#i dont wike change
bigfatbreak · 1 year
the fact that they’re gonna throttle the old editor soon and make it just legacy, limiting pics per post to only 30 is gonna make me die guys
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stormbabylore · 5 months
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Logically speaking, I understand that the updates are graphically superior by leaps and bounds. I understand that these facial features are more or less the same shape and in the same place. I also understand that my discontent with how my character looks in the update is coming predominantly from a place of familiarity bias.
But even knowing that, I am genuinely baffled by the notion that someone might prefer the images on the right to the ones on the left. (And I personally think she looks worse/more jarringly different in the actual benchmark.) I do have multiple logical reasons why I believe my preference for the version on the left might not JUST be familiarity bias, but I suspect it would only come across as whining at this point. And I'll probably "get used to it" once this is what I'm seeing all the time - but for the time being, I just can't like it. (╥﹏╥)
I've really enjoyed taking my time (couple years...?) with this game and not forcing myself to run full-speed through the story... but the temptation, now, to hurry up and get to/finish Endwalker while my stormbaby still looks like herself is s t r o n g.
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bluespiritshonour · 7 months
Me, a struggling undergrad with two quizzes and two lab reports per week, unable to keep up and constantly being told that I'm lazy and I really should be getting used to doing work way before deadline (also has absolutely no time to draw for THIS godforsaken blog): there's going to be a Zuko movie in 2026? Can I get on the art department or something? I really want him to have all his hair up when he wears a topknot. The half-updo worked for Ozai but not for Zuko. Also, is Mai gonna be in it? I should probably go on Pinterest and try and figure out how Mai's hair works, her character design is honestly so cool, hey!—I have an idea about how she would wear her hair—
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waloeders · 9 months
gm!!! i moved my ps back to my room again so. way more ff16 time weuehehehe 😈 i hope yall r doin well today!
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rainbowbeanstyles · 2 years
while we wait, could you pick one pls
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sunsetdesire · 1 year
wow some of y'all are so stupid it's painful
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Before reading your series I was completely on the side of if someone cheats that’s a done deal of ending the relationship however even though I still think that I feel like I would maybe I wouldn’t be so fast to make a judgment. Idk you have me so damn confused because I feel like maybe I feel like this because I like the characters or maybe I’ve actually had a change of heart. Idk you confusing me and I don’t wike it. hah but in all seriousness this is an amazing work of art and I honestly think if you changed the names (for legal reasons) you could have a best seller. This is great pal!
Hiiiiii 👋
I think one of the best compliments ever is hearing you take a double take at cheating and what it means for you... Personally, I went through the same reflection. Before ILGOSS i kept telling my partner of 5 years that im gonna leave her if she ever cheats on me, but like, one night i was watching her sleep and thinking about how much i love her and wondered if i really will leave her right away if she does.
Some might think it's easy to forgive wanda because we are biased to the character and lizzie olsen's perfect face, but i dunno. I try to switch reader and wanda and i still came up with the same ending.
Sorry if you got confused about how you feel towards cheating now, but at the end of the day, cheating really ruins lives and it's best we avoid it at all cost.
Thank you for reading and enjoying ilgoss. Not sure how it would fare if like, i change the names and make them into my own character, i just dont feel like it's very original? I mean, i dont think anyone else hasnt tackled divorce and cheating because it's such a common theme in drama. I just wrote this for my own enjoyment and now for you guys as well. But thank you if you think that :)
Again thank you for sending this ask and reading the story. You take care :)
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stuckinmyweb · 3 months
Maybe? Changingss difficult , I dont wike it. Feels safer to stick wif what you know
I understand that, brother. Change can be terrifying, but if your current state does not make you happy, then change is necessary.
...if you do ever decide to go through with the change, I will be with you. Every step of the way.
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Baba🥹 why me so useless can't make fwens people bullying me no wike meanies. How do me make fwens???
Oh, im sorry to hear that, kiddo! It's hard making friends. However, never listen to the bullies and meanies! They dont help at all. The best advice i can give is to be yourself. Always be kind and caring. If there is something that has routinely caused a friend to step away, finding the cause to help figure out what you can fix.
Never try to change yourself to fit others. It doesn't help who you truly are inside.
Sometimes, people are just mean, and it sucks.
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worstloki · 3 years
The implication of Ragnarok Loki having a carnal life came out of left field. He's covered his skin from neck down for a thousand years ,and threw Tony Stark out the window for making sex jokes. My ace detector can spot another sex repulsed individual. Loki was an anomaly on Asgard because he didn't care for fighting and casual coitus, not for being "it's just a prank bro" dude.
I agree. and am literally convinced Sif tried to pull something weird so Loki cut her hair and he didn't have a valid actual excuse so he went with it being funny. and that's why he was 'drinking' after. like hah, totally talked my way out of that one. im a genius. time to tell everyone i'm acting off today because i've been drinking when im actually also just having a sexuality crisis.
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stjernfaerie · 4 years
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I be feelin it today ✨
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stormbabylore · 4 months
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Left to Right: New Benchmark, Current State, Original Benchmark
The new benchmark is leaps and bounds better than the original, in my personal opinion, and I'm exceptionally grateful to those who put in the hard work to bring us these massive updates so quickly. I've held out hope for the last month that the new benchmark would give me the ability to see Aeryn with the same excitement that others felt looking forward to their characters' graphic updates in Dawntrail.
But I'm just not there. Though she looks significantly better, there's still something "incorrect" about her expression causing my messed up little brain to reject her. I've stared at her with a highly critical eye trying to pinpoint why I feel this way, and I've landed on this: most (though not all) of the changes I personally see in her appearance are caused by an interpretation formed about how certain lines and features on her face must be due to how shadows previously appeared on them - shadows which are now drastically different and highlight her features in a different way from what I previously perceived.
Examples and additional rambling behind the cut, if you don't mind me being insane about this.
The new rendering of her eyelashes looks thinner, and the shadows they cast on her upper eye are less intense, making more of her iris visible. Additionally, her lower eyelids appear slightly more rounded, especially toward the inner part of her eye, where shadows originally made it seem the eyelids straightened out and then very slightly curved down - the opposite of now, which appears to be more of a continual upward curve. Combined, these all give her more of a wide-eyed expression than before.
The new shading of the bags under her eyes makes them (and her eyes in general) look more bulbous. They didn't seem to protrude quite so much before, with a focus more on subtle highlights that caused the bags to be most visible in brighter scenes or in stark, overhead lighting. (I'm looking at you, Prae.) These were often situations where it felt appropriate to showcase how tired she might be feeling; but otherwise, in most scenes, they didn't stand out so much. They're now very obvious, visible from every angle, and they stand out even in night views.
I personally see a slight change in the line of her nose, most visible in the 3/4 up-angle shots. It used to have a minuscule inward curve along the ridge and turned up the tiniest bit at the end. From the front, it looks like her nostrils used to tilt up more, giving the impression that her nose was slightly narrower, despite the fact that it does, in fact, take up the exact same space on her face. Finally, the bolder shadows along every part of the nose give the impression that it is larger and protrudes further along the bridge - though, again, that is definitely not the case.
I very much miss the wider dip of her upper lip (which I have learned today is called the philtrum). It gave her expression a certain softness, whereas her benchmark lips look gently pursed to me. There was also a barely-there upturn at the corners of her lips before, or at least the impression of one created by the stronger, "dimple-like" shadows at both ends of her lip-line. That slight upturn is very evidently gone (noticeable especially on her profile) and makes her look far more serious and even severe. The more I stare at her, the more I think this (perhaps along with her eyes) might be the change that bothers me the most.
I can't comment on her face shape with any reasonable accuracy. Sometimes I think her face feels rounder, but then I rotate her and think perhaps it's actually thinner? The chin throws me off, and I think the angle of her jawline feels higher - but that (like so many other things) might just be a false impression based on the illusion of lines created by cast shadows, which now just hit different.
Colors, of course, also play a role in some of this... but I'm not going to waste time comparing skin, eye, and hair tones now that we know there's been a shroud on the character creator that impacts how things look in the original (center images). I did briefly attempt to find a less "pink-leaning" hue for her skin now that the shadows don't dilute the warmth of the coloring in quite the same way, but I didn't find anything that felt any closer to the original iteration.
So there are my unnecessary and overly-analytical observations about my WoL's appearance. It's not a criticism of the graphics at all, which I admit look pretty darn stellar. Again, massive kudos to the entire team of individuals involved in all this work - it means a lot that they take fan feedback and really work to make this game amazing for us. And most of my alts look incredible! So does this character, in her own way? If I never had the original version of Aeryn and didn't know her so well, I'd probably be fine with how the character on the far left looks.
She just doesn't feel like my character.
Of course that might change. As I mentioned while I was trying to work through my dejection following the release of the first benchmark (here), there's a very real possibility I'll just "get used to it" once this is the only version of her I have available. I can definitely see her somewhere in there, trying to peek through; and maybe when I see her in the actual game environment, I'll feel differently. Or maybe I'll reevaluate and decide she just looks "older," or that she's tired, or some other such nonsense that would cause a change in her overall aesthetic as the story progresses.
But as it stands, I'm undecided as to if I will continue to play her or not. I had paused for a long spell on my goal to power through EW before the graphics update, and I think I'm going to resume it, now. I've been reasonably assured by a good friend that EW reaches a solid finale that could be a conclusion for the WoL's story. (Noooo spoilers, pleeaaaase.) If that turns out to be the case, it might be nice to give Aeryn an "ever after" and let this be the conclusion of her adventures... if I find I really can't resolve the notion of playing with her like this. (Goodness knows I have plenty of alts to fall back if I don't bring Aeryn into Dawntrail!)
But I will be so, so very sad to end my main's story, if I decide to do so. (ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
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catradoraism · 4 years
Catradora antis: abusers are bad! They hurt people! They have a negative affect on others! // She Ra: Okay so here’s Catra, who’s broken the cycle of abuse and is learning to heal. // Catradora antis: No! Only suffering. No healing. // She Ra: Okay so... abuse victims shouldn’t get better? // Catradora antis: ...
according to catra antis we simply just have to die <3 no room for growth for any victims who were trapped and perpetuated the cycle of abuse but changed <3 suffer <333
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mypalbucky · 4 years
hi y’all! it’s me, just with a different username lmao pls don’t forget me
99thpercabeth —> mypalbucky
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aspureasit · 4 years
I'm gonna have to do something I haven't done in years .....
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rslashbrainrot · 4 years
thinking about the joy parks quote again. and again. like omggg yes im a lesbian child who outgrew the name my momma gave me yes i need to change my name and be born all over again i need this i need this i need this lol <3
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