#i forgot to add the character tags for organisation
rizardofether · 3 months
Been thinking about my Grand High Sovereign version of Rhixak again lately. I made him way back in 2018 based on the Infinity Ball personal story instance for asura.
I just made him for fun and didn't give him much further thought. But now I started thinking about him again.
It starts with meeting Shodd and the story goes similar to how it goes in the personal story part. Rhixak is a bit of a control freak which led to the invention of infinity ball in the first place, though he gave up in the end as in canon
With Shodd's encouragement, he continues, ignoring Zojja's warnings. In the end though no other version of him comes out, instead the two of them somehow succeed in making it predict the future.
The two's collaboration is of course full of homoeroticism, and the two only grow closer through working together. Though Shodd is only changing Rhixak for the worse. He purposefully manipulated Rhixak to go on with the project, and ends up getting carried away, encouraging even worse behaviour.
Using Rhixak's anxiety and worry for others, Shodd eventually leads the two of them to take over the world so they can protect it. They work together to take down the elder dragons, though Aurene's egg is lost, and she is never born in this reality. Though the two of them succeed in defeating the elder dragon threats, the dragonvoid appears unexpectedly.
Maybe it was beyond the infinity ball or maybe it ends up destroyed at some point, still working on the details but in the end the dragonvoid destroys Tyria.
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komorebiboo · 2 months
(I wanna specify I'm not a professional and still have a lot to learn)
plan the WHOLE story ahead. Write all the details down on a google doc or a piece of paper, yeah even the useless one. Trust me, your memory is not good enough to remember it all.
do a character sheet! You need to understand perfectly the way your character think, act, speak, and look. Here's an example of a good character sheet I found on Pinterest
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DON'T THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT YOUR FIRST DRAFT. Being a perfectionist, I wanted all my drafts to be perfect at first take. Needles to say, coming up with a good paragraph became less and less enjoyable and more and more of a pain in the ass. Luckily I found a solution: stop thinking. Just write every word that comes to your mind. It doesn't have to be coherent (as long as it follows the main plot points you planned for the chapter), it doesn't have to be good-written, just put down ideas and LATER organise them. It made the process much more entertaining to me.
use comic sans font. It might sound dumb, but writing in comic sans improve significantly my writing skills. Bonus points if I'm writing in blue (a color that stimulate the creative part of your brain).
trick your brain into wanting to write. For example, I use music. I'm writing a fanfiction about a post-apocalyptic world, so whenever I feel lazy or unmotivated I put the TLOU soundtrack on my computer and suddenly feel super creative. The "trigger" could be anything, a color, a tv show, a particular image (I highly suggest making a pinterest board).
If you post on ao3, pay attention to the tags! So many good fics get lost because the author didn't put the right tags. If you don't know how to tag your work, just google the meaning of each tag. Reddit do wonders.
This is everything for now, I'll add more if I forgot something ☆
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mickules · 3 years
But first:
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OOPS [for context]
My hand slipped.
Yous all ready for a MAMMOTH ask post? I mean it this is LONG
[edit: completely forgot to add the ‘read more’ rip your dash this is L O N G]
(next set of asks are [here]! in smaller bites this time)
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Honestly I’m kinda boring when it comes to headcanons, they’re mostly canon compliant or I end up floating about on the general consensus of popular fanon. Here, however, is a bunch of little titbits!
~Hifumi draws like Boichi. The idea he has a super detail oriented style and not a cutesy one cracks me up.
~The difference between Taeko and Celeste; those colour contacts are prescription. (Taeko doesn’t look too dissimilar to Toko and she hates that)
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~Likewise, Gundham takes forever to get ready as he re-applies the “wards necessary to allow mere mortals to withstand the presence of The Supreme Overlord of Ice”
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~Kazuichi on the other hand is au naturale. He just looks like that.
~Hiro is right, where do you think his clairvoyant abilities came from?
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~Taka has had to shave every morning since he was 13, (he looks like Masaaki Sakai from Monkey if he grows it out) Mondo will never be able to grow any facial hair, and he’s salty about it. His hair is naturally curly but he straightens the back for that Pomp Aesthetic
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~Taka is a very restless sleeper, never wakes up in the same position as he went to sleep. At Hope’s Peak he usually finds himself waking up across the room, on the floor.
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~Additionally, He eats like a gannet - maximum efficiency (until he gets indigestion) [more on this]
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~Red eyes and a diabolical resting bitch face is the dominant trait of the Ishimaru Bloodline. (POV trying to have a casual conversation)
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~Takaaki is a divorcee not a widower; his marriage was an arranged one organised by Toranosuke, and when the scandal went down the marriage was dissolved by the bride’s family. [more on this]
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She was 5′3′’
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Takaaki just wants someone tall enough so he can take a nice photo (I had to google ‘no homo with socks’, I hope you’re happy)
30% of Takaaki’s intimidation is his height, the rest is his Glare™
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Ah! I can understand the confusion! That was actually an older Mondo, as the anon had asked about Kaito being Mondo and Taka’s kid. I’m easy going when it comes to pairing characters together, I don’t mind answering questions along that vein! I love to see other people’s interpretations, and how they imagine a relationship develops. I’ve seen some absolutely adorable art of them as a couple! Personally however, I don’t have a good idea of their chemistry in my head, so I don’t think of them as being together. At the very least not in this weird AU thing I’ve got going on. 
Bold of you to assume Takemichi hasn’t been keeping it a secret. Not out of fear or shame, but rather because Michi would do anything to keep nosy, overbearing, meddling Daiya out of his love-life. He’s seen how Daiya absolutely ROASTS Mondo every-time he strikes out, and Michi ain’t about to open himself up to that. I imagine Daiya finds out whilst frequenting a gay bar- like that Doctor/Donna Doctor Who scene:
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He is then resolutely recruited as a Gay Consultant™ 
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They become very popular regulars. (tags got me creasing)
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You’re not wrong - that’s a fabulous concept, but they’re gonna have to catch him first. Surviving middle school gave Taka an unusually highly developed intuition for trouble and an excellent default flight or fight response
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Mondo having to deal with his gang associations negatively effecting his ‘civilian’ life and friends? *Chef’s Kiss*
Taka with his wooden sword would be a sight to behold. Unfortunately, I doubt brandishing a sword would be welcome in a school environment - so he’d unlikely use it for anything other than exercise. ISHIDA ON THE OTHERHAND
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Hifumi might have had a bit more trouble
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(Thank you so much! That’s so very sweet! I’m glad you like! :D) SO I didn’t originally have a timeline when I started making the comics, but NOW I do, so it’s a bit of a mess lol! BASICALLY: ~Daiya survived the bike crash  ~Mondo & Taka go to Hope’s Peak  ~They become friends (I have a comic planned for this, and it’s NOT a sauna scene *wiggles eyebrows*) ~[The Yakuza Incident] this is when Mondo catches feelings, but chalks it up to the adrenaline of the situation ~[Mondo meets Takaaki] and [makes a great impression] ~Daiya is introduced to Taka, and gives him “The Shirt” unbeknownst to Mondo  ~Taka has his own Gay Panic™ (this is another comic comin’ in the pipeline!) but he doesn’t recognise it for what it is. ~[Takaaki finds The Shirt, and him and Daiya make their plan] ~[The Hershey’s Kiss Incident] Mondo has to ask himself some PRETTY SEARCHING questions after this, whilst Taka has to wrestle with the revelation that if Mondo asked for a kiss, Taka would not hesitate to do it. ~ and Finally, eventually, a Confession (this is another comic, but it’ll deffo be a while before this one is done)
Takemichi sees the Oowada brothers as a single unit - he is 'second’ to both of them. So, whilst Mondo is at Hope’s Peak, Takemichi defaults to keeping an eye on Daiya to give Mondo some piece of mind, since Daiya still a target for rival gangs. Takemichi’s title of ‘second’ is just a formality of the gang. Daiya doesn’t really go in for the hierarchy stuff, but it’s the gang that insists on it and Mondo unfortunately really internalised it. From the gang’s perspective, you have the suave leader, his sharp, loyal 2nd in command and his volatile brother he has to reign in, when in reality Daiya delegated a lot of his responsibilities to Mondo and Michi over time, and was more a figurehead than an actual leader by his retirement.
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(I’ve got some more Leon in a future comic - have a peek, he’s got such a cheeky face) [this comic is now done!]
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Mondo’s unsuccessful romantic attempts are the favourite gossip topic of a surprising amount of class 78 tho’ not within earshot of Mondo obviously - They’re secretly cheering him on but they also have a betting pool based on how quickly he’ll scare the girl away. Celeste has made a very tidy profit.
Taka is 100% the type who’d inform the mcdonald’s cashier that they gave him too many nuggets and try to pay the extra. He’s IMPOSSIBLE to do a favour for.
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[persona ref here]
I agree, Mondo in specs is A+, but yes, ‘tis a persona reference.  I FULLY recommend Persona 4 if you get the chance! It’s a JRPG, but the ‘dungeons’ are people’s psyches, and when they’re inside they have to confront a ‘shadow’ which is basically some aspect of themselves they’ve repressed or heavily dislike. The stress of being in the dungeons causes people to get dizzy and confused, and the glasses stop that- it suggests Mondo has already confronted his own shadow, before Taka had to confront his. . .
That’s some excellent analysis right there! Taka 100% has some deep seated issues to do with his relationship with control. I think his new friendship with someone so far outside his understood norm of ‘acceptable’ would have rattled some of those insecurities loose.  There would be an inherent need for Taka to try to ‘improve’ Mondo’s behaviour - to try to make Mondo more “acceptable to society”, the way Taka was taught to be. But by doing so, he would be removing something that makes Mondo who he is. It would come down to an internal fight of being a hypocrite for overlooking Mondo’s anti-social behaviour, or trying to control Mondo and making him into something he’s not. Taka would hate himself for not being able to accept Mondo wholesale, the way he wishes people would accept himself, and the way he knows friends SHOULD do - basically a microcosm of the wider span of his anxiety with his chosen path and future.
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(ahhhh! !Thank-you! That’s supremely kind! I’m still really enjoying the Dangan stuff, and if I move on to other things and folk don’t vibe with it - It’s all good! No worries! My only goal on this tumble is to enjoy myself, and so far that ain’t changed :D)
NOICE! Excellent recommendations I’m lovin’ them! Always happy to get more! 👀
Also, from that DR chatfic:
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I have been outdone.
(AH! You flatter me! I’ll keep on tryna be cool!) [pic is here!] Daiya and Takaaki being casual allies is definitely a dynamic I really enjoy; Crazy Crafters is such an enjoyable fic! All the little interactions and character chemistry works so well together! Chasml’s fics are ones that I keep coming back to - I ADORE Their characterisations.
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Dang you right, Honestly I needed a kid and his mum for the Crazy Crafters [pic] and Hiro has such a fun design; it was inevitable.
(AH! Thanks!! What a compliment!! :-0 !! ) Normally, someone as jacked as Mondo would have a craggier face, not unlike Sakura’s sharp nose and defined cheekbones - but he’s got surprisingly soft features, I think those big eyes and long tapered eyelashes really add to it.
(!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!) Taka doesn’t even smile that much in his in game sprites but I CANNOT HELP IT! He has such a wide, welcoming smile and I LOVE DRAWING IT!!
(Thank you! I loved doin’ it!) All credit 100% goes to @monikamarkovova They have the most SUPREMELY FLUFFY MOTHMEN art and I am in AWE, I cannot compare. I do not know how they do it. [here for ref]
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(ahh! <3 thanks very much!) Here’s a bit of a behind the scenes! I do all my sketches in colour ‘cos I find it easier on my eyes. I have trouble telling the difference between colours of a close tone, so it’s easier to see when distinguishing between the sketch and the black lines when I’m doing lineart. Red just happens to be my go to since it’s quickest to get to on the colour slider and I’m lazy. The sketches you see are pretty much 1 to 1 what I use for lineart, minus the half tones. If I have multiple sketch layers, I’ll use multiple colours so I can see easier, but usually I do all my sketches directly on my guideline layer because I’m a madman. Here’s a coupla examples:
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here’s a rare one where I didn’t draw directly onto my messy af guidelines- but I always start with red, then blue, then green and very occasionally purple if I need a fourth.
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I keep the mini-comic sketches in red since I think it looks better. Black is harsh and can be unforgiving and I think it makes it easier to see how rough my sketches are. In colour it’s a little softer - and to me - more pleasing to the eye! (and even when I do use black- it’s usually at partial opacity to soften it out)
AND cos I’ve been watching too much Natsume Yuujincho (FULLY RECOMMEND it’s delightful) Have a quick redraw: 
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As my brother described it “Kiyotaka and his Fat Biker Cat”
And that’s it for now! The ask box is nice and empty, thanks for so many brilliant asks and sorry it took so long! I’m working on ‘Taka and Mondo becoming friends’ comic and ‘Taka gets a clue’ (edit: this one is [done]) comic, and I hope neither will take too long! :)
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About this account
Hello friends!
This is a side account of @stars-a-n-d-scars, where I reccomend wolfstar fics that I have found and loved. The aim of this blog is for people who are looking for fics to be able to come and find them, as well as to promote writers and ficswho don't get as much love as they deserve.
If you have a fic you want to send me, whether it be yours or someone else's, please don't hestiate! I love recieving messages from people, whether they are reccomending a fic, or telling me what they thought of one that I read. Also, if you notice a mistake in any of my posts, please, PLEASE let me know and I will fix it.
I try to stick to happy fics, or at least ones that have happy endings, so if you're looking for extreme angst, this probably isn't the right place for you, however I will occasionally post something a bit angstier if it's just too amazing to ignore.
Reccomending a Fic: As I stated above, I love getting fics from people! Unfortunetely, I will not rec WIPs, but if you have one, send it to me and I will keep an eye on it, and possibly rec when its finished (there may be some exceptions to this rule, such as abandoned fics that I consider to be resolved). If you send one through to me, I will tag you and mention that it was your reccomendation, or if it was an anonymous ask I will make sure to mention that.
I take fics from all platforms! Although the ones that I find myself will mostly be on ao3, I have no issue with being sent fics from livejournal, fanfiction.net or even ones just posted here on tumblr! So if you have one, don't hesitate to send it through.
Asking for a Fic: If you're looking for a fic with specific perameters, or a rec list along those lines, please send these through as asks, rather than private messages. This way, not only can it help other people who have the same request, but people can reblog it and add anything that I missed.
If you're looking for a particular fic, e.g. one that you read a while ago and forgot the name of, feel free to ask, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to find it for you. However, I will still answer your ask and perhaps someone else will be able to help you out.
Requesting Credit: I always try and find an author's tumblr when I'm reccomending a fic, but a lot of the time they are not linked, in which case I just link to their page on a03. If you find a fic that belongs to you or someone you know on my page, and would like to be credited with your tumblr as well as a03, don't hesitate to reach out and I will rectify that immediately. The same goes for orphaned fics - if you know who's it is, and they don't mind being credited, let me know!
Will not rec: There are some things I will never reccomend. This is because I read every fic I reccomend, and these are topics which I don't enjoy or which trigger me. The things I will not reccomend are:
Graphic Rape/Non-Con (if the characters have a history of sexual assault that's okay, as long as it is addressed in a way I deem appropriate)
Major Self Harm
Cheating (No problem with suspected/implied, as long as it isn't true)
No Happy Ending (again, there may be exceptions)
Wolfstarbucks and other polyamorous wolfstar relationships
Anything in second person (e.g. Reader x Wolfstar, Reader as wolfstar's child)
Abusive wolfstar relationship
I think that's about it! So, take care of yourselves, drink lots of water, and happy reading!
P.S. If you're looking for a more organised version of this blog, just go through to the Bookshelves page linked at the top.
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emptymasks · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot about your thoughts on Elisabeth and Tanz der Vampire, and they’ve been really helpful getting into those musicals! But you have a huge list of other musicals that people can get into…
So I was wondering if you had any musicals you hadn’t mentioned in a while that you really like or would like to talk about??? (preferably something from your lists that has a blue heart please?)
Oh if only you knew how long the list of European musicals really is... I however have only seen 9 (if I counted right) and I have a lot more that I still need to watch. Oh also, I only put the blue hearts on any musicals that I was providing multiple links for so people could see which version I reccoment the most highly. If a musical only had one link and didn't have a blue heart it doesn't mean I didn't like it.
I've watched: Mozart das Musical, Elisabeth das Musical, Tanz der Vampire, 3 Musketiers, Mozart L'Opéra Rock, Dracula (the Graz production), Rebecca das Musical, Roméo et Juliette and Schikaneder.
If you enjoyed those two you're likely to enjoy Rebecca! It's written by the same composer/lyricist team as Elisabeth and Mozart (and same lyricist as Tanz der Vampire - though if you're listening to any German musical, original or translated, 90% of the time the lyrics will have been done by Michael Kunze that man is everywhere). The Stuttgart production has my favourite set design of any musical! Well... Actually probably. There are so many big set pieces it's insane, way more than I've seen in some Broadway and West End musicals. You can tell so much work went into it and the visual effects that I won't spoil if you don't know the plot but if you know the plot you know what I mean by the effects at the end are so good and I didn't expect them at all and I freaked out so much the first time I watched it. Jan Ammann as Maxim in the Stuttgart production is the best Maxim. No I won't take any argument. Other actors feel a bit one-dimensional to me, but the way Maxim acts at times comes from trauma and some actors and productions seem to forget that, but Jan really goes for it and his Maxim is a lot more sympathetic and I just want to give him a hug. Pia Douwes as Mrs Danvers, if you've seen her in Elisabeth what more do I need to say, she's amazing. A musical goddess. Her Danny is a bit more wild than some, but she kills it. My favourite video, which I put the blue heart next to, has understudy Christina Patten as Ich/I, but I adore her she's my favourite. She adds some spunk to Ich in act 2 and her voice is so pretty and aaaa. I just love these three actors together in these roles.
Roméo et Juliette is another favourite of mine! It's hard to choose which one to recommend, but it has to be the original 2000/2001 production because of the sweetness and chemistry and voices of Damien Sargue and Cecilia Cara as Romeo and Juliet. They're so pretty and work together so well. The only reason I say it's hard to pick is Mercutio. I adore him, but in the original production they cut out a song they had planned for him and he doesn't really do much at all? In the 2010 revival they gave him two more songs and you care about him so much more and John Eyzen plays such a good Mercutio. So I'd recommend the original but if you want to like Mercutio more, which you should he's amazing, I'd recommend watching at least clips of John's. It's an interesting musical because all productions are non-replica and also change around the order of songs, add or take away characters, all sorts. The Hungarian production is also very popular and I'm sure it's great, I just haven't' gotten around to watching it yet.
Mozart das Musical was the first non-English language musicals I watched so I have a fondness for it, but it's not my favourite. However, I do realise I have forgotten most of the songs and the few I've gone back and listened to are better than I remember.
Dracula isn't super popular and I understand why, I don't love the plot of the Dracula/Mina romance in it, however. I do love this musical because despite how I find the plot lacking, the songs are so good! At least, I love them. And the actors are all doing a great job. And it's one of the few Dracula adaptions to keep Quincy Morris so they get bonus points for that.
Mozart L'Opéra Rock and modern French musicals... This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they're often more like pop-rock operas now. So if you're not into musicals with that style of music it might not be for you, but I still enjoyed it even though I didn't think I would because of the style of music. Mozart and Salieri's chemistry is very good, Salieri's bisexual crisis song is iconic, actually all of Salieri's songs are iconic.
Schikaneder... eh. I didn't like it that much and I didn't really like any of the songs. There's no English subtitles, but someone sent me the entire English synopsis and I watched it with a German friend so I had double the help of understanding it. Doesn't mean others might not like it, just none of the songs stood out to me and I had no desire to listen to any of them again. It's by Steven Scharwz of Wicked fame and I love Wicked, but I didn't love this.
3 Musketiers!! God it's so underrated and not spoken about within the European musical fandom that I even forget about it and literally forgot to write about it earlier in this post. It's a Dutch musical (though did also have a German production) and it's really good!? Faces you might know are Pia Douwes as Milady de Winter, Stanley Burlseon as Cardinal Richeliu (Netherlands Der Tod in Elisabeth), Henk Poort as Athos (Netherlands Phantom and Jean Valjean). The dialgoue is funny, the songs are good, some of the set pieces have no right to exist in this tiny musical?? They made this giant boat and pelt the actors with rain just for one 5 minute song and then we never see the boat again? And while I recommend the Dutch one because Dutch musicals deserve more love and it has official English subtitles!! Official ones, not fanmade! I have the DVD and it comes with English subtitles (and Dutch and German subtitles) which is so nice. The German version is also good, good cast, Pia came back and Uwe Kroger as Richeliu and omg they rearranged the songs and the German arrangement of Nicht Aus Stein is insane and amazing and frankly iconic.
That's all of the ones I have watched. Next on my list to watch are Rudolf and Notre Dame de Paris, both of which I have listened to some songs from and already love (I've listened to way too much of Notre Dame de Paris and am so in love).
I want to start organising streams where I'll host the musical either by getting the video from Youtube or my own files and anyone who wants to join can come along and watch with us, chat with us if you want or just watch there's no pressure to chat. I thought about doing weekly streams? This would also make me finally watch some of the ones I've been meaning to for ages. But I keep wondering about time zones. I'm in the UK and would want to stream at about 11pm at the latest (11pm BST/GMT+1 as we’re in daylight savings at the moment, if the streams continue past the end of October which would be wild then I’ll make a note of the time change that would be to 11pm GMT), which I know can work for other UK and Europeans, but for any Americans would be in the afternoon. So, I wondered if doing it on a weekend would be better? Then it doesn't matter if it's in the afternoon? Maybe Saturday evenings then? It would either be Saturday evenings UK time or Friday evenings UK time. What do you guys think? If people are down then I'll make a separate post with a list of what we'll be watching each week and if anything happens to me that means I can't stream one week then everything will just get pushed back a week, but I don't see that as likely to happen. And I'll only be streaming those that have English subtitles, so don't worry about not being able to understand anything.
edit: am also open to 10pm bst if others want that, im just trying to think of what time works best for everyone so sorry if 11pm is a little late for europeans, i know 10pm could be a little early for americans. also in case it sounded like these are the only musicals i will be streaming, thats not so, ive got more than just the ones mentioned on this list!
(Tagging some people who I know are or might be interested in streams to see what you think of that plan: @sirona-art @ringwraith100 @tanz-der-trash @smilingwoland @the-weird-dane @witchgaye @ami-fidele @kisstheghouls @looking-4-happiness @ladysapphire928 @sloanedestler @tinywound @persephonaae @phoenixdewinter @uwucoffee @freshbloodandgothicism )
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cosmicsnufkin · 2 years
Tag Game: Reveal Your Blogging Style
Thanks to @boysbeloving !! also i completely forgot to do the previous one so i'll add that to the end of this!✨
Highlight what applies to you (blue is my commentary)
different blogs for different interests OR all-in-one blog //
default theme OR custom theme //
one username till death OR change username according to mood/obsession // (i've only changed twice in the 10 yrs i've been here)
round avatar OR square avatar //
personal avatar OR fandom related avatar // (ish)
thematic consistency between header image and avatar OR who gives a fuck //
reblog without tags OR reblog with tags //
category tags only OR personal commentary in tags (along with category tags sometimes) //
like+reblog OR only reblog // (if i only reblog i probably didn't actually want to but felt like i should for whatever reason)
replies allowed on posts OR replies switched off //
askbox open OR askbox closed //
anons allowed OR anons blocked //
respond to every mention in replies OR be a hermit //
a quiet observer and enjoyer OR initiate conversation with an unknown blogger // (i totally would but somehow my social anxiety is worse online lmao)
send ask OR send message on chat OR converse with people in replies // (i only reply to people, can't initiate bc of above reason)
blog from computer/laptop OR blog from phone // (ok im doing this on my laptop bc it's easier but otherwise no)
personal posts OR fandom posts only // (well out of the... 98.000? posts i have less than 10 are personal so) (i def get personal in the tags tho)
have a well organised filled queue OR post intermittently and make it everybody else's problem OR post daily like it's a 9 to 5 //
likes and following displayed on blog OR likes and following hidden //
for the username meaning game: i have a list of words that i really like (that either look nice, sound nice, or feel nice when you say them? idk might be a neurodivergent thing) and cosmic was one of my faves (also bc like... space and stars and stuff<3
and then snufkin is my fave moomin character and the one i relate to the most (and tove jansson is my icon so it felt appropriate)
also the concept of a cosmic-wanderer snufkin is lovely<3
i'd really like to tag so many people but it's late and i can't think of anyone except @sweetsoursugarcube and @vegastheerapanyakul so everyone else pls just consider yourself tagged!! (i'd love to see ppls answers to both tag games!)
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yan-senna · 3 years
The Keeper of the Diamond 3 (Severus Snape x reader, Lucius Malfoy x reader & Negan x reader)
By yan-senna
Other links to the story: Wattpad / AO3
Want to be tagged when I post a fanfic?
Book 1 / Chapter 1 / Next chapter / All chapters
Chapter 9
TW: Hunting, kidnapping and mentions of zombies
The man with dark brown, curly hair and a grey beard smiles at the newcomers. “Welcome to Alexandria, my name is Rick Grimes. You must be the ones that were sent to help us out with the Saviors. And help the other ones who tried but got kidnapped, of course” Rick says.
Y/N gives a shy smile. “That’s right, nice to meet you all. This is Laura, this is Vera and this is Lucius Malfoy. My name is Y/N” she says as she shyly introduces them to the group.
Rick nods. “So you are that Keeper of the Stone?” he asks her curiously.
She chuckles a bit. “The Keeper of the Diamond, yes. And don’t worry, we will help you fight Negan and the rest of the Saviors” Y/N reassures.
“Yeah, I see. At least you aren’t wearing weird clothing. No offence” he says as he looks at Lucius who rolls his eyes at him.
“None taken” Lucius says as he gives a forced smile. How dare that Muggle insult his clothing?!
Laura clears her throat. “Um, so, how do we help? Y/N is the only one who can use her powers in this dimension” she tells them.
Rick looks at her, deep in thought. “You can help us by defeating Negan. We have discussed it before you arrived. While you go to the Sanctuary to save your friends or whoever they are to you, we go and attack the Saviors. We will need your powers to defeat Negan, Y/N” he says as he looks at Y/N. She nods.
“So, when do we leave, then? I guess we are as ready as we can be” Vera says.
Rick looks at her. “We were thinking in a few days. We have to organise the attack” he states. They all nod at that.
Rick shows them around while introducing them to the rest of the team. They meet Father Gabriel, a priest.
They meet Rosita who’s standing guard at the walls. She nods at them.
They meet Eugene who’s clearly a genius. He knows a lot of stuff. He also seems to like pickles as he’s holding a pickle jar almost as if protecting it against other people. Interesting.
They meet Aaron who has short, brown hair. He smiles at them.
They then meet Rick’s family - Michonne, his girlfriend who has a katana in her hand.
Carl, his son who’s wearing a sheriff hat and a bandage over his right eyes.
And Judith, his young daughter who has blonde hair. She looks to be around one year old.
“Now you have met everyone here in Alexandria. There are other communities helping us out, too. There’s the Hilltop where Jesus and Maggie are. Maggie is one of us, she’s hiding from the Saviors. They think she’s dead, so she has to stay at Hilltop. Then there’s the Kingdom where King Eziekel and Jerry are. There’s also the Oceanside” Rick states.
Vera, Laura and Lucius look puzzled. Jesus? KING Ezekiel? Y/N can tell that they are confused.
“Jesus is a man who is also called Paul. If you are wondering, he does indeed have long hair” she explains as she laughs. “And King Ezekiel doesn’t have a crown, he does have a pet tiger called Shiva, though” she adds.
Vera snorts. “Great. There are zombies, a king with a pet tiger, a priest and a Jesus. What a dimension” she says as she laughs.
Meanwhile, the people of Alexandria look at Y/N, confused. How does she know this?
“How did you know?” Carl Grimes asks her, surprised.
Y/N smiles. “Well, let’s just say that in my dimension, you guys are fictional characters. So is Lucius, by the way. So I know a bit about your world” she tells them.
They all look bewildered yet intrigued. Fictional characters? Interesting.
Michonne then looks at Vera. “You mentioned zombies. Is that the walkers?” she asks while raising an eyebrow.
Vera sighs. She forgot that they don’t call them zombies here. “Yeah, walkers. In our dimension, we call such things zombies. They don’t exist in our world, though” she explains.
They all look at the newcomers, a bit jealous. No walkers? Lucky bastards.
Daryl suddenly walks up to Vera and Laura. “Psst, you two. Would you like to come and hunt? I need to talk to you, anyway” he says.
The two girls look at each other. That guy can get quite aggressive. They shrug it off and nod. “Um, sure” Laura simply says. The three of them then head outside the walls.
As they are back in the woods, Daryl looks at them. “What’s that guy’s problem? That Lucifer guy, or whatever his name is” he suddenly asks while shooting a rabbit with his crossbow.
Both girls wince at that. Poor rabbit. Well, they do have to eat something.
“His name is Lucius Malfoy. Vera once called him Lucifer, too” Laura says while Vera shrugs.
“And as for his problem, he doesn’t really like Muggles which are people without magic. He has softened up a bit, though. I guess. Or maybe he’s just fine with Y/N, Vera and I? At least Y/N. Anyway, he’s a bit of a stuck up, status-obsessed as well as appearance-obsessed rich dude. But Y/N likes him, so we tolerate him. I did kick his ass once, though” Laura says as she grins at the thought.
Daryl huffs. “He did seem pretty stuck up to me, too” he says, agreeing with her.
There’s suddenly some noises coming from the nearby bushes. Daryl is ready with his crossbow.
They then hear whistles.
“Well, well. What do we have here? The boss will be happy when he hears who we got for him” a man suddenly says.
“What the fu- flower?” Laura says before their vision turns black.
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otome-haven · 3 years
I decided to make a tag, and hopefully get to know some people (I'm essentially ignoring all of my instincts to be anti-social to the point of being awkward.). Some are otome based, some book / music / movie / game based.
1) Name
2) Age (if you want to answer)
3) Gender / Pronouns
4) Discord? (if you dont want to make it public, then just say PM me!)
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1) Who is your favourite otome character(s)?
2) What is your favourite title/game (feel free to list more than one if you want to!) ?
3) Go-to character personality?
4) Bad boy or good guy?
5) If you were to mix characters together, would you? or do you like them all, quirks and all?
6) Fan-Fiction or Smut?
7) Are there any titles / characters that make you wish the company explored a little further?
8) Do you wish there was a route for a specific character that doesn't have one?
9) Even though you have a favourite character, do you think there is a character that would fit you better to how you want to be treated, even if they had no money at all, or weren't super rich?
10) Feel free to add more questions if you think of any, but I've gone blank xD
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This will probably be a little more chaotic, I just wrote what sprang to mind and got lazy about half way through about it being organised, sorry! Feel free to move the questions around if it bothers anyone and their OCD!
1) If you had to live your life with one item for the rest of your life, what would that be?
2) What was the last movie you watched?
3) All time favourite movie? or recommendations?
4) Do you have a go to movie for specific feelings, i.e when you want to have a cry, romance, etc?
5) What was the last movie you saw? either at the theatre or at home?
6) What quote(s) do you live by, or simply love?
7) Empathy or logic?
8) What song was last played on your phone/computer?
9) What’s your favourite band / genre and/or singer?
10) Top 10 songs you recommend?
11) Do you think wording (I forgot what the real word was xD - sorry!) matters, i.e ham burger vs beef burger, trash vs rubbish (basically asking if you care about the trivial details, or is it more of a ''as long as you know what I mean, who the eff cares"?
12) What was the last game you played?
13) Is there a game you really want to play, but haven't yet?
14) All time favourite game?
15) What was the last book you read?
16) Do you have any recommendations?
17) Do you have a list of favourite books?
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Completely random questions now. Don't take these ones to seriously pls xD
1) Do fishes also get thirsty?
2) Is Disney World a trap operated by a mouse?
3) What do you think about banks having branches when money doesn’t grow on trees?
4) If the cream is already sour then why is there any expiration date on it?
5) At what point do "boy/girl bands" stop calling themselves as such?
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Hi. This could be a long shot but I used to rp on jcink and I left it almost a year ago to take a break as I found the communities very toxic. I miss my characters and I forgot you there were rp communities on tumblr! I have never rp'd on tumblr before and I'm not sure how it works, as in where is the actual place where written character posts are or where members chat? I'm a newbie to tumblr rp and would love to join. I would appreciate some advice on how to start! xx
Hey there! Thank for for taking the time to reach out to us, we’re more than happy to try our best and give you to tumblr RP rundown! Sorry to hear you had a poor experience elsewhere - rest assured, if you want to be part of Crooked, we don’t bite! (We even have Game Nights !)
A summary of what I’ll try cover: 
Your blog is where you post as your muse/character per se, you can reblog musings and anything you like about your character(s) on here for the group to see. 
Your replies/roleplay interactions are also on here where you can post responses to open starters and engage in all that’s happening! (If you don’t use discord - we use it as our OOC platform, your OOC communications will go on your blog(s) too!)
So, to begin, the way the process of on the dash RP-ing works is generally: You create a tumblr account separate to your personal/main. You can use a little trick in the sign-up process to avoid creating new emails and losing track. For example: 
[email protected] can be used for your personal tumblr escapades! And then, for an RP one, you can use the same email, but format it like this: [email protected]. (It still goes to your same inbox, but it allows you to have multiple accounts - if you’re using them for different groups.)
I already feel like I might have lost you a little here - so, let me continue off this topic... we can always help you set-up later! 
Once you have a tumblr account, you can then decide if you want to keep it organised in the sense of individual character blogs or if you want to compile multiple characters onto one blog; then use the tumblr tagging system to make it clear which you’re using if you have gathered a few muses! We have a mixture in the group who use Mumu blogs (multi-muse) and those who use individuals - it’s purely personal preference! Despite using a Mumu myself here in Crooked, I generally prefer individuals because it makes it a little easier to keep up with the replies I may owe! 
Alrighty, so there’s that ramble added... It’s honestly much simpler to navigate than I may be making it out to be - my apologies! Essentially, you reblog interactions at your pace and create new ones for those to engage in and your threads are you ongoing interactions. If you would like some examples, I’ll list the admin blogs below so if you wanted to have a quick scroll for examples of how we kind of interact - there’s not really a right or wrong way! 
@crxxkedevil , @twistedxpromises & @eternallyxcrooked 
These listed above are all mumu blogs - so we have multiple characters we have compiled into a single blog, whereas we have members that have a main blog and then add side blogs for each picked up OC character. But you should be able to see the method of roleplay in each of these. There is also no rule on length or tense you write in ... you’ll see some variation, I’m sure. As long as it’s understandable and we can gauge interactions, you’re on for a win! Hurrah! 
I feel like that’s the getting started basics kind of covered? Everyone has their own tumblr tagging system on their posts to be able to retrieve former interactions and such. 
A beneficial program (I’d recommended getting.) is a free add-on for google chrome browsers called XKit as it offers the ability to edit posts once they’ve been posted and you can reblog just the newest interaction instead of swarming the dash with previous/repeat engagements. Honestly, if you haven’t realised I’m Queen of the Rambles - you... do now... but truly, we’re all friendly and willing to help you every step of the way! You’ll pick it up in no time, I’m sure! A lot of information and step-by-steps are covered in sections of the Main blog that might give you some insights beyond my explanations! 
As for discord, this is the OOC platform we use for out of character interactions and general day-to-day conversations. (Also, game nights... and lots of other chaos.) It’s also free and is available on both mobile & desktop. There’s no obligation to be part of the server there - but you’re more than welcome to get to know your fellow members and RP-ers! Helps with plotting threads and interactions too.
As a last addition: we’ve broken down the process a little on the Navigation page (Mobile Navigation, here.) so you’re able to look at things pre-application and then post-application to try encourage an ease of access for all. Hopefully by looking at some blog examples of ours and having a meander through the CrookedSoulsRPG main blog that you should find some helpful resources. We also have a resources blog, here if you want to look at gifs and icons... especially if you’re potentially not used to using gifs/icons/gif icons in your interactions, we try to where we can and there’s many faces for inspiration if you haven’t acquired an arsenal of faces yet! 
Thank you again for sending this in! I hope that this somewhat helped you in your starting up process? If you need clarification on more, you’re more than welcome to hit us with all the messages you like, or if you want to pop in an application if you think you’e got the ropes and an idea of what muses/characters you wanna throw into the Crooked world. A quick read down our guidelines to check they’re all good for you and you’re away! 
We’re more than happy to continue helping you through the process in any way we can - we’re all very welcoming! Please, don’t be shy! Believe me, we’re all been there before, we all start somewhere! 
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Sugar and Spice (Tony x Reader)
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(Gif credit to owner)
Fandom: Marvel
Character: Tony Stark
Persona: Female
Word Count: 2,984
Warnings: Sugar Daddy!Tony, hella smutty, a little rough/kinky (spanking, oral, choking, daddy kink), NSFW, swearing
18+ ONLY
A/N - For my love.  A little different to stuff i usually write, shameless smut without plot although I am kinda interested in turning this into a mini series if that’s something y’all would like to see? Feedback is appreciated! Anyways enjoy <3
Tag List: @ofmiceand-batman
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
It always started with a text, sometimes a phone call if he was feeling more daring or pushed for time. He always paid very generously even if you did decline the money it would always, somehow, end up in your bank. You couldn’t even remember how your arrangement started but you sure as hell were grateful for it. When your phone buzzed at exactly nine o’clock on the dot you almost didn’t check it. Today at work had been stressful so after you treated yourself to a warm bath, you all but collapsed into your fuzzy blankets strewn across your bed:
From: Daddy ♡
i’ll be over in 10, want u in that pink number i bought u, see u soon princess xo
It was like a weight dropped in your stomach. All the tiredness and pent up annoyance washed away in a second to be replaced by excitement, one that you didn’t realise you were hungry for.
Leaping up out of bed you made all the standard preparations like throwing on the tight, little pink bodysuit that hugged you just right and made Tony’s mouth water. It was very revealing, leaving little to the imagination. Checking the time on your phone you saw you had a few minutes to spare, Tony was always the punctual man. Dimming the lights you lit a few scented candles to add to the atmosphere. He loved it when the room smelt almost as sweet as you. Straightening out your bedsheets you made sure everything was in order, Tony liked your prim and proper organisation, it added a little order to his somewhat chaotic life. Just as you finished straightening out your pillows there was a knock on your door.
Skipping over to the door, you attempted to regain your composure before opening it to reveal Tony. He was dressed in one of his suits which cost more than your entire apartment. It helped add to the confidence he was already exuding. You couldn’t see his honey-coloured eyes as they were hidden behind his usual pair of sunglasses, they dragged slowly down your body and he couldn’t resist letting out a low whistle, after checking you out he tucked the glasses into his top jacket pocket. Looking dapper as ever with one hand resting on the doorframe, he used his other to nudge it open further, “Hey baby, you miss me?”. He walked further into the room and closed the door behind him, you let a giggle spill from your lips as you practically jumped onto the older man, your arms wrapped automatically around his neck like you’d done so many times before, “Of course I did”. He was a few inches taller than you but you still wrapped your legs around his waist, Tony’s large hand came to rest on your ass, the other on your hip. He squeezed it cheekily as his lips came to attack your neck, his beard tickling you all the while. He loved leaving marks.
Reluctantly Tony tapped your ass again to signal you to drop down, you wordlessly followed his order. “I missed you too princess”, Tony cooed as he gripped your chin and pressed his lips to yours, “I couldn’t wait to get away tonight and I mean look at you. All ready for me”. You intrepidly leaned up to steal another kiss. You felt Tony smile into it, his hands everywhere on your body and you mimicked his actions. You could never get enough of him, pulling back you looked up at him through your lashes, “Well let’s not keep you waiting then”.
You gripped his silk tie, using it as a lead you gently pulled him towards the bed. Tony didn’t protest, sometimes he liked it when you took control. You were about to push him down onto the bed so you could straddle him when he stopped and planted his feet into the carpeted floor.
Tony tutted disappointedly, “I think you’ve forgotten something, baby girl”. Your face visibly dropped as you scanned his own for any hint as to what it may of been. You room was tidy, you’d worn what he’d asked....Tony’s hand reached out and wrapped around your throat and in an instant you knew what you’d forgotten. “Where’s your collar baby?”, he cooed, his thumb rubbing circles as he constricted your air flow lightly triggering a flood of warmth to pool in your underwear. “I forgot I’m sorry”, you stuttered out in your panic, upset that you were displeasing your Iron Man. Tony’s face contorted further, “You’re sorry what?”, his voice suddenly dropped an octave signifying even more of his disapproval. “I’m sorry daddy”, you quickly added, your (E/C) eyes like a doe’s. Tony smiled at you, pleased with your response, “You’ve been naughty (Y/N). Very naughty. First you’ve forgotten your collar...”, his hand wandered to your cheek where his thumb then dragged across your lip, “And then you forget who you’re talking to? We just can’t have that now, can we?”. While maintaining eye contact you let your tongue dart out, licking his thumb and sucking it into your mouth. You shook your head in response to his question loving the way that every time you sucked harder on his thumb, Tony closed his eyes, his signature smirk plastered to his features. “You deserve a punishment, don’t you princess?”. 
You nodded again to show you understood, feeling extra risque you suckled harder. Tony was already going to punish you so you might as well have your fun. He groaned loudly and bit his lip, “On the bed. Now”.
You sauntered backwards until your legs hit the bed, a wicked grin on your face. Collapsing onto it you tucked your legs under yourself and waited with your hands on your knees just like Tony had trained you to do. The older man hummed in approval, he started to undo his suit jacket. Your stomach flipped in anticipation; Tony was purposely dragging it out knowing how excited it would render you. He draped the jacket over the back of a chair and discarded his shoes near it. Next he slowly undid his tie as he finally walked over to you. Sitting down next to you he watched you intimidatingly, delicately folding his tie and placing it near him. “Now sweetheart, how do you think we should punish you?”, his hand tangled in your hair, as he stroked it lovingly.  “Whatever you thinks best daddy”. Tony pretended to think, enjoying the way you were quietly whining and leaning into his hand, “I think we should start with a spanking, how does twenty sound baby girl?”.  
“Yes please daddy”, you eagerly answered in a flash much to Tony’s amusement. He chuckled and suddenly his hand tightened in your hair as he used it to pull you across his lap, “Get comfortable then. Make sure you count loud and clear for me you pretty little thing”.
Before starting Tony admired the view, his big hands squeezed the tender flesh of your behind as you laid splayed out for him. He pulled on the thong, of the bodysuit letting it ping back against your skin. You moaned out of pleasure but it quickly turned into a squeal of pain. The noise of skin hitting skin echoed around your room, “One”. Tony let his fingers dance across your cheek building up the tension which he finally ended with another slap to your ass, “Two”. “You’re doing great baby girl”, he praised. 
18 spankings later and you were a hot, drooling mess trying hard not to wriggle around in Tony’s lap. Your ass was redder than your cheeks were, the stinging on your behind soothed by Tony added to the pleasure stirring in between your legs and the fact that you could feel Tony’s arousal against your thigh was only helping to push you over the edge. “You are such a good girl for daddy”, he said, “Are you okay princess?”. He lifted you off of him to stand on the floor in front of him, you were at eye level with him. Only now could Tony appreciate the effect he had on you: wild eyed, cheeks flushed and lips puffy. His hand stroked your cheek as he waited for your answer, Tony would never push you past your limits and he always wanted to make sure you were okay. His hand burnt your cheek, you needed more, “I’m okay but I need you daddy. Wanna make you feel good”, you mewled. Tony’s eyes lit up, your words only adding to his hardness. His hands shot out and grabbed your shoulders pushing you down onto your knees, “You wanna make me feel good? Get on your knees and open wide baby girl”.
That was all the permission you needed.
In a heartbeat you started to work on his zipper, your mouth already salivating. Once that was undone you gripped greedily at both the top of his trousers and the waistband of his boxers. As you started to pull them down Tony lifted his hips to aid you. Tony’s cock never failed to make you go starry-eyed, it was big and it was girthy, the tip swollen and already leaking precum. Just the way you liked it. 
You gingerly let your tongue swirl gently over the head gathering the salty liquid as you lightly gripped the base of his cock. “Fuck”, Tony sighed softly trying to keep his head from drooping backwards. Your mouth opened wide enough just to take the tip fully in, you sucked softly as your hand teased the rest of his length. He was starting to grow impatient. Tony started to caress your hair and suddenly he tangled his fingers into it, forcing you to take in more of him. Relaxing your mouth you placed your hands onto his thighs, he grunted, “Be a good girl and take it”. You were midway down his length when he started to push into your throat, the burn all too familiar. You tried to repress a gag unsuccessfully, Tony relented pulling your hair to pull your head back up, strands of your drool coating his cock, “Just relax baby”, he instructed giving you a second to breathe before he started to push you back down. You hummed around his length as you soon got back to the midlength point, Tony moaned again pushing slightly on your head. You took a few more inches, you could feel your stomach tightening as he slid further and further into your throat until your nose was tickled by his neatly trimmed curly pubic hairs. “Oh fuck princess”, he held you still, one hand still on your hair, the other rubbing your throat where he could feel himself, “You’re doing so well”. 
Your fingernails dug into the sensitive skin of Tony’s thighs, increasing the pleasure. Your eyes threatened to leak tears. Your throat was even more sore than your behind but still you tried your best to swirl your tongue against the smooth underside of his length. Without warning Tony started to move your head again and soon the room was filled with the obscene noise of Tony fucking your throat. String of curse words floated freely from Tony’s lips, his eyes half-lidded as he relished in the sinful pleasure he took from your mouth. You could do nothing else but sit and let your throat be abused, (not that you didn’t enjoy it). You hummed and moaned as he guided your head up and down his cock, the vibrations delicious against him. A hand slithered down Tony’s thigh to cup his balls, you rolled them faintly loving the way Tony’s moans grew louder. His thrusts started to grown more vicious until he finally pulled out of your mouth with a pop, a trail of saliva dribbled down your chin as you grinned up at Tony. You were even more of a mess than before with your hair all wild and spit smeared across your cheeks.
Tony took a minute to wait for his conscientious to return to his body, “Damn baby, I almost didn’t last”, he took your arm amiably pulling you up onto the bed next to him, “Almost didn’t get to fuck that sweet little pussy of yours”. 
He pushed you down so you were lying in front of him, you hair fanned out around you as you watched him fervently. Quickly Tony discarded his white dress shirt throwing it onto the floor, the bed bounced as he maneuvered he way into the middle of the bed. “God look at you, you’re so beautiful angel”, Tony complimented you. He pulled on your ankles to bring you closer to him, “Can’t wait to fuck you baby girl but first I’ve gotta get a quick taste. Do you want that baby?”. Tony pushed your legs open so he could sit in the middle, he leaned down until he was hovering over your barely clothed pussy. “Please”, you mewled, trying not to buck your hips up to his mouth. He raised a bushy eyebrow as he pulled the fabric of your thong to the side, his breath hot against your core making you crave attention. “Please, daddy”, you begged. He smirked before diving his face between your legs. His beard scratched the tender skin of your inside thighs, he licked a line up your slit until he reached your clit which he sucked into his mouth, “Oh Tony!”, you droned, unable to keep your hips from moving, your hands were gripping the bed sheets, Tony adored the sight in front of him and how only he had the power to make you come this undone. There was a coil tightening in the pit of your stomach as he plunged a finger into your pussy. Tony was looked on knowingly, waiting for the signs that you were about to orgasm. Your breathing sped up, your back involuntarily arched and just as you were about to explode Tony removed himself from you.
Your brow furrowed. Your head raised and you wanted to scold him but he opened his mouth first, “You’re gonna cum around my cock princess, okay?”, his beard glistened in the candlelight from your juices, “You’re so wet baby girl, look at what you’re doing to me”, Tony leaned back on his haunches, he tapped his cock against your thigh as he fisted it. He was impossibly hard. “Are you ready princess?”. You whined, “Please daddy, I need you”. 
“Always the good girl aren’t you (Y/N)?”, he purred coming to rest his body between your spread thighs, cock in hand he rubbed it up and down you slit a few times making sure to spread your wetness. He poked the tip of his cock into your opening. He pushed at an achingly slow pace, relishing in the feeling of how easy he slipped into you. With a roll of his hips he was fully sheathed inside you, he cursed in delight, “You’re so fucking tight”. Thrusting a few more times Tony changed the position of your legs so that one was slung over his shoulder and the other was wrapped securely around his waist. The change allowed him to hit deeper spots inside of you, any moans that came leaking out of your mouth were quickly swallowed by Tony as his lips attacked yours furiously.  The room smelt like sweat, the air was thick with arousal, the bed squeaked comically with each precise thrust from Tony. He pulled away long enough for you to yelp, “Oh god Tony, harder daddy please!”. He pressed one last kiss to your lips before he moved to suck on your neck, as he started to lick and suck he started to pound ungodly fast into you, “Oh fuck!”. Your arms tangled around his neck, pulling on his hair.
When he was satisfied with the amount of purple marks he’d left, he raised your other leg onto his shoulders so that your knees where now pressed into your chest. Then he snaked his hands to your neck before he started to pound you at an ungodly rate, gradually increasing the pressure on your airways. “You look so pretty with my hands around your throat”, he teased, tenderly placing his forehead against yours. You were coming undone beneath him. With each thrust of his pelvis he was tickling spots inside you which you didn’t even know existed. You were seeing stars, babbling nonsense to the man fucking you like there was no tomorrow. His grip became so tight that you were starting to see little black dots cloud your vision, “Are you gonna cum for me princess?”, Tony was beside your ear, hot and encouraging. “Yes!”, your answer was stuttered. He tightened his grip just a little bit more, “Then cum for me baby”. A few more thrusts from Tony and the gates of heaven opened; your back arched until your chest was rubbing against Tony’s, the moans emitting from your mouth were downright pornographic only serving to fuel Tony’s lust. You could feel the heat leaking out of you, you were unable to come down from your high as his vigorous thrusts never let up.
The fluttering of your walls around his cock was starting to become too much for him. Tony’s groans started to match the sloppiness of thrusts. He was plunging further and further into you, changing his pace from rough and fast, to slow and deep. He placed his forehead on yours again muttering incoherent sweetness until finally he pulled back. Tony jerked his cock a few more times, his eyes shut  out of the sheer bliss he could feel approaching before he finally shot his load all over your thigh. 
Sweat was beaded on his chest reflecting in the light as he finally came around, he stilled his breath to match the calming speed of yours, he cheekily smiled down at you, “Fuck I missed you (Y/N)”.
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rustandruin · 6 years
Can you help me out please? I'm looking for resourceful Robron blogs to follow (spoilers, fanfiction, recommendations.) Thank you in advance.
Heya Anon, 
Sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this! I just wanted to try and be as thorough as possible. I’ve tried to divide this along as best as possible. Hopefully, you’ll still find this helpful! (Also, if people want to add on, please do so! ESPECIALLY if I forgot you!) 
Ideally, all of this will show up below the cut so everyone won’t have to deal with a mammoth post. I apologise in advance. 
In general, if you follow enough people within the general fandom, you’ll see when spoilers get dropped because if they’re particularly juicy everyone will be abuzz. 
Though schedule-wise, here’s when you can expect spoilers to drop (shout out to @nooneelsecomesclose17 for help with this):
“Press spoilers for the TV guides and such is usually Thursdays (the odd week it’s Wednesday). Preview videos go up usually on Fridays, preview pics on a Monday. The Irish magazines is usually posted Monday mornings, and the rest around midnight Monday/Tuesday. Metro and Digital Spy articles about the spoilers are usually 7AM Tuesday.”
Blog-wise, here’s a nice bunch to follow: 
@dannymiller-irish-fan is wonderful about providing everyone with magazine scans of spoilers and interviews and stuff. 
@emmaamags does the same and is pretty thorough with their spoiler gleaning and sharing as well. 
@ryanhawleysthighs does a great job of tracking spoilers too! And they track it well in advance date-wise which can be helpful. 
If you’re looking for a fic recs, @robronfic and @robronficlibrary are helpful to follow since they tend to include helpful tags like genre and word count, etc. (They also take asks about fics and stuff so in case you’re looking for something specific!) 
If you’re looking for people who take prompts, I kind of answered an ask about this a while back, everyone on that list writes and takes prompts if you have ‘em. 
But in general, here’s a handy-dandy group of writers to check out: 
@nooneelsecomesclose17 , @persiflager , @escapingreality51 , @littlelooneyluna , @thesnowyswan , @capseycartwright , @aarobron , @vckaarrob , @robertjacobsugdens , @notforonesecond , @7amlecturerambles , @robertmakesafoolofhimself , @prettyboysugden  , @smittenwithsugden , @blondhairedking , @amandaj718 , @andyouknowitis and I guess, because I’m feeling a little shameless, myself. 
If you dig poetry, I know @surviveyourhumanity has been charming us with some great stuff. 
You might also want to keep an eye out for @emmerdalebigbang which is basically this really cool event where a bunch of fic writers have signed up to produce a fic that is more than 15K, as well as to be matched up with an artist who’ll be producing work based on whatever they’ve written. 
@scrapyardboyfriends does some lovely scenes and I think takes requests!
@messedup21 has been producing some lovely edits and totally takes requests. (They made my mobile header!) 
@illgetmerope has been putting together some amazing stuff lately too. 
@wycombewanderer makes these crazy amazing moodboards that you can get lost in for hours.
@blondhairedking does that too. It’s just mindbogglingly gorgeous. 
GIF-wise, check out:
@whatdiknow , @dinglehorton, @lizzzzoo , @evak-malec , @aarondingel , @isabellaofparma , @robrongifrequests ,
For metas, posts, and general ruminations on Robron/Roblivion’s relationship, romance and general history almost everyone on this post is pretty golden, but here are a few more: 
@letthebluerain , @lesfemmesdangereuses , @dorsetti , @bartsugsy , @mrdinglesugden , @peterbeale , @vicbartons, @robertisbisexual , @omarandjohnny
Here’s a bunch of YouTube channels to check out if you want to rewatch or catch up on the Robron/Roblivion and Matty Barton storylines. 
@smittenwithsugden is great for scene transcripts that involve either member of Robron (and I think Liv as well). 
@robron-fandom-compliments is a great resource/tool to send some love to blogs you follow or admire! Especially if you’re too shy to do so yourself. They also recently organised a week where they secretly paired up a bunch of bloggers and had them compliment each other. 
@emmerdaleoutfits is my new favourite thing because I’ve recently become obsessed with menswear, but they’ve been tracking down a bunch of different looks and I’m sure they’ll suit your needs if you have a request. 
@notcorrectemmerdalequotes is a fun blog that sometimes mixes and matches quotes from other shows with characters from Emmerdale, all of which are on the money. 
Hope you find this helpful, Anon. Feel free to say hi or hit me up with any other questions! Have a good rest of your day! 
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Paring: Steve Rogers/Male!Stark!Reader
Tags: male reader, canon compliant but not compliant with the timeline from Captain America: Civil War, protective Steve Rogers, gay male character, bisexual Steve Rogers, angst, feels, fluff.
Summary:  A biopic of Steve Roger and Reader's relationship throughout the Avengers' Civil War.
Word Count: 2,149
Current Date: 2018-02-14
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It sucks that the two guys you love most in the world are fighting. It’s awful. It would be bearable if it was about something small, like, what movie to pick for family night, or, what Ben & Jerry’s to splurge on. But it’s not. They’re Avengers…well, are they? After all of this, will there be? It’s hard for you to see a future for the team that welcomed you in so warmly. You’re Tony Stark’s twin, born twenty minutes after him, and, consequently, have done everything after him as well. It’s fine, being in the spotlight is his thing, but now, with all the intense arguments around the table, the spotlight is on everyone.
Especially you.
“________?” Tony’s creation, Vision says your name. “What is your input into the Accords we are to sign?”
You nearly jump in your skin, scared out of your thoughts. Geez, his voice is so much like J.A.R.V.I.S. You glance around the table, seeing Clint, Nat, Wanda, Sam, Tony. They all wait on baited breath for your answer.  
“I…” you begin, looking down at your lap.
Tony quirks a brow. “What’s that, you’re siding with me, little brother?”
You let out a breath you don’t realise you’ve been holding. “I…I can’t. The whole idea of the Avengers was to be a non-government organised team formed for the good of all citizens of the world.” You let out the thoughts that you’ve been keeping in, “Being attached to the Sokovia Accords means we could be used for the use of corrupt governments, with HYDRA insiders, or worse.”
You glance to Steve, who smiles. You know your boyfriend, and if there’s one thing he hates more than pencil smudges on his sketchpad, it’s HYDRA.
“We need to do right by the law, we’re heroes!” Tony cries out.
Nat raises her hand, “Tony, that’s ________’s answer.” She says, her words curt. “You of all people know you can’t change other people’s minds.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He huffs, and then raises his hands. “Okay, I’m not going to touch that can of worms.” He gathers the papers from the table, and glances over the group. “So that’s all…okay, I’ll give our answers.”
You sit there, feeling a terrible sinking sensation within your chest. Steve’s hand covers your own, and you lean into his side. For the first time in a long time – since perhaps you heard the news about your parents…or when you came out – you feel dizzy, almost, at the prospect of what was to come. Because of your morals, you were for the first time against Tony.
“What’ll happen?” you whisper to him.
Steve shakes his head. “I guess we’ll find out soon.”
Clint gets up from the table, pushing his chair back fast enough it scratches the floor. “Okay, before I get swept up in this mess, I’m going to just come out and say it. I want out.” He turns to Steve, and adds, “Cap, I’m retiring. I want a generous pay per capita, and nobody calling in to chill on weekends.”
Wanda moans. “Not even me?”
Clint claps her on the back, walking to the door. “Nah, you’re still allowed. Alrighty, I’m off!”
It’s late one night when Steve’s phone rings. It’s never good when a phone rings late…that’s something you know well. But when you both wake up to it, you know it’s not good at all. Steve has a setting on his phone that doesn’t allow for anyone to contact him in his ‘off hours’ (aka, the time he puts aside for you and sleeping and all that) except for his favourites.
“Hello?” He answers, voice full of sleepiness.
Five minutes later, he’s packing clothes into a bag, struggling to get into his pants. You’re working on buying your boyfriend a plane ticket to London. It was Peggy Carter. His first flame.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” He asks you, one foot in his shoe, the other shoe in his hand.
You shake your head. “I’m not good at funerals.” You tell him. “Um…I guess I’ll stay here and work out what’ll happen to us all now the Sokovia Accords are happening. They’re working on it soon.”
Steve shakes his head. “I can’t believe I forgot…” he whispers. His phone beeps, the alarm for him to leave to make the flight. “Say safe, babe,” he tells you, kissing your cheek. “See you soon.”
It’s hard to go back to sleep after that. But you do, despite all the odds.
It’s days later when you go stir crazy. It feels like forever since you’ve been out, opting to be inside Steve and your shared room instead of facing the world about the whole Sokovia Accords business. Despite the fact you’re only an honorary Avenger, never on a tactical mission, the media loved to chase you for the simple fact that you’re ________ Stark. And that, unlike your brother, you’re gay, and some people can’t get over that fact even though it was the twenty-first century.
But when you make it to the foyer, you’re greeted by Vision.
“Tony said he bought the newest video game you like,” he said, standing before you, blocking the exit. “Why don’t we play it?”
You shake your head. “I want to go outside.”
Wanda makes a noise, gesturing to the android. “He’s stopping us from leaving, you know. I did not want to make a scene, on my own…but now you’re here, there is incentive, no?” She walks between the both of you and clicks her tongue. “You know how strong I am, Vision. I can overpower you.”
He nods. “But you are not a monster, Wanda. You do not have to.”
You turn away, opting to not see what Wanda does to your fellow teammate. When you turn, you see Clint, and he’s whisking you and Wanda away, out of the facility. You don’t ask where you’re going. You already know.
To Steve.
As soon as you’re with him, he’s gone, and you’re left at an airport in Germany, trying to explain to the officials what has happened, trying to organise medical assistance for Rhodey, trying to figure out what happened yourself. You’re not usually the PR person for the team, but with Pepper gone MIA after Tony’s last fling, you’re left in the positon. It sucks that you have to do things just because you’re his brother; why doesn’t Happy get a pay raise, and this job? How about literally anyone else?
Why can’t you be your own damn person, have your own opinions, have your own life?
When the crowd clears, you decide just that. You’ll be ________. And if Steve’ll have you, you’ll be ________ Rogers and leave what biology gave you. Family doesn’t end in blood, sure, but your family doesn’t care about what you want…what you need.
Using the database on your phone, you track down a transmission omitting from Sam Wilson’s phone. You may not be a genius like your brother, but you’re not a quitter. It’s as simple as working out his ‘Find My Phone’ password, and voilà. Same goes for Clint Barton’s phone, Wanda’s too. They’re at the same place. Probably holed up together, under arrest with the ass-wipe of a human being, General Ross on the Raft.  
“What I’d give for an expresso and Steve telling me what to do…” you whisper under your breath, hacking into his Find My Phone app. But there’s no transmission, at least not on the same continent as the others. That’s when you realise what Steve would do. The right thing. “Alright…now I’ve got to figure out how to get to the middle of the freakin’ ocean and learn to fly a Quinjet.”
When you make it to the facility where the signals are coming from, it’s well after dark, and you’re shaken. Not just because you’d just survived self-teaching yourself how to fly a plane, or that the stakes were high or anything. But exiting the Quinjet, you realise two things.
For one, you’ve vomited twice on Ross’s landing pad of the Raft in the five minutes of exiting the plane. Normally, if you were even in the area flying a plane, they’d do all in their authority to get you to turn away. That’s how you realise that secondly, there’s no authority on the Raft.
It’s abandoned.
By the time you make it inside, abandoning your sea-spray soaked jacket, you’re trying to check the signals of the phones you tracked. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, glad. While there aren’t any military or people on board to chase you off with sticks or machine guns, they’ve left the Avengers you’ve come for.
“Okay, all I need is a computer to hack…” you mutter aloud, looking around by the light of your smartphone. Spying one, you beam. “Bingo.”
While Tony might have been making robots since he was in diapers, you were inspecting code, understanding how the family’s IBM went together. And because of that, you’re a master technician now, fingers scurrying around the computer as you bypass the password protected software with your tricks.
“If I were a grumpy asshole, where would I keep Avengers…” you muse, eyes darting over the security tapes. “A ha!” you scribble their location upon your arm, and before leaving, set a string of code loose into to send the software into a self-destruct. You follow the directions you wrote down dutifully, but when you get there, you pause.
His back is to you, but you’d know those shoulders any day.
“Steve?” you ask.
He turns, eyes sparkling, smile wide. “________! I was wondering where you were – I –,” he falls silent, and looks to the team behind him that he’s freed. Scott Lang is helping Wanda out of what seems to be a straightjacket. “I’m really sorry.”
You shake your head, not getting what he’s saying. “You don’t have to be sorry, I came here to bust them all out! You’re just too good at your job, Cap,” you joke, nudging his arm playfully.
Steve shakes his head. “It’s not that…I fought your brother. He thinks I am a traitor.”
You frown. “But you’re not, Steve. You’re America’s hero.” You glance around and notice that there is a face missing that you would have expected to see if Steve was here. “What happened to your friend, James Barnes?”
Steve swallows. “He’s sitting tight in the plane I came in.” He looks to the ground, and then to you. You haven’t seen Steve this upset about anything before, and you wonder what it is. “________, Bucky is the person responsible for killing your parents.”
You feel a little numb. “N-no, you mean The Winter Soldier did it. HYDRA made him do it. Bucky is a good person, I read his file from the war.” You shake your head, waving him off. “Let me guess, Tony fought you because of this?”
Steve nods.
“Our life is a mess…” you wipe your hands over your face. “But as messy as it is, let’s just get off this horrible thing as soon as possible.”
Sam laughs darkly. “Right behind you,” he says.
When you get the Avengers onto the Quinjet, Steve stops you, just as you’re about to board. “I have to take Bucky to Wakanda. T’Challa is allowing him to stay there to heal, with political asylum, and I –,”
You shake your head. “I’ll come with you.” You tell Steve. “Let me come with you.”
He shakes his head. “After this, I’ll be on the run, ________, I – we –,”
“I’m coming with you, Steve,” you say firmly. “Tony’s a fool if he can’t see past something that can’t be changed. He’s always an ass to me, and at the end of the day, you feel like more to me than my own brother.” You lean your head against his chest. “I love you, Steve. I can’t lose you.”
Clint sticks his head out of the Quinjet. “You coming, ________?”
Steve shakes his head. “Nah, he’s with me. Fly safe, Hawkeye.”
It’s a Sunday, warm and wonderful. The sunlight is always summery where you are now, and the curtains do nil all to stop it from penetrating the room. Beside you, sheets half-covering his torso, Steve slowly wakes alongside you, his arms cradling you close to his chest.
He smiles, pushing hair from your eyes. “Morning, handsome.”
“Good morning,” you say, voice groggy with sleep.
He looks over the room, where the calendar reads a date that says it’s four years since you last contacted your brother. Steve looks to you, and taking a deep breath, he asks, “Do you ever regret leaving all the hero stuff behind?”
You shake your head. “Never,” you reply, snuggling closer to him. “You’re my hero.”
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arawynngoldwing · 7 years
Middle-earth and any canonical content belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and his heirs.  BUT Arawynn Goldwing and her people were created by me and are therefore owned by me.
I live in Germany so my time zone is GMT + 1
I don’t care if you follow me with a personal blog, an aesthetics blog or an rp blog. You’re welcome to follow me as long as you stick to the rules. (Only exception: porn bots)
All kinds of rp characters are welcome to interact with me. I don’t care if you’re an OC, a canon character or from a different fandom with a Middle-earth verse. It doesn’t matter if you’d be the 5th version of a canon character I’d interact with. Multi muse? Come say hi, I might rp with you! I also don’t care if you’re rping for 10 years or started 5 minutes ago. I’ll give you a chance but I reserve the right to not rp with you. Sometimes writing styles or characters just don’t work. It has nothing to do with you or your worth as writer/rper.
OOC drama and hate will be deleted upon sight and the person behind it will be blocked immediately. I’m here to have fun. (I don’t mind IC drama, though.)
People who aren’t involved in a thread DON’T reblog it. It fucks up the activity page and my tracker – I heavily rely on them for my answers. You’ll get a message from me where I ask you not to do it again. If that’s not respected, you’ll be blocked.
Regarding the rule above: If you happen to be my actual rp partner but end up mixing up blogs, it’s okay. It happened to me as well quite a few times. It’s quite likely that I’ll notice it’s you.
No godmodding. I don’t like other people taking charge over my muse. Assuming things is acceptable within reasonable limits and I will let my muse assume things about yours. But please keep it realistic.
The muse’s opinions aren’t always the mun’s opinions. My muse not liking your muse does not mean I dislike you!
I answer strictly chronological. First come first serves. It’s how I keep things organised and I’m not gonna change that, so don’t try to make me favour a certain thread. The only result you’ll get is a dropped thread and a block. (Possible exceptions: I reply to an open starter I consider interesting or a reply didn’t appear in my activity. Otherwise they’ll disappear in my drafts.)
Exceptions to the point above: New threads will get some priority over already established and tracked threads so I can add them to my tracker quickly and they don’t get lost to the void. After the threads are added to my tracker, they’re part of the first come first serves order.
Hiatuses that will last longer than 1 week will be announced beforehand.
If you think I forgot our thread, you’re welcome to come and poke me about it! I only bite if asked for it! But please give me time, I might simply have a lot to do and little time for replies! (If I replied to one thread more than once, it’s safe to assume yours got lost!)
Starters and askgames don’t expire, so feel free to send them in even if I reblogged it 3 months ago! But please send the entire phrases, not only the words, numbers or emojis (otherwise I won’t know which one you want and not answer your ask)! You can also always give the starters personal spin if you feel like it/to make it more suitable for your muse. I love that!
Please let me know if something makes you uncomfortable! Be it something not tagged or the course of our rp, please talk to me! I’d hate to be the reason for somebody’s discomfort.
I have no actual triggers, but I don’t like too vivid descriptions of blood and gore.
I’m not good at plotting, inspiration usually strikes me when I’m writing. So if you want to plot something, please have at least a general idea you’d like to discuss! (My inbox and IMs are still open for everyone!)
I prefer plotting via IMs - it’s faster and unlike asks they don’t get eaten by Tumblr.
Open starters are open for everyone. 
I’m fine with nsfw stuff (fighting, violence etc.), but I’m NOT going to rp smut. Also considering the source material, fighting, deaths, injuries and the likes will be present on this blog.
Romantic ships will only happen when we already did rp for a while and there’s chemistry between our muses. Also please tell me if you ship our muses, I’m dense at that topic.
Most of the time, I’m rather slow with answering threads. English isn’t my native language, I need time to find the proper words for my answers. Depending on various things, it might take me a month or more to answer a thread.
I’m horrible at one-lined rps and don’t like them to be honest so it’s unlikely that you’ll see one of those. I usually write about two to three paragraphs, though it can be longer – if I have something to work with. If you give me something to work with, length is of second rank. But please don’t answer with one or two sentences if I wrote three paragraphs.
If you willingly stretch my muse’s patience, don’t be surprised when she snaps and reacts violently. She’s neither the most peaceful nor the most patient person.
I’ll happily rp with multiple interpretations of the same canon character. Give me all the duplicates!
I don’t mind if my partners take their time for answering our threads. No matter if it’s because you simply have no inspiration or your RL is too busy for the moment.
I don’t mind my partners using icons and cool formatting, but personally I use it very little. Formatting is mostly used to enhance the meaning of something.
Please don’t use fonts that are smaller than 1 size smaller of the standard Tumblr font! I have trouble to read anything that’s smaller than that! Also please don’t do double or triple blanks between words!
Reblogging the answered ask to continue our rp is fine by me. If you prefer to move it to a new post, that’s fine too. 
I’m willing to change certain things about my headcanons or ignore some of them but I’d prefer to talk about it beforehand. However, Arawynn being imprisoned by Morgoth is an extremely important part of why she has become who she is so it’s highly unlikely that I’ll abandon this one. 
If you want to reply to an open starter, please copy said starter in a new post so there are no mix-ups if several people want to answer it!
Threads are tagged with the url of my rp partner. Always.
Common triggers will be tagged with #[insert trigger]. This includes death, injury, violence/battles, blood and more.
I follow the tags #Arawynn and #ArawynnGoldwing.
The tag ‘Out of Dragons’ will be used for everything that isn’t a rp, including reblogged starter lists, reblogged askgames and answers to askgames.
Headcanons are tagged with #How the fire burns
PSAs are tagged with #Rules of the Tribe
The tags for my verses are on the Verses-page.
I’ll follow back with my main blog @arawynn. Likes for starter calls etc. will also be from that blog.
In order for us to be mutuals, it’s perfectly fine if you only follow this blog, you don’t need to follow my main.
If I follow you, I want to rp with you and I have read your rules and bio/about page. I usually also check your rules again when we actually interact for the first time to make sure I don’t mix up your rules with somebody else’s.
I feel uncomfortable to follow rp-blogs without some kind of rules/guidelines. Even if it’s only the ‘basics’ - I prefer to know where I stand with my potential partners.
I will unfollow rp blogs that are inactive for longer than 3 months. Exceptions: I consider you a friend or the hiatus was announced. If you return and wish to continue rping, you’re highly welcome to poke me for a re-follow!
Additions or adjustments happen.
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twlvrp · 5 years
This is a roleplay group inspired by the show Killing Eve, however structured so that if you haven’t seen the show, you can still join! This is not a canon group so if you wish to apply as a character on the show, you may but I would ask you add your own spin on them.
[ 2013 - PRESENT ]
In 2013, evidence of a crime organisation was submitted to Australian authorities. Similarities that had been noted in Tennessee and London investigations years prior began to crop up. Identical crimes had taken place in all three areas. The links were subtle and had gone unnoticed for years. The investigations went by for months before the group named ‘The Twelve’ started to claim these crimes; usually either flamboyant or discreet murders of influential political figures. Organised assassinations, robberies, kidnappings and blackmail are few of their discovered favourites. However, after Australia’s investigation went south; rumours of the organisation became public gossip and The Twelve disappeared without a trace.
Five years later and the slightest signs of The Twelve’s work are beginning showing to authorities around the globe. Their aim is still just as unclear as before, except this time they’re not being exposed. Their web has been sewn thicker than before. And their work and employment have likewise. New workers dotted around the world ready to do The Twelve’s bidding. They could be anyone. Your neighbour could be an assassin or that sweet old guy who gets your train could be a blackmailing genius. Or how about that charming woman in the coffee shop, always on her laptop. Could she be researching into all the mysteries going on?
Over the last five years, the investigation on The Twelve became even more confusing. Lines began to blur and distrust began to grow on all sides. MI6 wasn’t entirely sure if they could trust their colleagues and vice versa as The Twelve’s treatment to their ‘employers’ was worsening. As time went on things didn’t improve; before giving up on the hunt, all past research and paperwork were looked over. Many things didn’t add up and questions came pouring in every direction.
Around a year after no sign of The Twelve all governmental research was retired. Most people forgot about the whole ordeal after this. Still, a lot didn’t. Thousands of independent researchers began gathering as much information — old and new — that they could use to figure out anything more. However, this uprising of independent researchers had been going on for years before and was the catalyst to all the distrust rising between everyone. Some researchers choose to publicise their findings but the large majority keep it to themselves and give the occasional anonymous tip to the police.
As signs of The Twelve’s revival begin to show, goverments and civilains are both concerened. Many people want this organisation finished with. Some want to find these independent assassins. The longer their out there, the more chance they may end up working for The Twelve; then they’ll be completely untraceable. The same goes for the researchers, former agents, current ones, even common folk. Anyone could end up in the wings of The Twelve.
I guess the question now is, are you one of them?
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This is the most important rule of all so it has to be first on our list. The entire purpose of roleplaying is to have fun, so if for any reason at all you aren’t having fun, please contact the main and/or one of the admins and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure the problem is fixed.
This group is strictly 18+ due to the nature of the roleplay. If you choose to join us there will be triggering storylines such as; murder, drugs, abuse (of all kinds), violence and more, so please consider this before applying. A trigger warning list is here and players can send what they’d wish to be tagged.
You are in charge of your own characters. Nobody likes logging in to see that their character has been involved in any plots without their permission. Anybody caught godmodding will be given a warning and if done again will be removed from the RP. Writing about NPC’s is allowed.
OOC drama is never permitted. If you cause drama, you will be given a warning and if the problem continues you will be asked to leave.
If you leave the RP for any reason, we ask that you please contact the main and let me know. We’ll be sad to see you go, but we’ll completely understand. The most frustrating thing is realising somebody has deactivated their character without letting us know beforehand, or worse being confused when they’ve changed their entire blog for another character.
We ask that you please send any hiatus requests, RP questions, or complaints to the main so that everything can be seen and answered before any problems surfaces, if we haven’t replied in two days message the admin’s character blogs.
Don’t forget… OOC BEFORE IC!
A roleplay can only stay open as long as everyone involved is active and interacting with everyone. After FOUR days of inactivity, I’ll post a warning for character removal. Failure to contact the main and/or start interacting more within 48hrs will result in your character being reopened/removed. Please note that posting a starter, leaving for three days, and then logging back in right before an activity check does NOT count as activity and your character will be reopened if this happens.
If you need a semi-hiatus/full hiatus, please fill out the following form and send it through the ask. With semi-hiatus’ the main will also message you to discuss what amount of activity will be personally best for you.
You can be on activity check for FOUR times. After being there for FOUR times, you will be deleted from the group.
You can ask for hiatus as many times as you need. But please, remember that I won’t give full hiatus for more than ONE month. If you need to be away for longer than that, please, think about it, and maybe would be better to leave and come back once you have more time. OOC before IC!
Whoever ends their hiatus will be added to the Activity Check post as a note to remember their hiatus is over. Won’t be added to the activity check warning-wise, but will be there, just a reminder that it’s time to come back or ask for another hiatus!
Please cut down your posts to the previous post and your reply. If for some reason, you find yourself without a computer for an extended period of time and will be using mobile, please contact the main before and let the main and your partners know.
We want you replying to everyone in the RP, not just your ship partners or friends in the RP. If we feel as if someone is continuously plotting with the same people over and over or only talking to a certain set of characters, we will send them a warning and failure to fix the situation will result in removal from the RP.
The starter tag is for starters only, please do not tag anything else in it (including self-paras, Instagram posts, etc). I also ask that you not post your own starter until replying to at least TWO others beforehand., unless it’s your very first one of course.
Each roleplayer may have TWO characters, and may apply for their second character after proving they can be consistently active for THREE weeks. If you drop a character to pick up another character, we ask that you wait at least a week before applying for a new character.
If you receive anonymous hate, we ask that you ignore it and then block the person sending them. Posting them on your blog or making posts about receiving it, will not be tolerated. A response is usually what they want from you, and by posting them you’re giving them what they want. We ask that you screenshot the hate being sent to you so that you have proof about what’s being said in the event that you feel it’s gotten to the point where you need to bring it to our attention.
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On the first of April we were tasked with Our Final major project also known as the FMP which will determine our overall grade. Faye Jackson went over all the options for each section of media for example: Video Production, Photography, Graphics and Games design/interactive. When first given the options I were stunned with the freedom I had at my fingertips and was overwhelmed with what to choose. When doing my first brainstorm I decided to have the first brainstorm a “get all the ideas out on paper even if they sound ridiculous” and this helped a lot. I got every little idea out onto paper to just get a rough idea on where my mind was planning on going. When creating the first brainstorm it was obvious that Video production or Photography were the wisest choices as I’m better at those two than any other. When looking at the sheet at first I thought “I’ll mix them!” but over further thought it was obvious that was not a wise decision as I struggle to make the deadline with just one media piece, so after that was decided I went with Video production that is a comedy short film just like my latest work we did which was green screen and I got a distinction in that so it was obviously the smarter choice. When I decided that film was the better choice I returned back to my best piece of video production work and I wanted to see what I did so well on it. When watching back on the green screen project I decided to do another one for my FMP but with larger detail and work on the improvements I were told to make if I ever did something similar. So it was sorted, I’ll be doing a short film which will involve green screen. When that was decided a started my schedule so I’d be on track straight away with no reason to fall behind. It was hard to plan out my weeks as I tend to finish some work early and fall behind on my work. Because I know that as one of my weaknesses I tried to make my schedule as flexible as possible which worked in my favour as I did fall behind on some work. My proposal was very clear on what I wanted to do as Marissa was all forward to the idea and agreed it was a smart idea to work off something that got a high grade. My proposal involved how long the Short film will be, how many actors/actresses will take place, how the set will look like and how the characters will be portrayed.
 Referring back to my Green screen was a very helpful part in my research as my FMP involved green screen and a news broadcast just like the green screen project. I used the old comments from Marissa, peers and myself to make sure I wouldn’t make the same mistakes, a common complaint about the green screen were that it was very fast pace and hard to follow along so when doing my FMP I made sure that didn’t repeat. I also referred back to positive feedback such as the news bar at the bottom of the screen, name tags, opening sequence, music, costumes and background. So I made sure to repeat that or at least adapt to it as that was what gave me a better mark as I went the extra length to get a better result. I also did research on other news and comedy related short films/projects which were a great help as I got one of my ideas from this school project from these two girls that involved a little segment in their project which was related to the rest of their topic but it was more comedy than the rest. I was determined to involve something like this in my work which I did by adding in a sandwich joke and cutting to someone eating a sandwich. After doing research on video examples I looked into books and what I can take from them. After doing research on them I knew how to do a treatment and that it was needed to express what will be said and how. Another book I looked through Motion picture and video lighting This helped with the idea with the lighting and how it should be set up. However, I didn’t understand the terminologies they used.
My target demographic were Local to Nottingham, due to the fact that the news broadcast is about a college in Nottingham and maybe other colleges across England may not have the same dilemmas and humour as the students in Nottingham college do. All religion as I do not see a reason why people of different religion cannot see my project as it doesn’t have any controversial topics. Age 15 and above as the college requirements are that you can join on at the age of 16 or higher which allows me to reach out to only college students and above because it involves mild bad language. All genders and sexuality can watch due to the fact that it doesn’t mock or target anyone individually. My target psychographic audience is, Student’s that go college, adults that have recently finished college, students almost going into college, anyone who is curious about a college environment. This is all due to the fact that I want my audience to watch my project and understand my humour and I personally think that only people who are involved with the college in some way will understand the humour that will take place in my FMP.
I produced my work on Adobe premiere by using the editing features for my short film. First I filmed my project with all my pre-production with me so I know what I had to say, where the lighting should be placed and where the actors should sit/stand. When finished recording I took the SD card and uploaded all the files to Adobe premiere and started editing. When editing I concentrated on the skeleton edit first and then planned where the effects where going to take place, how the music was going to transition into talking and the concentrated colour scheme. I messed with the colour bored in the edit to change the opening sequence and ending sequence, this was difficult as I kept on getting a blurry result and due to that I had to take multiple attempts until I got the result I wanted/needed. When done with the edit I then put an ongoing news board at the bottom of the screen with different news panning across the screen. I also added name tags as I didn’t see a problem with it. The pre-production I did were location recce sheets of the locations I were going to record at and the possible problems that may occur. I also did an action plan for organising what is needed before recording. And finally, performer/contributor release forms were also used for pre-production to allow me permission to record my peers. I experimented with only one thing and that was a camera angle, and the camera shot was an over the shoulder shot. This impacted very positively on my work as it widened the amount of shots I did and got the perspective from someone else. I used camera angles and editing to create my piece. My work pushed me to improve these skills further by challenging me on editing in a different style to keep the audience engaged and camera angles to maximise the viewers view on the matter.
I feel like the project overall was a bumpy ride. There were some very good moments and then there were some times I felt like changing everything. Many things didn’t go to plan such as the schedule as some things didn’t take as long as I expected and some did so it reduced how much I could do in each week. I also struggled with organising my Tumblr as I forgot to upload some things which changed the order of things such as 3 reflective journals one after the other. I overcame this by choosing a week to reorganise my Tumblr and add more information in things if needed. If I could do this project again I would change the amount of times I lacked in lesson and not ask help from teaches such as Faye or Marissa. I would have also have used more camera angles in the FMP just so I didn’t have too many shots that are medium shots. I found working independently very fun and calming as I didn’t have to depend on many people and I could choose who I could work with. I tried to keep to my schedule as much as possible. However, I did stick to my proposal throughout. I’m feeling positive towards my final piece and I think it’s up to expectations from my teachers.
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I’m ecstatic about how many comments i got and i’m happy that majority of them are positive and enjoyed it whilst one didn't seem to like it most likely due to it not being their cup of tea. overall, i’m happy they enjoyed it and found the humour willing to laugh at.
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loiskane · 7 years
When I think about the fight in Avengers I think about the way they start by helping organise the e v c u a t i o n.
Yes, that’s true, they definitely try to get everyone out and save as many people as they can. 
I never said they weren’t, what I was talking about in my tags are the things that come to my mind when I think about the visuals of the fight scene, like where in the city it takes place, and the perspectives we follow during the fight. From what I personally remember, there are many scenes set on top of buildings and deserted streets and the focus is on the heroes, which makes 100% sense as they are the main characters. Also, I’ll admit it’s been a while since I watched The Avengers, so it’s possible I forgot some stuff. 
The issue here isn’t that the heroes don’t try to save people but how the following movies deal with the fact that some people couldn’t be saved. 
As op explained in their answer, the MCU didn’t address the consequences until it was convenient because they wanted to do Civil War. That’s very the different to how the DCEU and the 2009 Star Trek movie dealt with in the inhabitable death toll that follows the actions of heroes.
I would add that I don’t really agree with the sentence in last paragraph of the original post about the marvel films being emotionally lacking or having no human element, but I get why people feel that way. 
Which is why I brought up how the way the attack on Metropolis was shown in both Man of Steel and BvS resonated with me on a personal level and a lot of that had to do with closely following civilians, some of whom were important secondary characters and even Bruce is there as Bruce Wayne and not as Batman. 
I always got the feeling that most MCU movies don’t really want the audience to think about the casualties because it would take away from enjoying the fight scenes and the being happy about the heroes saving the day. The evacuation of the civilians in The Avengers definitely supports that, they’re out of the way so it’s okay to destroy the city during the fight. 
We often see people getting saved in Marvel movies but I don’t think we spend much time showing that there were people who died, unless it’s an important character. In the DCEU movies victory often comes with a price. Of course, it’s okay to cheer for the heroes when they defeat the villains but we shouldn’t forget about the loss of life and how that affects people moving forward. The consequences of MoS were followed up in BvS, and I’m sure that the same thing will happen JL and other movies. Among other things, this is why I love the DCEU more than the MCU but that doesn’t mean I hate the latter or that I think their movies are awful. 
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