#pokemon shining pearl
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retrogamingblog2 · 4 months ago
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Why did Game Freak remove this feature?
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themostop · 1 year ago
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pokemonmadness · 5 months ago
The giga Game Freak leak has definitely made me feel something, but somehow out of everything the last thing I was expecting was to get blasted with Cyrus lore.
Not only do we find out about his family (wealthier family where he possibly has younger siblings, given he's stated as the oldest), where we find out he's autistic (unsurprisingly), but then we get a full page of Cyrus lore, of his past, of how he became who he is, and how his emotions seem to be masked by a lack of the very thing.
I genuinely was more expecting to see more Giovanni lore, or even Ghetsis lore. Somehow I didn't expect Cyrus of all the villains to have an entire page of lore for his story in the games.
I'll include the image below, if the text is choppy I'd suggest saving it to your phone, or whatever device you're using, and it should be clear, though I'm pretty sure like 5 other people have shared it. But, read if you'd like to, though I apologize if my own mutterings above are a little inaccurate to the lore.
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cyrus's lore also makes me mildly sad so that's fun ough
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nintendocompositions · 8 days ago
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artymcartist · 5 months ago
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They're so sibling core
plus reintegration au?? Based on how Cyrus takes Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with him when disbanding team Galactic in the manga
Cyrus accepts responsibility for the three commanders and, alongside himself, tries essentially villain rehab HELP Cynthia helps out upon request because she believes it'll be beneficial to help keep Sinnoh's villains out of the world-ending business.
Cyrus and Jupiter are the most successful, with Cyrus turning the remainder of team galactic into a proper energy company and Jupiter finishing college. She majored in astronomy of course lol. Can't put those passions for space behind her
Mars and Saturn.. uh... well they're in college now too! They're extremely chaotic LMAO
Saturn majors in computer science and Mars is major hopping rn, but she thinks about settling on something artistic
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dorbeos-art · 3 months ago
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POV You are in the underground and you asked him about the rocks 🪨
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StuNky? Might be a bit stiNky
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densu030 · 3 months ago
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Plz they are so beautiful so gorgeous …. Smash
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graceandtheidiotsquad · 1 year ago
Dumb Character Headcanons: Champion Cynthia
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I am having brainrot over the queen of sinnoh ok. I love her and her crazy family so much-! I apologize for how random some of these are-some of them I got inspiration from popular ones from, some from AUs i've seen and some I just made up on the fly-Ok, enough rambling-on with the show!
- TOTAL. MOMMA. BEAR. She just-has very motherly, protective vibes and despite being one of the most generally considered TERRIFYING CHARACTERS IN THE SERIES (and I'm mildly scared of her too!) she'd probably take you out for ice cream after battling her to celebrate a job well done, win or lose.
- Speaking of ice cream, I think this is not only a popular hc i agree with but they made it CANON In the anime that she cannot, for the life of her, decide what flavor she wants and will just stand there for 15 minutes weighing all the pros and cons and unintentionally holding up the line. I mean she'll move when she realizes and apologize PROFUSELY but still- ...But would YOU tell her to hurry up and choose?? No, I don't think so.
- Her hair is usually either down most of the time or tied up in a bun. But only for when she needs it-she doesn't care how messy it gets, she just likes being wild I suppose. Sometimes you'll find her literally wrestling one of her pokemon for fun (usually Garchomp) and her hair will be full of leaves and sticks, and not a care in the world! One of her family taught her how to tie her hair back in a bun, and though she adores them-she was quite the pain to get to stand still long enough to even TRY as a child.
- You wouldn't think it, with how classy she is-...buuuuuut she was almost a leash kid. You think she gets this intimidation factor just from being so classy and dramatic alone? No, she can be fucking FERAL when she wants to be. Sometimes the Sinnoh League will have trouble finding her to get her to report to her champion duties as she's gotten distracted and wandered off to explore some ruins somewhere in the region and never told anyone where she was going. 
- She used to and still can climb trees in seconds if left unattended. This has lead to many a heart-attack for her grandmother, watching her little baby Cynthia nearly DIE falling out of said tree, only to be completely unharmed and even LAUGHING at the experience. 
- Actually is a REALLY big fan of the wrestling/battle royale circuit. She can and will burst out singing some of the intros at the top of her lungs, much to the shock of ANYONE in the room with her. 
- She also happy dances and likes to put on music when she works. She loves piano but even she can't resist a good earworm, humming along to it as she runs around the local library or (reluctantly) winds up cooped up inside doing or cleaning up paperwork. This is implied to be canon in a spinoff game (Pokemon Masters EX if you're curious) and I totally agree that she just-cannot be bothered to clean up her office and it's almost CONSTANTLY a mess because she keeps getting distracted by new things to look at or something she hadn't seen in ages (BECAUSE of the mess) like a book and just winds up reading it all day. It's a vicious cycle!
- The reason she loves piano so much is she actually knows how to play, and is VERY Good at it! A very dear member of her family taught her when she was very young and she plays to help remember him-wherever the hell he's wandered off to now. Music connects us just as much as pokemon do, in her mind-so whenever she plays, he's right beside her again-whether physically or not. 
- She has inherited the family 'way too fucking tall' gene and that does NOT help her intimidating appearance sometimes.
- Sometimes casually speaks fluent Latin/Greek just to confuse the shit outta people. Look, she isn't usually spiteful-but even the most graceful and kind people have their limits. The same person who taught her piano taught her it-probably for that express purpose. Also several swear words. (thankfully if she ever swears, it's in said language so hardly anyone will know-)
- She grew up feeling-quite isolated from others her age because of her intense focus on studying history and battling competitively. Mostly the history thing-the battling thing probably didn't help as most kids were likely TERRIFIED of how intense she got. But-...i think that's why she loved that member of her family so much. Finally, someone who understood her...! He'd even given her the egg that would hatch into her Garchomp. (It was SUPPOSED to be a togepi, that wouldn't cause much hassle aside from the occasional accident with metronome-...but NOOOOOO, he decided to let her cause havoc. Her grandma nearly smacked him.)
- Honestly if you told her you were a demon or some supernatural shit she'd probably be more fascinated and barrage you with questions than scared. Or kick ass if you were hostile-DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH THE CHAMPION OF SINNOH.
- She may or may not be guilty of spoiling hers and other people's Pokémon with treats. She can't help it! She has a WEAKNESS for puppy dog eyes, whether it be her own Pokémon, any she's babysitting (she feels like someone who would do that if asked) Or young trainers she's taken a shine to. 
- Wound up with a heavy ass, GIGANTIC hand-me-down backpack from who-knows how many generations ago and yes, she CAN lug it around with ease. She doesn't much for her league job, but it's her go-to when it comes to adventuring or exploring.  - Speaking of the backpack-she often carries her spiritomb outside of its pokeball inside while in particularly rough areas, usually hiding inside its keystone. You never know if you'll need a pokemon for backup and don't have time to reach for one of your pokeball before things get dicey, after all-and the sight of a very angry ghost and dark type pokemon erupting from an ancient backpack is more than enough to send anyone who would likely cause trouble PACKING-looking almost as if something is being summoned right behind her! (She doesn't know why she looks so terrifying that way, but at least it means no one will cause too much trouble)
- An absolute GIRLBOSS for sure-but also very, very soft when it comes to people she loves. She'll gush and gush about her family members-especially younger ones, or trainers she's mentally adopted (and she does this a lot.) as her own 'pack', so to speak. She'll try to tone it down if it makes them uncomfortable but it's so HARD-she feels so blessed to have people who love her for who she is, as strange and beautiful and intimidating and just a little bit odd as she can be that she just HAS to spread word about how amazing they are! (She's like one of those moms who shows off photos of her kids all the time, just not in an annoying way if that makes sense?? At least she tries not to be-but once she starts rambling about them or ANYTHING it is almost impossible to get her to stop!)
- Often makes hand gestures like pointing when she speaks, especially when she gets excited. She often doesn't realize she's doing it half the time-but she always does it when taking pictures. She just-feels like her hands HAVE to be doing something!
- I will not give away the massive spoiler this ties into but she OWNS the song Blood Right by Madame Macabre. JUST-IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS FOR LEGENDS ARCEUS, JUST-BE PREPARED YOU'RE IN FOR A RIDE!
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year ago
Groudon weight check
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cannibalisticdespair · 7 months ago
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Art by dekapurio hideo, the source is deleted. Junko and Dawn have the same seiyuu.
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dionoussu · 1 year ago
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been playing bdsp
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nintendocompositions · 3 months ago
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mister-leonn · 6 months ago
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I miss this baddie so much... I wish they will put him in the next main game like Cynthia in Sun and Moon
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xgoldenlatiasx · 2 months ago
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heyyallitsbeth · 1 year ago
I think the most baffling thing is that pokemon fans for some reason entirely ignore a major factor when complaining about new games. They focus on shit that doesnt really matter, like designs being bad (which is up to individual preference) or being too easy (it is a beginner rpg) and they havent talked about how Pokemon Lets Go added an important accessibility feature no game afterwards has used. Lets Go is playable with one hand. You dont need to use two hands to play the game, you just need one hand, since you just use a control stick and 2 buttons. Why didnt the Diamond and Pearl remakes include that? theyre also 2D turn based rpgs. Why didnt Sword and Shield include it? They dont have camera control, the camera is fixed, you could easily play it with one hand. I can understand a little bit more with Scarlet and Violet and Legends Arceus since they do have more complex controls, but for more traditional turn based rpgs, why remove a feature that lets more people play? Lets Go's control scheme was a godsend when i injured my one hand from overexertion at work, it let me still play a game i loved without any compromise. Why include that feature and then remove it later?
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