#i found it. spiders georg
ebenelephant · 1 year
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spiders georg
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krembruleed · 6 months
Were you seriously disappeared from Tumblr for 5 years only to come back and share with us a deluge of the most wonderful BG3 art? Bless
brainwormitis got me back here like a hairworm forcing a cricket to the nearest body of water to drown
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stealthnoodle · 8 months
Spiders Georg, Spiders Georg I don't know words that rhyme with Georg Lives alone In a cave Spiders are What he craves Hey there! What rhymes with Spiders Georg?
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xannerz · 1 month
hmm I wonder if I need more keychains
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fluffybunnybadass · 15 days
can't believe i only got 1 kudos this year on the father's day fic with silver
that means that everyone must have read it by now!!!11!!
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I really wish the "average death age" throughout history didn't include child mortality. It gives this assumption that people only lived to 25. NO! There were people in the renesance that lived to 80, there were ancient greeks that lived past 60! Please! I am begging! Maybe we live longer, but not by the sixty years we are sometimes told.
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lemon-of-the-kids · 1 year
So like I have a intense love for dandelions and dead nettle and its becoming a problem
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kmt123whatsthetea · 5 months
Forest desires
George Weasley x reader
Requested by: @georgeweasleywife4566
Request gist: “George and the reader have sex in the forest”
A/N: Thank you for the request! I decided to slow things down and make it a soft sex one (it wasn't really specified so I thought I’d give my little pervert brain a rest). I’ve been in a world of self-pity lately (my dad got to meet the guy who played Percy Weasley, and didn’t invite me to the comic con). I'm also sorry that it's taking me so long to write, I’ve been sucked into RE4 (my hand is glued to the controller)
T/W: unprotected sex, forest sex, mentions of exhibitionism, Goblet of Fire George (it's not a trigger but I didn't want it to get lost in the A/N), teasing, fingering, reader is a little unsure about the situation but George comforts her, George licking your juices (it sounds so unsexy like that), George being a gentle boy,
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George could talk you into anything.
From sneaking around the castle late at night to getting frisky under the Quidditch stands, he’d twist your arm. Metaphorically, of course.
But this was a new fantasy he had.
“What if you and I snuck into the Forbidden Forest tonight?”
Knowing George, this wasn’t just a moonlight jaunt. He had something naughty planned. But knowing you, you’d agree to go.
The sneaky trek down to the forest wasn't new to you or George. He had snuck out many times and sometimes brought you along on a late night pranking mission with Fred.
Before you knew it, he was pulling you by the hand deeper into the dark woods. He pulled you to a small clearing where the tree’s parted, letting the moonlight in. How could the Forbidden Forest be so romantic with all of the centaurs, unicorns, and spiders running around? The thought made you pull George's hand, a little reluctant to get busy in a place that man feared and machinery disappeared (said machinery being the Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia).
George chuckled at your reluctance. He always found it fun to talk you into different situations, like pulling pranks on staff members or messing with the Slytherins that walked to class alone. But when it came to intimate situations, he was the king of persuasion.
“It’s okay, love. You know I’ll always protect you from any scary monsters that hide in the shadows. You’re my girl, remember?”
All it took was the ‘My Girl’ line, and he could convince you to do anything.
He sat on the grass and patted the spot next to him. When you had sat down, he moved a little closer. His lips found yours in a tender kiss, knowing just how to make you relax. One of his hands cupped your cheek, stroking the skin with his thumb, while his other hand moved to your thigh, toying with the fabric of your pyjama shorts.
Your hands found their way to his hair, threading through his ginger locks. You loved that he grew his hair out over the past couple of years but you’d never admit it to his face, not wanting to make his ego any bigger.
George slowly guided you to lay down before laying himself on top of you. His lips reconnected with yours and his tongue slowly swiped across your bottom lip. His hands reached for your shorts, pushing them down to your knees and leaving your underwear. His thumb found your clit through the material to rub light circles over it while his kisses silenced your soft moans and whimpers.
When you bucked your hips to try and gain more friction, he lifted his thumb to deprive you of the friction you were chasing. When he broke the kiss, you whined.
“Georgie, stop teasing. I need you”
“I thought you were worried about being seen, love. Does my dirty girl like the thought of being watched while getting her pretty pussy played with?”
He pulled your underwear to the side and rubbed his thumb around your hole, not giving you what you desperately needed.
“Maybe if you tell me what you want, I’ll give it to you”
His husky voice and sinful words were going to be the death of you one of these days.
“I want you, Georgie. I want you inside of me. Please?”
Or maybe it was your innocent whimpers and doe eyes that would be the death of him instead. His smirk grew, it always did when he got you to reveal that dirty side that you kept hidden beneath that goody two shoes exterior. He pushed his finger inside, curling it to rub against your sensitive G-spot. He could find it quicker than finding a target for his pranks.
His other hand cupped your cheek, keeping your eyes on him. He pushed another finger in, scissoring them to stretch you out. He could tell that you were trying to hold back your moans, that little voice in your head still telling you that some creature was hiding in the fog. His lips grazed against your cheek.
“It's just us out here. Those pretty noises of yours are for my ears only”
When your walls started to squeeze his fingers, he knew you were close. His thumb rubbed small circles over your clit once again and that's all it took for your orgasm to catch up. This time, you didn't hold your moans back, letting George hear just how good he made you feel.
He pulled his fingers away from your pussy before bringing them to his mouth and licking off your juices from them. He loved the way you tasted.
You moved your hands to his pyjama bottoms this time, surprising him. You pulled them down just enough to pull his cock out. Moving his tip to your entrance, you coated it in your juices before looking up at him with those pleading ‘fuck me’ eyes.
He moved his hips forward, pushing in slowly. He bottomed out, letting you take a moment to adjust to him. He stroked your jaw with gentle fingers.
“Keep those eyes on me, love”
His eyes bore into yours as he slowly pulled his hips back. He kept his thrusts slow and gentle, always treating you as if you were made of glass. You reminded him often that you wouldn't break if he was rough, but he insisted that you were precious.
He slowly slid his cock in and out of your pussy. His gentle grunts and your moans mixed with the soft sounds of the forest at night. Your voice came out in small whimpers.
“Please George, need more”
“You don’t need more baby, I wanna make it last”
His movements remained slow, taking his time to drive you crazy. His hand moved down to your hip, holding you and stopping you from squirming and escaping his torturously slow pace. When he went slow like this, you could feel everything. Every vein, every curve, every twitch. Although you hated how slow his pace was, you loved how full it left you feeling.
“I know you’re close, baby. Cum all over my cock and I’ll fill you up. I know you like to be nice and full”
He knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. You had been so focused on how full you were starting to feel that you hadn't noticed your orgasm creeping up on you. You came on his cock, squeezing it so snuggly and coating it with your juices. He followed soon after, spilling his seed deep inside of your pussy. His thrusts stopped, content with keeping his cum inside of you for now.
He laid himself on top of you, being mindful not to crush you.
“You know love, tomorrow is a Saturday. We could stay out here for another round”
George could always talk you into anything.
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vaspider · 4 months
Hi Spider, I hope you're well! I had a question about being Jewish and was wondering if you could give me some insight. All good if not!
Forgive me if I use the wrong terms here, I'm still learning and don't have any ill intent.
I'm a weird case, I think? I was raised Catholic, and I found out as an adult that my family past was hidden from me. Both my Babcia (great grandma, from Poland) and my Grandpa are descended from and were practicing Jews.
This information was withheld from me, so my knowledge of it is limited to what I've learned from my parents after they passed. And that's been like pulling teeth in and of itself.
How would I go about reconnecting with this part of my past? Are there resources available for the basics? I tried looking up various things online, but I think I'm looking in the wrong places- it's all super dense to me and I don't know where to start.
If you have any advice on this, or any thoughts of your own, I'd really appreciate it, no pressure. Thank you!!
My cat Princess says hello btw (:
Hello, Princess!
I would recommend finding a rabbi close to you geographically and starting there. Many places have a Judaism 101 class, which is required for conversion but doesn't necessarily lead to it.
Here's the list I gave @oldest-man-alive-blog off the top of my head when he asked for books to read to decide if he wants to convert
Essential Judaism by George Robinson Choosing a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant Here All Along by Sara Hurwitz The Jewish Approach to God, A Brief Introduction for Christians by Rabbi Neil Gillman To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking by Harold Kushner Becoming a Jew by Rabbi Maurice Lamm
And followed with this:
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hanakoofthejungle · 2 months
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Another HuskerDust Hazbin Hotel fanart because I am obsessed with these two.
Speedpaint process below:
This piece is based on the fanfiction, Wicked Old Soul by BunnyBight. It is also a Overlord Husk AU fic but has its own distinct and captivating plot. I highly recommend.
The scene comes from Chapter 24 where Husk and Angel host an engagement party for Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, and of course they have to dress the part :))) in other words, excuse for me to draw Husk in a fancy suit and Angel in a beautiful dress.
I took a lot of leeway in interpreting the clothes.
BunnyBight describes Angel's dress as "made of a black shimmery material. Not sparkly, it was too subtle to be called that. The top of the dress wrapped over one shoulder and under the other. It fit snug to his body until it hit his hips where it then draped straight to the floor. The front of the dress had a large opening. The left side of the skirt fell straight down but then another layer started at that hip and crossed in front to end at his right ankle. His entire left leg was bare as was the bottom of his right leg." So I was thinking of silk chiffon as the material for the blouse/bust and first layer of the skirt and taffeta silk for the bodice and second dress layer. As both fabrics has shiny property, they would look a bit more grey than black as opposed to Husk's wool suit. I added a layer of pearlescent watercolor on top to make the dress shimmery but it doesn't show after scanning. Check out my speedpaint Youtube short to see how it shines under the light. The dress is also supposed to have gold and red playing cards embroidery, but I was lazy.
Angel's necklace is the centerpiece of the outfit, '[t]he necklace was an intricate design of many small black diamonds and seven large rubies, all set in gold [...] It looked like something royalty would wear." So I went ahead and based the necklace on Empress Elisabeth of Austria's ruby parure. I saw the necklace in her portrait by Georg Martin Ignaz Raab while visiting the Schönbrunn Palace some years ago. There are exactly 7 rubies in this fanart and some small black diamonds. The details do not look good up close since I was drawing on a small A5 size paper and this is the best I can manage with tiny tiny jewelry. BunnyBight also mentions a pair of earrings that go with the set, but I don't know where the ears of a spider locate so I replaced those with a matching hair ornament.
"Husk was wearing another three piece black suit with gold pinstripes and buttons. His gold bowtie looked fabulous over the red shirt he wore with it." I found that when executing all these details on paper, the suit would look very busy and lack an emphasis. Hence, I instead put Husk in a pure black double breasted suit, kept the red shirt and placed all the red, gold and black color in the tie as the highlight of his outfit. I couldn't draw the tiny "little gold and red playing card cufflinks at his wrist" (again the limitation of traditional art on small paper) so I replaced the with heart shaped gold cufflinks. A nice allusion to Husk's wearing his heart on his sleeve just for Angel, which was definitely my plan all along and not just mere coincidence. I skipped Husk's fancy top hat and cane because I was lazy. One very wrong detail in this whole outfit is Husk's ring which he doesn't get until Chapter 36 :((.
The background is just me freehand drawing that tapestry with card symbols and other motifs appear in Loser, Baby and the marble column.
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httpsleclerc · 8 months
Hi bestie :) it's me :) there's no prompt or anything but can I request George and Russell!reader (younger sister) always trying to spend time together whenever they can when it's during the season,, something like getting lunch/dinner or having movie nights?? Thank ya ✨🩷
big brother George im literally curled up in a ball on the floor pulling my hair out.
You giggled as you heard George groan as you flopped down on the couch beside him, you acted offended - How dare he be so offended at your, now often rare company, while it was his home race and he was home visiting his family; which included you, his annoying, yet admittedly lovable little sister.
You were 7 years younger than George, and had turned 18 earlier in the year, unfortunately, your birthday fell on the weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix, and your brother had missed out on all the festivities. He felt guiltier when your parents had told him that you didn't enjoy your birthday as much as they had thought you would, and when they asked you about it, you said that you just missed your brother. Since you had moved away to attend university, yours and Georges schedules never seemed to match up anymore, but since this was his home race, you decided it would be rude of you not to at least attempt to attend it.
"Don't act like you didn't miss me, Georgie," He hated that nickname, well, from anyone but you who called him by it. George smiled at you as you leant against him, the TV in front of you playing the newest Spider-Man movie on Netflix. "Are you nervous for your race?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Let's not talk about the race, we're just having a movie night," He changed the subject, he already spent enough time away from you due to racing, so he didn't want to spend the little time he had with you talking about it. "How's uni going?" George asked you, knowing that you were a bit stressed out by all of your upcoming assignments for a while.
"It's fine, I passed all my first semester classes, which I didn't think I would," You mumbled quietly, fidgeting with your hands. "it's just really stressful." You admitted. George frowned at your admission - He knew how smart you were, and he knew what you were capable off.
"I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress about it, okay? You don't need to be thinking about uni right now," You relaxed as you realised that your brother was capable of speaking sense, and you leaned into him as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side. "I have missed you." George told you, although he wasn't lying, at this point he just wanted to see you smile - But apparently, his confession of sibling affection made you sleepy.
"Sorry, it was a long train journey this morning," You sleepily apologised, resting your head on your brothers chest as you found yourself getting more and more relaxed. George smiled, kissing the top of your head and continuing to watch the movie that played on the TV.
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Ok so there's a new clip out that a friend showed me, and it got me thinking. In the clip we see the Bros finding the pipe, and somewhere along the way Mario loses track of Luigi. We see him enter the pipe, and he says:
"Luigi, are you in here?" And he almost sounds... exasperated? Like this has happened before. Maybe it's just the nerves of being in such an unsettling place, but as a younger sibling I recognize the exasperation in his voice, lmao. That's the voice your brother uses when you once again get yourself into a Situation, and he's done with your Curious George arc.
That being said, if anyone has played Mario Galaxy, you know that every now and then Luigi will send you a letter basically saying:
"Hey Bro! I found something interesting, but now I'm stuck in x place and need help."
So you go to help him, and you end up finding this ridiculous green bean in the most bizarre place imaginable, and you're left reenacting that one Security Breach meme:
"GREGORY! What the *honk* are you doing?? HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!?!?!"
This man right here:
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Is absolutely impulsive as shit. Yes, he's jittery, and is most definitely going to scream at the sight of his own shadow, but put him on the trail of something interesting and all common sense goes down the pipes. This guy is ALWAYS getting himself into these situations, throughout the games, and presumably also in the movie.
I would not put it past this guy to cause unintentional chaos in Bowser's castle, just with his curiosity. Someone pointed out that his level of fear always stays the same, that he sees a spider in the bathroom and heccin' Cthulhu with the same level of fear, and it's absolutely true. Idk, maybe I'm overanalyzing this, but the idea just gave me a laugh. Feel free to share your thoughts!
(here's the clip, btw!)
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Chaos vampire boys 4
I love and appreciate all of you! Sorry for this being late, I meant to post it earlier but life’s difficult. ♥️
Y/n: Eat my ass fucker
Dwayne: if you insist
Y/n: wait no
*Paul, Y/n and Marko standing on the couch*
David: what the hell are you guys doing?
Marko: playing the floors lava!
David: a spider crawled under the couch didn’t it?
Paul: nO
David: you guys are idiots…
Y/n: says the guy standing in lava
Marko: what about that guy?
Y/n: oh no he’s wearing khakis Marko he’d taste terrible
David: and the girl there?
Y/n: She’s with an old man, she’s got her life sorted out, she’ll be missed by Mr. Moneybags over there, I take back my comment eat the rich man
Dwayne: did Y/n just help us calculate a person to feed on based on looks?
Paul: yup.
Y/n: can I sue the government? Or am I just gonna have the CIA or FBI show up and be like, nah bra.
Dwayne: sometimes I think your thought process is wonderful and promising, this is not one of those times.
David: I have officially drank all the wine in this random wine cellar I found
Y/n: ok Barbara, how’s the divorce going?
David: Don’t mock me, and for your information it’s going grand motherfucker
Paul: *crying*
Y/n: what’s wrong?
Marko: he found a ladybug and accidentally crushed it
Y/n: oh shit *starts crying* that poor ladybug
Paul: I know! We should name him to remember him…
Marko: how about George?
Paul: perfect, *still crying* rest in peace George…
David: do they know that they’re drunk or?
Dwayne: just let it happen David…
David: *being gripped by his collar from a surfer nazi* I feel kinda threatened.
Paul: I wonder where David gets his attitude from
Marko: I don’t man..maybe Max?
Paul: nah…
Y/n: *gets cornered by skateboarders* *laughs* I’m in danger.
Paul: never mind I found out where David gets it from…
Y/n: pardon my French, but what the absolute fuckery fuck is going on in this piss poor shit box of a cave we call our home?
Paul: Never before have I heard such beautiful words escape your mouth Y/n
Max: did you hear about the Crab who wouldn’t share his shell with me?
Y/n: was he shellfish about it?
Max: you stole my joke!
Y/n: how shellfish of me…
Max: you can’t repeat the same punchline Y/n
Y/n: wow, how shellfish of you to think so
Max: I’m done with you, I’m going to go watch transformers with Laddie
Y/n: ok, Octopus Prime.
Max: I hate everything!
David: I just saw Y/n stub their toe on the fountain
Paul: were they okay?
David: I’m not sure, I was going to ask but then they started violently sobbing and I was just standing there awkwardly watching
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urrone · 11 months
You guys I found Spiders Georg and it turns out he’s an alpha male
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the order of the phoenix members & co as incorrect quotes pt 2
(as an anniversary post to one of my favorite incorrect quote collections)
molly: Alright, listen up you little shits. molly: Not you Harry. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
tonks: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. tonks: Oh no, where did it go? mad-eye, standing on a chair: TONKS WHAT THE FUCK?!
remus: Snape has only scowled at me three times this week. Our acquaintanceship is really improving.
dumbledore: I've been expecting you, harry. harry: How did you do that without turning around? dumbledore: Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
kingsley, warning about a death eater coming at tonks: To the left!  tonks: Take it back now y'all!
tonks: What happened to your nose? mad-eye: I used it to break someone's fist.
snape: You read my diary?
dumbledore: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a handwritten book about a kind of sad fellow. And then I came to a chapter called 'I hate my fucking bosses,' and thought it sounded a little too familiar.
sirius: I apologize for saying 'fuck' during the meeting and horrifying these dear kids. molly: You just said it again. sirius: I am not a role model.
tonks: Mad-eye said it's my turn with the brain cell! sirius: Alright, square up-
sirius: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? kingsley: "Addict-ionary"? sirius: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. kingsley:…
dumbledore: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? minerva: Not by the law!
remus, during deathly hallows probably: There’s always that weak little shit in the group who isn’t down with murder. remus: *glares at harry* harry: Well, sorry I have morals!
tonks: So if our plan goes poorly, where should we meet up? mad-eye: The afterlife, probably.
molly: Where are you going? fred and george: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. We'll decide on the way.
tonks: You didn't think maybe we'd need some actual weapons? dumbledore: Knowledge is the best weapon- tonks: I’m pretty sure weapon is the best weapon.
*trying to solve some mystery*
ron: I've connected the two dots. hermione: You didn't connect shit. ron: I've connected them.
tonks: Who the fuck- kingsley: Language! tonks: Whomst the fuck- kingsley: No.
mundungus: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
hermione: Harry says thanks for popping by. He’d love to chat but he's up to his eyes in homework. perhaps if you could come by next week- snape and remus, coming to check on him: He’s climbing out the window isn’t he? hermione:
sirius: *closes a cabinet* a crash is heard behind the cabinet door molly: What was that? sirius: sirius: The sound of someone else's problem.
*after discussing a plan* dumbledore: Does anyone have any questions? kingsley: Is this legal? dumbledore: Does anyone have any relevant questions?
tonks: Hey mad-eye, are you awake? mad-eye: what tonks: Are you awake? mad-eye: Who the fuck do you think just said ‘what’?
harry, at the end of order of the phoenix: You guys really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? arthur: Several air traffic violations.  kingsley: Three counts of resisting arrest. mad-eye: Roughly thirteen bottles of firewhiskey (collectively). tonks: *pointing at the knight bus* Also, that's not our bus.
dedalus, hestia, and those other guys in the order who are rarely mentioned in the books watching the main characters' shit go down: -The actual fuck is happening now??
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wordsarelife · 7 months
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pairing: george karim x fem!reader
summary: a situation in which you are trapped, causes george and you to confess
warnings: none
you were sitting down in the kitchen, sipping your tea. lucy and lockwood were out, trying to get information about the new case, while george was in the archives and you were already trying to note down anything you had found in the books of lockwoods own library.
“stupid bobby” the front door shut loudly “stupid fittes team”
“woah” you said, standing from your seat and holding up your hands at george, trying to calm him down a bit. "what happened?"
"nothing" he sat down in his usual seat, defeated.
"that can't be true" you smiled, shaking your head
"fine" he said, standing up and filling the kettle with water "bobby said a few things about you"
"he did?" you wondered, as your eyes followed him around the kitchen.
"yeah" he put the kettle on the stove "said you two were pretty close and that he would ask you on a date these days"
"huh" you nodded "i suppose we talk now and then, but close..?" you left the rest of the sentence unfinished, trying to think about a situation which would assume that bobby and you had indeed something going on.
"are you going to say yes?" george had reached for your mug to fill it up with the fresh tea.
"thank you" you smiled as he put it down in front of you "to what?"
"to the date" george sat down across from you.
"hm.. no" you shook your head "i don't like bobby like that"
"kipps said something else"
"kipps?" you repeated baffled "how is everyone suddenly involved in this?"
george just shrugged.
you sighed. "what did kipps say?"
"he said that you were always looking at bobby as if you were in love with him"
your eyes widened and you leaned forward "i'm looking at bobby as if i was in love with him?" you repeated.
george thought you had asked him and shook his head "not that i noticed, and that's exactly what i said. i told them to stop talking rubbish and focus on their own personal affairs"
"thank you" you nodded, before you suddenly remembered, why anyone would think that "oh"
"what is it?" george asked confused.
"i think i now why they thought this"
"you do?" george scrunched his eyesbrows together and seemed less relaxed than before.
"yeah, i do quite often look at bobby" you were smiling now, amused "but not because i'm in love with him"
"no" you shook your head, laughing "i think he does look awfully lot like that boy who plays spider-man"
"huh" george leaned back in his seat, thinking about what you had just said, then he began to smile as well "you're right" his hand rushed forward to high-five you, but his elbow accidently hit his mug, which caused the tea to spill all over the table and your jeans
"oh shit" george had quickly stumbled onto his feet, turning around to the counter, to grab some paper towels, but there weren't any left.
"seems like lockwood forgot to fill them again" you sighed, standing up "i'll grab some"
you walked down to the basement, george hot on your heels. "you shouldn't have to get them" he said guilty "it was my fault, you should've stayed upstairs"
"don't worry" you smiled, handing him the padlock of the high security room, where you now also stored things for the kitchen occassionally.
"no, i'm sorry. those are your favorite jeans, and i ruined them" while you were searching through the stuff from your last shopping trip, george put the padlock into the door, so he could help you.
"they should be in the yellow bag" he said from next to you
"yes!" you smiled as you took them out "lockwood really didn't put away anything from when he went shopping"
"typical" george shook his head.
you walked back to the door, but stopped in your tracks when you noticed it was locked.
"what is it?" george asked from behind you, unsure why you stopped before leaving the room-
"the door is locked" you replied, without turning around, while you inspected it closer "i think the padlock must've accidently closed"
"shit" george said for the second time in twenty minutes "now we have to wait for lockwood and lucy to pass the key through"
"don't you have one?"
george shook his head "lockwood took it to bring the groceries down here"
"amazing" you smiled sarcastically, before you grabbed an old blanket and put it on the ground for george and you to sit on. you both leaned against the wall enjoying the comfortable silence.
"when do you think--"
"i have to tell you--"
you both started to speak at the same time. "sorry" both of you muttered apologetically.
"what did you want to say?" george asked, but you shook your head.
"you go first" you smiled "what you had to say sounded much more interesting"
"hmm" george hummed, not quiet sure if he still wanted to say what he did a second before. he then decided to be brave "i wanted to tell you for a long time now, but i like you, like like you. more than a friend" he winced, quickly closing his eyes, so he didn't have to look at how you reacted to his statement.
"george" you said and he opened his eyes. the smile on your face almost made him want to close them again. now came probably the time you would love at him and he could even escape your mockery. "are you kidding?" you asked instead of laughing and he looked up in surprise "are you really scared of how i would react? i thought i made it pretty clear that i like you more than a friend too"
"you do?"
"of course, silly" you laughed and he breathed a sigh of relief
"thank god" he smiled "that could've gone so south, considering we live in the same house and are currently locked in a room together"
"true" you pecked his lips like it was the most natural thing to do and his eyes widened. then you got up from the ground.
"what are you doing?" he was close behind you
"don't you hear that?" you pointed to the ceiling and really, george could faintly make out lockwoods talking.
"they're back" he said and you nodded
"how about you accompany me to my room and we continue our conversation as soon as lockwoods hears our calling"
"i'd love to" george said smiling and you both starting banging on the door.
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess @helpimhopelesslyinlove
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