#i got orin then went back to see what he had to say
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wyllzel · 1 year ago
blacked out came to and i have beat both raphael and ansur over the past 6-7 hours lol. #gamer moment
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meanbossart · 4 months ago
Ask compilation: DU drow, Orin, Astarion, lore things and little fun facts.
Trying to make a dent in this dang inbox. As always, thank you so much everyone for your patience and curiosity! Sorry that it is straight up no longer possible for me to reply to everyone, but I will keep doing my best within reason. Enjoy!
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Absolutely! I had a lot of requests for bottom Astarion on my patreon which is why I was kind of on a roll there for a minute.
Though, for the record - I am really not very invested in strict bedroom roles at all. Or clear and distinct dominant/submissive dynamics. So please don't overthink it whenever there's a switch, no pun intended.
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You wanna know how often they smash? Man, I don't know, I guess fairly often considering their lifestyle post-game (very active, often on the road).
Assuming that everyone agrees that sex doesn't have to involve penetration, I'd say once every other day or less, really depends on the circumstances though. DU drow's libido is much higher than Astarion's, but he's not an animal and can hold off fine. Astarion is likely to be pickier in regards to location and how-recently-have-we-bathed status as well.
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I keep meaning to draw him, but I have like... A million things I want to do 😂 so its rough!
BUT you will at least continue to see him in ANE! And I'm sure i'm bound to draw him again in the future.
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If you mean in his bhaalist "AU", where he has the red robe and the extra scars, I imagine he would have gotten it through killing Isobel.
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I think as a changeling she probably has the ability to just... Transform her hair however she likes at will, right? And based on her attitude plus some lines we get from Sceleritas about her own former-butler, it sounds like she would be really opposed to being serviced in that way, to me at least.
I see her as pretty aggressively independent with the way she operates, which is another factor that sets her apart from DU drow, who really enjoyed lording over the other Bhaalists and making an errand boy out of Sceleritas, to the point where he practically depended on their help to function.
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Neither! I wasn't willing to let anyone take either of my eyes in my first playthrough, LOL.
I have since always given the Volo eye to SOMEONE, usually Gale, but I don't consider that canonical. I don't think anyone was desperate enough to let mister frumpy-hat over there ice-pick their eyes out.
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He did do them himself. It was a profoundly stupid display he got caught up in because of Gortash. Also, de-handment is kind of a theme in his life, at least inside his head.
I have a comic about it planned for the future ;)
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What do you mean, that's canonical to the game and everything! He loves the cuck chair!
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He is an angsty 29-year old in denial. Your interpretation is still perfectly accurate.
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Hates the guy. Hates when Shadowheart Astarion people joke about him being the Drizzt of his generation. Hates the guy like literally any countercultural weirdo hates Taylor Swift or the Weeknd. If he saw him at the line in the grocery store DU drow would find a way to roll his eyes loudly just so he could notice being an asshole.
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Stay tuned, I'm cooking 🧑‍🍳
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If you're asking about game strats, badly, LOL. Pretty sure I died twice to her in my first run and it was a rough way of being thrown into "serious" DnD combat.
With the exception of a couple of encounters that just so happened to turn out SURPRISINGLY cinematic, I'm just realizing that I actually don't think too often about how most of the fights went in real-time! I imagine Autie Ethel's in particular wasn't one that DU drow went into of his own accord, probably rather at a companion's insistence. That's as deep as I've thought about that personally.
Now... Back to game strats. I personally try to get a surprise round on her however I can by sneaking and shooting an arrow or AOE in her general location, since she always stands on roughly the same spot while invisible. I have my companions spread about the arena so we can take her clones down as fast as possible, and as soon as I identify who the real Ethel is I just have the strongest martial characters wail on her until she begs to be let go. Hers is one of the few fights that is actually pretty dang easy at this point for me - and I SUCK at this game.
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That would certainly take a while! But, Bhaalist DU drow does kind of have an end goal, actually.
That might also turn into a comic eventually, but it would a rough one.
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He pretty swiftly disposed of her, DU drow doesn't like being talked down to, which Minthara very promptly does. Him (and I, by extension) had very limited exposure to her and she was just kind of a speck of dust in his story in particular. Though I have since grown to adore her character in my proceeding runs where I do recruit her!
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I guess if he got an invitation and it wasn't particularly painful to arrive at the venue, sure! He would specially love to take Astarion to Gale's wedding ceremony and purposely upstage him at every at every opportunity, LOL.
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Yes. He got pretty freaky with the pain-priest. This is gonna sound like a lie but I made him get naked for it without even knowing there was a buff to be gained (I didn't get it, unfortunately, I don't remember whether I failed a check or if I had camp clothes toggled on, so it didn't count as being truly nude). I wasn't taking the game very seriously and just doing dumb roleplay things to see what would happen, LOL.
And I consider that canonical. I think DU drow saw the opportunity to show off his physique And had a strange inkling that this was a practice he was... Somehow familiar with.
Imagine my joy when Astarion and Shadowheart start having a back-and-forth about my absurd display. That's when i knew those were my people, to be honest.
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animentality · 1 year ago
Idk if you've talked about this before, but how do you think the last time Gortash saw Durge before they got lobotomized went? Just something I've been thinking about for. A while.
I had an angsty idea...
Like what if they had an argument the last time they saw each other? Over something really stupid that neither of them could remember, amnesia aside. Gortash stormed off without saying goodbye. Durge went home to sulk. Maybe Orin is watching them because she's ready to make her move, and she correctly deduces that they must not have left on good terms...
So maybe Orin gets the drop on Durge by pretending to be Gortash, and acts like he's come to make amends? And Durge, who's been feeling frustrated and maybe a little lonely after a few days of not speaking with Gortash, is relieved that he's made the first step, and that's when she gets them.
When their guard is down.
And Gortash doesn't realize what's happened, he just think Durge is still mad at him. They don't talk for a full week, and he thinks they're just being childish. They don't reply to his ciphers, though, about the plan, and he starts to get worried.
And then at their next evil planning meeting, Orin shows up instead of them.
And then he knows something bad has happened, but she won't tell him what, just that they're gone now, forever.
And he's wracked with this horrible guilt, because he'll never get to apologize for being childish and petty. They won't be able to bicker or spat like children anymore. He doesn't get a chance to say goodbye. Their dreams are bitter and mangled now, and he has to work with Orin, someone he barely trusts.
And he is tormented by the idea that maybe Durge died, thinking he hated them.
So yes.
I've stewed on it.
I am haunted by the notion of Durgetash ending with a fight, because the Dark Urge he loved truly died that day, and never came back. And that Dark Urge never got to apologize, and neither did he...
And then, when they see each other again...
It's gone, and Gortash tries desperately to pretend it isn't, that he can make amends now, and things can be the way they used to be.
But no.
No, it's gone, Gortash. You ruined it. You broke it together.
Bury it.
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galeorderbride · 7 months ago
Hey lovely!
I have a fluff / angst fic request if that’s OK.
Orin targets a companion at the Elfsong Tavern but luckily, it’s not Gale. F! Tav’s emotions are all over the place and Gale comforts her.
It’s pretty much a “What if she got you?” scenario.
Hope that’s OK 😊
Love this idea! Ask and you shall receive! I hope you like what I’ve put together for this request :)
Rating: T (Angst/fluff; Tav has a panic attack due to crowd claustrophobia + Orin’s antics)
Coupling: Gale x F!Tav
Words: 2.1k
Fic below the cut:
Orin’s Fourth Torment
Crowds are best for villains. Anonymous and clustered, both sheltered in the safety of many and isolated when targeted. Normally, the Elfsong Tavern was busy, but never crowded. Nights full of shouting regulars and barstools scraping against aged hardwood. Such a frequent occurrence that Tav grew used to the sounds after several stays in that shared room on the second floor.
Tonight was different. Tav, Gale, Karlach and Wyll returned from a long day of being harassed by Orin and her doppelgängers, drowning in stress and trying to hide their fear. All of them wanted a good, long rest. But upon arrival, Elfsong was flooded with city dwellers. Pouring all the way out the front entrance, throwing around coloured ribbons, the same ones hanging above doors and windows. A festival of some kind, a celebration important enough to attract a wider audience rather than the drunken faces that had grown familiar.
Tav would’ve just navigated the crowd and climbed the stairs to their room in any other circumstance. But after being tricked by Orin and assaulted by doppelgängers at a wine tasting, she was nothing short of anxious, impatient and irritated. Ready to cry at a moment’s notice as all the traumatic experiences of this months-long journey bubbled up from the pit of her stomach.
Gale, the saving grace to calm her soul at every turn, hooked his arm around hers. He inched close, saying in her ear, “Worry not, love. I’ve seen even bigger crowds than this at the Yawning Portal during Elient festivals. Gods, the cooking competitions are the worst for it! All we have to do is push through, it never lasts for as long as you may think.”
He was a beacon of light at the worst of times, quite literally as he illuminated the Shadow Cursed Lands on their first night together. When he confessed his love for her, they spent an evening shrouded in a poetic tapestry of stars, fresh air and intimacy. Tav locked into those thoughts, using them as a crutch to get through the bumbling crowd and up to their shared room.
“Come on soldiers!” Karlach exclaimed, “Follow me, I’ll break through the mob with these shoulders no problem. Nothin’ a little heat won't fix!”
Wyll’s brow raised in amusement before he followed her into the crowd. Gale went next, with Tav at the back, their hands entwined together to stay close. Left with standing room only, pushing through the flood of bodies who didn’t notice or care about them. The bar wasn’t all that large, Tav thought, she could see the top half of the steps from where they all stood.
Some steps in, a drunken man fell between Tav and Gale, splitting them up. Tav stumbled around for a moment, giving the man an obvious stink eye as they pushed past him with hard elbows. This frustration didn’t last long, though. In the corner of her eye was a woman, the familiar bloody, blonde braid swaying behind her as she slid the blade of a curved knife around her jaw. A malicious smile crept across her face, shifting from one part of the room to the next, like no one else noticed her but Tav. Panic and fear set in, her heartbeat loud in her ears, and time felt slow. None of her companions were close, all lost in the crowd, and Tav grew frantic.
Orin’s maniacal laugh boomed in Tav’s ears as she began to run, mumbling Gale’s name under her breath. The tavern felt miles long, impeded by the pilgrimage of party goers all trying to find the best place to enjoy the raucous music. Tav felt herself nearly float between bodies, hitching her ankle weirdly and falling backward. Vision tunnelled with panic and apprehension. Hardwood hit her back, head hitting the floor and looking up to see Karlach and Wyll hovering above.
“Hellsfire, Tav, are you alright?!” Wyll asked as he lowered his hand to her, helping her up. Upon standing, she realised she was at the steps, leading to the upper level.
“Gods, Tav, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Karlach pointed out.
“I’m not sure I haven’t,” Tav said, searching around the room for Orin to find nothing. Just the same crowd of party goers, blood red Bhaalspawn now nothing but a figment. Until she realised there was still a missing piece.
“Wait,” Tav continued, “Where’s Gale?”
He wasn’t standing with them, no poetic and lilted voice to lecture them on the importance of cohesion in a crowd. What frightened Tav the most was that, upon looking into the barrage of people, his glowing staff didn’t stick out. Charged with lightning magic that could be spotted from a mile away. Nothing. Tav stood on her toes, craning her neck to try and see across the entire room, but still, no Gale.
None of them saw him, Karlach using her height advantage but still came up with nothing. Tav felt the drum of her heartbeat once again, faster this time. Enough to kickstart a heart attack as the image of Orin’s violent smile fought back to the front of her mind. The last few times they saw her, she appeared in the body of her victim. Was this the final taunt from her? Taking the one Tav cared for most?
No, not today. Not ever. Tav killed the avatars of gods. Slain shadow cursed monsters a century into their torment. That Bhaalist was nothing, and Tav promised to make her death slow when she caught up to her. Chosen or not, clearly she and her companions made short work of another. With those thoughts, Tav’s anger fuelled alongside anxiety. Driven to push herself back into the crowd and search for Gale, or Orin. Wyll and Karlach called for her to stop, but she ignored them.
Shoulders bumped and rutted into Tav’s upper body, from rib cage to neck depending on height. Bobbing back and forth between people, Tav became too small for the crowd. Trying to ignore her heavy breathing and tightening chest as she gazed into the crowd, calling for Gale. Every face in front of her blurring into one, large feature melting into one another. Loud voices shouting into her ears, some chiding at her in flirtatious drunk-talk that made things all the more overwhelming. But finding Gale was at the forefront, Tav had to push away all other discomfort.
She found her strength a little, adrenaline coursing through her system as she began to push forward. Hard, fast, using the entirety of her strength to get a look at every face that crossed her path.
“Gale?!” Tav called, turning her head back and forth. Nothing in that corner.
She moved to another corner, and cried out again, voice cracking with tears. “Gale?!”
“Gale?!” Tav screamed this time, carrying over the heads of the crowd.
Still nothing.
The entire tavern must’ve been covered, and Tav began to let the worst sink in. Her back hit the wall, close to the front doors. Tears fell down her face, following the nauseating sound of Orin’s laugh echoing in her ears. She was there, permeating the room with touchless torture.
Tav let her body slide down the wall, weakening in the fluctuation between rage and terror. Stuck in the little, empty corner of misery as the endless song of Orin slammed into her ears. Her face fell into her palms, wet tears staining skin, salty and humiliating. Images of what might happen to Gale under Orin’s capture spiralled in their mind. Forms of bleak, guttural violence that would deeply harm but never kill. Leverage, a way to lure Tav further into her clutches. Visions of blood and viscera, and the faded nightmare of his agonising screams, so vivid that Orin had to be putting that in her head.
In her state of dread, a hand wrapped around her wrist. Large and tight, Tav jumped out of panic and poised to strike the assailant. Fist up and ready to smack the arsehole who decided to grab her in a dumb, drunken stupor. Until she heard that voice.
“Tav, my dear, it’s me! Are you alright?”
Gale’s face appeared before her, big, brown eyes wide open with concern. Tav was frozen in place, questioning if she’d passed out and was hallucinating him in a hazy dream. Tears staining her face, the feeling of his grip on her wrist, the details of his expression. Orin’s laugh had ceased. This had to be real, he had to be there in front of her.
“G-Gale? Is that really you?” Tav asked, voice shaking with suspicion and social exhaustion.
“Yes, why wouldn’t it be me? I’m sorry we got separated, my love. When that man fell between us, I was pushed toward the kitchen. I couldn’t find you in the crowd so I went around the outside and came in through here,” Gale explained.
Tav didn’t speak, she just jumped into a full hug. Arms wrapped around Gale as they both sat on the floor, in the midst of a wild crowd. Cracking beer bottles and shouting voices. Words weren’t enough, Tav needed to be in his embrace. To remind herself that her one shelter from the horrid world was still with her. Gale could see she was struggling, locked in fear for his safety. His heart swelled with worry, wondering what happened for one of the strongest people he’d met to fall to the ground and cry.
“Come, love. Let’s go outside and take some air. Get some quiet,” he said, lifting her up and leading them outside of the tavern.
Moonlight softened the blow of chaos within the bar. Passersby still swayed in joyous excitement, chatting and running about. But compared to the inside of Elfsong, this was complete silence. Crickets chirped in the background, and Gale moved her to an empty bench just beside the entrance. He held her close, arm wrapped around her waist and free hand playing with the loose hairs around her neck.
“Tell me what happened, Tav. You’re safe with me, I promise,” he said, planting a small kiss on her cheek. Tav’s eyes closed, forcing back more tears filled with a mix of relief and upset.
Tav explained Orin appearing in the crowd, taunting her as she lost sight of their companions. Calling out for Gale, almost passing out from panic as Orin’s laugh vibrated through her. Gale listened intently, increasing horror in his eyes as he let Tav admit how afraid she was that he’d been taken somewhere horrible. The entire time, they held hands, Gale squeezing on and off to remind her he was still there, alive and well.
“I’m sorry,” Tav said, sniffling as a few tears lined her eyelids again, “I thought she’d taken you away. And I felt so powerless to do anything. If she had grabbed you, I wouldn’t even know where you’d be! And the awful things that would happen…gods, why am I even saying that?!”
Gale pulled her closer, rocking her back and forth as he peppered little kisses at the top of her head. “Shh, it’s alright, Tav. I’m here. None of that happened, I’m safe with you. And even if she had tried to take me away, I trust with my entire heart that you’d have rescued me in time. With the same zeal and ferociousness I’ve seen you be since the beginning of this journey.”
Fear began to settle into calm, Gale’s comfortable embrace like a warm drink on a cold, wintery day. Seated on that bench, hidden from the coarse noise of the inner tavern. Eventually, they’d have to go back in, but not now. For the moment, they could just enjoy each other’s presence. Taste the early night air and smell the salty brine from the nearby dockyard. Gale thought to himself that this was almost like Waterdeep. Near enough to memories of sitting outside the Yawning Portal and taking in the breeze, preparing to return home. One day, he hoped to bring Tav with him there. To experience all the beauty of his home city, danger free. To be as boring and overly affectionate as every other couple.
Gale lifted Tav’s chin up with his index finger, hovering his lips against hers with baited breath. They kissed softly, cuddled up together. Welcoming each other back to that safe space where, for a moment, no one could hurt them. Fingers locked together, the taste of spearmint lining the tip of Tav’s tongue. All the panic fading away, replaced by the desire to fall asleep in his arms.
He left the kiss to say, “You’ll have to try a lot harder to get rid of me. Not even a Bhaalspawn could pull me away from you.”
Tav chuckled, rubbing their nose against his flirtatiously. “I’d like to see her try.”
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roodllle · 2 years ago
Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 spoilers under the cut
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I have not seen anyone talk about these notes you find about Gortash so I'm going to post them!
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So if you go to the Flymm store you'll meet Enver's parents and you can learn by using the tadpole that they sold him to a warlock. But it seems that as he got older he went into the smuggling business and was already showing how controlling he will become. Looks like someone tried to warn other smugglers, but clearly that failed horribly.
You find this note under Franc Peartree's house and I'm going to read way too deeply in this note lol
"Weapon distribution continues like a parent saving their drowning child: swimmingly"
Ugh ok when I read this I thought 'does he just think constantly about how his parents threw him to the wolves. is it a subconscious thing??' I wouldn't be surprised if he was the type to think that he wound up better off without his parents and that he may have actually choose this life anyway. But in the back of his head he may also wonder what life would've been like if he had loving parents ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows
Then one of my fav lines:
"You are a treasure, and I should like to hold you in my arms and whisk you about! How you would laugh, Franc! Of course, people would say we're in love. And I do. I do love you, Franc. I love any man willing to birth a little more slithering, wet malice into the world. By sending out my weapons, putting them in groping, willing fingers, you've done just that."
Ok there are 3 things that came to my mind.
1. Queer Gortash? Is he being facetious?
2. Maybe Gortash is being chummy and him and Franc have known each other for awhile?
3. This is what really made me think though was that Gortash for all his tyranny has never been the type to revel in malice. Like ye he knows he's a tyrant but he wants slaves, he doesn't want more bloodshed in the streets nor does he usually talk so......poetically.
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You know who does though? Orin. Especially since Franc ends up being a part of one of her assassinations. Get the guy to make more weapons then silence him?
Maybe? Maybe I've pegged Enver all wrong but who knows. I'm probably going to go back to Franc's house to see if my hypothesis is right.
And this last note I have has been my absolute fav that you can find when freeing Florrick. It's in one of the jail cells with a skeleton.
It was a very nice to initially refer to Enver as, Enver Flymm.
I don't know who Vance Farnol is but he seemed to know a crap ton about Gortash.
Farnol doesn't seem to know that at one point Enver was sold into warlock/demon slavery so maybe his POV is that he saw Enver as an urchin boy with his shitty parents.
Doesn't see him for awhile. Then sees him as a smuggler in the streets.
Enver joins a gang and that's when he changes his last name. Was it recommend as being a new member of the gang? Did people automatically think of the shoe shop when hearing Flymm? Was it more for Enver to distance himself from them?
He eventually becomes the Kingpin and seems to call himself an independent entrepreneur
Rivals? All my rivals are dead. I have not gotten to Gortash's boss fight yet but no one has to tell me this man can't actually fight. Is he probably good with a dagger and a fist fight? Possibly, but it's more likely he's good at weaseling out of situations and getting other people to do the dirty work.
Zhent's Days is Past, I missed that part in Act 1 where there's a sidequest to help those guys? So maybe I missed something in their hideout which would give their POV to this situation.
Then it seems he strikes a contract/deal with the god Bane and then strikes an Oath with Orin
"Not Even Everything is Enough" Someone never told Gortash that acquiring the world is never going to fill that empty black hole of a heart he has
And then we have him working with Kethric, getting the Gondians to serve him and then his most hammy line
Call me LORD Gortash
I love how there's so much depth to this character, makes me sad there aren't actually a lot more scenes with him. I know romancing him would be almost impossible but just having more scenes would be wonderful.
Anyways thanks for reading and share your thoughts!!
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johnandrasjaqobis · 8 months ago
Sooo I did say I needed to write up a summary of Joseph's ending (including screenshots for funsies and to break up the inevitable wall of text)
but of course to do that I need to set some Context (only the relevant parts, I swear) SO my idiot son, fresh off the Nautaloid, negative memories, +1 tadpole, and also somehow eldritch blast ??
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(he was a fighter of some sort before, I think, I had been considering paladin for this run but it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have divine magic when you start out with Nothing, so I figured the desperation of that situation is the. perfect opportunity for some outside force to Help.)
and, of course, this will be long so UNDER A CUT IT GOES
He had zero idea what exactly was giving him the powers, but there was so much going on it wasn't really a priority to look into for the first good chunk of plot. Joseph just barreled his way through looking for literally anyone who would give him any fucking answers, and was legitimately kinda being dragged into being a halfway decent person with the party's influence (if there is one constant about this man, he is far easier to manipulate than he'd ever admit). Still used every tadpole they came across because there was the constant feeling of being so much weaker than he should be, and the tadpoles gave a not insignificant edge in combat. Thanks to the weird accidental connection to the zaith'isk, he was very good at it - and for a guy who feels like he's not very good at much of anything anymore, it was a lot.
(he also tried to pass the tadpole stuff off as warlock abilities, with marginal success, it did involve casting shatter centered on himself once and knocking himself out, that's not important)
all that to say when the Emperor offered the astral tadpole, there was some temptation; the main thing that made Joseph keep pushing back was the fact that Lae'zel hated the idea of it. but (and here is where I wave fondly to fully canon events as they pass by) good ol' Empy chose this time to try and press in on the fact that Joseph had already benefited so much from illithid powers. Moreso than he was fully aware, in fact. since the Emperor was technically his patron.
(sometimes you see this absolute feral little asshole of a man who, unfortunately, is a rather important part of your plan, and realize that he can't do shit anymore. so sometimes you gotta sigh heavily and give him a hand. or tentacle, perhaps.)
anyway when it came down to it the DC was 21, Lae'zel was pissed, and lo and behold
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fast forward a bit. the Emperor is a bitch, they do not get along, but mostly mutual goals so whatever
and then we get to Baldur's Gate. Joseph has one (1) meeting with his ex, who is incidentally the first person who has actually given any actual answers, and every chance of some kind of redemption arc is immediately thrown out the window
because. yeah, remember that mention of being easy to manipulate? pre-tadpole Joseph wasn't much different in that regard. His loyalty is a character flaw at points, and his loyalty to Gortash was second only to Bhaal himself (and even that divide was being pushed at, which terrified him, obedient son that he was, forgive me father indeed)
he learned why every high ranking person in this dammed cult seemed to know him. Why the Absolute itself seemed to revere him. Why Stillmaker felt so familiar. And he fell right back into the old patterns and the old plan.
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proceeded to lose multiple friends for it, too, there's only so long the whole "I'm just staying on his good side to get information" excuse is obviously, how you say, bullshit. Karlach and Wyll both left after they got Gale back from Orin. Shadowheart stuck around a little longer, but eventually having to help kill the little group of Gur after watching a ceremony that killed thousands just tipped things too far.
Joseph went into the finale with like. three friends: Astarion (freshly ascended), Minthara (delighted by the opportunity for power grabs), and Lae'zel (increasingly skeptical and disappointed by her idiot amnesiac boyfriend).
(and god the situation with Lae'zel hurt. Karlach definitely tried to warn her of how badly this was all going to go to shit before leaving. there was a moment with Shadowheart with the very weary "I do think he loves you. I just don't think that it's going to be enough." getting to watch as Joseph just fully clicked with this man he so obviously had history with. like give this girl a break.)
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but again, that loyalty, which meant he definitely did get the Orphic hammer because he wasn't about to just turn his back on Lae'zel's whole mission, and also fuck the Emperor actually
however, speaking of the Emperor, that does require a bit of a backtrack because Joseph did have to kill his sister and then also said fuck you dad, it's your dream not mine, etc and was exsanguinated for his troubles. only to be pulled back again by the weird skeleton guy who refused to stop following them around.
See friends, I think there's something...a little extra, in being killed by a god, especially when it was the god who created you to begin with. Bhaal might have aimed a little poorly, only fully destroying the Urge side of things, but the god of murder murdering you holds weight. As does being pulled right back out of death by the now unemployed god of death.
That whole situation might have. Severed some connections. Formed some new ones.
Fast forward again.
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Holy shit the brain is big.
but they had the plan, perhaps a little trickier now, but they'd get the brain back under control and split the stones again, Minthara can wield the third, Astarion can help run things with his own newfound powers, Lae'zel can use whatever resources from this plane she needs to go kill Vlaakith, there's a plan
and I mean. we all know how this part goes. Larian I just want to talk.
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In a very fitting "dice telling a story" moment, after Gortash fell I rolled three consecutive 2's. (Minthara tried revivify immediately, of course she did, but maybe it was the splitting migraine they were all fighting through or maybe something the brain did, or maybe Bane himself wouldn't allow it, but nothing would take.) Joseph doesn't remember screaming, but by the time Empy yanked them into the prism, his throat was definitely damaged.
Joseph nearly passes out and does end up just staring at the body (because at least Empy was polite enough not to just leave Gortash there, god can you imagine) for. some amount of time.
of course he'd lose this, of course it's the one person who really knew him before, who was still perfectly willing to work with who he was now, who gave him a purpose that was more than just killing literally everyone, who appreciated the skills that came with said killing but appreciated the skills that had nothing to do with it, who Joseph trusted despite literally every bit of common sense
Fuck that, actually.
The Emperor snaps at him that they don't have this kind of time, Joseph snaps right back that they're in the fucking Astral Sea, time passes differently, they've got a moment.
He asks the others for a moment, just go regroup a bit, he'll catch up, and this has happened enough over their travels that they don't hesitate too much before leaving him alone
and then he starts calling for Withers. First just mentally, then out loud, then enough to make him taste a little blood again, because Jergal you fuck I know you can hear me
takes a moment, but. he does show up. just so casually stepping out from behind a rock, good ol' Peepaw, Withers, literally Jergal himself
and also Joseph's fairly recently self-appointed new patron
(he'd had suspicions for a bit, the fact that he and the Emperor had been at such odds recently, especially the fact that he could complete the whole "heist" from the House of Hope with absolutely no consequences, there was a pretty solid feeling. this just confirmed it.)
"Bring him back." "No."
but if warlocks are known for one thing, it's making deals. how invested are you in seeing this Absolute stopped, huh Jergal? In sticking it to the Dead Three? You've already yanked one of their Chosen back, what's one more?
"I could try -- do my godsdammed best -- to stop this thing for good. Just like you want. Or I could use these stones and burn down the fucking world."
and it's a good thing they're in the Astral Sea because the silence is long. but eventually there is. a very reluctant agreement.
after, of course. after the Absolute is destroyed (if you die in the process and it enacts the Grand Design, not much else will matter anyway, if you succumb to the temptation and take control, there's no bargain to be fulfilled).
So. Somehow, in fate's favorite sort of irony, the guy who pulled Joseph off of any sort of path toward redemption ended up being the reason that kind of forced his hand there anyway.
They destroy the brain. Astarion and Minthara are expectedly disappointed, but can kind of appreciate the impossible task that it would have been to control that thing indefinitely. The tadpoles are evaporated (Joseph is left with scarring because you can't tell me that level of change being stripped away so quickly leaves you without a mark). The city is saved.
And Enver Gortash gets to wake up, inexplicably, on the docks and go through seven stages of grief as he realizes what happened to his plan. (The plan got you fucking killed, you absolute dumbass.)
implications beyond that are mmmmmm many and complicated. but. hey, there's always the next plan.
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oathbreakerapologist · 3 months ago
in a universe where ghost never betrayed everyone and went to orin their relationship with astarion seems like it'd be deeply fraught (the fact astarion possesses certain qualities ghost finds unattractive coming to mind). am i right in assuming it would not survive after the events of bg3?
This is a really good insight! Their relationship would certainly be fraught, though I'm not sure that it wouldn't survive, for reasons that mostly have to do with Ghost being incredibly loyal.
To some extent, any relationship involving Ghost is doomed to be unhealthy, simply because of who and what he is. He is violent, impulsive, superstitious, and codependent; he is a serial murderer who does not see himself as a person, let alone a person like his victims; and none of this bothers him in the least. There is no happily-ever-after with him, no matter who else is involved.
But you're absolutely right that the relationship between Ghost and Astarion has some notable pain points. Astarion defaults to a rather pompous, detached persona whenever he's trying to conceal his own thoughts and feelings, and the airs of condescension grate on Ghost. The things Ghost admires about Astarion are also things that Astarion himself has mixed feelings about: the characteristics associated with his vampirism, the skillful charisma he cultivated while luring victims back to Cazador, and the lethal skills he honed in the aftermath of the tadpoling.
At least on Ghost's side, issues of personality became, for the most part, forgivable once he had begun to bond with Astarion. While Astarion's cockiness and pretentiousness were irritating to Ghost early on, Astarion dropped the mask (so to speak) fairly early in the campaign, and Ghost generally interprets those traits as a manipulative pretense, but one that's not intended to manipulate Ghost specifically. It's kind of a "I know that he knows that I know that he's not really like this" situation, which doesn't bother Ghost anywhere near as much as manipulativeness targeting him.
Ultimately, Ghost's got some serious selective ignorance when it comes to noticing qualities he dislikes in the people he's attached to. He can internally justify his way out of caring about traits he finds unforgivable in others when those traits manifest in someone he wants to stick around. By the time he was truly, fully dedicated to Astarion as a partner, it would take an egregious degree of condescension or manipulation to even register to Ghost as something he dislikes, because he's simply so willing to accept the actions of the person to whom he's loyal (but as soon as it did register, the reaction would be intense).
So, in terms of whatever future relationship conflicts that will arise, Ghost is not a quitter. As for Astarion? In their relationship, Ghost cedes complete authority and trust to Astarion. For a man who's spent two centuries being horrifically tormented, systematically torn down, and used for atrocities, I imagine that the sort of worshipful devotion offered by Ghost would be intoxicating. But at times, I suspect it would also be suffocating.
There is also the moral weight of leaving Ghost: after the campaign, it is ultimately Astarion keeping Ghost busy enough that Ghost won't go out and kill for fun. If Astarion were to leave the relationship, he could be fairly certain that Ghost would return to being an absolute menace to the population of Baldur's Gate and the Sword Coast at large. The act of leaving Ghost has an associated death toll. Of course, from an outside perspective, those deaths would not be Astarion's fault. But that death toll would almost certainly weigh on him.
All that to say, I think they would actually manage to stay together for a significant amount of time. Their relationship would often be happy. But it would also be deeply codependent and otherwise unhealthy.
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blackjackkent · 4 months ago
And more for the character meme to keep you occupied, haha. Pick whichever interest you.
(“Send me a character” meme)
First impression
Rasaad: Once again, I'd first heard about him from @springagainafter 's posts about BG1/2 back in the day, so I already had good initial thoughts about him before actually meeting him for myself. My first encounter with him in-game, with Caden, was nice because he spends a lot of time talking about how he wants to bring light to people, which was good to hear after Caden had been having such a rough time of it with Gorion's death. He definitely struck me as a calm and measured sort of person with a level and meditative head.
Minsc: Pretty sure I loved Minsc instantly. :P In my BG1 liveblog I mentioned him being my favorite of the people Springy had talked about in her posts and I was very excited to get him and Dynaheir. He struck me as generally goofy and comic relief and I loved the way his dialogue was structured and how much character it gave him.
Shadowheart: As soon as I encountered her, a bunch of people commented on the liveblog post, "Oh yay you've met my wife!" So I knew there had to be something good there. :P She struck me as someone who was definitely hiding something, and seemed standoffish compared to Lae'zel's forthrightness, but I think I did like her right from the beginning and was curious to learn more about what her deal was.
Minthara: Lol I thought she was a scary bad guy and I was supposed to kill her, and so I did. :P I straight up didn't know there was another option until several weeks later; I was running Lab on stream last year and @morganaseren commented that she was gonna romance Minthara on an upcoming playthrough, and I went, "Wait, you mean the lady I just killed? You can do that?" XD
Impression now
Rasaad: He *is* level-headed and meditative... except when he's not, and then he's a mess. :P He's got a much more complex layer of darkness under the serious exterior, and he is capable of being super rash in pursuit of vengeance or self-sacrifice. I love him but he is definitely more of a chaos engine than he appears at first glance, and he needs a lot of hugs.
Minsc: My booooooy and his hamster. I love Minsc even more than I did previously; his relationship with Jaheira is wonderful and touching and both of them bring out interesting angles in each other. I love his enthusiasm and how much energy he brings into the party, and I am fascinated by the implications of his experience having been petrified for a century.
Shadowheart: A woman who has gone through a terrible process of systematic erasure of self and yet still manages to cling onto bits of herself regardless. The longer you talk to her the more you start to see bits of that true self poking through, and it's a person I very much like.
Minthara: Absolutely fascinating take on the tough soldier woman trope. I am deeply invested in the way that no matter how badass she seems, basically everything about her and how she operates is rooted in deep, visceral fear. I can't wait to do a romance run with her because I really want to know more about what's going on in her head.
Favorite moment
Rasaad: Hm. Probably the moment when he SHOUTS down Alorgoth in his personal quest in BG2. It's wonderfully voiced and a real moment of power after he's been doing a lot of soul-searching in the time leading up to it.
Minsc: Oh, man, this is a tough choice. :P I gotta say watching him crawl out of the mimic he kills from the inside with his bare hands in BG3 has got to be a high point. :P
Shadowheart: The night orchids! She has a lot of great moments, don't get me wrong, and this one seems like a small one, but I love how it displays her sentimentality and sense of humor in a way that can definitely take the PC by surprise, particularly if you get it in Act 2.
Minthara: "You see through my Minthara-mask, pretty little flesh thing. A joke - I am no more Orin than you are." My friend Minthara is the funniest person I know. ;)
Idea for a story
Rasaad: Once again I have about a billion random little ideas stored up regarding my ship between him and Jaheira. Off the top of my head - I wanna write something about him taking care of her after she comes back from a Harper mission all beat up. :)
Minsc: I think there is a lot to explore about his experience of being petrified, coming out of the petrification, reuniting with Jaheira, and any lingering aftereffects of the whole experience. There's no way it was completely without any effect on him, even though he certainly acts like he just shook it off.
Shadowheart: I have Thoughts drifting around about Shadowzel and what their first manifestations of "gentleness" in their relationship look like. I haven't exactly articulated a plan for them yet but I think there's a lot there to explore.
Minthara: Hm. Haven't actually considered much Minthara writing yet. I think ultimately she and Rakha might come to blows which could be very fun to write. XD
Unpopular opinion
Rasaad: I really don't know what qualifies as popular and unpopular when it comes to Rasaad bc I have not encountered anyone who talks about him besides me and Springy. XD Maybe the fact that I think he does loosen up a little and start learning (awkwardly) how to joke by the time he and Jaheira are old together. XD IDK.
Minsc: I am of the general opinion that Minsc also has a lot more depth than he lets on. I think his usual jovial ferocity is completely sincere - but he definitely has his moments of wisdom when the situation calls for it, he's devastatingly loyal, and I think he does a lot more thinking (albeit via discussion with Boo) than one would assume.
Shadowheart: Honestly not sure about this one? IDK that any of my opinions about her are particularly off the beaten path. Maybe that I don't think she should be friends with Scratch and Buddy (the owlbear) right off the bat since they are wolf-adjacent and might make her nervous?
Minthara: Again, not really sure I stray too far off the beaten path with her. Honestly having a lot of trouble coming up with anything here. (Presumably I'll think of something after I post. XD )
Favorite relationship
Rasaad: Jaheira! My rarepair. <3 I also really loved him and Minsc and Khalid and Caden being a buddy group during BG1 and SoD.
Minsc: His friendship with Jaheira gives me life. And I love his wychlaran relationship with Aerie. Honestly, though, I think no one has ever fully equaled Dynaheir in his eyes, nor ever will. I don't really have a romantic ship for him; I think he certainly knows what sex and romance is and is glad for his friends who are happy together but it just isn't really top of mind for himself. He bonds with people in other ways.
Shadowheart: Once again - yeah, yeah, I'm a Shadowzel simp. :P I really just think their stories parallel and contrast each other so well compared to any other possible pairing for them.
Minthara: Hm. With my Tav who I'll eventually do an evil run with. XD Of the canon characters... idk, I heard someone talk about Minthara/Karlach in the past and I was mildly intrigued by it. Karlach is basically the only companion Minthara speaks highly of right from the beginning, and I think Karlach could teach her a lot about living in the moment and moving past her fear of obsolescence and death. And Karlach does deserve a lover who would rip throats out like a guard dog for her. :P
Favorite headcanon
Rasaad: Hm. I've developed a lot of headcanons for him in recent months (wonder who's responsible for helping with that :P ). Hard to pick one. I do enjoy the stuff we came up with around his wedding with Jaheira - super sweet Selunite ceremony under the stars, followed by all of their friends getting turnt while they slip off for their own time. XD
Minsc: Minsc gets released from his wychlaran pact with Aerie when she and Caden go to settle down in Faenya-Dail, but he still feels himself very attached to her (I don't think he ever fully believes the bond can go away completely) and is similarly attached to Quayle as Aerie (and Caden)'s kid. He always brings a gift for Quayle when he comes to Faenya-Dail (and Quayle is devastated when for stone-related reasons he stops coming, and delighted to learn he's still alive many years later).
Shadowheart: I think Shadowheart never becomes a fully committed Selunite no matter what the outcomes of her personal quest. I think there's a lot of value in the fact that she has the freedom to choose her own course after breaking from Shar, and while I think she values elements of the Selunite faith (and explores many others), her spirituality going forward is a lot more nuanced and never reaches the same level of fervor again.
Minthara: I haven't spent a lot of time headcanoning about Minthara. But let's see. She has a number of lines indicating that she actually really likes Scratch, so I think secretly when no one is looking she plays fetch with him in the middle of the night, when it's dark and comfortable for her.
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bones-and-bondage · 1 year ago
The first time I cleared Act 3 of BG3, I was playing as the Dark Urge and I went into it totally blind. I went in with 0 spoilers, no interaction with the community at all, no looking up resources or guides, nothing.
Because of this, I had some really weird holes in my experience and my already simmering distaste for how flippant the party was about the Dark Urge and their actions and struggle full blossomed into rage.
My first Durge never got the Coronation scene with Gortash. I got to Wyrm's Rock Fortress and the Steel Watchers were all saying to go to the Coronation chamber and immediately all my alarm bells were going off. THIS IS A TRAP.
It felt so much like Irenicus leading us into the prison of the Cowled Wizards to continue his experiments. I was convinced that I was going to be ambushed or thrust into combat with one of the BBEGs that I was in no way prepared for so early into Act 3.
And so I walked my ass straight through that bridge and out the other side and didn't ascend to see the Coronation. I had no clue about what Gortash says and does in that scene, and being that it was a first playthrough and I was flying through it in a stumbling haze and not scouring for everything, I had no clue about the Durge's involvement in the plot, in their connection to anything, any of it.
By that point, before the big reveal dream with Bhaal, I had figured out that the Durge was at the very least Bhaalspawn. I love the original games too much and spotted those signs early on. But beyond that, I was in the dark.
So I, hyperfocused on the fact that Bhaal wanted the Durge to reclaim their temple, of which they were long standing high priest, I waltzed my happy ass to the Steel Watch Foundry and disabled them. Fought my way back into the Wyrm Rock Fortress since everyone is aggro at that point and obliterated Gortash in the coronation hall without a single bit of dialogue triggering. No fanfare or commentary from my party. Karlach said she was pissed she wasn't there for it, but would be fine if I just took her to see the body.
And then I did the Murder Tribunal-- shocked to see all the faces of the people I had to kill in Throne of Bhaal staring back at me, not to mention Saravok, whom I obliterated in the original Baldur's Gate, and then ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO BRING BACK when the option was given in Throne of Bhaal because absolutely not (my Gorion's Ward was a Paladin struggling with nature vs nurture, which back in 2E days was a human and lawful good by requirements). I learned more about Orin, sacrificed Valeria, and moved on to the temple.
Orin's transformation into him, the face of my Durge, his voice, telling me all about Durge's roll in the Absolute plot, was the first I had heard of any of this, and as such, was the first time any of my companions had heard of it. It was just revealed to all of them that the Durge was born of Bhaal, that he was the head of the Bhaal Temple, that he was to blame for them all having tadpoles and this whole messy war on multiple fronts, and that he was here to reclaim his place as Bhaal's Chosen, not just to take Orin down.
Up to this point, everyone had just brushed off his murder of Alfira like it was nothing. They hadn't commented on his murder of Isobel and the destruction of Last Light. They didn't have much to say about him becoming the Slayer. None of them pushed him to struggle, to fight against it, to do better, be better. They just kept following him into the dark, and so by my reasoning, why would he struggle? It's his nature, after all, and no one has seen anything wrong with it, or at least hasn't voiced such discomfort to his face.
And with all that revealed? Did they have any commentary on it?
No. They didn't say a word.
No one had anything to say about it, and it was the singular point that absolutely broke my experience. It was the thing that made me pick up a notebook and seriously start writing again, after almost 10 years of not writing. I was so angry I wanted to do it right, to do it justice, BECAUSE NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD JUST STAND THERE WHEN THE VILLAIN OF THEIR CURRENT ENTIRE EXISTENCE WAS JUT REVEALED TO HAVE BEEN SLEEPING FEET AWAY FROM THEM AND BREAKING BREAD WITH THEM EVERY NIGHT FOR THE PAST MONTH.
I have since done other Durge runs. I have gone through the coronation. I've picked up the broken pieces of them scattered across the Shadowed Lands to the crypts of Baldur's Gate and still, AND STILL, the lack of reaction, the lack of care, it gets to me.
This could have been so much better.
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sugoiney-weaver · 1 year ago
I finally finished my first playthrough of BG3 last night, and it's maybe the worst/most depressing playthrough possible. I went into the game mostly blind, and tried not to savescum any major decisions or events. Spoilers below the cut
I accidentally killed the Owlbear mama. Without Speak with Animals, I got the gist that she wanted me to leave and not come back. I found a potion of animal speaking, and she was serious about the not coming back part.
I did not free the owlbear cub from the goblin camp, but it showed up at my camp later. It was only there for a few days before I accidentally made its hurt paw worse and it ran away, never came back
I didn't know Minthara would be a companion until after I killed her
I completely missed Halsin until after I killed all the goblins and saved the tieflings
I misunderstood/misclicked the levers at the windmill and sent Barcus flying
At Waukeen's Rest, I saved the guy upstairs, not realizing there was anyone else to save. I then went and found the Zhentarim hideout and didn't come back for a while. The other person (people?) died. Could I have saved the Duke there? IDK.
I saved Baelen by yeeting a healing potion at him, but he triggered the Bibberbang field so I didn't get the Noblestalk
I didn't realize that the world moves on and events resolve themselves without you, so Nere died behind the cave-in. I was trying that fight over and over, kept dying, so I went and explored the rest of the area and came back after a couple long rests. I had been drinking so I was very confused. I KNOW I didn't kill EVERYONE here, but where the fuck are they?
I explored the Grymforge but didn't actually use it. I thought for sure that I would find something that would explain how to use it, but I didn't. I refused to look up walkthroughs so I missed a lot of content because I didn't immediately understand what I was doing
When I first got to Last Light Inn, I missed Dammon. I failed to rescue Isobel and reloaded when I saw Zombie!Dammon. I then went and talked to Dammon to fix Karlach's heart, tried again to save Isobel, failed, and killed ALL the Tieflings and Harpers
Jaheira died on the front steps of Moonrise Towers. Because she wasn't actually in my party, I couldn't revive her.
I remember seeing some stairs that probably led to where the rest of the Tieflings were being kept, but I forgot to check it out before I moved on. I assume they're still there.
I decided not to give a fuck about Halsin's quest, so he was very sad that I did not lift the Shadow Curse
When I found Mizora at Moonrise Towers, I correctly translated the button that said "Unleash" and assumed it meant "unleash the Illithid." I failed to translate the one that apparently says "annihilate," so I pushed that one. Mizora and Wyll went WOOSH and Karlach was pissed
I didn't know that Isobel was saveable so I killed her.
Gale got kidnapped by Orin in Act 3, before I had a chance to take him to Sorcerous Sundries
Because I didn't need him (I was already a wizard) I took my sweet time rescuing him. I think I accidentally killed him on the altar with a Fireball. He wasn't technically in my party so Spell Sculpting didn't help?
I completely skipped Cazador's Palace for the sake of finishing the game. I hadn't taken Astarion out of camp since act 1 so he was only level 4 the whole time lol.
At the end, I turned Karlach into a Mind Flayer, released Orpheus, fought the Emperor.
I crit failed my attempt to convince Laezel to stay with us
That's pretty much it lol. I also abandoned so many quests that I probably could have gotten an extra 60 hours out of this playthrough. I ended at 129 hours though!
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imageingrunge · 1 year ago
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So um got to that scene w asatrion,……….its a whole thing
so like an immense sense of guilt followed me thru the durge playthrough cuz of what happened in last light inn, which I wouldn't have even felt THAT bad abt if I hadn't tried really hard to save Jahiera and the nightsong. Like I am the reason she had to kill her girlfriend n I feel so bad about that I don’t even go near her side of camp……..sheesh n don’t get me started on jahiera like she deserved a warriors death I literally obliterated the harpers n then I take her w me to baldur's gate n orin wipes out the rest like I am her Judas
THEN we get to the murder tribunal  that’s  when I found out what happens to a bhaal spawn when they die; they become servants of their lord and technically their souls go back into bhaal so he is resurrected- and that durge is a being born from an immaculate conception, an antichrist like figure- this has been in the back of my mind while playing like damn when we die we are NOT seeing those pearly gates.
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And then we went to cazador- I got this dialogue with him, since I romanced him n was like no, no we arent going to let him ascend this time its an insane choice! This 'to care is to live again' would not have hit the same if I wasn’t playing durge!! It in perfectly incapsulates my entire experience its why Rhena didn’t fuck everyone over to be the last woman alive to rule over a dead world- as Amelyssan (Bhaal's former priestess) would've done like damn w an evil durge ending Rhena could've become a messiah like figure in the bhaal cult- the power she couldve received from it, makes a nice parallel with Astarion n Cazador- was it worth it? I am HAUNTED BY consequences astarion shouldn’t be!! its like they say you may start the walk towards power as a person of dignity but ultimately you end it as a gnat
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pensola · 1 year ago
Just because I am bored, here are my various characters that I have played, am currently playing or plan to play:
Siova Tav
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My first character, she was made pretty much just because I found it very funny to have a devil-looking character get powers from a god, so I chose the most good-oriented-sounding god from the cleric list... and somehow I ended up falling in love with her.
She grew up in the Open Hand Temple after her father was murdered and her mother left her there and never came back. I imagined her to be a lot like Tohru Honda from the "Fruits Basket" manga/anime, where she is not book-smart but has a lot of wisdom and kindness that makes people like her and feel safe around her. She has her long hair in a braid because her mother's family used to do that as part of a tradition, she dislikes having the hair free. Her eyes are also naturally darker, but got a glow after Ilmater accepted her as his cleric. She loves meeting people belonging to different gods and to learn from their point of view the world, but over time she is not afraid to stand by her own views of the world, life and divinity, which lead to quite a few arguments between her and especially Wyll, Gale and Astarion.
She romanced Wyll and followed him to Avernus to take down Mizora, although she does not want to adventure forever. Because I want the best for her, in my head she convinced/Command'ed the two opposing Prism-prisoners to cooperate, and used her Divine Intervention to save Karlach since I never had to use it in the story.
She is my main Tav, the other characters are there more for fun to make slightly different choices.
The Sad Surge
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This is the Dark Urge of Siova's story. Technically she does not have a name, but because all my characters accidentally ended up having "S" first in their names, I call her Surge. She has selective eidetic memory with anything to do with death and blood (for example she can easily recall murdering Siova's father in all its gory details from a random urge to kill, but otherwise her memory is very blurry).
Surge and Siova never meet; while Siova was busy with helping people around her, Surge ran past it all in order to get to Baldur's Gate and take back her birthright. She was killed by Orin, and Siova found her corpse after defeating Orin.
I am making an "alternative" story for her where she does follow the regular Dark Urge-playthrough with companions and such, but still waiting to see where that goes. Apparently elves have a child name until they are considered adults in their 100's, so the idea then would be that she would finally make a true name for herself, if she went with a redemption story.
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The bard, a lover of colour, fun and freedom, Sharin is willing to help others around her, and takes everything with a laugh most of the time. Seems to be unbothered by almost anything with the exception of other people claiming her in any shape of form; she romances Astarion but him flirting by saying "tonight you're all mine and I'm all yours" was a big turn-off even if she knew what he meant. As such, she hates Raphael and uses every opportunity to make fun of him and insult him, because she was very provoked by the idea of selling her soul to him. Unlike Siova Tav who happily shares her past if asked, Sharin hardly ever alludes to it even if there are hints that there are more to her than it seems; she is a drow who has lived on the surface for a long time, she carries a lot of Lolth-sworn knowledge but has the look of a Seldarine, and sometimes has the bearings of a noble as well as an entertainer. She often jokes that she might embark on her own journey of growth when the Absolute is taken care of alongside Astarion.
Sharin angered the Emperor and was forced to take Raphael's offer, putting her soul on the line to save the world. Knowing this and her hatred of being owned, she asked to be made an illithid, and had Gale gather the Crown of Karsus before having Orpheus complete her transformation and killing her; the idea was that ceremorphosis destroys the mortal soul, meaning there would be no soul for Raphael to claim when she failed to give him the Crown. Thus she would save the world, free an old prisoner and give the finger to Raphael one last time (she never went to House of Hope, she had no idea it was there).
That is, that WAS the plan, but then Patch 5 arrived and Withers revealed that for some reason she still had her soul after the ceremorphosis, and she was met by a very angry Raphael.
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Sissi is a Paladin with the Oath of Vengeance. Having grown up as an urchin, then taken in by some noble people far away from Baldur's Gate that since were killed by and with their killeds in an explosive robbery, Sissi vowed to help give vengeance for those that deserved it. She is a "do unto others" and "ride and die by her friends" kind of gal; if someone is kind of her, she will be kind back, but if she has a reason to begrudge, she will carry that forever; only reason Wyll survived trying to attack Karlach was because Karlach vouched for him and Sissi would easier keep an eye on him, otherwise she would have killed him.
With her, I made her mostly for fun because I wanted an all-girl group (with the exception of Wyll because I am weak and Halsin because Sissi romances him; they are never allowed to be used), who were all tanks. Karlach and Lae'zel stay as their classes, same with Jaheira except she is constantly in owlbear mode if I need her, and Shadowheart was respecced to War Domain Cleric. She was also made a half-orc more because I wanted the colour differences. I am still playing Sissi, but with her I am actually thinking about having her attack Gortash first chance we get, just to see what happens and if I will be able to defeat him, the guards and the Steel Watchers, because again, ride or die, and Karlach wants him dead? That's reason enough to blast the ceremony. Also at first I thought to have her romanze Lae'zel or Karlack, but I read somewhere that half-orcs have a shorter lifespan, so I found it funny if she was only 30 but mentally 45 or the like, or at least that she was mentally the same place as Halsin, even though she does not have the same life experience, and so they ended up together.
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This is Su'zan, who's bakground I am still not quite sure about since I have just started her. She is the Sorcerer of my characters, specifically a Wild Magic sorcerer; her hair, scar and eyes are results of Wild Magic Surges. She is going to romance Karlach, who will be a Wild Magic Barbarian. More than that I am not sure, I look forward to learning more about githyanki through her!
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sanktalucrezias · 1 year ago
Just finished Baldur's Gate 3...
Here's my thoughts:
My character was a Tiefling Selunite Cleric & I romanced Shadowheart.
My 'main' party consisted of Karlach, Lae'zel, & Shadowheart. ( A win for the girls! )
By Act Three, I had acquired the secondary companions of Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc.
I made the decision to become a mindflayer & my ending was that I go with Karlach to Avernus.
I completed every companions' quest sans Gale because he was sacrificed by Orin. Here are the choices I made concerning my companions in my playthrough:
Lae'zel: Freed her, Went to crèche, Did not give vlakkiith the orb, Sided with voss, Stole orphic hammer from raphael, Freed orpheus, She leaves w/ him
Shadowheart: Saved her on nautiloid, found nightsong, spared nightsong, sacrificed her parents
Astarion: Recruited him, Let him bite me, Did not romance so learned of scars later, Evaded Raphael, killed Cazador, & did not let him ascend
Wyll: Recruited him, Did not kill Karlach, attempted to bargain with Mizora, Saved Mizora from pod, Did not save Grand Duke, Wyll made a deal to go to Avernus & resurrect his dad
Karlach: Recruited Karlach, Got first upgrade, Destroyed Steel Watcher base & got a bunch of Infernal Iron, Dammon says no more upgrades so we killed Gortash, She goes back to Avernus ( w/ me! )
Gale: Rescued him, Gave him boots, Got Elminster, Did not use Netherese Orb, Visited Sorcerous Sundries, RIP Gale of Waterdeep
Halsin: Saved Halsin, Broke Shadow Curse, Rescued Thaniel
Jaheira: Saved Harper's, Defeated Ketheric Thorm, Found Minsc & Boo, Found her Family
Minsc: Rescued him & Boo
Anyways, I loved the game. It was beautiful & I loved all my companions as I played with all of them at least once in my party. I'm saddened to see that Shadowheart and my Tav didn't last, but it makes sense due to the final choice. I wish that I could have seen a post-credits scene with Shadowheart comforting/healing Astarion or Jaheira and Minsc looking out at Baldur's Gate again. I'm not sure what Halsin would do, but he'd do something. I'm happy that Karlach has company in the form of Wyll and I as she seems less miserable there. Wyll seems at peace with his choice to save his father. I cannot think of what Shadowheart would do. Maybe join up with Aylin & Isobel, worship Selune? Whatever. I probably will play again. My one regret is not getting that cute-ass owlbear. Darn Animal Handling skills.
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animentality · 1 year ago
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm curious. How much of a part do you think ketheric played in durge's downfall? I recently replayed moonrise and ketheric is smirking and gloating and the narrator even mentions he knows exactly who you are but will never tell. Gortash's memoirs indicate that they learned about the elder brain after visiting moonrise, and the warden says that durge only ever visited once and never left. Maybe durge and Gortash learned about the brain then just ran off to conspire together, giggling and plotting, and ketheric was just done? Especially since Durge and Gortash came up with the plan without him - leaving ketheric out while in his own domain. Plus, how did orin know they were even there? I can't see durge telling their underling about their plans. Did ketheric somehow find out about her and contact her like "I know how you can remove durge. Btw pretend to be Gortash, trust me"? She had no reason to be there. Plus the way ketheric smirks at durge, commenting "treat me like you would any other chosen" when it had been just him, durge, and Gortash previously, which is basically him saying to give him the respect durge gave Gortash. I feel like ketheric probably played a major role in it and I'm interested in your take on it. Thanks so much!
I never considered the double entendre of "treat me like you would any other chosen" and that was DEFINITELY Ketheric being a little cunty elf, like ok queen, I see you, I hear you, I feel that.
EDIT: Ok, I just checked, and he apparently says, "Obey me like you would any other chosen."
Which is less iconic. But still. Have a cookie for writing that little double entendre better than Larian.
Not so sure on the "obey" part in terms of durgetash though. I highly doubt the Dark Urge ever "obeyed" Gortash just, without question.
But as for if Ketheric was involved...I don't know.
He didn't seem particularly happy to have Orin on board. The plan really started unraveling when the Dark Urge was deposed too. I doubt he liked the power struggle. I don't think he really had a huge issue with the Dark Urge, all my joking aside, only because the plan was going along well when the three of them were working together.
Him smiling and being coy could just be him being amused at their state, since he's an asshole, and the last time the Dark Urge was at Moonrise, he was mad at them about something...
Although...to be fair...I guess we never did know why he was angry at them.
The Dark Urge specific scene says that the Dark Urge was "demanding" something from Ketheric.
But I don't think we ever really know what?
Like they were working together on their brain thing...the fuck were they annoyed about? What were they demanding?
Also...in the timeline where the Dark Urge just dies...Orin hikes their body all the way back to Baldur's Gate, fully intact?
She went all the way to Moonrise, then lugged it back?
I guess that's just nitpicking, but it doesn't totally make sense to me because, first off, I don't understand if Orin tadpoled Durge at moonrise or somewhere else. secondly, I just don't see why Ketheric would support an usuper instead of the Dark Urge.
Ketheric being a smug little bitch only because he hates you on principle would make SENSE. Because he definitely knew you got fucked, since Balthazar is his advisor, and he knows what happened to you. There's no way Balthy wouldn't have told Ketheric, right? So Ketheric just straight up didn't tell Gortash because he's an ass.
And he smirks at you because he's remembering how annoying you are, and he's glad to see that arrogant bhaalspawn put in their proper place.
But the story in terms of how/when the Dark Urge got tadpoled is very scattered! I am not the only person who's noted this. It's a MESS in terms of timelines. Especially where the Dark Urge is concerned.
I really don't know how involved Orin was in the Absolute Plan before she usurped the Dark Urge.
Was she their right hand, and thus, well known? It might make sense for Ketheric to hear her out...but again, I don't think he'd be fond of a power struggle?
You get tadpoled in the opening...but the Dark Urge is the first tadpole victim.
So I guess you had the misfortune of being tadpoled twice (ahaha, just kidding, this is a nitpick, I know it's the same for everyone).
More seriously though...so the Dark Urge seems to know Enver Gortash is the Chosen of Bane BEFORE they did their little Hall of Wonders date.
But Gortash says that their gods came to them in a dream? And named them as Chosens together, and to seek out Ketheric Thorm?
But then...then they didn't come up with the plan...they got sent to Moonrise...
But...the Dark Urge only went to Moonrise ONCE?
It's CONFLICTING information! It gets even worse when you realize ok, so they went to Moonrise together (maybe?), found the mindflayer colony, realized they could enslave an Elder Brain, then decided to seek out Helsik to steal the Crown...but when they stole it, it's mentioned by Gortash that they "crowned" the Brain and THEN started the cult of the Absolute?
So the Dark Urge would be running through the streets murdering people????
So...where in the plan did the Dark Urge go missing?
So in short.
I really don't think Ketheric was involved in the Dark Urge disappearing...and insofar as, when and how did Orin kill them...
I don't know, but their body is literally in her bedroom if the Dark Urge dies in that timeline.
So...she never tadpoled them...then...who was the first victim?
The wiki conflicts with info in the game, Gortash is a lying slut, the Dark Urge only has three notes and two of them are just thirsting over Gortash, and the other is inviting Orin to split their skull open...
We don't have any correspondence with Ketheric on the Absolute Plan because it's too early to find that out in act 2...
It's a mess, my guy (gn).
I don't even try to piece it together most of the time.
If anyone knows...dm or anon me, and we'll figure this out.
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serendipizzy79 · 3 months ago
Too many ideas...
I want to make a run for each Origin just to see how they differ. I've started Astarion's and Shadowheart's, but I need to finish my resist Durge run first. I've found I can't run multiple runs anymore as I have so many mods to keep track of - I think Duvessa's previous runs got trashed due to updating mods for one playthrough and not the other. I just don't update anything now while the run is in progress!
But... I also really want to run a completely stupid, non-violent (as much as possible) run. My last 5 original characters have been Durge as I love the possibilities they offer and didn't get to finish my first resist Durge Elma due to patch 7 and my unpreparedness. But I really want a change before going all ambivalent again!
Maybe a really naive but charismatic bard? I have played Rogue, Sorcerer, Barbarian, Druid, and a few modded classes too like Blood Mage and Blood Rager. I've never been a paladin either, only found out about the Oathbreaker Knight through a post on here!
Too many ideas, not enough time. Thank goodness for poly mod and no party limit. At least they mean I can combine romance lines and team banter in the same runs.
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Duvessa v. 1 before I found the Shadowheart face mod. Started out as a Wild magic sorcerer.
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Duvessa with her correct face, now Shadowheart's twin. She got up to saving Thaniel before falling to a mod update.
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Du'vessa - the first evil Duvessa run. Half drow. I think she was a sorcerer too? She accidentally saved Gale and fell in love with him, they made it to the tieflings party before the mod issue. Wasn't too worried as that was not the indulge Durge I was planning 🤣 she just really wanted the rizzard, I guess 🤣
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Duvessa v.2 the resist Durge wife of Gortash, twin to Shadowheart, lover of Astarion. Assassin rogue/blood mage. The current runner! She has made it all the way to taking Orin's netherstone to Gortash, only to have Karlach kill him and give the saddest fucking speech I have ever heard. So I went back to the start of act 3 for us to not piss off Gortash before we get him to the Morphic Pool, and save Karlach to go to Avernus with Wyll. I've already had squidlach and I don't want Duvessa to go with her as she's gonna be busy with a god awful harem of Gortash, Astarion, and Gale, the way things are looking at present 🤣 maybe hell would be quieter?
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Nemesis, the evil Duvessa. A cambion vampire polymaath which was cool as that's about 5 classes in one! I never used the vampire stuff, wouldn't bother with the vampire origin again. Gotta say, having wings made the game so much easier. She had two endings: accepting Bhaal and killing the world, and resisting Bhaal but only atop the brain. That was really fucking sad. He made her go mad. I didn't really enjoy being evil, but it made for a quick run.
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Alekto. An Erinyes vengeance paladin. Only in Act 1 at present.
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Elma Volta. Orin's sister. A storm sorcerer. Was just on the way to the Morphic Pool when patch 7 auto-updated from steam 😩
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Morrigna, my first Tav, a wood elf druid, and first complete run. She ended up exploring the world with Halsin after getting the best ending I possibly could for everyone.
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There was also Memory (chaos Durge wild magic sorcerer), Hekate (lawful Durge blood mage), and Bellona (Neutral Durge barbarian), who I haven't really got decent pics of. Hekate's run is ok but the other two are gone. Yes they are all self-inserts to a point 🤣 I just really like being a pretty elf, what can I say.
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theameba1436 · 9 months ago
Saw this and just had to do it with Vorn. I hope yall enjoy reading Vorn's growth as I think it up through these fun questions.
Past Life Dark Urge Asks - 1st Edition:
Do they miss their adoptive family? Why or why not? Vorn doesn't remember their names. The only thing he remembers is the music that used to be played when he fell asleep. He even thinks he used to have a dog or at least somethings scratch gives him memories of a small brown dog that went by the name nipper.
Did they keep anything from their old family and home? A memento or a skill perhaps? Vorn thinks he got playing music from them, along with his nature way he knows how to cook and the kindness he has within him. Spit all the darkness that tries to surface, from his true family's blood that runs within his veins.
When Sceleritas fetched them from their comfortable home, what did they do on their journeys? Did they take on any jobs? Vorn would visit taverns, talking to people and playing music. Sceleritas would of course bitch him out and tell him he wasn't being a proper son of Bhaal. He never listened, because he just liked finding things out. Most of the time it always ended up getting people killed because back then he couldn't control his urges.
4. Do they speak casually or do they try to adorn their speech with frills? Do they maybe even dare to curse? When Vorn is around people he trusts and gets mad or someone says something that is a stupid question. He will say something that is sarcastic, and it will always have a curse word mixed in with it. When he is in a good mood. He will use a tone that sounds calm and relaxed. This mostly ends up making trouble for him when it comes to People asking to do things. Because in that moment he is relaxed and will agree to almost anything. Even if he wants to do it or not. This is why he never likes to be in a good mood and keeps himself on edge.  However, when Vorn is in a new place with people he doesn't know. He speaks proper and most of the time will lie threw his teeth to smoosh over anyone he can. Just so he can find out as much info as he can about the place he is in. When talking to an enemy Vorn will always let his presence do all the talking. Witch works better then cusses them out. That is unless he uses vicious mockery. Then that's when cussing works best.
5. What was their relationship with Sceleritas like? Did they like their ever-adoring butler, or did they try to run from the most wretched mother hen? Vorn didn't like being controlled by the rules set for him from Sceleritas and his father. But back before he got tadpoled. Vorn didn't want him dead. He was even happy to see him at times. Because the ass kissing butler was somehow funny at times.
6. Bhaal loves money; did your Durge inherit that trait? Do they enjoy luxuries or try to live a frugal life, giving their all for their temple? Vorn enjoy money. But money he got himself. He wants to kill his family and would rather be homeless and starving before using money from one of the family temples.
7. Did they have any connections or companions outside of the local underworld? If so, what were those connections like and if not, why? Before being tadpoled and doing stuff for his family. He tried to do what he was told and that was to show everyone he was a child of bhaal. Even if this wasn't what he wanted to do. So, no people other than the ones who worked with his family didn't like him from his old life.
8. What was their relationship with Orin like? Did it change at some point? He was their father's favorite. Orin wanted that role for herself. So, of course that lead her to hating him. When he thinks back on it, it was always that way, even when she was a toddler.
9. What would a typical meeting of the chosen have looked like when your Durge attended? It would have involved Orin getting mad at him because he doesn't deserve to be the next in line. Because she is much more ruthless them him. At the time he stayed calm and emotionless. That always seemed to make her want to end the conversations quickly.
10. Gortash seemed to have admired Durge, what did they do to deserve this admiration? Did they have any notable personality traits, or did they impress him in some other way? Gortash was the first person he slept with when working under Bhaal. He was bored and to him it didn't mean anything just something to do. However, it was more to Gortash he guesses. Either that or he was using Vorn's status with Bhaal so he would be safe if Bhaal was to ever betray him. But that is unlikely since Bhaal would kill his own kids if needed. After sleeping with Gortash Vorn fell into sleeping with almost anyone just to get Gortash to leave him alone. This was the start of using sex as a distraction for the things he was doing. Sort of like a mental torture to forget.
11. The other cultists. How did your Durge view them? Did they enjoy their following or did they dread being idolised? Ever since as long as what he can remember. He has felt trapped and felt like he wasn't himself. Being around the cultists made it worse. Since 9 times out of 10 they wouldn't even call him anything other than my lord or great chosen one.
12. Durge gave a gold coin to a beggar once; why did they do it? Did this occur regularly? He enjoys money, but even back before the tadpole. He was always caring, something he learned from being with a family other than his blood. Giving and caring made him feel good and deep down he always thought. If he had to be a god, why did he have to be an evil one? But this wasn't the way of his blood family and was almost forced to do the vile things his father wanted. By these god damn dark urges of his.
12. Orin has her faithful group of changelings. Did your Durge have a similar 'personal guard' or task force at their back and call? He would have had people who would have been good with magic. So, they could teach him the ways of the weave better. That is until his power grew and when that happens, they grew to fear him. Just like everyone else.
14. Durge famously acted as an assassin in the last decade or so. What was that like? Did they plan everything out meticulously, or did they act spontaneously and on whims? When he is lost in blood and most of the time working under Bhaal. he was lost within his urges and therefor was always going off power and never with a plan in mind. Making a plan is needed since he has been tadpoled and is learning who he truly is. therefor controlling his urges and leaning more towards his brain has become easier over time. It is much needed when trying to save the world.
15. Bhaal handcrafted Durge. Do they enjoy and worship their appearance, or did they have a rebellious phase, trying their best to change their Lord Father's grand design? Yes of course, he didn't think being feared was the right way and always knew deep down that he could care for people. However, he never felt like he had the power to truly overrule his father.
This was so fun to do, and it is helping me figure out how Vorn should act in my little sort stories I want to write up about him.
As I am procrastinating and crafting backstories all in one go, I shall share a sheet of questions with you to share or answer yourself.
Past Life Dark Urge Asks - 1st Edition:
Do they miss their adoptive family? Why or why not?
Did they keep anything from their old family and home? A memento or a skill perhaps?
When Sceleritas fetched them from their comfortable home, what did they do on their journeys? Did they take on any jobs?
Do they speak casually or do they try to adorn their speech with frills? Do they maybe even dare to curse?
What was their relationship with Sceleritas like? Did they like their ever-adoring butler or did they try to run from the most wretched mother hen?
Bhaal loves money; did your Durge inherit that trait? Do they enjoy luxuries or try to live a frugal life, giving their all for their temple?
Did they have any connections or companions outside of the local underworld? If so, what were those connections like and if not, why?
What was their relationship with Orin like? Did it change at some point?
What would a typical meeting of the chosen have looked like when your Durge attended?
Gortash seemed to have admired Durge, what did they do to deserve this admiration? Did they have any notable personality traits or did they impress him in some other way?
The other cultists. How did your Durge view them? Did they enjoy their following or did they dread being idolised?
Durge gave a gold coin to a beggar once; why did they do it? Did this occur regularly?
Orin has her faithful group of changelings. Did your Durge have a similar 'personal guard' or task force at their back and call?
Durge famously acted as an assassin in the last decade or so. What was that like? Did they plan everything out meticulously, or did they act spontaneously and on whims?
Bhaal handcrafted Durge. Do they enjoy and worship their appearance, or did they have a rebellious phase, trying their best to change their Lord Father's grand design?
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