#i got covid before it was called covid in fucking FEBRUARY 2020. BEFORE LOCKDOWN.
kraviolis · 1 year
i might have covid for the third time what the fuck
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calamitys-child · 2 years
How long did you have to wait for your referral to go through to the GIC? I’ve been on a waiting list since 2020 and heard nothing back.
So my timeline in essence has been like. A little chaotic, I have adhd and was in a pandemic so i dont have the greatest grasp on how time passes, and obviously people not in central Scotland may experience things very differently but.
February 2018 - Self referral to Sandyford clinic in Glasgow pretty much the instant I was 18 and financially independent
2018-2020 - got thoroughly ignored by Sandyford
~April 2020 - got made redundant due to The Covid, my bosses tried to fuck me over by not paying severance but someone else at the company pointed out that meant they owed me over a grand in back holiday pay. Immediately had a lockdown breakdown and spent all of that going private, rendering myself Very Skint
July 2020 - first appointment with private clinic YourGP in Edinburgh, got my first letter of diagnosis here. Costs ~£350 per appointment iirc and you need three appointments before you can start T or anything
July - December 2020 - those happened. Two diagnostic appointments, one of which was a therapist/psych screening, and a prescription appointment during which they lost the psych letter and had to delay prescribing. Medical Competence :)
December 4th 2020 - started half dose (1 pump daily) testogel. I went for gel because it was the cheapest option (~£35/bottle plus £20 prescription fee, I'd pick up two bottles at a time so it was ~£90 every couple months) and because I could self administer it, because. It was 2020 and every nurse in the world was so fucking busy. However my plan was to switch to sustanon when I was able to access a GP more reliably
~ March 2021 - started full dose testogel (2 pumps daily). This was also roughly when Sandyford finally picked me up so I no longer had to pay my prescription fee. Legally changed my name
October 2021 - asked Sandyford to change me from testogel to sustanon, and to refer me to the Chalmers clinic in Edinburgh as I'd moved back to Edinburgh now
EVERY SINGLE WEEK between December 2021 and April 2022 - emailed Sandyford saying "Hiya! Neither myself nor my GP have yet received the prescription and referral I was due to receive last October. Can you please confirm you are sending us this information? Thank you for your help!". Got ignored every single time until ~April 12th ish when they finally called my GP
April 22nd 2022 - finally started sustanon, 1ml every 3 weeks. Was given a list of potential top surgery providers to look into
July 26th 2022 - first appointment with Chalmers. Reviewed 3 months bloods - my T levels are slightly low but it could be due to not being bang on the 3 months mark, so we're gonna wait another 3 months to see if this evens out or if I would do better on nebido. Wrote up surgery referral letter and I just need to call and confirm with my final decision on which surgery team I want
July 27th 2022 - I have been on hold for forty six minutes with increasing fits of nervous laughter at the fact the main top surgery team people in Scotland get referred to is. Man Chester.
From here - it'll probably be about 2 years till my surgery at this point given wait times
I hope this is a vaguely helpful overview, if you've any questions about any of it in more detail just shout - im happy to answer pretty much anything asked in good faith and will just politely say no if it's something I don't want to discuss publicly:)
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7thedisasterdyke · 4 years
Zyl’s year in review: 2020, personally
Came out to my parents. They did not take it well
The first incident.
Was seen watching gay tiktoks on YouTube on the family computer after everyone was in bed
Dad flipped
Grounded, no phone and no car
Was in bye bye birdie the 28th and 29th
Almost wasn’t, due to putting my name and correct pronouns in my bio
Barely allowed to go to the cast party
Had a week of daily hiking trips. That was nice.
(It was a school trip, all high school got to go on an organized trip)
Got a job at baskin robbins
Birthday on Wednesday. Celebrated Friday with the one friend who could make it
(Shoutout to Stanley)
Got my car back right before that party
Little did I know that that day would be the last normal day of the year
Paused job due to no business
Joined [tumblr]
Uncle died
Got my phone back to a very limited extent
Went back in to job
Uncle died pt. 2 electric boogaloo
Lots of screen time restrictions
Seriously, fuck screen time
Lockdown. Mega bored.
Protests against masks, and protests against racism
You can guess which one my family supported
Started dating @axsexualinsomniac (love you!)
Grandpa died
The fuckin aura of the house was heavy from all the death (none of the deaths were Covid, they were actually all heart attacks, and they definitely attacked the hearts of my family)
Went to a friend’s place for the 4th to escape the fireworks
Had a nice time actually
Thanks for inviting me Emilia!
Pretty much just work
Kath and the Mayor show up
Here’s where the fun begins
Got another job at Harris teeter
Tension rising between my conservative family and my increasingly radicalized self
Pretty much ok
The second incident
Where my mom “accidentally” called me a freak
Get my phone taken again, this time just with screen time
At the same time, calling every possible moco resource to get a place to sleep because I wasn’t comfortable going home
Nobody in my household stood up for me
Get kicked out
Luckily I got in contact with my aunt
She helps me find temporary solutions
Spend one night with lovely woman
Spend the next week with an amazing queer couple while waiting for covid test results
Move in with friend (thanks Emilia!)
JB and moriarty pop up
Decide to go to Oregon to get away from maryland
Take 4-day roadtrip
Pit stop to see Jo
Get here
Started dating @smolanxiousmishavoids as well
And here we are
The end of the year
It’s been hell
And I don’t doubt 2021 will also be hell
But hey
Gotta hold some hope, huh?
Ps. There’s a lot of loud fireworks now
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Chase the Shadows Away (Taywhora) - Juno
Summary: It’s April 2020, the UK is in lockdown, and Tayce gets a hand-delivered letter from her neighbour Aurora which may change her life.
A/N: So this is set during lockdown and does mention covid, so please bear this in mind when reading if this will be a worry, but otherwise I hope you enjoy. CWs in place for alcohol, mental health mentions, and non-adherence to lockdown rules at one point. 
Otherwise it’s quite fluffy with some h/c. I hope you enjoy.
The first letter Tayce got was in early April.
She hadn’t had much post since the whole country had been locked down, no one allowed to move outside their front doors for more than once a day for threat of fines and penalties and even getting sick. Most of the letters she was getting this week had been birthday cards for her absent housemate. She’d put the various brightly-coloured cards and Amazon boxes in a pile outside Viv’s bedroom door, and gave the pile the middle finger every time she walked past it.
But today there was a plain, white envelope, with “Hi” written on it in glittery red pen, and when Tayce opened it, she found a piece of notebook paper that had been folded at least four times, and Tayce nearly threw it across the room with the effort it was taking to open.
This had better be worth it.
When she got it unfolded, she read the three lines in the same glitter pen, then again, and once more just in case.
‘Hi, I’m Aurora. I’m on my own in my flat 7D because my housemate moved home because of lockdown, and you seem to be alone too. Want to write to each other? X’
And Tayce couldn’t hold back the rush of emotion, as much as she tried - but she was alone, and she took comfort knowing only these four walls would see tears stream down her face.
Tayce was on her own in the flat.
In the day time she opened her work laptop, thanking god she was allowed to work from home; throwing a hoodie over her pyjama top just in time for the 9am meeting where her boss grinned at everyone and told them all to keep swimming and chin up and whatever other self-indulgent bullshit she had read in her How To Motivate Your Teammanual in the chapter about Managing Pandemics. 
Tayce was still surprised at how much bullshit her workmates seemed to swallow; all of them with the same broad smiles and straightened hair and shaved chins and eyeliner, for fuck’s sake - but Tayce copied them, knowing that not painting her own smile and her own eyebrows on was damning herself for the inevitable call and the simpering It’s Good To Talk conversation, followed by u k hun xx to be flashing repeatedly in the work WhatsApp group from all the team.
In the evenings, the only noise was the clink of the glass bottle against the wine glass. One glass was enough to make her a little sleepy, two was enough to make her dance, and three was enough to make her post something cryptic on her insta story and see if anyone DMed her. 
Sometimes they did. 
Joe liked to crack a few morbid jokes about how it was the apocalypse and we were all going to be dead by 2021, which didn’t help Tayce in the slightest. Ginny would message “You alright, bab?” at three in the morning, but never reply to any other message. Tia would send Tayce a picture of the banana bread she’d baked as if that would cheer Tayce up.
And Cherry sent her a message one time, telling her to look after her mental health, and then Tayce felt bad because Cherry worked for the NHS and only seemed to work and sleep right now, her insta photos showing her looking more and more gaunt, with #ClapForHeroes and #ProtectTheNHS appearing at the bottom of all her posts.
Nothing curbed the gaping black hole in Tayce’s chest, sucking everything that was good from her body and leaving her a shell.
Until the letter arrived.
Two days after she’d posted her own letter back to 7D, another letter arrived, in the same glittery red pen, this time addressed to her, with Tayce written on the front of the envelope this time.
‘Hi Tayce (sp?) nice to meet you, don’t worry I don’t know what to say either! Where in Wales are you from? I’m from Nottingham but I came to London for uni and didn’t leave! Are you still working rn? I got furloughed which is a bit shit. And my housemate is staying with her boyfriend so she can’t move back. Have you been clapping for the NHS? Someone on my floor was banging a pan or something!! Hope your ok? WB Aurora xx’
“I’m making a new friend,” Tayce had said to her mum on the phone later that night.
“In lockdown?”
“She’s delivering me letters.”
“By hand, mum.” Tayce forced a laugh. “You know. Through the letterbox like a normal letter.”
“I hope you’re washing your hands before and after you open them, are you?”
“Yeah, of course,” Tayce grimaced as she said it.
“Good. Stay safe. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
One of these days, Tayce thought as she disconnected the call, she might be able to say it without her voice breaking.
By mid-April, a full month since lockdown had started and two weeks after the first letters between them, Aurora had given Tayce her instagram handle, and Tayce had given hers in return. Tayce found herself spending all of her Good Friday skimming down the page on moreauroramore, looking through all of her new pen pal’s photos and trying desperately not to look like an idiot by accidentally double-tapping any that were obviously over a year old.
Tayce had pictured Aurora in her mind as being over-excitable, short, with dark hair and lots of dusty pinks and baby blues and other pastel colours as her aesthetic, maybe with pot plants and cat pictures and cutesy little slogans surrounded by hearts. Instead she’d found a smolderingly attractive woman with a ridiculously versatile and sophisticated sense of fashion; one photo in a rococo-inspired summer dress, and the next in a cerulean blazer, matching trousers, and stilettos. Her hair was platinum-blonde, but it was hard to tell her eye colour as she seemed to own a never-ending plethora of colour contacts; and the eyebrow ring in the early pictures was replaced by a silver septum ring in later ones. 
Her own insta looked quite plain in comparison, Tayce thought to herself. The landscapes she liked to post were interesting to her but probably not to the magnificent person on Aurora’s insta. The last picture Tayce had taken was of herself with her brother and niece in red rugby shirts just before the Six Nations was on; the last selfie before the last time she’d gone home which was … only February, she realised. 
February felt like years ago.
When Tayce had awoken the next morning, she was greeted by the doorbell, and an Amazon driver sprinting away the moment she opened the door. A letter was on the doormat, in the familiar red glittery pen, and a single chocolate Easter egg. 
‘Happy Easter Tayce. Don’t know if you celebrate but lol thought you would like some chocolate anyway! Don’t eat it all at once. Aurora xx’
It made Tayce’s gut wrench with guilt that she hadn’t thought to get Aurora one.
But it made Tayce even more pained, once she had clicked onto her instagram, to see that moreauroramore had liked all thirteen of the pictures she’d posted this year.
The zoom call at the end of April with the others from her uni group, saw not just Cherry missing, but also Ellie and Veronica.
“Ellie’s moving this week,” Lawrence nodded at the screen, “but that was all she’d tell me. She didn’t say where. Or if she’s staying in Dundee or anything. I just know she’s still trying to get her internet set up and I think she’s a bit stuck.”
“What about Vee?” Ginny asked in a low voice.
They all recognised the somber tone. They’d all taken it up. A change in their voices that all of them recognised in a kind of collective telepathic awareness. A hush in the calls, as if someone were dying, or had just died. Whenever anyone was missing, it was always the same worry circling all of their minds: what if it’s covid what if it’s covid what if it’s -
Tia was shaking her head. “It’s not covid,” she said, reading the minds of everyone through the internet, but her voice was still solemn as she continued. “I spoke to her mum. She’s -“
“Say depressed, Tia, it’s fine.” Bimini spoke gently, but not all of them were as open as Bimini was. Especially when it came to Veronica, who was a brick wall when it came to showing what she was feeling.
“She’s - not in a good place.”
“Say mental health,” Bimini said, shaking their head. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna make her feel any better, Bim.” Tia rolled her eyes. 
“We’re all feeling this,” Pip nodded. “We all need to talk to each other.”
“Veronica won’t. Not yet. We just need to be there for her when she does. Anyway, who’s done anything interesting? Anyone else been trying banana bread? Everyone managed to find bogroll from somewhere now? No one is having the same problem that Joe had when she -“
“I don’t think we need to go any further with that one, love,” Joe muttered.
“I’ve made a pen friend.”
Everyone sat in stunned silence at Tayce’s sentence, mouths open like fish at feeding time.
“A pen friend? What is this, 1986?”
“Shut up, Ginny. I think that’s kind of cute, actually,” Tia mused, tilting her head to one side. 
Tayce nodded. “Something a bit different. She lives in my block of flats. Two floors up from me. Been nice, to talk to someone, ever since Viv buggered off to her boyfriend’s house. Seriously, as soon as Boris announced lockdown she was jumping in her car and off to Liverpool.”
“You said she was a bit flaky,” Tia said sympathetically. “What’s your new pen pal’s name?”
“A-what?” Ginny raised their eyebrows. “Can we just call her Rory?”
“We should get her on a call with us when Veronica’s back. Ronni and Rory, sounds like Ant and Dec will have some stiff competition when they get wind of that.”
“Ginny -“ Tia began, but Tayce was trying to hold back a chuckle. 
‘Someone is talking about a street party on the 8th of May. Are you gonna go? I was gonna stay indoors but if you’re gonna go outside i will too xx’
Tayce knew she shouldn’t be thinking of meeting strangers outside her flat while the pandemic was ongoing, but she hadn’t seen a familiar human since March other than on a zoom call screen. 
‘Hi Aurora, yeah i will go outside for a little bit. Look forward to meeting you properly instead of over letters! Tayce’
And Tayce finally stopped hesitating, adding two kisses on the end for the first time.
The weather was meant to be lush for a May bank holiday, as Tayce knew because her colleagues wouldn’t shut up about it. Almost eight weeks of lockdown were beginning to show the cracks in all their faces - no more eyeliner, and even Linda in Accounts had stopped posting boomerang videos of her kids doing Joe Wicks workouts while she waved her arms behind them. 
So Tayce was over the moon when Friday rolled around and she could slam the Dismiss button on her phone alarm, turn over and sleep in until noon. Once she woke up though, she sat up with a jolt in her bed and realised she’d have to get ready; somehow it was important that she looked right today. 
It was a power play, she knew it. An armour. But there was just something about clothes that made her mood turn in an instant. Her favourite leather jacket was probably a bit too heavy for the warm sunshine - warm sunshine? In May? - so she opted for the black denim instead and a skirt that hugged her slender figure, leaving her hair loose and wishing she’d gone for a trim before the lockdown. Maybe she should take her scissors to it? 
She held the only scissors she had to hand - a pair of craft scissors - and wondered what her hairdresser mum would say if she knew that her daughter had taken non-styling scissors to the 30-inches of hair that she had. 
No - better not. Her mum could give her a go over once the lockdown period had ended.
Someone was playing tunes on a speaker already when Tayce came down the stairs, dragging the garden chair Viv had left behind and brushing the digestive crumbs off it. One of the neighbours she recognised from her floor handed her an ice-cold can of Fosters which she sipped, not really enjoying the taste but relishing the freedom of it all. She knew to keep two metres from everyone, and she knew Cherry would absolutely murder her if she disobeyed that rule.
As soon as Aurora came into view from the block of flats, Tayce knew that keeping to the two metre rule would prove a little harder than she had first thought.
Aurora’s insta pictures showed a fashion model trapped in a little box on a screen, striving to get out - but in the flesh, she looked as if she had just rolled out of the living room after a Tiger King marathon. The grey jogging bottoms paired with the crop top and zip-up hoodie were probably too warm for today - 23 degrees, the radio kept repeating - but she made them look so effortless and stylish that Tayce suddenly wanted to buy some. Her platinum hair was piled in a messy bun, dark brown roots showing but the lackadaisical nature made it seem like Aurora meant it that way.
On her insta page, Aurora was way out of Tayce’s league; but here in life, she seemed a lot more accessible, a lot calmer, a lot more real. 
Maybe it’s armour for her too. All this perfection in the photos. God. Why did I wear this?
She dropped her own deck chair down a reasonable distance from Tayce, taking another can of Fosters from the same neighbour and cracking it open. She took a swig, wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, and waved.
“Hi, Tayce. Here we are, then!”
“Yeah,” was the only thing Tayce could think of in response. Really cool. Very clever.
But Aurora was talking animatedly about how much she’d missed the sun, as she pulled a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and leaned back against the deck chair, claiming “Tesco are having them on sale - two for £12, so I got two - what else am I gonna do on furlough other than sunbathe!”
And the more the Fosters flowed - their neighbour’s 24-pack almost completely gone before 5pm, he seemingly wanting to give a can to the whole block - the more Aurora opened up her life history to Tayce. 
How much she wished she was still in Worksop and could go on the long walks into the forest. How she’d give anything to hug her mum, a care-worker, and how she FaceTimed her shielding grandad every Sunday at 6.30 just after he finished his tea. 
But most of all, how lonely it was every single night being alone in a flat in a huge city. Aurora dabbed her watery eyes with her thumbs as she described how much she loved everything that London had to offer when it was full of people, not dead to the world like it was now - and in this hollow place that lockdown was, she’d discovered that a city - any city, however exciting - was just a built-up area if you had no one to share it with. 
Tayce hadn’t expected to cry. She’d cried maybe once or twice this whole time in lockdown, still too numb to have taken everything in that was happening. But the moment she’d opened her mouth, suddenly the Fosters had started talking for her too, and she was spilling out her worries onto the pavement below them as Aurora rubbed her back. 
How her mum was furloughed from the hairdresser and her dad was always out in the lorry up and down the country. Her brother and sister-in-law, and her niece, were all still fine in Newport, but Tayce had missed her niece’s birthday, having to settle for blowing her a kiss down FaceTime and promising her through gritted teeth and cold fear that she’d give her the biggest cwtch ever as soon as this was over.
But now Tayce was in tears again, this time on Aurora’s shoulder, releasing her sorrows onto this woman who she had only exchanged written words with; now seeing her true soul laid bare in emotions that just refused to stop once she started. Aurora’s gentle hands ghosted through her hair, but then gripped Tayce tightly to her chest, planting a long, tender kiss on her hairline. 
How had this happened? How had social distancing become this? Two people, thinking they were islands, clinging to one another for dear life?
Tayce held her for too long.
Aurora’s hands froze as she realised what she had done at the same moment Tayce had.
Cherry is gonna kill me.
Aurora walked with Tayce back to her flat as the sun was setting. It was nine in the evening, the heat finally starting to break, and both of them were aching and tired, spent from their tears. Aurora gave Tayce’s hand a gentle squeeze but said nothing else, her eyes red underneath her sunglasses, and Tayce had felt herself harden once again, turning the key in the door and closing the outside world back to where it should be.
After two weeks had passed, both of them not developing any symptoms after their contact, Tayce had an idea. 
She put the letter through the letterbox in 7D at midday when she broke for lunch, and had a reply by half past one, a new record for Aurora.
‘Tayce, I’d love to form a support bubble with you. I thought you would have one already thats why i didn’t ask! Want to put on a film tonight and just chill? Bubble bud? Aurora xx’
So Tayce saw inside Aurora’s flat for the first time that same evening. After work, she practically sprinted up the stairs, thankful to get away from more of u k hun xx and her still-simpering colleagues.
It was very clean, as if it had only just been cleaned that day - freshly-washed surfaces, hoovered carpets, a sparkling bathroom - and Tayce marvelled at how tidy and orderly things were, a stark contrast from her own living space which had evolved into a nest of mess by now. Aurora’s living room and kitchen space were one area, with a mismatched sofa and chair facing the tv screen, hooking up a PS4 - Tayce hadn’t counted Aurora as a Dishonoured player either. The wall opposite the window was filled with small pictures of past fashion models - Kate Moss, Agyness Deyn, Cara Delevigne - all with matte black frames which had obviously been painted in lockdown, as one was on the coffee table drying over a copy of Hello magazine.
“My housemate’s not coming back, I can see it happening now,” Aurora shrugged, “so why not make the house the way I like it while I look for someone else to live with?”
Aurora poured Tayce a huge glass of wine, and that was followed by another; while she topped up her own glass liberally and kept shifting on the sofa as if trying to get comfortable. Tayce, for her part, took the chair instead, while Aurora tapped on the PlayStation controller to try to get Netflix up. The more she drank, the more cumbersome the controller seemed to become in her hands, until Tayce leaned over and took it away from her, Aurora’s fingers lingering a little too long on it before relinquishing.
When Aurora got up, meaning to pour them both a fourth glass of wine, she slipped on something and tumbled into Tayce’s lap in the chair, tittering something that sounded like “god I’m clumsy” through the giggles that came from her, unable to stop. Tayce slapped her on the back as she started coughing, but as that died down, Aurora straightened up, picking up Tayce’s hand in hers and drawing her up and away to join her on the sofa.
Lockdown had been so fucking lonely.
Aurora’s hand in hers was all Tayce needed to dissolve every wall she was still rebuilding from May Bank Holiday.
Aurora’s eyes were on her, she knew; through her peripheral vision as she tried desperately to cling to her focus on whatever episode of Tiger King this was.
When Tayce finally met her gaze, she averted it, turning her face to the window opposite them. Almost … playfully.
So Tayce looked back at the TV screen, but Aurora’s hand squeezed at hers, thumb in her palm pressing right in the centre, the pressure somehow travelling all the way to her gut. Tayce turned back to her, and this time Aurora did not look away.
“God, you’re gorgeous.”
Aurora looked at her through her eyelashes, lips parted in a smirk, curiously searching Tayce with her gaze as if wondering what her next move would be.
Tayce blinked incredulously. “Me? Like this? What do you mean, I’m gorgeous? Have you seen yourself?”
“And that accent, oh my days -“
“Go to Newport, we all sound like this.”
But the wine was hitting hard now and oh god lockdown is so fucking lonely and Tayce’s feet on the floor suddenly felt unsteady and Aurora was so fucking close to her on the sofa -
Once the hangover was gone, the memory of rest of the night felt like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. Tayce wasn’t entirely sure when she’d gone back to her flat, but she had, long before night had fully fallen and long after she was sure the burgeoning friendship she was finally making with someone lay in tatters two floors up from her.
The wine had washed away the strength she’d had, leaving her raw and vulnerable, and all the affection that had been growing since Aurora had first held her bubbled and burst into life. And Aurora must have felt the same magnetic pull, drawing them together across the sofa, nail marks still present in Tayce’s back that she could see in the mirror, a bruise forming on Tayce’s collarbone as Aurora had dipped a little lower. 
It had been Tayce who had halted it - not because she hadn’t wanted to, but because she couldn’t decipher how much of this was affection and how much of this was just two lonely people, starved of company, starved of normality, seeking and clinging to it in any form.
And now it was the following day, and Tayce still didn’t know.
The group call at the end of the day was interesting. She stretched over the back of the sofa in her living room to grab her water, and that must have been enough to flash a sliver of skin. 
“What’s that?” Lawrence asked loudly, prompting everyone else to go quiet. “Tayce? What’s that on your chest, hmm?”
“I didn’t see anything.”
“You’re not wearing your glasses, Ginny, you can’t see shit. What’s that on your chest? Why d’you have a bruise there?”
“Hi!” Ellie’s voice as she joined the call unexpectedly saved Tayce any further embarrassment; everyone shrieked when she came on, having missed the last two zoom calls following her move. “Thank God my internet is working now, I’ve missed all your faces!”
Tayce silently thanked Ellie’s timing and contentedly listened to the rest of them as they chatted about everything and nothing that they’d all missed. All of them were there; even Cherry showed up about twenty minutes in to wave at them and blow them kisses, her face even more pallid than before; before ducking back out to go to bed. 
Only Veronica was still missing.
“She’s been messaging me,” Tia explained, “and she said she’s feeling a bit better, but since she got furloughed, she’s feeling like there’s no point getting out of bed or getting ready because there’s nowhere to go.”
“Send her some love,” Tayce said, but Tia snorted.
“You send her it! She’s gonna feel better if she knows we all miss her.”
It was true though, Tayce realised after they all disconnected. They all seemed to be drifting apart, no more energy to continue with these online gatherings, even though there were so many virtual meetup groups and apps that there almost seemed to be no excuse now.
She looked back through her phone messages. She hadn’t messaged Veronica since early April, taking her silence as a sign that she wanted to be left alone; but what if it wasn’t? Veronica was a closed fist, everyone knew that. And Tayce’s brother? Again, early April, and a quick call the week after for her niece’s birthday. 
Lockdown, and self-isolation, seemed to be one and the same. 
So Tayce spent the rest of the afternoon sending messages to everyone she had neglected since then. Maybe they would reply, and maybe they wouldn’t - but there was no harm in reaching out, no negative consequences. 
By the end of the day, she was fielding messages back and forth from everyone she thought she’d lost through lockdown, the grey cloud over her head starting to lift, the fuzzy feeling disappearing and clarity settling in. She felt light, lighter than she had in weeks; and warm as the summery days they were getting in this late-May spring.
Towards the end of the day, she got a message back from Veronica at last.
Veronica: I’m doing ok. I got up and went for a walk today just to the park and back. It’s really nice although my hay fever sucks. Thanks for checking in on me i appreciate it x  Veronica: Oh also Tia said you had a hickey on the group call haha tell me what her name is x
Tayce was surprised to realise she was grinning at the phone as she read Veronica’s message, her fingers stroking the mark on her collarbone as if to savour the vivid image that it sparked in her head.
It was three days after their drunken kiss on the sofa that Tayce had another letter through the door. The same red glittery pen, the same scrawl, but the writing a little smaller as if Aurora wanted to diminish herself.
‘Hi Tayce. I’m really sorry if i came on too strong this week. Can we go back to friends? Want to hang out tonight, bubble bud? Aurora xx’
Tayce swallowed down the part of her that immediately rose up and cried that she … didn’t want to just be friends. 
Then it hit her.
God. I only met this girl properly this month. What’s wrong with me?
But she replied and immediately started clearing the house. 
She put the pile of Viv’s birthday cards and presents from the hallway floor into a cupboard under the sink, giving it the middle finger again; put the six-weeks worth of laundry on to wash; cleaned all the dishes; and dragged the hoover out of the tiny airing cupboard and got to work on the carpets. The hard floors she swept, and carried the bin bags out to the communal bins, all before midday.
“Who needs Joe Wicks workouts?” She muttered to herself, panting, as she tugged some marigolds over her hands to sort out the rest of the kitchen. 
By the time it was six, and time for Aurora to arrive, Tayce thought the house looked much better, and honestly, she felt much better too. The little spring clean she’d given the place had cleared a little clutter from her head as well. 
It’s nothing to worry about. She’d just coming over for food and -
Tayce grimaced as she realised she hadn’t thought of what to do for food. She thought back to the beans on toast she’d had at four and kicked herself for not thinking of that. Dominos was still delivering, so she brought up the app and busied herself looking through the list of pizzas.
Aurora hadn’t arrived by ten past six, and Tayce started to worry.
Maybe she’s changed her mind.
But Tayce refused to let that thought take any root. She looked at the clock, which of course seemed to slow down from having eyes on it, and firmly told herself that she would message Aurora at quarter past if she wasn’t here before.
With a minute to spare, Aurora turned up, grinning merrily and waving the bottle of rose in Tayce’s face.
“Hey bubble bud! Sorry I’m late, well I’m always late, sorry in advance if you expect me on time for anything!” Aurora took a step inside and her jaw dropped. “Wow, your place is well nice!”
“Thanks,” Tayce grinned, although she wasn’t sure what Aurora was looking at. Tayce wasn’t allowed anything on the walls from what her landlord said, but Aurora wouldn’t stay still - checking out the titles of the handful of CDs Tayce had brought down to London with her; scanning a nail along the books on the shelf above the TV.
“It’s nice to hold a book sometimes,” Tayce shrugged, “rather than just read it on the kindle app.”
When Aurora got to the kitchen, Tayce cringed. She’d have to confess.
“I haven’t got in anything to eat. Only - only some bread.”
“And pot noodles,” Aurora added, opening a cupboard and helping herself to the contents as if she’d lived here her whole life.
“And pot - oh, are you thinking, maybe …”
“No way!” Aurora slammed the cupboard door and grabbed her keys again. “Be right back!”
Ten minutes later and Tayce was at the hob over the oven with Aurora, dicing onions while she cut up a red pepper, mince that Aurora had grabbed from her own fridge was out and ready to go in too.
“I needed to use that up anyway,” she shrugged. “Please tell me you don’t just eat bread and pot noodles, Tayce, please. I need to give you a cooking crash course if you do! Didn’t you learn to cook at uni? Or didn’t you do much cooking before you went? Oh my days - no fry the onion off first, with the garlic - I’ll chop the mushrooms, Jesus Christ pot noodles …”
“I know how to cook, give me some credit!” Tayce murmured, but she couldn’t stop smiling. “I just haven’t been to the shop yet, it’s been a long week.”
Aurora closed her eyes and hummed in appreciation. “Just keep talking to me, please.”
“What about?”
“Anything! Your life, your family - I don’t know, house prices, I don’t care - but that accent, ugh -“ Aurora shivered.
“Yours is cute, too,” Tayce smirked.
Aurora looked at her reproachfully. “You’re lying.”
“Yeah, I am.”
It was no use. The air was full of electricity, static around them, and before Tayce knew what was happening, suddenly they were kissing again, this time stone-cold sober, while the onions burned shadows into the bottom of the pan.
Viv gave her notice on the flat at the start of June. 
“I just can’t afford to live here anymore,” she explained, sighing, when she got back and started to pack up everything in her room. “I’m gonna see if I can get some work back home.”
Tayce was numb, although she knew Viv didn’t mean it personally. It wasn’t her fault that she’d been made redundant straight after the lockdown ended, and it made sense that she wanted to be near her family. It was now four months since Tayce had seen hers, and she missed them every day, although she had been sticking religiously to her new routine of calling her parents every Saturday night and her brother’s family every Sunday afternoon. 
“I’m sorry that’s putting you in a tight spot, Tayce,” Viv muttered, hugging her, and Tayce hugged her back.
“Can’t be helped,” Tayce replied, which was all she could think to respond with that wasn’t an inarticulate growl in frustration.
Viv was adamant she would pay her final month’s rent, and pay her half the utilities even though she wasn’t there. But she had to go home.
“How was your move?” Tayce asked Ellie on the next group call on zoom.
“Shite,” Ellie replied, “but partly because we struggled finding someone to move us. There’s plenty of places around, plenty of places to rent and stuff, because everyone’s moved back to where they came from.”
“You’ll find somewhere else to live, bab,” Ginny murmured in a soothing voice to Tayce, stroking the side of the laptop screen as she liked to do to show affection now that she couldn’t hug anyone. 
“I know,” Tayce sighed. “It’s just a pain in the arse.”
She wasted no time. One of the spare room websites was always open in the background, and she was refreshing, looking maybe a little further out from central London to see if anywhere was cheaper, but nowhere was.
Then she spotted the dot in her own block of flats, and clicked the advert.
That’s - that’s Aurora’s flat.
Now she remembered. Aurora had mentioned something about her housemate moving out! It must now be official. 
She read through the advert - how was it £50 cheaper than what she was already paying? - and looked at the contact name for the housemate, and there it was in black and white pixels: Aurora Martin, use form below.
Grabbing a piece of notebook paper - one of the last bits left, she’d been ripping them all out to write to Aurora - she penned a letter, one of what might well be the last ones, and jogged upstairs to post it through her letterbox.
The response came back to her in less than an hour, a new record for Aurora.
‘Tayce! I’d love it if you wanted to move in here! OMG. My landlord will want references from yours, but if you can get them quick then he can approve you really fast, he’s working from home. OMG you made my day. Come up at 7pm xx’
“Work contacted me today too,” Aurora beamed as she settled with Tayce on the sofa. “They want me to start back next week! Can’t wait. Need to get that coin again now! I mean, I’m dead grateful, you know, that I still have my job and I was on furlough so the government paid most of my wages, but it will be nice to have the full package again!”
“What is it you do again?” Tayce asked.
“Oh - I work as a fashion buyer. But because fashion’s kind of stopped right now, most of the designers are shut. Reopening now, especially the ones in mainland Europe! Can’t wait to be on the phone to them all again.”
“Wait. You speak to designers in other countries?”
Aurora nodded. “I speak French and Spanish.”
“You -“ Tayce was dazed. “I didn’t know that!”
“Well why would you? I mean you’ve only known me a couple of months!” Aurora laughed, and leaned back closer to Tayce, her perfume overwhelmingly sweet in the air. “You’re not gonna know everything about me yet, bubble bud.”
“No,” Tayce purred, “but I can’t wait to find out.”
By the Monday after the move, early July, Tayce was all set up to go. She’d moved the bed into the corner as she liked it, arranged her books into a rainbow as she liked them, and unfurled the posters she’d been unable to hang in her last flat, mostly punk bands that she liked, Bimini’s band’s poster, and the noticeboard with all the tickets tacked to it of all the gigs she’d been to. The vanity with the mirror that she’d brought from home fitted perfectly next to the window so she could do her makeup with natural light; and it was large enough for her work setup, which was where she was now.
The flat layout was almost identical to the one she’d just left, and the room was the same one - Aurora having the slightly bigger room - but it felt a lot more comforting, knowing she wasn’t alone here any more, knowing she had a little more freedom in decorations, and knowing that the hollow feeling in her chest was starting to slow down for good.
She turned off her work laptop at five as normal, which was when Aurora came in. Tayce pulled her in, giving her a peck on the lips. 
“They’re gonna love you, I promise.”
Aurora just made a moan in the back of her throat and put her face in her hands, shrinking away from the vanity.
Tayce turned on her personal laptop, logging into zoom and connecting to the group chat. Her monthly uni call was set to half four today for some reason, and everyone else was already all there.
“Tayce! We wondered where you’d got to!”
It was Veronica’s voice, and Veronica’s face was in the top left. She still looked a little tired, and the shirt she was wearing looked suspiciously like a pyjama top, but she was here with them all, and this was a big step for her.
Tayce beamed at her. “So good to see you!”
“The move went alright then, bab?” Ginny asked.
Tayce nodded. “And there’s someone you should meet.” She pulled Aurora into frame, who still looked uncharacteristically shy for a moment before waving at the people on the screen. “This is Aurora.”
“Aurora!” Tia squeaked. “Like the princess!”
Aurora rolled her eyes. “Yes.”
“So we’ve got Rory and Ronni here together at last!” Lawrence exclaimed, while Veronica gave the camera two fingers.
But Tayce just grinned at her friends on the screen, far apart but together in this strange way. Aurora’s nails dug into her shoulder, still a little nervous, but even that was fading as she got more comfortable. 
Aurora had been right - the city was just a lot of bricks in intricate patterns without someone in it that made it a home. 
And this just might be becoming one.
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stonertransdad · 3 years
Life Update since I hadn't been on here in forever
The pandemic was/is wild! Lockdowns started literally around the time we were going to the fertility specialist to get her pregnant. I lost my job to COVID in March shortly before we did the procedure, but we decided there's never really a good time to have a kid. Why not during a global pandemic when one of us in unemployed? (BTW, I don't recommend having a kid during a pandemic. Not being able to go to all of the appointments and having to sit in the parking lot was brutal.)
Let's talk about May friends...it was rough. (TW for mention of suicide btw. I'll post a gif where it's safe to start again if you wanna skip over it.)
So May 1st is the anniversary of my father's suicide. It had been 4 years. I found his body and since he wasn't married, I had to handle his affairs and arrange his funeral. May 1st, 2020 my wife and I had a Zoom game night with our friends and I got drunk because everyone was drinking (except my wife because she was pregnant). After our game night at like 2am, I had a psychotic break. I threatened to kill myself numerous times. My wife tried to talk me down, but eventually called the cops to take me. I thank her for that because looking back, that was the moment I knew something needed to change. I was convinced the cops were gonna kill me because I'm a trans dude in rural West Texas. I legit took the phone out of my wife's hand, hung up on 911, and yeeted her phone across the backyard and tried to hop the fence. Eventually the cops came and talked me down. They took me to the hospital an hour away in handcuffs (for their protection I did nothing wrong). They took me to the religious hospital that I was born in. So when they looked up my info by my name and date of birth from my driver's license (I only changed my middle name) literally all my paperwork and my bracelet had my deadname and wrong gender despite all of my legal stuff saying male with my new middle name. I mentioned it to them and they didn't care. They misgendered me the entire time I was there. I had hit my head hella hard on the bath tub when my wife was trying to snap me out of it, did the hospital even check me for concussion? Nope. I had punched so many things and my hand and wrist were swollen and discolored. Did they check out my hand and wrist? Nope. I was there for over 10 hours before I was able to convince them I was okay and that it was just the alcohol. Did I mention during that 10 hours I was literally out in the hall on a gurney with no mask and this was when COVID was running rampant in Texas (the first time)? I heard people die that night. I had nothing to distract me because they took away all of my personal items and clothes. My wife picked me up and we went home and I have been sober ever since. It's not the first psychotic break I've had with alcohol in my system. Alcohol just doesn't agree with me, but I'm finding new things to replace it with.
TW has been lifted...it's safe now.
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A couple of weeks after that I began teletherapy because I had been on the same mood stabilizer and anti-depressant for almost a decade. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that I felt like it hadn't been working for at least a year. This is a reminder to check in with your doctor if you feel like your meds aren't working. You may just need a different dose or a new med. There's no shame in that. I bounced around on various medications trying to find the right combo, some side effects scarier than others, but we got there. Before this, I had been diagnosed with ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. My therapist threw out my Borderline diagnosis and said it was CPTSD instead, which made sense.
Fast forward to December because my wife was pregnant, I was unemployed still, and we did absolutely fuck-all because the global panini was still raging.
Our son was born on December 3, 2020. He weighed 5lbs 9oz and scared the ever loving shit out of us. He wasn't breathing when he was born so they called NICU in ASAP. I'm freaking out because I can hear and see what's going on while my wife was asking if he was okay as they put her guts back in place to sew her up. 5 or so minutes pass and a nurse asks if I want her to take some pictures. I'm like is he okay, he still hasn't cried. She's like "oh yeah, he's chillin." This goon was being held by a nurse and was just looking around not crying or anything. Chillest baby ever (he still is btw). I held him next to my wife's head until it was time to go back to the room. Little dude did have to spend 4 nights in the NICU because he couldn't keep his sugars or temperature regulated, but he was healthy otherwise. He's now 4 months old and is starting to sit up on his own a little bit and he's OBSESSED with standing. He's still a little guy, but very healthy and growing like a weed. He saves my life daily.
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So after being unemployed for over 9 months, I started a new job working in a call center. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. It gives me anxiety and throws me into panic attacks, but I had been putting out hundreds of job applications since I lost my last job and this was the first offer I got. I wasn't really in a position to turn it down since my unemployment had ran out 2 months prior. It was 2 months of training, then we'd be on our own. I got thru the training and thought I could handle it...until they started putting us on live calls with someone helping us if we got stuck. My mental health hit the lowest point it had in a few years and my wife was terrified she was going to lose me. She convinced me to quit on February 28th (not because I didn't want to, but because I'm a stubborn ass who felt guilty). My meds got tweaked a little bit more dosage wise during this mess.
Starting about mid-February, I was experiencing severe shakiness, tremors, and spasms. I've always been a shaky person and never really thought too much about it, but at some points I could barely feed myself, or get a drink, or hold my son. On March 7th, I tried to make an appointment with my doctor about the weird symptoms I was experiencing, but she was out of town and her next opening wasn't until the 31st. My body said that won't work and my wife rushed me to the ER on the 9th...I had begun having seizures that day. I had no previous history of seizures. Got to the ER and had a seizure literally as I was walking thru the door, so they rushed me straight back. They took some blood and that was literally it. No MRI. No CT. They pumped me full of Ativan and said it was just a panic attack and to go home and chill.
Spoiler Alert: It wasn't just anxiety. I was having 20+ seizures a day. On the 10th, my wife rushed me to a different hospital...the good hospital over an hour away. First we had to drop off our gremlin with my mom to make things a little easier. Yet again, I had a seizure as I walked in the door and was taken back immediately. I don't really remember much because they kept pumping me full of Ativan and morphine because I had been in excruciating pain from the number of seizures I'd had. I do remember them doing a CT pretty quickly after I got there. Then they weren't happy with the results of the CT, so they took me to get an MRI, which showed possible signs of Multiple Sclerosis (but I didn't find that out until AFTER the notes showed up in my patient portal after being home a few days, so I raised hell...more on that later.) They did a 24 hour EEG on me and it showed nothing abnormal. Also, EEG glue is a bitch on your hair and scalp. After looking at everything and given my previous mental health history, they diagnosed me with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures, or PNES. It is a subset of Functional Neurologic Disorder, or FND. I couldn't walk well anymore and had to use a walker when I was discharged. I was in the hospital for 3 days.
When I had my follow-up appointment on the 23rd, I asked why the possibility of MS was never mentioned to me since it was very clearly in the notes. The doctor didn't have an explanation. He called in a referral to neurology so I could get a 2nd MRI to confirm MS and marked it as high priority. He also didn't take my pain seriously. My pain levels had been at a 5 or higher every single minute since they took me off of the morphine in the hospital. He told me to keep taking prescription strength doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol, which I had been. I let him know I had been and it didn't even take the edge off the pain. He ignored me. Leading up to this appointment, I had also added urinary incontinence to my growing list of symptoms and was forced to wear diapers so I didn't have to do laundry all the time. The doctor also took me off my ADHD meds because they were lowering my seizure threshold. He also took me off of my sleeping meds and nightmare meds for the same reason I'm assuming.
I kept my appointment on the 31st with my primary doctor because she's been my doctor for 5 years now and I knew she'd take my pain seriously. She did. She immediately wrote me prescriptions for a muscle relaxer and Tylenol 4. She also told me that my referral had been rejected by neuro. She said my case wasn't a good one for what she called a "wallet biopsy" and the doctors in neurology could be real assholes. She immediately sent the referral to other locations to get an approval. I am still waiting on that despite it being marked as high priority. She wrote me a prescription for a wheelchair because we both agreed my wheelchair was not enough for particular days.
Yesterday my wheelchair was finally ready for pickup, so my wife drove me to go get it. I'm still unable to drive due to my seizures and my tremors and twitches as it's predominantly in my legs and arms. I am an ambulatory wheelchair user now. Some days I can go short distances without my walker, some days I can't go without my walker, some days I can't even get out of bed, and some days I will be using my wheelchair. Don't judge a book by its cover, not all disabilities are visible. I have managed to keep my daily seizure count down in single digits and have even had a few seizure free days. They are still incredibly taxing on my body. I feel like I can't ever replenish my spoons fast enough to keep up with anything in my life.
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So all in all, life has been chaotic. We are moving from Texas to New Mexico in the next few weeks, which should be interesting considering I can't overdo it without throwing myself into seizures. We will be closer to my mother-in-law so she can help us with our son and I can start resting a bit more on the more difficult days. Being a stay-at-home dad with an invisible illness has been one of the most challenging things I've done in my life, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to update my followers since it's been over a year since I posted before a few days ago.
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secondhandnewsradio · 3 years
SHN INTERVIEW: Sleep Walking Animals
by Claire Silverman
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photo: Ryan Hall
Sleep Walking Animals, the indie-folk alternative rock band from Manchester, England, have just released their self-titled debut EP. Since SHN first interviewed the band at the start of the year, they have released two more singles, started playing live shows again as restrictions opened up, and have announced a co-headlining tour around the UK in October. At their EP launch gig at the Fiddler’s Elbow in Camden on the 20th of September, they performed their new music to a sold out crowd.
CS: Congrats on the EP coming out. When we spoke back in February, you mentioned your plans for the EP, so it’s very exciting that it’s here now. How are you all feeling?
Tom: Like it's about time.
Jack: “Angus’ Fool.” “Wild Folk,” and “Dance Laura Dance” are on the EP, so we started recording this EP in October 2019. So it's been a big process, and the EP is kind of about that process.
Tom: We didn't want to release things until we were happy with everything, because we did record enough songs back in 2019 to go on an EP. But in post [production], we were a little bit concerned that they weren't all up to the standard that we wanted. It was our first time in a studio together as well when we recorded those songs, so we needed to practice, we needed to get together more and get more experienced in the studio. Then we ended up going up to Stockport and using a studio called Green Velvet Studios and we laid down five tracks, three of which are on the EP.
Jack: So, yes, excited.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: Is there an overarching theme across the EP?
Tom: It feels like it's very much about things that have happened to us in the time it took to put the EP together, and things that have inspired us enough to write about, you know, various introductions to people, to new experiences, illnesses, life events that sparked something within us to try to make a good song out of.
Jack: The whole EP spans across when we started the band in 2018 right up to now, so a lot of the songs are about growth and change. But the songs are about our growth musically as well, which is a nice kind of coincidence.
Tom: “Angus’ Fool” was the first song we ever wrote together, so the EP spans from our first song together to things we were writing in lockdown. So like Jack said it’s a span of two and a half years.
Alex: “Native” was written after we played Farm Fest [this summer].
CS: So now that you have more music out and have started to establish your sound, how did you figure out what genre of music you wanted to make?
Alex: It's funny, you just mentioned “Native” and I think that was the point that pushed us to fatten up the sound a little bit. I mean, the style of the song made us realize that we can push it a little bit more. And we have a few like one recorded songs, which are definitely a lot more rock-y.
Tom: We're inspired by all sorts of different bands as well. And, you hear it said a lot but a lot of great artists steal from other great artists and that's how they become great, so we're taking influences from people that we all listen to. So this is why it's hard whenever anybody asks “so what kind of genre of music do you play?” I can never really answer that because it’s changing all the time.
Jack: But I was saying to Bill the other day, (he's not officially in the band yet but he kind of is. He's the drummer who played with us on Monday) we've never really spoken about what genre we want to write. We didn't speak about influences, particularly.
Tom: We're just going with ideas. We all have our own little pockets of interest that we bring to the table and I think that’s what makes out sound quite unique
Alex: When someone brings something and then all of a sudden there's so many layers on top of it, which are coming from all kinds of different directions. And it's just hard to put your finger on what it actually is. But it's cool and we like it.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: It seems as though COVID restrictions are kind of mostly lifted here in England. At least, concerts are happening again. What's that been like, through the pandemic till now, and being able to play live shows again?
Tom: It’s been a massive relief, really, it means that we can get out there and get some gigging experience, start playing our stuff live. It's a completely different beast to be in the studio, it’s a completely different skill to have. And the more we do it, the more we’ll improve, and the more people will respond well to our gigs. There is such a massive impact from a live gig that you don't get from sitting down and putting your headphones in and listening to the Spotify track. You get the performance, you get the live engagement with music, and with the people on stage. That's just palpable.
CS: Since you're all performers, you're all actors, how do you think your other stage experience impacts your music?
Jack: That's an interesting one. Because I think the three of us are definitely coming out of acting and want to follow music, solely. Obviously, Tom, you both really well. [Laughter] And Nuwan’s also still following both. It's just something that when we are playing live, and it's going well, and there aren’t any technical issues, that we can just give ourselves completely to that moment. And I think that's easier for someone who has trained to do that, which is kind of what we did at drama school, I guess, to give yourself to the moment,
Tom: Yeah, there are great artists and performers, actors, musicians who haven't haven't gone through a formal training process. I think it's actually more important than training. Personally, I find the two things very different, being onstage as a member of Sleep Walking Animals and being on stage or on screen and being an actor in a role. I think the only similarity for me really, is the fact that when we go on stage as Sleep Walking Animals, I feel myself put on a character. I'm not Tom, I’m whatever else that is.
Jack: John. [Laughter]
Tom: I think we all do that whether we realize it or not. Because we'd be crippled with anxiety and insecurity and all the other horrid things that sort of flood into you when you're onstage performing in any way, you know, those don't happen or they sort of diminish if you put on that guise. So I guess that helps in that sort of transition.
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photo: Claire Silverman
CS: You mentioned Farm Fest a bit earlier. What was it and how did it come about? And how was it?
Tom: So Farm Fest is a new, upstart festival that myself and my girlfriend Lottie host and organized. It's on her childhood farm and it's something that Lottie had wanted to do for a long time, to use that land to provide a space for a festival, entertainment, camping. We started it a couple years ago. There was that little bit of time between lockdowns where we got a weird freedom in the summer of 2020 and people felt like it had kind of gone away. Luckily, we all collectively know a bunch of musicians and comedians. It started small and then this year, we did it again. We charged a bit more money for tickets, and we are getting bigger and better. It feels like it's sort of gaining a bit of momentum. And it was the highlight of our year, we got to perform on a mainstage with a great sound set up. For us it was a big crowd to play to who all knew the songs and were singing along. It felt like a real festival, right.
CS: You guys are pretty active on social media, at least on the Sleep Walking Animals account. You guys don't always take things super seriously, which I like. What’s your approach to using social media? What do you think of it?
Jack: I wish we didn't have to. I think we probably all do realize the importance of it because Instagram is pretty much the only way of promoting anything, which is so fucking sad. Yeah. And I thought today, because Joe and I are reading a book about Joy Division and the start of the punk scene stuff, and they didn't even have t-shirts, because they wanted to stick it to the man and that kind of thing. But you just can't do that now. It's just like times have changed and there’s so many bands and so many artists that you have to be on it. Like, it will only be a matter of time before we go on to TikTok.
Tom: As an unsigned band without management or label yet, you know, we're left to do it on our own. Like Jack said, it's our only way of letting people know about our music. We might as well try and enjoy it if we've got to do it.
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photo: Ryan Hall
CS: Now that the EP is out, what are your future plans for the band?
Tom: World domination?
Joe: Recording.
Tom: Yeah, more tunes. We've got quite a few unrecorded ones. Keep doing what we're doing, really, following the footsteps of the people and bands and artists who have inspired us. Just keep going with it and see what happens. We're not putting immense amounts of pressure on ourselves. We do it because we love it. We do it because we think our music is worth pursuing. Yeah. Just see where the wind takes us.
CS: And you've got a tour coming up in October.
Jack: Yeah, a UK tour. It’s a co-headlining tour with Polary and My Pet Fauxes. So we're playing in different cities and we're all sharing the headlines slot and supporting each other at the different venues.
Tom: The 17th of October we're playing Leeds at Oporto, then on the 18th at Dublin Castle in London, the 19th we’re in Bristol at Crofters Rights and then the 20th at Night & Day in Manchester.
CS: Good luck for those shows and again, congratulations on releasing your debut EP.
This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and length.
Listen to Sleep Walking Animals’ debut EP here
Follow the band on Instagram Twitter Spotify YouTube 
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sierrabinondo · 4 years
damn my last tumblr post is the last day of woodland creatures, did i not do a 2019 wrap up?? i feel like i did. oh well lmao
so, arguably the most tumultuous year in modern history (at least, american history- all pandemic and political events considered) is about to come to a close. it was very not fun experiencing a pandemic as millions lost their loved ones to covid. i was part of the 20% of people that became unemployed as a result of the economy taking a huge dump. i would not want to experience this same year again if it meant that every life lost could be saved. with the year i was given, i made the best out of it that i could. 
like every other person on this earth (except for where the virus was already spreading), this year started out normal as hell for me. i was hating my job but chugging through each week, with the occasional show to worry about and then planning our band’s 2020 release plans. despite my salaried job, i was barely making enough to put anything away in savings, forthcoming disney trip aside. i really felt like i was putting in all this work at a full time job just to barely stay afloat and it grated at my soul. i don’t dream of labor, and i only take jobs like this because nothing i am passionate about truly makes money and the marketing jobs i would actually care about are never available to me/never come to fruition after submitting myself for consideration. 
disney was a huge highlight of my year despite being deathly sick. i keep wondering if i had covid (i never figured it out), but it sure as hell felt like it. i feel like if i did have it i would have passed it on to jeremiah and his family but i didn’t. i could still kinda taste, but not smell because i had the worst sinus infection i ever had in my entire fucking life. like i know i get them a lot but really, holy shit. i really had it bad. it started when we were in the studio the 2nd to last weekend of february on the last studio day. i had to go back to the studio several months later because i was that unsatisfied with how the vocals came out. i didn’t want to fuck up these releases and have my performance be mid so i was willing to pay to have to re-do everything. i assumed if this was like any other sinus infection, it would go away in a week.
i had that infection for THREE WHOLE FUCKING WEEKS. i played a show with that monster sinus infection, and went to disney with it. i went two weeks without meds because i really was convinced it would go away on its own. before we left for disney i finally got antibiotics at urgent care and couldn’t drink most of the trip which sucked. but that finally did the job, and the infection waned when we returned from disney. despite being physically weak, in pain (there was one friday my body pains were so horrible that jeremiah contemplated taking me to the hospital), and leaking snot all over my sleeves the entire trip (LIKE IT WAS THAT UNCONTROLLABLE. I HAD NEVER GONE THROUGH THAT MANY PACKS OF TISSUES IN MY LIFE. I WAS LEAKING SO MUCH I HAD TO LOCATE THE BABY CHANGING STATION IN MAGIC KINGDOM. IT WAS LIKE A SECRET STERILIZED TROVE OF HAND SANITIZER, WIPES, TISSUES AND BABY OIL.) i had an amazing time at disney. and it was my first time going with a significant other so it was incredibly fun. it was also a wonderful opportunity to spend time with his family. the only very not fun part was missing our nephew in the main street parade because some bozos fucked up the info they gave my sister-in-law and we were out walking around when his high school band had actually marched earlier than we thought.
it’s funny, because that weekend after we returned was the last weekend of “freedom” everyone had before lockdown. we were weary of covid while in florida but still living it up on vacation. at that time, there had only been 3 cases in orlando. 3!!!! i had plans to go to a party once home but i cancelled only because i still wasn’t completely out of the woods and 100% well again. i felt so bad cancelling because it was for my friend’s party and she never really did parties usually :( and i thought it wouldn’t be a good idea considering i may or may not have had covid. 
then... the following week came. 
monday we got a weird email from our CEO saying there was going to be salary cuts and that it was essential for the company to survive a downturn. i pouted but my parents consoled me saying it was better than nothing; maybe look for a new job. and then- i got the nothing! a day or two later, i was let go. and i could tell my manager was absolutely not souped to be giving me this call at all. she literally prefaced it like, “this sucks, but-” and gave me the news. and i was utterly devastated, sobbing controllably, because i was just scraping by on this income to begin with. and i had JUST, finally, received health insurance through this job. i was asked to continue working through friday the 20th, which i would be paid for, and then i would have to return my laptop and any other work materials (like printouts and promo stuff) i had possession of. 
that day and the days following i had coworkers calling me or emailing me telling me they were so sorry. i was the first to be let go, and they were kind enough to extend words of encouragement to me. clients i worked closely with, a couple of them around my age, assured me that i could use them as a reference. many of my colleagues were my higher-ups, but were very down-to-earth people. one call that stuck out to me was from my colleague sarah. 
sarah was candid with me and said, “y’know how i was unemployed for 6 months?” i knew this well though we had only worked together for a year and a half; it was an important part of her path to where she was in her career now and why she chose it. she continued, “those were the best 6 months of my life.” 
and i would come to find out that yes, me too being unemployed was the best fucking time of my entire goddamn adult life.
when i posted i was officially unemployed i had an outpouring of support from my friends, and received enough animal crossing commissions to pay one month’s rent. the first day i finally felt peace was when i was sitting on my porch on an abnormally warm march day playing animal crossing following my last day at my company. it was like the universe was giving me a hug and telling me everything was going to be all right.
what would come was a pretty chaotic couple of months. jeremiah, my roommate and i would stay up until 3 am either watching anime or playing video games, subsequently sleeping until 11 am or noon. pair having fun, drinking (mostly me lmao) and lounging about with the scary realization that thousands of people every day were dying of covid and it could be my high-risk parents. i would cry at night and be so fucking scared. my sibling would tell me my family was being reckless, running unnecessary errands, and whenever my dad showed up to drop off food or necessities i would cry because i couldn’t hug him. i’m even getting choked up thinking about it now. and it was a fear that returned during the second spike around the holidays because it is the loss i fear the most.  
amidst this really horrible time, i would play games almost every other night online with my friends and it was so much fucking fun because all of us were either unemployed, furloughed or working from home. we’d laugh so goddamn hard our voices were hoarse. one of my favorite memories is playing quiplash with the creatureposting gang and then my big friends from college. and a really fun night in particular was SIIE release night, i popped a bottle of champagne and got absoluely zonked lmao. every few days i would have something to look forward to, some sort of virtual plans with my friends. this would continue until july when my friends were slowly starting to go back to work.
most of my early quarantine days were as follows: wake up, watch anime, work on commissions for most of the day, order extremely good food for delivery, play video games, and then bed. at one point commissions became so overwhelming i started to get slower at churning them out. though this became a daunting project, WOW it really forced me to become a better artist. and this year i got to spend so much more time drawing, which was fantastic. 
one thing i DID NOT spend a lot of time on at all? ugh. MUSIC. FUCKING MUSIC. i barely touched my guitar, stopped writing lyrics after july, and barely completed the instrumentals for about 3 songs. the only thing i consistently practiced was singing (because i would literally curl up and die if i didn’t). do you have any idea how much i blabbed to my therapist in 2019 about how much i would get done if i didn’t work full time and could just focus on my creative endeavors? and then life HANDED that shit to me on a silver platter the following year. i really did nothing insane musically with my time. and now i am really kicking myself for it. if i think about it, it was mostly because i was so exhausted from doing AC commissions, and partly because i was really intimidated about the prospect of struggling through songwriting. now i really wish that i had tried. 
one thing i started doing this year was streaming. i originally planned to just do it for fun, because i am horrible at video games and i really didn’t expect much out of it. i thought it would be cool if my friends could watch me play animal crossing. and then i unfortunately learned that this 3rd expensive pasttime is actually really, really, really fun. i started to spend half my week streaming and it led me to either getting closer to some online friends i only talked to a lil previously and making new friends. viewers would ask me if i continue to stream after the pandemic was over, and i enthusiastically assured them i would. and i meant it. even with the difficulties of returning to work and the band playing shows again considered, i really wanted to. i don’t get invited to things anymore anyway, so fuck it if that’s what i stand to lose lmao.
when the curve flattened in jersey i decided to become lenient again and start meeting with my bandmates. we spent the year trying to finish some new material and chip away at what work we have to do for the full length (yes, a full length). we had plans to tour this year and it sucks that fell through. we also had plans to do so much more content during the pandemic and we faltered under the stress of... well, existing in a pandemic. we did finally get to drop a new single though, and the difference in hype now vs when we dropped our last work was incredible. i am so thankful we were able to build an audience with nothing new for two years. i still often beat myself up because god every day i look around me, at our peers, and wonder where the fuck we’ve gone wrong to have such a slow build. and even daily just trying to stand out and prove that we have cut our teeth/deserve a chance is so demoralizing. i feel like it’s even worse than before. i literally have to talk to myself out loud, both alone and during interviews lmao, to remind myself that we truly have accomplished so much. and to take in and appreciate the little positive things. because this could all be over in a second. and this won’t be forever. the older we get the more we are risking for this, both time and resources, and it won’t do to let myself get bogged down over my inner competitive voice. but god it’s hard. like even with new music we still didn’t even TOUCH any of the goal numbers we set for ourselves in may. though we did put out less music than we had planned, and we really hope to change that in 2021 forreal. 
there was a single we were supposed to put out this year that’s on hold due to some pending assets but goddamn. if we really don’t break some sort of ceiling with this one i don’t know what will. i have the strongest gut feeling about the next single and in my opinion, it’s the best one we’ve had to date. when we play it at shows, the air in the room sometimes shifts. i’m eager to see what the response is and i’m so ready to push it with everything i have.
fuck this is getting so much longer than i planned i have to try to wrap this up lmao.
with our government stimmy money we turned around and got the dog of our dreams. we figured, i’d be home enough to watch him, and it was finally goddamn time. it’s why we moved into a house and not into another apartment. i was so scared meeting the puppy parents, and totally on edge the entire day. we went out to meet the breeder to test my allergies and see how i would react. samoyeds are not 100% perfectly hypoallergenic, but they were often lauded for being so. honestly? i still didn’t feel confident after two hours with the dogs because the pollen out there was bad (one of my WORST allergies) and i had mysterious hives on my arms i couldn’t figure out where they came from. for months jeremiah and my parents had to calm my nerves and remind me i lived with 3 cats before i moved out (i’m more allergic to cats) and that i would be fine. i had to do a lot of work on myself to get out of my own way about being excited about finally owning the dog of my dreams.  
this little fucking boy. i couldn’t believe he was real. neither in the pictures i often looked at about 20 times a day on the breeder’s facebook page nor when we went to meet him. and he was truly, truly perfect. our little shithead. when we went to go pick him out, he sat apart from his puppy pile of brothers, sniffing around the room and trying to rip off his ribbon collar. we locked eyes and he fuCKING APPROACHED ME. i could not fathom any other puppy in the room being brawly. this was the one. we could already tell he was a mischevious smartass, because once he untied his ribbon he proceeded to rip off the ribbons of all the other puppies. but he was the cutest, flopping over on his back when you were near to get belly rubs. 
ever since we have picked him up he has simultaneously been the biggest joy in our lives and the most source of stress lmao. that first week, and the next couple, werE FUCKING ROUGH.  i had a horrible anxiety attack when i couldn’t calm him for bedtime the first saturday he was home and i was loudly sobbing to jeremiah that i couldn’t handle this shit lmao. he was so scared i was having regrets but i am just a fucking anxious wreck and not used to having a DOG!! this is my first dog!!! but while i can remember what life was like before him i cannot imagine going back. the first time he got sick and we took him to the emergency vet i cried so hard. when he is wagging his tail happy to see me and he looks like a fuckin seal because his ears are folded back it is the best feeling. i’m so excited for when he gets older and we’re vaccinated for covid so that we can take him on so many adventures. he is truly the best.
there is so much more i want to say but this is long as shit. this is even painful for me to read lmao. it’s always been for me, a guy with dogshit memory, to remember everything, but so, so much happened. so i’m gonna wrap up the real descriptive stuff with this.
being unemployed allowed me to just experience life. to wake up each day, enjoy the sun in my backyard, have time to try new recipes, go for long walks, GET A DOG, get better at art, get better at singing, spend more time with friends (virtually), bond even harder with my amazing, beautiful boyfriend, create amazing work with my bandmates, improve at video games, connect with people all over the world, and so much more. all my life i let money dictate my every move. i am insanely privileged to have experienced this but when i had to just live within my means off unemployment i did just fine. i once believed i was perpetually indebted to my employer when i was discarded like it was nothing. i can get a job anywhere and be fine. it strengthened my class consciousness and while i have control over my own destiny it is our country that has so royally screwed us of living the lives we should be living. our lives do not revolve around labor. so until we win the fight and get what we deserve, i will be returning to work next month (full time... in commercial real estate.... again), but i will do whatever it takes to replicate the everlasting feeling of joy i felt this year for the rest of my godforsaken life. if that means struggling for 2021 to build up my twitch channel and the band, working 9 hour days and then streaming/writing music for another 4, so be it. i felt from a young age i was not destined to live a normal life and that feeling has stayed with me no matter how much i have tried to play the game of life as i have been told. i finally have the confidence to pave the life i want.
so, if you are here at this very spot because you read everything, thank you. if you are here because you scrolled to see how long this was, here’s the TLDR of my best parts of 2020:
- tapping out cover
- the 2 shows we played lmao, maybe 3 tops
- disneyworld
- ACNH outside on the porch on release day in warm weather
- making banana bread
- learning how to BRINE meats
- watching anime until 3 am, namely the time we watched pokemon journeys until 3 am 
-watching so. much. anime. 
-watching livestream concerts with my friends (the chon one was a real good time)
-playing jackbox with my creatureposting friends, the volcano saga (if u know u know)
-playing jackbox with my big friends
-the first time we ever had panchos and juanchos
-finally having sushi again after painful cravings and being grumpy
-the first time we had chinese food again after the lockdown began
-hitting the punching bag for the first time in forever (my dad bought me one)
-the first time we had ramen in forever
-surprising joe with cake at his doorstep for his birthday (we thought he would be the only one with a pandemic birthday lmao)
-playing monopoly and wheel of fortune on the switch, surprisingly having fun
-jeremiah’s birthday
-getting PAID for my ART
-writing + recording ONE (1) acoustic demo
-finally finishing the singles, fixing the vocals 
-shooting band promos
-unus annus
-meeting samoyeds
-meeting BRAWLY
-streaming except for the times 13 year olds cyberbullied me
-my birthday when my mom got me a terrifying singing birthday candle contraption and my sibling curbstomped the shit out of it (i was literally crying laughing like that kind of noiseless laugh cause you’re laughing that hard)
- getting the stamp of approval from andrew wells and anthony green 
-my friends having their first baby!!!
-dying from thanksgiving charceuterie board
-that week i binged ghibli movies on an hbo max trial and did nothing else
-filling the front porch with plants and most of them SURVIVING the fall, possibly winter but we’ll see in 2021 lmao
- (in general) nailing riffs i fucking sing over and over when practicing but prob won’t get down good enough to sing in front of others lmao
-solo inflatable pool hangs
-thursdays with sarah in the fall playing with the puppy
-the release of the first WSA single in two and a half years
-virtual movie night with sarah watching happiest season
-the music video shoots
-brawly experiencing CHRISTMAS
-receiving really thoughtful gifts from jerry and my parents
-deciding i would work towards being a full time streamer to supplement being a musician
13 notes · View notes
patheticwithanem · 4 years
2020 in Retrospect
Hey friend,
I know it’s late, but I HAVE TO DO THIS. I kind of promised myself I’m writing about the year that was. I’m not exactly sure why; maybe it’s to put things in perspective going in to 2021? And today’s my fourth year anniversary with my employer, so I guess it’s perfect timing? (More on that later)
So I was going through my notes (I have this habit of writing down what happens on a daily basis - be it activities, emotions, drama, name it) and one thing’s for sure. 2020 SUCKED. It did. But I’m committing to this no matter what!
First things first: lots of profanities along the way. Well actually, I was about halfway writing the letter when fucking Tumblr decided to refresh and delete what I’ve been writing for about one fucking hour now. So I have to fucking do it all over again. If this is the Lord telling me to stop being sentimental about 2020, fret not my Lord! I’m one stubborn son of a bitch, so I’m carrying on.
Here’s how the rest of the year unfolded. 2020. Let’s go.
JANUARY. Reunions?
January 1. Had a get-together with a few relatives in Malabon. It was fun! I used to be so allergic to family reunions but I guess age creeping in changes you? You value people even more now? This was also the last time we’re able to spend some time with my uncle from Singapore. He brought his family to spend the holidays here. He’s a sweetheart and a great father who’s missed.
January 9. I attended a college dormmate’s wedding. I remember contemplating whether to go or not only to realize I’m actually lucky to be even invited given the fact that I chose to be distant for them for a long while. I also told myself that not showing up is so far from what I’m trying to be. Although I wasn’t there for the whole thing, I’m glad I did come. I was able to bond with my roommates once again whom I treated like brothers ten years ago and that was nice. A not-so-close dormmate even introduced me to his boyfriend and that’s huuuuge. The bride was beautiful too, and I’m glad she’s in the best place right now after all she’s been through. She’s a strong one, that girl.
January 11. Got invited to a birthday pool party of a colleague at work. I have to say I’m actually quite surprised I was invited to this. She’s always had my back though and always kind of looked after me, so I had to go. It was fun but I didn’t get drunk AT ALL. 
January 12. AND THIS IS WHERE SHIT STARTED HAPPENING. The Taal Volcano erupted. It was awful especially for everyone living near the area because everything was covered with ash. It was also a day before my brother’s birthday and we thought the ashfall would be worse the next day so we decided to celebrate earlier. 
January 19. Went to a fiesta. Did not expect to survive that at all. It was a different kind of neighborhood, but the people were nice. 
January 25. Went to a public market with co-workers to buy clothes, eat chicken wings for dinner and then our regular fix of karaoke. Good times. 
Anything else? I was able to book a birthday trip to Yogyakarta, which I eventually canceled because of youknowwhat. Tragic.
February. Blindside!
February 7. Blindside’s a bitch. Yes, that’s what I had written on my notes. I legitimately felt blindsided. So story: I have a friend who I found out was pregnant (let’s call her Ms. Preggy, sorry) and me and her bestfriend (let’s call him Work Son because he was my work son in a lot of ways) decided to hold an intervention for her. The four of us including a friend I’m going to call The-Now-Bestie (kind of a spoiler) whom I had a misunderstanding and was not in speaking terms with will be coming to Work Son’s place. Essentially, the goal was to make Ms. Preggy open up about her pregnancy and her issues with the douchebag father; make her feel that she has us and she doesn’t need to be alone in this. I think it went well, in that regard. However, the whole thing was awkward in epic proportions. It’s as if me and The-Now-Bestie didn’t want to acknowledge each other’s existence, and when we didn’t have a choice, we were sarcastic to each other. I also really felt like an outsider among the four that time; like I wasn’t supposed to be there and wasn’t really contributing to anything. It was a really lonely feeling. I decided to distance myself to them after that.
February 13. WINNERS AT WAR PREMIERE! Words can’t even express how excited I was to see some of my heroes again on screen! Parvati with that “phoenix rising from the ashes” confessional? Damn, girl! Still a fucking legend! It was also nostalgic Yul working his godfather magic once again. I’ve always seen him as a top-tier winner and someone I looked up to for what he represented to the Asian community and the history of Survivor. It was also nice seeing Kim, Tyson, Tony, Sophie, Natalie and Sandra. But I must say I kind of missed Todd. He was my favorite winner and was a great storyteller, a great strategist and a great character with an amazing comeback story. He would’ve been perfect for a season with this caliber of players. And as much as I hate Jeff Probst for shoving him down our throats, I wanted to see Cochran play with these winners! Caramoan’s my first season (a late superfan, yes) and he’s the very reason I got so hooked with the show. I used to think it’s a game where people like me never win. So to see someone like Cochran who’s awkward in every sense of the word (and owning it) win Survivor, it is very inspiring. I like speaking in metaphors and it’s funny how much metaphorical Survivor can be to how I see life now. I see Cochran and if he can win in Survivor, I feel like I can win in life, as silly as that sounds. Cochran sucked his first season, but he then went on to play this dominant game his second try while still managing to be the adorkable underdog that he is. I love that story. Man, I get so worked up when I talk about Survivor! I wish I had that same passion with anything else.
February 19. Mom slipped and had to be rushed to the nearest ER. Good thing there were no fractures and she was fine. I guess we can thank the fats for that? LOL
February 21 ‘til 23. WEEKEND STAYCATION! I needed this! Drinking at the hotel taproom with a live band? YES! Indian for lunch and surf-and-turf buffet for dinner? YES YES YES! That lamb chops, MY LORD. Thank you.
February 29. Leap Day. I started journaling again. 
March 16. The Start of the Lockdown we all come to love now (punk, sarcasm). 
March 17. Politics is so taboo to discuss especially over dinner. But then BAM. I had a major fight with my dad (and by major, I mean MAJOR in a get-out-of-the-house-in-the-middle-of-the-pandemic kind of major). It was basically about a comment he made that’s so misogynistic (towards the Vice President) that I just knew I can’t just let go. It was sooo bad I got all pissed, and when I’m pissed, I can get scary. Maybe it���s the voice or the eyes or both, but the fight got really heated on the verge of getting physical. Which now that I think about it is stupid just because of fucking different political views. Well, I can never get behind the President and they’re huge fans of him and I’ve come to terms with that but it’s just... bleh. I’m not even gonna try to rationalize it because I can’t. It’s just.. disgusting. Oh fucking well. 
April. Wander-fucking-lust.
April 1. I started a 30-day Financial Detox which basically meant no unnecessary expenses. No online shopping, no paying for leisure. None. It was April Fools, but I was dead-set on saving! (Spoiler alert: I failed.)
April 6. Meltdown. I just really couldn’t hold it in anymore.
April 11. Dad’s birthday. After not talking for over a month (which is no easy feat in a tiny condominium unit), we acknowledged each other’s presence. By April 15, it’s like nothing happened anymore. He even gave me a home haircut (which for a beginner, is pretty good). On other news, I started watching The Politician on Netflix and t’was the day I started obsessing on Ben Platt and his music. 
April 16. A year ago, I was enjoying sidewalk pho and almost making friends at Cu Chi Tunnels and the Saigon Skydeck of the Bitexco Financial Tower in Ho Chi Minh. Damn, covid.
April 18. That crazy border-crossing from Saigon to Phnom Penh a year ago. That was fulfilling. Damn, covid.
April 19. A year ago, I was experiencing sunrise at Angkor Wat. Wander-fucking-lust UGH. 
April 30. That Town Hall shoutout from our company’s President because of reaching my quota from last month. That really felt good. As much as I hate to admit it, I like being validated from time to time. It definitely meant a lot especially coming from her who took a chance on me. I was patting my back.
MAY. Endure. Let Go. 
May 14. KING TONY WON. Very well-deserved win. A disappointment of a season if you ask me, but props to the king for dominating an all-winners season. Respect for that. Also Natalie and Michele played great games as well and they should be very proud of themselves. I feel like a proud father to these winners HAHAHA!
May 16. Was pleasantly surprised with Dead to Me. That car scene between Jen and Judy on that ninth episode from the second season? Damn. That’s one of the few moments I teared up because of a TV show. That was powerful. All that tension building up and then that sudden release? I really felt that.
May 26. Why do I always feel all this fucking rage inside of me? I try to think of any triggers but I can’t seem to find one that’s actually reasonable. It’s like the isolation getting the best of me. I initially thought quarantine’s going to be a cakewalk for an introvert like myself, but it wasn’t the case. I feel like I’m losing my shit because I was stripped off of the usual things I have access to whenever I feel uneasy and anxious and angry like this. Endure, let go, I know. But it’s so much easier said than done, right?
JUNE. Breathe.
June 12. So the plan to sell the condo and find a new place is real. We went to this great place in Valenzuela and it was a great house and all but I felt weird. Maybe I was having trouble letting go? Maybe it’s just me being averse to change yet again?
June 15. Slept 6am for that How To Get Away With Murder series finale. That speech. VIOLA. Chills all over my body. 
June 18. New phone was delivered. That was fast.
June 27. First time visiting the village we moved to. We were checking a different house this time and was already picturing us living there. Still felt weird, but maybe less.
Looking at it now, I realize almost nothing happened in this stretch of months. Pathetic.
JULY. Change (that’s not necessarily good lol)
July 10. Doomsday. The ABS-CBN renewal disapproved. FUCK THE CIRCUS THAT IS THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT. Also, that first house we checked was bought this day. First heartbreak.
July 22. Decided to donate to one of my elementary teachers to help finance school supplies for his students in the province. That felt good. 
July 24. folklore’s goooood. This is the Taylor Swift sound that I love. (I had to write that down because that was a 2020 highlight to be honest)
AUGUST. Getting older. Again.
August 2. Donated to another cause: to help a really close friend’s mom (who’s a school principal) on financing their students’ lesson modules (they needed more paper so the donation was going to be used to buy more paper). That felt good.
August 3. Started obsessing on Dear Evan Hansen. I mean come on. HOW COME I ONLY KNEW OF THIS NOW?!?! The story, the acting, the soundtrack... it felt like I asked the Lord for a musical for me and he gave this on a silver platter. 
August 9. Lasagna, baked sushi, lechon belly, pansit, cake. Weird combination, I know, but that’s me!
August 11. Discovered the Slowly app. Changed my life since then! I’m not even exaggerating. I guess it has to do with feeling extremely lonely amid the pandemic and getting this platform where you can talk to literally anyone while still keeping your anonymity. And it strips you off of instant gratification you’re so used to because you actually have to wait for your letters to be sent and to arrive. A great exercise for patience if you ask me! And since you have to wait, you make your letters longer and more worthwhile. It’s a platform free of judgment which relies heavily on building actual mental and emotional connections. It’s a gift, truly. NOT EXAGGERATING; YES I’M THAT LONELY.
August 23. The house search continued. This time, the South!
August 24. It was my first time watching a Korean drama and I gotta say I get the hype now. Korea makes great stories and they take their time when telling these stories. The story centering about mental health was definitely what got me to try watching It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, but the show’s so much more than that. That was a great watch.
SEPTEMBER. Finally some light?
September 1. Second year anniversary. I still really miss her.
September 5. My cat’s 5th birthday! Of course we had to celebrate for her with baked macaroni and burnt cheesecake. 
September 11. Lost uncle. He gave a good fight. 
September 19. SENSE8. It’s a show that doesn’t need any explaining. It’s the BEST. I love this cast SO MUCH. I remember thinking if I ever get a tattoo (which is unlikely), I’ll maybe have the title of that Sense8 series finale inked on me. AMOR VINCIT OMNIA. Love conquers all. 
September 27. After a series of unfortunate events, we were led to this house on the same village we keep going back to, and the moment we saw it, we were sold. This is going to be our house. And it happened.
OCTOBER. Surprises?
October 6. Hooked up with someone I probably shouldn’t.
October 12. Booked a trip for next year because I’M HOPEFUL AS FUCK.
October 21. Had the best conversation I had in a long time. 
October 22. Hooked up with someone I probably shouldn’t. 
October 28. Organized a digital event for work. I’m still on the fence whether I’m proud of it or not. It was my first event, and I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. While I enjoyed all the preparation that came with it, from making that tactical marketing plan to coordinating with the organizers and my team, I felt like it was bland. There were lapses here and there and I know that we all tried the best we could, but maybe I just pictured it a little better in my mind? It wasn’t a flawless event and maybe I wanted it to be flawless. But it was fun. I never would’ve imagined me hosting an event, but I did. 
NOVEMBER. Decisions.
November 14. So news came and we’re finally moving. The buyer of the condo got approved and it was only a matter of weeks to settle documents and payment and we’re good to go. I had mixed feelings about it. It took me back to that time we started looking for houses. I wasn’t exactly ready to let go of the place I grew with for the past five years. And I wasn’t also ready to let go of the convenience, and the relationships I only have started building with friends I found along the way. But at that moment I knew I had to be happy because they were happy. My family was happy. I knew I have to be happy.
November 21. Started all the packing. Packing meant decluttering and reminiscing, so letting go of more things which was overwhelming at first, but inevitable. 
November 23. I had something checked in the hospital, and something happened and it wasn’t supposed to go that way but it did and it was so fucking bizarre lol
November 28. HAPPY MOVING DAY. It’s that day of the year. Stress was off the charts because of the time constraint and frankly, the lack of preparedness. Good thing a few people helped us with the rest of the packing. It was an impossible task for me and my sister alone so we were glad we got all the help we needed. I did most of the heavy lifting, so I had bruises all over my body for weeks, but after all was said and done, it felt surreal. Felt like everything coming full circle. That first night in the new home? I’ll never forget that. That was special.
December. The end of an era.
December 2. I went back to the condo to stay for a few more days. Get to feel the place one last time. Also lost a huge deal at work to a competitor. I usually really get depressed with these losses, but for some reason I felt indifferent about it. I guess it was my mind telling me I’ve mentally checked out of work already? That maybe it is really time to move on to something that’ll make me care about what I do again? Make me feel again?
December 4. Met someone (who we can call the Professor) I’ve been talking to for a while now. We’ve had some really great conversations leading to this night; talks at 3AM that’s kind of liberating? I was upfront about the moving and that I only have a few days left in the place which is probably why it happened. Professor was also upfront about leaving the country in a few months for an opportunity to work and do research in Japan for five fucking years. It was awkward at first; but we eventually warmed up to each other and spent the night together. 
December 5. Things escalated pretty quickly. The Professor gave me a shower (that was weird but I was feeling it and I thought it was sweet and sexy?). We cuddled until we slept and there was breakfast prepared when I woke up. I don’t usually get to experience this kind of stuff so I really appreciated that. I was feeling it. I thought I can get used to this! I left the place and was invited back again so I stayed over for another night. We’ve had a few more interesting conversations. I was not expecting some of the things we discussed especially the talk about long-distance relationships. The Professor asked me what I think about it and I was honest; I’m not against it but it’s not something I’ll take a chance on if I wasn’t sure about it. Mantra’s always been connection first before commitment. I’m not the “take a leap of faith” kind-of guy; I needed to be sure. Or at the very least be really mentally and emotionally connected with the person. I thought that made perfect sense. I still do.
December 6. So it was finally goodbye. Me and my sister went to the nearest church to donate a few clothes and shoes and to attend a mass. Bid farewell to the Professor too and promised each other to keep in touch. I also had an awkward encounter with my sister’s “friend” who she sneaked in the condo for God knows what for. Pretty sure they did the nasty.
December 13. We went to our old house (the one I spent my younger years in) to get a few stuff for the new house. I only really wanted to get my old bicycle because I want to be biking regularly for the next year. I want to take that fitness journey seriously! So I got the bike and I got to spend some time with some childhood friends. Good stuff.
December 15. A teammate resigned at work. The funny thing is he did it after getting that 13th month bonus HAHAHA! I can’t blame him though after learning about the salary he gets when he’s performing three functions in the team. That’s insane. But it really made me wonder: am I still in this for the long haul? Or do I move on too?
December 17. So I had my work desk and wardrobe delivered. Felt so nice buying things for my room! 
December 19. We got a new dog! Another French Bulldog. He’s pretty sweet. Someone’s not happy! (MY MOM)
December 22. And then this happened. We were supposed to meet after my dentist appointment (which I only used as an excuse to meet and I thought that was obvious) but the Professor never showed up. I waited for FIVE FREAKIN HOURS. I had like clothes with me because we agreed I sleepover but FUCK. Good thing a friend kept me company, but that was horrible. I thought YOU NEVER DO THAT TO ANYONE. I deserve better.
December 24. We had our house blessed. It was all super spontaneous; we invited a few friends and relatives over and had an intimate gathering. Mom got emotional (AGAIN).
December 27. So Ms. Preggy (from February - oooh that rhymed) had her son baptized. Since she lives a little father from the city, we decided to have a little staycation with some friends there too. The-Now-Bestie and Work Son was there, and we had beer and homecooked food and a slew of great conversations to cap off the year. 
Also December 27. I knew I needed to get something off my chest. And I just had to say it. 
“You’re so unfair. You shouldn’t have done that. Gave me false hopes. Gave me a “3-day trial period” only to disappear without any warning. Made promises you never intended to keep. You could’ve just told me you’re not interested anymore and I would’ve been fine with that but instead, you ghosted me. For the past few weeks since that weekend, it never seemed like you wanted to get to know me better. Or even just keep the communication going. It’s been one-sided and I wonder: has it always been this way? Maybe I’m remembering things differently. I told you I like you and I meant that. I’m still wrapping around my head why and how it happened to be honest. Maybe it’s that weekend? Maybe it’s the conversations leading up to when we first met? I don’t know. But things changed after that and I should ask you for an explanation but it’s really not the point. The point is I thought we can work something out and you hurt me. You may feel like you’re running out of time because of Japan but it’s no excuse to do that to anyone, really. You seem so sure about what you want so I hope you get whatever that is. Merry Christmas. Thanks for the memories.”
That was intense.
December 28. The Professor responded. “I apologize... I am getting attached... I had to “ponder on its implications to me in the long run”... I decided to slow down... It hurts... “That weekend that we met felt like I knew you before”... I am afraid... “You have no idea how hard it is to leave everything behind every 4-5 fucking years not because I wanted it but because I have to”... I still hope to continue whatever we have... “I will always remember you. Please don’t forget about me.”... YADA YADA YADA. 
I know. You know me. I try to empathize as much as possible. But I mean, come on. These are things I already know. It’s not what I needed to hear.
December 31. I needed to say something one last time. There’s already a lot of uncertainties in the world with COVID and life and everything else. I knew I needed answers; I want the binary. I want the black or white for this one. I’m not taking the gray with me next year. So I asked the following questions:
“What do you want from me? Do you want to be friends? Or we stick with occasional catching up on Viber every once in a while (because that’s what it sounds like to me)?”
“What do you want to get from your last two months here? What are you looking for? Just make the most “fun’? Or look for something that will stick?”
“Have you told me anything you really didn’t mean?”
“That one time we talked about long-distance, were you asking me?”
Fast forward to now: I never got the answer I needed. I guess this is one of those rare occasions where no answer is the answer. And after a few weeks of contemplating about it, I am leaving it behind in 2020. 
I’m actually at peace with that.
So there you have it. The suck-fest that is 2020. The first month of the new year wasn’t so bad. I feel this great energy. This year’s going to be different. I did tell you that this letter’s perfect timing. That’s because I’ve resigned and I’m moving on. A friend told me a while ago that he’s proud of me for finally taking action. The 2018 version of myself wouldn’t have done what I did and he was happy for me. I wanted a clean slate and I took it. That I was finally taking ownership of my life. 
I was elated. My friend usually spoils me with compliments and encouragement and my ever reliable negative self-image tend to disagree with him but for the first time in a very long time, it felt right. I’m not usually excited for New Years, but I guess I am?
I say bring it on, 2021.
Until then,
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seldnei · 4 years
taking stock of 2020
For any new followers: this is my annual post about my writing in the past year.  This is purely for my own mental health--the tag says “seldnei is tired of feeling like a slacker” for a reason.  Please feel free to skip.
Okay, so what did I accomplish in 2020?
In 2019 I was having issues getting my shit together.  I had literally just started feeling like I had my feet under me when Covid hit, and … I dunno.  Pandemic brain was an issue, but also I re-evaluated what I feel makes me “successful.” In general, writing-career-wise, I feel pretty happy with where I am.  Sure, I’d like to publish more, and of course I’d love to be able to afford to write full-time, but if I died (which was a scarily plausible idea this year) I don’t think I’d have very many regrets in that area.
BUT. My idea of “success” does have to do with doing the work.  Maybe I won’t become a NYT bestseller, but my self-image as a writer depends on actually writing things and finishing them, and that did not happen as much as I wanted it to this year.  There are, absolutely, legitimate reasons for that.  I’m trying very hard not to beat myself up over it.  
I did do some things.  Sometimes it was like pulling teeth, but I did do some things.
The Novel:
Oh, man, this is the thing I did not do.  I just … stopped querying agents   entirely.  And unlike my decision re: short stories (see below), this was not a conscious choice on my part.  I just didn’t do it. I think it just became Too Much to be sending queries into the ether when I was     also wondering if I was going to catch this virus/trying to pivot my day job to remote work/dealing with Z’s online school.
I did do the query letter class on Reedsy, which was pretty good.
I’m not sure what I want to do with the book.  I feel very stuck.  One thing I’m considering is scraping some cash together for an editing pass from a freelance editor, just to see if the whole thing really sucks or if it’s just my brain being overwhelmed.  
Not sure how my feelings about my career (above) fit into this, either.  It is a big tangle in my brain at the moment.
Short Stories
I specifically decided in … February?  March?  Just before lockdown, anyway … that I would spend 2020 focusing on writing rather than submitting (the exception to this was FUCKIT).  So not many submissions went out last year.  I also didn’t get as many stories drafted or revised as I’d hoped, but whatever.
I finished a Teachouts story—with camels!—and tried outlining for the first time, which went pretty well.  It’s another long one, and needs revising, but I like it a lot.  I got to watch a lot of camel videos for it, and research the camel corps (the US military looked into using camels instead of donkeys/mules in the southwest).
I wrote a self-indulgent ghost story and put it on the blog.
I also wrote an Orpheus/Eurydice story for FUCKIT that I think of as “trailer trash Eurydice,” because I imagine her telling him the story in their tiny little trailer that they’ve got illegally parked in the mountains somewhere.
“Primary Manifestations” came out in October in Stories We Tell After Midnight vol 2. Upon reading it in print, I immediately found a giant continuity error that I, two betas, and the editor all missed.  Ah, well, such is life.
I wrote 3 poems: “Instructions for Quarantine,”  “Christmas 2020,” and “Stopping by Jolene’s on a Snowy Evening,” which is a mashup of exactly what you think it is.  I keep debating putting it on Tumblr.
I did a reading on Instagram!  And people came!  My mother had to hear me say “fuck,” like, a lot!
Wrote 3 pieces for FUCKIT, and finished a draft of the 4th thing (which is currently resting before revisions).  FUCKIT, by the way, has been one of my two saving graces this year, keeping me writing even when I was lost in pandemic fog.
Journaled all goddamned year; my other saving grace.  I took Fran Wilde’s creative journaling class at the Rambo Academy in January, and started keeping a paper journal again shortly after.  AND HOLY CATS DID I NEED IT.  
Blogged, as per usual.  Actually a bit more than usual, during quarantine.
So. Many. Notes. Indentured servant demons notes. Incremental apocalypse notes. Mad Scientist’s Daughter notes Urban fantasy notes (this one would be a story called “The Curse of the Spider Queen” which is an amazing title, right?).  
Finished two Cat Rambo classes!  And bought 4 more, god help me.
Goals for 2021
Like, obviously general survival.
Also surviving this grad program while still writing.  I have my writing goals for the first 3-4 months of 2021 mapped out in my planner, and I’m determined.  I am really, really sick of feeling like a slacker—which is why I started these annual reflective posts 5 years ago, so maybe it bodes well.
FUCKIT thing
Camel story
Train story (I have editorial comments from a reject for that one)
Start submitting again
Write 1 short story (probably the Spider Queen story)
Sort out the novel stuff
Finish 1 Cat Rambo class
More notes on all the stories!
Update the blog because I just went there for links and, wow, I have some housekeeping to do, yikes.
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bthenoise · 4 years
Live Show Memories: The Last Concerts Your Favorite Bands Attended Before Lockdown
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Welp, we’ve officially (and sadly) reached the one-year mark without any live shows. While we know how much of a bummer this can be to think about -- trust us, we know -- we have decided to try and spin this in a lighter, much more positive manner. 
Instead of mourning the fact that no one’s been to a “real” live show in over 365 days, how about we look back at some of our last concerts and remember the good times? You know, like when we saw Thrice play Vheissu on their 15-year anniversary tour and we screamed our lungs out to “The Earth Will Shake.” 
Looking to compile other fun last show memories, we reached out to bands like State Champs, Neck Deep, August Burns Red, Wage War, The Spill Canvas and more to see what some of their last shows were like. 
To see which band members paused their live music run watching Panic! At The Disco or Tool or even Ariana Grande, be sure to look below. 
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Dan + Shay and The Band Camino
WHERE WAS IT: Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH
WHEN WAS IT: March 8th, 2020
HOW WAS IT: Absolutely incredible. It was my second time seeing TBC and like my 5th or 6th seeing D+S and both bands are so freakin’ good live. It was also very cool to see D+S on their own headline arena gig. Big bada$$ production and all that!!
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I would love to see the 1975!! They’re so good live. Would be a hell of a first gig back!
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Blink-182
WHERE WAS IT: Brooklyn, NY
WHEN WAS IT: September 19th, 2019
HOW WAS IT: The show was bittersweet as it was the last date of our tour with Blink-182. I remember the show [being] amazing though, Blink came out and took apart Dani's kit halfway through our last song. Ben got to sing with Blink, so a great way to cap off the tour.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Honestly, fucking anybody, I've forgotten what a gig feels like.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: The last show I went to I saw the band Young Guv perform and they kicked major ass. 
WHERE WAS IT: Rebel Lounge in Phoenix, Arizona.
WHEN WAS IT: The show was on March 10th, 2020. 
HOW WAS IT: The show rocked, I think most of us knew that some major change was on the horizon so we lived out the moment to its fullest potential and partied until the sun came up. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I think I'm most excited to see either HAIM or Billie Eilish once the pandemic is over.
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WHERE WAS IT: San Diego!!!
WHEN WAS IT: Feb 29th, 2020
HOW WAS IT: There was a documentary blink-182 made called Riding In Vans With Boys that featured KUT U UP. This documentary changed my life. Getting to watch KUT U UP AND PLAY WITH THEM!!! Fucking dream come true. I crowd surfed the entire bar.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I would really love to see phem perform. I’ve gotten really close with her and her music and want to mosh to all of it. Even if I’m by myself.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Jimmy Eat World
WHERE WAS IT: The Capitol Room at HMAC, Harrisburg, PA
WHEN WAS IT: November 12, 2019
HOW WAS IT: The show was fun. It was a sold out show in a 1,000 capacity venue so it felt intimate. Jimmy Eat World sounds great live and always play well. I went with my wife and our bass player Dustin and his girlfriend. They played all the hits and some fun deep cuts we weren’t expecting!
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Ghostemane
WHERE WAS IT: The Observatory OC, Orange County, CA
WHEN WAS IT: Around Halloween 2019
HOW WAS IT: Absolutely insane! Listening to his albums is one thing but seeing him live & how loud the bass is & how hard the band goes is next level. The audience goes absolutely bananas as well. It was a really cool performance!
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Would love to go to Furnace Fest to see all the OG metalcore bands perform later this year.
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WHO DID YOU SEE:  Nothing More
WHERE WAS IT: House of Blue New Orleans
HOW WAS IT: Honestly, if you’ve never seen this band live you’re missing out! Atreyu were off tour so I drove from my home in Alabama to New Orleans and treated myself to a show. We had recently played ShipRocked with Nothing More, but this show blew that one out of the water! Such an energetic, captivating, and honest performance.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Literally ANY BAND… but Nothing More, Turnstile, or Sturgill Simpson would rule.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Dan + Shay, The Band Camino and Ingrid Andress
WHERE WAS IT: Bridgestone Arena. Nashville, Tennessee
WHEN WAS IT: March 7, 2020
HOW WAS IT: It was incredible! Truly one of the best shows I’ve been to.
WHO DID YOU SEE: The Acacia Strain, Rotting Out, Creeping Death, Chamber, Fuming Mouth, & Scatter Shot.
WHERE WAS IT: Soundbar, Orlando FL.
WHEN WAS IT: March 5th, 2020. HOW WAS IT: The show was great. Super high-energy crowd packed into an intimate venue. Had a great time watching the bands with a few good friends. I just wish I would have known it was my last concert for the next year+!
WHO DID YOU SEE: Polaris, Wage War, Crystal Lake, Alpha Wolf
WHERE WAS IT: The Tivoli - Brisbane, QLD Australia
WHEN WAS IT: February 29th, 2020
HOW WAS IT: It was our last night on tour together. I remember the show being a blast and the hang backstage being even better. We formed some lasting friendships with Polaris in the US and in Australia and had mixed emotions not knowing the next time we would see each other... not knowing the pandemic would follow.
Last show I saw: A Day To Remember, Falling in Reverse, Fever 333, and Whitechapel
Where: Self Help Fest, Worcester Massachusetts 
When: Fall 2019
HOW WAS IT: Weather was perfect, crowd was strong, and ADTR destroyed at the end of the night. It was the first time they had played “Rescue Me” live. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: One of the first bands I want to see when gigs return is Polaris.
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WHERE WAS IT: Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne
WHEN WAS IT: Honestly I don’t even remember dude, like everything is a blur since COVID started. This is the last show that I remember. It was about a year ago with some change.
HOW WAS IT: It was incredible. The best production, sound and show I have ever seen. Tool are one of my favorite bands and I had never seen them live after being a fan for 15+ years. I was left absolutely speechless. Mind blown, nothing comes close.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: The Get Up Kids and Dashboard Confessional
WHERE WAS IT: Saint Andrew’s Hall in Detroit, MI
WHEN WAS IT: March 3rd & 4th, 2020
HOW WAS IT: I went to both nights back-to-back actually. It was the 20 year Dashboard anniversary so Chris Carrabba played A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar in its entirety one night and then The Places You Have Come to Fear The Most in its entirety, both sets with some other stuff sprinkled in. I’m a big fan of both bands but it was good to see a lot of these songs I wouldn’t have been able to see probably ever again. There’s nothing better than singing at the top of your lungs to songs that shaped you as a musician and a person in general. My brother Lupe Bustos (The Maine/Dashboard photo) met us after the second night and we all went out with him and the Dashboard guys to have drinks, it was a blast.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I almost don’t care who it is, I’d just like to get to a show. I’d love to see The Night Game, I would kill to see Poison the Well again at some point. I saw recently they’re playing Furnace Fest in Alabama so I’m glad they’re doing shows again. Honestly, any show will do at this point!
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WHERE WAS IT: The Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
WHEN WAS IT: 23rd Feb 2020 - Right in the middle of recording our new album The Greatest Mistake Of My Life!
HOW WAS IT: Best band I’ve ever seen live. They played a load of older, slower songs which I love. I had to come home from the studio for the day to see them as I wasn’t missing the show - very glad I didn’t miss it!
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I’ve been spinning the new Teenage Wrist record a LOT recently so I’d love to see them. Or The Cure as I’ve never seen them live!
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Noah Gundersen
WHERE WAS IT: The Social - Orlando, FL
WHEN WAS IT: Feb 21st, 2020
HOW WAS IT: His performance was by far one of the most inspiring things I've ever seen. I had the goosebump waves nearly every song. It was stunning what he was able to do with just his voice and an acoustic.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Circa Survive on their Blue Sky Noise anniversary tour. It's my favorite album by them, and although I've seen them countless times, it's been quite a while.
WHO DID YOU SEE: Panic! At The Disco.
WHERE WAS IT: Fiserv Forum - Milwaukee, WI
WHEN WAS IT: Jan 27, 2019
HOW WAS IT: I don’t attend concerts much when I’m off tour, but our old guitarist Mike had just joined Panic and was able to get my wife and I some tickets. It was really exciting and slightly surreal to see Mike performing in such a massive venue. They put on an excellent show and we had a great time.  
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Still need to see John Mayer or Jimmy Eat World live.
WHO DID YOU SEE: Pinegrove
WHERE WAS IT: Icon - Sioux Falls, SD
WHEN WAS IT: Sept 16th, 2019
HOW WAS IT: I absolutely loved being able to experience them in such an intimate setting. They played an extended set and took requests called out by the crowd.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: In South Dakota we don’t have a ton of options for entertainment but I have the chance to see Willie Nelson in August. If it doesn’t get canceled, I’m probably not going to pass it up. 
WHO DID YOU SEE: Hot Water Music & The Menzingers
WHERE WAS IT: St Augustine Amphitheater - St. Augustine, FL
WHEN WAS IT: Oct 2019
HOW WAS IT: The show was phenomenal. I’ve been fortunate enough to catch Hot Water Music a handful of times over the years, and this last time I saw them they gave another great performance. The Menzingers were killer as well.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I’d love to catch Phoebe Bridgers again, she’s wonderful live. Also would really love to see Alexisonfire tear up a stage again too.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: It was Dia De Los Deftones. I got to go see Megan Thee Stallion, Gojira, Chvches, and Deftones WHERE WAS IT: Petco Park in San Diego 
WHEN WAS IT: Late 2019 I believe
HOW WAS IT: Such a great time with the epic lineup. The vibes were incredible and also went backstage to kick it and say waddup to Chino and the fam.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Ariana Grande
WHERE WAS IT: Los Angeles / The Forum
WHEN WAS IT: December 22, 2019
HOW WAS IT: Incredible. Amazing vocals, amazing show, amazing choreo. God is truly a woman.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: My top 3 would be Meg Thee Stallion, Doja Cat and Machine Gun Kelly. But honestly, at that point, I’m gonna be down to go see literally anyone.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Have Mercy (their last show), Idle Wave, we also played the show
WHERE WAS IT: Hard Luck, Toronto, ON
WHEN WAS IT: March 15, 2020
HOW WAS IT: It was such a weird feeling, we didn’t know for certain what was going on yet but we could tell that it was gonna be the last show of the tour. By the time the show started and the turn out wasn’t the greatest, we knew this was something serious. Show was a blast nevertheless and I was glad to leave it on a good one.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: The Menzingers
WHERE WAS IT: The Zoo, Brisbane
WHEN WAS IT: March 2020, the night of my birthday!
HOW WAS IT: Brilliant! I think it's become even better in hindsight. The memory has aged like a fine wine after the struggles of the past 12 months. Seeing one of my favourite artists surrounded by the people I loved was the best way to celebrate a “last show.”
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Being in Australia, it feels like a while before overseas acts will be touring here BUT I'd love to see The 1975 or Enter Shikari as one of the first overseas acts to come here post-pandemic. The energy both those acts bring will surely make up for months without live music!
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WHO DID YOU SEE: My last show was our own show with Overgrow and Mouth Movements.
WHERE WAS IT: Donato’s Basement in Columbus, OH
WHEN WAS IT: Right before everything shut down in March. 
HOW WAS IT: There was definitely some interesting energy because of the uncertainty yet growing concern of COVID, but we knew it was going to be our last show of that tour so I really took in the joy and excitement of our performance. It was also really sweet to spend the last show with our Common Ground Collective family Jake from Overgrow and our agent John Rausch. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Winter! She put out my favorite album of 2020 so I am looking forward to seeing those songs live. 
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Anti-Flag, Grade 2 & Positive Charge
WHERE WAS IT: The 27 Club Ottawa - Ottawa, ON
WHEN WAS IT: March 11th, 2020
HOW WAS IT: Amazing show. Anti-Flag is one of my childhood favourites and a pleasure to see at home in Canada. Awesome show in a 300 cap room before the world shut down for a full year.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Rex Orange County
WHERE WAS IT: The Tabernacle in Atlanta
WHEN WAS IT: The last week of February 2020
HOW WAS IT: It was so much fun. I went with my best friend Natalie after a very long day. We danced the entire time and had no idea that’d be our last show. 
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Modest Mouse
WHERE WAS IT: The Anthem in DC
WHEN WAS IT: Late 2019
HOW WAS IT: It was such a good night... they had always been one of my all-time fave bands so seeing them at such a sweet venue was a dream. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Would love to see Tame Impala or Portugal. The Man next, can't pick between the two.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Tyler the Creator 
WHERE WAS IT: It was at Red Rocks in Morrison, CO which is one of the greatest places to see a show in the world.
WHEN WAS IT:  It was in October of 2019 :( 
HOW WAS IT: It was incredible. Tyler is extremely funny on stage and he actually slipped and fell while performing. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: The first show I want to go to isn't necessarily for just one [band]. I just want to go to a hardcore show and rage my fucking face off!
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WHO DID YOU SEE: The last band I went to see was The Red Pears! 
WHERE WAS IT: Brick and Mortar in San Francisco.
WHEN WAS IT: February 25th, 2020... I think!
HOW WAS IT: After we played with The Red Pears in Reno, they offered me to come out to their show in San Francisco which one of my friends' bands were opening up for. I remember coming into the venue and seeing so many people that I knew, something I really miss having these days. They absolutely killed it and it was somebody in the band's birthday, so the whole crowd sang him happy birthday. I just remember dancing and having a great time.
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: I really want to see the band Loving again. I was able to catch them once at the Rickshaw Shop in San Francisco and it was one of my favorite show experiences to date! Can't wait to see them again.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Summer Salt, Okey Dokey & we (Breakup Shoes) performed
WHERE WAS IT: Fox Theatre - Boulder, CO
WHEN WAS IT: 3/12/20
HOW WAS IT: An absolute blast of a show. It hadn’t been confirmed yet but with how serious the initial COVID-19 outbreak was seeming, we knew in the back of our heads that this was gonna be our final show of tour. We gave it our all on stage for our set and then made cameos as backup vocalists, dancers, percussionists, etc. during our tour-mates set, which made the night feel like something really special.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: The All-American Rejects
WHERE WAS IT: The Beacham in Orlando, FL
WHEN WAS IT: September 2019
HOW WAS IT: It was a great time. We actually just finished a writing session with Nick from AAR the week before so it was ironic they were in FL the following week.
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Bring Me The Horizon
WHEN WAS IT: 13.11.2018
HOW WAS IT: Powerful and exciting, awesome band to see live and lots of pyro!  
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WHO DID YOU SEE: Bring Me the Horizon, Sleeping With Sirens, Poppy WHERE WAS IT: The Fillmore Miami Beach
WHEN WAS IT: October 2019 HOW WAS IT: It was amazing. It’s very inspiring to see a band in the rock/metal genre mobilize such a broad audience. 
BONUS - WHO'S THE FIRST BAND YOU WANT TO SEE POST-PANDEMIC THAT ISN'T YOUR OWN: Definitely Metallica. Getting to attend their drive-in concert was as close to the atmosphere of a show that most of us here in Miami got to experience.
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The last show The Word Alive played was just over a year ago this week, at the Los Angeles Emo Nite. We had just wrapped an insanely successful tour with Falling In Reverse, had a day off in LA and then March 6th we had plans to celebrate the release of our album MONOMANIA with our friends, family, label and fans. We weren’t quite sure how the reception would be, given that we weren’t an iconic emo band which is who the majority of the music patrons come to listen and sing along to, which is what made the performance even more memorable.
Right when we went on stage the energy was amazing. To see how many friends, peers from the industry, and fans from all over came to celebrate with us really meant a lot.
I was just watching videos the other day from different posts fans had made, and you can hear how loudly they were singing the songs that had just been released -- some louder than any song we have ever had.
It was bittersweet because, while it reinforced in my head just how special our album was, it has been the only glimpse into the world of touring on MONOMANIA may have been like.
I’m very excited to get back at it with the boys once everything is safe and sound. And I have zero doubt in my mind that it will feel a million times better than even our best show memory to date. See you there.
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ampersandnotdash · 4 years
2020 year in review? Why the fuck not!
- January: launch of a fucking huge public benefits program where we got far more interest than expected because executive leadership is fucking stupid
- February/March: my kid nearly died
- March 14: my brother has a pi baby! ... but I can't see her because that's when lockdown went into full force
- April/May: my mom nearly died
- Summer: BLM uprising! ... and became the magical negro to explain institutional racism for performative allyship
- June (I think?): Sean and I started rebuilding our friendship (I think?) ... at the very least, we started talking more like we used to before things blew up
- July: my husband underwent surgery and became practically useless for the next couple months
- August/September: manuscript submittal! ... a friend of mine told me about the Graydon House open call and I went for it (still no word so far, but that's okay)
- Fall/winter: no idea! ... I practically lost all sense of motivation/energy/wherewithal after submitting my thing to GH and fell into a deep depression that I'm slowly coming out of
This has been a real shitty fucking year. I'm really fortunate to have kept my job this entire time when so many people lost theirs. I work public benefits that got hit hard this spring due to the pandemic, but couldn't help for the most part because of the type of benefits my program disburses. My kid and my mom are doing better, but my mom needs more help than she wants to believe. Plus, she's a COVID denier and thinks there's election fraud so... My kid is doing okay too. There's still some lasting effects, but I think she'll pull through.
So much of this year has been wrapped up in work -- I've essentially worked 50+ hours a week since January 1 -- that I'm surprised I'm still standing. If it weren't for my friend Angela telling me about the open call, I would've forgotten that I could do more than process benefit applications and answer phone calls. My beta team are a godsend: they were the ones kicking my ass and getting me across the finish line. If I can't complete my book for myself, I can at least close it out for them.
I'm tired, guys. 2020 had to 2020 all over my shit and I'm ready for it to end. 2021 had better not be a continuation of this bullshit or I'm gonna lose it.
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madilayn · 4 years
2020 - the story so far...
This is a very US-Centric look at 2020 - but still hilarious!
I saw this earlier from a friend and couldn’t stop laughing  
You gotta read this in one breath.
Dear Diary 2020 Edition
In January, Australia caught on fire. I don’t even know if that fire was put out, because we straight up almost went to war with Iran. We might actually still be almost at war with them. I don’t know, because Jen Aniston and Brad Pitt spoke to one another at an awards show and everyone flipped the fuck out, but then Netflix released Cheer and everyone fell in love with Jerry, but then there was thing happening in China, then Prince Harry and Megan peaced out of the Royal family, and there was the whole impeachment trial, and then corona virus showed up in the US “officially,” but then Kobe died and UK peaced out of the European Union
In February, Iowa crapped itself with the caucus results and the president was acquitted and the Speaker of the House took ten years to rip up a speech, but then WHO decided to give this virus a name COVID-19, which confused some really important people in charge of, like, our lives, into thinking there were 18 other versions before it, but then Harvey Weinstein was found guilty, and Americans started asking if Corona beer was safe to drink, and everyone on Facebook became a doctor who just knew the flu like killed way more people than COVID 1 through 18.
In March, shit hit the fan. Warren dropped out of the presidential race and Sanders was like Bernie or bust, but then Italy shut its whole ass down, and then COVID Not 1 through 18 officially become what everyone already realized, a pandemic and then a nationwide state of emergency was declared in US, but it didn’t really change anything, so everyone was confused or thought it was still just a flu, but then COVID Not 18 was like ya’ll not taking me seriously? I’m gonna infect the one celebrity everyone loves and totally infected Tom Hanks, but then the DOW took a shit on itself, and most of us still don’t understand why the stock market is so important or even a thing(I still don’t), but then we were all introduced to Tiger King. (Carol totally killed her husband), and Netflix was like you’re welcome, and we all realized there was no way we were washing our hands enough in the first place because all of our hands are now dry and gross.
In April, Bernie finally busted himself out of the presidential race, but then NYC because the set of The Walking Dead and we learn that no one has face masks, ventilators, or toilet paper, or THE GOD DAMN SWIFTER WET JET LIQUID, but then Kim Jong-Un died, but then he came back to life… or did he? Who knows, because then the Pentagon released videos of UFOs, and we were like man, it’s only April….In May, the biblical end times kicked off historical locust swarms and then we learned of murder hornets and realized that 2020 was the start of the Hunger Games but people forgot to let us know, but then people legit protested lockdown measures with AR-15s, and then sports events were cancelled everywhere, 
But then people all over America finally reached a breaking point with race issues and violence. There were protests in every city, but then people totes forgot about the pandemic called COVID Not One Through 18. Media struggled with how to focus on two important things at once, but then people in general struggle to focus on more than one important thing, and a dead whale was found in the middle of the Amazon rain forest after monkeys stole COVID 1 Through 19 from a lab and ran off with them, and either in May or April (no one is keeping track of time now) that a giant asteroid narrowly missed earth.
In June, science and common sense just got thrown straight out the window and somehow wearing masks became a political thing, but then a whole lot of people realized the south was actually the most unpatriotic thing ever and actually lost the civil war, and there is a large amount of people who feel that statues they don’t even know the name of are needed for … history reasons, but then everyone sort of remembered there was a pandemic, but then decided that not wearing a mask was somehow a god given right (still haven't found that part in the bible or even in the constitution), but then scientists announced they found a mysterious undiscovered mass at the center of the earth, and everyone was like DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH IT, but then everyone took a pause to realize that people actually believed Gone With The Wind was like non-fiction, but then it was also announced that there is a strange radio single coming from somewhere in the universe that repeats itself every so many days, and everyone was like DON’T YOU DARE ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE WITH IT, but then America reopened from the shut down that actually wasn’t even a shut down, and so far, things have gone spectacularly not that great, but everyone is on Facebook arguing that masks kill because no one knows how breathing works, but then Florida was like hold my beer and let me show you how we’re number one in all things, including new Not Corona Beer Corona Virus, Trump decides now is a good time to ask the Supreme Court to shut down Obama Care because what better time to do so than in the middle of a pandemic, but then we learned there was a massive dust cloud coming straight at us from the Sahara Desert, which is totally normal, but this is 2020, so the ghost mummy thing is most likely in that dust cloud, but then I learned of meth-gators, and I'm like that is so not on my fucking 2020 Bingo card, but then we learned that the Congo's worse ever Ebola outbreak is over, and we were all like, there was an ebola outbreak that was the worse ever?
In July…. Aliens? Zeus? Asteroids? Artificial Intelligence becomes self aware?
Ty, Ted Monnich
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The Cycle (Pt. 1)
I’m not really sure where to start, so I’m going to opt for my current situation and how I got here. This blog isn’t meant for attention, but rather a way for me to get my experiences out in the open. Maybe some people will find this, relate, and somehow become my tribe. Let me tell you, I need good people. If you stick around long enough, I’m certain you’ll quickly start to see that. With that being said, I’m going to start with a very rough outline of the past 14-15 months.
For just a brief back story, I got offered the best paying job I’d ever had in January of 2017. A lot of stuff had happened (which I’ll cover another time) and I would have been stupid not to take the job when it was given to me. After 2 years, I got my Real Estate License since the company required it for all Property Managers, and I got promoted. The problem was that we were used to running our office with 3 Admins - one had been taken to fit a different role months earlier and still hadn’t been replaced, and I was the second one to be moved while the company STILL did not make an attempt to refill those roles until AFTER my promotion was finalized. I got stuck doing my job as an Admin AND my new job as a Property Manager with all training put on hold until those roles were filled, while also being expected to heavily assist in training the new Admins they hired since I had been there longer than the last Admin standing and was damn good at my job.
I then spent months filling multiple roles, being asked to train people coming into the new roles (including another Property Manager when I STILL wasn’t trained), and being asked regularly to go out of my way to do things face-to-face with/for my residents that was not being asked of my peers (many of which took up a substantial amount of time, like delivering portable AC units and having to walk through someone’s whole house with our Field Manager for maintenance complaints that I had no authority over). I BEGGED for help getting the new Admin team to fulfill the tasks I was trying to delegate to them, begged for training, begged for clarity on expectations that were never laid out. I begged for help for 6 months, and was consistently met with “we don’t have the resources,” “we aren’t properly staffed,” “there isn’t time,” etc. I was buried up to my nose from the day I took the position, and not one person agreed to help me dig myself out of the dirt. Instead, they buried me and then fired me for not being able to fulfill the role to their expectations (while the other two Property Managers weren’t expected to do ANY of the extra stuff they’d put on me to deal with). That was early September 2019. I filed for unemployment, and my now-former supervisor dug up information from my role as an Admin that had been approved by the District Manager at the time until they both got in trouble for letting me slightly stagger my schedule to make sure I could take care of my kids and be able to pay my rent after a HUGE change in the custody and child support of my children (a situation I’ll cover at another time). I didn’t get the notice letter for the unemployment appeal meeting until after it had taken place, about a week before Christmas, at which point I was VERY depressed, stressed, and couldn’t begin to fathom taking on a multi-million dollar company on my own. I now owe the state almost $900 in “overpaid unemployment benefits” that I have yet to be able to pay back.
I spent the next few months trying to find another job. Hoping to find something still in the world of Property Management, even if it wasn’t the same role or anywhere near the same pay or if it didn’t come with the same benefits. The company I worked for is well-known and very disliked by the ENTIRE property management community in the area I lived in at the time. They’re a very young company that is buying up houses left and right and helping make rent prices SOAR for those that aren’t able to buy a house (or just like renting instead of owning the home they live in for whatever reason) - they make it their goal year over year to increase renewal rates as much as they can get away with, knowing many people won’t do the research, question their numbers, or walk away from their house...they’ll just pay the rent increase and keep moving through their complaints of how high their rent is for the lack of improvements the company makes and their poor excuse of a maintenance department that’s directed to penny-and-dime every vendor and look for any reason the resident could possibly be held responsible for higher priced maintenance items. They’re in 20 different states and their maintenance department for their entire operation runs out of ONE state with a local “liaison” at each office that’s function is only for vacant homes. Hopefully they’ve changed some of this in the past year, but I don’t have any reason to believe they would have made things better for anything outside of their own bottom line. I won’t use their name because I don’t want to get sued, but if you know, you know.
I had to take the name of the company off of my resume, replaced with the word “Confidential,” in order to start getting call backs for interviews with other property management companies...all of which ended up being for apartment complexes where I was used to single-family and the two worlds are vastly different from one another. I had ONE company that actually offered me a job sometime around October/November 2019, and it turned out to be an absolutely awful situation to be in. They lied about what they offered for health insurance in my interview, treated their residents like garbage, their property manager played favorites and treated other staff like they were incompetent toddlers, leasing staff and maintenance weren’t allowed to communicate with each other outside of breaks and absolute emergencies, and operated with a LOT of drama. One situation got brought into our leasing office (while open to the public) where their outsourced IT guy and management proceeded to yell at each other in the lobby, calling each other things like “fucking liars” and just generally making a big scene, which made me incredibly uncomfortable to be around. I was already dealing with not having my much-needed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications, and the way this company was operated was making my already spiraling mental health WORSE. So after a few weeks, I left knowing that they were not a good fit for me nor I for what they apparently needed. I applied for literally hundreds of jobs, got a few interviews, and never got offered another position.
All this time, I’m just trying to figure out how I’m going to pay my rent (my now ex-boyfriend’s parents were paying our $1500 monthly rent and all of our utilities at this point so we wouldn’t get evicted with my kids), how I’m going to pay my phone bill or my car payment, dealing with being uninsured and ashamed of the situation I was in, debt piling up all around me with no way out of it, no health insurance, battling withdrawal from my heavy dosage of SSRI drugs. I know I haven’t talked much about them here, but all of this was really starting to affect my children - who were only 5 & 7 at the time - which was really making the entire situation SO MUCH WORSE to deal with. I was self medicating with marijuana and was high 98% of the time, or in the process of getting high. While weed by itself is not an addictive drug, I developed a dependency on it like I had come to depend on my mental health medications, because it was numbing the reality of the situation I was in and helping keep me somewhat functional and kept me from falling deeper into the darkness as my world crumbled around me.
At the end of January, I finally decided that I couldn’t justify staying in the place I’d lived my whole life anymore. I had lost my job, all of my income, my health insurance...I was on the brink of losing my car, my relationship was failing due to financial strain (though I was also done with the relationship beforehand and started cheating on him before I lost my job anyway and was really only with him at that point for convenience...not a moment I’m proud of by any means), I wasn’t able to support myself or my kids and was no longer able to hide the situation from them for what it was. The only thing I was able to protect them from was KNOWING I was always high, which I’m sure from my own experience with my parents, they’ll end up figuring out when they’re older and weed is legal across the board. So I started thinking “what’s next, how do I change this situation?” 
By January 2020, I’d been back in contact with an old high school boyfriend for a number of months. Not only was he an old boyfriend, but he was also one of my best friends in the whole world. I trusted him with every fiber of my being, he is the only soul that knows me the way he does, and he has stuck by my side through all of the mud trudging I’ve gone through since I was 15 other than our own disastrously messy breakup. He was roughly 400 miles away from my hometown, and was the only viable option for me to ask for help in the form of a roof to look for work and try to get myself back up on my feet. So I took my kids to their dad (who is a very petty and ugly human) because he is/was at least financially stable, packed a few things, and went looking for work 400 miles away. 3 days in, I was offered a menial serving job...but hey, working on 6 months of no consistent job or income, it was better than what I was working with back home. I started that job the end of February. For anyone that’s been alive this year, you know what’s coming next...4 weeks later, the restaurant was shut down for COVID lockdowns, and I immediately started looking for another job to take on once those shutdowns were lifted. So now, I’m 400 miles away from my kids and my family, and I’m also unemployed.
I thought I found one doing leasing with an apartment complex. I got the job offer, the offer letter, was working on finalizing a start date even though some of their requirements were ridiculous (like not being able to how any semblance of a tattoo or piercing not in your ear and only being able to wear black and white on the job). Then I asked what they were doing to protect their employees, residents, and potential residents from COVID. I lost that opportunity for asking questions, because they were the ONLY complex locally that was not observing any pandemic-related precautions, and had referred to a colleague as a “titty baby” for simply asking them to step up their game by providing hand sanitizer and a thermometer for their offices. I opted not to go back to serving over precautions for COVID so I could still go home and see my kids again at my dad’s house, as my step-mom was dealing the return of her Breast Cancer after nearly 2 years in remission and no way of getting treatment until the doctors decided it was safe again for her to be in a hospital or cancer treatment center.
Realizing now that I’ve only gotten to sometime around April/May, I’m going to leave this post for now and come back for a Part 2. If you’re still reading this and are planning on returning for the next installment, thank you for taking this journey with me as I lay my life out one piece at a time in the hopes of healing.
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2020
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Bin: Re-discovering 1990s alt-rock and listening to some previously unknown and/or forgotten jams culminating with discovering that Cherub Rock is an all-time track
Chap: Dancing to Frank Sinatra with my kids on NYE
Bronco: Started jamming with John on Rocksmith.  He pointed out that there was a multiplayer mode, so I ordered another cable and, lo and behold, we were both able to play.  He's starting to learn the bass while I continue to tinker with the guitar.  Pretty awesome to jam out to some Alice in Chains or some Mastodon with my 10-year-old son. Only two more years and he should be able to tour with Korn!
Code: - climbed up to the roof for 4th of july and brought the big set outside to jam at an ear splitting volume. Arden and i danced until we got almost too drunk to descend the ladder. that was major fun. - broke quarantine (and my smoking cessation plan) in late april to ride my bike to the lake and listen to townes van zandt while thinking of bobcat the wheelie king. - listening to shadowplay while closing out each opponent in a summerlong match play tournament. - watching the sun rise through the fog on an october morning while crossing the mississippi river with elliott smith's XO
JD: July: Sitting by the window watching a rainstorm with the Barwick album on the day it came out. October: A big spin of The Big Ship. November: Blasting “House of Jealous Lovers” when they called the election and turning it into a 2.5 hour club mix. November: jj having a violently negative reaction to a song by that Muzz band that came on shuffle and saying it sounded like Jason Mraz.
BC: Haphazard attempt at The Music Game over Zoom in April with last partiers standing - JD, Maddy, and I  "Live Drugs" first listen
Larse: Probably  streaming through YouTube Music's Top Indie 2020 on my Chromecast TV and seeing all of the music videos for the songs on a lazy weekday afternoon whilst I wasn't working over the holidays
Best Shows Seent in 2020
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Code: pqc - 10th anniversary show (streamed) silver jews - final show (01/31/2009) a handful of live phish performances while facetiming with jonas, bc and geoff not a single in-person show attended
Nasty:"Dinner  and a Movie" series - Phish Youtube with BC, Code, and Dillon via facetime
JD: 1. Peel Dream Magazine at whatever they call Hi-Fi now on the day before lockdown 2. Real Estate busking on the sidewalk in front of closed record store locations in Manhattan 3. Parkay Boys’ 10th anniversary stream on my couch
Laser: Cirque du Soleil Michael Jackson One in Vegas in January…that was the only show even remotely related to music I saw all year
Bronco: Only seent one, and it was Cold War Kids with my wife.  Had a really good time.  It was nice to share some quality music time together, away from the kids for a night... basically the only time of this butthole of a year.
Chap: Ted Lasso
BC: Yeeeahhh right
Confession of 2020
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JD: I think I engaged with Aerosmith music videos more than any new albums.
BC: Listening to new music often feels like a chore
Rotty: I played over 75 rounds of golf this year…another ample opportunity to listen to new music and I found myself just listening to Classic Pop/Rock Hits!
Codem: - i didn't even listen to taylor swift's album. - i listened to bob marley - live! for the first time in 20 years while driving my dad's car and i sobbed and sang.
Nasty: I'm a phish fan now?
Bronco: I'm still reading the book I mentioned in last year's Resolution for 2019 Status...such a slow fucking reader and this book is 1000 pages.  Kindle app says I'm 63% of the way through.  Jesus.
Biggest Disappointment of 2020
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Nasty: Still Kanye...
NACK: Sufjan Stevens
Code: - no shows with my sweet one - no stones while waiting for the canons - i think i grew out of diet cig - i didn't put my heart into finding cool album art this year. 
Larson: JD's wedding being cancelled (editor’s note: sure hope you mean postponed)
JD: Don’t know if it was my advanced age, the lack of concerts, commuting, and hearing music in bars and restaurants, or the platform economy murdering my attention span and turning them all into yet more ephemeral ‘content,’ but the new albums really didn’t take this year.
Bronco: Kvelertak was okay, they changed lead singers and the new album was fine, but after their last offering that landed quite high on my list, this one was kind of a let down. Also, 2020.
BC: 2020
Most Overrated of 2020
Chap: Fiona
BC: I fully expect Fiona Apple to flood this answer.  But the correct answer is Waxahachee. 
JD: It’s hard to say given the way ‘institutional’ narratives feel mostly guided by risk minimization, but I always keep this seat warm for Run the Jewels.
Bronco: Any and all death metal.  It's all so samey. I have a hard time trying to get in to any of it, so I don't bother...and then it bothers me when it ends up on end of year lists like it's some revelation of sound. It's literally all the same.
Code: podcasts
Bin: The human brain
Laser: my golf game!
Make it Stop 2020 
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Nasty: WOP (editor’s note: WAP?)
Larse: Having to talk about Politics
Code: "better off alone" - purity ring
JD: The impossibly grating contempo pop that’s always on the radio at the bodega down the street.
Chap: Covid? Trump? Celeb deaths? SNL? Murder Hornets? Talkin' tv models via email? Not enough exposure to pop culture to really get annoyed by anything.
BC: The raging pandemic. Seriously. 
Biggest TBH Regret of 2020
Laser: giving this the old college try and having just a shit list!
Chap: Only seeing one show in my 2.5 years in NYC
JD: Skipping Nap Eyes opening for Destroyer in February because I’d so obviously be able to catch Nap Eyes headlining a better venue later on.
Codem: i wanted that teenage halloween album to sound better because i loved the album artwork
Bin: Not buying Lilly stock
Bronco: No regrets to be had, couldn't do anything in this godforsaken year.
Detective Murtaugh of 2020
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BC: My back giving out upon bending over to change a light bulb
Chap: Trying to give Taylor Swift the ol' college try. 
Larson: This damn pandemic!
Bronco: I'm too old for being stuck in my house all day, every day, listening to the rest of my family non-stop. I need this shit to end. I can't listen to my kids anymore... not all day. It's crushing me.
Code: now that i own a car again, my favorite pastime has become zoning out to a good album on a long drive and seeing if i can reach an arbitrary mpg number for my trip.
JD: I remember browsing the racks at Media Play and getting mad at every magazine that ranked Love and Theft ahead of Is This It? in 2001 and 19 years later I came thisclose to doing it m’self.
Bin: Arizona,  Pennsylvania, and Nevada taking their sweet ass time counting ballots
Resolution for 2020 Status 
Larse: None How It Went: More than likely it was related to being better at this and this year was probably the worst of all time…
Code: i'm making it easier this year.  catch ovlov, washer, EMA and colleen green live this year.  bonus points: see dom's much anticipated return to the stage. How It Went: ain’t caught but a one!
Bronco: Build a vinyl collection. I know I dumped on Brendon for suggesting he press copies of Carpet Affair, but my kid's getting way into music and listening to it on his own (via Alexa in my bedroom which is super fucking annoying), so we're getting him his own record player and I think it's going to be a cool activity to go record store diving for whatever classics we can scrounge up. How It Went: Started the vinyl collection.  Went record store diving with John at the beginning of the year.  He picked up Ride the Lightening.  And I've got an original pressing of Back in Black on its way, didn't make it in time for Christmas.  I decided on purchasing that album, then a day or two later John said, "I think I know what I want my next record to be...Back in Black".  Sad it didn't make it in time, but psyched I was able to predict it.
Chap: Eh I'm cool How It Went: Ironically, reading back it contradicts what it says
Bren: See Phish in 2020 How It Went: Phish tickets purchased and ready
Bin: Send an email about music on the TBH! thread. How It Went:   Ha!  Set the bar low! Finally. Send an email about music? Check.... "can you  believe Trump plays Fortunate Son unironically at campaign events???"
JD: Get to more shows. Take more aimless strolls spinning tunes. How It Went: Turns out I did a lot of sitting around inside this year.
Resolution for 2021
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Bronc: Get vaccinated.
BC: Get vaxxed up and return to normalcy 
JD: - Massively reduce my ‘news’ consumption to free up more time to spin tunes and smell the roses. - Get vaxed and get partying.
Code: see a live music concert
Nasty: I'm going to be ambitious. See a show with JD. Coward move to shy away from this in 2020.
Nicky: To start earlier. It takes me longer to get into new stuff. I didn't even like my top 4 until at least late December, but now I feel like they could compete with most years.
Laser: Be better at this! If anything, the pandemic should have allowed me to listen to more music whilst at home working, but it seemed to have the opposite effect…
Most Anticipated of 2021
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Bronco: Mastodon, and live shows... not sure I even care which ones.
JD: Dry Cleaning, Park Hye Jin, Viagra Boys
Larse: No clue…
Chap: It's way too early!
Bin: Freedom of movement
Code: it seems like there should be a buncha new cool musical ideas to come out of this time indoors. something like this era's disco?  a big celebratory sound that makes us all smile and move.  in other words, the next dom album.
0 notes
Hey tumblr beings,
Another 365 days have past, time for another annual summary of what have happen in this year.
Honestly I love this annual diary, it’s a good way to recall back what have happen in a year before I forgot about it and a good look back to see if I have grown in a year.
2020 have started off fairly shaky, to end off where 2019 was, Koze was in a transition period between shifting of new office, finally settling down after kicking my other partner out. It’s fair to say, we were in debt. Bank account left with $2000 but the invoices piled up to be paid was around $60-70k. The amount of stress that I feel every day just from waking up still gives me shudders. It’s the helpless feeling of not being to see light , it’s afraid of taking up calls from supplier because u know they are asking for money. That helplessness of knowing u can’t find any help anywhere.
In February, things got slightly better, we signed a contract of $250K, that kinda saved our life, Koze was in such a shaky state that I think without this money coming in, i doubt we can survive. We can’t even pay the bills at the point of time. Went on a Taiwan trip during CNY this year too, and I loved every moment of it.
And then COVID took a bad turn in our life, We were on partial slow down in March, and a full lockdown in April and May till Mid of June. These 3mths was pretty scary although I don’t show it but low key I’m worried too but I know there’s nth we can do about it accept for riding the wave. Thank god after Lockdown, busy were striving before we knew it, we were closing so many deals from June all the way to Nov. which was great.
As usual Sep, and Oct were the worst mths for me, business was hectic AF. Nothing was going smooth, I cock up jobsite as usual. And when looking back there’s really no one to blame but myself. Its times like these that make me doubt myself once again, whether am I fit for this role. I guess this is really the downside of being a business owner, because when shit happens u have no one to turn towards to, no one to look answer from.
It’s so hard not to have self doubt time and again and wonder if you are doing the right thing or on the right path. Towards outsider, I will always look like the 24 yrs old who is capable of having her business at such young age, I look like I got it together but no one will truly know the mental stress I’m facing day to day. Yes, I got to admit that things did got better in 2020 end, financially, I’m finally stable. I’m finally taking a well deserved salary every mth after working for 4 yrs. finally at the year end period I’m no longer a broke child and I finally have savings to say. Although is not a lot but I’m glad at least I’m starting with smth. I finally manage to afford an IPad Air, AirPod and even a TV for my room, manage to clear out my cart for the first time, get to eat whatever I want without worries and even signing up for a facial package for me and my Mum. All these were initially in my bucket list and I’m finally getting to do it.
It’s this year that made me realise that my parents are no longer young, they are already 60 and 53. And the thoughts of them getting older and older kinda really scares me. Because when we are young we always take our parents for granted thinking whatever they do for us is a must, is 因该的. We forgot that we need to repay them for whatever they did for us. I feel like a bad daughter sometimes, for not being fillial enough to it them. I’m always rude and taking them for granted. I really want to change this bad habit of mine in 2021. They say new decade new start right? I want to make things right and do whatever in my means for them. And finally be a better daughter to repay back all the heartbreaks I have gave them in my youth.
2021, I will be 25yrs old this year. That’s 1/4 into life ,at first it didn’t seems like anything but u realise 25 is when people start looking at u differently, they no longer think that you are a kid or a young adult anymore, now u are consider a ADULT. There’s so much more responsibility to fulfill this time.
Mentally, I don’t think I’m at my best state now as I’m writing this. But I think I have got it under Better control this year, at least putting my demons on a leash now. Although that one incident in Dec is still a shitty experience for me. I kinda had a mental breakdown in front of everyone, yang, lin etc. Fuck just thinking about the incidents still gives me shivers. I freaking scream at the top of my lungs at 5am because everyone was pushing me to my brink. I had this side of me so why the fuck am I showing it, why did I not get a better control of myself??? Ever since then, i kinda just felt that I dont really know how to face everyone there, because now my secrets are out. I still bad about myself, still hate myself for being a certain ways, still attempt to die but still doesn’t have the courage to do so.
I have also kinda foreseen myself maybe I won’t even get married anymore, maybe I might just stay single forever. Because I doubt any guys can put up with me and I too can’t deal with the thought of staying forever with someone and tied down to them through bad and good times. Just the idea of marriage seems abit daunting, Imagine you are stuck with someone who you can’t stand after awhile, or imagine they cheated. And there’s nth u can do but be stuck in a fucked up life of dealing with trust or just someone you don’t love for the rest of your life. That’s just plain fucked up, why do I want to get tied down to things like this.
I guess the only goal I have for myself in 2021 is to be more firm on my decisions, be a little more patient towards everything, get a better control over my temper, whine lesser, stop sharing my problems with people who don’t care, be more filial to my parents. And perhaps pamper myself more. Since I still doesn’t know how to love myself, i guess the least I could do is at least spend money on myself.
2021 please be good. Please please have mercy, and spare me from anymore heartbreaks please.
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recapping 2020, the year of the pandemic
well.... who would’ve thought this year would go down DOWN like this...... i remember 31st december 2019 we went out with sonsaengnim and some korean meleis to go dinner together at 4 fingers midvalley,,, went to dataran merdeka and watch amazing drones performance.....new year concert with friends.........suddenly on 16th of march malaysia opted for lockdown cus the situation went seriously serious. covid-19, coming from china now is announced as pandemic, people lost their jobs, ‘twas hard for students but i guess everyone’s got used to it. online classes.....online exams......concerts are postponed...flights are cancelled....sigh
i remember earlier this year, it was february i think, i was out in suria klcc sitting alone at starbucks, waiting for my dad to finish his work and suddenly i got a call from embassy of the republic of korea saying i got offered for a 2-weeks scholarship where i could visit korea! i was EXCEPTIONALLY happy. like. damn. i can go to korea and explore it first. well of course i still will go to korea sooner or later but this is an experience that i didnt wanna lose! i can visit the cultural places, learn languages, meet new people, like internationally....and everything is free....it was scheduled in july this year but covid didnt allow me.... well i kinda got sad because i really wanted to experience something like that once in my life. i was so happy i got to grab the chance because, yeah, i won the korean speech contest last year so it was such a golden opportunity for me! but ngeh, sokay, i guess not my rezeki.......
then when lockdown started we had our break for 2 weeks i think, and all the workplaces, universities and schools decided to continue with the all-new online learning and meetings.... microsoft teams, zoom, google meet, everything is used worldwide. so like it was hard at first and i was one of the people who HATED ONLINE CLASSES SO FUCKING MUCH. but nasib la, online exams pun i managed to get 4 flat for semester 1 and 2....... but for semester 3.... i got 3.92. alhamdulillah!
and so..... we finally sat for our TOPIK 2 exam which was postponed twice from april, to may, and finally to july. 12 july. FINALLY. but then the 2nd topik exam also got cancelled due to the current situation. 
RESULTS DAY. i checked my result and i was SUPER SHOCKED cus i got LEVEL 5!!!!!! LEVEL FUCKING 5 BRO HOW THE HELL i mean i didnt even think that i did well in 듣기 and 쓰기 and 읽기 oh my god.... bersyukurnya. meaning i can already secure my place in any university in korea. alhamdulillah. and so i decided to apply for chemical engineering in sungkyunkwan university and mechanical engineering in hanyang university. p/s: papa gave me iphone 11 as present :))))) yippie
but then.......my plans went upside down ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ chemical engineering was my first choice but then i actually decided to accept hanyang university’s offer. HAHAHAHAHA THE MAIN REASON WHY IS....... I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP AAAAAAAA because i got level 5 in topik so i got 50% tuition fee reduction and if u calculate it i will receive approximately ~RM10K++++ holy shit bro i love money. it was a hard hard decision to make. did solat istikharah a few times.... and unexpectedly i actually dreamt about going to hanyang with syake, and ain.... (they also 고민 about this too) so that WAS the answer. hanyang university. 
at this point i actually am so happy cus i did receive 2 scholarships at the same time....plus the one that i got from embassy but was cancelled though...total of scholarships = 3...im so grateful and so so overly ecstatic that i am given so much blessings through out the year. one goes, and another comes. tak sia sia amalkan surah al-Waqiah every week. the effects are so so fast, so so rapidly appearing one by one im so overwhelmed. alhamdulillah
tmi: i actually had this one theory where i used to dream a lot at night BUT solely about skies, stars, moon, clouds, and other outer space shit.... i dreamt of a meteor crash belakang rumah, looking at the moon with my mom because there was a weird phenomenon of the moon....a lot of times...i want to say that it relates to my life and my future... because seeing how much i receive from time to time its just so amazing, alhamdulillah alhamdulillah terima kasih ya Allah
we also planned to go for umrah end of this year but then it was all plans...so,,,,, insha allah next time.
another one last magical thing that happened to me this year is.... stray kids <3 god i love stray kids so much. one of my coping mechanism. watched their online concert with myra at gisuksa. so so so happy. bought their merch hoodie. so so grateful to be a STAY. so positive, so special, so lovely. their music, top tier. i stan self-producing idols <3 stray kids will glow more and more in 2021 im speaking into reality. thank you so much stray kids for adding more and more happiness into my life <3 
honestly i never expected to become a kpop stan again.... bcs last time was in 2017??? like i just used to listen to their songs but not a hardcore fan cus i didnt even know who the members are hahahhhaa. but yea unexpectedly, impromptu, unplannedly, im now doing it again. when i saw bang christopher chan, i saw my future. ahahhaahah i cant help but stray kids are the greatest group i have ever seen. every each of them are so so precious and im so lucky to be a stay. 
this year, it was hard for us but alhamdulillah.. it’s all good now. im so happy i get to fly with my korean meleis. all of us. alhamdulillah. to more adventures and happiness in korea! february 2021, degree life here we go!
1. get (at least) level 5 for topik 2 in this april and october! | ACHIEVED
2. 4 flat for foundation semester 2 and 3, insha Allah i can do it. | SEM 2 ACHIEVED, SEM 3 ALHAMDULILLAH HAHHA
3. receive an offer from sungkyunkwan university seoul in chemical engineering. aamiinn!! | result skku next week so idk yet but mesti dapat, but alhamdulillah gerak hanyang lu hahahha chemical engineering celah mana tah
4. DIET. DIET. DIET. less eating, more gym! road to at least 55 kg before yuhak! | more gym, yes. lose weight, no :( i guess i have to jaga makan in korea later on
5. flawless! stop that eczema and keep going aina! you are beautiful and you will always be beautiful! | STILL ONGOING WOOHOOO i see progress
6. no crush, no boyfriend. (yet) AND never get attached to people who considers me as 2nd option. move on from dennis, for fucks sake  | dah lama move on errr. tapi huhu sedikit terluka juga lah tahun ini
7. recite Quran every day, khatam Al-Quran, amalkan surah al-Waqiah, al-Kahfi and al-Mulk. closer, closer and closer to Allah aza wa jalla and never be away from Him the Almighty. | still ongoing. insha allah constant
8. jauhkan diri dari maksiat, no zina mata, zina hati and all det zina | shuh shuh go away
9. always lowkey, always tawadhuk. | insha allah
10. focus on yourself. prioritise family. | YES SELF LOVE SELF CARE
11. give more to people, and Allah will give more to me. be grateful, and Allah will give more to me :) | YESSSSSSS DEFINITELY FACTS
12. ALWAYS help people the best way i could | insha allah
13. if things go hard, never stop. take rests but NEVER STOP. you will always succeed aina <3 im confident of that | you did great this year aina! more are coming your way and i believe you can do it
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