#i gave her roller skates :3
whimsicalmists · 7 months
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Mail Pearl!!!!!!!
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madafanz · 4 months
Atzi & Xio being silly kidz (also i love fashion <3)
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Thingz about Xio’s fit:
-Heavily “quiet-emo-goth-anime-queer-art-middle schooler” coded (i was that kid lol) almost gave a beanie tbh I might in the future
-zip up skeleton face hoodie
-lots of Easter eggs with the patches on their boots
- twilight is their fave pony :D
Thingz about Atzi’s Fit:
- Beaded friendship necklace from Xochi (they match although I gotta go back and fix Xochi’s now😭)
-headcannon she does roller derby/ skates & has heelys on lol
-Rainbow dash is her fave pony
Both have braces bc they’re kids & I like braces lol
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sinsofbeauty · 1 year
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Mentions of Kidnapping, Obsessive/Clingy Johnny, Jealous Johnny, Small mention of murder
Requested?: Yee
Overview: Looks like you bailed on the little invitation Johnny had asked of you. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, you actually got quite intimidated. Though that doesn’t stop him from seeking you out and making his intentions clear
A/n: So many of you wanted this to be a series, so here it is!! This is part 2 of 3!
Please comment if you would like to be tagged for part three!!! Enjoy!
Minors DNI!!!!
Part 1 - Red Stained Sunflower
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“Hey Daddy?” You asked your father with the turn of your head. “How long are we gonna be in town for?”
He took a quick glance over to you before shrugging, “Oh maybe an hour or two. Just meeting with some old friends.”
You nodded your head and moved to look out the window. “I was talking to Maria on the telephone, she wanted to see if I could stop by the roller rink.” You replied to his comment. “Hope you don’t mind if I take a little detour.”
You were supposed to accompany Johnny out to the fields last night, but you decided to remain home instead. Now you were making arrangements with friends as though you weren't worried about the entire situation. You felt terrible, but you also couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the circumstances. Yes, Johnny was appealing, and his words would make you want to explode. But LORD! Johnny Slaughter was intimidating.
Your only concern on the trip into town with your father was the fact that you had essentially abandoned one of the Slaughter Brothers. How were you going to justify your absence because you were anxious? Private moments with him... Ugh!! You weren't sure how you would be able to face him after abandoning him in that way. Like, seriously. How were you going to explain to a man like him that the reason you didn't appear was because you're a virgin…?
Your heart was racing when you arrived to the roller rink. Even though you were still troubled by thoughts of Johnny, seeing the group at the rink's entrance helped you feel less concerned. Even if you weren't close to them, you had Maria there to keep you company, so it was well worth it to slip away from your father and his group of friends to spend time with your own. You immediately identified their faces. Connie, Julie, and Ana were all grinning and laughing as Leland and Sonny stood to the side. When Maria's eyes finally found you after searching, they completely lit up.
“Hey! Y/n over here!!” Her delighted voice echoed from across the street.
As you approach everyone, you wave and smile. They all appeared to be happy to see you, which gave you a strange feeling. Can't hold yourself to blame, though; you haven't been able to leave the house much because you've been so cooped up inside helping your father with his work.
“Hey guys!” You say, greeting them happily.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you could make it!” Maria gave you a nice warm hug in return. “You remember Ana don’t you? We brought a couple friends along if you don’t mind!”
“Oh no of course not! It’ll be fun!” You shrug your shoulders, waving your arm to brush off any doubt about more people. “Let’s go inside, yeah?”
Some of the group had their own skates, while others had to rent them when they entered the rink. Since you didn’t own any skates, you obtained a pair that fit you and sat down. Though you found yourself stuck tying and untying your shoelaces. Simply said, they weren't secure enough, and you didn't intend to break an ankle today. Before you notice someone roll over, you sigh and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
“Need some help?”
In his sky blue shirt and navy blue jeans, which were fastened by a brown belt, Leland stood in front of you. The skates he had rented took the place of his shoes, and he was able to move around in them with ease. He was on the wrestling team in high school, and you somewhat recognized him from there. He also hung around with this little group of people. He was really kind to say the least, tall, strong, and fairly attractive for a young man his age.
Your eyes look up at the man who you nodded at with a smile. “Please, I’m having trouble tying them tight enough.”
The Texan smirks and bends down, taking one of your feet and pulling at the strings. “Let me know if it’s too tight, okay?” You nodded once more at his voice as he started tying your skates. Before moving on to the next, he questioned as to whether or not they felt snug enough for you. You felt good about it, and he was very considerate in making the gesture. “Alright, how do they feel?” He asked standing up.
As you rise up, you circle your feet before nodding your head in appreciation. “Perfect. Better than I could ever do. Thank you, Leland.”
His eyes squint when he gives a genuine smile, a gesture to your thankful remark. “Anytime. Say, I don’t see ya’ around here often. Do ya’… know how to skate?”
Oh dear God, you can't recall the last time you entered that rink. You probably haven't done it in months, and you weren't doing it frequently to begin with. You chuckle nervously while rubbing your hands together behind your back. “Uh… kinda? It’s been a while.” You admit to him. “I’m not the best skater but it’ll come back! I just get nervous when other people go fast past me.”
Just standing there made your legs feel like jello. You tried to move closer to Leland but all you did was sway back and forth. He chuckled at this, the male moving forward to grab your shoulders and prevent you from toppling. “I can teach ya’, practice makes perfect.”
“Says the one who was in the wrestling team.” You roll your eyes at him, making the man laugh in response. “I’d be on the ground more times than you’d like.”
“Hey! I’m a good teacher! We can go nice and slow at first, and you’ll still have a great time… in the rink, I mean. That sounded so weird…”
You giggled at his words, making his cheeks dust a soft pink. He was such a dork… cute.
“Come on guys! We’ve been waiting!” Exclaims Julie from the rink, making you and Leland look over.
“We’re coming,” You said, shifting past Leland with your wobbly legs as you made your way over. “I’m trying not to die. You guys are much more experienced at this.”
You almost went over with just one foot on that surface, but once you were stable, everything was good. Leland swiftly followed after you as you joined the others with a sigh of relief. Getting acclimated to the people and the surroundings took some time. You were still unable to go as quickly as Julie or Maria, who frequently sped by you.
“I’m gonna go around a couple times. Think you can handle it on ya’ own?” Leland asks, that genuine smile making you give one in return.
“For now. Go ahead, I’ll catch up eventually.”
After hearing your response, he quickly speeds away while teasing Maria and Julie about catching up. You chuckle, enjoying how this afternoon will play out. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves. Being outside of the house felt wonderful. The gang laughed and joked as they skated around the rink. Leland was always there to catch you even if you were a little awkward and nearly fell a few times. He gave you a comforting smile as you both laughed despite how embarrassing it was. The group stopped to acquire some food after some time spent skating. Even though your heart was still beating from all the excitement, you were happy that you and your friends were having such a good time.
After a few hours, everyone departed the rink exhausted but content. You said your goodbyes and thanked them for an amazing time. You were relieved that you had chosen to go out with them as opposed to staying home or being barraged by your father’s older friends who wanted to talk to you.
“Hey Y/n,” Leland had said, catching you before you left. “I was wondering, I usually come around here at this time of day. Did you… wanna skate with me next week?”
You thought about it, and it didn’t hurt to meet some new people around. Even though he was closer with Maria, maybe a new group of people would be nice to hang around with. “Sure. Are you busy next Friday?”
“Great! Uhm… No, that should be fine. I’ll see ya’ then?”
You nodded your head, grinning as you left, feeling satisfied with the events of the day as you made your way back to meet with your father.
After a long, productive day, you were just finishing your shower at home. You check that your hair isn't excessively dripping before stepping out of the restroom while you're wrapped in a towel. No one was awake to bother you this late in the evening since your father was asleep. Your room was upstairs, turning left down the hall and another left past the bathroom across from it. Your father was immediately up the stairs to the right of the hall in his own room.
You entered your room and turned to lock the door behind you before turning on the lights. Despite the events earlier, your mind still wandered to Johnny. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Once more, you were unable to remove him from your head. Another day without communication meant that you would have to make an effort to avoid having to give an explanation. You sigh and close your eyes before turning to head for your dresser. In spite of this, as soon as you open them, you jump and cover your mouth to stifle the surprised sound that escapes from you.
“Johnny!” Looking at the man who was idly sitting on your bed fiddling with his hair, you blurted out. Your heart was pounding furiously. What the hell was he doing here? How did he get in here? What is he doing here??? He just sat in the dark, waiting for you to come in like… like a weirdo!! “The fuck are you doing? Why are you in my room?!”
His clothing caught your attention because it was a little different from what he typically wore. He appeared to have just taken a shower because his hair was moist and combed back. His navy blue jeans were fastened to his hips by a brown belt, and his dark gray long sleeve shirt was rolled to the dips of his arms just above his elbows. He wore his worn-out boots, without gloves to protect his calloused hands, and grinned endlessly.
“Should really keep that back window locked. So much easier than havin’ ta’ lock pick my way in at night.” He spoke quietly, as if he knew your father was in the room next to him. Low, as if he knew what trouble sneaking in here could get him into. “Ya’ don’t look happy ta’ see me sweetpea. Did I do something~?”
“Well for one, you’re in my room… uninvited.” You drew closer to the man who was lounging on your bed, your brows furrowed at him, your nose flared. “And I’m in a towel…naked! What if I started changing because I didn’t know you were here??”
Your face instantly turned red as his smile grew larger. He wasn't even required to respond to the question. You snort before turning around and returning to your door to lock it. The worst-case scenario would be your father interrupting you two. Yes, you were a grown woman, but technically speaking, sneaking someone into the house would not look so inviting. Especially if it was the Slaughter boy.
“Jesus… just— why are you here?” You ask, turning back to the man who you didn’t realize stood in those moments you were turned around. He appeared... distracted. It seemed as though he was thinking about or bothered by something.
“Oh me? I jus’ wanted ta’ see ya’!” He said with the slight wave of his hands. “I wanted ta’ know whatchu were doin’, cause… obviously, it wasn’t me.”
“Yeah about that…” You trailed off, looking at the floor for a moment. It was… a nice floor. Maybe staring at it would help you think about how to tell him without feeling like a total idiot. “I just got… a little nervous.”
You looked up at the man as he surprised you with a chuckle. His facial expressions were unpredictable. He appears disturbed one second, then happy the next. Even just looking at him made you feel conflicted. Your hands were holding onto the towel that was about to fall down your body as he started to approach you. “Nervous hm? About what?”
You sighed as you cast a glimpse his way and fiddled with the towel covering your body. “I don’t know how to explain…”
“Come on now, ya’ don’t have ta’ be scared ‘round me,” Johnny gave reassurance while smiling oddly relaxed. Observing the shit-eating grin that emerged on his face, you gave him a little glare. “Okay maybe a lil’ bit~. But come on, it can’t be that bad!”
He makes you huff and shrug your shoulders in response. Why did talking about this seem so embarrassing? It was Johnny… In any case, he didn't have much to say about it. Right? You grumble, your mouth twitching slightly as your nose flares once more. “I didn’t come because… I was nervous about being a virgin.”
The last few words were mumbled, but it appears like Johnny heard them right away. At that instant, Johnny's lips curled into a wicked grin, which his hand moved to conceal right away. You shivered, a chill running up your spine at the laugh that burst forth from his throat seconds later. “That’s the reason? Cause, nobody’s taken yer lil’ cherry yet~?”
“It’s not funny!” You exclaim slapping his bicep, only to obtain another silly laugh from him. “It’s a sensitive thing! I have a right to be anxious about it!! Especially if… those intentions were indicated.”
“Oh honeybee, ya’ think I’d feel any different?” Johnny said with the shrug of his shoulders. “I mean— I’m a lil’ surprised! A pretty girl like you? I would’ve expected it to be long gone by now.”
“Well it’s not so you can stop teasing me about it,” You pout, crossing your arms with the shake of your head.
At that very time, Johnny was getting closer to you and dipping his head slightly. His eyebrows dropped, his gaze became unreadable, and his hands, which fiddled with his belt, twitched in anticipation as his voice abruptly shifted to a low tone. “How cute, and ta’ think, I’ll be the one takin’ it from ya’~.”
“Eh- You-…” You turned in defeat as the sentence that attempted to form failed miserably. You scowl and head to your dresser to look for something to wear. “God I hate you sometimes. I can just imagine how much it would hurt.”
Johnny smirked as he approached from behind you and gently grabbed your shoulders. “Oh I won’t hurtcha, much.” He replied. “I’ll go nice and slow for ya’ darlin’.”
“I doubt that,” Smiling, you respond before shutting the dresser door and turning to face Johnny. His eagerness was evident from the little shudder of his shoulders as his hands were now in his pockets. “You’re thinking about it too much.”
“Maybe I am~.” He says, slyly smiling while momentarily averting his gaze. “Ya’ know I can’t help myself doll. Even now, just lookin’ at ya’ makes me excited.”
You rolled your eyes after moving around him to your bed, placing your clothes on it with a soft pat. “I’m in a towel with nothing under it, of course you’re excited.” You say sarcastically.
“Well, ya’ did look good earlier today,” Johnny stated, making you freeze in place. He had a menacing smirk on his face when you turned to face him.
“You were in town today?”
“Jus’ happened ta’ be,” Responded Johnny with a shrug. “Saw ya’ walkin’ ta’ that lil’ roller rink on the side of town with ya’ lil’ friends.”
“Yeah, I had planned to go out with them that morning.” You spoke to him, fiddling with the towel.
Johnny moved a few steps closer to you while humming and tilting his head. “Oh I know! Ya’ looked like ya’ had fun, especially with pretty boy touchin’ up all on ya’.”
As much as how he seemed, his vocal tone also appeared to shift. He appeared agitated, as far as you could tell. You didn’t even have to mention Leland, he had been watching you that whole time. The encounters you had with the other young adult in question. He absolutely despised it. Just having the idea of how furious he would have been as Leland assisted you in any way he could. Was he… no, he couldn’t be.
“So, you’re telling me that you followed me and watched me with my friends today?”
The man's mouth twisted in annoyance as he let out a little giggle. “Curiosity got the best o’ me, I will admit.” Johnny said, his half lidded eyes looking away. He clenched his jaw and pursed his lips before turning to face you.
“Well, we’re just friends if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Sure– I mean, I have no problem with it! I mean if ‘e touches ya’ again,” Johnny lets out a laugh. “He never will, let’s jus’ leave it at that.”
“Oh? Is that so?” You ask with a smirk. “And to think, Johnny Slaughter is jealous of another man.”
“Jealous?! AHA– I’m not jealous!” He makes an effort to justify his obsessive tendencies, but it simply serves to highlight it. His eyes widen, “I jus’ didn’t like how ‘e was feelin’ up on ya’, how’s that bein’ jealous?!”
“You’re getting all defensive.”
“Right now?”
“I’m jus’ sayin’ I’m not!”
You couldn't help laughing, which made the man snarl. It was cute how obvious he made it. Observing his vulnerable side manifest itself in this way due to someone else? Johnny's jealousy wasn't anything you anticipated. He was a man who frequently showed little regard for the actions or words of others. However, it was a different story when it came to you. He seems a little uneasy when his family would speak to you. The man appeared to be extremely possessive of anything he so claimed as his.
“Come on now, you don’t have to be scared around me,” You spoke.
Johnny's cheeks had turned a delicate shade of pink. He rolled his eyes at your remark and scoffed while shaking his head. “I ain’t scared sunshine,” He replied with his smile coming back. “If I was, I wouldn’t have snuck into ya’ house.” Your eyes widened in shock as the man grabbed your arm and drew you up against him. “I wouldn’t tell ya’ righ’ now, that yer my girl.”
“You don’t have me just yet.”
“Oh, I don’t?” Johnny lifts your chin and lowers his face to meet yours only a few inches away. “But ya’ want me, no? Jus’ lookin’ at those eyes ya’ want me.” Your eyelids flutter closed as he rubs his nose against yours. He was well aware of the fact that he had you. “I’ll treat ya’ like a princess darlin’, I’ll spoil ya’ so rotten that ya’ can’t get enough of me. Cause I want ya’, I need ya’.”
If this was a way for Johnny to swoon you over, he sure was doing it. However, you were curious to see how much further he would swing. He draws back his head and lets go of your chin as you open your eyes in order to tuck a hair behind your ear.
“You should tell me more.”
“Really?” Johnny says as his brows begin to converge. When he senses your seriousness, he smirks and lets out a tiny chuckle. “I’d kill for ya’, I’d die for ya’, I’m sooo head over heels.”
You smile, shaking your head. “You’re so funny.”
“Amused?” He hums, making you giggle in response. In return, pleased by the remark, Johnny snorts. “Needy lil’ thing aren’t cha’? Makin’ me all soft.”
“I thought you were excited.”
“Cheeky lil’ brat ya’ are darlin’,” Johnny scoffs. “If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be so damn close! Y’know– I wouldn’t be talkin’ fa’ someone who’s so red in the face.”
“You’re just as flustered as me,” You roll your eyes. “You should’ve seen your face when you got all jelly~.”
“Eh– I wasn’t–... sh-shut up.”
“Make me~.”
Johnny's eyes appeared to be playing cat and mouse with you. As if it wasn’t the third or fourth time he licked his lips this evening. His teeth were exposed in a ferocious smile, giving him an almost feral appearance. “Oh I could– but actually, it probably wouldn’t shut ya’ up sweetheart.” He takes your hips, making you softly gasp. “You’d be loud– no you’d be screamin’ honey. I’d make sure of that– oh I’d make sure, the only thing on your mind is me~.”
Johnny made a sound of interest as you placed your hands on his chest. The excitement he felt then was much greater. The way his hands drew you in his direction and the way they tightly grabbed your hips caught you off guard. Once more lowering his head, Johnny first brushes his cheek against yours before moving his lips toward your ear. His hands shifted, reaching your waist.
“Is that what ya’ wanted ta’ hear? How I’ll make sure those legs of ya’s are shakin’ when I fuck ya’ good? Hm? How I’ll make ya’ cum, over, and over on my cock? I can only imagine.” Your body tenses up in response to his comments, and he grins as a result. “Feelin’ ya’ squirm under me. That cute lil’ pussy clenchin’ so tight you’ll make my head spin. Ohhh darlin’, I wanna feel ya’ nails diggin’ in my back as I take ya’. Inch. By. Inch~.”
A subtle sound came from you. Considering that it was subconscious, you weren't sure if it was a whimper or a moan. Your thighs drove together as you made an effort to hide the sudden jolts that surged up through your abdomen. He... really did have a way with words.
“Awwwe~. Are ya’ gettin’ excited now?” Johnny had moved his head away from yours, taking one good look at your reddened face. His tongue ran over the top row of his teeth as he took one good look at your body. The rise and fall of your chest, your gaze struggling to meet his, and the mere sight of your thighs clamping together. Heh. How could he not notice? “It looks like ya’ are.”
You were startled, or perhaps more accurately, flustered. In that instant, Johnny made you feel just how you'd imagined when you'd read about getting hot and bothered in books. You were completely in shock as you stared at the man with your mouth open and nothing coming out of it. How could you respond to that? Could you… even respond? Observing his every move while remaining motionless, nothing came out of your lips, not a single word.
“Gotta question for ya’ doll,” He said, glancing at the wall for a moment. “Don’t have ta’ be shy now, I know what ya’ want. How about ya’ come down ta’ the fields like we planned, yeah?”
You swallowed thickly, seeing as he removed himself from you entirely. What a damn tease. “Tomorrow?”
“Preferably,” Responded Johnny. “Or ya’ plans with pretty boy can go bye bye next Friday, and ya’ can spend it with me instead.”
“You're still on that?” You say with a raised brow. “How do you even know we made plans?”
He growled and clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, his eyes moving away from you. “I heard ya’.”
“Heard me? Or you were eavesdropping?”
You and Johnny exchanged looks, and that glare gave you all you needed to know. Let’s be real, it’s a little odd knowing that he had been spying on you, but seeing him jealous was like seeing a spoiled little boy now getting what he wanted.
Johnny’s eyes fluttered closed with a sigh, crossing his arms in defeat. “Y’know— you… I— yer really gettin’ on my nerves!”
“Good,” You say with a small smile. “And I’ll think about coming tomorrow.”
“Oh there’s no thinkin’ honeybee,” Johnny said with a mischievous smile. “I’ll make sure yer there, I’ll steal ya’ if I need ta’— hell! If it means I need ta’ kidnap ya’.”
“You wouldn’t do that.”
“Maybe if ya’ wait long enough, you’ll find out~.”
Part 3 is up!! >>> RSSF PT.3
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie
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Optimus: gotta stay focused
looks too old compared to his bot form.
I find it impossible for Optimus to be more than a million years old in this canon. In the least, he's older than 1000 years and since we have mfs that are canonically over 70 million years old(fagatron iykyk) compared to that, he feels like a dude in his early-to-mid-30's being the group parent.
-I made him more youthful, gave him curly hair, and tailored his clothing to actually look like his bot form.
-on the cusp of barley being able to hold his liquor
-doesn't own a pair of pajamas until Sari gets some for him
-usually forgets to put them on, but appreciates the gesture
-stays active for like, 3 days until he can't fight off sleep with work brain anymore, and unceremoniously passes out on the couch to sleep for a full 24 hours
-ratchet sighs and puts a blanket over him as per routine
-frequently checks security feed
-elf on the shelf despiser
-early morning talks with jazz and ratchet over coffee (they all wake up at 6 am)
-half thrives on caffeine and a vigorous training protocol
-is a dog person, loves German shepherds to death
David sama, pls forgive me ily very much
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Ratchet: to old for this nonsense
doesn't match his body type in the slightest.
Ratchet is really old, he's got a sallow face and a gramp gut, how dare they square him. He's wayyy too angular and peachy looking.
-I gave him his luscious curves back, adding all the equipment id expect a field medic to have because he is a field medic, not a regular doctor. I changed his facial proportions, and also made his face gaunt, for that dead inside PTSD look.
-drinks his coffee black with brown sugar, literally drinks it piping hot
-is one of those old people who complains about noise
-confiscates bumblebee and Sari's toy cars, and puts them in a high up cabinet
-neither of them know how to bypass the child safety lock lmao
-casual clothes includes a lot- a l o t of plaid shirts, and 10 pairs of the same blue jeans
-tunes out bulkhead and prowls convos about birdwatching
-big fan of political satire dramas
-Sentinel doesn't approve
-Ratchet doesn't give a rats ass about what he thinks of course
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Bumblebee: professional smart-ass
doesn't match his body type/age.
Bumblebees holoform is presented as a 10-12 year old child specifically for the fact that he's short, and the comedic relief. Total ass
I set his human age as 19-20 years old, making him more of a big brother to sari because that og model is disappointingly lackluster
-Bumblebee is a scrappy wisecracking punk, like an adhd kid who just got roller skates for Christmas.
-since he doesn't have wheels, I feel like he'd wear skates instead to emulate the feeling
-terrible at watching where he's going cuz he's too busy trying to show off, so ratchet makes him wear all that padding + training wheels
-legit despises the padding and training wheels
-Jealous of Blurr for mastering roller blades lmao.
-his favorite games are choose your fighter and fps
-saw ONE ancient ass assassins creed playthrough and begged ratchet to install hidden tasers in his arm bands (was denied)
-Sari used her key to do it instead
-self appointed "rizzler"
-Optimus has zero idea of what that means and thinks it's code for something dubious
-Ratchet knows what it means and thinks it's silly
-"I' was something of a rizzler myself back in my day, kid"
-bumblebee cringes
-loves summer and swimming
-wants to be the fastest thing in the sea because y'know, it's bumblebee
-is spooked from the beach for awhile cuz he saw sharks in Prowls nature documentary
-there are infact, no sharks in lake Erie
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Bulkhead: big guy, bigger heart
doesn't match his body type/aspirations.
Jesus fuck he's so wide?? And his belly migrated to his shoulders?? I'm gonna be honest, I really hate this design. I feel like it contributed to the "brute strength = stupid" take that most in the fandom associates with him.
-Bulkhead is a SWEET. CARING. NERD YOU FOOLS. He's like the male version of a tall goth gf-
-a tall-nerdy-farm hand-physics bf, You got me fucked up.
-Its already shown that bulkhead really likes art in Addition to creating it. He hates being only seen as the "muscle" so it wouldn't make sense for him to lean into that.
-bunny slippers that him and sari made together(she provided the buttons)
-the slippers go missing sometimes (basically considered community property unless he's wearing them)
(ratchet and prowl are the main offenders)
-frequent art museum goer
-really likes watching cooking shows, but is too shy to make food himself
-Owns a ton of star maps
-Really wants a treehouse that he, bumblebee and sari can hang out in
-pillowfort enjoyer
-casually reads quantum physics at the beach
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Prowl: draft dodger
Doesn't look like him at all.
Prowls holoform being a mustachioed,white, police officer was an actual jumpscare for 7 y/o me, I kid you not
- I know this bitch would not wear a helmet (you can't force him to) que windswept hair
-Not as much as starscreams, for obvious reasons but yk
-prowl is like one of those "shoes are a prison for your feet"
-emo hipster
-has a pet cactus named "planty"
-bumblebee heckles him for it
-can and has brought his cactus with him on early evening motorcycle rides
-the helmet is reserved for his cactus, bring your own >:(
-salad consumer
-him and jazz share custody of the cactus
-repeat victim of the cat distribution system
-ratchet has probably spent hours telling him they can't keep any animals at base
-frequent midnight picnics with jazz
-and beachcombing
-and roaming around antique stores cuz jazz wants to know what vinyl records are
-got a mug with an attempted pink chibi cat with big round shiny eyes painted onto it, courtesy of bulkhead trying to find an artsyle
-cherishes this mug to death
-has a shrine dedicated to it
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sahaias · 4 months
Soy Luna Season 3 Episodes 1-30 Thoughts
Okay I've been zooming through these episodes fast while I have the longest break from work I've had since I started the job.
Giving us Lumon for 10 episodes except it's only one-sided on Luna's part and she goes back on it because Nina keeps saying "maybe you're just trying to forget Matteo" is annoying
Nina, no offense, but you have the worst relationship advice fam
Simon and Luna are actually cute together, and people often forget that those in relationships should be capable of being reliable and trusted friends. Relationships don't have to have constant conflict
Poor Luna throughout all of it though. She was about to confess to Simon, only for him to say he's in love with Ambar. I would be crushed
Ambar and Simon having sexual tension in almost every scene they share is crazy for a Disney show. I get why so many people love them together so much
I also like that Simon is the one person she's not scared of being vulnerable around even with their relationship ended, that hug for comfort was everything
Sharon looking like a Dollar Store Carrie-Anne Moss is making it hard for me to take her seriously lmao
Sharon is an awful parental figure to Ambar. "You have to stay with the Valente's because I have a plan to exact revenge against them" is the worst possible thing to say to her when she was the one constant in Ambar's life from the time she was adopted
Alfredo is so stubborn, it is realistic. Old people are like that
The end of Gastina is sad, but understandable. I feel like Gaston did see the video Delfina posted about Eric and Nina and didn't assume she cheated, get mad, or anything like that. However, he was probably thinking "it's unfair for her to be committed to me when I can barely even make time for her"
Eric kind of gives me weird vibes. He's not bad, but I feel like he's an inch away from doing something to get me to dislike him. From my experience, the whole shy guy thing starts seeming like a red flag once you exit high school unless they were homeschooled or escaped an abusive situation tbh
Delfina and Pedro are boring, but I can see them being a stable couple tbh
The scenes involving Lutteo feel forced, like they are telling more than they are showing
Matteo is actually somewhat bearable this season, and I attribute that to him having actual friends beyond just Gaston (who mostly gave him advice)
The Red Sharks are absolutely insufferable. Emilia and Benicio both deserve the worst
I understand Ramiro though. He saw skating as his CAREER more than anyone else. The Jam and Roller team had nothing except each other until their video while the Red Sharks had equipment, a financier, sponsors, a rink, etc. I kind of agree with Ramiro on not feeling too bad about recording them. The whole aspect of being shunned and then "please don't release the video, we're friends" after nobody really talking to him except Jim. I'd be annoyed too
The show makes such a big deal out of Emilia kissing Matteo without his consent (which is very messed up too, don't get me wrong), but it brushed over Matteo doing the same to Luna and somewhat less with Benicio doing the same to Ambar.. I'm not sure how to feel about that
Gary is a horrible person, and Ana deserves someone who is amazing tbh. I know if I was a single 40-ish year old man dating her, I would be obsessed with treating her right and making sure she was happy
It is nice to have a very clear antagonist with a big presence like Gary though. He is lowkey an idiot because if he did things with an ounce of tact and wasn't an asshole for no reason, things wouldn't suddenly start blowing up in his face like the big lack of a coach and his team's lack of discipline (why did he stop at 4 instead of 6 lmao)
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matttgirlies · 5 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - none
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 16
Matt was not one for moderation. Whether it was motorcycles, slot cars, horses, amusement parks, roller skating, sex, or even eating the same dinner day after day, if he enjoyed it, he’d overindulge.
One evening I gave him a little racetrack with remote-control cars. A few weeks later he had an entire room added onto the house with a professional game track. There he played night after night until he had his fill and then he never went back to the room until much later, when the annex was converted into a trophy room filled with his gold records and awards.
As Matt’s fascination with occult and metaphysical phenomena intensified, Larry introduced him to the Self-Realization Fellowship Center on Mount Washington, where he met Daya Mata, the head of the center. She was an attractive woman who looked remarkably like Mary Lou Sturniolo, and he was captivated by her serenity and spiritual presence. She epitomized everything he was striving to be.
He made several trips to Mount Washington, high in the Hollywood Hills, for sessions with Daya Mata in the hope of attaining kriya, which is the highest form of meditation in the self-realization fellowship.
As relaxed and peaceful as he was upon leaving the center’s hushed grounds, one thing he couldn’t pass up was a good fight. We were on our way home from Mount Washington one afternoon when our limousine passed a service station where two attendants were staging a fight.
“Pull over,” Matt ordered the driver. “Someone’s in trouble.”
He jumped out of the car, Jerry and Sonny following him. Going up to one of the men, he said, “Hey, you want to give somebody trouble, give it to me.”
“Hey man,” the guy answered, scarcely able to believe this was Matt. “I don’t have any problem with you. I’m not arguing with you.”
“I’ll show you something, if you want to get into an argument,” Matt said. He shot out a karate kick, and to his surprise—and everyone else’s—he knocked a pack of cigarettes out of the guy’s pocket. Among our group, Matt wasn’t known for his precision in karate.
Long after the service station fracas, we joked about it, saying, “Man, the Lord had to be on M’s side that day. That guy doesn’t know how lucky he was.”
Of course Matt had acted as if he could do this any time he felt like it. After executing that kick he’d walked away with a cocky smile, warning the guy to stay out of trouble or there’d be more where that had come from.
When we got home, the way Matt told it you’d think he’d just wiped out half a battalion. We all supported his fantasy.
He was eagerly looking forward to one particular film, Harum Scarum, seeing it as a chance to create a genuinely interesting character. He identified his role with Rudolph Valentino’s in The Sheik. At last, he thought, a part he could sink his teeth into. He saw a physical resemblance between himself and Valentino, especially in profile.
During preproduction, he came home darkened with makeup, dressed in white harem pants and a white turban. He looked extremely handsome, much more so than Valentino, I thought. Tilting his head down, with a piercing gaze and flared nostrils, he asked rhetorically, “Frightening, isn’t it, how much I look like him? How does this get to ya?” He took me in his arms Valentino-style and dipped me over à la the famous poster of the Sheik.
Night after night he kept his makeup and the turban on all through dinner and up until bedtime.
Although he was excited about the film when he first started shooting, as each day went by, his morale plummeted. Harum Scarum’s plot was a joke, the character he played, a fool, and the songs he sang, disasters. The film turned out to be yet another disappointment, an embarrassing one at that.
Still committed to the picture but demeaned by its mediocrity, he sought escape on his motorbikes—eleven Triumphs and a Harley—a Triumph for each assistant and a Harley for the boss. Decked out in leather from head to toe and feeling as tough as a pack of Hell’s Angels on a rampage, we roared through the gates of Bel Air, revving our engines at all hours of the night.
Weekends we took trips through the Santa Monica Mountains, stopping off for beer or cola along the way. It was fast, fun, and wild. I liked it so much I wanted my own bike. Despite his concern for my safety, Matt reluctantly bought me a Honda Dream 350.
While he was at the studio I sometimes rode alone, fleeing Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, MGM, and all my worries.
During this period when he was still seeking “a higher state of consciousness,” we experimented with mind-expanding drugs. We tried marijuana a few times and neither of us especially liked it. We felt tired and groggy and we’d become ravenously hungry. After a few raids on the refrigerator—and carrying the resulting extra poundage—we decided to stay away from the stuff.
Although he abhorred street drugs he was curious enough to try LSD once. When he initiated our experiment, he made sure Sonny West was on hand at all times to supervise. The night we tried it Steven, Jerry, Larry, Matt, and I took seats around the conference table in Matt’s office upstairs at Graceland.
Matt and I took half a tab. At first, nothing happened. Then we started staring at each other and laughing—our faces were becoming distorted.
I became engrossed in Matt’s multicolored shirt. It started to grow, getting larger and larger until I thought he was going to burst. It was captivating, but I did not like the feeling. I thought: This isn’t real, be careful, you’re losing it. I tried to hang on to sanity.
We all gathered around the large aquarium outside the master bedroom, fascinated by the tropical fish. Funny—there were only two or three, but suddenly I saw an ocean of brightly colored fish. I strolled off and found myself in Matt’s huge walk-in closet, purring like a kitten.
It was early morning when Matt and I went downstairs and walked outside. Dew came down, creating rainbows in the mist, glistening on the trees and the lawn. We studied the leaves, trying to count each dewdrop. The veins in the grass became visible, breathing slowly, rhythmically. We went from tree to tree, observing nature in detail.
It was an extraordinary experience. However, realizing it was too dangerous a drug to fool around with, we never tried LSD again.
By 1966, Matt’s long search for answers to the mystery of life involved us all in the strange games he loved to devise.
In the backyard of our Bel Air home we found him staring up at “planets moving across the sky” for long periods in the darkness of the early-morning hours. He was convinced, and nearly had us convinced, that there were energy waves so powerful they caused the stars to glide through the universe. For hours we all gazed up in wonderment, questioning each other about what we were seeing, afraid to ask ourselves anything but “Could it be possible?”
His imagination peaked later on when we were all standing in the yard, looking over at the Bel Air Country Club, which was being watered by a fanlike automatic sprinkler system.
“Do you see them?” said Matt, looking intently at the course.
“See what?” I asked, ready to hear anything.
“The angels, out there.”
“Angels?” I asked, looking down at the sprinklers. I wanted to believe him, we all did and we went along with it.
As if in a trance, he continued staring at the water for a few minutes. Then he began moving toward them. “I have to go,” he said. “You stay here. They’re trying to tell me something.” He wandered off toward the golf course in pursuit of his vision. Sonny followed, insuring Matt’s safety, and the rest of us were left dumbfounded.
Other times he’d have us stare for hours at the off-white, nubby-textured ceilings, trying to make out delicately lined faces that he said he was causing to appear.
More likely it was just a game he’d made up out of boredom and depression because he was experiencing such a low point in his career. He took sleeping pills to escape, and while fighting off their effect, he created his “images”—his mystical exercises.
The happiest I ever saw him was when he developed a passion for horses. It all began when I said I wished I had my own horse. I’d loved them since childhood, and Graceland had a beautiful old stable in back, where James used to store old furniture. It was equipped with a tack room, hayloft, and several stalls.
About two weeks later, I was in my dressing room when Matt, who had been out for a few hours, returned and knocked on my door. “Sattnin, I want you to come downstairs for a minute, got something I want to show you.”
He led me down the stairway, his eyes shining. Then he guided me out the back door, his hands over my eyes. When he took them away I saw the most beautiful sight I’d ever laid eyes on—a black quarterhorse with one white stocking.
“His name must be Domino,” I said, petting the spirited four-year-old. “Whose is he?”
“He’s yours.” Matt was grinning. “I saw this kid riding him, asked if he wanted to sell. I could just picture you on him.”
“You mean he’s really mine?” I yelled, jumping up and down, throwing my arms around Matt. I wanted to ride Domino immediately and I mounted him.
“Now, wait a minute,” Matt cautioned. “Don’t go off gettin’ yourself hurt.”
He watched me with a concerned look as I rode out through the pasture and then up to the window of Grandma’s room.
“Dodger! Dodger!” I shouted. “Look what I got, my own horse! Isn’t he beautiful? Matt just bought him for me!”
“Good Lord,” Dodger cried. “Get off that thing, y/n. You’re gonna get yourself killed. I’m gonna whop that young’un for gettin’ you that. You got no business ridin’ that creature.”
“It’s okay, Dodger, I can handle him,” I called out, riding off happily.
He was wild and spirited. When I rode in the late afternoons, I was in my own world. It was a wonderful release. Often Matt would watch me from his upstairs window. I’d call out to him, “Come down and ride with me.
Matt didn’t ride very well at that time. About the only experience he’d had was in a few of his films, where he didn’t feel totally at ease. In fact, he was somewhat intimidated by large animals; nonetheless, he accepted my invitation and tried riding Domino.
He loved it, declaring, “I want a horse of my own, a golden palomino.”
Jerry Schilling found Rising Sun at a nearby stable. He was the handsomest palomino imaginable—big and powerful. He’d been trained for shows, and I’ve never seen an animal that demanded and thrived on as much attention as Rising Sun. There was no doubt that this was the horse for Matt.
He remained skeptical and had Jerry test Sun out. “Hey, it’s beautiful, man,” Matt said.
“A great-looking horse. Jerry, you get on it and ride.” Jerry had little, if any, riding experience and was horrified at the thought. Nonetheless, he gamely mounted Sun, looking as misplaced as Noël Coward on a Clydesdale.
Sun took off like a bullet with Jerry barely holding on, every bit of pride in his boots. The magnificent animal seemed to be studying Matt as much as Matt was studying him. He raced back, heading straight to where Matt was standing. “Hold ’em back,” Matt yelled. “I am, M, I am,” shouted Jerry. Matt was won over.
Now we all developed horse fever. We rode late afternoons and well into the evenings. But this wasn’t enough for Matt. As with anything he enjoyed, he wanted everyone else to join the fun. Thus began our quest for horses for the group, including their wives. We bought horses for Billy and Joe Smith, Nate Doe, Jerry and Sandy Schilling, Steven, Charlie, Red, Sonny, Richard—everyone. We bought the finest saddles, blankets, halters, bits, reins, feeding buckets. Anything that had to do with a horse, we bought.
Every afternoon we’d all mount up and ride, in full view of the two hundred or so local fans lined up along the fences. In western riding gear—chaps included—Matt would turn it into a show. He’d race down the long slope in front of Graceland and then strut back and forth before the fans, demonstrating how well he could ride. He’d have all-out races with the guys as the fans cheered them on.
They were in for even more of a spectacle when Matt bought his prize black Tennessee Walker, nicknamed Bear, which he rode attired in full show regalia. He and Bear put on a fancy high-stepping show that—if made available to paying customers—would probably have matched his Vegas take.
His other hobbies—go-carts and model cars—were only machines. This was the first hobby that involved a living creature. The horses responded to his love, and it was touching to witness his attachment to them.
It was a close time for all of us, we had something in common. However, after. Matt had delighted in lavishing horses on all of us, Graceland wasn’t quite big enough to handle the herds. We didn’t know it yet, but we were about to become ranchers.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - sweet chapter since the last few have been sad🎀
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xxcocothekillerxx · 11 months
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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CHAPTER 3: The Sunflower field
'The sun is warm and delicate as it hits your face, the cool air tickles at your skin as you lay there and your eyes flutter open. The blue sky greeting your (color) eyes and the puffy clouds slowly drifting by, song birds chirp as you lay there in the dirt and sunflowers surround you as they loom overhead. The scent of the sunflowers and fresh dirt, with a hint of cow manure, filled your nose as you gently gripped the dirt in your palms, your eyes started to slowly look around and as you did so small soft grunts and groans escaped your throat as you began to sit up. Your head felt foggy and dizzy as you sat up, your face flushed a light shade of pink as your naked body was exposed to the wind and yet you felt concealed within the sunflower field. You crossed your arms to hide your chest as you glanced around the field, only an endless ocean of yellow and an infinite blue sky greeted your eyes. Peace filled your body, a wave of comfort until you heard a loud rumbling pound on the ground behind you and suddenly the sky turned a crimson red, drops of red rain hitting your exposed body, drenching you in blood. The sunflowers started to dye around you as fear engulfed your body, with your eyes wide and the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge as you heard another loud bang of a footstep, you heard the sound of a door creek open as you spinned around trying to find the direction of the sound. Your heart nearly pumping out of your chest as you felt a tight grip on your shoulder that quickly and harshly turned you around and all you saw was a evil grin and dark wild eyes looking down on you, before everything suddenly turned black…' you jolted up in your bed, breaking into a cold sweat, your breathing was fast and quick as you gripped onto your bedsheets. Your father sat next to you with a look of shock and concern.
"Y/N?.. you alright? I heard you start to thrash around when I came up the stairs.." your father explained, his hand gently placed on your shoulder as you sat there trying to calm yourself down. You take a few more deep breaths before you finally calmed yourself and look up at your father, tears filling your eyes as you quickly give your father a tight hug. Your father stayed silent as he stroked your head in a soothing motion and gave you gentle hush's as you quietly sobbed into his chest for the rest of that morning.
Later that evening you sat at the table down in the kitchen, eating your favorite cereal and drinking some orange juice, in your brown turtleneck sweater and brown bell-bottoms fixed up with a white belt,your father watching the local News on the TV. You listened to some of the news, only bits and pieces before one topic caught your ear which quickly made you perk your head up from your cereal bowl. ' ATTENTION: Four local highschool students went missing last night. They were last seen leaving a local roller skating rink, Leland McKinney, Julie Crawford, Connie Taylor, Sonny Williams and Ana Flores. If you have any information about their whereabouts PLEASE contact your local authorities', you almost felt your heart sink to your stomach as you heard their names. You got up so quickly and so fast you felt lightheaded and sick as you ran outside, nearly breaking the door off its hinges as you threw up on the wooden porch. You felt as if the world just hit you over the head with a cruelest joke in the world. Your stomach twisted and curled thinking about it, tears started streaming down your face as your first thought went to Leland and all of your friends, you felt so happy around them and suddenly they were gone. You heard your father quickly run out the door towards you, you felt his arms wrap around you in order to comfort you but you practically felt nothing, you felt numb and cold as you stood there. Seconds felt like hours to you all of a sudden as you gently, yet shakenly, placed yourself down on the porch steps. Your father quickly went inside to grab you water, you looked over across the road at the sunflower field. A shiver trailing down your spine as you watched the petals drift in the wind.
You sat there alone for a while looking at the sunflower field as you drank the water your father had given you, feeling relaxed enough to get up and go inside. So you brought in the cup and looked towards your father, "I'm gonna go for a walk… I'll be back soon I promise" you said wanting to be alone for a while, your voice strained and scratchy from the throw up and crying. Your father reluctantly nodded his head as he understood that you needed your alone time and didn't stop you as you walked back out the door, the dried tears staining your cheeks as you once again stepped outside and headed towards the field across the road.
The sunflower field greeted you as you took a few feet into its embrace, the ocean of yellow and green dancing around you as the flowers bellowed in the wind. You kept walking for a good few minutes before you hit a small clearing, an abandoned old rusty car sitting slightly slanted and surrounded by smaller colorful flowers. Your breathing calmed and slowed as your body relaxed, the fresh air seeping into your lungs as you leaned up against the old car. Pulling out a book from your brown bag that you brought with you, you sat on top of the hood of the car as you flipped through the book to get to the page you last left off on. You sat there reading for awhile before you heard something ruffling within the sunflowers, you jumped slightly as a rabbit quickly hopped passed you. Your breath hitched as the animal darted past you and right back into the field, your focus quickly snapping over to where the rabbit came from as you heard more Rustling. ‘crap..’ you thought as you think it's the predator the rabbit was running from. You kept still, clutching the book close to your face as you peered over it and waited for whatever monster to pop out of the bushes. Nothing came… and you started to relax yourself again, placing the book back into your bag as you lifted yourself off the hood of the car. Walking over to where you heard the movement, you leaned over to look through the tall stems of the sunflowers. As you looked into the flowers, your eyes darted around before your eyes met.. his darken, wild eyes meeting your, that devilish grin peering back at you. You felt your heart race as you quickly backed away from him, however he followed closely in hand, his grin trying to seem friendly as I kept approaching you. “What's the matter Y/N? Not happy to see a familiar face?” he condescendingly as his voice echoed through your ears as he tilted his head at you, desperately trying to look innocent. You felt your back reach the rusty old car again “what are you doing here?!” You yelled, your heart pounding through your chest. Johnny quickly pressed his pointer finger onto your lips, his eyes seemed to darken as his gaze met yours. “Shh~ don't mean no’ harm sunflower~” he whispered, his voice deep and scratchy even slightly harmonic as he whispered, his eyes never leaving yours as he slowly pulled his hand away as he straightened himself. You felt dumbfounded as if you shouldn't be scared and concerned for your safety, your brows furrowed in confusion as you kept your back firmly against the car. “I also went for a walk…my house is that way” Johnny explained almost sarcastically, tilting his head towards the direction he came from. You still felt nervous however you let your guard down slightly as he pulled his pack of cigarettes out and picked out to light it. “Those ain't good for ya know..” you sarcastically spoke, arms now crossed. Johnny didn't seem to care in the slightest as he ignored you and lit one of the cigarettes while placing the pack of cigs back into his pocket, you huffed in annoyance by his rudeness and just sat back onto the hood of the car once again. You reluctantly signed to yourself as you sat there Silently before gently moving over and patted the hood of the car. Johnny's eyes perked up from lighting his cigarette and looked at you in slight confusion, his eyes darting from you to the hood of the car back up to you. “Ya' gonna sit with me at least?” You huffed as you looked at him, Johnny's face turning from focused on his cig to slightly surprised, however he stayed silent.
Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you waited for him to either speak or do something. You wanted to talk about last night with him.. how he knew your name, why he was also in the sunflower field, why he creeped in the field next to you. “I don't feel like sittin’..” Johnny protested, focusing back onto his cigarette that sat firmly in between his lips. “Do you mind if you ask ya' something sunflower?” He softly spoke, his demeanor softened as his eyes drifted to you. You felt slightly surprised as you looked at him, yet something about the situation made you feel uneasy and softly said “don't call me sunflower..”. Johnny ignores you completely and faces towards you “Why are you out here?” He questioned as he walked closer, you unconsciously leaned back as he did so but Johnny didn't take notice or simply didn't care as he came within arms length of you and the car.
“Just needed a breather..” the pain in the heart slightly returned as you remembered the news and your friends, your eyes looked towards the ground as you felt a frog in your throat. You felt Johnny's eyes on you which made you look back up to him, his face almost unamused and blank of any expression that you could tell as you stood there. Suddenly his demeanor changed from not carrying to giving a reluctant sign as he shut his eyes, a groan of annoyance soon followed as he drew his head back and combing his hair back with his hand, you questioned his actions with a slight eyebrow raise before it decided to speak. “...wanna’ talk about it sunflower?” He seemed almost hesitant as he leaned against the hood of the car, his back facing towards you but you could still see the side of his face as his side eyes you from over his shoulder. You felt your body strangely relax as you watched him, everything about him felt off, you couldn't tell what he was thinking of feeling and yet he seemed calm.
“Some friends went missin’…”. You rubbed your arm as you felt the pain in your heart grow, Johnny's eyes slightly widened from what you said, although you could tell what emotion he was expressing as you felt his demeanor darken as he stayed silent. He almost seemed as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn't honestly tell as your eyes drifted away from Johnny and back over to the sea of yellow that surrounded you, you felt his stare on you once again however you didn't care to re-meet his gaze as you hugged your knees close to your chest and continued to look at the ocean of sunflowers. Johnny's weight shifted off the hood of the car and you could see him from the side of your eye move to being in front of you, your gaze slowly drifted over to him and up to his eyes. His expression hadn't changed however he did reach his hand out towards you, you looked at him confused until you saw his expression soften and a soft sign parted his lips, “want to head into town with me?..” he spoke somewhat softly, his hand still out for you to take. You still felt uneasy about him, although being in a town with a bunch of eyes probably wouldn't hurt so you took his hand, they felt rough and yet soft at the same time as his grip became slightly tighter around your hand as he helped pull you off the hood of the car. You felt insane for taking this stranger's hand but something about him made you feel at ease almost as Johnny led you to an edge of the sunflower field, a dirt road leading to a farm looking house on one end of it, you could tell its white paint was slowly peeling off. Johnny quickly blocked the view of the house as he pointed down the other way of the road, “towns that way sunflower” he chuckled as you two walked towards town.
You two ended up talking for a little while as you walked, you felt as if you missed judged him as he gave you a small side smile and kept up conversations with you. Soon enough you two ended up back in town and stopped in front of the same and only, roller skating rink where you first met… and where your friends went missing. Johnny quickly noticed your expression change from joyful to sad as he gently placed his hand onto your shoulder trying to comfort you, you took a deep breath to calm yourself. ‘I'll find’em soon enough…’ you thought to yourself, as now you wanted to enjoy yourself. Johnny's face gave a smile before walking into the rink with you by his side, you felt yourself stare at Johnny and wondered why he was doing this for ya. Johnny and you walked in and were greeted with the same boy from before with the most dead face you could imagine, you honestly still felt bad for the kid before he spoke, “Welcome to RollerSkate Jinx, let our-'' the boy was suddenly cut off by Johnny slamming a few bucks onto the counter, his face showing his uninterest. The boys just shrugged and took the money before walking to the back, Johnny let you grab some skates before you and him walked over to a table and sat down across from him. You looked at him wondering why he didn't also grab roller shoes, “I don't skate sunflower..” he huffed, as he noticed your confusion. You nodded to yourself before looking around and noticing there's little to no people here, you assumed it's because it was still early in the day. Nonetheless you didn't let it bother you and sat there for a while talking to Johnny.
Few hours pass and you and Johnny are talking and laughing together, standing at one of the claw machines. You felt frustrated trying to get your hands on one of the teddy bears, it's fluffy brown body with a satin red bow tie and black little beady eyes almost mocking you as you try and get it, Johnny standing next to you with his arms crossed and an honestly concerned look on his face as he watched you spend nearly all your quarters on this dumb game. You crossed your fingers as you put your last quarter into the machine, the claw roaring to life and the bright rainbow colors flashing in patterns in your eyes. Determination written on your face as you gripped onto the joystick of the machine and finger hovering anxiously over the button, Johnny watched in amusement and chuckled to himself.
(Arthur side note: we're just gonna pretend Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking came out 11yrs earlier, to me the song sits well with what I was imagining but you can also play any song… anyways!)
‘Cheri Cheri Lady’ started to play over the speakers, you where too focused on getting the teddy bear that you didn't hear Johnny come up behind you and lean over you to place his arms on either side of you and his head on one side of your head, he barely made a sound as his hand gently made their way onto yours. Shyness and slightnervousness filled you as your eyes grew wide and your face quickly flushed red as Johnny helped you move the stick to the correct position, his hot breath gently hitting the back of your neck as his focus was on your hands and the bear you were trying to get. You felt overwhelmed by his actions and his words of encouragement, “I got you sunflower” he gently whispered into your ear, his grip on your hands tightened as he made your finger pressed the red bottom slowly. Your shyness quickly turned in excitement as you watch the claw pick up the teddy bear, Johnny stepped away as you eagerly awaited the teddy. You heard Johnny chuckle to himself as you quickly grab the teddy bear from behind the flap of the machine, jumping up with excitement and joy as you hugged the teddy bear close to you. “I DID IT!” you yelled at you you practically shove the teddy bear into Johnny's face, Johnny only laughed and patted your shoulder. You two kept talking for a little while longer before you ended up leaving the roller rink and we're walking down the sidewalk back to your house, you noticed a familiar face as you two walked together, however as he noticed you and thwn johnny.. his face grew an angry expression. Johnny's eyes were focused on you before his eyes traveled to were yours where, you noticed he eyes widen as he gritted his teeth. The old man angryly waddled his way up to the two of you before smacking Johnny clean in the face, “the hell ya’ thinking hanging out with her?!” Drayton spat at Johnny, not giving your presence any mind as he completely ignored you, his focus locked onto johnny like an angry parents. You watched in shock as Johnny quickly sprung back at Drayton, his teeth gritted together so harshly they looked like fangs. “Leave it old man! … I can handle this!” Johnny snapped, yet he held himself back from actually throwing a punch. You unconsciously backed up as to not get in the way of the two, Johnny noticed and only got anger at the old man. His face red hot with rage as he looked into Drayton’s cold dead and expressionless face, the staring contest between the two made you feel uneasy until the old man quickly huffed and walked away quickly before spitting on the ground. Johnny's body relaxed as he watch the old man walk away, his focus still locked on him as he walked away. You gently placed your hand onto his shoulder as to relax him only to be greeted with Johnny snapping towards you with anger written on his face, his teeth gritted and bent into a snarl, his brows furrowed with build up rage and his eyes all seemed to dark as he looked at you like a wild animal. You quickly retracted you hand away from him in fear and backed away from his slightly, putting an arms length of distance between you before his face completely changed. Regret filling his eyes as he looked down at you, his shoulders dropped as his body relaxed and his hand reaches out in a way to say sorry. You only backed up more, confusion and fear in your eyes as your brows furrowed, Johnny sighed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“i'm.. sorry” Johnny spoke, his eyes locked onto the ground where your feet were. You could tell he felt sorry which made you relax somewhat. Johnny shit his eyes before taking a deep breath, he gave you a gentle look and took a step closer to you. It didn't take more then his one step for him you close together as he now was looking down on you, you didn't try to back away as you felt his hand land on your shoulders. He was gentle and calm as he tilted his head, giving you a ‘please forgive’ kind of expression. You signed before you gave him a nod, a smile quickly appearing onto his face. “Thank you sunflower…think I should take ya home now..” he smiled, gentle with his movements and words before turning to walked back to your house with you.
You two finally make it back to your house, your father now on the porch with his arms crossed looking over at you two at the end of the driveway. Johnny gave a wave to your father which made your father somewhat relax before walking inside to wait for you, you could tell your father was somewhat upset with you because you sad you'd only be a few hours and now the sun was starting to set. Johnny quickly, but gently, brought your attention back over to him by gripping onto you chin and lifting it to meet his gaze as he gave you a reassuring smile. “Thanks for hanging out with me sunflower.” He spoke as he backed up from you slightly, you smiled back at him as you nodded. “You're welcome.. should do it again soon” you shyly said, Johnny's face gave you a look of agreement. You stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before you two gave your goodbyes and him telling you to meet him on the dirt road to his house tomorrow, but not to go any further then the tree line. “See ya’ soon sunflower” You simply nodded before walking to the front of your door, however when you turned around to give Johnny one last wave goodbye… he was already gone.
You're father expressed worry about you being gone for so long and nervousness when he saw you with the Johnny boy, you gave him nods as you stayed silent as your mind was wondering about thinking about the day. After a little bit your father kinda gave up on speaking and went back to the couch, you went up to your room and changed into your PJ's and jumped into your bed to lay down. the stary night greeting your eyes as you looked out the window from your bed with a smile, snuggling under the sheets and your started to drift off to sleep.
‘see ya' soon sunflower’ echoing in the back of your head as you fell asleep with a smile staining on your face.
Now we got the ball rolling! Sorry this chapter took a little longer then I wanted to come out! However I hope you enjoy my series so far! Chapter 4 I hope to have out soon! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
//Chapter 4//
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swamplatibule · 5 months
GREETINGS it is 9:25 PM on a Sunday as i write this. My hands are shaking rn but that’s probably a result of the energy drink that gave me heart palpitations earlier </3 anyway it’s time for
Lantern Eclipse!
Lantern Eclipse takes place in a world that ended a while ago! Roughly 100-odd years ago, a combination of weird mold creatures, magic nature spirits, and good old-fashioned nuclear radiation completely took over, resulting in the destruction of the vast majority of manmade areas! Most major cities have been completely overgrown with mold and megaflora, save for a few “havens” scattered few and far in between.
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Don’t @ me i’ve lost track of how many apocalypse paracosms i have and that probably says something about my psyche that I’m not ready to hear
ANYWAY. Our story takes place in one of those havens, called Guardian City, which is mostly known for its massive size, wild amount of neon lights, and also the really intense military organization called the Shepherd Division that runs the place like the navy! Or like. Half of it. There’s also the violet district that takes up maybe a fifth of the city, which is mostly controlled by various mob kingpins, drug lords, etc. technicallyyyyy the Shepherd Divison is supposed to control the area, but they generally let the violet district remain as is in exchange for all their bullshit not spilling over into the “respectable” areas.
Also I feel like i should mention that Guardian City is huge. Like the size of Montana. There’s a massive wall surrounding its border to keep the plants out, but you cannot see that wall from the center of the city
ANYWAY. This is all basic background info. Now it’s meat time baybee
This is one of those stories where there are several separate plots with entirely different casts of characters going on at once, so I’m just going to go over one of them for now because it’s getting late and as previously mentioned my hands are shaking so bad rn
The first person we need to meet is Fairywren Merlo! She was a skater boy <3 Fairywren is my darling dearest who can do no wrong. She’s also a mercenary for hire and has most definitely killed before. She has a sniper rifle, roller skates, autism and a dream!!
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^ that would be her in Normal WorldTM i still have yet to decide on her canon outfit
The next person you should know about is Eddie Duncan, who i described in my notesapp as “like if colonel sanders murdered people. Charming in a gross way, like a marginally more evil televangelist with a gun.” Eddie is an INCREDIBLY influential figure within the violet district - he’s rich, he has the Shepherd Division in his pocket, and he’s also incredibly dangerous, so everyone wants to stay on his good side. Do people like him? Depends who you ask. Everyone, however, is scared of him. To be more precise, they’re scared of his “hunting dog,” the silent, nameless masked man who follows his every command. we’ll get back to these two later.
now, fairywren is Good At Her Job. a bit too good at it. she gets a job to kill some random ass guyTM who she’s never heard of, so she does it! very well! EXCEPT turns out that was the son of a very important member of the shepherd guard, and the guy who hired her to kill him has now vanished, leaving her a) unpaid and b) being searched for by the shepherds. uh oh!!
the best solution she can think of is to get out of the city, but she doesn’t have any means of surviving outside the city until she meets Eddie, who brings her and a few other mercenaries along on some Top Secret Project that he’s working on which requires them all to venture outside the city wall and search for some lost artifact he needs. fairywren and the others are mostly just there to kill mold monsters and be human shields for him.
they go the first few days without seeing any trouble aside from the usual freaky wasteland monsters, and then uh oh! they get ambushed by a group looking for that same artifact! and this is where the “hunting dog” i mentioned earlier becomes Very Important!
he is what’s known in Neon Eclipse as a “terror” - an ageless, human-appearing creature that feeds only on human flesh and is nearly impossible to kill! they’re like vampires but. worse <3 I can go into SO much detail about them but i will restrain myself for now because it’s story time. but. anyway. everyone in their party watches him absolutely rip through all of their attackers!
obviously Eddie’s hired guns aren’t too pleased about traveling out in the middle of nowhere with a guy who would 100% eat them if given the chance, but Eddie assures them that he’s entirely under control. see, each terror has a “heart,” usually in the form of some small weird looking stone. If someone else gets their hands on it, then they can use it to force the Terror to do whatever they want! and Eddie keeps the heart of his nameless follower on a cord around his neck!
turns out Eddie and his older brother used to be in the business of researching terrors about 40 years ago! they stumbled upon the one that now follows him everywhere while he was asleep, and Eddie’s brother got a bit too close and. well. oopsie!
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but hey he might be down a brother but at least he has Some Fuckin Guy on his side
some shit happens, and one by one, everyone else in the party dies in various terrible ways until it’s only Eddie, Fairywren, and the terror left. Then Eddie finds his artifact! yay! buuuuut he doesn’t want any witnesses so Fairywren has to die </3 alas! She manages to escape - barely - but it’s hard to outrun a terror for a few minutes, let alone forever. Eddie catches up to her within a few days, and things are looking Very Bad for our dear fairywren, who is now face to face with death.
BUT. instead of attempting to fight the terror! fairywren shoots Eddie! she fully expects the terror to kill her after, but seeing as the guy commanding him is now dead, he takes his heart from Eddie’s body and leaves! and also starts laughing, which is the first noise Fairywren has ever heard him make. spooky
Fairywren is now completely lost in the cursed wilderness with no way back! BUT she eventually catches up with our terror friend (who can talk now thanks to not having Eddie forcing him to be quiet anymore) and they get to be friends <3 yippie <3 she also gives him the name Ford (she suggested harrison ford because he’s her favorite actor but our terror friend thought harrison was a dumb name) they’re still lost but at least they don’t have to worry if they’re attacked and she is mostly confident that he probably won’t murder her
n e way! that’s one major story thread written, who even knows how many left to go 😭 yay
taglist: @burningivy @shrimpnymph @diphtheria420 @parasdreams @dremieblur @acircusfullofdemons @daydreaming-memories (lmk if you want to be taken off the taglist pretty please!!)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
I wrote another I'll dedicate to @dark-elf-writes since I got them to make their own to.
1. Highway to Hell AC/DC
 Izuku strapped on his gloves, smirking to himself as he listened for the familiar noise of Eraserhead poking his nose into things. Any second…
 Izuku sped out of his hiding spot, jumping over top of Eraserhead with his roller skates.
 “See you Eraser!” he called back at the stunned hero who had not expected the vigilante/graffiti artist to escape that way. Nor that the head start combined with the speed the skates gave him would enable ‘Rabbit’ to move quicker. Cursing, Shouta turned to see what the other had done.
 A huge mural of Endeavour with bloody hands, the words ‘what happened to your son Touya really?’
 “Problem child,” Shouta growled. 
2. Treat you Better- Shawn Mendes
 “You could do so much better,” Katsuki told Deku who glared at the other man.
 “He’s better then you are,” Deku said. Katsuki watched as the green hair man stomped off to clutch to the person they were discussing. Fucking glasses, Iida Tenya. The fucker had swept in to woo his omega when they were teenagers, nevermind Katsuki having claim on the nerd. And Deku let him! Let the fucker woo him away from his proper alpha.
 Katsuki shook his head, standing up straight. He’d prove Deku who his alpha was. Glasses wouldn’t be an issue for long when Katsuki proved his might. They were supposed to be together. 
3. Bang Bang -Jessie J., Arianna Grande, Nikki Minaj
Dancing had been Izumi’s passion alongside for heroes forever. It even helped her get into heroics, all the dancing and gymnastics she got had enabled her to kick ass in the test. 
 However it also drew some unsavoury attention. Izumi held her arm above her head, ignoring the stares from some of her classmates as she did her stretches. 
 “Look at her-” she heard Mineta begin and she straightened up, head whipping around to glare. The purple teen fell silent as Ochako appeared, handing Izumi a bottle of water.
 “Hey Izu, can you show me that high kick thing?” Ochako asked. 
 “Of course,” Izumi said, smiling. “We can imagine kicking a purple ball.” 
 Both girls grinned as Mineta squeaked and the staring portion of the class found other places to look. 
4. River - Bishop Briggs
BANG. Izuku did not look away from his target as Keigo entered the firing range. Izuku just kept shooting as his brother-partner-friend walked up to him. 
 “It’s not that bad,” Keigo mused out loud.
 “They’re making me be a TA for UA,” Izuku snapped. “I’m the first years age.” BANG. 
 “Socialization is good for you. They’re getting flack for you being a hero so young,” Keigo said. He watched as Izuku hit the target over and over again. “You could potentially meet that guy you’ve been drooling over. Endeavour’s kid.”
BANG. Izuku scoffed. “I’ll be his TA.”
 “We can arrange the contract so it’s allowed.” Keigo grinned. Izuku paused in shooting.
 “You wanna get down bad for the kid? We’ll make it happen,” Keigo smirked. “As a thank you for helping convince that blue flames guy to turn good for me.”
 “...You’ve got a deal.”
5. Diamonds -Rhianna
 “I choose you,” Izuku said, his hands going up to grab onto Hitoshi’s face. “I choose you and I always will.”
 “But…” the purple haired man choked out. “What about…” his eyes glanced at where Izuku had run from. Where Inko was waiting for her son to finally ‘come to his senses’. Where Bakugou wanted to drop to one knee despite Izuku not dating him.
 “I choose you and I always will,” Izuku said. He leaned forward and kissed the man. Hitoshi’s breath hitched and he leaned in to take the kiss fully. His arms dropped to Izuku’s waist as the green haired man’s went around Hitoshi’s neck. 
 “I love you Izuku,” Hitoshi said.
 “I love you to, and I will always chose you because you chose to love me for who I am, not the face they want,” Izuku whispered. 
6. What a Time to be Alive -Fall Out Boy
 Izuku shook his head, laughing as he leaned back on his hands, a cigarette clutched in one hand. “What a time,” he choked out.
 “It’s the new age, new things.” Dabi laughed back, pulling on his own cigarette. He looked out over the city. “Think about tagging that building?” the vigilante/arsonist asked Izuku, pointing at a particularly charred one. “Endeavour’s fault.”
 “It is about time to poke at his property damages,” Izuku grinned, lifting his hand to pull on a smoke. “How bad should I go Touya?”
 “Call me that again and I’m shoving you off the roof. And I saw go nasty.” Dabi grinned with all his teeth, the same smile being returned by Izuku. 
 “Let’s go cause chaos,” Izuku laughed. 
7. Burn Your Village -Kiki Rockwell
 Izumi looked at the staff of Aldera, all of them almost cowering from her gaze, their eyes refusing to look at her. She barred her teeth, feeling the anger surfacing in her chest. A hand landed on her shoulder. Izumi turned to glare at the man touching her.
 “Sorry little sister,” Tomura said, lifting his hand. Izumi looked back at the people who had tormented her. Who’d looked the other way. Who had all known. They had to have known, right? She was a kid. Yamanaka was an adult. There was no reason she was there that late with her grades.
 “I want them dead,” Izumi said as Kurogiri walked forward, carrying Tomoe who was more then happy to be transferred to her mother. Her eyes narrowed in on one teacher, one she knew had lingering gazes. “I want it to hurt.”
 “Of course,” Tomura laughed, as Kurogiri began creating his portals. Izumi smiled with all her teeth. 
 They had a force at the USJ, distracting the heroes. So no one came looking when the first teachers began screaming as the Nomu came lumbering out.
8. The Kid I used to Know - Arrested Youth
 Izuku sometimes wondered about how his life had gone this way. When he stood in the shadows of the destruction he helped etch out. When he was busy drinking down cheap whiskey in an effort to forget what had happened the night before. When Tomura laughed, patting his shoulder and telling him he did good. 
 What happened to the child who wanted to be a hero? 
 What happened to the boy who wanted to save people?
 Did he die with his mother, when his father took him away?
 (Later, as Izuku watches his final destruction occur, he knew that the kid was still there. As the bar burned from the cheap whiskey poured everywhere, he knew the kid was there, just a bit different.)
9. ATE -Jane Bell
 “And for the recap of the sports festival, there was what some are calling an upset! Midoriya Izumi, Quirkless dancer and member of the hero course, won the entire thing.” the news anchor said, looking shocked.
 “It’s not that surprising,” his coworker said. “Midoriya has been known as one of the world’s best dancers for years, even at her young age. Her being trained hard isn’t unexpected.”
 “She still beat Quirked-” the first man began but Shouto turned off the screen. He felt his hands shake. They put her down? They put down the girl who had kicked everyone asses because she didn’t have a Quirk? Or they were trying? 
 She’d won, she’d beat them all into the dust and they still said it wasn’t enough. 
 “You’re not the only one with problems,” her voice echoed in his head when she told him off for thinking he was the only one with issues. He swallowed, thinking of the fire in her eyes.
10. Warriors -League  of Legends, 2WEI, Edd Hayes
 Izuku took a breath, lifting his head. He felt Hawks behind him, the hero watching him. “Ready bro?”
 “I’m ready,” Izuku said, squaring his shoulders. Hawks hesitated, looking at the fourteen year old boy. 
 A fully fledged hero. A Quirkless hero, molded to be perfect. A way for the Commission to have complete control over someone by making them something never seen before. 
 Hawks looked out at the city they were about to patrol. “Alright, let’s go.” He jumped off the roof as Izuku lifted his grapple to shoot out. He swung down to being patrolling the streets. It didn’t take long for them to find a fight.
 “GREEN KNIGHT MAKES DEBUT” is accompanied on all pages by Izuku kicking a bank robber in the face as Hawks comes from the sky.
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macabr3-barbi3 · 3 months
New Love, New Skin (Chapter 4)
Roller skating shenanigans, Vincent's past, and an unwelcome bird (I hope you like even more backstory!)
Tags: roller skating, gender stereotypes, bitchass bird, morning sex lol PS another thank you to @fraugwinska for the banner and for being my #1 hype woman, ily <3
Chapter 1 📺 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 3 📺  Chapter 4  💛 Chapter 5
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June 1959
Despite how much he wants to- needs to, really- Vincent doesn’t ask anything about Gideon past that first time, when Kora had her nightmare.
It eats at his mind though- that the guy had been such a piece of shit, taking advantage of Kora’s kindness and good heart, had still gotten to marry her, took away any chance of a life of her own for his own agenda, and she still kept his photo on her nightstand like a tiny shrine. He didn’t deserve that; Vincent would burn the damn thing if he thought he could get away with it, but the thought of Kora turning those sad puppy eyes on him always stops him from reaching for it, from letting the force of his frustration crack the glass that covered that smug fucker’s face.
He found solace in the form of bringing Kora down to the station to get a proper photo with her, arm slung around her shoulder and her hand on his chest. Richard- now one of Vincent’s biggest fans and supporters at his job- had been more than happy to lend one of the stations newspaper photographers for the job while they gave Kora a tour, and when the photo came back to them fully developed Kora had squealed with delight, framing it and putting it on display in their living room. Sometimes when he came out of the bedroom he would see her looking at it with an affectionate smile, and that was more than worth the picture of that bat bitch on her side table.
Richard had also been advocating with the management team for Vincent to have a more involved role at the station- he was shifted to the evening news production team to work with Rich directly, not on screen with him (yet) but behind the scenes in compiling his notes, working on scripts for the teleprompters, visual checks on the recording equipment and such.
That did mean that he was around Joy Jagoff more often, an unfortunate downside, but she mostly left him alone aside from the occasionally muttered comment about dogs that Rich always reprimanded her for- he was extremely fond of Kora, asking Vincent about her constantly, asking when he was going to bring her around again.
It was harder to line their schedules up now that he was on a different shift, which was an unfortunate downside to his moving up at the station. Monday through Saturday he worked 8 to 4AM, usually coming home with just enough time to cuddle up to Kora for a bit before she got up for her daily walk.
(He had a good success rate with keeping her in bed for a quick orgasm these days- they took their time on Sundays, the only day that they had off together, but he had a special weakness for her voice all husky from the remnants of sleep and crying out his name as he gently fucked her into the mattress.)
When he gets home early Sunday morning of that week, Kora is already out- he strips and settles into bed, hoping he can coax her back under the sheets with him when she returns from her walk. There’s no coffee brewing yet- these days she usually makes a pot for herself in the mornings and then another for him just before she leaves for the diner, so he wakes up to a fresh pot and the reminder that she made things better for him. He’s not tired, not feeling the siren call of sleep yet when the front door slams open, the photos on the wall rattling with the force and Kora calling his name from the living room. He’s barely sat up before she’s flying through the door, a bundle of excitement and wagging tail launching herself onto the bed. She thankfully manages to avoid anything sensitive with her knees and elbows as she presses a few smiling kisses to his screen and neck, golden tail in the air.
“Mornin’, Goldie. What’s got you in a tizzy?” He asks her, and she grins, teeth on display when she wraps her arms around him and rolls so that he’s hovering over her- he can still feel the shifting of the sheets under her where her fluffy appendage hasn’t stopped moving.
“I ran into Eris on my walk,” she says excitedly, practically vibrating with the force of it, “and she said that Viv is having a party for her sister at the skating rink and some of her friends canceled- so since the diner is closed tonight anyway and the number of people was already paid for they said that everyone on the staff can come with! Eris won’t be there, she said she had something else going on but I think it would be cool to introduce you to everyone.” 
“That could be fun,” he agrees, not wanting to tone down her excitement, but not thrilled about the prospect of his fragile screen in a place full of quickly moving bodies. “You’re sure you want me to meet all your coworkers?”
“Of course! It can’t possibly go any worse than my meeting Joy.” She flashes a grin, all snark and mischief at the memory of how pissed she had made the anchorwoman, how often Vincent came home with stories about how bitchy she was towards him now that they worked more closely together. “I think everyone will love you- and if not, there’s only so many jokes that can be made about television.” She knocks on the side of his head, running her hands down his chest before she tries to leap up from the bed again.
He wraps his arms around her middle, dragging her back down. “Hold on, doll,” he murmurs, kissing at her neck as she tries to squirm away. “C’mon, you're having fun- make it a good morning for me, too.” Kora laughs and turns into his embrace, lets him strip her bare and fling her clothing out from under the sheets before she slides under them herself to kiss and suck at his cock, heavy with arousal and need for her. 
She waits until just before he’s about to orgasm to release him from her mouth and climb on top, sinking down on his length and grinding her hips, claws digging little indentations into his pecs that he’s going to savor the sting of when he showers later. Her eyes are half lidded and mischievous as she rides him, harsh pants of his name tumbling from her lips, head dropping back in pleasure. 
He gets a hand back to grip at her tail like he’s learned that she likes, and he’s rewarded with a whine, low and sinful. “Come on, Kora, good girl, that’s it,” he mumbles to her, and her walls ripple around him at the praise- he loves that she likes him running his mouth when he fucks her, a mutually beneficial act that they find themselves playing out more often than not. He can’t help that she feels so fucking good he can’t keep his mouth shut, filthy words pouring from him like a spigot when she starts to clench down, when she rides him well like she was doing now. “Fucking perfect, baby, keep going-”
Kora’s voice comes out as a growl, her blue eyes glowing when she brings them back to his face. “Vin- fucking close, oh my God-” One of her delicate hands comes down between her legs to rub at her clit, the fluttering of her cunt signaling her imminent release.
He gets his feet under himself so he can buck his hips up to meet her thrusts, the hand not wrapped around her tail tangling in her hair to drag her down to meet his lips. His own orgasm is barreling towards him, but his ego won’t let him finish before she does- he was a fucking gentleman, damn it, and the day that he came before Kora would be the day he would walk naked into the street during an extermination. “Go ahead, sweetheart, come for me- you feel so fucking good-” 
She tenses in his arms, hoarse cry leaving her throat when it hits her; she shudders in his embrace, the motion reflected with the rippling of her soft walls around him, and he grunts “fuck, baby, coming ” into her ear as he spills his release into her warm, wet heat.
Kora snuggles into his side long enough that his screen is dimming before she finally gets up and he drifts into sleep. 
He’s been thinking and dreaming a lot about his life up top- more details about his childhood and his family and the people he had known and grown up with. 
There are more memories of his father than he would have liked, and not enough of his mother with how young he was when she left. A blue collar factory worker, he had been a hard-ass on Vincent as far back as he could remember- always griping at him to do as he was told, obedience is all that anyone values; don’t show emotion, that shit is for girls and gays; don’t show weakness, there will always be someone waiting to take advantage of it; be better, be more, be worth something more than he was; don’t ever cry, don’t ever scream, don’t ever back down from a fight, be a man. His pains and hurts were ignored if they weren’t beneficial to teach him some lesson, his mother never quite able to protect him completely from that particular brand of education. 
And despite it all, Vincent had wanted his attention. His recognition. His approval.
It was his motivating force behind nearly everything that he did. Once his mom walked out and it was just him and the old fuck he nearly killed himself ten times over to make him happy. He never turned down a dare or a friendly fight, resulting in more scars and bruises in his teenage years than he had known how to keep track of- including the one over his eye that reflected down here in Hell, not a matter of faulty wiring like Kora had assumed when they first met. He made sure that he was always the most charismatic person in the room, the funniest, the brightest. It got him a lot of recognition- and pussy- in college, but it never came from where he wanted it.
That didn’t stop him. He graduated and went right into news, wanting people to see him, notice him, pay attention even if it wasn’t his father. He got good ratings, he was charming and funny, he was an absolute riot at company parties; people couldn’t get enough of him.
It was never enough. He had enough sense now to know that what he was chasing couldn’t come from popularity, no matter how much of it he had had. Maybe if he had known it then things could have been different.
He had finally remembered how he had died- an exclusive interview live on the prime news slot at the new shark exhibit at a local aquarium. He was humble enough to know that it had been his own fault, that his ego hadn’t been thrilled about the attention being pulled off himself to the investor of the exhibit and his thrilling tale of how he had captured the creature, escaped their altercation with only a couple of missing fingers. Vincent had wanted to bring the eyes of the audience back onto himself, where they belonged- using the edge of the tank as a balance beam in a showy act of charisma had seemed a great idea until he had slipped and tumbled into the water, dragging the microphone and the wiring it was attached to into the tank with him.
Honestly, he figured he had gotten off pretty easy- if the electrocution hadn’t killed the shark along with him, he would have made a tasty snack.
Vincent hasn’t told Kora about it yet- he’s not sure he wants to, if he wants to see her eyes grow dark with disappointment at his pride and how he had ended up here, even if it had placed him in her path. He wants her to think the best of him, he realizes. She deserves so much more than what the afterlife has to offer, so much more than he currently could offer her. He had spent so much of their time together so far riding on her coattails when she rescued him, picked him up off the street and fixed him. He wanted to give her everything back that she had given him, tenfold; he simply wanted to give her everything that she deserved.
He had never experienced anything like their relationship when he was alive, and they weren’t even dating- they still had yet to apply any sort of label to what they were doing together, but he thinks that they have a real chance if they want to try going properly steady instead of the casual thing they had going on now. He had only ever been a hook up or a one night stand on Earth, never met a girl’s parents or family or kept a photo of her in his wallet. He’d never felt the necessary sentiments, figured that eventually he would settle down when he met the right woman, when chasing the high of fame and recognition had been fulfilled. Women were mostly interchangeable to him when he bothered with trying to get his dick wet, and he knew that he was hot so when he wanted it, sex was easy to come by.
He had no shame about the fact that the sin that had landed him here was Pride. He just still couldn’t grasp the fact that Kora was in Hell with him at all; sometimes she seemed to just radiate the feeling of Heaven, of sunshine and flowers and happiness and that weird, warm feeling in his chest that made him uncomfortable and pleased at the same time. Disgustingly sentimental, Vincent thinks that he could spend his afterlife at her side and never get bored, never want her to leave.
When he wakes hours later, internal lights powering up and making his screen glow, he decides that he’ll ask her about it tonight. He can hear her humming something out in the kitchen as he comes back to the world of consciousness, excitement over the prospect of skating later still evident in her tone. He catches himself smiling, dopey expression on his face, and he hopes that this, at least, he doesn’t fuck up.
Kora looks too fucking good in the twirly little skirt that she wore, the cab driver giving her a glance that lasts a couple seconds too long when they clamber out of the vehicle together, Vincent tossing the payment in his direction with a sneer and a slam of the door. The skating rink is located in some sort of warehouse outside of Imp City, painted all sorts of bright, fun colors that make it stick out like an eyesore amongst the usual red and black  and dark color scheme of Hell. Kora leads him in through a side door, waving to someone inside the building as they approach, arm wrapped around her waist to keep her close.
It doesn’t work for long- she’s sliding out of his grasp as soon as they’ve obtained their skates, lacing hers up before he’s even taken his shoes off and gliding away with the grace of a swan to spin in circles in the middle of the rink. She got a lot of practice at work, he knew, with Viv’s being one of those places that had all the waitresses running around on wheels- it was something else to see her in action though. He watches some women come up to her, all smiles and laughter, and something aches inside him, his hands stilling on the laces he was trying to tie.
“Need some help?”
A feathered hand is sliding along his calf, the touch so unexpected and unwelcome that he feels his face go full static for a moment before he registers that someone has seated themselves beside him. Their face is tilted downward so their long and narrow beak isn’t shoved directly into his face, making their expression almost coquettish as they look at him from under their lashes. White feathers fade to black along the outer edges of their face, the darker shades slipping into colors that remind him of an oil spill, dark greens and blues reflecting with the light when they tilt their head. The feathers cover their body, peeking out from a small white shirt with the slightest hint of breasts and shorts that would have been near illegal on Earth, before fading above stick-thin orange legs tucked into what was clearly a custom made set of skates.
They smirk at him, the line of their mouth hitching upwards. “What, ya only show silent films or somethin’?”
“I talk just fine,” he says, carefully sliding a chair over and dislodging their hand from his leg- his skates still weren’t on properly. “I don’t, however, take kindly to strangers touching me.”
The hint- if you could call it that, with how very obviously and unashamedly he had moved away- is ignored. The bird shifts into the seat he had just vacated. “We don’t have t’be strangers,” they say lowly, casting a glance around the room before sliding a winged arm over his shoulder and tracing a finger over the back of his screen. The motion makes his skin crawl, pulling his head as far back from the person as he can even as they follow him back, their other hand coming up to grip at his bicep. “C’mon, there’s a nice lil supply closet down the hall we could get acquainted with- could get me on my knees and-”
“Jesus Christ,” he says desperately, his renewed effort to get away landing him solidly on the floor as he falls out of the chair and his skates slide out from under him. “I’m not interested, fuck -”
“Whaaaat? I was just gonna offer t’tie ya laces up.” They give him a wink, violet eyes fluttering innocently, and he’s tempted to tell them where they can shove their offer when a more welcoming hand is laid on his shoulder, Kora’s familiar scent of almonds and coffee filling his senses.
“Vin, you okay? I saw you fall over- I’m so sorry, I should have helped you with your skates…” She trails off, settling onto her knees beside him and looking him over for any possible injuries or pains. She glances up at the person who had sat beside him, and he prepares for her to tear into the bitch like she had with Joy.
Instead, a smile lights up her face. “Eris! I thought you said this morning that you couldn’t make it?”
“Eh, cleared up somethin’ in my schedule,” the bird smiles- Eris, he knew now- and offers a shrug. “Ya didn’t mention bringin’ such a handsome friend, babe.”
“Oh! Yes, this is my boyfriend, Vincent.” Kora places a hand on his chest where she crouches beside him, arm sliding around his back to start helping him to his feet. He catches a glimpse of Eris’s face scowling and relishes in it before what Kora has said clicks.
My boyfriend, Vincent.
My boyfriend, Vincent.
His plans for the night- a sweet little outing, asking her out officially, maybe a nice night between the sheets to mark the occasion- sputter and crackle with the wires in his head. If Kora notices the faint buzzing noise now coming from him she doesn’t mention it as she gets him standing and keeps an arm around his waist to hold him steady on the skates. 
How long had she considered them being dating?
Had he been fucking up being her boyfriend this whole goddamn time?
How the fuck did he miss this?
He’s still processing as she leads him away from Eris and out onto the rink, letting her keep him upright until he gets the hang of it and goes into a sort of auto-pilot; he manages to stay standing, at least, and even if he can’t keep up with her he hasn’t fallen and cracked his screen open in front of a bunch of kids- nieces and nephews of Viv’s, to his understanding. Every once in a while Kora will leave his side to do some fancy spins in the middle of the rink, met with cheers and laughter from everyone nearby, and he feels that familiar pang in his chest that he gets when he looks at her these days.
While he’s distracted Kora skates up to him, a crease in her eyebrow and her mouth turned into a frown- Fuck, he thinks, I’ve fucked it up already.
“Are you okay?” She asks him, and wrings her hands together while her legs keep a steady pace. “I’m sorry for springing that on you- I guess we never really talked about if we were like, telling people about us? I should have asked or something, I’m sorry-” She’s rambling a bit, something that he’s noticed she does when she’s nervous.
“No! No no no,” Vincent interrupts, and guides her over to the side wall where they won’t get run over by any passersby. “I just wasn’t expecting it- everything is fine. I’m perfectly okay with people knowing.”
And he was- he was fine with people knowing, he was fine with the need to ask being taken from his responsibility. There was no reason to fear rejection now, since she had simply announced it as being so. It was a nice change from the girls he had ‘dated’ on Earth, keeping them mostly under wraps from his friends and co-workers and family, not wanting the external pressure of them telling him to settle down when he wasn't ready, before he could move on to the next. Kora was different; she was funny and kind and didn’t take shit from anyone, and she was perfect. He would do everything in his power to make sure that she was happy if she had decided she wanted to be with him.
Her smile was a beam of light, and she places her hands on his chest. “Me too. I want people to know, Vin- you make me happy.”
“Fuck, Goldie, you make me happy, too.” He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer, ignoring the cooing and shouts coming from the rest of the people in the rink with them. He knows he’s got to have a stupid expression on his face right now and can’t bring himself to care- he kisses her right there on the skating rink floor with a hand braced on the wall beside them, the other splayed across the small of her back as she presses into him, and he thinks some signals might have gotten crossed when he died because there was no way that he could be this happy and still be in Hell.
Vincent lets himself get pulled into the excitement of a new relationship pretty easily- he holds Kora’s hand as they circle the rink a few times, or she’ll grab hold of his arm and rest her head on his shoulder as they move. They take a break to enjoy a milkshake and he gets to experience that cheesy moment of two straws in a single glass- even if Kora does end up sucking most of it down on her own when he gets distracted by a couple old sinners that fly around the rink like spinning tops and crash into each other in the center of the rink. He can’t bring himself to chastise her about it when she looks so goddamn cute, giving him that look that she knows he can’t fucking resist, so instead he dips his fingers into the remnants of the shake and swipes it down her nose, and her laughter rings in his ears. 
Once the mess of the two sinners has been cleared off the floor, the DJ plays something sweet and slow; Kora offers him her hand and he’s powerless to deny her, following her in shaky legs back to the floor. They’re one of a few couples that sway together on the floor, one pair really going above and beyond and throwing one another into grand dips and twirls to the rhythm of the music. But he’s content to rock gently with Kora, his hands on her waist and her head tucked up under his against his chest while the singer croons something about the world being enchanted or some shit. 
“You know,” she murmurs against his shirt, “I think Eris might have been trying to flirt with you earlier.”
He chuckles when he looks down at her- she must not have seen or heard the obvious proposition that Eris had given him. “You don’t say.”
“Mmm.” She rolls her skates a little closer. “It’s silly- she was one of my first friends down here before I found Gideon again. Is it bad that I’m a little pleased that she might be kinda jealous right now?”
“Not at all.” In fact, he’s glad- let the bitch be jealous. He’s never heard anything but shit about Eris from Kora even if she was never downright mean. “I’m a fucking catch, baby- if she’s cooking up some jealousy let her stew.”
She smacks him lightly against the chest but laughs, bringing herself as close to his body as she can, and he loves the warmth of her, how she feels held against him and safe in his arms. “Don’t get cocky,” she admonishes, but her tone is affectionate- and that’s allowed now, he realizes, he doesn’t have to pretend like he doesn’t fucking like this woman as much as he does. He’s her fucking boyfriend now.
His returning excitement at that is cut short when the music picks back up again, and a wave of children rushes back onto the floor- they surround him and Kora, and one of them brushes closely enough that Vincent is thrown off balance. He has enough of a mind to take his hands off Kora so he doesn’t take her down with him, and he lands hard on his ass when his ankle turns in a direction it definitely is not supposed to, the wheels taking the foot out from under him entirely. He catches himself, mostly, before he can smack his head off the ground, and from his position on the floor he sees Kora whip a nasty look in the direction of the child that took him out.
Viv, Kora’s boss, is already on it. “Take care of your man,” she calls to Kora, an older imp woman with a thick accent that Vincent can’t place. “And you!” 
The child that had knocked him down freezes in his tracks.
“That’s right, Johnny- you get your ass over here so I can hand it to you on a goddamn plate.” The kid has the nerve to look back at him with a glare like its his fucking fault the bastard had used his ankle like a goddamn kickboard for velocity, and he hopes Viv really gives it to the little bastard- his wish is granted when the child slinks off the floor with his tail between his legs and Viv swats him in the back of the head before dragging him over to what he would assume is the kid’s mother.
“Vin? Fuck, are you okay?” Kora is back in his line of sight, her face creased in concern while she helps him to his feet- or foot, rather, since he can’t really stand on the one that twisted. “Damn it- come on, can you balance on one foot? Yeah just like that-” She helps him roll off the floor with one leg held up like a figure skater. He feels a little ridiculous, he’s sure people are laughing at him, a tall, muscular demon with a television for a head being led away like a ballerina by Kora, a little wisp of a Golden Retriever. But he likes her hands all gentle and caring on him, so he lets it- and himself- slide until she can get him close enough to a chair to sit down.
Vincent lets her fuss over him for a bit, but he sees the way that she keeps glancing back at the skating rink as some of the crowd starts to clear out. “Go on, Kora,” he says, nodding at the lit up floor. “I’ll be fine over here on my own- go ahead and get the rest of your skating done, I know you want to.”
She almost looks like she wants to deny it, but sighs and concedes. “Okay,” she agrees, and cups his head in her hands to press a kiss to the top of his screen. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
“Take your time. I’ll focus on getting these damn things off,” he says, gesturing at his skates. “Have fun, baby.” She offers him a sweet smile and skates backwards back into the fray- just to show off, he’s sure.
“Hey there, handsome.” As soon as Kora has left his side Eris sidles back up into the seat next to him, and Vincent just manages to keep his face from twitching in displeasure. “Kora left ya on your own? That’s not very nice.”
“I’m a grown man,” he tells her, pointedly not making eye contact as he pulls off his skates as gently as he can, wincing in pain when his ankle gives an unhappy twinge that radiates up his leg. “I can handle myself.”
“Grown man? Ha! Looks to me like you’re Kora’s bitch.”
His head whips around to look at her, her gaze directed at the bright pink nails that adorn the ends of her fingers. “Excuse me?”
She shoots him a glance with a nasty smile. “I mean, I’m just a bystander but that’s how it looks- she took ya in and took care of ya for a couple months when ya first got here, that’s what Kora said! And what, ya made dinner and did dishes while she was out workin’? Cleaned up that little apartment of hers?” She hides her giggle- poorly, he notes- behind a wing, her violet eyes sparking with malice. “If she’s the provider- and it looks like she is, with what I know and how she was oh so sweet taking care of you just now- that essentially makes ya the woman of the house.”
“Who gives a fuck?” His blood feels like it’s running slowly through his veins, something hissing in the back of his head that sounds suspiciously like his father- he tries to ignore it. “First of all, we contribute equally now that I have a job; secondly, this is Hell, nobody cares about that bullshit down here. And what Kora and I do in our relationship is none of your fucking business.”
She holds her hands up as if in defeat. “Easy there, big guy! I’m just sayin’, I figured a man like you woulda been all about makin’ sure his woman was provided for, not the otha' way around.” She glances out onto the floor of the skating rink, where Kora holds hands with an imp child and lets her do little spins and slides, holding her so she doesn’t fall. When she notices them looking she throws a wave in their direction, her smile bright under the reflective lights bouncing off the mirrors that cover the walls. “Kora is a great gal,” Eris continues in a tone that suggests she thinks otherwise, “I’d just hate to see her not gettin’ what she deserves from her man, ya know?” She gives him a sarcastic smile. “That husband of hers wasn’ even fuckin’ her and he was doin’ more for her than you are from what I can see. Step ya game up, yeah?”
She stands from the chair, tail feathers flicking out from over the top of her skirt. “I got shit to do so I’m gonna go- tell sweet thing over there I’ll see her around. And you, of course,” she adds, trailing a hand down his arm before she turns and swans out of the building, a wave thrown over her shoulder at the women she works with on the side of the rink before the door slams shut behind her.
He doesn’t let himself think about it for a while- at the very least the conversation stays shoved into the back of his mind until he and Kora manage to get home. Rather than cuddling together on the couch like they usually do- and yeah, Vincent had still called it ‘cuddling’ when he thought they weren’t together, but now it was cuddling with a purpose- Kora herds him to the bedroom. Despite his best efforts, she won’t let him strip her of her twirly skirt and get under the covers with him right away. Instead, she helps him to the bed and disappears back to the living area, coming back with a steaming cup of tea that she insists on him drinking. “It’ll help with the swelling, Vin, come on,” and he only agrees to it when she concedes to sit on his lap as he does so. He chugs it, far too fast, but Kora is even faster; she’s up and out of his lap before he takes his last swallow.
“You keep your hands to yourself,” she warns, “or I’ll sleep on the couch.” And he knows that she’ll do it, too, since the woman had no qualms about falling asleep reading on the couch under normal circumstances, let alone those where Vincent wasn’t bending to her will. 
“Fine, fine,” he acquiesces, and holds an arm out when she strips down and changes into her pajamas to climb into bed with him. “I’ll behave, promise.”
The glare she shoots him is convincing- especially since not half an hour later she’s squirming in his arms and fogging his screen with the heat of her breath as she rides his fingers, gasping his name in ecstasy- he doesn’t let her reciprocate, doesn’t think he can focus on much else with the insistent twinging pain in his ankle, but he’s happy to make Kora come so she drifts a little easier into sleep beside him.
He’s up for hours after- he reads the book he keeps in his bedside drawer (something written by someone down here in Hell, and it's not as good as the stuff that comes filtered down from upstairs) and tries to focus on the words before him, on Kora’s even breathing at his side, on anything but the hiss of his father’s voice in his head telling him that if he’s not the right kind of man then he’s nothing. It’s not even entirely Eris’s fault, Vincent realized- she had just spoken aloud something that he hadn’t been letting himself think about.
That he was letting Kora down, had been since even before they were properly dating (whenever that had begun).
He had been a leech, letting her take care of him all that time before he had finally gotten a job and started contributing to the apartment. To her apartment, he reminded himself; he helped with the rent and bills but everything was in her name, it was her  space, and even if he was her boyfriend now it didn’t sit right with him. Especially with his epiphany this morning- that Kora deserved more than the life they currently had, in this shitty apartment, at her shitty job with Eris as a shitty friend. He wanted to provide for her, give her more than what they had now.
There was no resentment towards Kora herself, of course- it wasn’t her fault that he had taken a back seat, and it seemed like it was just in her nature to be good to people, to help them. He would never begrudge her that, could never blame her for just being herself; that was what he wanted, for her to be happy and not have to worry about things like keeping the lights on or whether they could afford to get ice cream with their groceries. 
He glances over at the photo of Gideon on Kora’s nightstand and glares at it. What had he done that was so great that he had even Eris singing his praises? Vincent knew next to nothing about Kora's husband- she was frustratingly tightlipped about who he was as a person, what their lives had been like down here in Hell before he had found the end of an Exorcist's blade. He didn't know what job he held, what money he made or how he contributed to Kora's happiness.
The bat hadn’t deserved her but Vincent would- he would work more hours at the station, rise the ranks, get a good promotion like he had when he was alive. And then Kora could have the afterlife that she should have. She deserved to be spoiled, pampered, to live a life of luxury that they couldn’t have together if Vincent didn’t step his shit up. Maybe it would put a bit of a strain on their relationship for a while, since even now they didn’t have much quality time together, but it would be worth it in the end. 
He thinks he can get them into an ideal spot within a year; then he could ease up on his work and focus more on her, spend more time together, fuck to their heart’s content. She wouldn’t have to work, could spend the time he was at the station working on her crafts or reading or doing whatever the fuck she wanted to do. Vincent would take her on vacations, to LuLu World, he would rent out the entire skating rink for her to twirl and spin and dance so he could just admire her and relish in the fact that he had made her so fucking happy.
He watches Kora sleep, her breath even, her nose scrunched up the tiniest bit and her eyebrows furrowed, indicating a nightmare. He pulls her closer into his arms and she calms, settling against him.
Just a year, he thinks, and he finally starts to let his head power off, the light of his screen dimming. Things would be hard for them for a year and then it would all be perfect, like they deserved.
I am once again presenting on an ethereally lit pedestal my commissioned art from Chef because I will literally never stop talking about how perfect they are
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Chapter 1 📺 Chapter 2 💛 Chapter 3 📺  Chapter 4  💛 Chapter 5
9 notes · View notes
deapax · 10 months
hey :3 so happy that you are accepting requests ~ can you please do one of Agatha Harkness who use her magic to brainwash you (a normal neighbor in Westview) and became you in her perfect partner?
Baby it’s cold outside
Characters: Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Summary: Agatha put an eye on you before you knew it, now you’re decorating your shared house for Christmas.
Warnings: 18+ smut, brainwashing, oral (both), boot riding
A/N: It’s now Christmas time so I paired it with that haha. Enjoy!
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You didn’t know that your entire life would be changed when you moved to the beautiful town called Westview. It was small, calm, a perfect place for you to relax and work at. You had an ordinary life to say the least, most people would’ve called it boring but you liked the slowness it brought along with it, giving you the opportunity to focus on the important things of life. Such as your neighbour, Agnes. She didn’t know where she came from, in fact you didn’t know much about her at all but you enjoyed spending time with her, going shopping, eating ice cream, roller skating. Any possible activity Westview had to offer.
After a few weeks you kept going like that, you noticed the changed look that the older woman gave you, yet you couldn’t quite wrap your head around what was going on. Then Christmas came around, clearing things up. She came up with the idea to move in together, as she thought of both of you being too lonely and also too attractive to stay alone forever. When you kindly declined, everything went downhill very quickly. The witch didn’t take rejection very well. So instead of simply accepting your decision she wiggled her wicked fingers, wrapping the house in purple mist, brainwashing you to bend to her will, turning you into her beloved housewife just like she’d always wanted.
There you were, standing on a ladder at the door, dressed in the ugly Christmas sweater you loved so much. “Agatha, dear, could you hand me the plastic snowflakes please? Oh and the mistletoe too. Did you manage to get the tree yet?” You asked, smiling when she handed you the things you’d requested, putting them over the door. The entire house was ahead covered in sparkling lights and candles, and the scent of freshly made cookies was lingering in the air. Agatha laughed softly as she helped you off the ladder and then gently placed her finger on your nose. “Honey it barely turning December, if I got the tree now it’d be dry as hell on Christmas Eve.” Even though her magic could definitely fix that problem, she chose to not tell you about her powers, scared you might discover the secrets she was hiding. “You’re right with that, I’m just too excited for Christmas. You know it’s my favourite holiday. So I was thinking we could go with silver and reddish Christmas balls and tinsels for our tree this year?” You suggested, your arms wrapping around your wife’s waist as she leaned down to plant a soft kiss on your red lips. “That sounds wonderfully my love.” She replied with a soft smile on her lips, an honest smile this time. The witch finally had what she wanted and she wouldn’t risk anything to let anyone ruin that for her. She deserved a happy ending after everything she’d been through, she thought.
You didn’t catch a glimpse of what was going on, you simply enjoyed the time you spent with your lover and were relieved that she obviously felt the same way. While the witch admired you with loving eyes, you made your way back to the box with Christmas decorations, taking out a few ceramic reindeer and stars before walking around the house to set them on the shelves while swaying to the Christmas music that was playing on the radio. Even though you weren’t the best singer Westview had ever seen you still didn’t hold back, singing along ‘Last Christmas’ as you finished up decorating the living room. When you noticed that you were missing the fake snow you quickly started putting on your shoes and reached for the door knob.
“Where are you going?” You could hear the panic in Agatha’s voice, something you very rarely heard from her so it caught you off guard, just like the hand that was taking yours off the door knob. “I just wanted to get some more decorations from the shop down the street. I’ll be back before you know it, I promise.” You gently cupped her cheek, reaching for the door knob again but Agatha just pulled you closer by your waist, pointing at the snow storm outside the window. You were certain that there were only little snowflakes falling from the sky when you checked the last time. “There’s no way I’m letting you go out there, I can’t risk letting anything happen to you, I’m sure you understand.” She tried to reason with you but you just smiled, leaned up and kissed her. “Then come with me. You can take care of me, you always do.” But your wife just shook her head, she wasn’t going to risk anything. “Baby it’s cold outside. I’m sure we got something we can do inside here no? Something to take your mind off things and heat you up.” The witch pointed up at the ceiling, the mistletoe dangling over your heads as she hummed, leaning down to kiss you before she lifted you up, your legs wrapping around her waist as she carried you to the couch in the living room, putting you down there to make you watch as she started stripping very slowly and teasingly, taking her purple blouse off first before her pants came off, leaving her in some black boots and her purple matching lingerie that you’d never seen before but damn did it look amazing on her. Once she’d gotten rid of her own clothes she proceeded to strip you out of your pants and panties as well, throwing them behind the couch, out of the way. She chuckled wickedly at how easily she could make you forget about your original plans, no matter how wrong it was.
Hungrily you dropped on your knees in front of her, looking up at her like the obedient girl you were for her, waiting for any sign of approval. “That’s my good girl. Come on angel, go ahead, I know you can do it.”Those words alone made your cheeks turn redder than the Christmas balls you planned on putting on the table. Your fingertips moved up the legs, gripping her thigh to pull her a little closer before your finger hooked under the waistband of her panties and slowly dragged them down. Your heartbeat quickened at the sight of her glistening pussy and you could barely hold back from just diving right into it but you knew better than that as you didn’t want to be punished.
The older witch’s hand moved to tangle in your hair pulling your head closer, her eyes were dark from lust when you looked up at her for a last time before you wrapped both of your hands on either of her full thighs, spreading them open so you could lick a line through her folds, collecting the sweet juice with your tongue, humming at the divine taste of it. The way she moaned out your name made your own core tingle, causing you to press your legs together. When Agatha noticed your reaction she tilted her head, smirking at how desperately you tried to get the tiniest bit of satisfaction out of pressing your thighs together. As your lips wrapped around the sensitive clit, switching between swirling your tongue through it and sucking on it, causing Agatha’s hips to buckle more into you face, her hand holding you so close that you thought you were suffocating even though being suffocated by this goddess of a woman would certainly be the most acceptable death you could think of. Noticing your little whimpers, the witch decided to make a move to help you out at least a little bit.
She brought her right boot under you, making squeal in surprise as the cold leather hit your heated cunt. Yet the sensation all this sent through you made you grind down on it, your moans stifled by Agatha’s folds. “Nuh uh, baby. Simply because I decided to show a bit for mercy doesn’t mean you can stop. Come on now, keep up the good work and you might get rewarded. Sounds good?” You couldn’t remember the last time you nodded your head so quickly. You dipped your tongue into your lover’s hole, making her pant softly as your nose brushed against her clit while you kept grinding down on her boot, covering it in your wetness as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening slowly. “Don’t you dare to cum, my darling, you wouldn’t want me to punish you do you? Just… just keep going I- ugh.” Her monologue was interrupted by your tongue doing its talented work inside her, accompanied by your fingers now rubbing her clit that soon made her throw her head back, moaning your name as her eyes shut. “Fuck, baby you’re gonna make me cum! God who knew you had such a talented mouth?” At the last comment you frowned, you remember sleeping with her several times during your marriage so she should know, right? Your doubts came to a sudden end when you heard Agatha crying out, pulling your hair as she did, filling your mouth with her divine fluids. As she looked down and saw your lips covered in her cum she pulled you up, kissing her deeply, moaning out softly as she tasted herself on your lips. “Oh baby, look at the mess you made on my boot. Eating me out got you going hm? Do you want mommy take care of your aches?” With big begging eyes you locked eyes with the witch, nodding at the proposal. “Please, it aches so bad! Need you so badly!”
You didn’t know how you ended up on the table, your legs spread widely with your witch’s head buried between your legs, your mind was foggy, like you had chugged an entire glass of strong alcohol which seemed very unlike you. As Agatha noticed the concerned expression on your face she felt her heart skipping a beat. Had you caught on her? “Focus on me baby, come on, look at me. Be a good girl and take what mommy gives you. That’s what you wanted didn’t you?” You brought your hand down to hold onto the witch’s hair while your other hand gripped the edge of the table as your wife’s tongue dove deeper into you, her fingers pinching your clit causing you to squirm under her touch. The way she kept locking eyes with you as she ate you out like it was her last meal made you feel things you didn’t know existed. The talented tongue and the stunning sight, as well as the fact that you had been riding her boots for what seemed like an eternity, caused you to cry out her name which was music in Agatha’s ears. The woman swallowed every single drop of your cum before she moved up to lean over you, kissing you passionately to make you taste yourself while her hand creeped underneath your ugly Christmas sweater, kneading your breasts as she kissed you once again, your tongues fighting for dominance.
“Now did I convince you to stay inside with me?” She asked, panting from the previous actions, silently hoping that she didn’t have to play with your mind again and that this convinced you. “Only if you stay inside me.” You winked pulling her closer for another kiss.
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localgremlinboy · 2 years
some more silly rogues’ headcannons I thought of! Thank you everyone for the validation on the last ones, it made me smile! :D
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- they all have a Minecraft server together that's utter madness! Riddler has perfected redstone and he makes puzzle riddle traps in game, it drives Joker INSANE. Ivy goes around planting giant trees and flowers without asking. And Bane has a nice little house and no one dares ruin it, it brings him so much joy.
- Scarecrow always has chapstick on him, it's mango flavored
- Riddler has a tamagotchi, he will cry if it dies. If you're the goon that has to watch it while he's in Arkham, be scared.
- Harvey still posts on his Twitter, Twoface has an invite only after dark account. He just reposts memes everyone else has already seen and overshares random personal information and middle school level poetry. Also Harvey & Twoface are currently in a four year long tweet war about an episode of Law and order
- Out of all the rogues, Joker owns the most shoes. He has a storage unit full of racks of different tailored costumes, shoes, and makeup. He wears an expensive french brand of makeup he has to ship to Gotham, and he doesn't do any crimes without wearing his lucky lipstick brand
- Scarecrow loves animal crossing, his island is decked out and Halloween themed. He hosts parties with the rogues on his island
- Riddler set up a VPN & free cable/wifi for all the rogues to use so they can stream whatever, but you have to answer a riddle to get the password. Joker hates it but he also needs to watch the new criminal minds reboot before Harley spoils it
- one time during a party, the rogues managed to convince a very drunk Harvey & Twoface to sing/reinact songs from phantom of the opera and later jekyll and hyde (Twoface is emotionally a theater kid)
- Harley and Twoface get really into murder podcasts together one time while in Arkham. Even after they all break out, they video call after new episodes drop to talk about it. One time they tried to do a podcast but it turned out Joker did the crime so like it wasn't much of a plot twist
- Harley streams her crimes sometimes & actually makes some sick side cash off it! Half the time her chat is just obsessing over her interactions with Ivy. Also Ivy is one of her top donors
- Catwoman is TikTok famous, she posts story times, how to do simple parkour and pick locks, and hauls from crimes. All of her money from sponsorships and stuff goes to charity (she gets sent a bunch of free cat food for her cats, it's awesome!)
- Joker scrapbooks, he did it for a gag originally but low key got into it and now he may or may not have a scrapbooking room. He tries to go to Michael’s incognito but like, everyone knows.. The employees are like “yo, the Joker is at the help desk asking about if we have batman scrapbooking decals? Do.. Do I ask if he wants to sign up for the rewards program? Is he allowed to sign up?” Yes he signed up for the rewards program
- Joker also often signs up for various rewards programs but when he doesn’t want their emails, he gives them scarecrow’s email. Scarecrow has a bounty for whoever stops the man signing up ALL his emails for the Chilies newsletter
- the rogues throw Harley a roller skating lasertag party, where they also learn Harvey can't skate to save his life. He's the dedicated party mom that's standing at the railing about to fall down while he cheers on the others doing tricks and he's in charge of everyone's coat at the table. Joker uses all of his tickets to buy bouncy balls and sticky hands. Catwoman is a god at laser tag, she nearly gave Scarecrow a heart attack when she dropped form the vents to snip him. At the end of the party, they all steal Harley the go kart that's worth like 10,000 tickets. Batman shows up to Harley doing donuts in the parking lot while all the other villains are fighting with sticky hands and bouncy balls
- Bane likes camping and takes all the rogues in hopes to get camping buddies, they all almost die out in the woods because it's a disaster but also he had a great time! The Joker brings a camera and the whole time is making dated Blair Witch jokes with Scarecrow, which Harvey doesn't find funny and not because he's scared of the Blair witch.. Riddler screams running off into the woods because of a bee "chasing" him, no one sees him until three weeks later when they remember that they forgot him in the woods. Clayface uses a survivalist persona/character the whole time they're out there but he knows nothing about survivalism, eating poisonous berries and telling them poison ivy is a healing herb. Ivy is probably the only one suited for camping and she has to make sure most of them don't die
- Harley collects pins! She has a pin board in her hideout. The other rogues give her pins they find/obtain around Gotham
- The Joker has spent 3 years trying to perfect confetti smoke bombs
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yazzberry · 2 months
any excuse to make moodboards...
I just thought I'd share with you my personal visions for this story and the characters I'm going to be writing (honestly, I'll take any excuse to make a mood board), including their birthdays, interests, visual muses, aesthetics, etc. 
If you agree with any of my visions, please let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear all your opinions and head-canons!
Note: I gave all the characters the same last names as their voice actors (except for Alejandro, since they give us his last name in the show haha).
— ❥ —
Name: Courtney Lucille Barlow Birthday: October 17 (16 years old) (Libra) Interests/Hobbies: speech & debate, volleyball, reading, watching Gilmore Girls and The Vampire Diaries (guilty pleasures), student council, singing (but refuses to join the school choir), playing the piano, watching college vlogs and other youtube videos about college (her dream school is Yale) Visual Muse: (Cindy Kimberly)
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Name: Bridgette Isobel Fairlie Birthday: June 25 (16 years old) (Cancer) Interests/Hobbies: surfing, swimming, marine biology, cooking vegetarian dishes, baking, crocheting (even though she's really bad at it), roller skating, riding on her bike, watching romcoms (she always cries at the happy endings), making candles, leading environmental club Visual Muse: (Sasha Pieterse)
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Name: Gwendolyn (Gwen) Ingrid Fahlenbock Birthday: February 8 (16 years old) (Aquarius) Interests/Hobbies: drawing in her sketchbook, painting, listening to Deftones, making playlists, binging reality TV shows (secretly loves the petty drama), painting her nails twice a week, helps make sets for school plays and stage manages, loves rainy days, smoking weed, messing with her cello, feeding stray cats Visual Muse: (Krysten Ritter)
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— ♔ —
Name: Heather Saeko Wilson Birthday: January 11 (16 years old) (Capricorn) Interests/Hobbies: cheerleading, dancing ballet, keeping a following on social media, photography (she'd never admit it but she likes taking more than just selfies), watching sad romance movies and Gossip Girl, shopping, fashion, likes history (it's all just gossip), being around people (doesn't do too well alone, but would never admit it) Visual Muse: (Sandy Diana Bang)
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Name: Duncan Wilder Nelson Birthday: March 30 (16 years old) (Aries) Interests/Hobbies: skating, soccer, tagging graffiti everywhere (especially abandoned buildings), smoking weed, teaching his dog (Petey) tricks, loves late-night drives, listening to grunge rock, watching old movies, playing the drums, secretly likes going to vintage bookstores and record stores, loves a good Oreo McFlurry, secretly really good at math Visual Muse: (Zario Bolanos)
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Name: Geoff Bartol Petronijevic Birthday: December 3 (16 years old) (Sagittarius) Interests/Hobbies: surfing, swimming, wakeboarding, water polo, lacrosse (and is actually really good at it), partying, comedy movies, listening to house music and international music (especially eastern European), cooking for friends, is determined to throw a Project X-level party someday, actually really likes pottery and clay-making Visual Muse: (Brad Pitt)
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Name: Trent Theodore McCord Birthday: April 26 (16 years old) (Taurus) Interests/Hobbies: playing the guitar, listening to all genres of music, watching and reviewing great films (loves Letterbox'd), reading, writing songs and poems, surfing the internet, taking care of his little sisters when his mom isn't home, driving to scenic spots for song inspiration and some peace of mind, working a shift at the local daycare center Visual Muse: (Logan Lerman)
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—    ҉    —
Name: Alejandro Matías Burromuerto Birthday: August 13 (16 years old) (Leo) Interests/Hobbies: soccer, beach volleyball, singing, student council, theater and drama, posting on social media, flirting with random girls (but never seeing it through), partying, watching black & white films, always seeks to outshine his brother (often doesn't succeed), tutoring others (is really strong in all subjects) Visual Muse: (Xavier Serrano)
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friendly reminder that this is all for my story now posted on wattpad and fanfiction.net, ENDGAME.
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petra-creat0r · 7 months
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Day 151, 152, and 153 of drawing Junior Secret Squad until Chapter 3
151 and 152 got done last night before my parents got home from Vegas i just didn't have the time or energy to add alt text and post them. 153 was this morning.
For the first pic, someone (likely Elymas) gave Britni that outfit and told her to put it on. She does not understand. Meanwhile all it takes is a few cardboard rings with painted eyes to make Elymas feel ultimate power! Now if only they were bigger.
2nd pic, Chicago has been said to enjoy roller skating and I often imagine him skating to various fast paced and peppy songs. Also side note but yesterday I found these cool pairs of shoes that switch to skates in the two of the heel? Like heelies a little but actual roller skates, four wheels and all. The wheels fit into a space made in the bottoms. They're called High Rollers and I want I pair but they're also like $100 and I'm sorta trying to save up to maybe buy some sprite commissions or something. I'd ask people here to maybe purchase me some for my birthday but uuuh, that'd require me giving away my home address which is something I do not want out on the internet. Anyways, Chicago would own some.
Finally we've just got a pictures of a shocked CK. I didn't really know what else to draw him doing. Though I did have the idea of a Poketale Cubone CK, I didn't know what to do with that really. Maybe I'll draw that for DJSSuC3 soon.
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a-casual-kpopfan · 2 years
Last Christmas Prompt. 🫡
Pale Blue Dot - Jinsoul
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A/N: I know who you are…
This would be a good one to end the year with.
Dec 25th, 2022.
You open your eyes, your first instinct is to check the time. Your eyes swerve around the room, seeing the clock on the wall saying 2:07am. The grogginess started lifting and to your realization there’s a dim light coming from the other side of your bed.
“Sol?” You spoke up seeing the your wife sitting at her desk, writing out something. She hasn’t heard you the first time so you decided to sit up from your bed. “Sol?” You called out once again, this time grabbing her attention. “Oh, baby you’re awake?”
Jinsol ran over from her desk over to your shared bed to prevent you from getting up. “Yah, baby don’t get up.” Jinsol places her hands on your shoulders preventing you from getting up, instead laying you back down.
“Sol, I’m okay!” You try to convince your wife that everything is okay, you’re not having an attack of anything whatsoever.
It’s been 3 years since you’ve been married.
1 since you’ve been diagnosed with bradycardia, a condition when a heart’s resting rate is less than 60 beats per minute.
Meaning anything that exerts an excessive amount of energy, can lead to cardiac arrest, possibly worse.
Jinsol was scared, she was a full time astronomy professor at the South Korea college before she decided to change to doing part time in online teaching. You were in construction, labour intensive, definitely didn’t help your case of a slowed down heart.
She knew at any moment in time, your heart will fail you.
“You know I want you to save your energy baby, don’t waste it.” Jinsol smiles and pecks you on the forehead. “I’ll come to bed soon, I just need to finish some paper work.” You just agree knowing nothing will stop your wife. ���Okay Sol, hurry up.” You smile and lean upwards, letting her lead down to leave a kiss on your lips.
“Merry Christmas baby.”
Jinsol goes back to her desk finishing her paper… Her application.
Dec 24th, 2023.
“I’m heading to the hospital now Sol, Sooyoung offered to drive me over there.” You tell your wife over the phone, she was called into the university, probably for student program reasons.
“Okay baby, you be safe okay? I’ll kill Sooyoung if you’re not in one peace.” Jinsol smiles as she’s sitting in her chair at the hospital. “You know I love you right?”
“I love you too honey.” Both you and Jinsol said your goodbyes, you were excited. You were moved up somehow on the queue for the heart transplant. “You ready?” Sooyoung opens the front door, ready to take you over.
“I can’t wait to go out with Jinsol again, have dates with her again. I can finally take her roller skating like how she always wanted!” You were so excited to see Jinsol after this done and over with.
Sooyoung didn’t say much. “I’m sure Sol will be happy too.” Sooyoung looked like she was trying to hold something back, like she knew something.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Take care of them Sooyoung.”
“Are you going to wait for Sol?” You’re sitting in a wheelchair, ready to be wheeled off for the surgery. “Yes, I’ll be waiting here.” Sooyoung smiles, trying to hide the truth for however long it takes.
You nod and you get wheeled off.
“GOOD LUCK!” Sooyoung waves at you until your pass through the doors to not be seen.
Dec 25th, 2023
You open your eyes, your first instinct was to look for the time. This isn’t your usual bedroom, this is a hospital room, white walls, thin bed sheets, a hell of an uncomfortable mattress compared to what you’re used to.
The grogginess started lifting up from your being, you notice on your chest a blue envelope with a drawing of a fish. You also look to your left a sleeping Sooyoung, but no wife to be seen.
You take the envelope and slowly open the it containing a letter and Jinsol’s engagement ring.
“Hello baby,
You made me the happiest woman on this planet and further beyond that. You gave me your heart last Christmas, the Christmas before that, the Christmas before that, all the way since we met in that car accident on that faithful day, it was still your fault you rear ended my car!
This Christmas, I give you my heart. For all those time you sacrificed yourself for me, all those times you put me in front of you. My best friend, my live, my partner. You were ever so perfect, like the one I always dreamed of as a child.
Please don’t hate yourself, this was a choice I made and I wish for you to live a fuller and happier life. Someone else in this world is here for you to make you happy, just as I once did.
Sooyoung was awakened, she looks up to see you sobbing in tears, holding your chest.
She knew you found out.
She saw the letter on your lap, only to read the last phrase of it, she got up from her chair to embrace you in a hug, you took her in and held her as tight as you could.
We’ll fly again tonight.
Whatever comes to might.
It’s going to be alright.
My Pale Blue Dot.”
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thepeculiarbird · 6 months
Characters from project.dgkotr
So as you (maybe) know, I've been working on this wip for over a year now. So I've been thinking of introducing my characters, this will be updated from times to times if there's a new character or if I just find something interesting about an already existing one.
This is mostly based on their 'volume 1 versions' so most things happening in volume 2 or 3 won't be written here.
If you want informations about any of the characters, check on my blog and look for # with the corresponding emoji (exemple : #🦩). If you still can't find what you want, leave an ask or a comment and I'll try to answer as best as I can !
MCs :
🖌️ - Noe / 21-22 (start-finish) / Gay / He-Him
Noe is one of the mcs. His dad disappeared for (not so) unknown reasons when he was 5 so he doesn't actually know him that much. He studies art in an art school where he met Adam and Devyn. You guessed it, he likes to draw and he also used to play trumpet but just kinda gave up lessons.
In volume 1, we start with his point of view (or pov).
📷 - Madhi / 22 / Bisexual and Ace / He-Him
Madhi is also a mc. He lives with his parents and his two sisters in the same city as Noe and Danae. He dates Danae, however, there's been some tension between the two and it may not go completely well. He studies journalism and likes to write but it's not really a hobby.
In volume 1, we finish with his point of view (or pov).
🛹 - Danae / 21-22 (start-finish) / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Danae is the third mc. She lives with her parents and her brother, Alec. She doesn't study but it is mentionned once that she works at McDonalds. She spends time skateboarding, roller-skating and she loves trying new ice-cream flavors and drinks (well at least that's what her bf thinks). She's kind of the mom friend. She dates Madhi as told above, she was really happy to be apart of the 'little' investigation, until of course, the discovery of the cult...
She's often called "Dan" for short by her family and Noe, her boyfriend doesn't use that nickname as much.
Deuteragonists :
🦩 - Prescillia / around 18 / Lesbian / She-Her
Prescillia is Madhi's sister, she's the middle child. She wants to become a fashion designer because she loves knitting and she will use her brother as a mannequin for the clothes she made. Her bestie is Sibylle <3.
🎸 - Alec / around 15 / Up for interpretation / He-Him
Alec is Dan's brother. He's in a band with 3 friends, he's the guitarist of that band. They play for little school shows or other small events. He cares a lot about his friends and sister even if doesn't show it much. He's also really close with Martin since they knew eachother for so long and he was really scared Martin wouldn't make it after 'the incident'.
🍭 - Devyn / 22 / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Devyn is the silly person "every" friend group has. She also studies art, digital art to be more precise. Even tho she seems really innocent, there are some secrets about her. She never knew her mother, her dad told her that she went to prison and Devyn just believed it. She loves wearing really colorful accessories around her neck, in her hair or attached to her clothes, kind of decora aesthetic.
She does not make a physical appearance in volume 1 but is mentionned.
🦆 - Adam / 22 / Aroace / He-Him
Adam is another less important mc. Like Noe and Devyn, he studies art, he loves to practise human anatomy and would have probably study sciences if he wasn't so bad at it. When he meets Prescillia, he agrees to be used as a mannequin instead of her brother, making all of them happy. Also, a lot of people thinks he dates Devyn which makes him laugh everytime someone mentions it because they obviously don't.
He does not make a physical appearance in volume 1 but is mentionned.
Side characters :
🧁 - Leslie / 10 / She-Her
Leslie is Prescillia and Madhi's little sister, she's the youngest child and she's so fucking cute.
📚 - Sibylle / around 18 / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Sibylle is a smart girl, she's stated as Prescillia's best friend.
🎤 - Oriane / around 15 / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Oriane is the singer in the same band as Alec. She's in a relationship with another member of the band. She has red and black hair. She also knows how to play guitar.
🍕 - Martin / around 15 / Up for interpretation / He-Him
Martin is the leader of the band where Alec and Oriane are in. He always has a smile on his face and is really good at helping people. He plays bass probably (I'm not an expert in music sorry) His best-friend is Alec.
🔮 - Honorine / around 18 / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Honorine is a member of the cult, she will appear hopefully in every book I write for this wip idea. Don't mess with her because even if she doesn't approve totally what the cult does, she can still kill you. She's very attached to her notebook. (She's more than a side character but doesn't really fit in the deuteragonists)
🎨 - Beatrice / 22 / Up for interpretation / She-Her
Beatrice is Noe's classmate at art school, at the beginning she dates his ex actually. She's quite mean but don't worry, that'll get better, hopefully. She mostly dresses in yellow and brown and she loves 60/70's clothing style.
🏚️ - Fronsant-sur-Breuil / Every character living in this village
This will represent the people leaving at Fronsant like Tristan, Cassie, Henry or even the Mayor. Since they're not as important as other characters and that there are a lot of them, I'm putting them all together.
Pets :
☁️ - Cloud / cat / female
Cloud is Dan and Alec's cat. She is grey/white and she looks like a cloud.
🦎 - Dino / dog / male
Dino was Noe's dog but he died when Noe was around 13. He was a barbet.
Tag : @athenaspeculiardaughter @kaylinalexanderbooks @raiden-makoto @sarandipitywrites @jaelink @aalinaaaaaa @lyutenw @buffythevampirelover @nettleandthorne @finxi-writes @arwenschepers @corruptedbread @whimsical-blood-fairy @unrepentantcheeseaddict @kidukami @ryns-ramblings @rowenas-my-fave-child @mysticstarlightduck
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