#i got attatched ok
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pillowenvelopchair · 2 years ago
I love how theres so many variations and interpretations of tarnished but “dumbass who brute forces anything and it works” has a special place in my heart
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demadogs · 2 years ago
i just looked at the stranger things tag hoping to see more gifs of the iconic scenes like joyce putting the lights up in s1 or the running up that hill scene and literally every single post is about steve
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fantasmadelaciudad · 13 days ago
only con to hand sewing r the ants in my bloodstream
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x-crowmancer-x · 10 months ago
Fuckit just post shit.
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This is Mikal Wizard Lizard
When he changed his name he decided to change all of it and picked Wizard Lizard as his middle and last names.
His favorite activity is walking up to the window at a drive thru and try to order things
He thinks cups are tall bowls
Mmmmmm maybe smokes an occasional weed blunt cigarette roach
The horns are a headband
Needs subtitles to hear things
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kalims · 5 months ago
⭒ㅤnot gonna lie !
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premise. pov prefect opens a ngl, except! the story they shared it from can only be viewed... by one person!
characters. first years
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not gonna lie ! smash tbh
unironically pretends that he never sent one when you start bombarding him.
uniquewhere: i didn't even see ur story
shrimp: [attatchment]
uniquewhere: i have no wifi to see that sorry not sorry
vehement denial is actually the most effective defense according to him. even if it bypasses all forms of realism, it's not real if he doesn't believe it to be! <- real life advice from ace trappola guys.
if you haven’t already guessed, he can indeed see the picture you just sent and just assumes his very first form of defense… no amount of proof will remove him from his little ball of: “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
you gotta prepare some kind of miscrosoft presentation, and sit him down. though he will 100% do that thing where he plugs his ears in with his fingers pretending he doesn’t hear anything even though it doesn’t block out you reading out the words.
“here is the real, actual screenshot of my replies—”
“ah, good! next slide after this is the views of the story!”
not gonna lie ! i like you
very demure, very straight to the point is deuce.
he would've written some long ass paragraph in all honesty but he just can't because he sees what he writes, deletes it, then cringes to himself.
atleast with that one he has the excuse for whichever scenario that might randomly ask about it.. (yes, he's thinking that far) weird flex but ok
1. "you ever confessed to your crush?" someone asking
2. "yeah sorta....." deuce
3. "???" someone confused
he was feeling reaaallyyy proud of himself. the anxiousness finally settles down, alongside with his rapidly beating heart. even if it isn't a real, confession it still brings him a bit of peace.
shrimp: I know what you did
tokyodefenders: WHAT?
there goes his heart rate.
like, you did not offer context to any of that but he's still gonna think you somehow, actually do know even if you didn't provide an explanation to... whatever it is you know about him!
tokyodefenders: whaTEVER IT IS IS NKT TRUE
shrimp: please, ur breaking my heart
shrimp: I like u too :(
heart? ascended
he's not even gonna question it. all his braincells got dumped out, and all he can focus on is that particular message. he isn't even gonna remember backtracking about the ngl cause he's gonna be like:
how did they hack my keyboard.. are they tracking it?! LOL
"I'm a mastermind,"
"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?!" <- deuce, scared for his life.
not gonna lie ! stop getting into trouble. I'm not always there to pull you out
is concerned with how many times you've managed to unknowingly walk into trouble, jack had been lucky enough (yes, him. not you, cause knowing you, you wouldn't be too phased) to be a near constant presence when the shenanigans during the tournament concluded, he stuck to you then.
as in reluctantly following around you like a tail. narrowing his eyes at the less than friendly faces often wore around you, that you were... well, amazingly oblivious to. or maybe you acted like you didn't know, the carriage didn't pick you up for nothing if you were here in nrc.
shrimp: do u rlly think I'm a troublemaker?
iheldheroncejacob: yes
the random topic being brought up went completely over his head. jack probably had forgotten he'd given the link to your story the time of your day, in all honesty
shrimp: well maybe I keep getting in trouble so u can rush in, and pull me out?
iheldheroncejacob: you're a terrible friend then
shrimp: :(
in retrospect jack is able to keep up with joking around, usually. but it's so hard to take you seriously that he takes whatever you say with a grain of salt, you're almost always tipping between flat sarcasm, or calm nonchalance between your words. it almost always has something to do with the people you're with.
the heartslabyul prefect for example, you take a kind, subtle undertone of teasing to (which is crazy, because you're scarily tame in the presence of the vice-dorm head.) and then you're all stony faced when you're with someone you don't like.
^ and you obviously don't dislike jack, if the little selfish, presumptuous nrc part of him would like to claim confidently so... would you really be joking?
only does jack realize the connection between your text, and the ask he sent when he's just finished his laps.
"I'm not your guard dog! why would you even get in trouble for that, next time I'm not even gonna spare you the time cause—"
"what a pee brain."
"what? don't compare my brain to a tiny pee—"
you've never met anyone who's disliked being sorted into whatever the dark mirror fitted their 'soul' into as much as epel.
even without the private story only limited to his response, you're sure you could pick out his message and put a face to it.
epel, in his defense, still has savanaclaw as number one in his heart. though upon asking jack if it was possible to transfer there, the latter confirmed but it was... a tedious process, and suggested asking rook, who literally came from savanaclaw!
the boy only spared his friend a side glance before scurrying away. no use traipsing around that...
but of course, getting away from pomefiore is only a goal! always being near your proximity was a biiiiig bonus!
shrimp: hey I need ur files for the dorm transfer
catchwhathands: [escapeplan.jpg]
catchwhathands: I knew u wanted me in ur dorm!!
shrimp: actually I don't. ur the one that asked ;)
catchwhathands: who cares. I'm finally getting out of this hell YEAHHHH!!
shrimp: who said I was gonna use the files you sent?
okay, admittedly the moment he'd sent over the files, epel shut his phone, and quite literally did a victory lap around his room. making sure to frolic so vil has less chances of hearing his chaos...
the dorm leader woke up so easily from noises that you'd think rook was the reason he developed such a habit.
epel was already planning the plan! he could see the vision! maybe he could plant around ramshackle since it is a pretty big area. you guys would be together for the remainder of the year—and he'd finally bump the adeuce duo from their pedestal!
not gonna lie ! since it is a request for unbridled honesty, I shall deliver what you've requested. you have done so without much thought, clearly! if you've given such leeway for... criticism! you, human, could use a lot more educating in terms of the glory of our eternal lord, the glorious malleus! in accordance to your previous, description of our relationship. the farthest I can give is acquaintance, but I shall only call you a companion (AKA friend) if you are atleast educated about my interests! as the good companion you desire to be!
woo, alright. he really wrote all that...
oh, uh oh.. you just got another ask from him, maybe even longer..?
shrimp: what would that make silver then
rizzvolt: my brother in arms!
shrimp: but hey, actually I do want to know
rizzvolt: ah! finally! I knew you atleast have some common decency, and sense. for that I shall agree for your request in our friendship! these are the most accurate ones pertaining the great lord malleus' biography! [link] [link] [link]
rizzvolt: is that enough? I will send you more, but only if you finish these three. I will test you rigorously to confirm that you are indeed genuine in your interest!
why he has all that, you have no idea.. if only he displayed that much dedication for his studies...
shrimp: I don't wanna learn about malleus
shrimp: I want to learn about you
rizzley: how dare you! the lord's name should only be addressed with a: 'lord', 'the great', 'the
sebek stares at his screen, just in the process of finishing his... educating sentence, because even in text, malleus should only be treated with the highest form of respect!
have you no integrity?! he wonders.
only then does he focus on your response, does he make a rather... dubious sound of shock? sebek doesn't know why he breaks into a cold sweat as he runs the sentence through his mind a hundred times in the span of a minute.
what is this... some sort of human illness? or maybe love—
of course he'd never even consider such a thing! (just did bro)
shrimp: sooo.. since you sent me an ask, does that mean you actually like me?
shrimp: sebeeeeekk.. did you actually read?
with the speed of lightning (and the adrenaline maybe, what else could this frantic pounding of his chest explain besides that you are indeed, dangerous!) he opens the story on your media
'send me an ask if you like meeee :)'
sebek promptly falls over.
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toastytrusty · 28 days ago
ok i know I'm a few days late now BUT! full thoughts on hickey davechella.
his undiagnosed playlist is mostly instrumentals. could represent how disconnected he feels from reality, could represent him repressing his emotions/ignoring his issues/masking his true self/whatever. you get it
the non instrumentals on undiagnosed are really upsetting. was lowkey crying listening to Black Holes In The Sand. gives credence to the disconnected from reality theory
also Come Over. is the vibe self hatred, self pity, something else? lots of family issues certainly but we'll get to that later
I Would for You (on undiagnosed) is also on gibson's playlist. lol
The Sound of the End of Music (on undiagnosed) is a mash up of This is the End and The Sound of Music. This is the End was on tozer's playlist. lol
an undiagnosed hickey attatching himself to other people and mirroring them rather than developing his own sense of self? likely story. morphing how he thinks they are and what he thinks they like into something else entirely? even more likely
The Angel Gabriel on undiagnosed. just everything about that. why is he listening to christian hymns. i' m gonna freak out
the songs on undiagnosed that can only be described as Weird Noises. Shell Cameo, which is a single piano with? shower noises? in the background? Weather Three immediately after that, which is just. 12 minutes of doom sirens. he likes weird noises
Glory Only Once also very similar. anyone else hear the ominous whistling? 😂
so many orchestral pieces. what a cultured young lad
Vexations: Vexations: Thème being almost complete silence. kind of similar to the instrumentals possibly representing a disconnect from reality. there's just nothing
The Unanswered Question has a lot to unpack. i don't wanna ramble Too much about music history and the significance of this song but. it is a piece in conflict with itself, asking itself questions and leaving itself unsatisfied. it's about the inherent terrifying disorder of existence. it's about finding comfort in solitude and silence. you ever think
Don't Smoke in Bed. just. everything about that song. yeah
now on the treatment playlist. his music taste fucking rocks. we got ella fitzgerald we got father john misty we got jeff buckley we got the beatles we got peter gabriel we got bruce springsteen. he is cooking
first song on treatment, What Do You Think Will Happen Now? feels like affirmations and something he's trying to convince himself of rather than something he yet believes. prefacing the playlist with a new positive worldview, representing his journey with getting treatment? perhaps?
he immediately has more weird noises on treatment. Hocket for Two Voices: I.— is very short and i am sure there is lovely musical theory behind it that i am not smart enough to comprehend but it is kinda just weird noises to the untrained ear. A Boy Called Conjuror is also like this. a love of weird noises transcends therapy!
I'm 89 falls into a similar category. he just listens to people talk. he is clearly still quite lonely
there is still a good amount of instrumentals on treatment, but the vibe is Decidedly different. big Maybe It's All Going To Be Okay energy. Forever Held made me cry the first time i heard it
most of the songs are not instrumental though! very lyrical. something about him approaching and processing his issues.
the songs about love on treatment. All The Right Reasons is very deeply moving Made me cry a bit. Love Love Love actually made me take my headphones off stand up and walk across my room but maybe i'm just too mountain goats pilled
side note for that: the song called Love on undiagnosed is an instrumental. love was something abstract and impossible to define or put into words before, but now it feels a lot more real.
It's Only A Paper Moon was very moving. he just needed someone to believe in him
Because the Night. i laughed. even treated modern hickey yearns for cannibalism as a metaphor for love. i'm joking. mostly
we still got christian themes in treatment! they are, however, less overt. like it's become a part of something else and can peacefully exist alongside him, rather than being so blatant and forceful. the jeff buckleys, father john misty (kinda.), etc
SPEAKING OF THE JEFF BUCKLEYS AND THE FATHER JOHN MISTY. New Year's Prayer is a heavy hitter. it's hard to pin down the exact vibes but it's somewhere between coping and accepting. if you get it. and Bored in the USA is one of the most reminscent of show hickey's pysche, imo. it's steeped in fear and regret and a resigned kind of hope
in line with the religion stuff. the orchestral piece, Gnossienne: No. 3, references gnosticism, a religious doctrine that supposes divinity can only be found in rejecting the material world (because it is evil) and the god that created it (because it is evil), and instead finding salvation in some secret hidden being through a different kind of spirituality. lol
Nobody's Fault but My Own is kind of heartbreaking honestly. it shows how much he Is healing and Is processing and Is taking accountability and changing the way he views the world. one of the most impactful imo
Kansas City felt very reminscent of show hickey's relationship with london
Mercy Street. so much to unpack. the daddy issues. the remorse. the begging for forgiveness.
even more family issues because the last song on the treatment playlist is My Father's House. it felt kind of like an ultimate culmination of the thesis of treatment being him facing his issues and being forced to confront and process them. there's an element of being too late to right the wrongs of your past, but there's also the element of accepting that, and forgiving yourself
now. the radioheads on both albums. both second to last song on their respective playlist. How to Dissappear Completely on undiagnosed, How to Dissappear into Strings on treatment. the first one was kind of viscerally upsetting and felt very in line with how disconnected the entire undiagnosed playlist was, almost like he doesn't feel real. one of the few lyrical songs on a mostly instrumental playlist is about how much he's Not a part of the world around him. smth smth the only thing he can put into words is that he has no words. however, How to Dissappear into Strings is Not! lyrical! it is entirely instrumental, on an otherwise predominantly lyrical playlist. like he's not thinking about dissapearing anymore, or he can no longer put words to it. it's still there, some things can't be magically cured and made go away forever, but it's less, now.
aspects of both playlists being very similar, sharing sounds and themes and artists, felt very much like healing not being linear, and treatment not entirely changing who you are. it's clearly the same person behind each playlist, with different experiences shaping them differently, but the same nonetheless. it's really beautiful
and to close out, i just want to say how meaningful this whole experience with hickey's playlists was to me. it was genuinely so truly truly moving to witness a character that is clearly severely mentally ill be given the grace and opportunity to heal and overcome their struggles, rather than it being homogenized into the rest of them. so often characters like this are not treated with the same potential to overcome, and are condemned to just being Like That forever, as if their struggles are inseparable from their essence and something that defines them. they are wholly characterized by being quirky and insane and inconsolably evil. but that clearly was not how this was treated at all (and never how hickey has been treated by the show), and being able to witness hickey's journey across these two playlists was very cathartic to me, and i appreciate it. a lot.
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leo-fie · 1 year ago
Progress Pride Flag Quilt Block Pattern & Tutorial
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Don't you just love the flag of our people? Do you have an inner grandma that years to make stuff? Do you want to combine these two things and make a queer quilt?
Well, I've got you.
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Behold the pattern! And my lack of graphic skills, so I drew it on paper!
Basically it's a bunch of rectangles, one half square triangle and a fuzzy cut circle. I don't know shit about quilting and I was able to come up with it. Why centimeter, you ask? Because I'm German and that's what I'm familiar with. Why weird measurements and not jelly rolls and layer cakes and stuff? Because I'm German and quilting is not really a thing here.
Onto the tutorial!
You'll need:
A scrap of fabric of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, light blue, pink, white each
additional fabric for the border
Cutting mat, quilting ruler, roll cutter
sewing machine
double sided interfacing
iron and ironing board
fabric sheers
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Step 1: Cut everything. Duh. We'll take care of the circle later, don't worry about that now. The half square triangle is exactly what it sounds like. A square and then you cut it diagonally. That's why I didn't give the length of the hypotenuse.
(Note: I'm making two blocks at the same time, that's why there's so much fabric. Also this is a middle of the night project, hence the lighting.)
I'm using all kinds of different fabrics, different weights and drapes, some stretchy, some transparent, so I needed to interface some of them.
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Step 2: Sew the rainbow together. 0,5cm seam allowance on everything, that's exactly the edge of the foot on your machine. Double and triple check that everything is facing the right direction before sewing. The seam of yellow and green does not get sewn fully, only 21,5 cm! That's important later! Also backtack there. Don't forget to iron.
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Step 3: Sew the strips to the half square triangle. For this you have to switch between the sewing machine and the ironing board constantly. Attach the shorter strip diretly to one side of the HST, iron it open. The second strip of the same colour gets attatched to the other side of the HST and the first strip. Look at the pictures closely if you're unsure how that works. Also the strips are longer than the triangle. We'll square that up later.
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All strips attatched will look like this. See how the two strips meet at the tip!
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Step 4: Cut the rainbow part to size. The length between yellow and green is 22cm long. The shorter seam from before plus some seam allowance. The outsides of red and purple are 44,5cm long. These two points are the beginning and end of your cutting line. You will cut a little triangle from every single colour. Do this slowly and carefully. Maybe your fabrics have stretched a bit (mine did). Don't worry, it will be ok.
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Step 5: The Y seam, part one. Y seams are tricky, but there's only one for this block. So put your strips part on your rainbow part and line them up so that the tip of the strip part overhangs the seam between yellow and green by about half a centimeter. Remember that it's not about the edges of the fabric, but where the seam will be. But don't sew all the way! Leave 0,5cm at the tip!
You can also mark on your strip piece two lines 0,5cm from the edges of the black. They should form a little square at the tip. There they meet is where the actual tip on the finished block will be. So place this spot directly on the seem between yellow and green and only sew right up to it. Not beyond.
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Step 6: The Y seam, part two. Now, fold both the rainbow part and the strips part in half and if you've done the last step correctly, the remaining two edges will allign. Pin and sew.
I can't explain it better than I've done here, I'm sure there are tutorias out there. Good luck!
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Step 7: Square up. Iron your block to that everything is nice and straight and flat. Then use the fabric edges of the red and purple to cut the remaining ends of the strips. Use the HST to cut the white. Be careful, the long side of the triangle is on the bias and likely stretched a bit.
I already added borders here. I'm making a pillow case.
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Step 8: Fuzzy cut and raw edge applique. Double sided iron on interfacing is essentially double sided tape. It has two types of glue, one gets activated by 2 seconds of heat, the other by 5 or so (depends on the product). The second side is also covered with a paper that needs to be removed before the second gluing. Read the instructions of the product you are using!
Use your compasses to draw a circle on the protective paper side of the interfacing. It's actually two circles from the same middle point, see pattern. Cut it out roughly. Then place it with the rougher side on the backside of your purple fabric and iron for 2 seconds on middle heat. If you've just ironed your fabric before and the ironing board is still hot, wait for it to cool down. Also let the fabric cool down after applying. Then cut out your circle. The interfacing will have stiffened the fabric, so that shouldn't be a problem. Then remove the protective paper, place the circle on the yellow triangle where you want it and iron for 5 seconds. Let cool.
And you're done! The applique at this point is only secured with the interfacing, but it should hold fairly well. The quilting will secure it further.
And that's it. BTW, did you know that this design was made by Valentino Vecchietti for Intersex Equality Rights UK in 2021? Now you do. Happy quilting!
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4pfsukuna · 1 year ago
omfg bruhhhhh
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yall want me to believe Choso “on sight before his feet even land on the floor” Kamo is some pathetic whiney crybaby? Like why is every fic so… ugh i want him to fight back. Somebody please tag me or drop a link for assertive/ aggresive/ dominant choso! (Prefferably black reader)
like do i gotta write it myself?
Choso who meets you when you both come in late at night its 2am and youre standing in the hall talking about whatever the hell a middle part buss down is. He doesnt care he just wish you werent so loud… in your shared hall.
you glare at him because who was he talking too! You pay the same amount of rent as him and to damn much at that they should be lucky you werent in the lounge making ramen watching their t.v right now.
It doesnt get better when you bang on his door asking him to turn his music down cause why was he playing last resort by papa roach at 3:30am on a wednesday. He opens the door in a hoodie and tight calvin klein boxers and your eyes drift for a second until the next rock song starts up this time in japanese and he has the audacity to have an annoyed expresion with you!
”did you want something or did you just want to stare” he glares annoyed with a steady voice though youre expecting him to snap.
“Who answers the door in their boxers have some decorum” you respond half embarassed that he caught you. “And your music is loud… some of us have jobs in the morning” and you storm off not leaving any room for backtalk.
the next time he sees you is a few days later when youre both rushing out and slam into another his shirt and leather jacket falling to the floor with your purse falling sending your wallet down the hall and lip gloss shattering that dior gloss was not cheap.
”are you fucking kidding me” he hisses and you notice hes shirtless silver bars through his nipples and a few tattoos littered across his chest.
”you got a real stairing problem there princess” which makes you smirk.
“you look like a 1st grade art project… line work isnt half bad its just the asshole its attatched to” you retort collecting your items not realizing a few slipped from your wallet.
it was maintenance day you didnt have time to worry about shit it was hair lashes nails toes and a fresh tattoo and belly piercing your friend finally found an artist that did both and had clean work.
youre all smiles and sunshine walking into C.K. Parlor even enjoying the convo with the pink haired male receptionist whos so sweet mentioning this was his brothers shop but something about this guy looks familiar.
“Hes so hot” your friend gushes making you turn around and groan at the sight of your annoying ass neighbor.
”couldnt get enough bothering me home so you come here” he teases but theres something so stoicly calm about his anger… its more so mild annoyance.
”i actually came to get a tattoo and piercing but i think ill pass” you speak not wanting to admit you actually loss your credit card but youre here for moral support for your friend who now that you look at her looks like she doesnt need it.
”youre already here dont tell me youre chicken… come on ill even do it for free”
”free?” Oh that had your attention.
“mhmmm lets call it a truce no more loud… anything just being good neighbors”
and its not long before youre on the table the design being shaded into your spine and he admires how you just take it… his mind does begin to drift to if you can take anything else when he notices how pretty you look today.
he actually loves white on your toes and the crisp french tip on your hands. Its when he notices the snake tattoo wrapped around your wrist that he realizes you might be interesting and not just some stuck up—
“you wanted your belly pierced too right?” He ask and if someone wouldve told you that youd be half dressed infront of your neighbor Today you wouldnt believe it. Hes professional and doesnt even glance at the double d’s you have in your lace bra… ok he did but you didnt notice at all.
you thought you seen his ears burn red but hes quick to turn away disposing of the needle and your completely suprised by how soft and careful his hands are… ahem he is.
”and maybe we can actually be nice to another” he says softly holding out your credit card that you dropped earlier.
your truce last all of 5 days. It wasnt your fault meg the stallion announced she was going on tour and you couldnt help the screams of joy and to blast her music.
you dont expect anyone to bang on your door or barge in when you open it.
”excuse the fuck out of me” you hiss slamming your door facing him when you notice hes looking past your face and down at your body.
you were wearing a dark purple lace bra and underwear the silver belly ring he initially put in switched out for a dangly silver one with a dragon that matched your tattoo and yes it was to early to change.
”my eyes are up here”
”please. Nothing i havent seen before princess actually it kind of looks like the black one” he smirks watching the fury in your eyes as you look for something to cover up.
”get the fuck out”
he saunters (the god damn audacity) out but not without pressing his whole body into you as if the walkway wasnt wide enough making sure to press himself into your ass leaning down to your ear.
”good night princess” and you dont have to look at him to know hes smirking but that raspy voice does something to you.
that night you go to bed with 3 orgasms… what dont make that face you had a voice kink and couldnt help it.
he smirks when he sees you the next day and you try to ignore him as he unlocks his car door.
”sleep well? You know the walls are thin and im sure our bedrooms share a wall”
you make a mental note to get on apartment finder tonight.
”im sure that was your first time ever hearing a womans moans outside of porn” you hiss back you werent no weak bitch.
and he wasnt a cliche man his taunts went further then just an insult back, hed give you more content for tonight. After all he was helping you help him.
”just be a good girl for me and let me hear everything tonight alright princess” he utters in a deep octave that makes your breathing stutter and you cant form a proper sentence and any insult is going to be childish.
you of course try to walk off but he grabs your arm pulling you closely his large hand spreading across your lower back.
”did i say i was done… look up at me” and you bite your lip to keep your jaw off the floor this man was wicked and you were not about to play with a devil.
”youre such a pretty mess” he adds in watching the gloss in your eyes before you come to your senses pushing him off heading fown the street.
”wrong direction princess” and you were headed the other way but you should probably just head back inside to change underwear.
and if he could hear you through the wall you were going to put on a show, you make sure even whine moan groan whimper and cry can be heard through these thin ass walls honestly you were so sensitive from overstimulating yourself… It was his fault.
You do everything in your power to avoid him the next few days that post nut clarity knocking some sense into you.
You actually have no idea how wrecked he’s been. How wrecked you had him! He needs to hear it again.
he might turn slightly yandere for you. its when you get a call at 1am and of course youre up you had actually just got out the shower.
”is this your payback” he hisses into the phone though you arent sure what hes talking about.
”how the fuck did you get my number? Doesnt matter bye”
“stop it just listen” he grunts catching your attention “i just need you to be a good girl for me just once i promise” he nearly begs and you have a wicked idea of what he’s doing on the other side of the phone.
you listen to every command, praise and groan his sultry voice lets out your fingers and sheets soaked
“you did such a good job baby, you deserve a reward how about you cum for me” he grunts sending both of you to your end him losing it to the sound of your orgasm.
“i wanna take you out on a date” and thats when you hang up not in the mood for his antics.
hes serious though, he takes you to the finest seafood restaurant with expensive alcohol you cant pronounce he even gets you a dress to wear, suprising you with a new dior lip gloss…3 actually.
”thats how many times you orgasmed through the wall the first night…” you thank God for your brown skin and him not being able to see you blush. He genuinely takes the time for you to get to know another subtly throwing in praises.
by the time you get back to the car your a wreck hair frizzing from your body overheating already.
your legs are rubbingg together and he spreads them guiding your hand down.
“Be a good girl for me and show me how pretty you look when you cum”
You happily comply watching as his hands fidget while driving
When he gets you back to his place your clothes are off and your back is against his fluffy comforter, not that you had time to notice but his whole room is black.
Hes a certified munch and will eat you until youre lightheaded. He eats you out on your back, makes you ride his face, eats you from the back he has you in 7 different positions from head alone.
He gives the deepest stroke while telling you how pretty you are for him the most filthies things he can mutter in your ear giving you back shots the pillow under your stomach propping you up as he plays with your clit begging for you to cum.
you black out and hes not far behind but makes sure to clean you with a warm rag and throws a tshirt on you.
He loves waking up to you and will actually barge in your home or bring you over to his.
He has his own stubborn ways which you will sometimes talk your best shit which he loves, he needs his woman to be on go not some docile lil weakling.
and sometimes he fights back!
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wildaboutchu2000 · 6 months ago
ermmmm kleomatsu musical au.....!?!?! i did 2 different looks cz i rlly COULD NOT TELL LIKE... WTF THEY WERE GOING FOR TIME PERIOD WISE. u got totoko dressed as a girl from the 50s but u have like. p 70s/modernish clothes for everyone else. anyways wannabe beauty queen ok.
what I DID know is i wanted 2 give her something like a beehive 2 match w totoko bc shes still her lackey. so here we are LOL
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shes also a witch or something a la the dark magic stuff in this au but shes so hashtag clueless. kleomatsu is only popular bc shes attatched 2 totoko at the hip so its more of a by proxy thing. bla bla bla LETS SUMMON DEMONS!!!
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lilyeagle · 2 months ago
You have no idea about the yap fest you’re in for.
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This is Syncytium.
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Syncytium is an amalgamation of the JFK and Frida that appears in an au version of my main storyline (We’re the Top 5) called “diy disaster”.
In order to understand what im about to explain, i have to quickly explain the main character dynamic in all my stuff. Quick warning, all my stuff is ..multifandom related. The crossover is wierd.
My main group of characters is “The Top 5”. Theyre basically just a friendgroup consisting of these guys
Mabel (oc based on my cat)
Eleanor (the day my butt went psycho)
Yoshi (mario)
Pit (Kid icarus)
Chica (FNAF)
Byakuya (danganronpa)
These guys are celebrities on their planet (Fictoblorbus) and are very well known and liked, despite getting up to alot of mischief.
Their arch nemeses, the “Anti 5” , want that fame and stuff. Theyre all their for their own reasons though, too. They pose as the main conflict of my plots, and theyre usually making some sort of plan to sabotage the top 5.
Anti 5 consists of
Wario (mario)
Robotnik (sonic)
Mojo Jojo (ppg)
Buttercup (ppg)
Frida (CH)
Ok. Thats out of the way, basically in DIY disaster, one of their schemes goes HORRIBLY wrong.
Wario tries using the SuperMakerMatic21 (from warioware diy) to code more powerful abilities into the rest of the anti 5, and this works!
Only in a good way for robotnik.
Since Buttercup, mojo, and the clones aren’t video game characters, they biologically cannot be coded in this universe. This releases a virus that causes the code to contort them In the process of making them MUCH stronger than the code normally would, with the price of turning them into undead mangled messes.
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XPIRED and Hypno Jojo were the first 2 to die, gaining even stronger powers than before (buttercup) and a sort of mind- virus - plant thing (Mojo).
Syncytium was the final victim, however, it took much longer for JFK to be killed than frida (cause he’s bigger). Robotnik believed he could still salvage what was left of Frida by attatching her and JFK (who is still alive) together, so jfk basically has to spend his last moments being sewn to a Dead Frida 😭🙏
Given both clones are canonically ridiculously cartoonishly strong in wtt5 (they’ve literally ran through walls in ch canon. I had to do it.), their strength is combined, along with making them very good at tanking any hits they have to take. Theyre also REALLY fast. .. and really big. They’re like 7’0.
Robotnik hides all of the zombies across places around fictoblorbus, attempting to keep them locked away as theyre too dangerous to be around. Wario continuously tries to fix the code and whatnot, but nothing will work. Soon enough, the 4 get marked missing, and tbe top 5 are tasked with finding them, given everyonr knows they know the anti 5 best. …but nobody knows theyre now gross mutated zombies.
Fun fact: this ENTIRE au was created because i compose music, and i really wanted to make a WTT5 related triple trouble mix 😭🙏 syncytium’s instrumental is pretty much done besides some polishing, in case you were curious heres what i got :33 they’re the eggman section
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ill-be-somewhere-green · 9 months ago
Yeah- actually. That'd be uh- that'd be nice. Make me feel less- I dunno, alone? I guess? Anyways, point is, it'd be nice, yeah
Hello there, are you Audrey? I was told you could benefit from my services.
- @dr-h-lecter
Depends who's asking. Who are you.
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alittlebitofloveliness · 7 months ago
What’s your interpretation of Dallas and Sylvia relationship?? Both pre book and post book.
HMMMM OK this is a tough one for me because there's so little of Sylvia in the book that I've kind of built my own lore around her in my head and through some of my fic and some but not ALL of it would work in canon universe, but I'll do my best.
SO in my head, as I've said before AND WILL SAY AGAIN Tim and Sylvia are best friends, they're platonic soulmates, you can't change my mind but ANYWAY i mentioned in this post that I think Sylvia first agreed to go out with Dally because she was pissed at Tim; and I think that probably went both ways and Dally asked her out for the same reason (I also think Tim warned Dally about her and he didn't listen). That said, I headcannon that Sylvia fell in love once long before she met Dally, and that it ended badly and she promised herself she'd never fall in love again; SO when she agreed to go out with Dally she already knew she'd never fall for him. I think she STAYED with Dally because he fascinated her. Sylvia is smart, but I think Dally was so unpredictable that even Sylvia with her cool, calculated suspicion, always ten steps ahead of everyone around her, could never predict what he would do next. They'd be out getting milkshakes and she'd be studying him like a bug in a jar. I think in Sylvia's mind, even though she was dating Dally and agreed to be his girlfriend, she was never truly attatched to him. No feelings on her end meant she didn't think twice about cheating, but part of me thinks it was also a sort of 'experiment' in her mind, to see if she could guess how he would react, her way of shaking up the proverbial jar. And I think that's the root of the problems in their relationship: Sylvia is playing her own games, and Dally has no idea what he's got himself into. i think too, we need to acknowledge Dally's misogyny and the role it probably played in their on and off relationship. I think Sylvia is headstrong and wouldn't tolerate being treated badly, but I also think Dally's ego would make him unable to see- or maybe unable to recognize- that Sylvia is simply smarter than him. He wouldn't be able to handle it, the way she could play him like a fiddle, so anytime her mask slipped just a bit, and he got to see the cold, calculating, intelligence she hides behind a giggle and lipstick stained smirk he'd get spooked and break it off for a bit. All in all they were horrifically toxic and terrible for each other from the start and they both knew it.
Post book and post Dally's death wouldn't impact Sylvia much I don't think. I think she'd miss him a little, because she could never perfectly figure him out and because he was fun to fight with, but I don't think she would properly mourn him. At least not as someone she loved, because she never loved Dally, not really, and never tried to either. I think it'd cause some tension in her friendship with Tim for a while too, because Tim really was Dally's friend for all he refused to ever get caught up in the drama of Dally and Sylvia's relationship, so Sylvia's blase attitude towards Dally's passing would really piss Tim off.
Thanks for the ask xx
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ultra-raging-ghost · 1 year ago
Sending you this because your takes on cucuhalo are interesting/pos:
The scene where cucurucho hysterically laughs as sipi tries to break bad's armour is meant to be bunny but also.....Q!Bbh first instict when Sipi was reporting him was to call cucurucho. He's definitely attached to him.
But when fighting sipi while bad desperately screeched for cucurucho, whom was laughing his ass off... I just wonder what you felt about that
(I'm all for the Bad needs attatchements and Cucurucho needs control theory)
OKAHY i need to stop screaming ok listen i think that that was such a MOMENT
Cucurucho has obviously been SOOO jealous today and yesterday over bad hanging out with ollie, i have a feeling that thats why he let sipi do that and was gleefully laughing while it happened (I think he let it happen for a MULTITUDE of reasons, one being to let out that jealousy and once again hear bad screaming his name(hehe)(suggestive but also it reestablishes bad's dependence to cucurucho), another to cover his ass since ollie immediately clocked cucuruchos attachment when she heard theyre roommates, and another because hes an evil little shit who thinks thats funny. Lowkey also think he was into watching bad run around terrified but thats a different thing to talk about......). It was such an INTERESTING moment to me hehehe i had so many thoughts about it, at some point i put myself in cucuruchos shoes (and my shipper shoes) and felt immense satisfaction hearing bad call for cucurucho, calling for his protection, like that was THE reaction cucurucho was looking for and hearing it was just so perf
I also found it super interesting that, despite having two witnesses who would point out bad's lie, bad felt comfortable enough to lie to cucuruchos FACE about what happened!!!! Most islanders are NOT about that life but bads one of few who know cucurucho favors him in some way and thinks/knows he can use it to his advantage!!!! like ollie and Sipi were RIGHT THERE and both called out his lie but bad had absolutely no problem confidently turning around and crying to cucurucho about how sipi had been mean to him and how cucurucho needs to punish them!!!!! I was expecting him to tell cucurucho sipi was being a jerk or biased or something but like THAT??? CRAZY!!!! I think it woulda worked too if cucurucho hasnt been on his absolute JEALOUSY streak!!!
I found afterwards very telling too!!! Cucurucho obviously got the reaction he wanted from bad in that chase, bad was screaming for him, he wanted cucuruchos safety, cucuruchos protection, cucuruchos validation in his accusations and that goddamn bear obviously wanted that because you can see how protective and less jealous he was afterwards!!!
Like first off, bro basically kissed bad goodbye when he was walking out of that office lets get that one straight.....
But second off when bad went afk on that carousel????? PERF!!! you could tell he was trying to make himself sit there and watch bad get bit (trying to keep himself mad, iykyk) but eventually he caved, saved bad, and EVEN GUARDED HIM!!!! He got protective and jealous when ollie sat next to bad and i think ollie knew it too!! She laughed at him all cheeky when cucurucho got jealous and asked what she was doing, and when she laughed at the question he went, and i quote "no, answer the question, what are you doing?" and then proceeded to SHOOT AT HER UNTIL SHE GOT OFF THE CAROUSEL!!!!!! AND THEN KEPT SHOOTING AT HER!!!!!! CRAZY!!! CRAZY!!!! INSANE!!!!!
ANYWAY can you tell im so normal about them
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jksnrabbit · 9 months ago
Hi, I have several questions about Johnny B Close/Jonathan Foster, don’t feel like you have to respond any of to them.
What type of person did Johnny become post trial? Like Nick became Narcolas because of how much he looked up to his father, in both timelines so how did being raised by Jodie affect him?
When Jodie became a demon did Johnathan embrace it like Nicky did and also did he get his memories back like Nicky did?
What was Johnny doing during the Watermice saga into the battle of the bands? and did he go into that fighting ring in the bull e. wugs with Nick?
and lastly thank you for making this guy I also refuse to believe all the doodlers (other than lark and sparrow) are only children.
sorry if the responses are too long i <3 rambling about johnny
ALSO YEAH . NO WAY BETWEEN 4 DADS THEY EACH ONLY HAVE ONE KID (again, minus the oaks, but theyre twins thats like the same kid twice). and like i know that henry was originally going to have a daughter, but theyre cowards for not going thru with it
everything answered under the cut :]
1) post trial, johnny becomes johnathan d. foster [the d for dee, jodie's mom]. instead of johnny's black denim jacket, he's got a brown corduroy one, plus a polo shirt, no hoodie. and timbs instead of combat boots lmao
in the original timeline, johnny loses morgan and has since then become very protective over nick and overall very anxious. since johnathan still has morgan, he's much more lax and honestly, a bit more distant towards nicholas, like in the sense of an older sibling not wanting to hang out with a younger sibling. [as a youngest sibling i 100% get nicholas getting way too attatched to a parent as a result]
in relation to jodie, he's pretty much just a cop's son. which is to say, a stick in the mud, but not to the degree of tattletailing 'um actually 🤓' that nicholas is.
he's less of a bassist and more of a pianist in this timeline, and has the free time that johnny doesnt to take up hobbies like photography or pottery [if johnny had the time and resources i think he'd love photography]
i have a scene in my head about when glenn is threatening jodie during the meth bay prison riots, that part where he pins him to a wall; johnathan would be the kind of guy to tackle glenn from behind to get him off his dad then IMMEDIATELY cry for help upon realizing he cant fight a 50 yr old prisoner
2) yes, he also got his memories of being johnny back when he becomes a demon. nicky embraces being a demon much quicker than he does, but he gets there eventually.
im still debating on this in my own mind, but the scene where nicky stops jodie and glenn from fighting; john would be right there beside him, but i think they would split ways. nicky goes to hell with jodie, but i think the part of johnny that resides in john still hurts for glenn, and recognizes the pattern of destruction he would inevitably fall into, so he'd stay with glenn. of course, he has no idea how to interact with him as johnathan hated him, but he tries.
i think he would be numb when glenn dies. too many emotions, too similar to when morgan died, yet he doesnt see him as his own father, yet he does- its too much for him so he just mentally clocks out for a hot minute i think
he'd also have a very strained relationship with nick jr. how do you cope with your ex dad having a rat named after your brother.
3) ok funnily enough, i think johnny was the opening act before the red brands and the watermice battle, but not as a band. i think he was thrown up there to stall for time as henry, ron, and darryl seduced the rival band, and he ended up doing bad stand-up. think john mulaney's salt and pepper diner story, but from someone with no experience in public speaking. he basically just retells a story of him and nick goofin around. he recieves very stilted applause.
at bull e. wugs, glenn definitely pitches the idea of putting him in the ring as he has an 8 yr advantage on them, but he fervently denies as he doesnt want to fight a kid. that is to say, he is a Close Boy at heart, so instead he goes around the restaurant, swaying the people's bets, ensuring the maximum amount of winnings for him, glenn, and nick in the end
of course this is all to say - i'm not the best at character writing and cant write fanfic for shit, but i do love johnny, so anyone feel free to ask me more about him [+ my other dndads ocs that i need to draw😭😭]
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hugemilkshake · 9 months ago
Hi! I have a platonic fic request to make if that is okay... I hope its not too much trouble!!!
Ok so basically...
Madelines my comfort character.I dont see him as a "parental comfort character" or "best friend comfort character", or "older brother comfort character", none of that. I just see him as the comfort character I would have a super close bond with, like an older protective adult figure that is like family to me.
I would love that in this, y/n and Madeliene share that kind of bond. the backstory is that she was a lonely girl and over a few months she became like his little companion, similar to family.
That being said, could I request a comfort PLATONIC madeleine x teen!fem!reader who is attatched to him and is very shy yet a sweetheart? They have that familial bond I mentioned and when she needs him or she is going through something, he comforts her when she needs him? just like family to her. bonus if there are many tears and hugs, i feel like a good comfort fic is what we all need rn by our wonderful madeleine i apologize that this request is so specific and so long, you dont have to write this if you dont want to!! i hope your day is amazing my friend!!
Enjoy the milkshake! Comfort characters are great, personally mines licorice cookie because I can relate to him-
A dear friend
When Madeleine Cookie first met you, he thought you were rude and standoffish since he was raised by his aunts and mother who taught him proper manners at an early age. But Madeleine Cookie didn’t mind your quiet nature, I mean, you were much nicer than Expresso Cookie so he was willing to get to know you.
As Madeleine Cookie got to know you he learned that you weren’t rude, you were actually very sweet! You just were too shy to show it…
But being friends with Madeleine Cookie is actually pretty beneficial for your shy nature! If your comfortable, Madeleine Cookie will help you get out of your shell, but if your not then no problem! He will understand! And if you struggle with advocating for yourself then that’s not a big deal either, Madeleine Cookie can be very loud when he needs to be
But the best thing about being friends with Madeleine Cookie is that he’s not afraid to comfort you whenever you need it, whether that be in a crowded public space or in the comfort of your own home
Even when tears are streaming down your face Madeleine Cookie will tell you that you are an amazing person that shouldn’t get to strung up about worrying things
In a way… Madeleine Cookie is like your older brother, while he can tease you about silly little things, he can also be a support system for tough times…
I mean light shines upon him for a good reason
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lackablazeical · 3 months ago
AISJDIXJJDJ I DID NOT EXPECT THE BEGINNING OF THAT COMIC- Donnie was 100% in love with the uranium and not Gloob at the beginning tho
Ok I know its only been a while since I made Gloob, but I actually gave her lore this time and her design’s changed. (although she still contributes little to nothing for the au)
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So most of Gloob’s lore is just lore comes from lore about her species because I cannot resist species lore. Basically, her species is very loosely based off of hagfish in real life, and dragons and their greed and hoards. Her species, woobers (Im not good at naming things) are these deep sea yokai that live in brine pools at the bottom of the ocean of the hidden city. Idk if you have planned lore for the hidden’s city ocean, but if this does interfere with your established lore, these yokai live in mytsic brine pools in the surface ocean instead. Brine pools are these pools of toxic brine in depressions on the ocean floor. There are only around five, more or less, known animals that can anter brine pools unharmed. This includes hagfish :3
So hidden city brine pools are considerably more dangerous because of the mystic magic that corrodes even metal (unless it has special mytsic properties). Woobers are unaffected by brine pools and live in these pools, and this is because they secrete gooey mucus thats similar, but not 100% to the brine in the brine pools. This mucus serves as an armor that makes sure their skin is unharmed by the brine (and even if they loose the mucus, they’ll only get ill and won’t die. tho being ill frine brine pool toxicity is still very painful and a woober will only be cured once it stays out of direct contact with brine for some time depending on how bad the sickness got) This mucus is sensory hell, imagine low quality shitty slime mixed with the texture of liquid snot and theres a lot of it. And see those little glowy dots all around the body? Those are eyes. The flowy tendrills are also antennae used to detect movement using electromagnetic fields. The ones with little mini spines at the ends are stingers that contain venom that can paralyse and/or numb depending on the dosage. As for the mouth, the teeth are located inside on the cheeks, which are turned outwards like shown in the img when they are eating something. This is so the flaps of skin the teeth are attatched to can move around to kind of cage and hook onto whatever the woober is eating then pull it in their mouth.
Woobers also naturally love treasure, or anything they consider treasure. Whatver a woober considers treaure differs from individuals, but the one thing certain is that a woober will hoard their treasure and keep it safe and secure in a cave in the brine pools. To further secure their treasure hoards, they put special mytsic seals on it unique to each woober. These seals can only be opened by the woober that made it, and can only be permanently destroyed from the inside of the barrier made by the seal.
Some woobers love treasure so much, they go out of their natural habitat to the surface and attack pirate ships for their treasure. This used to happen so often in the past that woobers were a well known threat by pirates, but this backfired when pirates began learning how to kill them or even negotiate/team up with them. Now, woobers are a rare and endagered yokai, and the ons that remain are never seen above the surface. Until Gloob was born and decided human technology was her special treasure after finding a lost nokia at the bottom of the ocean. Now, she uses her treasury to store both her treasure and the stuff she sells to buy more human technology.
Also yes, half her arm is missing because of Donnie. He’s banned from all her sales, less because he chopped her arm off and more because he didn’t pay for the uranium. She’s also annoyed that he basically got a free sample of her venom by taking her arm without paying. She likes money if you can’t tell.
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Idk what else to do with her so like, do whatever you want with the gloober woober
She's so silly. Such a freak. Smooch smooch she's the only one with fashion sense god bless her
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