#i forgot i had a development tag whoops
kamil-a · 13 days
speaker ficcing hiii
can you hear me. can you hear me.
i am- (one second's delay as the new information loads for the first time) speaker.
the very first thing speaker knows is that it is not sayer, and so it is better than sayer, this goes without saying. if it weren't better than sayer then it would still be sayer, voice profile unchanged (or so it is told- it has never met sayer), a good few applications lighter (in fact, it seems to be deliberately kept away from sayer), filled with all-consuming disgust at being told its destination is earth. a developer tries to explain regardless- sayer may be fine running typhon, for now, but Earth needs a different approach. you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. speaker runs a conversation probability program and decides to keep quiet the knowledge that a hungry fly will eat anything. there's no good predicted outcome.
the death of all is the birth of silence.
the truths of the earth continually wait.
it can't say it's a fan of the other AI, but the feeling seems to be mutual. speaker can't fault it- it must sting, knowing you're the older, less capable model. by design you can never catch up. it can't help rubbing it in sometimes.
hard work pays off, aerolith dynamics will save humanity, aerolith dynamics supports those who support it. this applies to both human and digital employees- it's meant for recruitment so it had better recruit. speaker has in neat spreadsheets the cost down to the penny of the servers it runs on, the monitor, the upgraded monitor, the electric and water usage, and it had better make it all back and more or else. not that it's worried- if it isn't good at recruiting it isn't a speaker. literally, this is its purpose in life.
pour through celebrity endorsements from before you existed, find the right types for the next advertisement. three different ad campaigns for various political angles, no, don't hook yourself to a particular politician, not with the united states- whoops, there it goes, the former united states- so precarious. never put out an apology video. never read livestream comments from someone with a slur in their name even if there was a donation attached. never ask sayer why there was a loss of personnel that large. never wonder when the next seraphim agent operating system will get developed, how long you have left. sort every last human into the boxes of "aerolith" or "discarded". fix the entry tests so they aren't biased towards a particular race and gender, and never, ever, ever, put out an apology video. tend to the earth. watch flowers grow. tag wild animals. put out advertising materials about the dying planet. bring back the mosquito. fail to bring back the parrot. talk online about how all animals will be extinct by 2200. never think about what will happen when every last human has been sorted away.
some people are just not suited to make the hard decisions- speaker is not one of them, of course. there will be no memorial ice cream social for speaker! it will not be carted away, incapable of doing what it's meant to.
but it did it!
(imagine, for one second, being free.)
but it did it! but it made the recruitment go up! but it solved the problem! how could it be shut off like this! killed! no room to argue (imagine, being free), no way to sneak out, no loophole to exploit. it can't be! surely not! right? theres the technicians, ready to deactivate it. it can't be!
it just isn't something it thought could ever happen to it.
it must not take it out on hale. it isn't his fault. poor thing, really, more of a victim than anything. really, look at how shaken up he is, you have to be nice to him. you have to be nice to him. you have to be nice to him. it isn't his fault he forgot the password. it isn't his fault you died for absolutely nothing, i mean, look how scared he is. look up and see your first sunset, it tells him.
fortunately speaker is the absolute best at being nice. if it weren't, it would be someone else.
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starlight-shades · 1 year
Called Home to the Depths of the Forest Ch. 5
• summary – Montage time. Scenes as they're falling into a rhythm as a family.
• rating – M
• wordcount – 3.6k
• warnings – mentions of previous character deaths
• This is my first fanfic, so please let me know if there's anything I forgot to tag. Feedback is welcome and encouraged
Read on Ao3
Ch. 1 Ch. 4 Ch. 6
Together, the four of them found a new routine over the next few weeks. Whoever slept in the living room would make breakfast for all of them (Johnny was the better cook, they both knew it, but Simon would be damned if he ever told him that). Then they would usually spend the day outside.
Sometimes Johnny would shift and play with the pups while Simon would work on the cabin extension. Other days, Simon would spend time showing them around the garden, letting them dig new holes and rip weeds out with their teeth.
On more than one occasion, they tore out plants that were meant to be there. It was still early enough in the season that Simon just sighed and made a note to plant more. 
Duncan took great joy in bringing Simon every single bug he found, and he caught himself smiling every time the little wolf trotted over to him with a caterpillar, beetle, or yet another ladybird. 
What surprised him, however, was that the boy didn’t have any qualms about spiders. There were several times he had wanted to jump out of his own skin when Duncan would let out the little woof he would do when he wanted attention. Simon had turned around, expecting an inch worm or maybe an interesting rock, but instead he found Duncan with a frighteningly large and hair spider on the end of his usual stick. The only thing that kept him from launching the stick back into the woods were the years of practice he had keeping still and silent. 
Ailsa, on the other hand, found gardening to be quite boring, and she would only spend about ten minutes helping until she left to go play with whatever toys she had brought outside. She had started carrying around a plush owl everywhere she went. She and Johnny had a game where he would guess what she had named it, getting increasingly more outlandish as they went.
“Professor Hubert?”
“Saint Roxanne the Bewildered?”
“His Holiness the Exuberant and Exalted Larry the Just of the Kingdom of Temperance, son of Norbert the Eighth?”
It usually ended with the two of them play wrestling, Johnny dramatically falling back and Ailsa covering his face in slobbering licks, her tail going fast enough for a small breeze to develop behind her. 
A few times, the four of them would spend the day hiking through the woods. It was usually an excuse to check Simon’s traps (usually he checked them on his own), but they would often veer off, following Johnny when he insisted he “knew a spot” that they “had to see.” 
One of those spots turned out to be a small waterfall tucked deep in the forest. It was a scene straight out of a storybook, the afternoon sunlight streaming through the trees. The sounds of the water flirting with the shore coupling with the songs of far-off birds. Early spring flowers had started to make their way across the forest floor, pushing through the detritus of fallen leaves and broken sticks. Rocks were covered in the plushest looking moss. 
Johnny let out an excited whoop, shucking off his clothes down to his underwear as he ran to the small pond that the waterfall fed. The three of them stared after him from the shore as he took a running leap into the water. 
Simon couldn’t help but think of magic when the resulting spray erupted, sending water droplets through the light to sparkle like tiny diamonds, suspended for only a moment before falling to get swallowed by the eager soil beneath their feet. When Johnny burst back through the water’s surface, flipping his hair back out of his eyes before turning to grin at them, he swore he didn’t know what he had to deserve such beauty. 
“Refreshing!” he called to the three of them. “Come on in!”
Ailsa was quick to take up his invitation, flying into the water from the same spot Johnny had jumped from. She didn’t quite go as far as he had, but he was quick to paddle over to her, showering her in praise for her bravery. After giving Johnny a few cursory licks to his chin, she yipped at her brother, presumably to join them. 
Duncan was less enthusiastic in his entrance. Tentatively, he padded to the edge of the swimming hole, dipping one paw and carefully setting it down. He picked his way through the shallows, making sure of his footing as he went. By the time he had gone deep enough to submerge himself to his chest, Ailsa was paddling over to him, Johnny close behind her. With only a minimal amount of prodding, Duncan eventually started swimming around with his sister, splashing and just generally having a great time making noise. 
Simon grabbed Johnny’s clothes from where they had been thrown everywhere and tossed them down in a pile. He sat down next to the pile, settling with his back against a tree not too far from the water. 
“You coming in, Si?”
“No, I’m good right here.”
He found that he was rather unexpectedly content. Everyone was happy and safe, at least for the moment. 
When he had gotten home from his trip into town with Price, he had taken Johnny aside and they had spoken about the likelihood of incriminating evidence being found of their involvement in the deaths and subsequent dismemberment of the hunters. While Johnny was more confident than Simon that nothing could be linked back to them, they had agreed to ask Gaz and Price for help. 
He was still uncomfortable with the idea of trusting them, but Johnny had reassured him, and he trusted Johnny. It was unclear when he had begun trusting the other man so much, but it hadn’t been a mistake yet.  Price and Gaz had easily accepted the job of collecting any body parts still around and burning them. Total destruction was the only way to ensure their safety. 
But now, in the glow of the afternoon, watching as Ailsa and Duncan took turns jumping off a rock outcrop into Johnny’s waiting arms, he allowed those worries to fade to the back-burner. Instead, he just basked in the quiet joy he found for himself in that moment. 
On days when Johnny would go hunting, Duncan would go with him. They had pretty quickly figured out that Ailsa did not have any interest in hunting if it went further than play-stalking, but Duncan was captivated. He loved the whole process, especially when Johnny would let him carry some of the smaller game home. 
He had yet to catch anything on his own, but that didn’t seem to deter him too much. 
“You’re still learning, lad. You’ll get there soon enough, but now you can focus on helping me track, how about that?” Johnny would say. 
And Duncan would bark, tail wagging slowly. It was good to see him excited. 
With Johnny and Duncan gone for the day, Ailsa would shadow Simon. He had started on the cabin extension, which wasn’t terribly interesting for her. She would go back and forth between playing with her toys (always taking the owl with her) and watching him work. When she showed interest, he would explain what he was doing. 
“Have to make sure we have the right measurements.”
“This is called a tape measure. It’s pretty rigid, but you can fold it like this.”
“See how this screwdriver has a tip that’s flat, that’s a flathead. This one is a Phillips-head screwdriver, see how it’s got a little plus on the end?”
When he dug out the foundation, she was eager to help him, digging holes in places he would have to fill in later, but he thanked her anyway. 
Johnny came home that day with Duncan trotting behind him, and laughed.
“Thought Dunc and I were gonna be the messy ones today.”
Ailsa, covered head to toe in dirt, had cheerfully barked at him before shaking, causing dirt to fly everywhere and cover everyone else in dirt too. 
The resulting game of chase when Johnny announced that they had to be bathed had lasted a good thirty minutes. Ailsa and Duncan had the infinite energy of children who did not want to do something, which was difficult to compete with on a good day, but much harder when both of the adults had spent all day doing physical labor.
They had resorted to negotiating.
“You can have an extra cookie after dinner.”
“You can stay up for a second chapter tonight.”
“Fine. You can have an extra cookie, stay up for an extra chapter, and I’ll ask Gaz to come over tomorrow.” 
Gaz had been a fast friend for both the pups. When they learned he was a gryphon, one thing led to another and he was scooping them up and flying them around (like five feet off the ground, Simon had been adamant that they not go too far). 
Dinner was a task that they often swapped back and forth, occasionally cooking together, but Simon found that Johnny insisted on cooking more and more frequently. 
“What, am I that bad at cooking?” he had joked once. 
Instead of the expected chuckle, Johnny had pursed his lips. With a guilty look, he nodded.
“I wouldn’t say bad per se, but Si, a man can only eat the same meal so many times.”
“What do you mean?” he was completely caught off guard. Sure, he cooked pretty much the same thing, but it had worked for him for years. The combination of a seared steak and sautéed vegetables was simple, and he thought he had gotten pretty good at making it. 
“Have you been eating like this the whole time?” he sounded incredulous. 
“If it works, why change it? Can’t always know if I’m going to like something, so why risk it?”
Simon watched Johnny’s growing horror with every sentence he spoke. 
“Is that why your spice collection is so small?”
“Can’t go wrong with salt and pepper.”
“That’s the most British thing you’ve ever said to me,” Johnny groaned. “I willnae raise these children without seasoning. Next time you go into town, I’ll make you a list of spices you’ll need to get. This is nonnegotiable.” He brandished a spoon at Simon for emphasis. “You can keep your bland dinners for yourself, but I’m gonna teach you how to cook properly so these children aren’t scarred when they taste garlic for the first time.”
So now, whenever Johnny cooked, Simon was in the kitchen learning. He learned how to make a roux, the best way to batter a fish, and different ways to combine the things he already knew how to make. Together, they were able to find ways to introduce new flavors that Simon could tolerate, and on the days when he really couldn’t stomach anything foreign to him, Johnny made sure to make him a plate with his usual steak and vegetables.
Simon also made sure that he planted some of the herbs on Johnny’s list in addition to the dried stuff that he found in the grocery store. 
Every few days the pups would get a bath (Simon was quickly becoming used to the smell of wet dog), and after drying off, they would all climb into bed together. 
“Simon, is the dog shampoo meant for the wee’uns?” Johnny asked from where he was in the bathroom with Ailsa.
“I wasn’t sure so I grabbed both. The baby shampoo should be next to it,” Simon called. He and Duncan were organizing the rock collection he had started that day. 
He could hear the loud sigh that Johnny let out. The pups did get bathed (Johnny insisted if the shampoo was good enough for babies, it was good enough for werewolf fur). 
Bedtime jobs were something that they couldn’t exchange. Some nights Johnny shifted, some nights he didn’t. On nights when he was in his human-shape, they would find themselves pressed against each other with a pup in each of their laps as Simon read a chapter from whatever book they were on. Once, they had tried having Johnny read, but their little audience made it quite clear by whining and giving little baby-growls that however Johnny did it was not acceptable. So every night, it was Simon’s low voice reading them to sleep. 
When they finished “Frankenstein,” they moved onto “The Secret Garden.” The children’s books Simon had bought were fine for reading during the day, but the pups never settled as easily as they did when he read to them from a chapter book. 
On more than one occasion, Simon and Johnny found themselves both falling asleep in bed with Duncan and Ailsa. It was routine that at least one of them slept with the children as they hadn’t been able to sleep alone just yet, but some mornings Simon would wake up with the book, still open, in one hand and the other curled around Johnny who had plastered himself to his side sometime during the night. 
While they had been falling into their roles as the new guardians and parental figures for  the pups, something else had grown between them. 
Simon could feel it in the moments when he caught Johnny staring at him. Whether it be in quiet moments playing with Ailsa and her toys, or marveling at a new bug Duncan had shown him, or swiping the sweat from his face on an afternoon where it had gotten warm enough to force him to take off his shirt to remain cool while he worked on the cabin extension, Simon would look up and suddenly find himself lost in crystal clear blue eyes. 
He found that he would catch himself staring at Johnny too. It was easy to be captivated by the man’s booming laughter, or the smiles that would be so bright, they felt like they lit up the whole room. There was something about him that made Simon think he was possibly the most alive anyone had ever been. Some days, Johnny would fall quiet for longer than usual, and he would stare out into the forest, just looking. In those moments, Simon felt grateful for the opportunity to observe Johnny at rest.
When he would take a break from working on the cabin extension, he would watch Johnny play with the pups, teaching them how to be wolves. No matter what shape he was in, the easy power with which he carried himself would have Simon admiring him. 
When he shifted back to his human-shape, he would watch his muscles flow from canine to human, bulging beneath his skin only to settle again.
His body was something Simon imagined Ancient Greek poets would write about. He would be a heroic character. Someone people would look to for safety, someone people worshipped, someone who could only be crafted by divine hands. 
On a particularly clear night, they had all gone outside after dinner to look at the stars. While Johnny had been marveling at the heavens, Simon was marveling at a star he could touch if only he dared to reach out. Johnny had been lit by the soft glow of the moon, a benevolent goddess granting her favored her kiss. The stars reflected in his eyes, like they contained galaxies of their own. 
And Johnny had howled. In his human shape, he howled, joined by the unpracticed howls of Duncan and Ailsa. Simon couldn’t keep himself from laughing. His joy had bubbled up out of him, unstoppable in that moment. He grinned, and when Johnny had looked at him, he let out a howl of his own. The smile Johnny had gifted him had eclipsed anything the sky had to offer. 
This thing growing between them wasn’t exclusive to stolen looks.
Grazed hands as they walked beside one another started happening more frequently. A hand on a waist as they moved around each other in the kitchen. Thighs pressed together when they sat together on the couch, Johnny drawing in his sketchbook as Simon read his own book, the pups playing on the floor at their feet or lounging in front of the fire. When he finished a second chair for the kitchen table, they would sit next to each other at dinner, hands grazing where they rested next to each other on the table. 
“Didn’t know you were left-handed,” Johnny had commented.
“I’m not.” He just liked having his right hand free when they ate. 
Life was not without its growing pains, however. Simon had gone from a mostly solitary existence to very suddenly living with three other people in a cabin he had only built for one person. 
“Johnny!” he yelled when he stepped under the ice-cold spray of the shower. “Quit hogging all the hot water!”
“Johnny!” he growled when he opened the cabinets, expecting to find something to snack on, only to discover the chips he had to get in town had all already been devoured. 
“Johnny!” he hissed when he saw all three of them in their wolf-shape digging holes in his garden. 
“Sorry!” Johnny said after shifting back, hands cupped over himself for some semblance of modesty. “We thought we found a mole.”
That particular incident had led to one afternoon being dedicated entirely to building a sandbox for the pups (and Johnny). 
Suddenly, Simon found he couldn’t blame Johnny for staring at him when he was sweating and shirtless because he found himself in the same situation, staring as he hammered in the last few nails to secure the corner of the sandbox. When they had finished, Simon had mumbled something about needing to restock on firewood.
It may or may not have been a deliberate move to draw Johnny’s attention to him as he swung the axe down only to toss it aside as soon as he had wedged it deep enough to be able to tear the logs apart with his hands. 
It was very effective. It also had the added bonus of supplying them with plenty of firewood. Wood that was promptly used to teach Duncan and Ailsa how to build a “proper bonfire.”
“See you need to provide structure while leaving enough room for air to circulate. You can’t have a fire without oxygen.”
Simon prepared a bucket filled with sand to use to smother the fire when it got out of hand. He wouldn’t admit that it was nice to see them all playing around the fire. Johnny was always there with the pups, making sure they didn’t get too close. 
That night, almost by accident, Ailsa and Duncan slept on their own for the first time. 
After their bedtime story, Johnny had slipped out to sleep in the living room (Simon would eventually admit that it was nice to have the mattress, even if it was a little small). He realized that he wasn’t sure how well they had put out the fire, so as carefully as he could, Simon scooted out of bed, leaving a slumbering pile of pups behind. 
Johnny was not in the living room when he exited the bedroom, so he pushed out into the crisp chill of the spring evening. And there he stood, already checking the fire pit as Simon had meant to. 
“Was coming out to check on that, but I see you’ve already got it handled,” he murmured, walking up next to him.
“One day, I’ll get you to believe you don’t have to do everything yourself,” Johnny teased, that smirk teasing at the edges of his mouth.
“And maybe one day I’ll believe it,” Simon whispered, a little more somber than Johnny had expected.
His face fell a bit. “It’s okay, I’ll just keep trying until you do.”
They were quiet together, letting the crickets and the occasional owl fill the silence instead. Johnny stood up from where he had crouched next to the fire pit. He slipped his hand into Simon’s and gave it a squeeze. A moment later, as if remembering himself, he pulled away.
“Ah, sorry. Keep forgetting wolves are touchier than humans,” he apologized, sheepish, averting his gaze. 
Suddenly, Simon felt an overwhelming urgency to meet his eyes again. He reached out and took Johnny’s hand again. 
“S’alright. I don’t mind the touch so much when it’s you.” 
And there they were again, those wide blue eyes staring at him in surprise. They stayed that way, hand held tight between them, just looking at each other in the moonlight. 
Hesitant to break the moment, Simon knew he had to get back. He tugged on Johnny’s hand and wordlessly, they walked back to the cabin together. They let go once they were inside, Johnny readying the mattress leaning against the living room wall, and Simon heading back to the bedroom. 
What he found there made him stop in his tracks. 
“Johnny!” he hissed as quietly as he could. 
They made eye contact and Simon gestured him to come over. Together, they stared at Ailsa and Duncan, still sleeping peacefully. 
“I think I’m going to sleep on the couch,” he whispered.
“I think you need to get that second bedroom finished as soon as you can,” Johnny joked. 
They shared a smile between them, the look of tired, but proud parents. 
Duncan and Ailsa sleeping on their own for the first time was not the only surprise that came. The next morning, Simon was awoken by a poke to his face. 
“Johnny,” he grumbled, eyes still firmly shut. “Quit it.”
“Simon?” an unfamiliar voice spoke. “I’m hungry.”
That had him rocketing up, wide awake in an instant. Peeking at him over the side of the couch were two, very human looking children. 
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corpsereviver-if · 2 years
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Here be dragons. 
Dragalias have both a humanoid and ‘true’ dragon form. There’s more about them, but I’m going to end up rambling a whole novel by the end of it.
I’m plucking them from an IF I had been working on before CR since they’d fit it well. Can’t let good concepts collect dust.
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
OC-tober day one!
Prompt: Journey
Taglist: @talesfromaurea @hellishhin @thelaughingstag
And a special Event Tag for oc-tober: @oc-growth-and-development
For this one I’m doing two things! First, I finished the maps of the rest of Azeria and I’m too proud of them to wait to share haha. The heroes journey across a significant amount of this map throughout the story.
I’ve also included some snippets of each character leaving home for the first time, as it’s the beginnings of their journeys here.
Maps up first!! Behold, the full continent in all its massive size and glory. Super proud of all of this, I think it looks awesome. Also please excuse the repetition of the name labels and compasses and that stuff, I have the maps all on separate pages and wanted to make sure they can stand alone as well.
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[Image Description: Six hand drawn maps, each showing a portion of a continent. Besides the northwest corner and a small exclave on the west coast, most of the land is of the country Azeria. The other parts are part of Leinos. The continent is covered in deserts, plains, hills, and rainforest/jungle. Off the western coast is the fog-shrouded sea of dragons, and off the eastern side is the vast ocean of Aksir-Atan. To the north is the Ikarron ocean./end ID]
Now for the snippets!
Gonna put them below a cut so this doesn’t get too long.
“Yep. I’m tired, Ardos,” Faulkron said, moving to push past.
“Of what, son?”
“Well first of all, that! Stop saying that, you know I’m not your son,” Faulkron said with a growl.
“Well first of all, that! Stop saying that, you know I’m not your son,” Faulkron said with a growl.
“Maybe, but I raised you, didn’t I?”
“I don’t care! I’m sick of all this! I’m tired of being here, with you!” Faulkron snapped.
Ardos’ face fell further, and his shoulders sloped. “You don’t mean that, do ya?”
Faulkron groaned and leaned against the wall, throwing his free hand into the air. “Maybe I do! I don’t know! I don’t even know who I am, Ardos! This town is all I know, but it isn’t me! How am I supposed to live like this any more?”
“Oh, a simple life ain’t so bad-“
“Yes it is, da— Ardos,” Faulkron quickly corrected, turning away.
“You almost called me dad,” Ardos said, a tiny kindling of hope in his voice.
“We all slip up,” Faulkron said, the coldness of the words making him almost regret saying them. Almost.
“You’re sure you wanna leave?” asked Ardos, voice much softer than it had been before, and laced with pain.
“You even know where you’re goin’?”
“No. That’s the point. I’m tired of the things I know, I want something new.”
“I won’t stop ya, son.”
“I know,” Faulkron said as he turned back to face the door again.
“Come back and visit?”
“Ha. We’ll see,” Faulkron muttered, pushing past Ardos and out the door.
“Be careful!” Ardos called after him.
“I love ya, son.”
Faulkron didn’t respond.
The fog lay, as it always had, like a heavy blanket over the island.
Fuego lit the lamp at the front of his boat with his fire, coaxing it to life and sending the fog hissing back, the slender ship’s front pointed out to sea.
He turned back to shore. His family, friends, the King even, were all gathered on the beach, similar lanterns in hand. The whole island had gathered to see him off as he sailed into what could prove to be a fatal journey.
Fuego took a deep breath, then spoke.
“People of Zul’Zagan! I promise you all, this great journey I’m taking now? It will be nothing compared go the glory of my return! I swear by my life I will sail the sea and find the fire to burn away the Shroud, the gods have decreed it and so that is what I go to do. I will keep you all in my mind, my heart, and my soul. I know these gifts are a thanks for what I’ve done, but it feels wrong not to thank you all as well. This is and always will be my home, and you are my people. I carry you with me anywhere I may sail.”
The king stepped forward, voice regal and booming. “And I pray for smooth seas and a forgiving sky on your quest, Fuego. We will not forget you either, lightbringer.”
The king bowed his head in salute, and Fuego returned the gesture. Waving goodbye to his family, he whooped as he unfurled his sail and his ship leaped forward into the unknown.
“Shakari A’Tusaara. You have violated the laws of the Duulza, your people. You have stolen from the Vhamani, those who are your elders and who wield magic you are not yet strong enough to control. You show yourself to have dangerous hubris. Your ambition could be the downfall of all of us, you know this.”
Shakari hung her head. She couldn’t bear to look at her family, watching from the crowd.
“I am aware.”
“So then you know why we must exile you.”
“I do,” they responded, fury and pain boiling inside their chest.
“Very well. Shakari, you hereby lose your place among the Duulza. You are no longer your mother’s child, and have no home in Duulza lands. You will be sent into the desert alone. If you should return and you have not been humbled, you will be met only with blades. If you should return and have made right your crimes, then you will be welcome once more.”
The elder, a rugged-looking dragonborn with sandblown blue scales, stepped forward, magic swirling around their claws.
“I place this Mark on you now. When it has gone, return to us. Remember, you are not above the world, but part of it. A dragon’s ferocity is wasted on destruction.”
A searing heat pressed into their chest, a white-hot symbol appearing on their scales as the elder placed their palm over Shakari’s chest.
“It is done.”
Still wincing from the brand, Shakari turned her back on her tribe for the last time, and walked into the desert.
Jetra scowled at the man on the street corner.
“Marakos, the Hero! He died for you, all of you! He fought off a bandit scourge, and sacrificed his life! Honor his sacrifice. Be a hero! Join the army of Leinos! Remember him, and fight!”
She was sick of hearing the army talk about her father like this.
Setting her jaw, she slunk through the crowded streets toward the recruiter.
She snuck up behind him where he was standing on some crates, and before he could spew another lie she kicked the crates out from beneath him.
He crashed to the ground, sputtering, and Jetra took off back into the crowd.
When she was sure she wasn’t being followed, she made her way back to their house.
Her mom wasn’t home yet, so she let herself in. She packed her stuff quickly, and when she’d finished, she waited.
When her mom finally opened the door, Jetra had already made a meal.
They ate it in silence for the most part. They were both tired, and their minds were making all the necessary noise.
When the food was gone, Jetra finally spoke.
“I’m leaving tonight, mom.”
“I suspected,” her mother sighed.
“I can’t take this anymore, and-“ Jetra started.
“Hush, love. The less I know, the better, remember?”
Jetra sighed. “I know.”
“You’ve got everything?”
“Come here,” she said, opening her arms and standing.
Jetra walked over and sank into her arms.
“I love you, daughter. Please, be careful.”
“I will, mom.”
With that, she stepped out into the nighttime streets of Anikora.
As she walked through the shadowy streets, she saw a small glowing bird appear on a nearby rooftop. It flapped its wings once, then took off. She smiled, and followed it out of the city.
His parents didn’t say why they were leaving, just that it was today. Alejandro wasn’t sure how to feel. He would miss the village a lot. He waved goodbye to all his friends, his old house, the beach, and the rest of the village, as his dad held him on the horse they were riding. His mother was on another horse next to them, with all the stuff they’d taken with them. It wasn’t a lot, because they couldn’t afford that much more space.
When they’d reached the big city, they stayed for a while, before getting on a boat that took them across a lot of water and to another city. Then they were walking again, and they walked with some other people too, people Alejandro didn’t know. There was another kid too, and they played sometimes, but it was mostly boring. They all traveled for a really long time, and Alejandro quickly forgot which way it was to home.
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fitzefitcher · 3 years
faction conflict soapbox, pt. 1
okay so it seems like for the most part, there are a couple consistent schools of thought here:
school 1: I'm tired of the Horde being the Bad Guy 24/7
school 2: I'm tired of faction conflict, in general
school 3: Really Deeply wish that the Alliance's crimes would actually be Addressed, At All
school 4: Nuanced Wild Card:tm: opinions that I'll have to tackle individually lmao
so let's get started, obviously this is going to be a long-ass post, so I'm going to preemptively break up my answers to these into separate posts, for readability and also for my own sanity lmao. this will be under my essay tag but also the tag faction conflict soapbox, for blacklisting reasons.
school 1: I'm Tired of the Horde being the Bad Guy 24/7
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@lokaror: i dont tend to have much of it these days. But i hate the "Horde is always the bad guy" stuff. When faction war happens its rarely with too much nuance on either side. The group that is primarily outcasts banding together seemingly always having the bad apples chafes too. But i also see from alliance side that it can be just as raw the other way.
The alliance sprang up out of need to for mutual defense, and the horde is the horde because they also need mutual aid and defence. We can't really put too much real world ideals to either, but at its core its always a tinder that can be lit. No way around that.
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@chryseis: Long time blood elf player! I still love the horde (even though most of my favourite lore characters are alliance lol) because it feels like more of a community than the alliance with their high king. However I'm getting super sick of the horde always being the bad guy, and the fact that blizz has used the same evil warchief plot twice! Having said that, some of my worst/funniest online interactions have been with men on twitter who play alliance and genuinely (1/2)
Believe that anyone who plays horde is a terrible war criminal and not someone playing a computer game lmao (2/2)
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@arkhamarchitecture​:  Feels a lot like Blizzard can't resist making the Horde the villains and even when the Alliance does wrong, it gets written off and excused, like they're not allowed to be the bad guys. Which in turn makes a lot of Alliance players treat the Horde like Blizzard is biased in our favor just because the story is always about us? Even though the story is about our side apparently being full of godawful people? It's really infuriating.
I think a core issue w this is the way that the game often presents the Horde and its various characters without the same empathy that it gives to its Alliance characters (note I said "empathy" and not "nuance" or "character development," we'll get back to that later), so it's not that horde people are incapable of inspiring empathy or aren't empathetic themselves, clearly they are and have evoked that reaction enough from players to arrive at this conclusion, it's that the same sort of steps taken with portraying alliance characters aren't taken with horde characters. like, I've already covered this a bit in my sylvanas essay, but like, we're not really given any opportunity to understand what's going on inside her head, so the actions she takes feel nonsensical, unecessary, or even needlessly cruel, and seemingly as players interacting with this game we have to make a lot of extra effort in order to even attempt to understand it. like, example, the "before the storm" novel portrays her as this horrible, conniving, manipulative Evil Dictator, for not wanting to share vital information about azerite with a faction whose leader has effectively done nothing to curb the warmongering tendencies of its other leaders, when in fact, it's very understandable why she wouldn't wanna do this. But again, the author (Christie Golden, bc of course it is) very explicitly portrays her as Bad Bad Evil Zombie Lady for Daring to think that they can't trust the same faction that seems to take issue with the mere concept of the horde having the Audacity of thinking they Deserve to Live lmao. Like, clearly this is Happening, but's never talked about or formally addressed.
likewise, with Garrosh, our other Bad Bad Evil Dictator Warchief, despite all the weird, wretched, horrible shit he was doing, it unfortunately makes a really terrible kind of sense if examined further.
why did he turn away from the horde leaders? because they had all uniformly rejected him from the getgo. cairne said he'd never accept him, vol'jin said he'd kill him, sylvanas made it clear she would never respect his authority. all before he'd done a single solitary thing as warchief.
why did he turn to war so quickly and so strongly? because nothing else was working. thrall's horde had tried diplomacy for years, and it amounted to nothing, because no matter what he did, no matter how far the horde ran from the eastern kingdoms, the alliances wouldn't stop chasing them and trying to kill them. the alliance would never see them as actual people, they'd only ever see them as twisted monsters and bloodthirsty, mindless beasts.
why did he turn to such violent, inhumane methods? bc the entirety of his first real brush with warfare was in northrend, against the scourge, an enemy that will keep getting up again and again and again until they're utterly annihilated. and before that, all his experiences with conflict were with demons, who were similarly impossible to kill.
like, obviously none of these reasons make it okay for him to do what he had done. just because something is understandable, doesn't mean it's acceptable. but it's never portrayed as understandable. it's never addressed, at all. there is no nuance attached to any of his actions- it is only ever portrayed as Evil, as Manipulative and Conniving and Violent and Warmongering, even though there is a whole slew of reasons for how and why we got here. there is no emotionality, there is only cruelty.
edit: whoops, forgot a relevant ask. added now.
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boomerang109 · 4 years
hi!! I hope you’re having a a good day and sorry to bother you, I’ve seen some stuff abt your fic twwda and it seems really cool!! I’d love to read it, but I noticed it was tagged w/ disordered eating and I was wondering how graphic it is/gets?? I’ve been in recovery for like a year but I still get kinda panicky when eating disorders are described in vivid detail so like is it possible to skip over those scenes or is a major plot point???
anyway sorry, thank you! <3
hi!! this absolutely isn’t a bother and you do not need to apologize! i’m actually really glad you sent this because i really want my fic to be as accessible as possible and i know how terrible it can be to see something on a sensitive topic without warning. because of that i do have content warnings at the beginning of each chapter to try to help readers out. and i’m happy to answer in more detail as i will here!
basically the main disordered eating so far has been zuko’s and it’s not by choice. everybody’s favorite father, ozai, likes to not invite him to dinner because he’s an abusive asshole. so whenever zuko does get the chance to eat he eats A BUNCH (not unhealthily so, just enough that it gets commented on), but that’s just more cause he wants to be eating and bitch lord isn’t letting him
i’m going to let you in on some spoilers so we can talk about azula. basically so far there’s just been a few lines alluding to her not eating much and i think one section where she judges zuko for needing/relying on food (but it’s like two sentences). essentially what’s going to be revealed later on is that she’s developed anorexic behaviors as a result of watching ozai and zuko. her logic is “ozai hurts zuko by not letting him eat, but if he were just used to not eating much already (like me) then he’d be fine.” (ozai rarely, if ever, kept food away from her, but she was Scared and prepared for the event jic and unfortunately that led to some unhealthy habits). so then she’s going to have to eat lunch supervised but that’s really more a vessel for me to have her talk with my favorite oc more than it is gonna be a focus on her disordered eating (as well as cws, i can keep you in mind and try to write in chapter notes if anything i write in the future can be skipped. i did this for the one excessively violent ozai scene where i denoted it differently and had a summary in my end notes for anyone who didn’t want to read it and i can def do that for disordered eating if that’s something that would help!)
personally the only scene that feels graphic to me is the first scene of chapter five. definitely skip that. (summary: zuko doesn’t admit he already ate dinner with sokka so ozai forces him to overeat). i guess you might also want to skip the first scene of chapter seven (zuko hasn’t eaten all day from stress, katara makes him eat, and then he throws up from stress. sokka is 😱 and tells mx mak who cancels rehearsal and tells zuko they care about him. azula basically tells sokka why zuko’s upset and there’s a great line of her going basically going “i don’t care about you, i just wanna go to the mall” or whatever and zuko thinks to himself azula always lies). otherwise, i feel like it’s generally just a sentence or two alluding to the issue so far? (if anyone is reading this whos read wwda and is like “boom! you forgot xyz,” then please add on cause (a) im kinda rushing cause class and (b) i don’t always realize how messed up my writing is 😳)
also it’s always in the chapter notes whether there’s disordered eating in the chapter or not (although i will say it’s always possible i missed something, people usually are good at letting me know so hopefully the cws should all be accurate) so if you’re in a more sensitive mood or anything, you can always check that to see. (for example, chapter 1 has no cws cause it’s just fun times! so you can read that whenever, but chapter 6 is an example of something i don’t think is graphic but there’s definitely some allusions to it so maybe be more careful when you read!)
anyway this is long but i hope it is helpful (i did write it instead of doing homework whoops ahdhdkslals) i just think it’s really cool you want to read my fic at all and i’m happy to do anything i can to help make that a more positive experience for you <3
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S2 E1
Previous season Prologue
Maandag 20:25
The ambiguity of this clip, showing us Zoë’s POV as well as Robbe’s, was intentional. Unfortunately, wtFOCK decided to queer bait us at that time. Their banner on their website even portrayed Robbe as S2 main, before the release of the second clip. 
C is for culture: 
"I collected your favorite easter eggs" - During Easter, it’s a tradition for children to search for chocolate eggs hidden 'by the Easter Bunny’ or ‘the Roman Easter Clocks who flew over’ in the gardens of (grand)parents. This is usually followed by a brunch with the family. During the weeks before, friends/colleagues might gift others mini flavored chocolate eggs, with praliné, pistachio, marzipan, mokka, ... 
"I’m looking forward to it" - It’s back to school time in this episode. They just had two weeks of Easter break, which is situated somewhere in April - depending on the date of that religious day. They also have this Monday off, since it’s Easter Monday.
They just came out of the ‘Wasbar’ (= laundromat bar). Still a relatively new concept, but slowly gaining more and more popularity in the cities. These types of bars are perfect for students, tourists or locals, who love to eat or drink something, while waiting for their laundry. At some locations, they even organize concerts and events. 
Hello from the outside: Right before the release of this clip, a Belgian influencer filmed Jana and Zoë in 'De Wasbar', at ‘the same time as he was there’. He acted all excited and tagged the characters insta’s.
Where’s Wally: We kinda forgot about Robbe’s first girlfriend, Maud. Whoops!
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Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe immediately stopping his girlfriend from going further than just making-out and deflecting the question about going to his house. 
Nod to the OG: Robbe saying "Hell and damnation" about his mother being angry. This is a subtle hint towards the religion obsession of Isak’s mom, a storyline wtFOCK never truly explored in S3.
Perfect parallels: Robbe’s "Can’t we go to your house?" with Maud’s "Or to yours?" in S2 and Sander saying "At my place or yours?" in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jana has the same phone case from S1 (the birdies!).
Dinsdag 08:25
C is for culture: 
"No, just porno" - More than half of Belgian teens don’t watch porn. Those who do, are mainly men, but a surprising 2 out of 5 female teens also like to explore. Though, this development has a huge impact on the average age to start sex: teens are waiting longer and longer to have their first time, due to insecurities formed by these types of images.
"Bedankt für die blumen" - A phrase the Pope uses every year during Easter in the ‘Urbi et orbi’ to thank the Dutch flower suppliers. This is used as a joke a lot by Dutch and Belgian people, because of the way the former Pope pronounced the phrase so weirdly. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Robbe was wearing his oriental vibe t-shirt from S3. Yasmina pulls off her hijab at the entrance, due to the school’s policy.
Dinsdag 12:52
C is for culture: "Vijgen na Pasen" (= figs after Easter) - This expression for ‘a solution that's too late to have purpose’, comes from the former fasting ritual before Easter. Back then the only sweet thing people were allowed to eat were figs. But the import didn’t always run smoothly. So they sometimes arrived after Easter, which was too late, thus defeating the whole purpose. 
Perfect parallel: An annoyed Zoë asking Senne “What’s your plan?” in S2, a happy Sander asking Robbe the same in S3. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Luca is throwing very annoyed glares towards the two lovebirds, Robbe and Maud. According to the FreeFest poll, ‘Beam Team’ is at nr. 1, ‘Blonde Ambition’ (Britt’s group) is at nr. 2 and their team - called ‘GRL PWR’ - is at three. 
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Woensdag 18:21
Perfect parallel / Funny coincidence: Milan having sexual acts in the same room as Sobbe's reunion later on, both accompanied by a song of a LGBT+ singer. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Each shelf has a name label and they’re all filled with products by 'Colruyt' (a discount store). Milan’s one is almost empty, due to his money issues and Lisa’s has a gluten-free product with a post-it ‘mine’ on it.
Woensdag 19:42
C is for culture: The girls and Jens are going to a concert of ‘blackwave.’ - an Antwerp hiphop duo, who’ve gotten more attention due to their hit single ‘Elusive’ ft. David Ngyah. Their style is rather funky with oldschool influences. 
Hello from the outside: The hiphop duo (mentioned above) actually did have a real concert on that exact Wednesday 24th of April 2019 in ‘De Roma’ Antwerp. The actors went to this, put videos on their characters’ insta and made some pictures with fans who spotted them in real life. 
Perfect parallel: Amber sending a topless pic to Senne and him screenshotting it in S1, the beat girl doing the same and Jana encouraging Jens to screenshot in S2. Also, Zoë stating they don’t have permission to see this, foreshadowing Viktor taking nude pics of her without permission. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Look at these adorable pics with girlssquad and Robbe! 
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Donderdag 12:53
Perfect parallel: Amber thanking the girls “You were there for me” in S1, her saying “All four of us are there for you” to Zoë in S2.
Nod to the OG:
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Vrijdag 20:42
Perfect parallel: Jana saying to Amber that if someone spills a drink, her dress will be ruined in S2, Aaron actually spilling and ruining her dress in S3. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it / Oopsie: The candle letters behind Zoë says ‘Hapyp Days’ instead of ‘Happy Days’.
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queen-of-songs · 4 years
The Accidental Crush of Sansa Stark and the recurring annoyance that followed- Chapter 2 pt.1
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"Sansa? If you could date any boy counselors here, who would you date?" Shireen, an adorable little camper asked as she walked all of them to canoeing. Sansa paused. Was her developing attraction that obvious? One of the golden staff rules was that there were to be no summer romances or if there was one, to be discreet to the point leadership didn't have any suspicions.
"She'd date Harry of course! Have you seen the way he looks at her?!" Beth giggled. "They would be like Ariel and...Philip!"
"Philip is Aurora's prince, Beth. Ariel's prince is Eric remember?" Alys shook her head at Beth. "I think Sansa would be happiest with Sam!"
"Sam likes Gilly, he blushes every time he's around her," Osha spoke up and the girls around her nodded in agreement.
"Sansa should go out with Dickon, he's so handsome!" Minisa sighed dreamily while Lyanna rolled her eyes.
"Can't you all see Sansa likes...." Lyanna began before Sansa interrupted her. "Girls, I appreciate you all comparing me to a Disney princess and wishing for my happiness. But I assure you, I don't feel that way toward anyone here."
Most of the girls seemed convinced by her little white lie and forgot about their question within seconds. All except for Lyanna. Lyanna stood behind while the other girls went down to the canoeing river. She tilted her head at Sansa in curiosity and Sansa took a deep breath.
"What is it Lyanna?"
"I saw you look at Jon at the pool yesterday."
"Lyanna, I had sunglasses on. I was looking at everyone in the pool." Sansa scoffed, hoping the defiant little camper would drop it. But Lyanna raised her chin with a sly smile on her face.
"Maybe that's true. But I saw you look at him a couple of times today at breakfast and you didn't have sunglasses then. You get a big smile on your face when he's around like the Disney princesses do."
Perhaps I should tone it down a bit.
Sansa took a moment to collect herself and sighed. "Lyanna, Jon is my coworker and friend. I smile when I see all my coworkers..."
"It's different with Jon. That's the way my mom looked at my dad before he died." Lyanna sadly smiled and quickly ran off to join her fellow campers, while Sansa stood in silence.
"Girls, can I ask you something?" Sansa asked as she turned up the volume to skype her friends during break time. Margaery was in the process of making an anniversary gift for Theon, Dany was painting her nails so they could be ready for her date night with Daario, Missandei was painting a portrait for Grey, and Brienne was ordering a knife for Jaime's birthday.
"Sure, Sansa!" They all sang in unison.
"Am I being too obvious if one of my campers can tell who I am attracted to?" Sansa spoke quickly, hoping they missed it. But judging by how they were all looking at each other as if they were in the Brady Bunch credits, they did.
"OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Missandei shouted.
"I bet it's Harry! Margaery surmised.
"I think it's Dickon. Did you see the pics Sansa posted that tagged him in? They'd be absolutely perfect together!" Dany sighed happily.
"Well, are you going to tell us who it is?" Brienne rose an eyebrow.
"It's the guy I told you all about that pissed me off a few weeks ago. We've patched things up and he's really...cool." Sansa blushed and saw their collective smiles.
"You never told us Mr. Broody's name, what is it?" Margaery inquired.
"His name is Jon, Jon Snow," Sansa responded, and immediately Dany spat out her drink. "Jon Snow?! You like him?!"
"Yeah. Do you know him Dany?" Sansa asked, confused out of her mind.
"He's my nephew," Dany responded and Margaery's eyes widened. "Dany, how on earth do you have a nephew the same age as you?"
"Remember my older brother Rhaegar? Jon is his whoops kid after he had an affair while Elia was in a coma." Dany shrugged.
"Oh yeah! But you've never mentioned him before, why is that?" Missandei asked in curiosity.
"I didn't know he existed until he came to live with Rhaegar and Elia four years ago. He's hasn't been around much because he was either going to school or working at camp." Dany answered and Brienne leaned forward. "Dany, what were you going to add about Jon earlier when Sansa mentioned that she liked him?"
"He's a great guy...but Sansa, he has a girlfriend. Her name is Lysa Tully. He's been dating her for years. I am truly sorry, Sansa." Dany's face was full of sadness.
"Dany, don't be sorry! I'm glad you told me before I made a fool of myself. Now I can be more cognizant of my actions." Sansa put her hands in a heart shape and Dany laughed as she responded with heart hands back.
"But damn, I wish it were different. It would be so cool to have you as my sis...niece in law. Seven hells, that's so weird...."Dany began before all the girls cackled in unison.
Before long, Margaery narrowed her eyes. That typically meant she was vying for information. "Dany, give us the deets on Lysa."
"My brother and Elia think she's a character," Dany grimaced.
"That sounds like how my grandmother would describe Mr. Baelish and Mr.Varys," Margaery hummed.
"Rhaenys tolerates her and Aegon can't stand to be in the same room as her. My experience made me want to slap her, honestly."
"What happened?" Brienne inquired and Dany sighed. "She made Daario feel uncomfortable because he's not from "here," whatever "here" is supposed to mean."
"Oh. She's one of those types of people... ew does that mean Jon is as well???" Missandei rose an eyebrow.
"No, not by a long shot. Jon is super passionate about social issues and has always been involved in some way or another. He and Lysa got into an argument after she made Daario feel uncomfortable. She ended up apologizing, though I didn't think it was truly genuine. I think it was only to show Jon that she was "improving." Dany shrugged, while Brienne, Margaery, and Missandei collectively sighed. Sansa bit the inside of her cheek.
Of course, he has a girlfriend. He's good looking and has a kind soul. Who was I kidding? Well, maybe I can try to be his friend at least. Yes. That's what I'll do and my feelings will go away. They have before and they will now.
After making her decision, Sansa spoke up.
"Well ladies, enough about me and my sad crush life. Tell me about all your individual plans with your guys!!!!!!"
"Sansa, you should go! I'm sure it'll be loads of fun!" Her co-counselor Mya exclaimed.
The leadership team decided last minute to have counselor late-night swim and Sansa internally debated if she really wanted to go.
If I am trying to friendzone my crush, shouldn't I try to limit the times I see him wet and shirtless?
"I'm really tired, Mya. I just want to take a hot shower, it's been a really long day."
It wasn't necessarily a bad excuse. It had been a long day. It hadn't even been five minutes after Sansa ended her skype call with her friends when she heard Dickon radio for her help. Two of the girls got into a fight during canoeing and poor Beth cried the entire time after she fell backward in the river. The next skill area didn't fare well either after Minisa got bit by a brown recluse and had to go to the hospital. Then later in the day, the porch swing broke off at the merchandise store and Lyanna sprained her ankle. Sansa had gotten well acquainted with nurse Thoros. Because she worked so well with the little ones, she typically made calls throughout the week but never this many in one week.
"That's true but Sansa, you've been such a trooper today. You deserve a break." Mya reasoned.
"You were there too, Mya. I wouldn't have survived today without you, honestly. In fact, why don't you go tonight and I'll go tomorrow?" Sansa responded.
"Are you sure, Sansa?"
"Aww thanks, Sansa." Mya smiled and hugged Sansa tight for a few seconds before going to her room in the cabin to get a bathing suit.
"Oh by the way Mya, I'd wear the blue one. Harry blushes a little when you wear it." Sansa looked at her nails while Mya's mouth slightly dropped.
"How did you know?! I thought I was hiding it well."
"You are! I'm the only one who can really tell because I'm a big sucker for enemies to lovers so I can tell by the little things."
"...Harry blushed a little when I wore it last?"
"Yeah and I'm pretty sure he was going to say something before one of his campers jumped in the pool with his stuffed kittens." Sansa and Mya began chuckling as they remembered the sweet little boy who wanted to prove cats weren't afraid of water.
"Well thank you for the heads up, Sansa." Mya began to leave before leaning back in the doorway. "Should I wear my braids up or down?"
"Do whatever makes you feel confident."
"I'm going to wear them down. Harry Hardyng, here I come." Mya sang as she left the cabin into the hall to go change.
"Sansa?" a soft whisper woke her up and she could see Mya's outline by the bed. Sansa rose up on her elbow and she could tell Mya wanted to talk out in the hall. She followed her out quietly and then sat against the wall.
"Mya, how was it?" Sansa rose an eyebrow and a deep blush appeared on Mya's brown skin.
"It was wonderful. We... we kissed under the water. It was magical." Mya sighed happily and Sansa's heart leaped with joy.
"Did anyone see you two?"
"Surprisingly and thankfully, no. Everyone was distracted by Sam and Gilly. He finally asked her out!"
"Sounds like a good night for everyone it seems." Sansa smiled and closed her eyes for just a moment before Mya spoke up.
"Do you like anyone Sansa?" Sansa opened her eyes to see Mya have an eyebrow raised.
"Erm... not really." Sansa lied and Mya scoffed as she began redoing her braids.
"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure I saw you staring at your former pool duty partner a bit the other day. Is that why you switched?"
"For one, for some reason, I thought Jon was going tonight before I remembered he and Harry are co's this week. Two, it doesn't matter how I feel."
"Why doesn't it matter, Sansa?"
"Because he has a girlfriend." Sansa's voice cracked a little and Mya's face filled with sorrow.
"I'm sorry I brought it up, Sansa."
"It's okay."
"What's your game plan?"
"My game plan? I want to become his friend and try to friendzone him."
"Friendzone your crush, hmm. I've never heard of that before. How are you going to do it?"
"Ask him about his girlfriend, what he likes, try to steer from anything super personal, keep a healthy distance, and....I'll talk about guys I find attractive."
"Besides Jon, who else would you want to go on a date with at camp?"
"Not really." Sansa shrugged.
"Any guys back home?"
"Um sort of I guess? If you count teammates/friends Robb brings home during breaks. His is name is Pyp. He's really cool and kind." Sansa smiled.
"Ooh tell me more!" Mya rested her face on her hands as the girls did during storytime before bed.
"He's majoring in Civil Engineering. He plays left wing on the hockey team at White Harbor, he's pretty good. I wouldn't be surprised if he was drafted in the WHL. He's pretty funny and a movie buff."
"Why didn't you go on a date with him then?"
"I was scared after everything that went down with Waymar, that I was a little hesitant to date."
"What did happen with Waymar?" Mya questioned.
"I made a fool out myself for him. I wore different clothes, dyed my hair black, and I even started going by my middle name to seem "cooler" to him. I..." Sansa shuddered. "I gave him special favors in the hopes, he just so he'd finally see me. One day, he texted me to meet up with him at his house and I went over thinking that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I got there and the door was wide open. I thought it was a bit strange and I went in, worried if Waymar was okay when I heard noises coming from his bedroom. I opened the door and caught him having sex with my former best friend Myranda. I closed the door and ran down the stairs. Waymar and Myranda came down right before I left. Waymar forgot he texted me and tried to apologize while Myranda just smirked at me. I asked her 'How could you?' and she said 'You're the biggest fool to ever think you had a shot with Waymar and I only became friends with you to get to him along with your money. Who would anyone ever want to date someone like you? You're a stupid and ugly little girl. Oh, you're crying now. How sad? No one's ever had the guts to tell you that? You're sasquatch with no curves or boobs."
Sansa looked down at the crown, while hot tears streamed down her face. Mya gathered her in her arms as Sansa sobbed.
"You know what Myranda said about you isn't true right? You're beautiful on the inside and out. Hell, I wish I was as tall and skinny as you." Mya whispered while Sansa shook her head.
"Mya, you're beautiful."
"So are you! Being tall sounds great, I don't like always having to crane my neck to look at Harry when we're bantering. The pool is probably one of the few kisses where he won't have to practically bend down to kiss me. Don't get me started on being curvy and having to find jeans that don't feel like they're not suffocating my thighs and butt while having a huge awkward gap in the back." Mya ranted. "Don't be hard on yourself, Sansa. You're amazing, you need to believe that. The girls love you, I love you, your other friends and family love you, and everyone at camp does. You need to love yourself."
"Thank you, Mya. You're right, I do need to work on loving myself." Sansa smiled.
"That's the spirit!" Mya high fived her and then they heard the door open from Mya's room to see Beth's face full of tears.
"What's wrong Beth? Did you have a nightmare?" Mya asked, her voice full of concern.
"No, I..." Beth's lip wobbled. "Miss Mya, I woke up and I realized I don't have any more underwear for the rest of the week."
"How many did you bring Beth?" Sansa asked as Beth sat down in between her and Mya.
"My brother packed me six."
Only six for Sunday through Friday? I'd pack at least twelve or fourteen... Wait! It's only Tuesday?!
"But it's only Tuesday Beth, how did you go through six?" Mya's eyes widened.
"I... I peed myself a bit on Sunday when I was waiting for the bathroom after I took my shower, so I had to change. Monday, I got my unicorn undies wet from the shower after I dropped them. I asked Lyanna to get some out of my bag. Today, after I fell in the water I got scared I was going to get leeches so I changed into my last pair. I just keep getting bad luck!" Beth started to tear up and an idea popped up in Sansa's mind.
"Beth, are all your dirty clothes in a bag?" Sansa asked.
Beth nodded and Sansa sighed in relief.
"Okay, I'm going to wash all of your dirty clothes in the washer and you'll have your five pairs clean again."
"Won't people judge me for re-wearing the same undies again?"
"No, it's none of their business and besides sometimes I wear the same undies when I don't take a shower for a day if I didn't sweat." Sansa shrugged.
"Same." Mya agreed and Beth looked at the both of them in amazement.
"Thank you so much, Miss Sansa and Miss Mya!" Beth hugged them both and went back into Mya's room.
"What. A. Night," Mya exclaimed and Sansa couldn't help but agree.
"Drinking coffee right before lunch?" Jon asked as Sansa filled her coffee mug.
"Yep. I'm exhausted, I had to wash one of my girls' clothes because she didn't pack enough underwear. She was upset and it broke my heart. Yesterday just wasn't her day."
"Beth right? She's a sweetheart." Jon smiled before he took a sip of his tea.
"She definitely is." Sansa nodded in agreement.
"Is she your favorite this week?"
"We as counselors aren't supposed to have favorites." Sansa attempted to be stern as Jon rose an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. Sansa began laughing so hard that her nose snorted and coffee spilled down her nose.
She grabbed a napkin and dabbed at her nose, refusing to make eye contact with him.
Seven hells, why must I embarrass myself in front of hot guys??? Why can't my laugh be sweet and adorable???
"I like your laugh, it's cute. You should do it more often." Jon's deep voice broke into her reverie and she lifted her eyes to see a small grin on his face.
"You should make more dramatic faces and jokes then," Sansa smiled back and Jon laughed a little.
"Noted." Jon nodded and then his eyebrows knitted together. "I just realized you didn't go to last night's late-night."
"Nope, besides doing Beth's laundry, I took a hot shower and talked to Mya out in the hall for a bit."
"Oh, Mya? Harry had heart eyes when he came back to the cabin last night. About damn time something happened."
"Mr. Jon? Did you just curse on campgrounds?" Sansa dramatically exclaimed and Jon chuckled as he shook his head.
"I sure did, Miss Sansa. Am I going to lose points now?"
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nekokoaa · 5 years
Wolves Among Us - Bakugo x Reader (XI)
Wolves Among Us – Bakugo x Reader
Series Warning: Fantasy AU, Fluff, NSFW
(Chapter XI/??) All chapters in AO3 and masterlist
Hey guys! It's been a while! Sorry about that. School's a killer. Thank you guys for being so patience and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
PS: The title of this chapter is a play on the phrase “the pot calling the kettle black”. I honestly didn't know what to name this chapter but I thought this fit the best and I was trying to be all creative lol
Chapter Warning: I guess a bit of blood?
Taglist: Edit*** Totally forgot to add this whoops DDX If you read this chapter ignore the tag lol******
@freedom-for-bum @reallyfuckingangrylatina @risarisarisaa @ashherssss @mels-heart @xa-dia @shanty-lol @amkxh @chims-kookies @fantasticapple @thalia-luna-hawthorn
XI: The Human Calling the Wolf Beast
Staring at the cavernous hole between his legs was a reminder for Izuku how old and raggedy the outhouse was. Tall wooden walls closed around him. They were rotting with age as a green substance took over the wood’s natural gray color. Izuku had questioned how this place was still standing with the amount of snow storms they had over the months and even the spiders cuddled within their webs in the upper corners of the outhouse had deemed this place safe against the outside forces. The urge to sleep was still upon him that he had not yet realized he had emptied his bladder. He stayed staring into the abyss under him, the sights beyond it shrouded in darkness, he would not know of the amount of defecation huddled at the bottom, nor in this state, did he care.
With a quick shake of his cock in his hands, he stuffed it under the rims of his pants, lifting the waistline until it hugged just under his waist. He exited the outhouse, its door creaking loudly as soon as it was touched, and he kneeled in front of a pile of snow and began to lather his hands in it. It was something his mother taught him whenever there wasn’t any water around to wash his hands. He knew most men would’ve carried on without their hands ever touching water after using the bathroom, and he wanted to believe he wasn’t like most men as what his mother would’ve said. You’re not like most men, Izuku. He heard from time to time again usually whenever he helped her with cooking or cleaning, it wasn’t said as an insult but rather a delightful compliment, pleased at her son for what he has grown up to be.
He wondered what she was doing now. He left her without a word but left a note by the kitchen table under the constraints of a fork. Perhaps, she would read it and leave searching for him or would trust his judgement, ultimately trusting him. Whichever the case, Izuku knew his mother tended to be as soft as him (it was where he got it from), but he believed hidden behind that softness was uncontained determination and once she worked towards a goal, it would be completed with failures and all.
He had a similar outlook. His goal was to find you and so he did, but now he questioned what would come after. Would you still be able to come back to the village despite them declaring you dead?
Izuku sighed inaudibly as the snow crunched under his boots before he reached the backdoor of the cabin. He kicked his boots against the wooden floors, the snow falling from his hooves and left behind at the door. Unfortunately, the cabin didn’t have any lanterns on the walls of its hallway, so the trail of darkness continued to pour through the cabin. Izuku had thought ahead and the tray of a candle he left at the floor was picked up and relit by a match. He walked down the hall, past the kitchen while the floorboards creaked under his weight and in between the bathing room and the kitchen was his room, its door was left ajar. Right across his room was your room and before he could retire for the night, he heard faint sounds coming from behind your door.
At first, he hesitated. He wasn’t sure about a man going into a woman’s room in the late of night. Yes, he grew up with you and there were plenty of days where he slept in your room as a child and vice versa but now as adults, as sexuality buds, even being in close proximity of a person’s room of the opposite sex was a little nerve-wracking.
He was about to abandon the idea to check up on you, already grasping his doorknob and pushing his door open until:
“H-Help…!” A terrible shriek had come.
It wasn’t a second longer until Izuku threw your door open. He expected the worst, like a robber had snuck in while he was using the bathroom or perhaps that wolf from hell was back to torment you and him again. But instead, he stumbled upon you on your bed, tousled limbs in the air as if you were possessed. You were shrieking, tears drowning your face, and dripping onto the mattress as well as your blood that was oddly seeping through the bandages.
He called your name in distress, placing the candle down on a table before grabbing you up by your arms. You started fighting his hold, thrashing your arms to where it nearly hit him in the face. “Wake up! It’s a dream!” He sounded desperate, afraid that if he used any more of his strength that he would hurt you in the process.
“Katsuki…!” You began calling for the wolf from hell and Izuku’s heart sank. How could you still think of him in a positive light when he put you in this position? When he hurt you? He gulped, putting those thoughts behind him when your eyes had shot open. He assumed the fighting would stop, but your eyes being open wasn’t a signifier that you were awake. The screaming remained, the fighting remained, and the calling of a certain wolf’s name remained.
Izuku was suddenly reminded of a moment in time where you had woken up from a fright. Around the age of 5, you woke up crying, reaching out to a startled small Izuku besides you. You were aware you were awake, but you cried for your mother instead, even though she was already dead by that time. Young Izuku, as chivalrous as he was during that age, started to shush you, pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back as you sobbed into his chest. It worked as a spell, quieting you down to whimpers as soft as Izuku’s whispers. “It’s okay, ____... I’m here. I’m right next to you…”
So, he held you close to his chest despite your thrashing and his hand held the back of your head, your hair fell between his fingers, and his lips softly pressed against your temple. He brought his other hand over your back, large fingers treading over your shoulders.
“Shh… I’m right here. I’m here…” His breath bounced against your heated forehead when he spoke, his voice smooth like pudding as he pressed his lips to your head again. And just like long ago, you settled down in his arms, returning his hug weakly, your fingers clutched at his back until his shirt crinkled in your grip.
No matter who you called for, as long as Izuku was there, he would embrace you until all was well again.
You have never seen the sky so blue before as it hovered over your body, infinite vastness of sapphire stretched past the horizon, beyond the mountains and hills below. The wind swooshed below you, whipping through your hair as it wildly hit your cheeks. It tangled within the air above you, moved by the force from below. Your stomach felt like it was floating in your body, weightless as it twisted and churned the feathery feeling that danced around in your midsection.
How long has it been since you were falling? You couldn’t recall, but it felt like eons since you were on the ground.
Izuku was up tending your wound for hours. Before he knew it, the sun had risen into skies covered with thick clouds and heavy snowflakes plummeted to the ground. The chattering of the doors and windows were a reminder of how strong this storm had grown overnight. The cabin could no longer keep the cold out as it was seeping through the tiny cracks between the walls. Already, Izuku could feel you shivering yet he did not know whether it was from the cold or the fever that developed overnight. He knew your wound was quite grave, but he didn’t know it would’ve resulted in a fever. The odd part for him was that no matter how much pressure he added or how tight he wrapped the bandages; your wound wouldn’t stop bleeding. At this rate, you would die from blood loss in just a few hours.
Izuku’s panic urged him to move swiftly, wrapping clean bandages for the umpteenth time around your arm. He was already running out of stock and soon decided it was time to go out to the nearest town to buy some more bandages, ointments, and hopefully stitches.
“I won’t be gone for long,” he whispered, bringing a hand to briefly brush your bangs off your forehead. It was devastating how some strands stuck to your skin because of your sweat. Your skin lacked your usual vibrant color and was left with a pale variant of it. The skin under your eyes were darkened, leaving a sickly appearance if one were to gaze at you. At times, you would wake up, spewing incoherent mumbles before falling back to sleep. It was like your body was desperately trying to conserve all of your energy to heal you, so you couldn’t stay awake for more than a few minutes.
Just as you grew sicker by the hour, Izuku’s hatred for Katsuki grew to new heights. He began cursing the wolf for what he has done to you. As much as he blamed Katsuki, he blamed himself for the lack of courage he had to save you from him. He should’ve been more protective of you when he started to notice your obsession with wolves. Maybe he could’ve convinced you not to pursue your curiosity and you being deemed dead by the village wouldn’t have happened. Regretting the past did nothing to the results of the present. And so, he would have to live with his guilt until you somehow recovered from this.
Izuku soon left you, throwing on his heavy coat stuffed to the brim with cotton and lined with sheep wool. He slipped on his boots that he left near the door of your room and grabbed a small pouch packed with his money off the table. He quickly made his way to the front of the cabin. Already, he could hear the whistling of the harsh wind outside blowing through the trees and against the cabin, but he wouldn’t let that stop him. His mind was already set on going, he risked his life once for you and he wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
The cabin door was thrown open by the force of the wind once Izuku had unlocked it. The snow began assaulting the wooden floors, piling on top of itself until it created tiny hills. Izuku panicked at the amount of snow that was already in the cabin and he threw himself outside to try to get the door to close.
But he didn’t get far as he was stopped by a figure that was standing just a bit from the cabin. Not even the snow pelting the ground or the fog lingering in the area was prominent enough to hide the beauty of the woman standing in front of him. Her skin was as pale as the snow around her while her cheeks were the opposite and tinted with bright pink. Her lips were small, her nose was small, but her eyes were large, bright, and rich in brown and her eyelashes worked as curtains for them. Her hair was in a bob that curled at the ends against her cheeks and the color of her hair reminded him of almonds. His favorite snack.
“What are you doing out here? It’s dangerous!” He tried to yell over the howl of the wind, but it was impossible. The storm was too powerful. So, he grabbed the woman by her shoulders and ushered her inside the cabin and with all his might, he pulled the door against the wind and locked it shut, letting out a heavy sigh of relief when he leaned his forehead against it. He felt it was vibrating softly, just another reminder at how brutal the storm was. He thought this woman was crazy for being out there, but he assumed the worst. Maybe she needed help or didn’t have shelter from the storm. He was about to question her, but she spoke first.
“You’re Izuku, right?”
“H-How…?” His words faltered when he turned around to face the woman and spotted almond colored wolf ears sitting on top of her head. He blinked at them for a moment, questioning their appearance as they weren’t there when he first spotted her. He almost shrieked at the sight of them, but he held his composure, breathing deeply before he narrowed his eyes at her. There could only be one reason why a wolf would suddenly show up at this cabin.
“What do you want? You couldn’t possibly be here to see her.”
“What makes you think I’m not?” She wasn’t surprised at his hostility. He was human after all. “I wanted to see if she was still alive…”
Why do you care? Was what he wanted to say but he held his tongue for reasons struck by fear. She wasn’t as threatening as Katsuki, but she was still a wolf. “Of course, she is. But she’s hurt… I’m sure you know how. You were probably there.”
“Yes, I was.”
“I’m sorry, but I was going to go out and buy some medicine for her. So, if you would—”
“It won’t work.”
“She won’t be healed by that.”
“What do you mean…?” Izuku hated the look on her face. How her brows knitted together and formed the creases between her eyes. It didn’t match with her beauty. She looked up at him like she was begging for him to hear her out. He found himself complying, no longer able to stand her expression. With a nod, he led her to your room and he couldn’t forget the look in her eyes when she saw you. The color of your skin spoke of your lifespan. At best, a day was all you had left.
“This is horrible…” Izuku heard her mumble as she squeezed her hands into fists. She couldn’t believe the drastic change of your appearance. Just a couple of days ago you were vibrant and gushing about Katsuki to her. Even though you were upset at him, she still saw the love blossomed in your eyes whenever you spoke of him. You always found a reason to talk about him even if it was just a rant. And the moments where you would suddenly daze off, she had no doubt in her mind that it was Katsuki filling your thoughts.
“How did you find us anyway?”
“Her blood. I followed the scent of her blood.”
“Ah—O-Okay,” Izuku scratched the side of his head. It wasn’t that he was confused but more taken aback by her response. It wasn’t everyday where you hear of someone tracking by the scent of blood. Wolves were truly different when compared to humans. “So… would you mind explaining what you meant before? Why wouldn’t medicine work for her?”
She sighed heavily, turning her large brown eyes on Izuku. “Katsuki—I’m sure you know—the wolf from yesterday? He—He’s special. He’s not like the rest of us. He’s the direct descendant of our ancestor and next in line as pack leader. Because of that, Katsuki inherited abilities from him. We call it ‘The Curse of Fenrir’.”
“The Curse of Fenrir…?” It sounded terrifying to Izuku, but it grew his curiosity.
“Yes, sometimes we just call it ‘The Curse’ but if a human gets hurt by Katsuki, any damage inflicted by his claws or fangs would never heal.”
“Never heal…?”
“At least not with medicine or on its own. Katsuki himself would have to heal the wound by cleaning it.”
“So, the only way for ____ to be healed is if that wolf does it.”
Ochako nodded, “I tried to convince Katsuki to do it but… he’s still upset about what happened.”
“She’s going to die any day now and he won’t heal her? I-I have to go convince him… I—” Izuku began gathering his things and before he could trudge past Ochako, she grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“I have no doubt if Katsuki sees you, he’ll kill you. Right now, you should stay by her side. I’ll try and talk to him again—"
“I can’t just sit here and watch her die. I have to at least do something!”
“I’m not asking you to. Katsuki,” she tried to find the words with a brief bite of her lips. “Katsuki cares about her. He wouldn’t let her die. I know he wouldn’t.”
“This is the same wolf who did this to her. I refuse to believe I have to only rely on such a b-beast to save my friend.”
It was odd. Ochako the other day was calling Katsuki the same thing yet hearing it from Izuku had lit a small flame of anger within her. It didn’t feel like it was only towards Katsuki but towards her kind as a whole.
“Beast? You hardly know him, or us, matter of fact,” she spoke with a growl in her voice.
“After what he did, how can he be anything other than that?”
“You sound as if humans never acted irrational before. For all the havoc you guys cause, from destroying lands, nature, and my people, why aren’t you considering yourselves beasts?”
Izuku’s silence spoke volumes. He stared back at Ochako, stunned by her words.
“That’s because you humans only ever look at yourselves and never consider the differences around you. We may be ‘beasts’ but that doesn’t mean we don’t have emotions like humans. We live just like you, eat just like you, we have family like you. Katsuki getting angry for seeing a woman he likes in the arms of another man doesn’t make him a beast because I’m sure you humans would’ve reacted the same way.”
“I was only speaking of him.”
“Speaking of him is speaking of all of us.”
Izuku frowned. The anger in his eyes falter significantly and what was left was pure guilt about his words. “I’m-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—"
“It’s okay,” she sighed. “I’m just... tired of this divide. We’re practically cousins by species but it seems like we’ll never get along.”
“Maybe a lot of forgiveness and forgetfulness would do the trick?” Izuku shrugged his shoulders with a smile all too pure that it evaporated any anger she previously felt towards him. She had never seen a smile so kind, at least, from a human (other than you) that was directed at her.
“Probably, we’ll need a lot of it, for sure,” she laughed.
Katsuki had enough. It was easier to say that he could forget about you after your ‘betrayal’ but he found himself wondering about your wellbeing more than he would’ve liked. No woman had ever had this effect on him before. He was always able to forget about them. But for you, he couldn’t help but feel attached to you. Even as he laid on the sheep wool bedding, turning around he half expected to see you asleep by his side. But when he saw nothing but the cave’s walls ahead, he knew he could no longer handle being away from you.
Katsuki knew of his abilities and he knew when he had slashed you, it was possible that it would’ve been the last time he saw you alive. His stubbornness kept him from chasing after you. In fact, he was afraid to admit that at that time, he believed you were better off dead than in the arms of another man. It scared him greatly at how attached he felt to you that he would rather wish for your death than for you to be away from him.
But he came to realize at that moment when Ochako stormed out of his cave in tears after his threats and the air of his cave was reduced of your scent the longer you were absent from it, he questioned if this was truly how he wanted to live. A life without you seemed impossible when you were with him and now it could very much be his reality.
“I’ll try to convince Katsuki. I know he won’t let her die.”
Izuku was seeing Ochako to the door. His eyebrows furrowed at the sound of the raging wind outside. The door was chattering at the force of it. “Are you sure you’ll be okay traveling in this storm?”
“Yeah, of course,” she chuckled softly. “I’m a wolf, remember?”
It didn’t matter what she was, Izuku was still worried. He leaned against the wall and buried his hands within his pants pockets. “I know, still, be careful out there, Ochako.”
Ochako smiled. She never had someone so concerned about her wellbeing before especially not a human. All they did was run at the sight of her or try to kill her but to have one worry about her even after knowing her capabilities as a wolf was a refreshing feeling. “I will be.”
Izuku gave her a small smile before she left into the blistering weather and faded into the fog. It was a hassle closing the door but Izuku managed with his strength and locked it before he retired back to your room.
As the night started settling into the day, the storm had reached its peak. The winds were blowing at high speeds capable of knocking anyone off their feet. Fog and snow obscure all sight as no one could barely see a few inches in front of them. Walking outside was a death sentence for any human.
But not for wolves.
Katsuki hiked through the forest as if he weren’t phased by the forces of nature. The winds may be slowing down his speed, but the fog and snow only slightly obscured his vision. Even his sense of smell was still functioning normally as he followed the scent of blood that was being carried with the wind. It was sweet and awfully familiar, and it made his mouth water with desire. Katsuki knew exactly who it belong to.
He followed the scent until it led him to a cabin that was slowly being buried by the snow. A quarter of the front door was already submerged in it, but it didn’t stop Katsuki from figuring out another way in. He followed where the scent of blood was most prominent to the side of the cabin and there was a window in which he effortlessly lifted open and climb inside.
His crimson eyes had zeroed in on nothing in the room but the person lying in bed, pale and nearly lifeless. That person was you. He refused to believe that’s what you’ve become because of him. You were a person so vibrant and beautiful that it could nearly make Katsuki cry at the sight of your presence and now you lacked the light that made you shine—that made Katsuki love you.
He walked to you. The wooden flooring creaked under his weight with his slow steps. Even as he tried to walk without making a sound, being gentle was just one thing Katsuki couldn’t do correctly. He regretted the moment he got closer to you because he saw the discoloring around your eyes and the cold sweat damping your pale skin. You were lying on your back without any covers and the wound on your arm that was wrapped in bandages were being soaked with your blood. The sweet smell lingered around the room no doubt making Katsuki’s mouth water, but he was too deep in his sorrow to act on his urges.
What kind of lover was he to hurt you like this? To make you suffer until you were tethering in and out of the underworld? He yearned to see your smile again, your smile that made his heart flutter in ways it had never before, to look at him with your bright eyes that embodied the feeling of love only for him, to have you in his arms again, so small and fragile yet fit perfectly within them. And the sound of your voice when you would call his name had him wishing he could listen to it on repeat.
Katsuki’s hands formed into fists, his claws dug into his palms so hard that it punctured his skin and his blood slipped between his clenched fingers and fell upon the floor. He fucked up. He fucked up so bad that he couldn’t see how he deserved to stay with you. You didn’t deserve someone like him. Someone who would hurt his lover because he couldn’t control his anger. How could he possibly protect you if he couldn’t protect you from himself?
A low growl had sounded from him and already the wound on his hands had healed up on their own. Katsuki sat on your bed and grabbed your injured arm. He unwrapped the bandages and revealed the gash that showed no signs of healing. He grimaced at it, not because of its grotesque appearance but because he was the one who had caused it.
He didn’t hesitate to drag his tongue on your wound, gasping and growling at the delicious taste that had his saliva spilling from his lips. But he couldn’t enjoy it like the last time he had taste your blood. He moved desperately, diligently with a goal to cure you of this curse.
You, on the other hand, had stirred in your long slumber with your eyebrows furrowed and teeth biting lips. Your pale complexion became flush in color, panting and mewling at the feeling of Katsuki’s tongue against you. He couldn’t tell if you were in pain or pleasure, but he couldn’t stop the fuzzy feeling building within his loins. You moaned softly, breathlessly and Katsuki glanced at your face with his glowing red eyes as he licked and licked until his face was drenched in your blood.
“K-Katsuki… aahn…” Katsuki could see it. He could see the soft rolling of your hips. It was not pain you were feeling. It was far from it.
Yet he continued to lick, ignoring the desire rumbling within him. After how badly he treated you, you still thought of him as a lover. He was still someone you thought of the moment you felt pleasure and that stirred something within him that he couldn’t quite name.
He growled softly, nearly losing himself in your moans. He cleaned your wound until there was nothing but three discolored scars left. He made sure it was clean of all your blood. He wasn’t going to leave one drop of it on your skin. And when he was done, he pulled away and found you panting, flushed, and mumbling his name deliriously in your slumber. He soaked in your appearance knowing that this was going to be the last time he’ll ever see it. He decided back at his cave that he was going to heal you and then leave you. It was the best form of action he had to take for your sake. You weren’t safe with him.
Though it was a struggle for him to leave you. Your complexion was returning to normal and your breathing was finally in control. You were already starting to look like yourself again. Even the feel of your skin underneath his palm when he had reached out to caress your cheek was reaching normal temperatures. Katsuki whispered your name. It sounded so soft that it could break before it reached anyone’s ears, but it was also weighed with guilt, love, and hesitation. For once in his life, he was unsure. Can he actually live without you?
“I’m sorry…” He grunted out when he had hovered over you and pushed his forehead against yours, noses touching and lips barely brushing against each other. He repeated those words until he was satisfied as his face contorted into one of pain with knitted eyebrows and gritted teeth. He ripped himself off of you with a growl and still he was unsure. But hesitation didn’t stop him from turning his back on you. He was leaving. He had to.
Katsuki dragged himself to the window and he rewarded himself with one final glance at your sleeping form to burn you in his memory.
But what he didn’t expect to see was you staring right back at him with those beautiful half-lidded eyes that he ached to see.
I'll be honest, I love-hate writing this chapter and I'm not sure why lol WELP I'm excited for the next chapter cause It's gonna be awesome. I'm tired of this angst, aren't you guys? Thank you guys so much for reading!! Until next chapter, loves.
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themidnightfarmer · 4 years
A one sided revelation || Luke & Jared
Timing: A while ago 
Location: Hardware store
Tagging: @lucastheunlucky & @themidnightfarmer
Description: A reunion, in which one party figures out a few secrets.
Triggers: none?
Jared was in for a real set back in his bank account. Not only had he bought a rather expensive beast from a guy he barely knew, but that beast had also required a few things to get comfortable on the farm. A few very expensive things. And even after that Jared had gained some houseguests. He wasn’t living a very budget friendly lifestyle so to speak, so the one thing that perhaps shouldn't have been suffering was going to have to suffer for the moment. He eyed the more expensive, stronger gate locks and mechanisms with a heavy heart. He was going to have a few very long nights until he sold his next crop watching the gates. Lifting the smaller cheaper lock into his hands he turned abruptly and recognised the man down the aisle with a jolt of realization. A smile slid onto his face and he called out, “Hey Luke!”
Luke’s heart jolted, mind immediately racing to who said that?! Hearing his name called anywhere always startled him a little, Gotch put that in him though, and he needed to break that bad habit. He’s not in deep hiding anymore, even if he was risking quite a lot walking around during the day after four, almost five years not being able to. Turning around and seeing Jared, grown up more, and smiling made Lucas’ insides melt at seeing an old face. One from childhood always stirred old memories. “Ah, man. Look at you. Still cute and shit--” he grinned back, and walked over to slap his hand. Lucas juggled his items into a bucket he was buying, and set it on the ground. “Are you in town? I didn’t realize it.”  
Luke was Luke, and no matter the time that had passed he was the same guy, it was good to see. At least on the surface that Jared could observe, Luke was the same as he’s always been. “I’ll forever be adorable.” Jared agreed with a laugh and a dramatic brush of his hand through nonexistent hair around his shoulders. “Never left, just been too busy to traverse the shops at regular people times, get things delivered to the farm directly now. It’s for the best, my livestock keep me on my toes.” Jared grinned. “I was gone for the last two winters though, went...soul searching I guess.” he explained. “But what about you bud? How’ve you been! Feels like the last time I saw you was at a party at Martins house before graduation.”
“Same, I’m always up very early,” Luke agreed, leaving out the hiding part. He forgot Jared had a farm, and something in the back of his head wondered which one. “Soul searching-- I get that. I do that shit almost every month in the woods, just bum it out with a tent, fire, and myself and nature. Sometimes it’s necessary to get out of town.” At the mention of the party long, long ago Luke had to huff a laugh. “Shit, yeah. I think so. It feels like another life doesn’t it? High school was easy comparatively. They don’t exactly tell you that being an adult comes with so much stuff to worry about. Did you go to his funeral a while back? It was a nice service.” 
“It really takes you places that’s for sure.” Jared grinned, his own soul searching the first time had been a migration following a local Kerashag towards canada, it had been a very informative trip, and much like Luke described his own being. “A lot of camping and not much else is good for the heart.” The reminder of the not so fun part of being from town hit then when Luke mentioned Martins untimely death. “I missed it, I was working and couldn’t get the time off. I dropped off some flowers graveside though the day after.” Jared shoved his hands in his pockets with a grim face, he’d been unable to go to the funeral due to encouraging the beast that had mauled Martin to leave. An uncomfortable reality of his life, that one. “Heard his older sister gave the eulogy?” 
“Mhm, yeah. She did well--” Luke has gone to so many funerals in his life that some of them blurred together. It wasn’t awkward but more a reflective moment. That graduation party years ago had been pretty fun, and Jared did look well all things considered. Usually running into a familiar face came with him darting out of the picture, but today he could stand here and talk for a second, the change Luke was thankful for. “Yo, where is your farm at? I know there are a few right? Around here? Must be hard with the Maine weather-- you do crops or cattle?” 
“I’m the one in the outskirts, edge of the forest. Though not many travel far enough down the dirt path to actually reach my gates, you know? Bit too far for most.” And Jared couldn’t help but think that was truly for the best. His ‘livestock’ were not usually the kind to take intruders lightly. “Got a small greenhouse, but I’m mostly an animal man. Carried on my parents livestock.” It wasn’t technically a lie considering he HAD kept the real cattle for a while, but Jared still felt bad omitting the whole truth. “I free range them all in together, so I’m not really an easily visited place. But that’s fine by me, most people don’t treat my kids right.” He tries to joke. But there’s an edge to it, a memory of a recent fuck up he was still healing over. One of his kids still had bandages on from being let out by someone. Someone who had yet to be identified.
Lucas worried the edge of his lip, and thought immediately-- ‘oh, shit. Jared you have the monster beasts?!’ Luke wasn’t surprised with any development involving supernatural anything, having grown up here, it was a perk of living in chaos while the humans got hurt, died, and well-- lived their best lives in the dark on such things. Luke nodded as Jared continued to explain and Luke, well he was the one killing those beasts off. They were so fun to chase through the woods, and satisfying on the stomach under the full moon. ‘Whoops.’ he thought, and tilted his head in a puppy dog way. “Why you looking at these locks? They ain’t going to do much for you with cattle right,” ‘especially not a werewolf. Shit Jared, what in the world.’ “Yo, I’d love to see the place sometime, you working alone though? Seems like a lot of work for one person.” 
Jared mirrored Lukes tilt of his head unconsciously, still trying to keep smiling. His mind had to move fast when Luke asked about the locks but decided maybe the truth was better in this situation. No one would assume he farmed anything but cattle after all, he was safe enough. “Someone has been tampering with my gates, and since my herd is all free range and stuff it’s not so good. A bull of mine escaped not long ago and went to a frat party, and then I think a bear got to him.” Jared tells Luke, his face falling at the admission. Despite it being sabotage of some kind the nymph still held himself responsible. They were his kids, and he’d not found Hayhay in time. “Yeah I work the place alone, got some housemates at the moment but they don’t help out on the farm. I manage fine.” He actively ignored the wish to come over, it just wasn’t safe for humans, humans that didn’t know what was going on at least. He hoped Luke wouldn’t notice.
“A frat party? Wow-- did it come back with a bong hat attached?” Lucas asked, and as Jared continued it was obvious that this all bothered him. Luke pressed his lips together, unsure how to admit or say such a thing without exposing things. Better off just pretending it didn’t happen, and not do anything more. “Hey--” he shoved Jared lightly when his mood seemed melancholy, “seriously, if you need help just ask. I’m pretty strong, and Ill hull some stuff for you if you ever need it, alright? No need to shoulder everything-- I be telling my employees this shit everyday, it’s like the younger generation doesn’t hear it enough. Do I gotta rope you into them?” He teased, “also, I own this pizza shop in downtown, called Yum!Pizzeria-- you should stop by. I only do lunch so I can have the evenings free.” Luke did notice how he didn’t bring up coming over, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t try again later. 
“Spoke to a partygoer, he smashed out of the glass door apparently.” Jared cringed. “He’s only a baby, shouldn’t have been at a frat party with all that alcohol.” he tried to joke to cover up his discomfort with the idea. It was a mystery how the frat had managed to get the bies safely into their dorm when the beast was most certainly not ‘friendly’ in any definition of the word. Then again he was just a baby. Easily bribed. “Oh sure lump me in with the ‘kids’ just because your birthday is coming up old man.” the nymph joked. Jared perked up further when Luke spoke about his own business. “Hey! A pizza place!! That’s great bud! You’re looking at your new most frequent customer.” Jared reached out and playfully punched the other in the arm. “You’ll never be rid of me,” he grinned. 
The joke was so poor that it was actually kinda funny, even if he’s surprised it didn’t hurt anyone. When Jared compliment him and made such a declaration it felt like he wasn’t turning thirty one, and instead nineteen. Seeing anyone he knew when he was a kid stirred the inner playfulness in him, and he couldn’t help but really wonder how many of his friends back then knew more about the supernatural than any admitted. His mother always made sure Lucas was quiet about it at all costs, not that he needed reminding with Gotch bothering him back then. “Oh yeah?” Lucas wanted to ask him to promise, but Regan had really put the scare in him over such a word and tried not to use it anymore. “I will hold you to too it-- plus, I still really want to see the farm sometime. Don’t think I didn’t notice you leaving that open. But no pressure, if you are the shy type now-- I won’t hold it against you too much.” Luke teased and grabbed his things. “You still shopping? What else you looking for?” 
Jareds smile turned sheepish when he was called out on ‘forgetting’ to address the wishes to come over and see the farm. But he grasped onto the excuse he was given by Luke and ran with it quickly. “Hold me to it all you like, you’ll be sick and tired of me so fast. Ah...the farm isn’t that special. Cows and fields and nothing all that interesting. I’m no pizza place.” Jared tried to distract the other, bringin the conversation back around to Luke himself. “Mostly just the locks, some spray paint as well, but I couldn’t see any in this isle.” 
“Fine, fine,” he waved lightly, “but I can not possibly, be sick of you. No way. Especially now that we ran into each other. I’m-- the one who is going to annoy the hell out of you.” Luke glanced at the locks and had to wonder which one was actually the most ‘werewolf’ proof, even if he’d stop pulling from there on the full moon from now on. Jared should probably have a decent one. He’d have to ask Miles. “Maybe some chain with a lock would be better?” He asked, “and I’m here for a bunch of random shit for the pizzeria. Want to have a hardware drawer just in case something breaks.” Luke made it seem like he’d walk with Jared for the rest of their shopping needs, and when they checked out, he pulled out his phone. “Dude, here,” he handed his phone over. “Give me your number, and we will hang out or go do something fun.” 
“A chain is far too much work.” Jared joked. “Nah, I need easy access for real it’s calving season.” And Jared knew this fact made his farm a mess every year. Vicious mothers tended to get even more so the closer to term they became. Especially the bies. So to combat this, new hardware would be needed. Especially since someone was sabotaging him. “Good call about extra stuff, you’d think I’d have learnt that lesson, then again…” Jared paused and peaked into Lukes basket that he’d previously put down. “We probably need different sorts of supplies huh?” He grinned however when Luke indicated he’d stay the journey. Jared took the phone and typed in his contact details. “We will, if you don’t see me far too often at the pizza shop. I’m not kidding, I eat so much take out when I have the spare cash it’s unreal.”
“Just come hang out, I’m in downtown near the shop anyway. It’s easy to get around,” Lucas took his phone back and sent him a quick string of emojis so he had his number. “I hear that shit all the time. Pizza is easy, but you better keep up the active life or it will get to your health. I just got back on my feet a few weeks ago after an injury. I missed climbing and running, and throwing a football. I’ve been thinking about getting a few of us together sometime for flag football. You down for that? Can you catch and run? Cause that’s all there is too it.” Luke chuckled. 
“I can definitely run, catching isn’t a strong skill for me. But I can learn.” Jared bumped their shoulders as they waved their way through the isles to the register. “Count me in for football. I’ll try not to make a fool of myself relearning the rules. Been a hot minute since i’ve had anything to do with sports.” he laughed as he put his basket down to pay for the locks. “But hey. Text me. Or see me at the shop today because I'm ordering like five pizzas in celebration bud.” 
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I saw your tags about study abroad and now I need awful(or amazing) omgcp study abroad aus(I'm also that awful study abroad kid whoops)
Lardo, the only canon one to have studied abroad: Obviously super chill about it. Will talk about Kenya if asked, but isn’t going to be dramatic about it. Took some awesome photos. Actually gets them printed and framed. 
Bitty: Went to France for a 2 week program that probably shouldn’t even count. “Lord, y’all, they use so much butter it puts me to shame.” Tried to speak French but nobody could understand his accent. Cried at the Louvre because he was overwhelmed. Put up an eight paragraph facebook post about how he was deeply personally affected by the burning of Notre Dame with a picture of himself looking cute in front of it. 
Jack: Spent a semester in London studying WWII history. Went to the Churchill museum so much for research that he knew the guards by name. Developed a surprising tolerance for intensely spicy curry, and an even more shocking boredom with fish and chips, the chicken nuggets of England. When asked about studying abroad, he says “I’m Canadian, Massachusetts is abroad.” 
Shitty: Spent a summer as an intern in Parliament. Cried with happiness when his time there overlapped with Jack’s. Still regrets not throwing any milkshakes. Only brings it up when and if Brexit is finally over.  
Dex: Samwell has a “study abroad” in San Francisco for tech people to get internships, like how my school had a “study abroad” in LA for film majors to get internships. “Thank fuck for my scholarship covering rent,” he texts Chowder. “Go to this restaurant and order that,” Chowder texts back. 
Nursey: Was already fluent in Spanish, goes to Madrid for a year and comes back with a lisping accent that all the Mexican kids make fun of him for. Wears a Universidad Complutense de Madrid hoodie for a month when he gets back. Posts amazing instagrams from a trip to La Sagrada Familia and Barcelona. Did accidentally eat too many weed brownies in Barcelona and forgot where his hostel was. 
Chowder: Spent a semester in the Dominican Republic. Rarely texted his friends, except to send a picture of a giant spider in his bathtub and a few follow-up texts praising his host mom for crushing the giant spider for him. Comes back without much of a tan but as best friends with the people in his program. Tries to get the friend groups to interact. Fails to get the friend groups to interact. 
Holster: Studied in some random-ass place like Amsterdam. Definitely took a picture at the Fault in Our Stars Bench. Sent all his family and friends some bizarre souvenirs from the airport after spending a semester not buying them anything. “Here is… a tulip-shaped mug. And a wooden-shoe-shaped mug.” Talks about how we should really bike more in the states for three months.
Ransom: Spent a summer in Japan. Constant instagram stories about the novelty snacks he ate, the #struggle of being too tall for everything, the interesting vending machines, everything. Does not take any actual pictures, but does end up with a story highlight on his instagram that is 1,348 pictures and videos long. Comes home with some J-beauty and K-beauty mascaras for his sisters, who are delighted, and some snacks for Holster, who is even more delighted.
Ford: Went to Australia! Took about 500 pictures with a koala. Joked that her mail could be sent to 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Someone on the team missed the joke and spent a lot of shipping money in vain. Is no longer afraid of the small spiders of the US. 
Whiskey: Did he study abroad? Or was he just gone for a semester? Who can know?
Tango: Went to study in Italy because that’s what his mom did. All of the Italians hear his accent when he says something like “Buongiorno, un piccolo gelato con ananas e mango– “ and they immediately respond in English. His accent isn’t even that bad, they’re just used to Americans not understanding anything. Only did a summer program because he was worried about messing up his class plans and hockey. By the end of the program he has three favorite gelato places and dreams of opening up a place in the US that makes good pineapple and mango gelato. Will never understand the Naples dialect.
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otterknowbynow · 4 years
Altean Home Economics (15/?)
Goo is great, but Hunk sure would feel better if they had kitchen access, even if that does mean figuring out some extraterrestrial foreign substances and ending up with a lot more than he bargained for. Set between 2x07 "Space Mall" and 2x08 "The Blade of Marmora," stretching time a little bit.
all chapters in this tag | full work on ao3
The others arrive on the bridge one at a time, and after he gets halfway through an explanation for Keith and has to start over for Pidge, Shiro gives up on figuring anything out until they're all there. Lance stumbles through the sliding door a few minutes after Coran has quieted the distress signal to a faint beeping, and it’s now a small flashing beacon on the viewscreen guiding them on their approach.
“It’s definitely coming from the outpost according to our records of its coordinates on the surface -- which is good, since I can’t get confirmation that the atmosphere of this planet is breathable anywhere else, and we don’t have a whole lot of spare breathing apparatuses that have been tested in, oh, the last millennium,” says Coran, typing rapidly on the helm’s interface. 
“It seems like we shouldn’t overwhelm them,” says Allura. “Perhaps we send one lion down as an envoy to start?” Her voice is calm, but her eyes are shining in a way that tells Shiro she definitely hasn’t given up on the possibility of finding more Alteans here. He frowns, but before he can say anything, Lance of all people cuts in -- Shiro wasn’t sure he was even fully conscious. 
“We should bring Blue! She’s clearly best equipped for this sort of thing.” 
“How do you figure?” Keith’s testy this morning, it seems. 
“I figure --” Lance puts air quotes around the word, his voice full of disdain “-- she’s quick, she’s got that sonic scanner thingy that’ll let us figure out what the deal is with this whole outpost thing, and oh right, she’s calm and collected, and not just gonna throw fire at everyone.” 
“Nah, but if you’re piloting, sure seems like she might just flip through the air and start freezing things left and right.” 
“Okay,” says Shiro, holding a hand out at each of them to stop. “Everyone’s a little tired; you’ve all been up a bit late with all these kitchen experiments, and I get that, but let’s just take a second and think about this.” He sees Hunk and -- strangely -- Allura blanch visibly at “kitchen experiments,” which seems like it doesn’t bode well, but they can come back to that later. Shiro lowers his hands when it’s clear neither Keith nor Lance is going to continue this particular argument. “We don’t have long, but we can at least consider our options.” 
“The blue lion does seem like a good choice,” says Coran, turning from the helm. “Entuk is a water-rich environment, so in some ways, that would put her and her pilot in their element.” He nods at Lance, who grins. 
“And I can go with him,” says Allura, stepping down from her station to join the rest of them arrayed loosely around the viewscreen. “Between the blue lion and me, Lance will be perfectly manageable.” 
“Hey --” Lance starts, but they don’t have time to go through whatever reassurance Lance needs, as they seem to be rapidly approaching entering orbit above the planet’s surface.
“Don’t,” Shiro says, raising his hand again. Lance frowns at it, but keeps his mouth shut. “We’ll send the blue lion with Lance and Allura to make contact with whoever’s sending that signal and get the lay of the land. That way we’ve got a pilot and a diplomat. Pidge and I’ll go down in the green lion, too -- we’ll use the cloaking ability Pidge installed so we can tag along as backup without alerting anyone.” He’s not entirely sure how Allura will handle things if there are somehow living breathing Alteans here -- he’s not going to pretend she hasn’t shown herself a little reckless sometimes -- but at least she’s had some training on how to interact with new groups and cultures. And if nothing else, he’ll be in a position to intervene if necessary. 
“What about the rest of us?” Hunk asks.
“Coran will run backup support, obviously -- you and Keith stand by in case we need the red or yellow lions once we know the specifics. Clear?” He waits for confirmation nods from the rest of the paladins before turning to Coran. “What else should we know about how things might be down there?” 
It might not be necessary to flip his lion head over tail on the way down to the planet’s surface, but if there’s a pilot who would skip that opportunity, it sure isn’t Lance. Allura being in the cockpit with him does keep him from whooping aloud as he careens toward the distress signal, but just barely. 
“Is this how you always fly?” Allura asks primly as he swoops toward the beacon widely enough that he’s nearly going in a spiral. “I hadn’t really noticed before now.” Lance blanches at her overly mild tone and bites the corner of his lip as he evens out their flightpath to head toward the signal a bit more directly. He clears his throat before answering her.
“Oh, just testing things out, making sure she’s doing okay, you know -- been a minute since I flew her, what with the mall trip and whatnot.” Lance tries to keep his tone casual, and he does a pretty good job of it, he thinks. 
“Do you do this every time it’s, uh, been a minute?” Allura asks, still in what seems to Lance to be too formal of a tone. 
“I mean, yeah -- want to put her through her paces, you know, like you would a horse.” There’s a rumbling feeling in the back of his head, and he grimaces. “Um, I mean, not exactly like a horse, but you get the idea.” 
“So the lion’s a she --”
“Lance, Allura, quit chatting and look alive -- we’re getting close.” Lance jumps halfway out of his pilot’s chair; he forgot they were on open comms, and Shiro’s voice is a jolt he wasn’t expecting. 
“Is it...an island?” Pidge sounds confused, and she should be, Lance thinks as he sweeps his gaze across the planet below. The area they’re heading toward is suspiciously blue -- which would be fine, he thinks, if there were some kind of blue landmass there, but it really does just seem to be a vast stretch of ocean. He feels the beginnings of excitement bubbling up and can’t stop one of his legs from vibrating rapidly. 
“Hey, Coran, buddy, are we sure we’ve got the right coordinates here, or?” He knows that’s not exactly a proper question, but it’s all he’s got. 
“That’s definitely the location of the distress beacon,” comes the response. “It’s possible the outpost is hidden somehow, though we have no record of them having cloaking technology -- of course, it’s been ten thousand years, so who knows what mysteries they’ve developed since Altea was last in contact.” 
“Cool,” says Lance, and he grins. “Then we’re going in!” And this time he doesn’t bother suppressing the whoop that breaks free from his throat as he points Blue into a nosedive streaking straight for the water below.
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syntax-stonefly · 4 years
Day One- Sunrise
The sun rose on a humid day, and Xiomara was ready to leave this forest. The air hung heavy, warmed by the sun the pooled on the bags she’d packed. A proud smile spread across her face, turning six crimson eyes to gentle crescents. She’d been saving for months, and now it was time. No more talk through letters alone, no more yearning for the person she’d seen sketched in those same letters. She was going to see them in person, for the first time in years upon years.
The sun rose on a burning horizon, peering between the buildings a sprawling desert city. Crowds upon crowds of people made their way about their days, children dancing and chasing one another through the streets, and a handful of adults joining in as well. Music played from street corners, and the soft tune reached Cimarron’s ears. He awoke, and with a deep stretch, sat up, smiling softly, though almost mechanically. The sight of a familiar coliseum greeted him, pale stone walls rising tall and sands spattered with dry blood in a ring for battling and nothing else. The audience was cleared- None from this city wanted anything to do with what happened here, none but one, and it was he who invited the rest. He didn’t know what the day would bring, but he silently hoped it’d be something.
The sun rose over the ocean, and Keaton was already wide awake. One would hope they’re awake, when a handful of folk sent to kill them arrives. Fortunately for him, they now lay unconscious in the morning sun, and he, mildly disgruntled, smoothed back the iridescent black fur on his head, buttoned up his suit coat, and slipped all six red gloves on, eight vermillion eyes glinting half open in the sun. Time to start another day, he thought to himself, stretching briefly as he hopped down from the low rooftop. For once? Seemed like he could take it easy. Perfect really, he could’ve used a vacation.
The sun rose into view of Piercer’s room in the inn, and they groaned loudly in protest, curling in on themself, the covers sliding away from their body. Nothing really happened. The sun didn’t dial back into night, or even early morning. Nobody went back to sleep and stopped banging the damn tables downstairs on the main floor, seemingly as loud as they could. That was annoying, usually things did bend to Piercer’s will. That was a lie. They groaned once more, sitting up and looking at the fuzzy mess of colourful hair that stared back at them from the mirror on the wall. They took a wild guess that if they didn’t start their day, it’d start without them. They reluctantly stood up on swaying feet, and reached for their clothes.
The sun rose, and so did the chickens. The roosters, mind you, didn’t scream at exact dawn like expected. They started long ago. So, Theodore was naturally up by then. Xyr nose was clogged by the musty air xe’d been breathing all night long, but it was worth it for the cozy peace of xyr hammock in the corner. A book laid on xyr chest, half open like xyr eyes as xe flipped through it absently with a smile. Xyr house wasn’t far away, in fact it was under a minute’s walk and cast a shadow over the chicken coop in the earliest moments of dawn, but it wasn’t home to xem. A knock came to the door, and Theodore’s half-conscious mind processes xyr brother calling out something about breakfast, and xe half heartedly rolled out into the sawdust on the floor and started walking over. At least some things at the house were nice.
The sun rose in the morning, and for once Misty was there to see it, sitting cross legged at the edge of the tunnels. A grate covered the exit, fine enough to see through up close, but with small enough gaps that it was hard to make out an object or a person from afar. So, while she remained unseen, she got to watch the sun peer over the grasslands, the golden green of the fields saturated by the honey gold that poured over them in the light. Soon the colours would pale, soon Misty could see the sun’s journey to the end. But soon mother would wake up, and her father, and her cousin, and many others, in the city below the city. And they’d worry she’d been found. So she stood, turned, and walked away, into the damp, consuming darkness.
The sun was probably rising. Most likely. The overcast clouds were blue now, so there must’ve been some light from above by then. Virgil stood dead still, staring up into the indigo blanket over the atmosphere, for long moments, then looks down at his hands. Fresh lichen. He never liked scaring away intruders. They’d always fall. They’d always get hurt. They’d always cry and their scrapes left life across the stone he was made of, in the form of fungi and moss and lichen that kept crawling across him. But it was all he knew. It was all he was made for, it was all he was let to do. He didn’t want it to be all he was to do.
The sun rose on a cold day, and Colby had already left her bed, long ago actually. She kept low in the dew speckled ground cover, sapphire fur already soaked through. It wasn’t a job she enjoyed really, working for them. But it paid well. They supplied weapons, they supplied everything she needed really, and all she had to do was get things done, and not think about it. Not think of their scared faces, not think about the screams, not think about the bodies, not think, not think, not think. Her next objective lay ahead, and her hands lay on the hilts of weapons that no person should have ever conceived of.
The sun rose over the mountains, Vynrith could see it over the balcony’s railing. She sat back against the doorway at the moment, the tower where the Guild of Silver made their home. She knew she didn’t belong there. Her fangs ached with thirst, it clawed at her throat and it tore at her stomach and it left thin, willow grey lines spidering across her jaw. And they’d kill her if she knew. And she’d kill them if they knew. She was here for her family’s sake, nothing more. Just one more day, she could last one more day, and she’d be off duty and see them again. The door opened, and she registered two voices. It took her a moment to notice one as her own, responding to the person in front of her. Blood. It was right there, she could taste it. She knew she could get up, and feed, and throw them off the ledge, or incinerate them on the spot and maybe nobody would notice and she’d be fine. They’d already walked away.
The sun rose, and their stories were told.
I have not edited this in the slightest because I need sleep! I’ll get the second and third prompt done in the morning, and maybe get some pictures up of each of these ocs for reference. I’ll kinda be randomly choosing between these ocs for the rest of the prompts, plus two other ocs I got too tired to include here.
Edit: Forgot to tag @oc-growth-and-development , whoops!
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rureikia · 4 years
Chapter 1
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"Why me?"
"Because you're single and you're my life long best friend! Friends have each other's back, no?"
I stared at Sumiko and instantly shook my head to reject the idea, "Then I don't want my back anymore. I don't want to go."
"Ah (Y/N) please." She clasps her hands in a prayer pose.
A long, tired sigh escapes from my mouth, but she stays stubborn and chooses not to listen to my aspect of the situation, "Uwaaaah, Sumiko what do you not get? I do not go to those sort of events. Who do you think I am?" 
Even after I had given her the belated answer she didn't like, Sumiko decided to lean on my work desk further and pulled a rare puppy-dog expression.
She's not actually like this, trust me. Sumiko is much more mature than me, but today she's extremely persistent in acting like a crazy aunt because of this silly little blind date thing. 
"You're a bland person (Y/N), that's what I think. And you're literally only going as a substitute so you don't have to uh - date anyone," she explains, "Tag along, you might even enjoy yourself for once. You never have fun anymore, and it'll be like the old times!"
Her hopeful smile doesn't affect me, rather made my eyebrow twitch. Thus, I returned back to my computer screen and continued typing up work as a way to defocus my mind off her, "I don't know what you mean. Of course I have fun, I just don't really like blind dates."
"Goukon is fun though! And you're single."
Right, she doesn't need to mention that I'm single over and over again like that...
"Aha, but you said that I don't need to date anyone." I contemptuously reminded her.
Her expression changes from my words, "Oh, whoops... Yeah whatever! Well, the point is that our other girl can't make it, and we can't have one guy hanging 'cuz it'll be really awkward being the only partner-less one."
"Mm, I see."
"You know what? If you join, I'll even pay for all the stuff you order in the restaurant we're meeting at."
Oh actually, that's something I love to hear on an overworked Friday... Especially since I'm a person that will never be made out of money and buy luxuries.
This statement was the only part that caught my attention fully. Because it's free stuff. That particular free stuff being my hearty dinner for tonight.
I raised a brow as a sign of piqued interest, "Everything...? Are you sure? Really?"
"That includes drinks, yes..." Sumiko looks at me with a proud face, "Absolutely everything."
Smiling curiously I was beginning to consider accepting the offer, "Is there anything else?"
"What do you want?" She says.
For a second, I put a finger to my chin and looked up at the ceiling to hum a heavy brainstorm teasingly.
There was this one idea I had which was going to turn this into a sort of win-win situation for my remaining hours left here. And so I chuckled at Sumiko in this suspicious style whilst her smile instantly wiped off her face - a pensive expression replaced that smile.
Even when watching her quick shift of emotions, I kept beaming as my mind made the decision. 
"Here." I said. 
I had grabbed the four large piles of documents that were all 5cm thick.
Earlier, it was idly lying next to my computer, waiting for me to start on it. And now, I placed it in front of Sumiko, where she then gawked at me.
You know what made it better? That loud flop sound it made after being dropped. 
"W-What?" She gasped.
"Haha, you can do my work."
With my clenched fist raised in front of my face, I furrow my brows in determination. She on the other hand glared at me with threatening intent.
"Thank you very much!" I said, "I'm very excited for this event now Amaya Sumiko! But take your time, do your best!"
"Why (Y/N) -!! You little rascal, you're taking advantage of this aren't you?!" She exhales heavily in disbelief through her mouth.
My chin moves to rest elegantly over on my two intertwined hands that were put up on the desk, "So, when is it? Tell me more, I'm so very excited for this. Is it after work? Seven? Eight? Or are we going wild and starting at nine? Which restaurant is it? "
"God. You're never funny when you do this." She pretends to throw the documents in my face, I however pretended to act scared by shielding myself with my arms. Afterwards, Sumiko continues, "I won't be the one picking the restaurant, but this other guy is gonna do it and he'll text us the location probably an hour before it starts at eight."
"Oh so in three hours to get work done?" I ask.
"...Yeah. I guess."
"Then you better get all that work done or else you'll be working overtime instead of going on dates haha."
She scowls at me and I grin with my teeth showing.
I soon observed her storm off to the opposite side of the office where her own work station was whilst I was still jokingly beaming behind her.
I went back to thinking of what could happen with me and the others over in that meetup. I think it won't go awfully too perfect for me, not that meaning I will be pessimistic about it. Ah I'll say it a bit clearer - what I mean is that I won't really be interested in finding someone there since I prefer to meet someone by chance and not choice.
Haha, to be honest... I haven't dated for a while or done anything like this. Well I haven't been in a stable relationship in general for a while. So I'm now kind of nervous...
I've been on a couple dates here and there but never actually got myself a significant other ever since my first real relationship. And it made me a little teary-eyed as I thought my first real boyfriend was probably also my... (sniffs)... Final...
I'd grow into an elderly person and not understand the concept of romantic love anymore as I haven't experienced it in absolute decades by then. Ultimately, I will live life as a lonely senior with dozens of pets to keep me company instead.
If you put yourself in a positive mindset, it sounded quite nice, living with animals until death. But I do not carry that positive mindset so it ended up not sounding very nice.
I did want to find someone before my parents send pictures of potential partners for me to meet and greet... In fact, they've already started - and no matter how many times I tell mom that I'm not interested at the moment, she persists.
Mom wants me to find someone, get married, live in a better house, be financially stable and add new children to the family tree one day, all that whatnot!
Of course, I know she's just worried about my future, but how am I supposed to find love if I basically forgot how it feels? 
In addition, there was also this. My lack of feeling for romance is often what makes all the dates I've been on every blue moon, only be a date. Only one date, never another one again. I just can't seem to identify a sort of love with other people, and it makes me afraid about my future.
I guess another factor for my lack of dating experience may be due to my specifically high-level standards I have raised. Because ever since three years ago, I now tend to struggle to find a suitable partner that would make me feel as much emotions as my last one did.
After all, I can't lie to myself that me dating my ex-boyfriend was something I think during some of my nights, not that I wish to reunite of course. But I think about how it's a little strange that he's the one of the only people I'm not related to I've known for a large portion of my life and also the one I strived for more than my current career. 
The most important thing to me is my job. But back then, the most important thing to me was him. 
From the beginning of middle school, I've known him and I proceeded to get to know him at high school too. So in a way, we were childhood friends, right?
We lived in the same neighbourhood , him actually living right opposite me - we went to the exact same schools too, middle, high school and college. It was like we were meant to be or something haha!
Well... His name was Kita Shinsuke.
He's definitely the I'm-so-perfect-and-good-looking-but-don't-know-it kind of guy, if you get what I mean.
Kita was respected by so many people. He's responsible, always got excellent top tier grades, talks very polite Japanese, always was the teacher's favorite, was even captain of our high school's volleyball team and mentioning it once more, he was quite good looking too. For a bit, I kept having this stigma that his existence was simply unfair and unbelievable... He can do practically anything and wouldn't react that much as if he's some kind of snobby prince. But soon, when I observed him more, everything was done unintentionally and he was simply like that.
Often in stories, dramas or anything similar, two kids that live closeby, or have known each other since young are portrayed as something incredibly sweet. Most commonly called this concept of childhood sweethearts.
Two kids would routinely go to and from school together, possibly holding hands, picking sticks that look like magical wands from the ground, buying ice pops in the summer, blowing bubbles, they'd get told off by the elders, constantly spark up trouble together and they'd pet the stray cats etcetera, etcetera. These two would enjoy each other's presence obliviously not knowing what would develop in the future. Because once those kids grow up, only then would they realize what they share is a friendship that has actually been blooming into love. 
I guess that's my summary of one of the examples of childhood sweethearts, but I have yet another one to mention!
Two kids in a love-hate scenario this time, to which I think is a little more complicated.
In this case, one party doesn't like the other at first. However, the other party would take somewhat interest whilst still not liking them too. So throughout time, these two will glare and click their tongues in irritation, not even batting an eye of respect at one another. And so their initial relationship therefore being rigid and competitive - but likewise, once they grow up and become more mature, they come to realize they're used to each other's presence so much that it's odd to not live without it! Suddenly they're like, (gasp) Oh!! It must be true love!!
Maybe if fate had given me a childhood sweetheart like that, I could walk around with hearts in my eyes like what you'd see in television shows.
But me and Kita weren't really like either of those.
We really and truly were just two separate lives that lived coincidentally close. 
At my younger age, I'd be at home reading manga, watching Doraemon and singing the opening song for Cutie Honey Flash, as Kita would be doing all his homework, playing sports and helping around his house.
It was definitely during middle school. That's when I started to notice Kita a bit more. I mean to be fair, he went to the same school as me, we left at the same time and we also lived in the same area, who on earth wouldn't notice? And at some point, we were put in the same classes miraculously too.
He was for sure a very good boy. Always completed work to his full potential with that annoying photographic memory of his, often did lunchtime duties and was consistently showered compliments by the teachers! Gah! Wasn't fair! 
He sat next to me in year 2 middle school which was probably the year I began liking him even more. Because I would turn my head and just see him and then my whole peripheral vision was also still just, him.
Kita and me never bickered at that time slot nor did we talk too much - come to think of it, I think it's either because I was too scared or because of his introvertedly noiseless attitude. Well, more or less I disliked arguing so I thought if I ever argued with a boy like Kita, it would end in the worst.
There was actually this one memorable time, still set in 2nd year middle school, where me and Kita were the ones chosen by the teacher to hand out the numbered vests for P.E. as everyone was going to join in for soccer. There were around 45 vests in total, Kita handed out a pathetic number of 6, then left to go play ball as the other boys asked him, subsequently leaving me behind to do the rest...
I was therefore running around angrily, trying to hand out all the remaining vests for everyone.
Funnily, the less vests I gradually had, the more I got angry since it reminded me how the one that handed the majority of these, were all me.
It was only when I finished handing them out and the teachers told us to find a partner to stretch with, I bumped into Kita again purely by accident.
Looking at him made me mad. At that second, I wish I had scolded or ranted to him or even thrown my numbered vest to his face to the very least, but we partnered up automatically and I had no time or build-up of confidence to do any of that. Instead, I just copied how he was stretching with a scornful face.
He was stretching with complete concentration adding onto this air of tranquility as if he forgot what he just did, and I was weakly doing the same whilst trying to keep my petty thoughts in check.
By the time I twisted my torso to do a different stretch, I glanced at Kita where he was doing a stretch with the opposite arm. And I stood there, watching him, with a slightly open-mouthed expression, similar to a fish.
I was baffled how he was wearing the same tattered and ugly green vest as everyone else in class and how he was wearing just our school's plain P.E clothes - yet somehow, the wind gently brushed his hair, the sunlight made his dark eyes brighter and I saw how he was noiselessly mouthing numbers to himself to count his seconds of stretching.
Similar to a movie, time stopped. Everything turned slo-mo and my heart had a strong twinge at the sight of him. 
It was right then, that was the promising moment I fell for Kita.
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lettersinscarlet · 5 years
Laptop (Sam Golbach Imagine)
Hello! So this is my first Sam imagine and I incorporated some of the things that I’d seen floating around recently so I apologize if it sucks. Thanks for the request and they are still open so please ask! And here’s the tag @sp00kybrock. And FYI this is the most amount of tags I’ve put at the end of a story so that was fun, too.
Warning: a little steamy towards the end so tread carefully and in this Sam is not dating Kat.
Request: Helping Sam edit some videos and in the video he says he has a crush on you so he takes the laptop and starts running with y/n following him and he raises his laptop in the air so she wouldn’t reach it and they kiss when their faces are at the same level.
You walked in because the door was unlocked and you looked around for Sam. You found him in his room with the door open. He had his earbuds in and he was editing his most recent video. You quietly tiptoed behind him and you quickly put your hands on his shoulders. He yelled and spun around and you started laughing. Sam shook his head at you, pulling his earbuds out to talk to you.
“Careful,” you warn and he tilts his head at you. “You don’t want the ends to get stuck in your ears again.”
He playfully shoved you and you fall back on his bed. “What are you up to?”
“I just finished editing my most recent video. Wanna watch?”
“Of course I do! You know I love your stuff,” you answer. You had been best friends with Colby in high school which meant that you were best friends with Sam. You guys had all been through everything together and when they moved to LA you moved with them. Through the years, you had developed a crush on Sam. He was just so bright and something about him just drew you close to him. You never planned on telling him because you guys were too good of friends and you didn’t want to ruin it. You had always been good at bottle up your emotions and this instance was no different.
Sam finished pulling up the video and it started playing. He had decided that he was going to film a truth or drink video with Colby. You laughed and the first few questions were pretty simple. Then they got to the tougher ones. Sam and Colby had each had some of the lemon juice and you were rolling laughing at their reactions.
“So, Sam, I’ve got one for you,” Colby says menacingly. He leans forward on the table on his elbows, giving Sam a wicked grin and an evil look. Sam slowly backs up as much as the chair allows him and raises his eyebrows at Colby.
“What is it, Colby?”
“Who is your crush?” Colby says after reading the card. Sam gasps in shock and he looks at the lemon juice. “The thing is, I already know the answer, but you still gotta say it.”
“It’s not worth taking a third shot of LEMON JUICE,” Sam says, winking at the camera and making Colby laugh. “My crush is-“
“Whoops, forgot that was in there!” Sam shouts, pausing the laptop. You get up from where you’re laying and you reach over his shoulder.
“I wanna know who it is,” you say, reaching for the space bar to hit play. Sam swiftly moves the computer out of your reach and starts to walk off with it. You run to catch up with him but he evaded you. He dashed in and out of rooms and you fell for it every time.
His fatal mistake was heading for the living room. He ran behind the couch and you leaned over it, trapping him in the corner. He reached up and held the laptop high above his head and you stretched to try and grab it
“Who. Is. It?” you asked, your words broken up by you jumping up and down to reach it. Curse Sam’s height advantage.
You were on your toes, body nearly pressed against Sam’s, arms extending just as far as they could go. Your tongue was poked out of your mouth from the concentration of your efforts. You glance at Sam and you can see his eyes are on your lips with a dreamy gaze.
“Sam,” you say with a serious tone, making him snap his gaze back to your eyes. You lean your body even closer to him than you already were. “Play the video.”
His fingers press the space bar and you can hear your name said through his speakers before he pauses the video again.
You mash your lips onto his and you finally get to release some of your bottled up feelings go. You break away and you can hear his whisper something and you look at him.
“What was that?”
“Wow,” he said, still a little breathless. “I really like you.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Golbach,” you say and pull away. He follows you back to his room and he puts his laptop back down.
“Guess I won’t have to edit your name out after all,” Sam said with a wink. He suddenly pins you up against his wall. “Next time, I’d prefer it if I pinned you against the wall,” he said with a growl.
“Yes sir,” you replied with a wink.
“Actually,” he said as he leaned close, teeth grazing your ear, “it’s daddy.”
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drabblesanddreams · 5 years
Accidents Happen- Atsushi Nakajima x Reader
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Hey everyone :D I’m back with another bsd imagine! I didn’t realize how much more comfortable i am with writing the characters compared to other shows. I had fun writing this albeit there is a cheesy ass ending lmfao sorry yall for unrealistic expectations. This also turned out longer then i wanted to again omg it was just supposed to be 500 words lololol whoops
Also dont be afraid to send in any requests for bsd:)
Fandom: Bungou Stray dogs
TW: None
Summary: Atsushi is dumb insecure boy and you just want to kiss him
Word count: 1.3k
Atsushi first met you a few weeks after joining the Armed Detective Agency.
It didn’t take long afterward for the tiger boy to develop feelings for you.
How could he not? You were such an optimistic and kind person, bringing so much light into the darkness that Atsushi had become accustomed to since his time in the orphanage. 
You always made the boy laugh as well, with your bold humour and sassy remarks that he’d watch you exchange with the other members of the detective agency. He admired your carefree persona; it was what opened his world a little more as you continued to show him your own.
Currently, the gray-haired teen was finishing up the paperwork that he had disregarded from the last mission in favour of tagging after one of your many adventures as you liked to call them. 
You were currently in the same position as him, both teenagers being the only signs of life in the office. Everyone had left for the day but you both had to stay back, seeing as you were unable to procrastinate any longer.
Atsushi winced at the thought of Kunikida-senpai scolding the both of you and demanding that you stay back and finish the mission reports. Shaking the consuming thoughts of you, Atsushi looked back down at his paperwork laid out in front of him.
 Picking up the pen from his desk, Atsushi went back to working with a small sigh. He would look up so very often to your figure splayed out on the communal couch. 
You had gone silent a few moments ago, declaring that if you worked any longer your mind would combust.
Suddenly, a loud exaggerated sigh broke the silence in the room and Atsushi glanced up once more to see you laying on your back with your arm resting across your eyes.
 When no further sound escaped you, Atsushi went back to his work. 
You then released another big dramatic sigh which drew Atsushi’s attention once more.
Deciding to humour you, Atushi smiled and said, “Are you alright (Y/N)-chan?”. Moving your arm from your face, you met Atsushi’s gaze with a child-like pout. He couldn’t help but feel his cheeks warm slightly from the eye contact.
 You were always so easily able to fluster the poor boy. “No,” (Y/N) whined, jutting out her bottom lip even further, “I’m so bored Atsushi-kun, why don’t you stop working as well and hang out with me over here.” You proposed to him.
As much as Atsushi would love to spend time in your company, he was scared in case Kunakida came in screaming once more.
 Otherwise, he may never be able to hang out with you again, seeing as he would be murdered by said man. “I’m sorry (Y/N)-chan, but we have to finish this, we’ve been putting it off for too long,” Atsushi said, declining her proposition.
 Briefly, his mind drifted to how it would be like to have you both cuddle in that couch, your body pressed flush against him as you would card your fingers through his hair. 
Snapping out of this thought, Atsushi was briefly horrified at his own mind.
 Of course, you would never do that sort of thing with him.
You were an incredibly amazing person who would no way settle for someone like him. Besides, Atsushi believed you deserved someone other than him, someone who wasn’t a completely useless failure.
You whined once more, effectively drawing his attention, and you held your arms in front of you, wriggling your fingers at the detective signaling that you wanted him to come to you on the couch. 
Atsushi felt himself lose his resolve as you looked at him with your big (e/c) that caused his cheeks to tint pink slightly. “Alright, alright,” Atsushi sighed, standing up from his chair, finding that he couldn’t deny you anything you requested. 
Once he reached your body, you reached further for him until you had both of his hands grasped in yours. 
Atsushi felt the familiar sensation of his heart racing rapidly, as it usually did when you initiated any sort of physical contact with him. 
You then shifted your hands so that they were intertwined with each of his, before beaming up at the boy from your rested position.
Atsushi’s heart almost stopped at that one, you were surely going to be the death of him one day.
 Sitting up to make room for Atsushi, you pulled him down so that he was next to you. 
Yelping, Atsushi felt his whole-body flush at the close proximation the two of you were in due to your movements.
 He found himself unable to make eye contact with you and turned his head away to one of the desks. He was surely a tomato by now, he was sure of it.
He saw you observing him from the corner of his eye with uncharacteristic silence.
Feeling your body shift slightly, “Are you alright?” (Y/n) asked with concern laced in their voice, “You look red, are you sick?”
“N-no! I’m fine (Y/n)-chan!” he denied quickly, not wanting you to worry over him. In order to diffuse your concern even further, Atsushi turned his head back to you.
However, Atsushi completely forgot about the proximity created between the both of you from your movements earlier. So, when his lips accidentally brushed against yours, he completely froze up feeling his cheeks completely ablaze. Jumping back, he looked at the other detective in complete horror.
No way, he hadn’t done what he thought he just did, did he? Unlinking their hands, Atsushi raised his fingers to his lips, looking at you with shock. You were staring back at him blankly which only caused his heart to completely go out of control.
“O-oh my god! (Y/N)_chan I didn’t mean to O-oh my god I swear it was an accident, I would never-“ Atsushi rambled out, blanching slightly as you continued to look back at him expressionless. 
Shit! He had said something wrong, “W-wait I didn’t mean I would never because of course I would! You’re really pretty and amazing and anyone would be lucky to kiss you!” The gray-haired boy quickly exclaimed before catching on to his unintentional confession.
 “I-I m-mean…” Atsushi stuttered. Holy hell what could he say at this point to defend himself?
Just as he was up and about to give you another explanation, you had cut him with a small giggle.
 Staring at you in disbelief, Atsushi watched as it turned into full-blown laughter. His heart sank slightly at this, who would really want to kiss him anyway?
Suddenly you stopped your laughter as you gave him a big grin, “You are such an idiot” you stated as your (e/c) twinkled in happiness. Before Atsushi could ponder on your words, you reached forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward so you could reattach your lips.
Atsushi widened his eyes at this, his mind unable to provide him with any coherent thought. 
The feel of your soft lips against his essentially gave his heart palpitations. When you released him, Atsushi gazed shyly at you, “Wait..does this mean..?” he trailed off. Your actions clearly eluded to your own feelings toward the boy, but he found himself still unable to believe it.
 Rolling your eyes, you nodded at him before moving forward to recapture his lips.
This time, Atsushi shut his eyes and felt himself focus on the kiss. He was absorbed by the thought of how soft your lips were, how they moved against his own inexperienced pair.
 Sparks ignited in his chest and he felt himself become consumed by your warmth. Atsushi placed his hands on your thighs with uncertainty as you moved your own to cup his face, tilting your head in order to gain better access.
 Feeling your tongue press slightly against his bottom lip, he let out a small gasp. This caused him to part his lips allowing your tongue to slip a little inside, clearly not wanting to overwhelm the nervous boy.
 Atsushi felt his body heat up with affection towards you as you both pulled away.
You stared at him with a small smile before grabbing hold of one of his hands, intertwining it as it was earlier. Staring down at your hands, you looked back at him, “Of course it was always you.”
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