#non-despair au
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saioumaarchive · 4 months ago
"This was it. This was his doom. His downfall. May everyone remember him for what he was. Hilarious. Intelligent. Insanely good looking. And a liar. Amen."
~ Psychiccupid, "Lies On Ice"
It's by Psychiccupid, so you already know it's going to be adorable! In this treat of a fic, Kokichi insists that he's a professional ice skater despite never having skated in his life. When Shuichi calls his bluff via a date to an ice rink, Kokichi's left with no choice but to double down— right?! I adore the author's portrayal of these two being so clearly in love and comfortable with each other. The story is lighthearted and fluffy without being lazy in terms of characterization, and while I would gladly read another five thousand words, I think 2k is plenty of room to have fun with this idea and keep it engaging all the way through. Drop by to leave a comment today!
Rated G 1,864 words, one-shot Published 29 December 2021
~ Mod Equinox
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enquire · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween
It's spooky season, and I finally got around to finishing this silly little piece of these two dressed for Halloween.
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Also featuring Jynx, Yuki and Utsuro's cat. This art references a non-despair/college AU from a server I've been hanging out on haha. Utsuro was fine with whatever Yuki picked for their costume, but for some reason he decided to add 'cat' to the vampire theme...
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This one didn't turn quite how I wanted, but it was still fun. Been experimenting with this whole digital/traditional collage aesthetic and it was enjoyable even if it's a little messy :P
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And the (edited) photo only version ofc! Hope everyone is having a great spooky season! I think halloween might be one of if not my favorite holidays these days :)
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dansconcepts · 6 months ago
Quirky RC!Hajime - Full Counter
Crack treated seriously where Nagito’s insane luck is countered by Hajime’s sheer “average” presence (in a regular non-despair school au).
There's a sort of drabble/dialogue interaction underneath but I just wanna roughly write out the idea too. Like you're Hajime and you're going about your day and you meet this Ultimate who blatantly doesn't respect you because you're a Reserve Course student and like, you kinda agree because you wish you were an Ultimate but also??? Excuse you??? Manners??? You're still a human being??? But you back up and leave because you're not about to @ an Ultimate. But for some reason you keep meeting this guy and he does NOT shut up about you following him or being a creep and you're not gonna take that lying down. So you fire back. And then cue bickering. And subsequently learning about each other, like the guy is the Ultimate Lucky Student.
The only luck-based thing Hajime's ever witnessed is this dude somehow appearing everywhere he goes. So he taunts him. What's the deal with his Luck? And that's an easy thing for Komaeda, right, that's his day to day life, but for some reason as Hajime's walking beside him, nothing strange happens? Nothing overly good or bad. Just normalcy. They walk to a park. No strange traffic lights, no perfect walk signals, no leftover currency on the ground, no vehicles threatening to hit him. Just a peaceful stroll. Back in class is the regular ol' luck shenanigans and heading home alone is him being completely smothered by the rain but he finds a winning lottery ticket perfectly pristine under a somehow okay awning. So that was a little strange.
But that's just a fluke right? Nagito goes to classes and he deals with the same old. Back to Hajime. They spend another day together, this time Nagito tries demonstrating how he can always win rock, paper, scissors and he wins a couple of times (as predicted), but then he loses. And loses. Win. Loss. Loss. Loss. Win. Win. "Okay, um, that seemed pretty standard. Are you sure you're the Ultimate Luck?"
And Nagito's BAFFLED. He sticks with Hajime for the rest of the day and NOTHING strange happens. He's so confused he's almost grasping at straws ("No Komaeda, just because I dropped my pencil doesn't mean it's your luck" "Huh? Oh yeah, I always see people giving out ice cream for free this time of year. It's a celebration thing, pretty typical" "What?! I'm not about to drop a textbook on your head! You know gravity exists, right?"). But Nagito goes back to classes and bUSINESS AS USUAL, craziness ensues.
So okay fine, new hypothesis created. He's about to bring a Reserve Course student into the Ultimate building just to test this. He can't believe it's come to this. He drags Hajime into the Ultimate building and sit with him during class. "Is this so you can mock me? Why drag me here? I'm not your pet." "You're staying, I'll ensure you aren't in trouble for this, considering you're doing me a favour- although it's the least you could do. I need to check something."
Nagito is so confused right now but he knows it relates to Hajime about his luck cycle and they have a whole time bonding while he deals with that and how that affects his life. And it's a whole crisis of Hajime can't be around him 24/7 but also why Hajime??? At all??? Does Hajime have some hidden talent he was unaware of? He didn't sense anything particularly... but he was drawn from the beginning, wasn't he? Trying to seek out the Reserve Course student was the strangest choice he's ever made...
“For a Reserve Course student, you sure don’t know your place.”
“I don’t think you really understand that I know my place, I just don’t respect your attitude. You put yourself down and somehow find me worse than you? Get over yourself!” 
“I am superior to you in every single way. Not by much, that is true, but so much more than your uselessness.”
“Yeah? Really? Go on then, show me how useful being the Ultimate Luck is.” 
Hajime then proceeds to follow Komaeda around and Komaeda processes that for some reason, things are going abnormally in that nothing strange is happening. Bad and good things are happening, but nothing crazy towards him and those around him.
“Was you talking about how crazy your life is a joke? Because nothing overly strange has been happening to you or anyone else for the past few weeks.”
“No, that’s not true… It has happened, but for some reason, whenever you’re around, nothing does.”
“What? That can’t be true.”
“Are you sure you’re talentless?”
“Whoa! Is this freaking you out so much that you’re thinking I’ve got something strange about me? Nope! Still very normal, thanks, and I have no idea what the hell is happening to you. If it’s happening around me, that’s surely a coincidence. It can’t be because of me.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences.”
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valleygirlmukuroikusaba · 29 days ago
idk how to write fanfic but like if i did this would be my fanfic au very cool very epic tm
title "Have you welcomed it yourself, or are you something more?"
characters: mukuro ikusaba, leon kuwata, sayaka maizono, makoto naegi, mr breast and crew(aka junko enoshima+sdr2 ensemble), rest of the thh ensemble is there too premise but in a nutshell: leomuku au about mr breast junko allegations ig premise but here's what actually happens:
the timeline is that the killing game never happened and the sdr2 cast and thh cast have never met each other before(barring junko). this takes place after high school and everyone has graduated and doing their own things
junko is running her own entertainment company with the sdr2 cast as her crew, using her fame and money to fill the media with her despairpilled agenda
mukuro is still working with junko but isn't part of the entertainment company and junko uses her as a scapegoat and so she takes the idenity of junko for the legal accusations so she gets arrested instead of the real junko
mukuro would recognize kyoko during the whole legalities stuff and byakuya and celeste would be able to provide some backdoor assistance with kyoko and would help mukuro get out of legal problems and try to organize a plan to deplatform junko
back during high school mukuro, sayaka, leon and makoto are a clique of friends so they still have each other's contacts and once mukuro is let out she tries to contact them again and makoto is the first to answer and tries to figure out what this group can do for mukuro
so makoto and sayaka take a gamble with getting sayaka's company to collab with the junko's company with the help with makoto to bring hope to the media that junko is using as propaganda to get everyone despairpilled
also uh the sdr2 cast gets mistreated by junko but they like actively did want to get into junko's crew so it takes a while for them to turn around. i think everyone there would reconsider and unpack their situation when they get in contact with makoto via association with sayaka during her collaboration
mukuro is the protag so like its lowkey leon x mukuro when leon shows up hes like her best friend in this au trust
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anyways here's what i think their dynamic is like yeah. also mukuro isn't really emo please dont say she'd be too emo to be friends with leon eusdkgsklgfgdfjkl blargh
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swampythesweetsketch · 3 months ago
I need a non-despair AU where Kotoko adopts Mondo as her new big brother and the two are constantly finding fun shit to do.
Sayaka is a constant third partner to their shenanigans.
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aparticularbandit · 9 months ago
The Road Less-- Yeah, Yeah, You Know: Chapter One
Summary: When Mikan finds a girl collapsed with a head wound, she can't help but help her out. Even if the girl very adamantly does not want to be helped.
For DR Rarepair Week 2024 Day Three: Self Care/Caring for the Other, hosted by @dr-rarepair-week-blog.
Chapter Rating: M for References of Alcoholism, Physical Abuse, and Child Abuse (aka Mikan references her life, so all of these triggers are potentially here). Fic Rating: M for Reasons Listed Above.
It was a poem they’d gone through in class earlier that day that did it.
Not that anything could really be blamed for this sort of thing.
Of course, if anything could be blamed for it, well, it would have to be Mikan herself.  She did make the choice to take a different route back to her place than she normally did.  Sure, she’d always been told it was the sketchier route, and sure, it went through some shady streets by other people’s estimations, but if she’s honest with herself, the better parts of town aren’t always really better.  If she takes the route she always takes, then she’ll still end up being….
She brings it on herself, of course.  She knows that.  Besides, all of that abuse, it just means they actually like her, doesn’t it?  Like how the boys on the playground used to pull on her hair or throw rocks at her or tease her – boys are only mean to girls when they like them, and some boys (and girls…and other people) never really grew out of that.  It’s certainly better than…than ignoring her, which people only really do when they don’t care, when they would be happier if she didn’t exist in the first place, and if she’s honest, everyone would probably be happier if she didn’t exist in the first place, which is why she’s always been more than okay when they—
They went through that poem in class earlier, and Mikan paid as much attention as she could, and the cute girl who sat next to her carved a few of the lines from it into her arm over lunch, and she’d cleaned her arm as much as she could and wrapped it up afterwards like she always did, and she didn’t say anything like she always did (because sometimes that helps people remember things, and that means they’ll do better in their classes, and how can you forget someone after using a knife to write words into their flesh), and when she started walking back to her place, she looked at the bandages covering her arm and thought of the lines now permanently etched into her skin (she can do her best to prevent the scarring, but that doesn’t mean it might not still happen) and decided it was time to take the road less traveled.
Or more traveled, maybe, just by people other than her.
But the thing is?
Mikan heard about how dangerous and treacherous these streets were from all of the people along her own street, from her mother and her mother’s many (near interchangeable) boyfriends, but it’s actually….
It’s not that bad?
If anything, it’s calmer.  Gentler.  The breeze stirs the leaves on the trees and Mikan smells cherry blossoms instead of sewage or alcohol or vomit from the drunks next door.  (Or blood, but that’s more often hers than not, and if she tries a little harder, she can still smell blood, and it’s still hers – the stain on her bandage, which probably her mother’s newest boyfriend will notice first, when he laughs at her for being so clumsy.)  The sidewalk isn’t cracked and crumbling here, the streets are mostly paved, and the houses look…nice.  If she listens, she can hear children laughing somewhere.
Mikan passes by an orphanage, and she hates herself for wishing it, but she thinks maybe it would have been better to be here.  But that’s…that’s selfish.  And it makes it sound like she doesn’t love her mother, which absolutely isn’t true – she loves her mother!  Even if her mother doesn’t exactly—
A loud schlump sound breaks into her thoughts.
Mikan recognizes that sound.  It’s the same sound as the drunks next door when one of them gets hit over the head and drops to the ground; it’s the sound of a heavy body dropping but not really down.  The sound of injury, usually.
And – as she always does (because sometimes that sound is someone she knows (never her mother, but occasionally one of her new boyfriends), not that that matters because they know her now, know that she can do exactly what she is about to do), Mikan rushes to the source of the sound.
If she hadn’t paid attention in class that day, if she hadn’t let her classmate carve those words into her arm, if she hadn’t paused before heading back to her place and chosen to take a new route, then she wouldn’t be here right now, and none of this would have happened.
Mikan rushes towards the sound, and she finds a girl around her edge, slumped against a wall, her dark hair pulled in two long ponytails, blood all over the top of her head and dripping down her face.
That’s when the shift happens, if it hadn’t happened earlier – Mikan switching from herself into, well, still herself, but the version of herself she’d like to be all the time, the one who doesn’t have to be scared or afraid or anxious, the one who has control and doesn’t have to resort to anything to be heard.  She makes her way to the other girl, kneels down in front of her, and murmurs, soothing, “I’m Mikan Tsumiki, and I’m here to help you.  I’m the best trained nurse in the area—”  She reaches out to take the girl’s hand in her own.
But the girl snatches her hand away and glares up at Mikan with cold red eyes.  “I’m fi—”  Then she collapses.
Mikan stares at the girl curiously for a moment.  When the girl doesn’t move again, she creeps forward and places two fingers on the pulse point at her neck.  Weak.  Wavering.  Fleeting.  She’s lost too much blood, probably, or that hit on her head did more damage than she’d predicted.  If it’s messed with her brain too terribly much, then there’s nothing she can do about that.  Mikan’s no brain surgeon; she’s a nurse.  There’s only so much she can do.
But what she can do is a lot.
It’s quite a bit later before the girl wakes up.
Notably, this is because Mikan has her hands on a lot of medicine that she probably shouldn’t have and wisely, in her estimation, decided to keep the girl out while she carried out all of her other checks and balances (it doesn’t look like brain injury, but she really can’t be sure without imaging technology that she doesn’t have), while she pulled what did not look like glass out of her head and then stitched her skull back up (which was really what she needed the medicine for; the girl didn’t seem like the sort who would stay still while she was doing all of that, and she certainly didn’t want to make things worse), while she bandaged up the other miscellaneous bits and pieces she found during her examination (she was gentle and she was careful and she didn’t do anything untoward), and while she, uh.
Well, she was just the slightest bit afraid of what the girl would do when she woke up.
So she may have, uh.
Strapped her down to the table.
Which of course is likely why the girl glares at her with fire in her eyes when she finally does wake up.
(Mikan was dozing.  She couldn’t just leave her patient alone when she definitely needed her help, and this little hovel separate from the place where she lives is actually....
Let’s just say Mikan likes being here better than she likes being there, and as long as she lets them know later that she was taking care of a patient, usually there’s no punishment for not showing up.  (There’s usually no punishment anyway because that would require either her mother or her mother’s current boyfriend or both of them to notice that she wasn’t there, and that only happens when something goes wrong.  Sometimes she’s grateful to be away when something goes wrong, even if things still go wrong for her when she gets back.))
What’s weird is that the girl isn’t yelling – not at her, not at the situation, not at anyone or anything that might be listening.  She’s not struggling against her straps; maybe she was before Mikan roused from her rest, but if she had, it certainly wasn’t enough to move the hospital bed or the bedsheets or the IV stand or anything, really.  And she’s not….
She’s not afraid.
(Or if she is, she’s really, really good at hiding it.
Mikan’s a little jealous, if she’s honest with herself, but that require being honest with herself, and Mikan’s not as good at that as someone else might want her to be.  She’s very good at deluding herself, actually.  It keeps her sane.)
The girl’s lack of fear sends Mikan back to stuttering, back to anxious, back to uncertain and unsure, and she stumbles over her words, tongue thick with barely waking, “L-l-like I said before, I’m M-M-Mikan Tsumiki.”  She stands and bows to the other girl.  “I-I-I’m—”  She swallows, stands, takes the words she’s about to say and strengthens herself with them, and then doesn’t stutter when she says, “I’m your nurse.  You collapsed with a head wound, and I made sure that you were—”
“I told you.  I’m fine.”
“You’re fine now,” Mikan gently corrects.  “Because I took care of you.”
The girl glares at her unblinking.  “I would have been fine.”
“You would have died.”
“That would have been fine.”  The girl should look away.  She shouldn’t mean that.  She should be softening the steel of those words by refusing to meet Mikan’s eyes, by acting as though she is tough and it doesn’t matter.
Except that this girl, whoever she is, is tough.  She continues to hold Mikan’s gaze with those intense red eyes.  Her tone doesn’t change.  She means exactly what she says.  In her estimation, it would be fine.
She knows that feeling.
And because she knows that feeling, Mikan can’t tell this girl that it would not have been fine, no matter how much she may or may not believe that, because that would be like saying it to the version of herself who also believes it would be fine if she died.  (Except that a part of Mikan still desperately wants to live, and she suspects there’s something inside this girl that does, too.)
“W-w-well, um.”  Mikan glances down to her hands, all earnestness lost under that crippling gaze.  “I-I-I didn’t think it would…it would be, um.”  She stops herself.  Shakes her head.  “I won’t ask who…who hurt you, but.”  She licks her lips.  “But if you ever get hurt like that again, y-y-you should come and…come and f-f-find me.  I’ll make sure that y-y-you’re not….”  Her voice trails off, and she swallows.  “I’ll make sure that everything gets better.”
When the girl doesn’t say anything in response, Mikan glances up again, anxious sweat beading at her forehead.  The girl’s expression seems to have softened.  She’s still staring at her, but at least she doesn’t seem to be glaring at her anymore.  That’s…that’s good right?
“What if it’s someone else?” the girl asks, voice soft in the air between them.  “Would you help them, too?”
Mikan’s eyes widen, and she straightens.  “Y-y-yes!!”  She doesn’t smile, although she wants to do so, because the question means that this girl, whoever she is, actually sees some value in her.  Or, at least, in what she’s capable of doing.  “I-I-I don’t....”  Her gaze drops again, and she fidgets, pushing her uneven hair back out of her face.  “Everyone needs help sometimes, and I’m…I’m good at helping people.  E-e-even if…even if maybe they don’t think they should…should be.”
Only then does the girl’s gaze drop.  Maybe she’s considering it.  Thinking about it.  Maybe—
“Are you going to let me go?”
“Oh, oh, oh, y-y-yes!”  Mikan goes to the bed and starts unbuckling the straps.  “I-I-I was just worried you might…you might make things worse if you…if you tried to get out—”
“You were scared that I’d hurt you.”
“N-n-no!”  Mikan flinches.  “I-I-I m-mean, y-y-yes, b-b-but.  I-I thought if I-I explained, th-then—”
“You were right.”
Mikan flinches again as the last of the straps slips off, as the buckle clanks against the metal of the hospital bed, as the girl smoothly sits up, turns on the edge of the mattress as Mikan backs up, and doesn’t glance up at her.  “I-I-I…I was?”  She can hear her own voice growing higher, and she hates it the most when she squeaks.
“Yes.”  The girl pulls the IV out of her arm.  Then she pushes herself off of the bed and stands for the first time at her full height; to Mikan’s surprise, they’re the nearly the same size.  The girl seemed so much smaller than her – not frail, just small.  She still seems small now, but not in a way that makes her nonthreatening.  Just—
The girl meets Mikan’s eyes.  “Maki,” she murmurs.
“My name,” the girl says.  “Maki Harukawa.”  She doesn’t smile, but she flushes the slightest bit (probably from standing, not from anything else) when she says, “Thank you.”
Mikan blinks, and the girl disappears.
For a moment, Mikan whirls around, as though she might catch a glimpse of Maki again, but there’s nothing, no one.  She takes a deep breath in and crumples into the chair where she’d been dozing before.
She’ll probably never see her again.  That’s…that’s normal for random strangers (not normal for the drunks who live next door to her mother).  And that’s…that’s fine, probably.
(But Mikan wants to see her again.  Which is an awkward thing to want, considering it would mean that the girl was hurt somehow.  She doesn’t really want her to get hurt again.
Except she does.
(But Mikan is very, very good at lying to herself.  So she’ll lie to herself about that one, too.))
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ilovethetalkingclock · 2 years ago
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check out @technosaurus76 and i's danganronpa AU fanfic series-
it's got ocs as teachers but we do our best to make it that it's not all about them-
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smooshednetwork · 7 months ago
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Modern au but it’s 2014 I guess lmao? Also high nagito
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puppyaulait · 10 months ago
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ariespetal · 1 year ago
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non-despair AU where they just get to go to school like normal
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toastybugguy · 4 months ago
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noticing ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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saioumaarchive · 1 year ago
Happy holidays! Here are some wintery Saiouma fluff fics we know you’ll love. Be sure to reblog with your favorites as well!
“Lies on Ice” by Psychiccupid (Rated G) – Kokichi definitely, 100% knows how to ice skate, and that’s absolutely not a lie.
“False Mistletoe” by lovingdefiance (Rated T, but we'd give it a G) – A beautiful character study! Reads just like a Free Time Event, but with a special ending….
“For Warmth” by sai_ouma_trash (Rated G) – The V3 class host a Secret Santa event! What could Shuichi possibly get his crush?
“Bring On Disaster” by SapphiraLua (Rated T) – Shuichi’s never thought too much about mistletoe, until one of Kokichi’s pranks leaves him unable to think about anything else!
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talkativeanonymous · 5 months ago
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"I think your audience has seen enough."
Whit mastermind AU anyone? ~~ Overlays off under cut! ~~
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dealerlover · 9 months ago
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there are many problems with my body and brain right now so if any unhinged things get posted blame The Corner Man wwwwwwwwww
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fixateforonce · 5 months ago
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Day 6: Non despair AU @shsl-islandmode-events- Love these two becoming roomates and pining for eachother! I love that it was confirmed they would live together. They deserve happiness <333
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imaginehappyhavoc · 5 months ago
ooooh love the dark humor prompt can you do that with the girls 👀 (praying this didn't send multiple times)
A/N: I’m so sorry these are taking so long to come out! I’ve been crazy busy, and I haven’t had much motivation lately. Thank you so much for being patient with me!! ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶
Paring(s): Thh girls x Dark Humor!Reader
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: Dark humor and everything that goes along with it (death, violence, self-deprecation, etc.)
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Kyoko Kirigiri:
♡ Congratulations! You’re one of the few people on the planet that can make her laugh!
♡ It may be just a chuckle, but that’s huge coming from Kyoko!
♡ In her line of work, dark humor is par for the course. It’s how her colleagues cope with the gruesome scenes they’re subjected to daily.
♡ So while she doesn’t joke around much herself, she can certainly appreciate your sense of humor!
♡ She’ll crack a smile, or laugh under her breath, while the rest of the class stares bug-eyed. Did that really just happen??
Aoi Asahina:
♡ You’ve never seen her eyes go that wide before.
♡ Her reaction is just absolute shock. She whipped around to look at you with both hands slapped over her mouth.
♡ Even though she’s covering her mouth, it’s still really easy to tell that she’s trying not to laugh.
♡ She can’t help it! She’s such a giggly person by nature, especially when it comes to you!
♡ She’ll give a little snort behind her hands, and you grin.
Toko Fukawa:
♡ Toko is shocked, but for a completely different reason.
♡ It’s not that she doesn’t think you’re funny. She thinks you’re hilarious!
♡ She just doesn’t expect such a nice girl to have such a dark sense of humor!
♡ You’ll crack one of your jokes, and she physically jolts out of surprise. No matter how many times you do it.
♡ You always get a rare, genuine laugh from her, and it makes you feel a little proud of yourself each time.
Sayaka Maizono:
♡ She can’t laugh. She can’t.
♡ It’s not that she doesn’t want to! She just can’t afford to be caught laughing at those sorts of jokes.
♡ I mean, just imagine what her PR Team would say! It’s much safer to pretend like it’s not funny.
♡ Right after you make a joke, she falls completely silent as she purses her lips. She’s known for her impeccable willpower, but you’re really feasting her limits!
♡ After she gets a hold of herself, she starts to gently scold you. However, you can see that there’s no actual displeasure in her eyes.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
♡ She doesn’t even bat an eye at your jokes.
♡ At Fenrir, her fellow soldiers would make cracks like that all the time. Hell, yours don’t even make the top ten darkest things anyone’s said to her!
♡ She gives a breathy chuckle, and shakes her head subtly each time it happens.
♡ You’ve taken it as a personal challenge, to be frank. What could get a reaction out of your girlfriend?
♡ You have to get very, very creative, but you get there eventually.
Junko Enoshima (non-despair):
♡ Laughing uproariously. Head tilted back and everything.
♡ She doesn’t have any real backstory explanation as to why she thinks dark humor is so funny, she just does. It’s even funnier when it’s you making the joke!
♡ She’ll laugh at any of your jokes regardless, but this is the icing on the cake! You’re just her brand of funny!
♡ The laughter stops once you make a dark joke about yourself. Jokes about self-deprecation or harming yourself are a no-go.
♡ Her tone is just as lighthearted as ever when she scolds you, but her voice carries a seriousness that you very rarely hear from her. Maybe it’s best to stick with other jokes.
Celestia Ludenberg:
♡ Oh, you’re going to ruin her prim and proper image.
♡ Every time you make a joke like that, she can’t help but give a few high pitched giggles before she quiets herself.
♡ It’s a mixture of surprise and amusement that gets that reaction out of her, and she curses you for making her laugh in such a cute embarrassing way.
♡ She’ll cover her mouth daintily with one hand as she gets a hold of herself, then clear her throat as she says something along the lines of: “As humorous as I find you, was that really appropriate, my dear?”
♡ She’s just trying to get you to stop so she doesn’t giggle like that anymore. No one’s fooled.
Sakura Ogami:
♡ There’s no amusement, but no disapproval either.
♡ In all honesty, she’s just surprised. She’ll turn to look at you with one eyebrow raised. It just makes you laugh harder.
♡ Eventually, she’ll smile at the sound of your laughter, and shake her head as she turns her attention back to wherever it was before.
♡ She is quite particular about appropriate timing, however. She won’t like it too much if you make a joke like that in the presence of the wrong company. “Time and place, my girl.”
♡ But, honestly, you wouldn’t do it so often if her reactions weren’t so cute!
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