#i dont need ti remake it
bitchfitch · 9 months
The devastation of realizing I need to remake my comms sheet again. Pain and terror and tragedy of tragedy.
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wraithsoutlaws · 8 months
you know dagger comes back to the wraith compounds after a frustrating or perhaps even Boring day and just decks the first guy he sees without saying a word because he wants to start a brawl for the ~enrichment~
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dashiellqvverty · 2 months
not to be like "ummm just make original things instead" but ocean's 8 wouldve literally been so much better as an original movie like its a perfectly fun heist but having to exist in the shadow of ocean's eleven just makes it feel so much worse than it is
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Danny after a reveal gone wrong, is dropped into the DC universe by clockwork to "recover and let loose"
He learned that because this universe is swarming with heros it dosent reeeaaallly need protection
So for the first 2 months danny juat relaxes, using his connection with the ghosts and shades of gothem to get himself a pretty good appartment with a fair amount of free time amd cash
What he wasent expecting was for the ghosts of residential obsessed billionaire bruceie wayne's parents, thomas and martha, to ask him to protect bruce
Danny thinks it over and decided, 'fuck it, how much work could it be, besides i need to protect someone anyway'
Danny was contemplating walking up and punching batman in the face
Turns out the obsessed billionaire, is a parinoid creepy emotionally constipated vigilante
It was 3 weeks into protecting thomas and Martha's "little boy" and danny was already sick of it, and of bruce, the comious amounts of time danny spent knocking out goons was ridiculous, let alone and amount of times he needed to help out the robins
And how the fuck did he raise them, the little one is so violent he could rival the way his parents talked about ghosts
It was after mid afternoon, after danny day job and he's waiting for the sun to go down to keep mr.dark and brooding safe
It was then that another shade plopped itself on his lap, this one specifically had been following him for the last few days
It was 10 minutes later that the little shade gave him an idea, an amazing idea of how to make protecting the dumb fuck that was bruce wayne MUCH more fun, danny looked at the sun and he knew he had time
He got black cargo pants, a black tank top, a labcoat that he dyed toxic green, a white gas mask, one of those belts construction people wear to hold tools and stuff, combat boots, white gloves and a crap ton of scrap metal, househole appliances and a tool box
He spent the next 5 hours constructing little gadgets, remaking the fenton-thermos-model human and preparing for a night out.
Danny was set
In his labcoat was the hand held stuff
:extra tools, retractable boe staff, smoke bombs, mini fire works, trackers
In his cargo pants he had the more heave hitters: the guns he designed, more smoke bonbs, lipstick lazers, wire
But his belt was his favourite: the now human souping thermos, a harly quinn inspired mallet and the ectoplasm grenades,
Tonights going to be fun
Batman saw alot of things, lately things have been too easy, he got hit less, goons attacks hurt less and sometimes his rouge took too long to atrack ofter breaking out of arkham
It had set him on edge
Even his kids said things seemed easer, so he's not paranoid
Tonight however gave him many more questions
During the usual fight with riddler, a kid slightly younger than tim, wearing a gas mask, dropped from the roof like the spawn of satan, dropped smoke bombs, then the sounds of violence accured
when bruce could see again, all the goons were strung up on wire upsidedown
The riddler was tied to a chair which was hanging by one leg over a vat of...something with a smile drawn on his face and his eyes blindfolded
When he looked up the labcoat wearing kid was holding a mallet and a grenade of some kind
:awww dont worry, none of them will die, I'm like you in that sence, i dont kill people...howeverrr messing with them is fair game
Batman tried to stare him down but that made the kid laugh
:aww that wont work B, besides if i wanted to hurt you I'd of done it in the last 3 weeks
So this was why things were easer
With one last laugh the kid dropped the bomb and Lazarus filled Bruce's sights
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jinuaei · 9 months
i remember seeing ur plagas priest art for leon and thinking "damn these designs go hard asf" maybe u could do like ...plagas leon but like a monster ver?? i feel like ur interpretation of mutated monster plagas leon would b rly cool idk just throwing an idea out there 🤔🤔
This is not as monster like as I wanted but oh well. Also its only a sketch bc I had to show it as soon as possible or my brain will tell me to change it and waste another 3 days just remaking it over and over.
Had to do some extensive research to get a design that would fit the actual Lore (which was not needed really, eventually ignored it)
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It's based on the fact that he was injected with the recessive strain of plaga in re4r(I could be wrong), instead of outright becoming like those headless ganados I went for the more graceful approach. Tentacles are what I noticed at first and I wanted that for monster plagas Leon. Since he doesn't have the dominant species the mutation is not as severe as the others, i.e Krauser and Saddler.
I didn't write this on the notes but I wanted the arm to be blackened, maybe from of necrosis, but really I just wanted black arms because its sexy, and the veins ties it all neatly.
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You may notice that the hair is different here, and it's what I said earlier. I keep changing stuff. pain. was making it with re4 Leon but then my brain said PLAGAS PRIEST!!!!!!!
Anyways, loved the veins theme, kept it. Mouth is the product of my brain suddenly hyperfixating on yautjas for like 2 hours and yeah.
I do wanna say that I was heavily inspired by the amazing artists here on tumblr, I was scrolling down the plagas Leon tag and there's so many great designs, albeit kinda repetitive (pls dont hate me). And well the initial design was gonna be the same but yk, I had to perfect it and wanted it to be accurate. Then began the research.
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This was the sketch for the initial design before I changed it to tentacles.
That's my design, sorry for the rant it could've been shorter.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 3 months
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since i watched luca guadagnino's suspiria (2018) a couple weeks ago, and loved it, i found out that dario argento actually created a trilogy after the success of the first suspiria in 1977, and named it the three mothers trilogy. the three mothers were 3 witches, and each mother/witch had their own movie. it was actually kind of an intriguing idea, so i rewatched the first 'suspiria' again, then his 2nd movie 'inferno' and i just finished the trilogy tonight with 'mother of tears'. bottom line is this trilogy is pretty terrible lol... story-wise at least. lol
like i really liked agento's suspiria, cause it was a sort of a technicolor nightmare. argento plays with lighting and color in an interesting way that pulls you thru a story - a story that is pretty light, and plot points that do not make alot of sense, but it doesnt really feel that important cause of the sort of dreaminess of the movie. it just all kinda works together. if without the lighting and color and score, suspiria would just not work... at all i think.
the problem i think with making a trilogy out of a movie where its style over plot, is you have to quickly make a coherent movie afterwards, and 'inferno' is as coherent as 'suspiria' is. which is not much at all lol its kinda obvious plotting is not really argento's strong suite lol but i have to say that visually 'inferno' is just about as visually beautiful as 'suspiria'. it uses color and lighting as effectively. but 'inferno' does not have the score from the band goblin, like suspiria does, and that seriously is to its detriment. it really shows what a good score can do for a movie.
so eventho inferno wasnt as good as the 1st one, it wasnt awful. now 'mother of tears' is awful. completely head scratching nonsensical weirdness. and not really in a good way. there were some interesting parts, but it was not shot with the visual flair for color and lighting as the first 2, or a score that stood out to me like the goblin score, so you kinda have the worst of it all. lol boring sort of normal lighting, and an illogical story, where youre like 'what?' & a kinda forgettable score. for most of the movie the characters motivations feel so scripted, like the only reason this is happening is cause it needs to happen for the next thing in the script to happen. it just kinda feels like a bunch of scenes tied together, trying to get to the end. and the end movie and end to this trilogy was also very dumb and anti-climactic.
also and this is just something i found hilarious, is that the 3 witches in the movies are supposed to be ancient beings, who come back to wreck havoc, and the witch in 'mother of tears' has such fake silicon-y boobs. like even I could tell. lol it was just a little distracting lol
so overall, suspiria 1977 was kind of lightning in a bottle where all the pieces work together - very well. color, lighting, score really elevated a fairly weak script. tbh, i really think the score is what really takes it to another place. cause inferno is pretty close to suspiria in color and lighting and story, but without that goblin score it just falls flat.
i dont know if i recommend the three mothers trilogy, but you should def see both suspiria movies, the 1977 & 2018 "remake".
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andromedako · 7 months
the crooked, the cradle (the crane wives) & ishmael
aka can you all hear me. hello. hello. hello. hello. (EXTREMELY LONG POST INCOMING)
obligatory song link bc i need to put this somewhere
so this song strikes me as So ishmael to me. this is just screenshots with the lyrics w/ some talking and hoping you also get the idea! (technically a remake of a post i made already but i wanted it in one post instead of in a rb addition)
>theres blood in water / theres blood in the water / the quiet are restless / the silent are still >can anyone hear me? / can anyone hear me?
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[i swear to god theres another moment i feel can fit with the first lines but i'm DRAWING A BLANK. these are the ones that come to mind though.]
>im nobodys daughter / im nobodys daughter >if mercys abound / ill be safe, ill be sound
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(moby dick, epilogue)
[i'd like to believe that lcb ishmael's fate ends up the same way, with her being rescued by whatever the equivalent of the rachel may be. and i feel as though this is a little self-explanitory: nobodys daughter / another orphan, the mercy abound]
>and the devil wont know of the love / i just couldnt let go
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[i know her obsession centered around ahab and her want to get revenge by her own hands, but the "love she couldnt let go" also sticks in my brain. the fact that after all this time... she still doesnt want to let go. i dont want to let you go, not you.]
>but i pray, when its done, when its through / ill have something left for you
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[honest to god i think you could put the entire 'sketching our futures part' here. when this voyage is done, i'll have something- a future- left for you (and i).]
>this cradle still burns / like a hole in my chest
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(crawling inquisitor beast abnormality log, written by ishmael)
[in general i think her ties with fire fit here. ardor blossom star & capote too. she has some ties to fire imo and it feels like a good antithesis to her usual motif of the waters. this log just feels like a pretty ok representation of that, yeah?]
>the crooked are smiling / they know me the best
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["they know me the best" as ahab, the one who saw ishmaels obsession spawn right in front of her. she knows this the best out of everyone else- after all, she's the reason, is she not?]
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mechanicalinfection · 7 months
This is really weird to ask but did you hear about the springtrap and Delilah controversy?
oh, yes. surprised that im only having asks about this but i have heard about it. safe to say im disappointed, disgusted and grossed out something that i used to enjoy as a child actually a deeper twisted and sickening fantasy tied to it. i am no longer in support of the creator and the comic, as much as im in denial i have seen the doc and have made my decision to stop supporting it entirely.
as for aus and my aus of springtrap and deliah, they are no longer tied and attached to that source. i will only be in support of aus of it and making fanart and artwork based off of the aus instead, not the original material (especially as long as the maker of the au also disowns the comic and no longer supports the creator), i hope that makes sense. im planning on actually rewriting and remaking the comic entirely if im allowed to, as i need to make sure and double check that its okay to do so, as i dont want to be disrespectful about it by doing something stupid like that.
artworks of my aus that are based off from that comic will be postponed for now until i decide what to do with it. thank you :]
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elvenbeard · 1 year
3 hours into update 2.0.0....
I love it xD But also, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, but UUUURGGGHHH there are some real gems in there already 😩
So, I didn't start a new playthrough for time reasons and went right in with my post-ending save. There was some initial fuckery with my wardrobe outfits that seems fixed now though after unequipping everything and remaking the outfits xD Custom tattoo and scar mods work just fine though and I might test these next few days what other mods do :D I'm really happy about the tattoos though at least :3
Some Bugs
Also, someone desperately needs to send the NCPD some funds cause....
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That vehicle doesn't look like it should be allowed in traffic (this happened twice, and I was cackling xDD honestly just a really funny little bug that's probably gonna get fixed somewhere down the line xD)
But yes... Man the new skills and perks and cyberware and EVERYTHING is so fucking cool, but also so fucking overwhelming when you're already level 42+ and have everything at your disposal all at once xD But I was so excited to see all the different new Kiroshi options and how cyberware is tied to skills like... damn. And the strongest quickhacks really need a fuckton of RAM... as they should. And I still need a fuckton of practise in terms of using them, but I'm really excited to get the hang of it all somewhere down the line :D
They didn't forget about the LIs!!!
But then this:
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When I read this in the patch notes, I was so fucking excited xD Hell yeah, a good reason to go to the apartment apart from sorting through my inventory xD Some more Johnny interactions!
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I was always a bit sad that Johnny had no comments whatsoever on V's relationship with Kerry, when he did with some of the other LIs, so this already made my evening xDD and one of the big perks of jumping in with my post-ending save to already get to see and hear this now :DDD Not gonna spoil what he says but... yes XDD It fits, I figured. And I hope the other LIs get something similar because it's glorious xD
Vehicles and Radio
In regards to vehicle handling... I can definitely feel a difference with my go-to bike! Like, it still has its weaknesses, but also feels a lot more stable in other regards, less flimsy and "heavier" like they described it in the patch notes. I love it a lot. I didn't try vehicle combat yet, although I did get randomly attacked in the badlands by some NPCs once, which was very fun XD I almost had a heart-attack, but it did feel like something that could happen. Sadly didn't manage to get my revenge in time, but next time!!
I like the new radio stations, but didn't hear every song yet... but also, and I think some others already said that, they don't really add much new in terms of sound and genres. Nothing that isn't already there in some shape or form. But still nice to have something new to add to the rotation.
And as I was driving around, I randomly stumbled right into Dogtown :DDD well, not quite but, damn, that was an impressive moment:
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The faction of the guards was labelled as "Test" though xDD Close but, not quite... Figure that's also a little bug though.
Overall... I fucking love how they integrated it into Pacifica o.o It's insanely impressive, huge and rundown and maaaaaan.... I cannot wait to explore behind the walls!!
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Also, random little thing... I feel like the clouds looked nicer? But that could be me not paying much attention/ rain being rare-ish in Night City.
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Not Dogtown but North Oak, obviously. But... idk o.o The light shining through like that looked so fucking cool and realistic, but I really dont know if maybe this wasn't already part of the Pathtracing update and I just never noticed it like this before XD
And lastly... I discovered whose nooks they added to the Columbarium. Right in the feels.
Cannot wait to discover more little details as I go but URGH yeah. The tiny little Kerry convo already made it worth it for me XDD And Viktor <3 And the Autofixer shop is so cool! And aaahhh I cannot wait to see what's gonna come with PL :333
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emerxshiu · 7 months
Elfilis for valentines :3
did on y'all but im back, hopefully i'll post for a few more days before i dissapear again
anyways have a drawing of my wife
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with text
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i actually wanted to draw kirfluff but my need to draw elfilis took over and my hands and back hurt like hell so i didnt draw the rest of stuff i wanted. maybe i could draw it later or tomorrow but im posting this now before i fall asleep or something and dont post.
It was also an excuse to draw the redesign of my fecto gijinka i had made a few weeks ago so, yeah it was fun.
Tho i might make some adjustments to my gijinka if i see fit. also in this drawing he has some differences from the actual gijinka, mainly, the little hearts arent like that in my gijinka and the bangs here have been tied up because i wasnt feeling like drawing them since theyre really long. also the lashes, but here i kinda tried doing their eyes differently and then colored them so i might make my lis gijinka have his eyes like this or change them, im not sure.
tho the more i look at the drawing, the more dissatisfied i become, i mean i did it yesterday around night and stuff so i didnt really think that much about it, (it took around seven hours and i finished it at like 1 am, i definitly wasnt the most concious at that time) but i feel like something is missing i dunno
maybe its the coloring, i had to remake the shading a lot of times since i didnt know how to do it, my style is really inconsistent a lot of times, going from cell shading to soft shading to mixing them both and so on so forth with a lot more of that.
i do have a sketch with some half finished lineart i did of one of the ideas i had (i was originally going to do more pieces with more characters but i didnt go trough it cuz i knew i wouldnt be able to do it in time) but im too embarassed of it to post it
and even tho i complained, i still kinda like this drawing
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(small edit i did)
next post is either one about a gijinka i have almost finished of an obscure kirby character i decided to adopt into an oc or a splatoon post following the fresh season 2024 and side order trailers, (fun fact side order releases just a few days before my birth day! im eating good with nintendo just like last year (last year was wave 1 of the dlc and return to dreamland deluxe))
Now im going to take a break after posting this on my other accounts and then later fight fecto elfilis (i do this almost every month sooo) and then grind my catlogue to get it to 100 before the next season starts
(fuck i just remembered i wanted to talk about a silly headcanon i made for lis while drawing this but i forgot and i dont want to write more ahhhh)
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cartoonkitten · 1 month
Going insane because what the fuck is that remake/remix/cover of Where Is My Mind in The Inseparables /pos
I typically HATE pop/modern remixes/covers/remakes whatever the hell of classic rock songs, but imo, The Inseparables version of Where Is My Mind fucking slayed, devoured, ate and left no crumbs. It's majestic and I love it to pieces. Nearly started crying when I heard it. THAT'S HOW MAJESTIC THAT STUFF IS
Really fits with Don's whole "you are a toy, you can't fly" moment where his whole reality and imagination was shattered and smashed to bits, especially considering the song's abt being high and dissociating or being out of it in general. And DJ's lines/quotes telling Don that it's all in his head fit so well, almost rap-like (at least in spanish lol) and i was like WHATT HOLY SHITTT
Once more, sorry for the sudden ramble, I just HDKSJSHSH I FUCKING LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SILLY MOVIE
NOO BECAUSE LITERALLY ITS SO FUCKING GOOOODDDD. LIKE THE FIRST TIME I HEARD IT I WAS LIKE NO FUCKING WAY PUGGY IS REMAKING THAT PIXIES SONG. puggy is already iconic with several other of that studios films, cause they made the soundtrack for the bigfoot movies (which were also directed by the same guy as the inseparables btw!) and the score for chickenhare and likely will be scoring chickenhare 2. AND LIKE, FOR THIS MOVIE THEY LITERALLY MADE EVERYTHING SO PERFECT, AND THIS????? LIKE THIS SONG MAKES ME FUCKING CRY TOO
AND LIKE OH MY GOD HIS WHOLE REALITY CHECK MOMENT IS SO HEARTBREAKING CAUSE LIKE. all he wanted was to find a way to use his creativity for something better, to not be confined to one thing all the time (especially one that gets him picked on), and of course, to gain some respect. ending up contradicting himself on every goal he was initially after and thus developing a tunnel vision of one conforming dynamic, like before, but different. he wasn’t wrong for committing heroism for others, but in the process he started forgetting to not just respect the couple people that actually try to respect him, but also forgetting to respect himself— which he realized in the beginning but completely lost track of after vaguely loosing his mind. AND THE FAKE CASTLE SCENE SHOWING THAT HES CHASING AFTER NOTHING IS SO FASCINATING TO WATCH GENUINELY. AND THE SONG JUST ADDS TO IT.
ALSO THE ART OF IT ALL IS HOW IT TIES BACK INTO THE END. CAUSE LIKE Don doesn’t really need anyone to build him back up, he humbled himself, but still remembers what he intially promised and still believes what’s right. he goes in with more self respect and still holds in his heart how to use creativity to save others. allowing others to respect their own strengths as actors, because nobody should have to be seen as one thing
TANGENTIALLY RELATED TO THE MUSIC but i also really love how rap is represented in this movie. usually rap isn’t taken as serious as other music genres and it’s frustrating to see all the time. so having this movie value and even encourage it is actually very interesting to me
ALSO DONT EVEN WORRY YOURE SO GOOD I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YA!! i also tend to ramble a lot about it and it gets pretty off topic but i just feel like the music ties everything together so well, i swear i could write an essay on everything about this movie HA
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A remake cause I just needed to step away for a little while and honestly couldn't resist the pull to come back. I'm slowly remaking everything on my main blog and here as well.
So hi again. I'm Rei. Almost 30 and this is where I share a bit more of my dirty and maybe sometimes depraved thoughts. Fantasies and such. Believe me I feel like I'm on fire almost 24/7 at times. Constantly have something brewing in the back of my brain. If it's dominant or submissive who knows until I spit it out.
Though I do enjoy writing, some writing won't be shown due to personal ties. But ones I feel that can definitely fall under more neutral area will definitely be shared.
I will make sure to add what each writing contains alongside word count. Will also try to tag my writing appropriately but I will be using "k!nk". So if you're not interested in something feel free to blacklist it but I'm not censoring stuff.
A list of my kinks in no particular order:
- Orgasm Control (denial/forced/multiple/extended)
- Overstimulation
- Body Worship
- Bondage (both restraints and physically pinned)
- Dom/Sub (power play)
- Pred/Prey
- Marking/Biting
- Size/Strength
- Hand/Voice
- Sensory Deprivation (vocal [hand over mouth, can't do gags unless they're easy on my jaw] and sight [gimme that blindfold])
- Bratting
- Mild objectification / dehumanization (toy, prey, meal/snack)
- Monster (?) (slime and tentacle)
- Soft Praise (with gentle coaxing)
- Begging
- Desk pet (purely from the submissive side)
Will add more if I can remember any of the others. There's a few.
Hard Lines (absolutely NOT happening and are even distressing, will include no go spots)
- Detrans
- bodily fluids (piss/vomit/blood/spit)
- chest/ass (please don't...I will actually have a panic attack)
- dacryphilia
- impact/pain play
- breath play
- feederism
- race play
- dd/lg / mommy
- knife play
Will add more
Some tags I will use:
#its a lemon rei and #rei writes a fantasy (my writing)
#messy 🦋 thoughts (subby thoughts)
#under the 🦋 (dominant thoughts)
#🦋 on fire (depraved thoughts)
#soft 🦋 thoughts (soft melty thoughts)
#and so the 🦋 teases (when I want to flip the script or tease a certain person 👀)
#mine...my subby boy 😤 (directed at a certain subby boi)
#rei does an art (art stuff)
I will add more later as things progress.
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lemmingsunday · 10 months
Okay, so most of you wanted this. Here is the in depth analysis of how the bright eyes scene in watership down 1978 manages to evoke so many emotions.
(Under the cut)
So this analysis is mostly practice to improve my grade in english, so dont expect anything good.
So the scene starts out with hazels "death". I think the reason so many people thought he was dead to start with is because of how richard adams presents death within the book and by extension the film. In all cases of death in watership down, it is sudden. It starts off with violet in the cornfield, and fivers short statement of "violets gone". There is no greiving for her, no remembrance. The group keeps moving on. The same is with hollys memory of the warren, the rabbit whos throat is ripped out by woundwort (i think he was blackavar, but i cant be sure) and eventually hazel himself at the end of the film. The exception to this pattern is bigwig when he was caught in the snare, but he wasnt dead, and that scene wasnt as such a deception, but a way to keep the stakes high and further illustrate the corruption of man and the land. Hazels false death follows the trend of swift sudden death (and i could talk for hours about how this is to reflect the true fate of many animals and how the 2018 remake just couldnt capture that, but i cant rn), and so because the viewer already associates this with final death, they think hazel is gone (also causing a shit ton of childhood trauma but anyway). Another reason the death feels genuine is because the film isnt afraid to kill off characters (violet, the warren ect) while other films are, and so this already deviates from status quo.
Anyway, ramble over, on to the actual scene. So we have all these emotions and shock built up from this moment. Fiver (the moral heart of the story) is in shock. He doesnt believe it, hes in denial and begins to look for his brother. Then the animation begins to shift. It gently flows into that sort of abstract, pale style of fivers visions, the first hint to hazels life, and the first section of bright eyes starts to play. Now there is hope. This is different to every other framing of death, and is so beautiful/heartbreaking. Then the lyrics kick in. This really cements this scenes deviation from the tone of the film (but not in an way that feels out of place) and the viewer gets hope. If you really listen, the lyrics "how could a light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale" and "down the river of death" allude to hazels death, however this is juxtaposed to the imagery of fiver chasing the black rabbit/vision of hazel (they both appear at times). Both of these things represent the conflicting emotions within the viewer, and just fit in really beautifully, while showing that it isnt hazels time. The other rabbits dont get this, they dont get death leading a rescuer to them.The scene flits between fiver searching for hazel and younger, simpler version of the pair playing together, which reminds the audience that the two are indeed brothers and have the closest friendship in the group, which further adds to the pile of emotions going on and just ties everything together perfectly.
Forgot to add, but the fact that this song has lyrics is another deviation. Sorry for missing that and not having time to develope it.
Anyway, the ending. The music dies down and fiver approaches the farm. He rounds on to the pipe and we hear this deep, echoing heartbeat. Hazel is alive. I cant express just how perfect this ending is for that scene. There is just nothing to add. We dont need to see hazel or hear fiver say "hazels alive!" It is the perfect example of show not tell. The remake could only dream of being that good. The impact of that ending is just too good and satisfies the audience, while also keeping that sense of suspense and apprehension.
Thats going to be it, since i have to eat now, but i hope this satisfied the people who wanted this, especially you @kazbrekkerfast
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near-seth-experience · 3 months
Personal vents, dont mind me. I'm really going through it, and tbh I just need to lay everything out on the table. I think it kinda helps me process/ look at the full picture.
Lately, I've been feeling like the people I call my friends don't really give a shit about me. Every time I try to vent in one of our discords, I feel like I get brushed off (kind of like that, "Oh no! Anyway..." meme, tbh), and it's been ongoing for a long time, so I've stopped bothering unless something really gets to me. Recently though I've made it known that I'm struggling pretty badly, ive gone radio-silent and have been isolating, and next to no effort has been made to check on me over the course of the past 2 weeks. The closest thing I have gotten in acknowledgment was a gif or two sent in consolation.
On top of that. Only one person remembered my birthday and sent a message (kind of a bummer considering I keep track of all of theirs and have given gifts to them all over the past two years). The amounts of times I check on them and support them is severely disproportionate to their reciprocation, and I'm really beginning to feel like I'd be better off alone.
a friend-of-a-friend who makes me uncomfortable for multiple reasons was brought into a shared space and now it feels I'm being replaced by them.
I've been unemployed for over a year,
I haven't been on antidepressants or my arthritis medication in over a year,
I can't get a full night's sleep, I struggle to stand up/sit down, and it's even been a challenge lately to pull off a shirt or step my second leg into a pair of pants. My mobility is the worst it's ever been.
My psoriasis is completely out of control, both in terms of surface area and levels of inflammation. I'm constantly scratching my patches and breaking skin, making myself bleed. Seriously, it's this bad:
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a collections agency is apparently on my ass now trying to get $4k out of me because last year my specialty pharmacy apparently didn't get paid properly for my arthritis medication through their copay assistance program.
I interviewed for a job on 5/1, was told they'd keep me updated two weeks later, and it's been a month since that, so I'm anxious that this job ghosted me, which really sucks because it's something that I could have done confidently and now I feel hopeless since there doesn't really seem like there's anything in my area that I am physically able to do. (I need an office job with next to no experience required, preferably not customer/public-facing)
My left foot has been swollen since March and my rheumatologist has been hoping that getting me back on the arthritis medication would resolve the issue, but the state's shitty Medicaid isn't wanting to cover it, and the medication manufacturer's support program wants to know info about my family's income to determine my eligibility (but I'm 30... they don't need my family's pay-stubs. Fuck that) so I gotta put my foot down and tell my doc that I'm at my wits end and he just needs to try getting me a different medication because at this rate I'm not gonna get any relief til 2025 at the earliest.
I'm stuck living with Trumpy parents who go to a culty church, and I feel as though I can't speak my mind or refuse their expectations while I'm freeloading under their roof and eating their food.
I made a happy pride tweet earlier in the month that talked about how and why I identify certain ways on a Twitter that's under one of my other anonymous handles away from family, and my sister stalked me, found it, and told me as much. (She's the least bigoted which is a silver lining but I don't share those personal details to family for a reason, so it felt like a huge breach or privacy, and i havent tweeted in two weeks because i dont know if i should block her, change the @, or remake the twitter all together. But it's tied to other stuff... so it's as if it's just... contaminated, i guess?)
I turned 30 and I'm still in the "years without relationship = years alive" crowd so this year's birthday was just another big wave of loneliness and feeling pathetic.
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n7punk · 8 months
okay it took me awhile because Journey Into Lost Memories is a cut scene simulator for a good chunk of the game, but i've finished the entire Another Code: Recollection remake and i have some final thoughts (balls to the wall spoilers, do not click if you haven't played the game)
not gonna talk much about the first game since i already wrote a fucking essay on it, but i will say having taken the collection as a whole now, i firmly prefer the original. the remake isn't a bad game, just not quite the game the original was.
for Trace Memory/Two Memories anyway. the sequel... i have more problems with
first of all i never played the original sequel because it didn't exist in america, and im too fatigued to watch a playthrough now but i do fully intend to. That said, i could still see changes just with the context of what changes they made in the first one.
there is like. one puzzle per chapter for the first chunk of the game. like max. chapter one has getting... aw fuck i just played it and i forgot his name, but the guesthouse staffer's attention. and then there's the "puzzle" to unlock the door (given what the RAS looks like, i assume this use to be motion control bullshit, so i'll take the series of button prompts instead, it's just kind of a ridiculous way to hack lmao) and proving your innocence (wow a whole two puzzles). and then... i think the next puzzle is rescuing matthew? which is being a bit generous.
the boathouse was the first time it felt like i was playing the same game as the original series, and there's like... chapter 2 or 3? the boathouse was good, but then it's not good (puzzle wise) for... several chapters. like im trying to list puzzles off and i know im missing some but off the top of my head: music box, finding the keys, the clock tower, the resort headquarters, then the whole thing in JC valley where it's a Trace Memory game again. all that is in pretty quick secession but the first couple chapters drag and are mostly watching cutscenes doing a lot of set-up that doesn't give you enough clues for you to feel like you're trying to solve something, and thus mentally engaged. i actually started cutting off dialogue, hitting A without listening to the VA the second I had skimmed through the dialogue, because there was just way too much cutscene. this is not a puzzle game for like five chapters, it's Life Is Strange or something.
i don't need to play the original to know they cut a ton of puzzles from this second game. i really felt like i was going insane without the lack of balance in the second game. and the thing is, once the story happens, it's interesting! but goddamn is there 2, maybe 3 chapters of story in a 7 chapter game.
for the story... the part with matthew's dad was interesting to me, but like i said, gathering (very little) information on that takes up the first half of the game and then it all happens at once. also why did they change the ghost rules for this game. why does kelly look like that. they should have standardized that in this remake. kelly plays by completely different rules than d and im not a fan.
the zipper on her doll being a red herring was pretty funny tho lmao. i was literally in the middle of telling my mom it was driving me crazy that ashley hadn't thought to try it yet when i got the chance to inspect it and found the actual secret.
the pollution plotline also felt nonsensical at points, and it does mostly get justified later (why the fuck did her dad just happen to make an app for the DAS - something with like 4 apps - for measuring water quality? ok later it gets tied into liquid memory, but it had me laughing out loud for how convenient it was at the time) and tbh the plotline with the lab did too at times, but the ryan plotline was good. im still not clear on what memories were taken from sayoka? like they made it sound like they wiped her memory at some points, but that straight up can't be possible so i just dont know. like the reason behind it made since and every but idk... there were a lot of little things here that were messy and i would have expected them to fix and unify across games in a remake, especially considering how much they changed. i can't tell when the hell sayoko went to lake juliet. was it like, a day before she died? a month? year? can't have been more than a year, but again, wiping her memory doesn't make a lot of sense.
also like. sorry. but ryan is supposed to kind of be 6 years old (he has been strong since the pollution) so did he just... god how the hell did he get involved in the bill and gina thing. bill had been using richard for 7 years already, ever since he killed sayoko, but when did gina get involved, and then when did ryan? he had to be involved for at least two years since bill sent the source code to jc but... god i have a migraine and i CANNOT make sense of this. i think bill thought he was the mastermind, he got in touch with gina through his "buyer" (no idea if she already worked there, or got a job "undercover" for more info on the prototype, or was placed undercover after blood edward island fell apart. i dont think a timeline for her and rex's relationship was given that would have helped place this, just his divorce which was a few years ago and could have happened before she arrived or after - maybe even because of - her arrival).
god im rambling so much. basically i think the ryan stuff was good (i out loud went "OH HE'S TRYING TO MAKE A NEW SAYOKO" when i figured it out and that was a good feeling), but things with the lab/another project history got very twisty and the early game (camping, matthew's plotline, and the band/music plotline that... didn't really go anywhere aside from making gina suspicious, which is fine, but trim down all the long ass cutscenes then) had way too little gameplay and especially PUZZLES that just made it drag on.
ive seen a few mentions of changes now im daring to look at the tag and it is making me excited to watch a playthrough to see the original version of the game too, but my current assessment is that the sequel probably suffered heavily from the cuts/changes. maybe it always had these problems, but i doubt it. i also might replay the original trace memory until i hit a brick wall. i doubt citra has support for it lmao.
oh also im never going to get over them just calling it "the Big Deal Band Contest" thats a fucking placeholder title i put in and then can't come up with anything better but they did it for a video game (post-remake!) and not a goofy fanfic
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wildshadowtamer · 2 years
yknow the more i think about it, the more im pretty sure the last 3 or 4 games are leading up to something. they’ve all tied into space or time in some way. 
kalos? the old pokemon war, AZ being immortal and wanting to bring something back to life, while lysandre wants to remake the world with a god pokemon
alola? the whole wormhole thing, but also usum having the confirmation of alternate timelines with original design maxie & archie and no mention of mega evolution, not to mention several characters being pulled through the wormholes from different dimensions
galar? eternatus coming from space in a meteorite a long time in the past, the plot being about figuring out a hidden past, and rose wanting to avert something that will happen a long time in the future
legends arceus? do i need to explain? volo, being set in the past and directly about time travel, having a bunch of ancestors even though some of their descendants are in entirely different regions, the fact its specifically in sinnoh home of The Guy Who Wanted To Remake The World With A God Pokemon (before lysandre did)
paldea? its whole Thing is that there are pokemon from different time eras falling into the present, roaring moon’s dex entry confirms at least Scarlet is set in the mega evolution timeline, theres also this underlying thing about mortality with arven’s story
it might span back further to older games but i dont know the plots of the older games aside from diamond and pearl, which are obviously tied in. 
interesting how they decided to remake a gen, and out of all of them, they picked diamond and pearl, directly before legends arceus was released.
there’s definitely a tie here, and it feels like its building towards something, i just dont know what
(feel free to add on if you have more!)
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