#i drew mostly to calm myself down
b3llawr1tes · 3 months
THE HEIGHT OF SUMMER matt sturniolo.
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summary : you meet a boy at a party under not very nice circumstances. ! angelina's character is you, i hate the y/n thing. imagine you're her !
disclaimer : no nsfw content, just some fluff, alcohol & drug use (not heavy), smoking, swearing, everyone is over 18
it was a very hot summer evening in california. today i went to the beach with some of my friends. just hung out then came back home. i’ve always loved the beach. the sound of the ocean and the waves always made my mind calm down. i’ve been living alone for a year now and honestly, it wasn’t at all what i was expecting. i was doing great.
i had troubles with depression and addiction ever since i was young, but somehow it got better now. and my bad mental health wasn’t because of my parents, don’t get me wrong. and not because of my siblings either. i love them all very much. i’m beyond grateful for everything they’ve done for me.
but enough about my past. i got back from the beach around 7 pm and i was waiting for my friend natalie to come over. we had a party we were invited to, lucas, one of our friends decided to throw a huge back to summer party, as garduates. i was so excited.
i took a shower, i walked up to the bathroom’s sink where my phone lit up, revealing a text message from natalie, by bestest of by best friends.
hey girl are you ready for this??
i looked at the message and chuckled. nat could always make me smile no matter the circumstances. she was always so hype, i became excited too.
yesss!! when u coming?
be there in 10 put on some music xx
i closed my phone and got dressed. i was already blasting my music from the big speaker in my living room i bought when i was 16. back then i felt like i was the coolest and honestly i was. and i still am. i was listening to some 2000’s girl music like britney spears, nelly furtado, rihanna etc., one of my favorite types of music.
i sang along to the lyrics while i chose my outfit for the night which consisted of a pair of baggy jeans, a brown belt i got from my dad and just a basic black shirt. my makeup wasn’t anything worth mentioning, but i felt good about myself in it and that’s what matters.
natalie arrived, i greeted her with a big smile, showing off my outfit before she did too. we took a few shots, talked about some random things, then i got my shit together and we were ready to go. natalie texted jake, one of our friends, who was supposed to pick us up, that we were ready and in less than 10 minutes we were blasting music in the car, with him, feeling the party spirit.
“are you girls ready for this? whoooo!” jake yelled and we both yelled back a ‘yes’.
i looked outside the window when a slowed song started playing, looking at the flashing lights, all the people we were passing by, thinking about how beautiful life is when you have people you can have fun with. and how excited i was to meet so many new people tonight. we were just a few minutes late, and when we got there we all got out of the car which was parked perfectly between two others.
“this is sooo fun. do you have a cigarette jake?” nat asked. i just laughed while the blonde haired boy handed her one.
we walked up to the house, and there were people already passed out on the front garden, some still drinking. thank god we weren’t surrounded by so many neighbours. when we got to the door, jake opened it and my eyes widened. there were people everywhere. mostly in the living room on the so-called ‘dance floor’ dancing to some 2010’s music.
now this is a party.
“this is fucking insane. let me find drew.” jake said then walked to the back and out to the backyard.
“i think he likes you.” i said to nat, trying really hard not to yell so loud, but that was nearly impossible.
“what? no he doesn’t.” said the girl.
“i saw the way he looked at you. you should make a move.” i said.
“nah, you’re delusional, but thanks. let’s find the alcohol shall we?” natalie asked and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the kitchen.
louder music filled my ears as we found the place we were looking for, many bottles of many things in front of our eyes. to be honest i wasn’t the biggest drinker, only occasionally like this time. only when there was a party going on. so i let my friend choose whatever she wanted to drink.
she wanted to take shots.
so we took a few more shots before going to the living room. one of our favorite songs started playing.
“oh my god this is our song you hear that?” i yelled to my friend who looked at me with the biggest smile i’ve ever seen jumping up and down in excitement.
“yes, let’s dance!” she said.
so we did. we danced our heart out to be honest, i danced until my feet couldn’t handle it anymore, drinking whatever nat was drinking, feeling like this night will last forever. i went outside to have some fresh air fill my lungs, while natalie went to find jake who was smoking somewhere in the backyard.
i took a deep breath and let the air fill my lungs. i opened my eyes and realized i couldn’t really stand on my feet anymore. i could still feel the alcohol in my system but not as much as i did an hour ago. thankfully. i tried sitting down on one of the chairs out there, but my legs said no so i almost fell backwards, into the house through the big glass door.
“woah! you good?” someone asked from behind me, balancing me back on to my feet before i could fall.
“yeah thanks.” i said, sitting down, finally, with the help of this someone.
i brushed my hair out of my face, and looked up at the person.
“are you really drunk?” he asked, before i could even process his presence.
“a bit. i was just dancing for so long my legs gave up on me.” i said, laughing. he did too.
i tried focusing my eyes on him. he had brown hair, kind of falling in front of his face a little bit. fluffy. good. he also had blue eyes, and what i liked about them is they looked tired. so hot. he also had a sculpture-like face, his jawline sharp. he had a beautiful smile, i felt lucky i could see it.
“that’s cool. are you alone?” he asked.
“why you wanna kidnap me?” i asked back.
“no, no no no, sorry that came out wrong. i just don’t want you to get lost or hurt you know?”
that’s cute. but i just couldn’t take my eyes off his tattoo’s covering one of his arms.
“yeah, thanks. i’m with two of my friends. i also know quite a few people in there.” i said, pointing inside with my head.
“who are you here with?” i asked.
“my brothers.”
“i love that. well, have fun mysterious guy, maybe fate will bring us back together. i’m going to find my friend. have a nice night!” i said, standing back up, going inside.
“try not to fall next time!” he yelled after me, and i smiled to myself.
that was what you call a meet-cute? i have no idea, i just wanted to find natalie. i found her talking to jake in one of the living room’s corner. i went up to them.
“what you got there?” i asked them looking at their cups.
“straight up vodka girly, you want some?” the black haired girl asked, handing me the alcohol.
the cup was almost full, so i decided to down it. i thought ‘when if not now? also we only live once don’t we?’ so i just handed the empty cup back to her with a big smile on my face trying to hide the fact that vodka by itself tastes terrible.
“i just met the hottest boy outside. you won’t believe it.” i yelled.
“what? really? who is he?” my friend asked.
“i don’t know. mystery guy. couldn’t ask for his name.”
before nat could speak up, jake did.
“then snort this and you’ll basically see him everywhere.”
i thought for a second. i knew it was cocaine. have i done it before? yes. twice. once i didn’t want to, once i did. one time it was good, one time it wasn’t. but it was a back to summer party, everyone’s only goal was to get drunk and high. and who was i to decline that? plus nat always tries to include herself so that i wasn’t alone in all these.
so we both did a line.
i inhaled, then exhaled. i grabbed my girlfriend’s hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. my legs felt sore, but not too sore to the point where i couldn’t dance. i could always dance. so we did. for another hour. i felt the drug hit me, bright lights everywhere. the music filled my whole body. i was loudly singing the lyrics. it felt like what i imagine heaven to feel like.
then i opened my eyes and didn’t know here i was.
i knew i was still at the party, but i was outside. the last thing i could remember was me and nat walking out of the house into the front yard, but now i was alone. i tried calling her phone. no answer. i felt horrible. i think was even standing next to my own puke. i tried calling jake. no answer. what the fuck? where are they?
then i turned around to see three people walk out of the house. one of them i could recognize as the mysterious boy i talked to ouside earlier. but then… i could recognize all of them. all of them looked like that one guy. wait. what? i thought i was hallucinating thanks to the drug i took before, but no. i wasn’t.
“do you guys seriously look the same?” i asked, walking up to them.
“yeah?” the one in the middle asked with a focused look on his face.
“that’s crazyyyy.” i added.
“oh hey, you’re the girl who was dancing until her legs gave up right?” the guy i “knew” asked.
“yeah, yeah.”
“you know her matt?” the third oy asked.
“oh yeah we met earlier what’s up?” matt asked.
“my friends ditched me. i don’t know where they are they aren’t picking up the phone and i’m panicking a little bit.” i said the truth.
“hey it’s okay. maybe we can give you a ride home. you live far?” asked matt again.
“not really. i would really appreciate that if i’m not asking too much.” i just wanted to go home at this point.
matt looked at his brothers. both of them nodded and started walking towards where the cars were parked. i stayed behind with matt.
“so matt is your name.” i said.
“is this fate then?” i asked, looking at him with a smile.
“i guess so.” he chuckled, unlocking the car.
i don’t even know why, but even that simple action, the way he did it was attractive.
i opened the car’s door and got in, closing it behind me. matt was the one driving. wait. am i getting into a car with someone who just drank alcohol?
“are you sober matt?”
“yes. i don’t drink alcohol. nice you even thought about that.” he said.
“sorry, yeah, just making sure.”
the boy with the longest hair sat in front of me, next to me the third brother. triplets. that’s cool. the guy in front was talking to matt, while next to me, the boy was on his phone, not paying attention. i wasn’t either. i was really tired.
i was looking outside the window. watching the lights pass by, as well as the people, and all the shops. i tried thinking about something that won’t put me into sleep, i mean they didn’t even knew where i lived.
but i guess i failed because i woke up in a room i didn’t even recognize. at all.
. . .
thank you guys so much for reading the first part of my
matt story! i hope you like it! it would mean the world to
me if even just one person liked it! i hope i can continue
with this soon, until then don’t forget to be happy and be
kind! love you all <3
© every character besides the sturniolo triplets are mine, as well as the story. anything remotely similar to this is purely coincidental. thank you.
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cynosfunnyjokes · 2 years
Held in the Arms of Another
Characters: Gorou (Lumine and Kokomi Mentioned (Reader is not Traveler))
Genre: Angst
Summary: The Vision Hunt Decree is finally over and your lover, Gorou, is finally back in your life- but things aren’t how you thought they would be…
Notes: A lil angsty fanfic I wrote for myself like a year ago that my lovely friend proof read! It was originally meant to have a happy ending but I never wrote a second part (gotta love good ol angst to fluff). but uhH- if enough people are actually interested, I might write a second part?? This is also posted on my AO3 (cynosfunnyjokes)!
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With the Vision Hunt Decree and war finally being over, thanks to the dear Traveler and the group of people who helped alongside her, everything was finally calm. Everyone could now relax and life was able to continue on as it had before.
By default, you had assumed that Gorou, your lover, would be able to spend more time with you now to make up for the time that you both had lost to his position as General of the Watatsumi Army. During that time, he had prioritized everything else- which was fair, with people having their Visions stolen from them by the Raiden Shogun and then the whole issue with the Delusions- but that didn’t do much to deflect the slight pain you felt when he would scurry off in the early hours of the morning with a light peck on the lips and a quick mumble of, “I have to go see Her Excellency.” or anything along those lines.
Many nights were spent alone in a cold bed that was much too big for one person. His side of the bed would remain vacant until the early hours of the morning when he would finally step through the door…. If he would even show up. 
Sometimes, you would have to remind him to take care of himself- to rest when he was tired- and more often than not, it would lead to small arguments. By the end of the night, one of you was embraced in the other’s arms with a loose promise of trying to do better.
Then, one day, the mysterious Traveler showed up with her odd floating companion. The legendary Traveler, who had brought down a dragon to save Mondstadt and won a fight against a Fatui Harbinger, was now joining the Resistance to help take down the Shogun. You were grateful, really, you were, along with the other Inazumans that she had saved, but after everything settled…. Why was she still here? And why was Gorou all over her? Even with the extra free time, the hybrid was still barely at home.
Was he growing tired of you? 
The Traveler was far better- it was a fact that you couldn't deny. She was amazing at everything and hell, she was more attractive as well. With this thinking, you couldn’t find it in yourself to blame him for wanting to be around her more. Honestly, who wouldn’t?
Watching him leave early in the morning to follow Lumine like a lost puppy only to come home late at night when the moon was in its trek through the sky, it really hurt. Maybe this was his way of indirectly ending the relationship- by distancing himself almost completely. 
That thought alone almost had you in tears half of the time.
This went on for two weeks before you'd finally had enough. It was tearing your heart apart the more you saw your dear lover less and less. Would it kill him to spend a day with you? Apparently so.
Some days, he would rush off early before you would wake up. Today seemed to be one of those days.
The room was mostly dark, save for the small rays of sunlight peeking over the window sill, flooding a cold, and dim light. However the sun wasn’t what drew you from your slumber; it had been the sound of your lover clumsily pulling his clothes on. All that was visible to you was his back, tail softly swaying back and forth as he tugged on the armor that usually adorned his upper body. Sitting up with a yawn escaping your lips, you raised a hand to rub the grogginess from your eyes, as the other moved up, muffling the yawn.
Fluffy ears twitching at the sound, Gorou whipped around, facing you with eyes wide in surprise. A nervous smile settled on his lips soon after. “Love?” His voice cut through the silence of the room like a knife, “Why are you up? Did I wake you?” One of his eyebrows quirked up as his head cocks to the side.
Oh, how you missed his voice. It was calming. Comforting. 
Instead of answering his question, your eyes shift to his, and your lips part to ask a question of your own. “Are you going out with Lumine again?” Even you were shocked at the coldness in your tone, although at this point, you were too tired to show it. You already knew the answer, but there was a lingering hope that you clung onto. The hope that maybe- just maybe- he would stay here with you instead. Finally.
A smile spreads across his face as he nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, I am!” He sighs as he turns to grab his gloves and accessories for his arms. Unfortunately, by doing so, he missed the crestfallen expression that shifted onto your face.
You could almost feel the shattered pieces of your heart piercing through your ribs like glass. 
The sound of Gorou getting ready hardly overruled the tension in the thick sound of silence. 
“Really?” The tone of your voice, so soft and sweet, but tainted with heartbreak, “You seem to always be with her as of late. It’s almost like you’re dating her instead.” Your eyes darted down to the blankets, not wanting to meet his anymore.
Gorou froze in his spot for a moment, visibly taken aback by your statement. He turned, facing you with confusion written on his face, “What do you mean?” His voice matched his expression. Had he not realized how much time he had been spending with the Traveler? Or was he playing innocent? Maybe he would deny it until he would finally end it with you. 
“Well, you’ve been spending so much time with Lumine. It’s almost like you’ve replaced me with her.” Your voice was wavy and full of hurt, but your gaze shifted back up to him regardless.
Something seemed to click in his head, his confused expression shifting into a blank look. “Are you...jealous?” He scoffed, almost in disbelief, “Y/n, you know how she saved us. Why are you- Why would you…” his voice got quieter as he trailed off, watching your expression shift to a sour one. He could see the tears welling up in those beautiful orbs that he adored so much, threatening to spill over.
"Y/n…" Your name left his lips, his voice was soft- completely different from the one he had just been using- as the realization set in. He lifts a hand, reaching out to touch you in hopes of comforting you, but you flinch away. Gorou’s heart all but shatters in his chest as his ears flatten slightly.
Defeated, you stood from where you had been sitting, and slipped your shoes on, not bothering to grab anything except for your vision, the elemental emblem lighting up as you grabbed it. 
“I..” your voice small, and shoulders drooped with tears falling freely now, “I should’ve figured you would respond that way. I’m not even sure why I tried.”
Gorou stood speechless as he watched you open the door with shaking hands, “Hey!” His voice cracked, “No, no, wai-!” The door slams shut, cutting him off. All he could do was stand there as the quick and steady sound of your footsteps began to fade away.
He was left alone, in the silence of the room.
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And this is only the beginning, my love
Hello, this is a special moment for me, as I am publishing my first fiction here today. I mostly write for myself to escape, to have fun, but showing it to others is already a hurdle. And if it's not in your language, it is another one :D If you find a strange sentence, please PM me But i thought it should only serve the purpose of bringing joy. so i hope some of you will enjoy it, as much as I enjoy reading others.
Featuring: Spawn Astarion x Femal Durge
Summary: They live as bounty hunters. Astarion looks back on the last few month and enjoys their morally flexible time.
Topics: Violence, weapons, dissociate, comfort, fluff, a little pain, a little blood, a little smut, a little love.
Word count: 1.100 k
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
With shaking legs and clenched fists he slipped into death. A familiar silence fell. The breathtaking silence when the soul leaves a body. I always enjoy these moments like a sip of wine and let it calm me - intoxicating. Only Astarion’s smacking could be heard as he took his teeth out of his neck. 
“That was fun, my love. This fool didn’t know what was happening to him until he lay on the floor and started begging. Ha! If he knew that we wouldn’t even get 300 gold for his head. I would be so upset.”
I sat down next to him on the floor and tried to light the pipe that I found in these idiot’s pocket. The water rushed through the canals and some liquid dripped from the ceiling next to me. But here, in a niche between a crumbling wall and a rusted iron gate, the man we were looking for had made himself comfortable. Now it was our place, at least until the sun goes down. Astarion wiped the blood from his mouth and his pupils retracted, searching for the next words.
 “We never stayed in one place for more than a week. We attended parties where no one knew our names - or at least not our real names. We met different people every day, some of them we called temporary friends, others our victims. We enriched ourselves from the stories of some and from the valuables of others.”
He pushed the man away and slowly lay on his back. One hand rested under his head and in the other he twirled his dagger playfully.
 „Some days we earned so much money and we still managed to lose it all the next day. We spent it on beautiful trinkets that we leave behind anyway because the next payday is waiting around the corner.“
His smile flashed his sharp teeth for a moment.
„Or that one night when you ate those strange mushrooms and I drank from your blood. How we gave ourselves up to each other on the rooftops of Neverwinter. And the moon above us shone in strange, fading colors.“
He fell silent for a moment and his sharp smile turned into a dreamy grin.
“I enjoy every moment like this.“
I took a deep drag from the pipe and blew the smoke towards him. It swirled around his curls, settled like fog on his body and crawled under his shirt, which was torn open to his navel, baring his chest. I couldn’t help but admire him. He lay there, like a god on a painting. His pale elven skin is covered in blood spatter, like the ground of a snowy battlefield. A strong urge to lick it off, to glide my tongue over every muscle of his body and listen to his silent moans while enjoying this.
He straightened up and his red eyes pierced the smoke like sunbeams. His cold fingers gripped my neck and pulled me towards him.
“And this is only the beginning, my love.”
His lips glided over mine like wet silk. Soft, slowly, with this breathtaking tenderness. He drew me closer and closer under his spell. Paralyzed me like a numbing poison, and i dropped the pipe.
„there are decades to come.“
I felt the tip of his dagger at my throat.  It slowly slid down my chest and undid the first button of my shirt. I whispered: " Cheeky." I felt his smile on my lips and the second button fell to the ground. The pressure of the blade, demanding me to his will and I lied down.
He undid the third button, exposing my breasts, the cold steel touching my nipples. First one then the other. He fixed his gaze on me like his prey, and i lost myself in it. I accepted his triumphant smile as a defeat.
I'm not easily intimidated. Usually i sent others into silent agony with a single gaze, but when he kissed me i still got nervous. Losing control over mind and will. And he enjoyed this control over me, playing with it like a violin. He saw that my hands were shaking a bit and the smile became sharper. The dagger grazed my stomach and ended up right between my legs.
„Still afraid of a little closeness?“
„Maybe I would be braver with the dagger in my hand.“
He put his thumb on my lower lip, "I’m sure of that. But I’m the one who’s making you tremble right now.“
He pressed down my lip and my mouth opened willingly. He tasted like iron. His tongue, cold and rough. I felt the pressure of the blade between my legs and my trembling turned into a strong feeling. I clawed at his shirt to tear it off his shoulders. I wanted to feel him, his skin on mine, his cock in me and I pressed his Body against me. He threw the dagger aside and pulled my pants down to my knees.
We were so eager that he licked his fingers to wet my pussy. He smiled, „she’s already so wet for me.“
I  felt him penetrate me without Holding back. It hurt for the first moment, but the next I enjoyed his coldness inside me. 
My fingertips wandered down his back and grabbed his buttom. felt his movements, the rhythm of his hips. Our kisses became more intense, wetter and deeper.
And with every push it became harder for me to hold back a moan, but when i felt his heavy breath on my lips, hearing him enjoying me - I let myself go. I concentrated on his touches, following them along my skin.
But suddenly he didn’t move, he held still like steel. He searched for my eyes, as if he tried to find me. I put my hand on his neck, let him feel my warmth and kissed one of his eyebrows - I thought he had probably never been kissed there. I felt his grip on my shoulder tighten. I put my other hand on his cheek and kissed the corner of his lips. His eyes closed and he intercepted my kiss. We stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other’s presence,  body and mind. 
slowly i felt him go deeper inside me, as if he was enjoying every inch. deeper and deeper. above and below, i could hardly breathe. He pushed harder, his grip on my neck tightened, his other hand clawed painfully into my tight. Our wet kiss broke and before i could even breathe, i felt his teeth in my neck. I held back a scream, stuck my nails into his skin. his fingers moved to my clit. circled in rhythm with his movements and i couldn't control myself anymore.  His arousal now seemed to surpass his bloodlust, and his bite loosened. Our gazes became intense, our kisses as if we never wanted to be separated again.
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 8 months
NSFW Request:
I’d love to see Trans fem reader finally letting her boyfriend Armin touch her down there after feeling so insecure about it for ages!
pairing: armin arlert x transfem!reader
word count: 1.2k+
tw: body dysmorphia, insecurity, mention of sex, sliiight dirty talk, kissing, sort of smutty??
a/n: im not transgender myself and have not gone through any experiences you might have, so i tried my best to craft this as beautifully and thoughtfully as i could. this fic is mainly very sweet, lots of fluff from armin. please, please let me know if you like it!
18+ | MDNI | NSFW
armin was the best boyfriend you could have asked for, truly. he had the kindest soul you’d ever known and a certain type of patience you couldn’t quite grasp. no one had ever been this gentle with you or been so understanding. armin was a god-send, crafted meticulously by angels themselves.
you were proud of who you were. you felt no shame in being transgender and neither did armin. he was never embarrassed to be your partner; he was only ever infatuated with you and your femininity. he adored you from head to toe and he begged you to let him show you just how much. despite being mostly comfortable with yourself, there were still some lingering insecurities that couldn’t just be washed off at the end of a long day. you were just a girl, after all.
armin wasn’t pushy when it came to sex but you could tell just how bad he wanted you. it made you feel guilty. you wanted to be able to do this for him, to strip down naked, baring your body and soul for him to see. it was just hard. incessant worries flooded your brain every time you thought about the topic. would he still love me? what if he changes his mind?
the day you decided to show armin all of you was a day you’d never forget, even if you had tried to. the way he was unflinching at your naked body, eyes filled with lust and love, was still burned sharply in your mind to this day.
the day you took that next step was a lazy one. it was pouring rain and armin was off from work for the day. you two spent the day together, reveling in the company of one another from the safety of your couch. your legs were draped over his and you let out a sigh. it was blissful here in your own private slice of heaven. the sound of your exhale drew the attention of your lover.
“hmm, what is it?” armin asked, peeling his eyes away from whatever romcom was on the television and turned to face you. he squeezed your calf lovingly. the simple gesture was enough to let you know he was listening and that he was here.
“i’m just happy to spend the day with you.” you admitted, a slight smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
“i’ve never been so happy for a rainy day, either.” he softly smiled, his voice calm and sweet. armin was truly beautiful. the way his blond hair was just slightly a mess…it was captivating to look at. you found yourself falling into silence as you studied your boyfriend, the pitter patter of rain in the background. “what’s wrong, baby?” he questioned, hints of concern emerging through his voice.
“nothing,” you sighed and turned back to the movie. “nothing at all.”
“(y/n.)” armin’s voice changed from concern to a certain kind of demand. it was enough to make you turn back around to face him. “what’s bothering you?”
“i want you, armin.” you looked out at the window, afraid of making eye contact.
“you have me. i’m right here.” he raised an eyebrow, unsure of just what you were trying to get across.
“no, armin. i want you.” you repeated, your voice quieter the second time around. feelings of anxiety you’d tried to push away were now bubbling violently in the pit of your stomach, begging to be heard. you swallowed loudly.
armin’s face fell and it became too silent for your liking. the way he was looking at you now, you felt like you were already naked. you crossed your arms over your chest because you felt entirely too visible for your own liking. “you do?” he asked, voice just above a whisper. there was a twinge of excitement dripping from each word. he had been patient with you, understanding your hesitation of taking it another step farther. he was never able to ease your nerves, no matter how much he reassured you that it wouldn’t change anything and that he’d still love you, perhaps more if that was even possible. so, hearing those words from your mouth was a dream to him.
you nodded, biting your lip. questions raced through your mind so loud, so furiously that you almost didn’t hear what armin said next.
“you’re sure?” it was a question, tumbling out a little forceful. armin couldn’t mask his eagerness to feel you, to have you. nodding was the only thing you could do. he shook his head. “i need you to say it for me.” his eyes, blue and serious, were unshifting.
“i’m ready, armin.”
“if you want me to stop, you tell me to stop, alright?”
as armin positioned himself just over you, some of the anxiety turned into butterflies. his lips were against your neck now, soft, leaving little trails of kisses. “thank you,” his breath was hot against the side of your neck. “i’m going to make you feel good, okay?” armin’s voice was gentle and his hands were just the same, cruising along your curves. soft moans came from your mouth as he nibbled the sweet spot on your neck.
“armin.” your voice was hushed. he mumbled a ‘hmm?’ into your neck, hands sliding under your shirt. “i love you.” it was true, you loved him. and your love was enough to mask the deep rooted fears that once tore apart your brain.
armin pulled away from your neck, his face now inches from yours. he leaned in slowly and gently pressed his sweet, pink lips to yours. “and i love you.” he murmured, going in for yet another. his hands wandered down away from your chest to your waistband. you could feel his fingers teasing you. “do you want me to touch you?” he asked, the same gentleness still there, now just with a hint of hunger.
“please.” you didn’t need to say anything more. armin left another tender kiss as a response. he sat back as his fingers fumbled with the button of your pants. you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. you raised your hips, allowing him to slide your pants down. left in your underwear, you felt vulnerable. part of you wanted to squeeze your legs shut and curl into a ball, shielding yourself from his prying eyes. then, you felt one hand on your hip and another pressing against the front of your laced underwear. swallowing, you looked up at armin with wide eyes. his face didn’t change, waiting for you to say something, to encourage him or stop him.
“tell me to stop, (y/n.) tell me if you don’t want this.” his voice was husky. you could see he didn’t want you to turn him away, the lust in his eyes all to prevalent. there was an insatiable hunger.
“touch me, armin.” you pleaded, words dripping with anticipation. his hands were warm against your skin, soft and making goosebumps appear on your stomach. you knew you had made the right decision in giving yourself to armin from the way he was touching you. the carefulness, the hesitation in his hands. he wanted to devour you whole but he was restraining, just for his poor, sweet, girlfriend.
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pinkish-cat · 22 days
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And again, another character! A toy cat named Patch.
In fact, I drew it a long time ago, about two months ago, and tried to sell it as an adopt, but it didn't work out. But yes, I eventually decided to keep it for myself, because it directly complements the Megabyte and in general there is an interesting contrast between them. But still, they have quite a lot in common: they were created by people, created for people, and water is dangerous to them.
Well, here is his description.
His name is Patch, but that's what Megabyte calls him from the first meeting, and Patch himself doesn't mind that name. In fact, he had a lot of names in his toy life and all these names were given to him by past owners-children. Charlie, Spot, Barsik, Ben and many others.
Each "scar" has a story, and in fact the Patch is proud of it. Yes, he himself looks battered and old like a toy, and at the first glance at his seams you involuntarily begin to think "here's the poor thing, how his life has been battered". But Patch himself is not upset about this at all, because these "scars" for him are like a separate memory of those children who played with him. Children are children, and every toy understands this, and if they didn't sincerely love him, they definitely wouldn't have spent time sewing him up. (and he doesn't feel pain, he's just a toy. Well, physical pain.)
Megabyte and Patch have a completely different view of people. If Megabyte thinks they are stupid and not the most wonderful creatures, then the Patch is quite the opposite, but mostly about children.
He behaves like a child: naive, silly, clumsy, but very curious and emotional. But compared to a Megabyte, he is best able to understand the feelings and emotions of people, especially children, and if he could just go up to a crying child and hug (and in their world toys still do not show people as alive), then he would do it.
And yes, he loves hugging, even very much. He was created to be like this, and therefore he considers it his mission to "hug children and always calm them down."
He can't cry, but he understands what tears and sadness are.
Secretly dreams of becoming a real live cat, just like Pinocchio. If a character from fairy tales and cartoons managed to become a real boy, then why wouldn't Patch become a real cat, right?
Afraid of the dark and loneliness.
Well, I almost forgot, it is lower than a Megabyte (90 cm approximately) and much lighter (logically, because he is a toy, and a Megabyte is a robot).
Well, that's how it is! This is all the information at the moment about both of them, and perhaps in the future I will disclose them as much as possible, because I liked them so much.
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crowandthefics · 2 months
A fic for @titan-army-week using the prompt family!
I’m sorry there is so much angst
Lou ellen and alabaster watched each other.
“Lou. Are you really going to listen to the stolls instead of me?” Alabaster asked his 10 year old sister.
Travis was pulling Lou Ellen away, him and Connor had been sent to recover the child that was in the titan army.
Lou Ellen looks at Travis, then at alabaster and tries to step back to her brother, but Travis stopped her.
“Lou Ellen, he’s dangerous, you can’t stay in the titan army. It’s not safe,” he explains to her, but she wasn’t listening.
It took Travis and Connor together to drag Lou Ellen away from alabaster.
“NO I DONT WANNA GO!” Lou Ellen was kicking and screaming. Travis tried to calm her down so they could mount the Pegasi to return to camp.
They couldn’t calm her down at all. They just let her tire herself out screaming until she fell asleep and they returned to camp.
Meanwhile with alabaster he wasn’t doing much better.
“they took her! Ethan they took Lou!” He exclaimed.
“Yes. You’ve told me. but is the princess andromeda really a good place for a child?” Ethan asked his friend.
“Who’s side are you on, nakamura?” Alabaster sighs.
“My sisters usually.” Ethen laughed.
“This is no time for laughing! My sister could be in danger!” Alabaster paced
Ethan sighs and stands up, grabbing alabasters arm. “Al. Lou Ellen will be ok, camp wouldn’t hurt her. How about we go to the mes hall? You haven’t eaten since yesterday,” he says gently. Not waiting for an answer as he pulls him to the mes hal.
But alabaster didn’t forget they’d taken his sister.
And Lou Ellen realized how bad the conditions on the princess andromeda were.
The next time they met it was messy.
“THAT SHIP WAS A DEATH TRAP, ALABASTER!” Lou Ellen yelled at her brother.
“Don’t call me lou,” she snapped, “only my friends call me Lou.”
Alabaster physically recoiled at that. “Lou- lou Ellen, I- I thought-“ he started only to be cut off by Lou, “no. I don’t want to see you again.” Lou states before stepping into the shadows and disappearing.
Alabaster was broken, his sister hated him? But she was the only living person he loved!
“Please leave the light on,” he whispered, mostly to himself.
I don’t have anything to say for myself. I just threw angst at this
BUT silly lil reference to Ethan/drew siblings!!
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slasherbat · 4 months
The Cabin In The Woods things that refuse to leave my brain, a list, by me. Mostly taken from the noevlization.
1. Dana hearing Marty get taken by Judah Buckner in the Novelization.
2. Truth Or Dare Or Lecture getting cut from the film, and being the context for "I'm living in a womb of reefer."
3. Fran Kranz running into a bear during filming. (Revealed in the directors commentary with Joss and Drew. Will have to double check that one myself, but I'm pretty sure one of them mentioned Fran Kranz actually did run into a bear.)
4. Dana being brunette in the noevlization instead of a redhead.
5. Jamie Lee Curtis and Bruce Campbell being considered for The Director.
6. Curt's small smiles towards Marty at the gas station when he was making his barter gas joke and fucking with The Harbinger by making jokes about the railroad and war.
7. In the novelization Dana getting terrified by Marty shouting at her not to open the front door since it was the first time ever she heard him shout.
8. "Dead bitch!"
9. Dana in the novelization not only being super fucking athletic (took swim in highschool), but also a Art and Political Science major.
10. This line: "Marty?" There was something about her voice, something calm and in control, to which he so wanted to submit. He was down BAD for her.
11. Marty thinking Dana would've been the first one to die in the novelization.
12. FRAN KRANZ RUNNING INTO A BEAR WHILE FILMING. seriously they glossed over that, I wanna know more
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sarasarami10 · 2 years
Avatar boys ( Neteyam) x exhausted introvert reader SFW
(I think I’ve seen this concept before but still wanted to do it my way)
(Basing this on my own experience as an introvert btw)
Warning: not a lot except maybe anxious Neteyam and a lot of fluff.
Reader has had their consciences transferred so that why they possess human stuff (idk how they would survive as introvert whitout a good depressing song and a comfy hoody)
(Takes places at the metkayna village)
Word count :900
[my owns thought and feelings]
Author’s note: wrote this in my notes at 11pm so sorry if there are many errors.
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Neteyam :
- You had been extremely social all week but for the past 3 days you couldn’t bare to see anyone, not even your boyfriend neteyam.
- Of course you would get out of your room to eat with your family and other stuff but you praticaly didn’t leave your bed, either listening to sad/calm music or watching your favorite old human tv shows on you tablet. ( just relaxing really)
- The first day he didn’t really mind it. He had asked one of your sibling about you and they just said you were tired and resting at home.
- He didn’t really thought anything of it, it was true you really look exhausted the day before.
- But by the third day he started to become anxious. Your siblings didn’t have any new news of you, and honestly he didn’t understood how someone perfectly healthy could just sleep for 3 whole days.
- At this point he thought this was only an excuse to not see him which kinda made him sad, had he done something wrong or did you just suddenly stopped liking him.
- By the end of the day he decided that he had had enough and when straight to your Maori after finishing his daily tasks.
- Upon arriving at your home he saw your sibling and asked them if he could go see you. Your sibling pointed at you room and left.
- It was the first time he had been inside your room. The first thing he noticed was the many human things you had. Their was a pile of heavy looking clothes on the ground some colourful shiny trinkets hanging from the roof and you, laying there on you mattress, eyes closed, wearing a wierd top with puffy sleeves and a hood over your head (a hoodie yess).
- Seeing you asleep and not wanting to wake you up too brutally, he sat down on the floor next to your mattress and softly patted your arm to wake you up.
- You awoke from your nap and saw neteyam standing over you. You pulled your hood back revelling some weird thing that almost looked as if they were stuck in your ears (neteyam pov)
- « Hello pretty boy. What are you doing here ».
- « Why are you ignoring me…? »
- « Huh? I’m not ignoring you ? »
- « Yess you are. If not why haven’t I see you since three days ago, huh? »
- « Hahaha. I’m not ignoring you… I just didn’t went anywhere »
- « liar. How could someone sleep for three whole days »
- I didn’t just sleep… I made a few jewelry, I drew for a bit I watch my fav movies… but I mostly just slept and listen to music. »
- *genuenly confused* « why? »
- « Idk.. I just didn’t felt like doing much I was just… really tired »
- *not convinced* « haha how can someone be that tired? You didn’t even do anything physically demanding lately. »
- « Well cause I wasn’t tired in that way »
- *lays next to you facing you* « what do you mean? »
- « Well… sometimes… when I spend too much time with other people, especially exited people like children, or your brother and aonung *he smiles* my energy just get drain really fast. So I need to take some time to myself to recharge my batteries. »
- « Oh… now that I think about it… I think it happened to kiri once…. She didn’t left her room for two days. Even my dad started to worry. *You giggle* So ? What do you ueselly do to « recharge your batteries »
- You look at Him smiling and take out one of your earplug to show him.
- « I put these bad boys on and listen to some of my favorite tunes. »
- « What are they?»
- « Earphones. You put them in you ears and music comes out of it, kinda like to thing your dad makes you use to communicate [as you can see I have just remember they have those but anyways]
- He look confused but you were too tired to try to explain to him bluethoot so you just putted it in his ear and pushed to play button.
- A calming song started playing. Even tho neteyam could understand most of the lyrics, he couldn’t really understand their meaning which kinda annoyed him.
- « What are you wearing? »
- « It’s called a hoodie. »
- « Aren’t you too warm with that on? »
- « No not really, it’s more for comfort angways »
- He turned his attention back to the music but after seeing him giving it too much thinking for a while, you putted your hand on his face to shift back his focus on you, softly stroking it with your thumb *gaves you a small smile*.
- You stayed like that, looking at each other just enjoying your company until you noticed him fall asleep.
- You pushed yourself closer to him, his face resting in the crook of your chest softly stroking his hair until you too found sleep.
END for neteyam.
There is a 90% chance that a do a loak version but for aonung and rotxo it will depend how much you guys like this I guess.
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feralbutfluffy · 1 year
34. Crowley
Chapter 34 from Too Wise to Woo Peaceably
He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, listening to the ticking of the clock, staring into the shadows in the corners, feeling the comforting solidity of Muriel pressing against his side. 
Crowley had never felt more frustrated. He’d been left in the bookshop with a babysitter while Aziraphale and Saraqael set off to confront the Metatron and, well, if that wasn’t the most stupid idea he had ever heard. What were they planning to do, knock politely and ask if they had a minute? He bit back a growl.
Crowley’s felt himself burning with anger and willed himself to calm down. He didn’t particularly think Muriel would appreciate a lightning strike by proxy. He regarded the angel who’d stepped between him and Saraqael, so righteously indignant. The thought made his lips tilt into something approaching a smile. 
Another idiot.
Honestly, he was surrounded by them.
At least this one hadn't left on some blasted suicide mission. He reached out and nudged Muriel with his knuckles. They jumped. 
“Oh! Yes! Just… thinking. Are you? Alright?”
“Hmn. Earlier I felt like if I so much as moved I might actually fall apart, whereas now I just feel very, very, very sore.” The corner of his mouth curved upward. “Big improvement.”
Muriel looked him over as if weighing the truth of the statement. 
“You look a little better, maybe?” Crowley frowned. Their uncertainty wasn’t enormously reassuring. “The swelling is going down a bit. Now it’s mostly just very…” Muriel drew a slow hexagon in the air in front of his right eye, as if pointing out different landmarks on a map “... colourful?”
Crowley considered this, then cautiously opened his left eye. It watered, but there was far less pain than before. It felt like a significant victory to finally have both eyes fully open.
Muriel gave him a small, worried smile. 
Less of that.
He scowled at her. “Saraqael was right by the way. I didn’t need you leaping to my defence, Lancelot.”
“King Arthur’s- A knight of the- Never mind. You’re missing the point. The point is-" He gestured towards himself with curled fingers. "... Injured, Muriel. Injured, not completely incapable of holding my own.”
“Holding your own what?”
Crowley cocked his head. “Mn. Not sure actually. Just something you say really. Means you can stand up for yourself.”
“But… you can’t?” Muriel was looking at him like he was soft in the head. “You can’t stand up for yourself. I’m not even sure you can sit up?”
“Yes. No, yes I know I can’t literally stand up, but-” An exhale through gritted teeth. “I just mean you didn’t need to say anything to the archangel on my behalf.”
“Oh!” Big brown eyes turned to look into his. “I just really didn’t think they were being very nice? And you didn't say anything!” They narrowed their eyes accusingly. “And also, you're injured?”
“Just, well. They weren’t wrong. I should have seen it coming.”
Crowley hesitated. “Well, alright, maybe not seen it coming exactly, but they clearly weren't regular prim goody-goody sort of angels (no offence). I should have known I was in trouble once I heard them smashing up my flat. I should have done something then, miracled myself a way out, something, anything. I’m usually good at thinking on my feet.”
Muriel looked unconvinced. They had a look on their face that suggested they might want to pat him gently on the head. Crowley grimaced.
“Yeah, alright. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like that. Whatever way you're looking at me now. That. Stop it. "
"Alright." Muriel obediently schooled their features into a completely neutral expression.
Crowley opened his mouth to say something cutting, but instead sighed heavily. “Better. Okay. Help me up.”
“Oh, I can’t do that.”
“I can’t do that! Aziraphale will be so angry with me!”
“If you don’t help me up he won’t be around to get angry! Trust me when I tell you Aziraphale is a bloody menace magnet. Absolutely no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. Liable to get discorporated on a food run.” Crowley paused, “That one actually almost happened; obsessed with crepes.” 
Muriel stared at him. They opened their mouth.
“Crepes are a sort of food thing, they make them in France, we’ll get you one, never mind that for now.”
Muriel’s mouth snapped shut.
“Let’s just see if I can sit up. One thing at a time. Can we do that?”
Muriel looked very unsure. “...I suppose Aziraphale did say that you always rescue him...”
“Well there you go then.”
“Although, he said you might not anymore on account of, um, the way things are now? But before, he did say that you always saved him.”
“Not always,” he said darkly, thinking of a burning bookshop.
“Almost always then.” Muriel seemed to make a decision. They shuffled onto their knees, their hands hovering nervously around his upper arm. “Do I just…?”
Crowley nodded and raised his arm slightly. Muriel placed one hand on his right shoulder, the other arm around his back, and between them, they managed to pull Crowley to a seated position. They paused there, Crowley’s chest braced over Muriel’s shoulder, his head hung, taking shallow breaths. 
“Are you alright?” Muriel’s chin was tucked into his neck and every word felt pressed into his skin. Crowley’s hands came to Muriel’s elbows, and he wasn’t sure whether he felt the need to cling on or push away. 
Bloody hell, he hated feeling so weak. 
“Yes. I'm fine.” The words hissed out rather more than he would have liked. The blanket had pooled around his waist and he was incredibly aware of how little he was wearing. He felt ridiculously bare. At least as a serpent he had scales and fangs; humans without clothes were such absurdly soft defenceless things.
“Muriel, could you do me a favour and miracle me some clothes? I’m not sure I’m quite able for it just yet..”
Clothes instantly materialised. They weren’t clothes Crowley would ever in a million years have chosen for himself, but they were clothes all the same. He eyeballed one fuzzy yellow sock and sighed despondently.
Beggars can’t be choosers. 
“Perfect,” he said, giving Muriel’s elbow a grateful squeeze. "Owe you one."
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hydrxnessa · 2 years
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third batch of the senVerse doors entities ft. the rooms !!! (+void/glitch)
yes i like to believe void and glitch are the same entity. they can go by as both names - it'll know you are referring to them :] but for now, i'll refer to them as void
headcanons down below vv !!
the Rooms is in a different dimension, but is connected to the Doors' hotel by a (metaphorical) tether - via the skeleton door. curious light can roam between the two dimensions, but guiding light cannot go into the rooms
void is not a very well-known entity in the hotel. not much is known about it either, other than the cubes it leaves. but they do say rumours of speaking the name of an enigmatic entity will immediately summon them to your location
its dark purple cubes are sparsely scattered across the hotel. there are more in the rooms dimension. perhaps it is what the entity uses to listen in.
curious light is actually younger than the three entities that reside in the rooms. so more or less its them who are taking care of curious light, rather than the other way around like its blue counterpart
curious light so clueless. confused silly mf. bro doesn't know what it's doing (/affectionate)
curious light is very openly affectionate with the rooms entities :] sometimes they like to gather in a room and just pile on top of each other (void sometimes joins but only when the rest are completely unconscious)
A-60 is difficult to calm down. its flames never seem to stop flickering, nor does it stop running around in circles
the intensity of the flames reflects on the emotions of A-60. the more vigorous the flames, the more hyper (or angry) A-60 is
its flames feel hot but they don't actually harm you!! it mostly feels like smoke more than anything really
when it does expel all of its energy, it falls unconscious wherever and stays that way for a few days. then it'll return to its hyper state. rinse and repeat
A-90 is very attached to its stop sign. do not take it away from A-90 (bad things will happen).
occasionally A-90 enters a 'state' where it will teleport in random areas of the rooms, and if it finds an entity it will tell them to stop moving. its mouth shape takes on a different form, most similar to ambush's. why it does this, no one really knows. fortunately the rooms' entities abide by this - it's not really harming anyone. they'll let A-90 do its thing until it calms down. no one's tried to move either. they don't want to.
A-120 has blocks of very dense material to weigh it down. no one really knows why its there, perhaps as a safety precaution? it is very slow because of it, but it pushes forward anyway (go lil guy!!)
A-120's face never wavers in a very unsettling way. even when it feels other emotions; sad, angry, disappointed. it will always wear the smile.
its tone of voice doesn't help either - it speaks in a very flat, monotone voice (robotic almost). its speech also seems to be limited; reduced to very simple words, rarely coherent sentences
funfact it was pretty damn difficult to figure out a direction for both A-90 and void/glitch .. like i did Not know what to make them as.
i settled for making A-90 similar to one of my older ocs (an axolotl/shark-esque creature) combined with a lollipop lady(?) and void .. honestly i just drew a line and added fancy stuff.
void probably wont make an appearance again due to how torturous i made drawing it be like. god i hate drawing crystals why did i do this to myself
!! please do not repost or use without permission !!
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starlitangels · 2 years
Sorry (Isn’t Enough)
When James said “I’ve missed things I can never get back” in his little flashback audio, my genuine first thought was, “Oh. Oh homeboy has missed at least one anniversary. Hasn’t he?” and I wrote this from that. 2.5k words (almost exactly)
I stood in front of the mirror, biting my lip. “Too much?” I asked no one. The apartment was empty apart from me. It often was, and I’d taken up talking to myself, apparently.
I took in my outfit. The restaurant wasn’t overly formal. “It’s the shoes,” I decided. “Need more casual shoes.” I pushed my clothes closer to James’ mostly-empty half of the closet to free up where my shoe hanger was crammed in the back next to the wall. “Converse are too casual but I don’t need dress shoes… where are those damn boat shoes—they’re like right in the middle, right?” I kept muttering as I looked down each hanging square of shoe storage.
I hope he’s at least somewhat on time… what if traffic is bad? I thought. James’ job, contracting with the Department, paid very well, but it made his schedule unpredictable. His flight was supposed to land at 4:47, and our dinner reservation was at 5:30. He was fairly certain the Uber would get to the restaurant just in time to meet me there, but things happened at airports. Weather delays, traffic, random people causing a ruckus on a plane.
Stop it. He’ll be there. He promised not to miss our anniversary, I reassured myself, snatching my shoes out of the hanging storage when I finally found the right ones. The blue boat shoes, not the black. He made the Department promise.
I sat on the bed and took off the shoes I’d been wearing before. The nice thing about boat shoes was the lack of laces and buckles. I could just slide right into them.
As I was pulling my fingers out of the back of the first shoe I’d shoved my foot into, my phone starting ringing. I recognized the number—that I wasn’t allowed to save to my phone—of where James had been staying. I snatched my phone off the bed.
“Hey baby!” I greeted.
“Hi love,” James replied.
“Uh-oh. I know that tone. What’s wrong?”
He sighed. “The Department called me yesterday. The job hit a snag. It’s being delayed two more weeks. I won’t be home tonight.”
“But…” I swallowed the tears caught in my throat. “But it’s our anniversary. You—you’ve never missed an anniversary.”
“I know. I tried to tell the Department—but they didn’t listen. And it took them a whole day to give me clearance to even call you about it. I am so, so sorry, love.”
Sorry isn’t enough, I thought, knowing he was too far away to read my mind. I took a deep breath and released a long sigh. The kind that I drew out on purpose to count to ten and keep myself calm. James had known me since we were children. He’d recognize it. “I know you are.”
“Look, the reservation is for two people. Why don’t you call your sister and just take her to a nice dinner?”
“Yeah, yeah maybe,” I said with no real enthusiasm behind the words.
“Baby… I tried so hard to get everything done on time. It should have been finished yesterday if we hadn’t hit the snag as hard as we did. We just need time to fix it. If I had my way, I’d come home to you tonight and then fly back out. I don’t care that that’d put me on a plane for a solid twelve hours. It would be worth it to see you. But the Department won’t let me leave until it’s done.”
“I know you don’t have a choice.”
“I don’t—and I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, James,” I muttered.
I hung up without another word. I blinked, letting the tears welling up spill over and fall down my face. Lowering my phone, I went to the restaurant’s website and canceled the reservation. No point in calling my sister. It wouldn’t feel right.
I tossed my phone onto the bed and yanked the boat shoes off, shoving them unceremoniously back into the shoe hanger. My nice dinner outfit quickly followed, getting put back in the closet until I was standing in just my underthings. I threw back the covers of the bed and climbed in. Appetite gone. It would come back voraciously later, but for now the pit in my stomach hurt more than ached for food.
Curled up on my side, I let myself cry.
I’d been looking forward to dinner for our anniversary, sure. But more than that I’d been looking forward to seeing James again. His job took him away for weeks—sometimes months—at a time. I missed him. Constantly. I didn’t care how much the Department paid him when it meant I never got to see him. It was weird, growing up practically glued at the hip only to never see him as an adult. When we also shared a bed.
I don’t know how long I cried. I allowed myself to release the pent-up sadness, reaching for James’ side of the bed as though I could touch him. But, of course, nothing but the bedsheet met my hand.
I buried my face in his pillow. He’d been gone so long that there wasn’t a trace of his scent lingering on it anymore. That pine scent with a hint of musk that accompanied his aftershave. Nothing. Just the generic smell of laundry detergent. But I kept my head on the pillow anyway. It felt like when we were cuddling so close that he’d pull me off my own pillow and onto his.
Sobs shook my whole body until I had no tears left to cry. I had a headache from all the crying and my whole mouth felt thick with emotion.
It had been years since I cried myself to sleep, but I was too exhausted to get up when I ran out of tears. So my body crashed into unconsciousness with my mind following swiftly after.
I woke up the next morning with a growling stomach. Joints stiff from not moving. Some anniversary, I thought as I got up to go shower and get some breakfast.
Two Weeks Later…
“Love? I’m home,” James said tentatively as he slipped into the apartment.
“Baby?” He set his suitcase next to the door and slid out of his shoes. Their apartment wasn’t large—a two-bedroom so he and his partner could share an office—but it wasn’t usually this dead silent.
No response.
James didn’t read his partner’s mind without permission. Not even to check if they were home.
Especially when he knew they were probably pissed at him.
He rushed to their bedroom and peered in. The bed was neatly made, and folded laundry sat on the covers. Theirs. He recognized the shirts and the color they chose for their towel set.
He leaned across the hall to the office. The door was shut, but it faced west so they usually kept it shut to keep out the light of the setting sun at bedtime.
He tested the knob. Not locked. He pushed the door open.
The bathroom door was wide open and also empty, apart from toothbrushes in a mug and hair combs on the counter.
There was nowhere else in the apartment they could be.
James sighed and went back to where the kitchen and living room opened up into each other.
A little square of green on the off-white counter caught his eye.
He crossed over and saw the pad of sticky notes with a pen sitting beside it, recognizing his partner’s handwriting. @ my sister’s. Should be back by 7.
There was no signature. No heart doodled in the margins like they normally might have done.
Yeah. They were angry.
James couldn’t blame them. He’d missed their anniversary. They’d been together for years and he’d always managed to make it home for their anniversary.
He sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. The clock on the stove said it was 4:49. A little over two hours before they’d be home. How was he going to be patient for two hours? It wasn’t like he didn’t know where their sister lived. God knew he’d been over to her house for unempowered holidays plenty enough. But the be back by 7 was an obvious implication of don’t come over. I’ll see you when I'm good and ready.
He missed them. All he wanted was to hold them in his arms and kiss them silly. Carry them to bed and snuggle them close to him and… maybe other things, if they were up for it.
But he’d be damned if he disrespected their choice to stay away from him until they were ready.
He closed his eyes—they were tired, dry, and stung when closed—and leaned against the counter with the heels of his palms. They both knew it wasn’t his fault that he missed their anniversary. The Department had sprung the extension of the contract on him with barely any notice. But that didn’t mean his partner wasn’t hurt by it. They had every right to be. After getting their hopes up and having those hopes crash and burn mere minutes before they were probably planning on leaving the house, he’d be more surprised if they weren’t hurt.
Peeling his eyes open, he glanced at where his car keys were sitting in a woven wicker bowl on the trestle table next to the door.
An idea struck him.
Belated anniversary celebration, here I come, he thought, marching over to his keys.
“You’re welcome to stay here overnight, you know,” my sister said as she hugged me.
“I know. But I really should be getting home,” I replied. A bit more sullen than I meant to sound. “Thanks for hanging out with me today.”
“Of course. I’m sorry you and James are having a rough patch.”
“We’ll get through it. I hope. We always have before.”
She squeezed me tighter. “It’s gonna be okay. If you need anything, let me know.”
I nodded as I broke the hug and pulled my keys out of my pocket. “I will. Thank you. Love you.”
“Love you too.” She waved me off as I left her house and went to my car.
I waved and ducked into it, turning over the engine and putting on my seatbelt.
Blasting the radio did very little to drive out my thoughts. James would be home by the time I got back. He had to be. His flight landed at like 4:15 or something. Even the slowest Uber caught in traffic wouldn’t take that long to get from the Dahlia airport to our apartment. If he’d been flying into Orange County airport, LAX, or San Diego airport, maybe. But not Dahlia airport.
What was I going to say? I was still smarting from the pain of him missing dinner and telling me right beforehand. I knew it wasn’t his fault and he hadn’t had a choice. But it still stung. I’d missed him for two weeks longer than necessary and didn’t even know how I could say that through the anger.
I wanted to be nice because I missed him. But I also wanted to yell at him for even taking the damn job that was cutting it so close to our anniversary.
My thoughts spun in unhelpful spirals the whole drive home. Before I knew it, it was five minutes to seven and I was getting out of the car at our building. James’ car was in its usual stall next to where I parked.
I went up to our apartment and paused on the doorstep, staring down at our welcome mat past my keys in my hand. Did I knock or just go in?
I clenched my jaw. I wasn’t the one who’d done anything wrong. And he was probably hurting too but I wasn’t the one who missed our anniversary.
Shoving my key in the lock with more force than strictly necessary, I rammed the deadbolt back and pushed the door open.
“Oh—my God,” I said.
The living room was mostly dark, lit by a pair of tall taper candles in the brass candlesticks James’ mother had pawned off on us when she and James’ father had been purging their decorations. A bouquet of deep red roses sat in a vase between the tapers.
An elaborate dinner was spread out, plates already dished up, set for two. With the tablecloth we only ever really used for the MoonBound solstice draped beneath. Despite the elaborate dinner, the dishes used to prepare it were cleaned and put away, nothing even sitting in the drying rack next to the sink.
The TV was playing one of those several-hour YouTube videos of a fireplace, and the console table the TV sat on had a banner stretched across it that said, Happy Anniversary! In big block letters.
James was standing next to the dining table. In his best black suit, wearing a dark teal tie. He had his hands clasped in front of him and he looked worried.
We just stared at each other for several long seconds while I nudged the door shut until it finally clicked into the doorframe.
I blinked. “I’m underdressed,” I said.
The smile he gave me was melancholy. “You look beautiful. Just as you are,” he said. I dropped my keys in the bowl next to the door but didn’t say anything. He took a step forward, but didn’t get too close to me. “I missed you, love.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “So much.”
My anger broke—and so did my control over the tears I’d been holding back.
I burst into tears and rushed at him, throwing my arms around him while he cradled me close to his chest. I got lost in how many kisses we exchanged. They were wet and salty with how bad I was crying, but neither of us seemed to mind. “I missed you so much, Jimmy,” I whispered.
He blinked tears out of his own eyes, but he was smiling. “You haven’t called me that in a long time,” he said softly, cupping the side of my face in his hand.
“You don’t like it when I use it too often,” I said. I leaned up toward his head and pressed our foreheads together. “Come in, please?”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
—missed you— —look beautiful— —love you— —thank you—
His voice drifted through my mind with comfortable familiarity. I snuggled against him. “I love you too,” I whispered.
He kissed my forehead. “Sit down. Let’s eat.”
We sat and had dinner, and I felt the twist of pain on my heart lighten and ease. I felt like I could finally breathe after two weeks of suffocating.
Toward the end, the conversation had petered out a bit and I found my thoughts spiraling again. “James?” I asked quietly.
“Never miss our anniversary again.”
He leaned across the table and took my hand. “I’ll do my best, love. I promise.”
—don’t want to hurt you— —so sorry— —not enough, but it’s all I can say now—
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hi! Can I have 11 with Jack Russell please?
A/N - I love this for Jack Russell! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Who Knew
Summary - No one could ever guess the Monster Hunting business would be a match-making business either
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Warnings - Only fluff on this one :)
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"Are you kidding me with this price? I thought it was lower the last time we did business, Mr. Rusell,"
"To be fair, my priorities and well beign has changed since we last did business,"
The client sighed, eyeing Jack Russel who was sitting patiently in the rickety chair he was occupying. The client then looked over the numbers again on the paper, seeing the contract that was drawn out to him and scoffing a bit as he pointed with one of his beefy fingers on top of the neat contract.
"And since when do we do contracts?" He asked, Jack giving him a small glare as the client went on, "Back in our day, these deals were simple and not complicated with negotiations and legal woes,"
"As I said, things have changed in my life," Jack explained calmly yet again, now interlocking his fingers on the top of the table as he was trying to remain cool and calm, "The world is changing, and although this is more underground than other professions and business affairs, I have to amke due and protect myself if something does not go according to plan."
"Protect you? That's a laugh, since when did you grow a spine?" The client asked with a chuckle. Jack was about to answer when the door behind him opened, heavy boots were heard and the client looked to see who it was. Although the person who was walking in was behind Jack, Jack could see the look on the client's face and he knew instantly who it was. He sensed and breathed it too: the light floral scent of a certain perfume he knew far too well.
"Since he got married, Morty."
You walked up to stand next to Jack, a hand on your hip and the other reaching down to touch the contract that was perched on the top of the table, "And I don't really appreciate you smudging up the contract I drew up for this deal,"
Morty clenched his fingers tightly together in his lap, almost like a little boy who got in trouble and was now getting a scolding from his parents. His eyes went back and forth from you to Jack, a bit too shocked to see the pair of you together.
You were another monster hunter that crossed paths with Jack two years ago, literally out in your line of work and trying to stop a cluster of vampire beings that were out feasting on a local village. Jack had no idea you were going to be there as well since he was hired by another client for the same problem. But as you two saw each other, covered in blood and sporting steaks and holy water, you merely thought it was coincidental.
Jack thought otherwise: He thought of you as beautiful.
You held your own and had a massive reputation for being one of the more intimidating monster hunters in the world. But you were also more secretive, your identity was 99% hidden and you were mostly anonymous in any deals you would make. You were called "The Ghost" amongst the monster hunting network, and you were known far and wide.
But after meeting Jack out on the field and having a brief talk after firing out which client swindled you and which was telling the truth, you realized that it would be wise to have an ally. So you went to Jack, considering him as a friend after introductions were made, and it was history ever since.
"You two...are..." Morty stammered out as you were eyeing him suspiciously and Jack then looked rather perturbed.
"Married. She's my wife, you'd be wise to be respectful of her in front of me," Jack said in a low tone, his growl almost heard in the termor in his voice.
"And he is my husband, and I would be very careful in your back-handed comments to him in my presence," You added in agreement.
You and Jack came a long way since you two became allies, then acquaintances, and then friends. It was some process to take since you were hesitant in bringing new people into your life. You had to be, your profession was not for the faint of heart. Jack understood, but that enver stoped him from being consistant in persuing you and wishing to calim your heart. You had to give him credit for being so kind and warm to you, almost tihnking of him having that Golen Retriever eneergy.
So you didn't mean to fall head over heels in love with him, but he meant to from the moment he saw you out on the field covered in blood and slime and wielding a steak.
"We are a packaged deal for now on," You reminded Morty calmly as you pointed to the contract, "And as a packaged deal, this not only guarantees you that we will be successful in our part of the deal in eliminating the threat of this monster but we are guaranteed a solid and consistent payment for doing our job. And this will also cover us in case you decided to go against us, and I assure you Morty, you better think twice before you do. No client has ever succeeded in going against a monster hunter, and lived to tell the tale,"
Jack learned a lot about you when you two got together: how you loved your eggs cooked in the morning with your coffee having cream mixed in it, how you loved to paint just to unwind from tougher jobs and intense clients, and how you knew how to negotiate in getting better pay from a job. Jack was more old school, taking the money that was given to him, but you changed that for certain.
"Amor, it's okay,"
"No, it isn't! They are swindling you! You need to ask for more than that for the kind of work they're hiring you, give me that contract and I'll make it better!"
You helped Jack with his own insecurities and fears since he was also a werewolf. That part never really surprised you since you knew hunters would have their own set of secrets, but it broke your heart in hearing all of the pain he would harbor to himself. So you know how to calm him when he was stressed, how to relieve that tension in his body when he was too wound up.
He made your heart better, and you wanted to make his own heart better too.
"So," Jack said as he pushed the contract back over to Morty again, placing a fountain pen on the top and eyeing him, "So we have a deal?"
and as Morty signed the contract, you felt Jack take your hand in his calmly and with love. It was going to be you two for now on, a package deal, and you both liked it that way.
The End
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May Prompt Session
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
Good Omens Incorrect Quotes 4
Not mine but still fun
Aziraphale : There is no future. There is no past. Don't you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact.
Crowley : ...All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Aziraphale : Why are you on fire?
Crowley : This is just how my day is going.
Crowley : What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Aziraphale : If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will smite you.
Crowley : I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Aziraphale : ...
Crowley , answering the phone: Hello?
Aziraphale : It’s Aziraphale .
Crowley : What did they do this time?
Aziraphale : No, it’s me, Aziraphale . It’s actually me.
Crowley : What did you do this time?
Aziraphale : You have your weirdly sincere humility.
Crowley : I prefer the term "self-loathing", actually.
Aziraphale , opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Aziraphale : I hate you.
Crowley : Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Aziraphale , skipping rocks on a lake with Crowley : It’s such a beautiful evening.
Crowley : Yeah, it is.
Crowley : *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
Crowley : I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Aziraphale : The big five licenses?
Crowley : Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Aziraphale : Are you trying to seduce me?
Crowley : Why, are you seducible?
Aziraphale : I’d like to live through a week that’s not a whole new verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”
Crowley : I’m having salad for dinner!
Aziraphale :
Crowley : Well, fruit salad.
Crowley : Actually, it’s mostly grapes.
Aziraphale :
Crowley : Okay, it’s all grapes.
Crowley : Fermented grapes.
Aziraphale :
Crowley :
Aziraphale :
Crowley : It’s wine.
Crowley : I’m having wine for dinner.
Crowley : I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Aziraphale : I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Crowley : If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you, Aziraphale !
*Neither of them die*
Aziraphale : …
Crowley : …
Aziraphale : So do you wanna talk about somethi-
Crowley : No thank you.
Crowley on Monday: *glues 5p to the sidewalk* Heh heh heh.
Crowley on Wednesday: *walking down the street* Ooh hey! 5p!
Aziraphale : You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Crowley : Awww, thanks-
Aziraphale : That’s not a good thing.
Crowley : All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Aziraphale : When do you usually go to sleep?
Crowley : Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.
*Crowley is fighting a monster*
Aziraphale : Just stay calm! You already have everything you need to beat it!
Crowley : The power to believe in myself!?
Aziraphale : No, a knife! Stab it!
Crowley , grinning: I have a knife!
Aziraphale : Put it down, Crowley .
Crowley : Make me! *sprints away*
Aziraphale : Pick a card, any card.
Crowley : Fine.
Aziraphale : Wait, that's my credit card!
Crowley : You said any card.
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fauxridium · 9 months
What is exactly is the deal with pretty-boy-thamaturge? I know you reblogged a post about them and even though I'm not into that fandom that is, I checked to block anyway and they have you on a post that says ask to follow if you support him. They also made a post about a transmed stalking them, but I don't for sure know if they're referring to you, but I've been following you since you drew Zelda stuff and well, you definitely do not seem like one. Mainly I'm just concerned about their deal wit
The basic low down is that they're a self admitted conservative, pro cop, and are transphobic (even if they id as trans now, they still back up and support transphobic ideologies) so like. In general just not a good person with their world views lmao
I am Definitely not a transmed, if they were talking about me i have no idea where they would even get that from, i literally have transmed under my dni criteria in my carrd so. Lol, im also a very high fem non op trans man myself so me being transmed literally makes 0 sense fjskv
But to summerize my Personal issues with this person as best and as short as possible. I have osdd with a system member that kins faux and is not comfortable with doubles (they can cause very bad episodes of unreality that can become potentially dangerous for the body), they have did with a system member that kins faux and is not comfortable with doubles (for similar reasons as far as im aware), they joined a brc server im in (a public fandom server, not meant for kinnie stuff, mind you), and put in their intro like. Literally me no doubles or smth along those lines and listed faux, so I, in good faith, messaged them to let them know that i also kin faux and am not comfortable with doubles and would like to work something out so we could both be in the server and still be comfortable, they didnt take it well, ended up leaving the server (or being removed, still not sure what happened there because they were causing issues in the server Anyways), and then they proceeded to just be? Very weird fjeg, they had me blocked certain places, but didnt have me blocked on others, and would still try to interact with me as if we were chill. For some reason even tho i apparently trigger them (which. Idk if someone triggered me by just simply existing i wouldnt try talking to them DJDG), i ended up blocking them on everything once i was told about the kind of transphobic shit they were retweeting and them being a cop boot licker, and honestly. If anyone was doing any stalking it was them, because atp i simply forgot about it and redid my carrd to what it is now, and literally within a handful of hours of me doing it, like within the same night, i was told and shown that they redid their entire carrd to look basically exactly the same as mine, and even stole the icon i edited myself specifically for My carrd, the one im using as my icon rn, but they used the same bg and shit and while like. Everything else there could be plausible deniability on why it was the same. The fact that they took the icon i made myself just made it obvious they took everything from my carrd, they have since changed it a bit to look at least. A bit different, but are still using my icon lmao, so again, if anyone was the stalker in this situation it was def them because how would they see i changed my carrd That quickly after i had already blocked them and then. Choose to basically copy it if they werent checking my shit like. Is that not stalkerish behaviour DJSKG
Theres some other shit with them pretending to be a 3rd party to defend themselves in my bfs inbox but they ended up forgetting to hit anon on a follow up message they sent which basically just. Outed them for lying about being a third party who "doesnt know them very well but had to get on a call with them to calm them down" which like. Lol okay, mostly that's just cringe but also goes to show that they're not a trust worthy person who lies to try to defend themselves lmao
My main issues with them anyways isnt really with the personal shit, i dont like them for it sure, but i think the fact that they're trying to hide being conservative on tumblr while making it obvious on twitter by once again, interacting and retweeting from notoriously bigoted people and accounts is honestly deplorable, especially in a fandom that has a lot of trans people in it who def Would Not interact or associate with them if they knew the type of shit they were rting and posting on twitter. Hell they even admitted to being conservative themself in the replies of one of my posts, like. Idk PERSONALLY i just dont think we should allow for bigots in fandom spaces that are, again, full of many trans people. Also being pro cop but being into a game that is Very Anti Cop. Like how did you miss the point that bad lmfao
BASICALLY TLDR they are not a good or trust worthy person and anyone who is trans or anti cop or really have any morals at all should stay far far away from them lmao
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tdutb · 11 months
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i mostly drew this to calm myself down from Issues™ and since it ended up looking quite alright i guess i can post it
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gooeykit · 4 months
I havent felt like drawing the passed few days at all, when i try it feels empty. I mostly end up taking notes on what i drew. Maybe thats a good thing, no clue.
Something else happened today and i really wanted to save talking about it for someone because if i were to cry, id want to cry with them in specific about, but i couldnt even decide when i wanted to express something and who to. Lately ive felt robbed of all my dignity and sparing my emotions for the sake of others who spend my emotional allowance on themself.
Should i be allowed one gift, i want it to be my emotions, one outburst that wont ruin the dynamic of a whole group or god forbid i break down in tears in front of the only person i want to witness. When i want to be heard, i know who i want to hear it. All my days are spent planning who gets to hear what and how to present myself to which groups. For once i want someone's shoulder, but im not given grace by those im considerate to. I shouldnt have to calm people down when im the one in shambles, raise my eyebrows and look into someone else's weeping eyes.
I dont want to hint that maybe i want sympathy under a sparse list of considerations.
I dont want to post this but deleting it feels dishonest. Either choice i make in the matter feels like im not being true to my emotions, so im at a genuine standstill.
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