I’m glad you’re getting something out of it.”
You took that with a nod, and returned your gaze to Beau.
“Have you been going there long?” you asked him.
He tilted his head. “Actually, yesterday was my first time too.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh, really?”
Cassie was intrigued at the way this little scene was playing out. Thought she caught the look on Jenny’s face while she watched it too. Like Jenny was studying them, not sure what to make of it all.
Beau wore a self-deprecating smile.
“Yeah. Just…hadn’t gotten around to it,” he answered you.
There was a heaviness in his voice and in his eyes that you didn’t miss, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable in a room full of people, even if they were his friends. 
“Well, I’ll go again if you do,” you offered, a bit bolder than you felt. Beau met your eyes across the table, and his lips lifted at the corners. 
“All right,” he said. “You got yourself a deal, miss ma’am.”
You fought against a blush rising up your neck. You glanced down and took a sip of your iced tea. 
“Look at you. Pulling out your ‘sheriff’ voice,” Cassie teased. 
“Like a rhinestone cowboy…” you sang into your glass. Your smile peeked out around the corners of it.  
Most of the table laughed. Jenny smiled, but opted for drinking her beer.
Meanwhile, Beau gave you a mock look of betrayal. His true amusement shone through his eyes. 
“I see how this is. Gang up on the Texan time,” he remarked. 
That gave Cassie an opening to ask you something, and hopefully get to know you better. Already she had an instinct about you: she liked you. And clearly Beau seemed to as well. Cassie tended to be more cautious about people, even if you were Denise’s family.
“So how are you liking the Midwest so far?” Cassie asked you. 
“So far? It’s the fresh air I needed,” you replied. 
“Oh, you should check out that art studio you wanted to see,” Denise chimed in. 
“You’re an artist too?” Beau asked, raising a brow. You chuckled.
“No, just an amateur with a handful of brushes,” you replied.
You remembered the peace you’d gotten while painting in sight of the mountains. But when you got to Denise’s house, you’d hidden away those canvases, not wanting to be reminded of that week at Sunny Day Excursions. And of Mary. 
“Oh, but have you gone horseback riding yet?” Denise asked. “I know you were gonna try on your camping trip—”
You loved your aunt. You really did, but she also had a knack for putting her foot in her mouth. The others quieted as you dimmed at the actual mention of that God-forsaken place.
“I tried,” you said. “I never actually managed to make it on the horse.” 
“Aw, well if you ever want to go, there’s a stable in town. They give lessons too,” Denise said.
You nodded and forced a smile. You went back to picking at the remnants of lasagna and salad on your plate.
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When everyone began to filter out of your new apartment, each with their own set of well-wishing and a container of leftovers to take home, Beau ended up being last to leave. You had followed him to the door, where you handed him his tupperware of leftovers, and he thanked you in appreciation.
“Now I just need a microwave,” he said. “My toaster oven’s been on the fritz.”
Your brows rose in amusement. “You have a toaster oven, but not a microwave?”
“Well, let’s just say my trailer doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of space for appliances,” Beau replied, chuckling.
You smiled at that. You hesitated, but you eventually touched his hand that held the tupperware.
“Thank you again for coming here, for helping me…and for yesterday,” you said.
Beau almost didn’t realize it, but his face was getting warm. As warm as your pretty smile.
“Well, you’re very welcome,” he said. “And just puttin’ it out there, I may or may not have been riding a horse before I could walk. First memory I have is my dad putting me on Old Bess when I was four. She nearly kicked me off…not that that would happen to you. I’m just saying—” 
“I see.” Your giggle ended with a smirk. Beau tended to ramble. You weren’t sure if it was a nervous tick, or just a facet of his upbeat personality…but you found it endearing.
He leveled you with a grin. “Listen, what I mean to say is, if you’re serious about wanting to learn how to ride, I could teach you. It’s not that hard.”
You bit your lip, mentally beginning to weigh out the pros and cons. To be honest, you still had reservations, both on riding a horse, and on Beau being the one to teach you. Was he just being nice, your “friendly neighborhood sheriff,” or was your aunt onto something?
…You weren’t sure, but your instincts told you that at the very least, you could trust him with this. And trust had become hard for you to give any man.
“Okay, cowboy. Let’s ride,” you said. And you even surprised yourself with the flirtatious note in your voice. 
Beau’s grin kicked up a notch. You then exchanged numbers so you could hash out the details of when and where to meet sometime soon. Hopefully soon. 
Then you wished him a good night. 
“G’night, darlin’,” he said. He lingered in the hallway for a parting grin. “And welcome home.”
Your answering smile warmed him, long after he left your door.
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AN: *rubs hands together* We're really getting into it now. 😂 Finally we have the big reveal of why she left Chicago, and the start of her and Beau's bond. You'll see more of that, and of Emily, in the next chapter...
Next Time:
You gasped and gripped even tighter with your thighs. With almost everything you had.
You were still far too unsteady for comfort on this damn horse. The poor animal whinnied, tossing his head back with a huff. Unfortunately, that just made you tense up even more as you held onto his neck. 
Beau tried not to laugh. You looked like a cat clinging to the edge of a bath.
“Okay, you needa relax a little,” he said. “He ain’t gonna buck you, long as you don’t give him a reason to.”
You shot him a narrowed look.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 4
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Series Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
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iamsuchi · 3 years ago
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Firstly, AFFIRM: As God I am able to manifest anything I want. Nothing limits God so therefore nothing limits me form achieving my desires.
👉🏽 I now release the following limiting beliefs as they no longer serve me (repeat as many times as needed)
1. Logic 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: when it comes to manifesting logic doesn’t apply, I can have anything I want, anything is possible!
3. Doubts/intrusive thoughts 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: it is normal to have doubts and intrusive or negative thoughts BUT I never let them consume me; I acknowledge them ➡️ I let them go ➡️ I keep on persisting and assuming that my desires are mine and are already here.
4. “I’m not good enough” 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/ AFFIRM: I am worthy, nothing is too good for me I deserve the very best in life. Whenever I wonder if I’m not good enough for something or someone I then ask myself is that thing or person good enough for me? Instead.
5. The 3D 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: Just ignore it. It’s that simple, just ignore it. Don’t over react, don’t get upset, pay it no attention at all. Sure they’ll be times when I can’t ignore something or I overact to something BUT I just forgive myself for doing so ➡️ let it go ➡️ continue to ignore and/or not over react ➡️ live in my imagination ➡️ persist and assume that it is already mine. It’s that simple. The 3D calls me daddy it has to do what I say because I AM that powerful. I AM GOD ✨🧿
6. The expectation of others (especially from my family members) 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/ AFFIRM: I only live for the expectations of myself and not others. Whatever they think of me that’s on them, it’s my life to live and I’m going to live it to the fullest!
7. “Trying to manifest” 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: there’s no trying. STOP “trying” ➡️ speak, think, assume and persist the manifestations/desires into being. My word is law and the 3D has to conform!
8. “I should give up” or feelings of hopelessness 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: I shouldn’t forget the reason why I started in the first place. Sure things might get rough but I have nothing to loose, keep going… Keep persisting, keep on assuming. IT’S 👏ALREADY👏 MINE ➡️ COMMIT THAT SHIT TO MEMORY!
9. Comparison/ Comparing myself to other. E.G. “Why can _ manifest so easily and I can’t?!” 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: don’t get jealous or upset that someone’s desire appears in the 3D before mine. Instead be happy for them that their desires are coming into fruition. IT 👏IS 👏 PROOF THAT THE LAW WORKS. IT IS PROOF THAT WE ARE ALL GOD AND WE ARE ALL POWERFUL AND CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING WE PUT OUR MINDS TO! Use that person’s success story as motivation, if they can do it so can I! Cheer that person on, congratulate them, EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO THE UNIVERSE THAT MANIFESTING IS THAT EASY FOR EVERYONE!
10. “Am I doing this right?!” 👉🏽 INSTEAD REMEMBER/AFFIRM: yes I’m doing it right. I have faith in myself and the universe. There is no ‘wrong’ way for me to manifest. Any method I use always brings me success and it brings that success instantly too. Trust the process, do not fear the unknown, have faith and be patient, the universe is on my side and is working for my greatest good and for the greatest good for all those in concern.
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yonkimint · 2 years ago
honestly, i agree with the ppl saying y/n is being the worst person right now! I just can't defend her anymore! I know she has the baby's interest first but like with letting Jay raise little dumpling as his own, i feel like she's leading him on. AND THEN not telling Yoongi at all and hiding HIS CHILD from him for TWO YEARS!?!? GIRL COME ON!!!! At this point both Jay and Yoongi deserve better
But hopefully after everyone suffers for a bit longer, you'll find it in yourself to forgive her and root for her again!
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years ago
Is it danzo ?
Hello, I'm back!?
So first, Tumblr shadowbanned me probably because I was sending Thank You notes to my folks on Tumblr, too many at once that they might have thought I was spamming. 🤣🤣 And now I can't reply to posts, nor even send messages. So my mainstream communication will be through official posts, for now, make sure to look out for my Note section at the beginning of my writings for follow-up information until I'm back to normal, or my Tumblr, in this case. Please help me if you have experienced the same crisis. Thanks 🥺️ @support
And for "First Snow", I will answer all of your replies (the ones I couldn't get to before Tumblr bid me a farewell) here:
This is the first and last time I'm not able to answer directly in the comment section 😢 hopefully. Sorry for literally spamming today, I promise to atone for my behavior with something really cool coming in 2 days! Sorry, anon, for exploiting your ask but I just have to do it this way, didn't want to make another post and spam everyone once more😂 I need you to know that I appreciate your comments and inquiries, every single one of them! 🥺️ *I bolded accounts I couldn't tag so you guys can find yours easier!
So I've been thinking of 2 possible outcomes for the next part: either Shisui is actually really bad, or the dude is a good guy in disguise 🤭 Comment your guesses in Part 15, I can still see them, just can't reply. 😤
And for anon and @fxckingsimp, Danzo is very likely of a culprit🤭🤭@darling-imobsessed Your detective instincts might be right... And for @kootmblr and @shinigami-018, Itachi begging for forgiveness, this is definitely going to happen to say the least 😤😤😤 in some way, shape or form. @dianahearth @mistymuii @alex14sthings @theacevampire @oneofsummersday @justmik0 You all will be fine, it will go away, I promise. Good job👏 @baby320 and @milkshake4800 for having the correct guess, but is it??🤭🤭 @mrmountainman and @moonandflowersfairy Yeah, we deserve a break from the drama. @blyanyan and @sonja3 Don't be sad, I promise y'all a happy ending!
And everyone's inquiry: The mastermind behind this whole ordeal is me someone that is very close to canon, like really close. 🤭😆
Other IMPORTANT notes I want to make:
@fxckingsimp Do join the tag game!😂
I'm going to reconstruct my blog starting from January, including making a separate masterlist for each character, but everything will still be linked in the old one, so you won't lose anything; making a post dedicated for RULES (time to get more professional), touching up my blog's appearance; starting a quarterly sharing corner for tips and just random things as a writer; debuting on AO3 and Wattpad!
@rinnegankakashi I just wanted to say a big thank you for motivating me throughout my writing journey, honestly from when I had 5 followers🥺️🥺️ You deserve the world!💌 And I'm here for you! My chat is not functioning right now, so just inbox me if you want to share anything!
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treason-and-plot · 5 years ago
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#teamchantal 5 ever 😭
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Oh, so Roy thinks he can play puppeteer, huh? (OR, uh, whatever the word for someone pulling the strings on a puppet is. Puppet master? Marionettist?)
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Roy continues to be a piece of work! 😂
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Ugh so manipulative. He doesn't deserve happiness.
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So disappointed in Roy. I was hoping his hands weren't all over that lunch. 😬  Can't wait to see what Chantal has to say to him.
IDK, unpopular opinion but I’d have been kind of disappointed if his hands were clean, lolol!!
I read a lot of comments how Roy had influenced Chantal before the meeting, but I personally didn't believe it. Now I feel very naive and disappointed in Chantal 😔
But really, considering what Roy has done for Freddie, Chantal couldn’t in good conscience refuse his request. And another interesting thing about Chantal is that she is a hopeless romantic, so she probably also got a buzz from imagining that she was helping a couple of star-crossed lovers get back together. Dunno if she is much of a feminist, though...but please don’t be too disappointed, she is still at heart a very kind and generous person!
And maybe I'm reaching way too far, but I kind of feel you did something here and like it - how an ordinary person like JoJo took Saoirse's side in not letting Roy "dancing his horse" all over her as he is used doing with everyone else, and highlife Chantal took almost 4 hours of her "oh, so busy" day schedule to participate in Roy's grand puppet show. Not to mention the reversed gender solidarity wich is also very interesting touch and very non - cliche 👍👏
Thank you Beautiful Mirena! In that scene I wanted to show how deeply sensitive and empathetic Joël is, in keeping with his Scorpio nature...his understanding of others is instinctive and incisive. 
Is that piranha on the foreground somehow an indicator of what is about to befall Roy?
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I think Chantal will give him some good advice. Now, will he take it? That is the big question.
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I'm really beginning to despise Roy. His selfishness in some respects, his manipulative nature to always make sure he gets what HE wants... he disgusts me.
Wait...only beginning?
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Hmm. My ponderings are along the lines of... is she going to give him actually good advice and tell him to stop trying to manipulate this woman? Or is she going to give him a lecture on how to improve his manipulation tactics? I feel like this could go either way.
LOLOL! I think she genuinely feels sorry for both Roy and Saoirse, and wants to see them happy together. But tbh she isn’t much of schemer/ manipulator herself. I see her here as just doing Roy a favour. 
How is the Koi alive beside the piranha
It’s a vegetarian piranha?
Now I miss watching Finding Nemo
Lmboooo the first thing I thought of when I read that was that Chris Mann’s iso parody of the Adele’s Hello when he says how many times he’s watched Finding Dory...we have watched Finding Nemo and Dory too many times to count!
“...did you give her the spiel about forgiveness and shit?” 🤬
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So...instead of Roy trying to talk to her like an adult he sends in a secret agent of sorts. Why am I not surprised? LOL
Lol....well, Roy is an opportunist above all else!
Tell him, Chantal! I can't wait for him to hear what she has to say...
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Let him have it!
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sugarcoatednightshade · 5 years ago
True, but in the wake of All Villains Are Redeemable And Are Secrectly Smol Beans Who Experienced Trauma culture, actual villains are hard to come by these days.
I'm not saying that people cant change, or that redemption arcs are inherently bad, but I've noticed that a lot of people seem to forget that not everyone deserves forgiveness.
Zuko (from A:TLA) has one of the best redemption arcs I've ever seen. So many people have talked about this in depth and with more eloquence than I am capable of, but the success of it basically boils down to
It was planned from the beginning
He's a hormonal teen (which doesnt wholly excuse his actions, as ill discuss later, but it does explain a lot of his irrationality)
In the second episode we are introduced to Zhao, someone irredeemable who we can compare to Zuko. Zuko was a recurring villain, but he was never the big bad; there was always someone worse we could compare him to.
Zuko wasnt a monster. When the gaang fled Kyoshi Island, he didn't torch the place in retaliation or in anger or just for the heck of it. (something that, say, Azula definitely would have) He never killed or maimed for fun, and he was genuinely compassionate.
He wasnt the leader of the opposition, just a pawn in some sociopaths game
His redemption took time. Like, several seasons worth of time, and there were relapses.
Now compare this to one of my least favorite redemption arcs, the Diamond Arc from Steven Universe.
The Diamonds Did Not Deserve A Redemption Arc 👏👏👏
They are the leaders of a fascist empire, are old enough to know better, show no compassion for beings other than themselves (until the very last second), and were meant to be the boss fight. Their redemption was rushed and unplanned. The diamonds from the first few seasons are completely different people when compared to season five, and not in a good way. There was no middle ground, no on-screen growth, just O no the diamonds are here an they're gonna kill us, jk lol they're family and we cant hurt family and theyre just a bunch of smol sad sacks who are only mourning the loss of their sister and didn't really mean to kill everyone the Crystal Gems knew and loved and oh dear theyre just so sorry about that they didn't know it was only an accident just one little mistake
I hate Kylo Rens redemption for similar reasons. I actually loved the first two sequal movies, and I thought that the dynamic between him and Rey in the second movie, but Kylo Ren had his chance, and he gutted it with a lightsaber before throwing it off of a cliff. He then threw away his second chance when he refused to go with Rey.
Throughout the first two movies, people reach out to Kylo, and he refuses to be saved. He burns all of the bridges that people try to build to him.
That scene where Rey closes the airlock door in his face is meant to show how - even though Kylo is human and even though he's hurting - Rey knows that he cant be saved. He doesnt see a problem with his actions; he doesn't want to be saved.
In fact, he was never meant to be saved. If you thought that the pacing in Rise of Skywalker was off, it was because a lot of it had to be rewritten. Ren wasnt going to be redeemed (because he didn't deserve it) but due to popular demand , his arc was completely rewritten with a face change in mind.
when people are like “this villain is a bad person” and i have to be like “that’s the entire point of a villain”
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artistlove17 · 6 years ago
Just to add...
Having a mental disorder does NOT give you an EXCUSE to be a shitty person!! This goes with every mental disorder!
Depression doesn't excuse you cutting your friends or family off and treating them like garbage. They aren't the problem and you need to seek help and deal with your problems. Your friends don't deserve to be hurt just because you're in a terrible mood. You can't just throw someone to the curb but then expect them to forgive you later when you finally feel a bit better and apologize, that cuts into their own mental health and doing that to someone is terrible. (I've been through this!)
Mental disorders AREN'T excuses!! It took me a long time to realize this and I finally stopped excusing these horrible behaviors from myself and others.
As an adult it is YOUR responsibility and YOURS alone to deal with your problems. And I know, that sounds "harsh", but it's the truth. No one can just cure your depression or anxiety or other mental illness for you. YOU have a responsibility to YOURSELF to seek help. Talk to people about it. Find resources. Don't hurt people close to you just because you can't deal with your own issues.
Postpartum is hard and terrible and I wish no woman had to go through that, but an infant does NOT deserve to be treated like an outlet for those bad emotions. They are a child who deserves to be cared for and loved and given everything they need to learn and grow into a great adult... if you honestly believe you can't provide them that, then something needs to change about your situation. You need to make the best decision for your child to live happily and to prosper, whether you like it or not. And yes, this does sometimes include giving the child up to a better situation than your own. And that shits hard, I've been through it with my family and watched it break my Aunt to pieces. But she knew it was for the best and now she has her family back together and has her life on a decent track and they're actually all pretty happy. Sometimes the hardest decisions turn out to be the best for everyone.
Being a Mother and Father makes YOU the adults. That means YOU have to step out and do what's best for your child, even if it's something you don't like. Because that baby didn't ask to be here and that baby doesn't deserve to be mistreated or neglected.
On Bad Mothers
I used to cut bad moms a lot of slack. "Mothering is hard", "No one is perfect", "If you're not a mom you can't even understand what she's going through"
But after having my son I can say confidently that it is NOT hard to not be a bad mom...just don't be a dick to your kid?? I have never once been angry at my baby??
Feed your kid, hold your kid, read to your kid, teach your kid to share...ect...
I'm not saying everyone has to be the perfect mom 100% of the time, but it's really NOT hard to NOT treat your child badly.
Growing up I saw so many moms scream and throw tantrums and just show an absolute lack of understanding for their own children; my own mom was badly abusive, so I always assumed mothering was just extremely difficult and emotionally taxing.
Having my own child and having friends who have children, it's easy to see that the moms I saw as a child were NOT exhibiting normal behavior. It is NOT normal for parents to shout at their babies and belittle their children for being children. Your children look to you to learn how to be a human; if you have a "bad kid" you're probably a bad(or at least negligent) parent.
Yes, I understand postpartum depression is a thing; but your child doesn't understand that. Seek help, whether it's professional or rraching out to people close to you. Do not take it out on your baby.
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bound-by-stardust · 7 years ago
Unfortunately yes bellamy does still care for clarke (although he shouldn’t)! But that’s a result of these writers being super bias toward their precious white princess! Bellamy wanting to protect madi was super in character seeing as he has always had a soft spot for kids! HE DID NOT MANIPULATE HER AND ANYONE WHO ARGUES OTHERWISE IS WRONG AND NEEDS TO GO BUY A DICTIONARY! BELLAMY TREATED MADI LIKE AN ACTUALLY HUMAN BEING WHO HAS THEIR OWN FREE WILL AND RIGHT TO CHOOSE!
Yes this is a tv show, a work of fiction but all fiction stems from reality! If this show was so concerned about there “there are no good guys and people do questionable thing when it comes to survival” bullshit that they spew then they would’ve had bellamy slap clarke or be angry with her or something at the end of season 4 but they didn’t because like i said all fiction stems from reality and these writers make decisions that continuously favour their white characters and abuse there POC characters! In other words CLARKE SLAPPING BELLAMY WAS NOT ONLY DEMONSTRATING THAT ITS OKAY TO PHYSICALLY ABUSE SOMEONE AS LONG AS YOU’RE A WOMAN BUT IT WAS FUCKING RACIST! AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE IT’S BEST IF YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME! I HAVE NO INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING IN YOUR LOVEY DOVEY “LETS TURN A BLIND EYE TO ABUSE JUST SO THERES NO DRAMA IN THE FANDOM” BULLSHIT! THIS SHOW IS SHIT AND ITS NEEDS TO BE CALLED OUT!! ALSO I HATE CLARKE GRIFFIN SHE IS A BITCH AND AN ABUSER AND DOESN’T DESERVE BELLAMY AS A FRIEND! GOOD DAY!
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