#i feel like thats her whole thing yanno
kyotikk · 11 months
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Eula birthday art :)
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lunar-fey · 1 month
ohhhh my god. okay. so. my aunt does like, she buys random junk in bulk from retail wholesalers and then resells it on like, facebook marketplace and ebay and stuff. whatever. so my mom works for her. makes a flat $50 a day, regardless of the fact that shes disabled and doing hard labor for at least 8 hours a day, often 10+. and min wage here is $10 an hour but mom argued that $50 a day is still more than what she would make working the same hours at an actual job because of taxes...like girl that would be 50% taxes. you do not pay that fucking much. so thats already Bad.
but today mom shows me a video of a knife theyre gonna sell, and i watch 2 seconds and i realize its an automatic knife, and i tell her hey. thats illegal to possess in this state. let alone sell! and mom is like ohhh [aunt] knows what shes doing itll be fine.... we sell knives on there all the time she just doesnt put pictures and calls them something else on the listing to get around fb/ebays policies :)
LIKE. HELLO. THATS NOT BETTER. YOURE COMMITTING MULTIPLE CRIMES. *AS YOUR JOB.* and she was just like "its not a big deal she knows what shes doing." folks, this is the same aunt that, very illegally, paid me to sort through her clients confidential tax documents and bank records and stuff. because she works for a bank. and took the records home to sort them. i dont think she DOES know what shes doing, actually!
#why do both of my parents need to be so impressively incompetent. i like. cannot find the words for how . i feel about this#like. idc about crimes. go forth. be free. but maybe. just maybe. you should not make your job#“hi today i will post about how i am selling illegally possessed objects on a widely used public forum”#dont do crimes STUPID. yanno.#in other parent news. its now like. month 6 or so of dad refusing to get his insurance reinstated.#hes been on the same step (taking his paystubs to the dhhr office) for like 3 months?#anyway apparently he found out today/last night that when he was a kid he was diagnosed with gastroparesis !#which is like ! cool! you have a diagnosis AND ive been living with that for 16 years and can help you 🥰#but we were sitting there with mom (this was right before the knife thing) and she was like “well you gotta get your insurance now so you#can get on the right meds“ and dad was like yeah ill go....#and mom was saying well go in the morning when they open etc etc and he was like i will#and i pointed out that just two weeks ago i told him that too. and he didnt want to. bc hed lose money due to not being able to work#and mom was like well he doesnt work at 8am. and i was like yeah i know but i told him to go at 8am two weeks ago and that was his response#and then he proceeded to claim that this whole time he didnt know they opened at 8am.#folks. he doesnt start working until like...usually 10 or so. WHAT GOVERNMENT OFFICE DOESNT OPEN UNTIL 10.#PLUS. WE LIVE IN A RURAL HOUR. *BUSY* TAKES LIKE AN HOUR. MOST OF THE TIME YOURE IN AND OUT WITHIN 20 MINITES.#ive been fucking considering PAYING HIM to go get it.#and then he claims he didnt know it opened at 8am. when i have told him that. MULTIPLE TIMES.#WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE LIKE THISSSS THEYRE THE MOST IMMATURE ADULTS IVE EVER MET AND THATS IMPRESSIVE!!!#IVE KNOWN PEOPLE WHO PAY THEIR RENT IN COKE OR WHO ARE ESSENTIALLY PROFESSIONAL PARTIERS. AND *THEYRE* MORE RESPONSIBLE AND MATURE THAN MY#PARENTS. SO WHAT GIVES.#also theyre 50 like cmon yall. youre not even 20 or 30. i think you should know how to not like. get your job shut down or die of lack#of medication.#did i tell yall one of the times a few months ago i was nagging dad abt getting his insurance#his response was literally. no exxageration.#he was like oughhh i dont wanna see doctors because then theyll find out somethings wrong with me#and ill have to go on a bunch of medication.#and then he actually for real. said.#“being on too many medications killed my grandma”#even mom was like cmon man. thats not even true. they misdiagnosed her and put her on WRONG meds. she wasnt even on that many.
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anthonycrowley · 14 days
Ok I have said chappell roan sounds like other pop music and I feel the need to explain myself because she showed up on a spotify mix(?) of mostly queer women pop artists and until it got to the chorus of punk pony club i thought she was one of the other ones on the list (I was driving). (Similar experience with red wine supernova and hottogo, which have a sound thats very common among wlw pop artists)
I have at no point been like. super impressed with her music? but I do think her personal style is more impressive in some of her other songs, but also i do really like her music! Its kinda funny in a way: She sounds really similar to a lot of other artists I listen to. Who's music i also like. I *was* expecting her to be wayyy more special and different sounding based on how people talk about her but "huh sounds just like a blend of [lists artists]" is not an insult at all!
that’s fair! i’m not saying i’ve never heard music like hers, and i can also name a bunch of music similar sounding to hers. but i do think it’s fair to say she’s the only person creating pop music that sounds like that currently. like. idk. happy pop? remember when pop was fucking happy. it has not been lately. like sound wise she doesn’t sound like much else on the top 40 and i think on some level people want something less dreary. idk. but anyway if i had to pick people she reminds me of they’re mostly like, decades old. which i think at least means she’s bringing something a little different to the table. and i know that listening to her music doesn’t get this across but i think some of the things that do set her apart are 1. her clear (and recognized by her) inspiration from both specific drag queens and like the lgbt community as a whole and also 2. her live performances. they’re really something to behold even if you don’t like the style of music yanno. idk. i watch her and it feels like watching recordings of lady gaga. of queen. of prince. like, the greats of stage performance. and idk. no one else is doing that in pop right now imo and i think it’s something to be lauded even if you don’t like her music or think on its own it isn’t that unique.
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antipathy-arsonist · 5 months
tell me about your ocs
oh god see this is the problem i want to talk about them but its all incomprehensible mush up in my brain /lh
HHHMMMM where a good place to start?
uhm. the cults maybe? uhm. ill start with that yeah ^_^
OKAY SO! in my oc universe there are these ancient gods and they all rule over a few aspects of existence. oh and they look like insects. the main cult is called the cult of the thousand legged serpent, their god (hes called ser for short ^_^) is a millipede, hes incharge of death, disease and decay. lovely.
the other almost rival cult is called the cult of the stained glass cupid (cupid for short, butterfly ) (no points for guessing what her main area of expertise is lol) she in charge of love, jealousy and heartbreak
there are other relatively important cults but i could be here all day sooo
every god of course needs a cult and the cults kinda work in a pyramid structure. so it goes : god, saint and then worshipers (the worshipers aren't necessary persay but they make stuff a whole lot easier)
the gods are summoned when one person (the saint) makes a sacrifice ( its different depending on whos being summoned) after that the saint and god are sort of. soul bonded. if that makes sense. the god provides power to the saint depending on the amount of sacrifices they've been given and the saint provides the sacrifices ofc ^-^
when a saint dies a god dies aswell BUT if you manage to kill a god (significantly more difficult and risky) the saint continues living without their powers
in the setting of the story the cults have begun to operate more like gangs than organised religions, one group has been in power far too long and everyone is itching for a change in the status quo (this is the conflict essentially)
so the plot if a hypothetical comic would follow the death cult, ser and his saint, her names batty. thats uh. my sona. the sheep i draw myself as. trying to fight their way to the top (imagine kind of a no more heros thing if that makes sense?) by killing the cults more powerful than them and gaining support. but uh yanno being. the death cult. gaining popularity is. not very easy.
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the-owl-tree · 5 months
Ok i know no ones brought up the topic in a bit but seeing the leopardstar shouldnt feel guilt and should be an antagonist leader reminded me
So on the topic of antagonist leaders, i dont feel like chrysalis shouldve been redeemed, i think its good actually to have some characters be irredeemable, and thats where i think it would’ve been perfect to have neighsay along with the full 3 villains be shown that anyone can be irredeemable while having examples of how others can be redeemed despite certains bad decisions theyve made
And have it be like
Chrysalis < Thorax
Neighsay < Starlight Glimmer(i wouldve prefer cozy glow but yanno)
Tirek < His brother Scorpan
And show that sometimes some people just dont want to change to newer ways because the old ways are what benefits them
And also, we need more girl villains and chrysalis is perfect like her whole thing never revolves around a man, like her taking over shining and cadances wedding wasn’t jealousy or envy but bc it was her food source which is so smart of her to target the obvs princess of love and her husband on their happiness day
And chrysalis DID get a chance for redemption, she actively refuses it bc shes pissed she doesn’t get to do it her way anymore, and i dont follow the whole “how could she have known there was a better way” bc she literally saw with her own eyes that her subjects can thrive by sharing love and not taking it, but since she wouldn’t be the only one benefiting from that power anymore, she didn’t want to change
Hell, even Thoraxs brother Pharynx changed after its shown that he still loved the hive and didn’t want to be “friendly” and the other changelings agree that they need Pharynx’s protection for the hive bc they did lose that part of them when they changed and were left unprepared for attacks until pharynx knew how to stop the mole from destroying the hive, like he CHANGED for his colony that he loved, Chrysalis absolutely could’ve done the same but shes better when she doesn’t bc it shows how selfish she is and thats awesome
i'm so sorry i'm probably the worst person to send this to because i've written about my ideal chrysalis redemption arc </3 i really wanted her to be revealed as having sympathetic motivations (feeding her hive) and just being desperate about her methods and then kissing celestia. i like the bug horse :)
but i get the appeal in keeping her a villain!
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
bars,brawls and brotherhood
hey, @bedazzledroach i’m your valentines @gtavfest art swap buddy, i wrote about Trevor/Lamar platonic hangout. this is pretty wholesome in my view however there is mentions of referenced drug use and references to to sex lmao
hope you like it  and happy valentines day :)
pairing: platonic Lamar/Trevor 
word count: 2452 words
summary: Lamar’s bored and thats never good for anybody, especially Franklin as it leaves him to clear up Lamar’s mess, but one fateful night Lamar goes in search of a certain hillbilly to entertain him, Lamar shouldn’t be surprised to realise it ends up in drunken chaos
The bass shakes the dirty floor, and Trevor can still hear the strippers gossiping even over the shitty club music he has blaring so loud that Wade is starting to go deaf. He groans and adjusts his forever-stained sweatpants. He rises to his feet, slowly with his back cracking and re-stretching, maybe he was getting old… but he wouldn't retire like that fat fuck Mikey. 
Fuck him 
The meth head now risen to his full height began scouring the dingy office behind the unicorn for his trusty pipe. He looked under porn mags, fast food wrappers, and files, and rifled through draws. His fingertips brushed the cool glass, and he let his scared lips twitch upwards. He packed the bowl and lit up until the smoke filled all the cracks that fucking Mikey boy had left on his psyche. The meth made him feel whole and undamaged, the aura  of bliss was shattered in the back room by the shrill tone emitting from his cracked IFruit.
“Hey crazy, wanna get a drink fool?”
“You askin’ me on a date Lamar?” teased the now high redneck,
“Oh yeah, I'm gonna suck yo dick and everything.”
“Where do you wanna meet me, princess? Alleyway?”
“Fuck you, ill be at your titty bar in like 10 fool.”
Trevor's phone let out a beep signifying that Lamar had hung up, the psychopath took one last hit from the well-used pipe before strolling out to the bar with his usual swagger. Nikki was working the bar rather than the floor. She went red at the sight of him, no doubt last Wednesday? Thursdays? Team bonding exercise had been in her head, right at the forefront,  from how she gazed at him. Trevor sent her a sultry wink, dropped down onto the stool, and waited for his buddy. Nikki bent over to grab him a bottle giving him a goood view of her ass, and as she approached her boss he spoke with a hushed tone, “You wanna get outta here, Uncle T?”
“Agh, as much as I wanna sugar, I'm waiting on my buddy.” 
Nikki pouted before leaving him in the hopes to score some more tips from the other bewitched patrons. He watched her in action, batted eyelashes, licked lips, allowing good views of her bra… it was how she worked. How his ma worked. Memories of his mother flooded his brain until a firm hand landed on his shoulder and a laugh escaped Lamar.
“Jesus homie, I wanted to get out to hang out with some fool, but if you gonna be chasing these bitches then fuck, imma head back to my place.”
“They aren't bitches Lamar,” Trevor hissed before his anger simmered down and he spoke again with a lighter tone “could be like your and F’s Threesome, where your di-”
“Come on, homie you ever gon let that go!”
Trevor laughed at Lamar's reaction before gesturing for a beer for his “homie”  once the chilled bottle rested in the gangbangers grasp, he muttered, “what's cracking withchu you fucking weirdo?”
“You know, fuckin’,smokin’ fightin’, shootin’ you get it right buddy?”
“Course dog, I'm like a jungle cat, like a panther, I've got this magnetic thing that attracts people yanno?”
Trevor chuckled under his breath and assured the younger man that he fully understood, he finished the rest of his bottle, and then like magic, Nikki had replaced it in less than a second.
Lamar was quiet for a moment before almost awkwardly muttering “so, um since you all up in this mentorship thing/role model/inspiration tip with the homie franklin. I was wondering, you know, why don't you give an up-and-comer the game?”
“yeah…sure you know what professor t’s gon give you a lesson, loyalty- fuck everything else.”
“Like only going to burger shot?”
“Like your brothers are your crew, without them? You're nothing.”
“Well, Frank aint that good of a student if he leaving me on the road to hang with you motherfuckers.” Lamar shot back, clearly irritated by his homies becoming more distant so he chugged the bottle and was brought another by faithful Nikki. 
“Michael doesn't impart the same value system as me.”
“That clear ya weirdo, isn't that the guy that you love at first sighted?”
“Ohhh yes, my dear friend, that's the fat sack of shit I love at first sighted.”
“Fuck man, I dont wanna make you stop acting normal so you wanna get drunk as fuck”
“You read my mind.” With that Trevor called for a bottle of vodka to be brought to the two tattooed men, lamar and Trevor drank a good half the bottle while exchanging stories, quips, and insults. It reminded him of Micheal before the sun melted away his spine.
Trevor let out a shout of laughter at Lamar's reactions, the gangbanger had a much lower tolerance and was going a little green around the gills where Trevor was just starting to become a little unsteady.
Lamar fell off the stool and floundered on the floor like some sort of pissed fish, while the hillbilly howled with laughter. If Trevor did not own the bar then they would've been kicked out hours ago. Lamar cussed him out for not helping a “homie in need” before cracking up as well. Nikki raised a brow but kept the drinks coming in fear of invoking her boss's wrath.
Trevor sluggishly thrust out his hand and pulled Lamar off the dirty carpet before howling with loud laughter when Lamar stumbled and fell face-first into his chest. The gangbanger looked confused at his surroundings for a mere moment, before ripping his face away. 
“Do- dog you smell like shit!” Lamar hissed, the bite drowned in vodka and dopamine. Trevor winked and tossed him a cold- bottle of beer
That was a Mistake 
Lamar was far too drunk to catch the bottle, and the glass exploded onto the floor, with green glass shattering like shrapnel and cheap beer soaking into the carpet, unluckily for the two men something else exploded in their vicinity 
A man, wearing a horrifically ugly polo had stormed over and began yelling at the pair, spittle flying everywhere. “SHUT UP! Why the FUCK haven't you been kicked out yet!” ugly polo kept yelling even when Trevor's eyes had gone dark and the remaining humanity had fled to escape the oncoming bloodbath. His mouth split into a wide grin and his fingers absentmindedly grasped the bottle and prepared to swing. 
A smack echoed through the club, Lamar had smacked him full across the face and was now giggling like a schoolgirl.
Polo went bright red, and Trevor swore he could see steam coming out of his ears like impotent rage. There was a moment of peace and then the club exploded, and fights broke out like rashes, and chaos enveloped the men. Trevor flipped the bottle in his  grasp before swinging upwards and letting out a triumphant roar as it connected.
Polo crumbled and fell to the floor. 
Trevor's wild eyes flitted around him in search of Lamar. Lamar was fighting valiantly but due to his blood being 80% liquor, his swings were mistimed and wide. Wading through a sea of battles, Trevor balled up his fist and sent it hurtling into the men beating Lamar. 
A swift punch to the ribs had wanker one staggering away, and a strong headbutt had wankers twos nose exploding and spraying blood all over the two friends. Trevor pushed down the urge for bloodshed and scooped up Lamar. The gangbanger used him as a human crutch as Trevor dragged them outside.
The fresh air effect was instantaneous, Lamar sobered rather quickly while Trevor calmed as if the fire that violence fed had been doused with a bucket of serenity. Well as serene as it could get with Lamar spitting out blood right next to him.
“You alright down there buddy?”
“All those bitches lyin’ they want Lamar… they all want me … all of ‘em” rasped Lamar as he collapsed, falling onto the broken pavement outside the raging unicorn.
“I'll take that as a no.” mused Trevor as he dropped onto the pavement next to Lamar, resting his back against the bodhi's wheels he slung his arm over Lamar's shoulders and pulled him into a side hug, surprisingly Lamar didnt bitch about the Trevor Philips stench he just coughed before relaxing into it. If he was soberer this could have warranted a very cruel joke about him not showering but he wasn't throwing a fit so the pair remained quiet. Despite the fiasco that had just erupted he could fight the upturn twitch of his lips. He had gotten drunk with his buddy and fought straight after, the ideal Trevor Philips night.
“Whatchu smiling at you fuckin’ weird ass.”
“I saved you in there so I wanna be called sir knight trev from now on.”
“Kiss my ass white as shit knight.”
“Bend over princess.” Trevor thrust lazily in the air, making obscene gestures that would make any sailor blush, but his company was far from some old nun with a stick up her ass or some prude. His company wolf whistled badly and just encouraged it with a mouth that was more alcohol than spit, dripping blood over his green shirt.
Lamar laughed and instantly regretted it once pain shot through his ribs like fireworks. Trevor noticed and demanded to know why the wince, once told he’d been cracked in the ribs by another club goer the hillbilly raised a brow, laughed, and called him a pussy in all of about three seconds. The pair rested next to the truck alongside all the other dirt in the shit hole of a city. The rats were bigger than dogs; there was more plastic in women's tits than the sea; and the residents were fat sacks of lying shit snakes. 
Felt like home.
Sirens flooded his ears, and he lethargically raised his head so that red and blue flooded his vision. Trevor cursed and pulled his friend to his feet for the second time that night, before: dragging him to the passenger side; buckling him in; getting in his seat; buckling himself, and tearing out of the parking lot.
The Los Santos air had become bitter and cold while the moon reigned over the light-polluted skies. Lamar was incoherent and yelling, the driver laughed and swung the car around corners at alarming speeds to the joy of his passenger. Trevor sped around the cracked streets of Los Santos letting the bodhi roar and hug the streets like a koala and tree. 
A warm hand clamped down on Trevor's forearm, snapping him from his reverie instantly, his hazel eyes flitted over to his opposite seat, and let out a soft sigh the gangbanger looked uncomfortable, and slurred out “dog im gonna fuckin’ hurl if you dont cut it out.”
“Whatever you pussy,” Trevor stopped pressing so hard on the accelerator “where to dog?”
“Take me home… I ain't sure you knowin’ where the LD’s cribs such a go- a good idea…” he trailed off, seemingly slipping back into his own mind and ignoring Trevor.
“Are you fucking kidding! The nights just getting started we haven't even had an orgy or killed someone!”
“Dog what, you know what i'm ignoring that, take me to strawberry.” Trevor snarled and went to yank the wheel back to the heart of Los Santos. After realising Lamar gripped the wheel and yanked it in his direction causing the bodhi to swerve across all three lanes. Cursing Trevor rightened the truck and slammed onto the brakes. Eyes flaming like an inferno, he whipped around to face the drunken gangbanger.
“What the fuck Davis?!”
“Take.me.home! I ain't being your emotional support bitch, cause creepers pussy-whipped drive. me .home!” 
“You are fucking deranged!” hissed Trevor, shaking with a mix of rage that slowly was transformed into broken humour. He even began laughing at Lamar's shocked expression, he slammed his foot on the gas and tore away from his current resting spot. Lamar cursed and gripped the door handle as the bodhi raced down the narrow streets, overtaking cars and riding up on the sidewalks.
Trevor sped across a junction, disregarding the traffic lights and the other motors while the gangbanger yelled “when this CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER kills me I want all my shit going to chop! FUCK all those other fools! I dont want you anywhere near my whacked corpse YOU CRAZY FUCKER!”
“I thought you liked crazy driving?” giggled Trevor after Lamar had read his will out loud, and the psychopath raced across lanes.
“FUCK YOU!” cursed Lamar, while the two men argued the roads flitted by until the black man began to recognize his surroundings and their inhabitants. Completely sober and with his heart hammering as he had just snorted an entire bucket load of coke Lamar attempted to calm down with the knowledge that he wasn't far from home to comfort him.
Trevor swung the bodhi into Lamar's neighbourhood, and with a squeal of brakes and a very enthusiastic “ta-da” from the driver, they had arrived at Lamar's crib. The gangbanger punched Trevor in the arm before collapsing into his seat with rapid breaths painting his lips.
“Sooo princess… you gonna invite me in?” asked Trevor with an innocent expression that didn't match his character at all.
“Dog. you got me drunk as hell, started a brawl, and drove like a- like a - like THAT and you wanna be invited in?”
“You started that brawl actually, I saved you that's why I'm the white as-shit knight. So yes I wanna come in”
“Dog you crazy motherfucker… you got coke?.”
“Glovebox, princess, does this mean naughty naughty trevy can come in?”
 Lamar reached forward and dug through the glovebox, grimacing as his fingers grazed over used pornmags until he felt the square parcel, he pulled it out, and even in the moonlight, Lamar could make out the scraggly “coke” written in pink sharpie “Never call yourself that again, but yeah dog we can have a few lines.”
The duo left the car and began walking to Lamar's front door, Trevor tossed an arm over his shoulder and pulled him close as they walked down the front porch. Lamar didn't complain, just fished around his pockets for his keys.
The door swung open and the men walked inside, there were movie posters and a sexy girl calendar depicting the wrong month, Trevor tsked and muttered: “A few… yeah fucking right oh princess this night has just begun!”
Trevor draped himself over the couch, with his arm slung across the back and while Lamar began cutting some very generous lines, he couldn't help but agree.
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unhingedselfships · 2 years
5, 10, 13 :)
This got stupidly long. Sorry?
5. Does their existence make any major changes to the 'canon' story? Minor ones?
She inherently causes small tweaks simply by existing. You're throwing a whole new character, how ever minor, into the story.
With Daigo, its pretty consistent she keeps Mine alive.
Majima, I tend to default to the Y0 version, and she makes some changes here and there, not really altering things in a significant way, but making the road just a little smoother.
With Akiyama, honestly we probably see the fewest changes, but thats subject to change.
Kiryu, she honestly doesn't do much for him specifically, but she provides a much stronger support to the kids and Haruka, and absolutely goes over Kiryu's head when it comes to the orphanage.
When she flies solo, the options are nigh endless, from doing nothing but adding fun substory hijinks, to completely rewriting storylines in ways that make exactly no sense. (so yanno, perf for RGG lmlfao)
10. Who do they get along with? How close are they?
Her most notable non-romantic connections off the top of my head :
Nishikiyama : Makes the least sense from a narrative stand point, so I just ignore that part. She does the "talk-no-jutsu" in her own clunky way, and its basically just a big ol' rant about how he's been treated and it turns out basic respect and decency go a long way with him. She has no fear, she can get catty and snippy with him. And it works. She treats him like a person, an equal. They're "bitchy besties".
Saejima : She just kinda dubs him "bro" and refuses to let go. He accepts it. Ends up fairly protective of her. There might be some "lost a sibling" trauma bonding happening here.
Hana : It starts with Kimi just being generally helpful in ways Aki slacks on. Despite being just as lazy (read ; depressed) she feels bad about Hana's work load, so picks up where she can. Particularly in sorting and organization. The build a bond over time and "girls days out" become routine. (on Aki's dime ofc)
Mine : I love how complicated these two are. Calling them frenemies usually works. He loves and hates her in equal measure for her connection to Daigo. Hates that its her and not him, but Daigo is happy, and he can't hate that. When she isn't with Daigo romantically, they estabilish a friendship relatively similar to the one she has with Nishiki.
Nishida : Kimi just low key adores this dude. He's so reliable and he ends up something of a 'neutral party confidant' for her. She tries to make his life dealing with Maji easier where she can. Usually by distracting the man in question.
13. Do they have a fave 'mini game' activity?
There are so many mini games in this franchise. Lets get into a few more.
Poker/Black Jack/Roulette/Etc She doesn't hate card games, but they bore her fairly quickly and she's not very good at them.
Batting Cages She gets hit with the ball more often than she hits it. She tries but after a few bruises whoever she's with hauls her out.
Mahjong and Shogi Will try, and then get completely lost when people try to explain either one. "I'm too dumb for this, sorry"
Bowling, Pool/Billiards, and Table Tennis She is absolutely atrocious at both of these, however unlike the other games she's bad at, she has a ton of fun with them.
Pocket Circut She likes it, and she likes the tinkering, but she doesn't get super into it. She prefers to support someone else doing it, rather than participate herself.
Dancing/Disco Kimi can keep a beat pretty well, she has rhythm, but she's uncordinated as hell. She sticks to swaying happily off to the side. (she gets wigglier the drunker she is)
Darts She has piss poor hand-eye coordination, which makes her being pretty good at darts a surprise. She enjoys it, and gets smug when she does well.
Fishing Is the most tedious boring thing, and she hates it. (loves fishing mini games in video games though!)
MesuKing She finds it silly, and doesn't really play, but enjoys collecting things so she has a huge collection of cards just sitting around.
Karaoke She can actually sing pretty well. If she could stop crying. She has crippling stage fright and performance anxiety so its a no-go. She does enjoy tagging along to cheer people on though.
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
yanno what im gon take a bite. how does wbs deal with the after effects of the whole BK debacle? u did mention he is quite capable of gettin the trauma ouchies here, so does she cope in any kind of way or just kinda.... tries to ignore the whole thing even tho her very own headpiece has the potential to trigger her 👁
THIS TURNED OUT REAL LONG SORRY I JUST THINK SHES INTERESTING but, i imagine the whole situation was EXTREMELY jarring because shes used to being the one possessing others- depending on how you think her possession works, its possible she can even hear bits of what her hosts thinking/ feeling while they cant control their bodies and she must have heard the same bits of the same panic from these hosts over and over until she just tunes it out.
now though, having been on the receiving end of not having contol of your body, watching it do terrible things and end everything you care about (whether thats hurting family or ruining destiny) i would think it would definitely give her pause.
it might even be, you know, difficult for her to make herself possess another host after that. i feel like it would be okay until she feels that same helpless fear in her (her hosts) head and then all of a sudden, shes back, remembering what it was like being BK and her control on the host slips. all of a sudden its not this new hosts panic, its her own panic and she might even boot herself out of the hosts head because the feeling is so wrong and so familiar
we dont have nearly as many clues about her emotional state/ relationships with others/ history as we do for, say, swk. but when she first got released im not sure she had much of a choice on wether to possess dbk or not considering he absorbed her power, which is probably a big part of why he went off the rails so fast
my personal thoughts on her situation was that since the actual coffin part of the crypt she was in had been broken open from the inside she was clearly awake in there, and i think shed been collecting enough power to contact the mayor and get the key. so like, looking at this as her last traumatic event and how she delt with that, i imagine her plan is to start up with her destiny schemes again. distract herself and throw herself into figuring out the next steps, except that thats going to be VERY hard to do now, since shes just watched the bone king undo everything
and this part also probably threw her off in a major way because this wasnt in the cards, this wasnt destiny, or it certainly wasn't the destiny she thought.
(also probably maddeningly frustrating because from the very start her plan was to fully posses swk, and shes left wondering wether the creation of the bone king was a magical fluke or if her whole plan hinged on something that was never possible to start with)
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
Another question I have is about Clem. As she eventually starts to grown into a teenager and a young adult does she ever struggle with gaining further independence /freedom from her 3 dads? I would imagine they would gain a sense of overprotectiveness due to LBD.
I DID get ur og question about this! (Im so fuckin sorry its been over two weeks now) N I’ve had a multiple brainstorm sessions between me myself n I cuz of it which is the main reason that it’s been takin this long Originally I wanted to say No mostly cuz I haven’t written parents like that before n I’m not,,, exactly familiar with that kinda parenting so I wasn’t sure if pokin that kinda stuff is smth I could Do Right, but egh fuck it, makes sense for them to go into a hyperdrive n I could use the practice instead of shyin away from it
Therefore; Yah! Each is a bit different tho Mister Gao is the only one who ups his protective game Because of the whole WBS deal- both cuz of the obvious long term of Clem’s absence which yanno basically means she was declared dead And because mister Gao already lost his wife so Clem is the last surviving biological part of his family. One can understand why he’s internally screamin bout this
Sam Gao-Woods is the only one who’s trynna hold back on the protectiveness cuz he sees how apeshit mister Gao is with it n so he’s like “Aight, I’m p sure the wee thing needs a breathin room Somewhere, so I’m gon be it.”. He still cares so so much for Clem, but he lets his love manifest rather as freedom than a methaphorical choke hold
Now Six Ear is interestin cuz his overprotectiveness doesn’t have anythin to do with WBS at all. Even after s3 finale he is still kinda in love with the idea of her. Six Ear with therapy is still Six Ear which means tendency to be a control freak is a thing and stalkin is basically a second nature to him For the first few years it’s not that bad especially cuz Clem doesn’t have any desire to really Expand her personal space n rather wants her dads to be as close as possible cuz of depriving her time with WBS- possessed or not- was
But Yah, as she starts growin she starts requiring more privacy, as she starts healing n going into teenagehod her emotions start to get more intense (therefore kinda explosive) and on TOP of All That at 16 her WBS powers start to show up more than just making her pupils glowing white Thats gon end up bein an arc between her n Six (n kinda mister Gao- he gets spooked by the stuff happenin between the former two which prompts him to address his own overprotectiveness). The fact that Six still harbours positive feelings towards WBS doesn’t sit right with Clem and when she tells him, as her only magically skilled father, what’s happening with her, his reaction is mostly positive and as if he was Expecting this which pisses her off cuz she is absolutely distraught about this They end up having an argument during which Six pulls the oppressing parent card cuz he obviously knows best and Clem ends up blurting out something serious that she didn’t actually mean which results in Six gritting his teeth and walking away This part isn’t 100% solid yet, but cut few days later, Clem hasn’t seen a single sign of Six Ear yet, he isn’t answerin text messages or calls and when she comes to lao Zhu’s noodle shop to ask about him everybody just shrugs. So basically the “child chases after a parent to fix everything” thing (😬) happens on purpose from my side n from HERE I ain’t got the events solidly planned. I’d LIKE to sneak a physical fight between the two in Some kinda way in here- Six is obviously not goin all out, maybe it could culminate in Clem blowing up with the ice powers (similarly to canon- who knows, knows. 👁) which forces Six to take this seriously, idk yet
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Pt. 10
a/n: based on this post uwu
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okay so
the way this is set up is basically seijoh simping for you
also they have their own separate gc just for them bc they dont want you to see them just simping for you
even tho oiks ltr does that everyday
but hes not ready for that conversation
there was a few times that you were kinda curious as to what was in the chat
but they would click off and they would blush before diverting you to a different conversation
this might sound hella weird and creepy
idk bout yall but i think its cute that they take random pictures of you doing the sinplest things
this all started bc of one picture
from baby aki-kun
so basically you stayed behind with kunimi during monday to just study and you sat in front of him while sharing his desk
babie took a pic of you just studying and he sent it to the gc with no context
its a known fact that seijoh doesnt practice during mondays so they were all doing something out of school
but they were all missing you so seeing you with kunimi fueled jealousy in everyone
even kyo
oikawa blew up in the chat and was keyboard smashing
the others were just teasing him like hes lucky youre with him
but behind the screen, they were blushing and red and envious and AAAAA
thus spurred on some sort of competition
like they would send the chat pictures of you like 'hA TAKE THAT SHES WITH ME'
unbeknowst to you, these boys have folders of just cute candid pics of you
oikawas insta is filled of you and his snap is full of you in his story and his tiktok is full of screaming simp rants about you
the tiktok comments are all like, 
random ones like him doing a day in my life type of vids and you appearing and everyone can just see the small blush on his face and the bashful yet happy smile on his lips
its really adorable
but the real ones know that shes been appearing in his insta since day 1
thats practically your account now 
its more of a fan account for you and a lot of people from aoba johsai follow that account since you dont have an official one yet so they all simp for you there
the pictures were all from everyone like the boyz group chat was a haven for your candids
you did think it was strange that the boys would constantly ask to take pictures with you and everyone was just trying to get a pic to have aesthetic couple pics w you
and they would put it as their wallpaper or lockscreen
oooo i mentioned this in the post too that iwa and you went to the gym and you guys took a mirror pic
after, you didnt really like the gym bc its just hard yanno?
iwa went back and while he was setting up his weights and equipments, his gym buddy noticed his phone light up causing your picture to show up
'oh? is that your girlfriend, iwaizumi?'
duh he doesnt have a girlfriend so he was like 🤨 until he saw his phone
the lockscreen was blaringly bright and your 'couple pic' was showing with the notifications
totally not oikawa blowing up their group chat bc he was with you
ofc babie hajime got all flustered and he blushed before shaking his head
he mumbled and his buddy laughed before clapping his back
'well, you obviously like her so do somethinf about it before someone does'
dont you think he doesnt know that?
also with mattsun!
this mans works in a cute cafe that this old granny owns and this thought has been living in my head rent free
and he was working during the weekend at the cafe
there were other people there but granny loves him bc hes been working there sibce he was like 15 and she took care of him a lot
he was like a grandson
so while he was serving, this granny was manning the cashier and checking people out
issei's phone was there on the table behind the counter and it started glowing at the indication of the messages being received
'have a nice day-oh!'
she noticed it right there and she saw the picture on his lockscreen
you were probably being carried by him due to your levelness with his height and you were kissing his cheek while issei smiled brightly
that was a picture you both took during an outing at the mall and the sunset behind you was just perfect to take a picture in
poor granny was like 'oop dont look at the messages' so she turned it over to not go to his privacy
there again you were
it was a polaroid of you two and he was backhugging you at school
hint? 👀
she knew issei was a very handsome young man so there shouldnt have been a surprise that he would be dating someone
can we name this granny?
granny inko lol
okay so granny inko saw issei coming over to rest the serving board thing and she beckoned him over
mattsun nodded and leaned over the counter to see what she wanted only to be greeted with a flick to the forehead
‘oW what was that for?’
he whined while holding the spot
granny inko tutted disapprovingly before crossing her arms
‘youve been working all week this week when you could’ve taken time off to spend it with your pretty lady. is this how men are nowadays? didn’t i teach you right to treat women properly?’
duh baby mattsun was confused like O_O
his dumb question made her grab the phone and place it on the counter in front of him
‘your girlfriend, child. women need attention constantly and as much as you want that money, is it worth losing that smile full of happiness?’
okay stop it granny im getting emotional
more like disagreeing bc that wouldnt put food on the table BUT ANYWAYS
baby issei was surprisingly embarassed and scratched his neck
‘um,, baa-chan,,,,, she’s not my girlfriend’
he flustered and gave her an awkward smile
granny inko shot him a confused look and tapped the phone
‘well, she looks like she is. and if not, better hurry your move, boy. girls that make men happy like that only comes as rare as a good scratch ticket’
i do not encourage gambling so please save your money kids
you know what
these boys do that just to actually feel like it
okay thats confusing so imma explain it in greater detail
whenever someone mistakes you as their girlfriend, it makes them feel like you are for that split second and its just an addicting feeling
its like what if you were their girlfriend?
i mean, youre already the whole team’s girlfriend but theyre greedy brats and just want you for themselves
kyo def has a selfie of you both with the doggie filter but it was actually you who took it while he was just staring at you in the background
that was his lockscreen for like the rest of his high school career
he was actually in a fight and during it, his phone fell off to the ground and conveniently oikawa messaged causing it to light up
one of the thugs had their hands gripping kyo’s collar and was pushing him against the wall while the others were surrounding them
they saw the phone flash and kyo cursed at the terrible timing and he made a mental note on killing oikawa later
a guy picked it up and he smirked, seeing the pretty smile of a pretty girl
‘heh? whats this?’
kyotani pushed the guy who was holding him but other two surged towards him and held him tighter
their leader snatched the device and chuckled
‘oh. its that bitch from his school. what is it’
he snaps his fingers as he tries to remember before stopping
‘aha! l/n y/n!’
kyo growled
‘shut up!’
the guy grinned at him and tapped the phone against kyo’s chin
‘oh yea. i heard shes a cutie. most people here know her, kid. now we know shes connected to you and guess what. you cross us again, she’ll take your place as you are right now. orrrr, we can,,, use her as our pet. thats how she is in your team, right? so let us have a turn. maybe we can send you a pic, hm?’
yea no that wasnt happening
kyotani easily beat those people up after because even just saying that unleashes power he didnt know he had
‘bastard. youre lucky this is just a warning. you touch her and i will kill you’
he landed one last kick on the guy’s face before taking the phone and leaving
now he has to figure out how to hide the bruises
you fussed later and he didnt tell you the reason instead just saying they said something that made him angry
you were a person he didnt want to disappoint and he knows how much it hurts you to see him in that state
that was one of the things he hated but loved at the same time
you were such an empath that you would treat him and wince as if you were the one feeling the pain instead of him
and it made him feel special
you were one of the few things he holds close and he would be damned if anything happened to you because of him
the group chat was actually just blowing up with more screaming and the third years yelling at each other with the first years just casually reading the texts
they were used to the arguments within the team and you would remain so naive with the whole thing
kunimi is the type to keep silent and he didnt really care about anyone getting angry if you were spending time with him
but he does get annoyed if you were with kindaichi because you three were a package lol
like when kindaichi and you were at the arcade, this kid walked all the way there just because he didnt want kindaichi to hog you to himself
duh you thought this was adorable and endearing bc they wanted to hang out w you
no LUV theyre greedy brats who gets jealous over yOU
so like i mentioned before that you and makki would walk over to the bakery and you guys would buy food there and such
and its also canon in here that makki only shares his food with you and no one else lol
because when you eat the puffs, you put one in each cheek and it makes you look so adorable like a squirrel
sorry but squirrels are so cute like AAAAA
makki takes so many pictures of you and a lot are surprise shots where your eyes would be wide with cheeks full of food
aaaaa so cute
like you and makki sat down on a bench in the park across the bakery and you excitedly dug in to your own treat
makki chuckled at your excitement but he placed his hand on you arm to stop you
‘y/n-chan. say aaa’
you lit up and let him put the puff in your mouth and thought he was done but was surprised when there were two
you happily chewed it and went back to looking at your treats
but makki interrupted you again by calling you out
the nickname made your eyes widen with red painting your cheeks and the shutter of the camera made you realize what he did
you whined and he laughed
makki had a lovestruck smile on his face and he wiped the bit of creme on the corner of your lip
‘gotta take care of my princess~’
but we gotta give love to the second years :’)
ive mentioned that watari is the only person to ever go into your house right?
well, he comes over to cook and such so you guys spend time making food for the team 
watari takes this opportunity to take pictures of you cooking and the group chat cries bc its so domestic and they all start having the same thoughts
they really said seijoh braincells
it was like seeing a glimpse of a possible future for them
you, wearing an apron, cooking on the stove with your hair thrown in whatever with baggy clothes
thats like you someday being their wife and waking up one morning to see you there cooking in the kitchen
oikawa swears he had a dream that night because of that picture and he continuously thanks watari for YEARS because of that picture
okay are you curious about the dream?
oikawa woke up in an unfamiliar bed in a foreign room 
he felt his bones crack when he stretched and his hand extended out to a side that was still quite warm
somebody must be sleeping next to him
then he stood up, catching his reflection in the mirror in front of the bed
why would there be a mirror there hmmmm????
he noticed he had a bigger build and his hair was longer
then came the itch of the facial hair that he swore wasnt there a minute ago
this guy even checked out his butt and to his surprise, wow
obviously he was confused and a part of him thought this was the future
tooru walked to the door to go into the hallway and concluded, yep, this was not his house
then he heard music being played somewhere and a mixture of voices coming from a room
sounded like a woman and children
he stops at the top of the stairs, suddenly hit of the thought that this voice was so familiar
tooru walked downstairs and stopped when down the hallway in front of the steps led to the kitchen where the voices seemed to lead to
‘mama! mama! mama! toast! i wan toast!’
‘in a bit, darling. just let me finish flipping the pancake’
the song was lo-fi with the volume being turned low enough to hear the voices fine
tooru wandered down the hallway and he stopped, finally seeing the owners of those voices
there was a handsome little boy sitting on the chair by the island and his brown hair was a mess of wild curls
there was a woman with h/c hair swaying to the tune and a beautiful little girl curled up in her arms while sitting on her hip
oikawa spoke out and caught everyone’s attention
‘papa’s awake!’
‘hello tooru’
tooru froze
that was you
he knows it’s you
he whispered and you looked back at him from the pan
‘yes? if youre looking for coffee, we ran out apparently’
that was not what he was talking about
he hastily walked over to the boy and he blinked rapidly
‘you look like me’
he mumbled and the child grinned
‘eung! papa  and yozo look the same! mama and nana say so!’
feeling like all the attention was on him, the little girl whined and her hands made grabby motions to him
‘pa pa’
she whined and tooru just felt something in him that screamed to hold the kid
you shushed the little girl
‘dont worry, looney loon. papa’s right there’
tooru stayed frozen at his spot and you raised an eyebrow at him
‘tooru? luna wants you’
that snapped him out of his trance and he held the little girl in his arms where she smiled at him and then he felt tears welling up in his eyes
then he woke up
okay sorry that was a long dream
so this dragged on for so long already okay
this was only meant to be small but aaaaa i couldnt help itt!!!!
but anyways!
the boys are just simps for you and theyre creeps that take pictures of you and they think about you all the time pls accept their love
also a mild continuation of the dream:
oikawa was holding luna and she was happily laying there when another figure emerged from the hallway
he asked, surprised
what was he doing here?
iwa heard his name and grunted before going to a beeline for you
you smiled at him and he leaned in to give you a kiss to which oikawa froze in
iwa noticed his best friend holding his daughter and luna saw her father there
she shrieked and tooru blanched
‘uh, what?’
iwa extended his hands out to hold the girl but tooru held her tightly and leaned back
haji narrowed his eyes
‘um, give me my daughter, oikawa’
he grumbled and tooru shook his head
‘no! shes my daughter!’
you blinked
‘your god daughter, yes. but she’s half of your best friend, tooru’
half of his-
god? daughter?
‘so that means-’
‘piece it together, oikawa. did ya get brain damage or something? babe, call the doctor’
oikawa screamed
a/n: lol look WHO ROSE FROM THE GRAVEEEEEEE :) anyways. i really want to deeply apologize to everyone for taking an unexpected break and i shouldve told you guys and im really sorry :( everythings just chaotic lmao and im just like taking a breath for a second uwu and im so AMAZED at how many people still follow me even tho ive been gone for so long like bls yall are real ones :’) i love you all and the req box is still closed at this time as i need to finish the ones i have first soo thankyou for reading thiss and hopefully ill update soonerr!!! :)))
also not me completely messing up my kuws and missing 8 and 9 in my masterlist and having a mindblowing realization that i have 10 keeping up with seijoh fics
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vynsvision · 2 years
Yo i think Sumeru may be my favorite region. I dont have a favorite region yet (altho Liyue always feels like home) but looking at some of the preview of the update on Hoyoverse and also just. The fact that we've had so little information about Dendro as an element...
Also. Look how pretty the oculus is!!
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I'm always a sucker for plants and Dendro's whole thing of course is. Plant. So like. A win.
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The two enemies shown in the Hoyoverse preview look so neat. The electro Reginsivine is something I didnt realize we didn't have, so having it here is gonna be so cool. It looks sharp and badass but also just really pretty.
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The terrorshroom..... I want to pet it. I need to be friends with one. We haven't gotten to ride anything yet except the waveriders and uuuuuuuh I just think it would be neat. Its free real estate, yanno?
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Two new artifact sets are both beautiful. I'm not much of an artifact farmer or anything like that and these aren't really much of an exception unless Collei needs them, but theyre so pretty and as I receive them from, yanno, runnin' around and doing the domains or whatever, I'll be glad to admire them.
Its also interesting that both artifacts have names to do with memory and dreams. Hmm.
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The weapons........ are so pretty. I have never really wished on the 5* weapon banner, and I dont really think I will this time even, as I'm intending to save for Kokomi. That being said, if I save enough primos and wishes... I may be interested. But its unlikely.
4* weapon set is also gorgeous!!!
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I would love to use these and so I hope that as I wish, they all eventually come home. They're really pretty though. I dont think I've ever really noticed there were sets of weapons like this before. Are there other sets and im just oblivious? Probably. Thats ok.
And the new characters from Sumeru being released are all gorgeous, the three here included. Of course, im frustrated that a region based on the Middle East area doesn't have more characters with darker skin tones, and I also don't love that the lighter characters are colonizers that accuse the darker characters (natives of the land) of idk misusing the land or like just being in general of bad moral and character.
Dori looks super fun, I think she must be a teen-aged size. I feel like she's gonna be sassy. I love some good sass. And I can't perfectly tell but is she a catalyst? Either way, super neat.
Collei and Tighnari are both gorgeous designs as well, and I like that they're both mostly simple. I like the flow and the colors. It makes sense, as they're part of the forest ranger groups, and would need camouflage. I'm 90% sure I'm not going to wish for Tighnari, as Collei will be our free Dendro and so far hes just not that interesting to me. Even if he's interesting in game play and story, Kokomi has evaded me twice now and I could really use her on my team, mostly for some variety outside of Zhongli, so. Unless I have plenty of primos and wishes for Koko on the last day of his banner, I won't wish for him. I'm at 60 pity so the next ten-pull i may get a 5* and I dont want to win 50/50 on Tighnari. Will I regret not pulling for him? Potentially. But thats a bridge to cross for another day and Koko is someone I passed up on her first banner and since then I've wanted her. So bad.
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Overall, im super excited for Sumeru and the next act in the Traveler's story. I'm excited to meet the archon and all the other people in Sumeru, not to mention exploring the gorgeous region and get the hang of the new reactions, element, and enemies.
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nuttyrabbit · 3 years
How have you been feeling about "season 3" of IDW Sonic (issue 33-presumably around 50 plus Bad Guys and Imposter Syndrome) so far? Especially with the whole having multiple writers outside of the Annuals thing instead of pure Ian (and heck with Ian outright playing a secondary role)
It's been....okay.
See, I think the stories have been fine for the most part, but nothing since Chao Races and Badnik Bases (and Bad Guys) have really interested me that much.
The Tower arc just felt like a bunch of disconnected action scenes interrupted by the occasional scene of development for Belle leading to the "shocking" meeting that was really predictable and didn't add much of anything.
Zeti Hunt felt like a filler arc to get the Zeti out of the way and to set up Imposter Syndrome (and fuel more Belle angst)
And the current arc feels like filler that's also meant to set up more Belle angst.
Really the main issue is that a lot of the stories of this season just feel like well, filler outside of whatever Belle is up to. And don't get me wrong, smaller, more self contained stories can be fun if they actually add something of substance, whether that be to the world or characters or general tone. But these just...don't. Like yeah the action is fun but I like to have a bit more to chew on yanno?
Whatever pacing problems Archie Sonic had, at the very least it always felt like something interesting was being added with each story, whether that be towards worldbuilding (which IDW lacks in spades) or characters (which to IDW's credit tends to handle pretty well in regards to the comic exclusive ones. It never feels like anyone is getting shafted unlike say, Rotor or Bunnie from Archie were). But here it feels like I could miss 5+ issues and not really miss much outside of Belle.
Speaking of, I wouldn't mind the generally filler feeling of the Season 3 stuff if the true focus of these arcs, Belle, was anywhere near as interesting as any of the other new characters, but she isn't.
Now I'll freely admit I have a bias against Belle. The meek, clumsy character archetype is one I've never particularly liked (before you say "What about your own OC Oliver" that's one of the reasons I rarely use him) so on personality alone she was a hard sell. But I could forgive that if her actual gimmick had any real substance to it.
The idea of a character being made by Mr. Tinker, searching them out, and finding out that he's actually Eggman and is a gigantic jackass is a decent one and would have some weight if it wasn't executed in the most predictable way possible. "Oh wow what a surprise, Eggman's a dick to her and she feels awful about herself who could've seen this coming?" is about the extent of that part of her arc. To make matters worse, "Eggman robot that turns out to be good and defects" is not only an old concept, but one thats been done better multiple times, between Gamma, Emerl/Gemerl, Omega, OVA Metal Sonic, and even Shard. All of these did what Belle was trying to do but did so with far more weight and substance.
What makes this all even worse is what they do with her after that meeting. Yes comic, I get that everyone in the base hates her because she's weird and clumsy, are you going to do anything interesting with it? No? Okay. Are you going to actually have her interact with Orbot and Cubot, Omega, or even Metal Sonic, all of whom would have interesting perspectives on her situation? No, just gonna ignore that? Okay.
The most interesting thing about Belle is that she's being used to make two more immediately interesting characters in Surge and Kit (whom I love just based off their designs alone).
I wouldn't be harping on Belle so much normally, but the fact is that she's the main focus of Season 3, and since she doesn't work, we aren't really left with much else.
To end things on a positive note, I think the other characters are still strong. Tangle, Whisper, and Jewel are still good and developing in interesting ways, Starline's villain arc (and Bad Guys as a whole) is really fun to see unfold, and it's nice to see him really come into his own as a unique villain, and Clutch is just a fucking fantastic addition who I need more of now (wow Nutty liking the morally bankrupt trash man who could've seen that coming).
I think the art is still solid, the action is is choreographed, and the actual dialogue, whether it's Ian or Evan writing, is solid. And I do think that despite the multiple writers it doesn't feel disorganized, which speaks to a level of strong cohesion.
In the technical aspects, this season is pretty strong. And I'm also looking forward to Imposter Syndrome, as I love the concept and frankly, the minis have had the best writing so far.
But Season 3 as is, between most of the stories being kinda filler and the main focus in Belle falling flat, is just kinda meh to me. Not good but not bad. Just meh.
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evanthefunky · 3 years
On a different Euphoria note, im gonna talk about each of the characters real quick bc I have Thoughts. [Disclaimer: i watched s1e1-5 last night, thats the info I have. Plus a handful of out-of-context (for me) spoilers of s1/2 stuff.]
(Under the cut bc I dont wanna bore or bother anyone w my rambles)
Rue- babygirl. I wanna hold her. But I also know that if I went to East Highland, I probably wouldn't be friends with her. For, yanno, the drug reasons. My brother would probably know her tho. But this isn't irl this is my thoughts so like. Zendaya.... is fucking.... incredible. And like. The shifting of addiction from a substance to a person? Yeah, that shit hits. The fixation on something is, I believe, a universal human experience. These vary in length and intensity, but we all know what its like to have a passion for something that obscures everything else. [Ooooh that's a good note for Nate. Put a pin in that thought, Ida] But that combined with the drugs and also trying to navigate how you feel about someone? Yeah!!!!! Yeah. That shit HITS!!! and when its queer? *drops*
Because like. Yeah. Exactly. And Zendaya and Hunter perform that so fucking well. Rue heaps shit onto her plate (or shit is heaped on for her- no one can really tell the difference, let's be real) and so when she meets Jules and literally her life begins to change because of this stranger, this new girl, who doesn't know Rue- who doesn't have a pre-decided notion or idea or opinion on this girl. Ugh. Its so good. And Jules is just. Such a great character and like. Consistent?
I may or may not be in love with Jules. (Thats bs bc I am in fact in love with her but Anyway...) Shes so fucking cute and pretty and also just like. Me????? In certain ways. I think I'd get along with Jules- even if its just a surface level friendship. Shes strong and kind and just. Like. So.... such a beautiful soul kinda person. She does make some... choices I would not make. But I understand she has a reason to do those things. I dont understand the reason and honestly I'm not sure if I really care. I just care that shes safe and that she knows she's loved. And her ability to navigate all of Rue's stuff- and clarifying a boundary!?!?!? Hell yeah!! I just. I think she's neat. I have hope for her and her story.
Nate... ok. So. Jacob Elordi is. Hot. But from the fucking beginning, Nate is shown to be an asshole. And honestly, im incredibly thankful for that. Because if he was shown from the beginning as someone who would be kind or honest or just like plain Sweet, I know I would like him as a character, hoping for moments for that to shine. But no, no. Its so easy for me to be like "damn, this motherfucker is the worst piece of shit. Thank god."
But beyond that, hes fucking fascinating. Maybe hes supposed to be a commentary (to a degree) on, like, what happens when young boys discover porn. Maybe hes just a fucking manipulative psychopath. Because like honestly. The whole "Tyler" thing... what did Jules ever do to you, except like, kinda make a fool of you at McKay's party? Like??????? Dude? Unless he knows about Jules and his dad???? But like? Baby its not your business and your dad already spoke with Jules and Jules already said that she wouldn't tell anyone? Like oh my God you're crazy. It is a little funny, though, to think about what he was thinking when we saw him smile at his phone when he was texting Jules. Was it because he genuinely was touched by the sweet interactions, or was he getting off on the manipulation and lying? And like. Did he imagine the night "Tyler" meeting Jules to go differently? Or was it all along a plot to just. Threaten to blackmail Jules? And also? Nate, you also received and sent nudes? So like. She literally could ruin your life much more than you could ruin hers. Altho the system would be unfortunately biased against her because she's trans so maybe hes putting all his chips on that???
But yeah. Hes fascinating. Hes insane. Hes hot in a twisted way that I enjoy watching but im also relieved that if he gets any shit thrown at him, I hope it sticks, because he deserves it.
The first time I laughed out loud to this show, though, was when we see Nate kill a man in a hypothetical kidnapping of Maddy. And then we cut to Nate facing Maddy on some sidewalk and he tells her "I would do anything for you." I think he may even say he would kill for her. And she just goes, "oh my god, you're literally the sweetest guy ever." Like!!! Ok I know its a moment for the audience to see how fucked up he is but like babe. Honey. Hes. He literally would. Without hesitation or thought. Fuck, he even beat someone up because you really did piss him off! Like!!!!!!! Danger danger danger!!! And of course the aaaaudience knows this and not Maddy herself but. Its just. Ridiculous.
Speaking of Maddy... wow. Man. Ouch. Oof. She is. So wrapped up in Nate. She made her entire confidence in him. Just like he wanted her to. Or maybe he didn't even plan that and maybe she didn't see anything he was doing. But it was not lost on me that she was wearing the Sharon Tate coat when they were watching the abuse survivor video. And the line of Rue's narration, "what made her really feel sick was that she knew... no matter what Nate did, she would always love him." (Or something like that.) And that's the thing. She thinks or she planned to have him wrapped around her finger, when instead he just pulled her deeper and deeper in to his .... mess. Shes an asshole and a victim. She also does not help her case in being an asshole to others for other reasons. But yeah uh. Wow.
Kat!!!!!! Ok listen. I think. She is powerful, but she thinks she's more powerful than she actually is. I... I mean, ok, at the rawness of it all, im terrified for her. I'm terrified for her because of the choices she's made. But this probably rounds up to my final point-
Sex is not the end-all-be-all and these are teenagers whose hormones are fucking complicated. Like, ok, duh. But like. Wow. Maybe its because of the way I was raised, maybe its because of my own internal struggles of trying to figure shit out about myself. But like. Damn. The synopsis of the show being "high schoolers trying to do Life while facing drugs, sex, and violence" (or Whatever) is so. Wow. Yep, that hits it on the nose. These kids, in this corner of the world, in this high school are so tied up in each other and just like. Wow. Its so. Like. I can see why the show is called a drama, but at the same time, I just find it a comedy. Becaus these are ultimately kids doing the worst fucked up shit that I can't comprehend. And thats entertainment, I guess. I think my line in my previous euphoria post really is my summarization of how I feel about the show-
I'm at peace with finding this show ridiculous because its not me facing this shitty consequences. Its an easy to analyze show, easy to watch in a sense that, yeah man, thats what happens, what did you fucking expect?
Thats an incredibly apathetic and probably wild view on fictional teenagers tearing each other apart in the most .... brutally non-physical ways.
[Idk where to put my thoughts on Fez, Cassie, Lex, and Ashtray bc this kinda became an essay with transition sentences at the end of the paragraphs. Anyway. We'll see.]
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lady-writes · 3 years
author interview!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
59,530, also thanks to this i now know that ao3 has a stats page!
3. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rhymes with Shook Her-59
Summon the Pearl Rosary and Relax-55
And Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Body Language-39
2117, Revisited-36
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yeah I try to!  but uhhhh iim forgetful AF and the ADHD troll plays hell on my sense of object ermanencee. I do LOVE MY COMMENTS THOUGH. And I find it hilarious that tthe story that rounds out my top 3 for p much everything has one (1) comment…. I love reading what ppl think of the works, especially the ones I consider OTT and that’s DEFINITLY one I’d love feedback on, but yanno I get it 🤣😅
5. what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i…. do not write angst????? So uh…… Probably Body Language what with the whole Nile leaving her family/pod behind for a life on land but like….. its still not remotely angsty…. I simply dont write things that make me feel bad…So yeah  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhh I guess 2117? cuz its literally a drabble about a wedding where everyone is REALLY PLEASED ITS HAPPENING. Or maybe Gamefreaks with its RAMPANT found family vibes
7. do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you've written?
Not anymore I dont… though it might happen again in a WAY LESS “cringey” way than i did it back in Ye Olde FF.net days. Pretty Sure at some point I wrote HP/Glee Karaoke crackfic😬
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. do you write smut? if so what kind?
yup! the excessive, unrealistic and ridiculously kinky kind. Seeing as how thats the only kind of sex i have any personal investment in😜
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledege
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, but I’d be down
13. what's your all-time favorite ship?
no. too big of a question i dont think i can answer…..
(either arthur/Eames or some UNHOLY permutation of MCU/Avengers multi shipping)
14. what's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
ughhhhhhhhhhhh, cut me to the bone why dont you. I have more WIPs than complete works by 3times and then some and I truly want to finish them all but I have 0 ability to make my brain focus on any given story at a time. Based on what I’ve been able to be productive on in the last 9 months things that will never properly see the light of day are as follows:
- Andy gets preggo after losing her immortality
- Not exactly a pride and prejudice au (the story that made me accept i was writing fic again and I'm peeved that my brain has abandoned it because its the basis of SO MUCH of my Nile HC's somehow)
- Historial BoN in canon fic, wherein Nile is Booker's wife in the 1800's and they're an immortal pair like NicoJoe
-Harpy Nile/Dragon Booker
-Magical Realism Quest fic Ft BoN and Lykon
- the addams family crossover TOG college fic ft. Swamp Witch Nile 😭😫😭
And god help me its looking bleak for these 3 BUT I REALLY WANNAAAAA
- Booker gets pegged by Drag King Nile
-the 2 part pre BoN Booker and Nile character study 5+1 fics tentatively titled 5 times Sebastien LeLivre let his loved ones down (...) and 5 Time Nile Freeman had to Accept Healing over Vengance(...)
- BoN as 60's suburbia Newlyweds hitting a roughpatch at the same time that A/N/J/Q move into the duplex across the Street in a pair of Beard relationships hinged on the idea that Nicky and Andy are siblings
15. what are your writing strengths?
??? I thiink the best comment i’ve gotten re: my writing was that I am good at telling a story that feels quickpaced without actually rushing the pace of my writing…. that was nice🥰🥰🥰
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
Maintaning focus/motivation long enough to finish a work…. ADHD is a nightmare and a bitch and she hates my desire to write apparently🙃
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
if it feels right to me…. I grew up in a multi-lingual home even though Im only fluent in english so I have a feeling for communicating outside of my lingual comfort zone…. That tends to inform how I try to handle such things
18. what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter so many fucking moons ago. 
19. what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
poly guard and andromaquynh
20. what's your favorite fic you've written?
is it cheating to pick unfinished things?
the ruined regency Nile kink meme fill of doom and the Nile’s first 100 immortal yrs fic
for the finished things…. Dont//Speak or Rhymes with Shook Her: the latter cuz i wrote decent smut for the first time ever and the former because I feel like that one went out into the world in a properly representative form of what materialized in my head. Also i spat that bitch out in under 24 hours 🎊🎊🎊WHICH IS A GD TRIUMPH🎊🎊🎊
Tagging in case any of y'all feel like doing this! @winterequinoxx @stele3 @sphinx81 @saxifraga-x-urbium @eeyore9990
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 40
“They should’ve been able to talk, to say who they were, to shout for help. However, the awful thing was that somebody had cut all of their tongues off before this.” In case i havent said it enough, i hate Xue Yang!!!!
I dont have anything funny or witty to say, this whole situation is just sad
“She instinctively hated him and refused to settle. And so, whenever Xue Yang went out night-hunting with Xiao XingChen, she’d secretly follow them. Even when they were in the same house, she didn’t lower her guard.” She lived constantly on guard for, what, years?
Nobody told xxc stories when he was a kid, which I believe to be a crime
The first disciple to leave the mountain, YanLing DaoRen, was an excellent and renowned cultivator, but suddenly became a villian for some unknown reason and died under thousands of swords, according to xxc (parallels wwx a little)
“‘The second disciple was a girl and also very outstanding.’ Wei WuXian’s chest felt warm. She was ZangSe SanRen.” 🥺
“How would an outstanding and beautiful cultivator settle on a servant. This story’s so cliche. It’s probably made up by some poor scholar.” Oh little A-Qing... (wait this mirrors lwj and wwx’s love story, except of course the death part, because in my eyes they just cultivate to immortality and live happily ever after, together forever)
Shut up, wwx, you’re not a villain
Xxc describing sl makes me uuuh wanna cry “A very good friend of mine.” “A sincere man of noble nature.”
Shut the fuck up Xue Yang, no body cares
Shut up!!!! He went and got her candy!!!! And then gave her candy everyday!!!!
Sl said to A-Qing the exact same the xxc said to her, like almost word for word... hold i...
Also note that wwx said they must have been very good friends to be so much alike 
Why did he hesitate???
“Song Lan answered straight away, ‘His height is similar to mine. His appearance is rather fine. His sword is carved with patterns of frost.’” Dont ask why this drove me crazy 
Sl was looking for xxc for years....
“For some reason, Song Lan’s face was extremely pale. He stared at the door of the coffin home, as if he would rush inside if he could, but was too scared to do so.”
“The instant he heard the [xxc’s] voice, Song Lan’s hands trembled so much that A-Qing could clearly see it.”
Sl was so angry his entire body was shaking
Xy is disgusting
After the attack of Baixue temple, while injured, sl said some nasty things to xxc....sounds alot like the aftermath of Nightless City....
“Who was the one who said ‘from now on, we won’t need to meet again’? Wasn’t it you, Daozhang Song? He listened to your request and disappeared after he dug out his eyes for you, but why have you come to him now?” Shut up shut up shut up
Fuck Xue Yang!!!!
“Song Lan looked down at Shuanghua’s blade, which penetrated his heart, then slowly looked up again. He saw Xiao XingChen, who calmly held the sword.” Im gonna cry
“Slowly, Song Lan fell to his knees before Xiao XingChen.” Yup im crying
“At such a time, if Song Lan passed his sword to Xiao XingChen’s hands, Xiao XingChen would’ve immediately known who he was. He’d be able to recognize the sword of his closest friend with just a touch.” He would have known sl’s sword by just a touch....
Sl didnt pass his sword to xxc so that he didnt have to bear the burden of knowing he killed him.....
“...large drops of tears rolled from her eyes. Although she was scared, A-Qing reached out to close Song Lan’s eyes. She then kneeled in front of him and put her palms together, ‘Daozhang, please don’t blame me or the other daozhang.’”
She kowtowed in front of sl’s body....
A-Qing is smart and quick witted, pulling such a fast lie like that
“Cut a few dozens of times on her face so that she’ll never have the guts to go outside again.” 😧
How xy can say something like that and then offer up a plate of bunny shaped apple slices that he cut himself is beyond me
“Looking at the plate of cute, delicate slices, disgust filled both A-Qing’s and Wei WuXian’s hearts.” Yeah me too
(Chapter 41 & Chapter 42 below the cut)
Chapter 41
A-Qing didnt wanna tell xxc about sl...
“The blood grew more and more and eventually leaked through the bandages, trickling down from where his eyes once were.” God he’s crying ....
“Originally, the injury of his eyes would bleed whenever he had excessive thoughts or emotions, but it hadn’t recurred in quite a long while.” I hate this
“...after Xiao XingChen managed to calm down, he told A-Qing, ‘A-Qing, run away.’” I hate this so much
“I can’t go. I need to find out what exactly he’s trying to do...If I left him here alone, I’m afraid that the people of Yi City would sink into his hands.” Y’all gotta stop with this selfless,self sacrificing, being a good caring person shit man, its okay to save yourselves sometimes
“A-Qing’s sobs weren’t faked anymore. She tossed the bamboo pole to the side and clung to Xiao XingChen’s leg...”
“Xiao XingChen asked coldly, ‘Was it fun?’ Xue Yang took another bite into the apple that was still in his hand. He only replied after calmly chewing for a while and swallowing the fruit, ‘Yes. Of course it was fun.’” I hate him
Even the idea that xy did all this because he was bored...
“My finger was my own, while those lives were other peoples’. They wouldn’t be equal no matter how many lives I killed. It was only around fifty. How could it have possibly been equal to one of my fingers?” I cannot even begin to express my disgust...
This is all so sad....
“… Is that you, ZiChen?”
“Even if the two swords had just clashed, Xiao XingChen should be able to tell who the other was from only the strength of the attack...He turned around slowly and reached out a quivering hand, feeling for the blade of Song Lan’s sword.”
“… ZiChen… Daozhang Song… Daozhang Song… Is that you…?” Im crying again
And he’s crying nonstop
“… What happened…? Say something…”
“Xiao XingChen stood blankly in front of Song Lan. Putting his hands on his head, he wailed as though he was ripping his chest apart.” I cant handle this shit im about to stop reading
Fuck you, Xue Yang
“At this moment, Wei WuXian saw himself in Xiao XingChen. Him, who failed miserably as he stood drenched in blood, who couldn’t do anything except silently acknowledge the critiques and accusations, who was wholly beyond hope, who could only cry in despair!” Yeah i didnt need that in the middle of all this
“He could only whimper in pain, ‘Please. Let me go.’” Im really going through it
They all died in such horrific ways
Thank goodness thats over!!!!
Chapter 42
Wwx really implied that xy killed Chang Ping as revenge for xxc huh....wow no
Even in death, A-Qing is brave. Thank you for your contribution in ending that mf
Lwj cuts off xy’s arm when he reaches towards wwx
There was so much blood on the ground that wwx almost slipped in it, gross
Lmao i didnt think lwj would be the one to just toss a pouch to someone but here we are
Wn just squatting on the ground, chillin
Okay yanno what im still confused as hell as to why the juniors were lead to yi city...
God that makes me so angry, Xue Yang keeping the piece of candy for years and holding onto it when he died, like even the idea that he liked xxc and still decided to torture him to death good lord
“Lifting up the hem of his robes, Lan WangJi stepped over the high threshold in an elegant manner, then nodded.”  Wwx just looks at lwj do literally anything and is just like “he’s so elegant 😍 so graceful 🥰 look at my lan zhan, so pretty 🥰😍🥰”
“When he wakes, say I’m sorry, it wasn’t your fault.” Wow....
“He still wore the dark cultivation robes. Standing alone, he carried two swords, Shuanghua and Fuxue, he brought two souls, Xiao XingChen and A-Qing, and walked another path.” Wow.... i wish for you the best, Song Lan
Lsz standing and wondering if xxc and sl would ever meet again....
I agree with jl, death is too light of a punishment for xy
Lmfnck ljy cried the loudest out of everyone sjnckck
The juniors light incense and burning paper money for them 🥺 they’re so sweet
ItS nOt lIkE yOuVE DiEd HoW wOuLd YoU KnOw iF DeaD pEoPle ReCiEve PaPeR MonEY
“How come? Was I really that much of a failure? Was there not a single person who burned paper money for me? Was it really because nobody burned them that I didn’t receive any?” STOOOOOP
“Looking at his calm face, Wei WuXian thought to himself, Really? Had he really not burnt anything?!” Okay i don’t remember if he actually did or not but nonetheless this shit hurted
The hunter was probably the same person who lead them together to yi city with the corpses, BUT WHY THO
Awwww wwx happy to see Lil Apple
Stop teasing jl, wwx, its not nice
Even though the lookout towers are a good idea, and benefit smaller more remote towns, i cant help but wonder if there was some kind of ulterior motive behind them
“Almost all of the dishes were covered in red. Paying attention to Lan WangJi’s chopsticks, he notes that he ate mostly from the milder dishes, rarely the bright-red ones. Even when he did, his expression remained the exact same. Wei WuXian felt something tug at his heart.” uGGgGgGHhHhH 
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dolce-fritz · 5 years
So being the new evil girlfriend is fun
So recently my Partner has had some majorly stupid ass drama with their ex. Like this girl, she’s loopier then the Olympic oval, Like normally I’m nice and don’t slander people but like. She’s just, hoo boy. A mess.
And yeah this is from a completely biased stand point. And I’m about to tell you why that I feel the way that I do about this girl from my own experiences. This is going to be long winded, so I’m putting it under a read more. 
So I moved from the lovely state of Utah this year, my homelifes never been 100% great. I love my mom but our issues clash and we do better separate. Not to mention I really wanted to try it out in another state again and this time the right way and not just a spur of the moment decision while i visited like what happened with Florida.
Well, planned my vacation to See my at the time friend to see if I really liked it there.  I knew about their recent split with their Ex, and the two seemed pretty amicable about it. The other roommate was.... hoo, a mess to say the least. and My friend didn't want to be alone with her because they actually had been wanting to tell her to leave because of the issues that she'd brought into the home. anyways that in itself was a bit of drama.
So I was like OK. I'll come check it out and if I like it I'll be your new room mate.
Well. I plan my trip about four weeks out. and end up pretty excited about it. Come to find out with no real surprise that My friends Ex is going to move out before Octobers over.
My friend starts panicking. again doesn't wanna be alone with the other roommate that they're having hardships with. So I say ok... I'm going to do this vacation, then im just going to move on the 20th so I can get my stuff packed.
Shits already starting to go down hill.
I get there. everything seems fine. The ex seems nice, things seem ok. the other roommates.... already trying to cause shit with me and im not even physically in the house. I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor in an old office space. bought a bunch of furniture because at this point. I know I'm moving here. Its going to happen. This is where I'm going to live might as well help my friend end up getting it taken care of.
Well. Day three of my vacation hits. The ex drops that her dad wants her to move out that day. completely screws the pooch for my friend and the other roommate. And basically bails on them and leaves the house just with the things she wants and then just leaves all the rest of her junk here like its her own storage unit. claims she’ll be back for the rest [ Spoilers never happened]  so that... right there puts this sour taste in my mouth. Cause yeah, me and her ex at that point are sharing a bed. Because like theres only three beds in the house until she ends up leaving and so my friends like ill just sleep with you. me i’m very fine sharing my sleeping space with my friends. i’ve done it literally all my life. hell a its not a goodnight sleep unless your on your best friends bed snuggling the shit out of her kaneki ken body pillow listening to true crime documentaries on the TV but like seriously it was no big deal to me. which im begining to wonder if it was a big deal to her. Either way apparently instead of waiting till i officially moved. she bailed and forced my hand. So I had to stay, I couldn’t properly say goodbye to my mom. couldn’t properly get my shit packed. all cause I really didn’t want to leave my friend alone till I could officially move in. So already, I started getting a slight distaste in my mouth for her. but I let it slide. I know how overbearing parents are sometimes.  well, so i cancelled my flights. money spent that i was never going to end up getting back that I could’ve later used towards something for the house.  The girl left. and I was left, Cleaning up the mess that she walked out of and left behind.  Turns out my friend was the only one that was cleaning up around the house. and working a part time job, while trying to side hustle some art for extra money.  They were the one that was handling all the utilities, while their ex was buying everyone food. Separate it would’ve been an easier task if it was just the two of them. but you add in the extra roommate that was only paying her share of rent and none of the food and utilities and shit starts piling up. Well.  sat down and looked at all the finances. found out that while yeah the Ex was making the most money. She didn’t bother to help out with any of the chores. I mean, they split the dish duty. And i’m sitting here wondering how long this pan of fish oils been on the stove for. had to buy new pans cause they were growing cultures.  Hell half her chores and the other roomates were doing the cat boxes. dude it was shit mountain in there. it was so bad the cats were going in the corner. Yet it was like my friend was expected to pick up after them and pick up their slack because they didn’t work as many hours as the other two. Which I’m sorry. if you can’t balance cleaning up after yourself. and working how the hell are you going to live on your own.  Well in comes me, the living off disability. [ which is not a glorious life] I have a lot of time on my hands. so first few days we douche out the house. things start looking good.  in comes the ex to get something and brings this utter douchebag of a man that boasts about him being the whole reason that they broke up. Which like when we were moving out the ex. the ex’s dads...girlfriend??? was like dont let them take advantage of you. which like made me pull up a shit ton of questionmarks. cause yeah i wasn’t going to let the other roommate do that cause i was kinda aware what her game was and it wasn’t playable with me.  everyone had their part to play in this household, and I wasn’t going to play mother for anyone. Well in comes this guy. boast about how he wont let anyone take advantage of her again and im like sure w/e dude. but like i started like... questioning wtf she was actually telling people that my friend actually did to her.  see, what i was told was that it was an intimacy issue. my friends pretty Asexual so like there wasn’t alot of physical involvement. and that things just weren’t going the way that their ex wanted them to. Turns out it was SOOOO much more then that. so curious me, got digging about this girl cause shit just wasnt really adding up.  and I started finding out things. At this time, friend started turning to partner. and eventually we started dating which made shit a lot more uncomfortable with me and this girl. cause yanno, new girlfriend. ex girlfriend. two things dont usually mesh well in situations like this.  Well so, started finding out that while in a relationship she was leading on a bunch of other guys, and at work would like do this whole “im bi” thing if the guy was cute. like she was very male centered for a “lesbian”  She was super horny on main during DND which made EVERYONE uncomfortable. to top it all off she was a narcissist, that had a victim that she could toy with.  She tried to convince my partners parents while they were still together, to talk to their child when there were behaviours that she didnt like. She tried to have an intervention with their friends to force them into transitioning FtM when they were happy just being nonbinary.  they would gaslight them, manipulate them, and  abuse them. I watched this girl in the span of three weeks tear my partner down with her words in front of me. and be nothing but venomous to them. for no other reason then they were actually happy.   While spining all these stories of how she was the one that was wronged.  Well, I started having enough of her coming around just so she could be mean to my partner. She’d come over. immediately go to our fridge to drink some of the booze she left and then pick at my partner for small insignificant things only because she wanted to fight. When i had enough of that. I told my partner, we’re going to DnD early. she can find her own ride.  She came to a family party, invited unknowingly by my partners brother that’s been over seas and in the military. She thought she was going to get a hookup complained she wasn’t having fun because he wasn’t paying attention to her. Snapped at my partners nephews because they wanted to play and made one of them cry. and was just toxic to be around.  That was strike two.  Strike three was watching how she conducted herself around our dnD group. she’d had this guy, mister “ i saved you from your bad relationship” on speed dial, and would tell him things. and then sit and shit talk him when she was bored with him to everyone. We were all sick of it.  The ending straw with me, was when we finally wanted to be done with this drama. told her three months before hand to get off the car insurance. and it wasn’t done. ended up causing a big thing.  She started saying that she’d leave the DND group to make things easier. because Thats what my partner would want. At this point i couldnt stand it any longer. Three months talking to everyone that physically knows her. and see’s what she’s becoming lead everyone to say the same thing about her She was turning into her mother.  No i know fuck all about that. i dont know her mother, i dont know anything about her. I know she’s on a shot that fucks with your brain and ends up messing with your body. I also was on the DEPO shot for three years of my life and its caused so many problems after i was off it.  and thats what i tried to impart to her my wisdom on.  therapy, and a depo shot.  now how we got there is really long winded, and highly dramatic.  id admitted to her our dnd group wanted to chat. she was pushy, respected no ones boundaries, and left our friends house a complete mess. just like she left ours... and god, she ended up pissing me off cause the girl left slippers caked in cat puke in my tub after staining my bathroom doing her hair dye. she disrespected my home, she disrespected out friends, and our friends home. and she was needlessly mean and cruel to everyone around her that didnt serve some purpose to her.  So yeah she had to go.  Here i am thinking that this is the end of it. but i get updates about how I’m apparently the worst abuser in the world just cause I told some spoiled brat of a woman to get off a shot that messes with the brain, and to seek therapy cause this girl needs help. Funny thing is im not the only one that said it. apprently just the loudest voice to have said it.  and this bitch still thinks i dont like her cause she’s not ‘ providing for us financially” We may not have a high roller life. but damn we’re doing just fucking fine. 
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