#i hate french “people”
sinfully-french · 9 months
I'm genuinely losing it because I'm replaying BatIM, and Sammy FUCKING DOES THIS AFTER HE'S CAPTURED HENRY
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tsarjozinzbazin · 7 months
Can you do a tf2 character lineup? (Love how u draw medic and sniper <3)
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guys help I still dont know how to draw most of them
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sophsicle · 4 months
i feel like it is important that u know that i am a french apologist. people always complain about how mean they are. not me. go off madame. put me in my place. Liberté, Egalité, Cunté.
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holdtightposts · 2 years
Look at the effort by these VA’s in incorporating an Italian dialect/Mario’s accent.
What bothers me about Chris Pratt as Mario is that there is no effort from his part from what we have seen so far and it’s honestly what all of us expected. It’s just Chris Pratt voicing himself. With that knowledge, I now understand why he was perfect for A Lego Movie. His character is supposed to be the most boring, blandest, not worth a second glance ass character possible and they got that with Chris Pratt.
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I mean, he wasn’t technically wrong but what a way to spin it. You know what I thought when I first heard his Mario? How the fuck did he white wash an already white character?
Where’s the accent? If he wasn’t going to do the Italian accent, why not the New York accent from The Super Mario Bros Show?
He is just flattening the media and making it unplaceable american.
After seeing the new trailer, I now understand why Chris Pratt’s acting works for Illumination’s Mario.
Illumination essentially made their Mario as Andy from Parks and Rec, Peter Quill from GOTG, and as Emmett from A Lego Movie. Illumination’s Mario is literally an accident prone clumsy man child from the looks of the second trailer. A character Chris Pratt has been playing over and over.
Also, now that I’ve heard more of Pratt’s Mario and know what kind of character Illumination’s Mario is supposed to be, I don’t have as big of an issue with it as I did before. That trailer is amazing.
Still upset that they basically rewrote Mario as a clumsy bumpkin.
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thestipguy · 1 month
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will try posting on here more
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wallieclock · 1 year
I'm so unreasonably emotional about how much the new people care about Gegg. Especially the French. They call him cute and smart and sweet. Multiple of them asked multiple times if he had any armor or protections. Offering him diamonds and listening to what he says. Baghera Jumped in front a Gun for him (so did ElQ, but i don't trust his intentions are pure). It's so genuinely nice to see after Gegg be treated like garbage by the English speakers (Calling him annoying, ugly, telling him to basically go kill himself). Idk man I think I relate too much to the little egg guy.
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awesome-s0up · 5 months
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man i love frenchy hes aweosme
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risoria · 2 months
I’m so goddamn tired. I hate it here so fucking badly. I hate it here. It’s 2024. We know better and yet we are pushing these ads and these dogs everywhere, STILL - why do we as a society love animal cruelty so much?? I will never understand.
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I’m going to be brutally honest - people are stupid. People will not open their phones to google for three minutes before buying an expensive dog, that lives for 15 years - and media affects people IMMENSELY. Remember how everyone and their mom got a husky (an extremely hard dog to keep, because they’re working sled dogs) after game of thrones? How every single child got a rat after ratattouille, and how most likely a lot of them were abandoned? This happens with frenchies and pugs as well because they are featured EVERYWHERE.
”Oh wow its so ugly i love it ;;” ”Oh it’s so cute I want one!!” No. Dogs who need surgery where you cut their nostrils open just to be able to breathe a /little/ better is not something you should want or support. Animal cruelty is not something you should want or support.
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This is a chart for assessing stenotic (pinched) nares in brachycephalic dogs. The open nares seen here are not even actual normal nares - this is what they look like in non-brachy dogs.
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There is no other way to say this: these dogs can’t breathe. That’s why they make noises like little pigs - they can’t actually get sufficient air into their lungs because their airways are so closed. They are partially suffocating - every single minute of every day.
Here’s the reasons why:
- the nostrils are closed. you can see how hard and panic-inducing it is to ”breathe” like that by pinchig your own nostrils for a little while. it’s very common to have surgery to cut the nostrils open - but even if it might help a little bit they’re only ONE reason why these dogs suffer
- the face is flattened - this is why the tongue cant actually fit in their mouths, which of course makes the tongue constantly dry and uncomfortable. they also have teeth problems because, again, the teeth literally cant fit in their mouths. they also can’t cool down the way dogs normally do by panting - because the area in their nasal cavity where this happens is extremely small. this, together with the breathing issue, makes them extremely prone to over-heating and dying as a result.
- their soft palates are, again, too big for their mouths and make the dogs’ airways more closed as a result. surgery to cut this soft tissue away is common.
- their laryngeal sacculis are often inverted - think of a pocket of your trousers that is turned inside out. these sacs are located in the back of the throat and further obstruct the airways
- laryngeal collapse is also not uncommon
- their tracheas are VERY thin. That’s why breeding for a different type of bulldog and pug etc is important and thats why ONLY opening the nares and lengthening the snout is not the answer - if the trachea is the dimension of a straw, they will still be unable to breathe properly - and you can’t assess this without image diagnostics, of course…
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- because these dogs struggle to breathe and are prone to over-heating they can have trouble exercising and this easily get overweight. The extra fat will collect around the neck, amongst other places, and this can pinch the anatomy of the throat and airways of the neck even further
- some symptoms of BOAS (brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome) that people find ~cute and unique include:
-> snoring loudly and snorting when breathing. This is because of the obstructed airways and means they struggle to breathe both while asleep and while exercising/walking
-> ”smiling” (pulling corners of the mouth up) and rolling the tip of the tongue is something seen when the dog is labouring to breathe
-> these dogs often find toys to keep in their mouths when they sleep - this is not normal, they do this deliberately because they can’t breathe.
-> these dogs are the ONLY dogs who will be happy about having a tube inserted into their trachea while undergoing surgery. Normally you remove this the second the dog starts to come to - because it is extremely uncomfortable having essentially a straw inside your airways - but for brachy dogs they enjoy being able to breathe fairly comfortably and they will sit fully awake with the tube for long periods of time. It’s heartbreaking.
PLEASE don’t get these dogs and please call out advertisements etc promoting them - because we all know that they are already extremely popular and that marketing sells even more of them. It’s downright evil, and it’s animal cruelty in the name of ~marketing. Yes of course there’s a lot of them in shelters needing adoption - BUT it’s very important to know what you’re getting into. A lot of these dogs DO need surgery to be able to breathe at least partially, and these are invasive and very expensive.
This was just off the top of my head but here’s a link with more info -> BOAS in dogs
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papami · 2 years
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"The Bathing Pool" By Hubert Robert (1753)
Hubert Robert often incorporated many of the monuments he studied whilst in Italy into his paintings, this one being the Temple of Jupiter Serapis at Pozzuoli.
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gaytor-golf · 2 months
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French (derogatory)
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linkedsoul · 3 months
HI MY FRENCHIES FROM THE 3RD CIRCUMSCRIPTION OF FRENCH PEOPLE ABROAD aka my French residents of Northern Europe and especially London: (and my English speaking followers who'd like to French elections drama)
Macron's candidate, Vincent Caure, is blatantly lying on his program about his opponent's party, the NFP, which feels very dishonest and, frankly, kind of pathetic? I know Frenchies in London voted a lot for him but PLEASE let's not let a liar get ahead of the race.
He claims the NFP - a coalition of green and leftist parties - will have Mélenchon as Prime Minister. For some reason, the French media is OBSESSED with making Mélanchon (the leader of a prominent leftist party) THE DEVIL. Look. I know some people don't like Mélenchon even on the left. But he's NOT EVEN PART OF THIS ELECTION. Besties: he's not a candidate anywhere. And even less for French people abroad. And even worse: the NFP has NEVER said who they'd send as Prime Minister if they get the majority in the assembly. This is FAKE.
He pretends French people abroad will be doubly taxed because of the NFP wants to put back the "exit tax", and that the NFP is obsessed with the universal tax (aka paying taxes for your country even when you work abroad). The exit tax is a specific tax that affects only people who own A LOT in assets. I have no idea how to even reach to that kind of criteria. I don't think neither me nor any of the French people I know in Dublin have the assets required to have to pay the exit tax. I wish I had that amount of money so I could get taxed on it! Alas, Vincent Caure and I don't live in the same world because it's not even remotely a worry for me. As for the universal tax, it's nowhere in the NFP's program so I guess they're not as obsessed with it as Vincent claim they are.
He offers to put more procedures online such as passpot renewal online whereas the NFP offers nothing. Ok slay king, then run your campaign on that instead of telling lies. Unless this is your only good point?
He claims that the NFP wants to end nuclear energy, which would make us depend on Russian gas. Nowhere is this written on the NFP program. There are only 4 mentions of the word "nuclear" in the NFP program and none of it is associated to the word "stop" or "end", half of them are not even about nuclear energy itself... I don't see where he got that from.
He does agree that the NFP wants to make railways more accessible but argue that they didn't vote for a law making mobility within France easier. Fair! He forgets to mention most of the supporters of this law were his party only and BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT voted against, citing lack of funding for this law as an issue, that the Prime Minister back then brushed away, so take that what you will. Also want to note his only point for this program is that they're going to use the funding for transport that they already have so... ok good? that's not revolutionary. That's just expected.
He also claims that:
the left is the one who led to the far right taking the lead when it's his own party who called for an election. Like. The move no one expected nor wanted except the far right. That was all Macron. That was all your party. You guys flirted so much with the far right that you led them right in, that is NOT the left's fault and even less your favorite scapegoat, Jean-Luc Mélenchon - who, I'd like to remind everyone, is not a candidate for this election oh my god shut up about Mélenchon already I don't care about Mélenchon why are you obsessed with Mélenchon
The left wants a Frexit because of their tax policies (debunked above) and nuclear energy policies (also debunked above). The left is notoriously pro-EU, his opponent is a British-French citizen who probably saw the shitshow of Brexit from the front rows. And even if the left wants to tax VERY rich people trying to avoid being taxed on their huge assets out of France (fun fact: it's for the people who try and get their assets moved to Dubai not to pay taxes on them lmao) and wanted to reduce the use of nuclear energy, that does not equate Frexit, like, I... I don't see the correlation.
The left is planning for 300 billion more expenses and intends to cover for those expenses by taxing people the most. The thing he's not saying is that they intend to tax the richest. It's the rich the target. The very VERY rich. Not you, regular French immigrant to Ireland who struggles with the cost of life in Dublin and cry for a better flat.
ALL IN ALL: Vincent Caure is a liar who ment comme un arracheur de dent et fait sa campagne dessus, ce qui est un peu dégueu.
He cries about potential taxes that would only affect a very, very tiny minority of French people who were probably trying to evade said taxes anyway and tries to frame it as "double taxing French people abroad"
The left wants to tax the rich and good for them and good for us who are not playing in the targeted tax bracket AT ALL.
Macron's party is the one who's fucked us all over; Attal is a notoriously impopular Prime Minister; they're a party for the rich (as proven above by trying to act as if a tax on the rich was gonna be a double tax for everyone like... lmao how out of touch are you) and love to frame themselves as the only right solution QUAND C'EST EUX QUI NOUS ONT MIS DANS LA MERDE
As with the rest of his party, he's obsessed with Mélenchon, who has nothing to do with this specific election since the opposition is initially from the Green Party.
and for my English speaking friends: please pray for us all (at least here the far right is not gonna pass but I'd rather not have such a liar for deputee please and thank you)
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sinfully-french · 9 months
About to play Slay the Princess! I've heard it's good, but I don't REALLY know what it's about, so I'm going in pretty blindly!
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I absolutely adore the art style, I'm looking forward to it!
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saw a post on twitter where someone commented that they find chilchuck's daughters' names silly/that he's bad at naming them and its like... the man's name is CHILCHUCK. did you expect his daughters to be named alice, mary, and grace?
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hockeyisforwomen · 3 months
my team name suggestions:
Boston Massholes
New York Rent
Minnesota Winter Shorts
Montréal Frenchies
Toronto Money Bags
Ottawa Bureaucrats
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euphorial-docx · 23 days
the french need to pipe down about miss chappell roan cancelling the paris show. anyone would absolutely cancel tour dates to perform at a big awards show like the vma’s. get over yourselves.
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musicalyeetreblr · 2 months
I hate it when people critique love never dies and phantom of manhattan by saying Gustave/Pierre acts autistic because my brother in Christ how do you think Erik figured out the kid was his.
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