#i dunno... i guess i just had to get this off my chest
bleucaesura · 3 days
Blitzø got home late the night before and had gone straight for the freezer. He yanked the door open and stared blankly, unseeing, inside.
“Loonie?” He called dully, not entirely expecting a response.
“What?” She groaned from her room.
“Do we have any more ice cream?”
“I dunno.” He heard her heave an exaggerated sigh. A moment later she appeared in her doorway and leaned casually on the frame. “Did you buy any more ice cream after your last binge?”
“No…” Blitzø muttered, turning back to stare into the void of the freezer.
“Then?” She crooked an eyebrow sarcastically.
Blitzø huffed noncommittally. Loona snorted and turned to head back into her room, but she saw his shoulders sag and he seemed so far ‘off’ his usual self it was making her skin crawl.
She sighed and turned back to face him. He still stood there, freezer door open, staring at nothing. She watched him and she swore it was as if he was getting smaller and smaller, shrinking into himself further and further with each passing second. She hated to admit it, especially out loud, but she loved Blitzø - her dad - and it killed her to see him this way.
Loona cleared her throat. Blitzø didn’t bat an eye. What was she supposed to do? She wasn’t good at this shit. Feelings and crap. She was a flaming dumpster heap on her own, how the fuck was she supposed to do anything to help the guy who was supposed to be taking care of HER?
Loona crossed over until she was standing next to him and hesitantly reached out to touch his shoulder. She swallowed the lump in throat and squeezed his shoulder.
Blitzø squeaked, shot a foot in the air and would have fallen to the floor had Loona not grabbed his arm and yanked him upright.
“Loonie,” Blitzø clutched at his chest, gasped for air and chuckled. “You surprised me.”
Loona gave him a pinched smile before letting him go.
“What’d you need, sweetie?”
Loona hugged herself.
“Are you ok?” She tilted her head, her ears flattening back.
“Great.” Blitzø gave her a big toothy grin. “Just tickity-boo.” He topped it off with some finger guns.
It took everything in her not to growl and snap at him. Snarl and call him stupid, or ask if he thought she was stupid cuz she definitely knew he was lying. She dug her claws into her arms to ground herself, focusing her frustration somewhere else. She knew lashing out would only make things worse.
“Blitz…” Loona looked at him sadly. She tried desperately to convey her thoughts.
I know I’m a bitch. I know I’m a jerk. I know I push you away…
But, I do love you in my own fucked up way. I do care.
And I know you’re NOT ok.
I want you to be ok.
Please let me help you be ok…
Blitzø sighed. He squeezed his eyes shut and massaged the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
“Loonie…” He looked up at her and crooked a small, sad smile. He reached out, squeezed her hands, then rubbed his hands up and down the sides of her arms as if he were trying to warm her up.
“I’m ok.”
Loona glared at him.
Blitzø flinched, looking away; his hands stuttered in rubbing her arms.
“I’ll… I’ll be ok.” He peaked up at her and smiled sheepishly. “K’ay?”
Loona sighed heavily. She felt bone-tired and absolutely useless. Here was the guy who was supposed to be taking care of her, reassuring her, and he was standing in front of her looking smaller than she’d ever seen him, begging for her to believe his blatant lie - just to protect her.
Fucking dammit…
“K’ay.” She looked away, not wanting to look at his pained face any longer.
Blitzø squeezed her arms affectionately before letting go. They stood in a brief awkward silence, neither knowing where to go from here.
Blitzø cleared his throat and shifted on his feet.
“I uh.. I guess I’m just gonna call it a night.” He shuffled toward the bathroom. “Sorry if I woke you up sweetheart.”
“You didn’t.”
Blitzø smiled sheepishly and gave her a small nod before heading into the bathroom.
“Night, Loonie Toonie.”
“Night.” She watched as Blitzø smiled and closed the bathroom door. She sighed and walked to her room, pausing at the threshold to look back.
“… Dad.”
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bbq-potato-chip · 1 month
anime tag dont have one million untagged ai "art"s challenge (impossible)
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 month
Can I be mega autistic here and vent for a second and ask if anyone else is lowkey scared for whatever the next RE game is HSBWHDNDJ
#having hyperfixations/special interests combined with a PARALYSING fear of change SUUUUUCKSSS MAAAAANN. IT SUCKS ASS#like realistically I KNOW it’s silly and I KNOW I’ve got nothing to stress over BUT ITS STRESSING ME OUT BAD AND THERES NOTHING I CAN DO#RE4R/Luis has been SUCH a massive comfort of mine and turned into a full blown special interest and I guess the thing I’m most scared of is#the fandom moving on and forgetting abt re4r/luis as a whole which again I KNOW is silly but I can’t control my brain!!!!#and also combined with the fact that Luis probably isn’t coming back to the franchise at least anytime soon is HEARTBREAKING man. like thats#my special interest!! that’s the thing I’ve poured hours of my time into!!!!! I’m scared to see people move on#he’s already a fairly unpopular character in the wider fandom too!! and the fact that the content we do have of him is ALL we’re gonna have?#I dunno that makes me so much more stressed out and anxious than I should be which. again. I KNOOOOOOWW IS SILLY BUT I CANT HELP IT MAN#THE AUTISM!! THE AUTISMMMMM#I dunno I’m expecting Capcom to announce their next game this summer fest and it’s genuinely stressing me out sm which I hate#I hate being so afraid of change it sucks so much man#anyways sorry for the massive vent I just had to get this off my chest cuz it’s been weighing me down massively and making me more anxious#than it has any right to BCNDNENDJXJ#and again the fact that there’s a solid chance we may never see him again at lest not anytime soon is so so so so so devastating to me it#again makes me so much more upset than it has any right to HDNSHENDJDJ#not to mention people who are already weirdly mean and nasty to people who DO like him. I’m Not having a Time rn
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yellowshulker · 1 year
i think starting uni post-covid and living at home is the worst combination in the WORLD actually
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jjunae · 19 days
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💼 . . . for money, you could do anything. even, if it meant sitting through sim jaeyun's written, specially curated, step-by-step guide to kissing.
OR , in which, popular frat-boy, sim jaeyun, pays you to makeout with him
warnings! fmr, swearing & kissing (not suggestively) ・ ask/comment tba to the tgl
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IN YOUR 21 YEARS OF LIFE,  you’ve never had a kiss. 
forget a kiss— you haven’t even held hands with the opposite sex, yet. 
the first (and the last) time, you’ve ever experienced “love”, was when your 7th grade crush, choi beomgyu, had bought you a chocolate milk from your school’s vending machine. 
you know your love life is pathetic and embarrassing, but you can’t do anything about it, can you?
“do you like herpes?”, was the first thing you heard, while exiting your class amongst a wave of other students. 
“what?”, you frowned, looking up to see none-other than sim jaeyun, holding an overtly colorful pamphlet.  you knew who sim jaeyun was, everyone on this college campus knew, too. he was a popular member of a popular frat, and, the owner of a 10/10 face. 
you realized; he looked even better up-front.  however, you’d never crossed paths with the man, you had no reason to. until today, that was. 
“yeah, me neither. but, you can avoid all that, by following this pamphlet,” he shook the pamphlet for emphasis, “‘a successful guide to kissing’, which is written by me, jake sim,” he finished, with a smile. 
“if this is some weird frat-promo thing, i’m not interested,” you said, pushing past him, only for him to jog up-to your pace. 
“how’d you know it’s frat-related?” 
“everyone can figure out that you’re frat-related.” 
your eyes flitted towards his chest, where, a button denoting a frat emblem, “EN”, was pinned. he peered down, cheeks slightly red as he looked back up. 
“that was self-explanatory, i guess,” he chuckled. 
“yep,” you nodded. after that, you’d hoped that he’d walk away, or something. however, you (awkwardly and evidently) realized that he still stood before you, and it seemed as if he had no intent of leaving. 
“do you need anything else?”, you asked, and his eyes lit up. 
“yeah, actually. i need to give a crash-course to one person, about this pamphlet’s topic,” he shook the paper (again), “for my frat. we’ve got this event going on, you see.” 
“okay,” you hummed, dragging out the ending syllable of the word. 
“so, you’re in?” 
“but, initially, you said, ‘okay’, yeah? doesn’t that, technically, mean that you’re interested?” he cocked his head, confused. 
“i said, ‘okay’, so that i don’t come off as an asshole. keep up,” you rolled your eyes, shouldering the straps of your tote, which insisted on slipping down. 
“please? i’ve got a bet going on this too— i swear, i won’t take too long to explain it.” 
“there were at least, i ‘dunno, 50 other girls walking out of that class. why couldn’t you have gone and annoyed someone else?” 
“you looked the prettiest.” 
“that’s the stupidest reason i’ve ever heard,” you grumbled. you could notice how he was getting desperate: he couldn’t look at you, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck, and the paper-guide was about to slip from his hands. 
luckily, before the paper hit the ground, you caught it.
“here,” you said, handing it to him, “listen, i’d love to sit through your course or whatever, sure, but what’s in it for me?”, you continued, with a shrug. 
“what if i paid you?”
“i’ll pay you 50 dollars, that’s—” 
“70,000 kwon, give or take,” you whispered, while he nodded. you weren’t exactly ‘broke’, but neither were you ‘rich’. but, being a college student who was barely-surviving, it didn’t matter how much money, you just wanted it.  
“when, and where do i show up for your course?”
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okay-babe · 4 months
Headcannons ~ Alastor with a reader who has a contract with Valentino...
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tags: alastor x fem! reader, established relationship (in the final third of the post), cam star! reader, possessive! alastor, valentino sucks (as usual), mild angst, mild nsfw note: okay so I got an ask wanting to know my thoughts on Alastor with a reader who used to be in a contract with Valentino and has to interact with him, but I misread it as Alastor with a reader who is currently in a contract with Valentino and has to interact with him lol, so here's this! (The actual request should be fulfilled soon, my bad anon!).
♱. At first, Alastor definitely thought you were more than just a little foolish for having made a deal with an overlord like Valentino (bro does not understand the concept of victim blaming).
♱. In his mind, the moth is so blatantly rancid that it just doesn't make any sense for anyone to ever think otherwise, even for a moment.
♱. But then, as he gets to know you better, he starts to see things a little bit differently.
♱. "This is gonna sound stupid..."
♱. You told him one day while speaking on the topic of the overlord who owned your soul, a rare occurrence indeed due to the stigma your contract seemed to carry.
♱. "But honestly, Val was the first person down here to actually make me feel like I was... I dunno... attractive?"
♱. You groaned at the end of your sentence, burying your head in your hands,
♱. "I just... I didn't recognize myself anymore, the person in the mirror wasn't me, y'know? It's like one second I was a human, and the next I was, well, this!"
♱. You exclaimed, gesturing to yourself all the while.
♱. "In a way, his absolutely ridiculous insistence that he could make me into a star made me realize that just because I looked a little different didn't mean I looked bad..."
♱. You trailed off, hands stuffed into your pockets as you looked into the distance,
♱. "And then when I learned about everything he had to offer? I mean how could I have possibly said no? It felt like a win-win back then, or at least something close to it. He promised that no one would touch me, that all he needed was my pretty face and a camera."
♱. You looked toward your then friend with a sigh, a tired smile plastered upon your face,
♱. "I guess he kept that part of the bargain, huh? I just never really thought he would end up being so... awful."
♱. You cringed at the end of your statement, eyes going glassy for a few moments before you suddenly clapped your hands together, standing up abruptly immediately afterward.
♱. "Haha, anyways, you have to have like a thousand contracts right? There's gotta be some good stories there."
♱. As you urged him to speak further on his own experiences, Alastor couldn't help but reconsider his previous thoughts regarding your deal.
♱. Perhaps you weren't as foolish as he had initially thought.
♱. Honestly though, as time goes on and your friendship develops even further, Valentino's contract with you really doesn't end up being that pressing of a topic.
♱. Most of the time, any thoughts regarding the overlord go unsaid, and your business with him is considered yours and yours alone.
♱. That is, until you miss a photo shoot for Slayboy magazine (sorry) and the moth turns up at the hotel, clearly pissed off.
♱. So pissed off in fact, that he had neglected to consider the fact that it wouldn't necessarily be you who responded to his incessant banging...
♱. With a wide grin and an almost obnoxious flourish, the radio demon opened the door, leaning slightly on his staff as he regarded the moth with an amused hum.
♱. "Oh my, the vice demon himself here to visit our humble hotel? Why, to what do I owe the displeasure?!"
♱. He exclaimed, watching as the man's eye twitched slightly in response.
♱. "Where is she?!"
♱. He growled, moving to stalk past Alastor only to be stopped at the pressure of the overlord's microphone against his chest,
♱. "Ah ah ah,"
♱. He tutted,
♱. "You most certainly do not want to do that."
♱. His voice held a hint of warning to it, and a great deal of amusement, his eyes full of malice as he spoke.
♱. Valentino glared,
♱. "Fuck off you corny old bitch, this doesn't concern you."
♱. In response, Alastor simply chuckled, his bones popping and muscles splitting as he slowly began to grow in size, in no mood for the other demon's antics.
♱. "Oh but that's where you're wrong, you insufferable wretch."
♱. He said with an earsplitting grin,
♱. "Anything that involves my most esteemed employee very much does concern me."
♱. In reaction to the sight before him, Valentino snarled, but took a step backward nonetheless, not quite stupid enough to pick a fight with the radio demon on his own.
♱. "Ugh, fine!"
♱. He shouted,
♱. "But you tell that fucking whore to be on site in thirty or I'll find a way to kill her twice!"
♱. And with that, he was turning back toward his limo, ignoring the loud radio static that sounded from behind as he did so.
♱. Of course though, that was just about the only time that Valentino ever got away with ordering you around in front of Alastor, because soon enough, your friendship began to bloom into an extremely unexpected romance.
♱. And after that?
♱. Well, Alastor became a lot less tolerant of the idea that something like your soul belonged to someone else.
♱. He was constantly glaring daggers at the moth demon nearly every time he saw him, be it at an overlord meeting, or even the photo shoots you had in studios outside of the V's gaudy looking headquarters (he might love you, but starting a war with Vox by hanging around in that tower definitely wouldn't be a very smart move).
♱. Makes a show of helping you undress at each and every shoot that he does go to though, neatly folding your clothing for you before pressing a gentle kiss to your head.
♱. "Go on then, my dear."
♱. He would purr,
♱. "I'll just be here enjoying the view if you need me." (He's so corny).
♱. Absolutely despises the fact that your deal forces you to show your body the way that you do in front of a camera. Like not a fan at all.
♱. He doesn't really judge you for it knowing why you ended up making your deal in the first place, but he has absolutely killed an obscene number of sinners and hellborn fools that he witnessed viewing your content in public.
♱. "Al, they're not doing any harm!"
♱. You commented one day after the particularly gruesome murder of a random sinner, arms crossed.
♱. "Oh, on the contrary, darling,"
♱. He'd purred with a wide and unsettling grin,
♱. "I'm afraid they were looking a bit too intently at what's mine."
♱. Yeah you didn't argue too much after that.
♱. (Not like it would ever do you any good to anyway).
♱. Whether or not he actually tries to find you a way out of your contract though, is really entirely up to you in the grand scheme of things.
♱. He certainly isn't fond of it, the idea of another man owning you and all...
♱. But in the end he'll get over it if you really want him to... Just give him a few hundred years or so...
♱. (Yeah unless you can give him like a thousand spectacular reasons not to, he's going to try to find a way to get you out of that deal with Valentino).
♱. Still, in the meantime, he definitely makes your shoots feel a little bit less daunting (although if Val makes one more comment about how lucrative a photo set with you and the radio demon would be, you're worried Al might actually kill the guy).
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bratzforchris · 4 months
Moonlight, M. Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt's favorite way to unwind after a long week of work is to smoke and enjoy the benefits that come with having you as his girlfriend. Songfic; loosely based off of "Moonlight" by Kali Uchis
Pairing: Matt x feminine reader
Warnings: Smut, drug use (marijuana) and sex under the influence, p in v, oral (f receiving), fingering, masturbating (m), cowgirl, marking, dirty talk, pet names (baby girl, doll), really long
Word Count: 3k
A/N: This is not a want...it's a need. Anyway, enjoy some smut to start your Monday the right way ;)
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Friday nights were Matt’s favorite night of the week. After a long week of work and the Friday video going up, he could finally enjoy true, quality time with you. You two would make dinner together, talking about each other’s week and sharing both your high points and low points. That was nice, sure, but he enjoyed what came after far more. You would sit out on the back deck together, passing a joint back and forth and gazing up at the stars. Sometimes these nights were quiet and would end with you both tucked up into bed, passed out before midnight. Other nights, the weed would loosen your tongues, leading to playful banter and clothes strewn across the living room. 
“Hey sweetie,” You smiled as Matt stepped into the kitchen, holding a brown paper bag. “How was your day?”
“It was fine,” Matt shrugged, coming around the island to wrap his arms around you as you stirred the pot on the stove. “Nick and Chris were good. We got the video up smoothly so…successful Friday, I guess.”
You turned towards your boyfriend’s chest, spoon still in hand. “That wouldn’t happen to be my favorite salsa, would it?” You asked, gesturing towards the paper bag in his hand. 
“Oh, I dunno,” Matt kissed your forehead playfully. “What do I get out of it if it is?”
“A kiss? Best boyfriend of the week award?”
“I’m the only boyfriend of the week,��� he grumbled, a smile dotting his face. “But yes, it is your favorite salsa.”
You squealed as Matt set the bag down, immediately tearing into it. Your favorite salsa was locally made, only sold in the small bodega near the triplet’s old house on the outskirts of LA. Ever since you and Matt had gotten your own place in favor of furthering your relationship, the salsa had become more of a rarity, making you cherish Matt even more every time he went out of his way to get it. 
“The tacos are done!” You exclaimed proudly as you began to set out the spread. 
“I’m more interested in this spread,” Matt snorted, landing a smack to your ass. “Are those new leggings?” he had gravitated towards your kitchen table, sitting down in one of the chairs with that cursed manspread that would’ve looked humiliating had it been on anyone else. 
You looked down at the black leggings you had put on earlier in the day for this sole purpose. You’d just gotten them in the mail yesterday, and you knew they would drive Matt absolutely wild. He had a slight obsession with you in black. Nevertheless, you decided to have a bit of fun with him, smiling with a blush. 
“Later, Bernard. We’re about to eat.” You knew Matt hated his middle name, and you could only dream of the ways he would get back at you later for it. 
Sure enough, Matt groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I hate my middle name. It’s so stupid.”
“I disagree,” You giggled, fixing Matt’s plate. “I think MaryLou picked a lovely name.” You smiled, setting his plate in front of him and planting a kiss on his plump lips. 
You quickly fixed your own plate, setting down in the spot across from Matt. Taco Friday was a weekly tradition in your small household, as was sharing the week’s highs and lows. You listened as Matt talked about a recent milestone he had hit on his personal YouTube channel, but your eyes were more fixated on his lips. It’s not that you didn’t care about what he had to say; rather, you were just so overwhelmed by how purely handsome your boy was. 
“What was your favorite thing this week?” Matt asked you kindly after a while. 
“Oh um,” You blushed, pushing your empty plate away and standing. “Does this count?” You hummed seductively, straddling yourself across Matt’s lap and tangling your hands in the hair at the nape of his neck as you kissed him. 
Your boyfriend moaned into the kiss, grunting and shifting as your leggings brushed over his sensitive cock. “What happened to later?” he teased, a small smirk tugging at the edges of his mouth. 
“You’re just hot,” You giggled. “That’s all.”
You usually weren’t as bold as you had been just now, normally opting to let Matt take the lead on affection and sexual encounters. Something was different about tonight, though. You couldn’t keep your eyes off him as you two cleaned off the table, or when you stood side by side at the sink, tag teaming the dishes. 
The air thrummed with the sparks that were flying between you as you changed into one of Matt’s big t-shirts and comfortable shorts and him into a white shirt and plaid pajama pants. Even though it was early, you always liked being in comfortable clothes to smoke; it made the experience more enjoyable. 
You didn’t miss the way Matt’s eyes rinsed over your body in his clothes. Even after over two years together, it still made his head spin that you were all his. Every inch of your body belonged to him, and him to you. He loves your body, how smart you were, your adorable face, and the way you lit up from the inside with joy whenever you were happy. Like right now, as you grabbed your rainbow striped pouch from your nightstand and grabbed his hand, tugging him out onto the back deck. 
“This is probably my favorite time of the week,” You announced, smiling as you plopped down in one of the deck chairs. “I love the view.” You hummed quietly, gazing up at the darkening sky as the stars began to peek out. 
“I love this view more.” Matt cooed, tapping your nose. 
“You’re so corny.” You giggled, but blushed nonetheless. 
You opened your pouch, pulling out a blunt and lighter while Matt turned on the speaker, playing Mac Miller’s Swimming album. The lighter in your hands was a special one; it had become a custom gift your boyfriend had given you for your most recent birthday, with a picture of you both on the vinyl wrap. It had been a gag gift at first, but Matt smiled every time you two used it, simply because it reminded him of all the times you two had shared. 
“You want first hit?” You asked him. 
“Nope,” Matt told you. “Ladies first.”
“Such a gentleman.” You laughed, hanging the joint between your lips as you lit up. 
You inhaled for a moment, letting the sweet smoke fill your lungs, before exhaling and passing it to Matt. Even though there were only two of you, you had to say that this was your dream rotation if you could call it that. Matt was perfect in so many ways. He was in tune with all your moods and now was no exception. He had his eyes trained on you as he took a long drag, before turning his head and blowing a cloud of smoke towards the night sky. 
“I’m so fucking lucky.” he hummed, staring up at the moon as you took another hit.
“Me too.” You smiled, scooting your chair closer to him as the joint dangled between your lips. 
“Like…I live this fucking amazing life. I get to have fun with my brothers for a living and then I get to come home to my own house at twenty years old. I have my own house and a beautiful girlfriend,” Matt paused to look at you, suddenly shy. “And you support me more than anyone else ever has and I just…I’m really lucky and I love you.” he whispered, the weed already loosening his tongue, despite only having one hit. 
“I love you, Matty.” You whispered, pecking his cheek and passing the blunt back to him for another hit. 
Normally, Matt would protest anyone calling him Matty, but he loved you, and when you said it, it made his heart swell. He smiled, taking another long hit and blowing the smoke towards the stars. “I think I love you more.”
You smiled, curling into his side. You and Matt sat in silence for a while, passing the weed back and forth and enjoying the night sky and the music until Matt suddenly turned his head, looking at you. 
“You’re really fucking beautiful.” he smiled, voice and body overall more relaxed than they had been an hour ago. 
No matter how long you and Matt had been together, his words about how gorgeous or perfect you were never failed to make your cheeks heat up and the butterflies in your tummy take flight. You carefully put the lit joint out on a small ashtray that was laying on the outdoor table and then crawled out of your chair and into Matt’s lap, laying your head against his strong chest. 
“And I think you’re really handsome,” You hummed. “And sexy. Definitely sexy.” You giggled, still high from all that you had smoked. 
Your boyfriend held you on his lap by your hips, whispering sweet nothings to you as he kissed your lips softly, then moved along to your jaw. Each kiss was slightly more intense than the last as the moonlight shone down on you two, until Matt finally hit the sweet spot behind your ear, where he suckled softly, the scent of weed hot on his breath. Moaning involuntarily, you ground your hips against his lap, the ache that was blossoming in your growing as you felt his boner. 
“Do I turn you on? Making you need to get off on my leg, baby? Or is that weed talking?” Matt asked you, sneaking a hand inside your shorts. 
Just as he had suspected, you weren’t wearing any panties under the soft cotton, which allowed him to easily slide a finger between your folds. You whimpered as Matt left a trail of hickeys down your neck, rubbing soft, slow circles on your already-dripping clit. In between each new mark he added onto you, your lover would speak of all the things he loved about you and your body. Some of them were unintelligible in his smokey haze, others were little quirks you  didn’t even know he had noticed.
“Matt,” You whimpered, holding yourself steady against his shoulders as he fingered you. “Don’t be a teas…” Your words were cut off when he hit a particularly sensitive area, causing you to hiss with arousal. 
“I think we need to take this inside.” Matt chuckled, easily picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
He knew that he wouldn’t be able to control himself much longer. As much as Matt had grown in his letting go of anxiety over what other people thought, he really didn’t want your neighbors to watch you get fucked. That was for his eyes only. His cock was already threatening to burst with the need to just fuck you and feel every inch of your skin, of all of you, against him. 
Once he had successfully made it inside, still carrying you, of course, Matt began to kiss you with fervent need, not being able to hold back any longer. He didn’t break the kiss as he carried you into the bedroom, sitting down with you against him. 
“Oh doll,” he moaned, marking his love for you on your collar bone. “I can’t wait to eat that sweet little cunt until you’re absolutely dripping. Show you what happens when I get high, yeah? How much I think about you and your pretty pussy.”
You whined, gripping Matt’s hair in your hands as he pulled your (his) shirt over your head, admiring your bare breasts. He loved your tits, he really did, but that wasn’t what he was here for. Your boyfriend nipped at your boobs gently, making sure to leave enough of a mark for tomorrow. The soft flesh was turning pink with his hickeys as he sucked his way down your chest and tummy, laying you back against the bed. 
You were already arching and wriggling against the sheets before Matt had even gotten your shorts off. The sheer tone and implications of his teasing were making you wildly horny, eager to feel his tongue and fingers inside of you. Matt smirked when he finally, finally pulled the fabric off, eyeing the feast before him. You were already dripping, your thighs slick with arousal. 
He took his time to continue circling your clit slowly, teasingly, enjoying the way you whimpered and grunted. Once he began to pump a finger inside of you, it was downhill from there. You were grabbing onto anything you could; his hair, his biceps, his shirt, eager to just have him touch you more. Matt smirked at your eagerness as he thrust another finger inside of you, causing you to wiggle and whine. 
“Think you can handle my mouth, baby?” he asked you. “You know how much I love dessert when I’m high and this? This is the perfect dessert.”
Without another word he thrust his head between your thighs, eating you out at such a rapid, dizzying pace that your cunt was already clenching within the minute. Matt didn’t stop at just his mouth, though. His tongue was gliding over your clit while he pumped his fingers in and out of you, creating a sinfully filthy symphony of your little moans whimpers combined with him enjoying all that your pussy had to offer. 
“Matt…” You whimpered, panting with the need to climax. “Gonna cum.” you groaned, back arching. 
“Go ahead, baby,” he cooed in such an obscene way, it just turned you on more. “Cum all over my fingers and tongue.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You immediately let go as your orgasm took you over, legs shaking and near-screams leaving your mouth. It was one of the strongest climaxes you had had in a while, leaving you greatly exhausted as white-hot heat released from your core. You fell back against the pillows, panting, as Matt lifted his head from between your legs. Your cum was dripping down his chin and his hair was a mess, but he didn’t seem to mind. He just licked his lips, a coy, wolf-like smile on his face. 
“You think we’re only going one round, baby girl?” he chuckled. “I haven’t even gotten you to cum on my dick.” 
Despite the roughness of your words, Matt placed a kiss on your forehead and lips, before pulling his own shirt and pants off. Not speaking again, your boyfriend began to jerk himself like there’s no tomorrow, head thrown back and eyes closed as his wavy curls fall across his sweaty face. You could tell by the look on his face that sinful fantasies of you were playing through his head, and that excited you as well, giving you more vigor for another round. 
Matt reached over to his nightstand, still palming his dick, and grabbed a condom. You heard the unmistakable sound of foil ripping, before your boyfriend rolled the rubber onto his cock. However, he didn’t immediately slam into you. Instead, he laid down beside you, looking up at you with lustful eyes. 
“Get on top. I wanna see that sexy face when I cum.” he groaned, his boner absolutely aching. 
Slightly nervous, but also excited, you climbed atop Matt’s legs and lined yourself up with him. You weren’t very versed in riding him, but when you did, it was always an experience. Matt nodded at you kindly when you began to pick up speed, whining with his eyes screwed shut as your hips bucked against his own. 
“Is this okay?” You asked seductively, but a hint of nervousness laced your voice. You were still rather high, and you didn’t want to do anything to make the wonderful night you two were having thus far miserable. “I don’t wanna ruin it…”
“No baby…” Matt hissed, throwing his head back. “This is perfect–oh god, right there, Y/N. Good girl.”
With his encouragement, you rode Matt faster, knowing he was close to his own orgasm by the look in his blue eyes. You were already sensitive from your first orgasm, and you always came quicker the second time. 
“Oh god,” You moaned. “Matt, I’m gonna…” You didn’t get a chance to speak again before you were clenching around his dick, your release taking over your body. 
The sound of you climaxing just revved up Matt’s hormones and he immediately came right after you, completely filling the condom. It was quiet for a bit, save for the sounds of you both coming down from your literal and sexual high, as you slid off of his cock, laying down beside him with a great sigh. Your boyfriend removed the used condom, tying it off and throwing it into the trash beside the bed, before scooping you into a spooning position. 
“That was great,” he yawned, naked body pressed against your own. “Can I say something?” he asked you shyly. 
“I feel less insecure when we have high sex…” Matt admitted shyly, voice trailing off at the end. 
“Honey,” You said firmly, but not unkindly as your head cleared. “I understand, but you know I love you regardless, right? You’re the best romantic and sexual partner I’ve ever had.” You smiled kindly, yawning as well. 
“Really?” Your boyfriend asked, a hint of hope in his voice. 
“Really,” You nodded. “I love you, Matt. You’re my sun, my moon, and all of my stars, babe.”
Matt blushed under the weight of your words, pulling you closer to him. “That makes me feel better, actually. Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry, hun. We’ll never lose our Friday night routine.” You placed a kiss on Matt’s cheek and the snuggled into his hold, ready to enjoy the rest of your favorite night of the week. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @runasvengence @idek3000hi @oobleoob @faygo-frog @mayhem-72 @mimi-luvzyu @sunsetsturniolos @strnlvr @chrissturnswife @suyqa
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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siredtosturniolos · 4 months
drunk in love
paring: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: you and matt have been best friends for years, so what happens when you’re at a party and decide to confess your feelings for him?
warnings: mentions of drinking/being drunk, making out, sexual tension. (part 2 in the works ;)
“i need to call matt,” you whined desperately to your friends as you leaned against the bathroom sink. following girl code, when one of you needed to use the restroom, the rest followed in order to stay safe.
“you can’t call matt right now.” your friend laughed, turning away from you as she dried off her hands. you didn’t like this response so you quickly pulled out your phone, and exited the bathroom.
ignoring your friends yelling after you, you stumble down the hallway and making your way down the stairs, so you could get to the backyard in hopes of finding somewhere quiet so you could call your best friend.
he knew you were going out tonight, and had offered to pick you up if you wanted to leave before your friends did. you weren’t ready to leave, more so just wanted to talk to your best friend as he was racing through your mind.
as he usually does.
you quickly find his contact and press the call option bringing the phone to your ear. you didn’t know what you were going to say when he picked up, and silently prayed you weren’t bothering him.
“hello?” matt answered the phone slightly confused, as you’d only been gone for a little bit over an hour. He expected you to call later than this so now he was worried.
“is everything okay?” matt questioned you, after waiting a couple seconds of getting no reply.
“yes, everything‘s fine.” you replied, exasperated, wishing he was there with you and that he was with you. drinking always made you feel more bold, and you knew at some point this was bound to happen, so might as well let it flow as you’re ready to confess your feelings.
“i have to tell you something, matt.” you spoke confidently into the line, catching his attention as he was previously focused on his video game in front of him.
“okay,” he replied, instantly suspicious of your tone of voice. “what is it?” he closed out of the game so he could solely focus on what you had to say.
“i’m falling in love with you.” you blurted out, your cheeks flushing deeper as you realize what you just confessed. matt remained silent on the other side of the phone as your heart dropped out of your chest, and embarrassment flooded your body.
you decided to carry on with your confession, figuring you have nothing else to lose, “i should’ve said i am in love with you. i know i have fallen in love with you over the years and i just can’t keep it to myself anymore. i’m constantly breaking my own heart, trying to get over you when I would rather get under you.”
matt gasped at your confession, his pulse racing as he never thought he’d hear those words fall from your lips. he instantly sprung into action, grabbing his keys and slipping on his shoes on his he made his way out to his car.
“i’m coming to get you.” he announced before hanging up on you, leaving you staring at your phone confused.
“what are you doing out here?” your friend asked as she as she stood in the back doorway holding two solo cups, offering one out to you. you quickly approached her, and instantly started chugging it, craving to forget the sinking feeling in your chest as you assumed matt didn’t feel the same with how little he said.
the liquid courage flooded your veins once again, and you completely forgot about the phone call with matt. you and your group of friends were currently dancing along to some rap song when you feel hands slip around your waist and drag you away from them.
you spin on your heel to meet matt’s blue eyes as he looked down at you questionably.
“how much have you had to drink tonight?” he asked you, as his hand into yours as he guided you out of the party.
“i dunno know,” you replied, “i stopped counting after five.” you offered a guess to him, making him nod in response.
he helped you get into the passenger seat of his car, going as far as buckling the seatbelt for you making your heart race at such an intimate position. you couldn’t help but take a deep inhale humming at the scent of matt’s cologne.
he quickly walked around the car, climbing into the driver seat and began driving you back to his house. the ride was silent, the soft vocals of steve lacy playing distracting you from matt, who was nervously glancing in your direction every so often.
once he parks his car in the garage, he’s instantly out and helping you out of the car, tightly gripping your waist as he helps you make your way into the house. you giggle as he practically carries you up the stairs to reach the main floor, matt hushing you once you pass by chris’s room, knowing that he was probably sleeping.
“let me grab some clothes for you to change into.” matt offers, leaving you to stand in the middle of his bedroom while he walks to his closet and pulls out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for you.
he held them out to you, as you just stared at his outstretched hand, slowly beginning to pout.
“can’t you help me change matty?” you asked meeting his eyes, that had undoubtedly widen significantly in surprise.
“i-i mean, yeah i can. i just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable is all.” he nervously replied, making you grin.
“oh matt, do i make you nervous?” you teased him slowly grabbing the bottom of your dress and tugging it upwards, making him instantly clench his eyes shut.
“how are you going to help me if your eyes are closed, matthew?”
matt let out as sigh as he opened his eyes and approached you quickly, trying to slip the shirt over your head before you stopped him.
“you have to unzip it first.” you explained, turning so your back was facing him and pulling your long hair over your shoulder.
matt remains silent, trailing his fingers up your back to reach the top of the dress to grab the zipper. his fingers slowly tugged the zipper down the material of your dress, his cold fingers softly brushing the exposed skin of your back, causing goosebumps to rise in his wake.
you kept your back towards matt as you peeled the straps down your arms, and he was quick to put the shirt over your head, and you slipped your arms through the holes.
matt tugged the dress from underneath the shirt softly, hands brushing your sides, and you had to suck in a breath to hold back moan. you stepped out of the dress, slightly stumbling as you still had your heels on.
“sit on the bed, and I can help you put the pants on.” matt spoke softly, seeming to be in a trance.
you did what he said and butterflies swarmed your stomach as he kneeled down in front of you, looking up as he unclipped your high heels from your ankles.
he slowly slid the sweatpants on, and you lifted your hips so he could pull them above your ass as he held intimate eye contact with you out of respect as you weren’t in the right state of your mind.
but he figured you wouldn’t mind either way, thanks to your confession earlier in the night.
“you tired?” matt murmured to you as he stood to his full height looking down at you. you shrugged in response as you scooted back to lean against his headboard, slipping underneath his silky covers.
“can we put a movie on?” you asked as you snuggled deeper into his sheets glancing at matt who had a smile on his face. he nodded as he turned the light off before joining you in bed and turning the tv on.
“what do you want to watch?” he asked as he flicked through the movies on netflix, trying to find something you both enjoy.
you giggled, “shrek.” you replied, making matt softly chuckle in response. he quickly found the movie and put it on before you knew it you had fallen asleep to one of your favorite comfort movies.
matt had a hard time falling asleep, your confession heavy on his mind. he realized you still had your makeup on, carefully getting up to get a makeup wipe from his bathroom. he gently began wiping your face, watching in amusement as you face twisted up at the cooling sensation.
you whined sleepily, trying to shove his hands away, “just a little longer baby.” matt froze as the pet name left his lips, waiting for you to open your eyes. he let out a breath of relief when you let out a soft snore, you were still asleep.
he quickly finished wiping your makeup off, laying back down next to you. eventually at some point he had fallen asleep, but only briefly. you had moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder and throwing one of your legs over his hip, and he couldn’t help but let his arm slither between you and the mattress hugging you even closer. softly smiling at the content sigh you let out in your sleep.
eventually, matt went to the living room to think about how he was going to also confess his feelings and see where it leaves the two of you. he knew the outcome was more than likely going to be good, but he couldn’t help but think that you weren’t in the right mind and you didn’t actually feel that way.
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, and the feeling of warm sunshine casting down onto you was making you feel more nauseous and sweaty than you expected to be.
you lifted your head and observed the room. you remembered coming home with matt, but the rest of the night was a blur. you carefully sat up just in time for matt to walk back into the room, holding a water bottle and a bottle of painkillers.
“hows the hangover kid?” he asked, a slight grin on his lips as you immediately reached for the bottle of water. you accepted the small pills matt handed you after you began drinking the water quickly taking them.
“god i hope i wasn’t too annoying last night.” you quietly laughed, not missing the look on matt’s face. “oh god i was horrible wasn’t i?”
matt didn’t reply, but he sat down next to you and refused to meet your eyes. one of nervous habits.
“you may have told me a big secret last night.” matt confessed, making your heart drop as the flashbacks suddenly hit you. you really should’ve listened to your friends and not called him.
“oh my god matt,” you whispered, horrified at the bits and pieces that were suddenly connecting.
“i’m so sorry if i made you uncomfortable last night, that was never my intention. and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same i just hope that we can continue being as close as we were before.”
“who said i didn’t feel the same?” matt replied, turning to finally face you as your jaw slightly dropped, and he grinned at the action.
“are you being for real right now?” you asked in disbelief, your eyes nearly popping out of your head as matt nodded with a grin on his face
“i’ve loved you for years now but i always thought you had a thing for chris, so i never did anything about it.” he admitted shrugging his shoulders. matt had a habit of thinking everything he wanted, chris would get first. you were determined to prove to him it was never chris, it was always him.
only him.
“okay that was insane,” you laughed, shaking your head slightly, “i’ve spent the last two years of my life loving you, matt.” you replied genuinely, as matt scooted closer to you.
he searched your eyes for a moment, looking for any signs of doubt, before leaning forward and connecting your lips to his. you instantly bring your hands to cup his face and pull him even closer to you. matt let out a groan out at the feeling, and let his hands explore your waist and squeezing lightly causing you to let a moan slip past your lips.
loud footsteps could be heard approaching matt’s door, and you both quickly pulled away just in time for nick to throw matt’s bedroom door open.
nick glanced between the two of you, before shaking his head, “can we go get breakfast? i’m not usually up this early and i’m starving, like actually.” he dramatically spoke, eyeballing matt as he was the only one with a drivers license.
matt glanced at you, knowing that the best cure for a hangover was greasy McDonald’s breakfast.
“yeah, we can go.” matt replied making you and nick grin.
“thank god,” nick sighed, “i’ll go wake up chris and see if he wants anything or wants to go.” nick walked away leaving the door open making you stand up as you needed to use the bathroom before you went anywhere.
you took a step away from the bed before matt softly gripped your wrist, making you turn to face him as he was still sitting on the bed.
“we can finish this later, right?” he asked, smirking up at you from his position. your heart raced at what he was implying, but you nodded anyways, and leaned down for one last kiss before you exited the room.
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munson-blurbs · 6 months
Tui request?? Eddie gains a little weight after the baby is born and Ms heart looks amazing post baby and Eddie becomes sort of self conscious and Mrs sweet heart shows Eddie how much she loves his dad bod
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: When Eddie starts feeling insecure about his newfound dad bod, you make sure to prove how sexy you think he is.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), p in v, breeding kink, Reader breastfeeds (no lactation kink), mention of weight gain and a "junk food diet"
WC: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you to @jo-harrington for helping me with the pacing and to @corroded-hellfire for help with the dialogue!
Eddie Munson thought you were stunning the night you met at the Hideout. On your wedding day, he surmised that he was marrying the prettiest woman in the world. And when you got pregnant with Hendrix—especially once your bump became more prominent—he’d sworn up and down that you couldn’t possibly get more beautiful if you tried. 
That statement, of course, is easily refuted by his current sight of you with six-month-old Hendrix nestled into your chest. You gently move the rocking chair back and forth as the baby drinks from your breast, your shirt hiked up so he can easily latch onto your nipple. You wince slightly as he suckles, though it isn’t nearly as painful as when you’d first begun nursing him. 
“He’s getting so chunky,” you muse, running your finger over the roll that’s formed on his little wrist. You look at your husband to gauge his reaction, your smile fading when you see his distant expression. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
You sigh, carefully adjusting your position to sit forward a bit. Hendrix is unfazed, too focused on his lunch. “Tell me the truth. You know I always find out, anyway.”
“You’re right,” Eddie agrees with a small laugh. There’s no sense in trying to hide it, not when you can read him like a book. “Guess, um, guess I’ve just been noticing that Hendrix isn’t the only one putting on weight lately.” He looks down at his stomach guiltily.
A delicate frown tugs your lips downward; you notice for the first time that he’s wearing a jacket despite the warm May weather. “So? You’re adjusting to being a father of two. Instead of both of us taking care of only Harris, we now need man-to-man coverage.”
“Yeah, but you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he protests. Your pregnancy glow has carried over to a new-mom glow, despite the exhaustion. Christ, you even make sleep deprivation look good. “And you’re the one who had the baby.”
“Eds,” you say softly, the weight of his statement heavy on your shoulders, “you spent my entire pregnancy and this post-partum hell reassuring me that you loved every version of my body. Why wouldn’t I feel the same way about yours?” Hendrix has stopped eating, so you fix your shirt and prop him up to burp him.
He shrugs, cheek pinched between his teeth to stifle emotion. “I dunno, I just…” he exhales long and loud as he searches for the right phrasing. “Your body made life; mine made the decision to eat chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese off of Harris’s plate instead of vegetables.”
You offer a hint of a smile at his humor, though his words are laced with true insecurity. “Let me put this little man down for his nap and show you just how incredible that body of yours is.” There’s a mischievous glint in your eyes when you stand, the baby satiated and ready for his midday sleep. Harris is at Charlie’s house for a playdate, which means you and Eddie essentially have the afternoon to yourselves.
Hendrix’s milk-drunk state has him falling asleep quickly, and you take Eddie’s hand and lead him to the bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, your arms are draped over his shoulders, and you press your torso to his. You give his earlobe a little nibble before bringing your lips to his neck.
“You know what I see when I look at you?” you start, letting your hands rest on his biceps. “I see the arms that carry our boys to bed every night.” You leave a delicate kiss on the spot you just mentioned before gently pulling off his shirt. “And your chest is perfect for any of us to rest on.” Another kiss, this one received with a shiver. 
He shakes his head. “‘S not how I used to look,” he responds guiltily. “When I was younger, I lived off of Doritos and Mountain Dew–didn’t gain an ounce. Guess it’s catching up to me now,” he grimaces, giving his belly a little pinch.
You intercept the motion, gently pushing his hands from his stomach. “Did I know I love this tummy most of all?” When he cocks a disbelieving brow, you smile and elaborate. “It reminds me that you don’t have to settle for a junk food diet anymore. We’ve created a little home with safety, love, and delicious food. I mean, you could do some sit-ups, I guess, but…” you shrug, scrunching your nose as you say the words, “I kinda like having a little something extra to hold onto.”
“Really?” He still doesn’t allow himself to fully accept this truth, so you try another method.
“Really,” you affirm, pulling him in for another deep kiss. “I need you,” you growl, your core already flooded with need at the prospect of worshiping him. “Need you so bad.” 
Eddie moans under his breath when you suck a bruise just above his collarbone. His hands grip your hips to tug you even closer, and you can feel him stiffen in his jeans. With a knowing grin, you drop to your knees and leave a hickey right next to his navel. 
“You are,” you mumble against his skin, fingers coaxing open his pants button, “ridiculously sexy. ‘S not fair.” You unzip him, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His erection stands at attention, and you intend to show him plenty of it; but you have one last item on your agenda. “Eds, this ass? God, I could bite it all day.” You giggle as you lean around to sink your teeth into the meat of it, and he yelps in surprise. “Only want you, Eddie,” you say, now looking up into his eyes. “Only ever wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie groans, throwing his head back as you flatten your tongue and lick the underside of his shaft. “Thassit; take your time, Sweetheart.”
You take the tip between your lips, swiping at the pre-cum already dripping from it. Slowly, you allow more and more of him in your mouth until your nose brushes his pubic hair. 
“Mhm. Kee-Keep going, mmf, little faster now.” 
You eagerly oblige, swirling your tongue in that way that drives him wild; sure enough, you feel his thigh twitch next to your cheek. You assumed he would finish in your mouth, and you look up at him in confusion when he pulls out of it. 
“I gotta…fuck…gotta be inside that tight pussy of yours.” He grabs himself at the base, eyes begging for you to let him in. 
You shed your clothes and toss them in a heap on the floor, walking towards him and pushing him onto the bed. He grins when you straddle his waist and kiss his lips hungrily. 
“Gonna take care of you tonight, Eds,” you coo, grinding your wet center over the ridges of his cock. “You always make me feel amazing, honey. I wanna return the favor.”
Eddie nods, adjusting his hard-on so you can sink onto it, enveloping him in your warmth. He stretches you perfectly, and you let him know with a pleased moan. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses, nails digging into the flesh of your ass. “I’ll never get tired of that feeling.”
“Good,” you smirk, letting him bottom out before you begin moving again. His grip stabilizes you enough to ride him, rolling your hips teasingly. Your lips are beckoned by his chest tattoo, and you plant kisses all over it. “Mine.” You claim him with that one word, and he gives himself to you fully.
You sit back up to bounce on him, his hands reaching for your breasts and gently cupping them. A whine emanates from your throat as he thrusts up into you with more rigor.
“Kiss me?” he pleads, lifting one hand to clasp around the back of your head, bringing your face closer to his. There’s no need to ask twice; you lean in and kiss him passionately, 
As much as you want to take the lead, you can’t deny how incredible it feels when he thrusts upwards. You whine pathetically as he drives his cock deeper within you. 
“Take it so well, Sweetheart,” he grunts, pinning down your thighs. “Got me tempted to knock you up all over again.”
His words have you clenching around him, your breaths shallow. You brace yourself on his chest, moaning out his name. 
“Eddie, your body,” you whimper, unable to complete the sentence. Your mind is too focused on your building orgasm. 
“What about it, honey?”
You take as much of a breath as you can. “Your body makes me feel so fucking good.”
“Prove it,” he growls. “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
Pleasure washes over you, his length brushing against your sweet spot and driving you over the edge. “I-I’m cumming—”
“Mmf, m-me, too—fuck!” Eddie’s eyes roll as he finishes, pumping you full of his release. He pounds into you, draining himself completely. 
You lay on top of him until he whispers in your ear, “Sweetheart? I gotta pull out.” Sure enough, he’s gone completely soft, absolutely spent. 
All you can manage is an mmh, pouting when he withdraws. Eddie laughs kindly and kisses you, one hand cupping your cheek. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best wife in the world?” he asks, nose gently nudging yours. “Not just because of all that—which was phenomenal, by the way. Five stars.” You swat at him and he laughs harder. “I feel so…safe when I’m with you.”
Your lips ghost the tip of his nose. “You are safe with me,” you remind him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says, holding you as close as he can. He pauses for a beat before speaking again. “Can I ask you something?”
Eddie clears his throat. “That thing about liking when there’s something to, um, ‘hold onto,’” he starts, cheeks filling in pink, “did you mean that?”
It’s your turn to kiss him passionately, lips parted, tongue grazing his. You roll your hips again, fingertips brushing the soft side of his torso. It reignites the fire within him; his cock twitches slightly. 
“Does that answer your question?”
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stigmalarity · 11 months
college roommate!Miguel x reader
| gn! reader, masturbation, dildos, voyeurism
College Roommate!Miguel who gets back to your shared apartment after class and is puzzled by the noise complaint tacked to the door. 
The fine print describes loud noises during the hours that he’s not at home, meaning it would have to be you. But that’s still odd.
In the handful of months that the two of you have been roommates, he’s never known you to be loud. In actuality, most people would probably consider you the perfect roommate. You’re quiet, clean up after yourself, cook extra food for him, stay on top of chores, and mostly stick to your room. When the two of you do spend time together, it’s never awkward, just… comfortable. Neither of you feel the need to over-exert yourselves with social interaction while in the comforts of your own home.
Miguel likes being around you. He thinks you’re pretty.
He brings up the complaint that night as you cook dinner side-by-side.
“By the way, I came home to a noise complaint today,” he says, chopping up veggies to throw into the noodle dish you’re making. “It said something about loud noises, but it’s only during the hours when I’m not around. Have you heard anything?”
He doesn’t look at your face, but he notices the way you pause.
“Oh, um,” you start, stirring up the noodles in the wok. “I dunno, I must have been playing my music a little too loud while you were at school. My bad,” you reply. “I’ll try to keep it down.”
Miguel shrugs. “Got it. No worries,” he replies. Since he’s never experienced you being loud, he doesn’t really know what else it could be. He lifts the cutting board, and sweeps the veggies into the wok.
It’s not until a week later when his final lecture of the day gets canceled that he figures out what the noise complaint could have been about.
He doesn’t see you when he walks in, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. It’s only when he takes out his headphones that he hears it.
His first guess is that you’re crying, and it’s technically none of his business to figure out why. As he gets closer, though, he hears it; slick, wet sounds accompanied by your voice, a bit muffled, letting out the most debauched, lecherous wails he’s ever heard.
By some sheer, dumb stroke of fate, your door is open just a crack. His palms are sweating and his pants are tightening as he approaches. He considers turning away when suddenly he hears you, clear as day. You must have pulled away from whatever you had been pressing your face into.
“F-fuh- oh, god- Fuck, Miguel!”
All the blood in his body rushes to his cock, and he’s stepping closer faster than he can think, his eyes trained on that crack in the door. When he sees you, his mind goes blank.
You’re on your knees on the bed, your chest pressed to the sheets and your cheek turned away from him. Your arm is tucked under your torso and between your legs, fucking yourself silly with a flesh tan dildo that for a moment, reminds him of his own cock. Your pretty hole is absolutely soaked, and there's a frothy, white ring gathered at the base of the dildo that he wants to see you lick off.
He stays there, his hand squeezing at his now ridiculously hard cock over his pants as you push yourself up to face the headboard, adjust the dildo underneath you, and start bouncing.
You moan his name again. Then, as if remembering something, you press your hand over your mouth, swallowed by the sleeve of the hoodie that your other hand is tugging up your waist. The bed creaks beneath you, but you keep going.
Arousal lurches hot in his stomach when he realizes the hoodie is one he’s been missing for weeks.
Miguel only lets himself watch for a few more moments, hungrily taking in every inch of you, every noise that escapes your pretty lips and committing it to memory before he turns around and walks back to the door. He opens it wide, then slams it shut, loud enough for you to hear. Your moaning ceases. 
His eyes are trained on your bedroom door as you rush over and shut it completely.
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The Quiet One 6
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You live a quiet life, but your peace is fractured by a chaotic man.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, short!shy!reader
Note: have a good day.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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“So, what do you think?” Lloyd asks as he turns to you, outstretching his arms as he gestures to the endless hangers. “All yours. You got your pick.” 
You stand just inside the door of the walk-in closet. The space would take up at least half your apartment alone. You cross your arms as you glance along the rows of coloured fabric hung from the walls, organized in a perfect ombre effect of shades. On the far wall, there are shelves full of shoes and accessories, along with a vanity in the centre. 
“I know you’re a simple gal,” he grins, “but you don’t have to be anymore. Whatever you want, ain’t no mountain high enough and all that.” 
You nod and blow out between your lips. It all still feel surreal like a nightmare. You swallow and tamp down your discomfort. You didn’t hate the life you had. Your small apartment, manageable and tame. You prefer predictability, even if some might say it’s boring. 
“Erm, I dunno,” you slowly trail over to the other side of the closet. 
“Well, you could pick some shoes first. That might inspire you,” he suggests as he approaches you, “you don’t need to be too fancy, you know, you always look nice.” 
“Mm,” you nod,” thanks that’s...” 
You let the sentence hang. This is really freaking you out. Your chest feels tight and your head is buzzing. You shudder out a breath. 
“What... what am I choosing for?” You croak. 
“I told you, jellybean,” he puts his arm around you and pulls you against his side, “it’s a surprise.”  
He reaches to grab a hanger and holds it out at arm’s length. A blush-coloured satin dress with a bit of frill at the bottom of the skirt. It’s nothing you would choose yourself. 
“Sure, that’s nice,” you say, just to appease him. What else can you do? 
“Hm,” he hums, “you don’t like it?” 
“I didn’t say...” 
“You don’t sound very excited,” he pouts as he turns to you, his hand lingering on your hip, “none of it? I got it all for you.” 
“I’ll wear it,” you sniff, “I’m sorry, I’m just... I’m... adjusting.” 
You don’t know how else to explain it.  
He pushes his lower lip out and narrows his eyes, “sure, sure, makes sense.” He drags his hand off your hip and steps back, keeping the dress up as he angles it before you, as if he’s imagining you in it. “This is gonna look so hot, baby.” 
You do your best to stay placid. It’s harder as you heart pounds furiously. You can’t even begin to guess what he has planned but with everything he’s done and said, you know exactly what his intent is.  
“You should get washed up, huh? Then get dolled up. Like I said, won’t need much of that,” he winks, “you could walk in ass-naked and I’m sure you’d stun.” 
You can’t help how your mouth slants at his remark. 
“Alright, jellybean, let’s get you in the tub,” he lays the dress over the velvet bench and spins back, startling you as he grabs both hips and jerks you towards him with a growl, “can I watch? I promise, I’ll try not to touch. Yet.” 
You clasp onto his wrists with a yelp. He curls his lips eagerly and you repress your horror. You don’t want to antagonise. You don’t want him to get any worse than he is. 
“Um, did you want... to?” You murmur. 
“Fucking of course,” he urges you against him, “the things I want to do...” he smirks, “I’m quaking in my boots.” 
He bows to smother you with a kiss. His mustache pokes at your uper lip and up your nose as he hums and slides his tongue across your lips. You squeeze your mouth tightly shut but he pokes through, nearly choking you as he invades. You press your hands to his chest as he locks you into his embrace. 
Finally, he part and you gasp for breath. He snickers as you puff against him. Your skin is crawling as you wriggle in his hold. 
“Yum,” he purrs. 
He lets his arms fall away and quickly snags your hand. You let him drag you around to the door, your feet hollow as they move without a thought. Resistance is plainly not a choice. 
He takes you back into the adjoining bedroom, the one you awoke in, and through another door way against the perpendicular wall. He steps to the side as he tugs you forward and releases you. Your take in the sleek black walls and black tub, the silver shower head in a monochrome booth, and the ebon marble veined with sparkling white. 
“I get it, it’s going to take a lot of getting used to,” he boasts, “this is our home, sweet cheeks. Remember that. You treat it like your very own... it is. Just like me, all yours.” 
You pad slowly inside, if only to keep a distance from your captor. You won’t forget what he is. He can give you all the luxurious things but you remember the days of starvation, of terror. He can’t see himself for what he is but you do. 
“Face masks, body scrub, bath bomb, shower gel, bonnet, robe,” he points at the fluffy purple robe still around you, “slippers,” he flicks his finger towards the mat beside the door, “lotions, creams, everything you can dream of. Oh damn, I can call a nail tech if you want a fresh mani--” 
“Uh, no thanks,” ball up your fists, hiding your short-trimmed nails, “that’s not... that’s okay.” 
“Only the best for you, kitty cat,” he says. 
He strides forward and you flinch out of his way. He goes to the tub and cranks it on, water splashing out from the high faucet. He flips the silver lever to put the stopper in place and backs up. 
“Voila, all for you,” he declares, “I’ll just...” he looks around and backs up to sit on the fluffy cushioned stools near the wall, “sit and watch. If you need help getting your back, I got you.” 
He wiggles his fingers and gives a lecherous grin. You withhold a shudder and face the basin, the water battering the bottom. You step forward and peer down into the shallows. You clutch the front of the robe and peek over in his direction but not at him. 
He waits, silently. You sway, squeezing the fluffy fabric as you peer back at the water. You don’t know if you can do it. Not with him right there. 
“Whatsa matter, baby, you need help?” He shifts and you jolt.  
“N-no, I just...” you look down at yourself and frown. 
“Ah, you’re shy. I totally get it,” he coos, “you don’t gotta be though. Your beautiful, so you should be proud. Show it off, honey.” He clucks and shakes his head, “you know that’s the thing these days, all you girls, you’re so insecure, but you trust me, sweet lips, you got nothing to be insecure about.” 
Your stomach flips. You feel hazy. You try to shrug it off and drop your hands to the belt of the rob. You untie it. You’re really going to do this. Why? 
Because you’re afraid? Weak? Yep. 
You shed the rob and look around. You hang it on the hook behind the door and return to the tub. It’s getting deeper and deeper. You touch the bottom of your shirt and scrunch it up in your fists. Just do it quickly and get in. He can only see so much from over there. 
You pull your shirt off, nothing underneath. You push your pants down quickly, your underwear rolling down inside. The skin feels cooler then and tingles across your naked skin as you latch onto the tub and swing yourself over the edge. You barely get a foot under you before you submerge your body in the water. 
You sit up, legs bent, stiff on the porcelain as the water continues to rise. It’s not quite at your chest yet. If you let it fill all the way, it might touch your chin. As you watch the depth climb, you don’t notice him until he closes. You slide to the back of the tub as Lloyd cranks off the faucet. 
You notice how his eyes stray to you. Your legs stay bent in front of you, blocking most of everything. You shrink down, hunching your shoulders as he searches through the ripples. He tilts his head and cracks his neck as he exhales and backs away. 
“Take your time, baby,” he purrs as he rubs his chest. 
He sits again and you lower your head. You’ve never been this bare in front of anyone, rarely even yourself. You’re just not comfortable without some short of shield around you. Your eyes tinge with the threat of tears. You feel like you’ve been hit across the face. This is real. Really real. 
Your eyes flick up and you reach for the purple scrubby on the little black shelf. You just have to get through it. That’s what you’ve always done. 
You stare into the open case. You’re not entirely unfamiliar with the concept of make-up. When you were a teen, you had a phase, and you’ve been to enough job interviews to wield a mascara wand. Still, the amount seems excess. 
There’s almost every sort of product in every shade. Some sort of tap you don’t know what to do with, highlighter, and finishing spray. It’s too much. Your look is either a bare face or nothing at all. More often the former. 
You fidget with a tube of lipstick, clicking the lid up and down. This is all so strange. What are you getting ready for? And why? This isn’t your home, this isn’t your life, and yet it’s all so perfectly planned. 
“Honey bunnnnnn,” Lloyd’s timbre has you dropping the stick. He strides in, flustered, holding up two ties. He’s half dressed. A pair of red velvet pants and amber satin button up. It’s not a look you would go for. “What do ya think? Which tie? Paisley or the stripes?” 
You shrug and shake your head. 
He clicks his tongue, “genius, baby, genius. No tie. You’re right. Just the jacket.” 
Your mouth falls open and you nod, “sure, yeah.” 
You look back at the vanity and huff. Your face is untouched. You sit in your robe in the walk-in closet, mulling over your misery. Self-pity is as inescapable as these walls. 
“What’s up, cheeks?” He asks, “you need some help? I’m thinking you could give a bit more colour to lips but keep the rest very subtle.” 
He crosses the floor and hovers behind you. You stir around in the case and take out two bottles of foundation. You’ve never really used that either but the shades are pretty close. He lays the ties down on the vanity, brushing your back as he does, and pulls back to grip your shoulders. 
“I tried to guess as best I could. Don’t know much about all that but the lady in the store was a blessing,” he massages your shoulders as he talks. You’re tense as steel. “But you know, you got perfect skin so...” 
“Mm,” you put the foundation back and peruse the little shelf alongside the mirror. You reach for the moisturizer. Your skin feels raw.  
“I like it, au natural. Touch of cream, little lash...” 
“I’ll figure it out,” you grumble. He’s kind of annoying. No, he’s really annoying. All of this is annoying. 
“Right, yep, I will get out of your way,” he bends and kisses the crown of your head, “lots of time.” 
He strolls out and you scowl at the mirror. Something about him is getting to you. You’re not an angry person. You’re a nice person. You don’t go out of your way to be around others but when you are, you strive to be pleasant. Or at least, out of the way. 
You spread the cream over your face, watching your reflection as if it’s someone else. Where did he come from? Why? This is some cruel trick because you only ever wanted to mind your business. 
You cap the bottle and put the moisturizer back. You fish out a mascara stick and brush it on your lashes then find a neutral lip colour to put on. Nothing special, just like you. Hopefully he sees that soon enough. 
You pack away the case and push it to the back of the vanity. You get up and go to the velvet bench where the dress lays. He’s plucked out a few things to go with it. A gold necklace with small diamonds speckled along it and a pair of beige heels.  
You peek at the door before you untie the robe. You shiver as your fingers brush your stomach. You close your eyes as you recall how he wrapped you up in a towel after your bath. His touches were more than deliberate but his intrusive gaze made you squirm more. 
You pull on the lingerie tucked under the dress. A thong. You’ve never worn one of those, and a satin and lace bra with no padding. Even as you pull the dress up your figure, you feel like you’re on display. You reach back, bending your arm until your elbow throbs as you push the zipper up. 
“Need some help?” Lloyd’s voice makes you wince. 
You sniff, “sure.” 
You hold up the bodice as he approaches. You refuse to look back at him as he nears. He tickles along your spine with a single finger before he tugs on the zipper. He pulls it up little by little, until the fabric is snug around you. His fingertips drift down your back and he spreads his hands across your ass. You gasp. 
Before you can step away, his hands glide around and he grabs you by the hips. He pulls you against him and rocks with you. He inhales your scent from above and sighs. 
“Jellybean...” he almost sings, “are you...untouched?” 
You lock up and grab at his hands, trying to free yourself. 
“Is that why you’re so shy?” He snickers and spins you around, hands going to your waits, “I’m honoured to be your first.” 
You gape at him, horrified. His intent hasn’t been hard to guess but said aloud, it is all too imminent. 
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Here I am with summoning headcanons for the first ghouls told through Chain (my beloved). I'm pretty happy about this one, actually !
"Why d'you wear it ?"
Chain blinks slowly, lazily turning their head to look at Phantom, sprawled on the worn rug next to them.
The new kid is cute, they decide, a bit of a lightweight, so they stopped smoking a while ago. His cheeks are flushed purple, big stary eyes glazed over, a sweet little smile never leaving his lips.
Chain almost forgets they were asked a question, until Phantom tugs a bit more insistantly on the heavy chain looped around their waist. They hum.
"'s a lucky charm, stickbug."
Phantom tilts his head with a confused noise, wiggling closer until he can rest his head on Chain's chest. The water ghoul runs fingers adorned with bone tattoos on the skin of the young quint's arm, raising goosebumps in their wake.
"Y'know I was the first water ghoul summoned after the mess Nihil's ghouls were, right ?"
Phantom nods, tail swaying lightly.
"Well," Chain hums, "back then, summonings were messy. And now, with how much damage Nihil's ghouls had done, the Clergy was afraid. Everytime they summoned a ghoul, they found new reasons to be afraid."
Phantom shifts, reaching up to follow the glowing stripes under Chain's jaw with the tip of his fingers.
"Like what ?"
Chain sighs, thinking back to their very first pack.
"Most of them were ancient, powerful ghouls. 'Mega was the first...I mean, you've seen him. He's big. Sure, Earth and Air are taller, but there's that thing 'bout 'Mega, y'know ? Some kind of...aura or shit. Maybe it's the quintessence, dunno. Anyway, he spooked them real good, and Alpha didn't make it better."
Phantom wrinkles his nose.
"Uh oh. Alpha's spookier than Omega."
Chain can't help snorting at that.
"He's got a shit temper and an ego the size of a planet. Fought Omega the second he slid of the altar. Got messy real quick - that's were he got the scars on his cheek and on his stomach, and 'Mega has matching ones on his thigh, burn marks on his ribs too."
With a little gasp, Phantom pushes himself up on his elbows.
"Really ? But they're....really close."
Phantom's surprise is understandable. Omega and Alpha are pratically joined at the hips now, evolving around each other with an ease speaking of intimacy. Chain hums.
"Well, yeah. Suprisingly, once Omega made Alpha eat shit, it didn't take long for them to get along. I guess they just had a rocky start."
That sets Chain off, somehow, and it takes a long while before they can speak again without being interrupted by their own giggles.
"And after that, Air and Earth were summoned. You've seen them. Fucking trees, the both of them. Looming above everyone. Air traumatized the poor summoners by screeching so loudly he made some eardrums burst. And Earth, well. Spat out blood and guts everywhere - not his fault they summoned him right after a successful hunt."
Rolling on top of them, Phantom pushes his forehead against Chain's, pawing at their shoulders absent-mindedly.
"And you ?"
Closing their eyes, they can still picture it perfectly. The dim candle-lit room, the smell of incens and fear, the anxious whispers, the rough stone of the altar under their naked skin. And that familiar clinking sound.
"Well, I was the last of Primo's original ghouls to be summoned. And by that point, the Clergy was rightfully pissing their pants. So, the second I crawled out of the pit, they threatened to chain me if I showed any sign of agression. I guess they didn't expect for me to find their shiny chain really cool."
Phantom blinks at them in disblief.
"You...thought the chain looked cool."
Shrugging, Chain ruffles the quint's hair with a huff.
"Y'sound awfully judgmental. Yes, I thought it looked cool. Hopped off the altar, took it from them, sniffed it a few time and decided it was mine. Been wearing it ever since - and got my name out of it."
They stare at each other for a second before dissolving in another fit of giggles. It feels good, Chain decides, spending time with the newer ghouls, telling them stories of before they were summoned and watching their incredulous reaction.
"You," Phantom pants in between chuckles, "are the least serious ghoul I've ever met."
"Part of my charm."
Phantom laughs again, and Chain doesn't realize they're purring until the quint joins in.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 7 months
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You shot up in bed when there was a clattering sound in the vicinity of your desk. You hastily grabbed the flashlight off your nightstand only to see Daryl halfway through the window when you clicked it on. He'd knocked half of what was on your desk top to the floor.
You launched yourself out of bed and rushed over. He put a hand up against the beam of the flashlight which was blinding in the darkness. "Daryl, are you kiddin' me? What the hell are ya doin'?!" you demanded in a harsh whisper.
"Can ya get that outta my face? I can't see a damn thing..."
You lowered the beam toward the floor and continued to stare at him, exasperated as he extracted himself from the window and finally had two feet firmly on the floor. You rubbed a hand over your face. "What. are you. doing?" you asked him again more measuredly.
"Well, ya... ya didn't show up earlier today..."
Your eyebrows lifted. "So, you thought breaking into my bedroom was a good idea?"
"Uhh... I—I guess I got worried," he said, wringing his hands.
You shook your head and let out a low laugh. "Somethin' came up. I had to help my dad move some cattle. What—what was your plan exactly? Or what did you think was goin' on? That I was locked up in here or somethin'?" You smiled at him and his heart jumped in his chest.
He shrugged. "I dunno... I was just worried. Thought maybe ya were sick or somethin'. So, everythin's alrigh'?" he drawled.
"Yeah. It's fine. But you need to get out of here before anyone sees you. If my dad catches you in my bedroom in the middle of the night, he'll skin you alive," you laughed. "Not your brightest idea, Daryl," you teased him.
"Oh. Oh—uhh... yeah," he agreed. Hershel was protective of his family and he realized that getting caught with you up there in the dead of night would probably push the religious man over the edge. "Sorry. I'll just—go out the way I came in," he said, gesturing back toward the window with his thumb.
"And try and do it more quietly this time." You smiled at him for a moment before you stepped close and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'll see you in the mornin'. I promise."
Prompt: "You need to get out of here before anyone sees you."
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bandgie · 10 months
Poor Baby
Idol!Bangchan x sexworker!reader
a/n: a lot of you guys asked for a part two of this post and I will provide!
synopsis: You need to make end meet with your bills. When your boss gives you a huge opportunity to make big money, you hop at it (even if it impacts your dignity). Lucky for you, your favorite customer happens to be coming in that day.
cw: 18+ MDNI, glory holes, PIV, no protection (use it!), fingering, oral (f!receiving), pussy slapping, cursing, cock drunk reader, reader is called Nyx/Chris is called Koala, mentions of Lee Know, cum eating, Chris is more confident this time, Chris is called 'daddy' and he plays into it, brief mentions of sub-space, idk that's it
3.9k words
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"I dunno, sounds too risky," you bite your fingernails as you speak. The offer is a good one, triple your hourly and bonus tips. You were on the verge of not being able to make rent, but your boss literally put this opportunity in your lap. Had you been a higher rating girl, you wouldn't have to resort to being a gloryhole.
"Okay I see what you mean," he starts, "but it's only for the weekend. Five hours tops! I'll give you a 20 minute break in the middle of it." Your boss looks at you with expecting eyes. You would take the deal in a heartbeat, but it goes against the only rule you have. "I don't feel safe letting my clients raw dog me. What if they get me sick?"
Your boss shakes his head profusely, "No! Come on Nyx, you know I wouldn't let that happen to any of my girls. They'll take the test to see if they're clean in advance. I get it, it goes against your morals or whatever, but it's big money. Huge! People with names are going to come, literally, and I know you need this more than ever. It's why I came to you first."
You sigh, looking down at the hands in your lap. He's right, and he's a good boss. You have a good job, nice coworkers, and a boss who genuinely looks after you. That's hard to find in this business. After all, you do need the money. Doing this gig for the weekend will help tremendously, and you might even afford to take a few days off.
Finally, you nod. "Yeah I guess you're right. When should I show up?"
It was a lot sooner than you had anticipated. You and the other girls weren't allowed to know who was coming. Like your boss said, they were well-known, so they preferred to keep their identity a secret. That part did make you a little nervous if you're being honest, but you found comfort in knowing that they wouldn't be able to see you.
It would be better this way. Have half your body in a wall, legs open, let the dude use you until he cuts in mere minutes, and get on with the next. Men cum easily, especially when they used women like a fleshlight. Perhaps time will go fast like that, and you could start planning on what you can do on your mini vacation.
So here you were, upper body laid on a small bed chest down with a bar in front for support. Your lower body was out through the hole, legs standing for support. It was slightly uncomfortable, but you could manage. Other women were in different positions all around you, some higher and some lower. Your boss and a few of other workers helped lube you up. You're thankful for that because you know damn well the men coming in would just rail into you.
A few minutes passed before you could hear shuffling, murmurs, the unbuckling of pants. You tensed in anticipation. You were grateful they couldn't see you, but not being able to see them was an entirely different story. You gasped when you felt fingers explore your folds. They were impatient, violating, and too harsh. You bit your lower lip from barking at the man, trying to think of all the cash you'd be swimming in soon.
It's just for the weekend.
Chris found himself, once again, in front of your establishment. He had already gone though the club, the secret sunflower door, the code. The only difference was that he was accompanied by none other than the person who told him about this sex club, Lee Know. They both wore disguises, face masks and hats to conceal their face.
"I can't believe you convinced me to do this again," Chris groans. Lee Know only smiles and laughs. Minho pats him on the back, "You're the one that agreed. Plus they have something special going on. You'll like it." Chris follows Minho from the main floor of the sex club and into the back. It's the familiar path to where he met you, but way further back.
Christopher would be lying if he wasn't anticipating on meeting you again. It's embarrassing, but he jerks himself off at the thought of you. The way you feel, the way you taste, how patient you were with him. He would rather die than tell Minho about you, he would get teased until the end of days. It's silly to think he'd see you here, but he can't help but hope.
"Something special? Is that why I had to get tested for STD's?" Chris questions. Rather than giving a verbal answer, Minho hums. He didn't have to do that before the session with you, and you let him go raw. Maybe it's only for special event, he thinks.
Chris and Minho approach a booth with a person inside. She wears a plastic smile on her face, hair done perfectly and acrylic nails. "Names please?" Her voice is almost drained out by the moans and slapping sounds coming from the other side. It's just a curtain that covers it, so all sounds can be heard.
A blush quickly finds its way to Chris's face and ears. He's so flustered that Minho has to answer, "Koala and Rino." The lady in the booth seems completely dismissive about what's going on behind the curtain. She looks through a few pages before nodding, "Ah I see you right here. Please enjoy your time, the session ends in about 2 hours."
Lee Know nods in response and grabs Chris by the sleeve the drag him behind the curtain. To say he was surprised was an understatement. He couldn't even comprehend the sight at first. Men were covered in sweat, pants completely down. Cum was stained below where the women were placed. The smell was strong, and it made Chris grimace.
He turned to Minho, expecting the same reaction. Instead, Minho was looking as if he was at heaven's gates. "Isn't it beautiful?" Chris stays quiet rather than answering. Minho walks further in and Christopher trails behind. The women have only their lower body sticking out, some in doggy others in missionary position.
Chan has only seen glory holes in porn, never even considering seeing one in person.
"So here," Minho points at the wall above one of the women, "is the name of the hole. They don't provide pictures, which sucks. If you see a name you like or know, you just basically fuck it. Cum in it, don't come it. Touch it, don't. The main rule is to not reach in the cut out. Keep your hands to what's exposed, or you'll get kicked out. They're pretty strict when it comes to shit like this."
Chris doesn't bother asking how Lee Know knows so much, it's in his name afterall. "I dunno," Chris tentatively looks around the room. Other men seem to have face masks on, but some don't. He can recognize people form TV, the news, even some older politicians. Lee Know sighs, "Bro, they don't care about you. No offense. They're just here to get their dick wet and leave. It's only gay if you make eye contact."
Lee Know's joke lightens the mood, and Chris finds himself laughing alongside him. They did pay a pretty dime to be here for the special event, he might as well enjoy it. The two men go off in their separate ways not long after. It feel weird for Chris to window-shop like this, almost uncomfortable. It's not until he comes across a familiar name that makes his heart skip.
Nyx, he almost sings. You have your ass out at the height of his hips. He takes a few steps closer as if he couldn't believe it's actually you. Chris takes note of your of your swollen clit, the gaping hole, the cum that drips down your thighs. Without thinking, he reaches out his ands to rub your ass. Not sexually, but more in a comforting way. He can tell this takes you by surprise because you jolt.
"Poor baby," he says sympathetically. It's not loud enough for you to hear, but he can't help but want to console you. From the description he read of you before, he thought this was the last place you'd be. His hands stay soft, and he finds himself kneeling. He can feel the wet floor staining his pants, but he doesn't care.
To put on a show, you wiggle your ass for him. You think the man behind you is going to shove himself in, but you feel a hot tongue. You gasp as the sensation. Since you first clock in, no one had eaten you out. You honestly didn't expect anyone to. You're covered in other men's cum, who in their right mind would consider such a thing?
Chris would, in a heartbeat. If it's to soothe you, he would do anything. He feels like he owes you something. Sure he paid you after the last interaction, but it still felt like it wasn't enough. Tasting men's cum isn't pleasant, but hearing your muffled moans though the walls was worth it.
It reminds him of last time, how desperate you sounded with his mouth on you. He wished you could see his face, watching as your mouth twisted in pleasure. Even now, he's still wishing for the same. His mask is pulled down under his chin while he devours you. Your legs struggle to keep you up right, but you stay on your tiptoes.
You can hear him slurping behind you, his hands gripping the back of your thighs to keep you spread. His tongue flicks over your bud and goes back to teasing your entrance. You could feel your arousal seeping out, and that seems to spur him on more. Your hands grip the bar above the bed, and you so desperately want to grip his hair instead.
Despite being here for three hours, you haven't came. You've gotten close to finishing, but men always finished before you did. It left you frustrated, yearning. You pray that the man eating you keeps going until you cum, but you know better than to hope for that. Instead, you try to grind against his face with what little movement you have.
"Shit. You like that baby?" You hear him ask. His voice is vaguely familiar, a twist of a distinct accent you swear you've heard before. You nod though he can't see. "Fuck yes. Don't stop," you moan. Perhaps it wasn't smart to command the client to please you, it's the other way around after all. To your surprise, he keeps going. He has his tongue dip inside your pussy, feeling your smooth walls.
It's so unbelievably sexy of him to eat you out. He must look humiliating; on his knees, sucking out the cum of other men into his mouth, the filthy sounds that leave his throat. He's eating you like he's never had a good meal in his life, like he missed your pussy. His tongue is experienced too, and you can't help but think this is also familiar.
That recognizable knot in your stomach gathers, and you begin shaking. If he pulls away now, you think, I'll quit. You don't even have to tell him you're close, he can feel how you tighten around his tongue. He quickly pulls away and shoves a finger inside before you could complain. It's difficult to eat you out now that his finger is in the way, but he can use his other hand to replace his mouth.
Chris rubs your clit in circles while he pumps you with his other finger. You squeal at the impact, feeling how his hand meets your ass when he goes deep. Your toes curl, eyes roll back to your head, and loudly moan when you cum on his fingers. It's been so long, so long since you've cum from a client. The last time was with that Koala guy, the one with the...accent.
Realization hits you quickly. You don't even have the chance to say anything with how he finger fucks you through your orgasm. "Wait! wait wait wait..." Chris immediately stops when he hears you. He gently removed his hand from you and you almost fall limp. His hands catch your waist and he keeps you up.
"Are you okay?" His voice is full of concern, full of care. Yeah, that can only be one person. You laugh breathlessly, body still quivering from your recent orgasm. "Shit Koala. How long has it been? Like three months?" You imagine he's choked up, unable to answer you. You've had a lot of customers, and it's impossible to remember them all. Koala, however, has left quite the impression on you.
He laughs awkwardly, "Something like that yeah. Uh...how ya been?"
You blow a raspberry and chuckle, "I don't think I'm in a position for a little reunion. You came here to fuck no?" Chris is a little stunned with your words, but agrees. "Yes. Well no. I mean yes, but not like-" he keeps rambling. You take pity on him and decide to take the lead, "No no I get it. You came here to fuck my pussy right?"
Chris feels like his face is on fire. He wish he could deny it, but he can't. He did come here with hopes of seeing you, to feel you again. Sure he could have fucked any girl here, but how could he when he knew you were here. All pretty and prepped for him. "What if I said yes?" he teases. "Would that make you happy?"
It's surprising to hear Koala tease you back, but you're more than happy to oblige. "Hmm...maybe. It's been a while since you've fucked me, might not be as good as before." Chris laughs, hands squeezing your ass, "I think you know you're lying to yourself. Got you cummin' on my tongue in minutes. Imagine what I could do with my cock."
His confidence has you horny. Before, he was pliant and submissive. He's a totally different man now, who knows what happened in three months. It could also be the fact that he can't see you properly, so it gives him some courage to be bold. No matter, you find it beyond attractive.
"All this talking and no fucking," you complain. "Maybe you are rusty."
In all honesty, Chris hasn't really fucked after you. He rarely did in the first place, but he genuinely thinks no one can compete with your cunt. He knows you're joking with him, but it still makes him nervous. Three months is a long time, he might have lack in some aspects now that he's the one taking control.
Still, he's given such a golden opportunity to show you that he can please you. Chris's grip on your ass tightens for a brief second before he grabs ahold of the base of his cock. It's already hard, red from screaming at Chris to put it in. He uses one hand to guide his cock into your abused hole and the other to rub soothing circles on your waist.
You can't help but smile. It doesn't how dirty he can talk or act, he's still a gentleman at heart. The nearly forgotten stretch makes you whimper when he puts his tip in. His cock is hot and can easily slide in with no problem. Despite that, he still take his time. Chris really wants you to feel how you pussy stretches around him, how he can glide against your warm walls.
Your knuckles turn while from gripping the bar so hard. You almost want to scream at him to hurry up and fuck you. Instead, you find yourself whimpering the contact. Your hips move against him to try and slip his dick in. It works a little, feeling his cock roughly an inch deeper. You can hear him moan behind the wall, a breathy higher pitched whine that makes your cunt wetter by the second
"You still sound so pretty," you whisper. You doubt he can hear you from the other men and women fucking, but he does. Little did you know, that he has his ear against the wall. Chris just needs to hear how you sound, what noises you make. He knows he must look so pathetic, and he's grateful that Lee Know is no where in sight.
Finally, he fills you up completely with his girth. Your legs twitch and squeeze together at the intrusion. You can feel the tingles that travel up and down your body from pleasure. Whimpers and moans leave you lips when he starts thrusting. You're thankful for the wall that separates you two. Before, you had tried to remain professional. Now you can be as loud as you please without worrying. Well...that's what you think at least.
The combined feeling of your soft pussy and beautiful moans break Chris's sanity. Both of his hands grip your sides so he could bring you to meet his thrusts. It's so loud and wet, he thinks you two must be the loudest in the room. Chris loves watching as your cunt drools on his cock, leaving strings of arousal on your ass and his thighs.
You're on the verge on tears letting this man fuck you relentlessly. It feels so indescribably amazing, you let your mouth hang open. "Oh fuucckk," Chris hears you groan. Heat and pleasure remain in your lower stomach, slowly building. It's torture with how it feels like too much and not enough all at once.
You find yourself wishing you could use your hand to rub your clit, but the wall prevents that. instead, you try grinding your thighs together tightly for stimulation. It works, but at the cost of choking Koala's dick. He whimpers, almost pained from the sudden tightness. He moves his hands to the inner parts of your thighs and spreads them open in response.
"Gonna break my fuckin' cock," he mumbles, lightly laughing. Chris resumes his thrusts, but he notices the constant moving of your hips. So much so that he even slips out momentarily. He thinks that it's getting too much for you, but the way you're begging for him to shove it back in says otherwise.
"What's the matter baby?" His voice is light. His strokes are softer now, giving you the ability to speak properly. You take a few heavy breaths before answer, "Touch me." You sounds so desperate, so out of your character that Chris almost wants to tease you further.
He concludes that you must be getting close, just wanting to extra rubbing to really get off. Chris grants your wish and uses his fingers to rub circles on your clit. Your reaction is immediate, bucking and crying out in gratitude. Chris smiles fondly at how your body replies to his touch. Now he can tease you without feeling guilty.
"What do you saaayy?" He speaks in a sing-songy voice. Had you been fully cognitive, you would've cursed him. You headspace isn't working though, and you find yourself expressing your appreciation quickly. "Thank you daddy. Thank you thank you. I needed it sooo bad."
The pet name throws him off, making him stutter his hips for a split second. Chris deeply blushes at the term, unsure if he hates it or loves it quite yet. "Yeah? You like daddy's big cock in you?" He decides to test it out. Maybe it's because you're beginning to enter the sub-space zone, but you cum unexpectedly on his dick.
Chris feels you twitch around him and convulse. There was no warning, save for how creamy his length had gotten from your excitement. He almost praised you for how beautifully you painted his cock. Chris pulled himself in and out of you slowly to watch the white substance spread.
You couldn't stop moaning, fully crying from the orgasm. You normally had a good gauge on when you could cum and how to prolong it, but Koala had proven to fuck you up in more ways than one. You body shook and hugged his cock practically lovingly. Feeling him slide his dick slowly inside of you only make you wail louder.
Once Chris felt like you had come down enough, he fucked you with intent. He doesn't know how he was able to last this long, but he's chasing his own orgasm now. You can do nothing else but to take it. You groan everything he hits your deep, tip touching your womb. You can feel your cream dripping down your thighs.
This only encourages Chris more to finish. He wants nothing more than to mix your arousals together. Chris throws his head back and groans, letting his dick settle fully inside you when he cums. Hot spurt bursts in your tummy and you moan at the warmth. You usually detest having clients cum in you, the clean up was irritating. Koala, however, is an exception. He's invited to cum where he pleased when it comes to you.
Hearing him though the walls is bliss, and you wish you could see his face. He's probably still wearing that stupid mask, you think.
Chris lets himself give a few more good thrusts before pulling out, leaving you empty. He uses his thumb to spread your pussy lips to look at how your cunt pools his cum out. He hums at the sight, and gives your pussy a slap. You jolt and yelp at the contact, still sensitive.
"Guess I'll take you answer as a yes," he suddenly says.
Rather than leaving, Chris keeps massaging his cum and your own around your lower lips. You sigh contently as you feel him explore your folds. He's not doing it hard enough to give intense pleasure, but enough to feel soothing. It must be a mess down there, but Chris is entranced by the sight.
He so distracted that he didn't hear Lee Know's footsteps coming at the side of him. It's not until Chris feels his presence that he turns. They make eye contact for a moment before Chris straightens up, wiping his wet hands on the wall. The men have a silent exchange of words before Chris withdrawals his hands from you.
Before you can protest, Koala gives you brief reassurance. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You hear his footsteps leave along with another pair of feet. His sudden departure leaves you feeling somewhat cold, but you quickly dismiss the feeling. It's business, nothing personal. It's something you've had to remind yourself for years working this job. This particular instance, though, leaves you more than just your pussy empty.
"See you tomorrow," Lee Know mocks Chris's earlier words on the way home. Chris has no choice but to put up with Lee know antics. He keeps rubbing in his face how he got to fuck five different girls while Chris only did one. Not that it really matters to Chris, but he knows that Lee Know is much more aware of his little crush now.
After finishing up his laughter, Lee Know throws an arm over Chris's shoulder. "I'm just teasing you man. But I was right you know. That you would like it." Chris can't help but smile upon seeing his friend's cheesy expression. "Yeah yeah, whatever," he playfully rolls his eyes.
"But really," Lee Know questions, "You'd be down to go again? Just for her?" Chris stops walking for a second to think, eyes up to the sky. The night is clear, stars and moon shining down on them. He doesn't know you well, only that your pussy and his cock belong together. Going to that club often would hurt his wallet over time, but he's starting to think that it may be worth it.
"Yeah, just for her."
a/n: really hope you liked it! feedback is appreciated. I am not planning on making a third part to this imma be honest, but I might write an epilogue if it's highly requested.
update!: third part here
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
Hii I love your work so much!! I was wondering if you would do Frank Castle x reader based off of Sunlight or Francesca By Hozier? I don’t know I just feel like with how deeply this man feels that one or those would be perfect for Frank and the reader.
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Summary: A glimpse into the way Frank feels for you.
Warnings: Fem!reader, violence, reader has unspecified mental health issues
Word count: 1.2k
Author’s note: I fell in love with both these songs thanks to this request!! I tried to combine both of them, though I suppose I got more out of Francesca. I’m a little on the fence about this one shot in general, but I hope you like it! Thanks for your patience <3 Also, I keep forgetting to say this, but thank you so much for 700 followers!!! It means so much to me that we’ve created this little community of traumatized Frank lovers :)
There was nothing Frank wouldn’t have done for you. He had known that quite early into your relationship, his devotion for you growing more and more every day, even if you weren’t officially dating. In fact, your feelings for each other had gone unspoken ever since you had met, but he couldn’t deny they were there — he cared for you so much it terrified him, it kept him up at night.
He thought about the first time he met you often. He’d never forget the way you looked in that dress you had dug out of your closet just for the occasion, how the warm bar light illuminated your starry eyes and how you had been nervously gnawing on your lip while glancing at your phone for the millionth time.
”Whoever’s standin’ you up would regret if they saw you in that dress”, he had spoken up from across the mostly empty bar counter, and you had immediately looked up only to find a man so attractive your stomach did a somersault. Rough around the edges but undeniably easy on the eyes, even more so when the corner of his mouth had twitched upwards in a sneaky smirk, even when his stare was focused on the crowd behind you. You had shuffled on your feet, looking around to see who he was referring to, but when you had turned back to him, you found him gazing right at you, making your mouth run dry.
”I was supposed to have a date”, you had explained over the music, ”guess it was a waste of a pretty dress.”
He had chuckled at that. ”Well, for what it’s worth, you made this old sucker’s heart skip a beat”, he had shrugged before gesturing at the empty seat next to him. ”Buy you a drink?”
And ever since then, he had been hooked on you. You made him feel alive, you gave him a reason to get up in the morning. So when you had told him you felt like you were doing the opposite, his heart had shattered in his chest.
”I realize I have a lot of baggage. So I don’t blame you if you want to, I dunno, check out now”, you had explained meekly, distance between you as you both stood in your kitchen at an ungodly hour, fresh stitches on Frank’s abdomen. ”I guess I’m not a very easy person to be around, is what I’m saying”, you had added with a quiet chuckle, and at that, Frank had closed the space between you, his hand coming to rest on your cheek as he swallowed all the air from your personal space.
”You think I am?” he had stated matter-of-factly. ”You’re wrong, sweetheart. I don’t remember the last time it was this easy for me to be around someone. You make me feel… Yeah, you just make me feel. I can’t get enough of you. Don’t ever think I’d wanna get rid of you, ’cause shit, as long as you’ll have me, I ain’t goin’ anywhere”, he had explained, passion behind every word, and it had made you tear up.
”You know everything that’s wrong with me and you’re saying you still want to be my friend?” you had asked to confirm, and licking his lips, Frank had glanced at yours before nodding. He had forced himself to withdraw, not wanting to cross any lines, but he had given your hand a squeeze, nonetheless.
”Never been more sure of anything.”
He wasn’t letting go of you. As much was confirmed when his enemies caught whiff of you being involved with him — before he knew it, your name fell from the lips of his latest target, and he had seen red. The men were coming from left and right, punching him, stabbing him, each of them claiming their piece of the Punisher, but he wasn’t going to rest until he’d know you were safe. Their taunts of getting to his little girlfriend had pushed him over the edge, and with feral anger, he slaughtered the lot of them, not letting a single henchman slip out and get to you.
He had wanted to avoid you seeing him like this so badly. But as soon as he was done, as soon as the men lay dead at his feet, he was rushing out of the warehouse he had been lured into, just to make his way to you.
The urgent knock on your door in the middle of the night wasn’t a completely unfamiliar sound — you had stitched Frank up more than a few times, but you could tell something was wrong. As soon as you opened the door, a bloodied Frank burst through, his eyes wide and alert, his shaky hands clamoring to find purchase on your shoulders.
”Hey, hey, what is it? Are you okay?” you asked with worry, eyebrows knitted together as you tried to balance Frank’s larger frame, your hands resting on his arms.
”I—I needed to know you were okay”, he managed to get out, breathless and panicking, and nodding to promise him that you were, you attempted to meet his frantic eyes and calm him down.
”I’m okay, Frankie, I’m okay. Breathe, honey”, you reassured, and slumping against your body, Frank pulled you into a vicelike hug, squeezing you tight, breathing you in. Blood stained your clothes and hair, but your priority was getting Frank across the panicked state he was in, to assure him everything was okay.
”They said they were coming for you. I—I couldn’t let them. I wasn’t gonna let them”, he repeated, before grunting, ”I killed ’em all.”
Pulling away slightly, you looked into dark eyes with a disbelieving frown. ”You did that for me?” you whispered, and finding solace in your gaze, Frank found it in himself to catch his breath and understand that the imminent danger was over.
”You’re goddamn right I did. I’d do it again and again. I’d do anything for you”, he swore, letting his forehead fall against yours. You closed your eyes and took his hand, giving it a firm squeeze before pulling him towards the bathroom.
”Let’s get you cleaned up, big guy.”
Even after he had had time to shower, he was still on alert, constantly checking the windows and pacing around your apartment. You had to fight him to the bedroom, insisting that you both needed to get some rest, and he supposed he could do that — watch over you, make sure you’d get to sleep soundly. Soon enough, you were cuddled up in the bed and Frank was sitting next to you, resting against the headboard with his eyes laser-focused on the closed door.
”Hey, you can relax. They’re all gone. No one’s coming for me”, you reminded him softly, caressing his arm with tender fingers, and swallowing, Frank slowly and reluctantly sank deeper into the mattress to be closer to you.
”I ain’t ever lettin’ anythin’ happen to you. You know that, right?” he grunted, and with a nod, you reassured him.
”I know. You always make me feel safe.” His eyes softened at your words, and gently, he reached over to kiss your forehead, his lips lingering for a brief moment.
He really would have done anything for you.
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underoospeterparker · 5 months
ROCKER Sirius black is the typa guy to read out thirst tweets about him just to get u jealous, but if ur really sensitive and you start getting upset he might leave yours he’s all “oh, my sweetheart..” cradling u n shii
rockstar!sirius black x fem!reader, 0.5k words
You lay on the sofa, book turned upside down on your chest. Sirius lay nearby, your head in his lap as he scratched at your scalp gently while he held his phone with his other hand.
Your boyfriend burst out laughing, and you looked up at him questionably. "Sorry," he said, a grin on his face. "Just..." He must have seen something on your face that made him tell you what he was smiling about. "Prongs sent me a tweet of something wildly inappropriate," he settled on saying. Sirius pressed a kiss to your head and went back to his scrolling on his group chat.
Growing exasperated with him, you snatched the phone out of his hand. You certainly didn't like being treated like you were one of his groupies. Your eyes shifted to the tweet that he had thousands of likes already. It read: Sirius Black was so hot at his last show. I want to push him against the wall and-
You switched the phone off, your eyes getting teary as you handed it back to Sirius. You moved your head from off his lap and watched his concerned look when you told him you were going to use the bathroom.
It wasn't a minute later before he was knocking at the door. "Baby?"
You let out a hum as a reply.
"You doing okay in there?"
Not really. You were curled up on the toilet lid, knees pressed to your stomach. "You can come in, I guess," you sighed, knowing he wouldn't stop pestering you anyway.
"Hey." Sirius was suddenly crouched in front of you, his hands landing on your thighs as he squeezed them reassuringly. "Hey," he whispered, his voice gentler. "What's wrong?"
Your eyes watered at his obvious care and you fell into his now outstretched arms, burying your head into his jacket. "Shhh," Sirius whispered, tightening his hold on you when you let out a heartbreaking sob. "Oh, sweetheart, it's okay." He continued to let out soft comforts until your crying subsided and you lay in an exhausted heap by his legs.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you watched as he grasped your hand and squeezed in tightly, setting your interlocked hands in his lap. "Why'd you run off, hm?" He asked kindly.
You shrugged, then hesitated. "Dunno," you mumbled under your breath. "I think I just don't really like when other people talk about you and how much they like you." You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding.
Sirius looked at you, his features softening at your confession. "Honey," he cooed, turning to you to hold your cheeks in his hands, "you know I'm never going to get with any of them, right?"
You gave him a not very assuring nod.
He gathered you in his arms, bringing you towards his chest. "Lovely girl," he murmured, his breath hot against your temple, "I only want you. You got that?"
"Really?" Sirius thought you looked adorable, your gaze imploring as you searched his face.
"Yes, really."
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