21 posts
Idk i’m here to mainly read and look at awesome art. I also write a bit but only when im dtw. Requests: closed
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sunshine-or-some-shit · 3 years ago
the mcyt fandom was something i vaguely followed after a month of actively bingeing it to keep some sanity during hopefully one of the most trying times of my life. even when i stopped watching most of them i always returned to a small group, and even some of the videos that brought me so much joy.
technoblade was an amazing creator and i cant imagine how incredible he was off screen as many of his other content creators got to see. he lives on in the hearts of millions, in the clips of iconic lines, and the strength he showed when facing something such as cancer. may he rest well knowing he was everything he wanted to be for his fans and so much more.
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
Despite the fancy survey, changes to the UI and TOS reveal we’re getting the service in the future whether we want it or not. Obviously, Post+ is a terrible idea that is trying to bank revenue on user content. Unlike patreon or onlyfans, tumblr’s primary focus is on FAN content. The legality of this is NOT in the users favor and as the new tumblr TOS states, said users will be entirely liable for whatever legal matters arise.
Besides filling out the survey, it’s time to show tumblr we mean business and show our displeasure by hitting them where it hurts.
Ad revenue.
We’re proposing a 24 hour log off as phase one of this protest.
AUGUST 6th, 2021        12 am Eastern Time (US)          5 am Greenwich Mean Time          6 am Central European Time          8 am Moscow Standard Time          1 pm Australian Western Time          2 pm Japan Standard Time          3:30 pm Australian Central Time          4 pm Australian Eastern Time
AUGUST 5th, 2021
11 pm Central Time (US)          10 pm Mountain Time (US)            9 pm Pacific Time (US)
So no posting, no queues, no likes, and no reblogs!
Like this post and share it AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. Use the hashtags #tumblrlogoff2021 or #postplusprotest on ANY and ALL social media.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s an attempt at doing SOMETHING.
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
ive been doing hw for nearly 8 hours today, and around 18 hours between friday, saturday, and today. my brain is so fried rn-
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
My mother: “Do you have anxiety? Is that why you wanna get the anxiety disorder awareness bracelet?”
My anxiety: “you cant tell her !! she will judge you and wont help !!”
me: *painfully awkward no*
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
the pain that is following a bunch of mcyt blogs, being behind on the dream smp vods, and having to ignore all of them
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
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This is glorious and even thought it doesn’t fit in the range of all the paranormal, I MUST share
It works like this: You tell Kitestring that you’re in a dangerous place or situation, and give it a time frame of when to check in on you. If you don’t reply back when it checks your status, it’ll alert your emergency contacts with a custom message you set up.
It doesn’t require you to touch anything (like bSafe) or shake your phone (like Nirbhaya) to send the distress signal. Kitestring is smarter, because it doesn’t need an action to alert people, it needs inaction.
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
Hi, I’m Ether !
I figured I should post one of these now that i’m writing a little. You all can call me Ether! This is my blog to basically post whenever I get inspiration to write!
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
What I write:
Headcannons (no more than 5 characters at a time- this is subject to change and is just to test how quick i can get these out and be proud of them)
Scenarios (no more than 2 characters)
One-shots (one character (may change in the sense of writing love triangles or trying my hand at poly though i myself, and anyone i know, are not poly so i dont want to get anything wrong)
Avater the Last Airbender + Legend of Korra
My Hero Academia
Fate: Grand Order
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Legend of Zelda
Obey Me!
Magi Series
Black Clover
Rules !
I will not do NSFW requests, i’m not comfortable with it.
I’m not always available so obviously it might take some time for requests.
This is a safe space for people. Don’t bring any racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic shit on here. That ain’t it.
Stuff may change on this but welcome !!
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
Talking to Shinya the day before leaving is simultaneously heartwarming and heart shattering
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 4 years ago
None of my friends play persona so now im struggling with wanting to rant about Kasumi but my sister hasn’t finished the game and how the hell am i gonna explain the entirety of persona before getting into my character analysis-
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
The Walk (Waterbending!Reader x Zuko)
A/N: This is the first thing I’ve decided to write. I’m not great but I’ve had a bunch of ideas that I thought would be neat so here you go! Hope you enjoy! (Hnnnghhh the synposis is so bad im sorry-)
Synopsis: In the lower circle of Ba Sing Se, Zuko finds himself following a group of teens through alleys and passages he didn’t even know there was. Suddenly, he finds himself in a small crowd. Then, everything changed when his eyes landed on her.
Zuko didn’t even know why he was out that night. Maybe the dingy smell of the apartment was driving him crazy, or it was his Uncle talking with the neighbors that stirred him awake. 
Either way, it led him outside. 
Suddenly, a group of kids his age trotted by muttering about some “waterbender chick”. Zuko’s head shot up, an inkling of hope that it could just be the Avatar’s friend. He watched the group slide into an alleyway, before stealthily following behind.
It felts like forever that he followed the frankly annoying kids. Through alleys and slightly hidden passages that he could’ve sworn weren’t there before. Finally, they made their way into the hidden plaza.
It was extremely bare on the ground, as if a small house was meant to be there. Above, clothes lines held up shabby, dark colored clothes and even some blankets. The walls of surrounding houses were decorated with signs Zuko had never seen before.  Towards the middle of the plaza was three large jugs placed in a triangle. About twenty people were scattered about, leaving the middle of the plaza completely.
He snaked along the wall, distancing himself from everyone else. Why am I even staying? He thought, scowling. Just as he went to head towards the exit, water sprouted up from the vases, grabbing his attention. It rose into the air, spiraling about. The three separate streams moved throughout the plaza before moving to an entrance he hadn’t seen before. 
A person leapt through the wall the water made, perfectly dry as if they sliced it in half in perfect time. They wore black, baggy pants with slits in the sides up to the knee. The fabric cinched around their ankles and flared out a little. Their top was a matching black, which wrapped around their neck and forming an ‘X’ across their toned back with the fabric. A dark but slightly see-through veil covered majority of their face, and black elbow gloves covered their arms, and coming to a point on the back of their hand. 
Zuko scowled, immediately noticing this was not the girl the avatar traveled with. He went to leave again, but the crowd had now gather close, effectively blocking his exit. The person stood in the middle of the triangle made by the vases, a smile seen through their eyes. 
“Thank you all for coming,” The person announced, giving an exaggerated bow. “I see quite a few new faces here. I don’t know how you found this place, but let me welcome you, to what we call the Plaza of Freedom. As cliche as it is, we are here to celebrate the good times, and accept the bad! We all need something to forget about the war with the fire nation.”
The crowd cheered while Zuko sunk in on himself. Most of the people here look like they aren’t earth kingdom residents, meaning they are escaping from war-torn villages. Villages destroyed by his people.
“Now, stand back, relax, and enjoy my show..” They drawled, and Zuko swears he could see a smirk under that veil. A person in the corner pulled out a stringed instrument, playing a fun and fast tune.
The performer twirled about the stage of stone. Majority of the water returned to the vases, but they had four small streams following her wrists and feet. They flung their foot up, doing an arch with the high kick, the water trail following it. Drops of water bounced through the air as they flitted about. Zuko stood mesmerized at the amount of control they had. Each step was as precise as the water drifting around. It was as if the dancer had a bubble containing all the water away from the onlookers. 
They finished their dance with a pirouette, the water trailing around them freezing as they finished. They held their tip-toed, graceful-armed stance for a few moments, before relaxing. They quickly bended the water back into the vases, before taking another bow. Another performer walked out as the previous started heading into the crowd, right near him. 
He started to move, trying to get out of the plaza he never should have found. “Hey, wait!” A hand grabbed his, causing him to violently whip around. The black-veiled dancer stood there, a calm and gentle look in their eyes. “You are new, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, what about it?” He huffed, pulling his wrist away to cross his arms defensively over his chest. The stranger laughed a bit, looking up at him.
They crossed their arms over their stomach, leaning into one hip. “Relax, I’m not some officer interrogating you. If I was I wouldn’t be here,” They attempted to joke. They turned their head, seeing the next person, an earthbender boy who looked to be juggling, was starting. They smiled once again and grabbed his wrist, pulling him through another passage. “Come on, tough stuff. You look like some one who needs to relax!”
Zuko gaped, trying to form a response but no words would leave his mouth. The dancer dragged him around before stopping at a ladder leaned precariously against a house. They started climbing, gesturing for him to follow. Zuko realized with a sigh that he had no clue how to get back to where they were, and reluctantly joined them. 
When he got to the top, they were already laying down on the slanted roof of the house. He sat two paces away, knees pulled into his chest and looking away from them. Zuko heard them shuffling, only glancing their way to see they moved much closer, and were looking at him.
“So,” They trailed on, glancing at him hopefully. “What brought you to Ba Sing Se?” 
“The war.”
“Well, duh!” They laughed, sitting up and leaning their weight on their right arm. The left came up, unclipping the veil around their face. They looked Zuko’s age, maybe a year or so younger, with an obvious toothy smile on their face. “I mean, what made you choose to come here?”
 Zuko looked at them, giving them a look of confusion. “Why wouldn’t I come here? This city is one of the safest places currently, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” They muttered, looking off into the night. They had their right leg extended, with their left arm perched on top of the bent left leg. “I just always found it odd here. Almost as if everything is too perfect, y’know?” Their eyes had a faraway look, the smile once taking up their face morphing into a small frown. 
Zuko looked out to the sky, letting out a quiet hum of acknowledgement. “My name is (Y/N) by the way. Im a waterbender if you couldn’t tell.” They let out a small, pathetic laugh. “How about you?”
“My name is Lee. So, how did you get here? And, get the nice clothes?” Zuko replied, looking away when saying his name. They chuckled at his question, and he felt himself sneaking looks at the bright smile they had.
They laid down on the shingles of the roof, arms tucked under their head. “My parents left the Northern Water Tribe when they were newly-weds. They just wanted to travel around the four nations and learn. They had me in a small village in the Earth Kingdom a few years after they left. In the end, our village was burned down and we were either taken to prisons, or you are one of the lucky ones who escaped. That was my dad and I. My mother wasn’t as lucky…” They trailed off, sad eyes focusing on the starry sky above them. “As for the clothes, they were made by my mother. She loved to perform and we never had the heart to sell them, so when I fit in them I took to dancing in them for tips.” 
Zuko gazed at the ground solemnly, fists clenched tightly. “I’m sorry to hear that. My mother left when I was young.” (Y/N) shrugged, lips pulled into a firm line. 
“One day, this war will be over, I know it. Ba Sing Se can deny it all they want but it will be on their doorstep at some point. If they man up and actually take down the Fire Nation, then you can bet your ass I’m marching through every prison until I find my mom.” They quickly shot up, crouching down to maintain balance. “Well, Lee, I should probably get you back home. Thanks for listening to an optimistic dancer.”
They slowly walked back to Zuko’s apartment, taking the alleys that (Y/N) seemed to know like the back of their hand. A mindless conversation was passed between the two of them, filling the night silence. Too quickly, they reached the door of Zuko’s complex. 
“I hope I see you around,” Zuko smiled at them, a hand coming to rub his neck awkwardly. They let out a small laugh, shaking their head slightly. They leaned close, pecking him on the cheek.
“Come see me perform anytime, lover boy. Just ask someone for the Shrouded Mist!” They joked, skipping into the abyss that the just exited. 
Zuko didn’t even know why he was out that night. Maybe the dingy smell of the apartment was driving him crazy, or it was his Uncle talking with the neighbors that stirred him awake. 
Either way, he was glad that he left.
A/N: hnnnn- I don’t like the ending it feels super rushed but I didn’t want to lose motivation to finish this so here you go! I hope you enjoyed if you found this and feel free to message me with requests or just to chat! (I can’t promise I speedy response but I will try my damn hardest-)
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
Avatar AU Teaser
A/N: This is based off the world evolution set in Legend of Korra (i.e: Industrial Revolution). This is entirely new characters and new story arcs. I find the world of Avatar that was made by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko to be so interesting and I feel that so many things could happen in the world. This purely just me wanting to right for this beautiful world with some different characters and see how they interact with the world :) 
Republic City, the luminous capital of the United Republic of Nations. Founded under Avatar Patsan, it stands as a reminder of hope and unity between people. It shines through the night like a beacon, reminding those of the power of the United Republic. It is the home to the main United Republic military force, responsible for keeping the balance in the world. They became especially important after the disappearance of the Avatar.
Everyone knew it would happen eventually. As beloved as Patsan was, life was an endless cycle and he would soon pass on. When he slipped away peacefully in his sleep, the hunt for the rebirth of the Avatar began immediately. Any newborn children were checked by the air temple monks for any strong connection to the spiritual world or any indication of being the oh-so-famed hero. Once a year had passed, the world had pretty much given up on the Avatar being reborn. Die hard fans and researchers dug for any evidence that would explain why the protector of the world was not reborn. In the end, they never found an answer.
The world came to rely on the military to keep the balance, which in all fairness was working pretty well. Sixteen years practically flew by, and while the mystery of the Avatar was embedded into their history, no one really searched anymore. Which made it all the easier for Vanna. 
Vanna loved her life. A small apartment in Republic City, where she gets to dance and live her life the way she wants. Afterall, the moment she was born, her parents realized that would be taken away from her. It isn’t like you can have the Avatar dancing along the streets. She never minded what her parents did. They just wanted her to choose her destiny. As she grew up, Vanna quickly learned that the world didn’t need her at that moment. If there was ever a big threat, then maybe she would step up. Right now, however, life was great. There was little trouble in the city, none that the military couldn’t deal with, and Vanna got to live out her routine, but satisfying life. Who could’ve known that sunny spring day, destiny would catch up with the world?
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
“reblogs aren’t important you’re just whiny”
yeah because when you see this
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tell me you don’t get annoyed.
tumblr’s algorithm only cares about posts that are reblogged, it doesn’t count likes. posts don’t get promoted or circulated when they only have likes (the way instagram functions), only reblogs matter for increasing reach on tumblr as a platform.
support content creators.
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
Never Let Them See You Cry (Platonic! Aizawa x student Reader)
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A/N: I don’t really know what to write right now so please send in requests if you have them! In the meantime, here is some Aizawa being an amazing teacher because he really is and I love the big sleepy dork.
Quirk: Puppeteer: The user can connect strings to another’s body through physical contact. It allows them to essentially turn them into a puppet. The drawbacks are that if the strings are not placed correctly, it is harder to control the person. Additionally, the victim of the quirk does not lose consciousness, so they can try to fight back. If trained enough, the user can shoot the strings out like strings or webs to trap someone.
It had been a rough day, worse than the others at least. You had been training with your quirks in Class 1-B today, and general studies or management kids were occasionally brought out for class (management was learning about publicizing and general studies was studying the development of heroes). Either way, the condescending mumbles and whispers directed your way were not good for your concentration. After a particularly rough hit from Tetsu (which he excessively apologized for), you had to limp your way off to Recovery Girl’s office. Then some of the management kids decided to follow you on the way. 
“God, I would hate to be their manager! Imagine how bad a so-called hero with a villain quirk is when she can’t even win a fight.”
“I’m surprised they even let someone like that into the hero studies. I mean, how is it going to look on UA when she turns into some psycho villain!”
Ignore them, you thought, hands clenched tight around your arms as you hobbled through the nearly empty hallways. If you lash out, you will only prove them wrong. People never believed you when you said you wanted to help people. Fate is cruel, giving you the ability to control another person’s movements. Thankfully, as you got to Recovery Girl’s office, their insults shouted directly at you turned into a normal conversation between the two of them, laughing as they continued down the hall to loop back to class.
That is what led to you standing in the middle of the training field as everyone started to leave. Shaking from the strain on your body, breath uneven, and training uniform jacket stripped to reveal the black tank underneath. The mannequin you dragged out to practice on was undamaged, but strings tightly pulled the arms back to restrain it. Your knees gave out from under you, making you tumble to the ground. Tears pricked your eyes as your forearms and thighs pressed into the dirt. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What a stupid dream of being a hero.
“You should probably head home, you know.”
A gruff voice spoke out monotonously nearby, causing you to slowly lift your head. Eraserhead, the Class 1-A teacher stood a few feet away, with his arms crossed over his chest, and the infamous scowl on his face. You stumbled to your feet, muttering a quiet ‘sorry’. You hung your head, ready to be reprimanded for staying past school times. The sound of him walking closer filled your ears. To your surprise, when he got close enough, he laid a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“You have the puppet quirk right? I think I remember you from the entrance exams. What’s got you out here?” He mumbled, looking down at you with same tired look as always. The tears that had once pricked your eyes came streaming out, a shaky sob wracking your body. He let out a quiet sigh before moving the hand on your shoulder to the back of your head, pulling you in for a surprisingly comforting hug. It lasted for a few moments before you pulled back, rubbing your red and puffy eyes with the back of hands. 
Your gaze lowered back down to the ground, the situation dawning on you that you just cried on the teacher of the main hero course. “I’m sorry that you had to come out here to get me, sir.” You mumbled, not daring to look him in the eye. 
He placed the hand back on your shoulder, continuing to stare down at you. “Never let them tell you who to be. If you want to be a hero, then there is no way that a misleading quirk could turn you into a villain, you hear me?” You looked up at him in shock, mouth agape that we knew. “I heard some of those management kids earlier today. Next time they watch your class, I want you to stand your ground against any opponent and show them how capable you are.” A small smile formed on your face that Aizawa mimicked. You nodded, going to gather your stuff that you had thrown to the side. “Oh, one last thing (Y/L/N).”
You turned to look at him, tilting your head in curiosity. “What is it?” He started to walk back toward the entrance of the school, before turning to look back at you.
“Never let them see you cry. When you are a hero, you need to seem happy. Also, talk to the school about getting tutored by me. You ever thought of trying to restrain someone without touching them?” He hummed. “Now get out of here before I have to write you up and make more paperwork for myself.
“Thanks, Mr.Aizawa,” You smiled, before running to the gate of U.A. Tomorrow is a new day. A day to be the best hero you can be. Never let those who will only judge you on the bad things see you cry. Show them how strong you can be, and let those who accept you for everything, the good and the bad, see your vulnerable side.
A/N: Ugggghhh I can’t write endings I’m so sorry but please listen to those last few sentences if you feel that way. You are worth it. No matter what flaws you have, you are worthy of a happy and healthy life. It won’t always be easy, but if you work to be a hero, either for yourself or for others, it will pay off. I care for you and so many others do. Never feel afraid to message me, either with a request or you just need to rant <3.
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
Avatar AU Teaser
A/N: This is based off the world evolution set in Legend of Korra (i.e: Industrial Revolution). This is entirely new characters and new story arcs. I find the world of Avatar that was made by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko to be so interesting and I feel that so many things could happen in the world. This purely just me wanting to right for this beautiful world with some different characters and see how they interact with the world :) 
Republic City, the luminous capital of the United Republic of Nations. Founded under Avatar Patsan, it stands as a reminder of hope and unity between people. It shines through the night like a beacon, reminding those of the power of the United Republic. It is the home to the main United Republic military force, responsible for keeping the balance in the world. They became especially important after the disappearance of the Avatar.
Everyone knew it would happen eventually. As beloved as Patsan was, life was an endless cycle and he would soon pass on. When he slipped away peacefully in his sleep, the hunt for the rebirth of the Avatar began immediately. Any newborn children were checked by the air temple monks for any strong connection to the spiritual world or any indication of being the oh-so-famed hero. Once a year had passed, the world had pretty much given up on the Avatar being reborn. Die hard fans and researchers dug for any evidence that would explain why the protector of the world was not reborn. In the end, they never found an answer.
The world came to rely on the military to keep the balance, which in all fairness was working pretty well. Sixteen years practically flew by, and while the mystery of the Avatar was embedded into their history, no one really searched anymore. Which made it all the easier for Vanna. 
Vanna loved her life. A small apartment in Republic City, where she gets to dance and live her life the way she wants. Afterall, the moment she was born, her parents realized that would be taken away from her. It isn’t like you can have the Avatar dancing along the streets. She never minded what her parents did. They just wanted her to choose her destiny. As she grew up, Vanna quickly learned that the world didn’t need her at that moment. If there was ever a big threat, then maybe she would step up. Right now, however, life was great. There was little trouble in the city, none that the military couldn’t deal with, and Vanna got to live out her routine, but satisfying life. Who could’ve known that sunny spring day, destiny would catch up with the world?
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sunshine-or-some-shit · 5 years ago
How would you all feel about a complete oc x oc story set in the avatar world ?? I won’t stop writing x readers but I also think my two brain cells came up with something 🥺
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