#i feel like he'll be saying this a lot so let's document them
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t-u-i-t-c · 13 days ago
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No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger 01x01 No. 1 Savior
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tangerineastronaut · 16 days ago
can you do how they would be when your pregnant ot8
ATEEZ during your pregnancy ❤︎ ot8
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Pairing: ot8 headcanons Genre: fluff, mentions of smut Requested: Yes w.c. 2.5k Warnings: pregnancy discussion, talk, sexual bits (not a whole lot of smut I promise) A/N: This took a surprisingly long amount of time I'm sorry!! I'm not sure if you meant ateez or not, I assumed so since that's what I've been posting recently. If not please send me an ask and I will do this for another group! Requests: Open (link below)
Requests | WIPs Masterlists: BTS | ATEEZ | GOT7 | Stray Kids
Taglist: @baby-stay92 @cozypaint If you'd like to be added to my taglist, please DM me or click here.
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🔞Content Below the Break🔞
The absolute worst (best)
Scolds you for "doing too much" aka walking up the stairs or picking up a gallon of milk.
Buys you the most expensive brand of prenatal vitamins despite your doctor insisting the cheap ones are fine
Checks on you via text every hour when he's not with you
^ and when he is with you
Is lowkey afraid of failure as a father, reads parenting articles
Sends you decaf coffee at work
Wants to feel your belly but won't unless you invite him to
Teary eyed when he feels the baby kick for the first time
Sampled the heartbeat at the ultrasound visit to use in a song
Writes letters to you and the baby and keeps them in a memory book for you to read later (but you don't know this)
Nursery is fully decked out and the baby already has a full wardrobe
Your crying makes him panic, he hates seeing you cry and will frantically try to soothe you every time
Is grossed out by your cravings but will get them for you anyway—why do you have to crave vegetables?
Sex is soft and lazy in the best way
Side sex (think sunday morning sex except any day) >>>
Like imagine his chest against your back, his cheek against yours, one of his hands keeping your leg up so he has room to fuck you, asking if it feels good and if you're comfortable, except he's kind of whining and breathless ~
No pregnancy kink but thinks you're breathtaking, as always
^ even when you haven't showered, your legs are hairy, etc. He thinks you're a work of art
Plays music for you and the baby, asks what he/she responds to and makes note of it
Overprotective, does not like it when people touch you in general, let alone when you're pregnant
Visibly dies inside every time someone's hand goes to your belly without asking you first—would scold people if you'd let him
Posts photos of you each month documenting your pregnancy and leaving a words of appreciation for you
Keeps a copy of the ultrasound photo with him
May not have his hands on you 24/7, but he makes sure you know you're loved as well as the baby
So freaking soft for you both
Loves babies anyway but your baby??
Him leaning against the headboard so you can lean against him, he'll curl his arms around you and rub your belly while you talk
Talks to the baby, even when you're asleep
"I can feel you kicking in there. Let's let mommy sleep, hm? She gets cranky at daddy when she's tired."
Watches parenting videos
Loves showering with you since you can't take baths
When you joke that there's not much room anymore he'll say he knows that and pulls you closer
Shaves your legs for you when it gets too difficult, even if you're too shy to ask him
Buys you gifts every time he gets something for the baby
"The mom group says it's important for me to make you feel as loved and wanted as the baby."
^ has joined mom groups on social media, because "dad groups are just full of men complaining"
Calls him/her 'the little one'
"How are you? How was the little one today?"
Isn't overprotective but has moments when he hovers
You don't mind
Sex is always slow and full of giggles and him reassuring you when you're out of breath
He likes you on your back so he can kiss you and keep pressure off of you, arms on either side of you to support his weight
Likes taking naps with you even though you're always napping due to exhaustion
^ rarely actually sleeps, just wants to be near you and the baby
Knows your cravings by heart
"Pickle juice and french fries? That's a new one."
His nesting is as bad as yours if not worse; you both frantically clean the house months before the baby arrives
Loves when you send him selfies/belly pics
Isn't fazed by your emotions, helps you work through them and validates you
"Being pregnant doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have feelings, pretty girl. I'm here."
Probably the most excited externally
Loves rubbing your belly and watching the baby kick his hand
Unironically purchased the "I'm proof daddy doesn't play video games all the time" onesie
Brings you ice cream even if you don't ask for it
"I'm telepathically linked with our baby, he/she said they want ice cream. I don't make the rules, y/n."
p r e g n a n c y k i n k
"Look at you, so fucking pretty and full."
Sex is unbelievably gentle despite his filthy words
Won't put you on your back, likes to have you in his lap so he can do all the work
Likes taking you out and showing you off, even when you feel like a mess
Posts pictures of you constantly to the point where people joke he's running a y/n maternity account
Foot rubs
Sympathy pains
"Our heartburn is bad today. I want a cinnamon roll. With sprinkles."
Teases you relentlessly
"I'll race you to the kitchen—oh yeah."
Handsy af but you don't mind
Walks up behind you to hold your belly
Sits up at night to rub it when the baby won't settle
He/she loves Yunho's voice and they begin kicking when he speaks
^ he uses this to his advantage
"Mommy's calling herself ugly again, I'm gonna need some backup from my internal ally."
Already 2 v 1 and the thing isn't even here yet
His google search history is worse than yours
^ "can pregnant women eat carrots"
"how long does pregnancy really last"
"how to make pregnant woman stop crying"
"why is my pregnant girlfriend crying"
"why am I crying"
"how to stop crying when your pregnant girlfriend cries"
Loves when people ooh and awe over you; beams and grins like an idiot bc you're his and he put the baby in you.
Seems calm
Is not calm
Is just as protective/concerned as Hongjoong but is so quiet about it you don't even notice
You haven't lifted a grocery bag since he found out about your pregnancy
Has the dates of your appointments memorized
No one touches the belly. He doesn't even say anything to anyone. They just don't.
Does little things to make sure you're extra comfortable, bought you a pregnancy pillow
Whispers to your belly
^ "I'm afraid my voice will scare the baby. I'll just whisper."
Pouts if the baby won't kick for him
You: "Please, Yeosang, for the millionth time fetuses cannot choose favorites! Our baby loves you, I promise!"
King of pregnancy cravings
2 a.m. runs to the convenience store because you want some strawberry milk
Forehead kisses with a hand on your belly >>>
Will literally get on his knees for a chat with him/her
Like imagine looking down and seeing this man smiling up at you, both hands on your tummy with so much love in his eyes I just—
His calm facade dissolves when you cry
It physically hurts him to see you break down and he will do all he can to help you
Talks about you nonstop and your symptoms, experiences, etc literally to anyone with ears
Signs you both up for a parenting class
Cannot believe how horny you are, but is happy to help
^ a little afraid of you tbh but still very much in love
Like Hongjoong, prefers side sex so he can still be close to you
Also loves foreplay/eating you out even more now because of how sensitive you are
Ultrasound visits/pics make him choked up though he tries to hide it
His brain has not processed the fact that his baby is literally inside of you
It isn't going to fully sink in until there's a baby in his arms
^ is never going to put him/her down
Proud Dad™
Is excited, but calm
Similar to Yeosang but not as intense
^ still protective, but doesn't mind when people touch your belly as long as they ask first
Buys two copies of baby books for you both to read at the same time
Posts pictures of your pregnancy journey with quotes or long paragraphs about how beautiful you are
lowkey pregnancy kink?
Armchair sex/you in his lap - super slow and soft
Loves showering with you after to hold you and massage your back/shoulders
Doesn't necessarily treat you like you'll break but is still very gentle with you
Hugs are softer, he doesn't squeeze as tight, likes to hug you from behind and look over you to see what you're doing
Touches your belly in a reassuring way, likes to brush his hand against it and feel the baby's reaction
Does it in public probably the most of the members, though it's not really intentional
His hands used to go to your waist and now they go to your bump ~
Doesn't talk to the baby as much as he sings to him/her
Is way too excited to take maternity photos
Gets caught staring at you by literally everyone
Does not care
Thinks you hung the stars
Loooooves being snuggled in bed with you with your bump between you, rubbing your belly and whispering as though the baby is sleeping
Is very expressive about his fears/doubts and wants you to be as well
Blushes when people call him daddy
Blushes harder when you call him daddy
Pretty calm when it comes to your emotions, will just go with the flow and give you what you need, whether that's space, affection, or food
secretly hopes you want another one
When I tell you this man is terrified
Does not think he can care for a baby despite your reassurance
Asks all the questions
"I mean, how do we know when it's done? You know, like, cooked all the way?"
Oddly protective despite his fears
Does not like anyone touching your belly
Any time someone comments on your size/roundness/etc he's ready to throw hands, does not care if it's the ajumma two doors down from you
You: "Mingi for the love of god, I have told you, you cannot threaten people."
"She threatened you first!"
You: "She just said I look ready to pop??"
Horny af and has a pregnancy kink but will not initiate sex
You have to beg, and even then it's like ~
"No I mean just stand there, and I'll hold you and put it in. Yeah don't move at all."
Will still eat you out daily
Treats you like a glass doll
Belly kisses >>>>>
Buys baby books, gets one page in and declares this is too much to remember and you both should get a refund
^ shrugs at your look of horror "obviously I meant a refund for the books..."
Raps??? at your belly? Like nursery rhyme raps????
Also talks. A lot. Not cooing or baby talk
"Today at practice I slipped and it sucked, kinda hurt my knee. I'm still a good dancer, definitely better than Yunho. I'll show you. But I mean like after you can walk and stuff, or maybe you'll dance before you can walk and we can win money or something. Do they have baby dance competitions?"
Doesn't post the pictures he takes of you and your belly, looks at them when he misses you and won't let anyone else see them
Unironically refers to himself as your baby daddy and changes his contact in your phone [proudly]
When you cry, he cries, so please don't cry
Asks if he can attend his own child's birth
^ is excited when you say "...yes, Mingi. You can attend the birth of our child."
Knows all there is to know about babies??
Is not concerned at all
Reassures you constantly
You ask him questions
Will lay on your thighs and absentmindedly rub your belly while watching tv or scrolling on his phone
Actually, will rub your belly anywhere, and usually does it without realizing it
Refers to you as mama and himself as dada even out of context
"Do you want a drink, mama?"
Is completely unfazed by your weird cravings and will get them for you as long as it's not harmful
"No, y/n, you cannot have sushi with your oreos. Mercury levels..."
Not overprotective in the slightest
Your biggest advocate
The only member who would fuck you properly while pregnant, as he knows it's safe within reason
Does not have a pregnancy kink, but loves how sensitive you are, the changes to your body, etc and thinks you're a goddess
Loves going shopping with you
Will absolutely argue with you over nursery themes
Finds you adorable when you're emotional, but will still try to calm you down and comfort you
Loves talking about you nonstop
May not praise you to your face as much as the others but tells everyone else he's so incredibly lucky to have you as the mother of his child
He was so clingy before
It's worse
His camera roll is full of selfies with him and your bump
Imagine woo making bunny ears over your belly (and telling your unborn child to say cheese)
Has full on conversations with him/her
Baby talks and coos and informs them they have the best parents ever
Probably the most genuinely calm member when it comes to your pregnancy
Still very excited
Does not know as much as wooyoung but is fairly confident, not terrified or anxious like some of the others
Touches your belly from day 1, even without a bump
Sings and hums to it
The baby LOVES his voice and always kicks when he's near
He finds this adorable and loves talking to him/her while touching your stomach
Massages >>>>
Your pregnancy aches are afraid of him
Is a little shaken by your emotions but handles them well
Not too overprotective but really hates it when people touch you
Won't say anything though unless you're uncomfy
Dear god
2ho breeding/pregnancy kink is my headcanon and I am sticking with it
Do not make eye contact for more than a few seconds
Is unbelievably horny for you
Doggy style with pillows underneath you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Is extra gentle despite how badly he wants you
Takes care of you first also ^ he knows it helps you relax so that's always his end goal
Loves the way you look while pregnant
Thinks you're beautiful anyway but something about the fact that you're literally creating a brand new human being
When you wear his t-shirts and nothing else because your clothes don't fit anymore it makes him melt ~
^ he complains for the fun of it but would probably cry if you stopped
Brings you snacks/drinks/whatever without you having to ask
Is willing to try your cravings with you as long as it's nothing vile (frito chips + peanut butter)
Wants to do every social media pregnancy trend with you
*buys your unborn child soccer cleats*
Doesn't post photos of you often but when he does, they're tearjerkers
Wants more kids but knows how difficult pregnancy/motherhood is so ultimately it's up to you
He's the cutest - kissing your temple while snuggling on the couch and rubbing your belly
"Our baby bear"
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obitos-whore · 4 months ago
Hii!! can you do some n(sfw) headcanons for our boy obito🩷🙏
Your wish is my command, nonnie. I hope you like 'em <3
18+ Minors, do not interact
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Obito is fiercely protective of his partner and would let the whole world burn and turn to ash for the sake of his darling's safety and comfort
Can't keep his hands off you for too long and will always seek out even the tiniest bit of physical contact
Despite his rather rugged/intimidating appearance, he is a total sweetheart for you and a hopeless romantic too
He is not afraid of showing his love and devotion through gifts or all sorts of favours, no matter how big or small they are. And if someone pokes fun at him for being "soft", "mushy" or, Jashin forbid, "a total simp", he will just get snarky with them and very crudely remind them of the fact that he is at least loved by someone
Before he asked you out, Obito always behaved a bit awkward around you to try and get your attention. He would brag about this super-duper, top secret and incredibly hard to master jutsu he was currently learning. Or he would try to show off his strength and skills in hand-to-hand combat with Kakashi (who was dragged into this whole stuff against his will)
Other things he did include: Sneaking glances at you and smiling subconsciously whenever you weren't looking. (Or he at least thought you weren't paying attention.). Always offering to help you with things, such as your studies or carrying your groceries home for you. Bringing you little trinkets from his missions he thought you might like or that reminded him of you. Paying very close attention to things you did/ate/say and taking mental notes of every. single. thing that could help him with courting you
During the first two to three months of your relationship, Obito was still very shy and hesitant to go further than holding hands and kissing/cuddling
Full on make-out sessions, with some groping here and there, were the spiciest he was willing to do. But even then, he always asked if you were comfortable with it, if he was too rough, etc.
It wasn't until you two had your first time together that he discovered the joys of sex and the seemingly endless opportunities to enjoy each other, whether by doing it in different positions, using toys or even roleplaying (A different turning point for the one-eyed Uchiha if you will)
King of aftercare. He will shower you with praises and lots of kisses and cuddles after every session, no matter if it was vanilla or not. Makes sure you're properly hydrated and fed, as well as thoroughly cleaned before and especially afterwards
As a busy shinobi, he often has to ignore his needs for the sake of his missions. Which often leads to a lot of pent up sexual frustration. And when I say "a lot", I mean a lot!
He will take you every opportunity he gets and he won't necessarily be gentle either. At least not always
Sometimes he just needs to fuck. Screw the whole "sweet and passionate lovemaking" shit he's usually up for. There is nothing sweet or tender about the way he'll be ravaging you
Will hiss the dirtiest things in your ear while he ruts into you like a man possessed. His hands all over you, gripping your throat, tugging at your hair, spanking you or pinning your arms above your head so tightly, you'll be wearing the imprints of his fingers around your wrists for days
He does not limit himself to your bedroom. Every place with a surface to bend you over at or push you against will make do
Will make you suck him off while he goes over important documents or writes a report, and stroke your head every now and then and call you all sorts of pet names, such as "Love", "Sweetheart" or "Baby"
But on days where he feels very dominant, his nicknames will be less adoring and a bit more degrading. Something along the lines of "Pet" or "Plaything"
On those days, he also makes you call him "Sir", "Hokage-sama", or basically anything that suggests that he's the one in control
If he's away on a mission and his need for you gets too unbearable, Obito will either wait until it's late at night, or excuse himself for a couple of minutes, and straight up Kamui back home and drain his balls into you in a messy quickie
He's a total switch who enjoys receiving as much as he enjoys giving and trusts his partner completely when it comes to using toys on him
A sucker for getting praised. Just tell him he's being such a good boy while pleasuring you and watch him become putty in your hands and redouble his efforts just to hear you say that again
He is very open to trying new things with you, but he does not share his darling with anyone! No matter if it's a man/woman or someone who doesn't identify as either of those. You are his. His dick is the only thing that you need and get (with the exception of toys ofc) and he will make sure you'll remember that
Big fan of both orgasm denial and post orgasm torture. Hearing you whimper and plead him to let you cum/stop making you cum over and over again as you writhe below him is like music to his ears
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sourbites · 3 months ago
If ur okay with doing headcanons do you have any honeymoon ones for james please and thank you
HIIII ANON! thank you so much for my first headcannon request. also, thank you for asking for something sweet which cheered me up. been brushed with the kiss of plague since last week (i have a cold), so i haven't been up to writing much. with that being said, if this is sucky, i am lowkey whiskey-drunk, so please blame it on that. i didn't know if you wanted anything smutty, so i left it at the end— feel free to skip it if you didn't want it. enjoy! <3
Honeymoon James HCS:
Big ole sweetie pie. From the second you guys hop on the plane to the second you get home after the festivities, he's doting on you. He's probably still suuuper loved up from the nuptial thrill of getting married, and we all know he's real sentimental, so he really, really wants you to have a phenomenal time. In his eyes, the honeymoon sets the tone for the marriage, so a good honeymoon is essential to a thriving relationshsip. Every second he's like, "Can I get you a drink?" "Are your bags too heavy?" "Too cold? Want my jacket?" He lives and breathes to see you happy right now.
He's content to go anywhere for a honeymoon trip, so long as there's things for him to do. If you want a beach resort, he'll pack his fishing rod. If you want to cosy up in a winter cabin somewhere, he'll bring his ski boots. He just wants you happy. You get first pick of everything.
James is a very tactile guy, especially with someone he's so smitten with. He's touchy all the time. But with the person he loves, on their honeymoon, with that belly-fluttering dreaminess of having the new weight of wedding rings on fingers? Yeah, he's a goner.
Will find any excuse to touch you. If you wear makeup, he's watching you in the mirror, sweeping his hands all over your sides. If you got some food on your lip, he's brushing his thumb against your skin so sweetly that he just ends up letting his wandering hand trace over your jaw, your throat, until he kind of just... forgets there's something on your face.
His wedding vows to you were wholly original, and very genuine. Every night, he scoops you into his arms in bed, and through warm kisses to your temple, he whispers them to you. James brushes his lips against your slow, easy pulse, and presses kiss after kiss after kiss, so lazily that he's just mouthing your skin at this point. With every pause of the beat of your heart, he kisses your skin. "You are safe with me," Kiss, "You are loved by me," Kiss, "You are welcome to me." It's his new routine.
He's a pretty private person, so he probably would only share one or two, but he'd take so many photos. Mostly of you. Some of the landscape, of activities you do together. He just wants to document everything. He's never been so at peace, so he doesn't want to forget a single second of the honeymoon. If you printed out his photos and put them in a cute photo book or even framed a few of them, he'd probably want to marry you all over again.
James wakes up each morning wanting you. When you first started dating, it was your voice. Then your opinions on matters. Your skin, your scent. Now it is your heart, your hands, the peace your presence brings him. Would definitely be the type of guy to want to start his days of being your husband by having your naked body on his. Sure, sometimes he's just incredibly horny— but a lot of the time, sex also brings this intimacy that he's never felt in his life before you. Your bodies just blur together and he's obsessed with it. His libido is all-consuming, especially now he's married. He'd wake you with the usual hungry kisses, and if you ran your hands along his scalding muscle, threaded them through his dirty blond hair, he'd take the hint. And it'd make him so giddy the rest of the day. Even though you're married, he still lights up at your touch, he swoons at any morsel of flirting you feed him. His whole expression is just puppy-dog awe, practically saying: 'Oh, you want this! You want me!'
Even after the honeymoon, James is still amazed that he's your husband. If you end up taking his surname, and he'd see letters addressed to your new name, he'd just trace over the printed out letters. He might have the urge to kiss the paper, just to get a slight taste of his love. It looks so right on you, his surname— your surname. Sometimes he'd just think to himself, what did his name mean before you? What did his fingers do before they held you? How was he even alive before he got a taste of this love?
When he gets a teensy bit more secure that yes, you have accepted him, and that you two are forever, he's fully comfortable with everything. He never really shook off that schoolboy shyness until he married you. But the guy definitely has a breeding kink. He cums a lot anyway, but especially when he can fill you up with it. Something about seeing your skin, your spent cunt all leaky with his opaque, milk-tinted cum is so satisfying to him. Feeling raw flesh, all hot and wet and aching, being able to empty everything within you, see your tummy bulge with him, it drives him crazy.
Following that note, he'd have this weirdo fetish (that isn't actually weird at all) of cumming on your wedding ring. He'd lay his hard cock on your slit, gathering your slick and his precum until he hits that sweet spot of delicious friction. He'd interlace his hand with yours, because he can't breathe without you. He'd paint your abdomen and wedding ring in those hot ropes of cum, saturating the sparkling stones in the wedding band until it doesn't shimmer with those glittery rainbows anymore. But don't worry, he'll clean it for you afterwards. And then do it again.
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shotanzz · 11 months ago
I remember reading an astrology obsv about seunghan which said he might not be the best partner long term since he loves adventure. That makes me think, which members are most to least suitable for being husbands, based on astrology? Love your reading so much <3
RIIZE HUSBAND MATERIAL ~ based on astrology
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reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and in no way am I saying members ranked lower cant/never will be married !!!
Capricorn Venus…that’s it. KIDDING but he aims more so for long term relationships and stable commitments in the traditional sense so getting married or at least having a long time partner is probably something he desires at some point. His scorpio placements are possessive and bent on loyalty so if he’s with the right person they’d get locked in imo, he'd be the breadwinner and like a traditional family dynamic when married.
He’s a leo venus with a cap mars so I think he’d want to get married and have kids since Leo and Cap are both synonymous with “maintaining your legacy and family name” I put him second because he’d want his choice of marriage partner to make him feel validated and approval especially by his family ESPECIALLY by his mother. Let’s say he was thinking of making someone his fiancée but his family/friends lowkey side eyed his choice..he mighttt change his mind about it. Like Shotaro he'd be a proper provider and might be into the "nuclear family" trope.
He's mainly husband material because he can take care of himself and wouldn't necessarily rely on his wife for much of everything, he's a taurus venus so he likely would be pretty traditional on a basic sense like paying for things and being committed however I don't think he'd settle down until after living a full portion of his life being independent and only having to worry about himself before adding someone into his life for the long term.. 
Husband material without wanting to be the husband IJBOLL. See when I analyze Eunseok with diff mediums (typology/astrology/etc etc) I can see him 100% being someone's long term partner BUT the label of marriage might be something he doesn't care for. He doesn't like feeling constrained or pressure so being with someone forever SURE ofc ! he secretly wants that ! but. being labeled and having legal documents attached...um. If it was normal in SK culture to not get married to your long term spouse I think he'd take that route. 
Honestly I really wasn't going to put Wonbin this high until I did some brainstorming. His pisces venus and taurus mars makes me feel like he lowkey has this "dream life" or "fantasy" where at a point in his life where he'll find 'the one' and have a comfortable life of being a husband (maybe or at least having a long time partner). Also in multiple readings he wants to be the masc counterpart with his partners and do what a boyfriend is "supposed to do" However he might take a very long time for him to find "the one" or commit to the right person commitment is extremely hard for him especially since his idealized idea of a person can break so easily .
Sohee is a Sag Venus, they can be very very hard to pin down and they’re super picky about who they stay with due to the fact that Sag venus wants an equal that is on the same level as them, not someone that makes them feel “owned” and not someone giving him the responsibility to “own” them. But he's a pretty fair partner that can take his own responsibilities and an easygoing lover however he cares about his livelihood and freedom a lot plus he might think with his lusts/desires (venus/mars square) rather than viewing dating and marriage from a more serious pov
Loves the idea of marriage, isn't fond of the act itself. Similar to Eunseok I think he'd rather have a long time partner without the extra of marital duties attached. He's a very romantic sweet guy swear he is but he has a hard time expressing more deeper/complex feelings and is pretty avoidant in times of disputes and as we know marriage it has it's hardships and I think said hardships would turn him off. Also…venus square saturn..like…naur. He’ll fear missing out with other possible romantic opportunities
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ilovetheriddler · 5 months ago
egon spengler fluff alphabet please?
I've never done one of these alphabet ones before, but I'll give it my best go, I hope that you enjoy it!
Egon Spengler Fluff Alphabet.
A: Attention (How much attention do they regularly give you?)
He gives you a fair amount of attention, as much as he reasonable can in between his research and his work as a Ghostbuster.
B: Bedtime (How do they prepare for bed with you each night?)
Egon is a very straightforward man. He showers, brushes his teeth, makes sure his alarm is properly set, and then lays down. However, you do have to remind him to take off his glasses every time, a small oversight on his part.
C: Cuddles (How much do they enjoy Cuddles/How good are they at giving them?)
He doesn't necessarily require them, but he understands that they make you happy, so he allows you to cuddle with him whenever you ask to. Despite not needing them himself, he's very good at giving them.
D: Date Night (Where would they take you on a date?)
He's done a fair amount of research into what would commonly be viewed as the best place to take someone on a date, so he gets a reservation at a nice restaurant for the two of you.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into what they do for you?)
A lot more than you'd think, in fact, he has an entire list of things about you that he's noticed and how you overall like things. If he's asked about the list, he will deny its existence.
F: Fun (What fun activities do they like to do with you?)
He lets you help him organize all of his charts and research notes. And after that he enjoys reading to you.
G: Gestures (What sweet gestures do they like to do for you?)
He's compiled a list of everything that you like and will regularly do research into it so that He's always able to share in your interests.
H: Hugs (How good are their hugs?)
It's a bit stiff and sometimes awkward if you hug him first, but if he's the one hugging you, then he's a bit more relaxed about the whole thing.
I: Infatuation (When did they first realize that they loved you?)
He definitely knew that he found your presence enjoyable, but he didn't realize that it was love he felt until quite a few months into knowing you.
J: Jokes (How funny are their jokes?)
He believes his jokes are extremely well thought out and educated. You sometimes find them funny, but most times, you don't even realize that what he said was meant as a joke.
K: Kisses (How often do they kiss you?)
He gives you kisses on the cheek quite often, but he's not a big fan of PDA necessarily, so he prefers to save anything more than that until you're both alone.
L: Love Letters (How would they write you a love letter?)
It's extremely well thought out and well written, however, decoration wise.... let's just say that for a moment, you thought he was handing you a document.
M: Movies (Their favorite type of movies to watch with you)
Other than documentaries, he doesn't really have a preferred genre. He'll enjoy whatever you want to watch, most likely.
N: Naps (Do they ever really take naps?)
He's not too fond of napping. He has a planned out schedule, and he intends to stick to it, and resting outside of his scheduled seven hours of sleep each night would throw everything off.
O: Observations (How perceptive are they when it comes to you?)
He's extremely perceptive most of the time. However, sometimes he's a bit blunt when asking how you're feeling.
P: Presents (What type of gift would they give you?)
He regularly gifts you interesting mugs that he finds. It was really sweet at first, but now you have 30 mugs and are running out of room!
Q: Quirks (Something specific that they do)
Instead of stopping giving you mugs, he gets you another cabinet. It would be easier if he'd just stop, but he won't.
R: Resentfulness (How likely are they to hold a grudge against someone?)
He doesn't really hold any bitter feelings for anyone for that long. He doesn't see a beneficial reason to do so.
S: Stress (How do they handle stress?)
Egon has gotten fairly decent at working under a lot of stress. He can handle that just fine, but stress related to his personal life? That's more draining for him.
T: Trust (How much do they trust people?)
Most people? He averagely trusts them. You? He's given you his spare key, a list of his medical history. If you told him something, he would trust you without much question.
U: Unexpected Kisses (How do they react to sudden kisses?)
Once again, he's not a big fan of PDA, so if someone else was around, he'd be a bit embarrassed. However, if no one was around, then he'd expect another one.
V: Valentines Day (What do they do for Valentines Day?)
He got you a whole bouquet of flowers! Lilies, Roses, Marigolds, a bunch of different kinds, because he believes that you deserve them.
W: Wishes (What do they hope for from their relationship?)
He has a 27-step plan for your relationship. No, he will not disclose what exactly is all there, but the important thing is that step 19 is marriage.
X: X Ray (What goes on in their mind regularly?)
"How can I implement this into our ghost busting? Hmm..."
"Reasonably that wouldn't make much sense.... however...."
"They really seem to like it when I cook dinner, perhaps I should do it more often?"
Y: Yearning (How much do they miss you while away from you?)
He sees no reason to really spend too much time thinking of you while at work. After all, he'll see you afterward, and you're fully capable of taking care of yourself, so why worry?
Z: Zzz.... (What do they dream about?)
His dreams tend to consist of him capturing ghosts, so, surprisingly, pretty much the exact same as his work every day.
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moronkombat · 1 year ago
i NEED more kenshi im BEGGING, nsfw and sfw all of it everything im on my hands and knees
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Kenshi's love language is a close tie between physical touch and acts of service
Not to say Kenshi seeks out a partner who will do what he says but a partner who will help him
Kenshi is often away from home so he feels very touched when his partner welcomes him with a hug and something to eat
He is not looking for a fine dining experience to come home to. What he seeks is a place to relax and let out the breath he's been carrying
Really enjoys the sensation of his partner touching him. He longs to feel their hands on his skin, keeping him warm
Loves to receive massages from his partner but does not request them. It's up to his partner to see the hints that he is needing one
What are those signs? Kenshi will crane his neck with a groan, He'll try to ring out the kinks in his muscles by rolling his shoulder which seems just to make everything worse
When his partner's hands are upon him, molding his flesh and freeing him of sore damnation, Kenshi is just beginning to kiss that feeling of nirvana
More often than not, he ends up falling asleep under his partner's fingers. This why his partner always provides such a service in the bedroom
Kenshi does not often sleep in a proper bed. Not because he doesn't to but because Kenshi will work until he can no longer move
There will be many nights were his partner will find him slumped over at his desk, a document still in hand
He is often exhausted by this point and, while it may appear uncomfortable, Kenshi is actually comforted
Kenshi's partner will often drape a blanket around him and lightly place a pillow under his head instead of jarring him from a much needed rest
There is a lot of guilt he carries for not spending time with you as after as he feels he should
That is why, when Kenshi is with you, he holds you just as the night holds the stars
Kenshi can bring a variety of experiences to the bedroom
He knows how to be slowly sensual and rough as an animal. The choice is heavily what his partner is seeking
His preference is a mix between the two. Something that can be ruthless one moment and then tender the next. Best of both worlds according to him
Kenshi rather likes receiving oral over giving it. Not to say he won't, he will. But there is just something so devious with her head between his legs, mouth so stuffed full that Kenshi simply cannot go without
There many different positions Kenshi is partial too but he has two favorites. When you ride him and taking you from behind
Your hips grind and swirl against him and he groans. The sense of touch so heightened that he feels this ecstasy within his bones.
Moaning whispers travel straight through his ears and to Kenshi your breathless wisp a booming thunder
All of his senses much more reactive so what may seem so simple to someone else, can be earth shattering to Kenshi
This often leads him being very vocal in bed. He will try to keep them at bay but his partner feels too excellent around him
He'll moan and whimper, often right into your ear as he pulls you close to him
Kenshi, when in the right moment, finds dirty talk rather appealing. There's just something about taking you from behind that makes his mind twist
He'll call you names, vile and wretched names that have your gut coiling and flexing within itself
Kenshi will notice, how can he not, which only fuels him. Dirty, filthy, whore...he goes on and on
A master at degradation and an artist at aftercare. Kenshi provides to his lover sweetly once your escapades come to a close
Loves to hold his partner close and pamper them with his lips and soft words
Once he has a comforting hold over you, do not expect to be getting up any time soon. Kenshi's aftercare is a very cuddly experience
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sillygoofyqueer · 4 months ago
pls four i am trembling shaking sobbing at your wei qingwei thoughts??? my beloved darling big uncle i love him!!!
he seems like the type to call all his disciples by first name and like, have meals with them every so often. it seems like the master-disciple divide is pretty significant on other peaks (or maybe that’s just bc sqq is so reclusive?) but your wqw gives me ‘gathering around a real hearty stew and sharing stories from his own time as a disciple’ vibes.
like i can so easily picture him seeing a new disciple frustrated or scared or homesick, dropping a big, warm hand on their head, and going ‘hey kiddo, how about you help shifu in the forge for a while?’
(sometimes helping in the forge means pounding the shit outta some metal until you’ve worked some shit out of your system; sometimes it means passing wqw tools and listening to him explain what he’s doing in detail; sometimes it means sitting on a stool while shifu works and telling him about your parents and your big sister and the forest where you used to play together. in my heart, he’d make time for every disciple to help in the forge at least once)
also he’s got a stash of first aid supplies to rival qian cao, provided and maintained by mqf personally.
i love wqw now,,, please give me more of your thoughts when you have them,,, i am nourished i am fed i am grateful amen 🙏
HAAHAHHAHAA PROPAGANDA TO MAKE EVERYONE LOVE MY BELOVED BRAINWORMS FORMED MAN. He's so...he's SO....AGH. He's my blorbo now - MXTX didn't characterise him, so I DID IT MYSELF. AND YES YES YES, Wei Qingwei would definitely be emotionally intelligent enough to register when the disciples just need a bit of one-on-one time and definitely give it to them - if YQY is like the big brother of the sect, then WQW slides in as the father/cool uncle of the sect. If one of his disciples isn't feeling alright or just overly wants to curl up in a ball and cry, they can wander into WQW's personal forge/office and he'll greet them with a warm smile and a soft question of how they're feeling. He knows JUST what to say and how to react (Shen Qingqiu has found him in QJP library looking at parenting books. He doesn't say anything about it) to make them feel better. I like to think about the first time Yue Qingyuan met the head disciples - *pulls out the timeline* it says that YQY became head disciple of QDP at nineteen, and, assuming that Liu Qingge and WQW are the same age (we can see that disciples can become head disciples at young ages, with Ming Fan being head disciple of QJP (around 15/16) by the time the novel begins), they could well be head disciples. Or, we could have WQW as WJP head disciple and LQG hanging around with the guy (definitely a candidate for head disciple at this point). This is going off on a tangent, let me pull this back onto my original point instead of thinking about the logistics. YQY meeting one of the other head disciples for the first time (WQW), being really nervous and not really knowing what peak the head disciple is from (thanks for nothing, Shizun!!), gripping some important documents in regard of a mission they've got. He sees a fifteen year old who is far taller than him and definitely muscular under those (WAN JIAN???) robes, grinning at him with a sword (should he have that??) at his side and a thrashing fourteen year old in his grasp. "You must be Yue-shixiong! Liu-shixiong, greet Yue-shixiong!" He shakes the fourteen year old around by the scruff of his robes, and YQY is close to passing out - what do you mean this WJP disciple is teasing a BZP disciple with NO consequences?! Then he gets hit with the...what kind of beam does WQW have...a jiujiu beam??? Because that man definitely has siblings that he cares about a lot (ALL sisters, I'm telling you right now. That's to be described in a later yappering though) and cultivated the perfect jiujiu persona from a young age, just so he was ready for nieces and nephews that his sisters would have. There's no way someone can have a conversation with WQW without getting hit with the beam if he's all relaxed n normal personality. Imagine thinking you're going to be hanging out with younger shidi for a mission and finding a boy who is taller and more muscular than you awaiting your arrival with snacks and travel games planned.
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nogenderbee · 1 year ago
May I request Jing Yuan and Dan Heng with a reality warper s/o?
Of course! I had a hard start but after making some research I had a lot of fun writing is so hopefully you'll enjoy just as much as I did! ^^
Dan Heng, Jing Yuan with a reality warper!reader
TagList: @miya-akane
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⊱ when Dan Heng first discovered about your abilities, he was always on his guard, especially around you
⊱ he even went as far as avoiding interactions with you but it's easy to say he couldn't do that for long
⊱ the truth is, he's doing that because he can't help but wonder if you have something to do with Stallaron Hunters...
⊱ but once you're after that phase of avoiding, he'll feel bad for it when he sees you're still the same person he knows and likes
"Forgive me for my rudeness. I can't lie when it comes that your power made me a bit more concerned. I'm not going anywhere now tho."
⊱ if you're a bit if a troublemaker like March or Trabilizer, he'll try guarding you but it's not always possible... he always tries to get you to fix it tho
⊱ I'd you're on more calmer side, he'll trust you easier and might even let his guard down around you
⊱ he's the type to immidietly know if you did something by the way you're smiling and will give you a stern look, silently asking for explanation
⊱ wouldn't stop nagging and lecturing you untill you fix everything you broke or so
⊱ but he does find your power rather interesting and even adorable sometimes... and that's when you change reality for good and not to cause problems!
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⊱ of course when Jing Yuan first realized what power you wield, he was a bit concerned but he didn't let that affect your relationship
⊱ even if he may be a bit more caucious around you, he still keeps his charismatic self and it's not pretending!
⊱ if you're the troublemaker type, he'll immidietly know who's fault it is when something's up and will talk with you about it
⊱ you may be dear to him but that doesn't mean he'll let you slide with all the troubles you cause
"Y/N... did you make the flowers grow out of walls in my office? Eh... they are really nice but don't you think roses are a bit too much? Some of my important documents got damaged."
⊱ if you're more on the calmer side, he'll definitely ask you to show him your powers simply out of curiosity and because he doesn't see them often, he'll ask you to not do too much tho...
⊱ he's still chill about some troubles tho... just make sure they're light and he may even agree to join you!
⊱ after you fix your mess, he'll reward you with a dream date of yours or give you a nice kiss, depending on how hard it was to convince you (the longer it took, the worse the reward, it's his way of trying to make you more responsible...)
⊱ when you're walking around he gives into his intrusive thoughts sometimes and suggest some playful yet safe ideas~
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fictoculus · 2 years ago
౨ৎ 100 followers special; 100 word hcs...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... alhaitham, kuni/wanderer, tighnari, venti, heizou
A/N... welcome to the 100 followers post, sorry it took so long for me to get this done! i just wanted to say thank you sosososo much for all the love and support, it means a lot and i reallyyy appreciate it!!! i love you all, enjoy reading! ♡
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✧ alhaitham.
alhaitham tends to be quite protective, despite his seemngly calm and relaxed exterior. the thought of you being hurt scares him (though he'll never admit it), and so he always asks where you're going whenever you leave the house, as well as when he can expect you back home. if you get back home late, well… saying he's worried is an understatement - he just can't help it - but he'd never be mad at you for it. the absolute furthest he'd ever go is mumble "you're late" before wrapping you in a hug, squeezing you just a little tighter than usual…
✧ kuni.
kuni is definetely all over you as soon as the two of you are behind closed doors, how couldn't he be? he loves everything about you, and finds it hard to keep his hands off you in public; so hard, in fact, that he often pulls you into quiet corners or alleyways to plant a quick kiss on your lips, or simply pull you into a tight hug. showing affection in public isn't exactly within kuni's comfort zone, but if a certain situation ever arises, he's more than happy to grab you by the waist and announce you as his…
✧ tighnari.
tighnari is an amazing cook; he knows almost every plant of sumeru inside out, granting him knowledge of their complex flavours and textures, as well as how to pair them effectively with various spices and meats. you look forward to every meal, and so does he; there's nothing he loves more than the smile on your face after you take your first bite, praising him for - once again - cooking a delicious dish that's unique to him. he very rarely follows sumerian recipes, and instead relies on himself or recipes from other nations, wanting to expand his food-related knowledge even further…
✧ venti.
venti often takes you out for walks through mondstadt's scenery, the two of you always ending up at stormbearer point, dangling your legs off of the ledge as the two of you rest against eachother. on your way there, he always picks a cecilia - no matter how hard it may be to get to - and tucks it's stem behind your ear, giving you a soft kiss on your lips and telling you just how beautiful you are, somehow managing to never repeat his words from previous trips. he absolutely adores you, and wouldn't change anything about you for the world…
✧ heizou.
heizou, the infamous detective of inazuma, often finds himself buried in his work; his office floor covered in documents, pieces of evidence, and - strangely enough - flower petals. on your first date, he'd taken you on a picnic in, what he describes as, "inazuma's most scenic-yet-hidden picnic spot". the smell their was beyond beautiful, and accompanied by you? it was possibly one of the best moments of his life. the scent of any inazuman flower always brings him back to that moment, the sweet memory pushing any stress to the back of his mind as he thinks of you - his flower…
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost any of my works as your own
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6okuto · 1 year ago
Helloooo, your Ais and Mhin hcs are so nice omg! Can I ask for some Kuras headcanons, if you'd be so kind?🥺 Many thanks in advance💛
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gn!reader | hello it's me :-) thank u vry vry much anon wherever u are I hope i reach u.... telepathically telling u i have done more hcs o7
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nooo kuras don't have doctor handwriting noooo look at me... it's cursive and can be pretty but also the doctor handwriting curse :( /affectionate but if he's writing something for you he takes care to make it neat + makes your name look extra nice
kuras wearing all black instead of all white.... 😵‍💫like imagine him dressing up and you're staring as he walks past... and he goes to ask you a question, pausing when he notices your gaze evidently not on his face. he's amused by this obviously as he walks toward you and tilts your chin to make eye contact. your face feels warm while he teases you, tells you he's flattered you like his change of attire, but mind answering if you've seen his coat nearby?
writer who needs help with medical jargon and information and comes to kuras who's already expecting it after the 4th time. he hums and takes a few moments before casually replying with his thoughts. sometimes though if you're not paying enough attention, he says something super inaccurate (something about a heart disease when asked about a punctured lung) to see how much you write down before noticing
not very good at making playlists... or like, his music taste isn't very vast and there's a chance he doesn't know many artists in the genres you enjoy. he does try his hand at making one when he overhears it's a cute gift, but it doesn't end up seeing the light of day because he's unsure you'd like it ^^; he doesn't actually delete it though, so if you really wanna see it, he'll let you
^ feel free to make a playlist for him though! he'll let it play quietly as he works (so long as it isn't something that requires his full attention) and tells you his favourites the next time you see him :-)
! body doubling. nothing else to add
kuras offering to pay for you while out shopping.. you say he doesn't have to, but he says you've picked out something nice and you like it, so why wouldn't he?
i imagine that kuras doesn't really. keep up with...internet jokes and such... so if you're out with a friend and talking about something related, there's a good chance that his eyebrows are a little furrowed as he tries to understand. like, you know when there's a popular post going around and you say "did you see ___" and your friend immediately knows what you're talking about when you didn't even finish describing it. yeah he has no idea what's going on how did they pick it up so quickly
^ tries quite hard though. he does. but some memes have like 5 layers of lore and context and he just kind of sighs and laughs in defeat
also i think kuras might be a little nervous to meet your friends at first ^^; but intrigued/happy too !! he listens to you describe them so he can put names to faces (won't tell them what you said exactly, like he won't be like "oh, you're the one who..." but there'll be recognition on his face, and if it comes up he'll smile knowingly), plus he likes watching you enjoy yourself with them!
if you name your plushies he picks up all their names quite quickly. this also applies if you have a lot of figures/favourite characters! he'll notice if you've moved them around at all, and somehow remember one of their birthdays too?
there is a silly image in my head of kuras using a silly straw. like him working on some important document and sipping on it
^ also getting him to use cute bandaids and such... like if you cut yourself on something and he goes to get your bandaids and they're pokemon or sanrio. LOL. he finds it amusing when you ask if he wants some of your stash—you're always willing to share after all
you find out he's centuries old and start calling him old man. ask if his back hurts from his age And height or if he knew the dinosaurs (?? imagine they exist in the TS universe) etc etc. though watch out for any back pain jokes because if your posture is worse than his he'll throw it back at you :(
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withered-blossoms · 6 months ago
Obey me scenario...
WARNING: this is a very long ramble so if y'all don't like rambles, skip this uhh post. Also it's quite self-indulgent. Actual ramble under the cut. Also this is not proofread so there may or may not be typos.
Where the MC goes by a different name depending on who they're introducing themself to.
Like for example, the MC obviously has a birth name right? (Like one assigned to them by their parents and is used by family and human classmates). But what if they chose to use a nickname/alternate name to introduce themself to future/current acquaintances?
Like if I were to use myself as an example, let's say that my "actual/parent assigned name" is Blossom. And so my human realm classmates and family call me "Blossom". But for online friends and acquaintances/friends I make in future, I go by "Bloss"? (It could also be because they don't speak my language and usually pronounce it slightly inaccurately which IS NOT their fault but it would make their lives easier to have them refer to me as "Bloss").
And MC gets so used to using their "other/nickname" that when they get kidnap transported into the Devildom and they gotta state their name, by habit their nickname slips out of their mouth? And technically speaking it is indeed a name they go by? Maybe because they feel more comfortable using this nickname instead of their "actual/real name"?
Now we know that Diavolo hates being lied to and has the power to tell lies from truth to back it up, so do you think he'll think the human is lying deliberately? Or would his aura turn more threatening and serious and ask for their real name? I personally feel like I'll piss all of them off if I were to meet them for the first time. Why? Take a look below to see how the convo would've gone:
Diavolo: Welcome to the Devildom. I am Diavolo, the Crown Prince. How should we address you?
MC: Please call me (insert nickname) (absolutely natural but debating whether or not it would count as a valid answer)
Lucifer and Barbatos: ...
Diavolo: ... That is not your real name now is it? It would not do you any good to lie. (Aura probably turns threatening but his customer service smile is still present, most likely assuming that MC has a dishonest purpose for concealing their "real name" aka name given by parents)
MC: Your Highness, with all due respect, that is indeed a name. I have fulfilled your request, and it is indeed one that I go by and have gone by for quite a while now. ("You only asked for a name to refer to me by, you never asked for the one I was given since childhood." Would probably be added in their head. It would not do for them to spit something so...snarky and potentially rude out. They are in unknown territory and an unfamiliar environment after all. Holding their tongue here would be more advantageous)
Now assuming that they accepted, should MC decide to reveal their name.later, would it bring a lot of trouble paperwork-wise? They've been writing this name on all of their assignments, their Devildom ID displays their nickname, and all of the official documents are signed with this alias. Or perhaps when they've grown fond of the sacrificial little lamb, they will allow them to suddenly change their names via a short notice to all academic lecturers? As for their Identification Card and personal documents, the card will be updated/changed (either via magic or by getting a replacement) and the documents will have a note/update stating their real name?
Of course, if the MC is comfortable with only their newfound family (the constituent characters are naturally chosen by you, my dear reader) using their real name, then those with said honour will guard it with their lives. For those that are prone to slipping up, they will perhaps flounder a little and give the excuse of confusing the sheep with someone else (yes Mams my darling I'm looking at you). For Levi I think he'll continue to refer to MC as Henry anyways but then again it depends on your personal HCs.
For those in the cast but are not chosen to be the MC's super close ones, perhaps they'll be a little confused should anyone slip up while they are around. Cue more floundering until perhaps it gets out, but you know the cast's mouths are shut, so tightly they'll put gorilla glue to shame.
So worry not, your real name won't be slipping out to the RAD public. Despite what I mentioned about Mams earlier, you know he will guard your precious name like dragons with treasure. And he'll do admittedly one of the best jobs out of the cast.
Now assuming that they do not accept that reasoning, it could go two (for what I can think of now) ways.
1) MC continues debating.
Given Lucifer's displeasure, he would most likely chide the MC for their rudeness and Barbatos would, with a chilly smile, advise them not to use up all their chances. The brothers on the sidelines may whisper a bit between themselves but will not interfere since it's not like they'll save a random human stranger from their Prince and risk being on the receiving end of the wrath of the Fantastic Trio (if you know where this is from, you know *wink wonk* sorry, couldn't resist using this .... Interesting group name.)
When it gets to a very bad point where MC is perhaps dishing out their reasoning with possibly an annoyed tone by now, they will have to bet or hope. Hope that Diavolo would be magnanimous enough to allow them to use their alias down here and accept their alias as the name they go by since he can confirm the genuine discomfort they have with using their "actual name" and spot nearly no lies in the reasons they offered.
But if Lucifer and Barbatos happen to get a little iffy before their Prince gets mad, MC will have to bet that they would not jeopardise this exchange program by hurting them in any way or exchanging them for another human.
Or for those beyond the fourth wall, get rid of this exchange student they've selected, either out of rage or annoyance or for convenience and success, reset the timeline or make another timeline the sole reality and pick another exchange student. Basically MC will have to bet on their value and importance to the exchange program and bet that Diavolo would care enough about having stains or guilt/reminders on what he had done to the MC (if he were to smite them or wipe them out for the safety of his kingdom cuz he suspects that they have ulterior motives for hiding their name) because most royals don't.
But then again they have magic so should things come down to it they may just erase MC's memories and send them back to the human realm unsuspectingly, choose another human and move on.
Also, who's to say that Diavolo didn't have Barbatos look through the timelines and pick the one which goes most successfully before bringing MC down? (Yes, fanfictions expanding on the aftermath of Lesson 16 have been getting to my head and giving me a lot of ideas and scenarios)
Diavolo is the Crown Prince. Acting ruler of a whole kingdom. There is no way he would be willing to toss an uncertain factor into the equation without knowing the future. If I had the power / someone with the power to look into the future freely without much repercussions (on my kingdom that is and preferably the person but the priority is on the kingdom), I would use those powers to see how my plans go, especially since my citizens and my kingdom, my responsibility and the burden I have to shoulder alone, albeit sparingly.
But ultimately as a ruler, one's responsibilities come before one's emotions. It's the price they have to pay for the immense wealth and safety they were born with. With so many lives resting on his hands, there is no way a ruler as benevolent but also smart, intelligent (terrifyingly so), cunning and manipulative (I mean that as a compliment cuz those are what a ruler should have, to use it for good ofc don't get me wrong) as Diavolo would not take "cheat a little" and look at the answer to the question (like those reference/practice question books that yall's parents buy for you when huge examinations are near. Just me? Aight then—)
Anyways, the route honestly depends on what y'all choose/think/headcanon. I'm just adding a drop into the ocean in hopes that any writers will write a piece on this or perhaps expand on my idea or something. I would do it but I don't trust myself to serve or deliver, not when I know some in the fandom have repeatedly left absolutely no crumbs. (Yes I'm a Gen Z I just don't use slangs often don't @ me—)
2) MC begrudgingly accepts the use of their real name.
That's all for now, may add more/ a Part 2 of inspiration decides to pull a Truck-kun and isekai me somehow.
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beholdthis-bitch · 2 months ago
Favorite thing about Darian:
I thought this would be an easy prompt, but narrowing down to a single favorite thing is very hard....so I'm not going to do that.
His kindness and care for others - Darian is very kind despite what the fandom would like people to believe. We first meet him praying over a corpse of someone who, we assume, was killed by TWLiD. What we overhear him saying is not one of a man cursing and ignoring those who have died, but instead finding relief in the knowledge that an unknown man will not roam the lands between as a husk. Our first exchange with him is one of care and respect for us, the Tarnished, as he warns us to not approach Summonwater as its potentially very dangerous. Would a man who *only* cares about eradicating TWLiD and not for the everyday person actually warn us? And from there every interaction we have with him is very pleasant. He lets us take our time and offers to help us by offering incantations, as well as the option to summon him at two separate locations. Even his supposed "anger" with Rogier is one of a sadness at watching a friend slowly die of the exact thing you've dedicated your life to fighting. There is no malice in this man for anything other than TWLiD, and he wants nothing of you except to help
His dedication to those he loves - Look how far he goes for us, a random stranger he met maybe a day ago. He offers us help via incantations and summons, warns us to stay away from TWLiD because it may kill us, offers an introduction to Gurranq, someone very important to himself and his faith, which one could even consider an honor. But with Darian we get two separate entities that we know he holds dear: Rogier and Devin. It seems a lot of the fandom sees the "name calling" of Rogier by Darian is Darian going out of his way to berate and defame Rogier. Instead it is quite the opposite. As I mentioned above it's more inline that Darian is suffering at seeing his one-time close friend (*cough*lover*cough*, tho that's not where my loyalty lies <3) whittling away and becoming nothing but a muttering shell of himself, a once largely successful spellblade. Without even getting too much into Devin (that will turn this into a 300 page document), the fact Darian gasps Devin's name if the player kills him in Limgrave is indicative enough. That his last dying breaths aren't one of cursing, but one of longing for the one he holds closest. He also works hard to protect his brother's identity and location, by holding that information from us when we give him the weathered dagger, as why would he reveal the location of his most loved being (are you seeing my bias yet) to a stranger? Sure, he'll always try to help us, but we aren't someone quite as dear to his heart. He did give the information to Rogier, but if we take their previous relationship into consideration, it isn't too hard to see why.
His armor - Is his armor the reason I like him? No. But it'd be remiss to not say that his armor tells a further story about his relationship to his brother. It is beautifully inlaid with delicate and flowing details in a gentle fusion of gold and silver, each color representing one of the brothers. Maybe one day I'll make a massive post detailing my feelings about them two? Or just make a million posts? Idk
(less seriously) - he's hot.
Honestly could probably go on forever but I think this is sufficient enough for one post.
Edit: Trailing thought but I really wish people would see him for the gentle soul he really is rather some fanatic he clearly isn't.
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killiancormac · 2 months ago
oc deep dive!! :) tagged by @ruvviks TYY this was very fun i love this guy
tagging my beloveds @claudiawolf @latenna @fialine <3
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What common/uncommon fear do they have?
He has a number of ‘common’ fears, although a non insignificant amount of them are related to trauma. He has a very intense fear of losing his loved ones, which can be owed to losing 3 brothers by the time he was 25. It’s left him as someone quite easily worried for his loved ones health and safety. One of his other common fears is heights, but that’s also pretty reasonable, due to the fact he. well. he fell off a cliff! He wasn’t pushed on them beforehand, but that really made it a lot worse.
One of his slightly more uncommon fears is elevators. This is probably an offshoot of his fear of heights, but even elevators for two or three story buildings unnerve him. Considering he lives on the top floor of his apartment, this has caused him some trouble in the past. Getting stuck in an elevator – especially on a high floor – has been one of his recurring stress dreams for years.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who don’t suspend even a little bit of belief for a movie – especially if it’s one he likes. Like, sure, it may not be entirely realistic, but it’s fun! <- he’s a bit of a hypocrite sometimes, because if a movie is depicting a situation he’s been in, he can’t help but take the piss out of it.
I wouldn’t say “rude people” is a pet peeve because it’s. not really LOL but people who constantly have an answer for everything / try to one up someone else at every opportunity. Nick did this in Panama when they first met, and it’s why the two of them hated each other for years. To be fair, Killian was also a prick to him, too.
What are three items you can find in their bedroom?
Passports, travel documents. Some things related to travel that might not be strictly legal, but given his job as an ‘antique collector’ (aka thief / treasure hunter / pickpocket etc), not entirely surprising.
Something one of his nieces or nephews made as a young child – I can see him having a ceramic dish that he puts little things in. It’s a good maybe 20 years old, garish and not very appealing to look at, but he’s fond of it.
A jacket belonging to his older brother, Michael. When he died, his belongings were split among the family. most of his things when to his wife and daughter, but Killian took a handful of things that he had an attachment to, or had nostalgic feelings towards. He keeps the jacket somewhere safe – it doesn’t smell like him, not anymore, but sometimes Killian thinks it does. He also took his and Michael’s old N64 – that’s in his and Nick’s house. is it still working? who knows
What do they notice first in a person?
First thing he really takes stock of is how they introduce themselves. He’s not one to judge based on appearances – he’s very used to people doing that to him, so he knows what it’s like.
He'll notice their mood, their attitude, their attitude towards him, how they regard him, things like that. are they friendly? hostile? having a bad day, but holding it together? or taking it out on him? are they looking down their nose at him? have they already made up misconceptions about him in their head? (this one’s not unreasonable – he’s had more people judge him based on his scars alone than he’s comfortable with.)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Pretty high, in a lot of senses. In one way, he’s very unkind to himself. He doesn’t like to dwell on being in pain, and he tends to be hard on himself – constantly thinking it’s not that bad, and he just needs to get over it. He also hates causing a fuss. He hates worrying people. He doesn’t let himself be taken care of – not without some bitching and moaning first, and insistences that he’s fine, really. he’s Irish 😔
When he doesn’t have something to distract himself with, he copes a lot worse with pain. He’s gotten injured in past jobs and then gone home and cleaned his entire apartment, just for something to take his mind off the pain.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (Or freeze or fawn?)
For most of his life, especially his early life, fight. This has gotten him into way more trouble than it’s worth. later in his life, he tends to freeze, and he hates it. Although, when he freezes, it’s usually in emotional contexts. Conversations he doesn’t want to have. Confrontations of things he’s been trying to ignore. In life or death situations, he knows to move. That’s saved his life more times than he can count.
What animal represents them best?
A dog. He’s incredibly, stubbornly loyal. He will do anything for the people he loves. He’s protective, sometimes self harmingly so, and to him, it doesn’t matter how much time passes – he will always be there for someone. If you give him love, he will give it back. At his core, all he wants is to be loved, and feel it. He does get this, thank fuck, but it’s still sickening.
Birds, also. He has a sparrow tattoo on his side – he got it when he was younger. To him, it was symbolism. Free as a bird. He thinks it’s silly now, though.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Social. Friendly. Warm. He has many friends, multiple circles, and he finds them easy to make. He's a good conversationalist, all he needs is a topic, regardless of if he knows anything about it or not. He’s also a tremendous listener, and these combined with his sociable demeanor make him very approachable to a lot of people.
Do they have any hobbies?
He likes cooking. He’s very good at it, but when he’s not making breakfast, lunch or dinner, he also likes experimenting. Trying new recipes. Pushing himself and improving. He also likes making things from scratch, just to see what he comes up with.
He's a swimmer :) get him on holiday and he’ll spend a non insignificant amount of time in the pool !!! or in the ocean. He just loves the water.
He tries to keep reasonably fit. He's nowhere near Nathan Drake levels of climbing random walls and cliff faces, swinging from vines and ropes and all of that, he'll just find another way up or across, thank you. But he likes to exercise when he can. He's 45 this year, which makes him feel a bit sick, so he'd like to continue his streak of good health. I know he's a beast on a treadmill. Or one of those stair machine things. Man has got insane calves
He's a plant guy!!! His apartment, and later he and Nick's house, is covered in plants. Pots big and small, on counters and hanging from the ceiling alike. He's recently taken to growing food. Nick has heard many complaints about his strawberries being difficult.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year ago
Erwin Smith & Shy! Reader Headcanons
Pairing: Platonic! Erwin Smith & Levi x Shy! Reader
Requested by anonymous: Hello! Do you think I could ask for Headcanons with Erwin Smith being a father figure towards a shy, quiet but sweet reader? Of course! I'm afraid I'm not the greatest at writing headcanons, but I did my best 💪(◡̀_◡́҂). Here you go 💜
Attack on Titan Masterlist ❤️ Fandom Masterlist
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You joined the Scouts as soon as you could, but have always tried to maintain a low profile, in fact out of everyone who has encountered you, at least 98.99% are certain they've never actually heard your voice before.
Are you mute? Do you just think you’re too good for everyone else? The world may never know.
…Alright, so that might've been an exaggeration. Some people know, notably those who don’t survive off of a single brain cell (aka Erwin and Levi, sometimes Hange depending on the day???).
Okay, let's start off with Levi's opinions of your first. What does he like about you? You're quiet. Plain and simple. You don't talk his ear off about stupid stuff. You don't make dumb annoying jokes like Springer or Braus. You don't butt heads with others like Yeager and Kirstein. You're one of those rare cadets who has decent manners and clearly wasn't raised by wolves (although a bit more on that later).
Erwin isn't as shy when it comes to giving you praise. If he notices you feeling insecure or particularly shy, you can bet he's on that shit right away the same way Levi's on dirt with a mop. Oh, and his words of support aren't just 'words'. Expect a full on speech with the same sort of passion he pours into his job.
Now, there's a reason for Levi and Erwin often encouraging you that goes beyond you simply being their favorite (which you probably are). They can relate to you. You're an orphan. They're both orphans. The difference? They didn't have anyone there for them. They each lost the only father-figures they had when they were young and know the pain well, so they'll be damned if they let you suffer the same path.
Yep, they're self-proclaimed dads. Levi, of course, won't admit it aloud because he's stubborn, but that doesn't apply to Erwin. He doesn't necessarily go around saying anything, however if someone asks if he has a kid, he'll shameless say 'yes' with a sly smirk on his face (is he lying?!).
You don't mind the attention. It may have been uncomfortable at first since you weren't used to having any parent figures, although you quickly realized how nice it could be to have two scary dads hovering over your shoulder especially whenever someone gives you a hard time for being so timid. Mind your own business or get assigned extra cleaning duty. You choose.
Added bonus? Expert advice that isn't handed down in an intimating way that could be mistake for harsh criticism like everyone else gets. Feel free to go to Erwin any time you have a question. He'll go over with you in detail, and if you don't understand his explanation, he'll try different ways to get it across, even taking you to others who might be able to explain it better. You also might just be the only scout who isn't afraid to ask Levi for critiques on your fighting skills since you can so easily see beyond his 'tough-guy' act.
Hell, sometimes you just follow them around like a lost puppy, too, just to soak in some bonding time. Erwin actually really enjoys this, liking the quiet joy that comes with having you help him with important documents. Levi may huff and puff about it, sometimes waving you off when others comment on you being his shadow, yet know that deep down he takes a lot of pride in your presences.
Yep. They're both wrapped around your silent little finger. Do what you want with this information.
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quinloki · 2 years ago
Asking for a second round for the kinks
What about Lactophilia, Negotation and Pegging with croco, doffy and corazon
That list Is so usefull >3
I almost answered this as soon as I saw it and I was like - no, no Quin you gotta do some writing ( and I did! and today has been a pita, so I'm going to answer this and unwind).
I almost wanted to lump "Negotiation" and say "all OP characters negotiate properly because it's a foundational rule of BDSM and kinks" - but! I realized two things: 1 - not all OP characters are non-toxic, and 2 - there's a lot of variance in how negotiations can be handled, so we can do that \o/
I'd do this by Character, but I kind of want to do it by Kink - I think it'll be better for the subtle differences between Sir Crocodile and Doflamingo (who are very similar), and also help highlight the dichotomy between Doflamingo and Rosinante.
*puts on glasses* Lacto-philia - well, I don't need to look this one up (go-go root word language course from college) - this is the enjoyment of breast milk. Kin-kay <3
Lactophilia -
Sir Crocodile: I dunno - Croco just doesn't strike as a "drink from the source" kind of guy, and while I could see him utilizing any lactation on his partner's part in some kind of kink session I feel like it would be tied to humiliation more than lactation. But it would also depends on his partners reaction to their own lactation.
If any part of it makes them uncomfortable in that "we're not talking about neutral or sexy embarrassment kind of way" then he's not going to force things.
Doflamingo: Sure - A "try something one, more and more if he likes it" kind of guy, I think Doffy would be open to experimenting when the opportunity arose. He would, at the bare minimum, enjoy groping and teasing your breasts until he figured out how everything worked. Whether it was caused by birth control or pregnancy he would have a justification for it - something to either quiet your false protests, or something to quiet your legitimate ones.
Doffy wants to see you squirm - canon universe or not, it's not like you can run from him if he makes you uncomfortable. (Doflamingo is such a yandere, and I think he'd openly admit to it too.)
Rosinante: Yes to FUCK Yes - Corazon certainly wants a family, whether he thinks he deserves on or not, or whether he could ever have one, is a completely different discussion, but things surrounding the building of a family certain get his motor running. There's reasons more than just pregnancy that can cause lactation, but whatever the cause it'll be the connection the younger Donquixote can't help but make.
He may sate his kink privately if you're not comfortable with it, but it's more likely that he'll be showering you with praise and assurances and compliments, trying his best to validate your feelings toward it while trying to help you become more comfortable with it. He is a drink from the source kind of guy if you'll let him, and honestly he just wants to lavish you with pleasure. (Rosi is 100% here for the whole Worship your body vibe).
Negotiation -
Sir Crocodile: This is hard to assign a rank to, but we'll go with a Yes for Crocodile. He's here for communication, and he'll respect your boundaries (much as he can), and he's certainly not against writing up a contract. There's no need to be so formal between lovers, but he also understands the comfort that can come from such a document. Mind yourself if you agree to one, this is a business man, you're only a tick or two away from making a deal with the devil if you put things into writing. Verbal arrangements are far more flexible, and Crocodile takes contracts seriously.
The are amendable, though, you're not etching things into stone. People and circumstances change, after all.
Doflamingo: Oh god you don't even know - you want to make a contract with Donquixote Doflamingo? I think I'd rather bury an offering at the crossroads and deal with an actual devil. Every word of the contract will be abided by, you can be assured. That means you better know every word in that contract too, and not just definition 1 of those words, but definition 2 and the biblical interpretations while you're at it.
Doffy's hot button is manipulation, and if you're going to sign your life away to his whims he won't pass it up. But, he's not entirely unreasonable - he won't force you to sign a contract. He's fine with verbal agreements, and he's even likely to abide your cute little safe words too, so long as you don't displease him. You're his favorite little distraction (or his sweet true love), he wants you to be happy.
Rosinante: Sure? - Rosi will sit down and work out all the kinky details of your relationship on paper if you want. He'll also be amenable to having conversation before and after each session, putting safe words into play, and even some back up safe-sounds/actions in case words are failing you.
Pegging -
Sir Crocodile: No - Absolutely not. Exit only. Not his thing. Not even willing to try. You may, might, possibly be able to beg him to try it once, if it's something you're absolutely dying to try at least once. He *may* like it, his opinion may change, but he may also avoid you for a couple days while he tries to shake it off and reclaim his dignity.
Control is a big thing for him, and it's hard to be in control in that situation.
(I need to admit I am a big, horrible fan of Croco x Doffy, I love them, and I generally prefer Croc as the bottom, but! (heh, butt) in an x reader context my head canon is what it is XD ).
Doflamingo: Sure - You give what you get, or get what you give in this case. It better be something you're comfortable with cause he's not going to be the only one receiving. And it may only be once or twice. Doffy likes his control, and more than that he likes manipulating people. The likelihood that he's manipulated you into pegging him is low, but he's a kinky bastard, so he's certainly not averse to the idea.
Gods help you if you can't please him while doing it though.
Rosinante: Yes - I'm undecided if Rosi is switchy when it comes to dom/sub dynamics, but I do think he is very much a switch for top/bottom dynamics. He'll give and receive for just about any situation and kink, with very few exceptions. For him the point is pleasure, his and yours, maybe more yours than his, but not so much that you catch onto him pampering you. If you want to peg him, he's just going to make sure it's good for both of you, whatever accessories end up being needed.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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