corpsereviver-if · 2 years
the dragalias look so fucking cool. also the written alphabet looks sick. how'd you come up with it?
Thank you! ;v; ❤️️❤️️❤️️
I wrote down my little process under the cut! :D
My first draft had letters that used a bunch of circles and lines that looked too similar.
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From a learning standpoint, I would've given up on learning the alphabet because the letters would confuse the hell out of me. I don't even remember why I put arrows on top of the English alphabet. 💀
So this,
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Evolved into this:
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The letters are more distinct compared to my first draft. I made a lot of them slanted to look vaguely like wings. Other letters have a different meaning behind them that correlate to the world they live in.
Then there's a reason why someone would write on either the top, bottom, or on both sides of the line. The placement of the letters lets the reader know what type of sentence it will be, and it tells them how thoughtful the writer was when it comes to whomever reads their message.
The top half of the line is of 'good' nature, and the bottom half is of 'bad' nature. It doesn't mean the content of the sentence or the person is of either of those alignments, though.
Formally written sentences represent balance and utmost thoughtfulness as the letters are on both sides. It is the most 'humble' form of writing sentences, taking the time to write the letters on both sides. This lets the reader know straight away that whomever writing took the time and effort to get their message across and was thoughtful of them. Usually this form is used in formal documents or among royalty (also, writing this way shows completeness as most of the letters put on both sides look like wings on a spine :D).
Letters written only on the top half signify casual writing. It is of 'good' nature because the idea is that the writer is utilizing the top half to still take the time to make it legible, but they don't want to use up too much time or be too formal by writing on both sides. Imagine writing to a loved one, writing on a sign or billboard, or writing for a timed essay in class.
Writing on the bottom half is of 'bad' nature because the idea is that there was little intent of making sure it is legible for the reader to understand. This doesn't mean whoever wrote it on the bottom is an asshole. Writing on this side is mostly seen in quick little reminder notes, jotting down random ideas without stopping or much thought, or letting the reader know that the writer was in a hurry and didn't have the time to make sure it is legible.
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The tone indicators are there as another heads up for the reader. There's more tone indicators than those three, but those are the three core indicators. The idea behind it is the same as using the indicators such as /j or /srs. It can sometimes be hard to convey the intent and emotion in words without them.
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And finally, I put the large symbol in the front to indicate the source of the writing. It will let the reader know who it is from, sort of like a wax seal stamp or logo.
So when conceptualizing the dragalia alphabet, I mostly kept in mind how would they get the meaning of their message across and the level of thoughtfulness and intent behind their writing, if that makes any sense. ;v;
I also made sure that things would be kept interesting enough for someone to want to actually learn the language. People want to get their message across in the most effective and efficient way as possible, but sometimes may vary.
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lamagadeoz · 7 years
Directorio Actualizado
Lo se, he tardado más de lo prometido pero ha sido por un cúmulo de sucesos, la mayoría personales. Pero no os preocupéis que no me he olvidado de este apartado del tumblr. Al final decidí cambiar el código que se utilizaba y, aunque en un principio iba a usar algo más sencillo acabé enamorada de uno que... bueno, se podía colocar más información y... acabé por poner algo que me acaba dando más trabajo pero que facilita, o eso creo, a la hora de encontrar un proyecto a nuestro gusto.
Lo primero, comentar que ahora se puede usar más de un filtro, siempre y cuando sean de grupos distintos, por ejemplo, podéis intentar buscar un foro de harry potter con pb ficticio (de momento no lo hay, pero para que os hagáis una idea).
Las descripciones que se han incluído están tomadas de la información que se muestra en las tablillas de afiliación (que suelen ser algo más cortas) o de la propia ambientación. Hay que decir que no se ha copiado todo el texto, lo justo y necesario para que el usuario que busque pueda hacerse una idea de lo que trata el proyecto.
También se han añadido redes sociales de aquellos que les faltaban y que he llegado a encontrar (muchos tienen tumblr pero en el foro no indican). 
Toda la información puede ser editada, por lo que si un proyecto quiere otra imagen, otra breve ambientación o añadir/modificar alguna red social, puede comunicarse con este tumblr y se harán los cambios precisos.
De igual manera, no sólo he cambiado el código del propio directorio, así que.... Entran los siguientes foros/proyectos a formar parte de él:
Counting Stars
Cracked Vultures
Cromulent University
Dark Chronicles
Heroes Never Die
Instituto Alstromeria
Project V
Tristemente, hay otros proyectos que no han continuado con su actividad, por lo que dejan de formar parte del directorio:
Arlentia’s Legend
Blackfyre Rebellion
Bravely Tactics
Dead Kingdom
El Mapa del Merodeador
Guardianes Deus
Idarion Terra
New Haven
Revolution RPG
Secretos del pasado
Territorio Salvaje
The Last Hope
The Man in the High Castle
Whispers of Berlin
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wepurge-rpg · 5 years
¿Están a favor o en contra de los censos? || En contra, no sirven para monitorear actividad. Y si es un foro medio morido y ponen censos y la persona que te debe todo solo postea un tema y tu no tienes nada te jodieron. Me pasó en Idarion-Terra. El único foro donde NO HE DEBIDO NADA. Pero siempre he peligrado con censos, son una basura.
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corpsereviver-if · 2 years
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Here be dragons. 
Dragalias have both a humanoid and ‘true’ dragon form. There’s more about them, but I’m going to end up rambling a whole novel by the end of it.
I’m plucking them from an IF I had been working on before CR since they’d fit it well. Can’t let good concepts collect dust.
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