#i don't wanna think about tomorrow
kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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seyaryminamoto · 27 days
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Fic-to-Art #44: Zuko and Katara meet Hotaru
This time around, my Patrons chose these two scenes from the prompt I offered them... and that prompt was "Hotaru", our tiny firefly herself <3 drawing her continues to be a challenge pertaining how to ever make babies look cute, but I hope she looks alright this time!
These two moments take place not too far from the other, but it's worth noting that Katara and Zuko don't get to see Hotaru at the exact same time. Thus, I figured I'd take advantage of the opportunity... and draw Sokka and Azula introducing their little one to their respective siblings. This will be an emotional chapter (lots of those coming up), but I do hope that these moments of happiness will be a good way to soothe the pains caused by our very intense angst from the current chapters... to be specific, this is chapter 378, so we're not that far away!! Just gotta wait a bit longer!
A part of me took joy in this specific prompt... the fandom has an abundance of "uncle Sokka" and "aunt Azula" content, be it with them together or not, while Zuko and Katara (also while together or not) happen to be the ones who become parents first. This often relegates their siblings to a secondary role, and too often there's either implications or outright accusations that these two just aren't fit for parenting. I don't really remember seeing much, if any, content where Zuko and Katara are the uncle and aunt instead... thus, I figured this would be a fun switch-up that, ultimately, doesn't mean any of these four aren't fit for parenting (Zuko's already a dad, Katara will be a mother someday in the future!)! It just means that Zuko and Katara get to bond with little Hotaru and be supportive siblings! And everyone's happy and wholesome in the process!
At any rate! I hope you guys like it, and as ever, if you'd like to be part of the creative process behind these pieces, a $1 pledge makes you eligible for suggesting art prompts and voting for the winner, as well as reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before the next chapter releases!
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
could you write about Laswell and Farah having a s/o that loves to cook/bake?
Hey! Yeah, sure!
Farah and Laswell with an S/O that Loves to Cook and Bake
Farah: She can be a pretty big eater, actually. She can’t always be, and she doesn’t need too much food either, having learned fairly early on how to get by with very little food, but if she found something really good, and there was plenty of it as well, then she could just dig right in and eat two plates full worth of food. She loves the fact that you know how to cook, and cook well as well. Considering her past, there wasn’t always an abundance of food in her life, and fairly often the food she did get to eat wasn’t very good, so she can definitely appreciate you cooking her a good, nutritious and healthy meal. Will eat your food right up and tell you just how good it is every time, telling you how grateful she is to have you as well. While she won’t always be able to conjure up all the necessary ingredients, you can count on her to bring you some of the things she finds, knowing fully well that you can make something incredible with it. Although she isn’t too big on sweets, she will eat the occasional piece of cake or cookie you make. It won’t happen too often, since she can’t afford to gain too much weight, but she’ll eat it. She’s more likely to take your baked goods and distribute them to her fighters as a small morale boost. All of them know you by now and that you’re a great cook and baker, so everyone always looks forward to what you make. Either way, even if she doesn’t often have the time to do so, Farah loves helping you out whenever she can. Sometimes, when nothing urgent is going on, she might play around with you in the kitchen as well. Putting some flour on your nose, for example, while laughing a bit at your reaction. She won’t waste resources like that often, but she is down to clown around with you when she can.
Laswell: While she may not be the greatest cook out there, she can make some decent meals. She used to have a better feeling for it while she was studying at university and didn’t have the money to just buy some fancy food. Back then she would cook for herself fairly regularly, but these days she doesn’t have the time or energy to cook for herself anymore. She never was into baking either, though. Laswell can appreciate you, who loves cooking and baking, a lot. While she won’t always let you cook on your own, she does love helping you out when she can, there might be times where she can botch just how much of a specific spice goes into the meal. It’s better if you do it. However, you can tell her to do just about anything else, though, and she will. Doesn’t complain about it either, it’s the least she could do when you’re preparing such wonderful meals for yourself and her. Always compliments you on your cooking since it’s always a treat. Like Farah, she will also help you out while baking. She has even less of a clue how to make a good cake, but she can stir the mixture until it has a nice texture and add some ingredients according to you. As she doesn’t have the best feeling for how much goes in, she always uses a small scale you have lying around. When the cake goes into the oven, she usually stays behind a minute or two to watch it for a bit. However, she’s also the one who usually checks up on it to see if everything is going well or if the heat needs to be readjusted. She won’t do so without your okay, though. Once the cake is done she’ll always be the one to take it out, afraid of you burning your hand. Laswell is more inclined to eat sweets than Farah, so she’ll always eat a piece of cake or maybe a cupcake if you’ve made some. Gives you a kiss afterwards if your sweet good turns out especially good, which is almost always in her eyes.
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seekingthestars · 4 months
she's beauty she's grace she's Miss Eevee Cosplay 3.0
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saturnaous · 6 months
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I never stop thinking about them.
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xoxoemynn · 6 months
Sunday scaries feeling a smidge too scary
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smallblueandloud · 2 years
i love rewatching firebringer because you can hear the audience get dead silent for the chorn part. all the laughter after that part is either slightly quieter than usual or much more hysterical than usual (because of the leftover shock of chorn). can you imagine. you spend months excited to watch starkid's newest musical about prehistoric society and in the last ten minutes it very briefly becomes a beautifully sung scifi opera before it IMMEDIATELY dovetails back into the emotional arc of the show. i would lose my shit.
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ronanlynchbf · 5 months
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jankwritten · 1 year
Jasico Week Day One: Confession
The pen on the table remains untouched. 
(This shouldn’t be an issue. This isn’t an issue. The fact that Nico noticed it is a fluke all on its own and it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t.) 
Jason’s hands are perfectly still in his lap beneath the table, conversation flowing freely as ever. They’d been chatting about their days - Nico just got back from a long job for his father, and happened to bump into Jason outside the Principia. They’d gone out to lunch. Nico made Jason laugh three times. 
The pen is still untouched. 
(The thing is, Jason is a fiddler. He fiddles, but only when he’s calm. He lets his hands move freely because he doesn’t feel the anxious pressure to keep himself in line. When he’s anxious, he’s still as the dead, the perfect picture of a well-mannered leader. Nico shouldn’t know this. He can’t help but know things about people.) 
Jason’s office looks the same as it did the day Nico first found himself in it, across from a stranger who stared at him like Nico was prey, was something to be hunted down, killed. 
Then, the office felt like a jail cell. He was their prisoner until Reyna could confirm his bullshit ambassador story, technically, not that either of them will admit it. 
Some of the pictures on the walls have Nico in them, now. He avoids looking at them if he can. It’s too weird. 
Nico stares at the pen, instead. 
“Annabeth should be getting out of her afternoon class pretty soon, if you’re bored,” Jason says, a little tone in his voice that sounds like he’s picked up on Nico’s wandering mind. 
“I’m not bored.” He does not move that damned pen. “Are you okay?” 
Jason stops, as much as an unmoving man can. Nico glances up to his eyes briefly, then over to a framed photo of Hazel and Reyna post-battle, the two of them in their full gladiator armor clasping hands respectfully. 
In Nico’s peripherals, Jason slumps in slightly, his chin dipping. “You always do that,” he sighs. 
“Do what?” 
Finally, Jason’s hand twitches across the desk, his fingers brushing the gold-capped pen. It’s Camp Jupiter branded, engraved with Jason’s name and rank and everything. A gift from the praetors who came before him and Reyna. 
Jason flicks the pen expertly across his knuckles. 
Nico exhales. He hadn’t realized how tense he was. 
“Nothing,” Jason says. “You reminded me that there was something I needed to ask you, though.” 
(Nico’s always noticed more things about Jason than he does other people. Jason’s just that kind of guy, the kind who deserves to be noticed. Of course Nico always watches him; Jason is a leader, everyone looks up to him, everybody sees him. 
Nico observes, though, he doesn’t just see. He takes note, remembers things, always trying to figure out the puzzle pieces that make Praetor Grace the way he is. 
Sometimes, it feels like Nico gives Jason more answers about himself than Jason even knows. It’s a good feeling, to show somebody a part of themself they hadn’t yet found, or appreciated. Nico loves the look on Jason’s face every time Nico points something out to him. Jason has a kind smile.) 
“That doesn’t sound good,” Nico says, though he’s not nervous. Jason has always been upfront with him - if there were an issue, they would’ve spoken about it over their meal. He leans back in his chair and folds his fingers across his stomach, able to relax now that Jason is behaving normally again. 
“It’s not bad, I promise.” Jason flicks the pen again and leans back in his own chair, the old parts squeaking under his weight. “I wanted to ask if…if you’d like to get dinner, sometime.” 
Nico frowns, skipping his gaze once again to Jason’s face. “But we just got lunch.” 
“I’m asking if you’d like to go on a date, Nico,” Jason says, his voice suddenly softened and amused and, a date. A date? 
Jason wants to go on a date? 
Nico stares at the pen, now, each revolution around Jason’s finger twisting his brain in a new knot. Jason- a date. Jason wants to go on a date. A dinner date. A romantic date. 
With Nico? 
“You don’t have to say yes.” Jason leans forward again, a fluid motion, and he stops spinning the pen but maybe not because he’s stressed. He presses his hand down onto the desk, close to Nico. He says, “don’t feel pressured or anything. I just…wanted to ask. Because I-I really like you, I like how you make me feel, about myself, and- and I love spending time with you. And, of course, if you don’t- feel that same way, I’m fine staying friends. I love being friends with you, too. But, if there’s a chance, y’know. I didn’t want to- miss it.” 
Miss his chance. Miss his chance, as if there would ever be a time Nico was unavailable, for- dating purposes? As if there are any other people anywhere who would consider Nico worthy of romance, as if Jason Grace hasn’t just presented Nico with the biggest anomaly since he brought his sister back to life. 
Miss his chance. Gods above. 
(The first time Nico saw Jason fidget, they were hanging out at Camp Half-Blood, waiting for Will to get out of a meeting with Chiron and his cabinmates. Jason started picking at the threads on the sofa, then moved on to twisting the beads of his necklace, and the small bronze ring Leo forged for him which wound up being too small to fit. 
It was also the first time Nico noticed that Jason had nice hands. It was the first time Nico looked at Jason and thought, he’s really pretty. 
It was the first time Nico thought, no. Not again.) 
“You’re serious?” Nico asks. He has to be sure. Jason would never joke about something like that, not knowing what he knows, and Nico knows all that, but none of this quite makes sense, either. 
Jason smiles, his face rosy pink like he’s flustered. “I am one hundred percent serious.” 
“You want to go on a date.” 
“With me?” 
“No. I want to go on many dates with you.” 
Nico blinks, draws a blank on responding to that one. He opens his mouth, then shuts it. He watches Jason weave the pen between his fingers expertly, unbothered by the weight of it. It’s a practiced movement, one Nico’s seen hundreds of times. 
“Well, uhm.” Nico shifts back and forth in his seat. “I don’t have to leave for another week, at least. So we could…get dinner while I'm here?” 
“The date way?” Jason asks, sitting up straighter, his face doing that thing it does when he’s trying hard not to smile. Not to get his hopes up. Jason has hopes to get up about dating. 
Nico feels some giddy little thing light off in his own chest, fluttering enough that he presses a hand to it to try and calm it down. “Yeah,” he says, and, dammit, now he’s smiling, because Jason’s grin breaks loose and it’s like sunlight on a clear blue day, warm and dazzling. “The date way.” 
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rapidhighway · 1 month
#im so stressed ughhhhh#this divorce is gonna end me man though im probably stressing out over nothing AGAIN#like tomorrow my dad's bringing some expert to the house to put a price on the house#and i literally have no idea whatever that's gonna be how we are gonna pay that shit lmaoo#also i just really don't wanna be there or be with them in the same house god i hate it when they're near each other#i am..... going through it more than i probably should since I'm an adult now n stuff but whatever#it's not like i can just stop feeling all this distress and grief n shit especially since he's already found a girlfriend#with kids and stuff and they've already been going to my grandparents ughhh i feel thrown away you know#it hasn't even been a year it's pissing me off so badly#i feel like killing myself every time i think about tomorrow and then I feel even worse when i think about later ughhh#i shouldn't be so distressed i really shouldn't#especially since I've been living my life on an incredible streak of luck so.#whateverrrrr#uhh like comment and subscribe#vent#i just gotta. cause there isn't anyone here i can really talk to since#everyone sees this so much more differently and sis is just always telling me im making it into something bigger than it is#but it's really stressing me out#idk i fear this is not gonna end nicely I don't even see him anymore#and it literally hasn't even been a year but he's not really talking to me but at the same time i don't really#feel like talking to him either so who knows uhh..
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
honestly, i figured it was only a matter of time before you got there if you hadn't already.
I AM!!! I've had it on my shelf for a while, but never really gotten around to it because I didn't know much about it except that people thought it was good. But then I saw this review the other day from someone I follow that went a little more in depth and said it's the book they recommend as the pinnacle of YA and what it can be. and I HAD to see what was up
I started it this morning and am now 324 pages in and already remorseful I don't have the sequel on hand. I actually just stopped answering this to go look at my local book store--and they have a used copy available! gonna snag that real quick. okay, order submitted. I'll pick it up sometime this week
It's just so delightful. The magic system, the characters, the character relationships. I feel both like I understand what's happening and also that the entire world is passing me by. And the banter! The humor! There's several moments that I just have to smile at, it's so fun
I. have a type. when it comes to favorite characters. So I really want to see more of Sel and his situation. it's always a delight when he's on page. but i'm also super drawn in by the mystery of Bree. what is going on! what's the deal with the aether and root and all these secrets!! i don't know enough about arthurian myth to really say anything they don't tell me, but I am on the edge of my seat by god
I'm gonna see if I can pound out the rest of this book today, because classes start tomorrow and if it's still hanging over me it WILL distract me. this is what I get for starting a really good long book with only a day left of break </3
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look at me, I've gone months not thinking about work and I've done fine, no anxiety whatsoever
I've started to think about it now and I've spent weekend in downward spiral not being able to get out of it
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manasurge · 2 months
1/3 of the way done of this last page, then I can finally post it all o|-<
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intertexts · 1 month
also last post before i go 2 sleepworld but like literally if u like prime defenders u should try eidolon playtest DISKA. or any other seasons but DISKA is what im currently listening to. very few episodes in but it's so incredibly good & has a reputation for like, being Really Fucking Good, if that means anything to u. really well done system based off the persona series and jojo & stuff. teenagers solving mysteries and coming of age and going through insane shit and having canonical onscreen gay relationships and being transgender and stuff. saying this so lovingly and with so much genuine enthusiasm so u can't mistake me for being passive aggressive or whatever take my hand we can go into podcast world where there are well written and compelling characters of color & gay & trans characters!! like there!! played by folks of those identities!!! there r more things than white boys playing dnd or m&m than concieved in your philosophy horatio....
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meownotgood · 1 year
gbsbbhbbsbb.... abqbqbq.... a. a.. a. a... aaa.... hhahahsh........ hhng......
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riisume · 3 months
Things I learned today: Senshi is really fun to draw in a "I've never drawn a character like this" kinda way
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