empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
Blessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with, something to judge.
Paulo Coelho (via introvertlifestyle)
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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Abraham-Hicks☆☆☆☆☆ “Because of the way you’ve been thinking, you have convinced your body of some things.”
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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-Jefroy Hanson
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
Sometimes when I feel ugly I remind myself that I’ve just gotten used to my own beauty. One day someone will see me and will see a skin complexion they’ve never seen before, or a nose that curves in a way they’ve never seen before, or hair that falls in a way they’ve never seen before. My beauty will be new, exciting, and fresh in their mind. Everything I’ve gotten used to seeing everyday for nearly 17 years will be a new experience for them. I will be beautiful. I am beautiful.
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
Our bodies love us so much that they will do anything necessary to bring us to a place in which we recognize and release our unlovingness toward ourselves that’s causing us deep heartache. The message of illness and pain may be “It’s time to bring healing love into your energy field. You’ve been in emotional pain long enough. Let me turn up the volume by creating physical pain so you’ll pay attention and take care of your heart.
Christine Northrup (via icreatewhatibelieve)
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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Heal heal and love yourself 😘✨✨#energy #universe #lightandlove #mystical #alchemy #universe #oldways #metaphysics #metaphysical #cosmos #esoteric #vibrations #vibratehigher #lawofattraction #love #ifollowmyownpath #higherself #higherawakening #higherconsciousness #lightworker #starseed #starchild #indigochild #intuition #intuitive #love #feedmysoul #vibratewithloveandlight #vibrateatthehighestfrequency #higherselfgreatestlove
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
Ask yourself: what’s good about this moment right now? Is the sun out? Can you hear birds? Are you drinking coffee? Can you smell freshly cut grass? Is your bed soft and warm? These little things are oh so precious and yet seem so arbitrary.
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
Ultimate healing understanding
“There is no other work: You have to find a way to separate any [physical] discomfort from emotional discomfort, and let your attention be upon the emotion.
When physical discomfort makes you afraid, the emotional discomfort is really what you’re wanting to give your undivided attention to. Because that’s the way you start back here in the vibration where you can really do something about it.
If you start out here in the physical discomfort, and out here in the physical so-called “manifestation”, then there’s so much momentum that you often can’t overcome it. So that’s why [we suggest this] soft, light approach to desire from a place where you can do something about it.
You can adjust your vibrational frequencies when you get back to that place where any thought has been diminished. When you stop thought, remember, you stop resistance. And when you stop resistance, you are ready to receive, and the cells of your body will then be able to receive through your open passageway whatever replenishment they’re asking for.
And in fact any physical discomfort that you are feeling is an indicator that your cells are asking in a stronger way than usual, but because of whatever attention you’re giving to however you’re feeling, you’ve got it sort of blocked off because you’re trying to do what most people do all the time: You’re trying to create out here in the physical manifestation, rather than back here in the vibrational realm where you really have leeway, and latitude, and power, and leverage. Does that makes sense to you?
It’s the most difficult thing for most to do, and yet it is the thing that you must do, and yet it is the most logical thing to those of you who’ve been listening to us for a while in these days: That you have to find a way to offer a thought - not respond to a thought, but offer a thought, think a thought, receive a thought that doesn’t block the flow of the energy.”
Abraham-Hicks @ Caribbean Cruise 2017 (edited for clarity)
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
The Taoists have a famous teaching about an empty boat that rams into your boat in the middle of a river. While you probably wouldn’t be angry at an empty boat, you might well become enraged if someone were at its helm. The point of the story is that the parents who didn’t see you, the other kids who teased you as a child, the driver who aggressively tailgated you yesterday – are all in fact empty, rudderless boats. They were compulsively driven to act as they did by their own unexamined wounds, therefore they did not know what they were doing and had little control over it. Just as an empty boat that rams into us isn’t targeting us, so too people who act unkindly are driven along by the unconscious force of their own wounding and pain. Until we realize this, we will remain prisoners of our grievance, our past, and our victim identity, all of which keep us from opening to the more powerful currents of life and love that are always flowing through the present moment.
Claudia Azula Altucher (via birdandvine)
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you.
Abraham Hicks (via quotemadness)
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
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empoweredindividual1-blog · 8 years ago
I cannot consume caffeine. I get panic attacks so much more easily when i’ve had a lot of caffeine. Caffeine seems to open me up to feelings of anger, which I then follow and build upon until i’m panicking and freaking out about something which is, more times than not, irrelevant to my life. I feel fatigued a lot, which leads me to consume large amounts of caffeine both proactively and retroactively, but I sense the drug actually increases my body’s fatigue in the long run. I get mad at people and snap at them so much more easily. I probably need to chill out on the caffeine for awhile. 
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