#and to hear mario as a man child is what really pisses me off
Im sorry I think I heard someone say angel Luigi? Like oddly born with wings? Learns to hid them? Magic? Maybe some sort of creature that latched on to baby Mario’s cries as a child? Shifted to match him but has the wings? Maximum Ride vibes? Hmmmmm. Trigun vibes? Maybe a lil bit of both!
Ok hear me out. But I warn you this isnt my typical post. Im tired and cold so it’s a mess but maybe ill clean it up later. Who knows.
Mario’s family was super freaked out at first but accepted it cause of how much it helped Mario. Like maybe he was sickly as a baby but this odd creature who looks like him is helping. Doctors told him he was gonna die. Now it’s a miracle. So they just raise Luigi too. Well guarded family secret. Maybe thats why Mario is so protective of his brother. Their mother believes Luigi an angel sent to save her lil baby boy. Their father thinks him a demon who will one day eat their little boy. Why else would it be helping if not for it’s next meal he claims. Luigi has no idea why he was sent here. Never a good enough reason for their father. Maybe their mother and Mario are the only two who really accept Luigi, rest of family share the fathers pov.
Idk how to tie this into bowuigi but just let me think of the middle part for now think of the end game!
Bowser finds an injured winged Luigi. Slap that man in a bird cage. Oops thats Luigi’s biggest fear. (Did you papa traumatise you Luigi or was it just me) anyway mans having a horrible time at all the bird puns. Yoikes hes heard those before get creative Bowser smh. Oops did he say that outloud? Well now Bowser is pissed. Someone is lucky their so pretty up in that cage. Oops did he say that outloud? Well now Luigi is blushing. GET THIS MAN SOME SKIPPY CLOTHING AND A GOLDEN CAGE NOW! Well now Luigi is mortified and horrified. Hes just a decoration now. Or a pet! Awww maybe they can give him a little collar. Oh how humiliating. Whats he got left now? Probably no more tears at this point. Hey Bowsers new pet doesn’t look so good. Oops someone stopped eating. Maybe actually be nice idk man you killing Luigi from the inside. Look at those soulless eyes. You did that Bowser you happy?
Cut to Bowser trying to bring some life back to Luigi. Awww hes making sure hes ok. Getting him food. An actual bed? A room? Who said the beast doesn’t have a heart? This is how Luigi remembers the story. Though he doesn’t understand why Bowser had a change. Of course Bowser saw the soulless eyes of someone begging for death and realised he done fucked up. Of course he never thought he would have greenie over this long anyway. Wheres that red pain in his side. It’s been ages? (Oops Mario is injured and thats why Luigi had his wings out. From protecting his brother. Maybe ill put Mario in a coma for sillies)
Anyway ever so slowly Luigi gets some pep back in his step. Though hes clearly more reserved. The kids (yes plural) helped. But Bowser can see the longing in Luigi’s eyes. The way the man just looks to the sky like an old friend. They had just started really getting along too. But if you love something set it free right? So he does. And Luigi doesn’t even hesitate. The moment he is uncollared (yea baby thats last to go lmao) and outside. The moment Bowser tells him to go he just takes off. As fast has those beautiful wings can take him. Can I get an F in the chat for Bowser and his broken heart.
Luigi is frantic to see how his brother is. Consumed with worry almost his whole stay in Bowsers castle. He could feel their link, their bond, and knew his brother needed him. Of course once he reaches Mario and grasps his hand Mario wakes up. Awww brotherly love (and nothing else ya goobers) is a magical sight. Literally Luigi is glowing and has wings. Neat says princess Peach.
Maybe once he is sure his brother is oi he can feel love sick about Bowser. And misses the kids. Now it’s Mario’s turn to see the longing look in Luigi’s eyes. Mario’s turn ti tell Luigi it’s ok to just go. Though he better tell his brother whats going on when he gets back. But maybe since im such a kind god ill make it painful for Luigi to show his wings. Like painful when they sprout. So he just walks to Bowsers castle. Who is probably smad. Lmao hes sad and mad. Though word filtered in of Mario being in a coma and he figured thats why Luigi needed to go. Anyway hes probably relieved to see Luigi back. So relieved he can feel mad about not even getting a goodbye. Oopsies. But they will make it. Im sure of it.
Ok I know this post is a mess but man I had to get this idea out of my head. I wanna draw it. And I just might.
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onthecourtbugs · 2 years
S-O-F-T (Part 2)
Pairing: Jason x Reader
A/N: Continuation to this here. Jason thought just cuz it’s been a while that I forgot about him. 😏 nahhh I’m back in my stomping grounds now!
Summary: Jason just don’t know what he talking bout.
Jason Silver ain’t got no room to talk about Nash no more, okay?
Yelling to the rooftops that ain’t no pair o legs gonna snag him. 💀
Boy hush.
Granted, for a while it seemed like he actually meant that. 🥶
He was with a different girl all the time.
Just checking them out like books and the returning them with dog-eared pages and broken hearts.
He didn’t care.
They’ll be aight, they could find them a man easy.
Just wasn’t gone be him!
Nash wanted to do some next level Shakespearean stuff for his girl, but he doing that by himself.
Booty was definitely on the table.
Relationships? Decidedly off the table.
Just your everyday bachelor, am I right? Ain’t no pair o legs gone get ole Jay Jay. 😤😤😤😤😤
Something ain’t been exactly, precisely adding up with him…
2 + 2 ain’t been exactly equaling 4.
3 + 3 ain’t been precisely equaling 17.
In short, Jason ain’t been hoe-ing.
Oh, he’s still been going out to the metaphorical library of ladies and browsing with the fellas. But he ain’t checked out not one book since…. Hell, even Nash don’t remember.
And that’s because of you.
Nash nosy self leaning over to peek at Jason phone after practice cuz when has he ever been on the phone after practice? “Who is that you’re texting?”
-scoots away- “Watch out bro.”
Now he knew something was up cuz Jason tryna hide it. 👀
“It’s a girl isn’t it?!”
“Nobody bruh, get off my phone.”
Knowing good and well you ain’t just nobody.
Nobody doesn’t get a key to his house and permission to hang around when he ain’t there.
Nobody can’t just walk in on practice cuz she left something in his car.
Nobody does not have permission to borrow said car anytime hers was in the shop.
The Jabberwocks don’t bother to remember nobody’s first and last name.
Nobody don’t got Jason running around Walmart because she’s sick with the sniffles and ran out of vegetable soup, but she doesn’t want more veggie soup, she wants CHICKEN NOODLES.
Nobody isn’t introduced to his mom and told to call her “Mom Dee.”
Heheee, when I tell you Nash stopped in the middle of the sidewalk when you casually brought her up?
Had the man staring straight down at you like you were some newly discovered species.
“Wait wait wait, you’re telling me you met her?”
“Yeah, she invited me over for Thanksgiving!” ☺️
Nash ain’t never look at Jason the same…
Mainly because if he did look, he’d start laughing at him.
He sat up there in Dee’s living room during Thanksgiving teasing Jason while they played Mario Kart with the littler cousins 😂
“Better get to studying, Simp 101 starts this semester~”
“Mannn shut up!”
“You do know that your mom will be pissed if you don’t marry Y/n, don’t you?”
“Anyway!” -leans back to see if his mom listening- “She ain’t gone do nothing!”
-from somewhere back in the kitchen- “You betta marry that gal! You come up in here with anybody else IMMA WHIP YOU, YOU HEAR ME JASON?!!!”
“Now how you gonna tell me how to live my life?!”
Nash had to pass his controller to the nearest child cuz he fell out. 🤣🤣🤣
What did he just say?! Didn’t he tell him?!
You had your hand over your mouth in the kitchen the whole time cuz Mom Dee didn’t have to threaten him like that 💀
No really, she had nothing to worry about. Jason ain’t going nowhere.
Cuz he a hypocrite.
He’ll eat up all your food then complain when he has to share his.
Hugs are for booty grabbing, or at least that’s what he SAID was the case.
In reality, he’ll just stand there while while you reach up to scratch his back with juuust the right amount of pressure.
Makes him shiver. 😩
He be the first one to whine about you pooting but will mercilessly CRIPPLE YOU with his mustard gas farts and he can’t say it ain’t that bad cuz he be running from it too 💀
He poked fun at Nash’s undying devotion to his girl but honestly? Jason ain’t stepped out on you either, even though there were and still are plenty of opportunities to do so.
Jason got mad when Nash started to occasionally skip out on guys night, but I’m pulling up a few new absences on his report card as well 🧐
He called Nash a simp? That’s funny Jason, but at least Nash can sleep without his girl, you caint, so go take a seat right next to your friend. -insert chair scooting noises- 🪑🪑
Acting like it’s a nuisance to have to keep up with your events but shows up to support you.
Arguing with you but not letting you sleep separately.
Loves to say you get on his nerves but don’t want you gone for too long.
Pushing 60 mph in a 55 zone to come get you after you called and told him you got hit in the back by another car and you needed him to pick you up 💀
Oh. Wait. There ain’t no buts about that last one, you just scared the hell out of him and he was in a rush. (You weren’t hurt, but the back of your car looked like a monster took a bite out of it 💀)
He be complaining bout cuddling too but that was an easy lie to catch because every dang night he’ll lay there with you, letting his hand roam over your rib cage, dip down your side, then slide up to rest on your hip over and over... You’d be wondering where he was going to go with it, but he just falls asleep curved behind you, one hand around your waist and the other spread on your stomach.
And then you’d lay awake a little longer, pondering how Jason could talk so rough like he does, but then touch you as if he were handling porcelain.
He was so full of contradictions when it came to his emotions, it made you dizzy to look back and forth between what he says and what he actually does.
You got one thing straight tho.
He loved you.
It don’t matter what that nighuh say.
Heheheeee, Jason checked his texts one morning and saw he got one from Nash the night before.
‘I bet you went and snuck off to be with Y/n. And on the one night I was trying to hang 😑.’
Did I mention it was guys night yesterday and Jason played hooky? 😁
He was about to tell Nash to stop crying bout it but he got a new message.
‘Bring your soft ass outside Romeo, we got work to do 😂’
Jason sucked his teeth and tossed his phone over his shoulder.
“Punch him in his mouth… I ain’t soft nothing!”
And then rolled right over to sling his arm around you and give you kisses between your shoulder blades.
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yoimix · 3 years
haikyuu!! as types of best friends.
➼ ft. hinata, sugawara, bokuto, osamu+atsumu.
➼ playlist. talk too much - coin, higher - banks, romanticism - mrs green apple, me and my friends - james vincent mcmorrow
➼ a/n. these have light bff2l undertones hhn i love that trope, pls forgive me. </3 + there’s some timeskip spoilers for atsumu & osamu’s part.
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❀ hinata :-
i wish the childhood best friends trope a very good evening.
no one’s better than hinata at making friends, even if you met after he spiked a ball into your face. you’re childhood best friends too !! so imagine being a child and having to pick up this goofball by the scruff, who has the audacity to ask you to play with him after giving you a scratched up forehead and teary eyes from a ball to the face. but, like, you were the one who said yes so it’s on you :-)
sometimes you bicker but it’s ok bc he would literally go to the ends of the earth for you if you asked. no kidding. he hates sitting still anyway so he’ll just gravitate towards where you are like you’re the sun. also gets you taiyaki in the evenings but climbs in through your window instead of using the front door like a normal person. (he has too much energy </3) if you hear someone yelling your name outside your window and ranting about volleyball games, you know who it is.
ok when he makes you mad with his bullheadedness, you'll be complaining with kageyama (who agrees vehemently) and hinata gets pissy bc you get along a little too well when you're throwing insults about him. (he's not jealous, no, of course not.) but.. how long can you stay mad at this sunshine child anyway?? you'll be pretending you never got mad at all within a few hours and go back to joking around.
he gets distracted if you're watching a match sometimes (bokuto somehow got it into his head that he needs to show off in front of you) so you got banned from watching. he overcomes it later on so you can cheer him on in his jersey too <3
gives you ALL his attention when you talk or even complain about your life. he reacts a lot to whatever you have to say so you have to pretend there aren’t people behind you glaring at hinata for having the same decibel sound level as a jet engine.
you have matching keychains you bought at a local fair !!! (you got a pochacco one for hinata but it’s super worn out by now so he keeps it in his wallet instead.) 
he has not won a single multiplayer video game against you (*cough cough* mario kart *cough*) and you don’t even have to be good at it. if you call him a loser, he’ll lose even harder. gets unnecessarily mad at just dance and you have to calm him down.
... you’ve probably kissed bc the two of you (mostly him) were too eager for a first kiss and you got fed up with his pubescent ramblings and ended up kissing him. and then had an early mid-life crisis bc you guys are definitely just friends. (unless.. unless he doesn’t think that way.. surprise surprise 😳) also he's.. kind of bad for make out practice... it’s like kissing a month old puppy.. sorry :/. if you happen to make a lot of offhand comments and tease him about his kissing skills, he WILL turn tomato red and argue in gibberish. only do that in private bc the rest of the world thinks you’re sickeningly cute together >:(
overall, your best friend is a ball of sunshine (who occasionally pisses you off) and your #1 motivation to get out of bed. it's mostly bc he's somehow there to get you out of bed though you've repeatedly told him to not climb in through your window. at least the sun is smiling upon you every day <3
❀ sugawara :-
being best friends with him is such a secure relation !! 
he’s your soft place to fall but also would provide gentle (not so gentle) reminders for your wellbeing (STUDY!!! WATER!!!! BREAKFAST!!). doesn’t get mad when you say you skipped breakfast but gives you this look of disappointment which is 100x more effective. still gets a granola bar for you though. also he literally carries bandaids for u and he’s been doing that since second grade bc you fell off the swing ONCE. you know, just in case. if you’re an accident-prone hazard to society, you’re in luck. 
BEST HUGS especially if you had a rough day and want to sob into his shoulder. if u damage his $85 hoodie tho, he will make u do his laundry and also buy snacks for him. but like he is so soft (his skin is SUPER soft bc he actually follows a skincare routine now) and cuddly like a teddy bear, it's a small price to pay for salvation.
he will hype you up for anything you do !!!! new outfit? offers to be your personal photographer. scored an A+? will treat u to your fav ice-cream. new job? will tell everyone just how proud he is. 
ALWAYS shares the last bite with you and smiles to himself when you eat it so contented. also!!! hanging out at cafes and taking cute pictures is a must <3 even though you’re not dating, you’ll have photos together that make you look a real couple which ensue teasing from daichi and asahi and admiration/jealousy from noya and tanaka. also he gets weirdly protective of you around the team (i’m looking at the moron quartet) and you have to pull the “koushi you’re not my mom” card. it really strikes a chord with him when you say that out loud.
will egg your ex's house with you if you say the word. somehow gets more pissed than you at your ex (if they're a shitty one). it's kind of scary when he's mad too so.... good luck calming him down. he's also really good at sarcastic trash talk so if you happen to meet your ex on the street... send prayers for their self-esteem.
you don't really fight often but if you happen to disagree, he'll go about it in a pretty mature way and talk it out. if you pick a fight on purpose, he'll catch on to it and either tickle you (excessively) or flick your forehead as punishment for trying to rile him up. it’s impossible to prank him!!!!! it’s like he’s got a sixth sense or something so you might as well give up on anything of the sort. 
you said you want to get a dog (or cat) with him in the near future and he somehow equated that to having children. turned bright red and started saying it’s too soon to be thinking of that while you had daichi stop you from smacking some sense into your overly imaginative best friend. (i mean, you do need to live together if you want to raise a pet sooo)
his lockscreen is a picture of the two of you so a lot of people who try to hit on him take the hint quick. he says it’s unintentional but you know he can be terribly scheming at times. if you say something like “why don’t you date me for real, coward” he will malfunction and not be able to look you in the eye. (“don’t joke around, y/n” “what if i’m not” “it kind of feels illegal to date you” “what do you mean?!💢”)
anyway you are one lucky mf if you have sugawara koushi as your best friend even if there are both ups and downs (mostly ups). having someone care for you so blatantly certainly makes the question of romance arise but you’re content with the most loving best friend ever.
❀ bokuto :-
you guys are the “two best friends in a room, we might kiss” “yes we will” “what” type of best friends PLS
it doesn’t matter what stage of life you met him, it’ll feel like you’ve been best friends since the beginning of time.
it’s just so easy to make friends with this airhead and by god’s gift, you cannot physically get annoyed at this man. sometimes his friends will complain about him being forgetful or blunt but you’re just there like. yeah. that’s bokuto. love him for it. (you seem to have a lot of patience.)
he probably gets into trouble with authority unwittingly, so save your weekends to sweet talk his way out after accidentally implying the coach has a weak mindset. afterwards, you go get ice cream or something and hang out at the dog park to forget it happened. (the amount of second hand embarrassment bokuto has given you though... you need some hard drugs to forget all of it.) 
you probably make a lot of friends through him in high school/college but at the end of the day, it’s just you and him and sometimes akaashi making sure you guys are alive. if you guys are alone together on a friday night, you’ll still be having fun!! very often, it takes shape as karaoke :-) bokuto thinks he’s really great at rapping for some reason (he’s not) so cue you screaming the lyrics in an attempt to ruin your part of the song equally. also he always sets the key wrong??? although you sing the same songs each time?? sometimes he picks a song neither of you have ever heard and the both of you try to guess the melody. he’s terrible at it but at least he’s funny. there’s not a single song he hasn’t had a voice crack in.
if you go clubbing/partying with him, get prepared to be introduced as the friend of “the guy who did four keg stands in a row before proceeding to do a cartwheel unprompted and somehow not throw up”. is on first name basis with the bartenders/hosts and gets you free drinks. also gets hit on often but is oblivious unless they’re being very straightforward. if he’s not into them... you have to pull the s/o card and save his ass. oh also he barks at anyone that gets near your drink.
will always exaggerate when introducing you to new people. “y/n and i met when i saved them from drowning a terrible death.” “it was the children’s pool and you were the one that was screaming.” “and then y/n didn’t really thank me but it’s not like heroes need thanks to do the right thing.” “kou, i will push you into a pool right now, let’s see how well you swim.” (he learned swimming to impress you so joke’s on you.)
he likes to watch you do stuff at the end of the day, so if you see him go o_o at you doing homework, you can just put your earphones on and focus on your work. even if he’s making.. a strangely.. adorable expression. also LOVES to listen to you talk about your day when he’s tired, he says it helps him sleep better (so expect a lot of nighttime calls). moreover, if you say you had a bad dream, he’ll comfort you with his ridiculously confident tone of voice (unless the dream was about something bad happening to him, then he’ll freak out and you’ll have to comfort him instead </3)
ok one thing that’s annoying about him is that he probably leaves food crumbs over your stuff like laptop, bed sheet, etc. you clean it up but bokuto.. is a bit... distracted to notice the mess he’s making. it’s usually pretty difficult to get him to be more aware, but like your glare is enough to make him at least try to be careful from the next time. (either that or he’s become sensitive to your change in mood/emotions bc you know... you’re best friends after all.)
i’m not gonna lie, he probably catches feelings for you at some point. he wants to, like, keep it lowkey bc akaashi told him to take your feelings into consideration too but?? it’s so hard?? you’re literally so pretty?? everything you say is like music to him??? he reacts reflexively to all the firecracker feelings u give him. he probably says he likes you all the time but you dismiss it with “as a friend right :-)”. there’s no climbing up from that one, sorry bokuto.
to summarize, if a moody golden retriever was your human best friend.exe
❀ miya twins :-
they feel like a set. it would be strange to have one of the twins as a bff and not have the other one around whoops 🤷‍♀️ 
either you and osamu bully atsumu in your free time, or you and atsumu annoy osamu for fun (or both) <3. it’s always a good idea to team up with osamu and prank atsumu for fun btw. (put wasabi in his breakfast pancakes and you’ll get a very pissed off but weirdly cute tsumtsum. you can blame it on osamu if you don’t want to face his wrath.) your alternative is to embarrass osamu in front of strangers with atsumu, have fun with that. (second hand embarrassment also works.)
when you were younger, you pretended to not be able to distinguish the twins bc it would visibly rile atsumu up and then you’d go “ok you’re atsumu”... which would further rile him up. osamu got used to your shenanigans though it ticked him off the first time too LOL. call them the wrong name on purpose and they’ll start a riot; be careful when you’re playing with fire pls.
you guys played a lot of knight and prince/princess/royal when you were a kid and atsumu would always try to make osamu the evil dragon holding you captive. in the end, you were somehow the knight, osamu the prince to be rescued and atsumu the big, bad dragon. (it’s kind of funny in hindsight. your parents have photographs of the three of you fighting like no tomorrow.) also speaking of which, your parents are also friends and have bets on which twin you’ll marry (or if you will at all). it’s tearing your parents’ friendship apart.
these two have DEFINITELY fought over whose jersey number you’re going to wear to the games ( “oi, ‘samu, stop brainwashing my best friend into wearing your stupid double digit number” “you know i’m the best friend, ‘tsumu. they clearly like me better over yer ratty ass.” “what did ya say?!?!? if anything, you’re the one that looks like ratatouille.”) you wore kita's jersey number to games.
imagine sunday picnics with the boys !!! by that, i specifically mean osamu and his perfect bento boxes <3 sometimes the two of you will cook together before your outings while a sulking atsumu stands outside bc you didn’t let him. (let him in, you monsters.) he says he can cook too but the last time the twins’ bickering almost burnt the whole kitchen down. the picnics continue well into adulthood and you get to diss your boss to the twins who will always support your rants. (sometimes atsumu will tell you it’s your fault but you can smack him off. we only need supportive besties here 🙄)
if someone hurts u.... they’re going to need divine intervention to be safe... you have two well-built, physically adept best friends ready to beat the shit out of anyone who deliberately breaks ur heart. 
when the twins get into a physical fight...... oh boy. it kinda pisses you off that they’re spewing profanity at each other and you’re the one getting glares. but at the same time, you don’t really want to step into a fight that has nothing to do with you. people should solve their interpersonal issues on their own. they have never fought over you, this isn’t twilight <3 
but the question did come up once on which twin you like better; it’s not something to seriously fight over though. if you chose osamu, atsumu will complain for six days straight and you’ll start to regret ever answering the question. if you say atsumu, osamu won’t feed you his onigiri anymore for a few days which is just as bad. the safest choice is to say neither bc it will both be funny and you won’t suffer too many consequences. if you say you love the both of them for being your best friends all this time and go all mushy, there’s a slight chance they’ll go soft too. god help you from the bone crushing hug you’re about to receive 🙏
you make sure to not miss any of atsumu’s official games !! sometimes he’ll wave at you and make the reporters give you hell bc he’s a little shit. just push osamu to them and run away if it gets that bad. (he gets free advertising for his shop, he should be grateful.)
osamu is super good at cheering you up!!! whether it’s with food or with pleasant talk, you’ll be feeling much better with a full stomach and a calmer state of mind. as for atsumu, he’s really good at you cheering you up by distracting you. he’ll talk about his team or this new serve he learnt and the world will seem a lot brighter bc he seems so happy about it. whichever twin you go to, it’s win-win. 
in return, the twins take up a good chunk of your time. sometimes atsumu will crash at your place after a game though you’ve told him to not lead the damn reporters here. osamu makes you taste test his experimental onigiri... which are not always good..... no seriously, why’d he put honey and tuna in there ?? but still, your life is ridiculously colorful with them around.
anyway, what can i say except what’s better than one best friend?? two best friends !!!
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Don't Yell At Her! Don't You Yell At Her!
"Did you call me, Sir?"
"Yes, could you tell Marcela at what time I arrived to Eco Moda this morning?"
"Yes sir. Ms. Marcela our prestigious President arrive to the Eco Moda installation at the time of eight in the morning." Marcela smiles at that and turns to look at Armando who returns the smile. "For more details; he arrived minutes after you did ma'am. I'll take the opportunity now Ma'am, to give you the anti-depressants you asked me to get you." Marcela snatches them out of his hand.
"But we almost ran into each other, my love!" Armando smiles and says confidently. "What a coincidence, no?" he smiles even more.
"In effect Sir!" Freddy smiles.
"I mean of course, but what did you do last night my love? Why did you arrive so late?"
"I don't have to stand for your jokes."
"Freddy one last question."
"Right after I got here, what did I do?"
"Yes, as soon as the Mister arrived he reported to production where he was required by Mister. Mario Calderon." Marcela groans.
"So I arrived to this office at eight in the morning like I always do, my dear Marcela. Then I went to production for a couple of minutes when I decided to head here."
"Freddy one more question."
"Did I force you to say something? Did I intimidate you, bribe you so you would say all of this in front of Marcela? Yes or no?"
"Never, Mister. That can't be because it can never be."
"Freddy thank you so much. You can leave now." He smiles at him.
"Thank you, Sir. Excuse me." Freddy now leaves his office and shuts the door behind him.
Marcela now feels embarrassed or defeated but because of her ego she won't back down. She's still pissed. Betty has been listening to Freddy, often looking at him when he speaks and then turning to Armando and then Marcela.
In this scene Betty is just on panic mode.
She's witnessing a woman go crazy and grasp at straws to prove her man's infidelity, while he is trying to prove his "innocence" and suffering the consequences of a night out with his other girlfriend i.e, her. Though Betty believes that Marcela is doing so out of love and wanting to fight for Armando, we understand that Marcela's drive to fight for Armando isn't love but possessiveness. Not only that as Betty believes she is the reason why Armando is facing these consequences because she's the other woman in his life and to top it off the only thing that Marcela can actually use as evidence of Armando's infidelity is on his desk for her to see.
Armando now feels confident that he has the upper hand, a trick up his sleeve and is the winning team. However, the odds are not in his favor, like literally.
"and so you don't think that I schemed with Freddy; call production, Beatriz." Betty now takes advantage of the opportunity and moves the poem away from the front of the desk and picks up the phone. "I have hundreds of witnesses that saw me arrive, or what? Do you also think that I blackmailed them?" he asks in disbelief.
"You're not calling anywhere." Marcela grabs the phone out of Betty's hand and hangs it up. "and you're not going to make a ridicule out of me in front of the entire employees!"
"In ridicule?" He once again asks but amazed at Marcela now. "In ridicule? Who called Colorink today to ask if I was missing? Who! Marcela, Who?" he now yells at her.
"Yes! But you left there at ten at night and I called you at ten thirty and you told me a lie and then you disappeared!"
"The point is: what time dId I leave Colorink? It's really easy, Marcela." he hisses. "Lets call Carlos Mantilla, he saw me leave." He yells at her. "Call Mantilla at Colorink." He tells Betty.
Betty goes to grab the phone but Marcela shoves her away and turns to her.
"I said you're not calling anywhere." She orders between clenched teeth. Betty takes a few steps back and honestly she looks like she wants to run out of there and I would too.
"Well then Marcale, by God, how do we find out what time I left if ten or ten thirty?" He now is pleading angrily at her. "Call Mantilla, please" He also pleads.
Betty once again goes to grab the phone and this time Marcela shoves her and grabs the poem and turns to her and yells "I told you you're not calling anywhere!" She raises her hands with the poem in her fist. Betty takes steps back. "Do you not understand!"
"Don't yell at her! Don't you yell at her!" Armando screams at Marcela.
I see many people misinterpret this or not translate it correctly. Armando here yells "No me la grites! No me la grites Marcela!"(I know colombian's have different us of words in spanish so this is like based off my hispanic background, that is not colombian.) What he is saying here is in turn a personal and possessive term.
"Don't yell at my! Don't yell at my!" which in English that translation doesn't make much sense but again we know what he implies "Don't yell at My Betty."
Now Armando has already gotten mad at Marcela when she insults or yells at Betty but never to this degree.
Betty looks like she wants to cry and honestly, same sis.
"You don't yell at me!" Marcela says and behaves like a little girl throwing a tantrum. "and you can you not leave us alone? Do you always have to be in our intimate life? Or what do you also control his intimate life(oh honey you got a big storm comin')?"
As she says those final words we only get a frame of Armando. His eyes are fixated on Betty's entire existence in front of him. His eyes dance and glisten, he looks tense and guilty.
It just hit me that it isn't only because of what Marcela is saying to Betty and how she is treating her but because he also feels guilty for it all.
He feels guilty that Marcela is pissed off and hurt. He feels guilty that Betty is paying the price for it. He feels guilty that all of that is happening because of him and I think or believe that it hurts him deeply that because of his mistakes, Betty is now paying the price as well and that hurts him most of all and it's this moment where he can't deny or rationalize why he feels hurt over it.
However this foreshadows future events as well.
"Excuse me." Betty speaks softly and walks towards her office. Marcela, furious turns back towards Armando.
Now Armando's entire demeanor changes, seconds ago it was sadden and guilty but now it's back to anger however he is trying to deescalate the situation.
"Look Marcela if you're not capable of accepting the respective calls I won't accept your yellinging, nor your hysteria or your claims!" he yells the ending at her.
"Why didn't you answer the phone last night?"
"For a very simple reason, my love." He hisses. "Because I fell deeply[asleep]." he says is now leaning against the wall that connects the window to Betty's office. "Or what? Can I not? Or is it so suspicious to not hear the phone? Did you not hear the door man? He said it perfectly that I left my apartment at seven in the morning alone! Or what? Did I have to leave with a woman?" He yells. "Or what? My love do you have any more doubts?"
"Nonono, don't worry. As always you think that because you can erase all of the proof and all of the evidence I have to believe you? Cause you always leave the scene of the crime impeccable like this desk, which today it isn't. You know Amrando I didn't know you liked candy bars." She waves the chocolate bar wrapper that Betty had given him. He looks at it in Marcela's hand who scrunches it. "Can I throw it away?"
"Throw it away, do what ever you want." He says annoyed, then tugs his ear(self-soothing).
"Huh but there's more." She grabs the poem again and pulls the red ribbon. "I can throw this one out too?"
Her behavior here reminds me of a spoiled child who goes around the room of someone they don't like and starts to knock things off their shelves to show dislike and arrogance.
"Yeah, whatever." He is now blading but only slightly that you can't really take notice of it.
Marcela then reads the poem.
Betty covers her face and closes her eyes inside her office. Armando arches his brow and sits back against his chair, while Marcela reads he glances to Betty's office. His eyes are narrow and he has his fingers over his mouth, touching it lightly, as if her were thinking.
When Marcela reads :
"Hoy rió si tu ríes y canto su tu cantas (Today I laugh if you laugh and I sing if you sing)"
Armando is sitting on his chair behind his desk. He has his fingers interlaced together and in front of him, his expression is fear. His eyebrows are furrowed, corners of his lips slightly downturned, nostrils slightly flared and eyes narrowed.
In spanish there's a word used for babies, who after crying a lot, and they fall asleep they do this: suspiro but it isn't just a sigh. It's like a sob without tears.
Ever since I first saw this episode that reaction from him has caught my attention. Why does he react that way to Marcela reading that poem? Sure it's a sweet poem but like not enough to get that reaction.
He's terrified and anguished in this scene. It's funny that the next day the secs. believe that because of that same fight Marcela beat Armando but it isn't surprising for them to assume this. Marcela walks with an arrogance she confuses for dignity. She walks with an air of superiority to the rest and she confuses this for self-respect. She lacks all of this and it isn't because she "loves" Armando. She does so because she thinks more of herself than she does of others. In this scene she doesn't allow Armando to speak, the very few times he does it's to defend himself or yell at her. Marcela holds the power in the relationship and she's fully aware of this and uses it to her advantage. The thing Marcela and Armando have in common is that when they see red, damned be the rest.
"Delmira Agustini" he throws his head back, tired, he looks done. "and who is she?" She marches to his desk.
"How am I going to know who Delmira chuchui is. I don't even know her." he looks away from her and for a tiny little second he looks like he's running through his memory.
"You have no idea who the woman who wrote you this poem is?"
Armando, shielding his eyes looks up at her and shakes his head eagerly. It's important to note his expression because it is the same one he had the night of the drag party when Marcela was interrogating him in his bedroom; fear and honesty.
"So it grew magic legs and walked over here to your desk."
"I have no idea who that is, believe me, I really don't know." He yells defensively and quickly turns to Betty's office. His subconscious here speaks for him.
"Tell me who it is." She orders.
"I don't know." he yells.
"Ha you don't know, with such a dedication?[...]" He stands up and walks again to the same wall, hands in his pockets and shrugs and looks to the opposite direction. "You sang to each other?" Armando looks terrified as he shrugs, with his hand he points towards his chest but Marcela interrupts him before he can even speak she chuckles "ha what did you sing to her? Armando please you have the nerve, the nerve to tell me you don't know her when she made the effort to write this for you? and to recreate what you both have lived in a poem and you don't have the courtesy to remember her name!"
"Nonono it's-I-just- I don't even know the name. Delmira who? I don't know." he stumbles and stutters.
"I am going to remind you." She whispers kindly. "Delmira Agustini. Anyway that is the typical name that you like. Like Silva Marileni, Karina Larson, Claudia Boche and now it's Delmira Agustini. Must be another model."
"Nono. With this you-you have to believe me. I don't know how that paper got there[my desk]. I don't know what's going on here!" he turns to Betty's door. "I don't know! I don't know!"
"I do! and you know what? I totally agree with her when she says that she liked your insolence!" She throws the paper at him.
"Mar-mar-Marcela!" He yells and goes after her. She puts on her shades and walks out o his office, he runs out but stops in front of his office and turns to look at Bertha and Sofia who are sitting at their desks.
One could simply chuck Armando's behavior at the end of this scene as simply being about fear that he got caught. However Armando stands far away from Marcela, he stutters, he stumbles with his words, and he is on high alert. This isn't him getting caught and trying to cover his tracks, we've seen him get caught before and we've seen him escape the consequences before. He's always managed to make Marcela drop the whole thing(he gaslights her or tells her he's leaving her apartment and she says she'll drop it) but this time he doesn't. This time Armando is defenseless.
He often switches from standing near Betty's office or behind his desk or glances towards her office as well.
It isn't only because they are arguing because whenever Betty and him were arguing the previous day he didn't do that. He didn't stand by her door, he stood by her. He didn't glance at her door, he just stared at her.
The fact that Jorge Enrique and Fernando Gaitan did this so naturally and wrote such a small detail boggles me. JEA's acting is so natural and fluid that you get lost in it. It doesn't look like acting. It looks like a genuine reaction, just as Natalia's acting. It is phenomenal!
Armando was defending himself both to Marcela so she wouldn't end things therefore destroy him and Betty because he didn't want her to believe that he had somebody else.
The constant glancing to her office when he is defending himself allows us to see this.. While his constant standing by her office allows us to understand that he wants to bel close to her when he is under distress.
"Betty. Betty!" He yells for her.
A very timid Betty exits her office and walks towards his desk.
"Yes sir?" She speaks low.
"Tell me one thing, do you know who placed this poem on my desk?" he's pissed.
Betty, standing on the exact wall Armando had been standing by, nods her head slightly with wide eyes and a furrowed eyebrow(...s?)
"I placed it there, sir." she confesses. Armando furious stands up, he takes a step or two towards the meeting room and then turns towards Betty. His lips are pursed and he looks furious.
"Betty!" He yells. "Do you not realize the problem you just put me in?" Betty's truly feeling awful as her eyes are wide and full of fear. "Do you not realize! Tell me now how am I going to get it out that woman's head that I don't have a lover. Did you not measure the consequences, huh? How do you come up with the idea of putting a poem on my desk!"
Betty is standing tightly against the wall while he yells at her and she pulls slightly away from it to respond.
"Don Armando I only wanted to give you a surprise. To have a gesture like the letter you left on my desk." Armando does his classic angry italian chef hand gesture. "Sir, I'm really sorry. I think the best thing is that we end with this love." Armando had his back to her but as soon as she said those final words he turns to her surprised.
"What?" He asks shocked and angry. "What!" he looks at her in disbelief.
Betty looks away from him and looks down. She shakes her head and begins to speak "Sir I can't with this anymore. You're stuck in a grave problem with Ms. Marcela for going out with me and now the poem. I feel really bad."
Armando now has calmed down. He went from being furious to shocked and mad and now carefully paying attention to what Betty is saying. He stands still with arms around himself.
"No but Betty. No-No let's calm down." He takes a step towards her. "Lets calm down. You perfectly know how Marcela is." His eyes are wide and eyebrows arched. He is trying to fix this and is worried. "She is always suspicious of me. She always causes a scene of anything. No, think this through really well. Think it over."
"I know, Sir but that was with other women, not with me." Armando is intently paying attention to her again. His eyes are fixated on her. "I can't do this to her. I can't destroy a relationship like this-"
"Nonono, Beatriz. Destroy what? Do you think that what I have with Marcela is so harmonic?" He says panicked. "Harmonic is what we have." He says peacefully.
"What's happening is that she loves you, Sir.(NO, BETTY, SHE DOESN'T) and she suffers for you." Armando is now holding the rolled poem in his hands, to his face. "she wants to take care of you, she doesn't want someone to steal you away and because of that she behaves that way." He now looks at her, his fingers are interlaced as he stares at betty with softness and shakes his head, he takes in a deep breath "and I understand her. I'm not good for this. I can't be the other one or how many would say, the lover. For my father, for family, for my work, for your, your family, for the company, for Ms. Marcela. The best thing is for us to end this." Betty doesn't look at him as she speaks those final words, her head is down and she looks like she's in the brink of tears but is trying to hold herself together.
Armando stares at her this whole time and speaks "Nono but Betty lets calm down, for real-" Betty looks up and walks towards him and holds his hands in hers.
"Don Armando, what we lived was so very beautiful. These past nights have been the best ones of my life and I will always conserve them deeply in me." Armando now stares at her with his eyebrows slightly furrowed and slightly wide eyes. "From now on we will go back to being what we've always been. The president of Eco Moda and his assistant." Betty lets go of his hands and turns away to go to her office.
"Betty, come here, Be..tty." he speaks low.
Now Betty shuts the door to her office and leans against it and begins to cry.
Betty has been a witnesses to previous fights of these kinds. She's heard Marcela's yelling and all that. She's even helped cover Armando's tracks herself. However this time, just like she says it, it's different.
Does this justify Betty's actions? No.
Betty has been an accomplice to Armando's infidelities and she has been as well a willing participant to helping him. Like when she knew that Armando had a thing for Ms. Colombia and she worked her magic to secure that they did business with them so Armando had an excuse to see her since he was so excited about it. The fact that she covered his track with Marcela. She's always been a willing participator in the downfall of that relationship the only difference now is that unlike those model's who knew and didn't care about the relationship, who wanted Armando to end his relationship with Marcela(Albeit that they expected this because Armando always pretended that what he had with Morch wasn't serious) and felt no guilt over it, better yet had no problem causing a whole scene over it, Betty can't be the person who is actively inflicting this pain onto Marcela and she can not be the person who is in the middle of their romantic quarles.
Is this any different from the other women? Yes and no. With the other woman she just kept her mouth shut, helped him out when he needed the help and that was that. She couldn't force the woman not to go after Armando or stop them and at the time she was still keeping everything very professional so it's not like she could have told her boss "Hey you cheating scumbag stop cheating on your fiance." so instead for the sake of keeping a job and proving her worthiness at her job she became his accomplice. This time though she does have control over the other woman of Armando. This time she does decide whether she continues to go after a man who is engaged or if she decides to end it. Betty now has true control over the situation and she decides that she won't be the reason a woman goes crazy, even if that woman has treated her so unfairly and unkindly.
Betty can't let her father down nor anyone else simply because she's in love with Armando.
This takes him by surprise. Mario has told him that Betty would never give up a man such as himself, that she is lucky he[Armando] has even paid attention to her so therefore she should be grateful to god for him. However Betty doesn't behave this way. She places everyone else's needs before her own and she doesn't want to be like all the other woman who only cared about one thing: Possessing Armando.
He knows this and it affects him as well.
Betty is giving him up. Betty is renouncing to him and the relationship because unlike Marcela, she actually has dignity and proves to Armando over and over again that to him he isn't just an object to have but an actual human being. In her understanding what Marcela does is for love, however, Armando knows otherwise and the fact Betty is willing to give up their relationship if it means it's for his best interest and she doesn't cause harm to a woman who has done nothing but belittle her and treat her like the scum of the earth, gives him more reason to not want to end the relationship because he truly didn't want to.
This was all in the heat of the moment. The conversation was all being lead by only feelings so he didn't have time to manipulate Betty for the sake of the company. He was being forced within himself to face the reality of it and that is that he didn't want the relationship with Betty to end.
He tries to get her to take some deep breaths and rethink her decision and that doesn't help.
Betty avoids making eye contact with him as it pains her to see him while she is breaking up with him but Armando doesn't remove his eyes from her.
In this scene you two different contrast. While with Marcela all they did was yell and be at each other's throat's and Marcela showed to be the one with power in the relationship and that she likes it that way, Armando was fearful of her, controlling his anger, and exhausted but with Betty even when he did escalate in his anger he calmed down and listened to her, concentrated in what she was saying and tried to work it out. He asked for a breather, he asked for them to calm down and think things through clearly but he didn't even do that with Marcela.
In one he was willing to fight for the relationship even though he himself says he doesn't want to be in it, yet as he gets dumped he looks like he just hit the gutters, and in the other he doesn't even bother to fix it. He just hears her complain and then responds to her.
We can clearly see which is a toxic relationship and which is not. Even if Betty is the lover, even if Armando is cheating, it doesn't warrant or grant the excuse of behaving the way Marcela does.
Armando then goes to production and pulls Mario aside and tells him he needs to speak to him.
"What happened? What is it?" Mario asks concerned. Armando hols him from the shoulders and with a pain expressions breaks the news.
"Betty dumped me."
"What? He asks shocked. Armando drops his hands and looks away and walks towards the railing of the second floor of the building and leans against it.
He throws his arms in the air shrugging.
In a tone I'd described as pained and holding back tears he says "The worst is she doesn't want to know anything from me!" He wraps his arms around himself.
"Wh-but why? or what?"
Armando, while pouting and looking at the opposite direction, shrugs.
Armando is sad that Betty dumped and it isn't because of his ego. When Mario tells him that he needs to win her back because it would be terrible for his resume as a ladies man Armando tells him that things got out of his control, that he yelled so much at her when he found out about the poem that she cried.
He isn't worried about his ego, he is worried about the pain he caused Betty by not controlling himself.
Armando is steady moving towards figuring out his feelings or some of his feelings.
Do to his guilt of harming Betty he does want the relationship to end but he also doesn't want it to end because he'd truly miss Betty. It isn't only the people pleasing quality he has that motivates him to win her back but truly the fact that he can't live without her and he knows this, however he doesn't know or understand why that is.
While one can sympathize with Marcela we shouldn't neglect to call out her terrible toxic behavior while at the same time neglect to call out Armando's. In this scene what we saw was most certain reaction to abuse, not abuse itself from his part(though he has shown that in the past) and we can't ignore Betty's part in this either as she willinging entered a relationship with a man who is engaged, however what sets these two people from Marcela is that they recognize the pain they are inflicting in others and instead of ignoring it or not caring they feel guilty over it and one decides to remove herself from the situation.
'Til next time!
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Title: Missing Person
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Gif credit @inconspicuously-me
Requested on wattpad.
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Fire PD crossover
Warning: Kidnapping, forced drug use, assault and attempted murder twice.
Kelly checked his watch for the fifth time in the last thirty seconds. He had just gotten off shift and called you to see what your plans were for tonight after you got off work but you didn't answer. That's very odd for you to do. You always answered. So he knew something wasnt right and he headed to the police department.
"Hey Trudy, have you seen Y/N"? Kelly asked the front desk officer.
"Haven't seen her since she came in this morning around eight. Why"?
"I'm off work and I called her but she isn't picking up. Maybe the unit is out with a case".
"The unit hasn't left all day. They've been working on a case that seems to be leading them on a wild goose chase". Trudy informed him. Now he was starting to get worried.
"Can I talk to Voight about this"?
"Yeah, I'll buzz you up".
Kelly walked up the stairs and saw everyone acting normal no alarms going off that Y/N wasn't there.
"Hey Kelly, what can we do for you today"? Voight greeted.
"Y/N, haven't you seen that she's not here"? Kelly pointed to your desk.
"She went on a run for coffee".
"How long ago? She hasn't answered my calls for two hours now. I know it doesn't take that long to get coffee".
"Adam track her phone. She's probably stopping to get something else and her phone died". Voight suggested.
"This is not like my sister. She calls to say she's running late even when her phone dies. Something is wrong". Kelly followed Voight to Adams desk. He tracked your last location but after that it was gone. Like you vanished.
"See. She's nowhere on here. Something happened to her and you better find out and bring my sister home safely". Kelly yelled at Voight, storming out. Voight sighed.
"Jay, Erin go to the coffee shop and see what you can find. Adam send them the address". Voight gave out orders and he went to his office. One of his members were gone right from under his nose and no one saw or heard a thing.
Erin and Jay arrived at the coffee shop, they talked to the manager and asked about the surveillance tapes. What they saw wasn't what they wanted.
"She was taken". Erin stormed in the squad room showing pictures.
"A unknown Male grabbed her from behind as she was putting the coffee in her car and took her somewhere off camera".
"Where's her car"?
"Towed away".
"Get Adam the video see if you can find anything. You two find the car. The rest of you call hospitals. No one tells Kelly. I dont want him going on a rampage and get her killed". Voight order his team. They all kicked it into high gear.
After hours of phone calls to hospitals  around Chicago they came up empty handed. Jay and Erin found the car but nothing looked out of the ordinary. The tow truck driver said he didn't see anyone near the car when he came to pick it up. That it looked like some soccer mom's spa day went to long and she forgot the timer.
"So we have nothing"? Hank questioned his team.
"Her phone is either destroyed or dumped somewhere. I'm not getting a signal at all". Adam said looking up from his screen.
"Damn it. We need to figure this out and find her. Kelly has been ringing my phone off the hook for hours. He's wanting to go to the news with this but I'm afraid that if the kidnappers see this they'll kill her".
"Think who would want to take Y/N"?
"Check to see if anyone got out recently that Y/N put away and made threats. Let's find her". Hank told his him.
That was three days ago and Kelly let's say he was about to rain hell on Voight and his team. He found out that there was a video and he car was towed away. He was pissed that Voight lied and kept secrets from him. It was his sister missing not some random from the streets. He wanted answers. 
Kelly parked his car and started walking to the front entrance of the police department as he was walking he passed by a alleyway. He's walked past it many time but something in him said go down and that's what he did.
He followed the trash littering the ground and under a pile of newspaper there was a foot.. Cold and white.
Kelly threw off the papers and saw it was his little sister laying on the ground. He checked your pulse and it was hardly there but it was there. You were covered in bruises. Your wrists had rope burns from being tied up. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around you picking you up and running to the station.
"Call an ambulance". Kelly screamed as he entered. Trudy rushed to see what happened. She stopped in her tracks as she saw it was you. "Call 911". She yelled to the officer at the desk.
A ambulance came and started working on you. Hooking up oxygen and a IV. Your pulse was weak and your blood pressure was low. They needed to get you to med and fast. Your life depends on it.
Kelly didn't go to the hospital right away, he had a bone to pick with Hank Voight. He stormed up stairs, he came to a desk and knocked off the computer. Causing a crash getting everyone's attention. Kelly had tears running down his face.
"I just found my sister in a fucking alley. If you would have done your fucking jobs this wouldn't have happened. If anything happens to her, I'm coming for you Voight". Kelly pointed to Voight.
"We know who it is".
"It's to late. Everything's been played out. You had your chance". Kelly gritted his teeth as he walked away going to the hospital.
When Kelly got there you were getting checked over by Will. The nurse said Will would be out as soon as he knew you were stable.
Kelly sat there on his phone calling everyone he knew in the police department that wasn't a fan of Voight and there were a few but he got the answer he wanted.
"Kelly"? Will came up to him.
"How is she? Is okay"?
"She's lucky you found her. Another night she would have been dead".
"What happened to her"? Kelly wanted to know but also he didn't want to hear the details.
"She has a few broken bones. A punctured lung. Hyperthermia. We ran some test and found drugs in her system. She's in bad shape but I see her making a complete recovery with the right support system".
"Anything else"?
"No. She's okay there". Kelly sighed a sigh of relief knowing that you was okay.
"Thanks, Will. Can I see her"?
"For a moment. We're trying to warm her up slowly so she's pretty out of it". Will lead Kelly to your room. You were hooked up to all sorts of machines. Your lips were blue and you didn't look good but you were a fighter and you would pull through.
"Can I get a second"?
"Yeah, I'll be outside if you need me". Will left leaving Kelly to sob. He held your hand. You were freezing.
"I'm going to make them pay. I'll rip their fucking throats out. Just get better, please. You can't leave me". Kelly kissed your forehead and left. He was on a mission of vengeance.
Kelly had the address in hand as he walked up to the house. A few guys sat on the porch as he went up the stairs.
"Is Romeo here"? He asked one of the guys.
"Who's asking"?
"James. My friend Mario said he could hook me up".
"Mario sent you"?
"Yeah, you want me to call him to verify ". Kelly went to pull out his phone.
"Nah, you cool". He opened the door and Kelly went inside. The house was filled with smells that Kelly only smelt when he had to deal with drug addicts. Cocaine, meth. You name it, it was probably there.
"Can I help you"? A voice spooked Kelly.
"Yeah. I came to get some coke. My boy Mario said you were the best". Kelly chuckled to cover up his nervousness.
"You came to the right place. Take a seat". The man pulled out a wooden box and put it on the coffee table for Kelly.
"Pick your sin". He laughed.
"Are you Romeo? Cause Mario said to deal with Romeo only".
"Yes, now where's my money"?
"I have it. Let me pick. I have a few lady friends coming over and they want some good shit". Romeo laughed as Kelly looked through the box.
"I know how that is. I had a woman a couple days ago. Cop. She loved to party. Couldn't get enough".
"Oh really"? Kelly tried to keep his anger under control.
"Yeah. Cute little Y/H/C. See we go way back. She put me away for awhile and I got her back. That the way I do it. You screw me, I'll screw you". Romeo slammed the box lid on Kelly.
"You know, you look a lot like the cops brother. She had a picture of them two together in her wallet". Romeo eyed Kelly.
"Only child. Mom's a CEO of a company  and dad's a lawyer".
"You sure"?
"You're right. I shouldn't lie, we just met. Dont want to get off on the wrong foot". Kelly reached in his waistband and brought out a metal baton. Cracking Romeo in the face with it. Romeo landed on the floor with a thud.
Kelly stepped over him. "I'm her brother and I'm the last person you'll ever see again". Kelly raised his arm again ready to strike but the door busted open and in came Voight and his team.
"Kelly, put the weapon down. I don't want to have to to shoot you". Hank warned pointing his gun at him.
"You need to leave and let me finish this. It doesn't concern you".
"It does. If you kill him I'll have to arrest you and I dont think you want Y/N to wake up with no one there by her side. So drop it".
Kelly was hesitant at first but he thought of you being alone, he knew he didn't want that. So he dropped his arm and walked off.
"Get out of here. No one will know you were here".
"Thanks". Kelly nodded and left. Voight and the team arrested Romeo and his crew. There was enough drugs to send them away for life not to mention the attempted murder of a cop, kidnapping and assault. They were looking at death row.
Kelly went back to the hospital and sat by your side. Since he left you were getting pinker and back to yourself. He watched as you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"Hey there sis".
"I'm sorry". You said with a tear running down your cheek.
"No need to be sorry. You're alive and well. Your here and getting help. That's all that matters. I'm with you every step of the way". Kelly squeezed your hand in supporting you.
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ssa-montgomery · 4 years
Requests Are Open!
Hey everyone! Since we’re all stuck inside at the moment and I seem to have found my writing inspiration again I thought I would open up my requests again! Of course if you want to make a request you don’t have to use these so feel free to send me any requests, I just thought this might be fun! 
To make a request just send a number(s) from the list below and a ship or show! You can send me a bit of plot if you have an idea of what you would like to see but if not just send me the number! You can send me up to three prompts for one request :) You can send me the request through a message, a comment on this post or an ask.
The Fandoms I mainly write for are:
Once Upon a Time
I will write character x character and character x reader as long as the ship is legal! Of course the ship doesn’t have to be a romance ship! It can be friendship/family/enemies too.
I will complete your requests as soon as I can!
1. “You scared me!” “Well, I am naturally terrifying.”
2. “I’m fine.” “You don’t look fine.” “Then stop looking.”
3. “Where is Death when you need her?”
4. “You are all remarkably well behaved tonight. What did you do?”
5. “You look…” “Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?”
6. “Ohh so you think I’m cute when I’m angry? Well, get ready because I’m about to be GORGEOUS!!!”
7. “I don’t give a damn.” “You give so many damns they’re visible from SPACE.”
8. “Tell I’m going to die, tell me the sun is going to explode, tell me the world is ending and there’s nothing I can do about it because if I hear it’s going to be okay one more time I. Will. Scream.”
9. “I hate you.” “Why? I’m lovely.”
10. “Who are you?” “Demon to some. Angel to others.”
11. “Yeah, I have a plan.” “Is it a good one?” “I have a plan.”
12. “You love her don’t you?” “Was it that obvious?”
13. “I hate the sight of blood.” “Then maybe you shouldn’t kill for a living.”
14. “Are you sober?” “I’m moderately functional.” “I’ll take that as a no.”
15.“I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” “And I’m trying to subtly avoid it.”
16. “On a scale from one to ten, how bad do think it would be if-” “At least a twenty.”
17. “Well, aren’t you a little ray of pitch black.”
18. “So… I just realized … that I’ve been shot.”
19. “Did you hear that scream?” “Yes, I’m the one who screamed.”
20. “Only a fool would fall in love with someone as deadly as me.”
21. “Excuse me I have to go make a scene.”
22. “I warned you not to hurt his sister.”
23. “How does it feel, my dear? Losing the best thing that has ever happened to you.”
24. “Oh darling, you are so very broken and no cares to notice.”
25. “All that blood looks good on you. It really brings out your eyes.”
26. “I have to go … iron … my cat.”
27. “If I go through with this, I die. If I don’t go through with this, we all die.”
28. “I’m trying my best to be polite, but if you move that knife a centimeter closer to me I will tear you apart.”
29. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
30. “I’m not completely human anymore. Remember that next time you want to punch me in the face.”
31. “I am either going out for ice cream, or to commit a crime. I’ll decide in the car.”
32. “Don’t think about it too much or your head might explode.”
33. “I’m with him. For better or for worse. It’ll probably be worse. I knew that the day I met him.”
34. “I don’t hate you. I hate them for turning you into this.”
35. “Loving any of us is a death sentence isn’t it?”
36. “All I know is, one of us is right. The other one is you.”
37. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick.”
38. “Why are they all afraid of you?”
39. “I can’t go back to sleep after that. I need coffee- no. I need a drink, a stiff one.”
40. “Just know that I love you. I love you with all of my fucked up piece of shit heart.”
41. “You here to finish me off, sweetheart?”
42. “Oh. Hello. Excuse all the blood.”
43. “Guess who came back?”
44. “I made it through the day without beating anyone with a chair. I’d say my people skills are improving.”
45. “You keep pointing that gun at me and blabbering on about how much you’ve been wanting to kill me. I’m beginning to doubt your commitment…”
46. “It’s only murder if they find the body. Otherwise, it’s just a missing person. Just saying.”
47. “I can’t do this anymore.”
48. “The worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could and it still wasn’t good enough.”
49. “Because to you I am merely a monster. And in the end that’s all I ever was. ”
50. “And if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?”
51. “You already know how this will end.”
52. “Don’t you understand? You were her happy ending.”
53. “Lord give me patience or an untraceable handgun.”
54. “Did you actually think you mattered to him? Silly girl.”
55. “You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first. Bullshit. I have never loved myself but you, Oh god, I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
56. “It’s okay. You don’t have to love me.”
57. “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”
58. “Foolish child. Thinking the stains of your sins can be washed away by your tears.”
59. “I wanted you to fight for me and you didn’t.”
60. “it’s scary what a smile can hide.”
61. “You had me at “we’ll make it look like an accident.”
62. “Is this one of those times when you want me to lie to protect your delicate emotions?”
63. “I’m surrounded by idiots!”
64. “You gotta stop doing that.” “What?” “Saying things that make me wanna kiss you.”
65. “If you’re going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard.”
66. “I never said thank you did I?” “For what?” “For… well … everything.”
67. “I’ll find her and bring her home. I promise.”
68. “Dance with me and pretend the world doesn’t exist.”
69. “What are you afraid of?” “You.”
70. “You’re ok. Breathe. Just breathe. Open your eyes. Come back. It’s ok. It’s over now. You’re ok. Wake up. Please wake up. Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to me. I love you so fucking much. Come back.”
71. “Can I ask you a dumb question?” “Better than anyone I know.”
72. “If we’re going to get out of here, we’re going to have to work together. After that, we can go back to killing each other.” “Oh fine.”
73. “If it is destroying you, then it’s not love my dear.”
74. “ I never stood a chance, did I?” “That’s the sad part -you did once.”
75. “Eh, screw it. Let’s just blow it up and call it a day.”
76. “Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
77. “The problem is, if I kissed, I don’t think I don’t think I’d be able to stop.”
78. “Lie to me again.” “I love you.”
79. “Why are you avoiding me?” “Because … because I think I’m falling in love with you, okay? That’s why I’m avoiding you.”
80. “Whos ass are we kicking today?”
81. “I could strangle you.” “You aren’t tall enough.” “You’ve sunk low enough for me to reach.”
82. “Wait, did you just flirt with me?” “Have been for the past year but thanks for noticing.”
83. “Maybe I deserve someone else, but I always wanted you.”
84. “Darkness. When everything you know and love is taken away so harshly, all you can think about is angry, hatred and even revenge. And no one can save you.”
85. “For God sake! Who have you killed now?”
86. “Please point your gun at me if it helps you relax.”
87. “Tell me not to do something and I will do it twice and take pictures.”
88. “there is not enough salt in the WORLD to protect us from the hell you’re trying to unleash.” “Oh don’t be such a worrywart. The demon and I go way back.”
89. “You wanna know who’s beautiful?” “Aww who?” “Me.”
90. “In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”
91. “Wow can we just pretend, for one second, that you’re not a complete douchbag?”
92. “Are we there yet?” “Get out.” “We’re going 85-miles an hour down the highway in the middle of nowhere.” “Did I stutter?”
93. “Oh, honey, no. I love you too much to let you humiliate yourself this way.” “Bitch please, you don’t think I can beat you at Mario-kart? ”
94. “Fix me up with six cups of coffee and we’re good to go.”
95. “When someone gives you the "don’t pull your gun out of the back of your pants” nod, don’t pull your gun out of the back of your pants!“
96. "Do you feel guilty? Like, at all?” “I don’t have time to feel guilty. and neither do you.”
97. “Hey man nice tattoo.” “I don’t have a tattoo.” “Okay, how drunk were you last night?”
98. “Are you always stupid or is today a special occasion?”
99. “Literally everything about this is illegal.”
100. “I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine.”
101. “Pay me enough, and I didn’t see a thing.”
102. “Sorry I hung up on you, I didn’t mean to answer the call.”
103. “Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like crap so don’t piss me off.”
104. “Hey, I didn’t kill anyone today!” “What do you want? A gold star?”
105. “Since I met him, he carries more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear. He was betrayed, deceived, hurt. Believe me when I say he had already crossed hell, and the only time I saw peace in his eyes was when he saw you. You are the only reason he’s still alive.”
106. “Touch her, and you’ll learn exactly what’s worse than death.”
107. “I don’t want to look like a princess, I want to look like a formerly evil queen who reluctantly redeemed herself for the side of good.” “You read too much.” “Damn right I do.”
108. “You’re not as evil as people think you are.” “No. I’m much worse.”
109. “No. Not you. Anyone but you.”
110. “One of the hardest things you will ever have to do, my love, is to grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.”
111. “It goes away, that ache in your chest when you hear his name.”
112 “I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it, because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.”
113. “Don’t go.”
114. “If he cared, he would have made an effort.”
115. “You love him, don’t you?” “He’s not mine to love.” “But you still do?” “More than she ever will.”
116. “This is what, the third time I’ve crashed my own funeral?” “Fifth.” “Really? That many?”
117. “Y’know… that’s not what an apology sounds like.” “Bite me.”
118. “Don’t try to shut me out of this. I’ve been here since day one. I’m more a part of this than you are.”
119.”…. At least the snow’s pretty.”
120. “Don’t give me attitude, darling. I have one of my own.”
121. “I want you to remember you deserve this.”
122. “I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve died in front of me.”
123. “I don’t care if I  don’t get any sleep tonight. As long as I can be there for you.”
124.  “I should have told you a long time ago.”
125. “Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
126. “Silly girl,  can’t you see the truth right in front of you? This is his little kingdom, and you’re not the Queen anymore.
127. “If we get arrested, it’s your fault.”
128. “Wow, I can’t believe I said that out loud, please excuse me while I go die of embarrassment.”
129. “How sweet, sacrificing yourself for her, when did you get a heart?”
130.  “Let me go! I can still save them!”
131. “She’s my best friend. That hasn’t changed.” “It’s clear you feelings for her have.”
132. “You made your choice and I made mine. Just because you can’t live with yours doesn’t mean you should shame me for living with mine.”
133. “If someone gets nosy just .. you know … shoot ‘em.” “Shoot ‘em?” “Politely.”
134. “Show me your scars.” “But.. why?” “I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there.”
135. “It’s okay, it’s over now.” “No it’s not. It hasn’t even begun.”
136. “It’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
137. “Look. I’m glad you’ve saved everyone and all that, but it’s time someone told you to take care of you.” “I’m fine.” “No you’re not and furthermore, if you don’t take care of you think of all the people who will need you in the future who won’t have you.”
138. “I want you. Right here. Right now”
139. “Tell me what you want.”
140. “You look so fucking hot right now.”
141. “You say “I hate you.” But all I hear is “fuck me.”
142. “You think you’re the boss of me just because you’re hot?”
143. “You make me feel .. you make me feel and I don’t like it. I want it to stop. Now”
144. “You survived what you thought would kill you. Now straighten your crown and move foward like the Queen you are.”
145. “What I lack in common sense I make up for in sarcasm.”
146. “Because I am the big brother. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at it until now.”
147. “Aw look at ‘em - so young and willing to get themselves killed.”
148. “You’re kind of turning me on.”
149. “Studies show that I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
150. “You alienated everyone you loved , and now? You’re all alone.”
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| day-off | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: au + idol!yn a/n: again, it’s not proof read. i don’t think i even do that anymore omg hahaha! :D ~j.
“this is.. the building, right?” mark’s eyes trailed the new developed apartment estate, looking back and forth from the hand-drawn map.
doyoung rolled his eyes in frustration, “stop taking the map, mark.” he grabbed the already crumpled paper. the map wasn’t clear; it had been an hour since they arrived at the area, however with the directions drawn out, they couldn’t find the apartment jaehyun recently moved in to.
mark’s guilty conscience started to kick in when everyone surrounding him to look to doyoung; who was now tapping his fingers chronologically onto his waist in impatience. “okay i admit i was in the wrong for losing jaehyun‘s map.. but i clearly remember it, that’s why i drew it!”
“yeah while walking- *coughs*” donghyuck teased.
“well your map probably brought us to the other side of the city! we’ve been walking non-stop!” doyoung took an umbrage to mark’s response. all kinds of profanities jumbled in his head yet he was too tired to even deliver to the young man.
“johnny, tell doyoung he’s exaggerating!” mark whined monotonously. not that he was ignored, it took awhile for the lad awhile to realize johnny was looking elsewhere with headphones on.
a truck honked its horn and as it parked by the building they stood at, then the men lifted the metal door of the compartment. piles of boxes were placed at the front. hunch caused doyoung to walk up to the men. few nods and scratches of the head made the rest of the boys to tilt in question.
immediately taeyong knew what it meant when doyoung gave the raised brow. “we have to carry these up to jaehyun’s place.” he said. “they were sent to a wrong address, but this building is definitely jae’s.”
deep sighs went on for a good minute before they obliged with his orders. they, for sure had no energy to even complain after the unplanned walkathon; thanks to mark’s careless mistake.
whilst they waited for the lift, the out-of-place instrumental echoing the lobby created an awkward air dwelling amongst them. ultimate silence and pure exhaustion were cut short when they arrived at the door. taeyong had his palms onto the unlocked door knob and to their surprise they heard you both bickering and arguing like parrots.
“get off me y/n!” jaehyun’s voice startled the rest of them. a thud was heard. “seriously, you chose him?!”
“who cares if i did?!” you butt back and taeyong pursed his lips, making everyone mirror the same expression. “he’s way more practical!”
at this point, the only thing that went through their minds was the possibility of you.. cheating. it was finally their day-off after the tour and jaehyun was kind enough to offer a sleepover at his place. little did they know that they’d encounter such private matters today; like literally they were right outside his door.
“i think we shouldn’t enter just yet.” taeil suggested as he placed down a box.
“maybe they’ll stop if we messaged one of them.” yuta started to press letters onto the screen. a hand grabbed his phone, telling him to not do it.
“we’ll wait for them to stop.” johnny removed his headphones where your argument with jaehyun was louder than the blasted music in his ears.
mark yet again whined in a whisper, “i don’t wanna eavesdrop though. we can leave the box-”
“see you’re always like this!” jaehyun yelled in a much louder tone. “can you use your brain for once?!”
their heads all shot up at the amount of volume their bud gave.
awkward.. their eyes said it all.
“i am using it! you’re just too blind to even see it!” you let out a groan. the guys heard a multiple stomps your tiny feet ever did. they had never encountered you like this before.
as you both continued the probably endless argument, jungwoo found himself sitting onto the carpeted floor of the hallway. his share of box right beside him. the rest of the followed, all hesitant to even doorbell or bothering to knock when jaehyun started to yell again.
“i don’t have to see your brain! i’ll know your hardwork if you acted!”
“well your hardworking girlfriend’s doing everything for you! you’re the reliant one!”
“reliant?! reliant?! look whose talking! are you even hearing yourself?!”
“shut up! you should hear yourself! if i died, you wouldn’t have someone to depend to!”
“i don’t care if you died!”
the door slammed open, revealing the nine boys with boxes in their hands. taeyong was clearly pissed at the behaviour. “hey jung jaehyun. what you told her is way out of line-”
“hey guys.” you both seated so comfortably onto the giant bean bags, you and jaehyun greeted simultaneously with eyes so innocent and child-like. the tone was completely different compared to what they heard just minutes before. “great i was waiting for those!” your boyfriend stood up to help his friends.
you soon did the same, grabbing the home slippers to let them wear. as you talked, your brothers, a.k.a jaehyun’s friends, were very dumbfounded to the point they all remained quiet. you waved to them several times before you snapped your fingers, jolting them back to reality. “hello? i’m not talking to the air, am i?”
jaehyun sneeked his palms to support your waist, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you headed to the kitchen. “why didn’t you ring the bell?” he asked.
sicheng gulped at a volume before speaking. “we thought you were about to end things with y/n. we didn’t want to interfere.” he walked to the sofa and made themselves home.
“ah, you heard us arguing?” the chuckle jaehyun gave was rather genuine, as if nothing happened. “sorry about that. we were playing super mario bros on nintendo wii.” he took out a dirtied ivory white controller from this hoodie pocket.
oh what the..
“bubs saw it as we unpacked his things. been working for two straight days and we decided to take a break.” you had a glass tupperware and reusable plastic cups in your hands.
“yeah you had no idea how much nostalgia hit me when i saw it.” jaehyun laughed as he gestured you to sit beside him.
“i made lasagna~” you singsonged, passing the utensils around the center table.
the boys dove into the delish meal you prepared for them. as imaginary as it sounded, you could almost feel your shoulders heightening in pride when they complimented on how good it tasted. jaehyun reminded you to make two more batches because he knew his friends— and including himself, are pretty big eaters.
the recent comeback song of your group began to play as the playlist shuffled. they all stopped eating and used their forks as mics to mimic you. it hyped up everyone when your part came; you were the rapper. you gave in and went along with them.
noticing how the food was close to being devoured, you stood up and grabbed the rest to be reheated.
“hey jaehyun, have you ever heard y/n sing before?” johnny asked the blushing boy after he took a glance of your waiting figure at the kitchen.
“nope.” he popped his lips. “hold on, just hums i guess.” he replied.
“good thing i brought this!” donghyuck whispered, rummaging his bag for an item. few sighs of expectation came out from all of them as they knew what he meant.
they sang as if they’ve had countless of beer rounds. the jolly noise was getting louder as your song played. closing the door of the oven, you brought the last batch of your lasagna. taeil told you they wanted you to sing, and with immediate hesistation, you declined.
“why not? i bet you have a beautiful voice.” taeil complimented, and you couldn’t help but blush.
the bridge of the song was about to come when yuta passed the mic to you. in all honesty this part of the whole song was completely out of your range, but you’d be lying if you didn’t attempt this with your group’s main vocalist; rina.
they thought you had a voice of an angel, though you haven’t sung in public since your debut. as you hit belting and prolonging note, the boys cheered and nudged each other, signalling any of them to record your boyfriend.
jaehyun was speechless with his lips parted.
you blushed and hid your face right after it ended, grabbing a pillow nearby and collapsing backwards. “stop cheering!”
“why aren’t you the main vocalist?!”
“i have high hopes that you’ll be having a solo in your group’s next comeback!”
“y/n you’re really good!”
the pillow you were holding against to was removed from your hands. jaehyun smiled with beetroot coloured ears. “can you sing me to sleep later?”
“no.” you butt back, embarrassed that your boyfriend’s asking will be frequent now that he knows you sing well.
jaehyun whined and put his weight onto your small frame, squishing you so you wouldn’t escape. “i’m gonna tickle you.” he warned whilst his hands grabbed you.
“i’m not ticklish.” you defended with a straight face.
“we’ll see about that.” he leaned down where his chin was visible with stubble, attempting to squish his face to yours.
“jung jaehyun! stop! your face is oily!”
“blame it on your lasagna!”
“you eat like how a baby eats!”
“but i’m your baby!”
“yah get a room!” mark yelled, disgusted at the pda you both showed. well it was only jaehyun anyway. you were the victim of a playful act of your boyfriend.
you sat up with face all red from the chin upwards. “this is how i suffer everyday ever since dating your bro.” you told the rest of them.
“jaehyun did say he’s a romantic.” johnny made a teasing expression, earning a fake gag and sour faces from the others.
“and a forward person.” taeyong chuckled with his arms crossed.
“he said he’s very affectionate.” doyoung
yuta hopped in his seat. “he loves skinship too.”
“specifically holding hands.” taeil joined the tease.
jaehyun stuttered. “i- i didn’t mean it in a way yo-you’re all thinking of.” he threw a pillow.
“or did you?” johnny teased.
you looked at your boyfriend whose lips pursed to a flat line. he was so flustered and it was really cute.
“one more word i’ll kick you out of my house.”
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homesoutofhuman · 6 years
Soft: John Wick/reader one-shot
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Warnings: so much soft you might die, sex and daddy kink (sorry not sorry)
Requested by @johnwickthirstclub (sorry your ask still never came through so hope this is something like you wanted)
easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch.
having a pleasing quality involving a subtle effect or contrast rather than sharp definition."the soft glow of the lamps"
You’ve slept deeply, yet when the alarm goes off you groan, something inside you does not want to leave your cosy cocoon and the thought of facing the day fills you with dread. John reaches out an arm, silences his phone then glances back to you. You move to cling onto his warm back like a limpet.
“Don’t wanna get up today John…”
John exhales, as usual, he has trouble refusing you much, if anything at all. He turns and strokes your hair out of your face, placing a kiss on your cheekbone.
“Let’s take it one step at a time hmm? I’ll make coffee…”
You reluctantly let him go, watching and appreciating his boxer-clad form as he walks to the bedroom door. John feels your gaze on him and pauses, glancing back to where you’re barely visible above the mountain of soft covers.
“At least you’re not too sleepy to ogle me…”
“John!” you whine in embarrassment, hiding under the covers and you hear him give a low chuckle before closing the door.
You doze, but the smell of fresh coffee brings you round. You sit up in bed, well aware your hair is a mess and sip the cup that John has brought you. He sits beside you for a moment, his dark eyes running over you. He looks concerned, and you can sense he is formulating a plan.
“I’m okay John. I just don’t feel like facing the world today y’know?”
John gives a gentle sigh, but you know he is more worried than mad. He lifts the strap of your camisole back up to your shoulder where it had slipped down. His touch makes you shiver and you watch him a little wide eyed through the steam from your cup.
“How about we have a day just us?”
You breathe out a sigh of relief, glad that he understands, and abandon your coffee to throw your arms around his broad shoulders. John strokes his thumb on the bare skin of your back.
“You go back to sleep for a bit...I’m going to sort a few things out, all right?”
You chew your lip, you’d really hoped that John would get back into bed and cuddle you, but you know he has some work obligations he can’t avoid. You nod and snuggle back down. John tucks you in and leaves you to rest.
You can sleep through a lot of things, but the smell of food is not one of them. You drag yourself from the sanctuary of your bed, not bothering to dress, pushing your feet into your knitted slipper boots before padding into the kitchen.
John is making breakfast, and you wrinkle your nose, hopping up on the bar stool to watch him. He gives you a focused but gentle glance.
“Feeling better?”
You shrug and rub your eyes, not wanting the spoiling to stop anytime soon. John smirks and tips a pancake onto a plate in front of you.
“How about you try and eat something for me, baby?”
You start to cut your food and he moves behind you, giving you a brief hug before taking the cutlery out of your hands.
“Let me…”
He offers you a syrup laden fork and you roll your eyes, not liking to feel like a child. John raises a dark eyebrow and you open your mouth obediently, not wanting to piss him off.
“Good girl…” he says and you blush, both from humiliation and from how much you enjoy his praise.
John lets you finish the rest of your breakfast yourself, but insists on stealing the banana slices off your plate. You slap the back of his hand and he gives you an amused look.
“So if you don’t want to go outside what do you want to do?”
You flush and look at him through your lashes and John snorts. “This is about you relaxing…”
You open your mouth to protest you do find that relaxing but he puts a finger to your lips and you look up at him meekly.
“How about we play one of those stupid games you like so much?”
You nod excitedly and lead him to the couch and turn on the games console. You beat him at Mario Kart a few times and you can see his frustration rising. His skill in real life driving is not transferring to the game and he grunts, letting out various curse words directed at his tiny avatar.
The effort of playing tires you out and you fling yourself back against the couch cushions dramatically. John is rubbing his temple. “I think we need a break.”
He turns off the screen and glances back to you. You can see something in his eyes that you don’t quite catch onto quick enough before he has you in his arms. You’re pressed against his broad chest and you whimper at his sudden rush of emotion.
“I love you….” John murmurs in your ear.
“I love you too John.”
He places a searing kiss against your neck and you gasp a little breathless.
His eyes drift to your mouth, his gaze turning heated. You sit stock still, feeling like he’s cast a spell on you as he rubs the back of his knuckles against your cheek and you almost purr.
“Let’s watch a movie…”
You’re a little annoyed at him for not kissing you, so you choose the Disney delight that is Frozen, thinking it won’t be his cup of tea, but you see him tapping his foot out the corner of your eye, and even when you push yourself into his arms for a cuddle his eyes remain fixed to the screen, caught up in the story. However by the end you can see see him getting antsy, his knee fidgeting up and down and not to the rhythm of the music. You stroke his leg soothingly, but you can feel the pent up energy pulsing out of him. As soon as the credits roll he turns to you.
“I might go for a run, you’re sure you don’t want to come?”
“I could do a walk maybe?”
John looks so delighted you rush to pull on your jeans. He jams a woolly hat over your ears and kisses your nose.
He holds your hand as you walk through the neighbourhood. You don’t really feel like seeing anyone you know, so you keep your head down and your eyes averted. John leads you through a small woodland clearing, it is empty except for the birds, the trees and him. You relax and start to look around, taking deep cleansing breaths of oxygen.
John is wearing his soft brown coat, the cold turning his cheeks a little red. You can see the flecks of grey in his beard and you feel so fond, so hopeful that you will spend the rest of your life with this man. Not for the first time you feel a yearning in your heart for the patter of tiny feet.
“John...when can we get a puppy?” You attempt to sound casual, swinging his hand up and down.
He glances down at you. “This again? They’re so much work…”
“But just imagine….we could bring it on our walks...snuggle with it on the couch…”
“Aren’t I enough for you to cuddle?” John asks, pretending to be offended, grabbing a handful of leaves and throwing them in your direction.
You easily dodge out the way, screaming with laughter. “You are...but a puppy would be so cute…”
“Aren’t I ‘cute’?” he says with a quizzical grin that makes you heart pound. John grabs you and pulls you into his arms, still pouting with mock offence and you reach up and caress his face.
“No. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever known.”
He almost growls in response, bending to nip at your ear as if he were in fact a puppy. “Well hey now you completely destroyed my argument….”
“Then you’ll have to give in…” you pant, stroking your hands into his dark hair as his tongue sneaks out to suck your earlobe.
“I always do with you…”
When you return from the walk you’re freezing, despite the hat and coat, and you ball your hands into fists trying to warm them up. John takes them between his own larger ones and rubs until you can feel the blood moving again.
“Thank you.” you say through teeth clenched with cold and he makes an annoyed sound.
“Come on….bath time…”
You can tell he is upset at himself for letting you get so cold, but to be honest you hardly noticed, you were too caught up with him. You strip off your clothes in the bathroom, feeling John’s eyes on you and pour a full cup of bubble bath into the water. John sits on the floor beside the bath and dangles his hand in the water. He has taken off his shoes and socks and crosses his bare feet under him. He looks casual, soft, so unlike he does when he’s dressed up for work, and your heart aches with affection.
“You know you could get in with me…” you suggest as casually as possible.
“No...you enjoy it…” he leans up and kisses you once, far too briefly then leaves you languishing in the warm water until your skin starts to prune. 
You pull yourself out of the bath and somehow John is there to help you. He wraps a white fluffy towel around you then takes another to gently dry off your hair, getting out most of the moisture and leaving it damp around your neck.
“You look so cute like this…” he tells you, and you try not to glare.
You put your pyjamas back on and join John who is lounging on the couch. He is wearing his Henley shirt and old jeans which spark many pleasant memories. They have a few holes and are fraying at his ankles. It makes you sad to think he will have to one day get a new pair. You sit between his legs on the floor. John begins to comb your hair and you wince when it catches on the tangles.
He spots you of course. “Does that hurt?”
You tilt your head, trying to look back into his brown eyes.
“A bit.”
“I’m sorry.” he rumbles, kissing your cheek from behind. “But we gotta get the tangles out, right?”
You nod and try to relax as he continues. John finishes up then puts down the comb, placing his large hands on your shoulders and kneading your muscles.
“You’re still so tense after that bath?”
You sigh. “I can’t help it.”
“Oh, little one….”
John bends to kiss your neck and you feel yourself relax, both from his mouth on your skin and the tender pet name.
“...come sit up here with me….you wanna watch another movie?”
You lay on the couch and put your feet in his lap. John takes one and starts rubbing, it is bliss. You groan and shift your feet in his lap. John ignores the brush of your feet against his crotch, focused on draining every bit of tension out of you until you’re a boneless mess.
“No movie...too loud just...let’s just sit.”
John nods and flicks on some classical music which fills the background with quiet ambience.
“Don’t mind if I read do you?”
You shake your head and he grabs his book, keeping your feet in his lap and still stroking them with one hand, using the other to hold his book. You gaze at him lazily. His profile is perfect. Dark eyelashes which brush against freckled cheeks, a regal nose, his supple looking mouth. You grumble and arch your back off the couch, starting to feel a little restless from doing nothing all day.
Almost as if he senses your thoughts John puts down his book to turn you around on the couch, placing your head in his lap. He moves his hand to your mouth, caressing your bottom lip and tapping it. You feel a shiver through your body and open your mouth, sucking two of his fingers inside. You calm instantly, the pads of his fingers sliding against your tongue. You nip at the joint and he darts a sharp look at you, so you suck his fingertip in apology.
John turns back to his book and you squirm a bit in his lap, letting out a low desperate sound around his fingers and John pauses.
You shake your head urgently.
John takes his fingers from your mouth to turn the page of his book and you whimper at the loss. When he returns them, he trails them down your neck making you purr, over your chest where your nipples are already hard, to your waistband. He leans the heel of his hand on your stomach, petting lightly back and forth over your navel.
You feel drugged with desire. How John manages to detect your most sensitive areas you have no idea, but he just hit almost all of them within a minute and it’s got you dizzy. You close your eyes to try and calm down. You hear the rustle as John turns another page.
His caresses are feather light, teasing and it’s a lovely torture. John moves his fingers, still slick with your saliva down the curve of your stomach to your underwear. He rubs you through the cotton and you open your eyes, looking down and revelling in how debauched it looks, his thick fingers pressing against your damp white panties.
You tip your head up so you can look at him and John is staring down at exactly the same place, his breath held, his eyes large and dark. He pushes your underwear aside, looking almost in a trance, gathering some of your wetness up onto his fingers so he can taste you. You catch a glimpse of his long tongue around his own knuckles and you turn your head in his lap, feeling a large bulge forming against your cheek.
“Are you…” you stutter, feeling shy suddenly “really still reading?”
You jump as John throws the book across the room. “No.”
He grabs your face and kisses you, deep and dirty and you return it as best you can. His fingers are gripping your jaw and basically restricting your movements so you have no choice but to submit. Not that there is the slightest chance you’d want to resist.
His eyelids flutter as he pulls back from you, looking stunned for a moment before seeming to remember himself.
“Sorry I...you’re supposed to be resting today…”
“I’m okay John….please don’t stop…”
You lift his big hand from where is it resting on your chin and move it down back between your legs. John makes a harsh sound in his throat, pushing a finger inside you.
“Okay my lovely brat...you get what you want as usual…”
You’re so wet his finger slides in easily, but as he adds another you can feel yourself clenching around him, shamefully desperate. John looks like he might pass out, looking at you in awe.
“How are you….so tight?”
He bends and kisses your forehead as he gently moves his fingers inside you, curling them up and you can tell he is trying to focus on bringing you pleasure without thinking of himself.
You’re not having that and you spread your legs wide, bearing down on his fingers shamelessly.
“Because you didn’t fuck me all day daddy…”
You use the name on him because you know its power. John struggles against every moral instinct in himself not to like it...but oh he does...and the fact that it’s taboo makes him like it even more.
“Fuck….” he swears, and you feel the delicious thrill of making him break that precious control.
He pulls down his jeans with such desperation it makes you pant and without much hesitation slips inside you, large and thick and warm and everything you could want.
“Sweetheart…” he chokes, “I’m not sure how long I can last like this…”
“That’s okay daddy…” you pant back, your voice sounding weak and thready as John pushes you into the couch with the force of his thrusts.
You hold on for dear life, happy with his rough pace as it matches your neediness. After a while John seems to gain some control of himself, slowing down and almost stopping. You wrap your legs around his waist, rocking yourself up against him, trying to make him move, but he’s so much larger than you it barely works.
“Hey...look at me...”
You thrash your head and he holds your throat gently, forcing you to look into his eyes.
“I love you...” he tells you, for second time that day.
You groan and squeeze your inner muscles around him in reply. You adore him, you are crazy for him, you just need him to move.
John waits, patient and grave until you see he requires a response. You blink a few times, trying to clear your hazy mind, reaching up to stroke his hair which feels silky without its usual gel.
“I love you John.” you grind out and see him nod, satisfied, before he thankfully starts to move again in long languorous strokes, designed torment you, bringing you to the edge.
He leans down, sucking at your skin while rubbing your clit and you cry out with a pleasure so intense it almost feels like pain. John starts to move again, even as you come, and as usual his words get dirtier the closer he is to orgasm.
“God...damn...you’re amazing...can feel you milking my cock darling...”
He seems intent on making you come again, and you can feel your brain blurring into blackness. You keen, oversensitive but not wanting him to stop, you just start pleading, almost begging, trying to urge him on.
You move your hands to grasp his ass and pull him down against you. John gives a yelp of surprise at your bold action, loses control and releases inside you with a sob, shuddering and dropping heavily, his head against your breasts. 
He sits up as soon as he is able, pulling his shirt over his head to try and cool off. You run an appreciative hand over his muscles and he gives you a rueful look.
“I didn’t mean to lose it like that....you were just so...”
He trails off as you shift on the couch, trying not to make a mess as the evidence of John’s loss of control leaks out of you. 
“....fucking hot....”
His eyes widen with a possessive look as he picks you up caveman style and carries you to the bathroom to clean you up. You’re too weak from pleasure to protest and let him move your limbs around like a doll. John doesn’t stop looking concerned until you’re back in bed, him spooning your back, his arm tightly around you.
“Did you turn everything off downstairs?” 
“Yeah....I got it all under control...and I’ve got you, okay?”
You nod, feeling your heart throb with the strength of your feelings. 
“I’ve had a lovely day with you...I almost don’t want it to end...”
Even as you admit it you feel sleep tugging at you and you try to ignore it, try to focus on the feeling of John’s arms around you. He kisses your nape and shushes you.
“Sleep. We can have an even better one tomorrow...”
You trust him with your life, so you obey, not understanding how you ever got so lucky to see this soft side of John Wick.
243 notes · View notes
luciferinati · 6 years
Chapter 8
Lead roll - Mario
Others - Sergio, Paulo, Cristiano, Luka.
Words - 1587
@arduango @asensihoes @mandzomandzo @luka-moredick @domo-no-domo-yes @lovre-n @tinymodric @smolmandzo @mariomandzukiccc @djbagudina @aj-lajk @pachua @zadarskabagudina @marilyn-mandzukic @puolendollarinonni @sebby-ravnica @mad-for-mandzukic @flemishyugotalian @winters-chiid @sejan-is-love @footballcursed @ante-ray-bitch @synne-sol @smolmandzo @incorrect-croatia-nt @josephine-maaayy7 @lovren-la-vida-luka @read-all-day. @kettie09
-Woah, this is wild- Mario looks in the man that's sleeping on top of him. -Honestly, he looks kind of cute- the head turned to see the room; clothes, a knife and a pillow were on the ground, three bottles of Rakija and painkillers on the table. -No wonder I don't seem to remember things. What's the time?- He tried to get out of the blankets without waking up the other man, but without luck. Once he got up Ramos moaned, "Wow! Hello there naked butt," Mario automatically looked down to check if he was actually butt naked, and yep - he was.
"What the hell?" He turned to face Ramos who was looking at Mandžo like he was a piece of candy, " What did you do to me?"
"What did I do to you? More like what did you do to me!"
Mario stood there confused.
"What? You want to tell me you don't remember?"
"Honestly, I don't," Mario rook a pill and drank the mineral water he bought yesterday, then put it on the little table, " I will go to the shower," he watched the man stretch, "May I use that too?"
"Yeah, sure," He said and went off.
A cold shower was right on time. -This could literally cure anything and everything... Wait, I never looked at the clock. Damn it. - Once he got out his beloved robe was nowhere to be seen so he used a towel this time. And when he stepped out of the bathroom his gaze landed on the robe that was on a different body.
"You can go to the shower now,"
"Alright thanks," Ramos went to bathrooms direction.
"Clean towels are in that shelf," Mario pointed.
His head didn't ache as much as when he woke up so he just decided to clean the room up. First he turned on some music, put clean underwear on and turned on a coffee machine and then begun. He tried to remember what did they do in the night, he questioned if he still dislikes the man. He really had mixed feelings towards him, did he like him or hate him? He didn't know anymore. But one was clear Ramos loved him and Mario didn't know what to do about it. He liked Sergio's company, he liked what happened in the night, at least the parts he remembered. Also he thought about him a lot even before. -Am I actually obsessed with him?- He puzzled things together and he came across the fact that he actually did think about him a lot, even, though mostly those were bad things, like how much better he was than Ramos, how he would gladly punch him in the face, how he wanted to beat him in the games and show that his team is better than Sergio's. But even those thoughts kind of show his obsession with the man. And it shows that Ramos actually is a challenge for Mandžukič and he always loved some challenge. So that also meant he loved Sése, because he is his challenge for almost 5 years. Mario was in a black hole, he didn't know what is this relationship between both of them.
When Sergio went out of the shower Mario looked on the man - his hair, tattoo's, the water drops on his back and shoulders. Did he feel something?
"The coffee is ready, just add what you need,"
"Thanks," The Spanish man smiled, "I like your taste in music."
"Thanks, I'm glad to hear that,” after a while he spoke up again, “How long are you gonna stay here?”
“Well,” Ramos begun, “I can stay here as long as you want me to, also I’m not gonna wear my dirty clothes on my clean body.”
-Yeah, it is pretty disgusting to wear your dirty clothes on after a shower, especially underwear. – “Alright, let’s throw them in the washer, just take everything out of the pockets. You can wear my robe for now.”
A soft okay slipped out of Sergio’s mouth and both men begun to do other morning routine things, like cooking breakfast, watching the news and drinking morning coffee.
“So how’s Cristiano?” Sergio broke the silence.
“Do you really want to have that conversation?” Mario gave the really pissed off gaze.
“Well yes, I just did, I mean he is in Juve now.” The man explained.
“Honestly if you want to know how’s Cristiano ask Paulo, he seems to know everything about him now”
“Wait… the guy who called in the night?” Ramos was shook.
“On the other end of the line, it was Paulo and Cris?” Only hearing that made Mario mad and it was pretty visible.
“Okay here is the thing about Ron: he is not the one to fuck with – literally, unless you are absolutely down for one night stand and a booty call. He is not a person to commit to relationships, believe me all of those years in locker room can give you a lot of info, also the whole locker room knows the actual way how he gets all of his shit,” He took a sip of his coffee, “So if your friend Paulo expects more than a fuck from Cris, he is barking up the wrong tree.”
“Shit! I have to save that child from a broken heart,” Mandžukič said, even though he knew it was too late to save Paulo from it.
“Literally, the one you have to fight is the one who always tries to act all nice and try’s to be polite; I maybe am a dick on the field, but Cristiano is a dick in real life, he is so up in his ass to be honest.”
“I’ve always thought that he is that type of person. But I didn’t really expect it to be true. Thank you for that piece of information,” Mario winked, “Do you want breakfast?”
“More like lunch,” Ramos pointed out and showed the time on his wrist watch, it was a bit passed 1pm.
“Cool, I’m probably missing a training session, oh well, let’s hope they won’t beat me up because of it,” Mario laughed and went to the kitchen to grab some food. Once he turned back to the sofa where Ramos was sitting and watching the news.
“Yesterday was a blur, but.. um.. If I remember it right, did you really mean what you said about your feelings?”
“My tongue never lies when I’m drunk,” he looked at the Croat, “but did you mean what you said?”
“If I remembered I’d tell you, but I don’t remember half of what happened.”
“You told me everything you feel towards me – how much you wanted to kill me, because of how I tortured you and didn’t let you play, how much you love me and never want to let me go away, how big of a challenge I am to you and how much you love that, also how much you wanted to fuck me from the first time you saw me,” Ramos carefully recounted the information he was told in the night. Mario knew that it all could be true, but he wasn’t sure about the erotic part, but honestly if he really said it maybe it was true.
“Did I really say all that?”
“Dude, I think you were more drunk than I was at that point, but yes, you did say all of that. I could feel that you have mixed feeling towards me and well I can see why you do. Do you want me to tell you what happened?”
“Okay and yes, tell me.”
“What was the last thing you remember?”
“I don’t know, I think the point where you told me about how you feel about me, then I got Rakija, and after that I don’t remember much, I took a knife and you licked it? Was that real or did I dreamed of that?”
“Alrighty, you don’t remember quite a lot in that case, because well apparently we had more than that,”
“How much is more?”
“Oh gosh,” Ramos sighed, “Well, we kissed, we had a really intense make out session and well you tore my clothes off and teased me a lot, to summarize it – it was a night with so much heat in the bed, so I don’t know if it’s good that you don’t remember all of it or bad.”
Mario literally froze listening to all of it, he really couldn’t believe that he was capable of doing something like that.
“Okay that explains why we woke up naked and you were on top of me. Wow. Did we really-? Did I really-?” He kind of remembered the drunk kisses they exchanged and he kind of wanted to kiss Sergio again, he looked at his lips to remember the smack of them; the taste of Rakija seemed to appear on Mandžo’s lips, he remembered kissing it, drinking the brew will never be the same now, he will always remember Sergio’s lips when he will have the flavor on his tongue. Mario blankly stared on Ramos’ lips for too long, of course the man noticed, gently got closer and softly kissed him. Mario didn’t expect it, but well, he did stare and daydream of kissing them, so he got what he wanted. Feeling those lips was everything to Mario, it didn’t taste like the alcohol anymore, tho - now it was a sweet flavor of coffee. Feeling the lips against his was amazing either way.
19 notes · View notes
classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. You and Kevin come home one day to see Bonham lying on the couch with her eyes closed, a saxophone sound coming from the speaker on the table. It sounds somewhat familiar but  you can’t place it. “What are you listening to?” Kevin asks. “Jazz Mario,” Bonham responds without opening her eyes. Kevin wrinkles his nose, “That’s the dumbest shit I ever heard of.” How do you and Bonham respond?
Bons shoots straight up off the couch and goes, “It is not!”
Me: I do my homework to it. It’s great study music. 
2. Bonham is playing the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack for you and Kevin and Rudy when the ‘Galaxy Birth’ song. Rudy says, “This is cute.” Bonham says, “I don’t know, it kinda makes me think about death.” What do you and Kevin think of it (song available on request or on youtube) and what do you say?
Me: It does kind of remind me of death. But it’s also putting me to sleep. 
I close my eyes and rest my head on Kevin. 
Kevin: Can we change the song please? I really don’t want her drooling on my shoulder at two o’clock in the afternoon.
3. You’re hanging out with Kevin and Bonham one day when Vince calls you out of nowhere. No hello or anything, the first thing out of his mouth is, “I know marriage is for better or worse but how much worse is it gonna get?” You’ve got him on speakerphone, so how do the three of you answer him?
Bonham: Much worse. Much, much, much worse
Kevin: It’s not so bad..as long as you find the right person. 
And then he looks over at me which makes Bons gag. 
Me: I mean you’ve already been married one time before you married Sharise so shouldn’t you already know?
4. Bonham’s showing you, Kevin, and Rudy a jazz record, and it’s pretty good. A nice bari sax solo comes on and Bonham kinda moans a little and says, “I’d marry a bari sax.” “A player?” Rudy asks. “No, the actual instrument.” She says, and she sounds serious. How do the three of you respond?
Rudy: I mean you could. 
Kevin: Whatever floats your boat. 
Me: As long as you don’t want to marry pizza. I don’t want to see oral sex with pizza again. *shudders* 
5. Rudy asks Kevin what his favorite song is one day, and Kevin totally blanks. “How can you forget your favorite song?” Bonham asks. “Shut up, I have jamnesia.” Kevin says. How do you and Rudy respond?
I roll my eyes, “Jamnesia isn’t a real thing, Kevin.” 
Rudy: Actually it’s a surf camp.
6. You’re sitting with Kevin and Bonham one day when she cringes at a news article. “Some guy got arrested for going around to hotels and filming himself jerking off when the housekeeping staff came in. OH SHIT and get this, one of the guys that caught him gave him a blowjob. Do people just blow each other nonchalantly, like, what the fuck?” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: When they’re high and drunk enough they do. 
I look pointedly at Kevin. 
Kevin: WHAT?! I never did that!
Me: Uh-huh 
7. You’re at a small get-together with Bonham, Kevin, Rudy, Carlos, and Crue. At one point when you’re sitting with Bonham and Nikki, Kevin comes up to you and says in a deep British voice, “I fancy you.” Before you can say anything, Bonham asks him, “How much have you had to drink?” How do you and Nikki respond?
Me: Too much. He always gets the British accent that sounds kind of like Ozzy when he’s had one too many. And the he usually throws up in. Three...Two...One
Nikki: Aww, seriously dude. These were brand new shoes too.
8. You and Kevin are walking down the street one day when a stranger shouts, “Oh my God! You’re Kevin DuBrow!” Kevin smiles a little and says, “Yep, that’s me. Always glad to meet a fan.” The stranger looks completely awestruck and shouts, “YOU ARE A GOD.” Kevin recoils a little bit and says, “I’m not, I’m just a guy.” How do you respond and what does the stranger do?
The stranger tries to hug Kevin which makes him recoil more and then I get between them. 
Me: Ok, buddy. You’re being very rude. Take social cues and realize Kevin doesn’t want you touching him. We’ll be happy to sign something as long as you don’t act crazy.”
9. You’re at a party with Kevin, Rudy, Bonham, Carlos, and Crue. When it’s time to go, you and Bonham are collecting the boys when you come across Tommy. He’s standing in the only path through the house, dancing. “Move,” Bonham says. Tommy doesn’t even turn around and cheers, “Fuck youuuuu.” Bonham slaps him on the ass to get him to move. He turns around and just leans over, towering over her, and you can’t tell if he’s pissed or turned on. What does he do and how do you and Bonham respond?
After a bit, I realize his pupils are dilated which means he’s really turned on. Since he’s way taller than both of us and extremely drunk we don’t have odds in our favor. Bons is trying to slip past him but he won’t let her. I quickly say, “Hey Tommy, Pamela is waiting for you out by our car. Why don’t you go get her?” “Pamela! Where?!” And he sprints out to the car. 
Bonham: Quick thinking. Now let’s round up the others. Mick’s getting Nikki and Vince. 
Me: And once we get back, we’re locking Tommy in his room. 
10. You’re doing tequila shots with Bonham, Kevin, and Rudy one day. After you’ve all had a few, you’re getting playful. You lick your hand, lick off the salt, and take your shot. You’re cringing, and you say, “Where’s the lime!?” (if you want I can explain how you take a tequila shot, if you don’t already know). Kevin giggles, and sticks it out of his mouth on his tongue. “You want it, take it.” He says around the lime. What do you do and how do Rudy and Bonham respond?
Well of course I’d take it. I pull him in and kiss him to get the lime and since we’re both drunk we end up making out. 
Rudy, who’s has had the least to drink, pulls the bottle off the table and caps it before saying, “Ok, that’s enough for you guys.” 
Bons gags and goes, “At least wait till Rudy and I aren’t in the room before having sex. Christ.” 
11. Bonham gets back from work one day before a show and it’s cold. She brings her sax in from the car and says, “Bertha needs to warm up, so I brought her in while I get ready.” You don’t think anything of it, and Kevin comes downstairs as Bonham goes up. He goes into the kitchen and then comes back out and sits with you. Bonham comes rushing down the stairs and stops into the kitchen before leaving, but when she gets in there she screams. “Who put my saxophone in the oven!?” Kevin shrinks into the couch a little bit as she storms out of the kitchen. “Who put my antique saxophone in the oven and melted her!?” Kevin mumbles, “I thought that would warm it up faster.” How does Bonham respond, and what do you say? Do you defend Kevin?
Bonham: How can you be so fucking stupid?! It can’t go in the oven. It’s like if I threw your stupid iron man toy in the oven
Kevin springs up and goes, “No! Don’t throw him in the oven! I’ve had him since I was a kid! That’s genocide!
I don’t like that the two most important people in my life are fighting so I get between them and calmly go, “I’m not siding with anyone but Bons, Kevin was only trying to be helpful. And you know how stupid he can be. And Kevin, try to use the brain that god gave you.” Before I slap him upside the head. “Also you will be paying for Bertha to be fixed or you will be buying Bons a new Sax.” 
1) You come home from work one day to find your singer laying underneath the Christmas tree. You drop your stuff and go, “What are you doing?” She doesn’t even look at you and says, “I’m thinking.” You join her underneath the tree and go, “I don’t know how you find this relaxing.” She’s about to say something when you hear Kevin go, “What the fuck are you two doing?” What do you and your singer say and how do Kevin and Randy respond?
2) Your band is on tour with Crüe promoting the joint album that had just released. Baby Mal is with you because QR is on their own tour and your singer and Kevin didn’t have anyone to watch him. One night, your singer is putting Mal to bed when you get a call from Kevin. You step outside of you and your singer’s hotel room to answer and the first thing you hear is, “I’m going to kill him! How can he take my wife and child away from me like that? I’m flying to your next venue so I can beat his ass!” You pull the phone away from your ear and go, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you talking about?” “Didn’t you see the article in the latest gossip magazine?” “No, I didn’t. Hold on.” You hang up and go down to the nearest convenence store to pick up the latest gossip magazine. Sure enough, you find your singer and Tommy on the front with your singer holding Mal. The headline reads, “Breaking news! War Angel’s singer has left Kevin DuBrow to raise their son with Tommy Lee!” What do you say when you call Kevin back, do you tell your singer, and what does Kevin do when he shows up at your next concert?
3) Your band is in a slump for your new album. Your band, Kevin, and Randy are in the studio trying to figure out what to do. You all take a break to go get lunch, although your singer stays behind. When you come back, your band, Randy, and Kevin find your singer in the recording booth singing along to The Wild and the Young. She doesn’t notice you guys at first until Erik says into the mic, “Hey, that’s pretty good. Why don’t we cover that?” How does your singer respond and what do you, Daryl, Linus, Randy, and Kevin say?
4) Daryl has recently been getting on your nerves a lot more and he is being really creepy towards your singer while working on your next album. One day, You, Kevin, Linus, and Erik come back from getting lunch to find your singer pinned against the wall trying to get Daryl off her. He didn’t do anything but he was close to it. Once he’s off her, she goes, “I don’t care what we do, but I want him out. I don’t feel safe. If you don’t want him out, I’ll leave. But right now...I need to get air.” You can tell she’s holding back tears. Once she leaves the room, what do you, Kevin, Erik, and Linus say to Daryl?
5) Your singer and her and Kevin’s kids have been staying with you and Randy since Kevin hit her when he was drunk. She says she won’t move back into their house until he gets help or goes into a program for his alcohol and drug use, “I’m not raising my kids around a raging addict.” One day, you’re watching the kids while your singer is at work. You hear the doorbell and you pick up Roxanne to get the door. When you open it, you find Kevin, he looks at you and then to Roxanne. He tries to grab her from you but you pull her closer to your chest. “Please just let me see my kids and my wife. I miss them so much. Please. Can you just tell her to move back home? I need them.” How do you respond?
6) It is the day of your singer and Kevin’s wedding. You’re helping her get ready (since you’re the maid of honor) and the other bridesmaids, her sister, Ash, and Christina, are helping as well. She’s just put her veil on and she turns around to look in the mirror. The four of you gush over how beautiful she looks, but she looks nervous. She sits on a chair and goes, “I don’t know if I can do this. I love Kevin so much, but I don’t know if I can go through with this.” She’s getting cold feet. What do you, her sister, Ash, and Christina say?
7) You come home from work one day to find your singer curled up in a ball on the couch with a box of tissues. You ask her what’s wrong and she goes, “Kevin just broke up with me because he and Randy have to go on tour for the first time.” How do you respond and what do you do about Kevin?
8) You band has decided to fire Daryl after he almost raped your singer and are now trying to find a drummer to replace him before going on tour. You and your singer have been auditioning people for weeks. She’s almost give up hope finding a good replacement when a young kid comes in to audition. He’s about eight years younger than you and the rest of the band, so you and your singer are a bit skeptical. He auditions and he’s phenomenal. Once he’s finished, you go, “What’s your name?” and your singer says, “That was amazing!” He smiles sheepishly and goes, “I’m Sean. I have always been a huge fan of you guys and modeled my playing after Daryl.” Sean has just turned twenty while the rest of your band is twenty-eight and older. Do you decide to hire him as the new drummer or do you decide against it because of his age?
9) You band has been around for about eight years and on the cusp of 1990 (it’s 1989) you go on tour. You bring along a burgeoning young act from Seattle called Nirvana. When your band and Nirvana meet for the first time, your singer goes to Kurt and says, “It’s so great to meet you, Kurt,” before sticking out her hand. He takes it, but while he does he says, “War Angel is an over-bloated, over-produced band that is just in it for the money. You only make music for the money.” How do you, your singer, Linus, Erik, and new drummer Sean respond?
10) You, Kevin, and Randy are sitting at the kitchen table when your singer comes bursting through the front door. Her hands are full but she drops her bag in the living room and is having a conversation wither her mother on the phone. The three of you are staring at her and when she gets off the phone, she goes, “What?” Kevin goes, “Where did the kid come from?” “Oh, this is my cousin Weston. Bons and I have to watch him this weekend. Did I forget to mention that?” She then hands you the baby, “Here Bons, can you hold him while I go get the rest of his stuff out of the car?” How do you, Kevin, and Randy respond and how does you weekend with Weston go?
11) Since Kevin broke up with your singer several months ago, she has moved on to date Duff McKagan of Guns N’ Roses. You’re still dating Randy so you and your singer still see Kevin a lot. Your singer most of the time just ignores him because she’s still very hurt at what he did to her. You, Randy, your singer, Duff, and the rest of QR (Kevin included) are hanging out at a bar. Your singer and Duff are being really cute. She’s sitting on his lap and he has his head resting on her shoulder and he occasionally kisses her neck or cheek. Kevin has been quiet and will glance over at the two of them occasionally. Your singer soon stands up and goes to you, “I’ll see you back home. Duff and I are going to a movie.” Before she grabs his hand and they walk out of the bar. What does Kevin say after they leave and how do you and Randy respond?
12) You got into a bad car accident and had to go into surgery. When you come to in the hospital bed, you feel someone holding your hand and murmuring. You open your eyes to find your singer at your bedside. She’s kneeling and holding your hand in hers and she looks like she’s praying. Just then Kevin comes in and goes, “You know praying won’t help, right?” How does your singer respond and what do you say? How do your singer and Kevin react once they realize you’re awake?
@osbournebemydaddy your move, Bons :)
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junker-town · 3 years
Secret Base Hall of Fame: Casey Fossum
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Photo by Andy Lyons /Getty Images
One day fifteen years ago, this man ruined me.
“Eephus” is a stupid-looking name for a stupid-looking pitch. Only a few players across Major League Baseball history have regularly thrown it, and Casey Fossum is one of them.
Many of the greatest pitchers of all time have found success mostly by changing speeds. If you can throw 95 miles per hour one minute and 77 the next, you make it tough for the batter to lock in and time it right. This only really works if you can make it look like either one might be coming out of your hand. You can’t tip off the batter. Your delivery needs to look the same.
If you wanted to right now, you could give yourself an oversimplified demonstration of how high of an art this is. Wad up a paper ball or something. Throw it as hard as you can, paying close attention to how your arm and your body moves when you throw it. Now mimic that same throwing motion, but only throw it half as hard. You’ll then have some iota of how difficult this is to do with a baseball from 60 feet away.
But the eephus? That only hits the mitt at 55, 50, even 45 miles per hour. Here is what Fossum’s looked like.
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Some GIFs make a sound, and this one sounds like a slide whistle. It’s cartoonish in appearance, and it can work if it’s deployed smartly — in one newspaper report, teammates noted that he only threw about three eephus pitches per game. Deploy it too often, and they’ll catch on to you. You have to keep it a weird, sad surprise, like a cigarette butt in a load of laundry.
I don’t know why the 25 or so notable eephus pitchers in baseball history picked up that pitch, but greatness is not the common denominator. Casey Fossum was not at all a great pitcher by Major League Baseball standards; in fact, among pitchers to make at least 100 starts, Fossum finished with one of the worst ERAs of all time. But you will not hear me denigrate his abilities for two reasons: first, he was, of course good enough to stick around and make those 100-plus starts in the first place.
And second, the video game version of Casey Fossum inflicted upon me a great and terrible humiliation. One that made me swear off baseball video games forever. To this day, I have not returned.
It’s 2006, I’m 23 years old, and we’re in my apartment. This story is about Casey Fossum and not me, so I’ll only pull the curtain back a little.
If you look to the left of the TV, you’ll see a weight bench. I have a friend who likes to drive around and pick up random junk that people have left on the curb. One day he stopped by unannounced, back when people just did that, with the weight bench in the back of his truck. “You want this? I’ve already got one.” Sure.
We lugged it up to my place, and it wasn’t until a couple days later that I tried to use it, stood up, took a close look at it, and realized that it was a child-sized weight bench. This possibility never occurred to me because I didn’t realize such a thing existed. Was I mistaken here? Another friend stopped by. “No, yeah, dude, this thing is for kids. It’s gotta be.” I’m too lazy to try to sell, it, and I’m certainly not going to pay a junk hauler to drive it away, because I don’t have the kind of money you need to do … anything, really. So it’s sat there for a year. It doesn’t do anything and it isn’t going anywhere. Takes one to know one, pal.
If we can direct our attention back to the right, I’m firing up Major League Baseball 2K6 on my Xbox. I don’t know why! I don’t even like playing this game! I felt, and still feel, that realistic baseball video games are a bad idea. They should either be oversimplified like the R.B.I. Baseball series, or off-the-wall lunacy like Mario Superstar Baseball. The art of getting good wood on the ball can’t possibly be simulated by a single button-press, but that’s what this game has stuck you with, so batting really feels more like bet-placing than anything.
I’m in the lobby of this game I suck at and don’t enjoy, waiting for an online match. This is only gonna piss me off, because even by 2006 standards, my internet connection is terrible. I’ve lost Yahoo! Chess matches due to lag, that’s how bad it is. I get matched up, and as the loading screen appears, I hear some kid’s voice crackle through the mic. He probably isn’t older than 12.
Online gaming with kids is a pretty weird experience that we all just kind of have to get used to. You’ve been robbed of your superior social standing. You’re not any more dignified than they are. This is not a friendly game of Mario Kart with your youngest sibling, and you can’t laugh it off as a friendly match that’s all in fun. That’s not why people play online games. We play to win, not to have fun. Who took the time to upload a custom avi? Who carefully monitors their rating? Who patiently waited in the lobby for five minutes to find a ranked match? You did, dummy, just like they did. You’re taking this equally seriously and you cannot even try to pretend otherwise.
I’m beginning to think I might collect my first-ever win when I see that he’s chosen the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, one of the worst teams in baseball. The only real draw for selecting this team lies in Scott Kazmir, their young ace with a high-90s fastball and a terrific slider. I’m further amused when this kid doesn’t even start him.
He starts Casey Fossum.
At this time, I have no idea Fossum has an eephus pitch, or what an eephus even is. Unlike the real-life Fossum, the kid throws this thing so often that his fastball is actually the off-speed pitch. It goes something like eephus, fastball, eephus, eephus, fastball, eephus. When he strikes out the side in the first inning, all I can really do is laugh. I’ve never seen a pitch that looked like that. It moves like the clay pigeons in Duck Hunt. But it’s fine, I’ll figure it out.
He strikes out the side in the second as well. I just cannot figure this guy out. The eephus is such a strange pitch that even when I guess correctly that an eephus is coming, I still miss somehow. I can’t even make contact. Worst of all, I can’t even work the count, because the vast majority of his pitches are landing over the plate.
Around batter number five, I hear him over the mic:
What, lil’ bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
What, lil’ bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
This will continue throughout the rest of the game. He doesn’t stop.
Heading into the third inning, I talk myself through a strategy: listen, if he’s going to keep throwing the eephus, just assume he’s throwing one every single time. If I’m late on a fastball, I’m late. Just hit the eephus. If I time it right, I could hit that thing 500 feet.
He then strikes me out on three straight fastballs, all of which I am comically late on. I immediately abandon this strategy.
What, lil’ bitch
Lil’ stupid-ass bitch
What, lil’ bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
I don’t have a mic, and thank God for that.
Beyond completely destroying the opponent’s sense of timing — a thing already compromised by the lag — there’s another special utility to the eephus as deployed against you in an online game. It makes you look like a total idiot. You’re finished with your swing before the ball is even halfway to the plate. If you bet the other way and guess wrong, you don’t even begin to swing until the ball’s basically in the mitt. Video Game Fossum doesn’t even have to fool you with pitch placement. Every ball goes over the plate. He’s attacking your your ability to time, sense, react. He’s directly attacking your intellect.
Nothing will tilt an online gamer quite like being obviously and repeatedly outsmarted and made to look like a dummy. Someone will find out you’re susceptible to one particular parlor trick and beat you to death with it. There’s the phase in which you recognize what’s being done, how it’s happening, and what you need to do to counteract it. What comes after is the phase in which you realize that there’s nothing you can do. Your opponent has run this playbook a hundred times against a hundred clueless marks. You’re next on this merry-go-round, and you’re here to lose.
Hey lil’ bitch
What’s up lil’ bitch
What lil’ bitch
What what lil’ bitch
It’s the fourth inning. 12 up, 12 down, all strikeouts. This is a perfectly-targeted attack on my ego.
I think I’m smart. I think I’m an excellent tactician when it comes to video games, my abilities forged in the fires of Madden ‘93, Perfect Dark, and Rainbow Six, but also informed by the dark arts of weird old DOS strategy games. Games like Warlords and Nobunaga’s Ambition that required mastery of troops and economies to conduct campaigns of great conquest. Games this kid is too young to have a clue about.
I also think I know a lot about baseball. I watch it constantly. Even in 2006, I’m poring through Baseball-Reference every day. I want to write for a living someday, and if it can ever somehow happen, it feels like baseball is my ticket in. I’m a professional baseball writer in training. I should know what an eephus pitch is.
I think I’m a pretty laid-back guy. I don’t get angry easily. I’m really easygoing. I get along well with people. At the tech-support call center I work at, my supervisor notes in my reviews that I’m very good at de-escalating, which is to say that when mad people call me, I’m good at helping them feel more understood and less mad.
All these things mean a lot to me. They’re the basis of my ego. Hey, look at that guy. You know, he doesn’t have his shit together at all and is actually kind of a doofus, but hey, he’s a smart guy who knows stuff and is good with people. That’s something.
All those pillars are shaking. I’m a shiftless bum who can’t hit a 55-MPH pitch to save my life because I don’t know anything about baseball, and on top of that, I’m being absolutely driven up the wall by a Video Game Casey Fossum and some random 12-year-old who’s outsmarting me every chance he gets.
He is way better than me at everything I thought I was good at. My self-esteem is being annihilated.
Lil’ old bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
Lil’ old bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
One thing that to this day makes me an absolute loser is that I take online gaming etiquette very seriously. I never abandon a match, no matter how badly I’m getting destroyed. Someone can say incredibly cutting things to me and I’ll say “Thanks!” and pretend I’m not mad, that this doesn’t matter to me. Kill ‘em with kindness, you know? I’m above this. I’m better than this.
When you’re 23 years old and nothing feels like it’s breaking the right way, if it’s even breaking any way at all, it’s a lot more difficult to feel that way. But I try, I really do. I refuse to abandon the match. I am determined to solve this puzzle. This can only last for so long. Even if I can’t win this game, I can at least light him up a little bit, proving to both of us that, yes, I figured him out.
What, lil’ bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
Lil’ old bitch
What what, lil’ bitch
Imagine the experience of losing 50 consecutive rounds of rock-paper-scissors, and you might have a sense of what this is like. I’ve fouled off a handful of pitches, but I haven’t put a single ball into play. This kid is a genius, but it’s not really about that anymore, it’s about how fundamentally bad at this I am. Can I at least be okay at a video game? We’ve settled that I’m a stupid baby who doesn’t know anything and gets mad at things that don’t matter. Can I have this, at least? No.
I hope this kid thinks I’m someone his age. I hope it never occurs to him that he’s thoroughly embarrassing a grown man so badly that he’ll write about it a decade and a half later.
And I’d like Casey Fossum to know that for one day, on two televisions, he was a god.
Having surrendered every other claim I thought I had, my sense of honor is the last thing to go. Somewhere around the seventh inning, I disconnect. I don’t have time to navigate through the menus. I have run out of oxygen. I unplug the console from the wall. It was a tornado, for all that kid knows. I never play an online baseball game again.
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captainvictoryboat · 7 years
Behind The Scenes 4 (1/?)
Author’s note: So all this scene is from my rough draft (and the part from the sneak peek) so i am sorry that if some details aren’t too good and all. Again, I’m sorry that i cant finish the series, but as i explained i just can;t keep writing this anymore. I will also not be putting the link to the other parts because for some reason i can’t get it to work. So think rest of the posts will be in my blog profile.
This posts wont be linked to the rest of the series, they will just be linked to each other (when i post the rest of what i have) since there are not too many posts. This series also does not have it’s own GIF since i finished neither BTS 4 or the GIF for it. 
Summary: Jin finally sees Jinjin after the tour.
Word Count: 4013
WARNINGS: Physical abuse
Part 2| ALL PARTS 
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This is my GIF. I made this for the last part, but i didn’t make a new one.
It was a cold 6 am as he walked down the snow packed sidewalk toward the familiar neighborhood. The exhausting performance of the night before were over ridden by the excitement he had over today.
In one arm he carried a bag of gifts meant for his son while his other arm adjusted the strap of his backpack filled with a change of clothes and other essentials.
Throughout his relatively quiet walk, he mentally prepared himself to the idea of sleeping on the floor of his son’s room for the next few nights and he day dreamed of the activities he had planes for the both of them.
Suddenly there was a distant sound of annoying barks that busted him out f his bubble. Soon he saw a tiny dog appeared almost out of nowhere. It was dressed in a pink sweater with matching pink booties and it was dragging a blue leash from its collar.
It yapped as it ran awkwardly in his direction. Jin couldn’t care less about the dog. He didn’t pay much mind to it until it began nipping at his pant leg. Under normal circumstances, he would have kicked the dog off and walked away, but today was different. Not even the annoying pup could piss him off this early, heck, he even found the small animal to be a bit cute.
He placed down his bag of gifts and picked up the golden furball.
“And who are you?” he asked it.
He noticed the dog’s purple collar “Hmm, let’s see, your name iiiiis… Peach? Wait… isn’t that the names of Jinjin’s dog?” he asked himself.
He brought the dog closer to his face to make eye contact with it. “Are you Jinjin’s puppy? Huuuuh? Are you?”
“Peach?!? Peach?!? Where are you?!?” Jin could hear a small voice from the direction he saw the dog run from.
Within 2 seconds, his now six year old son appeared from around the corner. Jinjin was in his thickest green jacket, a pair of black sweatpants (probably wearing a second pair under them) and in his snow boots. Wrapped around the little face that looked so much like his father’s, was his favorite Mario themed scarf and atop his head was a red beanie with a Mario logo.
“Peach?!? Peach- Dad? Daddy?!?” his son’s eyes lit up when he spotted him. “Daddy!” he squealed as his small legs moved faster.
Jin stood frozen as he took in the image of his son. Jinjin had grown taller since he last saw him. The chubby cheeks he pinched so much were not as chubby as they used to be and he shaven hair was now long enough to be combed down and poke out from his beanie.
Jin placed the dog down, leash still in hand, and opened his arms for his son to run to him.
Jin’s heart melted when Jinjin’s little body jumped to him.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy!” Jinjin chanted as he wrapped his arms tight around him, “Finally you are home!”
Jin didn’t care of his son’s cheerful and loud voice would wake neighbors, he was just happy to see his boy. “Ugh, I missed you Jinjin!” he pulled his mask off and covered his son’s face with kisses. “But, my little Jinsoo, what did I tell you about talking to strangers?!? For all you know, I was a bad man that could have stolen you!” he said with a slightly serious tone.
“But I knew it was you! You always wear the same bear mouth!” his son stated as he pointed to the bear mouth print on his face mask.
“Aish, you got me there, but why are you out here by yourself?!?”
Jinjin shook his head. “I am not alone. I was with Peach and Greg!”
“Greg? Who the fu- Who is Greg?”
“Jinjin?!? Jinjin where are you?!?” a man’s voice called out.
From the same corner his child came from, emerged a tall, thin man. Even at a distance it was easy to tell the man was taller than Jin. What was most noticeable was the blond hair that refused to stay in his black beanie.
“I’m over here!” Jinjin shouted as he waved his arms in the air.
The stranger’s blue eyes locked on Jin and his long legs pushed through the snow. “Hey! Put that boy down!” he shouted with an awkward accent.
Jin simply scoffed, “No!”
The “Greg” person was soon two strides away, his arm already loaded to land a punch when Jinjin finally said. “Greg, look! My dad is here!”
Instantly, Greg stopped in his tracks, slipping on the ice a bit. It took him a moment to catch his balance. “Oh!” he huffed. His cheeks grew even more red. “So, uh, you must be Seokjin?”
“The one and only.” Jin half smiled.
Greg nodded. “I’ve, uh, heard a lot about you…” he mumbled as his eyes danced between Jin and his son.
“And you are?”
“Oh! Where are my manners?” he gave a quick bow and then his hand shot out to give a handshake. “I’m Greg! I-“
“He’s mom’s boyfriend!” Jinjin finished
Jin’s eyes narrowed at the flushed faced man. “I didn’t know that Mina was in a relationship… and with a foreigner no less” he added under his breath.
“Dad, who is Mina?” Jinjin asked in confusion.
He couldn’t help let out a chuckle at how adorable his son was. “Jinjin, that’s your mom’s name.”
“What?!? Mommy’s name isn’t mommy?”
“I can’t believe I missed out on all this cute!” Jin smiled as he squeezed his son’s still pinchable cheeks.
Jin turned back to the man. Greg’s hand was still out for a handshake. However, instead of shaking his hand, he gave him the dog’s leash. “So, Mina’s boyfriend?” He asked in a darker tone. “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost a year.”
Jin blatantly scanned Greg from head to toe. “A year? Is that so? And where are you from Greg? You obviously aren’t from here.”
“I’m from England.”
“And you met Mina how?”
“Friends of friends.” Was Greg’s vague answer.
“I see… Well… Why don’t we get out of this cold?” Jin suggested with a fake smile
The walk to the house was not as awkward as it could have been, Jinjin spoke the whole time. He mostly talked about being so excited for Jin to come home that he stayed up all night and that Greg suggested they walk Peach as they waited for him. His son was a good distraction to his boiling rage. However, just like the small dog, this Greg guy wasn’t going to be enough to upset Jin, at least not yet anyway.
His ex stared at him in confusion. “Seokjin? I didn’t expect you here this early.” She said as she let them in the warm house.
“Well hello to you too. As I recall, I told a little someone that I would be here first thing in the morning.” Jin turned to the boy in his arms in fake anger. “Jinjin, I thought I told you to tell your mother.”
“Haha, I forget!”  Jinjin admitted as he hid behind his hands.
His ex rolled her eyes, “That’s what happens when you trust a six year old.”
Jin scoffed.” One has no other choice than to trust a six year old when the mother is acting like a six year old and won’t pick up her phone!” he said through his teeth
“Not answering my phone doesn’t make me a six year old. I was just busy doing some adult things.” She smirked, her eyes gliding towards Greg.
“So that’s what you do instead of being a mother?” Jin asked out right.
Mina’s head whipped back at him, her eyes warning him not to start anything,
He tried hard to hold himself back from doing something he would regret.
“C’mon Jinjin, why don’t we go up to your room and you show me your toys.” he huffed. Jin walked up the stairs, escaping the woman he only somewhat regretted meeting, carrying the boy that made up for that mistake.
He entered Jinjin’s room, it only looking slightly different from when he last visited a few years ago. The walls were still blue, covered in all things Mario. There were more toys thrown everywhere if anything and the bed was a bit bigger for his growing frame.
Jinjin slid out of his hands and ran over to his toy box. “Daddy! Do you want to see my toys?”
“Jinjin I think that can wait a minute. Why don’t you let daddy test out your new bed?” He suggested as he threw himself into the mattress. The bed was too small for him and his feet hung over the edge, but he was so tired, it didn’t matter.
“Jinjin, it is really early, why don’t we take a nap.” He yawned.
“Ok!” Jinjin moved some of the small toys he had left on his bed and crawled up next to him, still dressed in his outside clothes. With his son nestled in his arm, Jin fell to sleep quickly.
He awoke to the feeling of little fingers trying to pry his eyes open. “Jinjin, why aren’t you letting daddy sleep?”
“Jinjin, it is still morning.” He stated as he took a look at his cellphone screen showed 10:45 am.
“But cake!”
He stood up from the bed and took a quick stretch. “Jinjin, let me show you the gifts I got you! We will make the cake later.”
He grabbed his backpack, kneeled by the bed and called Jinjin over.
“Wait! Where is Peach? I want her to see my presents with me!” Jinjin jumped from the bed. “Peach!” he called out as he ran out of the room.
He soon returned carrying his tiny dog. Jinjin jumped on the bed and made Peach sit next to him. “Peach are you ready?” he asked the dog.
Jin kept the bag hidden behind the bed.
“Okay, here is the first present!” At random, he pulled out the gift Jackson had picked out for him. “So this is from your daddy’s friend Jackson. You remember Jackson from GOT7 right? He knew you liked Mario and picked this out because he thought it was a mushroom from Mario” He lied.
Jinjin snatched the box, examining it up close. He was neither frowning nor smiling at his gift. “Hm… Pokemon… I don’t know pokemon a lot.”
“But what?”
“But, it is still nice that he remembered you and likes you enough to buy you a toy right?” Jin said, pulling the gratitude out of his only slightly spoiled son.
“Yeah!” Jinjin smiled. “Can you tell him thank you!” he asked, remembering his manners
“Of course! Now time for the stuff I got you!”
Jinjin’s eyes widened once more and he pulled himself up straight trying to peek over the edge of the bed.
“Ok, so I ordered this online so I left it in the box. I only took it out to make sure it was the right size.”
He handed Jinjin the box and the young one attacked it. The box flew across the room as Jinjin found the Mario onesie within it.
“Wow!” Jinjin cheered. “I can be Mario!”
He didn’t even waste time. He ripped off his top winter layer and pulled on the onesie. When all was done, it was only a size or two too big. Good, so that it would last him a while.
“It fits!”
Jin couldn’t help but smile as Jinjin ran over to his Mario hat and put it on.
Jin then pulled out the next gift. “I was in Japan and I remembered how you told me your DS broke, so I got you a new one! They ran out of red ones, but I got you a green one.”
Again Jinjin was in a fit of glee, jumping onto his father with open arms.
Jin’s last gift was a handful of age appropriate games for the new DS, that only made Jinjin more excited to play it.
It wasn’t until his son had calmed down and was indulged in one of the new games, that he decided to get serious.
“Huh?” Jinjin’s eyes were glued to the double screens.
“Why didn’t you ever bring Greg up before?” He asked this softly, scared that Mina could be in the hall and overhear.
“Mommy said not to.” Jinjin said in a zombie like tone.
“Why?” He could feel his anger toward his ex growing.
All the small boy did was shrug his shoulders
“Jinjin, what else has Mommy told you not to tell me?” He tried to keep his voice calm.
“Um…” Jinjin was too focused on the game to really think.” Uh.”
“Jinsoo, pause the game.”
Jinjin did as told. “Um, we might go to Greg’s house this summer.” He finally said.
“Greg’s house? Where exactly is Greg’s house?”
Jinjin shrugged again. “In English. That is what mommy said.”
“English? What do you- England?!?
“Yeah that!” Jinjin said as he played his game again.
“That motherfucking bitch!” Jin thought. “First she doesn’t tell me about that buck-tooth brit and now she is going to take my son to England!” he stood up. “Jinjin, why don’t you put that game away and let’s go down to the kitchen and start baking your cake.” He needed to get his mind off this. He couldn’t afford to get mad now. He wasn’t going to let that bitch ex of his ruin his mood.
Now in the kitchen, Jin searched for the ingredients. He let the stories of Jinjin’s last few months drain out the sounds of Mina’s and Greg’s giggles coming from the living room.
“Uh-huh… Wow…That’s great Jinjin…” He said robotically.
His frustration grew as his search came to an end and the only ingredients he had were eggs.
“What the fuck?!?” he grunted so that Jinjin couldn’t hear him.
He took a deep breath and decided to look a second time. This time with each failed attempt, he was beginning to slam the cabinets and drawers shut harder and harder.
Jinjin not at all phased by his father’s little tantrum, continued to play on the floor with Peach still in his Mario onesie.
However, the boy’s mother soon walked in.
“Jinjin, is that you playing hide and seek with Peach again?” she asked as she walked into the room. She still had a hint of a smile on her face.
Just seeing her face made Jin pissed. “Where the fuck are the fucking ingredients I asked you to get?!?” he snapped
“Ooh! Dad said a bad word!” Jinjin snickered. “Now you have to put a dollar in the swear jar!”
Jin quickly realized that he was still in the presence of his son and tried to calm down for a moment. “Jinjin, take Greg up to your room and show him the presents I got you.”
“Ok!” Jinjin jumped up and ran to the living room. “Greg! Greg! Come see my presents!”
Jin’s angry eyes then locked on Mina once more. Her arms were crossed and she was rolling her stupid ass eyes at him. “I was busy.” Was her sad ass excuse.
“Busy being a whore?!?” he spat
She furrowed her brow at him. “Just because I have a boyfriend doesn’t make me a whore! I have a fucking life Seokjin! I got out, I work, I take care of Jinjin all by myself!”
Jin couldn’t help but laugh at her saying the word “work”. “What do you mean you work?!? You make crappy ass DIYs and sell them to fat lazy bitches online! I am the one that works! I am the one that is providing for you and Jinjin!” he reminded, slowing moving in on her. “I am working my ass off and worried about my son and your over here fucking some random dude!”
“Don’t give me shit just because you are jealous!” she had the audacity to say.
Again he couldn’t help but laugh at her stupidity. “Jealous? Me? Me?!?”. He took a big step towards her. “If anything I feel nothing but pity for Greg because he hasn’t found out what a stupid conniving little bitch you are!” he said through his teeth.
She squinted her beady eyes at him. “I am neither stupid or conniving!” she stated in an actual attempt to defend herself.
Jin pushed her up against the fridge, “Yes you are!” he growled.
“How so?!?” she stood back up only to get pushed back again.
“How about lying about your parents kicking you when they found out you were pregnant. That you wanted to live with me because they were going to force you to have an abortion and move you away somewhere else?!? Or how about threatening to have an abortion when I wanted to break up with you when I found about that lie?!? Then going above and beyond to keep me away from my son for two years, but still take my money to pay for your damn lifestyle!”
“Fuck you!”
Ticked off by her voice, his hand cut through the air and slapped her across the face.
Her hand covered her throbbing cheek, but she still didn’t seem to want to back down.
“And then, you go and bring this European motherfucker into my house and you bring him around my son-“
“He is my son!”
Again his hand attacked her cheek. “How dare you introduce him to Jinsoo! I will die before I let some other motherfucker raise my son! And how stupid can you be to trust someone who can expose everything at a whim?!? He can tell everyone that Jinsoo is my son! The whole world will turn on Jinsoo if they find out!”
“Oh so you can date and let some random bitch around Jinsoo, but I can’t do the same?!?”
Jin could not believe what he was hearing. “Who the fuck could I possibly be dating?!?”
“I know you and Y/n are dating!” she accused.
“How fucking stupid are you?!? Jungkook fucking proposed to her last night you stupid bitch!”
“Oh please! I know you are fucking her! I see the pictures of you and her that Jinjin refuses to remove as his home screen on that stupid tablet you got him. All he ever talks about is dad and y/n dad and y/n dad and y/n!”
“You’re such a fucking-“
This time it was her hand that slapped him. “No! Don’t you dare finish that sentence! I know for a fact that you are dating her! Jinjin told me you all slept in the same bed together!” Mina was too busy blabbing away to notice the fury in Jin’s eyes, his nostrils flaring, his knuckles turning white.
“She and Jungkook are fake and are covering the fact that you are dating her! You all say they have been dating for two over two years or whatever, but she never showed up until a year ago and a half ago! That doesn’t add up! So If you get a girlfriend, I sure as hell can get a boyfriend, so don’t-“
It wasn’t until he punched her mid sentence that Mina let out a scream loud enough to be heard through the house.
He continued to punch her in a fit of rage.
“You fucker!” Greg’s irritated voice shouted as he tackled Jin off Mina. He was able to pin Jin down and unleash a series of blows.
Jin however was not as overpowered as Greg thought. Despite his larger frame, there wasn’t much power behind Greg’s hits. He was nothing compared to Rap monster, Jungkook or V.
All Jin did was let out a grunt as his hands clamped down on Greg’s sweater and pulled him down until their foreheads collided. It was a risky move, but an effective one. Jin wasn’t that dazed and he was able to pin Greg down. Now he was the one on top and he showed Greg what real punches were supposed to feel like.
“So you- think that- you- can just- walk up in- here- like you- own the place?!? You think-you can just- take my place,- take- my family?!?”
His knuckles were more and more raw as he continues beat on Greg, who proved to be a bigger wimp than he thought.
What Jin didn’t see coming was Mina hitting him over the head with the kitchen wok. The slam to the head was enough to daze him but not knock him out
He struggled to his feet and his eyes locked on Mina once again. “Fucking bitch!” he groaned
He made his way up to her only having the strength to pounce on her and bring her to the ground. With the wok out of her hand, she screamed out in fear, her only other form of defense lay across the kitchen floor in pain. “Jinjin! Jinjin! Jinjin call the police!”
“Shut up!” Jin slapped his hand over her slobbery mouth.
He was yelling now. He could feel his throat on fire, but he couldn’t actually hear himself say anything.  At this point he had no control over what he was doing. Not even as his fists continued to hit Mina. They just hit and hit and hit. He let himself go wild because how dare she. How dare she risk ruining the plan they kept up for so long, how dare she decide things for his son without his knowledge, who was she to judge him when she knew nothing about anything!
“Mommy!” Jin heard a small cry.
He looked up to find Jinjin standing frozen a few feet in front of him.
Jin stopped immediately “…Jinjin…?” He moved toward him, but at his slightest movement he saw his son flinch.
Instantly Jinjin began to hyperventilate, his young eyes scattered around the room absorbing the scene in front of him.
“…Jinjin…” He said softly as he slowly lifted himself off the floor.
At that move, tears leaked out of the boy’s eyes, terrified of being the next victim.
“Jinjin run!” Mina screamed in her muffled sobs.
“Shut up!” Jin shouted automatically.
This only made Jinjin scream and cry more. He dropped the new DS he had been clenching on to, covered his ears and crouched into a small ball.
Suddenly Jin was tackled down once more and Greg’s wiry body was pinning him down. “Jinjin run to your room!” he ordered as he landed a punch on Jin.
The life left his body as he heard little foots steps run up the stairs and slam a door shut.
Greg got a few good punches in before Jin came to his senses. With one hit, Greg was down. Jin jumped up from the floor and ran to the stairs. He took three steps at a time until he reached the top
The only door closed was the bathroom and he ran to it as fast as he could. The door was locked of course, but just fidgeting with the doorknob, Jinjin began to cry from the other side.
“Jinjin, open the door!”
“No! “his son screamed.
“Jinsoo… please open the door.” He said in a softer tone. He could feel his heart tearing as he heard Jinjin continue to cry. He felt a lump in his throat as he forced out the words “Jinsoo please, please, please open the door.”
Still there was no response other than crying.
“Don’t fucking talk to him!” Mina’s shrill voice screamed.
Jin turned to his right. Mina stood at the end of the stairs. Her face was bloody, her clothes a mess. In her hand she held a frying pan that she kept aimed at him. “Fucking leave!”
Greg soon appeared behind Mina, armed with a kitchen knife.
“Greg called the cops, so leave now before I tell them exactly what happened when they get here!”
“…Jinjin …” he tried one more time.
“I said leave!” Mina screamed loading the pan behind her head.
“…Fine…” Jin sniffled.
Eventually i will post the next part. There aren’t too many posts so after the official parts, I am going to post the outline i have and the few pictures of the edit.
If you have any feedback or questions about the series. feel free to send me an ask or a message.
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mollyshaj · 7 years
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“Alright Kaylin damn!” I shouted as I walked out the bedroom. “Steady repeating yourself like I’m dumb or some shit.”
“If you did it the first time I said it I wouldn’t need to repeat myself now would I?” He asked while following me. I turned around and looked at him like he was stupid; he clearly had life fucked up.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think I am but I’m not your child so don’t talk to me like you fucked my mama and created me nigga.”
“I’m just saying, they’re hungry Ebony they need breakfast.”
“So why wouldn’t you do it? I was asleep and you felt the need to come wake me up to something you could’ve done yourself. You’re really pissing me the fuck off you might want to leave me alone my nigga.” I went downstairs to the kitchen so I could cook breakfast for Jayden and Angelic.
The whole time I was making breakfast I was trying to calm myself down because I was beyond pissed off. First I barely got any sleep last night because Angelic was up talking about her tummy hurting and who do you think was getting up every time she came in our bedroom crying and whining? It damn sure wasn’t her father, it was me. Now when I finally get to sleep he wants to wake me up to make breakfast like his hands are broken.
Once I was done cooking the back, eggs and grits I made for breakfast I called Jayden downstairs and told him to bring Angelic with him. When they came in the kitchen I put their plates on the table and they sat down.
“You want juice LiLi?” Jayden asked her. Instead of answering she just nodded with her mouth full of grits. “Mommy can we have juice?”
“Yeah,” I poured both of them a cup of juice before sitting down and eating my own food.
“Ma, do we have to stay in the house today? Can we go somewhere?” Jayden asked while looking at me.
“I don’t know, where do you want to go?”
“How about we take a trip to six flags?” Kaylin said as he came in the kitchen.
“Yes! Can we go please?” Jayden looked between the both of us. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled a little bit.
“I guess we can do that, but hurry up and eat so we can get dressed and go alright.”
“Okay,” Jayden started eating his phone and Kaylin came over grabbing my hand.
“Let me speak to you for a minute. Jayden watch your sister; make sure she eats all of her food and not just grits.” Kaylin pulled me from my chair and out of the kitchen. “What’s wrong with you Ebony?”
“What do you mean?”
“What’s wrong with you? Last night was the first night you slept in our bedroom with me but you still got an attitude?”
“Kaylin I’m just…I’m sick of arguing with you. We’ve been arguing constantly for the past few months.”
“I know that and I’m sorry for anything I did to make you upset but you can’t keep avoiding me and getting an attitude to with me Hersh.”
“It’s just a lot on my mind and I’m trying to balance everything I’m doing as far as business and trying to take care of the kids and you. Then you’re on me about this baby thing.”
“I want to have a child with the woman I love, that’s wrong?
“No it’s not wrong but I’m not ready for another baby to be added in the equation yet. You’re always working, I’m always working and you have a problem with what I do.”
“No I don’t, i just don’t think it needs to be as much.”
“I could say the same thing about you. Kay I barely have anytime to worry about me. Even when I’m working that’s not really about me it’s about whoever I’m working for at the time.”
“You need a break baby so take one.”
“You pick a weekend to do whatever you want to do; I’ll handle Jayden and Angelic. All you have to do is relax and worry about yourself.”
“You would do that?”
“Yeah, next weekend will be all about you alright?”
“Thank you,”
“No problem, and as far as the baby thing goes. I’ll stop being on you about it. You’re not leaving me so we have time.”
“Exactly, i mean if I end up pregnant it is what it is but i don’t want to purposely try right now.”
“I got you, I understand. Go get dressed I’ll get the kids ready.”
“Okay,” He kissed me on the lips before walking back to the kitchen. I went upstairs to the bedroom and was about to go to the closet so I could get dressed when I heard my phone ringing so I went to go answer it.
“What’s good Jas,” I said when I answered the phone for her.
“What are you doing miss thang?”
“Nothing about to get dressed so we could take the kids to Six Flags. What are you and my nephew doing?”
“He went with his father to get their hair cut.  Why didn’t you tell me y’all were going to Six Flags? I would’ve brought TJ with me.”
“Y’all can go, get your ass up and dressed and meet us there dummy.”
“I’m already dressed, but that’s a good idea. Let me call Trey right now.”
“Alright I’ll see you later.” I hung up the phone and a bigger smile came on my face. It’s been a minute since I’ve had the chance to chill with my sister. We talk all the time but between the kids driving me crazy over here and the two year old running around her and her husband’s house we never find the time but today it was finally about to happen.
I got dressed and did my hair and makeup for the day then went to make sure Kaylin didn’t dress Angelic like a little boy while he got himself dressed.  Once we were all dressed we got in the car and took that damn near two hour drive all the way to Great Adventures.
“I like doing stuff like this; it tires his little ass out. He’s going to be gone by the time we get back home.” Jasmine told me while we sat at a table eating funnel cakes. Kaylin and Trey took the kids off somewhere not too long ago which was fine with me because I was sick of walking anyway.
“I know what you mean, both of them will be knocked out by the time we get back home. I’m just glad we’re having a good time I was ready to kill that nigga this morning.”
“Why?” I told her about the problems Kaylin and I were having and it was good getting out to somebody I know would keep it straight. Not saying my friends don’t but Jasmine knows me differently than they do so her view won’t be exactly the same.
“Jas I honestly don’t know what’s wrong. We used to be able to talk some shit out and dead it right then and there and move on. Now it’s like the shit is so constant it’s almost impossible to do that. If we’re not arguing about him working too much, he’s mad at me for partying too much like I don’t get paid to do club appearances. I could see if I was in the club shaking my ass and dancing on niggas but I keep a low profile for the most part until it’s time for me to speak to the crowd.”
“Your career has changed Ebony; you’re out there way more. You’re always gone doing some type of photo shoot or doing some type of walk through and it’s not like you’re just doing shit in New York or on the East Coast you go all over the country.”
“I know that but its work for me it’s not like I’m sitting there like yeah I love leaving my kids and my man to go smile in the faces that I don’t even know.”
“Yes, but then you have the swim suit line and you got niggas damn near drooling over you all the time. If I hear your name in one more rap song I swear to God.”
“It’s not my fault.” I laughed. “I’m just…I don’t know what to do about this shit. I love him, I know he loves me. It’s just difficult right now.”
“That’s how relationships work Eb, you think me and Trey are always on good terms? Hell no, this shit is hard as hell but we just gotta work through it. You’ll get it straight.”
“I hope so.”
“You will, don’t even worry about it.” She hugged me then kissed me on the cheek. “Off that though, guess what I heard.”
“Rio’s ass is out of jail.” As soon as I heard that name I got sick to my stomach.
“Ugh, do not bring him up. I saw his ass.”
“You saw him? When?”
“I took Jayden to get a haircut and ran into that nigga. We didn’t speak I just left.”
“Oh hell nah, did you tell Kay?”
“No I didn’t tell Kay. I don’t want him going after that psychotic ass nigga.”
“So you rather have that nigga come after you and not let your man know he needs to protect you? Ebony you can’t be that dumb. You’re the reason he got locked up.”
“No I’m not, he’s the reason he’s in jail. I didn’t do anything he beat the shit out of me for no reason.”
“True his actions got him there but your testimony kept his ass there. You need to tell Kaylin.”
“I’m not telling him, just leave it alone alright and don’t open your mouth and say a damn thing Jasmine I’m not playing with you.”
“Fine I won’t say anything but if the nigga comes anywhere near you I swear to God you better open your mouth or I’m whoopin’ yo ass myself.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, fuck Rio. Look what I posted. I gave her my phone showing her the instagram post I put up of Kaylin with the kids earlier.
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beautyis_ebony: zaddy duties
“That’s cute,” She smiled but raised an eyebrow. “You do realize I know you showed me this picture to change the subject. I’ll leave it alone…for now.”
“What? You better hope I don’t tell your damn mother and brother that nigga is out and actually saw you.”
“Jasmine just leave it alone please damn. Do not get Darryl involved.” The last thing I wanted was Darryl getting involved. He’s worse than Kaylin. Kaylin would hire somebody to take that nigga out while my brother would try to do it with his bare hands and I didn’t want my brother fuckin’ up his life over that bitch ass nigga.
“I’m not but I got them niggas on speed dial in case.” I shook my head regretting I even told Jasmine I saw him now she’s about to be on my back about it.
Rio was the part of my past I was doing my best to forget about it and he wants to pop his black ass up. I met Mario when I was 19. We were together for two years before he went to prison. He was really sweet at first, he always took me out, bought me stuff, he was treating me like a queen but then it all switched. He started getting way too controlling. It got to the point where he would buy my clothes; he was dropping me off and picking me up where ever I went. I couldn’t even go anywhere without his permission.
The physical abuse didn’t happen as often as the verbal abuse. I can count on one hand how many times he put his hands on me. He didn’t do it much but when he did, he made sure I would remember it. The last time he put his hands on me, my neighbor called the cops because she heard me screaming and I ended up in the hospital.
Waking up seeing  my mother holding my son while she cried was the wake up call I needed, I got his ass locked up. I testified and everything and he was sentenced to ten punk ass years but obviously something changed with that. I guess he got out on probation, I don’t know. I really don’t care I just want him to leave me the hell alone. I just hope I don’t have to deal with or see him anymore.
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Just as I was putting my books up my cell phone started to ring. I was about to ignore it until I saw it was Kaylin calling and since he had Angelic that means he wanted to tell me some shit about her, he was probably on his way back over here with her.
“What’s up Kay?”
“Nothing much, I was just calling you to tell you I’ll drop Angelic off to you in the morning. We took them to Six Flags and she’s knocked the fuck out.”
“Oh, well that’s fine. What time are you dropping her off?”
“Probably like around eleven or so, if I don’t drop her off it’ll be Ebony.”
“Alright well just call me when you’re on your way with her.”
“I got you, I just wanted to let you know what the deal was.”
“Well thank you, I’ll talk to you tomorrow or whatever.”
“Cool, good night.” When he ended the call I smiled a little bit. I was finally about to have a night to myself without studying or Angelic being involved. My face has been buried in my school books all damn weekend so it’s not like I got to enjoy my time alone.
For the past three years my life has revolved around school and my daughter. I barely had a social life and my love life was non-existent. I really didn’t care too much because those were the two most important things right now.
Angelic is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. I never thought I would be someone’s mother or let alone be good at it but I’m doing the damn thing. My daughter is in pre-school and she’s doing great there, besides the fact that she’s hyper as hell and can’t sit still she’s perfect. Plus she’s the reason why Ebony and I get along the way that we do now.
I thought I was going to hate that bitch forever in all honesty but I can’t because she treats my daughter like a princess and I respect her for that. It is weird when she refers to my daughter as hers, but at this point I’m used to it. She’s with Angelic’s father, they live together, hell he’s helping her raise her son so it’s only right that she does the same thing. I actually love her son, his mouth a little on the flip side but he’s a good kid. He loves Angelic and she loves him. I even had both of them with me for an entire weekend and he was helping me with her the entire time. I was nervous about it because I thought something was going to go wrong but it was actually fun.
Just the thought of them put a smile on my face so I decided to post an old pic I took of them.
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baeitsbrandi: big bro and lil sis love
After posting it I went through Instagram for a little bit but smiled when I saw that Ebony liked the picture. Yes she was following me just like I was following her. See what happens when you grow up and let go of bullshit.
I put my books and stuff away then took a nice long shower so I could go to sleep. Before I could even get in my damn bed comfortable enough my doorbell was being rang. “Come the fuck on man, damn.” I got up and went downstairs then opened the door.
When I saw Sade standing there with a smile on her face I got super confused. I literally haven’t seen or heard from Sade since the day I kicked her out my house, the bitch just dropped off the face of the earth out of nowhere.
“Sade? What are you doing here?”
“I just came back from Miami. That’s where I went after I left. Can I come in?” She asked. I wanted to say hell no and send the bitch on her way but for whatever reason I wanted to be nice.
“Yeah come on,” She came in and I closed the door then had her follow me to the living room.
“That’s Angelic? Wow, she’s so pretty.” She smiled at the huge picture I had of Angelic hanging over the fire place.
“Yeah that’s my baby. So what’s going on? Why are you here? Last time we talked you were screaming fuck me.”
“I know, I was on some other shit. After you kicked me out I stayed with Treesey for a little bit but that bitch was too nasty for me. I’ve never met a bitch who didn’t wash her ass on the daily, she never cleaned, barely had food and her house was just a hot ass mess.”
“You should’ve known that bitch was coming like that. All you had to do was look at her.”
“Yeah well after getting sick of being there I went down to Miami. Some girls I knew from around the way hooked me up with a job at KOD’s so I was down there stacking bread like crazy.”
“That’s good, I’m just glad you got that nigga out of your system.”
“Yes I’m over him, can’t stay the same for his baby mama though.”
“What do you mean?”
“She reached out to me a few months back on Instagram, bitch slid right up in my DM’s.”
“For what? You were fucking him while he was with her.”
“I know that, you know that, she knows that but she still reached out to me. We’ve been cool for a minute now and she hates Mariah.”
“Why though?” I wasn’t the closest to Ebony or her friends despite the progress we’ve made but I don’t have any problems with them either. I can’t understand why Carmen would have an issue with Mariah, it’s not her fault Tristan don’t want her ass.
“She’s salty they have custody of Damien now. She told me they took him for no reason and Tristan and his money was the only reason he was going to win but I heard she had some nigga beating his and her ass and that’s why Tristan took him.”
“Damn, that’s wild. I’m still confused as to why she’s cool with you. No offense.”
“Man your guess is as good as mine, I guess she feels like we would have a common enemy but I’m over all that shit. She’s going to make their lives hell though I already know it. Fuck that though, how have you been?”
“I’ve been alright, just school and dealing with my baby.”
“You went back to school for real?”
“Yeah, I’m in my third year. Trying to get this damn degree in marketing, the shit is annoying.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“I don’t know yet, I was going to talk to Kaylin about that.”
“Ebony won’t mind?”
“No why would she? We’re good now.”
“For real?” She looked at me shocked.
“Yeah, we aint friends or nothing but she’s cool. I can’t be mad at anybody who treats my daughter so well. That would just be childish.”
“Wow, you really grew up. So Kaylin is your financial support?”
“For now, I’m in school full time so between that and Angelic I don’t have time to work. He understands that and handles things for me. She has no problem with it or me so we’re all good.”
“Damn things have changed huh?”
“Yeah,” I chuckled. “We all have to be adults at some point.”
“I definitely feel you on that. I’m not even going to bother Tristan or that girl, I heard they were engaged anyway.”
“Yeah, and they have a baby together. Just leave it alone, you have money saved up from Miami?”
“I do, I wanna open up my own strip club in the city but I don’t even know where to start.”
“You have to get a business plan together, then you have to figure out what kind of property you’re going to get. Are you going to rent a space or are you going to buy, it’s a lot of work.”
“I know that, how about you go into business with me?”
“Yeah, we know how clubs work we’ve both been through it and besides you just said Kaylin would help you.”
“Yes help me, now helping you is something way different. They don’t fuck with you like that.”
“Alright but this is business, just think about it and let me know.” She said then looked at the watch on her wrist. “I gotta go,”
“Where are you staying?”
“I found an apartment in Hoboken. Nice little place, one bedroom but it’s just me so oh well.”
“Well I’m glad you’re doing well Sade.”
“Me too, I’m happy that you and Kaylin are doing great. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks,” I smiled then stood up with her.
“Do me a favor Brandi.”
“Don’t tell anybody I’m back, and don’t tell anybody about me and that bitch Carmen being cool.”
“I just don’t need Tristan hunting me down threatening my ass for no reason.”
“I’m pretty sure he won’t do that if you leave his woman alone but alright fine.”
“Good, I guess I’ll see you around.” I walked her to the front door and watched her walk out to a black Audi R8. I don’t know whose car she was driving, maybe it’s hers I’m not going to assume. She beeped the horn then pulled off down the street.
I closed my front door and locked it thinking about how random that whole little visit. I would love to believe she’s up here really ready to go on about her business and wasn’t here for the drama but something was telling me that was far from the truth. Plus the fact that she’s friends with Tristan’s baby mama is even weirder, I don’t care what she says those bitches are up to something.
“Thank you,” I smiled at the Starbucks employee when she handed me my iced coffee. I walked out the door and was about to go to my car when I bumped into a hard chest dropping my cup in the process. “Shit! I just bought that!” I stomped my foot and whined like a little ass kid.
“Damn my bad shorty, I didn’t even see you.” A deep voice said. I looked up ready to snap but I stopped when I saw a fine ass man standing there. Technically he was a light skin nigga, but he wasn’t as bright as Kaylin or Tristan. He had a nice build, not too big or stocky and he looked to be almost six feet, plus he was cute in the face. Perfect package.
“It’s alright I should’ve been watching where I was going.”
“Let me buy you another one,” He offered.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know but I want to, it’s the least I could do.” He opened the door for me and we walked back inside. After he got me a whole new drink he walked out to my car. “So Ms. Brandi?” He looked at my cup making me laugh.
“Yes it’s Brandi,”
“Well Brandi, I’m Darryl.” He held his hand out and I shook it.
“Nice to meet you Darryl. Thank you for buying me a new coffee.”
“It’s not a problem, I made you drop yours. Hell I’m glad I did; now we got a reason to talk.” He chuckled. “This is forward but can I take you out?”
“On a date?”
“Yeah, you date right?”
“Yeah I mean…Not really between school and my daughter I don’t really have time.”
“Well do you have time tonight?”
“I wish I could but I can’t, she gets dropped back from her dad’s house today.”
“What about next weekend?”
“Yeah that’ll work.” I smiled. “Let me give you my number.” He pulled his phone out and I stored my number in before giving it back to him.
“I’ll definitely be hitting you up Brandi.”
“You do that Darryl.” I gave him another smile before getting in my car and pulling off. Did I really just get asked out by a fine ass man? Hot damn, ya girl still got it.
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megazeo · 7 years
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As anyone who’s seen me previously speak on the subject already knows, I wasn’t really looking forward to the new Power Rangers movie. Ever since the first image of Elizabeth Banks’ Rita Repulsa was released, I “knew” the movie was doomed. Previous film adaptations that had redesigned its characters to such an extreme degree were The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Godzilla (1998), and X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Movies that were universally agreed to be horrible and insultingly unfaithful to their source material. It only got worse from there. Alpha 5 went from a cutesy robot to a terrifying little monkey-lizard. Goldar went from a main character to a silent, gold Godzilla. The Dino Zords somehow managed to look worse than the Michael Bay Dinobots.
To put it mildly, I was not looking forward to this.
But then the movie actually came out. Despite my initial concerns, I was hearing… good things about the movie? Literally everywhere I went, I heard how this was the movie Power Rangers fans had been waiting for, how it really did justice to the characters despite their redesigns, it was the best thing to come out of the franchise in years, and how it was just a good movie all around. In spite of myself, I started to get hopeful. Excited, even. After all, I didn’t want to dislike the movie. I didn’t want it to be bad. Maybe once I got past the awful redesigns, the movie actually was good. Yeah, Rita looked like some generic Syfy Channel villainess, but maybe she acted like Rita. I’d heard Elizabeth Banks was really hamming it up, and if anything describes Rita Repulsa, it’s hammy. So I put my opinions of the new designs aside. I already knew about them. They were no longer a surprise. I decided they were not going to ruin my enjoyment of the film. This wasn’t the same Power Rangers that I’d grown up with. This was new. I accepted that. I sat in the theater and soon Saban’s Power Rangers (2017) began.
I was stunned.
Out of all the complaints I could’ve had about this movie, I in no way expected it to be BORING.
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First off, let me say that the characters are well written and that the cast acts them very well. However, that being said, NONE of these characters - except for Billy and, to a slightly lesser degree, Trini - ARE LIKEABLE. Jason is an unhappy, rebellious teen… for some reason? His father wants him to do well in life, but he doesn’t seem to ever really venture into “overachieving asshole parent” territory, so I’m not entirely sure what Jason is rebelling unhappily against. Kimberly is legitimately a HORRIBLE person, spreading a classmate’s nude picture around school. Like, it’s nice that she feels bad about it later, but she’s still nevertheless a HORRIBLE person. And then she says “Serves you right!” when the girl almost gets killed by molten Goldar blood later in the movie because… Kimberly said she was sorry so I guess that makes the other girl a bitch now. Zack is literally just a loudmouth asshole, but I guess we’re supposed to like him/feel sorry for him because he has a sick mother? Billy, as I said before, is the most likeable member of the team, a kind soul who just wants the group to come together and be superheroes. I don’t know why he had to be on the spectrum, exactly. I’m not badmouthing it, or even saying I disliked it, really. It’s done really tastefully and never presented as a bad thing, which is great, it just kinda feels like “This ain’t the ‘90s anymore, yay relevance!” Like, why couldn’t he just be smart and unpopular? Is that not a thing anymore? Trini literally shows up well after everyone else has been fully established and her introduction totally reeks of afterthought, as if the screenwriters suddenly remembered “Oh, wait, there are five teenagers, aren’t there?” That said, once introduced, Trini does become a really interesting character with some actual motivation behind her “teenager with attitude"ness.
To sum up, despite some serious missteps, the Rangers are nevertheless fleshed out and acted well, turning them from the cardboard cutouts of the TV show to some well-rounded, flawed characters. So what was my problem with this story of angsty teenage drama, exactly? It never stopped. This movie was SO busy fleshing out the Rangers that it forgot to do anything Power Rangers-related until roughly the LAST TWENTY MINUTES OF THE MOVIE.
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The cliff-jumping scene lasts way too long. As do the “Wait, we all have powers!” scenes as they wake up the next morning after finding the Coins. There are at least three, possibly up to five, different instances of the Rangers standing in a circle, staring sadly at each other, saying “We don’t know each other very well, but we all have shitty lives, so maybe we should come together and be Power Rangers so we can finally have a family.” ALL IN COMPLETELY SEPARATE SCENES. And then we have what feels like twenty minutes of Zordon and Alpha training the Rangers, which is essentially just “Ow, being hit by rocks hurts” over and over. And then one of the Rangers finally succeeds in morphing, so Zordon gets pissed off and tells them all to GTFO…? Now don’t get me wrong, I understand why he gets angry - How can Billy have morphed without knowing how? Time is of the essence. But they should have worked up to Zordon getting to that point. Jason: “Billy just morphed!” Zordon: “What? That’s excellent! Finally, you Rangers are showing some progress! Billy, why don’t you go ahead and tell the others how you did it?” Billy: “…I don’t know how I did it.” Zordon: “…What?” Billy: “I don’t know how I morphed.” Zordon: “What do you mean, you don’t know how you morphed? How is that even possible?!” Billy: “I don’t know, it just happened!” Zordon: “That does it! We don’t have time for this!” This way, the movie shows him becoming understandably frustrated, instead of just blowing up like a temperamental asshole.
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This movie drags its feet to an unbelievable level. The scene where the Rangers fight Rita on the docks? That should have happened 30 - 40 minutes into the movie, not right before the final fight of a 2+ hour film. And the fight is shrouded in darkness, reducing Rita and the Rangers to silhouettes, like this is some no-budget direct-to-video movie using darkness to hide its lack of budget. But hey, at least there’s that awesome rematch later where the Rangers fight Rita again after they get their powers, showing how strong they are as a fully powered team… What’s that? That never happens? ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is one of the most basic rules of superhero movies - the hero(es) and the villain(s) have to fight at some point! But hey, at least there’s the really awesome fight scene where the Rangers… fight the Putties. For about ninety seconds.
Let me repeat that: The Power Rangers appear for the first time with roughly twenty minutes of movie left, fight the Redshirts for about a minute and a half, and then the entire rest of the film is Zord action. If you’ve seen the trailers, you’ve pretty much seen all of the Rangers’ non-Zord screen time.
This is even worse than Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, which featured no fight between the Rangers and Ivan Ooze, but at least had that one good, long fight against the Oozemen at the construction site. Can you imagine if they made a Batman or Avengers movie where the costumed hero appeared for that short a time and only at the very end and never fought the main villain? People would flip their shit.
Also… We get the prologue with Zordon and Rita, then Jason’s introduction with the cow… And then the title? Shouldn’t that have been prologue, title, Jason? That’s such a weird choice.
I get it. This isn’t the same kiddie TV show as before. This ain’t your Daddy’s Power Rangers. This is a big budget blockbuster with big boy special effects and biting teen angst!
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But holy shit, this whole movie is just so grim and ugly and dark and depressing. There is no beacon of hope, visually or metaphorically. The teens are all awful people aside from Billy, Zordon is an asshole, Alpha is hideous, the Zords look just as ugly as the monsters they fight, the Power Rangers themselves are all dark and overly complicated and bio organic looking (like some sort of deformed love child of Iron Man and the Xenomorphs). The lesson the Rangers need to learn in order to unlock their suits is literally “Stop being assholes, both to each other and in general.” There are no friendly faces in a situation (and franchise) that badly calls out for one. Trini’s mother is psychotic in a scene that was presented as comedic in the trailer - She apparently had a urine sample cup ready and waiting at the dinner table, though thankfully, unlike Dawn of Justice, at least this one goes unfilled. Rita Repulsa, intergalactic sorceress and former Green Ranger, starts causing havoc, but instead of creating monsters and blowing up buildings and demanding that the people of Earth bow to her whim, SHE SPENDS THE FIRST THIRD OF THE FILM MURDERING HOBOS AND POLICEMEN.
This is one of the film’s biggest problems. There are some nice scenes, a few funny lines, and some cool special effects, but at no point does the film really feel fun.
Oddly, every time an actual name or term from the show was spoken, it brought me out of the movie in a similar fashion as when one of the original cast members cameoed in Ghostbusters (2016). “Putties.” “Alpha 5.” “Rita Repulsa.” “Angel Grove.” “Zeo Crystal.” Oh, right, I’m watching a movie about Power Rangers. I forgot.
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And why are the Putties called “Putties?” In the show they’re called Putties because they’re made out of putty. Clay. Here, they’re dirt, rocks, and occasionally concrete. And why are the Putties such a big threat? They range from human sized to fifteen feet tall with six arms and shit. If they wanted some big monster-y things for the Rangers to beat up on why not throw in Eye Guy or King Sphinx or Pumpkin Rapper or something?
I feel like Zordon and Alpha’s voices should’ve been altered a bit. Zordon is a giant computer head whose voice fills the entire ship, so to hear Bryan Cranston’s normal voice come out of him was just weird. Similarly, Bill Hader’s untouched voice didn’t quite fit a tiny “cute” character like Alpha. I’m not saying make them quite as deep/high pitched as in the show, but a slight adjustment would have been nice.
The Power Coins are never shown up close, meaning we never see the dinosaur symbols on them, and so they literally just look like rocks with colored gel bits in the middle. They’re more Power Medallions than Coins.
“I’ll be back for the Crystal! Others will come for the Crystal!” Oh, God, please don’t tell me that every villain’s motivation now is just gonna be “I want the Zeo Crystal.”
I like how they got rid of Bulk and Skull, only to give Billy a bully anyway. Apparently having two bullies would’ve been confusing.
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I like how they go and give Zordon and Rita this big intertwined history - He was the Red Ranger, she was the Green. She betrayed their team and everything went to shit. A big deal was made about this leading up to the film. - and then absolutely none of it matters beyond the opening scene. There’s no “Anakin vs. Obi-Wan” dynamic at all. Zordon doesn’t seem sad about going up against his former teammate, Rita doesn’t have a moment of hesitation at any point, there’s no scene of Rita breaking into the Command Center and the two of them having bitter words with one another. Rita used to be the Green Ranger and… that’s it we’re done with that now.
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Speaking of Rita being the Green Ranger (as opposed to simply her history with Zordon), that never really goes anywhere, either. Yeah, she uses the Dragon Coin to charge her wand, but that could’ve just been Rita doing her usual magic spell stuff. She didn’t need to be the Green Ranger for anything she does in the film. At no point does she do anything Green Ranger-y. She doesn’t attempt to summon the Dragonzord. She doesn’t fire an energy blast from her wand that has some cool dragon head effect at the tip of it. There’s no “Only a Power Ranger can access the Zeo Crystal,” which would be bad because Rita is one. This, combined with the lack of any actual interaction between her and Zordon as mentioned above, results in there being literally no reason for her to be the Green Ranger.
I mean, why does Rita not morph? There is never anything said at any point in the movie like she’s too weak to morph, or the Dragon Coin is damaged, or she lost her Morpher in the meteor blast (does this universe even have Morphers?), or she’s evolved past the need for Zordon’s silly Ranger suits, or anything like that. So why doesn’t she actually morph into the full Green Ranger at any point to fight the Rangers? “You’re so silly!” you may be thinking. “Not everything has to be packed into this one movie alone. That’s what the sequels are for!” Except, no, it’s not. If there was a film to actually explore and properly utilize the “Rita is the Green Ranger” plot, it was this one. In future movies, villain-wise, we’re gonna be introducing and dealing with Lord Zedd or King Mondo or whoever. Sure, Rita will probably still be around and team up with Zedd or something, but by then Tommy is going to be the Green Ranger (or Tammy, if the cast has their way). The time for “Green Ranger Rita” has passed.
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I feel like Zordon and Alpha desperately needed a scene of their own. Every scene they’re in, they’re either instructing or yelling at or reacting to the Rangers, but they needed a moment to just be characters by themselves. Especially after Zordon loses his shit and the Rangers have their little campfire chat. Alpha: “Zordon, they… They’re trying, y'know? This is a huge thing we’re asking of them. They’re just kids.” Zordon: *sigh* “I know they are. I shouldn’t have yelled at them. I just… I don’t want what happened to my team to happen to them.”
Also, and I will totally chalk this one up to personal preference, but it felt weird with Alpha calling Zordon “Master.” Nothing wrong with it, necessarily, it just felt off to me.
Also also, the Rangers clearly need a strong emotional bond in order to unlock their suits, which Zordon hopes they achieve by punching hologram Putties…?
ALSO also also, was Rita not imprisoned? Like, in any fashion? Wasn’t there an image released of Rita (in her modern Green not-quite-a-Ranger suit) trapped in crystal or something? Wasn’t she sealed away along with the Power Coins? I thought the Rangers were supposed to free her or something. This leads into another issue…
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The Rangers and Rita have nothing to do with each other. What I mean is, the Rangers mess around in the quarry and stumble upon the Power Coins by pure chance. Meanwhile, Rita is accidentally dredged up out of the ocean by some fishermen. The problem is… These are two completely unrelated events. The Rangers aren’t called to the Coins because Rita is nearing. Rita doesn’t wake up because the Power Coins are activated. They are literally just two things that coincidentally happen at the same time. What if the fishermen were fishing in a different area that day and the teens got the Power Coins for no reason? What if the teens decided to not hack into that crystal and pull out the Power Coins, but the fishermen still pulled Rita out of the ocean? These are both legitimately things that could have happened. There’s no predestined “The Coins found you because Rita is coming” or anything. The teens stumble upon the Coins and the fishermen stumble upon Rita.
And finally, the Megazord backhands Rita into outer space (which, I will admit, was hilarious and awesome). But then the Rangers just go about their day. They don’t say anything about her. Zordon and Alpha don’t say anything about her. Do they think she just disintegrated when the Megazord slapped her? They didn’t even recover the Dragon Coin, did they? Do they know where she is? Are they just assuming she’s going to be back at some point? For all they know, she’s somewhere on Earth, alive and active, raising an army of Goldars.
I will admit, this entire bit is simply “What I would’ve done instead,” but I feel like this one is worth mentioning.
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There is literally no reason for Goldar to be reduced to a voiceless kaiju. They could have told the same story while keeping him much more akin to his television counterpart: Rita creates Goldar much earlier in the film, in the jewelry shop sequence. He’s the one that kills the police officer, not a Putty. Rita: “It’s good to see you again, old friend.” Goldar: “It is an honor to serve you once more, my Empress.” Later, when the Rangers arrive for the final battle, Rita simply makes Goldar grow. He still gets his ass beaten by the Megazord, but instead of dying, he merely shrinks back to human size. When Rita gets smacked into outer space, Goldar panics and follows, flying after her. This keeps Goldar faithful to his character while literally telling the exact same story the movie wanted to tell, and also keeping Goldar (one of the franchise’s main villains) alive for future appearances. They could’ve even used the same “chocolate fountain” design.
But you know, as much as I dislike Rita and Goldar’s redesigns, they at least serve a purpose, story-wise. Rita has the skintight green suit because she used to be the Green Ranger. Goldar is a big messy blob kaiju because Rita hastily creates him out of molten gold. But the Megazord… The Megazord is quite possibly the most ugly, unappealing, least cool/awesome/badass-looking giant robot to ever be conceived in all of cinema history, from either the U.S. or Japan… And there is absolutely no reason for it. The Zords weren’t hastily thrown together by Alpha at the last minute. They weren’t in the middle of altering their appearance into dinosaurs and then got interrupted or lost interest or something. They just look like shit.
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As far as the individual Dino Zords go, the Tyrannosaurus doesn’t look too bad. The Triceratops is okay, kind of. I can make out the horns occasionally. The Sabertooth Tiger and the Mastodon are always moving around so quickly that I can never make them out successfully. I can’t even really complain about the Mastodon’s eight spider legs because the damn thing was always jumping around so fast I couldn’t see the legs, I couldn’t see the trunk, I couldn’t see the tusks. For most of the movie it looked like Zack was piloting a big black aspirin. The Pterodactyl was just this big pink… thing in the sky. Did it even have a head?
And I’m sorry, but they’re way too small. Size wise, they’re essentially tanks on legs. They should not be smaller than a noticeable majority of the buildings around them (most of which are of the single story, small town, “mom and pop store” variety) and they should most certainly not be in danger of being overwhelmed by the Putties. Zords are supposed to be gigantic, not “kinda big.”
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And then, in the middle of the climactic Zord fight, basically the moment the entire movie has been leading up to, the film suddenly gets massively, inexcusably, infuriatingly lazy. As bad as the Zords look, I was at least looking forward to seeing how they all come together. After all, looking at the Dino Zords, then at the Megazord, I honestly had no idea how they all came together and formed their various Megazord parts. Well, apparently, the filmmakers couldn’t figure it out, either. The Dino Zords fall into a hole, there’s a cloud of smoke and dust, and then the Megazord walks out of the cloud, fully formed. I was absolutely stunned at the complete and utter lack of giving a shit when it came to this sequence. Debatably one of the world’s most iconic combining robots AND IT DOESN’T COMBINE ONSCREEN? Can you imagine if you watched the first Transformers movie and Optimus Prime never transformed?! There’s a single extreme close up of some gears turning or something, but that’s it, and even that is mostly obscured by smoke and fire. Even Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie gave us a Megazord combination sequence and that thing barely had a better budget than an Asylum movie!
Also, this seems to be the first time Rita has ever seen a Megazord. But… it can’t be, right? Surely this can’t be the first time the Megazord has been formed. Surely Rita and Zordon know about Megazords.
So, they use “Go Go Power Rangers” in the movie, which is awesome. The same version from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, even. While it was really cool in a Easter egg sort of way, there are two problems with this.
1) We don’t get anything else. There’s no new “Go Go Power Rangers 2017 Version.” They literally could not bother recording a new version of the franchise’s main theme for their big budget blockbuster feature film adaptation. They literally just used a twenty two year old track for about thirty seconds.
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2) Does the movie play “Go Go Power Rangers,” the team’s triumphant, ass-kicking theme song, when the Rangers morph for the first time? When they fight the Putties? When they fight Goldar? When they form the Megazord? When they kill Goldar? When they bitchslap Rita into the stratosphere? No. We get it as the Zords run from Point A to Point B.
What makes it even worse is that they play a rather awesome sounding orchestral version of the theme during the end credits, after the mid-credit sequence. This rendition would’ve been amazing to hear as the Megazord fights and slays Goldar.
In a slightly unrelated note: Power Rangers, particularly MMPR, is known for having a rockin’, kick ass soundtrack. This movie’s soundtrack is all sad, slow shit. WTF? I’m not saying it should’ve been filled with covers of “I Will Win” and “We Need A Hero,” but SOME rock songs would’ve been nice. Literally every song in the film sounded like its own sad, depressing cover version.
The cast really does well with their roles. Jason interacting with Billy was done really well, as was Jason and Kimberly’s “Let’s just up and leave this shit hole town” scene.
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I don’t know if it was intentional, but when the cow roars at Jason at the start, it’s the same sound effect the TV show used for the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.
Alpha being Billy’s “training dummy” as he practiced fighting. It was a nice little moment that I could see happening with the original characters.
Trini and Kimberly’s little lunch training session at the diner. I ship it.
Zordon reciting the classic three rules of being Power Rangers to the teens. Honestly, it stuns me that they not only remembered them, but bothered using them.
Rita enjoying a donut as Goldar destroys the city.
The Rangers forming the Megazord for the first time… And then not knowing how to pilot it, so they fall over.
The Megazord bitchslapping Rita into outer space. That was classic stupid goofy MMPR.
The aforementioned use of “Go Go Power Rangers.” It was nice to hear, but it was way too little and most certainly not the wisest use of the theme if they could apparently only use it once.
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“Make my monster grow!” Uhh… he’s already giant when she says that. He’s a permanently giant monster. The line makes no sense. “I’m at the corner of Mariner Bay and Reefside…” Again, I appreciate the Easter egg, but it was just so clunky with its reference-ness. Maybe if it had been said in a news report or something.
The cameos by Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank. Not that they shouldn’t have made cameos, it just felt like it was left over from a different, more fun film. “Hey, look, it’s the original Tommy and Kimberly!” feels severely out of place when shoved into the middle of this grim and gritty teen drama. That’s actually a problem with a lot of the Power Rangers elements in this film - They feel out of place in their own movie.
The mid-credit sequence. Really? They’re planning five sequels to this shit and the best they can do is a green shirt? No hints or tease for Lord Zedd, Master Vile, the Machine Empire, Divatox, Dark Specter, the Dragonzord, the Thunder Zords, the Ninja Zords, Saba, the Alien Rangers, Ninjor, Lt. Stone, nothing? We’re not even really allowed to enjoy the Tommy tease because it’s immediately interrupted by “lol, Billy blew up his locker again.”
Joseph Kahn, Adi Shankar, and Jil Hardin should look into a plagiarism suit because the opening of this movie is almost verbatim the opening of POWER/RANGERS. It even has the exact same establishing shot of the Red Ranger’s helmet laying on the charred ground, with death and destruction happening in the background.
“Send the meteor to my coordinates!” Wait, what? Zordon and/or Alpha can cast Meteor? What is this meteor? What does it do? It can’t be Zordon’s ship/the Command Center, because he wouldn’t call that “the meteor,” he’d call it “my ship.” Zordon buries the Power Coins on his own, so it doesn’t help with that, either. I guess it just kinda knocks Rita into the sea? And maybe kills the dinosaurs? Good job? I freely admit that this is an oddly specific thing to focus on, but what was up with that slim, “independent film” title, shoved way off into the corner? Where was the big block letter logo with the lightning bolt in the middle, smack dab in the middle of the screen, optionally accompanied by an instrumental “Go Go Power Rangers” riff? The trailers got this right, why change it?
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They actually used the idea of the Rangers’ helmets opening up and revealing their faces, a la Iron Man. This was an idea they originally had for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie back in 1995, but scrapped it because it looked stupid, deciding that their helmets should be, y’know, helmets. I don’t understand why they brought this idea back, as it doesn’t suddenly look better just because it’s 2017. Not to mention it allows the movie to do the “Can’t keep the stars’ faces covered for too long!” thing that always ruins climactic fights in superhero movies. It was so awkward and obvious whenever they’d state the Rangers’ full names. It was like the movie was making a point for everyone in the audience to know what their last names were. This wouldn’t be a problem except the only Ranger they don’t do this with is Trini (who clearly is not a “Kwan”) and it’s really noticeable. “JASON SCOTT!” “KIMBERLY HART!” “BILLY CRANSTON!” “ZACK TAYLOR!” “…and Trini.” The fact that Krispy Kreme was literally a plot point and central location in this film is beyond stupid. It was the level of product placement in a movie you’d expect to see from someone making fun of product placement in movies. Couldn’t the location of the Zeo Crystal have been the Youth Center? The Krispy Kreme could just be a business next door, or Ernie could’ve been doing a little promotional “Come buy Kripsy Kreme fruit smoothie donuts!” It kinda made me regret getting those PR donuts a little bit, truth be told. I thought it was just a fun little promotional thing, I didn’t realize Krispy Kreme had a supporting role in the film.
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Takes far, far too long for anything Power Rangers-related to happen. Yes, Zordon and Alpha are in the movie a lot, but they alone can’t carry the entire film.
No real sense of fun at any point.
The Power Rangers elements feel out of place in their own film.
The biggest problem with this movie is that the filmmakers had absolutely no sense of proportion, ratio, or balance. The teens and their characterization were great, but they took over the entire movie, while the actual Power Rangers elements were shoved into the corner and all but forgotten about until there was almost no time left to do anything with them. It was 85% teen angst and 15% Power Rangers when it needed to be 60% teen angst, 40% Power Rangers. Or, Heaven forbid, maybe even 50/50. It felt like the filmmakers were all “Shit, there are five more of these things coming. Let’s get all the characterization out of the way now so the sequels can be Power Rangers kung fu fun out the wazoo!” But that’s no way to make a film. What happens if something goes askew and this series goes the way of Divergent? What if the series is suddenly cancelled at some point and they never actually get around to what the hell the entire point of the franchise was? Even the MCU, which has movies planned until roughly 2055, still tells a complete story and gives their titular heroes plenty of time to shine in each individual film. This movie felt like a really good first draft that, while promising, was still in some serious need of going over and editing/rewriting. As it is, it feels like a Power Rangers film that has absolutely no interest in being a Power Rangers film.
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lx-5point0-blog · 7 years
Nameless Enemy, Secrets Never Hide
ENEMY NAMELESS, SECRETS NEVER LAST. 022317 9am 5fwy south at Avery pkwy An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober I was given the DV-100 on LiLi Garcia. Made some phone calls to her phone and Marisa Garcia answered and said,”what makes you think I'm going to give YOU any information on that?” I replied,”thank you.” Proceeded to calm the remaining numbers I had written down on my list, then they began to roll over and forward to appear that I was receiving an incoming call from the previous number. It would hang up immediately upon picking up the call. These women are efficient at manipulating internet phone numbers to appear that they are legit businesses. OP ROM: ENEMY ANA L MEN DOZA aka Ana LiLia Garcia DV-100 We connected on TINDER. ANA insisted on giving oral pleasure. She became enraged and aggressive when I told her we are not a match. Stalked me to Kennesaw GA and back to Menifee and Huntington Beach, Orange County. Threatened to kill me, assaulted me and my current wife with a deadly vehicle. Follies my wife who is disabled, and is aggressive shooting pics of her and mocking her disability in a hateful manner. Disperses flyers with my pic and false lurid accusations of obscenities with minors. Fires gun on Facebook and tags my name. Her roommate threatened me and my wife as well with a baseball bat, a gun and a child-130. I have been in constant fear for my life for 7 months. But who knows, I could be mistaken about the Tinder connection. It's just safe to assume that. Attack by Ana Garcia aka LiLi Garcia Ana Mendoza SECURITY GUARD GREATFULfoundation CA.breeze.com: https://youtu.be/4nq84GijtOM Ana Garcia and her minors create a problem that was not real: https://youtu.be/9VRauLrpWmk After I was supposedly issued a misdemeanor for proximity, I was informed my TRO had not been served on Mario. He would not answer the door when I schooled the deputy on the letter the law, because he had knowledge of the TRO, he MUST enforce it and just serve him. Because Mario was hiding from Police, I came to Kepler at 1am and honked my horn. Mario appeared with a shit eating grin and the phone to his ear. It was cute in the black of night. The cops rolled in deep. I recorded the incident. Ana threw a fit and demanded I be arrested. They told her to stfu because they saw the video of her driving Reckless and Mario with a bat. Now to serve this bitch a DV. She cannot be within 100yards of Lisa's home . 022817 @9:30am Starbucks FV. Sick as fuck yesterday at noon til right now. Slept in my car at Raquetballworld world and Black Anus. An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober The Commander, Al Garza, is a vigilante, Minute-Man. Now, Evangelist. Mario and LiLie Garcia are at the last resort , and are having the minors attempt to create an confrontation. LiLie is efficient with the numerous phone lines she possesses and has the ability to roll them over and connect them in ways that convinces me that that stinky bubble butt skank slut but his observing the way my exceptionally and optimimally functioning and problem solving infrastructure, that's my Brain, dip ship, operates. She has compromised the iPhone 6 Plus. That being stated to the enemy, be prepared to know where I am stating fact or fiction from here . And sat down and took a shit. Forgetting anything that ever had to do with a little slut fuck like the cunt scycle on Kepler street. It. Ever even happened, but it did. And my digitally enhanced and visually modified memory bank, and an emotionally intelligent spirit never forgets the way you made me feel. It forgives. It forgives so easy. It just without any conscious effort always recalls how and why it was felled upon at the moment of it. And my battle planner has diagnosed the response from an action of reaction to an ability to just act. Act as if it has no idea what the fuck to do. It confuses the opponent. “He is chuckling. It's a laff? He is. It afraid, he is laffing.” Wrong. I am laughing because I have already done all of the thinking. “Snap!” Quicker than that. The energy has traveled a 45 years light speed highway in only a fracta-second of light switching on and off. So rapidly it appears to be traveling in reverse. So, epically close, that one single more coat of paint, and it would be a 99 car pile up on the 99 north to Fresno in the fog. So, Ana, LiLie, or Bend Oza. I am going to dip the penile punisher in Vaseline, and then, flour it with large grain Huntington Beach sand, just before your gushing pussy hole believes it's gonna receive it. And then I'm gonna jam it into Mario’s spinchter with Love Force. He is gonna scream like a lady. You with receive a great big box of disappoint and a jail cell without a pillow, and a salad bar serving carpet and upside down scissoring with a fat yeasting pig named,”Natasha.” Okay, enough fucking around. Al Garza is a fucking clown. It's what is NOT said tells me it all. I'm gonna send that white haired devil fuck the audio of Willie admitting to know of Pat, or at least being a characterless pos. We will see what his reaction is to the audio. The enemy knows. The enemy knows now, that Lober is a cagey mutherfucker, but, Patrick told us he is a goddamn Jellyfish. He is brainless and has survived a million years. How does he do it. Study closely you fucking butt nutt with bad roots. FYI I know you are growing it out so you can chop it then dye the dark into red.sneaky little pussy hole. The only shafting that will happen here is the elevator shaft of the cut hole like yours. With a windy odor of vastness blowing up and in through my hair of my nares. When, the subconsciousness captures the actual dynamic energy, and I have no idea how to decipher the data, it is when the silly guy begins ranting the most outrageous and obnoxiousness word smithing conjures by even a rap god. Pussy Money Weed… and, BLEED. I do not want bloodshed. I am avoiding shedding your families bloodline at all costs. Not the words I hear uttered from the stretch marked lips of a cunt, but the intent of malicious and sinister clowning of a Mexican Latina hot blooded stink Clit, I am inspired by. The collective cognitive of the “nameless” familia, is absolutely granite. You have crossed the line of no return. The fall to grace is bottomless for all who step into the fake room is cozy comfort. You have tricked yourself. He has Lie to the liar. The SHIT-EATING GRIN of getting over on the master of deception, has been dick-slapped off the wet slutty porno face of the enemy. The excited pleasure of a seven layered flavored bukkaki on the whore that you were, is not the great white face of complete and utter loss and deception. The tactics have been whittled down to using a couple of fuck-tards that so dearly need CPS involvement and real adult supervision, but nonetheless, voice disrespectful diarrhea to a warrior of bright laser death strokes, and repeating what they have heard from the parent.(Boomerang) Hold on… who is this little Popeye with his armpit in my face. He is trying to open the blinds behind me. I offer my help and he declines determined to get the string pulled. I poke him in the armpit. Looksyits your armpit bee booop! Haha we laff. He says I am Paul. I am blind. I reply, me too, Paul. Colorblind. Did you go to high school here in fountain valley? No. I am from Armenia. I retired as a government and aerospace engineer. I have three grandchildren and I have a sailboat. What is it that you do? What is your name? I reply I am Mike, and I am a writer. He replies, I read a lot. What do you write about. I replied, when people do things that are unbelievable to others, but are actually happening, I attempt to explain them so that it may help them be better. Black magic . Yes, Black OPS. Operations. Namelesss a concept that is explainable. Have you heard of Kabbalah? The difference between right and wrong Take responsibility for everything you do Subconscious thought rules us more than we think. We are all connected. Paul 8184142426 sail boat Politically correct simply means to be liar. Politics and Religion. There is absolutely no connection. Christ is a lifestyle- Christyle. I do not go to the church. Religion is a business. It's bad. Have you heard of the child abuse crimes within apostle church? No. I mean yes. Well, Paul. Everybody is up to something. He replies,”Yes.” John 9:01 it is not his fault. It is the fault of the third party. A boomerang effect. It always comes back to you. The other religions say do this, and do that, to save yourself. Christianality says believe me and I will save you. Space is expanding. Dynamic. Humans are like a universe and ever expanding. Paul says,”I must go now. For me it's time to go now. (Referring to the grandkids coming home from school. Not dying.) It was good to be talking to you. Let's keep in touch. Goodbye, Mike.” Wow. I feel like a hypocrite. So, how does Mario and Ana feel? Their hearts pump piss through opaque black rubber surgical tubing. It saturates to their children. I witnessed first hand the “Clan” at work. I really wanted to become violent. I applied discretion . Let's let these blind people babble through the name calling. Let's hear what they are saying. • I'm 17. How old are you? Yo’ Mama! • A washed up MMA fighter. • Harassing minors. Pedophile. • My minors children. • Delusion you have associates with us • I don't even live here • You are abashed up fucking bitch. Fuck you These individuals appear to very familiar with John Driver yet, I have never seen them before. Or, maybe I have. Or, they are all sitting around the YouTube and mimicking me because they all want to be me. They certainly are not concerned with a piece of trash or a karate chop to Maria's neck. They kept a dime between each other as if they were traditionally trained in this skit. They did that to not be photographed together. And, also to appear to occupy a greater amount of space. You fucking rookies are not on the realm of ability you believe you are in. You have kids and women doing the job. They are the brains or you are a coward, or vice Vera's and both. Enemies for life. By: JOHN DRIVER LUBRX brand SMASHSHATTER-obliterator Edition License Cover design by OP ROM Book design by LX-5.0 All rights reserved.© No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This ebook is licensed for personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy. *DISCLAIMER. Please excuse any and all spelling, and grammatical errors, vocabulary misusage, flow or redundancy, ramping or un-ramping of vocabulary, BAD WORDS, fouls language, bad words used as punctuation, or bad words that sound like obscenity unintentionally, mistaken words for FIGHTING WORDS, they are not, accusations, are only hypothetical theories based on actual experiences, and or hard copy evidence provided, and all are considered a REAL THREAT to my freedom, until evidence is discovered, or uncovered, not sure which is first, that discredits the REAL THREAT. ATTENTION CONTENT DISCLAIMER COPYRIGHT LAWS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVE ™LUBR X brand channel and John Driver® The views and opinions expressed in this media or video or comments on this channel are those of the artists that provided us with that f*eked up idea and we were lazy enough to accept it, we thought it was funny, but doesn't necessarily represent the beliefs of the ®LUBR X brand channel ©2016-17 Due to the social satire of this channel it may contain content that has been copyrighted, but we took extra care in f@*k in it up, so you won't notice it was poached. The owner of this channel claims no responsibility to the creative collective and its thoughts and ideas contributed to the broadcast and therefore, can not be held accountable for liable. LUBRX brand™
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A Really Shitty Story
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The evening started off innocently enough. After an eight hour excursion to the southern most part of our state, my dear friend and I arrived at our destination... a Halloween costume party centered around a toy company. Just two grown-ass men who have such a love of everything childish that we’re willing to invest an entire weekend to our affinity for the plastic arts; nothing sad or pathetic about this... right?! RIGHT!! After meeting up with a mutual friend, we made our way to the line of nearly 400+ other nut jobs who’ve decided that plastic art is more important to them than significant others or a social life of any kind. As we strolled to the back of the line, I seen many people dressed as Darth Vader, Mario, and other things that reminded me I was among kindred spirits. I hastily put on my costume, a hybrid of pope and pimp (or Pimp-Pope, if you will, and I insist you do), and watched as my friend found a truck to hide behind to slip into his pink dress to complete his Eleven (Stranger Things) ensemble. Adorned as a whore-leasing man of God and a 12 year old girl with mind powers, we walked through the doors of the already impressive looking building, unsure of what the night would usher unto us.
Immediately, we’re both gobsmacked by the decor. Giant framed pictures of mad scientists, chandeliers with lights that gave the room a touch of crimson red, and every employee working the party in an elaborate costume. We were handed a bag full of enough toys to make a child cry tears of joy on Christmas morning and whisked into the main hall. A couple of drinks, some good conversation, a few claimed prizes, and the party came to an end. My friend and I were invited to pizza place/ nightclub hybrid (yeah.. I thought such a thing was strange too). Not wanting the night to end, we accepted the offer and found our way to the place where dancing and pizza dough were found in unholy union. We each ordered our own personal pizza, but soon found that “personal” equated to enough food to feed half of Africa... or roughly a quarter of what my friend could eat in one sitting. After a few slices, I pushed my pie aside for fear of what my weak stomach would do to me if I kept indulging. My friend, however, finished his pizza and was helping others with theirs. “No problem, this was par for the course for my dear friend”, I thought. As we left, we were invited to a hotel that was supposedly haunted. I asked my friend if he wanted to visit the spook-filled inn and he gave me a look so intense it could have brought back David Bowie, Lemmy Kilmister, and Gene Wilder to life with just one glance. He leaned into me and with a tone that read stern, but pained he managed to expel through whispered breath “I need to get back to the hotel. I think I’m going to shit my pants.” And with that, we soon found ourselves back at our hotel.  My friend ran to the hotel with a haste I’ve never seen from his normally stationary frame. I grabbed our bags and slowly made my way to the elevator. Surprisingly, and quite unfortunately, my friend was in said elevator muttering curses or speaking in tongues. I’m not sure which. He was dancing in a way that could best be described as Native American meets smack-addict and I watched as sweat collected on his forehead while waiting for the elevator to hurry up and do one of the only two functions it was designed for; going up. When the lift met our floor, I watched as he tried to pry the elevator door open, then run for our room. I followed at a normal pace and was met with sounds coming from our bathroom that could only be described as outtakes from The Exorcist. After a bit of time, my friend emerged from his exorcism of the shit demon, but instead of the expected relief, I seen a different look of panic. “I can’t get it to flush, man!”, said my scared friend. I told him to call the front desk and explain the situation. He did, but gave me news I wasn’t ready to take in.. the maintenance guy wasn’t going to be back until early in the morning. Trying to be supportive, I told him not to worry. We only needed a few hours of sleep and would be back on the road. This is when we discovered our first problem. I’d had a few drinks and needed to piss. My friend’s multiple attempts to flush didn’t allow room for me to pee in the toilet so, through a held in breath, I urinated in the bathtub. In this moment, I hear my friend’s laughter through the walls. His laughter caused me to laugh and breath in what I can only describe as death itself. I dashed out as quick as my bladder allowed me to, ran out of that awful room, closed the door, and vowed never to return. We laughed over the absurdity of it all, took a couple of sleeping pills, and zonked out... 
“OMF’NG!!!@!!! MY FUCKING STOMACH HATES ME!!!*!”, I thought as I woke in a full blown panic. This pizza hated both of us and it was my turn to “exorcise”, but was immediately reminded of lasts nights debacle. Not knowing what else to do, and afraid of the horrors that bathroom presented, I found myself quickly Googling “Public Restrooms”, throwing on shoes, and wandering the streets of San Diego. I passed many vagrants as I made the four block trek to the closest public restroom. “I wish I had it as good as you guys do.”, I thought as I seen their dirty, but content, faces asleep on the pavement. Cold sweats, stomach cramps, and a pace quicker than people trying to make their way to Space Mountain when Disneyland opens it’s gates overtook my body as I had several thoughts of doubt that I’d retain the contents of my bowels for even a few seconds longer crept into my head. When I arrived, I tried to open the door to the men’s room, but it was locked. I read a sign that said “Max Occupancy: 2″. SHITFUCKCUNTGODDAMN!! This couldn’t be happening. Just when I thought I’d lost the battle with my intestines, I noticed a man behind Plexiglas. I motion that I need in the restroom and he obliges by hitting a life-saving switch, unlocking the door. I shoulder-checked the bathroom door like a rookie hockey player with something to prove, and was met with several things that sent my head spinning. 
The room, maybe 15x15 in size, had 4 other men in it. One, a well dressed homeless man, I nearly bowled over with my off-ice slam of brutality. The other three men, also homeless, were huddled around a sink. One was tying another off. The other was injecting, what I could only assume wasn’t medically needed drugs, into the arm via a syringe. I completely locked up when I seen this, but my stomach quickly reminded me why I was there. My head spun around to find the most horrific sight of all... only one urinal and a single stall that was occupied. “This is it”, I thought. “This is the moment I’m going to evacuate last night’s mistake into my blue jeans”.. but then the sound of a man screaming at the top of his lungs was coming from the stall. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”... a few beats... “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was reverberating from the walls of the restroom/ crack house. It scared me enough to keep my mind off of things until a man emerged from the stall. He had a ton of things in arms, including a cell phone. He said nothing, walked between myself and the well dressed homeless man, and threw everything in the trash. He held up one finger as if to say “one minute”, walked back into the stall, and reappeared with an armful more of belongings. These items once again met the bottom of the bin and the man left. I looked at the well dressed homeless man, and he said “You clearly need this more than I”. I thanked him and bolted for the stall. 
To say this thing looked like a horror scene would have been making this stall sound more glamorous than it should be accredited for. Some kind of substance was oozing down the walls (yes, plural), and used toilet paper was balled up along the ground. Whatever. I was here and there was no turning back now. I went to close the door, only there was no latch. No way of keeping the door closed. This wasn’t a standard sized stall, but one that allowed for handicapped patrons use as well (i.e. - I wouldn’t be able to keep the door closed from the toilet as it was out of arms reach). The time had come, I couldn’t worry about such trivial things any longer. A handful of toilet seat covers, a quick chant to whatever god within earshot, and I was on my way to finish the mission I’d set out to accomplish. Just then, the door swung open. “Oh sorry.”, said someone I hadn’t seen before and he quickly closed the door. No sooner than ten seconds later and the door was greeted in a way that told me this guy was also in the NHL (National Hockey League for those of you a bit puck-deficient). The door smacked the wall with a “THUD!”. The man, clearly out of his mind, just stood there. We locked eyes... a tragedy that cannot be felt through text, but suffice to say, you never want to stare in the eyes of another soul while trying to relieve yourself. “It’s taken!”, I shouted, in hopes of ending this uneasy feeling, but he just kept locked in his gaze. After a few more agonizing seconds, he slowly walked away, but the door was left wide open. A third man emerged at to what can only be described as the “Portal of Shame”. He said something to the effect of “Oh, are you going to be long?”, before he wandered off. 
My stomach, partially relieved, was now in full shock. It wouldn’t allow me to finish the job. A quick scrub of the hands and I was Ubering to another public restroom. Locked! Walked to another. ALSO FUCKING LOCKED!! This continued until I found my way into a place with a punch code for employees. I slipped in behind someone attempting to leave, and completed the task. I shamefully called for an Uber to take me back to my hotel after my friend sent me a few worried texts. 
I recently told this story at a party. Expecting laughter, I was only met with “That’s it?! That’s where the story ends?” What can I say, it is a really shitty story.  
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