#i fucking love dungeons and dragons
demon-princess13 · 5 months
wrote a draft for session 0 of my next campaign. I always write a little hook/monologue before I have to answer 194747393 questions about the setting, wanted to share it here!!
(edits/criticisms welcome, I only spent like 20 mins on this and there’s bound to be mistakes)
here’s to more of my obsession with Tiamat & Dragons
You step off your boat, onto a coastline decorated with fishermen, the early morning sun enhancing their sunburnt faces. You watch them; fly fishing the coast or preparing their own boats for castoff, enjoying the peace for the moment you allow yourself.
Leaving the captain of the for-hire ship to handle the rest of docking, you step to the sandy shoreline and onto a dirt path cut into the thick woods. A few feet through and a warm scent wafts up to your nostrils; reminding you of street fairs with their roasting meat & endless jugs of brew. Following the smell, you come upon a quaint town with houses of emerald green and gold, seeming to glisten in the sunlight. In one window a pair of large, glowing yellow eyes looks at you curiously before disappearing back into the shadows of the unlit home.
Taking your first glance upwards, you find yourself taken aback by the sight of hundreds of winged creatures in flight above you. So many different colours, sizes, and shapes it’s impossible to focus clearly on any one of them.
In the distance looms a castle, the red of its walls visible even from its resting place atop a mountain. The top of the castle is lost in the clouds, but a weak amber glow shines through them. How tall is it? You can’t be certain.
As you stare, enjoying a sight some only ever dream of- a glob of flaming goo lands just feet in front of you. Your thoughts are interrupted by the burp of a 20ft tall dragon who’s sat, contentedly licking up his flaming sick.
“Sorry about that! This one’s on a new die- oh. I’ve never seen ye before. New to town? No wonder you’re standing there with that stupid look on your face. Follow me, I’ll help ye find some lodgings.” A nearly toothless man grins, jumping off his mount and patting the disgusting creature on the head. “Seems you’ll be needing all the help we can offer” he chuckles, handing you a ration and linking his arm in yours. “Let’s be off then!! To a bed! My names Timny, by the way! Nice to meetcha!”
And so it begins. A new adventure
(( “invitation” story: One day, while sitting at home eating breakfast, a small bird sized lizard flies into your window and perches upon your table; where it drops you a small scroll held together by a golden ribbon. As you grasp the scroll, the tiny dragon puffs into smoke and disappears. The scroll reads as follows: “Tiamats whispers grow louder, and she has been whispering your name. Make your way to the point on the map below, if you hope to change your fate from one of fire.” As you finish reading each word, they disappear into thin plumes of smoke; revealing pieces of a map laid behind the enchantment. A small X marks an island a few days journey away. ))
((If a character chooses not to take part in the trip to the island right away, they find themselves plagued with nightmares of a five headed dragon during their sleeping hours, and nearly silent whispers in their mind during their waking ones. The map will reappear in any bag, closet or cupboard opened until the journey is taken.))
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Some of you didn’t seem to understand how magic works in the sense of how you can access it. I’ll explain again.
If you gain magical power from making a deal with a more powerful being, you are a warlock. Sneaky lawyer.
If you gain magical power through teachings and studies, you are a wizard/artificer. (Artificers usually gain power through experimentation.)
If you gain magical power by pledging yourself to a cause, being, or idea, you are a paladin. Pretentious bitch.
If you gain magical power by praising a higher deity (and not making a deal), you are a cleric. Heal someone.
If you have magical power and you didn’t do anything to gain it, you are a sorcerer. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. The rest of us had to work for our shit.
If you gain magical power by protecting nature and caring for plants and animals, you are a Druid. Fucking hippie.
If you gain magical power from your desire to entertain and also fuck, you are a bard. Stop trying to seduce my dad.
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inkegg · 9 months
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I am attempting Tumblr again bc I hear the emperor lovers like it here and I love you
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mithryl-draws · 6 months
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brought my long-suffering tabletop warlock Kalus with me when I started my BG3 playthrough and he's having a great time. making lots of new friends. sticking worms in his brain. the usual.
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the-nothing-maker · 7 months
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Home is where the heart is
(Alastiel is a vampire lord NPC from @luposlipaphobya's D&D campaign, Une Cour de Chair et de Charme!)
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heybiji · 6 months
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Dande says, “I can vouch for you. Do you wanna hold my hand? We can go together.” Fisik asks, “You hold Fisik hand?” Dande says, “Yeah, sure,” holding out his own. Fisik mumbles, “Tall people don’t hold Fisik hand.” Dande replies, “Well, now’s a good time to start.”
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dismas-n-dismay · 2 months
Suki - Chimera Falin amv
I present before you: The Chimera Falin Edit.
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steamclouds · 3 months
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That other not-so-nice Do'Urden brother
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sarenhale · 4 months
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In this episode of D&D, a local noble learns the concept of 'non-transactional love'
context: in the previous D&D game, Volya saw his fellow team member and noble, Othi, flirt openly with a commoner in a PUB. in a PUB! In FRONT OF PEOPLE! And that left him so flabbergasted he had to go back at reading treaties about love and social relations.
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godslittlesadge · 7 months
dungeon meshi will tell you "come closer im a normal fantasy slice of life manga" and then 27 chapters later you're watching two people re-assembling the skeleton of their sister/best friend because she was entirely digested by a dragon throughout all these past chapters and these sparse bones are literally all that remains of her to resurrect her
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vanhelsingapologist · 4 months
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I tell you how you kill me in my dreams.
Dima was visited by the local vampire. She will bite him back, next time. Alt version under the cut.
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mercury-and-scry · 5 months
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ummmmmmm girls
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You’re wanted for tax fraud. I’m wanted for flying a dragon into an archwizard’s tower during his 900th birthday, killing 47. We are not the same.
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gremlins-hotel · 2 days
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[wip] hetalia dndverse // a paladin's rebirth
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fidgetspringer-art · 2 months
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Olath - Aberrant familiar
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wanderingsquirrelgirl · 10 months
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mindlessly paused the youtube video i was watching and ADHD'd away for hours, just to come back to this. amazing.
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