#i drew it on.. the notes app of my phone lol
lesbianloujitsu · 1 year
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@dancingdonatello hello!!! This is (loosely lol) based on that one ask you got about leo finding yn with a pet turtle! i really liked how you wrote it and just had to draw it
I hope you like it :3
OG post i based the comic off of if u wanna read it ^^
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upsidedownsmore · 1 month
Are you ready, Mara Lohk?
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nightworktobegin · 1 year
I drew them being buddies 🎸💜💛☀️
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Theyre watching anime together :)
@m0rpz0rp @hellishgayliath
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This was drawn in notes app in a coupdle of minutes because divine inspiration struck but. You see my vision right?
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morocosmos · 28 days
Writer Interview Game
Tagged by @arcaneoddity, tyyyy 💜
When did you start writing?
I noodled at an unfinished story or two when i was a kid (i drew comics a lot more tbh), the first fanfic i wrote was when i was 13 (it is consigned to ff.net, never to be perceived again). i started developing my writing during secondary school, we had to for english class but i genuinely enjoyed those assignments so much that it didn't feel like schoolwork lmao, it was smth of an outlet. i did write a couple of fics for other fandoms between 2016 and mid 2020, but in late 2020 FFXIV revived my desire to create, while @stellarfatalism and @lemoncakedesign's fics inspired me to actually start writing.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I read a much wider variety of smut than what i could be convinced to write. other than that i think they mostly overlap.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
@haillenarte, @rabbitprint and @sezja's fics have stuck with me the most in terms of "god i want to be able to write characters like this"....i've never been compared to another writer before, never even considered it and idk how i'd feel.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I was writing on openoffice at first, but their software has a tendency to crash when you press two keys too fast, for example when you. try to save your work. moved to gdocs to avoid that and so that i could continue working on fic on my phone, but i also use the notes app on there, mainly to get down ideas that i don't want running away or to write more freely. it's easier to be experimental and loose when i'm writing in notes, idk, whereas i prefer sitting at the desk and working on my computer when it's a longer fic or a more """important""" piece.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I've let it happen when it happens, for the most part. i was forcing myself to power through job around the time i really grew into writing, so i needed it to be a space where i wouldn't do it if i didn't want to. my feelings about that are more mixed now, because i'm a slow writer to begin with, and i can't help but wonder if more people would read my stuff if i updated more consistently. but i digress - the only time i've had to bring the muse in myself was for to sail your seas, and that was because there was accountability and a deadline. so i guess my most effective tricks are ADHD hacks and brainworms.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Until recently i didn't approach fic writing with themes in mind, when i get an idea it's usually about throwing a character at something and seeing what happens. that something tends to be another character, sometimes it's more existential like touch starvation. that said, i do have a WIP where i sat down and thought about what i want the themes to be before i know how it's going to pan out, but it's baby's first attempt so i don't have an answer to this question yet, really.
What is your reason for writing?
Processing things i know and exploring things i don't. when i got back into writing in 2020 it was extremely cathartic, i've burnt out on several creative pursuits over the years and having that spark come alive was, and is still very precious to me. i spent two years writing simply because i had ideas and a vice-grip compulsion to write them out. now that that's slowed down, i've started to think more about craft, and how i might try to hone that when i'm lowkey afraid of this stage of learning, and there's no formal institution to kick my ass into it. but in some ways, i think i write because i can't afford not to.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've been told by a friend that i'm good at continuity, which is nice considering it lines up with the obsessive approach i take towards trying to tie plot/character threads together lol. personally, i still consider descriptive writing to be my greatest strength. it's what i keep going back to, maybe because it was the first thing i discovered i was good at that wasn't influenced by someone else's decision.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I miss the honeymoon period when i thought my writing was the hottest shit LOL. that tapered off towards the end of 2022, but it's not like i think my writing is bad now, just that over time i became more aware of my shortcomings, and how much knowledge and experience i lack. i did have to fight a little to keep my relationship with writing from souring last year, but in hindsight it was more about frustration that i didn't have the energy to write (work burnout wooo) than a problem with writing itself. after a year plus of stalling and big fic projects i just want to have fun again, be a bit silly.
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yuutakei · 1 month
final love song,,weird fishes/arpeggi
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sometimes i convince myself i’ve moved on, that there is not a shred of love left inside of me. even still, upon hearing every song we shared, my eyes fail to hold back the ocean of tears that pool at my faltering waterline. it's an unbearable bittersweetness. i feel my heart plunge into to the depths of the sea.
i press play; try to surround myself in a warm darkness. but, my mind is taken back to a warm summer evening. it feels like yesterday.
a rouge dusk falls over mosquito-plagued suburbia skies. my sister had driven us out, knowing it was our last gathering before i moved away. i stood on the supple grass that lay plentiful in a stranger’s yard, clutching to your chest as if the wind had whispered a threat to blow you away with the leaves - holding you impossibly closer. and, through my ears, echoed a mind-bendingly beautiful cover of this song. i was so absorbed in every inch of your existence i couldn't even raise my head to look at the band playing to our left.
unbeknownst partygoers had emerged from within the house to listen, humming and dancing under the falling light as the song drew on. underneath the ripples of fluttering clothes on the washing line, the frightened corners of my lips turned into a smile. looking at you, i felt as if, for the first time, i could see through the clouds in your crystal-blue eyes. softly, they whispered the same words of love that were thrumming inside my beating heart. i felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
that night at your doorstep,
i kissed you for the last time.
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notes:: ⤵⤵⤵
originally wrote this around a year and a half ago!! it was about 2ish months post-breakup and this song came on shuffle...best believe there were some tears i grabbed my phone and started typing into my notes app and ended up with this (although i did tweak it a bit since my writing has changed improved?? over the past twelve months)
we met at college (he was 17 and i was 16) and he reached out after seeing me play guitar in the courtyard to a small crowd. he went through all my friends to find me online and promptly confessed he'd seen me around campus. i'd been a 'hallway crush' of his for some time and had mysteriously disappeared granted i was still attending classes lol, causing a bout of panic. by a stroke of fate, he saw me again on the courtyard stage, with my shitty fender squire i'd been gifted on my 14th birthday playing 'horen sarrionson' (iykyk). i guess it was a 'now or never' moment from then.
we ate lunch together a few times, which turned into hanging out after school, to finding out he was a 10 minute walk from my house, to kissing him in the back of a car after getting lost in a sketchy neighbourhood late at night and needing a pick-up from his mother.
i was his girlfriend for the better part of 9 months. it started off as a dream. he was everything i wanted and having someone care about me and obsess over the parts of me i hated graced me with a comfort i had never felt before. around 2 months before his graduation and my exams, we consecutively shared and experienced the most traumatic parts of our teenage years and had seen the worst parts of each other, some of which never left.
heartbreak sucks!!! i had to break up with the boy i loved over text (we were hundreds of miles away) during a first-period literature class and cry myself to sleep alone in my dorm every night for weeks :')
but love is never wasted.
and i will continue to love and hurt until my bones turn to dust.
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heybobbygirl · 1 year
I am such a sucker for any story involving mystery. Or ghosts. Or the supernatural. Or anything vaguely spooky. I obsessively read Nancy Drew books and hyperfixated on FNAF for a solid 3 years when I was younger. Whenever we got to write stories in class I would always write stories about monsters and kids hunting for ghosts. I’m also pretty sure if you scrolled back far enough in my dad’s notes app on his phone you would find my shitty DDLC fanfiction from 5 years ago. And I think one time I played a BATIM song on my grandma’s TV for 2 hours straight and I am still very sorry about that.
I was the weird kid lol
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muzanswaifu · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask (Answered)
I"m not even gonna wait for anyone to ask bcuz this bitch is gonna answer them NOW
I wait for no one 😤
Keep reading if you wanna see my answers!
I nominate @xxsabitoxx, @magoliaomega, @yurmomsawh0r, and all my other writer moots to answer all these as well, CUZ I WANNA KNOW WAT YALL HAVE TO SAY
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
All of my old Doushino fics lmao, I like the base storyline I did for all of them, but my writing was so shitty back then and I cringe looking back at them now. Ireally really wish I could just rewrite them but Ik some people would literally shit their pants if i deleted them so im stuck
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I have a kink for apology/angst scenes haha, if couldn't already tell from my past works. It's just something that I feel everyone thrives for, especially myself, where the love interest apologizes for all their wrong doings and admits that they long for yn's forgiveness and love. Mama is a heart throb
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Any scene with shinobu in my Gamer Giyu fic "The Perfect Date". I tried to make her as funny as possible in that one, and believe me, there were plenty more funny moments of her in my draft for that fic that I ended up having to cut out bcuz I felt it drew away from the plot too much. Oh how I wish to make a fic just for her lol
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I like to make the love interests assholes sometimes, just to piss you guys off hehe, everytime they do something shitty that makes you hella sad, just know that it was me 😈
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
I don't unfortunately, I kinda just go read over it myself a couple times to check for mistakes but thats pretty much it. Ngl lie though, I am kinda interested in having someone else proofread for spelling mistakes and plot holes, any takers 👀 preferrably someone who's talented with that sort of thing haha
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I always enjoy a good simile and metaphor here and there, not really sure about themes... love at first sight maybe? enemies to lovers? tsundere? I like sad fics as well that have happy endings, I will never, ever do a completely sad ending, i just don't like them and they leave a bad taste in my mouth
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Dog, I dont even knooooooooooow, i think all of my fics are pretty straight forward and tame. Maybe Regrettable? All of my super crazy fics are still in production so we'll just wait and see, but for drafts rn, my "No Escape" (Sanemi x Reader) series is gonna be hella crazy, so just you wait
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
My fav thing about my writing is probably my dialogue, i think I write pretty appropriate dialogue. I try my damn hardest not to make the characters cringe and to make them relatable so I hope I've done a good job with that
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Ngl, I kinda hate them. Kissing is nice and all but i write smut yall, i got bigger things to worry about than smooching. Now virginity loss fics are a whole nother story, bcuz i can actually make it enjoyable unlike real life 😭 Shitty first time gang arise ✊
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Nope, I bask in silence, maybe some white noise in the background sometimes? Music distracts me too much
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I use my notes app on my phone to make my outlines, google for thesaurus, and an online word counter for the final word count
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Yup, for those who remember, I was working on a fic called Night and Day about Kyo x stepsister reader who was living with him. Originally I had him as a yandere, obsessive person with reader being uninterested in him and the fic being non-con, but I ended up scrapping the whole thing and changing it to be a fluff fic with reader living with kyo, reader having a crush on him, and slowly the two grow closer, with tons and tons of angst and sadness. The original outline for the non-con fic is on my patreon if anyone would like to see the poor thing, it had 8 chapters outlined too haha. what a waste.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Only 1 ☝️ I'm pretty sure i've mention her before, my friend sam? We used to read a ton of fanfics and watch anime growing up so she's the only person i've ever told since she understands the field, and i am never gonna tell anyone else 😭I would literally die, my group at college doesn't even watch anime
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Either Perfect Date or Regrettable
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Hehe no, I do smoke and write sometimes though
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
My Little One if I remember correctly
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I usually like to write at night after I've finished all of my hw, right before bedtime :)
💖 What made you start writing?
I had a ton of idea for fics but didn't want to spend my days requesting all of them so I just wrote them myself, I write so much shit already for school, so I just said fuck it, lets ball
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
I thrive off of them ❤️‍🔥 I frame every single comment on my wall ngl
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Cheating. Not sure if thats a trope but i kinda feel it is in some fics where reader or love interest cheats, the one who got cheated on gets revenge sex with another party, and then they get back together. I just hate it and it hurts my feeling and turns me off
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
Of course! After I finish all of my requests I'm gonna get that started hopefully and use the money to buy hot figurines 🥵
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Sometimes, it depends on the fic. I usually just look up time period stuff so that things are close to accurate
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
My Little One
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I love halloween fics, they are scarily hot
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
YUP, @magoliaomega has perfectly written part 2 for two of my fics, reading her gifts is so eerie bcuz they were exactly wat i would've wanted for the sequel and I love her for for it, she is literally god
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I've never gotten any but I would love to, fan art is awesome
📈 How many fics do you have?
Uhhhh like 20 I think?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I usually outline but I'm kinda thinking ab stopping bcuz my best fics were written without any preparations so well see.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Girl Imma talk about I'm Yours, my upcoming series ab alpha kyo and omega fem reader. I am sosososoosososossosos excited for this one yall have no idea. I've already mapped out the chapters and plot and everything. Im currently working on chapter two and just cant wait to get this shit done so i can post everything. I'm just excited to add to the very small pile of kny omegaverse fics and hopefully the series will inspire more abo creations for demon slayer. Another work I'm excited ab is a collab im doing with a fellow bestie 😏 I wont name any names or say wat the fic is ab but hopefully well get the fic done sometime next year, really excited to work with her on this!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I would start off with headcannons, then short scenes, then one-shots, then multi-chapter. I went backwords from this list and i wish i didnt haha. theres nothing wrong with doing it out of that order of course, I just think its the best way to build up skill and get a hang of things. Also dont be afraid to take breaks! burning urself out will lead to depression babes
💞 Who's your comfort character?
Shinobu ❤️ she was the first girl I wrote for in demon slayer and she's always held a special place in my heart
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Can't really answer this one lmaoooooo, so ill choose a random headcannon I have, Shizu taught Sanemi how to cook and he always helped her make meals for the family
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Kyojuro, my love. He is so pure, I wanna suck the soul outta him
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Mitsuri was obviously upset.
One day was fine. Two was pushing it. Three was a little concerning. Four was a lite search. Five was thorough detective work. And six was a breakdown. By day seven, today, she was still bawling in her pillow, wondering where-oh-where you’d gone. 
Meanwhile, you hardly had time to worry about your concerning absence with a dragon on you at all times of the day. During the rare moments you weren’t getting knotted or eaten out, you were getting bathed, fed, or hushed to sleep. Similar to Kanroji, you too were sobbing into your bedding - but your reason being your cunt getting ravaged hourly. The pleasure was still incredibly mind-blowing, but your pussy was so fucked raw and puffy that you were sore beyond belief from the mating session. You had misunderstood that section in the book. You’d thought a week-long initial rut meant only occasional couplings, like a sort of honeymoon phase.Nope. Every waking moment was spent hanging off his knot and getting filled to the brim with his seed. Hereallywanted babies. And he was likely going to get them, even if it wasn’t your fertile week. You doubted his sperm would take no for an answer, honestly...
“Are you tired, my love?”
You moaned as he pulled on the lock and replied in a cracked voice. “Ye-eess.”
With one more tug, his knot was pulled free. You came painfully one final time before a flood of spunk gushed down your legs. Kyojuro flipped you over to your back and set you down onto the part of the nest that wasn’t caked in sin.
He kissed your forehead as you panted. “Our rut is done, little one. You did wonderfully, I’m so proud - you may rest now,” he whispered and laid next to you. You sighed and groaned, “Finaallyyyy.” He chuckled.
“Tomorrow we will bring your things here and anything else you may need. Your friends and family will understand, I’m sure.” You eyes shot open and you remembered them.
“Oh my god!”
Lil snippet from My Sweet Kitten (Mitsuri x Dragon Iguro) My Little One Part 2 hehe
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Any of my non-con lmao, I think they would kill me tbh, but I heard that kinks were hereditary so this is their fault
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
If people ask for a part 2, even though I wont write one hehe
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Breeding kink, I have needs. Also pet names (baby, sweetheart, my love, darling, princess, ect)
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
Maybe as a side career, I'm not getting a degree in my field of study just to write smut all day lmaooo, i enjoy having writing as my hobby and dont want to have it bare the burden of being my main source of income, it would stress me too much
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It depends honestly, if I'm really inspired and horny, it takes less time. My Little One took me only 3 days to write cuz i was so pent up haha, requests take longer tho bc i have a specific plot and terms to stick to, along with anxieties about whether or not the requester will approve wat i've produced, so those usually take me a couple weeks to a month
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Action. That shit is hard. I don't think i could ever write a fight scene ever
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Not the ones i have currently but the ones i have in the works are extremely heartbreaking, i cried a little writing some of them
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
It depends on the type of criticism. I appreciate it if its about errors in my writing since i still have some growing to do in that department. But there has been some drama ab the things I write ab that people find...distasteful. If you don't like what I write ab, leave, dont waste my time pretending to be a mutual, I write for me not you. Some of yall have some real mean girl mentalities and need to grow tf up, this isn't fucking highschool. Im glad for thei experience tho bcuz it's taught me how to deal with negative people better. On the more constructive side of things tho, if you see errors like plotholes, devices, or grammar in my fics, please tell me! I miss shit sometimes and appreciate the help to better my work
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I looooove reader interactions! I wanna know what people think and what they would like to see next. I also love requests but I've learned that they are harder than they look lmao. I just worry ab disappointing readers sometimes. I want you guys to enjoy it too!
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mareenavee · 1 year
Another ask for you. Share something weird/quirky/funny about your creative process (could be writing, could be art, could be anything else) that you recently discovered and went "huh!"
HI :D This is actually a great question! I'm going to talk about art first for just a short funny anecdote because I don't normally get a chance to share! It'll circle back to writing though, promise!
Okay :D
So for art, I only just started relearning toward the end of 2019 after a decade-long break. I am not the world's greatest artist. I don't know or remember the RULES (tm). But with social media as it is, I do know there's this heavy pressure to make your sketchbooks pretty and shareable. Mine has NEVER been that way. Not ever once, not even when I was actively drawing and painting daily before I got into art school. (I didn't go, btw -- I went to college for writing instead.)
So something that I do that I didn't realize others didn't do at first because, again, most people are sharing their "finished pieces" pretty sketchbooks, is when I draw something very obviously wrong, warped, or even downright scarily messed up, I'll write "omg I'm so sorry" or something in the margins lol and then I just move on. And when I review my sketchbook when it's done, it never fails to make me laugh. Even the messed up sketches are practice, at the end of the day.
When it comes to writing, there's not really a sketchbook per se but I do leave myself similar notes lol. I have documents with ideas in them and I also mostly carry around a small notebook that I jot ideas down in when I'm not home or can't be bothered messing with the google docs app on my phone. Every once in a while when I'm feeling particularly stuck, I'll go back through my ideas docs and notebooks.
The other day I opened one of my docs that just said "idea" for the title and inside it said: "You had a thought, which is rare enough, but then they actually managed to call your number for once in this godforsaken dmv office and now the idea is gone. Sorry about that." Apparently that was one of the times I didn't have my notebook on me LOL 😂
So yes, vague apology notes for ideas that have disappeared or gone sideways are very much a part of my creative process. I keep them anyway, and I'm not ashamed of "bad ideas" or "horrible sketches." Each piece is a part of the journey. And looking back is incredibly funny, most of the time, and even still somewhat inspiring. Especially with my art, if I drew something wrong months ago, it's kind of gratifying if I can manage to draw a better rendition of it today. And with writing, even confusing ideas that make no sense when I return to them later can still be refined and used for something else. Otherwise, it's good to just laugh it off and try again.
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Happy Valentines Day Harmony!! Couldn’t let the day pass without sending warmest wishes to the writer whose words make me believe in a romcom version of reality every time I read them and whose taste in music alone could launch 1000 crushes!! If you attended Hawkins High in 1984, the fruity four would be tripping over eachother to shove valentines in your locker (Nancy’s would be a very neat handmade heart complimenting your fashion choices and asking you on a study date, Robin’s would be a rocky horror singing card and pickup lines in her top five favorite languages, Steve’s would be whatever the 80s version of a papyrus card is and actually also flowers and balloons and so much chocolate and he would try to bribe you to not read his card with additional chocolates because it would be a sappy recounting of the first time he saw you, and Eddie’s would be a poster he drew of you two in a band (Tachycardia in Tandem, that old softie) and he would have written ~TiT 4ever~ on all of Steve’s balloons before realizing they now all said “tit” and contemplating popping them all before leaning in and cutting a new boob window in his shirt and asking you to be King and Queen Sluts for the day), but since it is not 1984 and you aren’t in Hawkins, it’s my pleasure to be able to pass along all their sweet thoughts and all of my own. As ever, I think you’re a tremendous writer with brilliant ideas and the most heartfelt execution, who is equally deft at crafting laugh out loud dialogue and tender yearning and extremely hot hookups and the most gorgeous descriptions of places and feelings and lewks, and who somehow manages to create such rich and detailed worlds that watching the same two (beloved) idiots fall in love over and over again feels new and heart racing every time. All of your posts are just as fun and delightful to see— whether you’re referring to your shadowy past as a theatre star (??) or talking about the music that makes you feel most at ease or complimenting another creator’s work or thirsting over the Joes (lol) or dropping updates about your day and your writing process, u always make me smile so anyway thanks for being alive in this moment and being online with us and I hope your day is magnificent and you treat yourself to many wonderful things 💓
Dear sweet angel!! I swear to all the stars and clouds, your messages never fail to fully brighten my day 🥹 So I want you to know how much I appreciate the time it takes to reach out or read anything I write, because I know it takes a lot of effort and I mean it when I say it NEVER goes unnoticed. I am so grateful for your kindness and your shared affinity for all things romcom ❣️
OH MY GAH, your valentine exchange is 10/10 - no notes, utter perfection. AGH! Pls write fics soon so I can gush about all of your amazing headcanons on these beloved characters 💕
In return for your sweet darling sentiments, I offer up a little meet cute story. This is a friendship meet cute that happened to me in college and I thought it was romcom worthy (despite being totally platonic):
So I was in a new friend group and I was didn’t know many of the people at this particular chill sesh. But at one point, my phone reminder went off to take my anxiety meds. So I pulled on my prescription bottle and someone at the other end of the table goes “hey! That looks like citalopram.” And I said “hey! That’s cause it is citalopram.” And then they pulled out their bottle of anxiety meds and we ended up taking our meds together. BOOM! Instant friendship via medication meet cute 🥰
I hope that story makes up for me getting to this a day late, it’s one of my favorites! Thank you times forty thousand (that feels like the right number to me) for being such a beacon of positivity in this fandom. You deserve every inch of kindness and respect, never ever forget that.
Have the absolute BEST of belated Valentine’s Day, dear friend!! 💖💖💖 (You can totally rewatch Sleepless in Seattle again, Nancy Wheeler would approve of its year round watchability 😉)
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gaymerasmus · 2 years
Can I request a tf2 matchup pls?
I apologise in advance, this is a long one.
Physical appearance:
- I’m not tall [*cough*like5’1*cough*] | I’m a bloody stick, some average meat but I’m still a lanky lil shit.
- Short undercut brunette hair with [somewhat emo] right-sweeping bangs, they naturally sweep left but look fluffier when swept right.
- I am in fact, whiter than sour-cream with very-very light freckles on my face, you gotta be CLOSE to see them.
- I have weird, blue-ish/green-ish/grey eyes. I swear I’ll never know their real colour because they pull a one-two-switcheroo depending on lighting.
- I wear big, thick-lensed, thin black-frame glasses and due to my rapidly declining eyesight I am practically blind without them.
- My right eyebrow has a slit cause I got bored, but I like it and it’s staying (and a piercing bc I can)
- I have size 10[?] gauges [/stretchers, whatever you call the things that stretch your earring holes], I plan to go bigger.
- I tend to wear a lot of black clothing and I have a very punk/alt/emo/grunge style. That, or I’ll look like a dad in cargo shorts and an over shirt thats given up.
About me:
- Trans guy | He/Him pronouns | Preferred name is Corvinn | Gay
- Aussie, very prominent accent, have been mistaken for a Brit because of ‘how I speak’ [I cuss more than a sailor]?
- Diagnosed with A.D.H.D., anxiety, depression and high functioning A.S.D. [that’s the main shit, the combination also causes insomnia lol] | Excess stimulation causes overloads and makes me temporarily non-verbal | My brain gets overly bored if there’s a lack of stimulation | I don‘t know SL because I started having non-verbal episodes in 8th grade. I’ll communicate using my phones notes app, tts or a very confusing game of charades | Stims include; flappy hands when emotionally overwhelmed, rapid leg bouncing when I’m anxious/focusing/listening to music, playing with my/the ear lobes of a person I trust for comfort | I twitch on occasion, I don’t think it’s serious; just painful-ish head/neck/shoulder jerks and non-painful leg/arm jerks accompanied by a grunt/verbal tic [I mainly squeak]/strained face | I have a bad habit of apologising/excusing myself after I twitch | Mental health is poor but I’m trying to get better and I think I’m heading in the right direction.
- Extremely self-conscious of my voice [think it’s too high] and height:(
- Self-taught aspiring artist of 8/9 years now | I do both digital and physical art | Tend to be more digital | When I do physical art it’s mostly sketching and watercolours | Plan to become a body artist in future.
- I’m easily excitable, but I’m told it’s annoying so I try not to but then that kind of leads to me not showing any outward emotion which also upsets people.
- I can sew and I own a sewing machine | Fun fact, I wanted to be a cosplayer when I was younger. Settling for a show-off in my textiles class [friend of mine’s a model/influencer and I’m gonna turn them into dress-up doll lmao].
- I was raised on shit like Korn, SlipKnot and LimpBizkit- I gotta fight to stay awake when metal is playing in the car.
- Favourite colour is all of them.
- I wanna get more piercings; left lower-lip, septum, and venoms.
- My Dad doesn’t think I can sing but a bunch of people have said otherwise. I’m currently at the point where I have no stage but I must sing.
- I’m interested in textile practices.
- The Walten Files
- Marble Hornets
- Creepypasta
- Slasher films
- Hazbin Hotel/Heluva Boss
- Horror and paranormal shit
- ARG’s [I suck, but I enjoy watching others]
- FNAF [here since 2016, will cause physical altercations if opposed]
- All of animation YouTube
- Video essays on weird and obscure shit.
- Beloved YouTube blorbos include; CJ the X, Grayson projects, HarleyTBS, Izzzyzzz, Quinton Reviews, Chad Chad, LS Mark, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Goodeen, Mama Max, Nexpo, Manlybadasshero, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Neytirix, Noah Finnce, The Click, Sagan Hawkes, Pagan Valley, Wendigoon, Strange æons, Super Eyepatch Wolf, TFIL, Game Theory, TomSka, Pyrocynical, and many more.
- True crime
- Current main hyperfixation; MCR.
- According to 2021’s Spotify wrapped, my top genres were; #1 - Emo | #2 - Otacore | #3 - Metalcore | #4 DreamSMP[???] | #5 - Indie Pop | I think my music taste currently lies in punk/punk rock, modern rock, metal, emo, ska, and a lil bit of vocaloid.
- I love animals. I used to have a pure black cat, he ded now tho:(
- Video games.
- Seafood
- Rumours
- Twitter drama [unless someone like TRO is feeding it to me in form of a video essay], if I have to hear about one more person being cancelled by a random group of 13 year old white girls over literally nothing I am going to flip my shit😀
- Country/opera/classical music [to be fair, I’ll listen to classical but it just sends me to sleep, it’s too slow for me, sorry]
- Trolls [I’m fine when it’s harmless and all in good fun but when it gets toxic is where I draw the line]
- And a lot of fandoms I refuse to name because they are really toxic and will stop at nothing to find me🚪🏃‍♂️💨🧍‍♂️
Sorry this is so long, hope it’s okay. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, no pressure! Anyway, it’s super la- early. I’m going to bed. Have a nice [insert time here]. Also, thanks and remember to take care of yourself!
Hullo hullo welcome and thank you!! You are paired with...
Honestly this one was a really close call, but when I really thought about it I couldn't get Mr. Explodey Man out of my head. He sees you as super passionate and well rounded, both qualities he can appreciate! This man comes from a very straightforward and strict upbringing, so having your radiant personality and look nearby is honestly pretty refreshing for him.
I can see your dynamic including a lot of hurt/comfort influences, as well as some partners in crime and like a little friends to lovers vibe. He's very much an optimist and loves keeping your spirits up! He understands a lot of what you're going through (*coughs*t4t*coughs*) so expect a lot of advice and validating comments. Definitely tries to get you into some mischievous activities when bored, trouble is this guy's middle name (it's actually Finnegan). That's not to say he doesn't mind lounging about the house, learning about one of your interests through videos you watch or just listening to you ramble. He might fall asleep on you if you're not careful tho.
Demoman is also a very adaptable man. He's been around and seen a lot in his time, so he comes perfectly prepared for nearly everything you may need from him. It does surprise him at first when exposed to your stims and tics, but only for a moment! He finds stims that show your trust endearing, and certainly doesn't mind getting anything you need if you're having a bad day. He definitely seems like the type to catch on to what the different stims mean pretty quick. If he notices you're getting anxious he may subtly rest a hand on your leg, or lead you away from an area until you're no longer overstimulated. Once he learns about your non-verbal bouts he always keeps a pen and notepad nearby. Just very subtle and gentle things that shows he cares because he really really does.
He also adores your music taste!! Very chaotic instrumentals and throaty singing gets him all kinds of hyped. He tries to pass that hype on to you and it works about 99% of the time. When you're both bouncing with energy he'll gladly take you out somewhere to burn energy (and cause trouble). The best thing about Tavish is that this man can make anything fun. Simple things like taking out the trash, running errands, even going on a quiet walk end up becoming your most cherished memories with him. He always hums a tune from songs you like when he picks up on you smiling more.
Expect to meet his mother!! I have a feeling he plays it a bit old school when it comes to relationships, so he'd absolutely insist upon you meeting her. He also just really loves his mom. When you're both ready he invites you to his (fucking huge) house for tea. He's very confident you'll hit it off right away! It starts slow, but once you mention your experience with textiles she beams. Having experience herself; she happily shows you some pieces she's made for her family and for her. She asks that you update her with anything you make in the future, so I think you can safely say she likes you. It makes demoman very happy to see you getting along.
To summarize; he absolutely adores your presence in his life. He'll try his absolute best to make you happy, and loves laughing with you about anything and everything. I hope you liked it!!
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idontlikeem · 2 years
should the pens trade dumo (and poj and some picks) for jakob chychrun? (or some other d-man...)
An interesting one! This is long AF so I’m putting it under a cut (side note, where did the option to put a cut in on the mobile app go? I used to be able to and now I can’t, I had to type all this out and then go to my computer to add the break in).
Also, everything I did was done on my phone, so my calculations may not be exactly right. Sorry if so!
Let’s start with the math:
Dumo’s cap hit is $4.1M and Chychrun’s is $4.6M, so we’d definitely need to move someone else to make room. POJ wouldn’t quite do it, because we’d need to bring someone up to replace him, and Ty Smith’s cap hit is actually higher than POJ’s.
Let’s…leave the math for a while, lol, it might be better to start with a roster.
Our ideal healthy lineup is 23 players—14 forwards, 7 defensemen, and 2 goalies. Those 23 contracts must fit under the cap (and remember, we’re burdened with Jack Johnson’s buyout fee this year, which gives us less space). Let’s pretend we did this trade, so the lines look something like:
Scratches: Chad, Poehling
I put Jan Rutta on the first line because he had experience playing big minutes with Hedman in Tampa, but I don’t love it; he and Ty Smith had great chemistry, and I worry about the defensive weaknesses that third pairing now has. Ty is very green, and while I haven’t done a ton of digging into Chychrun, my understanding is he’s not great in his own zone. But I have to imagine that if this trade were made, this is at least how they’d start.
This roster has 22 dudes and has a cap hit of $81,038,508–cool, we could bring up someone else from WBS to hit the 23, and—
Jack Johnson counts $1,916,667 against the cap this year. Our actual upper limit, provided everyone is healthy and we’re not using LTIR, is $80,583,333. We are over the cap and already a player short of our maximum allowed roster with this lineup.
So who else do we trade?
They’ve been running Brock McGinn on the left wing. He has a cap hit of $2.75M. You know who else plays left wing? Drew O’Connor and Valtteri Puustinen, who have a combined cap hit of $1,592,500. So add Brock to the trade, call those guys up, and our cap is at $79,881,008. You’ve got Poehling, O’Connor, and Puustinen all battling for that twelfth forward spot, and Poehling can play center if someone down the middle gets hurt. Granted, now you’ve got a plethora of left wingers and no extra right wingers, so maybe you bring up Alex Nylander instead, who can play both sides.
I don’t hate it. I really don’t. The problem is: what if Chychrun doesn’t pan out. What if the kids aren’t ready for the show. We suddenly are running out Teddy and a bunch of babies on the fourth line, and two relative babies as our third pairing, too. There’s a lot of hope going into this roster, and crossed fingers that guys who look like the real deal can actually be so over the course of a full season. We also don’t have a ton of wiggle room if there are injuries.
Never say never, but with the fact that Chychrun’s star has clearly dimmed a little, and the fact that we’d potentially be trading three proven NHLers for one, I’m really not sure this is something the front office does more than kick the tires on. But who knows!!
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fruttymoment · 1 year
is Aggie like a mobile app or do you just doodle on the website on your phone
aren't you like afraid to lose your data because of tabbing out of your browser for a second
Aggie is a website, where i doodle more polished stuff compared to PENUP ! I used to use PENUP but it doesnt even have a stabilizer lol, and Ibis Paint never worked for me soo,
Your drawings doesnt get lose that easily, actually! For example, tabbing to another thing or straight up closing my Internet app never really lost my data! However, i do heavily suggest you open an account for it first. From what i understand, Aggie seems to save your work automatically the moment you stop drawing.
But, did i encountered some data loss at all? AH YES. YEP.
Aggie likes to glitch sometimes. Rarely, when i go back to my drawings the save system seems to not work on my recent doodles. So i sometimes saw that my work i completed is a bit back to being unfinished, only missing small stuff tho.
Aggie experience HEAVILY depends on your INTERNET. If your internet is great, strong signal, no pings, then your experience would be great! (There were some cases where aggie somehow disconnects EVEN if i had great internet, no idea why. But your overall experience should be fine with a good internet!)
If you have bad internet, low signal and sone pings, pray.
One thing i dont like about aggie is it usually DOESNT TELL YOU IF YOU ARE DISCONNECTED. When something goes wrong with the connection, our bro aggie doesnt even tell you usually and because of that you think there isnt no issue and continue drawing. Thankfully, aggie doesnt stay too long disconnected. Only for like 3-5 seconds i suppose. After several seconds, aggie suddenly stops and that horrific "Connecting..." message pops up in the top right.
I see that message in my nightmares.
When you encounter that "Connecting..." message, first of all, ANYTHING you draw in lets say 10 seconds recently probably has been completely fucked. If you are lucky, aggie immeditely tells you the message and disconnects you so you dont lose big stuff. But mostly, when it comes to ping or lagging, aggie struggles to tell you. Bro is shy and waits several seconds to tell me "um you are actually disxonnected something is wromg with th internet im so sorry im gonna reconnect you ok??? Oh and everything you drew in last 5 to 10 seconds are gone probably. Am so sorry"
You lose your data because you draw when aggie isnt even connected. And the problem is, like i said, aggie has some trouble to tell it.
The last type of error i witnessed is just straight up corrupted data.
Oh god.
I dont know why and how, but RARELY, your drawings suddenly gets fucked up. Like it looks like you accidently tapped on the screen and i dunno?? Here is an example;
Everything is What the fuck
finee :3 just happened
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This can happen either in your very own eyes, or when you are away and open aggie again. Now this glitch thing is pretty rare i experienced it only few, but its so annoying because you cant even get rid of it simply by pressing the "undo" button. It does not delete it that way and you have to delete whats wrong manually.
On some cases, some pieces of your work even may get erasee in this glitch aswell. Its like your cat smashed your drawing tablet or something, just completely random stuff happens and you cant even undo your way out of that one bruh.
..what was i talking about?
Aggie is a website :>
Data loss only happens if your internet bad, and sometimes, rarely, with strange glitches
Also important to note that the point of aggie.io is to draw with friends, aggie itself is not an professional drawing service i think. Its still neat tho!
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2 and 15?
Thanks for the ask @verkja! From this ask game.
2. Do you ever hand write any part of your story?
I don't handwrite actual prose. I do have a few "planning" notebooks (i use that term *very* loosely lol). I drew a map. I made a list of potential names. I did some brainstorming (for the first novel). I haven't physically written anything down in quite some time though. I use the notes app on my phone these days, for those random ideas that pop up. Or a google doc. :D
15. What is your favorite detail to include while writing?
Apparently it's hair and eye color based on how often I overused those descriptors in my first book 😅😂
Otherwise, I'm not sure. I actually have to go back and add details in my edits, bc they're basically worldbuilding and I struggle with that a bit.
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unraveling333 · 2 years
Who am I growing into and is it permanent and is it ever actually permanent?
I’ve been on a waterslide these past few months, chaotically being thrown about. That fear filled fun, the worry that the water at the bottom won’t catch you ~ your stomach dropping, the breeze whooshing through the tunnel giving you goosebumps against the cold chlorine dense water. >>>>> I want the slide to be over but the homework obviously isn’t over yet. I retreated back within and explored various options and this is what I discovered
1. Tik tok is painful and changes who you are. It’s almost as if tik tok spoon feeds you an aesthetic asking you to fulfil and portray it. I lost myself in the app, and I unfortunately lost myself in a messy, unhinged way. But I experimented with artistic feats I hadn’t previously. I don’t regret that. But it is definitely time to delete tik tok. Again.
2. Finding grounded peace is way more fulfilling than the hyper pop art cycle. Now I love love loooovvvve the colours, the art, the slays, the culture. But in a drew enya and Orion world I feel my healthiest when I am being Orion. When I am yin, when I slow down. I really like slowness. And I guess this correlates with tik tok. Tik tok sped me up and made me want to be someone I could be, but that doesn’t serve me.
3. Rest
Final note; I think I am able to upgrade my phone now, I’m not sure what I will get but I know I’d like a white/starlight one. I’ve had black or good phones for majority of my life and I think the journey of this year has led me to change the vessel and it’s symbol.
The vessel = the phone (moving forward from the black and gold phones that have come to represent some form of ‘status’ in my mind, that have become a representation of trying to capture so much it is lost) to moving toward a clean, new, simple phone. One I will keep very strategic in its use. This won’t be like this current phone. No.
The symbol = from an everything device to a simple channel. It will have a few specific uses and it won’t be taken to the toilet (I know gross but I don’t know anyone that hasn’t done it once) or into the bathroom when I shower, it won’t follow me everywhere I go. It won’t have millions of apps and photos. It will be a symbol of creativity, a symbol of intent based action. My first proper adult phone (at 21 lol)
But I think this is a conversation no one has really had: growing up in the physical sense online - becoming more mature with how you present and see everything. I don’t know.
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
This week, 📕🐼
October 12th "anan" releases Vol. 2319 Special Edition Cover 📺️
10/13 (Thurs) 9:00~2:30AM BS Skyperfect--!
LiveTake From The Morning! 2 ~Ishida And Kishimoto~
My heart is poundddinnggg towards the 5 hour live broadcast
Thank you very much 😌🍀
Yesterday, I couldn't charge my phone, It seems like the problem was with the cable, not the phone itself, after I got home I tried it with a different one no problem!
Scaryyy 🙈
Sorry to have worried you! Its alright!
I recorded "Morning Jogakuin ~ Houkago Meeting~" for Radio Nihon-san 🔴
Haga Akane-chan, Kitagawa Rio-chan and I, Will be in attendance in the 4th and 5th week of October
Its next week on Radio Nihon-san
It was a jumbled mess, We laughed so much Akanechin was crying 🤦‍♀️ lol
Laughing is fun but tiring so, Returning home after the recording, I let out a haa~ 🤦‍♀️ lol
I know it airs just before bedtime but, By all means I hope you can join in on laughing together!
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Nails are cute 🤤🤍
Oda gave me gel nails~
For the white French tips part, we did it with a stamp but, it was fun, its like I was into it, I already added gel tool to my Amazon cart, I'm gonna get into it as I can buy it with 1 button
Its just I don't have time right now so if I calm down......
10/28 (Fri) 8:00~9:00PM BS Sky Perfect!
FULL CHORUS ~Music is a Full Course~ One Night Only Revival Special!
Um! This program has greatttlyyy helped us out! Full Chorus-san are doing things on one night only  💛  
I'm happy! Joyful!
📺️   We challenge HOUSE #1~3  🕺   Premiers 10/20 (Thurs) 11:30PM~
This time we recording #4~6  🕺   Premiers 12/1 (Thurs) 11:30PM~
Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 8
10/8 Osaka
10/9 Osaka
Also I drew something as a joke, I recommend this as well, 😎
Clear Multi-case (Halloween ver.)
I drew a tricky guy who dresses up as Santa for Halloween
If there is a Christmas ver., I'm worried about what I'll do 🤔 ...... (its possible......)
This clear multi-case, I also love the one, with the selfie and cat I drew! Its convenient for cotton balls and medicine~
🔵  Tokyo Sports note Series  🔵   #82 Oda and the huge laughter from the 10th generation surprise
If you haven't read this yet, by all means
UF Good Order
I would like to let everyone know that buys concert goods, there is an app that you can conveniently use for that--  🐣  
Fukumura-san Introducing It
By all means please check it out!!!!!!
Currently Holding Auditions The deadline is 10/24 (must arrive) 🐣🤍
Saying that I went to eat French cuisine with my parents~ I boasted that my French tipped nails were cute too 😕
see you ayumin <3
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