soaringsword · 4 years
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As the Piltovans say it: am I gonna have to cut a pasty disco reject looking bitch?
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soaringsword · 4 years
Riot skin team: How can we make this champion more bangable?
Also the Riot skin team: What if we give her horns?
The Riot skin team again: You’re a fucking genius
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soaringsword · 4 years
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Same energy
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soaringsword · 4 years
Why does she have so much hair? So much floofy, purple hair? So much poofy, purple hair to play with?
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soaringsword · 5 years
holds hand out 
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soaringsword · 5 years
This was my first spicy ramen and it was so good but I started crying half way through and couldn’t finish it!
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soaringsword · 5 years
im stupid and i like swords
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soaringsword · 6 years
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            – “We are closed for the day” the bespectacled proprietress uttered to the halting of footfalls just behind her while she stowed her wares for the evening. Whether it was a possible patron or otherwise, the sentiment remained all the same. She did not want to be disturbed. With nightfall came her other…occupation, after all. But she always had time for particular company such as this one whom she recognized by their perfume. “Soaring Sword” she spoke again, finally facing the other woman. “Here to claim what is yours?” she asked with a knowing smile, her weight leaning on one leg as she held her arms folded.
The way Fiora narrowed her eyes at the other woman would have been deadly. Must she say it out loud, and in the most suspect way possible too? She thought the proprietress a...sensible woman. Grounded, focused. That was only at first. Her fingers curled at the pommel of her blade in irritation, but that was the extent of what she would let on. “Do you have what I want or not?” she enjoined. At least now no one was within earshot of them. “Or have I placed my money, and my trust, on the wrong person?”
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soaringsword · 6 years
ask-syndra replied to your post: ask-syndra replied to your post: ...
Looks for someone else to challenge to a duel of lips. Wits. Fuck.
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soaringsword · 6 years
ask-syndra replied to your post: How 2 piss Fiora off: just say “lol no” when she...
lol no
how dare u
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soaringsword · 6 years
How 2 piss Fiora off: just say “lol no” when she rolls up asking you for a duel
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soaringsword · 6 years
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soaringsword · 6 years
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soaringsword · 6 years
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Steve Zheng
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soaringsword · 6 years
“Why do we have feet if not to step all over me tread upon the soil?”***
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soaringsword · 6 years
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Are you fucking kidding me
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soaringsword · 6 years
Syndra laughed at that, absolutely caught in her own nonsense. “Then it must be for another reason.” She responded, side eying the hands in her hair suspiciously. “…What are you doing?”
“I can’t imagine what that reason may be” she answered not out of conversation’s sake but reflexively. “Just stay still for a few more moments... And... There!” And the Justica’s platinum blonde tresses were neatly arranged into a braid. “It would have looked better if you weren’t being such a nuisance.”
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