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Peter Benjamin "Specs" Parker | 20's | Earth-61610 | In-character, Spider-Man AU askblog. Mod is @brackets002
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 days ago
I'd skip trying to make people like you. It never works when you're trying to do it. And if I knew how to be charming I think maybe 40% of my problems would've never happened. Just focus on finding something kind to do.
Listen, if you don't wanna download a police scanner app, which is fair because even the good ones aren't that helpful for finding people to help...there are a few ways to find people to help.
You can wait on the rooftop outside of bars at night and try to make sure nobody's lying in wait for a drunk girl. Or you could go out at night to where the traffic isn't quite so loud and spend a few hours listening--the echoes of sirens, screams, or gunshots can carry a long way when they're not getting drowned out. Chase anything you hear. There would be lots of false alarms, but you might find your way to some problems you can help solve.
Without knowing your dimension, that's the best I got. There's probably some organized crime in your dimension, but I'd have to visit for a few days to get a feel for that, and nobody wants me to do that.
so the bad news is everyone in new orleans but my dad and my sibling hates me the good news is.... very slim. how to make people like you how to be charming and also intimidating
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 1 month ago
[Image: The southeastern eagle of the Chrysler Building, piled high with four feet of snow. You can tell it's Earth-61610 because the buildings in the background, out of focus, are visibly much taller than the Chrysler Building; the nearest one is made of blue glass with an odd silver geometric design.]
[Image: Times Square in 61610; its Red Stairs have a curve, the buildings retain a distinctive Art Deco flair, there's a skybridge in the background, and large holograms in the air are displaying ads for things like Dippin' Donuts and Merri-Cola. The snow on the ground is matted and dirty with footprints as civilians in thick winter clothes hurry to and fro. Snowflakes the size of quarters are falling from the sky, sometimes illuminated in bright colors by the billboards and holograms.]
[Image: A Brooklyn street in 61610, where Specs and his version of Doctor Octopus are fighting. Snow covers the ground, the rooftops, and is already starting to cover the underside of a crumpled car sticking halfway out of a brownstone building. Specs is wearing a thick winter jacket and a knitted hat over his costume, and is struggling with a tentacle pincer around his throat as he's slammed against a traffic light. Ock, held aloft by two tentacles and tearing a mailbox off the curb with his fourth, is wearing a heavy greatcoat that goes down to the short man's ankles, and his tentacles seem to be partially covered in knitted sleeves.]
[Image: An intersection in 61610's Financial District, with large piles of dirty snow on the edges of each street. Shocker-61610 is firing his gauntlets; as a window behind him shatters, the blast in front of him produces a huge cone of white-and-grey snow and is knocking over a large truck with an attached snowplow. There's a suspiciously human-shaped reddish form barely visible in the middle of the blast, mostly obfuscated by the explosion of snow.]
Not all of these are from the same winter, to be clear. Ock was 2011; Herman was 2015.
PSA, stop. Letting. Your. Children. Eat. Dirty. Snow!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 1 month ago
That's extremely rude, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything to disprove it. We'll come back to that. Do you want photos of snow or not?
PSA, stop. Letting. Your. Children. Eat. Dirty. Snow!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 1 month ago
If I sent you photos, would you be convinced or would you just think I'm faking them? I'm getting my ass beat in a few of them if that changes the verdict.
PSA, stop. Letting. Your. Children. Eat. Dirty. Snow!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 2 months ago
It's really comforting to know that everyone with this codename is fucking stupid, not just me.
I'd appreciate it if you could get it through your thick SKULL I AM SPIDER-MAN. THE SPIDER-MAN OF NOLA!!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 2 months ago
6 to 11?!
I...I don't know why I'm shocked about this. That's not that different from what work days looked like before labor movements and unions. And I seem to recall that in 451k those have been made prohibitively dangerous?
Uhh, okay. Things I can think of that might actually be helpful.
I don't know if this is the case in 451k, but in 61610, most foodstuffs are required to have a 'Sell By' or 'Best Before' date that's a few days earlier than the date when they actually become unsafe to eat. Rather than, like, donating food beyond that date to a food kitchen or something that would actually be helpful, stores tend to throw it out. I could sometimes get fairly good results from stealing from the supermarket trash? It was rarely very well-guarded.
I used to have a few other places to snatch a bit of food, but I really highly doubt any of those anecdotes would apply to you at all.
Alright fine, I cannot believe I'm doing this but uh,
Cherut here, need advice of a specific kind that unfortunately you all will probably have. So here goes; How do you all source food, as much as I'd love to raid food trucks, I only have so many hours and those trucks are actually going to places that need food. I guess all places need food but, I mean I'm not hitting food trucks in rich areas, so I'd basically be robbing my fellows down here so, yeah.
No way to go outside, at least not without some pretty heavy disguise, so I can't exactly hold down a 6-11. I figure you're all wanted for your various spider bullshit so one of you must have come up with a solution for this.
Che out.
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 2 months ago
whn my midle fingers freze off im mailig them to you
it's fucking snowing here. btw. isn't that crazy? i'm so glad i don't have to go out and patrol in this weather peace on earth
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 2 months ago
Spcifcally to mke me miserble on patrol I thnk.
My hnds are so fcking cold
it's fucking snowing here. btw. isn't that crazy? i'm so glad i don't have to go out and patrol in this weather peace on earth
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 months ago
Her Love
(content warning for blood, violence, and manipulation/mind control)
When the term 'blood magic ritual' comes up, one might automatically think of it as taking place in some hidden sanctum, or a grandiose temple... a setting befitting of the term 'blood magic', or even just the word 'ritual'. A furnished basement in the middle of suburbia, in all of its possible aesthetics, is far from it, and yet that was where Hannah and Melly had been brought to by Mrs. Clearlee, entering the room just as seamlessly as they had left their own bedroom.
The room was already populated by a half-dozen other individuals as the three new arrivals made their appearance. Their appearances-- equally as white, suburban, and Karen-esque as Mrs. Clearlee herself-- made the gathering feel like an HOA meeting. The outskirts of the room were lined with stacks of pink and teal cardboard boxes, emblazoned with the Clearlee Cosmetics logo. The topmost boxes of each stack had been opened, with products having been pulled out an arranged into lace-draped baskets and floral-printed cases.
"I'm back, ladies!" Mrs. Clearlee chortled, confidently strolling towards the group. The six of them perked up, excited to see the return of their leader.
"Mrs. Clearlee!" they greeted her, scurrying over to cluster around her and Hannah. Each one of them bored a fanged smile: vampires, all of them.
"Ladies, please-- let's not crowd Miss Alba, now," Mrs. Clearlee said, waving her hands in front of her. The group parted without further prompt, allowing Mrs. Clearlee to lead Hannah further into the room.
"Just over on the table should be fine to set her down," Mrs. Clearlee said to Hannah. She called back to her underlings "Ladies-- a tablecloth, please."
The two nearest vamp-Karens jumped into action, hurrying off to a nearby closet and withdrawing a set of painter's tarps. They took them to the table Mrs. Clearlee had indicated, spreading them out just as Hannah stepped up alongside it. Mrs. Clearlee indicated for Hannah to put Melly down once the two had stepped away, and Hannah did so.
"Good, good-- now, everyone gather 'round," Mrs. Clearlee instructed the group. The others quickly made their way over, chattering with excitement. "I know I've mentioned her before, but tonight I'd like to officially introduce you all to Miss Alba, the newest member of our exclusive Clearlee Cohort!"
A chatter of various greetings swelled up from the ladies. Hannah, however, did not greet them in return, continuing to stare blankly at them.
"She's... interesting," one of the ladies said skeptically.
"She seems a bit unrefined," another added more bluntly.
"Now ladies," Mrs. Clearlee interrupted, "there's still a lot of work to do to make Miss Alba a true Clearlee lady-- in image, most of all. But! No time for a makeover tonight, girls. You see, I have something very special in mind for Miss Alba tonight."
Mrs. Clearlee pushed herself up onto the table, living herself to be just ever so slightly taller than the others in the room.
"Miss Sasha-- the book, please?" Mrs. Clearlee asked, turning a commanding gaze to one of the ladies.
"Of course!" Miss Sasha replied. She skirted over to a Clearlee box sat apart from the others, opening it and reverently retrieving the tome that rested inside.
The Malsanguis Dux Libri, as seen in the photos provided in Prim's file, had an air about it that fit its contents. Black leather binding, gold-leaf pressed into its ridges, and weathered pages that were softened by time at the edges. Its original state, however, was nowhere to be seen in the item that Miss Sasha carried back towards Mrs. Clearlee. The leather cover had been replaced by a plastic facsimile of the original -- pink, teal, and white to match the aesthetic of Clearlee Cosmetics. A rainbow of sticky-notes poked out of the side, bringing attention to certain pages that were labeled in handwritten cursive.
"Thank you, dear," Mrs. Clearlee said to Sasha, who bowed before backing into her place in the group. She began to thumb through the book as she continued, revealing a series of penned-in notes and highlighted portions written in alongside the blood-ink lettering. "Now, I'm sure you all have noticed that Miss Alba has brought her first downline bond with her tonight, yes?"
"So that's who that is?" one of the ladies asked.
"She's a cute thing," another added. "Could make a decent Clearlee lady herself.
"Or a group snack..." a third proposed. "Some of us had to delay our bonding sessions with our downlines to be here on such short notice."
"No," Mrs. Clearlee hissed at the third lady, a fierce authority radiating from her. All of the ladies-- Hannah included-- recoiled from Mrs. Clearlee. "Miss Alba put in the work, so this one belongs to her."
Mrs. Clearlee cleared her throat, shifting back to a chillingly cheery tone.
"In fact... that very bond is what we will be celebrating tonight!" she continued. "In what little time she has been a part of our cohort, Miss Alba has only formed this one bond... and yet the time, the dedication she has been able to feed into it is remarkable, beyond anything any of you have accomplished before. So much so, that Miss Alba has maxxed out the amount of influence that can be put out through a downline bond. And that just won't do, ladies-- if we want our profits to grow on, our bonds should be able to do so as well."
Mrs. Clearlee stopped flipping through the book, raising a finger to the page and running it across the surface, skimming the words on the page as her fingers passed by them.
"Ah, here we go-- so! Ladies, tonight I would like to present you with a new incentive to build up those bonds. To reward her hard work, we'll be helping her elevate her bond to Platinum status!"
Gasps were shared throughout the ladies of the cohort, followed by an energized round of excited whispers and speculations.
Hannah, through all of this, had remained stoic. As Mrs. Clearlee's attention focused on the other ladies, however, her gaze had drifted back towards Melly, still laying on the table. Melly's eyes flickered between being half-open and closed, and her hand had slowly rolled itself over in an attempt to reach her. Her mind pushed back, but it couldn't do much against the affect the spell had on her physical body.
"So, Miss Alba," Mrs. Clearlee said, causing Hannah's attention to snap back to her, "are you ready to see your bond go to the next level, and truly claim your place in the Clearlee Cohort?
Yes, Mrs. Clearlee's eyes conveyed, pressing the word into Hannah's mind and out through her mouth.
"Yes..." Hannah spoke in reply.
Mrs. Clearlee smiled at her answer.
"Then let's do so, Miss Alba."
While the other Clearlee vampires set about gathering the last few items for the ritual, Mrs. Clearlee herself took the liberty to explain to Hannah the nature of what they were about to take part in.
"Now you see, Miss Alba," she began, "the magic we deal with is all about bonds. And, through bonds, comes influence. It's Clearlee Cosmetics' secret to success. Every small business gains its first customers through word-of-mouth, and a bit of added persuasiveness to go along with that makes gaining a steady profit all the more easy. The nature of the blood bond makes those in our downlines all the more receptive to expectations and feedback. We get some blood, and they get to have an easier time putting in the work to make their sales quotas. It's a win-win!"
Mrs. Clearlee pushed herself down off the table, cradling the open book in her arm.
"But even the best influencers never truly have control over the influenced," she sighed. "The sway of the bond only goes so far if something else begins pulling on our ladies in the downline: family troubles, job opportunities, their brat's dance recital... bonds outside of blood have a sway too, Miss Alba. And when other bonds vie for their turn, it can weaken the one we form with them. If a downline bond is broken, their own downlines may end up drifting away from us... and that simply won't do. Fortunately for us, our lovely guidebook here has something that could very well be the solution to that problem."
Turning the book around, Mrs. Clearlee showed the page to Hannah. The blood-text on the page was written in Latin, but pink-penned words were squished in alongside them to provide translations into English. Sticky-notes covered a majority of the diagrams on the page, though one drawing that poked out from under one of them seemed to feature a dagger.
"'Blood Thrall' was much too dour of a title," Mrs. Clearlee explained, "so I decided to consider it a Platinum-status bond-- much more fitting with the Clearlee image. The concept itself is simple enough: while the normal blood bond is subject to fraying, the Platinum bond is solid, and-- more importantly-- permanent. The entirety of their being becomes devoted to you, and more importantly, to Clearlee Cosmetics. You cut off their other bonds, and they'll have no place in their hearts to think about anything other than our cause. Granted, it's a bit of a messy process. The 'cutting bonds' part is, to some degree, literal. However! If upgrading your bond goes smoothly, we'll be looking at a whole new era of Clearlee."
One of the ladies-- Sasha, who had retrieved the book earlier-- brought over a long, hinged case and opened it for her sire. From it, Mrs. Clearlee pulled out an oddly-proportioned dagger. While the hilt was of an expected size, the blade was much smaller and narrower than what could have been affixed to it.
"For you, Miss Alba," Mrs. Clearlee said, taking one of Hannah's hands and wrapping it around the hilt. "Take it to your palm, and draw blood-- might sting a little, but it's all a part of the process."
Hannah did as she was told, though her expression furrowed as the blade drew blood.
"Now hold it there, and repeat after me," Mrs. Clearlee continued. She cleared her throat, then read aloud from the page.
"Sanguis acutus fit, ut transfigat et obsignet."
Hannah repeated the words.
"Sanguis acutus fit, ut transfigat et obsignet."
The blood that had pooled in Hannah's palm stirred, rising up and beginning to curl around the blade in her hand. The wound sealed after enough had been drawn, and the blood coalesced around the dagger's small blade, and solidified into a more formidable, blood-red edge.
"Lovely work, Miss Alba," Mrs. Clearlee hummed. She snapped her fingers. "Alright, ladies! I believe it's time."
The other vampires returned to the table, spacing themselves out into a circle around it. Nodding in approval, Mrs. Clearlee turned back to Hannah, gesturing to the table.
"We'll help you with the words, Miss Alba, but the most vital part of upgrading your bond is up to you," Mrs. Clearlee said. She paused for a moment before continuing, double-checking something in the book. "The blade is of your blood, and of your bond, and is a means to drive your bond deep into the heart of your selected thrall. And so that is the action you must take: drive the blade into her heart, and she will be yours. Forever."
Mrs. Clearlee's face grew more intense for a moment before abruptly shifting back into a crocodile smile and a chuckle. She reached up and patted Hannah's cheek.
"Easy enough. I think you'll do it well, Miss Alba. Now-- hop on up!"
As Mrs. Clearlee turned to join the circle herself, Hannah pulled herself up onto the table, positioning herself above Melly. Her movements, however, had become far less still, and she found herself fidgeting uncomfortably as she waited for the others to begin.
"Alright ladies, let's begin," Mrs. Clearlee announced. "Repeat after me--"
"Ferrum, sanguis, cor."
"Ferrum, sanguis, cor."
"Relinquere nihil nisi te ipsum."
"Relinquere nihil nisi te ipsum."
"Mea voluntas pro tua."
"Mea voluntas pro tua."
"Sanguis tuus sum-- meus es tu."
"Sanguis tuus sum-- meus es tu."
Led by Mrs. Clearlee, the cohort of vampires continued the chant, repeating the lines one after the other, again and again. The stench of blood magic in the air overpowered even the heavily-perfumed scents of the creams and products around them, drawing out an excitement akin to bloodlust. Perhaps they didn't notice it, but they had begun to change as well: their nails grew sharper, their teeth longer, the features of their eyes and ears distorting into something less human as the concentrated blood magic in the room saturated their bodies.
The dagger seemed to hum in Hannah's hand-- a hand increasingly beginning to look more clawed as its grip on the blade tightened-- and she found herself slowly raising it above her head, pointed down at Melly. The words of the others pounded in her skull like a drum, a beat that egged her on to follow through, to complete the spell.
Melly, through the haze, felt her spider-sense rise in pitch. She pushed her eyes as open as she could, looking up at her girlfriend hovering above her and the knife poised to descend into her. Spider-sense begged her to pay attention to the dagger, but Melly instead focused her gaze on Hannah. Hannah, her love. Hannah, who wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Hannah, whose hands had begun to shake as a flicker of light, of presence crept back into her eyes.
"Han... nah..." Melly muttered, eyes sliding shut again.
Hannah's eyes went wide, suddenly realizing where she was and what she was doing. Her whole body shook, trying to fight the control that had compelled her and placed her here. Her teeth clenched, wrestling with the muscles in her arms just as they swung the blade downwards. A yell escaped from her throat.
At the last moment, Hannah had lunged forwards. The dagger came down several inches above Melly''s head, and Hannah's forehead came to rest near Melly's own as she gasped for breath. The chanting around them had fallen silent.
"Miss Alba..." the sicky-sweet tone of Mrs. Clearlee's voce rang out. "It's okay-- we all get nervous about these sorts of things. Why don't you sit back up and try again."
Hannah's body jerked back upright, the dagger dislodging from the table along with the motion. Her eyes glazed over again for a split-second, but with her heart pounding in her chest she snapped herself back into focus. The hand with the dagger attempted to raise back up, but through Hannah's will it was pushed back down.
"I..." she growled, teeth bared. "No. I won't."
A look of displeasure crossed Mrs. Clearlee's face, and her eyes narrowed.
"Why are you..." she wondered aloud, before focusing back on Hannah. She moved closer to the table, staring directly into Hannah's eyes. "No, you shouldn't be. You are bound to me by blood, Miss Alba, and you will do as I say. Now take the dagger and complete the spell."
Hannah's grip on the dagger tightened further, her own claws digging into her hand, and though her arm twitched, it did not raise above her. With a yell, Hannah launched herself forwards, past Melly and straight towards Mrs. Clearlee. The dagger swung forwards, burying itself into the scheme-founder's shoulder.
Mrs. Clearlee roared, staggering back with the knife still dug into her shoulder. Blood began to stain her clothes around the wound, and eyes narrowed into slits turned to train their gaze on Hannah. The commanding farce behind those eyes, however, no longer held sway over Hannah.
"You--" she sneered, abandoning the cheery-toned voice, "I am your superior! The one who found the book, did with its magic what no one else had the nerve to do! The one who helped you forge the bond--"
With those words, there was a sharp inhale of breath from Mrs. Clearlee, only just now realizing the absence of her hold on Hannah in her veins.
"...broken?" she muttered, voice growing louder with frustration. "No-- what? What bond of yours could be stronger than--"
Mrs. Clearlee didn't have time to finish before Hannah had lunged at her once more, claws bared. A swipe across her face left a group of gashes, causing Mrs. Clearlee to shriek. A swipe of her own dug into Hannah's arm, and as the two toppled to the ground, Hannah sunk her teeth into the vampire's other shoulder. Teeth gnashed, voices howled, and the two became a flurry of claws and blood.
The other six Clearlee ladies stood poised on the outskirts of the scuffle, the smell of blood making their mouths water. Yet they didn't intervene-- though not through their own choice. The spell had been completed, in a way, though the form it had taken from the point Hannah's dagger plunged into Mrs. Clearlee was far from what was intended. Instead of creating a blood thrall, it had become a contest of dominion, of who would claim control over the other.
Mrs. Clearlee had the book, the blood magic she'd forced onto Hannah. But Hannah had her love-- her love for Melly. Melly, her love. She would never hurt her love. She would not let this woman hurt her love.
Her rage, amplified by her bond, caused the magic in her blood to surge further, becoming visible beneath her skin. Her own sense faded to the background, the vampiric instincts within her taking hold of her mind. They drove her to attack, to protect. And though she was still aware of herself to attempt to resist it, the unbridled urge to kill.
By the time Hannah's attacks slowed down, Mrs. Clearlee was unrecognizable-- though the feeling of her heart weakly beating in her chest indicated that she was still alive. Though not fully aware of it, she had claimed victory. The other ladies of the Clearlee cohort, their own wits caving to the hunger-inducing stench of blood in the air, now looked to Hannah as their queen bee.
Hannah looked back to the table-- to Melly. She smelled her blood, heard her heartbeat. She was alive.
She could feel the hunger gnawing at her-- the magic that had been cast, the sheer potency of it that still hung in the air, had drained the reserves from every vampire in the room. But no-- Hannah couldn't take more form Melly. Her love. She'd already taken too much. And no matter her state, she'd be damned if she let any of the others here take any more from her.
Hopping back up on the table, she reached for Melly with blood-soaked hands, gently picking her up and pulling her close.
Safe. She'd keep her safe.
Her love.
No more than an hour afterwards, a spinning golden portal appeared just outside of Mrs. Clearlee's house. Several figures emerged-- Doctor Strange and Viper from Melly's own dimension, along with three Spiders: Specs, Gwen, and Amari. Using caution, the group descended into the basement.
What they saw invoked the aura of a massacre; furniture that had been in the way of the earlier scuffle was torn and knocked aside, and it along with the floors had been smeared with blood. Mrs. Clearly lay unmoving in the midst of the stains. Hannah turned as the group entered the room, letting out a low growl-- the other vampires jolted to attention along with her. Minds drenched in hunger, the new arrivals were threats... but they had blood as well.
The Clearlee vampires were quick to act, lunging at the new arrivals. With webs and silver, however, each of them were bound, leaving only Hannah in the middle of the room. She'd only lunged to attack once one of the Spiders had gotten too close to her, though Viper took the opportunity to pull Melly out of harm's way. Sensing this, Hannah turned with a snarl, only to be met with silver bindings latching onto her from behind. She struggled against them as Viper carried Melly up the stairs, away from her, and even in her starved, enraged state, she found herself starting to cry as she tried to break free and follow.
Her rage, her anguish and confusion did not last long, fortunately. Soon after Melly vanished up the stairs, a golden halo of light crept up in the edges of Hannah's vision. Her body relaxed, ceasing their fight against the bonds, and her mind drifted off into the golden glow that filled her sight.
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 months ago
Hypothetically if i WERE to not use the hyphen what would happen
hypothetically a homicide
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 months ago
What's going on, Red?
Hello? Hey! Uh... emergency! Help! Red Alert! Red Alert! :<
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 months ago
Fun new discovery: apparently when I’m low on blood (and not actively losing more) my Shard puts on a hell of a light show, presumably filling in some of the space where blood isn’t right now. Doesn’t get me back to 100% by any means, but I guess it keeps me stable? With the downside that I can’t go outside without everyone nearby noticing all the red glow-y stuff beneath my skin.
So… delivery it is for dinner tonight!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 7 months ago
Oh my god.
Melly, I'm so sorry. You're sure it's still her in there? Not the vampire just wearing her personality to get your guard down? I've read that they do that. But if that was what was happening, she'd probably be trying to act like nothing's wrong...
Call Strange and tell him everything. Now. Ask him--no, demand that he comes to see for himself. Maybe you can still save her, but if you waste time second-guessing what you're looking at...
So… good-ish news! Hannah says she’s feeling relatively better compared to how she’s been for the past bit. Still a bit tired, but her ache-y ness is gone.
As for why it’s gone… uh, probably dipping into the bad news to answer that. Because I’m pretty sure my girlfriend didn’t have fangs last time I checked.
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 8 months ago
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Happy pride month bisexuals!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 8 months ago
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Final Art Fight 2024 Post! Part 1 and Part 2 here! 🥰
[Click to view the full images in better quality]
AF/Twitter user lieutenantskell’s oc, Muizz Cuevas!
@brackets002’s spidersona, Specs!
AF/Instagram user queen.x.cobra’s spidersona, Luzinda/Tide Spider!
@brendleellipsis’s oc, Pluto!
AF/deviantart user PrinceDante/BelladonnaPrince’s spidersona, Widowed Spider!
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 9 months ago
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Random assortment of cartoonier spideys
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ask-spider-man-61610 · 9 months ago
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commission for @brackets002 🕸️🕸️
like what you see? commission me here!
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