#i hadn't seen them do the thing in so long i'm getting a lil emotional about it
tkachunk · 2 years
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pinkyqil · 6 months
Step by step | a.Putellas x j.Hermoso
Hidden secrets series
Warning: a lil angst,comfort,acl mention not really but yea
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It was around midnight when jenni had received alexia messages. the moments she saw pictures of the ultrasound and pregnancy test. she went through five stages of different emotions.
She and the blonde woman had been trying for ages but had recently taken a break from ivf and each other for a while now.
But right now jenni knew alexia needed her more than ever even though she would never admit to it.
Jenni found herself staring down on her phone to reply too alexia message wanting to know if she was alright.
mi amor 💕 : ale ¿Estás bien? ¿Está todo bien?
A while later that she had sent her messages to alexia stil wanting for the other woman's reply. panic started to fuel her body as it been a few long hours since she's sent her messages at that moment.
And that how she found herself booking a 10 hour flight from mexico to spain. She needed to know that alexia was alright especially when her plate seems too be filled with a lot of stuff going on for her at the moment. Once she booked her flight she started to pack stuff that'll she probably would need. has her flight was in a few hours.
Finally arriving at the airport she checked her phone one last time to see if alexia had reply but was met with nothing.
The flight from mexico to spain was very hectic but jenni was able to manage through it.
Alexia on the other hand hadn't seen jenni's messages yet,has she refused to look at her phone one bit. Her heart wouldn't be able to handle whatever jenni wrote she thought.
But what she hasn't expected would be the knock on her front door. alexia wasn't expecting anyone and if she was,she would have known plus her mom and sister had spare keys to her place. She wasn't in the mood to get up and open the door but definitely had no choice as the knocking became louder and aggressive.
Jenni who was on the other side of the door honestly had no idea why she infront of alexia place this late.
she could've headed to her hotel but her mind wonder differ.
The moment alexia opened the door it was closed faster than she could make a goal. Her mind was all over the place,it couldn't be her head just playing random games with her or it was the hormones. Jenni was definitely not outside her house she was living in mexico for heaven sake alexia thought to herself.
Jen on the other side started speaking."Alexia please open the door all I want to do is talk you haven't been answering my messages".
oh she was an idiot alexia thought to herself again why couldn't she answer her. now she had to deal with this jenni was always some who worried a lot and went beyond doing things.
After giving herself a moment she finally opened the door inviting jenni in. they both sat in awkward silence.
Before one of them spoke up getting interrupted by the other trying to also get a word out.
both women found themselves laughing at their situation.
This time it was alexia who finally spoke up." I'm sorry for not responding or calling and instead letting it all on you expecting you to figure it out yourself i just needed a moment to myself cause the day I found out would also be the day i had let you know it was all too much for me to handle".
"oh ale it all alright i don't think would probably be able to deal with all that in one day you are definitely one strong woman". jenni said embracing the other woman into a hug.
"So what are you doing all the way in spain aren't you meant to be somewhere in mexico". she asked with a grin on her face.
"Do you really think I would have your hothead deal with all this alone you had me very worried when you didn't answer and i did the most logical thing anyone could think of".
"So traveling all the way too spain is the most logically thing you could think of instead of calling me". Jenni gave the woman across her the most unamused face when she had finished her sentence.
"Matter of fact don't answer that". alexia said with a smile on her face.
The couple found themselves embracing each other for some sort of comfort. jenni found herself cuddling into alexia from waist down getting a warm buzzing feeling.
"So where having a baby" jenni asked while looking up at alexia.
Alexia could only nod her head at the other woman's word. Too busy to say anything else jenni and alexia found themselves looking each other in the eyes, before she knows it she felt another pair of lips on hers. pulling her into a deep kiss.
Finally done they both pulled away too busy blushing like those rom com movies.
"Wanna go for a drive and get some food you must be really hungry after your flight". alexia asked jenni who quickly nodded.
The couple once again found themselves in the car enjoying a Pa amb tomàquet sandwiches one of alexia favorite also something she had been craving for.
"So does anybody else know".jenni found herself asking alexia a question that been on her mind all day.
"Nope only mi mamí".alexia said before taking another bite out of her sandwich.jenni nodded understanding what alexia meant.
"You know that your always welcomed to stay at my place that if you want too".
"What made you think that I would leave your stubborn head alone". jenni said snickering at alexia before they both busted out laughing knowing jenni was right. She would never leave alexia nor let her get loose.
After finishing eating up the remaining of their food.they both found themselves entwine their hands together and letting in the moment before going home.
They were going to figure out everything together step by step or would they ?
A/n: chap 2 finally done hope you all enjoy it has much has I did writing it,honestly proud of this bit ale and jen have it all figure out or there's more to it all. and as always opinion ideas,asks or anything you would like to see happen in the serie are always welcome 🫶
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mylucayathoughts · 1 year
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 1. Man this is gonna be a long ass post.
(I can't make gifs right now, wish I could gif these moments but for now screenshots will have to do)
The first one is at the Childrens hospital where Henry introduces Alex to the kids. Henry very sweetly says how his mum is out-ranked by Alex's mum. I think Alex is a bit surprised here (maybe a little shocked) at how easily Henry can say nice things about him specially after their seemingly endless rivalry.
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Then in the hospital cupboard, after Alex confronts Henry he was saying that he is sorry about being cold to Alex earlier but he was in a bad place with his fathers passing and Palace not giving him any space. Alex looks up at him, his mind is probably starting to feel sorry for Henry for the first time and he is realizing how his hatred for Henry was based on a very dark time in Henry's life. His eyes are soft here, which a moment ago was big and angry.
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(plus Taylor looks like a puppy here which I love 😍)
This is rather a sad moment for Henry. He is probably thinking how this is one of the very last moments he gets to spend with Alex (even though Alex had already invited him to the new years party) and how their next meetings will be shorter and probably not meaningful enough for them to ever become anything. He so far hadn't gotten Alex's attention, it's probably not going to happen later. Of course we all know that's not what ends up happening 😏
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This here where Alex asks Henry if he was surprised by Alex in any way, and he just goes like this 🤣
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He is probably thinking of all the things he loves about Alex before deciding to tease him a lil bit. Not to mention how adorable Nicholas looks here 🥺
After their bedroom adventures and Henry's romantic ass kiss (😍) Alex very visibly becomes very thoughtful and you can tell how he knows that it's gonna be sometime before he sees Henry again (he already misses him), and how his mind is racing trying to think of an event where they can meet again.. my poor poor baby 🤧
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In Paris scene, I love how Alex comforts Henry by giving the softest little nudge on his forehead (their hairs touch).
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This is a very small moment that is seen right after a closeup of Henry's face and right before Henry gives Alex the nod to go ahead. This moment is etched in my brain and it makes me wanna cry every time I watch it.
I love their little smiles here after the famous "I'm learning", they are both so in love already it's obscene 🤧 and their smiles are so reassuring and tender 🥺
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In other words Nicholas and Taylor ate. It's a long take and the timing of their expressions and their delivery of each dialogue is just top notch 👌
When Alex is on the plane back from Paris, he looks very pensive. Then he let's out this big sigh and a small smile breaks out. We all know who he is thinking about. I love how Taylor portrayed all the emotions in Alex's heart here. He is tired but happy, and thoughtful at the same time. I think this is the first time Alex gave some serious thought to he and Henry's relationship. Before it was just hooking up in places and mostly about their physical needs for each other.
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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miles-has-insomnia · 3 months
“outside the scope”
pairing: ayo x aneka
requested by my mootie tootie @ayoxaneka
summary: so we all saw that lil deleted scene between Ayo, Okoye, Aneka, and the rest of the Dora Milaje but I wanted to add a little more depth to that argument of sum sort (if you haven't watched it you should probably or you'll be a little confused) and I'm thinking of adding another part of like how they made up cus I mean obviously they did if they were kissing in the end
warnings: dis shi sadd, no happy ending its kinda open tbh unless yall want that part two
Bold is in Xhosa
Never had Ayo thought she would be in this position. On one hand, was her love and best friend on the other was her duty to Wakanda. She couldn't let Okoye board that Talon Fighter under no circumstances the Queen made it crystal clear. But to point her spear in the direction of the woman who taught her everything she knew. It felt unreal.
Amidst it all she hadn't considered how Aneka might've felt. Her love was also a long-time friend of Okoye and she was just as distraught if not more when she lost her position as General. But unlike Ayo, when she was ordered to possibly kill her friend immediately she started to question her duty to the throne. Now all was said and done but Aneka was still shaken up and as everyone left the two lovers still stood there reflecting on tonight's events waiting to see who would break the silence.
"Permission to speak" Aneka spoke up finally cutting through the tension. For the first time that night, Ayo dared to face the new Captain. Her face filled with so many conflicted emotions it made the General's heartache. The only sign that Ayo had heard her question was a small nod of acknowledgment.
"Beloved" she continued "What harm can come from Okoye searching for her?" That question alone told Ayo that this would not be an easy conversation. But Aneka was never one to back down when things were hard, ever the rebellious spirit that she so loved. "It is outside the scope of your duty, Soldier" she dismissed rather quickly; too quickly in fact for Aneka's liking. Soldier? any other day the Captain wouldn't mind that title but in this moment she wasn't addressing her as the general she was addressing her as Ayo her girlfriend, her love, her everything.
A new question now arose one neither one of them was sure they could handle the answer to. "And if I step outside my scope of duty will you also point your spear at me." The silence that followed told her all she needed to know this person she was talking to wasn't her Ayo anymore, and deep down the Captain knew what she was about to do was unfair in fact that question alone was unfair. There was no way Ayo could choose between Wakanda and her love or at least not at that very moment so she would choose for her. With trembling hands and glossed over eyes Aneka attempted to hand over her spear.
The General spoke up but it was only a whisper as that was all she could manage without breaking down. "Don't do this" she pleaded so weakly. But it was too late her beloved had already made up her mind. Shoving her spear in the General's hands she took in an unstable breath. "I'm done" the now-former Captain muttered giving one final salute and walking away. Out of all the times Ayo has ever seen Aneka walk past her this one right here was by far the most painful. It felt so final almost like she wasn't just walking away from being a Dora but walking away from their relationship as well.
Long after she had left Ayo stood there with her girlfriend's spear not quite sure what to do. When Okoye had been the General and she was faced with the same question she was prepared to eliminate W'kabi for Wakanda if that was necessary. But put in the same situation would Ayo be able to do so. The answer was complicated, she didn't know to be fully honest. But what she did know now was that she needed to go get her girlfriend back.
-- whew chile that took a lot out of me!! my lazy ah is exhausted but I love these two to death so lemme know if y'all want a part two that's like fluff or sum and I'll try and cook sum up again its not perfect im not really a writer i try
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bluelem0ns · 7 months
(rant, this is gonna be long)
Okay so I've seen a lot of people say you shouldn't ship Bellow Diamond cuz it's toxic (I can talk about that as a whole) and they usually pull up a scene from Change Your Mind so I'm gonna quickly throw in my opinion as a huge Bellow shipper.
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Starting off strong with this.
That's not the face of someone who's proud and 100% with what they're doing.
(p.s. there's a part just before Steven throws his shield at her where she literally has to close her eyes. she doesn't wanna do this and it's really very obvious? 😭)
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This part and the part where Blue and Yellow stand up to White is probably my favourite part of CYM.
She goes on to talk about how "this is what White Diamond expects of all of us," , to seek out and destroy everything that is flawed or shows signs of rebellion. She's balancing her devotion to the Empire and loyalty to White with her affection for Blue. (off topic a little but Yellow attacking Blue for telling her Pink is now Steven could also hint that, like White, possibly even learnt from White, Yellow is preferring to live as though everything is "back to normal"). She's very obviously conflicted.
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All it took for her to snap out of the facade was Steven and Blue's lil speech, and seeing what she'd done to someone she cares about so much.
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Her crying obviously came as a shock to Blue as Yellow was following the "all emotions are flaws" mantra for like, possibly all of her existence? Also, Blue going to comfort Yellow and Yellow letting and even encouraging her shows that they care about each other?? do people just ignore these scenes 😭
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This episode is an honourable mention as the song, What's the Use Of Feeling, (Blue)? starts off more or less as a lecture. Yellow is questioning why Blue can't just move on and accept that Pink is gone, overall questioning her grieving process and encouraging Blue to destroy the bubbled Rose Quartzes. (This also links to Yellow's grieving process too.)
However, near the end Yellow sympathizes with Blue, saying "Don't you know I miss her too?", and proceeding to get choked up, therefore unable to finish the song. (I always wonder what would've happened next if Holly Blue hadn't walked in.)
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Honourable mentions 2 and 3, we never actually see them having a conversation after CYM (I think...?) but in the first screenshot we can see they obviously still talk, presumably frequently giving how fast they were to find each other once Steven went to talk to White.
Number three, Yellow protects Blue from a cloud. An ecstasy cloud. Literally nothing bad would've happened if Blue had had the cloud shoved into her face, but Yellow protects her nonetheless.
they're so unbelievably mature and unbelievably immature
anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 😭 my apologies if I worded anything wrong I'm so bad at actually putting things into words 😭
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dragonpro809 · 28 days
☆Thank you, Murder Drones♡
After watching the finale of Murder Drones yesterday and taking the rest of the night to process my emotions, I felt like I, too, should say my thank yous to the Fandom that changed things in my life.
I wanted to include art with this, and perhaps I'll come back and edit it to add an art piece, or make a seperate post entirely, but I just wanted to say a few words here.
I want to thank Murder Drones and everyone involved with it for changing my life in the span of 5 months. I was someone exetremely late to the party/Fandom/show and I feel so horrible and sad about that considering how amazing this show is and was. I had seen the first episode, but made the mistake of not sticking around long enough to see just what it would turn into. I think a part of my younger self just couldn't see myself getting into it because it seemed "Cringy" and "Not for me" back then, and just with the place I was in, the Fandoms I was in, and what I was focused on at the time, I never really understood the kind of show this would become, nor did I think it would become as important as it did to me in such little time, let alone have such an impact on me.
It's a show that brought out a self of confidence in me.
It's a show that gave me sense of joy I hadn't felt nor gotten in a long time.
It's a show that I love deeply and I will never forget it, no matter how late I was to the hype train and no matter how many years pass.
This final episode was amazing. I've seen the praise and I've seen the complaints, but I made sure to have no huge expectations going into it so I could just be surprised and excited with what was going to happen, and I can confidently say after watching it yesterdat that I loved it. For the type of show this was, it felt like a proper ending to a show about complex, lovable, angsty lil robots that do murder. And as for the series itself; sure it has it's plotholes, confusing moments, and plot points/moments that could've been changed and or improved, for what it's worth and what we as a community got...The Glitch/SMG4 Team, the voice actors, and Liam did a fantastic job on everything, and I will always be grateful that we got such an amazing show.
I'm sad it's over already, and I will for a while...But we as a community have been given hope that our beloved main characters will return at some point down the line, and I cannot wait to see just what the team has in store for them and for us.
I may not have been someone who was here from the beginning and stayed till the end, but I am someone who was somewhat there in the beginning and returned for the end. I am proud to say I'm a Murder Drones fan.
I'm also proud to say I'm a Murder Drones fan who is about to make very poor finacial choices-
To not drag this out any longer...I'll say it one more time.
Thank you Glitch/SMG4 team.
Thank you voice actors.
Thank you Liam Vickers.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you, Murder Drones.
This was a lot of fun ^^
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P.S. I'm not leaving the Fandom anytime soon, so don't worry ^^ I might not be a big name anywhere yet, but I got AUs, characters, and a possible rewrite of Murder Drones all being worked on right now, so I'm sticking around!
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Gyro's lack of concern for Boyd in 'The Last Adventure' (long post)
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In 'The Last Adventure', when Gandra revealed to Huey and Gyro that in order to destroy adventure, Bradford was going to not only erase the Missing Mysteries, but also everyone even remotely associated with Scrooge and the Ducks- families, allies, enemies, and everyone else in-between... Gyro didn't seem the horrified or terrified.
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He looked typically annoyed or indifferent to their situation. This is strange, considering how he'd seemed very interested in figuring out F.O.W.L.'s plan ever since they arrived at the Lost Library (although this was likely to save his pride from earlier after even he- the genius of the group- didn't really have any theories on what F.O.W.L.'s ultimate plans for the Ducks were).
What's strange about this is that now he's got someone in his life to love, care about, and consider his own family, somebody to both live for and to keep safe. His son Boyd. You'd think he'd be terrified that he and Boyd would lose each other again- and permanently this time- after only recently finding one-another and starting over together (let's face it, Gyro and Boyd need each other on so many levels, and I'm positive they both recognized that ever since 'Astro B.O.Y.D.')!
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In the scene where Dewey and Louie find Huey and Gyro (along with Gandra and Ludwig Von Drake) locked up, you’d think the first thing out of Gyro’s mouth would be “What are you two doing here?! Where’s Boyd?? Is he ok?”
Scrooge had ordered the team of kids to stay on the plane and await his signal while the adults stormed the Lost Library... until the kids realized that something must have happened to the adults after ages went by without any word from them, and decided to split up to find them (after Dewey's air-battle with Don Carnage and the plane crash). So, when Dewey and Louie- who were in charge of their team back on the plane- suddenly showed up outside their cells without the rest of the kids, you’d think Gyro would have known something was wrong and immediately wanted to know if Boyd was ok.
Instead, this was how that scene played out:
Gyro: Quickly, you two! Open our cells by reversing the polarity of the triple-wired coupling! (Now, tbf, he did sound pretty urgent there)
Dewey: We are children!
Gyro: *deadpan* Cut. The Red. Wire.
*Dewey and Louie shrug and go to do it*
Gyro: *sarcastically* When they do something right, they’re heros. When it gets a little hard, ‘we’re children’!
Not only that, but he never once mentioned Boyd at all throughout the rest of the episode or gave any indication he was thinking about him; you’d think he’d want to know where Boyd and Lil Bulb were and if they were ok (especially once he learned that Bradford planned to erase everyone from existence)! I know he entrusted them to keep each other safe, which was probably his only source of hope and comfort, but STILL.
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As indicated in the above captions, at least he was concerned for Huey, and that is definitely something (especially since Huey was the one who helped Gyro learn the truth about a past that haunted him for years and reunited him with Boyd)! But still, it would have been even more meaningful if he'd expressed concern for Boyd there (and with even more emotion).
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When Huey told Dewey and Louie in the above scene "Guys, if this is the end, I'm glad we're together", that would've been a perfect moment for Gyro to pipe up about Boyd, because surely he missed him and wished they were together! (And for Gandra to say she wished she was with Fenton, who she hadn't seen for weeks ever since F.O.W.L. captured her!)
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(Bradford and Heron letting Scrooge and the prisoners- HDL, Webby, Gyro, Gandra, and Ludwig Von Drake- see each other while threatening to erase Scrooge's entire family unless he cooperates, just so they all know what's at stake)
When Webby explained to May and June what true family is about (shortly after the above scene), most of her words reminded me of Boyd and his found family in his long-lost father Gyro: "Heron made me, but she's not my family. Family are those who fight for you, stick by you, blindly invade a sinister villain's secret stronghold for you. Family would do anything to keep you safe and sacrifice everything to love you, no matter who and what you are!"
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.....Akita had a hand in creating Boyd, but that didn't make him Boyd's family. He meant to use him for evil all along and corrupted the innocent child-like nature Gyro lovingly programmed him with; but Gyro had poured his heart into him, welcomed him into the world and told him he was a real boy, and loved him like a real son (including advocating to Akita about Boyd being more a person than just a machine). And in the episode 'Astro B.O.Y.D.', when Gyro learned what Akita did to Boyd, he went feral like any protective parent defending their child after somebody did them an injustice- he fought for Boyd against Akita both verbally and physically- then put himself straight in the path of the rampaging Boyd in an attempt to break him free of Akita's control ("You are a definitely real boy!")... quite prepared to die trying. And what makes the parallel between Boyd and May and June even stronger is that all three children were corrupted and used for evil by the adults who created them (ok, Gyro also had a huge hand in Boyd's creation and development, but it was Akita who used him for evil), deprived of the chance to be happy and loved.
That's why when things looked their darkest there, with Gyro knowing Boyd was somewhere out there- not knowing where he was or if he was ok- you'd think he would've become especially desperate or inspired to get out of there so he could find him before they lost each other for good. As Webby gave her family speech, there should have been a close-up of Gyro looking emotional or deeply thoughtful (indicating he was reminded of Boyd). And/or after her speech, he could have piped up in agreement and vehemently said he's learned the meaning of family for himself ever since Boyd returned to his life (and I mean, he only had one line of dialogue from the whole time they were all tied up together in that room to the end of the episode, and I'm very disappointed his very last line wasn't anything that further emphasized his relationship with Boyd or his character development in general).
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xxkittycass-meowmeow · 3 months
life stuff that is complicated but there's some good things 2 prob boring 2 read it's yapping tiem
dear diary,
boy I sure am happy now that I have drugs and alcohol in my system
(supposed 2 b funny not concerning, just at a birfday party (blows the little birthday thing that makes noise*
it's past situationship past best friend idevenk's (I've decided her name's cherry 4 now) lil bro's 21
I haven't seen that kid in forever I got really emotional seeing him, especially because he'd asked for me to b there TT^TT he was always like a little brother 2 me when we were younger, I really hadn't spent time with him in a long time, I brought up going 2 pride, he really wants to, he's never been and he said we should go together, it just tugged at my heartstrings bcuz I didn't realize how much her family still cares about me like I care about them
my youngest brother is turning 21 soon 2, idthink he's interested in alcohol at all tho, I got 2 think of smth 2 do for him 2 celebrate tho
u kno idk if it was a bad idea or not 2 start hanging out with cherry again, I thought she'd changed a lot and she has but not w certain things and I'm worried wat if she's hasn't with certain others
like I thought she'd gotten over the talking about ppl behind their back in such a mean way thing
the last time I hung out w her before this last time
she'd brought up an old friend of mine. a lot of my friends did nottt like ach other, but she at the time was v possessive and was constantly trying 2 get me 2 leave others or even try 2 get them 2 leave me, and now she kinda did the same things again, but I guess just 2 genuinely shit talk?
but she brought up my friend miss silly, she asked "do u still like miss silly?" and I said "well I haven't seen her in forever, but I love her and I'm sure I would, I think about her all the time"
"well she's so embarrassing and she used 2 wear these crazy costumes 2 school and she used 2 do this and she used 2 do that and insult insult insult, it gave me extreme secondhand embarrassment"
I responded "those were some of my favorite things about her."
"well she made me feel so embarrassed laugh hehehaha"
(summarized convo btw not word 4 word)
and I told her that her secondhand embarrassment isn't because of miss silly but because of her
I'm irritated that she kept on insulting her knowing I had just said I still really care for her and would love 2 hang out w her agian"
wait she also did this about another friend of mine
pretty tall elf
so pretty tall elf was like she would bark at ppl, she'd bark at bullys or mean/rude ppl a lot and idk I thought it was fun personally LOL
she was so good at art omg I miss her so much i hope she's good
cherry talked about how werid and fucked up she is 2
and I'm like..... u r also fucked up?? me 2?? that's part of the reason we became sucho close in the first place
when we were attached at the hip we had a v unhealthy complicated fkd up weird 2 the eye relationship
like ppl would walk up 2 us and would b like "wow I'm so surprised the 2 of u r friends, ure jist so different from 1 another"
opposites attract fool
but also we had so so many similarities
anywho, ppl would do this 2 us constantly, even when were we're apart from 1 another
but it was harsh, towards her more tha me
ppl would basically like allude 2 me being this angel and her being the opposite of that
it drove me crazy being put in a label I can't live up 2, but I know it really hurt her 2 a greater extent ppl comparing us
those people didn't kno me, they didn't kno her, it was all just assumptions
but she started to do this "well u're my sweet little angelic friend" recently and I h8 it and I'm just gonna call it out next time
I'm not an angel and I don't want 2 be. we were just 2 humans together leaning on each other 4 support and filling each other's void with affection and hurt and fun
me and her had a v fkd up dynamic, we were both untreated ptsd'd so yoiks(yikes) but we we're also v 1 for the other and I felt so connected bcuz she didn't want 2 let go of my hand as much as I didn't want 2 let go of hers
but things changed and r still messy i guess jsut different and I am actally so tired here's my lil yap sesh good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite I love that 1
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enviablee · 2 years
I went to therapy yesterday and started talking about my ex and when i told my therapist out something that i had done i started to tear up and the rest of the day i spent in this weird funk. My parents were in town visiting me(they had driven 12 hrs to see me) and i told my gf at the time that i promise I'll try to be back early so we can go to the pool. Now obvs i got late because my dad hadn't eaten and was driving around to find something. She saw me(on find my iphone) and got mad saying i lied to her and broke her trust again. So i told her that i was sorry but my dad hadn't eaten so we were looking for food and she was like Idc he's an adult he can figure it out. I'm very close to my parents so this hurt a lot. That night i literally stood in the parking lot telling my mom i wish i could jump into the river and die bc i always felt like i had to choose and she said we'll never ask you to choose between her and us. Damn while writing this in crying. I went back to the house and we got into an argument and i told her that i have seen them for a yr and she was like i haven't seen mine for 5 and so i said that's not my fault...i have a good relationship with my parents.
The worst part is the next morning i woke up and made her breakfast and cleaned the house tm and took care of the animals
First. I wanna say thank you for confiding in me and sharing this with me. It’s okay to get emotional and cry and I’m glad you found my ask box to be a safe place to open up about it. Bottling up feelings is THE WORST thing you could do.
Second, Im also very very very family-oriented and I had a similar problem with one of my ex’s in the past as well. So I totally understand how torn you feel right now. I do not think that was very fair of her to come at you like that and accuse you of lying to her without having a proper conversation about it first. Of course, I don’t know your gf, but I’m sure her assumption came from a place of insecurity in herself. This does not justify her actions or words in making you feel guilty, but it’s important to take this into consideration too.
I am very glad you are here and didn’t jump into any rivers because you have a purpose here regardless of if you are aware of it yet or not. Be patient with yourself. I’m not sure how long you have been with your gf or any other details of your relationship, but if this is something that happens a little more often than it should, I would consider having a sit-down with her and laying it all out on the table. For those of us who have a good relationship with our parents, it is okay to put our family first. Do not feel guilty for making time for your family. If she is having trust issues with you but are not properly communicating those feelings and thoughts in a productive way, it becomes more difficult for you to reassure her. Then, this causes a domino effect where you will start to have trust issues with her if she continues to jump to conclusions about your intentions rather than speaking with you first. Like I said, I suggest speaking with her during a time where there’s less tension between you two, calm and level-headed, and explain how it made you feel. In a way that won’t make her feel like you’re pointing any fingers because that may result in her getting defensive.
Sorry for babbling, I hope I helped a lil. Even if it helped you feel heard and understood. My inbox and ask box is always open if you need to vent my friend 💜 continue to be strong but remember it’s okay to fall sometimes, just make sure you dust yourself off and get back up.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Carol Danvers ~ Put On A Show
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(This isn't what she looks like in this fic but it is the ✨I'm gonna make you see the stars vibe✨)
Carol Danvers X fem!Reader Smut
Word Count: 3,569
Includes: lil bit of public teasing, thigh grinding, edging, gagging on fingers, praise, strap on, overstimulation and oral
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Being an Avenger taught you to handle a lot of difficult situations.
You knew how to take down a state of the art quinjet in a minute. You could survive on an unknown planet. You had played a significant part in tracking down and rounding up the last Hydra agents.
And yet no one had ever prepared you to be stuck in a room with a hundred arrogant business men who were desperately trying to impress you with what they thought was power.
You were certain you could have better conversations with a caveman.
You weren't a superspy like Natasha. You couldn't fake interest, put on a realistic smile and pretend to enjoy yourself like she could.
You weren't Tony who genuinely enjoyed himself at those kind of parties and thrived at being the center of attention.
And you weren't Carol who didn't need either of those things. If she didn't want to talk to someone, she wouldn't. It only took one of her looks to make any of the leaches hurry away. She didn't have to worry about the repercussions of doing so because there weren't any. Non of the guests would ever be willing to admit they were intimidated by a woman.
Not that you were jealous of what Carol had. Carol wasn't the kind of person you wanted to be, but she sure as hell was the kind of person you wanted to be with. And that woman was one of a kind.
The distraction of the Captain was definetly not helping you keep your cool. She wore a tight fitting dark blue suit that you had been struggling to stop yourself staring at ever since you had first seen it. Her hair was hanging loose at her shoulders and had become messy from the amount of times she had run her slim hand through it. That alone had your mind reeling of what other ways you could get it to look like that.
You had been lucky so far, everytime you stole a glance at the Captain and her attire she happened to be in convosation with someone else. Although that meant you two hadn't exchanged a single word that night.
Thankfully, you had soon learnt that half of the guests never actually noticed if you zoned out, perfectly content to continue rambling about themselves. While others could zone out themselves as they talked...while they stared at your chest and feuling your urge to smack them.
You were in a dress that you hadn't bought and were far from comfortable in around these people. A thin glass of champagne was clutched firmly in your hand and you predicted it would shatter by the end of the night. You had lost count of how many you had downed with your back turned, stopping once you felt lightheaded.
You had regretted it at first, but you became internally grateful you had saved your heightened senses when you felt a familiar hand rest on your lower back.
Training almost everyday with the blonde Captain had familiarised you with her firm grip and reassuring touch. It was the only kind of contact you had gotten from her until that moment and you treasured it greatly, praying Carol hadn't noticed your slight faulted at the knees.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal this one." Carol stated in a very unafraid tone as her hand pressed into you more. You wanted to melt into her touch.
The man you had been not-really-listening to (because you could not for the life of you remember anyone's name) opened his mouth to speak and probably try to get Carol to stay, was ignored by the blonde who was already guiding you away with her hand.
Of course you didn't protest, throwing a party over it in your head while the butterflies in your stomach danced along to the music. You didn't even realise Carol was leading you to the bar, too focused on the fact her hand never left your back as she walked beside you without a word.
You did however, realise when you almost walked into the bar stall before gracefully (that's what you told yourself) sliding onto the stool. Carol sat down next to you and said something to the bartender you didn't hear or really care about.
When she did look back at you her gaze was piecing along with her usual confident aura. Anyone who pulled off a suit the way Carol did had every right to some arrogance, especially as it somehow made her even more attractive.
"I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress before." Carol said with a knowing smile.
"I don't think you'll be seeing me in one ever again." You respond as you glance anywhere but Carol, unable to hold her intense gaze.
"I'll have to treasure the memory even more then. You look beautiful." Carol compliments and watches you blush.
"You clean up pretty nicely yourself, Captain."
You don't fail to notice the way her jaw tightens slightly at the title, but she's quick to pass it off when the bartender places two bottles down on the counter.
You realise you're still holding your champagne so you put it on the side to swap it with small bottle of beer, already taking a sip to have something to do instead of figiting under Carol's gaze.
"I didn't need you to say it, you know? You undressing me with your eyes was telling enough." You choked slightly on your drink the moment those words left her lips, embarrassment shooting down every last butterfly in your stomach.
"I-I wasn't- it was an accident- I mean! I- um..." Carol watched you ramble with an amused grin and took a sip of her beer herself.
You could feel your cheeks heating up and your fight or flight instincts kicking in.
"I was enjoying the attention." Carol smirked as she moved closer to you so the faint smell of her expensive perfume overtook your senses.
You had been so sure the whole night that Carol hadn't noticed what you were doing. You thought you had gotten away with it all. Natasha's tips on concealing emotions and thoughts were clearly paying off on Carol more than you.
"And its not like it's the first time." Carol almost whispered as her voice dropped in a way that went straight to your core.
The Captain placed a gentle but firm hand on your bare knee as she studied you. Her brown eyes flickered across your face while your own y/e/c eyes stayed fixed on hers.
"Is this a test?" You whispered under your breath.
"Perhaps." She whispered back as her fingers stroked your bare skin slowly. "I'm sure I could test you some other ways though." Her hand was along your thigh now. You desperetly wanted to grab it and pull it up further but you had to remember you were in a room full of very important people.
Carol noticed you glance around the room and must have known what you were thinking because she smirked slightly before withdrawing her hand and standing up from the stall.
"Come." She ordered. You felt goosebumps across your whole body and hoped it wouldn't be the last time you heard her say that tonight.
You restrained yourself to waiting a few seconds before following Carol in the most subtle way you could manage when you wanted to sprint over to her side.
You weren't really aware of where Carol was leading you, but once you rounded the corner away from the party you sped up to close the distance between you both.
After rounding a few corners of the complicated hallway you realised you had lost sight of the Captain. Just as you were about to risk calling out her name a strong hand gripped your forearm and pulled you out of the corridor and into Carol's arms.
Her lips were on yours instantly. She had you backed into a wall before you could comprehend any of what was happened but her kiss was so eager you returned it without any thought.
The blonde's lips were unbelievably soft. They felt perfect against your own as you tried to match her pace.
Her hands were cupping your face with surprising gentleness so you wrapped your hands around her neck to pull her impossibly closer, accidently pulling on a few strands and earning a low groan from her.
She bit down on your lip harshly, making you moan audibly until you were muffled by her tongue invading your mouth.
You could taste the beer both of you had barely started and something else that was strikingly Carol. It was intoxicating and you didn't want it to end.
The friction Carol sparked when she pressed one of her muscular thighs between your bare legs was sinfully blissful. You moaned into Carol's mouth when you felt her very deliberately press against your heat and apply a teasing amount of pressure to your throbbing clit.
"Carol." You whispered her name like a chant. She smirked against you as she turned her attention to you jaw then neck, nipping and sucking at the skin exposed to her. You arched your neck to give her more access and felt your breathing become laboured.
This probably wasn't helped by Carol's hand on your bare thigh, gripping the skin in a much firmer way than she had at the bar and venturing further up.
Her hand disappeared beneath your dress in no time, massaging every inch of skin she came across.
You couldn't help it. Her warm lips, her strong hands and invasive thigh made you feel lightheaded and you couldn't stop your instincts of grinding yourself on Carol's thigh.
You desperatly sought more friction that your Captain's thigh could produce. What started as small rotations of your hips soon turned into full on desperate grinding. Your thin panties were soaked and clung to your skin, you were sure you were going to leave patches on Carol's expensive suit trousers but both of you were far from caring.
You could feel Carol continue to smirk into your neck with each mewl that left your lips. She grabbed your hands and pinned them against the wall above your head and that somehow made you needier.
The beautiful friction against your clit was one that had you moaning Carol's name continuously. It didn't take long for the familiar coil to tighten in your power abdomen and making your movements increasingly erratic.
You bucked against your Captain as you sought you sweet release only to have it pulled away from you.
Carol stepped away with a shit eating grin as she watched you struggle to hold yourself against the wall and give her a confused look.
"Why?" Was all you could manage, embarrassingly out of breath.
"Because I can." She smirked. "Did you want to cum, baby? Do you want to feel your release?"
"Please." You said shamelessly as you gave her a pleading look from your vulnerable position.
"Then be a good girl and bend over that desk for me."
You hadn't even noticed you were in an office, too busy trying to get yourself off on Carol's thigh than take in your surroundings. You didn't hesitate to place your hands on the far side of the desk and bend yourself over it so your ass was out for Carol. You glanced behind you to see Carol smirking as she took in your appearance in the new position.
She stalked towards you and placed a hand on the back of your thigh while the other pushed your back down further into the table. Her hand trailed up under your dress before she ran her fingers over the material covering your ass. Her movements were slow and teasing, trying to enhance your desperation to a place you wouldn't come back from that night.
Her slim fingers dipped beneath the waistband of your panties and gradually pulled them down, subsequently allowing her fingers to brush over your ass.
Once the thin material dropped to your feet Carol had you spread your legs for her as far as you could while she lifted your dress over your hips.
You guessed she really did like the dress.
Your pussy pulled around nothing as it was exposed to the cold air of the room and Carol's teasing fingers ghosting over your skin.
"Eyes front." She said as she stood back. It was hard to resist the urge to turn around and look when you could hear Carol undoing her belt buckle.
You had to bite your lip to suppress a moan when the blonde brushed the silicone against your folds. You were both shocked and aroused at the discovery that the Captain had been packing all night. You wanted her more at the thought that she had planned this.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt two slim fingers against your lips. You opened your mouth to allow Carol to slip her fingers in and tried not to moan around them at the heated gesture.
You sucked eagerly on Carol's fingers in an attempt to please her and hope it would give you some preparation for the girthy strap. It wouldn't.
You were caught off guard again when Carol continued to push her fingers forward, further than you were expecting at first then more than you could take. You gagged around her fingers and heard a chuckle from your sadistic Captain.
"Good girl." She whispered against your ear before biting down softly.
You were so caught up in the praise you almost forgot about the strap until Carol nudged it between your lips. You tried to grip onto the table more as she slowly pushed the head into your soaking pussy and moaned around her fingers still tickling the back of your throat.
You were extremely unprepared to take something that size, but that only spurred Carol on more and added to your arousal that had your lower lips slick for the strap to ease into you.
Once Carol was half way she paused when you started breathing heavily through your nose as you continued to suck her fingers. But the break was short and without any warning, the Captain thrust the rest of the girthy toy into your cunt.
You moaned around her fingers and pressed your head further into the desk. Carol barely gave you a chance to adjust to the filling of being so full. You're reminded of her impatient nature when she pulls the silicone toy out to the hilt before snapping her hips back against you and causing the strap to burry itself deep inside you again.
You knew Carol was strong and you had seen her doing hip thrusts in the gym before, but you had never imagined the force she would be able to muster when slamming the fake cock into you over and over.
Carol eventually took her fingers away from your mouth and wiped your saliva along the side of your neck before gripping it in her hands, threatening to cut off your breathing and blood flow.
Her pace never faulted. It brought you an intense amount of pleasure everytime that had you stumbling over your words.
'Carol...please...it's- I...so good." Was all you were able to say.
Her name fell from your lips over and over as your cunt clenched around the invading toy. It never failed to hit the hilt of your pussy and brushes against your most pleasurable spot, every movement made it brush some incredible nerve.
You moaned louder as you tried to fuck yourself back on her strap. You were so close to your orgasm and it had already been set up to be the best fuck you ever had so you were so desperate to finally reach it.
"Are you gonna cum for your Captain?" Carol asked as her thighs continued to slap against your own.
"Yes Captain! Please...I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me." She husks as she brings you over the edge and flying through your orgasm. You completely slump against the desk and Carol fucks you through your high.
White blanks appear in your vision but you're too out of it to care.
You're moaning, almost screaming, in the pleasure that's overwhelming you and you don't realise how sensitive you are until Carol continues to pound the strap into you.
"Carol..." You whine at her perfect pace. She's still going so hard, so fast, and fuck she's so deep inside you.
The vigor of her first fucking already had your pussy overworked and sensitive, and yet you can't stop yourself from incoherently begging her not to stop.
"Please Captain! Don...don't stop...so good- so good!" You cry out as another orgasm crashes over you.
You're shuddering now but still swimming in pleasure. You can't stop yourself from bucking yourself back against her.
Carol holds your hips down firmly as she thrusts the strap into your overworked cunt. They're less coordinated this time, more about establishing the control Carol has over you.
You can't form any words this time. The only sounds in the room is Carol's thighs slapping against yours, your whorish moans and the thick strap fucking your leaking pussy. You were vaguely aware of the audible sounds of your pussy before you break into your third earth shattering orgasm.
You're completly limp against the desk and trying your best to breathe normally.
Your pussy is throbbing and pulsing around the strap that Carol very slowly eases out of you and leaves you feeling extremly empty and sore. You know you're gonna be feeling it the next day.
"I don't think I can stand." You finally muttered weakly, not trusting your legs to even attempt to let go of the desk beneath you.
"You don't need to. Get on your knees." Carol ordered from behind you. You shivered at her words and tried to take a moment to compose yourself but the blonde was apparently growing impatient...again.
She held your hips with an iron grip and flipped you onto your back to see her towering over you. You used your arms to help you into a sitting position on the edge of the table before falling down onto you knees infront of your Captain.
Your knees ached from landing on the hard floor but you were much more focused on the smirk playing on Carol's soft lips.
"So obedient, such a good girl for me." Carol cooed as she ran her fingers through your hair and pulled you towards her now strapless core. You could see her pink folds glistening in arousal and you wanted nothing more than to taste her.
"Use that pretty mouth of yours to make me cum, baby." Carol instructed.
You wasted no time. You licked an eager strip through the blonde's folds and moaned against her as you collected her wetness on your tongue. She was so sweet and you were instantly addicted.
You did this a few more times, pushing your tongue further between her folds everytime until you couldn't hold off anymore.
You gripped the back of Carol's thighs and sunk your tongue between her folds. The moan she gave in response made your stomach flip and swell with pride. It was like discovering a new song you wanted to listen to on repeat.
You retracted your tongue and began sucking softly on Carol's wet folds to taste as much of her wetness as your could. You then switched your attention to her throbbing clit and sucked it harshly into your mouth.
"Fuck so good! You've got such a good mouth." Carol praised continuously as you pulled out all of your tricks in hopes of pleasing her.
You kept alternating between fucking her with your tongue as deeply as you could to taking her neglected bud in your mouth. Your efforts soon paid off.
Carol grinded herself against your mouth as she cursed and praised you amongst moans. She was gripping your hair so tightly you couldn't help but moan into her, aiding her pleasure.
"I'm gonna cum, fuck!" She gasped out as you sucked as harshly as you could on her clit.
Her bundle of nerves pulsed in your mouth and you could feel her cunt clenching around nothing as she came with a cry of your name.
She sounded so good when she came. You wanted to hear it again, to see her. But once Carol had finished her high and you had lapped up every last bit of her white liquid she pushed you back gently.
She sat back on the dest as she regained her steady breathing and tapped her lap as she smiled at you.
You had just about enough strength mustered in your legs to allow you to stand up from your position and sit on Carol's lap.
She wrapped an arm around your waist and cupped your cheek with her hand to pull you in for a kiss. She smiled against you as she tasted herself on your lips and kissed you longingly.
"You were everything I dreamed you would be, baby. You did so good for me." You blushed under her praise and buried your head in the crook of her neck in exhaustion but mainly comfort.
Neither of you had any intentions to return to the party after that.
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demilitarised-zone · 3 years
Seeing as we got some new lore that seems to be quite controversial, late night inspiration struck over the op I'm the most salty about: Smoke! It's just a lil smth, but I hope y'all enjoy the short story :)
James closed his eyes as he took a long drag from his cigarette. It warmed his lungs so, burnt them almost. The smoke quickly faded in the cool evening winds, carrying the scents and sounds he'd always known of Rainbow's base. A play so familiar it brought fond memories, pictures of brothers in arms drenched in mud, sweat and blood and still they laughed as they patted each others backs, joked about how they survived yet another day in this cruel world.
Seemed like a melody so faint, so far away it wanted to lure him back into a past he left behind, taunting him with bitter sweet tones.
... Geez. Since when did he get emotional over leaving? He'd changed units plenty in his younger days, spent weeks in some foreign country's warzone singing marching songs with men he'd never see again. Nothing was ever constant in the military; sceneries changed just as much as the people he'd meet, trusting his life to someone whose name he couldn't remember and didn't bother to. It's a fast paced life. One he'd grown so used to, chasing his highs formed by the rush, the adrenaline pumping his heart, the excitement in his veins and the taunt in his eyes. It reminded him what it meant to be alive. To be truly alive. Not like those people who slaved their lives away in some office, no, he refused to be just one of many.
And what an honour it had been. A damn good one. He thought back to him joining the SAS, how he looked at them like a child would on christmas day; wide eyed as he forgot to breathe, had his heart beating and blood pumping and he could barely remember to salute with a chest so swollen in pride-
The cigarette's bud landed amongst many others in the dirt. James hadn't kept count. Gravel crunched under his boot as he stomped out the last sparks. A ghost of a smile on his lips, gone with the wind. Seamus used to scold him for smoking, being the mother hen whose concerns James would dismiss with a wave of his hand: He'll be fine.
Same thing he's been repeating to himself, to Mike, to Ash and Harry - whoever inquired about his decisions like it was their business. No, Rainbow had not angered him, nor did he have some very special reasons he couldn't trust anyone with.
So why did he do it then? Why did he decide to leave even when it meant leaving all he's known, the family he built and loved, the duties he'd proudly carried?
Because it tired him. Rainbow and the SAS were structured, safe, comfortable. People knew him by nicknames, they joked and drank and fought crime like the good guys Harry wanted them all to be. One must be a fool to exchange such a life for the unknown. At least, that's what Mark said.
To James it was a life so dull he's come to dread doing the same protocols, hearing the same jokes and seeing the same faces every single day. What once wakened his senses was now nothing more than another point off his daily to do list.
He simply outgrew his old life. He needed something that would spark the passion in him again, without the limitations Rainbow embodied. Something that would nurture his desire to create, that would allow him to never stop on his way into the future - a chance Nighthaven granted like no other. Whatever price they demanded he was willing to pay. If it meant being seen as a traitor, then that's a branding he can live with. Even... Yes, even if it meant seeing that look of betrayal in his family's eyes.
James reached into his pocket. A groan at the empty cigarette pack and the oncoming headache; if only he wouldn't see their hurt faces so clearly behind his eyes, following him into sleepless nights.
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I see that hatesex scene isn't over so I'm gonna finish it, aye?
Begging. Begging. You'd already begged earlier, dammit, and you sure wouldn't do it again! But given Sal was... Well.
Smirking, you rolled your hips up into hers, thrusting the strap into her once more. Sal made a surprised noise on top of you, her hands grabbing hold of the pillow next to your head.
"What's... This supposed ter be, eh?"
"Making you come again, obviously."
And you knew... With her grinding, you'd come as well.
When she leaned in to have her voice ghost right over your ear, you already suspected your plan was doomed to fail.
"... wanted to get off of me grindin' on yeh? Nah. You'll come if yer beg. Not anyhow else."
And with a fluid movement, Sal pulled herself off of the strap, but pinned your arms with a tentacle, and smirked down as she moved up your body... Until she was kneeling above your chest. Another tentacle undid the harness of the strap and pulled it off of you, placing it on the far end of the bed, leaving your core exposed to the air, without a chance to get friction as another tentacle joined the first to keep your legs spread apart.
No amount of squirming would help you, now. And judging by Sal's smirk, that was entirely planned. Oh, this little-
"How pretty yeh look. So frustrated..."
Her voice almost gentle as she dragged a finger down your cheek. A finger that you moved in to snap at, taking it between your teeth and glaring at Sal as you teased over the tip with your tongue. But instead of having much the desired effect, her smirk only widened, her eyes darkening as she toyed with your tongue.
"That's jus' like it."
And as if that wasn't enough, alone that husky, praiseful comment and her expression got you even wetter under her, and you hated it.
"If yer wanna make me come again so badly... Use that pretty lil' tongue of yers."
She grabbed your chin, fingers softly stroking your face as she licked her lips.
"Fuck you, Sal."
"Ah, yer were the one wantin' to fuck me again."
You scoffed, but whatever reply you had was drowned by Sal's core moving above your face. Fine. If she wanted it like that, you'd give it to her. You'd make her scream.
And oh, she was wet. Still coated in her juices from the strap, but as you licked up her thigh, parted her folds with your tongue and flicked it over her clit, she moaned as if she hadn't just fucked herself on it.
"Look what a mess you are."
You whispered, and Sal growled, looking down on you with half-lidded eyes. As always... Her taste, her look... She was addictive. Eating her out was likely among the favorite things you could do to her in bed... Especially given how she reacted to your tongue.
"Let my hands go."
She did, surprisingly. You grabbed her hips tightly and pulled her down on your face, closing your eyes as you dived in with all the passion you had. Trying to distract yourself from the burning heat between your legs by taking care of hers.
And oh, how she moaned! The moment you took her with your tongue, licked her overstimulated core with a mixture of softness and passion, Sal's back arched downwards as she held onto the headboard, her face turned downward for you to look at. Eyes tightly closed, lips parted in her moans, cheeks flushed, sharp teeth glinting. Her arms flexed as she held on tighter feeling your tongue flick against her clit before sucking on it. Or slide into her, a shiver going through her body.
You wanted to say something, praise her, but you couldn't. Too addictive was her taste, too good the way you saw her unravel for you. Good. She deserved to be just as much of a mess as she left you in. She deserved to think back on this and get wet again. Just like you did.
The surge of feral, hateful passion you felt at that made you speed up your tongue on her, made her cry out and buck down into you. You felt the heat between your own legs dripping onto the sheets and only focused harder, panting into her, clawing into her hips as you held yourself as close as you could. Leaving her no escape, not that she wanted one.
You growled into her, and Sal came. Filled your mouth with her essence, left marks on the headboard as her body shuddered on yours under the force of ecstasy, panting heavily again and letting herself fall to the side next to you, shivering under the aftershocks while you smugly smiled and licked your face clean.
Wrecked. Spent. The best way she could look.
As her eyes opened again, you smirked at her.
"Enjoyed yourself?"
"Fuck yeh."
The yellow glow focused more, and with a groan, Sal pushed herself up and slid to lie down between your legs, humming appreciatively as she dragged a finger through the juices coating your thighs and shot a bolt of heat right between your legs.
"Look who's a mess now, aye?"
"Fuck me."
"Ah, yer think? Not like that, lil slut."
And with a smirk, her tongue darted out to lick a stripe up your thigh before she bit you there, tentacles forcing your legs to keep still as they slid further up on them, pressing against your inner thighs.
"If yer want this. Beg."
More tentacles encased your arms, holding you spread out while Sal lavished your thighs and hips with attention. Licking. Biting. Kissing. Building the need higher and higher, until you were almost bursting at the seams, squirming under her, tears in your eyes from the frustration. Oh, how you fucking hated her.
“Aye… tha’s better. So pretty when yer beggin’ fer me.”
“Fuck y-.. Ah-!”
You felt your whole body ignite in a way that it never had before as you felt the very tip of Sal’s long tongue skating up the center of your core. It was a feeling that drove you crazy with need - insane with desire - knowing that due to the length and sharpness of her teeth, that it would be all you’d ever be able to feel of it. But oh, how it made you so fucking wet.. how it took the already building fire within you and set it on ‘engulf’. Only making you want it more - to feel her delicious tongue deep within your swollen core. She licked over it again oh so gently, just enough to tease the ever living fuck out of you. Your body pulling against the tentacles that held you in place as it was driven to a whole new level of desire.
“Tastes even better straigh’ from the source.”
She chuckled, watching the deep flush across your body grow even deeper, knowing she was driving you absolutely crazy with need. Your core slick with want.. desire.. hate.. every single emotion that you felt towards her dripping from you unhindered. Spilling out onto the dark blue of Sal’s bedsheets - soaking them straight through.
“Fuck, Sal! Do I need to beg again??”
“Aye.. wudn’t hurt.”
Glowing spheres shrinking to slits as she gave you a smug smirk. And gods, how you hated how much she was enjoying this, how she knew exactly how to make you want her more than anyone you had ever wanted in your life. The hate you felt for her spilling over you, washing in you in a flame what deemed almost impossible to extinguish. You moaned out again, feeling the tip of her tongue ghost over your clit before her fingers followed suit, bucking against your restraints as she topped it off with the slickness of a single tentacle teasing over your entrance. FUCK, you were overcome with need.. with an absolute carnal desire.. almost willing to do anything for her to just completely fucking wreck you - to leave you as nothing more than a breathless shell of your former self.
“Fuck! Sal! Please!”
‘Heh.. Yer sucha needy lil’ slut.”
A sharp curse from your lips as a second tentacle shared in the teasing, one firmly pressed against your clit as the other traced from the top of your dripping slit and down to your ass, causing a lightning bolt of pleasure to shoot straight through you. Your body practically vibrating with nothing more than the sheer and utter anticipation of feeling any part of her inside of you. The appendages around your legs spreading them even further, exposing every last inch of your swollen core as it begged to be touched.. to be fucked.. to be destroyed in a way that Sal, and only Sal, could achieve.
“Don’ think I ever seen yer so wet before, love.”
“Oh, fuck you, Sal.”
She chuckled in a way that was dark and husky, and it only drove your hate for her even more.
“An’ here I thought yer were wantin’ me to fuck yeh.”
She didn’t even give you a chance to respond, watching her with eyes half lidded as she twisted the two tentacles teasing your core together with flawless precision. Her finernails digging into the tops of your thighs, delving out the most delicious pain as she finally slid her appendages deep inside you with a firm thrust. A profound gasp from your lips as a third slithered across your ass, toying with it.
“Mmh.. fuck, Sal… more.. please..”
“Aye… gettin’ pretty good at tha’ beggin’, love.”
You wanted to scream.. to lean up and tell her to ‘Fuck off”, but the exquisite pressure that was building in your core with each masterful thrust of her tentacles left you momentarily speechless.. left you compliant and obedient and every last bit of exactly what she wanted from you. And she fucking knew it.
She moved slowly over your body, licking and nipping at your heated flesh as she picked up the pace of the appendages that so perfectly stuffed your dripping core. Filling your body with a surprised heat at the soft kisses she left over your previous marks. Chuckling as you whimpered - as she slapped and teased over the opening to your ass - knowing just how badly you wanted her to fill it.
“Aye.. not this time…. think yeh had enough of tha’ fer now.”
“Shouldn’t.. fuck.. shouldn’t I be the one who decides that?”
“Heh.. not when I’m the one fuckin’ yeh.”
Gods, fuck.. everytime you thought you couldn’t possibly hate her even more, she proved you wrong - stirring it even further. The tentacles in your core moving to a relentless speed as the one playing with your ass continued to tease and toy with it - matching the sublimely perfect rhythm of her appendages. Both merciless... both enough on their own to make you fervent with desire. Your legs trembling as she held them apart, as she fucked you harder and harder. Giving you everything you wanted, while denying you just the same. A wave of pleasure so heated it threatened to set your very essence on fire - to ignite the smooth fabric below you and everything in its path.
“Come fer me, slut.”
“Ah-! Fuck!”
There was no point in even trying to hold back, to stop the white hot pleasure that spilled relentlessly over your body - unyielding in every way. Eyes rolling back in your head as you felt your peak wash over you, again and again until you screamed out her name so many times that it imprinted itself into the heated space between you. Every last bit of desire spilling from your core as she kept her pace, smirking with each shudder that fell from your nearly breathless body.
Sliding her tentacles slowly out of you, a look of pure satisfaction painted across her features as she leaned back - eyes drinking you in.
“Ne'er seen yeh look more beautiful either.”
“I… fucking.. hate you.”
“Aye… so you keep sayin’, love.”
You closed your eyes, allowing your erratic breath and your racing heart a moment to settle before even attempting to find your clothes. A slight hum of confusion in your throat as you felt Sal’s presence move up next to you, pulling you closer to her.
“Hm? Sal? What’s this?”
“Aye.. aftercare.. hush.”
You were too exhausted to argue - entirely too spent to stop her from pulling you flush against her. The length of her melting into you as she held you close without so much of a boundary between you. You didn’t even think to stop and wonder why.. to ask yourself if her fingers had seemed to trace over you in a much gentler fashion... if her kisses were no longer chaste or heated, but only found your skin softly as they kissed over it. You had lost track of how long you remained there - at how many stars were left shining in the sky, when you had finally started the long trek back to the village.
sjdfhljkdshgljfhg... fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.. that made me... entirely too fucking thirsty.. fuck.. Thank you, dear... I hope this reply leaves you just as thirsty as yours did me, fuck... dkljfldkfhl 🤤🤤😩😩😩💦💦💦💦💦💦
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Black Moon Rising Pt.1
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Hello my dear shippers! For day 5 and 6 of Ulquihime Week I'll be making a two part lil' fic. I've had this idea for a while and I thought it would be fun to play with.
So most of you know I have a full length Ulquihime fic on FF.net and on Wattpad. It's basically an AU where Orihime saved Ulquiorra and he went on to live with her in Karakura. That's the shortest version of the plot anyway. So this is sorta like a 'what if' with that plot. Orihime still saved Ulquiorra, but instead of him going with her and becoming more human, she turns into an Arrancar and crosses over to his side. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week -Day 5- Protect/Blood
Black Moon Rising (Pt. 1)
The carnage between the two hollows had covered the silvery sand in crimson.
Orihime was desperately trying to heal Uryu, as Ichigo had tried stabbed him earlier.
"Inoue, please don't waste your time here. Just run and get to safety."
"I'm not going to leave you behind Ishida-kun! You're bleeding badly and Kurosaki is still in that awful form, so I don't care how much you tell me to leave, I'm staying here!"
He didn't argue further and let Orihime heal him. From the smoke around them, she couldn't see either Ichigo or Ulquiorra. 'What happened to them?'
That question was swiftly answered when she felt a dark pressure beside her. It was Ichigo, and his hollow mask hadn't cracked. Ulquiorra was nowhere to be found.
Orihime put herself between Ishida and Ichigo, calling up a shield just in case. “Stay back Kurosaki-kun! " Her tone was fearful. In truth, she didn't like yelling, especially not at Ichigo, but there wasn't anything else she could do. He had already proven he couldn't be reasoned with.
The hollow growled, not too keen on the suggestion of stepping aside. With one motion of his blade, Orihime's golden shield was shattered.
The hollow began charging another cero between it's horns. Orihime tried to conjure up another shield but knew it wouldn't be fully materialized in time. She closed her eyes, hoping Uryu's wounds would be fully healed before she died. 'At least one of us needs to survive.'
But death didn't come. Before Ichigo could blast then, Ulquiorra apeared behind him, breaking one of Ichigo's horns with his spear.
The cero was redirected, and once again smoke covered the area.
"I can see Kurosaki. I think he's back to normal."
Orihime nodded, checking Uryu's wounds one last time before investigating. "Your wounds are healed. If something happens to me, you must run, Ishida-kun."
With that she left. The smoke was slowly fading and she could see Ichigo finally waking up. He looked as if that hollow transformation hadn't happened, and his wounds were fully healed. 'Typical, he never needed me to heal him before, why should he start now?' Orihime then began looking for Ulquiorra, she found him in a worst state than she imagined.
The Cuarta Espada was out cold, his body burned and bloody so badly that she doubted it could be repaired.
"Ulquiorra!" Orihime kneeled down on the sand, placing his head on her lap. His eyes were slowly opening. She quickly cast Soten Kisshun, it wasn't working.
"Woman, what are you doing?" Ulquiorra spoke, his voice was as monotone as always.
"What does it look like doing?! I'm trying to save you!"
"Nonsense. I have lost the battle, I deserve to perish."
"Like hell! I'm going to heal you and that's final, so shut up!"
She didn't know where that sudden burst of anger came from until tears fell down her face. Ulquiorra's wounds were not healing, even with her power.
Desperation began to take over as the blood kept on pouring.
'No, no, no! I can't let him die!'
"I told you, it's useless. Leave me here. Your friends did as you said and came to protect you, it wouldn't be fair for their efforts to go to waste."
"What about you?! Who protects you?!"
It was getting hard to see with her watery eyes, still she caught Ulquiorra's vivid expression. His emerald eyes were widened in surprise, she'd never seen Ulquiorra show any emotion before. It suited him.
"Orihime, listen to me, and listen well. You're the only person that cares if I live or die. That's more than I ever expect to have. Just leave me be, and save yourself."
She wouldn't. She wouldn't abandon him. Not even if he begged her to.
Their earlier conversation came to mind, when he put his hand on her chest and asked her about the heart. She could sense it, the sadness and longing that he kept hidden under a layer of nihilism. From that moment onwards she promised herself, she would show Ulquiorra what it was like to have a heart, if just to see her warden smile. She didn't expect things to go so wrong. 'Why? Why do I always have to be the one 'protected'? Why does it always lead to pain?'
"Ever since I was a child, I've relied on others for protection. My brother, my friends, they've all kept me safe and sound. I'm grateful, truly I am, but whenever they do that it makes me feel like a burden. I can't fight, or train, I'm helpless!
No one ever took me seriously, until you," Orihime swallowed hard to keep from sobbing. "There were times you were cold and cruel, but you never thought less of me! You never treated me as if I was made of glass! You're the only person who's ever done that! So, please Ulquiorra, let me be the protector for once. Let me save you!"
Ulquiorra didn't say anything, he raised his hand to wipe away her tears. "Forgive me. I wish I could've spend more time with you. You're truly a unique woman, Orihime Inoue."
She put her her hand over his, it was slowly turning into ashes.
'No! I can't let him die! I'll do anything!'
Orihime felt her hairpins glow warm, they were almost burning her hair.
'Orihime! Can you hear us?'
Her Rikka spirits were communicating with her.
'Yes. I can hear you all."
'There is a way to save the Arrancar, but it comes at a very high price.'
'Whatever it is, I'll do it!'
'You must tear your heart in half, and recite an incantation. It shall restore him to full health, but it will also turn you into an Arrancar.'
She'd be a hollow, eternally trapped in Hueco Mundo, with no chance of ever seeing Tatsuki, or her brother again. To anyone else this would've been a hard choice, yet she didn't hesitate.
One look at him was all it took for her mind to be set. 'You wanted a heart, I shall give you mine.'
'I'll do it."
Her Rikka told her where to cut, so that the process wouldn't kill her. It was unsightly, to hold her own beating heart in her hands, yet here she was. As instructed, Orihime let some of the blood pour into Ulquiorra's hollow hole. Then she began chanting the incantation.
"Turn back the sands of time and heal what had been broken. Don't let him go with so many words unspoken. With this heart I seal my vow to protect. Soten Kisshun, I reject!" With all the strength she could muster Orihime gripped the organ tightly, completely crushing it.
The words came into being and a blinding yellow glow inundated the area. Orihime felt her consciousness slipping away, her head was aching, and her chest felt very heavy. Before surrendering to darkness she heard Ulquiorra calling her name.
'It is done.' she smiled and let herself slip away.
Ulquiorra still couldn't comprehend what happened. One moment he was prepared to face oblivion, the next Orihime was preforming a strange ritual on him that concluded with a blinding golden light. It made his memories all the more blurry.
He was fully healed. His limbs and organs were fully restored, even the horn Kurosaki has torn off grew back.
'What did she do?!'
He had lived for almost five centuries, yet he hadn't feel true desperation until today.
Orihime was sleeping, or at least that's what he hoped. He turned her over and gasped, her face was serene, adorned with a smile on her red lips, but also with markings. Markings that resembled his own all too well. Her hair was longer, cascading down to her waist like liquid fire. Her clothes also changed from white to black, and her head had two black horns coming from it. 'She's an Arrancar...'
"Orihime. Orihime wake up!" He tried to keep his composture, but the worry was palpable in his voice.
Orihime stirred awake. Her eyes no longer silver but rather gold. She blinked a few times before fully waking.
"Ulquiorra! You're alive!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.
He could feel her trembling with every sob. Without hesitation he returned the hug. "You said you didn't want to cry anymore." He told her firmly.
Orihime giggled. "These are happy tears!"
He didn't protest any further, helping her stand up when she let go. "Thank you, Orihime."
She smiled, placing her hand on his cheek as he'd done to her before.
A nearby pressure startled the both of them. Orihime's friends had finally caught up to them. They did not look happy.
Ulquiorra considered hiding Orihime behind him, but immediately shook the thought away. The woman didn't need anyone to protect her, much less now.
Still, he held onto her hand. She didn't let go either. They both knew it was likely things would end in blood.
To be continued...
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
New Places, Friendly Faces Part 2 (Sanny)
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner (Sanny), lil bit of Danny/Ronnie but he's quickly swept away with Sam
Length: about 2.7k
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Diner AU, No band AU, fluff, some angst, awkwardness, first dates, hand holding, flirting, Sanny
Summary: Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for weeks to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
Author's Notes: Here's the next part, it picks up right where the last left off! I'm hoping that I can update on a weekly basis - every Monday - but I'm not sure if I'll be able to punch out the next part quick enough, since I'm having a hectic week back home with all of my family. But I'll try!
"Hey, I've got your pie. Mind if I sit and eat mine with you?"
Danny was startled into full consciousness again by that slightly raspy, warm voice he had been imagining calling his name. He looked up, wide eyed and probably gaping like a love struck fool at the super smart supermodel himself standing over his booth, a plate of pie in each hand.
He must have taken Danny's silence, or maybe the awed stare, as assent, because Sam sat down opposite him and set one of the plates of pie in front of Danny.
He cautiously picked up his fork and speared a bite of pastry, keeping a wary eye on Sam while doing so. Daydreaming about holding someone's hand and actually having them sit - uninvited, he might add - across from you were two very different things. Who knew what Sam was actually like, or what Danny would let slip out of his mouth if he got too comfortable?
Sam was already digging into his slice, gathering up a big forkful of flaky crusts and filling to shove into his mouth. Danny was honestly a little worried: he ate like he hadn't seen food in days, and he kind of looked it, too.
"Mmph, man, Stephen makes the best damn pie I've ever had. Just don't tell my grandma I said that," Sam confided in him with a wink, making Danny turn red. God, when had he *ever* been this flustered around someone? He wasn't making a very good impression sitting there mute and acting stupid, he was sure.
"Uhh, Sam... why did you come sit with me?"
Sam looked up at him, his brow quirked.
"How do you know my name? Are you one of Jake's friends?"
"No, I heard it earlier from-" he was about to say Beiber, but luckily stopped himself, "From one of your brothers, the one with the straight hair. Which one is Jake?"
"Oh, that's him, and Josh is on his left, talking to Kyle. Micah and Jeremy are the ones having a fight with the butter knives by the way, they're the twins' best friends. Huh, I really thought you knew them, you look like the kind of guy that hangs out with us."
Danny wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. He figured it would be best to stay silent and let Sam continue talking, lest he embarrass himself somehow.
"What are you- God, I seriously can't get enough of this pie. What are you doing here all by yourself? Trying to get away from your chores or something?" Sam asked, mouth full.
"What? No," Danny said, brow furrowing a bit. He was a good boy, he always did his chores - the least he could do to help his mom out, really.
"Hmm, maybe you're running away? No, I got it! You're actually a health inspector disguised as a regular customer, and you're gonna crack down on the roaches in the kitchen!"
Danny shook his head, reluctantly enjoying the little guessing game Sam had decided to start playing - he wouldn't want the real reason to come out. Or would he? Would that give him a shot with Sam?
'Get real, he's too pretty for you. And he's probably straight, and thinks you're straight, too.'
"Sam! You KNOW there are no roaches here, stop trying to scare away my customers!"
Ronnie came up, smacking him on the back of the head with her hand and smiling at Danny, as if to say 'Don't mind him.'
Danny smiled shyly back at her, commenting on how good the pie was. In truth, he hadn't even taken the single bite he'd put on his fork yet, but it was somehow less awkward to talk to her than to look at Sam.
She said she was glad he was enjoying it and went back to the kitchen to fetch him more coffee. He watched her go, wanting to ask her to stay but knowing that would be incredibly weird; Sam just made him so nervous, he would have felt better with Ronnie's calm demeanor and sweet smile there to help him breath.
"Oh! You're here for Ronnie!" Sam whispered, looking enlightened and possibly a little crestfallen (but Danny was pretty sure that was just wishful thinking).
"No, no, I'm not. She's just nice that's, all. I'm not after her, man," Danny said.
Even though he did find Ronnie very attractive - and he could admit he had a desire to spend more time with her - he wasn't staying solely because of her, and he certainly didn't want Sam to get upset with the thought that Danny was trying to hit it with his sister.
"Dude, it's alright, I'm not gonna kick your ass or anything. Unless you hurt her..." Sam trailed off, looking suddenly so menacing that Danny was actually a bit afraid.
"I- I'm really not."
It looks like Danny's mouth had chosen trying his luck with Sam over Ronnie and, honestly, he wasn't upset by that. Sam was absolutely gorgeous and incredibly interesting: bold, humorous, intelligent, pretty, everything that Danny ever wanted. If only Danny was in his ballpark.
"Oh, c'mon! You're just sitting here by yourself, obviously waiting for someone. And Ronnie's been smiling at you so much, always coming over to your table. Her shift's over in half an hour, where are you taking her?"
'Fuck! He's really not getting it!'
"Ronnie is beautiful, but I'm not here for her. I'm- I *was* on a date, but I'm pretty sure she stood me up, and now I'm only still here because you are."
Danny's face was bright red and probably kind of sweaty, he could tell by his reflection in the spoon on the table. He couldn't bear to look Sam in the face, instead choosing to focus on his slice of pie oozing cinnamon-apple filling onto the plate.
Ronnie came back and filled up his cup, setting down a few more pods of creamer next to it. Maybe she sensed the tension, because she didn't say anything to him, and Danny didn't offer any more than a small smile this time. Now that he had made up his mind about which sibling to go for, he felt a tad awkward around her - but, then again, Sam was making him feel pretty funny, too.
Sam had been silent since his admittance, and it was making Danny nervous as fuck. He opened a creamer and dumped it into his mug, stirring it and taking a testing sip, then finally trying a bite of the pie.
'God, Sam was right - this pie was *good*.'
And fuck, did he not want this to be the last time he could have pie with Sam. As much as the guy was making Danny feel like he was about to give a public speech - and Danny could not stress enough how nervous he was - he was desperate to not let this be the end of their short lived interaction.
'It's been, what? 15 minutes since he came in, 5 since he sat down, and 2 since I started ignoring him - pathetic. If I want any chance at getting a date, this isn't the way to do it.'
Danny had made up his mind: he was going to look up, make it very clear that he meant what he had said, and ask Sam if he was interested in going to a different diner with him, when Sam spoke up.
"I'm sorry that your date stood you up, but I'm glad you're still here. I was honestly gonna leave the guys and go home, but then I saw you in the window and I decided to come in; so, I guess, you could say I'm still here because of you, too."
"I- really?"
'What?!' Danny couldn't keep the grin off of his face. Sam was here for him, because he had seen him in the window, had specifically come in because Danny looked... fuck, what could he have possibly looked other than hopeless and awkward? The grin quickly morphed into a frown.
"I don't need the pity. I appreciate that you're trying to keep me company, but I should probably just go home, I've been here long enough."
Danny got up and started putting his coat on, leaving behind his nearly uneaten pie and cup of Joe. All he knew was that he had to get out of this humiliating situation and never, ever, see this beautiful, amazing asshole ever again.
Sam sighed and caught his arm, wrapping a surprisingly strong hand around Danny's wrist. Danny froze where he was, stopped in his tracks with half a coat on for the second time this night by Sam.
"I don't feel pity for you. I can emphasize with being dumped or stood up-" Danny snorted because, really, who the fuck would pass on a date with Sam? "But I came over here because I thought you looked like an interesting person to talk to and you're honestly super hot."
He had no clue what to say to that so he didn't do anything, just stood there, unmoving, with his limp hand still in Sam's.
Suddenly, Sam breathed out harshly and stood up, too.
"Fuck, I'm sorry if I read this wrong, or gave you the wrong impression, or something. You clearly don't want me hanging onto you. Sorry, I'll go now," he said, hurriedly dropping Danny's wrist and starting to walk away.
"Sam!" Danny called, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder.
Sam stopped but didn't turn. Beyond him, Danny could see that they had drawn the attention of Sam's brothers and friends, all of them turned to look at them having a little fight - and his traitorous brain immediately referred to it as a lover's spat - in the middle of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so defensive. I don't mind having you sit with me at all, so, please, come back and sit down with me."
They both slowly sat down again, Danny setting his coat to the side on the booth's leather bench. Sam balled up a napkin and Danny took a bite of pie, neither of them sure of what to say next, it seemed.
Finally, Danny figured he'd better elaborate a bit more. "'M sorry I accused you of pitying me, I just- I just don't know what else you could see other than some nerdy, lonely guy sitting in a booth by himself and watching your sister."
"Hey, I thought you said you weren't going after Ronnie," Sam immediately looked up and smiled at him, making Danny's heart flutter. He shrugged, conveying a non-verbal agreeance and admittance all at once.
"It's alright," Sam told him softly, causing Danny's breath to catch when he saw a slim hand tuck a strand of hair behind Sam's ear - possibly a sign if Sam's own nerves? "I honestly don't know why you've been putting up with me planting myself at your table and talking over you, so it's all good."
Danny wanted to protest, but Sam kept talking (perhaps there was some truth to what he had said). It seemed like, now that he had started, Sam wanted to get out all of whatever he had to say. Danny was perfectly okay with that.
"As I said, I saw you in the window when we were walking up and I just couldn't believe how attractive you were. Like, you're fucking gorgeous, and I just wanted to talk to you so bad and see what you were like. I may have intercepted Ronnie's pie delivery so I could have a reason to come up to you," Sam admitted.
Danny laughed, all of the air rushing out of him in a bout of relieved giggles. He took another bite of pie, making Sam beam back at him, showing he understood Danny's appreciation, of both the gesture and the food.
"Wow, I can't believe *you* find *me* attractive, but I'm not going to debate you on that. And I feel the same, man - like, have you seen yourself? As soon as you walked in, I was just completely in awe of you."
Sam was blushing now, too, and that made Danny's heart thump extra hard, a base drum pounding from his chest. He was grinning at Sam, and Sam was smiling back at him, both of them red and squirming in their seats but refusing to look away.
Danny saw Sam's hand reaching towards his on the table. His heart quickened and he held very still, as if trying not to frighten a scared animal by moving.
Sam's fingers found him, lightly running over the back of his hand and down to his knuckles. Danny let him explore for a time, then turned his hand over to *hold hands with Sam holy shit.*
A loud cheer of hoots and whistles sounded from across the diner. Danny looked up, startled, and Sam turned around in his seat, looking over at his table where all the other boys were apparently celebrating.
The curly haired twin - Josh, he was pretty sure (he hadn't paid overly much attention, focusing instead on Sam) - gave him a big grin and a thumbs up that could have been directed at him or Sam, he wasn't sure. Jake was the one whistling and howling, giving an almost predatory grin at Danny. Their other friends weren't as overt, but they certainly seemed happy that Sam had made up with the random guy in their sister's diner.
It made him a bit uncomfortable, but Danny was glad that Sam's siblings were okay with this - apparently they knew Sam was, in fact, into guys. Danny hoped that his family would be just as receptive, if he got that far with Sam.
'God, I hope I do.'
Sam was looking like he wasn't sure whether he should scold them or go over and high five Jake, but he didn't let go of Danny's hand. Danny found it endearing how happy he was, and how happy they all were, that Sam was over here with him - it made him feel good, like he was actually wanted and desired (in both platonic and romantic ways).
"They kinda convinced me to bring you the pie. Jake's been rooting for me to get a boyfriend for a while now, and he said you're perfect. I think I agree with him."
His blush, if somehow possible, got even darker. Sam was so hot, and such a nice person, it seemed - and he thought Danny was boyfriend material?! Danny's brain was having a riot on every single neurotransmitter simultaneously.
He had no clue how to eloquently respond to that in a way the conveyed his absolute joy, so he just stuck with a simple, "I agree too, I'd love to be your boyfriend."
Sam tightened his grip on Danny's hand, and Danny could feel how clammy his palms were. The knowledge that Sam was just as nervous, attracted, and happy as he was - it was blowing his mind.
Ronnie came over with his bill for the coffee and set it down right next to their linked fingers. She was beaming, looking back and forth between their hands and faces, clearly also in on the plot to get him and Danny together.
'*What the hell*, I don't even know any of these people.'
"Rons, are you kicking us out?" Sam asked, gasping for dramatic affect, when he saw the bill.
'Shit, he's sassy, too.' Danny wasn't sure how he was going to handle such a personality-strong beauty, but fuck was he going to try.
"No, Sammy, you can take my car tonight and I'll ride home with Jakey and Josh." Ronnie replied, dropping a sey of keys onto the table. "But, if you have sex in there, *I am going to murder you*."
"No worries, I've got some standards. I mean, not that I don't want to or anything, but..." Sam trailed off, looking at Danny. He was going for provocative but it was mostly awkward; Danny bit his lip to stifle his laughter.
"Right... well, I'm officially off duty once I ring you up, so why don't you two get out of here and have some fun."
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laencore · 7 years
broken promise
Alex: I'm not proud of you.
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. To hear that from the person you love most in life, she tore right thru me.
I've been with Alex for 6 years and she's the love of my life but there has been few occasions (5 she's been counting), where I have made her feel insecure, unhappy... I've made her feel like shit. She doesn't trust me. Before I say anymore, let me take you way back where this started.
Alex and I met in high school. It was a new school where I had no friends but two cousins Steph and Miguel. Thank God for them if not high school would of been a really dark place. Miguel and I were the new kids in school oh and a couple hundred since 2006 is where all California decided to more to Texas.
Steph already had been there and had a few friends and one of those friends was Alex. From an outsieders view Alex seems to be one of those girls that liked you if you were convenient, if not she would pay no mind. After getting not know her, I found out that she came from a family with great morals, someone who treats people like she wants to be treated and feel respect. We stayed friends all thru high school. I started noticing her differently after that. I developed felling along the way. Certain thing she would do I became in love with. For example, she's a pusher but in a good way, she pushes people to do their best. She's the type to cheer at a pool table game, even if you made the eight ball when your not suppose to. She's the most confident person, she goes into situation that are new to her with no doubt and if their is fear, i've never seen it. Never in a million year would i think this girl and I would be more than friends. I don't know how she decided to be mine but she is.
I have had this friend since high school, Celia. When Alex and I became boo's, Alex became insterested in knowing Celia. They both became friends and everything was great, if Alex and I were planning to go out or do something, we decided to invite her. Not that she tagged along all the time but everyone was good. The first year of our relationship I didn't know how to express emotions all that well, Alex and I called it quits. It was my first real relationship, even though Alex says it wasn't that serious, I cried like a lil' bitch that night.
Celia being a friend, she would be there. She would be the person i would vent to about everything that was happening. A few weeks passed and on of my cousin's, Miguel, would be turning 22 and decided to celebrate this birthday at this bar called SoHo in the middle of downtown San Antonio. I asked Celia if she wanted to drive together since she was invited too. The truth was, that asked for her to go with me because I knew Alex was going to be there.
Celia and I were one of the first ones there, we waited for everyone to get there. We sat on a table that faced the bar but you were able see the coming in. I saw her walking by, Celia and I both said "Hey Alex!" Nothing, not even a glance at our direction. Celia and I said to each other, "Fuck it, lets just have a good time." And we did. Celia was always there and so was I. She was a little boy crazy. If she was feeling down, I was there to cheer her up because she was there for me.
A few months after that, Miguel was graduating for community college and he wanted our group of friends (which pushed me aside for Alex) to have dinner at Piranha. Celia wasn't invited because her ex-boyfirend was dating a new girl and well Miggs (Miguel) is a no beef type of guy. I was sitting next to Kurk and Ed, which was Celia's ex boyfriend. He started talking about the Air Force since he had enrolled a few years back and hadn't seen him in a while. The door opens and I hear her laugh. I could feel peoples eye looking my way. I grab my drink and i sip my gin and tonic because that's what Colin Firth and Julianne Moore drank in, A Single Man, one of my favorite movies.
Still talking to Ed and Kurk, I'm eavesdropping on Alex's conversation with the group. She just flew in from Tempe, Arizona where she was working as a trainer for a call center for JP Morgan Chase. I looked up and said the first thing that came to mind, "How's the weather over there?"
She relied, "It was good, it's usually pretty cold."
We continue to talk asking each other how we've been... small talk. After everyone was caught up with each others lives and done with eating, Miggs, decides we should all go to Bar Louie to continue the celebration.
Some of us got there before others, Miggs and Johnny and I were the first ones there. They both say to me, "That went well." I reply, "What do you mean?" They continue, "You and Alex." I looked confused "What were we supposed to do, fight with each other, cause a scene? I don't think we're that type of people." Miggs and Johnny get closer "We're just happy everyone is getting along. It's been hard since you and Alex have slit. Sometimes we're not sure if we should invite you or her or both of you guys to things." I get louder. "Is that why I haven't been invited to go out with you asshole!?!" Both of them, "Yes! It's been hard, you guys left us in an uncomfortable spot."
Alex gets there about ten minutes after we did, we all get drinks and it feels less tense. Everyones laughing and telling stories of all the things we've done together. The times we've gone on our mini rode trips, the many wild nights at The House of Scum. The House of Scum was the home of Ed, Johnny and Miggs. They were in their early 20's and i think Ed was 19, you can only imagine what's happened there. No rules and no fucks given, good times.
The more and more Alex and I spoke, I knew I never stop loving her. Her laughter, her smell, the way she looks at you when you got her undivided attention. She makes you feel calm even if your in a bar full of people and a DJ blasting music. I knew she was the one. And that night was the night I was going to confront Alex. I knew I still had feelings for her and I didn't know if she had any feeling for me anymore but I was going to get her alone so we could talk. I leaned in and asked her is we could go somewhere we could talk. "Okay," that's was she said.
We walked out of the bar and she locked arms with me. Thinking to myself, "I might still have a chance." It was too cold to stay outside. We went to the nearest car with was her truck. She put the heater, we talk about how our year had gone, we both did a little bit of traveling which was our new obsession. I've always gone to Mexico to visit family but that year my brother and I had gone to Mexico by ourselves where we didn't know anyone and it was a life changing experience. She had traveled too and she told me she went to New York City and I was instantly jealous. I've always wanting to got to NYC and never did and here she knew how much I wanted to go. I had so many questions for her. After a few minutes I asked, "Why did it take so long to talk to each other?" asking her while rubbing my hand together to keep warm. "We've been busy." her looking outside into the lights of the parking lot. "Sure but we've always been busy and that never stopped us before." She smiled and said, "You talk more." I looked confused and said, "Really, should I shut up now?" With a half laugh she said,"No, I like it." I asked, "Why did we even brake up?" She took a moment and said, "We broke up because you didn't talk about much, I didn't know how you felt about things. If you were happy or if you were upset. I was talking to myself sometimes." "I didn't want to argue of get upset at things that don't feel worth getting mad over. I just rather enjoy our time together when we were together." "You would only talk about how you and Celia went to this place, how you did this or that. If you would get upset you would vent to her. Where was I in all of this? It would never be me." "I guess I never noticed until now." Her, still looking at the lights,"That's why..." "Why did you ever tell me?" "I'm not going to tell you how to do things. You're suppose to make your own choices. Plus, I'm not going to ask you to loose a friend." "That's it though, she's just a friend and good friend. Everyone else took to your side, I didn't even know there was sides and fucking left me. The only person that stayed was her." She looked at me, "I'm sorry, I guess thats my fault. When anyone mentioned you, I didn't want to hear about you." "If you would of told me how you felt things would have gone differently." It was silent.
"Do you remember Miguel's birthday?" she asked. "Of course I do. I said hi and nothing." I look at her with a frown. She continues,"I had all the intention for us to talk but who was there right next to you? Her."
"I never knew you felt that way," while holding her hand
"Well know you know." Her hand were warm like they always been. Mine were like popsicles, cold.
She got a phone call. She say, "I'm going with a co-workers party and Miggs is going with me but i want to see you tonight."
"Okay. What time?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, its a bit of a drive. I'll call you when I'm leaving the party. Stay up?" She asked with smile.
"Alright, I'll see you tonight." I told her.
A few hours passed and I get her text, "Are you up?"
I reply with a simple,"yup". I pull up to her drive way and see her in her car with. I get out of my car and knock at her window and she looked startled. She opens the car door and I whisper to her, "Why are you outside?" She whispers back, "Everyone's asleep and I don't want to wake them" We get into my back seat of the car. The stay up talking and in silence. She leans on my shoulder and says, "I missed you." I tuck her hair behind her ear and touch her face and say, "I missed us."
Since then, we've been together and that's been since 2012
The issue now is that I've betrayed my baby's trust. I've lied or kept where I've been going. While writing this i realized thats been an issue since we've broken up the first time. I've never cheated on Alex nor has that ever been an issue. There's nothing in this world more that I love than my Alex. I've always thought that i would do for her but I've failed. I'm willing to do anything to get her trust back. And it's hard to just tearing someone from your life but its harder for Alex to be torn by the person you love. I'm willing to sacrifice a friendship that hurts the person that I love. And I hope she can forgive me.
I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry, I stabbed you in the back when you weren't looking. I don't want to make up words and just say sorry because i've said them before. I broken the promise i made to you, i promised to never fail you, to follow you where ever you go. i'm sorry baby.
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
New Places, Friendly Faces (Sanny) Pt 1
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner (Sanny), lil bit of Danny/Ronnie but he's quickly swept away with Sam
Length: about 2k
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Diner AU, No band AU, fluff, some angst, awkwardness, first dates, you know the ones where person A's date is failing and person B comes and sits with them, sorry i forgot what its called but that, hand holding, flirting, Sanny
Summary: Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for *weeks* to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
Author's Notes: I don't know what inspired me to do this but I'm very very happy with how it's turning out (and I've never written a longer-ish multi chapter story before, so this is interesting!) I would hate for Danny to not know the Kiszkas growing up, but hey I think I made their first meeting pretty damn cute!
Also, just FYI this is set roughly in late January of whatever year, so the twins are supposed to be 20, Ronnie is 18 I think, Danny just turned 18, and Sam is 17 (I think I did all the math right but idk) HOWEVER it wasn't until I finished that I realized I absolutely did not make their appearances congruent with what they would have looked like then.... Sam and Danny look like 2018 ish but the twins also look like their high school selves :( Idk sorry
Also, because Sam is 17, this will not be posted on Rockfic and will be marked as underage, though I'm not planning for it to get dirty
Danny had been taping his foot for the past fifteen minutes.
He usually didn't do that, it wasn't his nervous tick of non-choice, but Michelle hadn't showed up yet, and it was nearing eight.
Checking his watch, Danny watched the hand tick to 7:58 and then looked up, peering around the restaurant he was in.
Diner, he corrected himself. It was a homey, 1960's American diner, a little more exposed timbers and bear carvings than checkered tiles and jukeboxes, but that's what you got in Michigan. The building was low and sturdy, a log structure with a river rock chimney over the grills in back. Every single wall was decorated with various signed pictures of celebrities that had passed through, local newspaper articles about Gerald and Fern's Homestyle Grill, old handsaws, vintage pop signs, and a million other trinkets and posters chosen by the owners (Gerald and Fern, he assumed, though they'd probably passed on considering how old the place looked to be).
It was a nice restaurant, Danny thought; the atmosphere was welcoming and calm despite the occasional clamor from the kitchen, and the decor was very interesting to look at. Plus, the waitress that had directed him to a window booth and brought him some water was just gorgeous.
'Don't think that! You're on a date, idiot' Danny scolded himself,  shaking his head. Well, he was technically waiting for the date to start, seeing as she hadn't showed up yet. But, he still shouldn't be admiring another girl like that when his wasn't there - that would just make him an asshole.
But maybe Michelle was a little bit of an asshole because she said she'd meet him at 7 o'clock and it was now 8:06- 'Stop. It.' Danny scolded himself again, mentally smacking himself upside the head.
'Didn't your mother ever tell you to assume the best of people?' One voice asked.
'Of course!' Another Danny answered.
'Well, then, she probably got stuck in traffic, or her dog threw up in her car, or she hit a bad pothole, or her mom made her go to the store, or-'
'Okay, I get it! She probably doesn't mean to be so late,' Danny conceded, concluding the conversation he was having with himself. Maybe the waitress was right and he had been sitting there by himself for a little too long.
Of course, being the nice girl she was, the waitress - Ronnie her name was Ronnie - had stopped by periodically whenever she had a minute to chat with him or finally bring him some coffee after he had given in to the craving.
Danny looked down at the small bouquet wilting on the table and sighed. Looked like this date was a bust, just like the few others he'd attempted, and he'd actually been very excited to see her. In fact, it was Michelle who had suggested this Gerald's Grill when he had shyly asked her out in Biology.
He had finally made up his mind to just stop wasting Ronnie's time and go home when a group of boys came trouping in, wet from the snow but in exuberant spirits and, apparently, "In great need of some refreshment, Ronnie dear!"
That made him want to pack up and get out even faster because, honestly, he didn't need any more knowing looks or judgement right now, but the last boy to walk in made him freeze with his coat halfway on.
The kid looked about Danny's age, roughly the same height but a whole lot skinnier. He had on skin tight jeans, scuffed hiking boots, and a red woolen coat. When he turned to talk to Ronnie, Danny could see the Tom Petty hoodie beneath the jacket and some silver necklaces.
'Nice,' he thought, 'seems like a cool guy: good taste in music and fashion.'
Also, 'Fucking gorgeous'.
What made him pause his leaving, though, wasnt the guy's body but his face - his sculpted brows, insanely high cheekbones, pink lips, and long lashes; all framed by the healthiest looking head of hair Danny had ever seen, second only to his own, or possibly one of the guy's he had come in with (the one who yelled for Ronnie) that had rather impressive, long curls styled to look like 70's mutton chops. There was something naggingly familiar about his features, but Danny couldn't place it.
Ronnie rolled her eyes and pointed the group of boys to a large table in the Eastern corner of the diner.
She snagged some menus and followed behind them, though another guy, this one also with long hair (he was having some competition here) grown out Justin Beiber style (okay, maybe not) said; "We don't need those, Ronnie, I'm pretty sure Sammy here has the whole menu memorized by now. Right, Sam-a-lam-a?"
The intruiging boy nodded, starting to recite off what sounded like a very accurate, detailed account of the diner's menu, prices and everything. Danny was surprised at the slight raspy, smokers quality of his voice, but it was pleasant, in a way.
After the fourth item or so, Ronnie stopped "Sammy" with a swat to the shoulder, shaking her heading and muttering "stupid genius" under her breath. He grinned up at her, wiggling his eyebrows and asking for a round of Vernors, pretty please, Ronnie-kins.
Holy shit, they were siblings! That's what had been buzzing at the back of his head for the past couple minutes; those mouths and cheekbones, seductive eyes, that lovely hair. The guy was Ronnie's brother (and no wonder he was so beautiful then).
Squinting, Danny watched the party in the corner. Two of the other guys, 70's hair and Justin Beiber (though he felt bad calling him that since he seemed cool and, hey, he'd  had the same 'do when trying to grow his out) were laughing at something Ronnie said, leaning on each other and behaving the exact same way, down to their blinks.
Twins! Danny could tell because he had two cousins, also twins, that acted exactly like that. Wait, though.... they looked awfully similar to-
More siblings?! Jesus, how many kids did this family have? He hoped the four were all, for the sake of their parents.
He guessed that the twins were a little older, so either "Sammy" or Ronnie had to be the youngest, though they all looked awfully similar in age.
'Seriously, how do their parents handle that?' Especially with the attractive, flirty twins, beautiful daughter, and the super smart supermodel - it had to be several handfuls raising a house like that. Danny suddenly felt a bit more sympathy for his parents, even with just having to deal with him and his little sister.
Ronnie sashayed away, calling over her shoulder for the boys to keep it down. They all hooted and hollered in response, seeing as Danny was the only other patron to bother at the moment.
Danny slowly sat back down, curious as to what interesting conversations he would hear from the group. The twin with curly hair was currently talking to a larger guy on the other side of the table about the "carefully curated sensuality" of Led Zeppelin's Prescence, which alone made him want to stay.
Not to mention, he could continue to observe the hot guy that was immediately fascinating him like few people did. Danny wasn't deluded enough to think it was love at first sight - though it was definitely a fair amount of lust - but there was something about the other boy that made him want to track his every move down to the blinking of his eyes.
"Woah there, creepy much? Chill out, he probably doesn't even like guys anyways," Danny muttered to himself, hoping that his staring wasn't obvious enough to make "Sammy" aware of it. He loved to people watch - and admire, but hated the uncomfortable confrontation of acknowledging that he had been doing so.
Supermodel boy twisted in his chair, looking at one of the many things on the wall - though it made Danny's breath catch because, could he tell? - when he caught Danny's eye. He smiled at Danny, making him smile a little tightly and nod in return.
At that moment, Ronnie came out of the back with a platter of glass pop bottles and a notebook tucked into her apron pocket, using her hip to close the swinging half-door to the area behind the counter. She smiled at Danny as he passed, murmuring a soft "I'll be right back with you," before continuing on to her brothers' table.
Gorgeous boy laughed - a surprisingly obnoxious, though maybe endearing, braying one - and reached out a fine boned hand, plucking a bottle from the tray before she could set it down. He took a long swallow, throat visibly working and eyes half closed, head tipped back. Danny quickly averted his own eyes unless he started drooling onto the tabletop.
Ronnie came over to him after a minute, refilling his coffee and insisting that she get him a piece of pie, on the house. He didn't have the heart to tell her no, not after more than an hour of sitting there pitifully, and especially not now that he knew her gorgeous brothers (or at least one of them, the prettiest, too) knew he was there. It would be incredibly embarrassing for them to know that he was stood up and alone; Danny wanted to give off a good impression, for some reason.
Ronnie walked away again, hips swaying, and disappeared into the back. "Sammy" laughed at the table in the corner and Danny's eyes shot to him, watching how he played with his straw between those two pillowy lips.
He started sweating a little bit, considering who he thought was more attractive (not like either of them would be interested in him, but). Ronnie was curvy and kind and beautiful, but Sam was lean and charismatic and had the most lovely facial structure Danny had ever seen.
'Ugh, bisexual problems', Danny thought. No one else would have know what he was talking about if they were there, though, since he had never mentioned it to his parents nor his few friends.
He wondered, idly - because he really was out of their league and it would never, ever happen - what his family would think if he brought either of them home. Ronnie would be sure to elicit absolute delight from his mother after her admonishment for getting a girlfriend in the first place (despite the fact that he was allowed to do what he wanted now that he was 18, Danny's mom still saw him as her little boy). Ronnie's brother, he wasn't sure; it's not like they were homophobic, but Danny was certain that him bringing home a guy out of nowhere would be quite the shock.
They'd warm up to Sam (he didn't want to call him "Sammy"; it felt too familiar to he polite, though he did like that), he was sure. His parents would be impressed by his intelligence and be charmed by his jokes, and tell Danny that they were glad he had found such a nice boyfriend.
Danny drifted off into a daydream of what it would be like to date Sam, to take him to family holiday meals and go out hiking with him and cuddle up on a late winter afternoon like this one. He rested his head on his hand, letting his eyes go unfocused as he envisioned the imaginary world in which he had an 11/10 boyfriend.
"Hey, I've got your pie. Mind if I sit and eat mine with you?"
@satans-helper @okietrish @lazingonsunday @bigthighsandstupidguys @karrotkate @oblvions @lantern-inthenight @mountainofthefleet seriously PLEASE tell me if anyone else wants to be tagged in Sanny and I'll add it to my list because I guessed these peeps last time and got it right but I can't remember if there's anyone else
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