#i fucking hate this cca man
nosecondivelived · 2 years
the brainworms in my header are starting to feel to real
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
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How about a bit of angst and then a bit of... Other things, dear @wolfsbanesbite? 😏
Here's the story for the last prompt from the day when I posted about wanting to write because Ao3 was down and people sent me cca. ten prompts (which is still insane for me). Thank you for sending them and thank you for the patience, likes, reblogs (and kudos, comments, bookmarks and subscriptions on Ao3). ❤
Sam/Mitch • 432 words • angst • (past) collison between teammates • mention of character waiting for physical violence (but it never happens) • love confession • kissing • developing relationship
“What the fuck were you thinking, man?” Mitch shouted at Sam when the blond arrived back at the Jaguar garage after successfully ending the race for both of them by hitting Mitch.
“I'm sorry, I just—” Sam tried to explain what happened but his teammate didn't let him because his anger and disappointment were stronger than his will to let Sam apologize and tell him what happened, from his point of view. 
“No fucking sorry, man!” Mitch said furiously, taking a few steps towards Sam. It made the shorter man's heart jump into his throat and he was ready to take all the blame, mentally and physically too. “This is not something a fucking sorry can solve,” He was fuming, and it was understandable for Sam, and he was waiting for a slap or something but it never came. He was there, standing still, letting Mitch throw everything at him, not daring to look at him. “I was in the top five, for fuck's sake. You can't do this to your teammate, to the team. Moves like this can cost me points and you your seat, man! You're not no—”
“I love you and I'm incredibly sorry and I know my sorry doesn't worth anything but I'm still sorry and I didn't want to do this,” Sam blurted out, breathing labored, hands shaking. 
Mitch burst out in incredulous laughing. “Man, your way of solving things...”
Sam went closer to him and looked at him, straight into his brown eyes, no matter how scared he was. “I love you and I didn't want to screw up your race. I'm sorry and I'll tell you a million times because I really am sorry. I was stupid, yeah,” he nodded, “but I'll try and be better next time. You can tell me off or punish me or anything, really. I'm sorry.”
“Those puppy eyes of yours...,” Mitch shook his head in disbelief, “Fuck you, Sam. Really. I want to hate you now but how could I hate someone with puppy eyes like yours. This isn't fair.”
“I'm sor—”
“Shut up,” Mitch said, smiling, and then pulled Sam closer to kiss him. He loved Sam and he couldn't let an incident like this break something that hasn't even properly started yet. 
Accidents can happen, and sometimes they can be angry at each other but at the end of the day, there's love and a will to communicate after they both have calmed down enough. But before that, the door of Mitch's driver's room closed, hiding the soon-not-only-kissing pair from the eyes of the team members. 
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One night turned into two. Two turned into a week. When Peter and Emjay had arrived in Las Vegas it was to find the city under total lockdown--police cars roaming every street at sundown, drones buzzing over rooftops night and day, and every road into and out guarded by a toll gate and armed mercenaries. Absolutely nothing about this had been online when they had formed the plan to stop in Vegas. Nor, when Peter tried to email Robbie about this, had his emails made it through. Everything about the Vegas situation was being censored, and the only information that left the city was automatically generated continuations of the drivel that the city usually espoused.
It felt like an experiment, Emjay had opined. A test to see how effectively the CCA could impose a mass censor. So the two of them had booked the cheapest room they could, and Peter had gotten to work collecting information on the lockdown situation, and they'd passed a coded message to Rick, who had put his network to the task of compromising the censor.
It was midnight when a flood of information finally exploded through the internet. Emjay scrolled through her phone with a bouncing leg as she watched the entire world collectively realize that an entire city was being held hostage. Her lip curled into a smile as that news was joined by sightings of Spider-Man, reports filed too quickly to keep up with, and invariable stories of smashed police cars and tanks flipped over like beetles on their backs. Peter worked fast. In less than an hour the cops were in such disarray that the entire force had been forced to withdraw, and casinos across the city had become civilian shelters.
Emjay couldn't help but laugh at the stream of news coming through her phone. Then she clambered off of the bed and set to work packing.
She had her back to the window when she heard it slide open; in the light from outside she could see a humanoid shadow slip inside, gracefully as a butterfly but silently as a spider. The window closed, followed by the blinds, and only then did she hear Peter's voice say, "I've decided I hate Vegas."
Emjay couldn't help but snort. Midway through zipping closed a duffel bag, she extracted an old, well-worn sweater and tossed it behind herself at Peter. "Well it sure loves you," she said, turning around to watch Spider-Man doff his mask and don the frayed garment. "You should see Twitter right now. You're trending again." Peter winced, yanking his gloves off, but she went on, "And the news isn't gonna run out of material for weeks."
"The gates out of the city are taken care of." Grabbing a small plastic case off of the desk, Peter looked into a mirror and began to take out his contact lenses. "There's already a fucking line of cars out of the city. I think we're gonna be able to slip out without being noticed in the rush." As he pushed his glasses onto his face, he glanced over at Emjay, who was looking at him with half-lidded eyes and a soft smile. "...What?"
"We're not in a hurry," she said thoughtfully. "They have no idea where Spider-Man disappeared to. We don't need to, like, run for it."
"I mean, that'd be ideal. But yeah, we're pretty good on t--"
Peter's brow furrowed. The regular thrum of Emjay's heartbeat, both through the floor like a tiny earthquake and through the air like the pulse of a bass speaker, had quickened. Though she smiled still, she twiddled her fingers nervously. Emjay almost never let her nerves show.
"...Are you good, Babe?" he asked, starting towards her.
"Hm? Oh, right." It always took her a moment to remember all the odd, spiderlike ways he perceived the world. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just...had an idea. As long as we were in Las Vegas." She couldn't help but giggle, even as Peter gently took her hands in his. "Hey, let's... let's get married. Like the idiots we are. Like idiots in love who ran away to Vegas."
Peter's heart skipped a beat. His hands trembled around Emjay's as their eyes stayed locked.
For a second his mouth opened, though he had no idea what to say. Marriage? Marriage? How many times had he thought about marriage? How many times over the years had he and Emjay made idle conversation, or impassioned pillow talk, or teasing predictions about life together as husband and wife? How many times had they discussed the topic, as serious as the grave?
There was no part of Peter, not a single atom in his body, that didn't want to share the rest of his life with the woman whose eyes he looked into now. But a cold ball of fear fell into his stomach.
"We can't," he whispered.
Emjay's smile shrank to nothing.
"I-I want to," Peter began again, "but we can't. With all we're doing right now? With all I've--" he released one of her hands, gesturing helplessly at the baggage piled by the beds. "With all I've asked you to do?"
Her hands tightened their grip around Peter's. "Yes," she said fiercely. "With all I've done. All we're doing. We're in this together, Peter--we always have been. This would be just making it official."
But a vision, horrific in its clarity, had manifested in Peter's eyes. It was a vision of a woman he had never met, but whose shadow had lingered over Emjay for as long as he'd known her. It wasn't often that Emjay brought up Gayle Watson. She didn't need to. Peter could still see her, sixteen years old, staring down into her coffee and talking about her big sister. Her sister, who had dropped out of college in a whirlwind romance. Her sister, who had thrown away her dreams for love and ended up as a single mother with a life she hated. Perhaps that had been lurking in the back of his mind for a while now.
"But I've--but I've ruined your life," he said, and his focus on her blurred as his eyes grew damp. "You were about to light up Broadway and I dragged you into, into this."
She couldn't help but smile sadly at him, her dimples deepening. Pushing up his glasses, Emjay wiped one of his eyes and said, "Dumbass. You didn't drag me into anything. I chose to come. And when this is over and we go back to New York, Broadway will be waiting for me." She took his face in his hands. "You're not like Timothy. I know what's going on in that noggin of yours. But you're nothing like him."
When they go back...
Another vision, clear as day. A body in his arms, limp, already losing the warmth of life. Her blonde hair splayed across the concrete he knelt on, blood seeping from her nose, her heartbeat gone silent and her neck askew. A boy dying on his knees, coughing up bile, wearing a costume too big for him and with half his face painted green. He could barely see the woman in front of him through the ghosts of failures past.
"I love you," Peter gasped, like a drowning man gasps for air, like a murderer gasps when he sees the blood on his hands. He grasped the hands Emjay had placed on his head, stuck to them, and squeezed as hard as he dared. Crying now, really crying, he whispered, "I love you so much, Mary Jane. I l-love you too much to--to do that to you. I can't. I can't."
And she was crying too. She cried as she stared at him, taking in the naked fear on his face, the look in his eyes as he saw people who weren't there, and the future that might have been. She tried to speak, but at first all that left her was a choked sob. Her brow furrowed in anger as she managed, "You ass." Confusion flashed across Peter's frightened expression. "Y-you self-loathing dork, treating your love like a poison. Treating yourself like something too dangerous to touch. Digging open those wounds and telling yourself you have no right to heal. Well, f-fuck you!"
She did something she hadn't planned to do then, but something that had always brought Peter right back to her. She learned forward and kissed him.
And almost instantly he was returning her kiss with the ardence and the passion of someone coming home from war. Their lips were salty from tears, but neither cared; they melted into each other and their arms entwined into a desperate grasp. Peter's whole body trembled; as if ready to collapse, he sank to his knees, and she followed without breaking contact. Emjay tilted her head a little and pushed herself harder into him, as if her touch alone could show him how much she felt, as though she could communicate all she needed to without words. But when their lips finally separated for air, they remained in their embrace, and words spilled out of her in a rush.
"You're beautiful, Peter Parker," she whispered, her hand in his hair. A tear beaded on her lashes as she stared at him. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever met. You're courageous and determined and altruistic and fierce, and in all the years I've known you none of that has wavered once. You've got so, so much love in you, so much more than you know, but I've--I've seen it and I love it and I love you, I love you more than I know how to share."
Somehow, even through tears, her smile shone like the sun.
"I know the risks. I've always known them. I don't care how dangerous it is to be a part of your life, and you don't get to tell me that I deserve better." Her hand slid down the length of his jaw, and for a second she allowed her thumb to brush over a scar that crisscrossed his cheek. "We face that danger together. We always have, because every second I spend with you is worth it."
Peter stared at her with worship in his eyes. The tears that ran down his cheeks were warmer now, and though the occasional sob still racked his frame the edges of his lips had turned upward. Gently, his hands reached up and took both of hers, lowering them in front of him.
"Ask me again," he breathed.
Emjay begged her heart to beat slowly. Leaning towards him, she said, almost in plea, "Marry me."
His head lowered. Pressing his lips to her hands, Peter sobbed, "Yes. Yes. Oh my god, yes."
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There was no ceremony to be had. They had no time, no money, and no social circle to invite. A marriage license was purchased and a thin stack of paperwork was signed; in the Las Vegas Marriage License Bureau, a printer spat out a record of the process and that was that. Less than an hour after the proposal was accepted, the beat-up old car that Emjay called hers was on the road out of the city. It was as mundane as if they had jointly filed taxes.
And yet there was a kind of magic in the unpleasantly warm air of that car. As Emjay turned on the headlights and hummed along to the radio, her husband (her husband!) slouched in the passenger seat, staring over at her with an uncharacteristic softness in his eyes.
"I think this weird little road trip of ours is technically a honeymoon now," Emjay said suddenly, an amused smirk pushing up one of her dimples. "I mean, kind of. I don't think honeymoons are supposed to involve so much possible arrest."
"Only the best ones," Peter joked. He reached over and brushed a curl of dark hair behind Emjay's ear. "It's us, Emjay. I'd expect nothing less."
His wife (his wife! his wife!!) glanced back at him, and finally noticed how he stared as though seeing her for the first time. She made affectionate doe eyes back for a moment before returning her attention to the road. "We are gonna have the most obnoxious wedding when we get home," she said with a grin. "We'll hire a rabbi and we'll rent out a big dumb venue. I'm gonna invite Aunt Anna and Flash and Glory and Debra and basically everyone I've ever worked with. You can invite, like, Robbie and Betty and John and the entire Cluster. Though you might wanna tell them it's a no-spandex occasion." She laughed at her own joke, and Peter fell in love all over again. "God. We need rings."
"I don't think we can afford anything but dollar-store jewelry right now."
"Ehh. I'm an actress. And you're a superhero, half of the shit you say is lying. We'll make it work." She glanced at him again; his stare hadn't changed. "...Pff. Are you planning to look at me like that for the whole drive? I thought your spider-sense hated being in a car."
Peter shrugged. She was right, of course--the tingle in the base of his skull shivered and thrummed incessantly, tracing the vibration of the vehicle and screaming at every piece of detritus they drove by. But like hell was he going to take his eyes off of his wife.
"Hey," he murmured, and his hand reached out to touch her shoulder. "Thank you."
She didn't look away from the road; she didn't need to. But one hand left the steering wheel, just long enough to take his hand and squeeze. "And thank you, Tiger," said Mary Jane Watson-Parker. "For everything."
[Illustration by @sirwolficus]
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haropla · 3 years
I have no idea how anyone else responded to the first Hathaway’s Flash film, but going into it, I completely expected to hate the idea of an entire trilogy of films centered around the kid that lost all his rational thought for a crush that was also kind of insane and had no real problems throwing tantrums and taking lives no problem. CCA I still love, as weird as it is, and I still tolerate Quess and Hathaway being there since I understand their purpose as characters and what they mean to the worldbuilding and themes and how they’re meant to contrast with the returning characters.
but how was I supposed to even like a trilogy of films centered around Hathaway and without characters like Char, Amuro, and Bright? and films not even touched by Tomino at that.
the answer? you make Hathaway just as goddamn weird and fucked up as Char and not brush aside that he is a very flawed, self-contradictory, emotionally-stunted man-child and THERE YOU GO you’ve got me grabbing the kettle corn wanting to see this trainwreck unfold and how he bounces off the other mains who are almost just as messed up and incapable of functioning as proper people.
the Tomino weirdness (affectionate) in regards to dialogue is very much intact for this movie and watching scenes that have Hathaway, Gigi, and Kenneth all together and just chatting is so rewarding, because not only are you getting that entertaining characterization via contrast, but their dialogue also speaks to worldbuilding. it’s such a tight, economic script compared to CCA, where everyone is always saying Something all the time. it’s a very different approach compared to how Tomino himself would handle his own work but it still just really works for what this first film is trying to accomplish, which is mostly just setup for the content of the other two films.
but this film still manages to be such an engrossing experience because of this film’s intense focus on tone, even though there’s a relative dearth of mobile suit battles compared to most other gundam media. in a lesser creative team’s hands, this risk would not pay off, especially since gundam’s appeal to the general media-consuming crowd is the ms battles as opposed to strong thematic writing. even the film’s final fight between the xi and penelope (which is still well-done) is not nearly as flashy compared to, say, kshatriya vs the jegans in the first Unicorn OVA since we still have two more films to show them off. instead, the only other ms fight in this film is the big highlight, which leads back into the tone.
there’s considerable more focus on how terrifying it would be to be a civilian at ground zero of an ms fight. and that lends itself to the film’s focus on how that much more grounded it really is compared to all other gundam media. (IBO is a complete joke in this regard, don’t @me.) you don’t get the classic newtype flash sound, you can count the times direction calls for a Tomino cut-in (the little peeks into the cockpit framed in a geometric shape while still keeping the mobile suits in frame) on one hand, and there’s just so much attention to ambient/atmospheric lighting and relatively muted color palettes. all these more grounded approaches still speak to hathaway’s dilemma of trying to achieve a lofty, high-minded goal of getting everyone to migrate into space for the sake of the planet’s recovery (and to try and make sure quess’ death wasn’t as senseless as he hopes it isn’t), while everyone on earth has the upsettingly realistic mindset of not having it in them to care about the far-off future because living in the day to day is hard enough under the Federation’s oppressive presence in their lives.
gosh, as scattered as this post is, everything in this film just comes together so well and I think this tighter approach puts it right on up there with CCA, which I did rewatch prior to my watching Hathaway’s Flash. I’ve rewatched this first film like three times already, I just can’t wait for the next two. honestly hope Sunrise and Shuukou Murase keep up the good work here. they set the bar up so high.
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
I don’t know how into NieYao you are but I can really see NieYao working with the hand job at the Renaissance Faire one.  Alternatively, Wangxian.
prompted by @three–rings​ get ready for more shenanigans
(crossposted to ao3)
“Speed dating?” Nie Mingjue repeats dubiously. “At a Ren Faire?”
“It’s for a good cause,” Lan Xichen says with a laugh. “The Chinese Cultural Association is running it as a way to raise funds and awareness for local Asian diaspora resources and projects.”
“Mm,” Nie Mingjue says, unconvinced. “This is an awfully convenient scenario for you, the head of the CCA.”
Lan Xichen tips his head, all wide-eyed innocence. “And whatever do you mean by that, Mingjue?”
“This is just an elaborate con to get Wangji and that Wei kid to fuck,” he accuses.
“Mingjue!” Lan Xichen admonishes, but his eyebrow twitches, and the corner of his mouth is quirked, the way that Nie Mingjue has known since childhood belies something just a little devious.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, fine.” He rolls his eyes. “Is any of the money going towards improving the Chinese School curriculum?”
Lan Xichen winces. Nie Mingjue grimaces back.
“I’m afraid… well, I think the Chinese School needs more than just its curriculum overhauled,” Lan Xichen says delicately. “And it’s not exactly something money is going to fix.”
“It’s been bad since we were kids, and it’s going to be bad for all of our kids as well at this rate,” Nie Mingjue says with a sigh of resignation. “Rite of passage, I guess.”
“Isn’t it a rite of passage for all ABC kids?” Lan Xichen points out.
“It wouldn’t be if it were run properly, by people who understood what we actually needed!” It’s an old conversation, and a familiar one. They run along the grooves of it with a comforting, cantankerous grumbling, Lan Xichen disappointed, but placating; Nie Mingjue frustrated and heated. It’s nice, in its way.
“Whatever, fine, I’ll do it,” Nie Mingjue says. “Good cause, etc. Did you rope your new boyfriend into it as well?”
Lan Xichen positively lights up at that, and Nie Mingjue can’t help the smile that creeps onto his face. What a precious man. “Yes, I did, actually! I thought—well, I thought this might be fun way for the two of you to meet,” Lan Xichen says with another little laugh. “Low stakes, and if it turns out you hate each other, you only need to spend three minutes in each other’s company.”
“That’s true,” Nie Mingjue says. Lan Xichen—precious, but practical, as always. “All right, fine. I’ll be there, I’ll meet your new man, and I’ll even promise not to take his head off if you take me out to dinner after.”
Lan Xichen rolls his eyes fondly. “You say that like we haven’t been planning that dinner for weeks.”
“Yes, well, I’m being generous,” Nie Mingjue says with a shrug. “Don’t make me regret it.”
Nie Mingjue regrets it.
Like, not totally. Lan Xichen has gathered a rather impressive number of participants, and maybe if he were in a better mood, Nie Mingjue might actually be kind of interested in a few of them. As it is though, he’s barely had a chance to see Xichen the entire day, and he was roped into a horrible conversation with Jin Guangshan for nearly an hour when all he really wanted to do was hang out at the smithy tent and ask questions about their demonstration on Damascus steel. So it’s fine that he’s now stuck at this speed dating gimmick that is definitely, no matter what Xichen says, a very transparent setup for the most disastrous couple of their generation, but. Well. He’d have felt better about it if he knew how to forge Damascus steel. At least the weather is nice.
Lan Xichen taps a small gong on the table. “Hello, everyone,” he calls out with a smile. “Welcome to our speed dating event. As you know, all proceeds will be going to various projects supporting local Asian diaspora interests, so I’d like to start by thanking you all for your generosity.”
Nie Mingjue tunes out the rest of his speech because he’s heard it before in various iterations. Lan Xichen is good at what he does, speaks with clear, eloquent diction and a gentle demeanor. Just the sound of his voice is enough for Nie Mingjue, who spends the time eyeing the participants and trying to guess which one is Xichen’s new boyfriend. There are a few potential candidates he picks out, but Xichen has never really had a type, so to speak, so it’s actually rather challenging.
The first few people are pleasant enough conversation partners, but not much more. Nie Mingjue keeps himself at a polite distance from them, and he expects he won’t be seeing them again. He sits through five minutes of mutually agreed-upon silence across from Wangji. They saw each other yesterday, and neither of them are particularly good at forced small talk. He sits through a distinctly more chatty five minutes across from Wei Wuxian, who spends the whole time shooting distracted glances at Lan Wangji a few tables over, speaking softly to a young woman who seems obviously very taken with his manners.
“Hey, Wei,” Nie Mingjue says, interrupting his stream of consciousness rambling with about a minute left on the clock.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Just fucking take Wangji and leave.” Nie Mingjue jerks his head at the exit.
“Seriously. This is painful to watch.”
Wei Wuxian looks caught out, a deer in the headlights. “What do you mean?”
Nie Mingjue leans forward, putting on his most intense expression—the one he reserves for special occasions and threatening his brother’s bullies. “I mean that Xichen might believe in gentle nudges, but I, for one, am sick of you two making sad cow eyes at each other at every fucking family event. It’s unbearable. Either tell him how you feel or get over yourself. Please. For the love of god.”
Wei Wuxian gapes at him like a fish a few times before leaning in and hissing, “Mingjue-ge!! You can’t just say shit like that!”
Nie Mingjue raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Don’t you want to?”
The gong rings.
“I’m serious, Wei,” Nie Mingjue says, standing up with a scrape of his chair. “I know neither of you want to be here. Take him before someone else pressures him into a date he doesn’t want to go on.”
“Lan Zhan would never—”
“Snag him before the change finishes,” Nie Mingjue interrupts, then whisks himself away before Wei Wuxian can protest again.
The next man he sits before is dressed in a delicate costume of pale gold and a plain black hat. “Hello,” he says, voice soft-spoken and musical.
“Hello,” Nie Mingjue says.
“Your saber is very fine,” the man says without preamble, tilting his head to get a better look. “I’ve been eyeing it since you arrived.”
Nie Mingjue opens his mouth automatically to thank him, but then notices the mischievous arch to his eyebrow, the slant to his smile. He frowns instead.
“If that was supposed to be an innuendo, it wasn’t a very good one.”
“Oh no,” the man deflects with just the right pitch of mild scandal and innocence. “Not at all! I was merely admiring the… craftsmanship. It’s hard to get a blade that large of such high quality.”
Nie Mingjue leans back, crossing his arms. He doesn’t have patience for word games. “You’re just fucking with me now.”
The man laughs. “Well, I’ve only got three minutes to make an impression.”
“And you chose ‘talk about his sword like it’s his penis’ as a tactic?”
The man hums, but doesn’t stop smiling. “Put like that, it does sound rather crass.”
“Is this what you do with all your dates?” Nie Mingjue asks.
“Oh, of course not. What sort of date would I be if I didn’t tailor my approaches?” He widens his eyes just slightly, leans in.
“What’s your name?” Nie Mingjue asks, because it’s only polite.
“What’s yours?” the man counters.
“Nie Mingjue,” he replies bluntly and without hesitation. “I’m not interested in playing.”
The man throws his head back with an elegant laugh. “I see that. Jin Guangyao, at your disposal.”
Nie Mingjjue squints. “Jin?”
“Indeed,” Jin Guangyao says with a tragic, self-deprecating little sigh. “Son of Jin Guangshan.”
“Oh god,” Nie Mingjue says before he can help himself. “Another one?”
“I know, we’re all crawling out of the woodwork, clamoring for the inheritance,” Jin Guangyao says without shame. “Zixuan has been a very good sport about it all.”
Nie Mingjue huffs out a disbelieving breath. Jin Guangshan’s bastards have all been asserting themselves in recent years, much to the chagrin of his wife. Nie Mingjue can’t really blame the woman. She’s put up with a lot.
He doesn’t keep up with the gossip and is only vaguely familiar with the situation. As far as he knows, this man is maybe the third? fourth? of Jin Guangshan’s illegitimate children to make their appearance. Nie Mingjue wracks his brains, not very hard. There was that Mo kid maybe last year, and the entire scandal involving the Qin girl a year or two before that, but he can’t place any others.
“You’ve got his name,” Nie Mingjue remarks.
“Oh yes, he decided to grace me with recognition,” Jin Guangyao says. “Much good that it’ll do me. He’s currently trying to bribe me off with an allowance, hoping I won’t make any more trouble for him. My birth name is Meng.”
“Is that how you paid for that costume of yours?” Nie Mingjue asks, not without humor. This bastard’s got balls, he’ll admit. The cloth has a lovely weft to it and a flattering cut. He can smell how much it costs.
Jin Guangyao laughs again, ducking his head and averting his eyes, and then quite suddenly, Nie Mingjue recognizes him.
“Oh fuck, it’s you,” he curses. He’s seen those eyelashes before, those eyes glancing up through them, glinting with a dangerous, daring edge.
“Excuse me?” Jin Guangyao asks, blinking.
“It’s—it’s you, the—last year,” Nie Mingjue splutters, very articulately. “Behind the—the smithy tent. On the last night. After—”
The memory is a bit of a blur for Nie Mingjue—he’d been drunk on several glasses of wine, shared swigs of baijiu with his brother, and a singular horn of mead that someone had passed him halfway through the after-hours revelry, but he remembers an unfamiliar young man in Nie colors stumbling against him, face obscured by the chiaroscuro of night and firelight, remembers the slender frame of him in his arms, and the wet heat of his lips around his cock in the cool darkness.
Nie Mingjue remembers the elegance with which he sunk to his knees, the way his moans vibrated against him, and his expression when he glanced up—there had been quite a bit of kissing too, Nie Mingjue thinks. Before and after. And then the young man had pulled away and vanished with a cutting smile, leaving Nie Mingjue breathless and a little stunned in his wake.
“Ah,” Jin Guangyao says, and everything about him is familiar now that Nie Mingjue knows what to look for—that smile, for one. Jin Guangyao props his head up on his elbow and gives him that smile, the one that cuts. “Now, which one were you?”
“Which one?” Nie Mingjue demands. “How many people did you go down on at the Ren Faire last year?”
Jin Guangyao shrugs. “I admit I’m not sure. The party was long, and there was quite a lot of alcohol, if memory serves. And the space behind the smithy tent is very convenient.” His eyes crinkle sweetly. “Why, do you think you were prodigious enough for me to remember? I might, if we go for round two this year. I admit I wasn’t ah, exactly looking at faces. You understand.”
Nie Mingjue feels his face color. “That’s not—” He doesn’t like feeling off-balance, doesn’t like  conversations that aren’t forthright, doesn’t like any of this, but he does, heavens help him, very much like the idea of fucking Jin Guangyao’s mouth again.
“Not… what? Not what you want?” Jin Guangyao asks smoothly before Nie Mingjue can continue to flounder. “Was my performance not to your liking?” His voice is embellished with a hint of wounded disappointment, which Nie Mingjue finds extremely suspect.
“No, it was—” Nie Mingjue can feel his flush darkening as his tongue slips. —excellent, he stops himself from saying. It would appear the man’s tongue is talented in more ways than one.
Nie Minjue wants to hit him, he’s so infuriated.
The gong rings.
Jin Guangyao stands, all smiles once more, and reaches over to stroke Nie Mingjue’s cheek. “It was very nice to meet you properly this time, Mingjue. Perhaps you’ll give me another chance to prove myself later.” He winks, so quickly Nie Mingjue isn’t sure he saw it at all, and then sweeps himself to a new partner.
Nie Mingjue is distracted and irritable for the rest of the event, which is hardly fair to his remaining dates, but he’s agitated and angry and it’s not like he really cared about making connections—he barely remembers to try and figure out who Xichen’s mystery boyfriend is—there’s a nice man with a pleasant personality and a lovely smile that he vaguely wonders about, but the whole time he’s conversing and making nice, he’s thinking about how much he wants to throttle Jin Guangyao. And maybe other things.
It’s very difficult to focus.
When the gong rings out for the last time, Nie Mingjue can’t throw himself out the seat fast enough. Lan Xichen collects everyone’s scorecards (Nie Mingjue’s had a total of one number on it, unsurprisingly), and gives another small speech thanking everyone for their participation and encouraging them to enjoy the rest of what the Faire has to offer. Matchlists are expected to be sent out tomorrow evening at the latest. There’s polite clapping before general dispersal. It doesn’t escape Nie Mingjue’s attention that neither Wei Wuxian nor Lan Wangji are among the crowd. He hopes they’re not sharing blowjobs behind the smithy tent.
Nie Mingjue stalks towards Lan Xichen as the final dregs of the participants trickle out, fully intent on venting his frustration to Lan Xichen’s willing ear, only to see that the subject of his ire is, in fact, already standing beside Lan Xichen. Standing very close beside Lan Xichen.
Nie Mingjue stops dead.
“Mingjue!” Lan Xichen calls, waving him over.
“Him?” Nie Mingjue accuses. The temptation to draw Baxia and point it for extra effect is unreal. He restrains himself, but only just.
Lan Xichen laughs. “I see A’Yao made an impression.”
Jin Guangyao smiles at Lan Xichen, and—the fuck, it’s totally different than the way he smiles at Nie Mingjue! It’s soft and genuine and smitten and overwhelmed all at once, like he can’t believe he’s lucky enough to have this—and it’s not like Nie Mingjue doesn’t agree, because that is, in fact, the only acceptable way to think about Lan Xichen, but then Jin Guangyao turns that smile towards him and it goes all sharp and clever around the edges, and it sets his blood boiling.
“So you’re Mingjue,” Jin Guangyao says. “I thought you must be.”
“I introduced myself,” Nie Mingjue snaps. “It doesn’t take a genius.”
“Oh dear, I really riled you up, didn’t I?” Jin Guangyao laughs. “Forgive me. I couldn’t help it. You just seemed like you’d be a fun tease, and I was right.”
“Your new boyfriend is this little snake?” Nie Mingjue demands.
“Snake?” Lan Xichen repeats, surprised. “A’Yao, what did you do?”
“It was my fault,” Jin Guangyao says with sheepish contrition. “He seemed like such an honorable man, so I pushed a little.”
It isn’t actually Jin Guangyao’s fault—not really. Nie Mingjue was the one caught out unawares by a memory, but Jin Guangyao is really selling this performance to Xichen—to what end, Nie Mingjue couldn’t say. Nie Mingjue wants to drag him away and shove him up against a wall, bite at his lips. He wants him away from Xichen, but not for jealousy. It’s something else.
“I see you still matched with me, though,” Jin Guangyao says, leaning over Lan Xichen’s shoulder to peer at the scorecards.
“A’Yao,” Lan Xichen chastises, moving his arm to cover them. “Don’t pry.”
“Sorry,” Jin Guangyao says, stepping back immediately, and Nie Mingjue can almost believe him. “Old habits.”
“Well, the secret’s already out,” Lan Xichen says with a small huff of chuckle. “I still have to put the rest of these into spreadsheets and crossreference them, so why don’t the two of you go participate in the Faire for a little while? Since you matched and all.”
“I think that would be lovely,” Jin Guangyao says before Nie Mingjue can protest. He smiles beatifically. “We could get… something to eat.” His tongue darts out between his lips.
“I’m having dinner with Xichen,” Nie Mingjue growls.
Jin Guangyao’s smile only grows more wicked. “Just a quickie, then.”
* jgy is 100% lying about not remembering nmj because he’s a little shit. he DID give more than one blowjob behind the smithy tent, but just one, and it was lxc :D
* didn’t get around to this, but jgs is definitely the chair of the chinese school and also the reason why it’s so terrible bc it’s hating jgs hours all the time in this house
* all of these characters are part of some larger xianxia RP group that have a presence at the ren faire, and the sects exist kind of nominally as like…. factions?? or something??? vaguely split along the original families that decided to start participating—so meng yao was wearing nie colors, but nmj didn’t recognize him bc he was a new recruit or whatever. don’t ask me. I don’t know what goes on at a ren faire. i’ve been to woefully few in my life :(
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Productions-F.F.C. Productions-1999-RAGEMP3 fabe-comme un rat dans lcoin-vls-fr-1999-scr fabe-impertinent-fr-vls-1999-fsp Factor-Tha Bomb Connect-1999-RNS Fadel Level-Totally Devastatin-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Faf Larage-C'est Ma Cause-FR-1999-128k Faf Larage-Cest Ma Cause-FR-1999-RV Fairchilde-Creep Wit Me-1999-CR Fantomas-Fantomas-1999-RAGEMP3 faouzi tarkhani-guerrier pour la paix-fr-1999-kef Fase (Lil Belle)-Ya Neighborhood Superstar-1999-RAGEMP3 Father Time-Banned In Toledo-1999-RAGEMP3 Feinkost Paranoia-Biofeedback-DE-1999-SHiVA INT Fiend-Street Life-1999-RNS fiend-street life-1999-sut First Born-Riders-1999-EMG INT First Born-Riders-Retail-1999-Recycled INT First Degree-In The Name Of Game-1999-RAGEMP3 First Degree-Planet Zero-1999-CR First Degree The D.E.-Planet Zero-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Flawless-Living Life Flawless-1999-RAGEMP3 Flint Town Presents Faces Of Death-The Rawest-1999-RAGEMP3 Flipsyde-2 Hell and Back-1999-RAGEMP3 Flipsyde-Gloss N Floss-1999-RAGEMP3 FOD-Midwest Poision-1999-RAGEMP3 fonky family-hors-serie volume 1-fr-1999-tt Fonky Family-Hors-Serie Volume 1 (FULL)-FR-1999-128k Fonky Family-Hors Serie Vol 1-FR-1999-SO INT Fonky Family-Si Dieu Veut-FR-1999-iSOCELL Fonky Family-Si Dieu Veut-FR-1999-KaNA force pure-de lobscurite jaillira la lumiere-cdm-fr-1999-mop Forever Hustlin Records-Holdin It Down-1999-0MNi Foxy Brown-Chyna Doll-1999-ALW Foxy Brown-Hot Spot-CDM-1999-GCP Foxy Brown-Job Bw A Dog and A Fox-(Vinyl)-1999-OSC Freeman-L Palais De Justice-1999-MBI INT Freeman (Feat K-Rhyme Le Roi)-Lpalais De Justice-(Limited Edition)-FR-1999-SO INT Frekzanatcha-Freksho-1999-RAGEMP3 Freres Lumiere-Dans Nos Yeux Denfant-(CDS)-FR-1999-SO Freundeskreis-Esperanto-Reissue-DE-1999-KrbZ FRJ-Le Dernier Cri Des Condamnes-FR-1999-SO INT Frostie-Counteract Or Die Early-1999-RAGEMP3 Fumanschu-Niedere Motive-TAPE-1999-DCS Funkmaster Flex and Big Kap-The Tunnel-(Retail)-1999-TS4L INT Funky Aztecs-Addicted-1999-RAGEMP3 Funky Aztecs-Addicted-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Furious-Sip The Life-WEB-1999-ENRAGED G-Idez-Aggravated Assault-1999-CR G-Idez-Lyrical Angel Dust-1999-CR G-Money-Da Struggle-1999-CR G-Money-Ghetto Drama Vol 1-Who Can I Trust-1999-RAGEMP3 G-Tight Playas-The Session-1999-RAGEMP3 G.O.G.z-That G Filez-1999-RAGEMP3 G Fellas - Lowride-CDM-1999-BOSS G Wreck Cartel-Riot-1999-RAGEMP3 Gabriel O Pensador-Nadegas A Declarar-BR-1999-100REAL Galifea-Straight Out Da South-1999-RAGEMP3 Gang Society-The Games Finest-1999-RAGEMP3 Gangsta O-Strivin Till I Ball-1999-RAGEMP3 Gangsta Pat-Smoke Somethin-(VLS)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ganksta Gank-Me And My Killaz-1999-RAGEMP3 Ganxsta Nip-Psycho Thug-1999-RNS Gary T-Louisvilles Most Wanted-1999-RAGEMP3 Geetas-Last Of The Best-1999-CR Geno-Unknown Lifestyle Vol. 1-1999-RAGEMP3 Geto Black-Southern Hospitality-1999-RAGEMP3 GFK featuring Raekwon-Apollo Kids-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU Ghetto Commentary-Make It Hot-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghetto Mafia-Straight From The Dec Vol.1 (The Movie)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghetto Soldiers-Married To The Game-1999-RAGEMP3 Ghostface Killah-Mighty Healthy-VLS-1999-RFL Giantman-Livin on Ej-1999-0MNi Gin-Clean Money-1999-RAGEMP3 Gizza And Tha Whoolgunz-Truballa-1999-RAGEMP3 Gold Rush Entertainment Presents La-Lo-Street Life Volume 1-1999-CR INT Goodie Mob-Chain Swag-Promo CDS-1999-Gully GOTM(Gangstas On The Move)-Comin 4 The Goods-1999-CR Gotti Dog-What You Doin Foe Me-1999-RAGEMP3 GP-Finally-1999-CR Grenade Posse-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Gued 1 (Du Menage A 3)-Les Gens Veulent Largent-(CDM)-FR-1999-O4S Guerilla Maab-Rise-1999-RAGEMP3 Guerilla Maab-Rise-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Guillotine-Death Sentence-1999-RAGEMP3 Gurus Jazzmatazz-Jazzmatazzmixx-1999-DSP GZA-Beneath the Surface-1999-EMG INT gza-beneath the surface-1999-vma Gza-Genius-Beneath The Surface-1999-aPC GZA Genius-Breaker Breaker (Remix)-Promo VLS-1999-CMS Gza Genius Ft RZA-Hip Hop Fury-(Promo-VLS)-1999-JCE H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin-1999-CR H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin-1999-RNS H-Wood-Its Been A Long Time Comin (Radio Edits)-(Promo Vinyl)-1999-RAGEMP3 H.S.E.-Hustlaz Stackin Endz-1999-RAGEMP3 Hakim J Mack-Playalistic-1999-RAGEMP3 Harlem World-I Really Like It-CDM-1999-GCP Harlem World-The Movement-1999-RNS Harvest Hill Entertainment-The Album-1999-RAGEMP3 Heartlez Records-What Ya Know Bout Da South-1999-RAGEMP3 Heavy D-Heavy-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Hell Hole Click Presents-Lost Souls-Let It Ride-1999-RAGEMP3 Hellborn-Hellborn-1999-RAGEMP3 Herculeez and Big Tyme-Chunka Luv-1999-pLAN9 Hillside Hustlas-Part II-1999-RAGEMP3 His-Story-Makin History-1999-RAGEMP3 Hitman Sammy Sam-Last Man Standing(1st Retail Release)-1999-RAGEMP3 Hogstatus Productions-Takin Over-1999-RAGEMP3 Holla Point Deciples-Mississippi Burning BW Bad-(VLS)-1999-RAGEMP3 Holopoint-Pointblank-1999-CR Hot Boys-Guerilla Warfare-1999-RNS Hundred Strong-Strength Of A Hundred-1999-CMS Hustla Orgonization-Organized Hustle-1999-RAGEMP3 Hustler-Life An Times-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 I.B.G.-We Ballin-1999-RAGEMP3 Ice-T-7th Deadly Sin-1999-DeBT iNT Ice T-7th Deadly SIN-1999-RNS Ice Water Slaughter-Life Without Fear-(Promo Vinyl)-1999-RAGEMP3 Ideal J-Hardcore (Feat. Method Man)-CDS-FR-1999-FSP II Sicc-Judgement Day-1999-FTD Illicit Outlook-Too Illicit-1999-CR Illustrate-Focus-1999-RAGEMP3 Impire Family-The Time Is Coming-1999-RAGEMP3 Indangered Species-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Indian Funk Crew-Stayin Real-1999-RAGEMP3 Indo-The Proper Dosage-1999-RAGEMP3 Inner City Clique-Wanna Be Down-1999-RAGEMP3 Insane Clown Posse-Amazing Jeckel Brothers (Retail)-1999-RNS Insane Clown Posse-Psychopathics From Outer Space-1999-tS Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-DeBT iNT Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-EMG INT Insane Clown Posse-The Amazing Jeckel Brothers-1999-TIN Inspectah Deck-Show N Prove (Power of God) Bw Movas And Shakers-1999-0mni Inspectah Deck-Uncontrolled Substance-1999-RNS Inspectah Deck-Uncontrolled Substance (Retail)-1999-RNS Intoxicated-Get Em Put Dat Thang On The Table-CDS-1999-CR Island Boyz Cartel-700 Deep-1999-RAGEMP3 J. Wells-More Than Meets The Eye-1999-CR J.B.-Unda Da Influenced Vol. 1-Purple Cush-1999-CR J.E.T.-American Dream-1999-CR J Billa (Of Tha Nssgs)-Ghostales Untold War Stories-1999-RAGEMP3 J Bond-Paperchase-1999-RAGEMP3 J Flexx-Stayinalive-1999-RAGEMP3 J Smoove-Call Me Up-1999-RAGEMP3 J T Money With Too Short-Something Bout Pimpin-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Ja Rule-Holla Holla-CDM-1999-GCP INT Ja Rule-Venni Vetti Vecci-1999-RNS Ja Rule-Venni Vetti Vecci (Retail)-1999-RNS Jahil Slimm-The Familation-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Jahlani And Chachi-Power Moves-1999-RAGEMP3 Jake The Flake-Mr. Jakafella Vol. 1-1999-RAGEMP3 Jay-Z-Vol.3 Life And Times Of S. Carter-1999-FS Jay-Z-Vol.3 Life And Times Of S. Carter-1999-RNS Jay Dee (The Godfather)-The Life I Live-1999-RAGEMP3 Jay Z-More Money More Cash More Hoes Remix-Vinyl-1999-LiViTY Jayo Felony-Underground-1999-eDm Jaz-Psycotic Murderous Thoughts-1999-CR Jerry G-G Style-Bootleg-1999-RAZAMP3 Jiggs And Cheeks-The Don-1999-RAGEMP3 Joey Badass-1999-WEB-2012-ENRAGED Joey Diamonds-Chapter One Definition Of An MC-1999-RAGEMP3 Joker The Bailbondsman-In Real Life-1999-RAGEMP3 JT Money-Pimpin On Wax-1999-RNS JT Money-Pimpin On Wax-WEB-1999-ESG Jugga the Bully-Bully Izms-EP-1999-CMS Julox - Mr 5150-1999-XXX Juvenile-Being Myself Remixed-1999-aPC Juvenile-Tha G Code-1999-RNS Juvenile-U Understand-CDM-1999-Gully K-Day 2000-The Ultimate Puglist-EP-1999-RAGEMP3 K-Still-Transactions-1999-CR K.C. Redd-Its A G-Thang-1999-RAGEMP3 K Chill And Tetraz-This Is What You Want-1999-RAGEMP3 Kain und Einz-Erfahrungen-EP-DE-1999-SHiVA Kami Kazi-Mr. Extreme-(Bootleg)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kan Kan And Echo-The Kan Kan Meets Echo-(EP)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kane and Abel-Rise To Power-1999-aPC Kane and Abel-Rise To Power-1999-EMG INT Kapital Boyz-Kapital Boyz-1999-CR Katey Redd-Melpomene Block Party-1999-CR INT Keak Da Sneak-Sneakacydal-1999-CR Keeno-Behind Enemy Lines-1999-RAGEMP3 Ken-Eld Och Djupa Vatten-CDS-1999-VFN Kent-Zo--Lolympe-FR-1999-WUS INT Kent-Zo-Lolympe-FR-1999-SO INT Khaalis-From The Roots Of Hip-Hop-(EP)-1999-CRQ Kheops-Sad Hill Impact-FR-1999-iSOCELL Kidrock-The Polyfuze Method Revisited-1999-RNS Kinderzimmer Productions-Die hohe Kunst der tiefen Schlaege-Spec.Edt.-2CD-DE-1999-KrbZ Kinfolxs Klique-Blood Is Thicker Than Water-1999-RAGEMP3 King D-Its About That Time-1999-RAGEMP3 King D.-Executive Decisions-1999-RAGEMP3 King George-War Casualties-1999-CR King J C-Underground Terror-1999-RAGEMP3 King Royal-The Next Nigga On Tha Mic-1999-RAGEMP3 Kingfish-The Boss Of Bosses-(Tape)-1999-RAGEMP3 Kingpin Skinny Pimp-2000 RapDope Game-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Kinto Sol-Self Titled-1999-RAGEMP3 Kinto Sol-Self Titled-(Trackfix)-1999-RAGEMP3 Klassy K-They Call Me Mr. Kinky-1999-RAGEMP3 Klondike Kat-Autobiography Of A Made Man-(Promo)-1999-CR INT Knights Of Bass And Techmaster P.E.B.-Slow Jam Bass II-WEB-1999-ESG Kohndo-Prelude A Lodyssee-(CDEP)-FR-1999-SO Kokane-They Call Me Mr. Kane-1999-RNS Koma-Le Reveil (IMPORT)-FR-1999-224k Kool Keith-Black Elvis Lost in Space-1999-RNS Koopsta Knicca-Da Devils Playground-1999-RNS Koopsta Knicca-Da Devils Playground Underground Solo-1999-FiH iNT Kottonmouth Kings--Hidden Stash-1999-WUS INT Kottonmouth Kings--Stashbox-1999-WUS INT Krayzie Bone-Thug Mentality-2CD-1999-RNS Krayzie Bone-Thug Mentality 1999-2CD-1999-EMG INT Krazee Alley--In Medias Res-FR-1999-WUS Krazy Kay-If Reality Could Rhyme-1999-RAGEMP3 Krazy T-Straight Lace Killa-1999-RAGEMP3 Kung Fu Vampire-Spacebar-WEB-1999-ESG Kurupt-Tha Streetz Iz A Mutha-1999-RNS Kut-N-Kru-Nightbreed-1999-RAGEMP3 Kvee-So Sick-1999-RAGEMP3 La Boussole-On Fait Comme On a Dit-FR-1999-DiN La Brigade-Le Testament-(Reissue)-FR-1999-SO INT La Brigade-Operation Coup De Poing-VLS-FR-1999-CMS La Clinique-Cest Reparti BW 109 Radio-(VLS)-FR-1999-SO La Clinique-La Playa-CDS-FR-1999-SD2T La Cliqua-La Cliqua-FR-1999-SO La K-Bine-La K-Bine-(CDM)-FR-1999-SO La Legion-2eme Versus-FR-1999-128k Lavant Garde - Volume 1-CDM-FR-1999-WZE Lavant Garde - Volume 2-CDM-FR-1999-WZE Lee Majors Side Industry-The Lost Tapes (Million Dollar Classics Volume 1)-WEB-1999-ESG Les Repentis-Une Bombe Apres La Balle-FR-1999-SO INT Les Specialistes-Eponyme-FR-1999-IHH INT Les Specialistes-Les Specialistes-FR-1999-SD2T Les Specialistes-Les Specialistes-FR-1999-SO INT Lessentiel--Le Jour Se Leve-FR-1999-WUS Lighter Shade of Brown-If You Could See Inside Me-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Lil Wayne-Tha Block Is Hot-1999-FaiLED INT Loko-Git Dat Money-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Lord G-Hot Ta Def On Tha Mic Cord-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Lost Boyz-Ghetto Jiggy-CDM-1999-Gully Lost Boyz-Take A Hike-Promo CDS-1999-Gully LP and Quicksilver Cooley-Cha Jammit-Promo CDM-1999-FTD Mac Dre-Mac Dre Serves You the Rompalation 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Mafia Trece-Lenvers Du Decor-(Promo CDS)-FR-1999-SO Mafia Trece-Lever De Rideau-EP-FR-1999-SD2T MBS-Le Micro Brise Le Silence-FR-1999-192k MC Eiht-Section 8-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT menage a 3-vampaia-(vls)-fr-1999-hrs Mercedes-Rear End-Retail-1999-Recycled INT Meshach-Too Deep In The Game-1999-CR Method Man-Alter Ego Remix EP (Japan Import)-1999-CMS Method Man And Redman-Blackout-1999-RNS Missy Elliott-Da Real World (Dirty)-1999-RNS Mista Rodd-Campaigning N Da House-(CDS)-1999-EMG INT Movez Lang-Heritiers de La Rue-FR-1999-192k Mr. Shadow-Till I Die-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT N.A.P.-Le Boulevard Des Reves Brises-(CDEP)-FR-1999-SO INT NAP-Le Boulevard des Reves Brises-FR-1999-128k Nas-I Am The Autobiography-(Bootleg)-1999-GCP Nas-Nastradamus-(CDS)-1999-SO Nastik--Sous Labi Dun Reve-FR-1999-WUS Naughty By Nature-Nineteen Naughty Nine Natures Fury-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Newark Anonymous Clik-Fiendin 2 Get It On-(CDS)-1999-CR Nonfiktion-Creative Differences-Reissue-1999-CR INT Noreaga-Oh No-Promo CDM-1999-GCP Ol Dirty Bastard-Nigga Please-1999-CMS Ol Dirty Bastard-Nigga Please-Reissue-1999-FTD INT Outsidaz-Night Life-1999-EMG INT Pastor Troy-We Ready I Declare War-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Peanut Butter Wolf-Definition Of Ill-WEB-1999-hbZ Petter-Bananrepubliken-1999-wAx Pistol-Ballaholic-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Play-N-Skillz-Texas 2 Da World Vol. 1-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Prodige Namor-Lheure De Verite-FR-1999-MSK Project Pat-Ghetty Green-1999-FiH iNT PSK-13-Pay Like You Weigh-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Public Enemy-Theres A Poison Goin On-1999-DeBT iNT Puff Daddy-Do You Like It Do You Want It-VLS-1999-CMS Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000-(CDM)-1999-R3D INT Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000-Promo CDM-1999-GCP Puff Daddy-P.E. 2000 (CDM)-1999-VMA Puzzle-Puzzle-(Reissue)-FR-1999-SO INT Pymp Tyte-All N Yo Face-1999-CR INT Raekwon-Immobilarity-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Raekwon-Immobilarity (RETAIL)-1999-RNS Raekwon-Live From New York-CDS-1999-TS4L INT Raekwon ft American Cream Team-Giant Size-VLS-1999-JCE Rally Boys-Rally World Vol. 1-1999-CR INT RBX-No Mercy No Remorse The X-Factor-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Revelation--Revelation-FR-1999-WUS Revelation--Revelation-FR-FUCK NUKES-1999-WUS Rocky Padilla-Tribute to the Oldies 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED Rohff-Le Code De Lhonneur-FR-1999-CLASSIC Rohff-Le Code De Lhonneur (Titre Bonus)-CDS-FR-1999-AG Ruff Ryders-Ryde Or Die-Promo CDS-1999-GCP INT RZA-Ghost Dog Score-1999-NOGRP Saian Supa Crew-Saian Supa Crew-(CDM)-FR-1999-SO SAINt JHN-1999-SINGLE-WEB-2016-ENRAGED Sens Unik-Pole-Position-FR-1999-SO INT Shyheim-Manchild-1999-RNS Shyheim-Unconditional Love-(Promo VLS)-1999-FrB Silkk The Shocker-Made Man-1999-FaiLED INT Silkk The Shocker Ft Mystikal-It Aint My Fault 2-Promo CDS-1999-WHOA Slick Rick-Frozen BW Why Why Why-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Snoop Dog-Buck Em BW JT Money-Player Ass Shit-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Snoop Dogg-No Limit Top Dogg-1999-TIN Snoop Dogg Presents Tha Eastsidaz-Gd Up-(CDS)-1999-MTD Snoopdoog Feat Dr Dre and Jewell-Just Dippin-Promo CDS-1999-Gully Sonat-In Da House-1999-CR Spice 1-Immortalized-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Stomy Bugsy-Le Calibre Qu'il Te Faut-FR-1999-128k sunz of man-rosewood bw hells inmates-(vls)-1999-wsd Tear Da Club Up Thugs-CrazyNDaLazDayz-1999-FiH iNT The Best Of-JT Money And The Poisen Clan-WEB-1999-ENRAGED The Black Mob Group-Presents The Capitol-1999-EMG INT The Deffa Heffa-Ghetto Woman (Million Dollar Classics Volume 2)-WEB-1999-ENRAGED The Notorious B.I.G.-Born Again-1999-RNS The Notorious B.I.G.-Born Again (Retail)-1999-RNS The Notorious B.I.G.-Dead Wrong BW Real Niggas-VLS-1999-WCR The Notorious B.I.G.-Rap Phenomenon BW Let Me Get Down-VLS-1999-WCR The Roots-Come Alive - Limited Edition - Enhanced Cd-2CD-1999-RNS The Roots-Things Fall Apart-1999-DeBT iNT The Whoridas-High Times-1999-EMG INT Thieveland-Da Land Of Da Scandalouzz-1999-GCP INT Too Short-Cant Stay Away-1999-FR3SH INT Triple 6 Mafia-Underground Vol 1-1999-FiH iNT Triple Six Mafia-Underground Vol 2 Club Memphis-1999-FiH iNT Tupac featuring The Notorious B.i.g-The Here After-Aim4005CD-CD-1999-XTC iNT U-God-Bizarre-VLS-1999-JCE U-God-Golden Arms Redemption-1999-EMG INT UGK-Trill Azz Mixez-(Bootleg)-1999-CR INT Ul Team Atom-1er Volet-Mixtape-FR-1999-iHH INT VA--Face Cachee De Mars-FR-1999-WUS VA-A Tribute To Tupac-WEB-1999-ESG VA-Alkamic Inc-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU VA-Cornerstone Mixtape Volume 5-2CD-1999-Gully VA-DJ Clue-You Cant Impeach The President 99-1999-GCP INT VA-DJ Premier-Greatest Hits-1999-128k VA-DJ Screw-Chapter 103-Popped Up Sittin Low-Bootleg-2CD-1999-FiH VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 5-1999-CMS VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 6-1999-CMS VA-Dusty Fingers Vol. 7-1999-CMS VA-East Sides Most Wanted Volume One-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-East Sides Most Wanted Volume Two-WEB-1999-ESG VA-Hell On The Pacific (Compilation)-WEB-1999-ENRAGED VA-Hot 97 Taking it to Da Streets-Bootleg-1999-Gully VA-Into The Groove Vol 24-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 25-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 26-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 27-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 29-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 31-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 32-1999-SO INT VA-Into The Groove Vol 33-1999-SO INT VA-J Prince Presents R.N.D.S.-Promo CDS-1999-CR VA-La Cosca et Les Turntable Dragunz-(Promo)-FR-1999-SO VA-La Rapublique Francaise-FR-1999-SO INT VA-Latino Gangster Rappers-Retail-1999-Recycled INT VA-Masters Of The Game-1999-EMG INT VA-Mob Tales-1999-EMG INT VA-Murder Dog Magazine Presents Southern Xxx-Posure-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-Original Bombattak Atlantide (Mixe Par DJ Nels)-(TAPE)-FR-1999-SO VA-Rap Wars-FR-1999-SO VA-Sick Wid Its Greatest Hits-1999-EMG INT VA-Southern Hospitality (Hosted By Luscious Ice)-1999-EMG INT VA-Straight From The Streetz The Houston Hard Hitters Vol.2 The Soundtrack-1999-FrB VA-The Wicked Streets of Chi-The First Episode-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA-Turf Stories-1999-EMG INT VA-West Coast Trippin 2-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT VA - Ruffhouse Records - Greatest Hits-CD-1999-ADR Warren G-I Want It All-1999-SO INT Warren G-I Want It All-CDS-1999-GCP What You Want-The Roots featuring Jaguar-12Inch Vinyl-1999-2TU INT Wu-Tang Clan-Chronicles-1999-GMZ Wu-Tang Clan-Classic Instrumentals-Bootleg-1999-TS4L INT Wu-Tang Clan-Shaolin Worldwide-(Promo-VLS)-1999-JCE Wu-Tang Clan-The RZA Hits-1999-EMG iNT Wu Syndicate-Bust A Slug-(Promo VLS)-1999-PROXY X-Raided-The Unforgiven Vol 1-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT Young Bleed-My Own-1999-EMG INT Young Ren-Undaground Mailroad-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Young Ren And Doja Clik-Underground Mailroad-WEB-1999-ENRAGED iNT Premium Reseller
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Quake - the big one (1998 [inglewood, ca] M.c. Shy-d - groove (benz 1990) M.c. Spade - you betta recognize (n.o.) (1996) M.c. Twist - step-off 1990 M.c.12 - kackies 2 my knees [1995 memphis,tn] M.c.12 - kackies 2 my knees [memphis,tn 199..) 1 track M.g.b. - nowhere to run [pontiac, mi. 1999] M.g.m. Gran - caught in the act [1998] M.i.p. (mac's in progress) - alwayzinprogress (1994) M.i.p. (mac's in progress) - strictly 4 da trench (1993) M.i.p.(macs in progress)-151 task (1994) M.i.p.(macs in progress)-strictly 4 da trench (1993) M.j. Freeze - catch the contact (vinyl,12 199. Sac, ca)) M.j. Freeze - naked rabbit (vinyl,12 199. Sac, ca)) M.j. Freeze - sidin' (vinyl,12 1989 sac, ca)) M.n.l.d. - ghetto media (2001) (denver, co) M.o.b. & p.b.c. Presents- made of brown & proud by choice 2006 M.o.b.b. F.a.m.i.l.e. Download lmms for windows. - chronicles vol. Ii mic checkin (1999 denver,co) M.o.e. money - mainza yero (rich warrior) (2003 berkeley,ca) M.o.p. - how about some hardcore (vinyl 12', 1993) M.o.p. - rugged neva smoove (12') M.o.p. - stick to ya gunz (vinyl,12 (promo) 1996 M.s.b. - underground chronicles (1997) (memphis, tn) M.t.c.- on top of thangz M.u.c.h. Posse - rollin wit much posse (1992) houston,tx M.v.p.(a.k.a.the click) - the kings men 1988 M-1 - rage ep 1993 (detroit, mi) M-4 sers - i am a star (1987) M-4-sers-one nation-full-12 Mac bonez - skeletonz in the closet (1996 antioch, ca) Mac boo-rue - west coast offense (2002 santa monica,ca) Mac brown - put your butt down (1993 new orleans, la) Mac clan - livin the life (san francisco, 1993) Mac dash mone - angels are you there (1997) (oakland, ca) Mac dre - california livin' 1991 Mac dre - young black brotha 1993 Mac fleet - right on time (1994) (oakland, ca) Mac fleet - right on time (tape only) -1994 (oakland, california) (cash n records) Mac mall - ghetto theme (12) 1994 Mac mill - one mill yon (ep) - 1995 Mac shawn - music fo tha mobb 1997 Mac t - retaliation (1995) Mac t presents it's blood on'nis money (1999) Mac t- retaliation - 1995 Mac ten - the whole tens yards (grand rapids, mi)[1993] Mac v - squash the funk (2000 denver, colorado) Mac v - squash the funk (2000) Mac_mall_-_illegal_businness_1993.zip Mac-e - da nu boi (memphis, tn 2004) Mace - the fatal lapse - 1995 Machos - 1 gramm arany Mack 10 - bang or ball 2001 Mack 10 - foe life (the best of mack 10) Mack 10 - ghetto gutter & gangsta Mack 10 - hustlas handbook 2005 Mack 10 - mack 10 (1995) Mack 10 - paper route 2000 Mack 10 - the recipe Mack 10 & tha dogg pound - nothin but the cavi hit (cds, 1996) Mack da maniac - what goes up - fuck that shit (tape) (1995) Mack da maniak - loco motive 1995 Mack lew - living up to my rep (oakland, 1993) Mack lew - music 4 da late night (oakland, 1994) Mackadelics - exposed to the game (1996) Mackadelics - power of a playa (cds 1997) Mad cj mac - come and take a ride (1995) Mad cj mac - platinum game 1999 Mad cj mac- true.game.1995[south.central.los.angeles,.ca] Mad daddy's old school classics-full-12 Mad decent worldwide radio #30- bounce it Mad dog clique - just mad dog'n it [1996] Mad drauma - flip personality bw blow up da spot (vinyl,12 1994) Mad flava - feel tha flava (vinyl,12, 1993) Mad flava - from da ground unda 1994 Mad flava - to tha break -gotz ta flow to this (test pressing) Mad lad - night 2000 (1998 los angeles, ca] Mad man shawn -the east comin' is thru ep 199 Mad mone - the maddening (1997 lansing, mi) Mad mone - the maddening (1997, lansing, mi) Mad norm - can i hit it (1995) [south central] Mad skillz - ghost writer (vinyl,12', 2000) Mad skillz - it's goin' down [vinyl,12 1996] Mad skillz - it's goin down' single 1996 Mad skillz - move ya body bw va. In the house (vinyl,12 1995) Mad wisdom - this is one crazy muthafucka (dallas,tx 1996) Madd blunted - a day in the life of 1995 Madd hatta - all about me (houston, 1995) Madd hatta - serious 1995 (houston, 1995) Madd mann killa - killa comin at 'cha - 1998 - nls (madduzic records) (gary, indiana) Madd_rapper_-_tell_em_why_you_mad_2000 Maddi madd - a million wayz 1998 Made men - classic limited edition 1999 Madface - black attracts heat (1995) Madflowas - enter the realm pt.1 (1996) Madstyle - bloodrush 1994 Maestro fresh-wes - symphony in effect 1989 Mafia - causin' pain (1994 tape) nola Mafia - criminal personality - 1995 [nv] Mafia causin pain - das real [tape] (1995) [new orleans, la] Mafia genie - mafia me (1999) Mafia genie - mafia me (texas) 1999 Mafioso chapter-crime family 12' '96[akutt] Mafioso crime family - flossin' (vinyl,12 1997) Mafiosos - fo tha money - 1996 (dead eye records) (richmond, ca) Mafiosos - take cover - 1995 Mag - hustlaz heaven (1998 michigan) Maggozulu too - we've come to rock - 1989 Magic juan - still clueless (vinyl 12, 1995) Magic mike - old game with a new twist (1996, richmond,ca) Magical so-i brothas - the beginning (1996) Magnetic force - 12-52-365 (1989) Magnificent three and fearless master - crush (vinyl,12', 1984) Magnolia shorty - monkey on tha d$ck 1997 Main one - birth of the ghetto child [1995] Main one ft trigger tha gambler & smoothe da hustler - something special bw cross examination Main source - (1991) - just hangin' out (vinyl, 12') Main source - (1992) - fakin' the funk (vinyl, 12') Main source - looking at the front door (vinyl) (1990) Main source- peace is not the word to play Maja $crill - big shady (1997) (kansas city, mo) Maja scrill - big shady (1997, missouri) Majestic productions - take it to the breakin' point 12'(ur 927-1987)(urban rock records) Majestic productions - we can do this 1987 Major bank - life after death (1995) [atlanta, ga] Major damage - sho nuff real (1997) (minnesota) Major damage - sho nuff real (1997) [st paul, mn] Major league phalayaz - gangstaz n da playin phield (1997) (phoenix, az) Major weight media - music speaks lourder (1997) (seattle, wa) Major weight muzic - east on 80 (1999) (nv) Major weight muzic - east on 80 (1999, from las vegas nevada) Majors - majors (2008, australia) Makeba & skratch - mental fitness 1991 Malachi - the 2nd coming (1997) [chicago] Malcolm mclaren - buffalo gals double dutch [12in] (1982) Malcolm_mclaren_-_d_ya_like_scratchin___charisma_1983 Malis- 16 switches lp (south central,la 1995) Man from u.n.c.l.e. - annihilating rhythm (area code) (1989) Man parrish - boogie down (vinyl,12 1984) Man parrish - hey there, home boys 85 Man parrish featuring freeze force - boogie down (bronx) (sugarscoop 1984) Maniac - 2deep 2peep (1994)(compton, ca) Maniac mc - problem child (2000 chicago, il) Maniacal one - who am i' (1987 compton,ca) 1 track Maniak lok - on the block (94) Manish mike - forever living manish 1997 Mann - opposition 2004 Mannish - audio sedative 1995 Manrtonix - in full effect 1988 Manslotta - west up muthaphukazz (1996 tape) oaktown Mantronix - ladies (12 inch) (1986) Marc live - validation attack of the grunge 2004 Mark b presents task 4orce - new mic order (uk)(1999) Mark d & the o.c.c. - sadistic journal [oakland, ca] [1997] Mark dee - all in a day's work 1990 Marked for death soundtrack (1990) Markey fresh - the mack of rap 1989 Marlon money - ghetto life (2001 oakland,ca) Marlon money - let em know (1995 oakland,ca) Marlon money - mean joe green (2002 oakland,ca) Marlon money - misterous wayz (oakland,ca 2003) Marquise porter - porter house 2006 Maruader & the fury-get loose mother goose-full-12 - 1987 Marvelous j.c. & the unique force - thank full Marvin lee - da ghetto raised me (1996) Mask murda' mafia' - mynistry thee obituary (1998) [gary, indiana] Masked assassinz - gates of hell - (orlando, fla 1999) Maspyke - the gong show (vinyl,12 2000)) Mass 187 - 187thugs [2000] Mass 187 - krooked city Mass 187 - real trues paying dues Massive ring - middle east (vinyl, 12- 1993) 2 tracks Masta ace - take a look around Masta ace incorporated - sittin' on chrome Masta killa - made in brooklyn 2006 Masta killa - made in brooklyn Masta_ace_and_baldhead_slick-conflict_vls-2000-cms Masta_ace_and_stricklin-the_hitman_bw_just_get_down-vls-2006-c4 Masta_ace_incorporated_bw_pharcyde-summa_madness_remixes-(vls)-1993-jce Masta_ace_incorporated-sittin_on_chrome-1995-osr Masta_ace_incorporated-slaughtahouse-(vls)-1993-jce Masta_ace_incorporated-slaughtahouse-1993-apc Masta_ace_incorporated-the_i.n.c._ride-(full_vls)-1995-jce Masta_ace_inc-turn_it_up-vls-1996-cms Masta_ace-a_long_hot_summer-2004-mob_int Masta_ace-acknowledge_(boogie_man_diss)-2001-apc Masta_ace-archives_inc-bootleg-vls-2002-ftd Masta_ace-brooklyn_blocks_(vinyl_single)-2000-ftd Masta_ace-cars-vls-1998-ftd Masta_ace-da_grind-vls-2004-b2r Masta_ace-dont_understand_(pump_it_like_this)_(12_inch)-2001-ego Masta_ace-dont_understand_bw_acknowledge-vls-2001-mc Masta_ace-favorite_trackz-2004-ftd Masta_ace-ghetto_like-vls-2000-cms Masta_ace-good_ol_love_bw_the_ways-vls-2004-c4 Masta_ace-grand_masta_(the_remix_and_rarity_collection)-2006-c4 Masta_ace-hits_u_missed_2-2004-ftd Masta_ace-hits_u_missed-2004-cms Masta_ace-jeep_ass_niguh-saturday_nite_live_(vls)-1992-whoa Masta_ace-lost_remixes_and_b-sides_ep-2002-ego Masta_ace-movin_on-remix-vls-1990-cms Masta_ace-music_man-vls-1990-cms Masta_ace-rip_the_jacker_(presented_by_omnious)-(remix-ep)-2005-vinyl Masta_ace-spread_it_out-vls-2000-ddc_int Masta_ace-take_a_look_around-1990-rfl Masta_ace-the_best_of_cold_chillin-2001-ego Masta_ace-the_best_of_master_ace-1995-dsp Masta_ace-the_lost_tapes-2001-ego Masta_killa-iron_god_chamber-vls-2007-ftd Mastamind - lickkuiddrano ep (1995) motown Master p - jack of the jackers-(tape)-1991 Master cylinder - your missions impossible - it's rhythm 1988 Master gee - do it (full 12-1985 Master o.c. & krazy eddie - masters of the scratch (12 inch) (1984) Master o.c. & krazy eddie - private lessons (12 inch) (1985) Master o.c. & krazy eddie ft peso and tito of the fearless four - masters of the scratch (1984) Master o.c. & krazy eddie ft peso and tito of the fearless four - private lessons (1985) Master p - im going big time (tape single 1992) Master p - mamas bad boy (1992) Master p - trust no body (1993) Master p - trust no body (tape single 1993) Master p fallen angels Master rappers - poverty (vynil,12)1981 Master_ace-i_got_ta-vls-1990-jce Master_ace-me_and_the_biz-vls-1990-rfl Masters of ceremony - dynamite (1988) Mausberg - non fiction 2000 Maximus iii - rock it out (12 inch) (1982) Mayhemm - global mayhemm - 1997 Mayjor playahz - 19 ninety playah ha8te (sacramento, ca 1997) Maz kunfuzun - face da funk (1996 - texas) Mb - paper chase- (ep)-1996 Mc 900 ft jesus - one step ahead of the spider 1994 Mc 900 ft jesus - welcome to my dream 1991 Mc a.d.e. - an all out bash (1991) Mc a.d.e. - how much can you take (4-sight records, 1989) Mc a.d.e. And posse - just somethin' to do (1987) Mc ant - dancefloor [raw dog, 1989, full 12] Mc ant - the great (1989) Mc b & disco t - get nasty express (1992 dade county, fl) Mc bam bam - wind me up 88 Mc black - smoothtalk cassingle (nola 1994) 1 track Mc blvd - i remember you homie (1997) Mc boo & the crew - outta gas - 1993 Mc boob - do the fila and the peewee dance (1986 t Mc boob aka steady b - yo mutha (vinyl,12 1986) Mc breed - to da beat ch'all (1996) Mc candy man - money talks Mc capers - reality (beautiful sounds records 1986).mp3 Mc chief---beef box.mp3 Mc chile & the koncrete jungo - everything you wanted to know about compton..but was too Mc chill - bust this rhyme (vinyl 12', 1985) Mc chill - mc chill (1986) Mc chill - mc story 86 Mc cool rock and mc chaszy chess - boot the booty (vinyl, 12 1987) Mc dice - down for my crown (1995 taperip) Mc dice - down for my crown-1997 Mc dice aka dice - scratavachi (1999 new orleans, la) Mc don and ez ed 1988 zakia Mc dr.'t' - i don't want to be late!]--[dtt 142]--[dr.'t' tunes-1986]-- Mc drew - big nut's bw take no prisonerns (vinyl,12 1988) Mc duke - organised rhyme (1989) Mc duke - the final conflict (vinyl,12 1990) Mc ec - beauty and the beat (vocal).mp3 Mc ec - girl you aint no vanessa.mp3 Mc eiht - affiliated Mc eiht - geez make the hood go round (cds) Mc eiht - streiht up menace (12') Mc eiht feat daz - hit the floor 1997 Mc ez & troup - just rhymin' , get retarded 1988 Mc flash-the whop (jam-all promo) full 12 (1985, philly) Mc fresh c-my brougham-full-12 Mc general lee - can you handle it (general) - 1986 Mc general lee - can you handle it (vinyl,12 1986] Mc groove -this is for suckers (1990) Mc hammer - active duty (2001) Mc hammer - look 3x 2006 Mc hammer - turn this mutha out & ring 'em (12-inch) (1988) Mc holiday - gucci man (vinyl, 12 1986) Mc j ro j - ain't nuthin nice (nola 1988) Mc jazzy jeff - real hip hop my man (pow wow-430-1988) Mc j'ro'j - let's jump (rosemont, illinois, 1988)track 2 Mc kooley 'c' & dj kj - our time has come 1988 Mc l - keep steppin 1997 ward (1997) Mc luscious - lollypop the album (1995) Mc mack - macknificent 2003 (memphis,tn) Mc mack - pimpin as a mack (1995)(memphis, tn) Mc mell -o - mell 'o' gone crazy 12' (1992) Mc mell'o' - thoughts released [revelation 1](1990) Mc miker g & deejay sven - holiday rap (12 inch) (1986) Mc money & gangsta gold - heart of frayser 1993 Mc money and gangsta gold - da hard on frayser (1993, memphis, tn) Mc mr tink - quest for survival (vinyl rip) Mc nas-d & dj freaky fred - it's my cadillac (1992) Mc nas-d & dj fred - gold diggin' girls (vinyl,12 1992) Mc nero baby - i gotta lotta respect- da album (1996) Mc overlord - a better funk (1995) (austin, tx) Mc price & dj double trouble - my life story (vinyl,12 1991) Mc rell & the houserockers - into the future - 1989 Mc ren - renincarnated (2003) Mc ren - may day on the front line (vinyl, 12, promo 1993) Mc ren - may day on the front line [vls] 1993 Mc ren - renincarnated (promo) - 192 Mc ren - ruthless 4 life 1998 Mc ren - shock of tha hour 1993 Mc ren & jon doe - renincarnated (2003) Mc renegade - wabbit (full 12') Mc rod - life's a bitch (1993 houston,tx) Mc rod - life's a bitch (1993) Mc serch - (1987) - hey boy! (12') Mc serch - (1992) - back to the grill (12') Mc serch - (1992) - daze in a weak (12', promo) Mc serch - (1992) - here it comes (cd, single) Mc serch - (1992) - here it comes bw back to the grill (12') Mc serch - back to the grill (1992) Mc serch - here it comes (cd promo single) Mc serch - here it comes 12 Mc serch - return of the product 1992 Mc shan - down by law Mc shan - pee-nile reunion - don’t call it a comeback (vinyl 12', 1993 Mc shan - pee-nile reunion bw don't call it a comeback Mc shan - play it again,shan 1990 Mc shy d - commin' correct in '88 (luke skyywalker rec. - 1988) Mc shy d - got to be tough 1987 Mc shy d - tearin' it up 1987 Mc skat kat & the stray mob - skat strut (1991) Mc smart - straight from the south - 1991 Mc spice - don't treat your girly like a dog (vinyl,12 1988) Mc spud - gettin blowed (1997, nola) Mc spud - the undertaker (1996, nola) Mc spud & dj def - holla if ya hear me (199.nola) 1 track and bonus Mc spud & dj def - holla if ya hear me (1993, 1 track) Mc sugar ray & stranger d - knock 'em out sugar ray 1989 Mc tee & lord tasheem - gangster nine (vinyl,12 1988) Mc thick - now whatcha think (1996 new orleans,la) Mc thick - now whatcha think new orleans, 1996 Mc thick - the show ain't over till the fat man swings 1993 Mc tony tee & dj sammy sam - get busy (vinyl,12 1986] Mc twelve gauge - oaktown criminals - 1991 Mc twist - bad influence 1990 Mc twist - mvp 1998 Mc twist & the def squad - comin' thru like warriors (vinyl,lp 1989) Mc twist & the def squad - comin' thru like warriors [1989] Mc twist & the def squad - just rock - (vinyl,12')1987 Mc. Jr. Cas - born 2 flow (1991) Mc. T.n.t. - bustin out (vinyl, 12 1987-88) Mc_breed_-_funkafied_-_1994 Mc_eiht_-_affiliated_2006 Mc_eiht_-_section_8_1999 Mc_eiht_-_underground_hero_2002 Mc_eiht-representin-2007-rns Mc_flex___the_fbi_crew_-_rockin__it_1984 Mc_ren_-_kizz_my_black_azz Mc_ren_-_the_villain_in_black__1996 Mc_sayrie_-_nosy_people_1984 Mc_shan_-_down_by_law_1987 Mc_shan_-_the_best_of_cold_chillin Mcgruff - before we start bw gruff express (vinyl,12 1997) Mcgruff - destined to be 1998 Mcgruff - harlem kids get biz (vinyl,12 promo) Mcgruff - make it hot (vinyl,12 1996) Mcgruff - many know (vinyl,12 1998) Mcgruff - villain guys (vinyl,12) Mcg'z - 53 chambers of danger (199..gary, in) Mci (master of conversation inc.) - commandments (vinyl,12 1984] Mcjx - black in time (1990) (chicago, illinois) Mc's of rap - ain't no stoppin us now 1988 Mc's of rap - got to be funky 1990 Mddl fngz - trouble (2000) Mddl fngz - trouble 2000 M-doc - it's a summer thang 1994 Mds productions - because i'm a pro Me & my cousin - international 1996 Me & my cousin - let your rhymes run (1994 tape) oaktown Me & my cousin - smooth (vinyl, 12' 1996) Me and my cousin - international (1996) Meance to society - life of a real one (1993 inkster-detroit, michigan) Mecca machete - can i touch somethin (1999, denver) Meen green - the smoking section (1998) Megadons - i got your back (1995) (meadows music) (cleveland, oh) Melle mel & whipper whip - live on the westwood show Melle mel and furious 5 - piano (1989) Melle mel and scorpio - right now (1997) Mello p - pamoja tutashinda (1997 fort worth, tx) Mello tone tee - get with the five (vinyl,12 1989) Mello tone tee - mission is possible (full 12) 1988 Mello tone tee - mission is possible (vinyl,12 1988) Mello-mackin-d & mr. Stretch - back to school Mello-mar - say goodbye to a.p.g. (oakland, 1993) Mel-low - it's a b.g. Thang (life of a youngster) (1995) Mellow man ace - escape from havana 1989 Mellow man ace - linda (vls) 1992 Mellow man ace - mentirosa - 1990 Mellow man ace - rhyme fighter (vinyl 12', 1989) Mellow man ace - the brother with two tongues (1992) Mellow man ace - vengo a cobrar-2004 Melly mel - the mad scientest (1998) (stockton, ca) Melo-d - let it ride - 1993 (little rock,ar) Melo-d - let it ride (1993) tape - little rock, ar) Meltdown - no risk no reward (2004, alabama) Men of the hour - cop's aint shit 2 me bw psycho (vinyl,12 1991) Menace - take it how ya wanna (2000 new orleans, la) Menace clan - da hood [1995] Menace ii society (ost) Menace to society - in a state of emergency (1992) (tape) Menace to society - life of a real one 1993 Menace to society - pure & uncut (1996 inkster, michigan) Menace to society - situation critical (2000)[inkster, mi] Menaceter g - life in the city of chicago (1993 chicago) Me-naj-ah-twa - cha-licious (1994) Men-e-faces - reincarnation [2001 memphis, tn] Mental ward click-retribution(memphis, 1997) Mentally dasturbed - life of a criminal (flint, mi)[1993] Mercedes (4) - rear end 1999 Merlin - born free 1988 Merlin - merlin 1991 (uk) Mersinary thuggz - tyme 2 shine (2000, from gary indiana) Mersinary thuggz - tyme 2 shyne (2000, gary, indiana) Mersonary killaz - blood thirsty (199. Detroit, mi) Mersonary killaz - eastside desperados (1998) [detroit, mi] Mesanjarz of funk - mesanjarz of funk [1993] Mesanjarz of funk - mesanjarz of funk 1993 Messy marv - messy situation 1996 Method man - tical 1994 Method man - tical 2000 judgement day (instrumental lp)-1998 Method man , gza - uh-huh (remix) , fame (remix) Method man feat. Mary j. Blige - i'll be there for you_you're all i need to get by cd maxi single Method_man_and_redman_-_how_high_ost.zip Method_man-blunt_force_vol_1_mixtape-(bootleg)-2006-rrt Mettaforic - premonitionz (1998) dallas Mf boys - back in the days 1989 Mf991 - idol the bloodsport 1993 Mg & scott rock - how many haterz (1999) memphis,tn Mhisani (aka goldy - call it like i see it (1991) Miami boyz - getting off 1988 Miami boyz - the outlawed bass (1992) Mic cain - a little poetry (vinyl,12')1989 Mic fox and queing with q93 - ya boy wild wayne (199.nola) 1 track Mic geronimo - it's real (1994) Mic geronimo - the natural (1995) Mic geronimo - vendetta (1997) Mic geronimo-it's real remixes promo '95[akutt] Michael b. & roger - telling the truth (vinyl,12 1985) Michael peace - rrrock it right (1987) lp Micky slick - hardcore (vinyl,12 1984] Microphone prince - trunk of funk (1993) Microphone terrorists - no food (vinyl,12 1996) Mid-atlantic hip hop volume 4 (1992-2001) Midknight thuggs- livin a thug life chicago 97 Midnight star & whodini-don't rock the boat 1988 Midnite rydaz - reinvention (compton,ca 2009) Midwest funk - vol.3 columbus,oh (1999) Midwest killaz - welcome to the section (2000, flint) Midwest m.a.f.i.a - mission annihilating fake individuals anywhere (1997) Midwest mafia - 93102 hellrose - 1996 (cleveland, ohio) Midwest playaz - purgatory (1996) kansas city Mighty b-force - we got you rockin it (vinyl,12 1987] Mighty rock - life's a struggle (vinyl,12 1985) Miilkbone - da miilkcrate (1995) Miilkbone - keep it real, how ya like it (vinyl, 12') [1995] Mik - uncut (2003 stockton, ca, 2 track) Mike & pepeu - sebastian boys rap (1 track 1986 brazilia)) Mike e - good news for the bad timez (1992) Mike e - pass it on (1995) Mike g - 414 ridaz (1998) (milwaukee, wi) Mike gee - mike gee's limit (1987, pow-pow) Mike gee - rappers revenge . 12 inch vocal (1984)(1 track) Mike zoot - chessbumpin (vinyl,12 (199x) Mikey d & the la posse - i get rough 86 Mikey d & the la posse - out of control 1988 Militia - militia (los angeles,1998) Milk dee ft king ad rock spam '94 Milkman - reminice ep (1996 tape) oaktown Million dollar dream - return of the high powered double album (1997) Million dollar dream presents 1st og compilation (1996) Mill-town hustlas - just anotha hustle (milwaukee & wisconsin 2001) Mind over body - un-x-pected - (1996,st louis,missouri) Minds of mischief - unexpected changes (1998, houston texas) Minds of the hood - straight from the bushes (1994 greenwood) Minds of the hood - straight from the bushes (1994)[greenwood, sc] Minister k.b. - when i was alive ep 2000 (mobile, al) Minnesota threat - midwest madness (2002 minnesota) Minnesota threat - rough cut (1994-98 minnesota) Minnesota threat - rough cut (1998, from minneapolis minnesota) Misery- it's going down (2001) (indianapolis, indiana) Mission control presents - unconscious mcs (mood) bw millionaires (talib kweli) (vinyl,12 2000) Mississippi down south playaz - playaz mentality (1999) Mississippi mafia - another murder (1997) Mississippi mafia - southern funk (1996) Mississippi mud - southern kaos [1999,jackson,ms] 1 track Mista bossmann - pimp or die (1995)frisco Mista cavi - raw & uncut (los angeles) 2002) 1 track Mista grimm - situation grimm (1994) Mista humble - humbleizm - 1996 (oakland) Mista humble - humbleizm (1996 oakland,ca) Mista lanse - lyrical blues - 1998 (carson, ca) Mista meaner - winners & losers [vinyl,12 199..) Mistachuck ( chuck-d) - ali rap Mistah bello - daddy on the run 1994 Mistah_f.a.b_-_nig-latin_2002.zip Mix master spade & compton posse - genius is back (1988) Mix master spade - compton's in effect (promo l.a. Posse rec. - 1989) Mixmasta d - turntable scientist ep (vinyl, ep 1993) Miz korona - game over ep Mizta sandman - don't sleep (1997, denver,co) Mizta sandman -don't sleep [1997] Mmg 2 black 2 strong - across the 110 (1991)(harlem,ny) Mmg 2 black 2 strong - burn baby burn - 1990 Mmg 2 black 2 strong - doin' hard time on planet earth - 1991 Mnm presents the funk squad compilation (1998) [watts, ca] Mnmsta (foesum) - walk in my shoes (2004) Mo game - game affiliation (2000 hayward, ca) Mob affilliated - trippin off life(chicago, il 1999) Mob axshin - no morals (2000 chicago) Mob town hustlers - influenced by a life of crime (1999) Mobb deep - cop - 1997 Mobb deep - cop hell (primo remix) (unreleased 1992 Mobb deep - infamy 2001 Mobb deep - juvenile hell 1993 Mobb deep - peer pressure (1992) Mobb deep - pre-hell ep (vinyl) (1996) -2007- Mobb deep - pre-infamous demo tracks Mobb deep - shook ones pt.1 (beatnuts remix) Mobb deep - temperature's rising bw give up the goods (vinyl, 12 - 1995) Mobb deep - tha infamous Mobb deep ft. Onyx - qb meets south suicide 1998 Mobb deep, big noyd & roxanne shante - we live this (2000) Mobb tyght hustlers - s.t (´95, seattle) Mobb unit - brain dead [vallejo, 1997] Mobb_deep-drop_a_gem_on_em_vinyl_promo-apc Mobb_deep-hell_on_earth-vls-1996-cms Mobb_deep-peer_pressure-vls-1992-cms Mobb_deep-shook_ones_part_2-vls-1995-qke Mobb_deep-still_shinin-promo-vls-1996-cms Mobb'in - w-da flat foot hustlers (1998 dallas, tx) Mobo click - a brand new funk (199.) Mobo joe - federalli (nola,2004) Moe (the terrible) - be afraid! (flint, mi)[1995] Moe man - straight real (1996) (santa rosa,bay area) Moebadis & snake - stock-n-bondz (2002 detroit) Moebadis & snake - thug'z millenium (detroit 2000) Mojack daniels - mojack daniels-1996-cr (sacramento) Mo-jo - battmann let mo-jo handle it (vinyl,12 1982] Mojo magazine - music guide vol. 2 - roots of hip hop Mojoe - classic ghetto soul (2003 san antonio, tx) Mojoe - dirty gene-single track (texas 2009) Moment of impact - it's crazy (199x looks midwest) 1track Money black - smashin' dem boyz (2000)(houston,tx) Money earnin crew - stars are shinin (b boy 1988) Money mall - outta sight outta mind (indianapolis, in 2001) Money miles - dirty money (2000, los angeles california) Money_gang_-_bang_fo_bread_2005.zip Monzie d. & too quick - intelligence (vinyl,12 1983) Monzie-d & too quick - intelligence (12-inch) 1983 Mood - hustle on the side (vinyl 12' ,90's Mood - hustle on the side (vinyl,12 1995 ohio) Mooke dog - straight from da d (1997 detroit Mooke dogg - war time (1998) (detroit, mi) Mooke dogg - war time [detroit,michigan] [1998] Mop top - forever (verbal assault) (feat. Nine) bn i'm alright (1996) Morocco moe - (1988) - crack alley (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - i rest my case (mo roc productions).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - reality (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - task (mo roc productions).mp3 Morocco moe - (1988) - x-tremely dangerous (def turntable).mp3 Morocco moe - task (full 12') 1988 Morocco moe - task bw i rest my case (vinyl,12 1988 sf,ca) Moss - erb-n-reality (flint, mi)[1995] Mossberg - ashes 2 ashes dus 2 dus (1996, from little rock arkansas) Most ill crew - ill funk fl - oz and trax [columbus, oh. 1996] Most loon strnjas - stranja stories (1999, san jo,ca) Most valuable payers - the game of life (1997) Most wanted - make it happen 1993 Most wanted posse - it was a westbank thang (´92, nola) Motor city crew - let's break (12 inch) (1983) Movement ex - movement ex [1990] Mr dalicks - my struggles 2000 ( las vegas ) Mr dividenz - tha dolla bill (1998 oakland,ca) Mr freeze & the homewreckers - cold wave of terror (1994) Mr joker - the inside man (2009 hungary) Mr joshay - 21st krunk st (1998, san antonio) Mr magic's rap attack - volume 1 Mr money loc - imma rolla (1997) (cleaveland) Mr nastee nass - northern exposure (1997 ohio) 1 track Mr nastee nass - northern exposure (ohio) Mr peter parker presents how hard do you hustle vol 7 (2009) Mr shysty - the gatherin 19shysty7 (1998) (cleveland, ohio) Mr sinista - state of grace (1999) [chicago, il] Mr something something & ikwunga the afrobeat poet - deep sleep (2007) Mr. Amc & lil' c - breakadawn (1998, oakland,ca) Mr. C and dirty red - southern ballas (1999 new orleans,la) Mr. Complex - the complex catalog (2000) Mr. Criminal - love letters (2009) Mr. Criminal - organized crime (2006) Mr. D. Original - 3 joints ep [ep -ldqz- 1997] Mr. D. Original - now you da man-five feet deep [12inch -ldqz- 1995] Mr. D.o.g.- gettin' paid (1995,tacoma,wa) Mr. Do it to death - the life [tale of a rapper]--2000--milwaukee, wi Mr. Doctor - bloccstyle (remixes) Mr. Doctor featuring brotha lynch hung - bloccstyle (sacramento, ca)[1995] Mr. Dog - wet (1998,tacoma,wa) Mr. Fox - smooth talk 1980 Mr. Grass - bout 2 go down [2000, milwaukee] Mr. Hershey #1 - pimpology (1996) [omaha, ne] Mr. Hershey #1 - southside balla (1996) [omaha, ne] Mr. Hyde - the witch- hyde's beat (vynil,12) 1987 Mr. Iroc - finally on tha map (1996) [phoenix, az] Mr. Jekel - twisted reality (2000 los angeles, ca) Mr. Keal aka kill kill - conspiracy 2 sale - 2007 Mr. Know it all and the esence of(ep) [tacoma,wa1999] Mr. Ku - confeshun 2 da street 1996 Mr. Lee - get busy (1990) Mr. Live - placebo (vinyl,12 1997) Mr. Live & tony bones - the bus' off [ep 1997] Mr. Live feat. Tony bones - the bus off (vinyl,12 1998) Mr. Loco clown - jealous ep (1996) (east palo alto, ca) Mr. Low kash 'n da shady bunch - r.i.p [vinyl,12 1995] Mr. Magic - potential 1980 (12 Mr. Magic - rappin' with mr. Magic 79 Mr. Magic's rap attack vol. 3 1997 Mr. Malik - malik goes on (vinyl 12', 1995) Mr. Money loc - no fear, no pain [cleaveland - 1996] Mr. Monsta aka mr. 781 gotti - capo'z 2 don'z 1998 denver Mr. Mostafah - rags to riches (1997 stockton,ca) Mr. Mostafah - rags to riches (199x) [stockton, ca] Mr. Mr. Rell - playaphernali (1997) Mr. Nitro - hustlin pays (2002 oklahoma) Mr. P - roller skate rap Mr. Pookie - return of tha rippla (2006)(dallas,tx) Mr. Q - d.j. Style 79 Mr. Quick - 69 wayz (1998) Mr. Rhymes - stop breakin' bw cheater (vinyl,12 1986) Mr. Sandman - 10% love me 90% hate me 1996 Mr. Sche presents - pimpminista funk for ya trunk (2003 memphis,tn)) Mr. Solo - no way out (san jose, ca 1999) Mr. Stinky - armed criminal action(kansas city,mi 1998) Mr. T's commandments Mr. Tuxedo & king stro 12 (1987) Mr. Will - tat nigga (1996 new orleans,la) Mr. X - one time at my door (promo single, 1995 )la Mr.ill - the rebirth 1996 Mr.ivan - 187 in a hockeymask (1998) Mr.keal - opposite of hate (1996) [watts](1 track only) Mr.p, mr.q & king j.c - scandalous]--[wow records-1987]-- Mr.x - any ole sunday(1996) cd single Ms.tee - having things (1995 nola) M-slash - good timez (vinyl,12 1996) M-slash - telekenesis ep (199x) Mt bronks - nova era (1993) Mt bronk's - nova era (1993) M-team - for deposit only (1991, waylo) Much posse - make it rough ep (take a sip 199x) 1 track Mudd - murda outcha speaka [vinyl,12 1994] Multiple felons - behind da line 1998 Munchie - north highlands california (1997) {sacramento Munchie - prepare yourself 1998 sacramento Munk - wit da funk (vinyl, philly 1995) Munk wit da funk - i been here i'm stayin (philadelphia 1995) Murdafeen - me and my dawgs (1999) Murder city mobb - the criminal type (1992) flint Murder one gangster - exposed to the game - 1992 Murder squad - knock on wood (single) Murder wone - can't fade me - (fresno) [ca)[1996] Murderous klick - klickalation mafioso [las vegas, nv](2002) Murderous klick - maddness n evil wayz (1996) (las vegas, nevada) Murdersquad - knock on wood (remix radio edit) 1995 Murfee de'rock - what does it take Murs - bac for no good reason (1996) Mvp (of the monsta klick) - c.l.o.u.t. (1995(memphis,tn)) Mydus - southern gold [lafayette,la] 1999) 1 track Mykill miers - it's been a long time coming (los angeles,ca., 2000 Myron & e - cold game (7') -2008- Mystidious misfitss - a who dat (1995) Mystidious misfitss - i be (vinyl, 12') [1995] Mystidious misfits-upside down (word is born)-vls Mystik journeymen - the black sands ov eternia (1999) Mystik kwest - mystik kwest(mississippi) Mystikal - mind of mystikal 1995
Connect GoPro to PC/Mac using GoPro Quik for Desktop. To connect GoPro camera to PC/Mac for photos and videos transferring, actually GoPro has its own software. That’s GoPro Quik. The free software is installed in the same way you install any app on the Mac - download the file and double-click to begin the installation process. The first step is to download and set up the Quick GoPro app; Then, use a USB to connect the GoPro camera to your Mac; Start the Quik App, and you come across the “import files” option. You can then import the photos using the app to your computer. NB: If you happen to experience the GoPro not connecting problem, then repeat the above steps. Download files from gopro to mac. Upload with SD Card Reader (Fastest Method) This is my favorite method because it is the fastest. From there you can drag & drop the files from your SD card to your computer. Method #3 - Automatically with Image Capture. Image Capture allows you to: Import files to a location of your choice; Delete files; View files before importing; Select the file(s) you want to Import and select Import, or Import All if you want to import everything. Use and SD card reader, it's the fastest way to do it and it gives you full access to your SD card. Trying to hook the camera up with a USB cable can be problematic, up to 50% slower and only gives you access to video and photo files, no lrv or thm files.
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0 notes
the-trans-diaries · 4 years
I woke up at 5am today feeling very well rested. I fell asleep at cca 9pm last night and I slept like a baby.
I think what’s helping me sleep is warding off anxiety in any way that I can. I know I’m prone to picking up the emotions of people around me and confusing them as my own, and these past few days I’ve been experimenting with how I can minimize that. Yesterday, my friend who’s currently planning her wedding was super pissed at her fiance because he keeps putting off finding a best man after the first one bailed on him. And I understand that she was angry, but I really don’t need to read through 20+ messages of how she’s gonna cancel the wedding and not get married at all (despite the fact that she’s getting married to escape an abusive household in the first place), how she hates this guy and that guy and hopes they die from covid I mean come on, get a grip. I told her to calm down first and then we’ll talk, and after she did calm down a little, instead of talking about it, she sent me an announcement that her professor made, and wanted me to get mad at him I guess? I read through the announcement and it seemed pretty cool, I liked what he suggested about the class, but when I said that she got even more pissed and started throwing a tantrum. Normally I’d try to calm her down but I honestly decided enough was enough because I felt that familiar clench in my stomach and a growing uneasiness. I went against my instinct to console her, and instead told her that I really can’t listen to her angry outbursts and repeated what I said earlier: we’ll talk when you calm the fuck down.
She didn’t text me yet, so I assume she’s pissed at me too, but honestly, not thinking about other people’s emotions and what they may be thinking about me put me at so much peace it’s really hard to describe. I fell asleep easily and I woke up very well rested for the first time in a while. I just hope I’ll find a balance between being there for my friends but not at the expense of my own health. 
0 notes
bewarecreepercomics · 7 years
Showcase #73: The Coming of the Creeper! (Image Heavy)
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The cover just says it all, doesn’t it? Everybody wants this guy. And by ‘wants’ I of course, mean ‘hates’. It’s not a bad cover; it has eye catching colors, it has no glaringly empty spaces, and it has our hero, doing something dynamic. That something being falling through the air, ripping up papers, while gunmen in wildly differing positions all over the city try to shoot him at this one, single moment.
Yeah, okay that’s a little goofy, but it looks cool.
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The first page gives us some creepy imagery involving what becomes something of a theme in Ditko’s main Creeper story: Masks, false and hidden faces.
Our comic opens with a (literal) bang-
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-As scientist Professor Yatz is kidnapped for ransom, and his assistant shot.
Smashcut to Jack Ryder destroying his own career on live television.
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Two thoughts on this dialogue:
1. No Jack. Those two things are not the same at all.
2. As for police violence, well, my present-day self can see where this guy is coming from, but this was written in 1968. Let’s see, can we think of anything that might have been going on around that time that might get people looking more closely at the topic of police brutality?
...No, I couldn’t think of anything either.
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So the network is rife with cronyism and Jack gets himself fired-wait, unemployment? Isn’t Ditko an Objectivist? Doesn’t he inject that into every single project he’s involved with? Aren’t they super not on board with social programs like that? Then again, even Ayn Rand had to get onto Social Security eventually, because it turns out the “If You’ve got Yours, Fuck Everybody Else” method of social policy is less solid than one might initially believe. 
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Well whatever. Jack does the No-Job Jig, while dumping what I assume is his contract and...throwing up the horns? Get used to this bizarre gesture because our pal Steve Ditko cannot get enough of it. It is used three times on the page this panel comes from alone.
However, luck is with Jack on this day!
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Turns out the head of security for the network likes the cut of Jacks jib, as well as his constant hand signals for rockin’ out, and hires him for the security team right on the spot. I have no idea if that is legal or not, but opportunity knocks, when one door closes another opens, yaddadee, yaddadoo.
A quick side note- Even though every single other iteration of Ryder ever written has him as a talk show host/newscaster/journalist, that panel of him snarking at the pacifist is the only mention Ditko ever makes of him being in that position. For the rest of Steve Ditko’s body of work involving him, Jack has a job in security.
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He gets offered a pretty important job right out the door. Especially for someone who hasn’t even read the employee’s handbook yet. Taking over for his unfortunate co-worker in an...investigation into ties between the underworld and foreign communists...involving the forced ‘repatriation’ of communist defectors...
...at the behest of the C.I.A.
Hold on a sec.
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Why is the C.I.A. leaving this to a nobody security team of a nameless tv network, in an unspecified city?
Guess it doesn’t matter! There is never a second word said about this. Jack, with his thirty seconds of security experience, takes the job immediately. Tasked with scoping out a party thrown by one Angel Devlin (Really?) and Major Smej (Really???) he heads out, only to be deterred by one missing fact: It’s a costume party, and his costume of ‘White Man With Terrible Fashion Sense’ just isn’t going to cut it.
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I’m a little confused as to how a special order, an order you make specially, can have odds and ends left over, but okay, let’s see what you can throw together, Jack!
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This box of odds and ends seems to contain a yellow zentai suit, matching makeup, a green wig, a sheepskin rug with the longest and straightest wool I’ve ever seen, and stripperific gloves, underoos, and boots. Uh, what kind of “special adult order” was this? Not that I’m judging or anything. We all have needs!
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Also, Ditko never shies away from ass shots of this character. Ever. 
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Cue instant mugging! Jack, you aren’t even the Creeper yet. You just now put that costume on. Why are you doing that? 
Oh look, time for an intermission!
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
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Behold, our bad guys; Angel Devlin, and Major Smej. Further proof that if yor name sounds like anything (or is a tortured string of mostly consonants) you are destined for villainy. 
Jack does attempt to snoop around, but he is wearing a huge sheepskin rug and man-panties, so he gets called out pretty quick.
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Here’s a little bonus cameo of the pacifist and the ex-boss, seen here as a teletubby and Judge Claude Frollo. Hi guys, we really needed to see you again.
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In his complete lack of subtlety, Jack as been found out by several of the costumed goons that are strewn about the party. He gets into a fight that no one notices, knocks one of them through a secret door that no one notices, and ends up stabbed by a second foe. Does anyone notice? No. It is so unnoticeable in fact, that we have to be told it has happened. Probably the good old CCA in action.
This secret tunnel is exactly what Jack has been looking for, so he goes exploring. With a knife wound in his side. He also has to fight a few thugs while he’s at it. With a knife wound in his side. Are we sure he was really stabbed, or was he maybe lying to us?
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Nah we can absolutely take his word for it that he was totally stabbed. You see? By the time he locates the abducted Professor, his completely bloodless knife wound has left him slightly winded!
But the dastardly goon who stabbed him went and did the sensible thing: instead of chasing after his wounded prey, he went and told his boss! Unheard of! They, along with their henchmen, start trying to pry open the conveniently jammed secret door.
Totally unnoticed by anyone else, of course.
To be fair, we don’t get much of the layout of this house. They could just be far away from any of the other partygoers. It seems like, as far as most of them are concerned, this is just a legit party. Our villains are fairly secure in their assumptions that nobody suspects a thing.
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Giving us this nicely creepy panel. Good job. Aside from a small color mishap around the eyes, this panel looks extra good.
But while our villains are posing like they are in a Looking Sinister contest, they are apparently giving Jack and the Professor about a years worth of time to do stuff. 
Turns out the Professor isn’t wanted by the Reds just because he dared to leave home. He is a very talented scientist who has learned how to play, if not god, then certainly a demiurge with molecular physics, as explained(?) here:
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Fearing that neither of them are getting out of this alive, the Professor decides tho burn his notes, inject Jack with an experimental serum that enhances strength, agility, stamina, and healing speed(which his captors didn’t confiscate for some reason), and implant his molecular rearrangement device into Jacks open wound.
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Sure Prof! Just shove that right up into my perforated kidney! I’m sure everything will be juuuust fine.
They have enough time to do all of this without interruption, by the way. Not a single acknowledgement of pain from Jack in this entire time. This guy flies by the seat of his pants so hard that he has to wear his underwear on the outside.
Unfortunately, one of the goons Jack clocked on the way through the secret tunnel wakes up right about now.
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Most unfortunate. Poor Professor Yatz was as good at bullet catching as he was at molecular physics. If only he’d had a device of some sort, something that could, I dunno, rearrange molecules to disguise him as one of those goons, so that he might escape. If only.
Jack re-clocks the murderous mook, and our villains, after eighty-four years of not being noticed, finally lever the hidden door open, only to be confronted with smoke and surprise fists as our hero escapes!
Behold! The quickest thinking henchman ever!
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Somebody give that clown a raise!
The ruse works perfectly, especially since Jack manages to stomp on the pacifists head on his way out the window. Jeez Steve, we get it, you were pro-war. No need to rub it in.
Escaping into the yard isn’t much help for our hero, as he is still severely outnumbered, and, y’know, wearing one of the most saturated color schemes the Silver Age could offer. He does start to pull himself together though, noticing that his wound is practically gone, and that his appearance, as well as a few belts of cackling laughter seems to unsettle his opponents.
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However, he gets a little too into the, uh, ‘swing’ of things...
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...And accidentally pops a cop. Now, this gives plenty of setup for the police to have problems with him in later issues of the story-instead of the cops being corrupt, or disliking him for being a vigilante, or making them look bad, he full on assaults an officer of the law mere minutes after properly becoming the Creeper. He makes a very big mistake, and it mars his relationship with the police for the rest of his story. 
Switching back to just plain Jack, he manages to throw the cops off his trail, but also overhears that they have been unable to locate our villains. This clearly will not stand. A man has died here! And that annoying pacifist is still pontificating about violence! Unacceptable! Something must be done!
So Jack goes right back into Creeper mode because let’s face it, Jack is boring. Thus we are given my favorite panel in the entire issue...
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Heck yeah. I love high contrast shading you guys.
Creeper tracks the villains and their remaining gang into the garage, which also seems quite a lot bigger on the inside. and manages to ambush them while making the most noise that he possibly can.
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Raucous laughter is sneaky!
What follows is roughly seven pages of pretty good fight sequence, before the police finally hear what’s going on and get their blue butts in gear.
There’s action!
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Ass shots!
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And the witty banter the Silver Age is famous for!
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When the police finally arrive, they find the corpse of poor Yatz, the defeated villains, and a fleeing Creeper. Jack manages to escape once more by ducking out of the pursuing officers line of sight and switching back to himself.
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He does this all the time. It becomes a kind of running gag.
In the end, the cops bust that gang for good, the Creeper is given his eternal moniker, and both the underworld and the overworld finally agree on one thing.
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They gotta, gotta have that man.
And so the comic comes to a close, with Jack cheekily declaring that he won’t let anybody know about Yatz’s revolutionary device, so that only a responsible person can use the power it holds.
Himself, of course.
Stay tuned, for as the comic promises, more Creeper is coming soon.
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pissappointed · 5 years
I watched su cr/it kind of rise from nothing and burn back out and I was super into it for all the time it was popular and i didn’t realize at the time but it was fucking draining, man. All I did was read the posts without even getting involved and it still sucked the life out of the show for me. Even if the intention was there and the worst takes we’re by and large not accepted within the main circles it still had the effect of just... not allowing me to enjoy the show when I watched it. All I could think of while watching mr Greg for example was what parts of it the people I looked up to would criticize, and why the tings I found admirable about it probably didn’t matter and it fucking sucked.
This was partially at a time where I found the shows writing to be genuinely stale, sure, but the reason the entire thing started in the first place was because critique was generally not big in the fandom at the time because it was just so new to people. No one had seen anything quite like it, it did a lot more for gay rep than people really expected, and it had some real fuckups that no one really.. acknowledged. And what happened to bismuth really, really enraged me at the time— I still think it could’ve been handled way better— which is why I was in love with the concept of s/u cri)t when I saw the person who started it make their blog.
The thing is, though, good critique... shouldn’t have that effect. It shouldn’t be the reason that your enjoyment of something has burned out. And that’s the effect that shitting nonstop on something is going to have. It was an enjoyable experience for maybe a week and after that it almost felt like a job I had to do, to watch the show and meticulously pick it apart the whole time, thinking “what can I say to show everyone I’m critical so my continued consumption of this content will be justified” and that went on for like a year before I fell out of the show entirely.
Coming back into it— albeit hesitantly— I still had a difficult time watching the show, but I was able to listen to other perspectives and really see it in a fresh lens. And the most freeing realization was that I shouldn’t be waiting around for the show to finally kill one of its antagonists because that’s not what it’s about. It’s not realistic, and that’s kind of the point. Despite all of the crushing things that happen to the characters, it’s like an escapist fantasy where the people who hurt you can still learn to make up for it. Where you can strive to be a good person even if you think it’s too late.
And the absolute mountains of vitriol behind this sentiment would be silly if it didn’t spawn thousands of “space n//zi” comparisons that are completely fucking inappropriate for a lot of the people making them to create considering its creator. Not to mention, the fact that it was some weird contest to come fr r//b/cca s//gar’s throat was getting horrifying. I’m not sure I’ll be able to scrub that one person causing her of being a p//doph//le for that drawing of Steven out of my brain (and I’d like to point out that the blog that did that appears to be one of the most popular ones still doing su cr//it which pisses me off to no end).
I don’t know. In the end I think su obviously isn’t immune to critique. It’s still a tv show that people consume, and it has this massive, overarching story with serious themes and characters you’re meant to be invested in, to boot. That’s going to net it a lot of scrutiny, more than a different show might pull in, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating that the show turned into one more element of cringe shit because of it. A lot of the critiques that I saw (which weren’t just stupid reaches or assumptions made before the show had the chance to explain itself, anyway) were correct, sure, but I’ve been hugely into fandom stuff since childhood and the things that brought the show down to garbage levels in people’s minds would’ve been considered an unfortunate aspect that you’d have to look past, not this massive fucking thing that automatically turned the whole show into shit. The fact that the show has done so much and gotten bogged down due to shit that otherwise wouldn’t have been a big deal really sucks.
And that isn’t even mentioning... everyone trying to minimize the show’s achievements. Or just comparing rs to straight people out of nothing but petty spite.
This is just one giant wandering thing but I guess. I’m trying to say that s/u cr/it had a reason to exist, but it outgrew that reason before it even got big and it just turned out completely detrimental because it turned into a widespread pissing match where everyone was trying to outdo everyone else in the contest to figure out which heinous, nonexistent crime the show/it’s creator has done next. Being critical is more than just looking for bad things in something you like or good things in things you hate. It’s allowing yourself to think what you think without feeling the need to alter that point of view for anyone— even if it means insulting something you love dearly, or disagreeing with a majority of people. It’s always good to consider other perspectives, especially for the very sensitive topics that appear in the show, obviously, butnto need to be critical of those, too, lest you start accusing it of things it never implied in the first place.
So I think that’s what makes the difference in what I’m doing now and reading those posts from when I was a little younger. Back then, it was all fun and introspective at first, but eventually became a chore. This way, it’s just.. whatever I want it to be. And I’m still being critical of the show, and what it’s doing, and how it’s doing them, but it’s a choice I’m making with my own thoughts that I’m having a lot of fun thinking about.
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Ultraman Orb x Zone of the Enders x Super Robot Wars V
The game is a month away. Ultraman Orb is one of the best shows Tsuburaya has made thus far. Zone of the Enders is the least overrated game of all time that deserves your money. But Fucking Konami screwed over Kojima Hideo and the chance for ZOE3 has been thrown into vector space forever. Imma combine them all into a fanfic. And because I always wanted to have either one of them in an SRW game... in a way, I can have two for the price of one lol I'd put a Read More, but it's not available on mobile so... A warning; I've been reading that Self Inserts are frowned upon. But I'm unable to think up of a good OC to be the protagonist. And I also read that SI-Fics are mostly okay and haters gonna hate. Or something. So yes, this is gonna be an SI-Fic. I can only promise that I won't make the same mistakes that are common on SI-Fics or many OC-centric stories. And that it will have cool moments. Anyway, the story... I need SRWV to be released so I can buy the game in order to know when should SI-Me appear in the story. But I know one way to start, thanks to Crossbone Gundam. The manga's story started around Jupiter. Both Zone of the Enders began also around Jupiter. I can have either Kincaid/Seabook or Tobia discovering SI-Me who's inside Jehuty. Not knowing how he got inside here, where or when he is, SI-Me teamed up with the Crossbone Vanguards to survive. Yes, I am basically redoing the plot for ZOE2, but let's be real; only Kojima can do a proper continuation. But there will be differences, to spice things up. For one thing, BAHRAM or anything related to the ZOE universe doesn't exist in the SRWV timeline. I'll tell you know that Jehuty WILL fight Anubis. But the one who is runnin Anubis? Not Nohman, lemme tell ya now. When does the Ultraman part starts? Well, I don't think I'll be repeating the plot for Orb, maybe I will for certain episodes, but I plan for it to be tributes to the battles from past Ultraman shows. Like both times when Ultraman fought the Baltans, Ultraman stopping Jamila, Ultraseven struggling against King Joe, Jack being double teamed by Gudon & Twintail and Knuckle & Black King, the Six Ultra Brothers vs Tyrant and Alien Tempera, Tiga vs Kylieroid... I'll figure out how to do them while the Super Robot Wars and ZOE plots are happening, but in order to make those tribute battles better, the forms Orb!Me uses will correspond with the respective Ultras I'm basing the chapters on. So Hurricane Slash Orb will be facing both Gudon and Twintail, Photon Victorium Orb will survive against Gan-Q (I'd watch Gaia to know more if the episodes from Crunchyroll were available outside of the USA, but I guess I can blame those Chaiyo guys for us Southeast Asians not getting them), Emerium Slugger Orb will get his ass kicked by King Joe... Man, it would be cool if Juggler still has the Dark Ring, he can combine Showa and Heisei monsters like Zeppandon and become them. Imagine a Mephilas x Kylieroid form, or a Alien Empera x Dark Zagi combo... But he's a good guy again now. And my ability to describe things are still absolutely shit. Fan-fucking-tastic. Well, you get the idea. Oh, he will start with only the Specium Zeppelion form, so it won't make him OP if he had all the cards from the show and the arcade game... and SI-Me will share Dingo's misery by having him be stuck inside Jehuty. The twist is that due to the differences of technology, nobody knows how to replace his artificial heart and lungs with organic ones. I'd tell you, but I don't want to spoil anything. Unless one or two of the mecha series have such tech, that is. There's a lot to watch. So yes, he'll be stuck inside the hangar and the only people he can interact with at that state are the more sociable heroes and the mechanics. Tall, athletic, buff, pretty lady mechanics who are older than SI-Me (I be 24 now). Thank you Sunrise for creating Mora Boscht lol Speaking of Stardust Memory, that entry doesn't appear much these days. Same goes for the 08th MS Team and Christina Mackenzie from War in the Pocket. I plan to rectify that. Yes, they should be older by CCA, and (some) are probably retired (or dead) from the war thanks to the Federation's bullshit (maybe Christina is still around) but somehow I'm gonna have them appear in this story. Heh, maybe have Jehuty use their respective Gundams' arsenals. Like the Dendrobium Orchis, Alex's gatling gun arm, Ez8's backpack hooks... or something. Ooh, maybe have the mechs themselves come back... maybe have a story where SI-Me discover the files of Operation Stardust and show them to the others. Giving me a good reason to have Kou Uraki and the gang in the story. In conclusion, the main plot for the fanfic, other than following the stories of Orb, ZOE2, and SRWV, is this; SI-Me woke up inside the Orbital Frame Jehuty. Neither he or ADA know how both of them are in their current predicament. He will be rescued by Kincaid/Seabook or Tobia, or perhaps any other of the casts of V depending on how the story of the game goes, and joins them to figure out why both he and Jehuty are there. Before he does that, an Ultra Kaiju or alien appears to wreck things. The Orb Ring he found glowed a bit, and when it resonates... he understood. Then, SI-Me transforms into Ultraman Orb Specium Zeppelion, and I can finally have and Ultraman in an SRW story lol Like in many Other World stories these days, be they official or fanfics, SI-Me knows who the SRW casts are (except the Original Generations, since I rarely cared for them) so he has to be careful on what he says to them. Although, I read that Might Gaine has a... pretty meta story. I think it could help. Fortunately, tokusatsu still exists in the timeline, so SI-Me can have an easier time explaining how an Ultraman works. There will be mysteries, there will be High Speed Robot Action, there will be romcoms consisting of a short-ass scrawny looking joe being teased a lot by a gang of taller, beautifully buff mechanic ladies, there will be giant robots teaming up with an even bigger giant alien (note that many mechas are at least around 20 meters high. The Ultras are around 40-50 meters taller) There will be running gags regarding Jehuty's peculiar cockpit, and people will laugh. Come February 23, I will buy that game and that fanfic will be written.
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