anthonycrowley · 12 days
oh also it’s fine to be a hater or contrary or even just honestly dislike or not care for something popular. that’s fine. ‘i don’t like chappell roan’s music’ this is fine and normal. everyone likes different things and our diversity makes us special as a species or whatever. ‘i haven’t listened to chappell roan and am trying to avoid it’ let whimsy into your heart maybe you will enjoy something but live your life. ‘she’s boring and i don’t get her appeal’ i mean i guess in the way all pop music is a little boring because it appeals to a lot of people but just because she doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean you don’t get the appeal at all and one word you cannot ascribe to her is ‘boring’. come on. ‘she sounds like all other pop music i don’t get why people think she’s special’ oh come on now you’re just making shit up.
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anthonycrowley · 1 month
wait oh my god. rocky horror remake with chappell roan as magenta. okay bye.
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anthonycrowley · 12 days
i think even if i didn’t like her music i would have to be a little obsessed with chappell roan’s cuntress status
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anthonycrowley · 12 days
Ok I have said chappell roan sounds like other pop music and I feel the need to explain myself because she showed up on a spotify mix(?) of mostly queer women pop artists and until it got to the chorus of punk pony club i thought she was one of the other ones on the list (I was driving). (Similar experience with red wine supernova and hottogo, which have a sound thats very common among wlw pop artists)
I have at no point been like. super impressed with her music? but I do think her personal style is more impressive in some of her other songs, but also i do really like her music! Its kinda funny in a way: She sounds really similar to a lot of other artists I listen to. Who's music i also like. I *was* expecting her to be wayyy more special and different sounding based on how people talk about her but "huh sounds just like a blend of [lists artists]" is not an insult at all!
that’s fair! i’m not saying i’ve never heard music like hers, and i can also name a bunch of music similar sounding to hers. but i do think it’s fair to say she’s the only person creating pop music that sounds like that currently. like. idk. happy pop? remember when pop was fucking happy. it has not been lately. like sound wise she doesn’t sound like much else on the top 40 and i think on some level people want something less dreary. idk. but anyway if i had to pick people she reminds me of they’re mostly like, decades old. which i think at least means she’s bringing something a little different to the table. and i know that listening to her music doesn’t get this across but i think some of the things that do set her apart are 1. her clear (and recognized by her) inspiration from both specific drag queens and like the lgbt community as a whole and also 2. her live performances. they’re really something to behold even if you don’t like the style of music yanno. idk. i watch her and it feels like watching recordings of lady gaga. of queen. of prince. like, the greats of stage performance. and idk. no one else is doing that in pop right now imo and i think it’s something to be lauded even if you don’t like her music or think on its own it isn’t that unique.
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anthonycrowley · 1 day
you guys know my beliefs on this issue and because of that i do think that chappell’s ‘problems on both sides’ comment is technically true and yet still a bit um girl please shut up. however. and i know this is a hot take. i actually think she’s right to not endorse anyone because. get this. i think we should not be looking to pop stars for political endorsements. i actually liked when tswift shut up for a while there in the beginning (at least before the ai shit) because i think celebrities should not be giving political endorsements, or at least we shouldn’t pay attention to them any more or less than any other random person’s endorsement of a candidate. because like. just because you have a platform doesn’t mean you have a background to talk about this shit? i literally do not know why this is a controversial opinion to have. and i know i’m left leaning so at least celebrities tend to side more with candidates i agree with more, but i actually don’t love it at all. yanno. just a personal thing. so idk why people are so pissed about it basically like vote how you want she’s a pop star she doesn’t need to be politically savvy even? and she clearly isn’t?
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