#i dont have a lot of info on it anon so im sorry i cant share a lot but i just want to acknowledge ur def not alone!
ponytailzuko · 7 months
am i the only one still weirded out by sokkas actor lying about being indigenous or did i miss something. like was that false information or did he apologize and were like well hes a kid so whatever or how is it. it just felt like such a huge deal back then and then everyone stopped talking about it
oh yeah! i forget what i've posted on this blog versus what i've talked about with friends online and in person, so i may have not said it on this blog. ive personally been pirating the live action, because im not sure if theyve ever commented on this. if anyone knows what came of it - if there was any acknowledgement by netflix, etc? i'd love a link. it is weird & sour point for me watching especially w sokkas char. and id totally get why people wouldnt wanna watch the show at all because of it.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
I don’t speak Japanese so I’d LOVE to hear more about the differences between the English and Japanese Re:Zero fandoms
yeah sure its very interesting to me now that ive noticed it more lately :o !! though ok disclaimer - i dont speak japanese either hah so if anyone is seeing this and does speak japanese + is familiar with the japanese speaking side of this fandom please add info if youd like!! and of course ill be mainly speaking from the english side of things bc im more familiar with that yes (sorry anon again im not a japanese speaker T^TT so sorry if i tread on info you already know!!). but yeah im speaking from my own experiences given the Topic at hand. ive been in this fandom since... 2019?? which is so wild to me aljsdfljsd.
anyway so - i think the big difference is mainly that the english fandom and many english speaking people that engage with rezero are. to put it bluntly, misconception runs Rampant to a very Interesting degree. to the point where it seems like the english speaking side of the fandom is More. Aggressive. than the japanese fandom. not that the japanese speaking side of the fandom is perfect - also bc what fandom is ever perfect 100% of the time, tbh - but that the louder people in the english rezero fandom are. well its a Very low bar. Very low. and from what little ive seen and heard so far, the japanese fandom tends to understand rezero and its characters better than the english fandom. which ig makes sense bc you know, rezero is japanese media, and also im sure cultural differences come into play here as well (im not familiar enough on this to speak about it in depth but the cultural differences feel Pretty Clear even though i cant 100% put my finger on what they specifically are).
but also bc yeah. its not That hard to beat some of the english fandom when it comes to media comprehension. misreading rezero is unfortunately Extremely common, both in and out of the rezero community. its Everywhere - youtube, myanimelist, ao3, ff.net, reddit, twitter, various rezero discords - and from what ive experienced, rezero tumblr basically kind of feels like finding an oasis after crawling through the desert for days on end lajdslfjs. which is probs bc rezero tumblr is Smaller and also a lot of us seem to be lgbtq+ in some way or be allies, so you dodge a lot of the misogyny and homophobia that happens in other rezero english circles. its why you see a lot of openly queer rezero-related posts on here while its a bit more. barren. in other rezero english places yes. bc its more safe to post queer rezero things on rezero tumblr rather than rezero reddit for Sure.
im not sure how the japanese fandom is with that exactly but theres some interesting differences between whats popular in the english fandom vs the japanese fandom. i mean as an otto fan ive been noticing how hes more popular with the japanese fandom—and on top of that, ottosuba is Way More popular in the japanese fandom too. reinsuba and julisuba seem to usually be the most popular mlm subaru ships in both fandoms but ottosuba is like A Little Up There in the japanese fandom. not sure if its on the same level as a ship like reinsuba but ottosubas Definitely loved as a ship. from what little ive seen it also seems like ships like vichisha are more acknowledged by the japanese fandom? im not entirely sure on like—Complete differences regarding what the japanese fandom finds interesting that may differ from english fandom, so ill really have to look more into the japanese fandoms fanart and fanfic when i can bc im pretty curious too. in general though, it seems like the japanese fandom has a bit more variety…. you can find fanart on So Many characters in rezero (which already has a very Massive cast full of very fleshed out characters) there. not that you cant in the english fandom bc theres a Bit of variety too, but id more so contribute that a little more to the Big Cast and less to having actual variety in fancontent. and of course im not saying that the japanese fandom may be a bit barren in some areas of fancontent—bc inevitably when u have a big cast of characters, side character content is gonna be more sparse compared to the main characters, but to me it does feel like the english fandom lacks variety in comparison. (and also yeah. seems like the japanese fandom acknowledges gay ships more in general tbh.)
whats focused in fancontent makes it easy to tell what may be popular in a fandom in terms of how fans perceive the source material and what fandoms want to do with the source material, if that makes sense. and its very easy to tell that with the english fandom if you just hop on rezero ao3–or even better, rezero reddit given theres a fanfic ideas thread thats usually pinned right at the top of the site. again i havent looked at japanese fanfic for rezero yet (bc i dont know where to look oops ajdndn) but when it comes to the english fandom you can tell that theyre generally more focused on the female cast both in fanart and in fanfic bc. theyre women and many fans on say, reddit or various rezero discords, are cis straight men, so inevitably… well lets just say you can tell when a man makes content for this fandom o.o theres also the. very weird reaction fic trends and trends following popular fics in the fandom, the two biggest being the watching him die again and again react fic and re:forgotten, the former of which includes a harem plot with subaru and the main girls of rezero while the latter is one of those subaru gets tortured by his ooc friends and then he gets revenge on them fics. which i suppose says something about the english fandom too.
of course on ao3 its dominated mainly by english fics (of course not all fics on there for rezero are in english— big shoutout to all the non english fics on rezero ao3 ur doing great <3 — but the majority are in english). and while yeah ur occasionally gonna find stuff like queer content or side character content or rarepair content, its definitely not that big in amount and also comes with the risk of. Hate. if anyones reading this and remembers the lone star stuff. (if u dont know—lone star was a julius x emilia fic where they NTR subaru or some shit and then it got bombed with hate bc of the ship? yeah.) so yeah english fandom is very cis straight oriented, ironically with the nastiest people being the very people that rezero criticizes. though this is also my personal experience, i do know several people personally whove been in this fandom for a while or were here for a while and yeah english fandom isnt very welcoming at times???? and it seems like at the very least the japanese fandom is A Little Less Aggressive than the english fandom is.
otherwise. yeah im very very curious about more of the differences in popular content between the japanese vs english fandom. i mean the english fandom’s main focus on the female cast for. Interesting Reasons other than their actual character depth is… interesting. and the astreas being popular in general vs otto + ottosubas popularity fluctuating is also very interesting to me (but i have several guesses as to Why that is), among other things. yeah id love to know what else the japanese fandom likes about rezero and see more of their content. i also have to wonder if characters like emilia and subaru are hated less by the japanese fandom…. T^T well that and the english fandom and many english speaking people engaging in rezero have this interesting pattern of either hating subaru No Matter What, wanting subaru to Not Be Subaru (ie using him as a self insert almost or attempting to change him into virtually another character), or putting subaru on a pedestal and ignoring his flaws and mistakes and that he Can do wrong. like theres Really not a lot of nuance there. so i wonder if the japanese fandom is. A Little more chill when it comes to character opinions like this too.
#rezero#tldr: english fandom sets the bar so low (unless ur on rz tumblr) that the japanese fandom def seems a bit better by comparison#in terms of. Calmness levels.#every time i step into a rezero space that isnt tumblr i get a little worried my heads gonna get bitten off by someone HAH#recently someone tried arguing with me over how i interpret otto (this was on reddit) and then said stuff that showed they did Not#understand his character that well so that was awkward 😭😭😭#even just by looking at otto fanart from the japanese fandom it seems like more people understand his character there. in the english fandom#he is. either Not There or his flaws are just handwaved away or replaced with Different flaws#atm hes the most obvious example i can think of when it comes to. how differently characters can be percieved by different parts of a fandom#for rezero. like hes near invisible here but ottosuba being almost on the same level as REINSUBA in jp fanbase is crazy to me#kinda reminds me of the disney’s duffy and friends line and how it failed in the us but its SUPER popular in asia. really fascinating#and also yeah some of the english fandom seems. more loudly misogynistic and homophobic which is very unfortunate#also im sorry ill never forgive that random person on reddit i just said one (1) thing on otto and they came for my throat like fr 😭😭😭#ask#i do wonder why reinsuba is so popular but thats probs bc reinhards well loved too and also hes op. which is a bonus for the english fandom#bc theyre into all the power scaling stuff. and also reinhard gets the other bonus of being a guy and he isnt shafted by canon. hes treated#very sympathetically which is another bonus akdnsn#i say this as a reinhard fan btw but as an emilia fan im also crying bc theyre SO SIMILAR and yet why do people hate emilia….#but u know. reins a guy and we havent got his pov yet so there isnt much to hate.
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heyy asking for an obey me matchup if you could!🥲 feel free to ignore this for any reason!🩷
here’s the info: straight girl, leo, estj 3w4 (idk if you know enneagram but just throwing it there just in case lol), 5’2 and somewhere between average and chubby, very long brown hair and big black eyes with light skin(im west asian and i dont leave the house so im not tan, idk what else to call it😭). for personality, im very attentive and i care a bit too much maybe, which has caused people to think im clingy and it sometimes becomes a problem in relationships😁 i require lots of love and affection and give it back 100%, and i really cant live with inconsistencies so i can be pretty confrontational if theres a problem with someones behaviour. i like pink and other bright colors and all cute/funny/interesting things. i’m the kind of person who has surface level knowledge on almost everything. there are way too many things i dislike, but stubborn and selfish people would probably take the cake. my hobbies include discovering new music, singing, writing and researching esoterism! for extra: i unwillingly make a high pitched bashful-sounding customer service voice when i talk to strangers 🤨
thank you so much in advance, have a super nice dayy 🌞
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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If you’re clingy and affectionate, Asmo’s the perfect match for you. He’s clingy and affectionate as well so you’ll both be able to full up the other’s quota of attention whenever it’s needed.
Since you both need a lot of affection, this also applies here. Asmo loves getting attention but he also loves showering you in it as well so it’s a win-win for both of you.
Now, Asmo can be a bit selfish so this might lead to some conflict since you don’t really like selfish people. However, he’s self-aware enough that he recognises when it’s going too far and can often reign it in.
Oh, you’re going to be absolutely swamped with cute things that Asmo’s seen when he’s out and about and has bought because them made him think of you! He loves being able to spoil you with things he knows you’re going to like.
You two would be an absolute power couple at karaoke! Asmo definitely loves singing as well so you’re both going to be up on stage singing together, having a great time.
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
hiya cas! i hope youre well 😊
so, i have some medical issues (nothing serious!! probably - im still waiting for a proper diagnosis but ive had a few appointments and tests etc and have been assured its nothing to be concerned about) and so i obviously have to go to hospital appointments sometimes for the aforementioned tests and discussions. it was scary at first (i hadnt been in a hospital since the day i was born up until this point, and i was 18 when i had my first of these appointments) but its easier now, but im still a little stressed
im not technically estranged from my family - i still live at home with both parents, and we're on decent enough terms - but we dont really have any sort of important conversations. or any personal conversations either. so i guess we're just not really close? idk. anyway, this has meant i have absolutely no idea what any of my family medical history is. i had to find out through my older sister that my father was diagnosed with diabetes four years ago (and she only found out because she worked at the pharmacy where he got his stuff from), and my eldest brother was the one who told me my grandparents' causes of death (they died before my birth and my parents never mention them), but they dont know any more than that either
this hasnt been an issue for me before, because obviously ive never needed to know. ive never been asked about it, but now that my own health isnt right, i kinda need to know. in my first appointment i got asked about it, but i told the doctor i didnt know and would ask at home
i did ask, to be fair. i spoke to my mother and explained why i needed to know but she just kind of... brushed it off? idk if thats the right way to phrase it. she said there was some vague thing about heart issues but she didnt say anything specifically, or which side of the family it came from, or anything all thay helpful at all
its so frustrating because im not the first of their kids to need this information. my sister has medical problems too (different issues than mine though) and our parents were no help with her either
i spoke to a friend about it last autumn when i first went to hospital and he looked at me so oddly, it made me feel so broken, i guess. apparently discussing medical history isnt a taboo subject in most households, because he knew all of his and he's never been to hospital for anything. but the way he looked at me like i was weird or something for not knowing was awful. again, it made me feel genuinely broken and damaged. it was kind of one of those moments where you realise 'oh, my family isnt normal' and it sucked, because i thought id had that realisation years ago
its happened with some other stuff too (i.e. telling parents about a relationship, friends, interests, spending time with family etc) and it just... it really sucks. i dont know what else there is to say than that ig lol
i was going somewhere with this ask, but ive kinda gotten off track and now i cant remember, soooo.... have a good day! thanks for reading my ramble 🥰
Hi hon!
I’m so sorry, whose moments of realization suck, truly. Please know that you did nothing wrong <3 
Because this is a health thing, I do have some advice for you (ignore me if you want!) There are forms on the internet that have questions about family history. Print one out and just give it to your mom and dad. Don’t give them room to question it. Say your doctor needs it, and you need them to fill it out.
I wonder, though, if your parents don’t share their history with you, they might not know their parents history. A lot of times, these kinds of things that happen in families are passed down. 
But yeah. Just give them a form and make it a health thing. You deserve that info. 
Again, please know that you are NOT broken, and it has nothing to do with you <3
(naming you medical anon)
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mikalame · 1 year
Hii! I saw the post you made with pics of Manzini on it, I was just wondering if you’re open to making fics on him?? I feel like it’s kind of hard since there isn’t a lot of info on him tho 😭 thanks!
yes this is sorta a story i was working on this fic is sorta based off of his song Balloon its so good and catchy i love it ill try my best love
implyed realtionship
tag list: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
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Your sitting down in the getting our hair pulled into a slicked back bun and contour getting done you look over and grab your scrip to see what your would be doing you see one of the paragraphs you have to push him down onto the table you cant help but feel your stomach twist from being that close to him you take a deep breath and look over to the girl your doing the video with and walk to the set together.
You straighten your suit and begin filming after a couple takes to get it right your up to the but where you have to push him onto the table you walk behind him and grab him by the fake cuffs he has on and gentely pull him up and push him down.
"STOP, cmon ____ you need to be forcing him down, be intimitating, OK" your producer davy yelled "dont worry baby you wont hurt me" manzini whispers before you walk over to the other side of the table you smile at him before you have to re film the sence "3,2,1 ACTION" Davy yells again.
You walk up and grab him and slam him down you feel him grunt and feel bad thinking you hurt him. Manzini turns his head and looks at you with a gleam in his eyes.
You had finished filming the music video and went to your dressing room taking down the tight bun as it was starting to give you a head ache you massage your head, you groan with releaf (idk how to spell that word lol).
"hey there beautiful, what you up to" you turn your head around and see who had scared you and you see manzini standing there leaning agaist the door with a smirk on his face." oh just you" you sigh "oh just me, like im so regular person, that hurts baby" kristoffer (thats his real name) says with fax hurt in his voice. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and feel his face bury into your neck you feel him place small kisses on your neck you giggle and pull away slightly and turn to face him.
you look up and smile at him and wrap your arms round him and hug him "i really hope i didnt hurt you krist" you mumble into him "nah you could never hurt me baby, now lets go im hungry" he says befor grabing your hand and pulling down the corridoor.
Hope you like anon sorry about the spelling mistakes lol
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crunchchute · 9 months
So if William is MXES, does that mean Vanessa and Gregory made some kind of deal with Cassidy to transfer his torture from "play this sensory-overload inducing video game forever" to "be our security system"
yapped a lot so im putting it under the cut. tl;dr i like this idea, but i believe hes been freed from it earlier in the timeline, but im not against this, gonna think about it
i cant give a proper answer here as i dont have enough info from the lore to be content with it BUT i still see MXES as the system somewhat separate from the entity (the rabbit). the entity is inside of the system, but since we only hear the mimic say its something unwanted within the system, its unclear if its actually the system itself or just trapped within, (here its also hard to tell whats the mimic saying and whats helpi's words, as iirc helpi also mentions the entity as something unusual. though you could argue its unknown to the vanni network, because its a new part of the security system) though if the entity was somehow William then i would see more options, first repurposing some "code" from glitchtrap after getting rid of him, if glitchtrap was (or at least partially was) William; or from burntrap, if hes even canon, or something else - but that would be too convoluted) and using him within the system and pretty much trapping him there.
everything is still pretty unclear, i like your take anon, but in my mind he has been freed from the torture before HW, maybe similarly to frights (though the man in the room story is goofy as hell, i like the afternath. canonicity of the books aside, im not even saying the frights are canon, but perhaps can count as a parallel. and although its unused, i really like the beta entity design as a form of William and its a nice connection to the frights story, but sadly scrapped)
well. im not really a theorist, i just think of what sounds most fun to me. if cassidy is involved, guessing that would be connected through princess quest 🤔 could be! *shrugs* i will think about that. i do think Vanessa and Ggy worked with the system, hard to tell if they created it as from HW2 we can see its been in use before Ruin so they would either create it shortly after SB or it was already existing.. then they could use it to trap the last remains of glitchtrap. (or the security system is originally within the preexisting vanni system, and the mxes one is created by them, addinf the nodes?)
it all ties to the glitchmic debate which im TIRED of but i think theres something more going on and we can see a lot from color coding so... glitch is green, then magenta, the mxes system is magenta. mimic is orange. the entity is blue, white, but in the trailer they had the green and magenta glitching... so i still have some questions unanswered. but the entity being William makes me happy so i will think that still :] how he became that is still a mystery however!
sorry anon for making this so long, i know i should have just answered with a "haha yeah" but if i get to talk about william unprompted. im taking every chance 😔 anyway id like to see a cassidy confirmation or something too, like the PQ connection etc but i feel like cassidy moved on from trapping William a long time ago (and thats why hes back perhaps?)
yea i could go on forever and not come to a conclusion pfff
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weaselishmcdiesel · 10 months
Weasel, I want your thoughts on a silly thing...
If you knew someone was to create an NPC based on Nepeta but the person creating it has never read homestuck... what would you suggest to yknow make it feel like Nepeta?
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anon this is straight up the funniest, cartoon-level pickle you could have gotten yourself into and im so honored you'd come to me for help actually AHHAHASD im so sorry this is so funny XD normally id advocate for coming clean but like- your friend will probably get a laugh out of you going out of your way to keep the charade up XD
i really liked nepeta specifically growing up bc i saw myself in her, so if that makes you feel better im confident i could give you a good nepeta 101? under tha cut <3
so her whole thing is that she ships all her friends and she has a very elaborate shipping wall where she records everything and updates things according to how she sees them interact. she's also super into roleplaying to the point where she'll rp as she speaks to you in person. so im thinking this NPC could do a lot of speaking in the third person? and saying stuff that theyd LIKE to do but maybe cant? The other thing about her is that she's the only troll to live in a cave and hunt food for herself and her guardian, so maybe this NPC in particular lives a self-sufficient, outdoorsy lifestyle. appearance-wise the fandom likes to draw nep as a cute small little thang who can rip you to shreds, but then sometimes the fandom also draws her beefed as fuck so yknow. Actually probably the most important nepeta fact is she's obsessed with cats and wears a fake tail and speaks in cat puns. so you probably cant miss out on including a reference to that
so- a character who's into shipping, roleplaying, drawing also. they hunt food for themself, and is obsessed with cats or at least another kind of animal. she's also kinda sweet? and claims to not care for societal norms but we dont see her act on that very much because her story is so short.
i dont promise i can do as in depth summaries of the other characters but if you'd like me to try lmk! or if you need more info on nep ^^
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not to derail the discussion about transmasc comphet but i do feel my experience ties in...sorta? info: im not really out and do not pass
i'm glad there's never been any real negativity around me about men/attraction to men. so ive been fine being into to men to a degree. what ive had most problems with is coming to terms with how i may want to be with women and my relation to femininity. a previous ask talked about how they were scared of being the woman in the relationship, and this is ramped up greatly for me should a woman be next to me.
im aro, 100%, and i want to date so there's no real direction that desire goes in. but i'm so averse to that desire being aimed at women because then it would only appear sapphic and i hate that way more than i would if it appeared i was in a het relationship with a man. because, im a trans man. i dont want femininity for myself but i just cant escape it/my body. its stupid and a tad homophobic, i know.
a sapphic relationship is the ultimate form of femininity to me (i can see how false that is). but thats the thought that prevails. so as i come to understand how i feel more and that i may be into to a woman, i have a lot to unpack ig.
as opposed to gay, i'm now calling myself achillean due to its mspec aspect while still prioritizing being mlm. just saying im gay was my way of rejecting women and femininity altogether but to just say mspec is to release the feeble hold i have on masculinity and...its just a whole can of worms. dont like myself.
sorry and thank you.
That's a valid experience anon, thank you for sending this to me!
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Okay so im back for a minute since i saw some stuff you had posted
1. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR IMBIBITOR LUNAE. IM SO GLAD HE ALSO CAME HOME FOR YOU. So about Bailu and the Vidyadhara in general, im going to try my best to generalise it and also not to accidently spoil anything so 1. They can reincarnate infinitely but at the cost of their own memories. So once they self reincarnate, they wont keep their old memories, although there are some exceptions for some vidyadhara but i wont elborate on that since that is something you’ll learn eventually. 2. They cannot have children, so if any vidyadhara dies, it is a big deal. 3. Yeah they are immortal in a way, they simply self reincarnate to continue their life albeit at the cost of their memories. 4. Bailu is an interesting case but im afraid if i talk more i might spoil you so just enjoy the story
Also about Luocha, well there isnt much information about him. All we know about him is that he seems to be blessed by Yaoshi and he looks eerily similar to a antagonist from Mihoyo’s other game, Honkai Impact 3rd. There is also one other piece of info i left out about him that we currently have but judging from where you are at the story, i dont wanna spoil it and want you to have the joy of witnessing it. The Xianzhou Luofu arc is honestly exposition arc for the overarching story of HSR so you will get much more lore about them (i think we will get to know more about the vidyadhara more in the future since there are still the other Xianzhou ships)
2. OMG the idea of an Ex fatui agent reader & wanderer would be an cute and excellent idea. Both of were victims of The Doctor and suffered immensely because of him. Even when they don’t seem like it, they have many similarities and with Nahida Therapy, i think both of them will eventually be their closest friend for each other because of their dark history with the doctor, they both understand each other because of that history. Also i cant help but imagine a very cute family with reader being the parent, Wanderer being a snarky older brother, while Collei is the baby of the family. They may be very traumatized but they will still kill anyone that hurts their little family :)
3. OOOOO PLATONIC HSR X READER THOUGHTS! Ok since im currently running a bit late rn, i will simply give one thought i have. Qingque and their workaholic older sibling, so we know Qingque is lazy as hell right? Why not give her an older sibling who is very strict and stern with her and would nag Qingque to stop being a slacker. I imagine this sibling to be an Amicassador for the Sky Faring Commision like Tingyun, so they would be out a lot, which let Qingque slack as much as possible but dw the reader had someone to keep an eye on her :)
That is all for now and i hope you have a good day/night!
- 🐱 Anon
i want to inject vidyadhara lore into my blood i am so fascinated by them....
I KNEW IT I KNEW THERE WERE DRAWBACKS that is so fascinating though and it makes so much sense because i imagine it being something like shedding an old shell. so much pain and angst potential there with that concept too. if the vidyadharas are aware of the fact that they will experience memory loss with new incarnations... hear me out: what if they had diaries and scrapbooks from previous incarnations because they knew they would forget and and RAAGRGEHGHWG i'm so (ab)normal about them sorry AND THEY CAN'T HAVE CHILDREN? that is so fascinating. i imagine by that you mean they can't pass on their vidyadhara lineage (or have children in general, but focusing on the idea that they can't pass down their lineage)... no wonder it would be a huge deal if/when one died then.
luocha could commit serious crimes and it would not change how i feel about him LMFAO bro is majestic? he gives off wine uncle vibes. comes around once a year and tells you things you aren't supposed to know and then leaves again to do god knows what. i am very much enjoying this arc. it's so... lore-heavy. and i love that. it is feeding my fanfic writer and oc creator brain.
AND YES YOU'RE SO RIGHT. [name] is collei's parent, in a way. the wanderer is simultaneously both [name]'s and collei's guard dog older brother... he is older than both of them, after all. all three of them are capable of committing serious crimes--the wanderer can and will commit a violent crime in defense of his little traumatized family, [name] can and will commit a violent crime in defense of their little traumatized family BUT would only do so if seriously needed, and collei could but won't.
OHHHHHHHH LAJSKWHAKSHJ QINGQUE WITH A WORKAHOLIC OLDER SIBLING....... HELP ME i love this dynamic. [name] always chiding her and bullying her (in the most affectionate way possible)... telling her she needs to work more. telling her to stop complaining about being "unreliable qingque" because she wouldn't be if she worked harder. but [name] also gives her credit and praise for when she does pull through! now hear me out--[name] who does not know how to relax. qingque having to actually teach them that there is more to life than work. BUT ALSO [NAME] SCOLDING THE HELL OUT OF HER IF AND WHEN THEY FIND OUT THAT SHE WAS SLACKING OFF IN THEIR ABSENCE AND JUST GOING "qingque." IN THE MOST EVIL SCARY TONE EVER WHEN THEY RETURN
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mageofseven · 1 year
heyyy, can i get a match up?
U can match me up w anyone lolol
so uhm, ig my hobbies r video games, playing electric guitar.. watching movies/kdramas. Sometimes i watch anime,, music (i mostly listen to kpop, metal and rock 😭), dancing. My hobbies change a lot, but these r like my main ones that dont rlly change if that makes any sense..
Im an infj 4w5. Im also a january capricorn loool. I cant take criticism well and i get annoyed easily. Im either extremely sleepy or too energetic, no in between.. i try to get along with everyone. Even if i dont like the person, i try not to get into fights unless its necessary.
Im messy depressy so i make a lot of self deprecating jokes. I act carefree most of the time, but i can have serious/deep convos too. I tend to make jokes out of everything and be sarcastic..
Im interested in psychology and criminology! Oh and science too. I have no clue what I'd like to do w my life though ^○^!!
I tend to lie a lot, like its subconscious at this point lol. Or i manage to get myself into uncomfortable situations with my lying. I also sometimes shut myself in and ignore everyone. I also either talk too much or barely talk,,,
Im a cat person. Ive been a cat person since i was a kid. Ive been obsessed and i still am obsessed with them. Theyre just so cute (゜ロ゜). I dont even know what kind of genre it would be, but i really like animes similar to serial experiments lain. I like horror and coming of age movies, or anything that is sad..
I think this is it. I can be 🐈 anon. Oh and sorry if i said too much shit <//3. Tyyy •☆•
Oh!!! You're a 4w5 just like me! Hello 🥰
And trust me, you said just enough so no worries~
Okay! So let me break down some of your information.
Being an INFJ means your stack function is NiFeTiSe or NiFe.
This means your primary function is Introverted iNtuition. This is the function you use with how you perceive your inner world and how you store information. You collect a lot of info and have the ability to see it all as a whole and focus on the details, making it easier for you to cut through till you find the answer that seems the most likely.
Your auxiliary (or secondary) trait is Extraverted Feelings. This is the function you most use with the external world. This functions focuses on the emotions of others and works to support your Ni.
Next, your ennegram. Being a type 4 means you are creative and unique. You have a deep need to connect with others, but also feel that there are very few people in this world that can understand you. With your Wing being 5, this also shows that you are reserved, intelligent, and introspective.
Being a Capricorn means you are hardworking, direct, and persistent.
Combined with the rest of your information, there has been one Boy who stuck around I'm my head for you.
I pair you with...
A chill but depressed person who makes self-deprecating jokes who can switch from cracking jokes to having serious conversations? I found your man easily lol you two already share this together.
I can also see him really appreciate your sleepy and direct traits. I mean, this man gets a new nap buddy to cuddle up to and it's someone he never has to waste brainpower reading between the lines. What you say is what you mean and that makes things so much easier for this sleepy man.
I also see Belphie as the lazy genius kind of dude so I think he could really understand and keep up with you when talk a bunch science-y and would probably share your interest in criminology.
Lastly, your use of Fe would probably be really appreciated by this man, who is also "messy depressy" and needs comfort. Plus, it would make you remind him of Beel, who I see as also being an Fe user.
But ya! So you two have fun cuddling and talking science-y stuff 🤭💕
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heyho~! sry for going anon, but i really love your writing and ive been following you for a while but i also wanted a way to support you so here i go!!
i was thinking a bit (a lot) about who to request for cause i dont really have a favorite in hypmic… lets ignore the fact that ive been a crazy hypster for 4 years! anyways, i was wondering if you could pick a character for me based on some info about me? think of it as like one of those “which character from __ would be your s/o” except this time youre making the decision! sorry for being so indecisive dbdbcbejd but it would make me really happy if you had fun while writing this, if even a little! (btw if you cant/dont want to deal w/ this rq, dw!! and also sry for any spelling errors TT)
she/her pronouns! angst to fluff preference, s/o relationship!
some tidbits about me: i enjoy singing a lot! i also voice act a little, mostly for rhythm game fandoms! im a member of a professional choir part time, and i sing vocaloid songs a lot mostly when im alone! i hate singing too loudly though, especially in front of other people. i have a social anxiety disorder, which makes it hard to do a lot of things, im quite open, cheery, and light/soft hearted if you get to know me, and a bit of an airhead i have to admit- but i really do care for others even if it doesnt seem like it. very quiet in front of people i dont know well, and i come off as a bit gloomy and harsh to people im not familiar with, so i dont have many friends or people im close to at all. love/hate relationship w/ the idea of “love”, since i didnt really grow up around people who expressed that at all. but id be a very compassionate and dedicated lover. a bit hesitant for physical contact due to trauma and ptsd. only fine around people i can really trust. still a bit hesitant though, sometimed it triggers bad trauma. i dont like talking about family stuff since it was sorta abusive and not pleasant. i really enjoy vocaloid and utauloid, and cute j pop w/ mesmerizing dark backstories. i dress in mostly oversized vests/sweaters, in an attempt to make my frame seem smaller. some of my other intrests are: psychological horror games, pokemon, animanga, hypmic, enstars, milgram, given, sasaki to miyano, sanrio, etc etc :D i really like astrology and reincarnation stuff a lot! i can read people’s thoughts easily, which is kinda a pro/con alike. my sense of humor is… limited? i usually dont really show my feelings to other people. i lash out quite a lot… i really like soft plushies, stickers, sleeping, and sweet stuff! bubble waffles, taiyaki, hard milk candy, ice cream, konpeito, to name a few! i loveee stars, and hearts too! if im not listening to music or sleeping, im probably spaced out somewhere! i really like people who arent afraid to approach me, rather id be delighted if anyone came and just said a simple hi! people who can look past my quiet demeanor and can help me cope w/ some of my pain are the best! maybe just someone nice ig?? and someone w/ a lot of empathy! (bonus if they are a good cook cause my cooking… uh…) my favorite animals are cats, otters, foxes, anything cute! some characters i kin from various fandoms are: ramuda, hifumi, yuno kashiki, chuuya nakahara, mafuyu asahina, mika kagehira, ai hoshino, etc! i really like the colors pink, red, purple, and black! i want someone who can just tell me that i will be loved, and im important!!!! i think? not even sure if im capable of loving someone even- hehe just a silly thought though
thank you so much hebi!!
sending lots of love and stars your way!!
also i forgot to add this but, i HATE bugs. kinda scared of them too. especially the small ones. btw gl on exams hebi!! -neru
Writer's corner: Hi, sweetheart! Of course I can do something like this! You're the first one requesting about it, so I'm sorry if there's something you maybe don't like! (feel free to tell me and correct me!♥) Also, you really seem a nice person, actually!! Feel free to text me each time you want to, dear!!♥ I'm going to develop this like a kind of description and explanation of the reason why I chose that character, okay? Of course, feel free to tell me if there's something you want me to fix! Plus, if there's something that makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry! It's not my intention, dear♥ qwq
Warnings: So sorry! It's the first time someone requests me something like this! So sorry if it's bad qwq♥
⭐𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬/𝐨⭐
As I got the information about you, I immediately understood what kind of precious person you are..
⭐First of all, I got the idea that you are that kind of woman (maybe girl? idk, but I prefer using "woman" in general, since I don't know if you're younger or older qwq) who prefers to get lost in her own world, in those things and thoughts that are able to make her happier! You seem that kind of woman who seems a bad one, but who is actually compassionate and selfishless! You say that you're harsh towards the others, but I think you are so, not because you're a bad person, but because you are afraid instead-- Yes, afraid that someone could hurt you in any way!
⭐You said that you have some traumas, and well.. then it's because you went through so much pain that you're afraid of showing your true self! Because I seriously think that other people are sure that what they see is your true self when it's actually a kind of mask- oh better, an armor- you're using to protect yourself! You're both a strong and weak woman: you've gone through a lot of pain but you are still keeping going on!♥ You only told me that you like to sing and to voice act, but I bet that you do those things perfectly and that you're very talented! Maybe even the greatest singer among the choir!!
⭐In short, you immediately gave me some BusterBros!!! or Bad Ass Temple vibes, since you even mentioned your being otaku and your love for astrological things and reincarnation! Plus, the fact that you love plushies a lot and that you are very capable to understand people around you deeply and easily, well.. You're literally someone I'd ship with one boy among BusterBros or Bad Ass Temple!
⭐But to be sure to choose the perfect one for you, I really need to focus more on what you'd like to have in a relationship... ...also I don't really know about your age, so... I'm imagining you're like... 20-25..
But what do you want in a relationship?- You told me you'd like to have someone who can understand you, who can let you cope when you need to get out of your chest that pain you've inside.. and someone who can cook!!
---->If we take a look at all the BusterBros and Bad Ass Temple boys.. well:
⭐Jiro: I don't think he can actually cook and he also doesn't like horror stuff (while you said you like horror and psychological games). But he's well-versed in anime due to Ichiro, soo... I guess you could get along well with him anyway!
⭐Saburo: I mean.. he would agree with you about the pda fact and about the family one.. But he would really be a good gamer/friend! I can picture you both playing video-games.. I don't know, though, if he likes horror ones.. but he likes fantasy ones for sure! In any way, I don't really know how good he could be at comforting you! Maybe he'd be the best, since he also looks kind of harsh and unfriendly while he's actually a kind boy...-
⭐Kuko: Literally the best to talk to about your passion for reincarnation stuff! I'm also sure he would comfort you and even let you cope, but after that he would even fill you with Buddhist moralistic sentences and would try his best to give you some advices as well.. BUT he doesn't seem the one who can cook-----
⭐Jyushi: I mean.. you could be his sister actually in my opinion! You like plushies, just like him. You are introverted and went through pain just like he did.. You like astrological things just like he does! I mean.. You're exactly the same! But.. Sorry, Jyushi.. I don't think you would be able to fully comfort Neru when she needs it! Jyushi would literally start crying or make the situation sadder somehow in my opinion, and you literally need someone who can cheer you up and remind you that you're amazing and worth it- not someone who makes you feel even sadder! (sorry, Jyushi- qwq♥)
⭐Hitoya: He's another one who could actually be perfect for you, in my opinion! I mean.. he's a kind-hearted man who lives for justice! I bet he would fight against your "enemies" and do his best to make you feel appreciated and loved. Also I'm sure he'd be happy to listen to you when you need, and he would be great at comforting you, but.. I mean.. it depends on your age, sweetheart! qwq♥
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I know it could sound basic, but...
Ichiro would be the best in my opinion!
⭐We're literally talking about a young man who's working hard each day at the Odd Jobs Yamada only to keep letting his brothers go on studying! If we think about it, it's really generous, actually! Ichiro is literally the one supporting not only himself and his own economical needs, but even his brother's ones and the apartment they all live in!!!
⭐The perfect boyfriend and husband, in my opinion!
⭐Also, he's kind-hearted! I'm sure he wouldn't mind listening to you while you're coping and letting all your pain out of your chest. He would definitely stop doing whatever he is doing only to get to you and comfort you! I'm 100% sure that he would also tell you something like: "Cry if you need to, love.." and would also be capable of turning around if you prefer to cry alone, without showing him.
⭐Otherwise, if you ask him to comfort you by hugging you, he would do it without any hesitation! On the other hand, he would respect your time and would avoid to get some PDA if you preferred not to get it!
⭐You could also play some games together or even read mangas too!
⭐I bet he would also cook your favourite dishes and sweets as well, maybe even teaching you how to cook! I'm 100% that Ichiro would also support you and tell you that your cooking is not that bad!
⭐He'd be there each time you feel like you need to remember that you're an amazing and valuable woman!
⭐"Hey, Neru! You can be yourself while you are around me! Stop being afraid of messing things up! You're amazing just the way you are!"♥
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TOP 3 characters, results:
⭐1- Ichiro
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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i just wanted to say there are some great blog that can help give more info about mspec lesbian but i understand why you might not want them to interact with you cus some of the `drama` that goes on in the comuity can be a bit much to handle, but i wanted to say that your DNI also came across as kind of rude/mean to say that people cant interact with something just because of how they identify while not really wanting to learn about the term and what mspec lesbians are /nm
(also some people that ID as mspec lesbian might see that post can get verry defensive about it so it might bring in some more annon hate towards you so be careful with that, and i hope you have a great day/night)
hii anon! when i first made my dni, i was actually wondering if i should allow mspec lesbians to interact, but then i changed my mind because the amount of anonymous hate i see getting sent to other blogs from them.. and its just stressful for me to handle drama when i just wanna make edits of funny video game characters. if anyone can, pls link me to good reasources abt mspec lesbians that aren't a tumblr post. i wanna see an actual article or something w/ proof and is written by someone who knows about this kinda stuff, because a lot of the time some tumblr posts dont share the whole story.
im sorry if i said something incorrect here/came off as rude becuz i am VERY uneducated.. also u have a great day/night too! please tell me if i was being rude/offensive here.
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viktoriakomova · 2 years
When you and other people talk about what MG elite was like in terms of the environment daily at practices, and how the parents were, where did you hear that stuff? I am not saying I don't believe you/it, but where did you learn the information? I can't find such detailed accounts in the articles that have been written, usually about Laurie or Riley
ive racked my brain and also gone digging for some #receipts but am mostly coming up empty lol. i think, speaking only for myself here, its a hodge podge of stuff ive read in articles, stuff ive seen on twitter (sometimes posted by people who actually were at that gym for a time or who competed against them often and heard or observed things for themselves) or other comment sections. also stuff i remember from fluff or BTR episodes (lol throwback) that, in retrospect with the information and context we know now, stick out to me as being uhhh particularly revealing.
however, if you want to know more about it, i do think you should listen to some of the stuff TheSkatingLesson has put up about her. I know that people have many problems with dave lease, the lions share of which are definitely valid criticisms (some of them aren tho lol), but he is from the same part of NJ and also has a lot of social connections to all sorts of people in the gymnastics community around there. and although i dont think he holds himself to any kind of personal standard of journalistic integrity (lol), if you accept the info he relays in the videos as superficially probably true, theyre a pretty good recap of the whole shitshow.
*whisper* and to be fair i cant remember anything he's said in those videos that isnt consistent with accounts of maggie and co.'s behavior that we know are true
but anyway, if you dont want to give him any views on principle, i understand that. if you're fine with it, then you can find them here. (theyre quite long fyi)
i feel like this was unhelpful especially if you were asking for like #sources or more legitimate reports of stuff. so im sorry if thats what you were looking for anon but here is SOME info, and a lot of what is talked about in the videos is stuff that people still bring up when talking about maggie and MG
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alvie-pines · 8 months
hey, i just wanna preface this by saying im not sending this in bad faith. like im not trying to be disingenuous at all and im not attempting to be a shit starter. but i feel like its worth checking deeper if heritageposts is actually antisemitic. because idk if its entirely useful to take an anons word for it, or trust that they were blocked for no reason other than simply being jewish. same with believing heritageposts is antisemitic based off secondhand (im assuming? sorry if thats incorrect) accounts of people just sort claiming they are. its just that zionist are throwing that word around with little regard with the whole ‘if you support palestinine/palestinians or are critical of any aspect of Israels existence or even certain actions from it etc etc etc you are antisemitic and support the suffering of jewish ppl’. (and ofc there are people who are being antisemitic on here, antisemitism is *pervasive* online. it is legitimately fucking bad and needs to be called out in people and spoken about. but im specifically talking about the whole deciding all anti-zionist are across the board antisemitic thing).
imo heritageposts has been doing some decent work so far in using their popular gimmick blog of tumblr heritage posts to help people keep themselves informed and reblogging a lot of resource posts and info on there (making some also). i mean if im totally mistaken here and they are actually antisemitic, like if they did block a jewish person for just being a jew, or anything else, thats genuinely my bad and i apologize. that said tho i cant actually find anything on that other than like, hearsay passed around by the gaggle of tumblr zionist or people who just genuinely dont know better but whos knee jerk reaction is to believe it because they dont want to support an antisemite. the latter of which i understand, like no one wants to unknowingly support or reblog from someone who is using this conflict as leverage to be antisemitic without really getting called out on it.
(i will just say because ive seen this called into question with heritageposts and many other blgos, that i truly dont think wishing death on idf soldiers is antisemitic. if someone wishes death on them for being jewish? absolutely, yes, that is 100% antisemitic. but people knowing and seeing what the idf is doing and has been doing and will continue to do if allowed to (which they probably will), coupled with watching these guys joke and tiktok dance over the death and destruction they’ve caused, i feel like its a very human reaction to respond with hoping they die/cheer for their deaths, particularly when idf soldiers already do that indiscriminately to palestinians. to me its such a big jump when people see others horrified and furious and overcome with grief at things the idf does and respond to it in a highly emotional way, and then equate that to them wanting idf soldiers dead because theyre jewish.)
like if that anon was blocked (it seems weird tho to message an anti-zionist pro-palestine blog and ask if its ok to follow simply because youre jewish? even though you agree 100% with them? when its made pretty clear on blogs like those that zionism ≠ judaism and its blatantly antisemitic to confer all jewish people to zionism) im really getting the feeling theyre possibly omitting something else they mightve said, or they were just being deliberately obtuse and aggro with how they said it. like something that genuinely warrants a block, but because theyre on anon they have plausible deniability and can just say literally whatever happened. i know saying this prob seems kinda silly coming from me, person currently sending an ask on anon. so if you ignore this ask for that reason i’ll understand lol
anyway my POINT that i literally couldve wrapped up in a single short paragraph is: i think its really important to know for sure if a big pro-palestinine/anti-zionism blog is antisemitic, or if they just have a very big target on their back for zionists who want them smeared as one because they legitimately believe they are one. because to them anything anti-zionist (and by proxy pro-palestine) is antisemitic.
im so sorry for this long ass ask, i know im a longwinded over-explainer. i dont have an excuse for accosting you with this wall of text other than i was cursed by a witch at birth to be this way.
im leaving behind this thing with heritageposts. i didnt know/follow them before that post, and i dont now. after speaking to MANY people on the topic, its become clear to me that i dont know enough about heritageposts to say anything more. ive asked for sources on any claims made to me that can reasonably be expected to leave evidence, and gotten none, so unfortunately i cant look into it further, at least not without doing some detective work that frankly, i am not equipped to do, especially not right now.
i understand and agree with your points. i would also like to know for certain if heritageposts is antisemitic, because while they seem like a valuable source for news, like i said in my original post i dont want my news filtered through an antisemite. but i just dont think i can determine that. apparently there is a lot of controversy on this particular topic and there have been accusations of antisemitism going back to before oct 7th. thats just too broad and complex of a subject for me, someone who doesnt even follow them, to make a sound judgement on.
i am leaving this situation pretty much the same as i was when i entered it: not following heritageposts. end of story. sorry i couldnt say or do more.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 1 year
HELLO! i’m back after reading everything for part 1 a few days ago. the first thing that came to mind was how it did NOT feel like 8K words, and none of the scenes felt wasted in any way. when reader brought yachi along i was surprised to see how you eased her into the team, and i think her skill to bullshit as a scammer was something reader thought could help them? i don’t think she actively tried to recruit yachi, but when yachi tagged along reader was probably not just thinking of her plan to teach yachi a lesson but also 5-steps ahead—hence why she was so casual in stuffing yachi into a role to entertain Ten. and also, the fact that akaashi looked extremely angry at the beginning but he softens so much at the middle only to harden at the end??? i think it’s because he doesn’t approve of reader’s methods to teach yachi?? he did say that one time while they were talking. i’m so intrigued how the “fake dating” will sprout, because we can see clearly that it’s obviously not fake. although keiji doesn’t want to settle with reader, he was the one who initiated intimacy in the warehouse even though no one was watching, aka there was no need for him to even act intimate. i’m betting on that scene alone that keiji does have real feelings for reader, but why he doesn’t want to settle…. idk. i’ll have to read and find out!
and as for other things (about keiji and reader), the fact that they quarrelled and act like enemies the next day when they were all mushy was soooo funny, and leading to the old lady telling the tale…. THAT CLIFFHANGER! and also, i know u probably don’t mean it to be funny but reading “2 body guards—one buff and one scrawny” is such a visual irony i laughed. and also, the whole scene with Ten… what inspired the flow of events? it felt so legitimate like you were actually in a con job. and also, with reader working with such high profile…… wow. wonder who she’s working for. she seems like the leader of the team but the story did mention she had to join while as clueless as yachi—i wonder how she rose to her current position!!!
love the series :) thanks for writing it. this was mostly a mind ramble and i didn’t backtrack to edit so i’m sorry if some parts don’t make sense. — keiji enthusiast anon (kea)
ahhhhh!!!! thank u so much!!!!! im sorry its taken me a few days to reply i was just so excited about this ask and had to sit down and take time to reply well enough!!!! right after reading this ask i literally immediately went and wrote an entire scene for part 2 like u dont even understand how energizing it was. like i love u sm fr
i'm so glad u liked it :')) i worked so very hard on this part and had so much trouble with the flow of it all so im glad u thought it was good!!! more information about yachi will be revealed in part 3:)) lets just say reader may have been causing trouble for yachi far longer than yachi thought o_O but this definitely wasn't a recruitment plan in the way it happened to work out, but reader is very good at changing plans last minute. when yachi begged her for a ticket to LA i think it softened her heart a little bit lmao
akaashi and reader literally feel SO strongly for each other but it can either manifest in gross icky lovesickness or insane burning hatred. like theres no in between for them. its ALL or NOTHING!!! and i go into that a lot in the next part. part 2 is very very different from part 1, but its my all time favorite, i love it so much and i cant wait to post it so all the secrets can be revealed<333 i wish i could just say everything now but that would be no fun!!!
also idk how obvious it was but the two body guards were bokuto and kudo :) idk why Ten would hire kudo as a body guard like hes a fifty something 5'5 stickbug but hes also very convincing idk man
ALL the background info on reader is revealed in the next part....as well as on akaashi....and the start of this team in the first place... i mean ALL!!! its so fun to write u dont even know
i got a lot of inspo right from The Great Pretender!! i took ideas from it and twisted them around to fit this fic in a concise way. in the first few episodes they pull a drug scam against a movie director with japanese candies and fake doctors and lots of guns, it lasts like multiple episodes, and i just took that idea and made it a lot shorter and less detailed so itd work here lmao. i think thats the only direct scam i pulled from the show so far? i may take one or two more for part 3, but yeah thats where the inspo came from!! it was very difficult because i am not a con artist but i tried my best lol!!
thank u so much for the amazing ask it really does mean so much to me that u took the time to read it AND tell me ur thoughts on it, it brings me so much joy and makes me that much more excited to keep writing. feedback is the only thing that feeds writers!!! so thank u for feeding me so well!!!!!
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blushingfish · 4 years
hey dude i just saw the stuff about your situation and while you probs wanna forget abt my whole existance i just wanna say im so sorry that this happened to you and your family and that i hope things get better for you very soon, im glad that none of you were hurt and i hope you all stay safe
iiiiii dunno who this could be but thank you, i wont go into specifics because fuck theres so much going on but its just lowkey getting worse and idk what to do!!
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