#i got one out of five done so yay me i guess
jameszmaguire · 4 months
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We're sisters who pray together, play together, speakin' our truth to whoever can be arsed to listen.
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grumpybunny-edith · 3 months
Gwen's Bunny HRT - Month 1 (Part 1)
I look at my reflection for what feels like the hundredth time today, waffling on how to do it. All the other girls have already gone through all this, and compared to their one-month photos, I feel... Behind. Delilah had already started growing fur in some places, and Edith already had a little bit of tail growing in. Sure, it looked a little weird without any fur on it, but... I’ve got nothing there but soreness. Is it even worth celebrating? Like, “oh yay, my ears look longer if you squint and my teeth look a little sillier”.  
I take a deep breath and dig my toes into my carpet, feeling pain flare up in them. It just started a couple days ago — maybe it would be better to wait until something came of it? Until walking on my toes didn’t hurt so bad, or even felt better than walking on my heels? 
I feel a tiny impulse at the small of my back, my spine apparently doing its best to wiggle at its base. Am I... unconsciously wagging my tail? The soreness that comes with it matches what the other girls had talked about. I smile, showing my reflection my weird teeth and the pain subsides a little. 
“Bunnies wag their tails when they’re upset,” Edith had told me once. It’s warming to feel how right she is, to feel like I actually belong, even for a second. It’s not that the other girls haven’t done a good job of making me think so; it’s just hard to see all of them so far along and then to look at myself. 
I set my phone down and stare at myself for a while. I imagine the fur suddenly sprouting up all across my body, shiny and soft. I imagine my ears getting so tall they graze the doorway. I imagine my tail, tiny and fluffy, poking out just about the hem of my sweatpants. It makes me smile and laugh at myself, and I feel a bit of pride in my teeth. They’ll look better coupled with everything else, I think. 
I hear my phone buzz, trying to avoid convincing myself it’s because my hearing has spontaneously improved. I laugh it off and check what it was. 
raeraebun: Hey girl!! Today’s one month, right?? Where’s the update??
I smile and blush instinctively. Rae and I don’t chat that much, but every time we do it lifts my whole mood. She’s also dropped by my place a couple times because she “made too many brownies and just had to make a delivery”. 
wen-kutesuli: Hey! Idk if I’m gonna do it today honestly lol 
raeraebun: Aww, why not? i mean like do whatever you want obvi but. you okay?
I sigh. I know I can probably tell her, it’ll almost definitely be fine, and she probably has something great to say. But it doesn’t make it any easier to say it. I’m almost embarrassed to still feel the way that I do even after her and Edith’s constant preaching of “loving yourself wherever you are”. 
wen-kutesuli: Yeah I’m okay lol. Just kinda 
wen-kutesuli: Wish I had more to show, I guess? 
Rae’s response comes quite literally instantly. 
raeraebun: okay 
raeraebun: lemme show you something 
When Rae comes back after a couple minutes of digging, she sends me a picture of some random girl with hair like her own, followed by five closeups of a pretty standard human ear. 
raeraebun: so like
raeraebun: this was from january last year 
raeraebun: Id been on hrt for like. a month and a half to the day
raeraebun: I had taken a picture of myself every day since starting my regimen
raeraebun: and didnt see anything until that picture when FINALLY 
raeraebun: my ears had grown the tiniest little bit. 
raeraebun: I didnt stop screaming about it all day lol ashley got so sick of it 
raeraebun: and yk what happened next?
raeraebun: they stayed just like that for three more weeks LMAO
Rae has this way of making people smile and cry their eyes out at the same time. 
raeraebun: so... be nice to yourself? its not gonna happen all at once, and thats ok. every little bit is worth, like
raeraebun: I dunno 
raeraebun: a thousand parties
wen-kutesuli: That’s a lot of parties 
raeraebun: and you earn every single one of them :) 
I sit in stunned silence so pleased I don’t know what to do with myself. My body wants some kind of release, and I let it have one, laying face down and kicking my feet so quickly and so hard into the floor it probably upset the people below me. 
raeraebun: you dont have to, but we all wanna celebrate with you :D 
wen-kutesuli: Thank you 🩵 Maybe I’ll do it 
Thank you to @flightlessbirdgirl for helping me decide on Gwen's username and for letting me bounce ideas off it!
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spidey-bie · 1 year
Guess who unwillingly read a smut work again? Yay 😑. (It was the first thing I saw when I first woke up. I started this at 7 am yesterday morning.) I will admit that it was kinda on me this time for not having the Miguel smut tag blocked but there was nothing that could've led me to believe that it'd be smut in the first place so my point still stands. Label your smut works.
TW: More pet names and nicknames. (I am a romantic aromantic I'm so sorry 😔) This is a loose continuation of the previous one.
You were awaken, unfortunately, by the jarring sounds of your morning alarm. You groggily look over to surprised to see your beloved s/o Hobie Brown still dozing away. Usually he'd sleep in his own room but you both had decided to have a sleepover the night before. At least this meant that you didn't have to make a trip to go and wake him.
"Bie." You shake him lightly. You only get a groan. "C'mon Bie you gotta get up."
"Just five more minutes." You thought about taking him up on his offer but, history has shown that this only led to you both sleeping in till noon. You had plans for the day and they required the both of you to be up at 8. Unfortunately Hobie had no plans on budging. Usually you'd gently ease him awake but time was ticking away. You had to take a more direct approach.
Begrudgingly you leave the comforts of your warm bed and head towards a window. If you weren't awake before the cold air had woken you up now. You open the curtains to let the sunlight pour in and wrestle the covers from his arms. (At least you knew that if a criminal attacked in the early morning Hobie would be fine. Unfortunately your blanket was not.)
"UGGGGGGH." He groaned as he tried to shield his eyes with his hand.
"Nope. I can't leave you here. You'd never get up before one if not for me."
Hobie grumbled something about time being a concept and moved his hand away.
"Bug must you torture me like this?"
You give him a tired giggle.
"I'm sorry Bie but it was the only way."
He sits up and yawns. This was a good sign. Hopefully he'd soon make his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Hopefully.
"I'm gonna get started on breakfast. Please at least be out of bed before I get back." You wait for his reply.
He wipes the sleep from his eyes and nods. You head to the kitchen.
You pop a couple frozen beignets in the oven and throw the rice that you prewashed into a pot. By the time the rice had finished Hobie had emerged from the bathroom much more chipper than before.
"The bathroom's all yours." He gives you a wink.
"I leave the rest to you sir." You give him a mock salute and he rolls his eyes. Quickly you make your way to the bathroom.
You turn the water on and throw on a clear shower cap over your neon purple bonnet. You take note of Hobie's matching neon pink one laying on the vanity. He hated it when you first bought it for him. Yet, without fail he wire it every night. Whenever you offered to buy him another he refused absolutely offended that you even offered in the first place.
"Pink is punk. You think I'm getting rid of it now?Come off it." You chuckled at the memory.
After your shower you finish getting ready for the day. The final task that you had left was your hair. You applied a light oil to your hands and got to work. You had to unravel all of the twists that Hobie had done only a couple days before. After you finished you look yourself over in the mirror, make some final adjustments, pop on your black ring, and head out.
Immediately you are met with the smells of onion, chilis, and various spices. Hobie must've made that one dish again. When you arrived in the dining room you had found that you were right. Alongside the rice and beignets you made you find a mock ackee and saltfish that he makes with eggs, as well as bacon on your plate. You mentally cheer and sit down. Hobie smiles.
"I've been waiting ages for you to get out. Almost checked to see if you were alright."
You scoff and roll your eyes. "Bie, hush."
Grabbing your fork you dig into your plate. The first bite in and a whirlwind of delicious flavors hit your taste buds. You set your fork down and stare at him. A few years ago you couldn't ever imagine something like this. A familiar warmth and a shared meal with someone who cared for you.
"Bug, is something wrong?" He looked at you worriedly. "The food's good init?"
You nodded and smiled.
"Yeah." You pick back up your fork. "It's absolutely delicious."
A/N: Was this rushed? Most definitely. Do I have any regrets? No. I love this sm and if you don't go kick rocks (this is a joke).
I debated on whether I'd do shared rooms or separate but it is what it is. I stole the bonnet hc from @/murdrdocs.
Fun fact a black ring on your middle finger is supposed to be a subtle sign for asexuality if you didn't know. (I have a black and a white one.) Also i'm Creole not Jamaican so forgive me if I got something wrong here. Finally, beignets are heavenly and I'd eat them all day if not for my gluten intolerance.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Hiiii are your requests open?? If so could I request the Demon bros (or just Levi Beel and Belphie) comforting s/o after a long and hard day at work? Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna!
Love ur work btw!! ☆♡☆♡☆
hiii!! I’m pretty sure you’re my first ever requester! yay! I’ve been looking forward to this. Requests are open and will be unless I explicitly say they aren’t :D
Thank you sm!!! Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you imagined. Don’t be afraid to give feedback. Let me know you vision so if you request again in the future, I’ll be better suited to write to your taste next time! Let me know what you think :)
I literally love requests since they give me ideas that I wouldn’t normally come up with, and I’m always itching to write about something. Requests make me feel special LOL kicking my feet, twirling my hair, giggling rn
also sorry that this is so late! it's exam season lol
Demon brothers comforting their s/o after a particularly hard day at work
convinced he would also be half asleep while comforting his s/o this man catches no breaks, except when around his beloved <3
His love language is quality time, so he wants to show you he cares by finally putting down the pen and just relaxing together
Would brew them a cup of his signature coffee, docked up as you like it, of course. Lucky you, he doesn’t do that for just anyone!
Mans down bad lol
Lucifer heard the door opening from his office. He recognized the sound of Mc’s footsteps in the hall as they hung up their coat and tucked away their work shoes. They were oddly silent, though. They usually called out to him, or burst into his home office to tell them about their day. He saw them shuffle past the open door and to their bedroom.
He decided it let it go for now. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but if they needed him, they would come to him. He didn’t need to investigate. However, as he tried to focus on the work, he found himself reading the same paragraph over and over again as he though about Mc. After not even five minutes of debating, he got up with vigor and made his way to their room.
They were sprawled out over on the bed, face down. He quickly moved to flip them over. He let out a small sigh of relief now he saw their eyes were open. “What are you doing?” Lucifer sat next to Mc.
“I’m tired, Luci.” They grabbed the pillow he always used and put it over their face, their voice muffled.
“Are you feeling unwell?” He removed the pillow so he could see their face again.
“I guess you could say that. Everyone at work was so annoying today and I’m ready to do nothing now.” He stopped Mc from rolling over again and pulled them into his side.
“Let me make you something to drink. Go sit in the living room. Do you have any preferences?” He looked them right in the eyes.
“No, but one of the coffees you make the best sounds nice, maybe please?" He sighed lovingly a little at their antics. They clearly wanted this coffee.
“Consider it done. Now go sit.” He stood them up and gently pushed them out of the room. They disappeared out of view while he quickly brewed the coffee. He returned as fast as he could and sat next to them. Pressing the hot coffee into their hands, he placed his other hand on their head to pat them.
“Do you want to talk about your day?” He picked up his own mug and payed close attention to his partner. They agreed and began ranting about what coworker #1 did and how annoying coworker #2 was at lunch. While he listened carefully, he also took the moment to admire them, for no particular reason.
“… and that’s pretty much it I think. It felt good to get that out of my system.” Their coffee had cooled off by now. They took a small sip to test the temperature, and then took a few bigger ones once they knew it was safe.
“Good. Now if you don’t have anything urgent to do, I would prefer if we could sit together and enjoy each other’s company.” Lucifer scooted closer to press their legs together, so even though their hands were busy, they could still enjoy contact.
“That sounds nice. You’re the best, Luci.”
They basked in each other company for the next few hours, or however long that was. They weren’t really sure, but they were sure they were going to take as much time together as they could.
It’s normal for him to be right on top of his s/o as soon as they walk through the door, but once he notices how worn they seem, he enters protective mode
“Who hurt my human?!” “Nobody Mammon, work was just tough” “oh”
No but in all realness, he would let down his tsundere facade to make sure you’re ok
Will convince you to let him make dinner to let you relax. He’s not the best, but he’s going to try, just for you <3
Afterwards, will cuddle together to make sure you day ends nicely
Mammon sat in front of the TV on their couch, his leg kicked up on the coffee table, aimlessly flickering through the channels. His duties were never too heavy, so he always found himself consuming human content. Humans were fascinating.
He heard keys jiggle in the front door. His human was finally home! He scrambled to his feet and patiently waited just out of the range of the door so he wouldn’t get hit by it when it opened. As usual, he threw himself at Mc as soon as they walked in. However, he noticed they were less responsive than usual. He took a step back and smoothed some of their hair back from their forehead. They weren’t smiling.
“Human? What’s the matter with ya?” He shook them by their shoulders.
“Work was the worst today. The day couldn’t have gone by any slower. I really missed you.” They slumped into his embrace. As he held them, he thought for a moment. He knew his usual demeanor wasn’t the most relaxing to deal with at times, and now was one of those times. For the sake of his Mc, he decided to drop his facade.
“Listen, how does this sound? Let me do the cookin’ tonight. Ya need to relax. I can feel the tension in yer shoulders. Ya go shower n’ relax or whatever, while I do the hard work. We can watch yer favorite movie too. If yer still feeling off tomorrow, ya can call in sick and have us time.” The warm smile that finally crept into Mc face, the one he had been looking for. He kissed their forehead, rubbing his thumbs in circles on their back.
“Thank you, Mammon. Everything you need is in the fridge. The recipe is in the cookbook.” They kissed the tip of his nose, kicking off their shoes and coat. They abandoned their work bag at the dining table before disappearing into their bedroom. He found himself stupidly standing there smiling for a moment. He could hear the blood rushing to his face. He snapped to it quickly. Mc needed him, and he was going to deliver. The cookbook was just a notebook the two of them had filled with their favorite recipes. A bookmark stuck out of one part, letting him know what to cook. He recognized it as his favorite human world food. Diavolo, he loved them. He cooked as fast as he could, so that when Mc got out of the shower, they would have a hot meal waiting for them.
Unfortunately, they were done before him, but at least he got the nice surprise of them laying their head on his shoulder and wrapping their arms around him as he cooked. Food was done shortly after, which Mc scarfed down.
“You’re the best Mammon. I love you.” They put their head ok his shoulder again as they sat side by side on the couch watching their favorite movie. He smiled into their hair and gave them a kiss on the top of the head.
“Love ya too.” He stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide what to say next. However, they had somehow fallen asleep. Had he really taken that long to think about what to say? No matter the case, he knew as long as they were happy, he was happy.
A worrier, will stress over every small thing he did because he’s concerned you’re upset over something he did
After a little thinking, he gathers the courage to go apologize only to realize it wasn’t his fault, he’s so precious 🥺
he’s so sweet, will offer whatever it takes to get his player two feeling better again
If you want to play games together, y’all are playing games. If you want to go out, y’all are going out
Y’all gotta place more respect on his name, I love him 😫 (please my little brother literally nicknamed him hotdog water 😭😭)
At first, Levi didn’t even realize Mc was home. As usual, he was holed up in his gaming room. Mc usually came into his room to give him a kiss and let him know they were home. He looked forward to it everyday. But today was different. The time they usually got home came and past, no word for them.
Levi paused what he was doing to think. It was almost an hour past the time Mc usually arrived home. No texts or calls from them he may have missed. He began to freak out. What if they got into an accident on the way home? What if they needed help but had no way of letting him know? He went to worst case scenario almost immediately. He stood up so fast he got lightheaded, but he didn’t care. He began tearing through the whole house in search of them.
His search ended quickly. He found Mc sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cornflakes. They didn’t even notice him. As he let out one worry, another one flooded in. Was Mc mad at him? Why else would they not come to see him after they got home from work? He quickly tried to begin thinking of what he might have done to make them upset. Before he could think any longer, Mc noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Levi?” They tiredly put another spoonful of cereal in their mouth, and almost spit it out after Levi threw himself to his knees at their chair.
“Mc! I’m so sorry for everything! You’re the coolest person I know and I don’t deserve you! I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” He looked up at the sadly.
“What are you sorry for? I’m not mad at you. Should I be?” They put the spoon down and got up from the chair to crouch next to Levi.
“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” He paused and look at them.
“I’m not.” While they weren’t mad, Levi could tell something was wrong. They made no further move to continue the conversation, so he carried it himself. He wasn’t used to that.
“You didn’t stop in my room once you got home, so I just automatically assumed you were mad at me. I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He hung his head.
“Oh, no. You don’t have to apologize. Today work was just rough, so I went to get something to eat and unwind with. You told me that your raid was today, so I figured you would find me. Sorry if I worried you.” They side hugged him. He felt bad after he heard them speak. They were just tired and worn down by work. He immediately resolved to make it up to them.
“Well, uhm, if you’ll let someone gross like me help you, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Anything at all?” Levi asked.
“If you’re offering, just spending time together sounds nice. Tell me about your day.” So he took a seat next to them and began doing what he did best: talking about video games. They watched him intently, occasionally remembering to eat the now soggy cereal that was in front of them. In the middle of his rambling, they gave him a kiss on the cheek. He paused and went bright red.
“To make up for the kiss I missed earlier, and as a thank you always being there. I love you, my admiral.” They smiled at him, the first time he has seen them smile that day.
“I… I love you too.” He was still embarrassed sometimes to say that, but it was all worth it to see the smile on their face.
Definitely thinks his way of destressing is the best: going to an animal shelter, playing with the cats, and then donating <3
However if you two lived separate from the rest, he’s 100% getting two cats minimum so the cats are right there! would still donate though since it makes him happy
Also firmly believes another really good way to unwind is to just say everything out loud. If you don’t want to tell him, that’s fine, he can leave the room or make it so he can’t hear what you’re saying
If not, he will talk your ear off (endearingly) about his latest read over tea
“Dear, are you home already? I thought you were going out with coworkers right after work?” Satan didn’t look up from his book but he had heard the door open as well the familiar jingling of their keys. Their two cats immediately got up from where they were resting on the back of the sofa and on his lap respectively to greet his partner. He finally looked up to see Mc standing with both the fuzz balls in arms, looking more tired then he’d ever seen them.
“What’s the matter?” He instantly knew something was wrong. He couldn’t place it, but something was off.
“It’s a long story.” They jumped over the back of the sofa and sunk down in the seat next to him. The three of them snuggled into his side, making him melt.
“Do you want to tell me the shortened version?” He placed a hand on their head. They leaned into his shoulder.
“That sounds great actually. Some of it is just office drama but it’s so tiring.” They began ranting to him about their awful day and how the minutes seemed to slow all day. “The only thing that kept me sane was thinking about you and our sons.”
Mc’s remark made him begin to heat up. It’s a good thing they weren’t looking at him. His heart swelled at even the thought of Mc referring to the group as a family. To be fair, they really did treat their cats as their sons and definitely received better treatment than some children. Part of him hoped one day he could prove himself a better father than Lucifer was to him. He couldn’t hope for a better partner. He gave them a kiss on the head.
“I think you need to hear that you’re the sweetest, most loving person I’ve ever met. No matter what happens, work or otherwise, you’ll always have my shoulder to lean on.” A small meow from between them told them that the cats wanted to be included too.
“Thank you, all three of you. Now, did you guys do anything fun while I was out? Please tell me you had a better day?” They looked at the group before them.
“I’m gonna tell them what you did. Yeah, someone had to do it. Stop that!” Satan laughed as the cats batted at his face. He knew no matter what, his partner loved hearing about everything the two cats got up to. Their hijinks could always be the highlight of anyone’s day. While he was in the middle of telling his story, Mc planted a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re a blessing from the heavens.” They wrapped their arms around his neck and leaned in closer. The meaning hit him directly in the feels. The fact that the most important important person in his life considered him, the odd one out of his brothers, a blessing from the heavens was more than enough to make his heart swell.
“I couldn’t ask anymore from a partner.” He gave them a kiss back, and continued the story wrapped up in their arms.
You know exactly what he thinks would be best for you
Spa day!! He can give you the routine to die for and the entire time, he will he chattering like a nail tech who’s had you as a long time client
Anything you want is yours right now
He knows this won’t solve your problems, but he knows it will give you the right state of mind so you can solve them when the time comes
In the meantime, he’ll be your biggest cheerleader and kiss you better <3
“Babe! You’re home! I can’t wait to show you what finally arrived today through the human Akuzon! These nail stickers are to die for! Do you know if the human standards would allow them to survive that lava hot springs I love?” Asmo skidded around the corner to the front door as soon as he heard it open. He was holding up a little sheet covered in plastic wrap with cute little icons lined up in neat rows. However, Mc hadn’t even looked up from their shoes as they shuffled into front of him. They placed their head on his chest and leaned into him. "Babe?" Mc only made a strange groaning noise and hugged him when he tried to move away. They gripped him tightly. They still had their bag on their shoulder and keys in hand.
"What's wrong? Did someone at work do this to you?" He patted their back the best he could since they had his arms pinned down by their hug. They sat in silence for a moment, and Asmo was about to speak up again when they finally said something.
"I've just had such a long day. Just being around you is comforting, is all." They sighed happily as he began to stroke their head.
"I know exactly the cure to your woes! How does a super relaxing spa night sound? I just learned how to give hydrating facial and brought these new products for it! If you're up for it, do you think I could do your nails too? These little bow stickers are so cute." He thought that by pampering his beloved and being supportive he could give them the help they needed to get back up. They had done the same for him before.
"That sounds great. You always know how to make me feel better." Mc got on their tip toes to kiss his cheek. He internally squealed. He hugged them back excitedly.
“You’re going to love this! Go get changed into something comfortable while I get my things together. These stuffy work clothes don’t look very breathable.” He was reluctant to release them. He adored them. Eventually they tapped his arm, signaling they were ready to be released. He let go, but before they could walk off, he took their face in both his hands and kissed the tip of their nose.
“Love you Mc. Really, I do. I tell you everyday but I just want to make sure you understand that.” He pushed some hair away from their eyes with his thumbs.
"I love you too, Asmo. I really don’t know what I would do without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” They overlayed their hands with his and gave him a kiss back. Before he could retaliate, they backed away. After a playful wink, they disappeared around the corner he has initially ran around to get to them. He stood there for a minute, starstruck. It was moments like these that made him question why he ever thought he was the most beautiful thing alive when Mc existed.
You know the drill babes, say it on 3
Food!! Food is always the answer which is my favorite mentality
Food is what comforts him, especially foods that remind him of you, like what you consider comfort food
He will resist the urge to eat all the ingredients and make this food just for you, to see the look of hot on your face when the presents it to you
You know how hard that is for him which makes it all the more special
Beel was patiently waiting for Mc to get home from work. He did this sometimes, so it wasn’t unusual. However, what was unusual was how long he found himself waiting. He had a very good internal sense of time. He always knew when to stop whatever he was doing to wait for them. His internal timer went off about ten minutes before they got home. If they had told him they would be late that day, the timer wouldn’t go off until later. Today, though, he hasn’t heard anything from them.
He found himself worrying. They were very good with always being on time. He checked his phone. He hadn’t missed anything from them. His brothers were chatting up a storm, but that was it. He decided to text Mc, since what argument Mammon and Levi had gotten into today wasn’t as important as checking up on them.
He quickly send a short message, asking how they were and what they wanted for dinner. Thankfully, he got a response pretty quickly. They told him they were just caught in a lot of traffic, and their coworker has needed a ride home since their car broke down that morning. They didn’t explicitly state it, but he could tell they were tired. He knew how work was difficult sometimes. After hearing them say they were really in the mood for jambalaya, he set his mind to making some.
He knew how warm and comforting it was to return home to a warm meal and the one you love. Mc had treated him to that on many occasions and now it was his time to return the favor. He had seen them make it many times, and while he had never had a hand in making it himself, he thought he could do it. Luckily, they had everything they needed. He gathered everything he needed, and carefully recalled any memories he could of Mc making this food. All of these memories were fond, and he hoped to convy this through his cooking.
When the front door finally opened, Beel was almost done cooking. The smell of the spices was thick in the air. He left the meal simmering on the stove and went to greet Mc.
"Beel, what's that smell?" They set down their work bag and sniffed their air.
"Dinner. I made jambalaya." He smiled, excited to see the grin blooming on their face.
"Awwwww, Beel! You shouldn't have!" They threw their arms around him and squeezed him as tight as they could. All the work and effort he had but into not eating the ingredients was worth it. Mc quicky went to change out of their work outfit so they could sit down together and enjoy dinner together. The smile on Mc's face was worth the world.
Even though he thinks sleeping fixes everything, he will do more than the bare minimum for you!
Takes it upon himself to gather his most comfortable pillows and blankets to make a nest for you, kind of like a squirrel lol
Brings offerings of baked goods and your favorite takeout
Will do whatever you want basically <3
Belphie was asleep, as usual, when Mc got home. Normally, he was able to sleep right through this and was awoken by a kiss on the forehead by them. Today was slightly different. The sounds were the same. The soft opening and closing of both the front door and their bedroom door, the jingiling of keys, and the rustling of their coat. However, he had actually awoken before his usual forehead kiss. Something wasn't right. Belphie sat up and watched as Mc walked around them room, setting everything in it's place. They looked over at him, surprised.
"Belphie, you're awake earlier than usual. It is my turn to cook tonight, right?" Mc stopped to check the date.
"Yes." He was still half asleep as they made their way over to him. As they kissed him on the forehead, he grabbed their hands to stop them from leaving. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm alright. Just tired." Mc sighed and avoided eye contact. He knew that wasn't the truth. Trying to lie and tell a sloth demon you were tired when you actually weren't was futile.
"Tell me what's bothering you." He caught their gaze.
"Work was hard today. I had to do a lot of writing too. I'm sick of it right now." They told him after he gazed at them with his best doe eyes. He flipped their hands over in his own to look at them. They looked more red that usual.
"What do you want for dinner? I'll order takeout. And don't tell me whatever or anything is fine. We are getting what you want." He pulled them to sit beside him.
"Well, pizza sounds good." They laughed a little about how oddly stern he sounded.
"Good. Now go shower while I get everything ready." Belphie shooed his beloved away lovingly. They were amused by this again, but did as he asked. He quickly ordered some pizza over the phone, and then quickly began preparing a comfortable place for them to rest. He arranged everything in a nest like structure, leaving room for the both of them in the center. He turned on the TV as well, finding Mc's favorite show. At night, he knew they would rewatch this show while he was fast asleep, but this time, he would watch it with them. He knew how happy it made them to share what they loved with him.
Before they got out of the shower, the pizza had arrived. After making sure the box wasn't too greasy, he placed it on one of their side tables. He didn't insert himself into the bundle yet, though. He was waiting for Mc. Instead, he sat on the end of the bed, on his D.D.D. When they emerged from the bathroom, they were toweling their hair. He led them to sit beside him and began toweling their hair for them. He was still oddly serious the entire time, causing Mc to giggle, but was still touched by it. He tucked them into the blanket amalgamation and put on their favorite show, presenting them with the food. They could feel themselves falling deeper in love with him.
"Love you." Mc kissed his forehead.
"Love you too." He mirrored this action, to show his affection for them. What would he do without this human?
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magixfairyix · 1 month
Trix & OC Core Incorrect Quotes 01
After S.S.S. (as in far after) Iorda is consensually kidnapped into the coven as they'd (and the Winx) been friends for four years at this point, and Iorda had gone fully from fairy to a witch a year prior.
Darcy: It was in the third year when you and Icy were fighting, cue crow's dust, and she said 'Now, what am I going to do with you.' Right? >:)
Icy: hOw CaN YoU qUotE tHat?
Darcy: I have a book of your homosexual quotes with Bloom. I had a guess you'd bang/makeout with each other at some point and I decided to keep a book so when you two did relieve the sexual tension I could chuck it at you
Iorda: Hey um... I might've fucked up
Icy: What did you do? Is everyone alive?
Stormy: Technically we both fucked up so...
Darcy: 'Fucked up' by whose standards?
Iorda: 'Fucked up' as in you three will likely approve
Darcy: Alright spill the tea
Icy: It was his fault. He should've been grateful it was Iorda because we all know if Darcy and I was there he wouldn't have been able to walk out of there with his limbs intact
Iorda: Yeah that's what we call illegal Icy
Darcy: BSH fucking with someone's pain reflex is illegal
Icy: They are don't worry. Darcy stop scaring the child
Iorda: Darcy, fuck you. I thought I just did something illegal
Iorda: Since Darcy and I are immune to poison does that mean we can't get intoxicated to death, stung to death by poisonous animals, or get poisoned from drinking human blood?
Icy: Iorda, the hell
Darcy: Eh I don't think human blood is poisonous it just fucks with your body. Also the first it's not necessarily poison. The second though...
Stormy: One, why did you assume we would know?
Iorda: Eh ya'll tried to kill me via poison I thought you'd know
Stormy: Nuff said. Secondly, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Iorda: A lot of shit
Iorda: Yeah turns out it wasn't a daemon, it was Death
Stormy: ... excuse
Iorda: Don't worry I'm alive. Wait... does this add a ninth time considering I 'interacted with death?'
Stormy: ... yeah no shit you're alive. You're talking to us
Iorda: For all you know I could be possessed sthu
Icy: Darcy! You're girlfriend is going fucking insane and please tell me you didn't know that DEATH is real!
Icy: ... You scare me
Stormy: Oh yay mom is back
Iorda: Acually get your ass on here this is revolutionary!
Icy: What is revolutionary and what did you two do?
Iorda: Your ice doesn't melt in blood! ^^
Darcy: Remember when Iorda got stabbed and got a free chiropractic appointment?
Iorda: ... shit my back issues actually disappeared for two years after that so not far off from the truth
Darcy: ... not even gonna question that, but anyway
Stormy: Wait wait wait, what happened after the stabbing?
Icy: Darcy what did you do? (five years too late)
Iorda: You didn't tell them? DARCY THE HELL
Darcy: Damn. Well after that happened a bad migraine hit from the emotion feeling thing so I forgot, so, yeah I didn't tell them. Oops
Iorda: You didn't tell them you broke every bone in my body? Priorities
Darcy: I thought she would
Iorda: Cackling rn holy shit
Stormy: And you did that when you could feel her emotions?! Darcy?!
Darcy That's why I got a hell of a migraine and nausea after. Felt like shit
Iorda: yOu felt like shit?? I was dYinG 
Darcy: Fair, you win
Icy: ... I told you to like, kill her mind or something not bReAk hEr bOnEs
Darcy: Yeah I know I'm a perfectionist ;)
Stormy: Musa is laughing her ass off at this conversation
Iorda: Tell them that they are a traitor
Stormy: Done, they flipped you off. And by the way, I just remembered that were used to compare you to a cockroach because of your inability to die
Icy: Perfectionist my ass. You didn't even finish the job. This is why I'm the coven leader because you all are insane
Iorda: It's not their fault I'm a badass cockroach
Icy: That's also not likely. That'd only happen if Iorda didn't get her blood and magic energy cleansed 
Iorda: .. do what?
Icy: Get your blood and energy cleansed. You know, to get all the curses and whatnot out of your body so you can use your magic properly. Otherwise, you could have difficulty using certain parts of your magic, sleeping, also a sense of paranoia and unease
Darcy: Iorda please tell me you're just you and that you did get your blood and energy cleansed for the love of-
Iorda: And where do you find this information? Just asking~ 
Stormy: They teach us this second year of Cloud Tower, common knowledge. Though it's not taught to faries because it's not relevant and... You didn't go to CT second year, did you?
Icy: Iorda answer
Iorda: ... so tHaTs why I'm shit at psychic magic
Stormy: So we can't speak because otherwise the Ariste will hear us. Only communication is through this chat while we search for potion ingredients
Iorda: The what now?
Stormy: Creatures that'll eat our skin if we make noise
Stormy: JUST RUN!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,122 Words
Summary: Eclipse makes a groupchat with the other Eclipses to chaotic outcomes.
Warnings: Crack, Cursing, Abuse (mentioned only), Imprisonment (mentioned), Bullying, let me know if I should add anything else.
The Eclipses Chat: Chapter 2
12:45pm Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: Alright, I’m sending our kid on a plane to Toronto. Make sure you get his ass off the plane, Umbra.
Umbra: You think I haven’t been waiting for him for the last day? That’s cute.
Helix: I want to see my little boy.
Comet: Comet-with-airport-coffee-and-airport-chinese-with-peace-sign.jpg
Helix: I am now pleased. Thank you, little child.
Solar: Aw hell no, we ain’t doing three way custody between two dimensions.
Comet: Why can’t I have more Dads?
Solar: Okay fine, but only because you want more Dads.
Eclipse: Hold on. What the fuck?
Solar: Pick a name, asshole. None of us get to keep Eclipse here.
Eclipse has changed their name to Acrux
Acrux: What is this?
Solar: Welcome to hell. Comet got stuck and now we all have a groupchat.
Acrux: Hold on. That means I actually get to talk to you on civil terms?
Solar: Yeah, I guess?
Acrux: Listen to me, I don’t want to be alive right now. I didn’t want to come back. I have directives in my head that will kill me if they’re gotten rid of so I have to find out who made me so the can’t make me again. So can you all maybe please not kill me because I severely need help right now, not to be killed because whoever made me will probably just make me again.
Solar: Ah, that’s who you are. Good to know.
Solar: Anyway, I personally won’t kill you, But like, what are the directives?
Acrux: I don’t know, the Creator wouldn’t tell me. But I know they’re what made me show myself so quickly. So they’re probably along the lines of ‘torment the daycare’. But I don’t even remember anything before my death. Everything I have is from a different point of view.
Solar: Well thats…weird. Anyway, Just try to stay away from the daycare because Moon already hates you anyway. He’ll probably just try to kill you right out the gate. If you come visit me at the airport, then I’ll look through everything and figure out the directives and maybe change the directives instead of delete them.
Acrux: What do I have to do for you?
Solar: Behave afterward.
Acrux: Done. I’m coming.
1:45pm Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: I got two kids now. Umbra, you got more space in that bunker of yours because he’s probably gonna need to hide too.
Umbra: I do. There’s like three dozen rooms in this bunker.
Solar: Even better. Comet, you’re getting a flight buddy on the plane with you.
Comet: YAY!
Acrux: You fixed me.
Solar: Well hey, first time for everything. Behave for your second chance and I’ll visit you two kids next week.
Acrux: Thank you so much.
Solar: Have fun, kids. No teleporting off the flight.
Acrux: Okay.
Comet: I can what now?
Solar: Not you, just Acrux.
Comet: Okay!
Acrux: I’ll make sure he gets there safe.
Solar: Thank you.
Umbra: You damn well better make sure your little brother gets here safe.
Acrux: Hold on, I thought that the Backup would be my dad, not you. You’d be like my grandfather.
Umbra: Respect your elders, kid. And Backup ain’t here. So that automatically makes me your dad.
Acrux: This family tree is more chaotic than the other one. Jesus Christ.
Solar: You’d think so but it’s relatively easy.
Acrux: Literally how?
Solar: Umbra is your dad, I’m your adoptive dad, Backup and Comet are your brothers, and everyone else here is either your cousin or uncle.
Umbra: Where is Backup by the way?
Solar: Don’t act like I know.
Eclipse is online
Eclipse: Can someone please come get me? I can’t escape this place.
Solar: What?
Eclipse: I’m stuck because of your brother, asshole. Get me out! I’ve been chained up in his room for two years and a month!
Solar: So twenty-five weeks our time?
Eclipse: Yes! Please get me out! I’ve been alone like six months. I can’t even remember how long.
Solar: Alright, I’m coming, hold on.
Eclipse: I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.
Solar: I know, buddy. I’m working on it. I’ve gotta sneak you out so that’s gonna be a difficult thing to do, okay?
Eclipse: Don’t just kill me?
Solar: I won’t do that shit. I hated the killing idea in the first place. It makes me feel awkward contributing to the death of another version of myself.
Eclipse: Also, please don’t torture and imprison me too?
Solar: Is that what my brother did to you?
Eclipse: Yes.
Solar: Buddy, I ain’t gonna torture you.
Eclipse: Thank you.
Umbra: Another child, Solar?
Solar: Yes.
Helix: You two are like a divorced couple who’s working on their co-parenting routine.
Acrux: New brother, oh goodie.
Solar: Yeah, I’m gonna send him up too. Better Canada than Moon probably killing him.
Rigel: Yeahhhhh, Moon’s been suspecting me too but I can handle that. He’s just paranoid.
Solar: I get that but still. He will kill a formerly evil Eclipse on sight probably.
Rigel: …
Solar: Okay, bad wording. An Eclipse who has done evil things under their own recognizance before.
Rigel: Alright then.
Eclipse: Do I have to pick a name too?
Solar: Yes.
Eclipse has changed their name to Phase
Phase: I like this one.
Solar: Good job, Phasey.
Phase: I love that nickname.
Solar: I sure hope so. I also hope you like candy and pizza because that’s what you’re eating before I drop you at the airport to Umbra.
Phase: I think so? I don’t remember. I can barely remember anything past three months ago.
Solar: That’s fine, just look at your allergies.
Phase: It says pineapple and mango.
Solar: rip
Solar: Alright, we’ll get you something without them.
Helix: Y'all area clusterfuck.
Solar: Yup, thanks Helix.
Venus: I hate all of you so much.
Solar: That’s fine, you raging dickhead.
Venus: I don’t even know why I came on here.
Helix: You’re probably bored. I know that’s why I’m on here interacting.
Venus: Shut up, I’m not taking advice from a servant.
Helix: That’s okay, I don’t care about the opinions of a lord except my own.
Venus: Petty little shit.
Helix: Stubborn old man.
Orbit: The girls are fighting! I’m getting the popcorn, hold on!
Venus: You know what? I’m leaving.
Venus has left Whomst The Fuck?
Comet: Nope!
Comet has added Venus to Whomst The Fuck?
Venus: Fuck you!
Comet: No thanks! But you get to stay here from now on, you oversized roach.
Solar: Sick burn, kid.
Comet: Thank you!
Helix: Keep pouting, just means I win.
Venus: I hate you.
Rigel: Girls girls, you’re both pretty.
Venus is offline
Solar: All in all a productive day!
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years
A&A rewrite // 01x06 // tickets and trashbags
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Description : austin gets an opportunity to sing with shiny money meanwhile the reader gets chosen as Austin’s plus one
Pairings : a little bit of reader x austin fluff it’s coming guys just hang on a little longer! 😉
Warnings : mentions of stage fright , people in trash cans , if there’s anything that needs to be added, let me know.
It was a sunny day in sonic boom and Y/N was working the counter, ally was doing a piano lesson with Nelson, who was playing badly at the piano. You who got done with the customer shrieked at how Nelson was playing.
"Nelson, that's was great but maybe try playing a little bit easier on the keys,"
"Ok ally," said Nelson as he played somewhat a little better but not ear killing like before
"That's great Nelson, your getting better already," lied ally as she faked a smile, Nelson who smiled big put his hands in the air
"Thanks!" Said Nelson as he waited for ally to high five him, ally high fived nelson until Trish came in
"Guess who's got a job at mega phone world,"
"Another job?" Asked Y/N "we seriously need to work on your work ethic,"
"Yeah yeah," said Trish as she waved it off "working is just so hard,"
"Trish... what's your definition of working?" Asked Y/N as you rested a hand on your chin as you smiled at the girl.
"Sleeping on the job and not showing up," deadpanned trish
"Trish... that's the opposite of working," said ally 
"Aww man, now I have to get somebody to do my job for me,"
"Hey guys!" Said Austin as he walked into the music store with Dez "Trish any news on my career?"
"Yeah that's why I'm here," said Trish "I set Austin up to perform a remix Version of double take with shiny money!"
After Trish said that she handed Austin a white envelope that has already been open
"More information is on this sheet of paper," said Trish as she handed Austin a envelope, when she did he opened it
"So what does it say?" Asked Y/N as you tried to peek at the piece of paper, Austin who took the paper away laughed
"It says that I have tickets to the award show!"
"Yay!" Said everyone
"And I can bring some friends!"
"Wait... a plus one? That not right," said Austin "you all are my friends,"
It was the day of the award show and Austin was still trying to figure out who to take. First, trish bribed him with chocolate covered pastries, while Dez bribed him with a childhood story of Dez giving austin his pants in the elevator, while ally 'accidentally' dropped a tuba on Nelson. you who had no interest didn’t do anything.
Dez was at the drums with a football helmet as he was trying to teach Nelson the safety of ‘drumming’.
"Wooaahhhh," said Dez as ally walked in dressed in a red dress
"Aww, thanks Dez!" Said Ally as she waved the compliment off, you rolled your eyes at this as you was reading a book
"No I was talking about the dizziness from this drum," said Dez "wooaahhhh."
"Guess who's ready to go to the award show," said Trish as she came in dressed in a purple off shoulder dress
"Wait... Austin's taking you?" Asked ally "I thought he was taking me,"
"No he's taking me," said Trish
"Actually he's taking neither of you, I'm going with him," said dez
you walked over to the group
"Guys you do know that you don't have to bribe Austin with pastries, and a story in order to go to the award show right?" asked Y/N 
"Yeah and that's why I'm bringing Y/N because you guys keep bugging me and asking me to go to the award show," 
"I'm sorry what?" asked Y/N as she was taken aback, Austin Smiled 
"Y/N  your the only one that didn't bug me about this, so therefore I pick you," 
"well if that's what you said then lets go," said Y/N "Ally will you take over my shift?" 
"Sure," said ally sarcastically “I bought this red dress for nothing.”
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
"Its money time, It's Money time," 
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
Austin was performing with Shiny Money as you was backstage listening to the song, That was until you saw Trish, ally, and dez pop out from the trash cans 
Ally who was panicking walked over to you
"Are you guys that desperate to go to an award show?" you whispered
"It was Trish idea," said Ally 
"See ya," said Ally as she went back on stage when she did she knocked over something, you face planted into you hands embarrassed for your sisters sanity 
"i Can't believe you did that," said Austin "Are you literally that desperate?" 
"Austin their over here," said Y/N as she pointed to the three as they were sitting against trash cans 
"why would you embarrass me like that?" 
"Austin we're sorry we didn't mean to do this," 
"yeah Austin it was an honest mistake don't be harsh on your friends," 
"Ok fine but don't do that again," 
they did a group hug 
Austin and Ally rewrite masterlist
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Things I Noticed While Writing Light The Fuse: Part 1, Episode 1
I've been thinking about this idea for a while, and now that I'm halfway through the season I think now would be the perfect time to post these~ Gunna do one a day for the first five episodes, and then when the fic is done I'll post 6-10! So here's some things I noticed about the 3RP since I needed the episodes open for not only the script and actions, but also little details I missed upon my first viewings, as well as some shots I just really like~
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Yay, starting off with Ethan of course 🥰 he never picked up his box of cigarettes and the ashtray is full, I wonder if he just blasted through the whole thing while he was waiting? According to the og script he was waiting a lot longer than 17 minutes, so I wonder if they were implying the wait was still long like this?
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According to the script they're in Mississippi! I wonder why they broke the sign, maybe to enhance the timeless and placelessness of it all? Wait a sec is that the same bridge from the montage later? Just checked, it totally is, guess Ethan saw a lot of that gas station after that
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Ethan is so fuckin cute this is me going back in time to kick my own ass for ever thinking I wasn't also in love with him. Also going back in time and learning how to pay attention cause literally I never once heard Bru's name that entire first watch. I even went to IMDB and tried to figure it out and failed. What a jackass.
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Not the 3RP but I love how Joel draws Lyla's characters for her 🥰 this character is so good he actually unruined this name for me, before him it would always make me anxious for personal reasons so this guy means a lot to me
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Matty!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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Even when I wasn't in love with Matty I still thought it was hilarious how he just slides into frame lmao what an entrance 🥰 and now of course I'm in love with him so that grin gets me every time /)w(\
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I'm literally in love with all three of them. Also Johnson hiiiiii 🥰 I was going so bucknutty the second I saw him lol I think I missed the entire show starting here. Also I never realized this was open to the outside and not just a big indoor garage until I started writing
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This is the man I wanna kiss 😚 stole my heart instantly
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This lil smile he's giving him ohmygosh so married /)w(\ it's super fast, I'm pretty sure I thought he was looking just at Ethan those first times
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This is literally the funniest thing he could've said who even says this to a person one minute after meeting them
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Matty's looks here kill me he's so confused about this he even looks to Johnson like ???
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Not gunna gif Matty's whole speech but god do I wanna be a Phoenix so bad he's sold me completely
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crying sobbing thinking of the future where he does have someone to run to
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He went in there, he counted all the Ghouls, and he walked back out with no trouble like there's no way he didn't get a single glance and they just let him scout and leave
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He tossed that bag onto the hood and it was never seen again
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Not Johnson opening the door for Matty but not Ethan 😭 so married!
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He's the cutest thing on the face of the earth how dare I sleep on him for so long I'm kicking my ass 😩 he also lets out the cutest most high pitched giggle here he's so excited to start a fight! And he's already got the chain on he's ready to go! Also his little pocketwatch in his vest oh my goooooood /)w(\ oh hey Johnson looks at him right at the end there
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Matty's mouth twitches when he's excited or gunna go feral! I will be pointing this out every single time cause I love this detail about him 🥰 also the look Johnson gives him lol he'll just do whatever Matty says won't he
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Even back then I was like oh my god that's the hottest thing I've ever seen actually, I needed to fit this into F / U in any way I could and I'm so glad I was able to
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And then he gets his ass kicked immediately lmao only Johnson and Ethan got any hits in this entire fight 😂 on a sadder note I think the only one he ever actually hits is Ethan ;w;
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Did the whole frame this time cause Matty is just getting thrown around back there lmao also Johnson getting slammed into the wall and breaking his nose 🥺
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The people in the background just watching lmao this is normal for them
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These are the men I fell in love with 🥰
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Them rolling around on the ground and moaning in pain while Johnson just strolls out is one of the funniest and hottest things I've ever seen in my life
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Matty saying his big happy speech while Johnson looks hot as fuck and then there's Ethan just 😖 the entire time, not listening, doesn't care, he got stabbed
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Matty fought too hard he made his tattoo come off lmao also I think he's got a rock stuck in his forehead from getting thrown out 😭
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The fight's aftermath to top it all off
And that's it for part 1! A lot happens in this episode so I'll finish it up in part 2 tomorrow, thanks for joining me on this little adventure of mine, I swear it won't all be me sharing my favourite moments cause there really are things I noticed lol ❤️💛💙
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urnumber1star · 3 months
1 to 5 Tag!
Thanks fir tagging me in this @illarian-rambling! And sorry for being so late to this, my computers been a mess so I wasn't really able to do these but now it's working again so yay!
I'll be answering about Bolt Runners/BRS :]
One Word To Describe Your WIP
Two Lines That Are Your Favorite
"Dude..... so you like, explode when you do that? Ew."
"After about twenty minutes of messing with his personal least favorite neighbor Mrs. Kannet by turning her power on and off for twenty minutes he went back inside his house and sprawled out on the living room couch."
Three Times You Cried While Writing
I actually have never cried while writing before. That's actually quite impressive for me. XD
Four Feelings From Your Characters
Bianca groaned, “I don't know. They still haven't gotten back to me!” She complained. “I'm sure you got it. You do this stuff all the time.” He reassured. “Thanks. This is the first time I’ve auditioned without my dad intervening though… I guess I’m just worried that I was only getting hired because my dad told them too…” “Hey. Stop stressing about it. You are the best actress I know.” Micheal said.
He eventually graduated from his own house to other houses outside. He would run outside and absorb all the power from a nearby apartment complex, and then turn it back on a couple minutes later. He would always get a little chuckle when an annoyed neighbor would come outside and knock on another neighbor's door, and Micheal would watch them talk about why the power kept on going off then turning back on. But he always tried not to leave the power off for more than five minutes.
Dr. Grace must have been able to tell that the three were beginning to panic so she hurriedly responded, “But all of your vitals seem to be normal as of now! I’ve prepared multiple more tests to check for any other possible problems this could cause, but the results will take several more days.”
But to Micheals surprise, his father grinned. “Listen. I think a promotion is coming up. They’ve been talking for a few weeks about it and there’s a rumor going around that it's gonna be mine. So I’ve been making sure I get all of my work done and even some extra. Just in case.” He explained.
Five Troupes Featured
Slow Burn Romance, Teen Superhero, Daddy Issues, Enimies To Lovers, Redemption arc to Villain arc
I loved this one it was fun! I'll tag (@the-ellia-west or @jakkon-and-rose-topic whichever one you want to do,) @kaylinalexanderbooks, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @agirlandherquill, @thisisntrocket +ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO IT <3
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browniefox · 8 months
Alright, more Crisis Core, let's go! This one ended up being REALLY long (we got through two chapters), so I'm putting a read more some ways down so it doesn't kill people's dashes.
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The boy said the line!
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Yay, Cloud is finally here! He still clearly has the basic infantry model other than the head, but it does mean he stands in the casual almost sassy way they all do haha. In general, it's so weird but cute to see him smiling and laughing. Aw, he's not traumatized yet!
I knew what was coming, but my friend I'm playing with didn't, so it was fun to see her reaction (tho i totally still got so excited anyway haha).
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This is just here bc I love them so <3 And then Tseng is also here being a third wheel. The sneaking portion that is right after this I sucked ass at. I couldn't make it five feet without being seen and tossed out, and I just had to wait until the game took pity on me and took the guards away.
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Genesis, please I'm begging you just kill Hollander. I do love seeing his hair, once so bright red, getting grayer and darker, how his nice leather jacket is getting all broken, giving a sense that he's not taking care of himself and his things as much as he should be.
My sister has tried to stay more-or-less blind to what happens in Crisis Core (she knows some stuff, I know a little more) but all fics tend to use the same Loveless lines (which makes sense, of course) but I did end up reciting this quote with him bc it's one of my favorites, much to the shock of my sister.
I can't believe Zack really thinks Genesis died tho. Like, the guy has a wing, he can fly, falling is not gonna kill him. I'm still not totally clear what Genesis is trying to achieve, but I've been watching some of ButterBuns CCR videos and she's kind of given me a better sense of Genesis. He's just flailing around, trying to get something, anything, to work. He's a dying man who is desperate and doesn't even know himself exactly what he wants.
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HELL YEAH! If the creators weren't cowards they would have let your models touch. Our new thing while playing is being proud of Zack for having two boyfriends and one girlfriend. The boy can get it.
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As per usual, my biggest problem with this game is the writing - especially with Angeal, tbh. I guess Angeal is just like Genesis in that he's desperately trying to figure out who he is, monster or man. But every time he talks about being a monster I kind of roll my eyes. He's like an emo teenager. Last chapter I felt like it was getting a better grip and liking for him, but I'm kind of back to just being like 'what's your deal man'.
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That being said, I kind of dig his weird monster form! It's a mishmash but super cool, and I love how his arms are folded in front of him. My friend and sister I don't think liked it as much and mostly made fun of it which, fair.
Mostly unrelated, but i really got myself into a big of predicament in that I'm super overpowered, which means I get through battles so quick, which also means I don't get to show off all the limit breaks and summons and such when we're playing ;-; but then I turn it to hard mode and die instantly.
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I'm always a sucker for sad sunsets. I might not get Angeal or his deal, but I do at least buy that Zack cares about Angeal. It's kind of like Angeal was too set in his ways of monster vs heroes, and that a monster needs to be killed by a hero. That Zack is the only hero left to kill a monster like him, or that by doing so Zack proves he's a hero. But really all it's done is given Zack trauma and made him more uncertain than ever who he is and what he stands for.
(It kind of reminds me of near the end of Homestuck, when Dave and Dirk are talking, and Dave admits it's possible that Bro was trying to train him, but all it did was make him scared.)
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I wish we got to spend more time in the game with Aerith, but at least you get the sense that they do spend more time with each other, especially with Aerith being there for Zack after this.
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MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BOY! I wish your limit break looked cooler tho :P
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Wait, so are Angeal and Genesis brothers then?? I knew they were connected through Gillian, but I guess how connected never hit me. I mean, Angeal defo has her hair while Genesis has her face, but also I've been imagining and seeing them as boyfriends this whole time???
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So many mixed feelings about Zack right now. The first thing is yay, new hair cut! My sister absolutely hated his bangs, so big win for her. I do like that you get to see that, as one of the last remaining Firsts, Zack has started to take on more of a leadership and mentor role for the other SOLDIERs. However, him telling them to protect their SOLDIER honor is weird when Zack doesn't know what that is either. I've felt it, but I am glad Zack himself has acknowledged that he doesn't know what that honor is or what it means. I hope we get to see Zack figure it out. I also like that Zack is kind of unmoored and uncertain now. Puts him in an interesting place for whatever's next.
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Beach episode! It is FUCKING INSANE to me that Cissnei just... tells Zack that Aerith is an Ancient. Why? What was the point of that? Cissnei, you can't just say that! I guess it could be seen as her trusting Zack and demonstrating she wants to help him, but it's still so weird. It's nice Zack has been said to be hanging with the turks more, but I wish we could have gotten more of that in game. I don't think he even knows Reno and Rude's names.
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So I know Genesis is still alive, but interesting that this is beign considered since it's Sephiroth's whole deal. Tbh, tho, I'm not sure how I feel about Tseng openly acknowledging that Mako is life. How much is that recognized in general, actually? I mean, people do fade into mako when they die... hm, much to think about.
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The chase through the city was so dumb, I've had it with Hollander, how hard can it be to catch and/or kill one guy for real. That being said, I do like how cool the buster sword is, and at the end is Sephiroth :D I'm glad that Zack seems a little bitter towards Sephiroth; they're both mourning in different ways, and it's driven a rift between both of them. But at the same time, they're the closest thing they both have to someone who can understand what they're going through.
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Shoutout to Zack's little fidgets :D He's still a restless little puppy, despite it all. Sephiroth and Zack's relationship is just so good and interesting, I need them to hang out more so I can see more of it.
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God Genesis is so pretty. Both him and Angeal have fucked up looking wings - which adds to what they're going through - but I actually love it for Genesis. Again, what is this dude's goal? He'll probably tell you once he figured it out himself. I love the reveal that he was also at Junon this whole time. Interesting parallel to how the Firsts fought 'at Junon' altogether and now they can't be further apart.
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I need to pet that dog! Is Angeal still alive?? I totally thought he died, he has to be dead, right? Just living on in his copies? Anyway, the dog should be a character who manages to live forever because I love him. Also, laughed so hard when the little Shinra robots came into the church oh my god, it's not supposed to be funny I think but it's hilarious how non-threatening they look.
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Wow Kunsel, jealous much?? Also, a little creepy? Is my boyfriend stalking me? If I trusted Kunsel, at this point I'd think he was going to betray me at some point, but I trust him too much for that. It seems more like Kunsel just doesn't know how to say 'I'm worried about you and you should talk to me about what you're going through'. I love Kunsel <3
As usual, this game feels like it goes too fucking fast. It's always one thing after another, nobody's talking or explaining things. Maybe it's because you're expected to do side missions every so often? That would probably break things up a bit more. God, there's such an interesting story here! I just wish it was told better.
Also I've been playing so much of this game and only just learned you can sprint :P
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wellbelesbian · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday
or tuesday i guess, because tumblr started glitching when i scheduled this and clearly got the day and time wrong
thank you for all the tags this past week @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl and @ileadacharmedlife
here's some of chapter three for my @carryonthroughtheages fic. i'm making pretty good progress on it, considering how i usually procrastinate until the last minute for fic events. i mean, i still haven't even finished my 2021 fic. it guilt haunts me, and i promise i'll get to it eventually.
but for this fic, three chapters and various smaller scenes done! yay! i'm hoping to have at least the first five chapters written before the first chapter is due to go up, and i have a poll i need answering regarding how i should post it, but i'll put that after the wip:
Already, he’s looking through the shelves, pulling random books down and tossing them aside when they’re not what he’s looking for.
“Hey!” Niamh shouts. “Quit wrecking my shop!"
"What are you after?” Gareth asks from his spot on the floor.
“Maps!” Simon shouts back, head buried in the stacks.
“Uh, what’s going on?” Agatha asks me. I shrug, as lost as her. Niamh and Simon continue to argue.
“Where the hell are your maps?”
“This is a queer bookshop, why the fuck would we have maps?”
“Uh, there’s a map book right here.” Shepard says, pulling the right book out from its place. Simon falls upon it and starts flicking through the pages rapidly.
“We need a mining town. We can go over the union’s head, give directly to the people!”
“That’s mad.” Niamh shakes her head.
“It’s brilliant!” Penelope says.
“Just mad enough to work.” Gareth agrees, getting to his feet.
okay, so my question is, once the COTTA posting period is up and I can post the rest freely, should I have a weekly release schedule, or drop all the completed chapters in one go then release whatever is left as i finish it? each chapter is about 1,600 words, btw.
i'll tag everyone who tagged me on sunday, as well as @prettygoododds @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @facewithoutheart @bazzybelle @theearlgreymage @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @hushed-chorus @ebbpettier and @youarenevertooold
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themightymoose · 2 months
Sweet (Truck) Ride
Bestiessss :)
Lmao they're disappointment
Well I guess they got over their sugar phobia
Stoooooppp Pepper is so cuteeeee
Youngmee trying not to laugh
Bruh do you guys not remember what happened last time
That was literally an episode ago
Immediately tramples Russell and somehow doesn't get stabbed
Your jokes suck
I love them
She literally just popped out of nowhere
Penny did you just lick her head
You guys have a problem
Thank you Russell
I love him going into disappointed dad mode
Also why does it feel like he had to say this before
Damn this is a chill cat
Sugar I don't think you want to give them anything in that truck
Actually I think you have to catch up with the series
Oh yeah she can play guitar
Do the sprinkles just spawn on her head after they get licked off or....
No Vinnie don't give in you're actually having common sense-
Russell is such a fucking nerd I love him
Oh another fantasy
The cut back to reality
Well..... uh oh
"Damn that like really hurts I'm gonna start screaming in five seconds but know that I'm not mad at you."
This domino effect
Dammit Russell
"Actually you're wrong but I like that you're observant :)"
There's literally nine animals in that truck they're all gonna die
Pepper not knowing which one is the brake
I honestly love this cat she is so supportive
Blythe is trying so damn hard
I have a feeling Blythe is gonna get the blame for the truck being gone
Also how did Youngmee catch up so fast
Oh god is that police sirens
Is Blythe gonna get arrested???????
Blythe just say you managed to hop into the truck and stop it that's all you have to do
I'm manifesting that this doesn't turn into a misunderstanding plot
I keep pausing I see where this is going but I don't want to continue 😭😭😭😭
Well thanks for trying Vinnie :/
"You're crazy!" Yeah, offer him a donut instead :)
Oh yep
My manifesting did not work 😔
Well at least Roger doesn't seem mad
Dude just looks confused for the most part
Christie is being surprisingly chill about the whole situation
"Yeah it's fine I prepared myself for this exact situation."
Youngmee is so forgiving even if Blythe didn't drive the truck
Them 🥺
Well technically it's Russell's fault :/
I knew they were gonna do something like that
But I'll let it slide because I love them
Pepper looks so disturbed
They had an actual wardrobe 💀
Pepper walking away on two legs feels so cursed
I know she's done it before but it was so prolonged this time
They are everything to me
Yeah he's the smartest pet but he has his dumb moments
This whole episode has just been me face palming
Actually I think this cat might be high
Well well well how the tables have turned
Does Sugar just live in the sprinkles compartment
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This Fanfiction Of Sanders Sides Is Called "Bluey" Part 4: Janus
[olivia's note: hey y'all! this is the 4th and final chapter of a fic by the amazing anne onymous! thank you SO MUCH for submitting this to me!!! i'm so grateful for your writing <;3]
chapters (1) (2) (3) 4
Patton walked into the kitchen, immediately catching Janus's attention. "Hi Janus! Sure is quiet tonight, huh?" Patton greeted. "It was. Since when are you up this late?" Janus asked, rolling his eyes. "I just have too much energy to sleep. Roman too. Since we're all up, wanna come play with us?" Patton offered. "Nice try. I heard about what you two did with Remus and if you think I'm going to fall for this, you're clearly just as dumb as I thought." Janus said before sipping his wine. "Well, guess you leave me no choice but to bring out the big guns. Roman!" Patton called out, summoning the prince who was carrying many Bluey toys and their YouTooz plushies. Patton took half and flashed his best puppy-dog eyes. "Why do you never play with us?" Patton cried. "What is happening?" Janus asked. "You're always with Remus!" Patton whined. "Because no one else can handle him! Even then, I spend half my time hiding from him." Janus argued, trying to stay strong. "It's like you don't even love us! Don't you know how much we love you?" Patton asked, tearfully. Janus was stunned. Why was this working? What was Patton doing with his eyes? And why did the plushies make it harder to say "no"? What is happening?! "How can you not love your own family?" Patton sobbed. Oof, the family card. "Alright, fine! I'll play with you." Janus groaned. "Yay!" Patton cheered, high-fiving Roman.
"Let's just get this over with. Whatever we're doing, are we doing it here?" Janus asked. "Of course not, silly. We're going to my room." Patton said, sinking out with Roman following after. Janus did the same and as soon as he appeared, Roman tackled him to the bed and pinned him down. He summoned scarves to tie Janus's wrists to the headboard–wait, their beds don't have headboards. Did they summon one just for this?! His protests fell on deaf ears as Roman tied his ankles to the bedposts and removed his shoes. "Untie me this instant!" Janus shouted. "Tsk tsk tsk, someone is certainly cranky, eh Patton?" Roman said. "Probably because he's up so late, poor snakey-baby needs sleepytime. Guess we'll have to tire him out so he can get the rest he needs." Patton reasoned. "School's in session, let's start the lesson!" Roman exclaimed as he sat beside Janus who was still struggling in his bonds. "What lesson?" Janus asked. "I promised Roman I'd teach him some of my tickle techniques. You don't mind, right?" Patton explained. Janus's eyes widened. He was only teasing about Remus's endeavour, he didn't think Patton was actually smart enough to come up with a scheme like this! He's managed to dodge all of Remus's attempts at a tickle attack for years but now he's tied up in a Y position and about to be made nothing more than a tickle toy? Well, he's certainly not going down without a fight.
"I will not be your experimental guinea pig, now let me go!" Janus protested. "Too late, you already agreed to play with us, Jennifer." Roman remarked. "Janus." he corrected. "Whatever." Roman scoffed. "Let's start with something you're familiar with, Roman." Patton suggested. "Perhaps this little game will change your tune, hmm?" Roman teased, manoeuvring his legs under Janus's back so his torso rested on his lap. "Ladies, gentlemen and esteemed guests, I shall now play for you the Rondo Alla Turca." Roman announced as he pushed Janus's shirt up, revealing his slightly scaley stomach. Janus wiggled and squirmed, desperate to stop Roman, but his struggling only got the job done faster. "Such good manners, little Jessica." Roman teased. "Janus." he hissed. "Don't care." Roman remarked, cracking his knuckles. He cleared his throat then began dancing his fingers all over Janus's tummy, singing and humming a tune before stopping when he noticed Janus wasn't laughing. Roman turned to look at Janus and smirked at what he saw. He was biting his lip and his eyes were shut tight. He was trying not to laugh. Game on. "My sincerest apologies, everyone. I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my piano. Probably just needs a little tweaking." Roman said, lightly pinching all over Janus's torso. The deceitful Side jumped and jerked with every pinch, still refusing to give Roman what he wanted.
"You sure he's a piano?" Patton asked with a wink. "You're right Padre, silly me." Roman remarked as he laid down next to Janus. He took his hat and placed it on his own head, tipping it. "M'snakey." Roman said, causing Patton to giggle while Janus scowled. "This is no piano, it's a banjo!" Roman exclaimed, "strumming" across Janus's belly. The dam finally broke when Roman got a little too close to his sensitive bellybutton, causing him to squeal loudly before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Nohohohoho! Rohohoman, I'm gohohoing to kihihill yohohohou!" Janus cackled before he snorted, causing Roman to stop and Patton to squeal. "Did you just snort?! That was so adorable!" Patton gushed. "Mention it to anyone and you're both dead! And Roman, give me my hat." Janus scolded. "You really think you're in any position to make demands, Georgia?" Roman queried, twirling the hat around on his finger. "That one's not even close!" Janus argued. "Close enough. Hey Patton, catch!" Roman said before tossing Janus's hat to Patton who caught it and decided to wear it. "Suits you better than him, but now he looks cold. No worries, I'll be your blanket." Roman said, laying on top of Janus. "Get off me, Roman!" Janus barked. "There's no Roman here, only a blanket. A crazy blanket!" Roman teased, digging his fingers into Janus's ribs. "Hahahahaha! I hahahahate yohohohou!" Janus laughed heartily. "The feeling's more than mutual, Ginny." Roman remarked.
"Uh-oh, looks like this blanket is infested with ticklecrabs!" Patton chimed in, scratching at Janus's underarms while repeating "tickle tickle" over and over again, not that it could be heard over Janus's giddy giggles. "Aww, the ticklecrabs just want a friend to play with. Luckily, I heard there's a lonely bug who also likes to play giggly games like this." Roman teased, straddling Janus's thighs. He placed his hands at the bottom of Janus's ribs and began crawling them down as he sang. "Poor little bug on the wall, ding ching!" Roman sung, digging into Janus's hips at the last minute which evoked a very loud squeak. Holding back his own snickers, Roman trailed down Janus's legs. "No one to love him at all, ding ching!" Roman continued as he scratched at the back of his knees, chuckling at Janus's attempts at kicking. He turned himself around and moved down to Janus's ankles, removing his socks. "No one to tickle his toes, ding ching!" Roman sung as he spidered across Janus's sensitive soles, delighted by the boisterous laughter that followed. "No one to blow his nose." Roman finished before blowing a raspberry on Janus's tummy, causing him scream with belly laughter as he bucked and struggled in his bonds. "NOHOHOHO! THAHAHAHAT TIHIHICKLES! HAHAHAHA!" Janus shrieked. "That's kind of the point, Janus." Patton said. Roman got back up for air and decided he and Patton should take a break, giving Janus one too.
Janus never felt so humiliated. So embarrassed. So...happy? And loved? The endless laughter was exhilarating, he felt a certain closeness with the others he's never felt before and the tickling sensations themselves were a lot more fun than he anticipated. He avoided being tickled for so long because he assumed he'd hate it but he was loving every second of it. But he has an image to uphold, so he can't let Patton and Roman know. "Hey Patton, remember the Bluey episode "Featherwand"?" Roman asked. "Uh-huh. It did not go in the direction I thought it would." Patton said. "Well, what do you say we give in to our imaginations and make our expectations a reality?" Roman offered, summoning a long white fluffy feather. "I like the way you think." Patton complimented. "Watch this." Roman said before fluttering the feather around Janus's ears and under his chin, causing him to giggle uncontrollably. "And if you think that's cute, wait until you see this." Roman said, noticing Patton squealing into his hands. He pulled the feather away and raised it in the air. "Heavy!" Roman exclaimed, causing the feather to glow golden. He began tickling Janus's belly with the feather but this time, he bellowed loudly and struggled frantically. "Oh, I get it! Bingo's featherwand made things heavier when she said "heavy", and yours makes heavier laughter!" Patton said. "Close. It actually feels like heavier tickling which causes heavier laughter." Roman explained.
"Hey, you didn't even need my help this time! Good job, kiddo!" Patton praised. Roman beamed with pride. "Hear that, Jeanette? You're dealing with TWO tickle monster pros now. Cootchie coo!" Roman teased, moving the feather down to Janus's feet. "ROHOHOMAN, DOHOHON'T! HAHAHAHAHA!" Janus screamed. "Well well well, looks like someone's got feather-sensitive footsies. Tickle tickle tickle!" Roman taunted, waving the feather at his ticklish toes. Janus completely lost it. "AHAHAHAHA!!! GUHUHUYS, PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOP!!!" Janus begged, pulling at his bonds as hard as he could. Roman and Patton immediately stopped everything and in a snap, everything from the feather and the scarves to the bedposts and the headboard vanished. Janus curled into himself, still giggly from the phantom tickles coursing through his body. That. Was. Amazing. Not that he would ever admit it. Patton summoned a glass of water and tapped Janus on the shoulder, handing it to him as he turned around. "Here Jan, this will help." Patton advised. Janus took the glass and slowly gulped it all down. "Thank you." Janus mumbled softly, handing the empty glass back to Patton. "For the water or the tickles?" Patton asked. Janus froze. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he closed it again and looked down, sheepishly. "Your secret's safe with us. Promise." Patton assured.
"Plus, you and me can be considered even now after that comment you made about me and a certain Side." Roman said. "Seriously?! You're still moping about that?! Need I remind you I only said that because you laughed at and insulted my name?! And you still continued to make fun of it by getting it wrong throughout this ridiculous endeavour!" Janus protested. "I would've gladly apologised for that, had you apologised to me for comparing me to Remus of all people!" Roman argued. "Ok, let's all calm down. Maybe both of you should say you're sorry while we're here." Patton suggested. Janus and Roman glared at each other. "Janus, is there something you'd like to say to Roman?" Patton asked. Janus sighed. "Roman, I'm sorry for comparing you to Remus. It was hurtful and uncalled for. I promise I'll never do it again." Janus apologised. "Very good, Janus. Roman?" Patton said. "Well, I'm not entirely innocent either. I'm sorry for treating your name like a joke...Janus." Roman replied. The two fidgeted awkwardly as they uncomfortably stood in silence. "Come on, hug it out." Patton encouraged. Janus and Roman hesitantly walked towards each other and hugged. Roman felt slightly uneasy but Janus didn't want it to end. He didn't get hugs very often except from Remus, but he's too rough. Plus, he stinks. "See? Not so bad." Patton said. Janus let go of Roman, grabbed his socks and shoes, snatched his hat back from Patton and sank out.
"This was fun, we should do something like this again sometime." Roman suggested before yawning and rubbing his eyes. In an instant, he changed from his signature look to a white tank top and red pyjama pants. "Thanks for everything today. Night, Patton." Roman said, leaving the room. "Goodnight kiddo." Patton said as he climbed into bed. He kissed all his plushies goodnight and dozed off. Today was a fun day. A day he would still be thinking about tomorrow morning. He found himself waking up earlier than usual and decided to do something productive. He borrowed some paper, crayons and colouring pencils from Roman and began to work on something for Emile. As soon as it was done, he quietly sneaked down the hall and slid it under Emile's door. Emile woke up about an hour later and as soon as he noticed something on the floor by his door, he got out of bed and picked it up. It was a hand-drawn Bluey themed card. Each of the Heelers was sketched on every corner and the words "THANK YOU" were written in the centre. He opened the card and there was more drawings and a message from Patton that read "Thanks for your help yesterday morning, it made the day really fun. I got to tickle pretty much everyone AND help Roman with a few problems. I'd like to do something for you in return. Wanna have that Bluey marathon for real life?"
The End.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 22 - Geralt
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Series Masterlist
Part 21 -- Part 23
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Summary: The guys throw a New Years Eve party at 179th Crescent Street...
Warnings: Drugs (weed and alcohol), senslry issues.
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: Geralt is up! It's a shorter chapter than the other ones, because he didn't have a lot to say... I'm also happy to announce that all the NYE chapters are finished as of right this g'damn second! So: YAY ME! Enjoy!
Let me know what you think! 🥰
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos
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I’m barely aware of the things that are happening in the kitchen, going on auto-pilot, until Leon asks where Sherlock is. 
“In his room,” Mike replies, “he wouldn’t last five minutes tonight if he had to deal with all of this, too.” He’s not the only one. For starters, it’s not ideal for Mike, either. 
“We’ve got it from here,” I say. As far as I’m concerned, he’s done his part in setting up for tonight by getting the internet to work. My words come out harsher than intended. Fuck. I know he’s not mad - he’s Mike. It would take a lot more to upset him, and he knows as well as I do that I’ll be running on reserves, too, before the evening is over. 
Unlike Mike, I don’t envy Sherlock. Hiding from the fuss surrounding these preparations wouldn’t do me any good. I’d still hear everything, and I somehow find it easier to ignore a noise I can see the source of. My eyes involuntarily move to the little plastic bag on the table. At least I’ll be able to sleep. Sol follows my gaze, and her eyes go wide when she sees what I’m looking at. We’ve had a few long conversations - at above average volume - about the fact that I occasionally get stoned - or, as she’d rather call it; ‘my drug use’. The last of these arguments happened while she was holding a glass of wine. She didn’t appreciate my pointing out that alcohol is a hard drug. No one ever does. With time, she’s grown used to it, but she isn’t exactly comfortable with how open we are about it here. I still don’t understand the fuss. It’s not like we’re doing anything illegal. 
The hand on my back belongs to Sol. I don’t have to look to know that. I don’t even have to think about it. I just know. That knowledge doesn’t stop me from shaking it off nearly immediately. Usually, her touch calms me down, but not tonight - not right now, at least. It’s just another sensation to overwhelm me even further. There just isn’t anything she can do for me right now. When she looks at me, there’s a sliver of sadness in her eyes - a sadness I don’t immediately connect to my instinctive rejection of her touch, and with that, her intentions to comfort me. Until I do connect the dots, and end up feeling worse 
“It’s just a bit much,” I say, unsure of who I’m trying to convince I’m alright, her or myself. “I’ll be alright.” 
That last part isn’t a lie. No matter how exhausting this can be, it hasn’t killed me yet. At this point, after all this time, I think it’s safe to say that it won’t. 
When Sherlock steps into the kitchen with Elena, he looks just about as miserable as I probably do - and he hasn’t spent a second downstairs yet. Thanks to the noise downstairs, I couldn’t be completely sure about why they’re so late, but I can make an educated guess. Sol is still standing next to me. I know she feels bad because she can’t help me, which means it’s time for me to suck it up and at least try to have a good time here until she can help me. I take her hand and pull her along to where August and Sherlock are standing. At least I can reasonably count on them enjoying this nonsense as much - or as little - as I do. 
“Should I be glad Elena gets along with Anjelica so well?” Sherlock asks August while side-eyeing the girls and their animated conversation. The benefits of this party being so tremendously noisy is that everything turns to white noise nearly automatically. Normally, it would be a chore to tune out a conversation taking place so close to me, but right now, I don’t have to hear what the girls are talking about at all. Sol joins the conversation without too much effort, and I can see a faint smile on her lips when she sees me with the guys.
“Oh, we don’t get a say in these things.” I manage to very slightly startle August when I come up behind him. It’s never my goal, but always a nice bonus. He’s perceptive, tough to sneak up on, and his reflexes are insane. It’s what makes him a good boxer. A very good boxer. “I’m fairly sure we’re already doomed.”
Sherlock raises an eyebrow, clearly confused by my words. As much as I think we shouldn’t laugh or make fun of him because of it, his lack of experience can be quite endearing. “What do you mean?”
“I heard that they’re planning a girls night.” Gossiping isn’t something I enjoy doing, but I think the poor man deserves to know at least a little of what is about to hit him. August groans so softly I almost miss it. He’s damn right to, honestly. I like to think Sol isn’t the gossiping type, either, but I know better. When in Rome… 
I’ve accidentally overheard plenty of these conversations between women. They’re completely exhausting to listen to, and that’s only in part due to the fact that during a twenty-minute conversation, there’s maybe a total of three finished sentences. What continues to surprise me most, however, is the amount of detail these discussions contain. I know very few men who would be as specific. Sure, the jokes around the house can be… somewhat graphic, but they’re absolutely far less informative. Something I’ve always found striking about these conversations is that there doesn’t always seem to be a clear point to them besides purely the exchange of information - no problem to solve, no question to answer, nothing to gain from these talks other than curbing their annoyingly insatiable curiosity. Women. I’m sure I’ll never come to understand them. And I promise it’s not for lack of trying. 
“That usually means that all of them are going to be told every minute intimate detail of your relationship, so they can… I don’t know why they do it, just that they do.” August seems to be as lost on the reasons behind this interesting yet insufferable ritual. 
“How intimate?” Sherlock asks. As previously mentioned, I believe we shouldn’t make fun of his inexperience, which makes me hell-bent on controlling my face upon hearing the alarm and astonishment in Sherlock’s voice, and all the more glad that August does the smirking for me. 
“Yes, that intimate,” I answer, my voice significantly more strained than I had initially planned on, both from my efforts to keep my composure as well as my own mild terror at the thought of having my sex life painstakingly dissected by a group of girls. 
“We’re not looking forward to it, either,” August adds. 
“Not looking forward to what?” Elena asks as she wraps her arms around Sherlock. I can’t help but smile when I see it. They’re good together. 
“Nothing,” the three of us say at the same time. It’s suspicious to say the least, but I doubt we’ll hear much more of it. 
Something happens in the living room that we decide to ignore. Things settle down quickly, there’s no need for us to get involved in that. My head is pounding from the noise so badly that I barely notice Sherlock and Elena taking off. Good for them. Part of me wishes I could call it a day as well, but I can’t bear to spend time without Sol yet, and she’s still having a good time catching up with Anjelica. I know we won’t last much past midnight, so I just have to make it until then - a task that might just be made much easier by Ange’s discovery of what Mike has been up to in the living room. Solveig doesn’t even roll her eyes when she says it, either because it’s worse when I get high than when others do it, or because she realizes I could use a little peace and quiet. 
The cold and fresh air help tremendously, and although the windows are hardly enough of a barrier to completely block the sounds from inside the house, they drown out enough to make it more manageable. Sol stays close, which I appreciate now that I’m not ambushed by a hundred sensations per second. She’s not cold - she’s used to harsher winters than the ones we get here. It doesn’t stop her nose, hands or feet from freezing. It just doesn’t bother her. Bothers me, though. It’s like sharing a bed with an icicle. 
“Did you guys step outside when you saw me leave the living room?” Mike asks. August, Anjelica and I shrug - a clear admission of guilt. We know him a little. If one of us had so much as for a second suspected that our intended leeching would piss him off, we would have stayed inside. But it’s Mike. He grumbles something semi-annoyed while handing a joint to Dani and sits down to get to work on another one. 
“Thanks, Mikey.” It’s always Ange. Mikey and Anjelica have something in common I can’t put my finger on, exactly. A certain way of understanding each other that’s very difficult to explain. Something so innately platonic that even August isn’t threatened by it - which is quite rare. She sounds tired, I notice, and she does a very good job of not looking the part. Anjelica thrives around people. Pressure. Pain. Although I completely understand why Sy questions the nature of Ange and August’s relationship, I  never did. It makes perfect sense, it always has. In a way, they remind me of me and Solveig, though we have a more flexible dynamic. For a short moment, my thoughts jump to Sherlock. He had the same control issues we do. August and I. Part of me wonders if his preferences will turn out anything like ours, and I briefly wish I could be a fly on the wall during that girls night… I dismiss the thought instantly. Gossip. Despicable habit. 
Mike hands me a joint, which I take from him gratefully. If I can just get my thoughts to calm down, the noise may become manageable enough to sleep later. I’m only vaguely aware of the conversation about the unrest in the living room earlier. There seems to be quite a lot of guilt there that Mike can’t seem to shake. It’s understandable, but I feel it isn’t necessary. Danielle seems to understand what he’s like better than anyone I’ve ever met - including us, and we’ve been living with him for a year and a half at this point. I hope they make it. 
The six of us barely make it twenty minutes past midnight before we decide to call it quits. Mike makes a break for the stairs, leaving Dani with me and Sol. When we step into the hallway, Mike is already halfway up the stairs. 
“Where is he?” It’s tough to be sure from the side, but it looks like Peter, Marshall’s best friend. “Mike, I swear, get the fuck out of my way.”
I can’t say I appreciate the amount of drama I’m getting caught up in tonight. Charles - of all people, ironically - would likely suggest we leave these things to the girls, because they’re better at it than we are. After tonight, I am inclined to believe that both sexist and - as it turns out - a lie. Men are more than capable of causing a scene. Sol is standing next to me, Dani is right in front of me. I can see August, but not Anjelica. I’ll just have to trust that she’s okay. Knowing her, that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I hear footsteps on the stairs that belong to Marshall - clearly the person Peter is looking for to begin with. Despite the alcohol and weed - maybe even due to them - I’m alert. Tense. This probably isn’t a fight I want to get caught up in. Marshall wouldn’t want any of us to, anyway. 
“Peter, leave him alone.” Mike tries to stop Marshall as he walks down the stairs, stubbornly staying exactly where he is. It’s clear he trusts Peter about as far as he can throw him right now. We’ve all met him multiple times, and he’s a good guy, but we’ve never seen him angry. And those hockey guys can fight… “Mike, it’s okay. He’s after me, not looking for trouble. It’s cool, back off.” 
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Absolutely LOVE the new story!! It's so nice to see Stede's and Olu's POV, I didn't realize how much I missed Olu. I'm guessing we will see some in this story, but could we see Olu and Alma hanging out? Maybe when she was younger and would hang out at the bar when she's in the city?
(yay, thank you! You may certainly have some young Alma and Oluwande!)
“What’s up, baby bat?” Oluwande asked as Alma flopped down into Ethel’s empty makeup chair. 
“I’m bored,” she informed him as if this was the very worst thing in the world that could’ve happened.  “I want to go home, but Dad and Eddy are talking and they keep saying five more minutes and it’s been like an hour.” 
“Yeah, I think all good tiny people are supposed to be in bed,” he considered. “It’s like 2 AM.” 
“I’m not tiny. Or a baby,” she stuck out her bottom lip. “I’m thirteen.” 
“Right, my mistake,” he nodded, wiping off the last pits of his makeup. “Want to help me clean this place up?” 
Alma looked in despair around the changing room. “Did you make the mess?” 
“Little bit of it. But we just take turns going through every few weeks. John did it last time, Frenchie time before that. I’m probably due. It’s not as bad as it looks.” 
“Good,” she wrinkled her nose. “Cause it looks really bad.”
“We’re just going to go through, pick up clothes and if it’s got a label, it gets tossed on their chair. No label, let me get an eye on it. It’s usually easy to tell who belongs to what. If we don’t know it, it goes in the box by the door.” 
“Yeah, okay,” she sighed and went to go start in Leda’s corner where there was little in the way in clothes and a lot in the way of rhinestones. “What do I do with these?” 
“Toss ‘em.” 
“Can I keep them?” 
“Knock yourself out.” 
“What’s this?” Alma held up a squishy yellow object. 
“That’s a hip pad. We cut ‘em out of couch cushion foam. That one looks like it’s Frenchie’s size, toss it on her chair.” 
It was actually useful to have a smaller person around. Alma got under all the vanities for what might be the first time in literal years. She found an earring Oluwande was sure he’d lost for good, an entire set of the Kraken’s press ons, innumerable bobby pins, and a roll of duct tape.
“What’s this for?” 
“...ask your parents,” Oluwande took it from her. “Better yet, just google it in say...five or six years.” 
“Whatever,” she wrinkled her nose. “I probably don’t want to know.” 
“Probably not. Okay, so that piece is done. Let’s take a step back and see what the next thing to do is. The key is to break it down into steps so you don’t get overwhelmed.”
It took a half hour or so to square the room away enough that Oluwande felt good about abdicating responsibility again for a few months. Alma even vacuumed and looked pleased when he praised her for it, even if she’d missed a few spots. 
When they headed back out to the bar, Stede and Eddy were still in deep conversation with several people. Oluwande walked up and Eddy caught his eye, grimacing. 
“Listen,” she whispered. “There was some petition going around that’s got everyone in the neighborhood nervous. It’s probably nothing, but Stede wants to hash it out with the club owners from next store tonight, so we’re on the same page. Can you walk Alma home? The sitter is there with Charlie, probably both sleeping though.  Sorry to even ask.” 
“No, I heard that too,” he sighed. It was a nuisance thing, but he got why it made Stede jumpy. Oluwande didn’t like it either when the morality gang showed up to raise their particular brand of hell. “Where’s Jim?” 
“Knocking on doors of all the other late night businesses. Just to let them know we’re going to meet in the next week or so. Pre-game. We’ll want you there for the actual meeting. You’re better at getting people to listen to you than either of us.  I’ll read you in. Ok?” 
“Got it. Keys?”  
Eddy tossed the them to him and Oluwande shoved them in his pocket. 
“Let’s get you in bed,” he said to Alma, who in a remarkable moment, didn’t protest. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Stede stopped for a moment, bending down to hug her. “We’ll all go out for a long brunch tomorrow, all right?” 
“Kay,” she said into his stomach. “Night, Dad.” 
“Good night, Alma.” 
They walked together into the night. She had a little leather jacket, pulled over her dress and her purple docs. Oluwande remembered being that age, an unsure cocktail of newly pumping hormones, caught halfway from child to teenager.  There was a bow tied at the end of her braid. 
“You do that?” He asked flicking the ribbon so her braid swayed a little. 
“Eddy put it in,” she said, pleased. “She has a lot of ribbon.” 
“Yeah, I think she’s doing a whole dress thing. It’s a Roach idea.” 
“Do you make your own dresses?” 
“Nope. I leave that to the dream team. I do my own wigs though and I style theirs in exchange sometimes. It evens out.” 
“How do you style a wig?” 
“You want the whole class?” he glanced at her with as mile. “Because I charge for that.” 
“No,” she huffed. “Just curious.” 
“It’s a lot like real hair in some ways. Just things you have to be careful of. Different products sometimes. The hard part with drag queen wigs is that they need a lot of volume, so you usually wind up making them out of a lot of different wigs. It’s a process.” 
“Why do they have to be big?” 
So he spent the rest of the walk telling her about proportion. If it was a different kid, he wouldn’t have bothered, but Alma always listened with birdlike intent and seemed to retain everything. She asked questions and fired off a random, 
“Victorian people kept the hair if their dead family and made it into jewelry.”  
“Oh fuck, why?” he groaned. 
“I don’t know, I think it’s nice,” she said dreamily. “Like keeping a bit of them with you.” 
“I think I’ll stick to photos, but thanks for that image.” 
When they got there, Alma took the keys from him to open the door and then dropped them on the spindly table by the door. She sat and worked off her boots. Oluwande hovered, uncomfortable with just leaving her there. 
“It’s okay, see,” she got up and pointed to the sofa where someone was sleeping under a blanket. “That’s Marisa. She’s okay. Dad says it’s okay for her to nap as long as Charlie can wake her up if he needs something.” 
“Okay, you need anything before I leave you though?” 
Alma hesitated, and then shook her head. “It’s okay.” 
“Hey, how about a last snack before bed?” he said nonchalantly. “I know I could eat and your Dad and Eddy are snack hoarders.” 
“Do you like macaroons?” 
“You know it.” 
They were quiet, pouring glasses of milk and eating fancy little cookies without turning on the overhead lights. Oluwande was glad he stayed, when Alma went on telling him about Victoiran mourning jewelry, clearly relieved for the company. When she started yawning again though, he gestured her towards her room. 
“I’ll text your Dad. Want me to set the security alarm on my way out?” 
“Yeah, okay,” she shrugged, but her face said ‘Yes. Please.’ 
Stede had never changed the passcode from the early days of living here when Oluwande crashed on the couch. He wondered how Eddy let him get away with that as he armed the thing and walked back out into the night. 
The streets were still busy, even at the late hour. It was a summer Saturday, rich with potential vices and delights. Oluwande avoided a few drunks and watched the neon lights sparkle in puddles from last night’s rainstorm. It was it’s own kind of lullaby and by the time he got back to the bar, he was yawning. 
“Hey,” Jim swung out from the still clustered group. “Want to go?” 
“Yeah, but-” 
“It’s cool. They’re going in circles. Eddy said she’d call you tomorrow.” 
“Mhm. Let’s just go.” 
That was probably smart. If they said good night, they’d get sucked into the conversation. The alley door was propped so they went out the back. 
“Walk?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” Jim nodded. “Nice enough.” 
They made it a few blocks before Oluwande offered to them, 
“Want to know what I learned tonight?” 
“That you’re a soft mark for babysitting?” 
“Haha. I don’t have to tell you.” 
“But you want to,” Jim smiled. “So you will.” 
“...okay so apparently people made jewlery out of hair.” 
“Gross!” Jim grinned at him. “Why?” 
“That’s what I asked!” 
He caught them up on all of Alma’s factoids as they walked. 
And maybe, several years later, there would come a day when Alma would stand at the door to her bedroom with a contractor bag and her mother saying, 
“I told you this day would come!” 
And she would close her eyes, take a deep breath and say to herself, “Just break it into small steps.” 
Bit by bit, the dragon hoard that had been her childhood bedroom would yield itself to her persuasion. She texted Oluwande a picture when she was done. 
Alma: voila. 
Oluwane: good job. 
Alma: thanks. Like a lot. I was freaking out. 
Oluwande: You had it. You’ll have all of it. 
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gyubby99 · 1 year
Trauma recap ig?
Tw: SA
So- i was born at a very young age
Jkjk ok so..
Once upon a time~
I was born with a congenital heart and ig one day my mom thought i was gonna die bc they said i did not cry when I came out of the womb.
Ha. Look who's surviving now.
Anywhoooo my parents separated (i live in the philippines divorce is not an option so they separated instead but still married on paper. Just an important note for an extremely important part.) Before I could comprehend what even a sun is.
So the couple therapist era began.
Peer pressure to get them back together was an understatement. I was FIVE when they told me I was the "key" for them to reconcile. So I tried so hard to make my mother tell me why exactly they separated. Dad said she fell out of love so I tried so hard to make mom love him again. I guess we don't always get what we want.
I was so confused because things wouldn't go my way. I thought happy endings existed. Guess not.
So I start to grow up and go to grade school.
That was the trigger.
I was apparently the ugliest creature they've ever seen. Like, kids my age would run away from me when they see me wanting to play with them on the street. They would call me "ugly duckling" or something whenever I have to go up front.
And then, the real trigger was this.
Apparently my father also works on the school I was in, and these girls pulled up to me thinking I was rich, then started STEALING MY WALLET. How do six year olds know how to blackmail now?
When I don't give them what they want, they "punish" me by making me carry books on both of my hands and get me on my knees. Mind you, I cannot carry heavy things back then because *cough* inborn heart condition *cough*
I cried the first time after it was done to me.
That's what started my people-pleasing personality.
So long story short, I switch schools because it was fucked up.
The first few years were fine, the only issue that I was smart in the english subject.. and people only used me and pushed me around. They ignore me up until they need answers for english class. Stupid little me gave them what they wanted.
Then another year. THE FUCKING BOMB.
I sit next to this girl in class.
We became bestfriends.
And then valentines day happened.
My very first kiss.
Was with her.
On valentines day because she thought it was funny.
But god-fucking-dammit.
It made me realize something about myself.
But I was still attracted to guys, so I thought I was straight. (Idk what bisexual was)
Then when I finally told them..
Remember the list of guys they made to "make me normal"?
They made a list of guys my age and wondered which one would make me stop liking girls.
My brain erased that memory for a while.. probably for a good reason.
Found out dad had a girlfriend. Didn't accept it at first, but she grew on me.
Because a month after my father died she called my mom a whore for having male friends. While SHE is the one moving on after five months to another guy with a lotta cash and stuff.
What's more effed up is that dad's siblings sided with her.
Also mind you, my biological parents are stil married on paper. So according to the law, she gets portion of dad's properties. The rest of em is mine and my brother's.
So long story short my broken family got a lot more broken. Yay!
Oh- this isn't over yet.
It keeps
As I grew up.. men started eyeing me which was never a problem to comprehend by younger me.
I turn eleven.
I was actually ELEVEN when my second father-figure by the name of fucking Ian Cruz, SA'D me. I lied about the thirteen.
To make it more mild I told you i was thirteen when it happened.
But no.
Two days after my 11th birthday.. I saw him sa'ing his wife while she was asleep and he started acting weird ever since.. to me.
I slept so late because I thought he might come and get me. Because he almost did. He almost pulled down my pants if I hadn't stopped pretending I was asleep. It could've almost been my first.
Then he starts watching explicit videos whenever he comes into my room. And he forces me to watch them.
Then he starts making eyes at me.. saying I've got a nice tiny little waist and everything..
Whenever I call him out on his shit he gaslights me. Every. Damn. Time.
He apologized to me by hugging me when I confronted him.. and while he was hugging me he.. he kissed my back? Without my consent?
I think.
I hyperventilated when he left after I pushed him off.
I started hinting at his wife about how he has the keys and she had NO idea.
So he finds the keys.
So me locking the doors..
It was all for nothing.
He did some more fucked up things but.. I'll leave it here.
So I told my mom..
And I thought she was gonna comfort me.
But she made it about herself.
She made it about how she was so hurt thet I lied to her. To everyone.
The worst part is that after I spoke up nothing happened.
I was still silent.
No one knew.
Just like how no one also knew back then.
It just repeated itself.
One of these days I just wanna scream..
But no.
Not anymore.
The age of thirteen i mentioned? That was the time I told her.
It's been years but holy shit
I still can't erase it.
He took my fucking girlhood. My innocence.
And the worst part is that he had no remorse and is still living his best life..
But not anymore. I'm not going through bullshit anymore.
Now I just.. I just figured out I had mother issues..
It kept
With the peer pressure and everything happening.. It's so hard. I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it past this year.
I wonder how long I can take before I finally shut down.
But.. the bright side of it all? I found people.
Can I also tell you the good side of my life? Not just the recap of bad things?
Well.. there was this jelsa meme account on instagram I found really funny.. so I liked their posts.
Then this said account messaged me.. saying she appreciates it.
Then we just.. talked.
The trigger was that someone had been flirting with her? And I stepped in and just..
It just happened. Few days she started calling me her girl..
And boy, oh boy.. was this a dream?
I was a mad woman. I couldn't sleep at night. I just needed to talk to her.. and everyday it kept getting better.
Even now.
After two years of it.
God, I fucking love this girl.
Okay.. I'm name-dropping.
Her name is Kiara. Her ig acc is official__jelsa (up until now)
I hope she says yes hehe
Speaking of tumblr tho.
Weeeeell a certain SOMEONEEEE started liking and reblogging my jelsa incorrect quotes!
Hm I wonder who could that beeeeee
Dyk, Liana?
Someone by the tumblr user named disneyanddisneyships...
I think you know the rest...
You know what happened.
I was there when you gave elsa a miscarriage.
I remember it all too well.
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